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Khansa Arifa Nazua Putriyurida Syifa Rahmaliya

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Post on 19-Oct-2015




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  • Khansa ArifaNazua PutriyuridaSyifa Rahmaliya

  • Beragam keputusan yang diambil oleh Marketing Manager dan Advertising Agencies :Tujuan periklanan dan apa yang ingin dicapaiSiapa yang menjadi target audienceJenis periklanan apa yang akan digunakanMedia apa yang digunakan untuk menjangkau target customerApa yang ingin disampaikan (copy thrust)Siapa yang akan mengerjakan

    Pada dasarnya strategi promosi yang dilakukan disetiap negara adalah sama, tetapi harus tetap memerhatikan budaya yang ada karena batasan budaya dapat membatasi penyampaian pesan iklan.

  • Total pengeluaran cukup banyak dan tumbuh secara internasional (internationally)Sebagian besar pengiklan tidak mengeluarkan sebanyak ituPeriklanan tidak mempekerjakan banyak orang

  • Tujuan iklan harus spesifikContoh tujuan yang spesifik :Membantu memposisikan brand atau marketing mix dengan menginformasikan dan membujuk pelanggan target dan perantara mengenai benefitnyaMemperkenalkan produk baru pada target market yang spesifikMemperoleh saluran keluar (outlet) yang diinginkan dan menginfokannya kepada customer dimana mereka dapat membeli sebuah produkMemberikan hubungan yang terus menerus pada target customerMenyiapkan cara untuk salespeople dengan mempresentasikan nama perusahaan dan kegunaan produkMemperoleh buying action sesegera mungkinMemelihara hubungan dengan satisfied customer dan mendorong pembelian selanjutnyaMembangun hubungan yang lebih terpercaya dengan customer

  • Institutional AdvertisingTypes ofAdvertisingObjectives Determine the Kinds of Advertising

  • Product Advertising : 1. Pioneering Advertising : berusaha mengembangkan primary demand untuk suatu kategori produk dan bukan permintaan untuk merek tertentu2. Competitive Advertising : berusaha mengembangkan selective demand untuk merek tertentuDirect type : immediate buying action (mengarahkan pada tindakan segera)Indirect type : future buying decisions (menunjukkan keunggulan produk yang memengaruhi keputusan pembelian dimasa depan)Comparative Advertising : membuat perbandingan antar specific brand dengan nama produk yang sebenarnya3. Reminder Advertising : berusaha untuk memelihara nama produk dihadapan publik. Institutional Advertising :Promosi image, reputasi, atau ide dari suatu organisasi atau badan

  • Vertical cooperation Advertising allowances : potongan harga lebih lanjut bagi perusahaan dalam channel untuk mendorong mereka mempromosikan produk locally Cooperative advertising : produsen berbagi biaya iklan dengn wholesalers/retailersIntegrated communications from cooperative relationship

  • Tingkat efektivitas media bergantung pada : Tujuan promosiTarget market yang ingin dijangkauDana yang tersedia untuk periklananSifat dari media termasuk siapa yang mereka jangkau, dengan frekuensi seberapa sering, dampak apa dan berapa biaya

  • Comparing Advertising Media (Exhibit 16-6)Media2004 spend.(billions)2-year % growthAdvantagesDisadvantages

  • Comparing Advertising Media (Exhibit 16-6)Media2004 spend.(billions)2-year % growthAdvantagesDisadvantages

  • Media yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan tujuan promosiMenyesuaikan pasar dengan mediaPengiklan membayar untuk seluruh pemirsaBeberapa media membantu memfokuskan pada target market yang spesifikMedia terspesialisasi itu kecil, tetapi menguntungkanCall dari iklanAnggaran dan yang harus dibeli memengaruhi media blend

  • Pay for PerformanceSearch Ads Match Consumer KeywordsSome Sites Offer Better TargetingBehavioral TargetingDirect ResponseDesiredTaking Hold with AdvertisersKeyIssuesAdvertising on the Internet

  • Screen time berpindah menjadi internetSebagian besar iklan internet mencari respons langsung (direct response)Website menargetkan pelanggan yang spesifik Search advertising mengetahui keinginan pelangganSejumlah pengiklan hanya membayar jika iklan menghasilkanClick fraud mengakibatkan isu etisWebsite harus mempertahankan interest dan menciptakan desire

  • Obtain ActionArouse DesireHold InterestGet AttentionGet AttentionCan Global Messages Work?AIDA Attention, Interest, Desire and Action

  • Menentukan copy thrustAIDA membimbing perencanaan pesan- Mendapatkan perhatian (attention)- Mempertahankan ketertarikan (interest)- Menumbuhkan keinginan (desire)- Menghasilkan tindakan (action)Dapatkah pesan global berhasil ?

