m. ^la^ts^tril&h, n m m mmnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1894-12-10/ed... ·...

wHk> ** % m & VOL. I. NO. m. ^LA^TS^tril&H, N BUSINESS CARDS. A A A N V DAVID H. MHUEW, TT"B.NEY and CoaasBJlW'at-tAW, Marlon IviurA, PlattSfcttfgiJ, H, Y, ROVAtTciSSSi*"'"'," ~~ TTORNKY and tJwiiseiqr^at-kaiv. Bridge Rtrwt. Plattsburgh. N. V. H, E.~BARNA«», TTOKNET and Cotinsellor-at-UaiW. OtHceta' heed's BlimS, Plattslmrgli, K. ¥. ROBERT E. HEALEV, TTOHNEY JUKI t»tl3Me*tSt^atSta*, Office. BUrtim Bioc&T CMnton street, PUWeburgh, U L. SHEDDEN, i lToRNEY ami iNjtftfflelOf. OfflC© IB Aflffl- ^\ RU ^ug> Ulo^jt, viinton street, PlatleliurKh. m m mm " I Ifhat Seetnf*. to lfcvc Beea the Motii For Miss Giflgfsteinierv> ADRY HYWABD COKFESSEft tr« gay* arhat in* mother ii»«*y ffisggi** est (In Crone tottim-~TheActual Ma*f SteN* J U 3T«W In CttStoay B •»»>'- Xteteil* <rf tiM Aaao*. A A A CHA5. H. McNEiU KM* Ami wuuf-lwratliKt. Office ...,_ .i Bi,«k, is «. ,i..i.> u street, Plan* Catherine Ging, and C, A. Blixt, «jgtoecr of the Osark flits, committed toe Woody > - >u»>- N ^ I deed. That at lea&t Is the theory of tbij polios. Bib* was arrested this Morning "" " ~" -"• *i> ait returned to the city And disposed of some ~^' ' of hi* clothing to a workhouse prisoner named Krickson. Krictewon Jteflr neat jamm- ing 16* tdWa JW1«, L L , toher* rnVwife 1* employed in * hotel, and thera bad ihe 4da*Jilng waited, ^iferfcuri^fejlutoe; I t Waft ail tb^.jtaAt^bdMjMtttl! II »oa* to Adty, b\iMiMya^alwnf» Idm an would :tew paw ««s it* , »cktoft «li geti* l i *fai of tii* girl withe** JawajfUgJfrik ] 7 » Jft***y gkjrtafaia**. A*rr* Mawjr grew* ^ i k h | ^ - ^ Adiy 1 * Wj* fed oppositiou ,«i^;.fu^iy j; thrtateiied. JnimJRr him U h »iRkiM Attx* ikUXArf i»k* ^WMI will baautetiai, 4 Jfjra« #r i lttt^Wv*. %n*^ 4>b lode- -tie l£|ib^bnii '^ui* w$ •sresajpaarACT SEH^SL^Sffi 1 Saymwd plaaaed the fflWW^r t»f MtS W * CW * M » ^^u^w^wm^w^w i wore, tn-uuipt attt-Qtton feiveii lo "alt > i» ivil and iriuiioal bustcteBs; "" '* ' MARTIN « . 0 * & « l i S r KNK\ tuid Ooumselur-at-LaW. i. tiVKiia Hiuck, curnej- r. rcaifisttu^fh, S. X... OMji». lirtdtee ami Kivnii WLEDS. SMITH * CONWAY, V i I < r|o.B.i & ciaU VAiuilBelulu-al L>aw. Office VV etnl & .UouWS BlouiL, CllUKiU HtltXH L. J. MARKS, .Yiuisu\mg , K Uiock, wrner Margaret mw i.i rilgi- wreete. T'lilttsoajgU, A. \ . WM. w. CANTWELLV V lTUHMs-V an« i_uun»elur-ii.n>iiw. OfflfcetU Aruiistruun'B BIUUK, up ou« uijjui, secuuu 'i.M IAJ icii. isaiUriutve wii viiiiiun nuwt. , ~- wiNSLoW c."WATSON, ~~ V llutttiKY aud Cou»is«|lw^»t-Law. Special atuetiUuu jtflveu tu busiuetuj u> t>uiToKai«'o > . u ii. uaiue over M'tlutues aiure, ia<ugarei L CHARLES HALSEY MOORE, \w VliH, Ko. a Ciinton Street, Plattsburgh Y. 84rtT RILEY & HAGAR, V 1"l'< >K> E Y S and Counsetora^it-taw. Office, Marion Block, Clinton street, HattBuurgli. JnllN 6 EJLKV FRANK S DAGAR. A WHEELER & WOODWARD, TT<>BNEY"S and CouBselors-at-taw. Office in the Court House, Plattstmrgb, N. Y. L nUEKJ.EE. W. V. 8. WOODWARD. DR. E. E. LARK1N. 1 >HYSiciAN and Surgeon. Office, »i Brink erboff Street. E. C. LOW. M. D., H OMEOPOTH1ST. offiw at Residence, corner of Oak and Brinkerhoff streets, Platts- Iriirgh, N. \". DR. C. W. ARTHUR, 1 >HYSIC1AJJ and Surgeon, office and reel dence. No. S Oak Street, comer Conch. r-n.v hours. I to 3 P. M. Telephone connection. T. B, NICHOLS, M. D., I JHYSICIAS and Surgeon. Office and reafr dence. No. 8 oak street. Office hours—nil 9 a.m.; l to 3 p. m., and evenings generally, Pi.ittstiarEb N Y. 1 DR. FRANK MADDEN, >HYSIC1AN and Surgeon. Office and resi- dence, 113 Margaret Street. Office hours, before 10 a. in . and a to 4 p. m. special attention given to diseases of the Eye and Ear. DR. W. a. BRENAN, CtTRGEON Dentist, (successor to Dr. C. J. O Mooneyl. Everything pertaining to modern dentistry jperfonned in the most skUlful manner. Gas or Ether administered when de- ftred Dental parlors In winslow's Block, over Iron National Bank Plattsburgh N. Y. C. A. ESTABROOK, TEACHER OF VIOLIN, I < l-rt-pared tn give instruction at reason a Me rates* Pupil of Julius Elchberg ahfl " ofaty * I-rt-pared tn a Me rates* Pupl _ 'r.-il i)e Seve, of Boston. Leader in-i ami Orchestra. 72 Oak Street. ai-tf" Holiday Goods! w \l« ml a t. ,-all crrdlal invitation to the and examine our disp* HOLIDAY GOODS, - Lttar t«is*w, in Leather said Aluminum. '-' iKuretie cases, in decorated Leather. anl r»ses and Enrses. In Seal, Alli- Moroeco. "" "" with Steflfiig I 1 w,inl and : rimming!* \<s in decorated Porcelain, China - Mi.niiiiam. /' i mna and Aluminum Soap Coxes, . autifol designs. •• Bankets and Trays, in Porcelain,, t .-tluUttd and Japanese Metal. -- li.*- ilMM irtment of Perfume Atomizers, .: n .iiemian Olass and China, with s .-nan det'4iratlon8. ar^'- line oi solid Wood Back and i..-lil Hair Brushes. » 11 iv and Shoe Fittings. r~ i rtpiinate- hand and ease}. ir—• all tne popular Odors, In «n* glass t new. awl. other attractive packages. -tifui Novelties in China, Bric-a-Biac. Medical Hall, MBS » K, GiLBEET, ' tatom Uoase Square, Plattsburgh, N. Y. YOU CAN BUY AT LOBJEIX'SJ ALL THIS 4 »'« MCE, 4 Urn. R.MS1SS. I U,. GkASCLATEDSWAMi J lb. JAP AS TEA, ..' / box MATCHES. 1 pnjter iif TACK* 1 Ib.tSTWH. For $1 FOR SAIE, i ^ W » » g S I 0 B YACHT "VO&1 Xoneoftheflaeaton the lake edn jm : j^j^^olfL 16&. on tootor JltL S5 , *' , ^ * m CATHSBINE GTW3. apolis and sold the clothing to a pawn- broker on Washington avenue, aouth. The remainder of tho clothing W»a undoubt- edly burned in tho <umace of the Oniric flats Tho motive for the crime was thejweur- ing of tho insurance on Miss GJng's life Early in tho evening tho mayor went ta the West hotel and repaired at once to a secluded room on the toptfoorj'Where he was soon joined by Detective Hoy, who bad in charge C. A. Bluet, the engineer of the Ozark flats. For some timo the mayor and detective questioned their man persistently, apparently without success, but soon it was evident (that they bad struck a load whiclr they tsrpwted to de- velop well, for ther wnfcfathot baste foi the county attorney. i Blixt's Wife JStanuimed. Then tho close conferencfrwas resumed Before long Detective Hoy Was sent away In a carriage and rctutmed with Blixt'8 wifa Erickson, who had been hanging around the Qsark «ad ^6epin( in-th* i en>- gine room, wasalso latroduewi fmto tiU circle. ^Then the court ofvla^olfMoitt'fKi- tlcd down to business, atiddiiFbsjr^bieMB* session vwhich followed Sansritt tge^Aad a couple of mil deputies And; Snp«rtoteo4*' ent Sinlth pair In an appcMAnoc. Vxm * long time no otttwnv wen to come eUt ^ the rooms wh«r« .the Iravntttgation'WM progressing, "but at 3ft*fc Sheriff -?Mm emerged and was pouneed npah by^maajy newspaper men. HV-ww »ot'incli»»d.to be very coininiinicativ«,~' , bilt"T*Wi-* r Wo have the man who 5 did the stoetfag imd are going to arAit him tn a JtojtaMaufaft. \> I C. A Blixt is a 1 eman. n v ' <'f I The sheriff returned up ateiia, ~mai| within live minutw Detotftfe JUr IN come Aovm, tHfclng Blixt with him in. a hack to tho lockup. Upon tic .arrtwd there Blixt was detained on th«^ dtmtgt at murder, and Hoy returned to^-tlte 3MML> Just as sooroM ^caurrived STJODICBOO HI taken to the lockup. Tie .ckarge-eC m»r> der was also entered-against Wjm. SWlW leaving Detective'Howard fcrjofc^ltey'fwiB 1 Blixt, and accompjuOed by Sirs. Mfcrt went to the Ozark Hats In searcir «< Mi-' <lencc. The cnnieWaj) eonceivod tearga«(Ck J The motive waa ike securing of tfca Uftj insurance. I*yJL M. Stewart m-t »••«- able aid to tlis aAtbdiitlerS in making ^ the case It/Appear* t-hnt the scheme w*# broaebed byHartyBayward-'tQ AdryHays ward, and that'he attempted to dissuade his brother from the commission of such a bloody crime. For a time ho thoughtJbs bad sua»ed«^'brrt,&iaUf, -when lie *e- came convinced thatSTarry was^determlned to carry out Ida •caenie, he w**»* c to-'Kr. Stewart, who'has been Inore^thanalfrlend to the family, andjtold him of -tho^plot. Mr. Stewart took no stock in the story-at first, but when he learned of the crime he at once comnmuicated with the authori- ties and informed them of the^ story that Adry liid tola Mm. Working apon tail mystery. CAocr* Still Xot£i*Wl#d. The officers theitrlselTtx ar» no*»«tirery satisfled just how (lie luarderwaa com* mittcd. They nre, IwwcTer, satisfied ihat jthey'ba^e 13io right parties .let custody, OBlixt Is said to Iinvo bodn a party to the holdup in which Wis* Ging, 3fiac Tjcttor mci Harrj Jlaywwd wtste ja^fiajMt AprJL Ittfact, the jwllcearo said to know th» na;ne.of tho party now In pnasossfam of tlwJeweJry thken 4tt that tbaa, KOSM of tLe pfflcer* would state histiteorfas iojfcatrltls* GWifWM }Qdaped to taka » rarrtsge rWeiwith » man so lowflown Jhoj •octel «<ale »a ItDxt. They did jao» «w» attempt to wtpWn k«w Km* tWMraV had tekeO three rides. * , "Adyv HaywaWIV«eonfe<sieti i* vtSfm totU *Tg»tspw^>^tl^iaor4»^ Itb> oc*:r>*J. tth,Jx**am t ' ' ho wasMsJteirMjfi^ffS, jn to* 0M*1C -*mMi*f QmwiufMMaA Mid: ^fs^ T parli»^ir#" HBtPiwii,--- '"*JWS*>(.