manatee_vaca do rio

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  • 8/12/2019 MANATEE_vaca Do Rio




    Phylum(espcie) CHORDATA




    Scientific Name:Trichechus inunguis

    Species Authority:(Natterer, 1883)

    Common Name/s:

    French- LamantinD'Amrique Du Sud, Lamantin De L'Amazone

    English - Amazonian Manatee, South American Manatee

    Spanish - Lamantino Amaznico, Manat Amaznico,Vaca Marina

    Trichechus inunguis is here listed as Vulnerable based on a suspected population decline

    of at least 30% within the next three generations(assuming a generation length of 20 years,

    based on what is known for T. manatus) due primarily to ongoing levels of hunting, sometimes

    involving new and sophisticated techniques, coupled with increasing incidental calf mortality,

    climate change and habitat loss and degradation.

    Geographic Range

    Range Description:

    Amazonian manatees occur through most the Amazon River drainage, from the headwaters, in

    Colombia, Ecuador and Peru (Timm et al. 1986) to the mouth of the Amazon (close to the

    Maraj Island) in Brazil (Domning 1981) over an estimated seven million square kilometers.

    However, they are patchily distributed, concentrating in areas of nutrient-rich flooded forest,

    which covers around 300,000 km (Junk 1997).


    Native: Brazil; Colombia; Ecuador; Peru

  • 8/12/2019 MANATEE_vaca Do Rio


    Habitat and Ecology

    Amazonian manatees inhabit environments in lowland tropical areas below 300 m asl, where

    there is large production of aquatic and semi-aquatic plants; they also favor calm, shallow

    waters, away from human settlements

    Only one calf is produced at a time. Although no specific studies are available for the species inthe wild, it is believed that the reproductive cycle is similar to the West Indian Manatees, with a

    long gestation and lactation period (up to 24 months), and a birthing interval of 2 to 3 months;

    age at sexual maturity is unknown.

    Systems: Freshwater; Marine

    Threats: The major threats to the species include hunting for food, incidental capture in gill

    nets, and habitat degradation.

    Conservation Actions

    Listed on Appendix I of CITES. Presently there are no national management plans specific for

    the species, except in Colombia. Management plans exist for two protected areas (Pacaya

    Samiria in Peru and Mamiraua Reserve in Brazil), and two communities in Colombia (Puerto

    Narino and Mocagua) have informal local management agreements (Ministerio de Ambiente,

    Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial and Fundacin Omacha 2005). Amazonian Manatees have

    been recorded from two protected areas in Ecuador, two in Colombia, four in Peru and 23 in

    Brazil. Unfortunately, hunting continues even within protected areas.


    UCN. 1990. IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

    IUCN. 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Available at: .(Accessed: 5 October
