managing online reputation presentation

Online Personality & Managing Online Reputation Karen Freberg, M.A. Doctoral Candidate: Public Relations School of Advertising and Public Relations College of Communication and Information The University of Tennessee [email protected]

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Online Personality & Managing Online Reputation

Karen  Freberg,  M.A.  Doctoral  Candidate:  Public  Relations  

School  of  Advertising  and  Public  Relations  College  of  Communication  and  Information  

The  University  of  Tennessee  [email protected]  

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Agenda    Online  Personality  

  Online  Portfolios  

 Managing  Online  Presence    

&  Reputation  

  Final  Thoughts  

  Questions  &  Comments  

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What is an online personality?  A personality combines of all the attributes--behavioral,

temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual.

 An online personality is exactly the same – but it is captured virtually online in various forms – such as blogs, videos, podcasts, pictures, updates, and conversations with others online.

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What  is  an  Online  Portfolio?   Electronic  Portfolios  (or  also  known  as  E-­‐Portfolios)  are  a  collection  of  materials  that  a  user  uploads  online   Materials  can  include  Word  documents,  pictures,  music,  audio  Giles,  videos,  etc.  

 The  purpose  of  online  portfolios  is  to  present  the  user’s  skills  (writing,  designing,  etc.),  highlight  their  personal  and  work  experience,  and  continually  update  their  information.  

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Why  are  Online  Portfolios  Important?  •  It  is  easy  to  update  and  change  information  about  yourself  

•  A  visual  and  interactive  resume  •  Helps  manage  your  online  presence  and  reputation  •  Allows  you  to  include  more  visual,  audio,  and  other  examples  of  your  work  •  Ex.  InDesign,  iMovie,  Photoshop,  Adobe  Flash,  etc.  •  Can  show  future  employers  your  range  in  abilities  and  skills  

•  Easy  to  access:    Online,  downloadable  documents,  links  •  Ex.  PDF  Giles,  web  site  links,  etc.  

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Steps  to  setting  up  Online  Portfolio  1.  Outline  Your  Objectives  

  What  are  my  professional  and  personal  goals  for  my  online  portfolio?    What  type  of  job  am  I  looking  for?      What  industry  do  I  want  to  work  in?      What  are  my  best  skills,  and  how  can  I  show  

this  online?    How  do  I  want  to  present  myself  to  future  

employers?  What  is  my  “personal  brand?”    How  am  I  going  to  distinguish  myself  from  other  

PR  undergraduates  who  are  searching  for  the  same  jobs?  

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Steps  to  setting  up  Online  Portfolio  cont.  2.  Research  other  Online  Portfolios  

  Identify  industry  and  potential  employers  (ex.  PR  Girms,  agencies,  graduate  schools,  etc.)  you  would  want  to  work  for  

  Identify  your  personal  and  professional  values    

  Conduct  background  research  (ex.  organizational  history,  key  players  at  Girm  or  agency,  past  campaigns,  professors  and  research  interests,  qualiGications,  etc.)    

  Find  out  what  type  of  candidate  they  are  looking  for  (skills,  knowledge,  experience,  abilities,  etc.)  

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Steps  to  setting  up  Online  Portfolio  cont.  3.  Select  Theme  /  Design  for  Online  Portfolio  

4.  Collect  Materials  for  Online  Portfolio    Papers,  presentations,  videos,  brochures,  web  sites,  

graphic  designs,  etc.    Write  a  sentence  or  two  that  the  importance  of  each  

piece  is,  what  skills  was  needed  to  complete  the  piece,  importance  and  contribution  to  academic  and  professional  experience,  and  why  this  particular  piece  represents  you  and  your  work  

  Make  your  online  portfolio  as  a  social  media  resume  

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Must-­‐haves  for  Online  Portfolios   Resume  (separate  page  and  PDF  Gile)   Objective,  Education,  Work  experience,  Job  Skills,  Activities,  Skills,  Honors,  etc.  