«>- tlmti lie rouUl pk>v»Att.fJibJ. ThifA$ry did. Harr^-'s wjords W«*e! "Yoa'd bester be with your folks. SothethHif Jtts?,]*^ pen," < Adry then went to the resldeoce of his father>inilawaiidwasTB«atj-yi«ibl« itfter tt«rt*orU'orthytr»gBdy W d reached the' flat*. Blixt} tM engineer, is «vidtohft^e been iinplWatotiih ti*s f^imU*g%* ^kM building jUj tb^ insyranoB o| Trt»H«|t tfe? -Has/^arda trero intoreuted. I t b w derel'- «psd that nilA left theflats at 7 o'clock • n itodday night and, returned^ at 0:10. «tot bad fornierly boon a driwr ipf a street caratud ha^aTM-alitTSrVoTsaioai. This coat/ho sold to Kricksou, he cUhns, on Saturday. Jtrickson, in* hi Vtm «dtgr hospital at the t and agraed to par M for it. The mmey, how«vw, was »c* paid. After get ^possession of ttieooat Erickson Wt fcrlo-wa jBal^^id watta there had the «ttt<wasneft 'ttertturtMtt to Minneapolis ycsterdaymomlng. ltdo< velops, however, that the 'Sala was aot Hhadc on Batlird ijf; Krickeon left the city On Tuesday, ft ior. to Jeavlng ho rUited a shop on Wat>intbOtt avtfrM, ioatk, where he Incloi id two jpklrsaB* pants,- a shLrt- and othar a i r i n g iptar<< iaTa.pa- per bar, which 1 >e took with Mm. He left for tcWa that night. He left Iowa 1 ^ ^ WodnosdajiadfM »ft4J*' turned to Minneapolis, as stated, ott^ttitrrs- -day-'marrniag. v w h e a he nJEorned, he saw Harry and. BU*t piking together in the engine Boom and hea|(d Harry give orders not to, allow any one to enter the place. He then went <jo a pawnshop on Wash- ington avenue and sold tho coat for f£r Blo^lHlVaywavd^'SMHtM, * Harry Haffw^'#r*par4mei»te, a >sott of rooms on thelthlrd Ooo^ of the Osark, facing on Hennepin, were searched today by Sheriff Ego, <j!hief -of BoUoe Smith and d Howard. Sereralapota vered, on the flop* of a- e rooni-inWhich Harry after scraping one of turned to Detective iKStoctlVcsHby of blood were i Closet adjotoing slept. Sheriff 3 the spots With.* Howard and aiid: - ' "Too bundle of h*oo%ysloth««iwa« prob- ably thrown on the closet floo^ and left there for tho tiiue being until takan away by Erickson the following morning." The motive inlaying the clothes washed to the city, disclaimed, cjfotV thcOwnAr wishing ,x them.' OfneiaU who •o armed with a search first proceeded to search the old gentleniajn'sapartmentaon the top of the building. (Harry and Adry slept on the ground floor, Harry In ia frottfc bed- room and hisbrqtherlaardonilnthcreafe Detective Howard ^found, two Tevo>ve» Me- longing tc| Harry. One was double bar- reled, of the derringer pattern, and the otber^ a 38 caliber Coifcl The latter was founditt his trunk. Several boxes of-cartHdges were also taken, I'Harry^ do*hei|Wr*e carefully examined, but nothing startling was disoOTcrotl. SoverAl notes from, lady friends were found neatly tied, together tn the bottom of the trunk, The officers con* fiscated a satchel Hud it is* thought that the clothes worn, by the murderer of Catherine Ging were among the contents of the satchel, ,| I rfc? i»ijri|»» ipja vsai a»OTc^P«^pfi^a»^*p»jsasw W i j L w ihi i iii i ' ^*W ^^r^p^^a7|py jvT^lflalB^rrWHspsTt-* •fr*«tt«toiroy,toeo. £$-Tk6 bankruptcy tUlwJrich,,tba Oeh»wMico*a«ttaai tiw setaatetes Wait Mrtdhnmngnear to'oon- sldetat thepta* at soaUoa itWuo aseattf tho sasaa ueaaire ajr, that waMk aasspd I the housa, waW tWasltBOWhas thetaUley bill, during th« long session. The boost till oootalnad otdy *hO«t four paiss,. wi»»M>U« bil whkh the samto wDE.pVi oaHed np^onto^ msidor numbers 1« p a g k -Jioarrisaiaosiife of the Wo«bilLWt j«Malasasdy tM On* twd •eeOoa#«slWbs BaUeyJbtil, anst gfttk laeieare aal^aoda, TbabUlWas Uiassasd'to ta*^s»fMB»i|a< dWary coi-wnlttfe and the ataeimaiMti and brought was to ovade sui tooontimto to Tisltsd the fiats warrant, and th Catherine plug's VUMMI. AujBtJBs, N . Y.^ Doc. 8,—The funetal of Catherine Gting i took place here- today. fnmpITclty markqd, its every feature. The remains were tnkenf rem the undertaker's rooms to St. Wary'* church- at •'lOs&O o'clock, and thcCatfrolle committal seryioe was read by the pastor, BCT. William Mul- hcron. The usual requiem mass was not said, as today is » t holy day, ^and fanenst juasa will bo-'said Monday, The remains of the murdered jgiil were not exposed, to public vleW, althhwgfi' ttfere was a large i o r o w a a t t h c Tmd^r^ker'sToOma to get a I glance at hear face), t Hiss Julia-Ginlg,| Catherine's twin, sis- ter; Mrs. BobortrMcGlrr of JSow Yotk h another sister; Milss, Lulu Ireland and Of- flocr Putri* ILi Ging of MinneapoUs, were the mourners. A few others, inti- mate frieBds.of tlUjfamiJy k wore admitto* to th« undort*ker|sjrOom«, Attinechurch the attendance waa^large, The romaina wen Mlowod t4 tfio grave by earriagei ca(se''of James Keal regiment, TJnltod > Where a soldier died thje bureau of ponsl bean subsequenti^r Of record: has no le«ai sufcb. rojoction without this widow of tho sol."" n«|r to enntinue its ^ " WMIC«( tftrn than S5. r when the house was noon, today. In 'the ^EUkcr (Dem., Ma.), Tcontalnrngthereliitives of tho murdered{-]jMoatoserrtwtocom' S ri, and the burial was in State "8tre<* mctery within a stone's throw of whers ' >&S5 Ging waaTiofn, _ f > V cup l>c«ei**r*» V*t Ordered, BBISTOL, B,. Li Deo. 8.—Charles w*. Youngrhead clerk] fat the Herrosftoffs, to- day denied the; assertion of the Xbodoa I^eld. tUM two con defender* bad beep-or- dered jhifeft. 1 5 Jta ^ahL "If. any now ettp defendara arctoM built, One HniTirStiiSTa wjll Undoubtedly flguw promptly ML ths derigniria;,»wa^ooiq>tn»c«itonro< the •aijlaii tirM«d ' Tmexui*a t jiged between. :17}*nA_8*, -yme-argBSSed here for burglary, Ti^ylaid^isqsa#ijsad •In robbery castor* for thiw y4an past. j Xriarge anounVoit In a cave near this ^^aa# >^ftjaa^<^ ^^^t^^^^T^Wi ^T'T^*^ T 1 ™* ^rSa^^^^aw' Stolen SDodaWaaaaiiBrS MOSTGOMKBT, introduced in the state banks.! Tt lain bonds have aHto auditor m oountewigned t^,OWorn>uratfaaa i .... •* - -1 \ - « are Understood thbmainby fioorAyj Atwttet^oitK Tk&meiW*.t*fa* inlttee related to maklair aavbxi nons, pnfefttng prorUlpolntg 6gBsaswn-|g WBOor.morjr Thofrkndi org* that the i _ _ f « prjosideratton thatahanaijuntoy -detoaadi of :.»>*",) •1st tba% the faai peraornaWeeSdftl! aavc been siigfcuiiil to Qeorge (Misi). Ths "by sJMytanate « a * * to nmtt»w of detail Itors, eta. InMsaain ts for an ssstgnmsnt iuiy^ebtor*owing staapfvpay. Uw blUai*In*aMSlto committoeihallgirs ta« .eaueas. They say UOM of-U* urgent od'adlDolkt of tfe of ISWIsft sonway ofnaaneiaidlssAwai ild be allowsdtoba- by disposing of what am>eiNnd."'ataMlag J .ltt mm.witisianWJ«^. -"; 3 BepresentatiTe* J i t t and 8»o*er, HrspSav! aoawoFpunctoJrM i* hat a e ^ s a a k to r^t.^ .. sz .—. —~ •the^grpnnnV In^ikaoj»ditlonasl;i(*tntk- ilican member* of tie house rjommittee bn foreign affairs, ha^e talked over the de- sirability of a bona* refcoiutkai oT Inquiry on tan attltade of 1 be **|sjnmeit in tko (^ina-lapan war. Ite, J*D*B*-«aWtotoaA- »dfart+odustagsue t a Mtas)k«i .andjig la«y io so. ft isl^t, aowtrer, tfortbt house of Tepresenta Ives has such limited, authority ore* focal A afiain that the in* 4niry could more proper!