
Period 4, Coach Chordas Magical By Taylor Dubey Taylor Dubey 12/8/2010

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National Novel Writing Month


Page 1: Magical

Period 4, Coach Chordas

Magical By Taylor Dubey

Taylor Dubey 12/8/2010

Page 2: Magical

Table of Contents

Chapter 1………………………………………………………………………………3

Chapter 2………………………………………………………………………………4

Chapter 3……………………………………………………………………………..5

Chapter 4……………………………………………………………………………..6

Chapter 5…………………………………………………………………………….8

Chapter 6…………………………………………………………………………….9

Chapter 7…………………………………………………………………………….12

Chapter 8…………………………………………………………………………….14

Chapter 9…………………………………………………………………………….16

Chapter 10………………………………………………………………………….17

Chapter 11………………………………………………………………………….20

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Chapter 1

As I walked to school, the crisp autumn breeze played with my dirty blonde hair. I

tucked it back into a ponytail and kept walking, trying to keep my head held high and my

shoulders back. I was used to new schools, all with their unique challenges. Each school was

different, but they all had something in common.

Someone really weird always came to my classroom, and the strange thing is, they

always wanted something to do with me. I always got relocated after that, because no school

wanted a creep coming in, looking for the same student over and over again.

I entered A-Lon School with ease, knowing the familiar routine. Unfortunately, my black

converse slipped on the slick white tile and I fell to the cold floor. As I picked up my books,

embarrassed, I realized that I was at the feet of another girl. “Sorry,” I muttered apologetically.

She smiled and said, “Oh, who cares? I’m a klutz myself.”

I laughed. We exchanged schedules and realized that we had every class together.

Everything went great.

As we walked into math, I found out her name was Angela, and we found seats next to

each other. Another girl sat beside us. She shook her wavy brown hair and looked at me with

dazzling green eyes.

“Hi, A.J.,” Angela growled bitterly, “long time, no see.” A.J. seemed to not notice her,

but introduced herself to me instead.

“I don’t talk to uglies, and I don’t think you will want to either.”

I defended my new friend in reply, “If anyone’s ugly, it’s you!”

She smirked and said, “You’ve just made yourself an enemy,” and was about to sit

elsewhere when Ms. Kay, my math teacher, announced that this was our permanent seating

chart for the rest of the year. We all just glared at each other.

At lunch, Angela and I sat together.

“Monique, you do not know what you have gotten yourself into. A.J. is a bad enemy to

have. She can pound your head until there’s nothing left. She will hurt you physically and

emotionally.” This scared me a little bit. I was used to bullies from previous schools, but A.J.

sounded much worse. I decided to avoid her, but I realized that that was harder than I thought.

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Chapter 2

I strolled down the sidewalk, wondering how I was supposed to do all my homework

with no textbooks. No one had given any to me, and I was starting to get nervous. I walked up

the drive to 385 Walker Way, the house of my mousy grandmother. She was so old that my

whole family had to come and live with her. She didn’t even appreciate the effort either. She

always complained that no one was nice to her, when the truth was; we put our hearts into

everything we do for her.

As I opened the door, my mother was cleaning the sofa. She smiled when she saw me.

“Hi, Honey. How was your first day?” I sat down and she did the whole “mom thing.”

She inquired me way too much. I grabbed a snack and tried to start on my homework. After

dinner, I went to bed.

I ran through the woods, not knowing what I was running from. It was pitch-black and

the foliage of the trees rustled. I heard tremendous footsteps behind me; they motivated my

small feet forward. It growled as I ran faster and I could feel its foul breath on my spine. I

screamed and ran into a cave. It was very musty and opaque inside. I caught my breath and slid

to the floor, not knowing what to do next. I was so scared. Out of the cracks of my fingers,

something bright caught my eye. Firelight. I stood up and walked cautiously towards what

seemed like my only hope. As I rounded the corner, I saw it. The beast that had been chasing

me before. I…

My head bolted straight up like a lightning bolt, and my heart beat like nails getting

pounded into wood by a hammer. I caught my breath for real this time and got ready for

school, still very disturbed. I met Angela at lunch and told her about my vivid nightmare.

“Wow, that must have been really creepy,” she replied. I nodded, still shaken up. On our

way to art, I caught a glimpse of A.J. talking urgently into a blue and pink rhinestone cell phone.

She glared at me as we scampered by and kept whispering. I heard a crash and whipped

around. I realized that the doors had been forced off their hinges. In the doorway, there was

the silhouette of a giant figure. The big oaf had a brown raincoat and a hat just like the one you

would see on the cover of Sherlock Holmes. He had a badge on his pocket that had three letters

on it, W.W.S. I recognized the acronym from somewhere.

“Who’s that?” Angela asked me.

“No idea,” I replied. He mumbled something. It dawned on me that we were the only

two people in the hallway. The fat dude mumbled again, just a little louder this time. I was

petrified with, not fear, but curiosity. I could tell that Angela was struck, too.

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The giant, this time angry, screamed my name. “MONIQUE, COME HERE! I WANT YOU

TO COME HERE NOW!” I could tell that the giant wasn’t very educated when it came to

language. Unfortunately, I could tell that he had had an A+ in something; pounding someone’s

skull. Angela and I screamed in unison and ran.

Chapter 3

I puffed and panted as Angela and I sprinted across the courtyard. We ran into the

school parking lot, rounded the corner, and kept on running. I let Angela take the lead, as she

seemed to know where she was going. She led me into a dark alley, and assured me that the

dude couldn’t see. “And you know that because?” I waited for her to finish the sentence for

me. Instead, she peered around the edge of the corner of the building. “Good. We’re safe,” she

paused, “for now.” A chill ran down my spine at her creepy remark. “Well,” I said, hoping to

change the subject, “we definitely can’t go back to school. Where should we go, home?” “No,”

she replied, “it’s too easy for him to find us. He’ll search until he has you, and he doesn’t want

anyone in his way.”