  • Advertising Agencies : spesialis dalam perencanaan dan penanganan detail mass selling untuk pengiklanAgen terbesar menangani sebagian besar periklananApakah mereka dibayar terlalu mahal ?Beberapa perusahaan membayar agen berdasarkan hasil Konflik etis dapat timbul

  • Consider the Total MixResearch and Testing May Improve OddsMeasuring Advertising Effectiveness is Not Easy

  • Keberhasilan bergantung pada seluruh marketing mixRiset dan pengujian meningkatkan kemungkinan keberhasilanTinjauan ke belakang (hindsight) akan membawa pada tinjauan depan (foresight)

  • Standards Are ChangingFTC Controls Unfair PracticesGovernment May Say Whats FairHow to Avoid Unfair Advertising

  • Agen pemerintah dapat menentukan ukuran keadilan (fair)Corrective advertising : iklan untuk mengoreksi iklan yang bersifat deceptiveLembaga sensor penayangan TV di IndonesiaApa yang dianggap tidak jujur atau bersifat menipu (deceptive) mengalami perubahanSupporting claims in fuzzy area

  • Promosi apa yang dipercayai oleh konsumer

  • Pass-along timbul ketika seseorang mengajak orang lain untuk membaca artikel / menonton iklan suatu produk

    Experience pengalaman secara nyata dengan suatu produk lebih menarik perhatianSearch

  • Pass-along berasal dari sumber terpercayaPass-along dapat menyebar dengan cepat (viral)Membuat viral messages tidak mudahPelanggan ingin menggunakan jasa yg bermanfaat (useful service)Coverage di persPemasar ingin ditemukan ketika pelanggan mencari

  • Pelanggan ingin konten yang bermanfaatBusiness customers ingin solusi

    Pelanggan menghubungkan perusahaan dengan pelanggan lainFacebook fans menunjukkan dukungan merekaRating dan review membiarkan pelanggan melakukan penjualanKomunitas online menghubungkan pelanggan dengan common interest

    Business customers mendapat masyarakat (social)One-wayInteraction Final ConsumerInteraction Business Customer

  • Publisitas muncul dari pencapaian rencana strategi pemasaran yang efektif

  • Prinsip periklanan lain juga bekerja untuk publisitas

  • Etika harus membimbing keputusan publisitas

    Publicity tools dapat berkembang dengan cepat

  • Sales Promotion adalah aktivitas-aktivitas promosi selain periklanan, publisitas dan penjualan personal yang menimbulkan minat, pencobaan atau pembelian oleh pelanggan akhir atau yang lainnya dalam saluran.

  • Sales promotion sebagai pelengkap metode promosi lainnyaAktivitas sales promotion tertentu biasanya hanya bertahan untuk periode waktu yang terbatasSales promotion dapat cepat diimplementasikan dan juga hasil penjualan dapat diketahui lebih cepat

  • Sales promotion objectives and situation should influence decisionMaturity Market

  • Key ProblemsProblems in Managing Sales Promotion

  • Sales promotion untuk pelanggan akhir(poin, kupon, sampel) Sales promotion untuk perantara (diskon, potongan) Sales promotion untuk pegawai perusahaan (bonus, award, training motivasi)


    Multimedia Lecture Support Package to Accompany Basic MarketingLecture Script 16-*Summary OverviewAdvertising objectives largely determine which of two basic types of advertising to use -- product or institutional.Key IssuesInstitutional advertising: tries to promote the organizations image, reputation, or ideas. It supports the overall objective of developing goodwill or improving an organizations relations with various important groups.Product advertising tries to sell a product and can be targeted to channel members or final consumers. Product ads are designed to get consumers to know, like and remember an organizations products or services.Key types of product advertising include: pioneering, competitive, and reminder advertising. Each of these will be discussed in turn.Pioneering advertising: tries to develop primary demand for a product category rather than demand for a specific product. It is appropriate for the early stages in a products life cycle when consumers still need to understand what the product category is all about.Discussion Question: When cellular phones were first introduced to the general public, many people had trouble understanding why they would need to have a portable or mobile phone. Are there other products currently in the market that are so new that consumers require pioneering ads to understand why they need the products?