^ conducted in tteasbato, Itoreoyot, events in the China- Sapan war are coan sing the. altuatbtt. so tonatafitiy that then is some doubt as to tha nature of aa-la. iUlr>>c This doubt« tocroased by the faci thftf up luftrtss-rtatti astothe course ot thur gofernmear has jret been given to ariy of 'the members of Al ~ foreign committors, so that in the ab- * of inlohaattatlit la' dtiBeulttopro- an, inquiry. It lb bellewsA try m«*v of Hie bouse m*"** «Aa^ ANpsSK Japan 4«iiNon will ]b» gone or*'In; the (jmate W&MI- (Senator JCodge's Mflolattoa concernihg the Chinfse axecutton of 0 M [apanese students under American pro- ^ Ion is Uk(W up. lUntll tha senate has an ppportunitytoapt on the subjeot -. SlorirwiJl Bold WM rssolution i&abay* j - WjMaws* jfearisas. , ThepoasloniHU*»» WiJliK*BSft!sr.ra«s)sf»i Pensions to widows whose Jacob* froto sources, added to ^.proceeds oi ^*bI*oftoWontteirpartr, affords theni ortable support. ThU poller is pro-: 'rided for in a ruling of Assirtant Secre-" tary Heynolds, basw L on the "Juno i% 1890," act tn his i ecislon the assistant secretary says^ "Jt v as evidently the in tontion of congress to supplement the: Widow's means of an pporfc from her own labor and all other sources Taj she pension only whett such means were InauaVaent foe her comfortable m ippori. Under ordi- nary circ^ins*anes>t i ^Wt9U* intending to lay down an arbitrar;' and mfiexlblerulo, when a widow is shown to have an ln- orimo considerably in excess of the pension provided bjrJiho thir 1 section of,toeact from ftourccf.indepeniient of her daily In* bpr, she does not ooupy a ponsionable stotustheseUrtder." , t |Judge«Beyneld« InW also aeW la the of theWfteenth infantry, that aaal aetieaby and his claim had t h e attorney-1 «app*alfrom obfcabiingfrom s power ofattorr- tion. '' wore present to order at lorning" b o o r Mr. the ootnmit- ,, , ^ , calledTm the (JWljltopromote the eft clenoy of therere- nue cutterservice. The bUwaSconsldered a?*eral times at the la it session. .It pro-. vAesfor the rettrema it of offioers o O h # servioe lncapltated by roason of the-ln- ,nrmitiee of age orlpbyi faat at m p r j l 4to» ahpy. % •MAWsoif, WlJt t ?Dec. «.—At theamckl-l •diction the •eoeatiot^l fact was taiiMtf that thre-tetalTqarwaa the grcata* In jibe history of the' state, being Ww greator than, in thepre. tdantial aleattoavof pltoaUtyr^ber ^9 JOkSm cmMUaates bA^e' plnraittfoein «cofrof a«,wft / I I •rnnaawn^i^a^pni p Sz. SAUL. Dee. ft ktlrtisslT TTcaUasi fnihasortmalTtaslsan Hall* ^ k sPft^Mnnnlsa T ' J^BBMnnnWiBBBsk. '•dp«^g««^g> flltrksn^aeBV Jfefeaasns^sssB^riss^rSnnsJBLi ,Hl| I'-^^^irsp^ t af Jaaie KM • • xssiL^ t !--»-«&. -s,-.-^ «),..-.(. ipa* I M H ittdiistry Apt***" -Have a *«*lt*ly ttrlgiite* Oattook-Woot Staa* -- - n-f^^j^ <an«hiir-it«#ty-**a* -aiS3*r*Bi«U49«jaa;a4«s* -#*• fcn«^»n» JSMMU 'latauair tssat esr H 1 t ' Aa»frtoi« «i«*rn. . * j <iuThnia r O. *./2Jw. *,*-A. story oi torture enmog frwn Dartd, a amall town ia .the' Interior; of ;tfce Indian Territory. CoioiW A. J, niackwdl, well known in tbe west, waaarrnstod: Some ttma ago for aellitit ktodV and, atxardin^to ttaCb*^ kaelawSt wa« sentencetodeath for high J^&bikfoAl, j|rtrippedJ)f bar etathes, ,•was bought Wore ChirfDlift. who was hold- inga eounoil, and askedtocontoss. Biaek- waU said that he »ad m eonfeesion to make, that be was the victim of a mall- -0*0*4 oontrplracyt and asked to be released, _ Instead he wW t*rrkd bodilytothe •Jiasdles, a place of torture adjoining the -prison, Where lie Was subjectedtohorrible treatment. 5 Tnk hdnks, danningarouad their victim -pose, ijebbfed the naked flesh tf Slack- -waUV Their torturing was kept up tUi Blackweii, bleeding and nine from nho en back.to lik frtoaar «aU and stili xe- mnins in irons, hand: anil foot, uotwlth- standlag the nppnlf of Wa retotrri»s and . taaVmakes the one more aowpUeated ktoe_fact that lllackwdl U a full fledged American and has no.eharokaebloafiin Wm. Tlietmiefoifhielrtaiirs^ji^^ set, and what further lodhntitiat awali him remains toUe soon* jBastleasTr ^ T «^ i4w. a ^JridTwrnnent Intrigue, and stated that id oW*^i«iB^fe ,.©OJ»}ial^ran>-«#-%si|Si» there aad IAUU-' - f c i » * j i r ^ sequence of .tidsvllrwaa his ltttention.to?^itlte«(Mrt^iOws ^elt|Sl^ja»ei*si#et , Maax Bbeaac0 Ati*if<JX, $ra|e and OgaJalla fr'ofjft against the hanging of Oidef Two 8tk^wl»omurdr^sl»obWboysatHum- ibkreys' oattla Janch, an gathettngat the Piae Bidge agency. Two Bit ehs was sen- tenoedto bebengeddnflec. t*. CJonriers are going between Ptnk Bidge and^Bose- lwdagenelef ThalWlesarenptyt*sat- issted with the lesson tetiwn* theatto1«W and 1991; which resnitod in tisti carnage a t YTouikdod Kneft - Their tmsOtaVWf-state of mind might caua* them to break out Uponthe slightost pnwocation. * - ntAMM Mtuta** tB*»»av >- •> " -aaalntde'Tliesf laeape; fosTOBIA, Or, Doe.* 8.—In a fight-be- tween trampjltt* boxesjenn aBedtUnore and Ohio ttaln-two were killed and an» rjtber fatally injured. .Tto dying toamp, 1 M the murder, charging i t to two men Who' came aboard $a train at Aubdrnl He says the marderers aUgated from the train 1|refore it^reached^Vistoriaandesnap- ed. i , s s Harrla HaW hte home was at Anbutn, lad., and that he was a chimney aweepby oocnpattMi.' He gave the n«ns»>ojf "m companions aa I^stoeaad-Morgan. 3efnr> ther stated that the mm who did the shooting were driven out of Garrett, IndL, yesterday; and that th^ boarded the train at Auburn. There was no proirecaiioU'tor toe shooting,, it was sols^rfor the pur- pose ofjobbery. "fiijtoendollarlwa«.stol- enf from Harris and considerable amounts front his companion*. At Deshler the murderers leaped from the train, but it Waaaot untU toe trainartfcrad,tothls city taa£.the tragedy .wag dXsoorarol There U great excitement here, and If the fugitives are o*srtraketLtoey are likely to be lynched. 1 1 "; UrorAsAPOns, Uee. 8,-rThesuit against H. H. Holtues, the immrance swindler, bJrongnt by the 7ideU^r Jasuranots com- pany, aasneen. dismissed^ --Mrs^Holmos senttcheokM tijecojnpany'sjuHorney> for fOoo^-irhlch jske had deposited iaa 1«H cal bank, and Jhe,money win attiihe eom- panyexDeceed.to.get. ,T»e,factiajatMrB, Holmes paid'Uie sum kpparently prove* that th^ntan who swindled tbe^nWance company out of 410,000 and the^nian who XadianapoUs edboolteanhiet' fjm **-»- t*' f\ sai«m d«M to 20)W Tarlu ^Alawitois, |Jei4^A«4|h|i a >o».^» r - » « « of - th* .rote. 4** ai ta. xwanf Vtont left m d d w t q n for Wew^orkr today AUi^ *a- —*-««Ui a.^ M ^o»t^fairi|S^f«[u^^ Coemt'; Cwsiet,'a«cret cnamberlato. of toe Sword a n d Crioak, has been visiting Mgr. Batont'for sotnadayspaatatiBWa|>ostolio ilgatton* AtwnVthe end of the month he will leave tola countrytora visittothe pope. It ii mid that tU c«rWi<f UgfWater friend, of toe- pope's^than any other Jay- i)issnart^lr>sal^.'aWJri|(Mias, Bkaxnr, Ben, ,g,— J^moe .Bismarck, through iheoolumnsof !Thaireuoete2fach- atoaten, extends his toanks to'^the senders |DT the many mean^jee of sympathy and eon46leckeereoeiredbybim from all jparte of Qernninyand ^foreign «0#pssk She ex-chaaceUor ^sayJs, "Mf atrength Is not sofleient to enable me to'tell each we haw todr^tokans. hare gladdaned my ^W!HppajBr B nPM|s^asjpssnjL ^spaa^^y^^arwy^r^^a^ .sa»aai^r- a^agi^ps>aa#> ^ ^ s n n a . ^Um^_^Wgnm^^^^ ! fl^gm^^^^JtS^g^ 'Js^s^raaaaa^alaVBBV-'a^Bam* jfifg^j* ty, ltMifi^iijf # » f s . . . J ^ a ^ l b a t s twe afiaagjwnfflngaesy kaawai'ito-aet-flSr 1 'km AJhatg'aai^lrfoe. nnentiad bat- 1BSB# Jsi-^ n»tbafeeaa»taad. M , T, T... < ^ %-"'**t , ii**ffceBa«BMaaaar:fo»wiia«v- raiesr^sa^nWSSi.TViTr ng^^^s^sa^ipsjsaBa* *f. r^Tsnssppssjr j^*Tf™WfW , *T'* i»Al'», Cal 'Me«Iag 1f»r^«<ti*«!« la -th* - _ ,te«*sthirtg lih\n ' intimity Deft, 8^—A qorrespondent at; ^anghai telegraph* that tho newly ap- pointed ^fnttkin tTioeroy wiU make many-i changes atoOtig the officer* under hi*' coa*|' troi it is also shid that he intendstoin- crease is* number rrffo*to on the Yang- tse-Kiang ^rlver and,to 1 place more tor* >edoos in chat atrcani with the intention of rcnjOering it* navigation mim difficult and. clangeroiu for foreign veasds. , The belief is general iraoogtheCliincec thntttiB Japamm* flwt will visit thfe Yang* teo-Ktong river; flnring the Winter, The Tokyo oorrespowdotit of the Central News saya 'undoubted evidence hat been:, obtained to** auring the night after the oaptare of Poet Arthur* numborof mmf. laborarswrho had been armedwith eworuH for their oWndcfeasewith a viewof doing •way with, tha necessity of detailing sol* dieMfiHrth>ir protection entered the town,, and after drinking,of Chinese spirit* nnta toey bad beeome frantic committed revengeful reprisals upon the Chinese in- haWtaats, A diapfttch front, Seoul eays.thai, Counts aye, ton Jananese u>lni«t<!r, Jhnd. -an> audience at tho castle ou Ben. 6. Upon thejettt«as>to to,toeroyaj pwjeenoejof the! minirterali of tlteklag's attendantewito- drek, leaving his maiesty and th4i Japar nosq reproeputatJYe atone. *• e ~i Count inonyB pweonally etplained to the kirjg'tho refolds winch It was pro- posed to etrforc^ antf jtomplained that their execution had been thwartod bygor- M^Sf^^m ~M '^n|». says: pfet1iiiu1rfe<ig&niiiy« .„ «mtb*tees* l^»^^tiftrltaiftH««a%B. ,„„ i jBfe:qtiit©jpB«% mtimSm&'W&M iii.