We scurried across town as the sun went down. The only light was the moon. I wasn’t

comfortable walking through the city at night, but apparently Angela had done millions of

times. She was completely calm and focused on navigating through the darkness. I had asked

her at least one thousand questions, but she ignored them all. At almost dawn, I saw torch

light. “Angela, do you see that?” I asked her worriedly. “Yes. Yes, I do,” she replied, her voice

only a whisper, “Oh; I haven’t been here in such a while. It really is good to be home.” I had no

idea what she was talking about, but decided to let it hang for a little while. I followed Angela to

a gate that had words inscripted into it, “All who enter must be members of the W.B.A.W.P.

Society.” Angela hustled me inside. “Um, if you haven’t noticed, I’m not part of any club,” I told

her in a matter-of-fact tone. “Oh, you will be,” Angela stated. I huffed, annoyed as I got yet

another riddle for an answer.

A man with brown tussles of hair and huge blue eyes welcomed us as we came through.

“Welcome to the Wanted-By-a-Witch-Protection Society. Well done, Angela. A new young girl.

Perfect to train.” I was very confused at all of this as Angela beamed with pride. “What are you

talking about? Why would I need training?” A million questions surged through my mind as

Angela and the “Welcome” dude talked about sleeping quarters and classes. Welcome-dude

then turned his attention back to me and introduced himself as Ryan. He led me into big cabin

that reminded me of camping out at a luxurious site. “Well,” Ryan sighed, “You might as well

get situated. You’re gonna be here a while.” He shut the door as my jaw dropped open.

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Chapter 4

I didn’t sleep well that night. I had the same nightmare. I was running away from the

hideous monster. There was only one thing different about this dream, though. When it found

me in the cave, this time, it zapped me with a magical twig and cackled. I heard the crooked

laugh for seemed like forever until one other sound flooded my ears. “Monique. Monique,

wake up already. MONIQUE, GET YOUR RUMP OUT OF BED!!!” I fell to the floor with a thud.

“Oh, good. You’re up,” Angela said cheerfully. “Here’s your new schedule. Ryan will be teaching

us both, and I’ve scheduled all my classes to be the same as yours.” I yawned sleepily and shook

my head. “What new schedule? Shouldn’t we be going to school right now?” I asked a very

happy Angela. “We don’t go to school anymore,” she replied, “We now only worry about

getting trained to defeat Kat the evil witch.” I was dumbfounded. “Who is Kat the evil witch,

and why do I have to defeat her?” I cried. “You have to defeat her,” Angela paused hesitantly,

“Before she defeats you.” I sat down on my bunk and tried to think this through. I sighed as

hundreds of questions swarmed like bees in my head. “Why would a witch be after me?” I

finally got out. Angela changed the subject. “Let’s go. We need to catch up to Ryan.” When I

was ready for the day, we scurried out the door to train.

As we met Ryan outside the mess hall, he started right away.

“Okay, girls. Let’s get started. We will begin with getting you,” he pointed at me, “Your

supplies. You will need for the rest of the classes.”

We went into the gift shop. A little bell rang as we stepped into the room. The shelves

were filled with gear that was very out of the ordinary. There were wands of all shapes and

sizes, little pouches with labels such as sleepy dust and paralyzing ointment. Those words

creeped me out a little bit, but I got over it as a woman from the counter strutted over to

where I was standing. “Hello. What package do you need; package A or B?” she inquired. I

stammered. “Uh… uh... uh…” Fortunately, Angela came to my rescue. “We’re still looking.” The

desk clerk nodded and assumed her position back behind the desk. Angela helped me pick out

the right size wand, powders, ointments, and other equipment such as battle gear. I was loaded

when we finally went to check out. Angela gave her two gold coins, which the clerk, Natalie,

happily took as the cash register rang. We walked out of the store, me nearly tipping over at

the weight of the supplies on my shoulders. As I shouldered my stuff, Ryan led us into an area

the size of a football stadium.

I gasped at the size in awe. The place was beautiful, enchanted carvings moving, yeah,

you heard me, moving along the walls. There were pictures of knights on majestic horses

towering over hideous monsters, ready to make the final blow. All heroic acts seemed to be

documented here. It was breath taking. I was snapped out of the trance as I heard Ryan call out,

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“All right. Are you ready to begin with lesson one?” He explained the instructions. It seemed

easy enough. All I had to do was race Angela to the sleepy powder. There was only one catch; if

we got there at the same time, we had to duel for the magic. I gulped as I realized that Angela

had mad skills with a sword and wand. We put our battle defense wear on and got ready for

Ryan’s whistle to blow.

Five, four, three, two… I counted the seconds in my head. One. The shrill blow of the

whistle rang through my ears even after I started galloping towards the sleepy powder.

Compared to Angela, I might as well be facing a cheetah. She bolted forward like a lightning

streak, leaving me in the dust. I panted as I raced to catch up. I burst out in energy and ran like

a horse, my tongue still hanging out like a dog. It was neck to neck as we reached the powder at

the same time. Angela turned to face me as I did the same to her. She glared at me with her

amber eyes that looked like fire. She still had a playful look on her face as if she thought this

was a game. She charged at me unexpectedly and before I knew it we were in the middle of

full-on battle. Angela had only one advantage. She knew several spells, while frankly, I knew

none. I tried some spells from the Harry Potter books. “Expecto Patronum! Lumos!” Nothing

worked. I sighed, defeated, and decided to work some magic with my sword instead.

