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KUMPULAN HADIS-HADIS RASUL ( Muhammad salallahu alaihi wasallam )Mansoura Universitywas founded in 1972 inMansouracity,Egypt. Now, it also hasa branchinDamietta. It is one of the1: Seorang lelaki yang berketurunan petani dari delta sungai Nil, membesar dalam persekitaran agama, dan ilmu akademik duniawi, membawa lelaki ini ke tahap pencapaian akademik dan kebendaan yang cukup tinggi. Ber dekadmenjadi pensyarah kejuruteraan kimia di Universiti dalam dan luar negara, Menjadi staff muslim di NASA, malah menerima gelaran Profesor, itu semua tidak membawa lelaki ini jauh dari ALLAH. beliau, Mohamed Mursi merupakan seorang haffiz al Quran, malah isteri dan 5 orang anaknya juga turut dididik menjadi hafiz al Quran.

2: Jun 2012, Mursi dilantik menjadi presiden Mesir. Beliau yang memilih Ikhwanul Muslimin sebagai landasan juang hidupnya, tidak pernah mencalonkan dirinya, sebaliknya dipilih oleh syura. Presiden Mursi yang meringkuk didalam Penjara sewaktu era Hosni, kini diangkat menjadi presiden sebuah negara Mesir yang disebut berkali-kali didalam Al Quran.

3: Presiden Mesir menyahut perlantikan ini dengan ucapan syukur dan mengimami solat hajat dan sunat syukur. Lantas berpidato umpama Khalifah Abu Bakar dan Umar. Tidak menunggu lama, beliau telah berusaha sehabis daya untuk memulihkan hubungan umara dan para ulama mesir yang telah lama terpisah sejak era 32 tahun Hosni. Lelaki berani ini, menolak surat ucapan tahniah dari Israel atas kemenangannya. Beliau membuktikan, beliau bukan mudah diperalat dan diboneka kan seperti patung-patung negara arab yang lain. Morsi telah membuka semula pintu sepadan Rafah antara Mesir dan Gaza, bagi memudahkan urusan penghantaran bantuan. Ini merupakan jasa terbesar beliau dan kemerdekaan terbesar rakyat Gaza dan kesenangan hakiki kepada para sukarelawan Gaza.

4: Morsi tidak cukup dengan itu, mengaum deras di persidangan NAM di Tehran dengan memulakan aluan ucapannya dengan memuji-muji saidina Abu Bakar dan Umar, sedangkan beliau sedang berada di negara Syiah yang sering mencerca para sahabat nabi ini. Didalam ucapannya itu, Presiden Morsi telah mengutuk sekeras kerasnya tindakan rejim Basyar keatas rakyat Syria hingga memaksa delegasi syria yang turut berada di dewan itu melangkah keluar dewan dengan rasa tidak puas hati.

5: Didalam negara pula, presiden Mursi berkeras untuk tetap tinggal di rumah lamannya berbanding tinggal di istana mewah presiden. Beliau memutuskan agar pegawai-pegawai tentera yang berpanas untuk mengawalnya, agar tidak perlu berkawal dan boleh mencari tempat berteduh. Ucapannya yang paling popular, tidak mengapa, ALLAH ada untuk menjaga saya.. setelah sekian lama Mesir berada dalam cengkaman kerajaan yang pro israel, alhamdulillah kini mesir merdeka dan bakal mendirikan kerajaan khilafah yang pemimpinnya seorang protaz (profesional dan ustaz).

6: Namun! 3 julai 2013 merubah segala-galanya. Golongan kecil manusia bodoh di Mesir berusaha keras untuk menjatuhkannya. Tidak cukup dengan itu, pegawai tertinggi tentera juga berpaling tadah. Ini membuatkan kumpulan kecil ini menjadi garang dan besar hingga menyaksikan penggulingan kerajaan Mursi dilakukan dengan cara yang sangat biadap!

7: Dunia islam yang terkenal dengan bacul dan pengecut tahap langit ke tujuh, seperti biasa, mendiamkan diri. Rumah presiden ini dikepung puak khianat ini. Ancaman bertalu talu menghala kearahnya. Dan, profesor dr.Mohamed Mursi Al Hafiz ini akhirnya karier politiknya ditamatkan dengan cara yang cukup kurang ajar. Bagi Morsi, beliau tidak rugi apa-apa. 30 juzuk masih kekal didalam dadanya, profesor dan pakar kejutueraan kimia masih segar di kepalanya. siapa yang rugi dalam hal ini??