^ha»aito:*re a little iartef. But j f W n f |®j$i naturally m^m§m topendof Jrioyearjand the holiday ;%p^"^d»-now a tim^oia*y ' Thcmeetiag of congtow and. tbe»a; nouiiecimsnt of ton mw, ct»j«t^.piatt : ,.ot"va«ou«1&ia|^OB^/" " •*"-*"" t and wage* of kbor fo n^adtanea, Int J | W Urcason mm^^m-wm^f .cf a iomewM larg^j working wee* $&temjtt . • •• " . t . Tlio cxpwt<xt gormimcnt report on wheat to -catt-lrand hogf aaf fft}ii>n«Hl thc L ;aui|]tol H J t -aoubteifl whether the twEimate i$ mm |s> lUbln titan the pstimfth'.. of yioldof wheat ;an(i cotton, which arc not rcgaWed'sari* m& %jm'^.«msn^|i» ;tha^ a 'year ago ntul the «xporte smaib* f but foreign aocotititRj partlcdbwiy at to i^^ege^to^attip, imp "heboid aii-44* ftoefellw^e^ni'elisis etton^i*iai* roauis »r wnt* pj* i^re «n^ttust*gi.Oa; idainly b^^ur» sujeo'; refinere didnot en> •"*'*•**- e^uii'^wnyaniji ^tpijgna dividend 3- sent to attack the>rebollious Tong-Haks. On the 7^h instanttha Kofeantolmstew of f**eign aW^ifinanoe and war visited Count Laonye and, apologised for the de- oflt practteedeadjitomisedto consider his nroposala 1 » 'SlSJII'i OH— ,HH—••!! •••Mi.—*> Aiteima Have Had" it«bate» Xt«t*-th* ' *t»mi «ri rM^pemuwy WW»ky., ' CottrUBU, S. 0., Bee. &-«-A sensntiqtf waa. caused, hero w lija'ciisulation' among tliemembew^ at tlio etiiicral aistetobly in, pamphtot form of £ letter written by TSU\ IT. Perry,*a QaroliniBu stow in: Washing- 3 ton* dated Washlu^onr »#>. irto Udsn V. Ashley, "a member ofJ&e-houae, charg' Ing ex,Rorernor: ifiilnjaii with rooeiTing^ {^•ILklnd* of jTCbatee and other dishonest taaneaetions and urging Ashloy to <»11 on the legislature for the appointment of a oosnmittootoinvctitJgatetoematter/" He safaln the letter: *f*iliman denied at tlnioa during tbe eanwsa* that he bad ever received the re- bate of 7 oentea gallon ,on the whisky he bought from the rWjbisky trust, X am sreflthlytoformed toat/Jie did receive that Wba^.andAioheokwM iwut hiintortlw amount, and, he-Tcturnod tho check and asked themtoBend thomonoyjucnrHmcy by express h that the money was sent anjl was rocelyed by Tillman, amounting to many thoua*nddollAr*toat ought to have gone to;the predit of the. taxpayers, ''Furthermore, I am informed that. thA rau^oadcompanythat transported, the liu> nor paid Tillman a rebate on the freight. X understand -that TiHman;gofc a good slice out of rthat Port Royal lawsuit, and that is tiie, rftpoii why Tillman is affnid of Irby. ^Thera is no 4ou1^t,thal? Tiilmaa and John :Kvan* .got a good «lioe out of toe gia.%000 given to Jftind in funding the state debt Why don't you demand, a com- mittee to investigate these things?' ' JpxrGovernor 'SCilinrWn'K friends do not believe any such cbargos^, I Those forged School Bauds, IJO»OON, Dec. 8.—The school bonds, a number of which ate believed to be for- geries, which have been placed in Ireland to the amount of £30,000 and in England to toe amount of £150,000, purported to Come,chiefly from Dakota, Colorado, Wy- oming and, Nebraska, There are also a number of farm mottgages tram the some dtotricte. - ^ "^ ' AgttrgeottKiitedhy alion. "* LOKPOS, Dec, 8.—Advicca received ftcro from aoutheast Afrlca^announoc Ihat M- rtogton7. «. McKay, a surgeon attached lo #>M. 8. Pioneer, a small special serv- ice Teasel on iiake Nyassa, was; killed xe- fnntly hy a Hon whjua out shooting. A -few Tears ago Surgeon"'McKay wan the fshnwpioii 60 mile Moyeljjt of Jjrolana, '- ^Jgweaa-Jtielly Q«t of Danger. ' ,Ngw Yosn,^5ec. 8.—Bn, John A. Mc- TDaseryi who'has attended Eugene Kelly, beadof the banking houseof Kt01y& Co., said that the bankerwaa «pdte outof d««i- ger and would probably be out af bed within four nrftre/ days. '• A «lM.0»« Fire In Clitcago. f CiicAOo, Bee. 8.—Fire destroyed the Challenge Machinery company's factory at gW7 ^Leo street. Only toe fonr walls of the building wore left standing. The loss I ii- estimated- at »2{W,000, , A J M«r4e»*r'*.)S«»t«!a«« Cowinated. -Aliiyft De°" 8.—6overnor Flower ba» ,eomiaUted the sentence of Murderer Miles, now in Auburn prison to life sentence. . J l p ^ M t e T i m a a to K«racui*«t. . AiMaTl J>& *.-<5oTcmor Bow 1m granted ton requtotrof the governor of Maryland fox the extradition of Nathan amltti, tho gold brick jiwindler wanted jn Baltimore,, Xna Weatber. Batoorsnow^ warnket;iwotocrly winds, '.*J 1"U if h orders 9I .. v . n Jfelli0fy*&6& fefc ;\ , ••"* ( .*ih>i;iro^ t a d , ^ * / . Mas. irijti inauitoseeini to h*** dis.' U n w . "tirj|sjbter ft'ospeets at Ctrfeaga waero.-flf^iawi te&neisann3Ba>itt«toi)B| dfnjnlid'ljeenusool *i(0m£r * ' ** * BUrBj^iseiaer'Iran hag.joj BUsburt, ste)iF»iIs mm in a^S,.^ereron##^'%^-t»n.d tttfHTaM Odmr^rlsoft c^ prioas th#rn.aad: *u 'v Pnt y o w cnllecttonif in the hands of tt»n«atexr*rter«»d«>li«sctor Call or "ft •St- -^a^^ao^fli^sjuive.rfii^tt to 56 7 and ato...so;far" siimle<t tlutt substantially haTl th^ $H«5 lia* 1«ca cutoff within four years.*- -iultQ^n-w^^/nrn'^erlng^ieeiu jhja».-andto^ew- f ^lai}d af^ery towfig* u i ^ f i i f .pjoiiMi^a: somef|at bettor de "ih'MM-m nioducts it-is :.^JlSeSswS#ie..ontpuiifitol' the. competi* , f^aeavj^-«#«»ei|'.-ajo|^ ipr^lit .i-W^€Mm. of '#*»Jnrjng Shis' p»*t .-iteofinonilp'at jpo»- jnftyto be s to ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ i S i r ' 1 ' Jpather ;watjani'#tn*i«s-a^9«ar«t w o r t for wn ad» -•fsa^ and eonwjowbers have ooiieed«dJJi 'cento pttwonica'* grain and butt ahoas, Jfei|^i!Kr|(:P^fojst that no adradcala no*" Jlui-anf l#dow» |i:,wi^dmwj»e|c.«i> •derj*-'. *•*- •-••*•••'----••' . _ "Tho wool monufactum, Judging from the sale* at #ie : throe chief ;jn«rkets s|aoa wjpfc i^nasifeeen doing ft|»r een* than; lasfc*ycar, but 31 per cent leas 1 in^sm »nd iho jj,v«mp of iM gua.' '0 wbof ajuoted 19- -4p<jat«e--.^HDK la WMfr ne'nts, *he> lowest evor,knowi, l^ siraenit hiwei? tian tost iegfejffid agfer cent lower thanrin-'ildf, 3^«fa«&r«^'arereeeiTtog m^^am$0^0atf*&^^Sl havanon-- slderftole demand for heavy-goods,- partic- ularly for overcoatings, on account of-a change to the fashion, and, there is much «Onj6ue^ei$re8S0dti^t#^wili be able to continuo production at alntut the-pcta- ;«nt«tiB nfter J*«» I. ® « cotton mann- facture shows no material change, though the deujandfor f&tihg. i**cjf backward ^f Money to^kmtr. v.ifee money market baa nltf improved, and tho drift of ltllo money Wth.*ward in .aa large as at any- ttoo thi» year. A re- m^rltoble stof^OTPnt ore pago 8 ghows that i&Mftiry teuisfers of njonejf naVe been al» n^tftt excinetveiy 1 -to-.-lfew 1 Orleans? ft?,- 8?g;«H) in October n»dffli**&$>«&to»» other points and f 2, ; 426,000 IwNorembef ngatniit $303,000 toallother points. Com- morcial loatis show no increase whatever, and pfiavf sates of American seoTiMtfoft"%y fjondon tilas week have aavjmoe^exebange to the shipping point, so tha* 9t f %$Qr0Q gold will oe expdrtod today. Tho liabili- ties in failures fortoolast week of No- vember wore $S,O38,407 against |t,S04,- 476 for the same week last year, but the decrease was wholly In mannfactnring liabOittea, .f4S?,«41, a»uni?t f t,mMl last year, white trading I'^Hilities were fi t 507,3*8 agairist *l,308,*iJ last year. For fiie four weeks of November the ag- gregate was $10,581,82$ agataatgg&Sr*!,- «2i:test year. The faflures thin week have been 5M in the Fnlted-States against SS5 last year and 40 in Canada against *S last yW» . Train Bobber* Cot ##O4)00, FOST WOBTB, Tex., Beo. 8.—The best infoamation obtainablo warrants the plac- ing .of •the amount of booty secured by the robberswiN M d u p alrain on a trra» tie near here at $40,000. The officers en- gaged in the pursuit are confident the des- peradoes arc members of the Cook gang and that they are making t yr the Indian Territory, ^_ AltceW* Health Is Poor. gpniKGFinuv Hie,, Deo, 8,—Governor Aitgeld has been looking and fecMog land for several days and has left for Hot Springs, Ark., accompanied by Mr* Alt- gild. They will be goneforan indefinite time, the governor not being decided a% to the length of their stay. Another Con*cr»ative VKitory. Ix>soo^ JPea i^bt the election for a memoer of parliament to represent the North Iiintey divMbn of Lincolnshire, Mr. J. M. Bichardsoo, Conservative, waa elected, polling 4,877 votes to 4,300 votes polled by Mr. Eeckitt, his Liberal oppo- nent. John Bora* la Chicago. CHICAGO, DOC. 8.—John Burns, the not- ed English labor leader, arrived in Chi- cago. He was met by- prominent local labor leaders and held an informal recep- tion at the Brlggs flousa The Visitant"* Future. LosroOH, Bee. 8.—The Field says it la reported that Mr. Howard Gould intends to use the Vigilant as a> houseboat next wagon in England, while racing with ah> Itew 80 rater. % - n **s»JSi m. *#*.