Angela totally beat me. I’m not kidding. You could even say she schooled me. I doubled

over in exhaustion as Angela brought me a glass of water. I gasped for air and focused on

breathing. “You know, you actually did pretty well for a first-timer. One time, they called the

society nurse to come take somebody after she versed me for the first time,” Angela recalled,

trying to be supported. I giggled through my gulps of water. We went back to the cabin to take

a rest. After a nice rest, we got back to work. As it turned out, I was a natural at the whole

wand/sword thing. With Angela’s help, she said that one day, I could verse Ryan, even though

he defied it. After long days of hard work for many hours, we went to the mess hall to eat then

walked towards the cabin. We laughed as we cracked jokes all through the night, and then

finally went to sleep.

I had the same nightmare again. This time, I saw the details of her beautiful face. She

had flowing bright blonde hair that ran down to her shoulders. She had the most gorgeous long

eyelashes that were connected to her striking blue eyes, which she batted lovingly at me. Her

emerald green and sunny yellow dress was mesmerizing. I was held in the trance for way to

long. She pulled out her twig-wand, waved her pink nails, said a spell, and blasted me to a

faraway place. It was all just an outline. “Grrrrrr!” I growled, for I wanted to see the place,

whether it was dangerous or not. Unfortunately, I woke up to the sound of shifting beneath me

and my eyes blinked open.

I peeked over the railing of my bunk to find Angela rummaging around in her own bed.

“What are you doing?” I asked between yawns. “Oh, just looking for my shield.” She replied

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excitedly. “Why are you so happy?” I mumbled, still trying to get out the sleepiness. “Well,”

Angela sighed, “the headmaster, Mr. Wasabii, has seen your progress and thinks we would be

the perfect team to go out and defeat Kat the Witch. Isn’t that great?!” My heart starting

beating at the pace of a jackrabbit as it dawned on me what Angela was really saying. I ran out

of the cabin to go find Mr. Wasabii.

I was very steamed when I found him sitting in his armchair, relaxing with a nice Cola.

He shook his slick-backed black hair and fixed his eyes, the color of oil, on me. “Why, hello,

Monique, what can I do for you?” He asked me in a Japanese accent. “How do you think I can

go defeat Kat with three weeks of training when others have tried and lost with years of

experience? I can’t just wave a wand and poof! She’s gone.” I blew up all at once, and as soon

as the words came out my mouth, I wanted to suck them back in. Mr. Wasabii just looked at me

understandingly. “What if you can? You need to learn to trust in yourself as I do. Now, I want

you to go back to Cabin 57 and gather your belongings. After you have done so, come back with

Angela. I need to give you both something to help with the journey.” He shooed me off his

porch and into the grass. I ran away to my cabin to get my things, just as the headmaster

instructed me to do so.

Chapter 5

I didn’t have much to pack, since leaving home on short notice. I packed one extra pair

of clothes, a blanket and pillow, some gold coins, (worth millions in the mortal world), my

wand, and my supply kit full of battle gear and weapons, (you’d be surprised how much you can

fit in those puppies!). As I shouldered my light duffel over my shoulder and walked back over to

Mr. Wasabii’s house with Angela, it was pretty silent throughout the camp. Whenever we

passed by a society member, they would look at me enviously or just plain stare. We walked up

the headmaster’s house, disturbed by the silence. I knocked cautiously on the reptilian green

door as the other campers looked on. Mr. Wasabii answered the door cheerfully. “Hello, hello!”

He smiled, but it quickly faded into dust as he saw all the other society members gathered

together, motionless. His eyes narrowed to slits as he jumped to our defense. “Go away, all of

you! There is nothing to see here!” He shouted as all the campers started slowly but surely to

back away. He ushered Angela and me inside hurriedly and sat us down by the fireplace. When

he stepped in front of it, all I could see was his silhouette, which was a little creepy, but I’d

gotten used to “creepy” by now.

What he pulled out of his pocket was probably the coolest thing I had ever seen since I

came to camp. He handed first one to Angela, then one to me. Inside, I found mini jungle cats,

bears, elephants, giraffes, and zebras. I was stunned by the detail of the glass figurines, yet

confused at the same time. “Sir, why did you give us these figurines?” Before I could even get

an answer, Angela gasped in shock. “I know what these are!” she exclaimed. “These are mini-

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tyrants, the rarest type of weapons in the world!” I gazed at her in disbelief, but Mr. Wasabii

just nodded. “That is exactly what they are, my dear. These figurines will literally save your life.

All the animals have their own unique power and battle technique. All you have to do is sprinkle

a little bit of water on it and there you go, you have yourself a very skillful partner in combat.”

Mr. Wasabii’s face then hardened. “You should be on your way. You’ve got a long way to go.”

We stepped out into the morning daylight; my eyes squinted into the sun. All of the

campers wished us luck as we stumbled through the valley, ready to search for Kat. The last to

say farewell was Ryan.

“I hope you’ll come home soon. I know we’ll all miss ya’.” He paused for a moment,

searching for something to say. “When you do come back, teach me the moves you did to

dominate the witch, kay?” When we got to the edge of the fields, Angela stopped and turned

around to face the entrance to the society camp. “On the road again,” she sighed and we kept

moving forward, side by side.

Chapter 6

I panted like an animal as we trudged through the woods. “Angela,” I muttered through

clenched teeth as a spider web clung to my hair, “how do you know we’re going in the right

direction.” Well,” Angela replied, “I checked the wand GPS and it said to go east. When I

checked the wand compass, it said we we’re going east. We must be going the right direction.” I

wasn’t so sure when I saw the orange peel I had tossed a few hours ago in between the roots of

an oak. “Uh-oh,” a little peep came from Angela. “What do you mean uh-oh?” I inquired. “I just

saw your orange peel,” she replied nervously.