8: Kita! Termasuk Malaysia. Isu mursi adalah isu dunia islam sejagat. Bukan sekadar isu dalaman mesir semata-mata. Saya sangat sedih bila melihat negara-negara islam dunia menjadi tuli dan bisu dengan pengkhianatan ini, sebaliknya hanya Turki yang menyuarakan sokongan penuh kepada Presiden Mursi. Adakah hanya turki sahaja negara islam didalam dunia ini??

9: Selepas ini, penempatan tenteran israel di tanah arab akan mara semula, pintu sempadan rafah yang merupakan talian hayat penduduk Gaza bakal ditutup kembali, ulama mesir akan dipinggir dan disingkir semula,rakyat Mesir akan kembali berada dalam wilayah pemerintahan diktator kekeluargaan yang tidak berperi kemanusiaan dan menjadi balaci barua yahudi.

10: Usah salahkan yahudi dalam hal ini, kerana sebilangan kecil manusia muslim di mesir yang bodoh dan bertindak diluar timbang rasa Iman. Mengapa 32 tahun kezaliman Hosni anda diamkan, 1 tahun perubahan Morsi anda bertindak keterlaluan? Padamlah cahaya dari bumi mesir ini, hilang satu-satunya suara lantang dari negara islam dunia.

11: Sejarah hanya berulang semula, Umar Abd Aziz hanya sempat memerintah dua tahun, lalu dibunuh oleh kerabat sendiri kerana khianat. Sedangkan baginda memerintah dengan cukup adil. Begitu juga Saidina Uthman, beliau dibunuh ketika usianya 86 tahun, rumahnya dikepung selama 40 hari oleh golongan pemuda islam yang bodoh, lalu beliau dikerat tangannya , dan dipancung tanpa belas kasihan oleh pedang milik islam sendiri. sejarah sekadar berulang. Disebalik kebodohan minoriti muslim ini, kita pemerhati luar tidak sudah-sudah menghentam Yahudi yang berada disebalik konspirasi ini.

12: CUKUP!! Berhenti menunding jari kepada Yahudi, pandanglah kepada diri sendiri! ahh.. mudah benar kita ini, berlaku apa-apa kekalutan dan kecelakaan, kita berasalan, ahh.. ini agenda Yahudi. Sedangkan yang berteriak membakar gambar Morsi, memancung saidina Uthman, dan membunuh Khalifah Umar Abd Aziz adalah mereka yang sama mengucap dua kalimah syahadah! Kalau benar pun Yahudi terlibat, apakah bodoh benar kita ini untuk mengikut mereka??

13: Ya.. peristiwa pembunuhan saidina Uthman menyaksikan puak Yahudi yang mengapi-apikan kemarahan. Tetapi siapa yang mara membawa pedang meragas istana dan memancung saidina Uthman?? Bukankah islam itu sendiri? Yahudi hanya bertepuk tangan. Silap-silap, Yahudi berkata didalam hati, alamak, gua acah je.. sampai mati pemimpin mereka dibuatnya..

14: Buat kita pemerhati luar, bukalah tempurung besimu, lihatlah sekitar mu kini, maka nanti aku akan bertanya, puas hati sekarang? Disaat nanti pintu sepadan rafah kembali dikunci, negara mesir kembali ditindas, aku ingin bertanya, puas hati sekarang? dan ketika islam dimain-mainkan, dihina, negara islam dizalimi, dan ketika itu OIC berlari bersembunyi dalam dasar laut, ketika itu semua mencari mana pemimpin negara islam yang berani bangun melawan? Pandang kiri, saudi menyorok dibawah meja, pandang kanan, Malaysia berlari bersembunyi dalam bilik paip bomba, dan ketika itu, aku ingin bertanya, Puas hati sekarang?