    This slide relates to material on pp. 429-430. : Indicates place where slide builds to include the corresponding point.

    :::Multimedia Lecture Support Package to Accompany Basic MarketingLecture Script 16-*Summary OverviewThis exhibit compares the characteristics of several types of media. Note how their advantages and disadvantages vary.Key IssuesTelevision provides a way to demonstrate products and is a good medium for getting attention. Television also offers wide reach. Disadvantages include expense, competition among lots of ads--clutter--and less-selective audiencesDirect mail is very flexible, can be personalized, and is very selective. Disadvantages include expense per contact, junk mail image, and difficulty retaining attention. Newspapers offer flexibility, timely placement, and good local market coverage. Some disadvantages are expense (for some markets), short life, and no pass along readership. Radio offers wide reach, low cost, and it appeals to highly segmented audiences. Disadvantages include weak attention, short exposure, and varying rates.

    :::This slide relates to material on p. 433.: Indicates place where slide builds to include the corresponding point.

    Multimedia Lecture Support Package to Accompany Basic MarketingLecture Script 16-*Summary OverviewThis exhibit compares the characteristics of several types of media. Note how their advantages and disadvantages vary.Key IssuesYellow Pages reach local customers who are seeking purchase information. However, competitors are also listed there and differentiation is difficult. Magazines are very targeted, provide good detail and excellent graphics, have high pass-along rates, and long shelf life. Disadvantages include inflexibility and long lead times. Internet. Internet ads link to more detailed website information, some with pay for results offers to the advertiser, but its difficult to compare total costs with other types of media.Outdoor advertising is flexible, inexpensive, and offers repeat exposures. However, exposure is very short and there is a lack of market segmentation.

    This slide relates to material on pp. 433.: Indicates place where slide builds to include the corresponding point.

    :::Multimedia Lecture Support Package to Accompany Basic MarketingLecture Script 16-*Summary OverviewInternet advertising is taking hold as mainstream advertisers look for more efficient ways to reach target customers. Key IssuesInternet ads seek a direct response. Internet ads take many forms, such as buttons, banner ads, animations, and pop-ups. By clicking on choices, the viewer directs the search for more information.Some consumers dont want to respond, and many view Internet ads as annoying. And use software to eliminate them. Web surfers select sites that match their interests and specific needs, so some websites are better for reaching specific target customers than are others.Broader target markets can be reached on Web general interest portals like Yahoo or MSN.Search ads know what customers are looking for. Firms can pay search engines to display an ad that matches the content the customer is searching. Behavioral targeting delivers ads to consumers based on previous websites the consumer has visited or the content of a page being viewed. Many web sites now display an ad for free, and at some websites, ads are free if they dont get results. So, the Internet can be a cost-effective medium.Pay-per-click advertising is common on sites such as Google. Advertisers only pay when a customer clicks on the ad and links to the advertisers website. Websites need to maintain interest and create desire. Once customers get to a companys website, the site can provide much more interactivity than traditional advertising. Discussion Question: As it is now, what do you like and dislike about Internet ads?This slide relates to material on pp. 436-438.: Indicates place where slide builds to include the corresponding point.

    :::::::Multimedia Lecture Support Package to Accompany Basic MarketingLecture Script 16-*Summary OverviewGetting attention is important, but it is only the first stage of the AIDA model. The other three aspects of this model play important roles in message planning.Key IssuesHolding interest is more difficult than getting attention. Holding interest typically involves linking the ad message to something important to the customer -- a reference group, core values of the target market, or a persons self-interest.Arousing desire, or moving the customer to really want the product, is one of an ads most difficult jobs. This requires knowing how the customer thinks and makes decisions. Sometimes it is helpful to focus on one unique selling proposition -- something distinctive about the product that sets it apart from other offers. Ads are designed to obtain action on the part of consumers in some form. Some ads encourage consumers to do something that is less risky or demanding than actually making a purchase. Discussion Question: What features might an ad contain that cause consumers to take some actioneven if that action is not immediate purchase?Can global messages work? Possibly, in cases where there are major similarities among consumers for the product all over the world. Usually, more targeted ad messages work better than a mass marketing approach.This slide relates to material on pp. 439-441.: Indicates place where slide builds to include the corresponding point.