 Contact  information  (Email  Address)   Professional  Picture   Work  Experience  Section  with  examples  of  PR  work  

 Links    Professional  Organization  Associations  /  PR  Firms  

  Education  (Link  to  University  /  Major  /  Date  of  Graduation)  

  Social  Networking  web  sites    Facebook,  LinkedIn,  Twitter,  Ning  Communities  

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Examples  of  Online  Portfolios  /  Social  Media  Resumes  

  Rachel  Gossett    University  of  Tennessee  Alum  ’07  

  Jamie  Lonie    University  of  Tennessee  ‘10  

  PR  Prospects  (Auburn  University,  Fall  2009)    Katie  Hoch   Whitney  West   Marvin  Jones    Brooke  Bloom    Jenni  Breland    Other  Online  Portfolios  

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Managing Online Presence & Reputation

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Something  to  think  about…  

 “It  takes  many  good  deeds  to  build  a  good  reputation,  and  only  one  bad  one  to  lose  it”  

       -­-­  Benjamin  Franklin  

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Why  do  you  need  to  manage  your  presence  /  reputation  online?  

 More people are going online for news, information about companies and jobs, and networking.

  The internet is an important medium for PR professionals to not only know, but also understand how it works.

  Employers today search online when they are interviewing job candidates.

  You need to be aware of what is posted and shared on you online

  By managing your brand with a personal web site, online portfolio, social media resume, and blog, you will have a little more control over what is posted online.

  Your reputation is your most priceless possession, once it is lost, it is very hard to get it back!

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Online Reputation


Professional Content


Online Portfolio / Website

Consistent & Engaging Interactivity

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What  NOT  to  do  or  say  on  social  media!  

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Managing  Online  Presence  

  Having personal web site / blog / social networking site

  Be aware of latest technologies   Friendsfeed   Social Mention  Other tools to monitor Online Reputation

  Use Social Media Strategically   Facebook => Social   LinkedIn => Professional   Twitter => Networking & Updating Status

 Check what others are posting about you (“friends”)

  Search Google and Blog Sites (ex. Technorati)

  Look at Social Media Comments and Discussion Board Threads for your Name   Facebook, Google, Twitter, Technorati, Social Mention

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Managing  Online  Presence  cont.  

•  Don’t  get  into  arguments  online  with  people  (ex.  Facebook,  discussion  boards,  forums,  etc)  

•  Need  to  understand  social  media  &  how  to  these  tools  

•  Be  conscious  of  what  you  post  -­‐-­‐  How  would  this  look  to  my  future  employer?    How  is  this  going  to  impact  my  personal  brand  and  reputation?    Would  I  want  to  see  this  online  for  everyone  to  see?  

•  Check  out  what  is  posted  on  yourself  on  social  networking  sites  (ex.  MySpace  and  Facebook)  

•  Be  your  own  PR  person!  Have  your  own  media  outlet!  

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Online  Presence  Continuum  

Too transparent Too closed Balanced Online Presence

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Facebook Places   Best practices and things to think

about   Own your place – make sure that you

see who is checking in

  Watch to see if any of your friends are checking you in at places – whether you are there… or not.

  Understand the risks related to checking in and giving out location – privacy issues / geo-targeting issues

  Issues of broadcasting to everyone’s friends on Facebook on where you are at

  Control of checking in on Facebook Places is in the hands of not only you – but your “friends”

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Here is something to think about….   Imagine this scenario - What do you do if

you are working at home on a project for school / work / or other professional projects, but then you are “tagged” being somewhere else and your friends at a party.

  Plus, they would also comment on your behavior at this event, which would reflect on your reputation

  This information is broadcasted to not only their friends, but yours – including your co-workers, friends, family, and employers.

  How would YOU manage this situation proactively and your online reputation?

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Personal  Example  of  Managing    Online  Presence

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Hitslog:  Sitemeter  

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Final  Thoughts   “Be  more  concerned  with  your  character  than  your  reputation,  because  your  character  is  what  you  really  are,  while  your  reputation  is  merely  what  others  think  you  are.”  

         -­-­  John  Wooden  

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Managing  Online  Presence  Articles    Online  Reputation  Management  Press  Release  (PR  Newswire)  

 What  is  Social  Reputation?  (StepRep  Blog)  

  Ten  free  tools  for  monitoring  your  brand’s  reputation  online    

  How  to  build  your  brand  online  

  Ping  in  the  New  Year!:  Simplify  management  and  improve  awareness  of  your  online  presence  (PR  Tactics  &  The  Strategist  Online,  January  8,  2009)  

  How  personal  branding  can  increase  your  job  security  (PR  Tactics  &  The  Strategist  Online,  December  12,  2008)  

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Questions or Comments?

Thank you!

Karen Freberg, M.A. Website: Blog: Twitter: @kfreberg