15: Musuh islam sedang berpesta, dan si bodoh-bodoh di mesir itu pun sedang bergembira, entah apa yang mereka suka. Ingat, jika Morsi hidup, ia tetap pakar kejuruteraan kimia, 30 juzuk tetap tak lekang dalam kepalanya, dan jika beliau mati pun, syurga sedang menantinya. Sekarang kita dan musuh islam sama-sama bersuka. Tunggulah.. tak lama.. nanti dunia islam akan kembali menderita. Ketika itu, aku ingin bertanya, mungkin ini yang kalian mahukan,

Kredit: Update Mengenai Mesir Dan Morsi Disini. Bakti Anak Melayu Di Bumi Khmer - Part 1

Azlia Asmira Ruslee, pelajar Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin remaja perempuan Melayu yang menabur bakti di bumi yang pernah digelar 'bumi kezaliman' suatu masa dulu.Percaya dan yakin bahawa ilmu yang dimiliki bukan haknya seorang dan perlu disebarkan,dia memberanikan diri menyahut cabaran kerajaan agar ada dikalangan anak-anak muda Malaysia terutamanya pelajar universiti membantu pelajar-pelajar di negara dunia ketiga menimba ilmu pengetahuan.

Cuti semester selama dua bulan digunakan sebaik mungkin mendidik anak-anak di Kemboja dalam bahawa Inggeris. Jika keikhlasan dijadikan ukuran, wang bukanlah segalanya.

Pemergian Azlia di sana tidak pernah menagih simpati dan tajaan mana-mana pihak. Sepanjang mencurahkan bakti, pihak ngo yang dikenali sebagai SLOS 24/7 hanya membekalkan makanan dan tempat tinggal sahaja.

Walaupun tiada elaun yang diperolehi, tapi beliau merasa puas dengan apa yang telah dilakukan dan yang pasti tambahnya, semua itu tidak dapat dibeli dengan wang ringgit.

Jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan dan banyak pengalaman. Itulah yang dilalui oleh Azlia. Beliau sesekali tak pernah kesal dengan keputusannya mencurah ilmu dan bakti di sana.