    :::::Multimedia Lecture Support Package to Accompany Basic MarketingLecture Script 16-*Summary OverviewMeasuring advertising effectiveness is often difficult. It is important to remember that the different types of advertising do not always work toward the same goal. Also, advertising effectiveness needs to be considered in relation to its specific objective. For example, an ad campaign that is designed to increase awareness should not be judged a failure because it does not increase desire for the product. A key element to effective measurement is to quantify and specify the objective of the ad.Key IssuesSuccess depends on the total marketing mix, not just advertising. The effectiveness of advertising is hard to separate from the effects of the other elements of the mix. For example, a great advertisement cannot be faulted for failing to sell a poor product.Research and testing can improve the odds. Marketing managers should try variations on their overall advertising message to see which combination of message variables is the most effective.Discussion Question: How might a focus group discussion help in pretesting an ad?Hindsight may lead to foresight. What consumers tell marketers about ads, and what they rememberboth good and bad--should be used as input into the refinement of subsequent advertisements.

    This slide relates to material on pp. 443-444.: Indicates place where slide builds to include the corresponding point.

    :::Multimedia Lecture Support Package to Accompany Basic MarketingLecture Script 16-*Summary OverviewIn most countries, government agencies may say what is fair, allowable, or appropriate advertising. However, these regulations vary greatly from country to country.Key IssuesIn the U. S., the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) controls unfair practices. Both advertisers and ad agencies share equal responsibility for false, misleading, or unfair ads. Companies that violate FTC regulations may be required to promulgate affirmative disclosures, such as the health warnings on cigarettes. Corrective advertising: ads that correct deceptive advertising. Listerines manufacturer had to run corrective ads to counter its earlier claims that gargling with Listerine would prevent a cold. The notion of what is unfair or deceptive is changing. Old-fashioned pufferymaking exaggerated claims about products as being the best or the finestused to be accepted practice but is now under increased scrutiny.Supporting ad claims is a fuzzy area, subject to much interpretation. Pretesting of ads among consumers may uncover possible problems with dubious claims. Discussion Question: In light of the FTCs watchdog role, why is there still a lot of deceptive advertising that reaches consumers?

    This slide relates to material on pp. 444-445.: Indicates place where slide builds to include the corresponding point.

    ::::Multimedia Lecture Support Package to Accompany Basic MarketingLecture Script 16-*This slide relates to material on pp. 445-447.

    Summary OverviewSales promotion includes those activities other than advertising, publicity, and personal selling that are designed to stimulate interest, trial, or purchase by final customers or others in the channel. Sales promotion typically seeks an immediate response.Key IssuesSales promotions can be launched quickly and lead to immediate results. However, the sales promotion objectives and the particular situation should influence the decision about which type of promotion to use. This exhibit shows three ways that a short-term sales promotion might affect sales. First sales pattern: a firm issues coupons to help clear excess inventory. Some consumers might buy in advance stockpile to take advantage of the coupon, but unless they use more of the product, their next purchase will be delayed.Second pattern: consumption increases during a limited-time promotion, but when the promotion ends, sales go back to normal.Third pattern: free samples of a product pull in new customers who like the product and keep coming back. This pattern is the kind of long-term result that is the aim of effective sales promotion.More companies are using a greater percentage of their promotion dollars on sales promotion. Sales promotion spending has grown in mature markets, where tough competition requires extra incentives to sell. Discussion Question: Think about a freestanding coupon insert in a newspaper, or a direct-mail packet containing coupons. In what stage of the product life cycle (introduction, growth, maturity, or decline) are most of these products?

    ::Multimedia Lecture Support Package to Accompany Basic MarketingLecture Script 16-*Summary OverviewIn spite of the positive impact that sales promotions may have, there are potential problems in managing sales promotion.Key IssuesDoes sales promotion erode brand loyalty? In mature markets, customers and middlemen may cherry pick between competing brands to catch the best sales promotion discount at a particular time. Brands in this competitive situation may have little other choice.There are alternatives. Proctor and Gamble has decreased its reliance on sales promotions to middlemen and moved toward an everyday low price. Sales promotion is hard to manage. It may be hard to transfer lessons learned from promotion to the next. Sales promotion activities can stimulate demand among non-targets.Sales promotion is not a sideline for amateurs. Sales promotion specialists have developed to handle the various tasks, but their efforts need to be coordinated with the overall promotion strategy.Discussion Question: McDonalds Monopoly game and other sales promotions have gone wrong in recent years. Who bears the responsibility for making sure that sales promotions are conducted legally and fairlythe sales promotion specialist, or the company sponsoring the promotion?This slide relates to material on pp. 448-449.: Indicates place where slide builds to include the corresponding point.