I tried to start a fire for the night with some rocks and sticks, but after three hours, I

came to the conclusion that enough was enough. Angela came back from food gathering and

seemed shocked at what I was trying to do.

“Monique, what are you doing?” she asked me.

I looked up in annoyance. “What do you think I’m doing? I’m trying to start a fire!” I

burst and my voice echoed through the leaves of the canopy.

“Monique, will you keep your voice down?” Angela beckoned me closer.

I scooted over and she whispered, “This is how you start a fire,” and with that she

picked up her wand and recited, “Pyraminimus!” All of sudden, the end of her wand lit up like a

candle and she touched it to the twigs. A little fire started and heat soon began to fill the air.

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“When will you start teaching me survival spells?” I asked her, feeling as hot as the fire

now. Angela just laughed, and soon I was giggling along with her. We pitched a tent, (without

using magic this time), and set up camp. We finally got into our sleeping bags and tried to go to

sleep. I was too restless though, and I could tell Angela was as well.

“Angela,” I whispered after the fifteenth time of her tossing around. “Yeah?” she

whispered. Good, she’s still awake, I thought to myself, and said, “Remember that second day

of school at lunch, when I told you about my nightmare?” Angela nodded. “Well,” I continued,

“they come back every night, each one even more horrible than the last.” With every word I

said, Angela’s eyes got wider and wider, until I thought they would burst from their sockets.

“That’s not good, Monique,” Angela replied shakily. “Kat is trying to get the best of you.

She is sending you nightmares so eventually you will go mad from the fright of it all. You must

not get put under her evil enchantment.” I looked at her as if she were crazy.

“Angela, how am I supposed to resist that? I can’t just not fall asleep.”

Angela thought silently for a moment. “I’ve got it.”

Before she had a chance to end her statement, the howling of a wolf rang through the

foliage. “Arrrrrrooooo!” The volume level was astoundingly loud.

Angela looked terrified. “Monique, run… now!!” I grabbed Angela and we started

sprinting through the woods, not looking behind us, scared of what we would find. Angela

slashed her wand towards the campsite and it all packed up by itself and started to follow us.

I didn’t have time to admire her nifty handiwork, for at that moment, a huge wolf

sprang in front of us, seemingly coming out of nowhere. He snarled and leaped in our direction.

I ran out of harm’s way just in the nick of time.

Angela wasn’t as lucky, though. She was being cornered by the beast. I was very scared

and didn’t know what to do. Improvising, I swiftly pulled out my wand and said a quick spell,

“Canis feline!” The muscular wolf suddenly turned into a little stormy gray cat, still with its evil

amber eyes glaring at me. It hissed and ran off, defeated. I thought we were off the hook from

the wolves, and was just about ready to check if Angela was okay when we heard the sound of

paws thundering atop the smooth green grass. The bushes rustled behind me, and I whipped

around just in time to catch the animal sprinting towards us. I took Angela by the hand and we

scurried through the woods with the pack pounding behind us. I could smell them; they all had

mangy fur that had dirt stuck between the crevices and it smelled like rotten eggs.

I took the lead as Angela and I sprinted across a dirt pathway, which lead to a park in a

little town.

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“Yes,” I thought to myself, “the creatures will never go into a civilization to chase us.

They would get caught by animal control and we would have survived.” Sure enough, the

wolves bowed their massive heads and tucked their fluffy tails underneath their bellies. I

snapped my head away for one second and when I turned back around they had disappeared.

“That’s weird,” I muttered as we sat down on a park bench. Angela turned to me.

“What’s weird?”

I nodded in the direction the wolves had been two minutes beforehand. “They were just

here,” I said, dumbstruck, “and now they’re gone.” Angela raised an eyebrow.

“You know, in our world, if something’s strange and out of the ordinary, it’s probably


That didn’t make me feel any better about the disappearing wolves. I looked around

anxiously, expecting a floating object to come rocketing towards my head. I heard a growl

coming from the opposite direction. I whipped around but saw nothing. I peered closer into the

grass. Soft indentions were being made, like little rain drops just slightly pounding against rock.

Pat, pat, pat. They came closer to the park bench with every step. I motioned to Angela the

footsteps. She pulled out her sword and I did the same. Together, we focused on finding the

indentions in the grass. I spotted the padding and pointed my sword towards the correct

direction. I swiped at the air, hoping I would catch just the slightest bit of fur. I came up with

nothing and kept swiping blindly into thin air.

Angela caught me and told me what to do. “Monique, you need to keep your eyes on

the prize. Keep looking for the paw prints and…” she was cut off as an invisible wolf rammed

into her and they started full-on combat. I watched carefully and found my target. I swiped and

I actually found him. We started wrestling, him biting and scratching with tooth and claw, while

I swung my sword franticly.

I took one final swing and my opponent ran off with his tail between his legs, a spurt of

blood dripping from his ear. I breathed slowly in and out. Angela had obviously scared off her

opponent as well, for she was sitting on the ground, huffing and puffing heavily. I started to run

to her, but all of a sudden, she was lifted off the ground and into the air. She screamed in

horror as she was dragged across the grass, going freakishly fast. I tried to run after her, but it

was no use. When I saw the direction she was being taken off to, my heart froze. She was being

dragged to the east. All of a sudden, everything went black.

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Chapter 7

When I woke up again, I found myself in a cave. I didn’t recognize it until I saw the torch


“Darn it!” I shouted. I scanned the perimeter of the cave. Where are you? I thought to

myself, searching for the villain that always took a joyride to my nightmares.