Diharap usaha murni Azlia tidak terhenti setakat itu, walaupun mungkin beliau bukan orang yang pertama merintis jalan menabur bakti di bumi asing, namun usaha sebegini hendaknya terus digalakkan dan menjadi inspirasi dan aspirasi kepada remaja atau mahasiswa dan mahasiswi lain di luar sana. TAFSIRAN WARNA KEGEMARAN ANDA =)pada 1hb September 2011 pukul 2.57 ptgWARNA menyimpan seribu makna yang secara tidak langsung menterjemahkan perasaan atau keinginan seseorang. Lebih bahaya, warna juga kononnya mampu mentafsir kelebihan dan kelemahan diri sama ada garang, lembut, pemurah atau periang.Rona merah, misalnya lambang keghairahan dan berani. Mereka yang menggayakannya dikatakan memiliki personaliti tegas dan penuh keyakinan diri untuk menonjolkan kelebihan diri. Namun, awas merah juga lambang diri yang tamak dan pendendam.Sekiranya anda ditimpa perasaan tidak menentu sehingga menjejaskan hubungan dengan ahli keluarga atau rakan sekerja, pilihlah warna ceria yang memberikan ketenangan seperti biru kerana ia bukan saja mampu menenangkan urat saraf yang tegang, tetapi turut meningkatkan kreativiti diri.Apa yang penting, warna perlu digunakan dengan tepat kerana warna boleh memberi semangat serta kesenangan dalam setiap aspek kehidupan. Ia boleh bermula dari rumah hinggalah cara berhias dan pemilihan pakaian.Apakah anda berani menggayakan warna beraneka dan terang? Terserah kepada anda untuk menyingkap siapa diri anda sebenarnya.Inilah hanya sekadar kajian dan jangan sekali2 kita mempercayainya 100 %-Ayuh Mengenali warna dan sifatnya.EmasPositif: Banyak ilmu dan gemarkan kejayaan. Memiliki kemampuan kuasa semula jadi yang besar, sabar dan bijaksana serta suka menolong.Negatif: Gemar menyendiri dan bersikap terlalu tertutup.Putih Positif: Lebih mencerminkan sifat sabar, sopan santun, rendah diri, suka menolong dan gemar berjenaka serta mudah dipujuk apabila merajuk. Juga mempunyai fikiran yang bersih iaitu tidak banyak prasangka terhadap orang lain. Perasaan hati sentiasa tenteram dan hidup bertawakal. Negatif: Boros berbelanjaKuningPositif: Berjiwa lembut atau halus dan sentiasa mendapat perhatian. Penuh kasih sayang dan berhemah serta sentiasa ceria. Positif dan sangat optimis serta memiliki senyum yang luar biasa dan tidak suka didesak. Sangat setia kepada pasangan.Negatif: Sikap terlalu agresif mungkin membuat orang lain menjadi takut. Anda juga cengeng (sering menangis) dan mudah menyerah.Merah Positif: Bersikap berani, jujur, berdisiplin dan tegas. Sangat aktif dan disenangi serta bersikap terbuka. Anda juga senang menjadi pusat perhatian orang lain kerana kadangkala anda ingin mencuba segala-galanya. Suka tersenyum dan suka memberi atau menerima kasih sayang orang lain.Negatif: Mempunyai perasaan pendendam yang tinggi, tamak dan mudah tersinggung.Hijau Positif : Rajin dan jujur bekerja di samping, tekun serta sabar melakukan sesuatu. Pencinta keharmonian dan kedamaian serta sentiasa dahagakan ilmu.Negatif: Terlalu mudah percaya dan kadangkala pendirian yang teguh membuatkan anda seakan-akan kolot.Merah jambuPositif : Seorang yang tegas dan jujur. Anda juga suka membantu dan orang lain serta begitu teliti dalam semua perkara.Negatif: Tidak suka dibantah dan suka mendesak bagi memenuhi kehendak.CoklatPositif: Jika anda seorang wanita anda kaya dengan sifat keibuan. Suka merendah diri dan halus budi pekerti. Anda juga gemar menambahkan ilmu di dada.Negatif: Mudah dipujuk dan mempercayai orang. Cepat berasa was-was dan takut berbuat salah.Perak Positif: Mendengar kata dan pendengar yang baik dan disenangi orang lain.Negatif: Mudah putus asa dan cepat merendah diri.Ungu Positif: Suka berjenaka dan rajin. Bersikap pemurah dan tidak suka diperintah.Mempunyai inisiatif yang keinginan yang tinggi dan meluap-luap.Negatif: Sombong dan sedikit emosi.Hitam Positif: Prihatin, baik hati dan kuat menghadapi dugaan hidup. Tidak mudah dipengaruhi dan gemar berfikir serta setia pada pasangan.Negatif: Suka menyendiri, prihatin, tetapi cepat tersinggung.Kelabu Positif: Mendengar kata dan suka merendah diri. Sentiasa tenang dan suka mengalah, serta mudah berkorban.Negatif: Cengeng dan agak pemalasJinggaPositif: Ramah, jujur dan rajin bekerja serta bercita-cita tinggi.Negatif: Cengeng dan cepat mengalah dengan tekanan.IAIS Malaysia cordially invites you to participate in a talk by;Professor Dr. Syed Nomanul HaqProfessor and Advisor, Department of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi, Pakistanon the topic ofFlogging a Dead Horse? Revisiting the Question of Intellectual Decline in Muslim SocietiesVenue: IAIS Malaysia , Jalan Elmu, Off Jalan Universiti , 59100 Kuala Lumpur .Date: 26th August 2013 (Monday) Time: 10:30amAdmission is FREE.

Flogging a Dead Horse? Revisiting the Question of Intellectual Decline in Muslim Societies

Monday, 26 August 2013 10:30

a talk byProfessor Dr. Syed Nomanul Haq, Professor and Advisor, Department of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts,Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi, PakistanVenue: IAIS Malaysia, Jalan Elmu, Off Jalan Universiti, 59100 Kuala Lumpur. [location map]Date: 26th August 2013 (Monday)Time: 10:30amTalking yet again about a general decline of rational thought, in particular that of science, in latter-day Muslim societies seems almost like flogging a dead horse. The standard discourse gives us a very simple storythat after orthodox attacks on Greek sciences in the twelfth century, following a golden age of Arabic intellectual culture, an irreversible decline set in and scientific activity degenerated into a moribund commentary-writing tradition. We are told that the reason is the self-forged Islamic as opposed to secular outlook of Muslims in scientific maters. On historical grounds, the speaker challenges both prongs of this narrative: One, to look more closely into this very decline thesiswas there really a wholesale decline? And if so, what is the nature of this decline? Secondly, he questions the diagnosis offered by the standard storywas it a question of secular vs. religious? Or does one need to open new historical windows to explain the phenomenon?Professor Dr. Syed Nomanul Haq is currently Professor and Advisor in the Department of the Social Sciences and Liberal Arts at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi, Pakistan. He also holds a faculty appointment at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA and serves as General Editor of Oxford University Press book series, Studies in IslamicPhilosophy. Recently, he shared the prestigious Waldo Leland Prize of the American Historical Association for his work in the Cambridge History of Islam of the Cambridge University Press. His writings have also been published by Harvard University Press, Routledge, Blackwell, Ashgate, Brill, among others. He is a Senior Visiting Professor at ISTAC. all are welcome to attend.Empat peserta Himpunan Hijau Raub dihadap ke mahkamah

RAUB: Empat individu yang menyertai Himpunan Hijau Raub pada September tahun lepas, dihadapkan di Mahkamah Sesyen di sini hari ini, atas pertuduhan berarak dan membawa kanak-kanak pada perhimpunan itu.