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Page 1: m. ^LA^TS^tril&H, N m m mmnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1894-12-10/ed... · 2009-06-16 · ^\ RU ^ug> Ulo^jt, viinton street, PlatleliurKh. m m mm " I ... Saymwd plaaaed


* *


m &





DAVID H. MHUEW, TT"B.NEY and CoaasBJlW'at-tAW, Marlon

IviurA, PlattSfcttfgiJ, H, Y,

ROVAtTciSSSi*"'"'," ~~ TTORNKY and tJwiiseiqr^at-kaiv. Bridge

Rtrwt. Plattsburgh. N. V.

H, E.~BARNA«», TTOKNET a n d Cotinsellor-at-UaiW. OtHceta'

heed's BlimS, Plattslmrgli , K. ¥ .

ROBERT E. HEALEV, TTOHNEY JUKI t»tl3Me*tSt^atSta*, Office.

BUrtim Bioc&T CMnton street, PUWeburgh,

U L . S H E D D E N , i l T o R N E Y ami iNjtftfflelOf. OfflC© IB Aflffl-

^ \ RU u g > Ulo^jt, v i inton street , PlatleliurKh.

m m mm " I

If hat Seetnf*. to lfcvc Beea the Motii For Miss Giflgfs teinierv >

ADRY HYWABD COKFESSEft tr« gay* arhat in* mother ii»«*y ffisggi**

est (In Crone to ttim-~The Actual Ma*f S t e N * J U 3T«W I n CttStoay B •»»>'-

Xteteil* <rf tiM Aaao*.




CHA5. H. McNEiU • K M * Ami w u u f - l w r a t l i K t . Office ...,_ .i Bi,«k, is «. ,i..i.>u street, Plan*

Catherine Ging, and C, A. Blixt, «jgtoecr of the Osark flits, committed toe Woody

> - >u»>- N ^ I deed. That at lea&t Is the theory of tbij polios. B i b * was arrested this Morning

"" " ~" -"• *i> ait • returned to the city And disposed of some ~^' ' of hi* clothing to a workhouse prisoner

named Krickson. Krictewon Jteflr neat jamm­ing 16* tdWa JW1«, LL, toher* rnVwife 1* employed in * hotel, and thera bad ihe 4da*Jilng waited, ^iferfcuri^fejlutoe;

It Waft a i l tb^.jtaAt^bdMjMtttl! II

»oa* to Adty, b \ i M i M y a ^ a l w n f » Idm an would :tew paw ««s it*

, »cktoft «li geti* l i *fai of tii* girl withe** JawajfUgJfrik ] 7 »

Jft***y gkjrtafaia**. A*rr* Mawjr grew* ikh|^-^ Adiy1* Wj*

fed oppositiou ,«i^;.fu^iyj;thrtateiied. JnimJRr him U h » i R k i M Attx* ikUXArf

i»k* WMI will baautetiai, 4Jfjra« # r

ilttt Wv*. %n* 4>b lode- -tie l£|ib^bnii '^ui* w$

•sresajpaarACT SEH^SL^Sffi1

Saymwd plaaaed the fflWW^r t»f MtS W*CW*M» ^ ^ u ^ w ^ w m ^ w ^ w


wore, tn-uuipt attt-Qtton feiveii lo "alt > i» ivil and iriuiioal bustcteBs; "" '* '

MARTIN « . 0 * & « l i S r • KNK\ tuid Ooumselur-at-LaW.

i. tiVKiia Hiuck, curnej-r. rcaifisttu^fh, S. X...

OMji». lirtdtee ami Kivnii


V i I < r|o.B.i & ciaU VAiuilBelulu-al L>aw. Office VV etnl & .UouWS BlouiL, CllUKiU HtltXH


.Yiuisu\mg,K Uiock, wrner Margaret mw i.i rilgi- wreete . T'lilttsoajgU, A. \ .


V lTUHMs-V a n « i_uun»elur-ii.n>iiw. OfflfcetU Aruiistruun'B BIUUK, up ou« uijjui, secuuu

'i.M IAJ icii. isaiUriutve wii viiiiiun nuwt. , ~-

wiNSLoW c."WATSON, —~~

V l l u t t t i K Y a u d Cou»is«|lw^»t-Law. Special atuetiUuu jtflveu tu busiuetuj u> t>uiToKai«'o

> . u i i . ua iue over M ' t l u t u e s aiure, ia<ugarei


\w VliH, Ko. a Ciinton Street, Plattsburgh Y . 84rtT


V 1"l'< >K> EYS and Counsetora^it-taw. Office, Marion Block, Clinton street, HattBuurgli.



TT<>BNEY"S and CouBselors-at-taw. Office in the Court House, Plattstmrgb, N. Y.



1>HYSiciAN and Surgeon. Office, »i Brink erboff Street.

E . C. LOW. M. D.,

HOMEOPOTH1ST. offiw at Residence, corner of Oak and Brinkerhoff streets, Platts-

Iriirgh, N. \".


1>HYSIC1AJJ and Surgeon, office and reel dence. No. S Oak Street, comer Conch.

• r-n.v hours. I t o 3 P. M. Telephone connection.


I JHYSICIAS and Surgeon. Office and reafr dence. No. 8 oak street. Office hours—nil

9 a.m.; l to 3 p. m., and evenings generally, Pi.ittstiarEb N Y.


>HYSIC1AN and Surgeon. Office and resi­dence, 113 Margaret Street. Office hours,

before 10 a. in . and a to 4 p. m. special attention given to diseases of the Eye

and Ear.

DR. W. a. BRENAN, CtTRGEON Dentist, (successor to Dr. C. J. O Mooneyl. Everything pertaining to modern dentistry jperfonned in the most skUlful manner. Gas or Ether administered when de-ftred Dental parlors In winslow's Block, over Iron National Bank Plattsburgh N. Y.


I < l-rt-pared tn g ive instruct ion a t reason a Me rates* Pupil of Julius Elchberg ahfl

" o f a t y

* I-rt-pared tn a Me rates* Pupl _

'r.-il i)e Seve, of Boston. Leader in-i ami Orchestra. 72 Oak Street .


Holiday Goods! w \l« ml a

t. ,-all crrdlal invitation to the and examine our disp*


- • Lttar t«is*w, in Leather said Aluminum. '-' iKuretie cases, in decorated Leather.

anl r » s e s and Enrses. In Seal , Al l i -Moroeco. "" "" w i t h Steflfi ig


1 w,inl and : rimming!* \<s in decorated Porcelain, China

- Mi.niiiiam.

/' i mna and Aluminum Soap Coxes, . aut i fol des igns . •• Bankets and Trays, in Porcelain,, • t .-tluUttd a n d J a p a n e s e Metal. -- li.*- ilMM irtment of Perfume Atomizers, .: n .iiemian Olass a n d China, w i t h

s . - n a n det'4iratlon8. ar^'- line oi so l id Wood Back a n d

• i..-lil Hair Brushes. » • • 11 iv and Shoe Fitt ings. r~ i rtpiinate- hand and ease} .

ir—• all tne popular Odors, In «n* g l a s s • t new. awl. other attractive packages. -tifui Novelties in China, Bric-a-Biac.

Medical Hall, MBS » K, GiLBEET,

' tatom Uoase Square, Plattsburgh, N. Y.



4 »'« MCE,

4 Urn. R.MS1SS.


/ box MATCHES.

1 pnjter iif TACK*

1 Ib.tSTWH.

For $1 FOR SAIE,

i ^ W » » g S I 0 B YACHT "VO&1 Xoneoftheflaeaton the lake edn

j m : j ^ j ^ ^ o l f L 16&. on tootor JltL S 5 , * ' , ^ *m


apolis and sold the clothing to a pawn­broker on Washington avenue, aouth. The remainder of tho clothing W»a undoubt­edly burned in tho <umace of the Oniric flats

Tho motive for the crime was thejweur-ing of tho insurance on Miss GJng's life Early in tho evening tho mayor went ta the West hotel and repaired at once to a secluded room on the top tfoorj' Where he was soon joined by Detective Hoy, who bad in charge C. A. Bluet, the engineer of the Ozark flats. For some timo the mayor and detective questioned their man persistently, apparently without success, but soon it was evident (that they bad struck a load whiclr they tsrpwted to de­velop well, for ther wnfc fat hot baste foi the county attorney. i

Blixt's Wife JStanuimed. Then tho close conferencfrwas resumed

Before long Detective Hoy Was sent away In a carriage and rctutmed with Blixt'8 wifa Erickson, who had been hanging around the Qsark «ad ^6epin( in-th*ien>-gine room, wasalso latroduewi fmto tiU circle. ^Then the court ofvla^olfMoitt'fKi-tlcd down to business, atiddiiFbsjr^bieMB* session vwhich followed Sansritt tge^Aad a couple of mil deputies And; Snp«rtoteo4*' e n t S i n l t h pair I n a n a p p c M A n o c . Vxm * long time no otttwnv wen to come eUt the rooms wh«r« .the Iravntttgation'WM progressing, "but a t 3ft*fc Sheriff -?Mm emerged and was pouneed npah by^maajy newspaper men. HV-ww »ot'incli»»d.to be very coininiinicativ«,~',bilt"T*Wi-*rWo have the man who 5 did the stoetfag imd are going to arAit him tn a JtojtaMaufaft.

\> I C. A Blixt is a 1 eman . n v ' <'f I The sheriff returned up ateiia, ~mai|

within live minutw Detotftfe JUr I N come Aovm, tHfclng Blixt with him in. a hack to tho lockup. Upon t i c .arrtwd there Blixt was detained on th« dtmtgt at murder, and Hoy returned to^-tlte 3MML> Just as sooroM ^caurrived STJODICBOO H I taken to the lockup. T i e .ckarge-eC m»r> der was also entered-against Wjm. SWlW leaving Detective'Howard fcrjofc^ltey'fwiB1

Blixt, and accompjuOed by Sirs. Mfcrt went to the Ozark Hats In searcir «< Mi-' <lencc. The cnnieWaj) eonceivod tearga«(CkJ

The motive waa ike securing of tfca Uftj insurance. I*yJL M. Stewart m - t »••«-able aid to tlis aAtbdiitlerS in making ^ the case It/Appear* t-hnt the scheme w*# broaebed byHartyBayward-'tQ AdryHays ward, and that'he attempted to dissuade his brother from the commission of such a bloody crime. For a time ho thought Jbs bad sua»ed«^'brrt,&iaUf, -when lie *e-came convinced thatSTarry was^determlned to carry out Ida •caenie, he w**»* cto-'Kr. Stewart, who'has been Inore^thanalfrlend to the family, andjtold him of -tho^plot. Mr. Stewart took no stock in the story-at first, but when he learned of the crime he at once comnmuicated with the authori­ties and informed them of the^ story that

Adry liid tola Mm. Working apon tail mystery.