“I’m right here,” a creamy voice soothed behind me. I cautiously took a few steps and

spun around to find the beautiful woman.

“There is now no reason to fear, my child, for I am here,” she said sweetly. I was lured

towards her, as if under a deep, dark spell. She smiled crookedly.

That’s it, my lovely child. Come to me.” I willed my body to stop, but my feet had a

whole other idea in mind. I walked towards her until the toes of her sparkly emerald green

heels were a foot away from my sneakers.

She snapped her fingers once, twice. A magnificent greyhound came out of the


“Irina, please show our guest where she will be staying,” the witch cackled. The

greyhound, apparently Irina, dragged me towards a sizzling, boiling cauldron that seemed like

1,000 degrees. Angela was in there, waiting for me. I was about to reach out to her, but as soon

as I did, her whole body dissolved into the death potion.

“NOOOOOOOO!” I screamed, and woke up to find myself alone in the park on the soft


The sky was lit with many stars that twinkled in the moonlight. One star stood out from

the others, pointing towards the east. I decided to follow it; sure it would lead me to Angela. I

waved my wand at the camping set and it packed itself up in a bag. It then crept into my hand.

That’s what I loved about magic. I smiled despite the circumstances. After countless hours of

walking, I set up the camp again and finally went to sleep, scared of what may lie in my dreams.

I heard the barking of a dog and bolted awake. I ambled outside to see what all the

commotion was. When I saw the sweet little dog, my heart melted into mush. He had chocolaty

eyes and silky fur the color of pepper. His tail was just a stub, but he wagged what was left

joyfully. He ran towards me, and when he got closer, I realized that he was highly underfed. You

could see his entire ribcage, and his fur was matted and looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in

weeks. I scooped him into my arms and took him inside the tent.

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That little guy sure could eat. He ate and drank and absolutely loved his coat clean

again. After I had given the pup a little hospitality, his coat gleamed in the sun and his eyes

were as bright as stars. His ribs still showed, but after a few weeks, he would be as strong as an


After I had packed up the campsite, I carried him in my arms despite his struggles and

complaints and kept walking. While we were walking, I tried thinking up names for the dog. I

blurted out names like “Spot” and “Pepper,” but he always shook his head at my ideas.

“Hmmmm…..” I thought for a moment. Then the light bulb in my head sprang to life.

The Greek word for lucky was tyxeros, so I tried out this name. “How about Little Tex?” The

puppy licked my chin. I smiled. “Little Tex it is then,” and Little Tex nodded as if he approved of

his new name.

My legs shook like jelly as I finally collapsed after dark. Little Tex climbed on top of me

and ran off to start again. “Well, of course you’re not tired,” I told him wearily, “I’ve been

carrying you all day. He whined and whimpered. “Fine,” I told him, “we’ll keep walking. But,” I

warned, “You have to walk this time.”

I guess my theory about Little Tex was wrong. The pup could go for hours with non-stop

play. He ran the whole way until I finally ran out of steam. He urged me to go on, but I knew

when enough was enough, and that time was now. I huffed and puffed as we sat on top of a hill

in my sleeping bag. I hadn’t felt like setting up the tent, so I decided that we would sleep under

the stars that night. I snuggled against Little Tex’s soft body, and together we slept under the

light of the moon.

In my dream, I saw Angela. I almost jumped for joy at the sight of her. She wasn’t in a

boiling pot anymore. Instead, she and I were surrounded by misty white fog. I could barely see

her, but it was enough to hear her voice.

“Monique, come quick. I need your help. She’s got me locked up in a cell. I need your

help,” she said softly. I tried reaching out to her, but I couldn’t. My hand swiped through her


“I can’t reach you,” I cried out to her, hoping for some wise advice from my smart


All Angela said was, “I need your help.” I felt so helpless that I couldn’t help her. My

vision got blurry with tears as I started to sob for my best friend to come back. I tried to reach

out to her again, but when I touched where her face would have been, her whole image

vanished into mid-air. I woke up with a start and found Little Tex’s tiny figure curled up against

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me as the sun crept above the trees, climbing slowly to the top of the sky. I shook my furry

friend awake and fed him and myself some breakfast. I took Little Tex’s head into my hands and

turned it to face me.

“Tex, we’ve got a mission to complete. Begin Operation Save-Angela.” He shook his mop

of a head and barked loyally. “I knew you’d be in,” I smiled, and we ran down the hill in unison.

Chapter 8

As Little Tex and I followed the gleaming star, I felt a twinge of worry for Angela. What if

Kat had her locked up somewhere, or maybe boiling her in some evil stew? I tried to get all

those nasty images out of my head as I scrambled down the hill, trying to keep my footing, but

not succeeding. My foot slipped and I tumbled, Tex running after me. I laughed as I picked him

up; Little Tex always took my mind off of things, bad and good.

By twilight, we had reached a narrow cave that had an eerie gloom to it. I scooped up

my pup and cautiously wandered into the tight space. Little Tex sniffed the unfamiliar air and

growled warningly. I shushed him and peered around a sharp corner. Around that corner was a

much bigger space, filled with shelves, pots, and lots of other things I didn’t recognize. In the

center of all the weird objects stood a steaming and bubbling jet black cauldron the size of

refrigerator. Behind the giant cauldron stood a very tall, very thin, woman. She wore emerald,

(yes, the jewel), heels, had a beautiful forest green dress, bright blonde hair, fair skin, and blue

eyes to match. She looked highly familiar, but I thought I would recognize such distinct features.