Pengerusi Himpunan Hijau Raub Wong Kin Hoong, 65, dari Taman Sentosa di sini, dan Naib Pengerusinya Tengku Shahadan Tengku Jaafar, 61, dari Simpang Kalang di sini, didakwa melanggar syarat yang dikenakan bagi perhimpunan itu iaitu melakukan perarakan dari padang bola sepak Kompleks Sukan Majlis Daerah Raub ke hadapan Bangunan Gunasama Persekutuan Raub di antara jam 2 petang hingga 4.30 petang, 2 September 2012.
Kedua-dua didakwa mengikut Seksyen 15(2)(c) Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012 yang boleh dihukum di bawah Seksyen 15(3) akta yang sama dan dibaca bersama Seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan yang boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM10,000 jika sabit kesalahan. Baru sempat beli majalah Q & A. Ada tulisan guru kami Maulana Zaharudin Nawi Qasimi berkenaan tokoh ilmu Syeikhul Hadis Maulana Zakariya Kandahlawi (1898-1982) dalam kolum Taman Ilmu.
Bersama al-Akh al-Fadhil Samsul Bahri, Dr.Faisal Ahmad Shahdan Para Mahasantri Darus-Sunnah, Janda-Baik, Bentong Pahang
: -
: 2004
: 106
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

13th Shawwal 1434 (20th August 2013)

Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):

The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "I and the person who
looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this,"
putting his index and middle fingers together.

Bukhari Vol. 8 : No. 34
Terima kasih dan tahniah dihaturkan kepada Dr. Faisal Ahmad Shah dan semua lajnah MUSNAD II yang telah merancang dan memanaj acara dengan sangat baik. Banyak manfaat yang dapat diambil.
Antara yang diceritakan-ketika tahun akhir pengajian hadis Maulana Zakariya berazam tidak meninggalkan sebuah hadis pun tanpa berguru.Maka beliau berpakat dengan seorang kawan taktik menanyakan soalan kepada guru ketika salah seorang daripada mereka terpaksa keluar kerana wuduk terbatal.

Taktik ini dilalkukan bagi memastikan salah seorang daripada mereka tidak ketinggalan satu hadis pun.
or Philippe Raggi, Tim Behrend, Kevin Tan and my other bibliophile friends:
From my collection (in storage in London):
Alfred Russel Wallace. The Malay Archipelago: The Land of the Orang-Utan and the Bird of Paradise. A Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Man and Nature; MacMillan and Co., London, 1869. In 2 volumes

1869 first edition, in 2 volumes. Subsequent editions, including the first American edition, were rendered in a single abridged volume. Vol.1, xv, 478; Vol.2, 524. Size Octavo 8vo.
With fold-out map of the Malay archipelago and numerous black-and-white half and full-page engravings.
All maps and illustrations present, a complete set, in mint condition.

Half leather binding, with calf spine and edges and green pebbled cloth covers. Marbled endpapers. Five raised bands, all edges gilt. Binding sound and boards still firmly attached. Text block tight and only very negligible foxing on prelims.

The first edition two-volume set comes from the library of Henry Malthus (1806-1882), the only son and heir to the Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) whose writings on population theory were discussed and considered by both Wallace and Darwin. Henry Malthus became Vigar of Effingham, and the bookplate found on the prelims states that it comes from the library of Henry Malthus at Effingham Vicarage. And from Henry Malthus it has now come into my collection! yum yum yum... 21 March 2012:
Today I did something out of the ordinary, and I spoke to primary 6 students at Jiemin Primary School for their careers' day talk session. They invited me to speak about teaching, and so I spoke about 'What is Knowledge, and Why do I teach?', and this is what I said:

"What is knowledge? Now all of you are in primary six so obviously I am much older than you; and when I was your age there were many things that you see today that werent even around: There was no facebook, no internet, no handphones, no Iphones, no Ithis, no Ithat. Back then we were still using blackboards and chalk, and back then even the phones had dials on them which most of you may have never seen.
But even then, teaching was the same as it is today, and the aim of teaching is to impart information so that we can produce knowledge - together.