C A o c r * S t i l l X o t £ i * W l # d . The officers theitrlselTtx ar» no*»«tirery

satisfled just how (lie luarderwaa com* mittcd. They nre, IwwcTer, satisfied ihat

jthey'ba^e 13io right parties .let custody, OBlixt Is said to Iinvo bodn a party to the holdup in which Wis* Ging, 3fiac Tjcttor mci Harrj Jlaywwd wtste j a ^ f i a j M t AprJL Ittfact, the jwllcearo said to know th» na;ne.of tho party now In pnasossfam of tlwJeweJry thken 4tt that tbaa, KOSM of tLe pfflcer* would state his titeorf as iojfcatrltls* GWifWM }Qdaped to taka » rarrtsge rWeiwith » man so lowflown Jhoj •octel «<ale »a ItDxt. They did jao» «w» attempt to wtpWn k«w Km* tWMraV had tekeO three rides. * ,

"Adyv HaywaWIV«eonfe<sieti i* vtSfm t o t U * T g » t s p w ^ > ^ t l ^ i a o r 4 » ^ Itb>

oc*:r>*J. tth,Jx**amt' ' ho wasMsJteirMjfi^ffS, jn to* 0M*1C -*mMi*f QmwiufMMaA Mid:

^fs^Tparli»^ir#" HBtPiwii,---


tlmti lie rouUl pk>v»Att.fJibJ. ThifA$ry did. Harr^-'s wjords W«*e! "Yoa'd bester be with your folks. SothethHif Jtts?,]*^ pen," • <

Adry then went to the resldeoce of his father>inilawaiidwasTB«atj-yi«ibl« itfter tt«rt*orU'orthytr»gBdy W d reached the' flat*. Blixt} tM engineer, is «vid to hft e b e e n i i n p l W a t o t i i h t i*s f ^ i m U * g % * ^kM

building jUj tb^ insyranoB o| Trt»H«|t tfe? -Has/^arda trero intoreuted. I t b w derel'-«psd that nil A left theflats at 7 o'clock • n itodday night and, returned^ at 0:10. « t o t bad fornierly boon a driwr ipf a street caratud ha^aTM-alitTSrVoTsaioai. This coat/ho sold to Kricksou, he cUhns, on Saturday. Jtrickson, in* hi Vtm «dtgr hospital at the t W» and agraed to par M for it . The mmey, how«vw, was »c* paid. After get ^ p o s s e s s i o n of ttieooat Erickson W t fcrlo-wa j B a l ^ ^ i d watta there had the «ttt<wasneft 'ttertturtMtt to Minneapolis ycsterdaymomlng. ltdo< velops, however, that the 'Sala was ao t Hhadc on Batlird ijf; Krickeon left the city On Tuesday, ft ior. to Jeavlng ho rUited a shop on Wat>intbOtt avtfrM, ioatk, where he Incloi id two jpklrsaB* pants,- a shLrt- and othar a i r i n g iptar<< iaTa.pa-per bar, which 1 >e took with Mm.

He left for tcWa that night. He left Iowa 1 ^ ^ WodnosdajiadfM »ft4J*' turned to Minneapolis, a s stated, ott^ttitrrs--day-'marrniag. vwhea he nJEorned, he saw Harry and. BU*t p i k i n g together i n the engine Boom a n d hea|(d Harry give orders not to, allow any one to enter the place. He then went <jo a pawnshop on Wash­ington avenue and sold tho coat for f£r

Blo^lHlVaywavd^'SMHtM, * Harry Haffw^'#r*par4mei»te, a >sott

of rooms on thelthlrd Ooo^ of the Osark, facing on Hennepin, were searched today by Sheriff Ego, <j!hief -of BoUoe Smith and

d Howard. Sereralapota vered, on the flop* of a-

e rooni-inWhich Harry after scraping one of

turned to Detective

iKStoctlVcsHby of blood were i Closet adjotoing slept. Sheriff 3 the spots With.* Howard and aiid: - '

"Too bundle of h*oo%ysloth««iwa« prob­ably thrown on the closet floo^ and left there for tho tiiue being until takan away by Erickson the following morning."

The motive in laying the clothes washed to the city, disclaimed, cjfotV thcOwnAr wishing ,x them.' OfneiaU who •o armed with a search

first proceeded to search the old gentleniajn'sapartmentaon the top of the building. (Harry and Adry slept on the ground floor, Harry In ia frottfc bed­room and hisbrqtherlaardonilnthcreafe Detective Howard found, two Tevo>ve» Me-longing tc| Harry. One was double bar­reled, of the derringer pattern, and the otber^ a 38 caliber Coifcl The latter was founditt his trunk. Several boxes of-cartHdges were also taken, I'Harry^ do*hei|Wr*e carefully examined, but nothing startling was disoOTcrotl. SoverAl notes from, lady friends were found neatly tied, together tn the bottom of the trunk, The officers con* fiscated a satchel Hud i t is* thought that the clothes worn, by the murderer of Catherine Ging were among the contents of the satchel, ,| I


i»ijri|»» ipja vsai a»OTc P« pfi a» *p»jsasw

W i j L w ihi i iii i ' *W ^^r^p^^a7|py jvT^lflalB^rrWHspsTt-*

•fr*«tt«toiroy,toeo. £$-Tk6 bankruptcy tUlwJrich,,tba Oeh»wMico*a«ttaai tiw setaatetes Wait Mrtdhnmngnear to'oon-sldetat thepta* a t soaUoa itWuo aseattf tho sasaa ueaaire ajr, that waMk aasspd

I the housa, waW tWasltBOWhas thetaUley bill, during th« long session. The boost t i l l oootalnad otdy *hO«t four paiss,. wi»»M>U« bil whkh the samto wDE.pVi oaHed np on to msidor numbers 1« p a g k

-Jioarrisaiaosiife of the W o « b i l L W t j«Malasasdy tM On* twd •eeOoa#«slWbs BaUeyJbtil, anst gfttk laeieare aal^aoda, TbabUlWas Uiassasd'to ta*^s»fMB»i|a< dWary coi-wnlttfe and the ataeimaiMti

and brought was to ovade sui tooontimto to Tisltsd the fiats warrant, and th

Catherine plug's V U M M I . AujBtJBs, N. Y. Doc. 8,—The funetal of

Catherine Gting i took place here- today. fnmpITclty markqd, its every feature. The remains were tnkenf rem the undertaker's rooms to St. Wary'* church- a t •'lOs&O o'clock, and thcCatfrolle committal seryioe was read by the pastor, BCT. William Mul-hcron. The usual requiem mass was not said, as today i s » t holy day, and fanenst juasa will bo-'said Monday, The remains of the murdered jgiil were not exposed, to public vleW, althhwgfi' ttfere was a large

i orowaat thc Tmd^r^ker'sToOma to get a I glance at hear face), t

Hiss Julia-Ginlg,| Catherine's twin, sis­ter; Mrs. BobortrMcGlrr of JSow Yotkh another sister; Milss, Lulu Ireland and Of-flocr P u t r i * ILi Ging of MinneapoUs, were the mourners. A few others, inti­mate frieBds.of tlUjfamiJyk wore admitto* to th« undort*ker|sjrOom«, At tine church the attendance waa^large, The romaina wen Mlowod t4 tfio grave by earriagei

ca(se''of James Keal regiment, TJnltod >

Where a soldier died thje bureau of ponsl bean subsequenti^r „ Of record: has no le«ai sufcb. rojoction without this widow of tho sol."" n«|r to enntinue its

^ " W M I C « (

tftrn than S5.r

when the house was noon, today. In 'the

^EUkcr (Dem., Ma.), Tcontalnrngthereliitives of tho murdered{-]jMoa toserrtwto com' Sri, and the burial was in State "8tre<*

mctery within a stone's throw of whers ' >&S5 Ging waaTiofn,

_ f > V cup l>c«ei**r*» V*t Ordered,

BBISTOL, B,. Li Deo. 8.—Charles w*. Youngrhead clerk] fat the Herrosftoffs, to­day denied the; assertion of the Xbodoa I^eld. tUM two con defender* bad beep-or­dered jhifeft.15 Jta ^ahL "If. any now ettp defendara arc to M built, One HniTirStiiSTa wjll Undoubtedly flguw promptly ML ths derigniria;,»wa^ooiq>tn»c«itonro< t h e

• a i j l a i i t i r M « d ' Tmexui*at

jiged between. :17}*nA_8*, -yme-argBSSed here for burglary, Ti^ylaid^isqsa#ijsad •In robbery cas tor* for th iw y4an past.j Xriarge anounVoit In a cave near this ^^aa# >^ftjaa^<^ ^^^t^^^^T^Wi ^T'T^*^ T1™* ^rSa^^^^aw'

Stolen SDodaWaaaaiiBrS

MOSTGOMKBT, introduced in the state banks.! Tt lain bonds have aHto auditor h« m oountewigned t^,OWorn>uratfaaa

i . . . . • * - -1 \ - «

are Understood thbmainby

fioorAyj Atwttet^oitK Tk&meiW*.t*fa*

inlttee related to maklair aavbxi nons, pnfefttng p r o r U l p o l n t g 6gBsaswn-|g WBOor.morjr

Thofrkndi org* that the i _ _

f « prjosideratton thatahanaijuntoy

-detoaadi of :.»>*",) •1st tba% the faai peraornaWeeSdftl!

aavc been siigfcuiiil to Qeorge (Misi). Ths

"by sJMytanate «a** to nmtt»w of detail

Itors, eta. InMsaain ts for an ssstgnmsnt

iuiy^ebtor*owing staapfvpay.

Uw blUai*In*aMSlto committoeihallgirs

ta« .eaueas. They say U O M of-U* urgent od'adlDolkt of t fe

of ISWIsft sonway ofnaaneiaidlssAwai ild be allowsd to ba­

by disposing of what am>eiNnd."'ataMlagJ.ltt

mm.witisianWJ«^. - " ; 3

BepresentatiTe* J i t t and 8»o*er, HrspSav! aoawoFpunctoJrM i* hat a e ^ s a a k to r^t .^ . . sz .—. — ~ •the grpnnnV In^ikaoj»ditlonasl;i(*tntk-ilican member* of tie house rjommittee bn

foreign affairs, ha^e talked over the de­sirability of a bona* refcoiutkai oT Inquiry on tan attltade of 1 be **|sjnmeit in tko (^ina-lapan war. Ite, J*D*B*-«aWtotoaA-»d fart+odustag sue t a Mtas)k«i .andjig la«y i o so. ft i s l ^ t , aowtrer, t for tb t house of Tepresenta Ives has such limited, authority ore* focal A afiain that the in* 4niry could b« more proper!^ conducted in tteasbato, Itoreoyot, events in the China-Sapan war are coan sing the. altuatbtt. so tonatafitiy that then is some doubt as to tha nature of aa-la. iUlr>>c This d o u b t « tocroased by the faci thftf up luftrtss-rtatti as to the course ot thur gofernmear has jret been given to ariy of 'the members of Al~ foreign committors, so that in the ab-

* of inlohaattatlit la' dtiBeult to pro-an, inquiry. It lb bellewsA try m«*v of Hie bouse m*"** « A a ^ ANpsSK

Japan 4«iiNon will ]b» gone or*'In; the (jmate W&MI- (Senator JCodge's Mflolattoa concernihg the Chinfse axecutton of 0 M [apanese students under American pro-^ Ion is Uk(W up. lUntl l tha senate has

an ppportunity to apt on the subjeot -. SlorirwiJl Bold WM rssolution i&abay*

j - WjMaws* jfearisas. , ThepoasloniHU*»» WiJliK*BSft!sr.ra«s)sf»i

Pensions to widows whose Jacob* froto sources, added to ^ . p r o c e e d s oi

^*bI*oftoWon tt eirpartr, affords theni ortable support. ThU poller i s pro-:

'rided for i n a ruling of Assirtant Secre-" tary Heynolds, basw L on the "Juno i% 1890," act tn his i ecislon the assistant secretary says^ "Jt v as evidently the in tontion of congress to supplement the: Widow's means of an pporfc from her own labor and all other sources Taj she pension only whett such means were InauaVaent foe her comfortable m ippori. Under ordi­nary circ^ins*anes>t i ^Wt9U* intending to lay down an arbitrar;' and mfiexlblerulo, when a widow is shown to have an ln-orimo considerably i n excess of the pension provided bjrJiho thir 1 section of, toe act from ftourccf.indepeniient of her daily In* bpr, she does not ooupy a ponsionable stotustheseUrtder." , t„

|Judge«Beyneld« InW also aeW la the of theWfteenth

infantry, that aaal aetieaby

and his claim had the attorney-1 «app*alfrom

obfcabiingfrom s power ofattorr-

tion. ''

wore present to order a t

lorning" boor Mr. the ootnmit-

,, , ^ , calledTm the (JWljl to promote the eft clenoy of therere-nue cutter service. The bUwaSconsldered a?*eral times a t the la it session. . I t pro-. vAesfor the rettrema i t of offioers oOh# servioe lncapltated by roason of the-ln-,nrmitiee of age orlpbyi faat at m p r j l 4to» ahpy. %

•MAWsoif, WlJtt?Dec. «.—At theamckl-l

•diction the •eoeatiot^l fact was tai iMtf t h a t t h r e - t e t a l T q a r w a a t h e g r c a t a * In jibe history of the' state, being Ww greator than, in thepre. tdantial aleattoavof

p l t o a U t y r ^ b e r ^ 9 JOkSm cmMUaates bA e' plnraittfoein «cofrof a«,wft / I I

•rnnaawn^i^a^pni p

Sz. SAUL. Dee. ft ktlrtisslT TTcaUasi fnihasortmalTtaslsan Hall*

^ k sPft^Mnnnlsa T ' J^BBMnnnWiBBBsk.

'•dp«^g««^g> flltrksn^aeBV Jfefeaasns^sssB^riss^rSnnsJBLi

,Hl| I'-^^^irsp^ taf Jaaie


• • • xssiL^ t

!--»-«&. -s,-.-^ « ) , . . - . ( .

ipa* I M H ittdiistry Apt***" t» -Have a * « * l t * l y ttrlgiite* O a t t o o k - W o o t S t a a *

-- - n-f^^j^ <an«hiir-it«#ty-**a*


-#*• fcn«^»n» JSMMU 'latauair t ssat esr H 1 t ' Aa»frtoi« «i«*rn. . * j

<iuThniarO. * . / 2 J w . *,*-A. story oi torture enmog frwn Dartd, a amall town i a .the' Interior; of ;tfce Indian Territory. CoioiW A. J, niackwdl, well known in tbe west, waaarrnstod: Some ttma ago for aellitit ktodV and, atxardin to ttaCb*^ kaelawSt wa« sentence to death for high

J^&bikfoAl, j|rtrippedJ)f bar etathes, ,• was bought W o r e ChirfDlift. who was hold-i n g a eounoil, and asked to contoss. Biaek-waU said that he »ad m eonfeesion to make, that b e was the victim of a mall--0*0*4 oontrplracyt and asked to be released, _ Instead he wW t*rrkd bodily to the •Jiasdles, a place of torture adjoining the -prison, Where l ie Was subjected to horrible treatment.

5 Tnk hdnks, danningarouad their victim

-pose, ijebbfed the naked flesh tf Slack--waUV Their torturing was kept up tUi Blackweii, bleeding and nine from nho

en back.to l ik frtoaar «aU and stili xe-mnins in irons, hand: anil foot, uotwlth-standlag the nppnlf of Wa retotrri»s and

. taaVmakes the one more aowpUeated k toe_ fact that lllackwdl U a full fledged American and has no.eharokaebloafiin Wm. Tlietmiefoifhielrtaiirs^ji^^ set, and what further lodhntitiat awali him remains toUe soon*

jBastleasTr ^ T «^ i4w. a JridTwrnnent Intrigue, and stated that id oW*^i«iB^fe ,.©OJ»}ial ran>-«#-%si|Si» there aad I A U U - ' - f c i » * j i r ^ sequence of .tidsvllrwaa his ltttention.to?^itlte«(Mrt^iOws ^ e l t | S l ^ j a » e i * s i # e t

, Maax Bbeaac0 Ati*if<JX,

$ra|e and OgaJalla fr'ofjft against the hanging of Oidef Two 8tk^wl»omurdr^sl»obWboysatHum-ibkreys' oattla Janch, a n gathettngat the P iae Bidge agency. Two Bit ehs was sen-tenoedto bebengeddnflec. t*. CJonriers are going between Ptnk Bidge and^Bose-lwdagenelef ThalWlesarenptyt*sat-issted with the lesson tetiwn* theat to 1«W and 1991; which resnitod in tisti carnage a t YTouikdod Kneft - Their tmsOtaVWf-state of mind might caua* them to break out Uponthe slightost pnwocation. *

- ntAMM Mtuta** tB*»»av >- •>

" -aaalntde'Tliesf laeape; fosTOBIA, Or, Doe.* 8.—In a fight-be­

tween trampjltt* boxesjenn aBedtUnore and Ohio ttaln-two were killed and an» rjtber fatally injured. .Tto dying toamp,1

M the murder, charging i t to t w o men Who' came aboard $ a train a t Aubdrnl He says the marderers aUgated from the train 1|refore it^reached^Vistoriaandesnap-e d . i , s s

Harrla HaW hte home was at Anbutn, lad., and that he was a chimney aweepby oocnpattMi.' He gave the n«ns»>ojf "m companions aa I^stoeaad-Morgan. 3e fnr> ther stated that the mm who did the shooting were driven out of Garrett, IndL, yesterday; and that t h ^ boarded the train at Auburn. There was no proirecaiioU'tor toe shooting,, i t was sols^rfor the pur­pose of jobbery. "fiijtoendollarlwa«.stol-enf from Harris and considerable amounts front his companion*. A t Deshler the murderers leaped from the train, but i t Waaaot untU toe trainartfcrad,tothls city taa£.the tragedy .wag dXsoorarol There U great excitement here, and If the fugitives are o*srtraketLtoey are likely to be lynched. 1 1 ";

UrorAsAPOns, Uee. 8,-rThesuit against H. H. Holtues, the immrance swindler, bJrongnt by the 7ideU^r Jasuranots com­pany, aasneen. dismissed^ --Mrs^Holmos senttcheokM tijecojnpany'sjuHorney> for fOoo^-irhlch jske had deposited i a a 1«H cal bank, and Jhe,money win attiihe eom-panyexDeceed.to.get. ,T»e,factiajatMrB, Holmes paid'Uie sum kpparently prove* that th^ntan who swindled tbe^nWance company out o f 410,000 and the^nian who

XadianapoUs edboolteanhiet'

fjm * * - » -t*' f\ sai«m d«M to 20)W Tarlu ^ A l a w i t o i s , | J e i 4 ^ A « 4 | h | i a > o » . ^ » r

- » « « of - th* .rote. 4** a i t a . xwanf Vtont left m d d w t q n for Wew^orkr today AUi^ *a- — * - « « U i a .^ M ^ o » t ^ f a i r i | S ^ f « [ u ^ ^

Coemt'; Cwsiet,'a«cret cnamberlato. of toe Sword and Crioak, has been visiting Mgr. Batont'for sotnadayspaatatiBWa|>ostolio ilgatton* • AtwnVthe end of the month he will leave tola country tor a visit to the pope. It ii mid that tU c«rWi<f UgfWater f r i e n d , o f toe- p o p e ' s ^ t h a n a n y o t h e r J a y -

i)issnart^lr>sal^.'aWJri|(Mias, Bkaxnr, Ben, , g , — J^moe .Bismarck,

through iheoolumnsof !Thaireuoete2fach-atoaten, extends his toanks to'^the senders | D T the many mean^jee of sympathy and eon46leckeereoeiredbybim from a l l jparte of Qernninyand ^foreign « 0 # p s s k She ex-chaaceUor sayJs, "Mf atrength Is not sofleient to enable m e to'tell each w e haw todr^tokans. hare gladdaned m y

^W!HppajBrBnPM|s^asjpssnjL ^spaa^^y^^arwy^r^^a^ .sa»aai^r- a^agi^ps>aa#> ^^snna.

^Um^_^Wgnm^^^^!fl^gm^^^^JtS^g^ 'Js s raaaaa alaVBBV-'a Bam*

jfifg^j* ty, ltMifi^iijf #»fs. . . J ^ a ^ l b a t s twe afiaagjwnfflngaesy kaawai'ito-aet-flSr1

'km AJhatg'aai^lrfoe. nnentiad bat- 1BSB# Jsi-

n » t b a f e e a a » t a a d . M ,

T,T... < ^ %-"'**t,ii**f•

fceBa«BMaaaar:fo»wiia«v-raiesr^sa^nWSSi.TViTr ng^^^s^sa^ipsjsaBa* *f.


j^*Tf™WfW , *T'* i»Al'»,

Cal 'Me«Iag 1f»r «<ti*«!« la -th* - _ ,te«*sthirtg lih\n ' intimity Deft, 8^—A qorrespondent at;

^anghai telegraph* that tho newly ap­pointed ^fnttkin tTioeroy wiU make many-i changes atoOtig the officer* under hi*' coa*|' troi it is also shid that he intends to in­crease is* number rrffo*to on the Yang-tse-Kiang ^rlver and, to1 place more tor* >edoos i n chat atrcani with the intention of rcnjOering it* navigation mim difficult and. clangeroiu for foreign veasds. , The belief is general iraoogtheCliincec thntttiB Japamm* flwt will visit thfe Yang* teo-Ktong river; flnring the Winter,

The Tokyo oorrespowdotit of the Central News saya 'undoubted evidence hat been:, obtained to** auring the night after the oaptare of Poet Arthur* numborof mmf. laborarswrho had been armedwith eworuH for their oWndcfeasewith a viewof doing •way with, tha necessity of detailing sol* dieMfiHrth>ir protection entered the town,, and after drinking,of Chinese spirit* nnta toey bad beeome frantic committed revengeful reprisals upon the Chinese in-haWtaats,

A diapfttch front, Seoul eays.thai, Counts aye, ton Jananese u>lni«t<!r, Jhnd. -an>

audience at tho castle ou Ben. 6. Upon thejettt«as>to to,toeroyaj pwjeenoejof the! minirterali of tlteklag's attendantewito-drek, leaving his maiesty and th4i Japar nosq reproeputatJYe atone. *• e ~i

Count inonyB pweonally etplained to the kirjg'tho refolds winch It was pro­posed to etrforc^ antf jtomplained that their execution had been thwartod bygor-

M^Sf^^m ~M '^n|». says:

pfet1iiiu1rfe<ig&niiiy« .„ «mtb*tees* l^»^^tiftrltaiftH««a%B. ,„„ i jBfe:qtiit©jpB«% mtimSm&'W&M

iii.^ha»aito:*re a little iartef. But j f W n f |®j$i naturally m^m§m topendof Jrioyearjand the holiday