She hummed a little tune to herself as she dumped, pinched, and tweaked spices into the

steamy cauldron.

“Ah, just the way I like it; nice and hot,” she giggled to nobody in particular. “Would you

like to try some, my guest?”

“No.” An answer replied. I tore my gaze away from the pot and the woman and looked

just slightly to the right. There, standing in the eerie darkness, was Angela, looking as glum as

ever; her eyes were the only that sparkled. She was imprisoned by gold metal bars that looked

electrifying, literally. The bars sparked with electricity; one touch could kill a person. My grip

tightened on Little Tex and I guess he sensed my anxiety, for he sprang out of my hold and

bolted forward, barking insanely. I tried to stop him, but it was too late. The woman in green

had turned her head in my direction and her razor sharp hawk eyes detected me under its

radar. I was trapped.

I scooped up Little Tex and held him protectively. He tried to wriggle free, but I kept a

firm grip on him.

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“Well, what do we have here? Could it be Monique and company?” the lady in green

asked sweetly. “Angela, dear, are these friends of yours?”

Angela didn’t reply. I could tell that this really steamed up the woman.

“Angela, I said, are these your friends?” she growled, apparently annoyed by Angela’s

ignorance. Angela slowly nodded. The lady smiled. “Well, then I will go get them some snacks.

What would you like?” she asked me. Little Tex growled and snapped as the woman tried to pet

him with her long bony fingers with green nail polish.

“I would like for my friend Angela to be let out of that electric cage,” I flashed a forced

smile at her. Her smile quickly disappeared when she heard my request. She giggled.

“I’m sorry, but that’s not possible. I can however do this.” She picked me up and carried

me like a football. Little Tex tried to come to my rescue, but the lady just shook him off like a

bug. He went flying into the air with a yelp of surprise and landed with a thump in the hall,

where he was dragged off by a greyhound. My eyes almost popped out of my head when I read

the tag on the dog’s green collar. Irina.

“You’re Kat the evil witch!” I concluded as she threw into the same chamber where

Angela was being held. She looked at me somberly.

“How will we ever get out of here?” she questioned me. I had never seen her look so

defeated. Determination surged through my body.

“We will not give up,” I told her. “There’s gotta’ be a way out of here,” I muttered,

searching for an opening.

“Already tried. There’s no use in looking,” Angela murmured. An idea suddenly flashed

into my mind. I pulled out my wand. Angela’s eyes brightened at the sight of it. “Kat confiscated

mine. Who knew she’d be so narrow-minded as to miss something as major as yours?” She

almost laughed, which told me that she’d been in here for way too long.

“Kratos Maximus!” I shouted, and pointed my wand at the lock on the gate. The lock

exploded into little bits.

“Let’s get out of here!” Angela cried, and tried to take my hand.

I yanked it away and retorted, “Not without Little Tex.”

Angela spun around and shook her head. “Wait, who?”

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“He’s the puppy that was with me earlier. I have to find him before Kat does something

terrible to him!” I ran off in the other direction, Angela close behind me. We skidded across the

cobblestone floor as we stumbled upon a room to the left. I peered inside and found Little Tex,

whimpering as he was being tortured by Irina and Kat’s wolf pack. He shrank back as one wolf

bared his teeth and literally jumped at Irina’s bark. Angela pulled out her sword, apparently

ready for combat.

“Angela, what are you doing?” I hissed at her.

“The only way to bring down Kat is to get rid of her companions. Once she’s alone, no

one at her side, we’ll be even.” Angela made an excellent point, but I still didn’t want to kill the

poor creatures. An idea popped into my brain.

“I think I might have a better idea. But we have to execute it fast; otherwise poor Tex

won’t stand a chance.”

I quickly told her my expert plan and then we got ready for Operation-get-out-of-here.

Chapter 9

Kat sat at in her luxurious armchair, unaware and not caring about what was happening

on the outside of the room. She had a pretty good picture about what was going on anyways.

The two annoying and obnoxious children were either sitting in the electric cell or had already

died from electrocution. As for the dog, he was probably suffering from pain caused by her

great dogs. Or, at least, that was the plan. She hoped that that plan was executing perfectly,

and was sure it was, but she was just too lazy to look. She heard a loud explosion that made her

jump, but then settled back down. That was probably one of the children who got too close to

the bars of my excellent trap, she decided, and relaxed back into her cozy velvet chair. She

heard the shrill shriek of her stone door against the cave floor. Kat lazily and slowly got up out

of her armchair and went to investigate the annoying noise. As she found the sound, her wand

at hand, she breathed a sigh of relief. A teen was standing at the cave door, holding a red and

white pizza box.

“Special delivery, Ma’am. Someone has given it to you as a gift,” the girl stated as Kat let

her in. This girl seemed familiar to Kat, but she couldn’t quite put her thumb on it. She looked at

the young girl suspiciously.

“Aren’t you too young to be a pizza girl?” Kat asked her. The girl shook her head.

“No, Ma’am,” she replied, her eyes darting back and forth as she started to sweat. Kat

saw something catch the girl’s eyes, and narrowed her own.

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“Scram, little girl!” and swiped the pizza out of her hands. The girl ran in fear, but she

seemed triumphant as she left. Kat rolled her eyes.

“Kids,” she muttered under her breath through gritted teeth. She sat down to eat her

seemingly delicious pizza. After one, two, three bites, Kat started to feel slightly drowsy. She

yawned sleepily and with that, fell to the cold, hard, stone gray floor with a thud. The last thing

she heard was a little clap, just loud enough for her to hear as she fell into a deep, dark sleep.

Chapter 10

Angela and I high-fived as we watched Kat, the once mighty witch, fall to the ground as

she ate our prank pizza with sleepy powder as a topping. I giggled at the sight of her. Angela

motioned the signal that it was time for part B of our excellent plan, and I to stifle a laugh at

her. She still had her pizza girl outfit on, and her hat was completely lopsided. She glared at me

and we rounded the corner of the cave. The next thing on our to-do list was to trap all of her

furry friends so we could get to Little Tex and take down Kat when she awoke from her “nap.”

We crept along the side of Kat’s home until we reached the secret back entrance. I could

still hear the barking coming from Irina and Kat’s evil wolves. And, to my dismay, I could still

hear whimpering coming from poor Little Tex. We silently crawled into the entrance, a little

hole in the wall. It was a tight fit, but Angela and I both made it through. Little Tex was being

thrown about by all the nasty dogs like a chew toy, and I knew that if we didn’t act quickly, he

would become a chew toy. We diligently set out our trap, working hard until it was perfect.

After it was perfected, I tied a piece of T-bone to a thin rope and swung it above all the animals’

massive heads. That definitely caught their attention. An amazing flying T-bone; sure to catch a

dog’s eye. Their beady eyeballs followed the treat’s every move, leaping to try and get a bite

before the others. The meat slid across the stone floor, and the dogs scampered after it, right

where the cage would drop down, right where Angela was expertly hiding above to capture the

creatures. The cage fell upon the pack, and they fought to break free; the cage was too strong,

though, for its bars were made of solid gold. I pumped my fists into the air triumphantly, and

rushed to get Little Tex. He whined as I tenderly picked him up, but despite his noise, his tail

wagged joyously.

Angela came down from the ceiling to join us, and as soon as her light feet touched solid

ground, I heard footsteps coming from the hallway. Clomp, Clomp, Clomp. The footsteps got

louder and louder as they got closer with each passing second. We scurried for the exit, but the

door swung ajar before we could make our grand escape. Standing in the door frame was the

silhouette of a tall girl with flowing shoulder length hair. She had a pink and blue rhinestone cell

phone at hand. She came out of the darkness to reveal herself; it was no one other then A.J.

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from the first days of school. She had a slight grin on her face, as if she were trying to be kind,

but her eyes displayed another story.

A.J. smiled sweetly. “Monique. Angela. What a wonderful surprise!” she crooned. “What

are you doing here at such a late hour?” she continued. “You know, I haven’t seen you guys in

math lately. Where ya’ been?”

I stared at her in disbelief. “A.J., what are you doing here? Are you working with Kat?” I

looked at Angela in shock. “How is all this possible? She is a mortal!”

Angela just shook her head. “I told you she was a terrible enemy to have.” I stared at her

coldly. Angela slouched her body in defeat. “Hey, I thought she was Irina.”

A.J. glowered at her. Her eyes turned as dark as midnight, and her grin turned into an

evil smirk. “I might be a mortal, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be part of the Wicked Witch

Society. I started to work for Kat as soon as I found out that you were wanted by her, and Kat

works extremely fast. I told her your location, and kept her posted. I was the one who sent the

big oaf, and I was the traitor to you. Now, I will get rid of you, which is exactly what Kat wants.”

She laughed hysterically. She pulled out her cell phone and pressed the number three. All of a

sudden, A.J.’s phone turned into a huge sword, with a rhinestone handle for her to grip. She


“Just watch in horror at what a mortal can do.” She raised the phone-sword and tilted

towards both of us.

Angela reacted immediately, pulling out her own sword and tilting it towards A.J.’s neck.

I was hesitant, though. I didn’t want to exactly hurt A.J., but something in the back of my head

told me otherwise. It’s her, or you. Only one will win. I liked the idea of me winning, so I pulled

out my own sword with a whoosh. In five seconds, we were in a full-on battle. The clanging of

metal was constant. Clang, clang, clang. A.J.’s sword hit mine and we versed each other, me

dodging her every move. I swung at her. She swung at me. I could tell that A.J. was getting mad

that she couldn’t get me, and I could see her efforts rising; she was getting unfocused, and I

slashed at her.

I hit the perfect spot. The blow threw her sideways in Angela’s direction, where she was

trying to help Little Tex with his bumps and bruises from his close encounter with Irina and the

pack, who were still giving much effort to escape their trap. I was about to warn her, but the

words came out of my mouth just a moment too late. A.J. spun around and slashed Angela in

the arm. She fell to the ground, and A.J. was about to make the fatal blow when an idea formed

in my head. I swiftly got a little pouch out of my bag. The one Mr. Wasabii gave me before we

had left. I picked one little figurine; the lion. I then pulled out a water bottle and squirted a tiny

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drop onto the animal figurine. It sprang to life with a roar and leaped towards A.J. She

screamed as the beast leaped onto her back. She didn’t even have time to blink before the lion

flung her sideways onto the floor. She hit the ground with a thud and sat there, motionless. I

could tell that she was unconscious, but I didn’t want her to be dead. I put my wand against her

chest. “Hydro minimum,” I murmured, and A.J. turned into a sparkling water droplet, and was

about to fall to the ground and explode, but in the nick of time, Angela caught it in a little test

tube. I looked at her questionably.

“Why didn’t you let her fall?”

Angela looked at the vase. “She just wasn’t worth it,” she said decidedly. I nodded in

agreement. The next step was to outsmart Kat once she woke up, which wouldn’t be for a

couple hours before she finally gained full consciousness, which left us plenty of time to come

up with a great and well thought out plan. I was about to walk out the door when I saw

something standing yet again in the door frame. It was a very tall figure, and I could see the

outline of a sparkly dress that glinted in the light. I screamed as Kat pointed her wand at me. I

looked at her, aghast.