; % p ^ " ^ d » - n o w a tim^oia*y

' Thcmeet iag of congtow and. tbe»a; nouiiecimsnt of ton mw, ct»j«t^.piatt:

,.ot"va«ou«1&ia|^OB^/" " •*"-*""

t and wage* of kbor fo n^adtanea, Int J | W Urcason mm^^m-wm^f .cf a iomewM larg^j working wee* $&temjtt . • •• " . t

. Tlio cxpwt<xt gormimcnt report on wheat to -catt-lrand hogf aaf fft}ii>n«Hl thcL ;aui|]tol H J t

-aoubteifl whether the twEimate i$ mm |s> lUbln titan the pstimfth'.. of yioldof wheat ;an(i cotton, which arc not rcgaWed'sari*

m& %jm'^ .«msn^ | i» ;tha^ a 'year ago ntul the «xporte smaib*f but foreign aocotititRj partlcdbwiy at to i^^ege^to^attip, imp "heboid aii-44*

ftoefellw^e^ni'elisis etton^i*iai* roauis »r wnt* pj* i^re «n^ ttust* gi.Oa; idainly b^^ur» sujeo'; refinere didnot en>

•"*'*•**- e^uii'^wnyaniji ^tpijgna dividend


sent to attack the>rebollious Tong-Haks. On the 7^h instanttha Kofeantolmstew

of f**eign aW^if inanoe and war visited Count Laonye and, apologised for the de-oflt practteedeadjitomisedto consider his nroposala 1 »

'SlSJII'i • OH— ,HH—••!! •••Mi.—*>

Aiteima t» Have Had" it«bate» Xt«t*-th* ' *t»mi «ri rM^pemuwy WW»ky., ' CottrUBU, S. 0., Bee. &-«-A sensntiqtf

waa. caused, hero w lija'ciisulation' among tliemembew^ at tlio etiiicral aistetobly in, pamphtot form of £ letter written by TSU\ IT. Perry,*a QaroliniBu stow in: Washing- 3 ton* dated Washlu^onr »#>. i r t o Udsn V . Ashley, "a member ofJ&e-houae, charg' Ing ex,Rorernor: ifiilnjaii with rooeiTing^

{^•ILklnd* of jTCbatee and other dishonest taaneaetions and urging Ashloy to <»11 on the legislature for the appointment of a

oosnmittoo to invctitJgate toe matter/" He safaln the letter:

*f*iliman denied at t lnioa during tbe eanwsa* that he bad ever received the re­bate of 7 oentea gallon ,on the whisky he bought from the rWjbisky trust, X am sreflthlytoformed toat/Jie did receive that Wba .andAioheokwM iwut hiin tor tlw amount, and, he-Tcturnod tho check and asked them to Bend thomonoyjucnrHmcy by express h that the money was sent anjl was rocelyed by Tillman, amounting to many thoua*nddollAr*toat ought to have gone to;the predit of the. taxpayers,

''Furthermore, I am informed that. thA rau^oadcompanythat transported, the liu> nor paid Tillman a rebate on the freight. X understand -that TiHman;gofc a good slice out of rthat Port Royal lawsuit, and that is tiie, rftpoii why Tillman is affnid of Irby.

^Thera i s no 4ou1^t,thal? Tiilmaa and John :Kvan* .got a good «lioe out of toe gia.%000 given to Jftind in funding the state debt Why don't you demand, a com­mittee to investigate these things?''

JpxrGovernor 'SCilinrWn'K friends do not believe any such cbargos^,

I Those forged School Bauds, IJO»OON, Dec. 8.—The school bonds, a

number of which ate believed to be for­geries, which have been placed in Ireland to the amount of £30,000 and in England t o toe amount of £150,000, purported to Come,chiefly from Dakota, Colorado, Wy-oming and, Nebraska, There are also a number of farm mottgages tram the some dtotricte. - ^

"^ ' AgttrgeottKiitedhy a l i o n . "* LOKPOS, Dec, 8.—Advicca received ftcro

from aoutheast Afrlca^announoc Ihat M-rtogton7. « . McKay, a surgeon attached l o # > M . 8. Pioneer, a small special serv­ice Teasel on iiake Nyassa, was; killed xe-fnntly hy a Hon whjua out shooting. A -few Tears ago Surgeon"'McKay wan the fshnwpioii 60 mile Moyeljjt of Jjrolana, '- ^Jgweaa-Jtielly Q«t of Danger. ' ,Ngw Yosn,^5ec. 8.—Bn, John A. Mc-

TDaseryi who'has attended Eugene Kelly, beadof the banking houseof Kt01y& Co., said that the bankerwaa «pdte outof d««i-ger and would probably be out af bed within four nrftre/ days.

'• A «lM.0»« Fire In Clitcago. f CiicAOo, Bee. 8.—Fire destroyed the Challenge Machinery company's factory at gW7 ^Leo street. Only toe fonr walls of the building wore left standing. The loss

I ii- estimated- at »2{W,000, , AJM«r4e»*r'*.)S«»t«!a«« Cowinated. -Ali iyft De°" 8.—6overnor Flower ba»

,eomiaUted the sentence of Murderer Miles, now i n Auburn prison to life sentence.

. J l p ^ M t e T i m a a to B « K « r a c u i * « t .

. AiMaTl J>& *.-<5oTcmor B o w 1m granted ton requtotrof the governor of Maryland fox the extradition of Nathan amltti, tho gold brick jiwindler wanted j n Baltimore,,

Xna Weatber. Batoorsnow^ warnket;iwotocrly winds,

' . * J




orders 9I

.. v.nJfelli0fy*&6& fefc

; \ , ••"* ( .* ih>i; iro^ t a d , ^ * / .

Mas. irijti inauitoseeini to h*** dis.' Unw. "tirj|sjbter ft'ospeets at Ctrfeaga waero.-flf iawi te&neisann3Ba>itt«toi)B| dfnjnlid'ljeenusool*i(0m£r * ' ** * BUrBj^iseiaer'Iran hag.joj BUsburt, ste)iF»iIs mm in a^S,.^ereron##^'%^-t»n.d tttfHTaM

Odmr^rlsoft c^ prioas th#rn.aad:


'v Pnt yow cnllecttonif in the hands of

tt»n«atexr*rter«»d«>li«sctor Call or

"ft •St-

-^a^^ao^f l i^s ju ive .r f i i^t t to 56 7 and ato...so;far" siimle<t tlutt substantially haTl th^ $H«5 lia* 1«ca cutoff within four years.*- -iultQ^n-w^^/nrn'^erlng^ieeiu jhja».-and to ew-f^lai}d af^ery towfig* u i^ f i i f .pjoiiMi a: somef|at bettor de

"ih'MM-m nioducts it-is :.^JlSeSswS#ie..ontpuiifitol' the. competi*

,f^aeavj^-«#«»ei|'.-ajo|^ ipr^lit .i-W^€Mm. of '#*»Jnrjng Shis' p»*t .-iteofinonilp'at jpo»- jnftyto be s to ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ i S i r ' 1 ' Jpather ;watjani'#tn*i«s-a^9«ar«t w o r t for wn ad» -• fsa^ and eonwjowbers have ooiieed«dJJi 'cento pttwonica'* grain and butt ahoas, Jfei|^i!Kr|(:P^fojst that no adradcala no*" J l u i - a n f l # d o w » |i: ,wi^dmwj»e|c.«i> • d e r j * - ' . * • * - • - • • * • • • ' - - - - • • ' . _

"Tho wool monufactum, Judging from the sale* at #ie : throe chief ;jn«rkets s|aoa wjpfc i^nasifeeen doing ft|»r een* than; lasfc*ycar, but 31 per cent leas 1

in sm »nd iho jj,v«mp of iM gua.' '0 wbof ajuoted 19- -4p<jat«e--. HDK la WMfr ne'nts, *he> lowest evor,knowi, l^ siraenit hiwei? t i an tost iegfejffid agfer cent lower thanrin-'ildf, 3^«fa«&r«^'arereeeiTtog m^^am$0^0atf*&^^Sl havanon--slderftole demand for heavy-goods,- partic­ularly for overcoatings, on account o f - a change to the fashion, and, there i s much «Onj6ue^e i$re8S0dt i^t#^wi l i be able to continuo production at alntut the-pcta-;«nt«tiB nfter J*«» I. ® « cotton mann-facture shows no material change, though the deujandfor f&tihg. i**cjf backward

^f Money to^kmtr. v.ifee money market baa nltf improved, and tho drift of ltllo money Wth.*ward in .aa large as at any- t t o o thi» year. A re-m^rltoble stof OTPnt ore pago 8 ghows that i&Mftiry teuisfers of njonejf naVe been al» n^tftt excinetveiy1 -to-.-lfew1 Orleans? ft?,-8?g;«H) in October n»dffli**&$>«&to»» other points and f 2,;426,000 IwNorembef ngatniit $303,000 toallother points. Com-morcial loatis show no increase whatever, and pfiavf sates of American seoTiMtfoft"%y fjondon tilas week have aavjmoe^exebange to the shipping point, so tha* 9tf%$Qr0Q gold will oe expdrtod today. Tho liabili­ties in failures for too last week of No­vember wore $S,O38,407 against |t,S04,-476 for the same week last year, but the decrease was wholly In mannfactnring liabOittea, .f4S?,«41, a»uni?t f t,mMl last year, white trading I'^Hilities were fit507,3*8 agairist *l,308,*iJ last year. For fiie four weeks of November the ag­gregate was $10,581,82$ agataatgg&Sr*!,-«2i:test year. The faflures thin week have been 5M in the Fnlted-States against SS5 last year and 40 in Canada against *S last yW» .

Train Bobber* Cot ##O4)00, FOST WOBTB, Tex., Beo. 8.—The best

infoamation obtainablo warrants the plac­ing .of •the amount of booty secured by the robberswiN M d u p alrain on a trra» tie near here at $40,000. The officers en­gaged in the pursuit are confident the des­peradoes arc members of the Cook gang and that they are making t yr the Indian Territory, ^ _

A l t c e W * H e a l t h I s P o o r .

gpniKGFinuv Hie,, Deo, 8,—Governor Aitgeld has been looking and f ecMog land for several days and has left for Hot Springs, Ark., accompanied by Mr* Alt-gild. They will be gone for an indefinite time, the governor not being decided a% to the length of their stay.

Another Con*cr»ative VKitory. Ix>soo^ JPea i^bt the election for a

memoer of parliament to represent the North I i in tey divMbn of Lincolnshire, M r . J . M . B i c h a r d s o o , C o n s e r v a t i v e , w a a elected, polling 4,877 votes to 4,300 votes polled by Mr. Eeckitt, his Liberal oppo­nent.

J o h n B o r a * l a C h i c a g o .

CHICAGO, DOC. 8.—John Burns, the not­ed English labor leader, arrived in Chi­cago. He was met by- prominent local labor leaders and held an informal recep­tion at the Brlggs flousa

The Visitant"* Future. LosroOH, Bee. 8.—The Field says it la

reported that Mr. Howard Gould intends to use the Vigilant as a> houseboat next wagon in England, while racing with ah> Itew 80 rater.

• %

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