“How did you wake up so fast?” I asked her.

Kat just smirked. “A friend woke me up,” and with those words, a huge, lumbering man

came into the room with a grunt.

“Uhhhh….” He grumbled. Kat pointed her long fingers at me. The giant ambled to me

slowly with his meaty hands and pudgy fingers stretched out towards me. Piece of cake, were

the only words that ran through my head, but they rapidly changed as Kat’s monster’s pace

picked up speed.

My scream couldn’t be heard because it was muffled by the giant’s bulk. I felt as if every

bone in my body was being snapped by the big body of the man, which it probably was. All of a

sudden, that weight was lifted off me, and when I looked up, I saw Angela lifting the man with

her wand, and the man was just levitating in midair, like he was too daft to realize what was

going on around him. I turned on to Kat. She stood there, gawking at what had just happened

to her number one bodyguard. She then glared at me with ferocious eyes.

“Fine,” she sniffed, “then I will just get rid of her myself. She pulled out her wand and

started to throw spells at me that I had never seen before. There was nothing that could do, so I

just started to dodge every one of them. I then gave her the only spell I thought would work.

“Pagoni!” I then looked on the floor where Kat had been, but in the place of the

beautiful woman, there was an astounding peacock. I stared in shock at her. “Kat?” I asked

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cautiously. The bird just stared at me with beady eyes and squawked angrily. I turned to Angela.

“What just happened?” I asked her.

Angela shrugged, but her eyes had pride in them. “You just defeated the worst witch of

all of history.” She squealed and ran to hug me.

When I could finally pull away, I asked, “Didn’t we both defeat her?” She shook her


“You did. You have just protected all of us magical people, and you have just made

history.” I nodded, feeling overwhelmed, and with that, Little Tex hopped into my arms, and

together, we were whisked away home.

Chapter 11

I bent my knees as we fell out of a dark storm cloud and landed with a thud. I realized

within moments that we had landed at the front of the W.B.A.W.P. Society camp gate. News

had really traveled fast. We were surrounded on all sides by the society members as soon as we

had stepped foot inside the camp. I searched for Mr. Wasabii’s familiar face, but couldn’t find it

through the streaming crowd. I finally pushed my way out, still clinging to Little Tex, leaving

Angela to except all the ‘congratulations’ and pats on the back. I trotted over to the

headmaster’s house and knocked on the old, blue, wooden door with the owl-shaped knocker.

It slowly opened, without a hand to guide it.

“Come in,” an old man’s voice rasped. I entered cautiously; I could tell the headmaster

was tired. I found him sitting in his ragged old chair, (at least, that’s what I think it was).He

smiled with pleasure at the sight of me.

“I’m so happy to see you, dear girl,” he said joyfully. He waved his hand at the chair

across from him and I sat down.

“So, what questions do you have for me?” he asked with a smile. I was astonished.

“How did you know that I had questions to ask you?”

He deflected that with a wave of his palm. I decided to get to my point.

“Why was I wanted by Kat? Did I do something that made her upset?” The headmaster

just shook his head.

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“How is your grandmother doing, Monique? Is she well?” This seemed totally off-topic,

but I shrugged my shoulders.

“Dunno. I haven’t seen her since I…,” I felt a twinge of guilt. I hadn’t even seen my

parents, and I knew they would be scared for me. As I thought about it, I imagined that there

were police cars at my house right now, searching…. for me. My head then turned to face Mr.


“Why do you want to know?”

He shrugged. “I just wanted to know.”

I considered his answer as he gazed thoughtfully into space. I decided to ask him what I

had really come here for. “Mr. Wasabii, why was I wanted by Kat in the first place?”

The headmaster looked at me. One, two, three seconds went by before he spoke again.

“Well,” he started with a minute sigh, “that is an excellent question, and I am afraid that

I don’t have an excellent answer. But I might just have an excellent theory.

“You see, Kat was an average magical being, just like you and I, but she was neglected

and unloved by her family. She came here to learn magic, just like you. She had great

ambition,” Mr. Wasabii’s eyes swam with memories; I could tell he remembered everything

about her, “her motive was to be the greatest witch of all time.

“Then one day, one person made her angry with a remark about her past. Kat was

furious. She hated everyone and everything, and when she was sixteen, left to start her own

life. Kat turned into an evil witch, and captured all magical creatures, including wizards and

witches to recruit for her own good. That was why. All wizards and witches were wanted by Kat,

and now, thanks to you, all involved with magic are safe.”

I was amazed how much he knew about Kat. Mr. Wasabii took a deep breath like he was

getting over death, and I was about to leave when he said softly,

“Why don’t you take a look outside; I have planned a surprise for you.”

I was a little confused, but stepped outside into the fresh air, and was overjoyed by who

came to greet me.

“Mom, Dad!” I cried and ran into their widespread arms. When I could finally pull away

from their tight grasp, I asked them,

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“How did you get here? How did you know where I was?” I flooded them with

questions. My mother answered me with great glee in her voice.

“We always knew that you were magical. We were too.” She pointed in Dad’s direction.

I was stunned, but that didn’t really matter at the moment. I was just so happy to have them

with me. After a great feast at the mess hall, my parents told me that they had a cabin of their

own and would move in here with my grandmother in two weeks. I was elated at the fact that I

could stay, and that my parents would be there with me.

As the sun was just falling below the ocean, Angela and I walked along the shore


“You know,” she said, “Kat wasn’t the only evil witch in the world; there are still others

out there.”

I looked at her with the you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me look.

“Let’s just leave that for another pair of best friends,” and we laughed and walked back

to our cabin so we could train tomorrow.

The End