So this is what I want to start with: What is knowledge?
Now, you need to realise that books do not contain knowledge, no matter how sophisticated they are. Maybe by the time you get to secondary school books will be reduced to tiny microchips that you can download. Maybe by then the technology will be so sophisticated you can download everything on the net. But even so, books do not contain knowledge per se- they only contain information.
So how do we get knowledge? Where do we find it?
We find it here, in school, in class. Because knowledge, you see, is something we produce together. We produce knowledge when we discuss together, and ask questions together. Thats why we say that knowledge is a social thing. Books in themselves cannot do anything. We need to read them, and more importantly we need to discuss and question them.

Why do we need to question, you ask? Well, think of all the books you are reading now. How did all that information get into those books you read - books on geography, physics, literature, etc?
That information is the result of generations of scholars asking questions. Sometimes we need to keep asking even if we think we already know the answer. Hundreds of years ago people thought the earth was flat; or that the sun went around the earth, and not the other way round. Today we know better- but why? Because someone asked. Because someone questioned.
To question, to ask, to be curious to know- this is the first step in getting knowledge. We need to ask all the time, and in the process we all produce knowledge. Even you, though you may not realise it. As you are asking me questions now, you are also engaged in knowledge-production. And thats what your teachers and I are trying to do: we are inviting you to think, to ask questions. Thats why knowledge is social, because we develop it together; including all of you in your classes.

And you know whats great about knowledge-seeking? Its something that nobody can take away from you.
Im lucky because since I was your age I wanted to be a teacher. Some of you may be thinking of doing that too, and I hope that you will. Why? Because as teachers we work for society, for our communities, for our nation. I knew I would never be rich being a teacher, and there are no rich teachers! But we are rich in another way, because we gain knowledge which we share with others.
Teaching is about that: Its about encouraging and inviting students like you to think, so that we all build our knowledge together, and that our society will grow wiser in the future. Thats why your school books are the result of years of thinking and discussing and questioning, and thats why you must always think and question in class; ask questions to your teachers, and to each other.

And the best thing about this search for knowledge is that is never ends, and will always stay with you. Maybe after school you want to have a cheeseburger. Maybe you wish you could have ten cheeseburgers! But hold on, after one burger you are already full.
But with knowledge, its like we have a magical box that can expand and keep expanding. No matter how much we read, we can read more, learn more, remember more. And with that we grow into better, more knowledgeable and wiser people. Its an amazing gift that we should not take for granted, and its a gift that we can pass on to our kids and their kids after. Its something that makes us all better, and we are richer as a result. And that is why I love to learn and love to teach, and that is why my students have taught me too, by asking me questions. I hope that all of you will love to learn as well, and as you do so you will become - and you already are - scholars as well, part of a global family of knowledge-seekers."Saya telah lama merumuskan bahawa kejayaan yang paling besar United Malays National Organisation ialah kejayaan membodohkan warga Malaysia terutama manusia Melayu. Proses pembodohan ini telah membonsaikan akal dan fikrah manusia Melayu. Akal dan fikrah Melayu telah dibantutkan dari berkembang. Yang wujud hanyalah akal-akal kontot yang tidak berupaya untuk berfikir secara kritikal. Brisbane/brzbn/is thecapitaland most populous city in the Australian state ofQueenslandand thethird most populous cityinAustralia. Brisbane's metropolitan area has a population of 2.2 million, and theSouth East Queenslandurban conurbation, centered on Brisbane, encompasses a population of more than 3 million. The Brisbane central business district stands on the original European settlement and is situated inside a bend of theBrisbane River, approximately 23km (14mi) from its mouth atMoreton Bay. The metropolitan area extends in all directions along thefloodplainof the Brisbane River valley between the bay and theGreat Dividing Range. While the metropolitan area is governed by several municipalities, a large portion of central Brisbane is governed by theBrisbane City Council, which is by far Australia's largestLocal Government Areaby population. Thedemonymof Brisbane is Brisbanite.Mesir dan projek pembodohan

Hishamuddin Rais

1:16PM Ogos 19 2013

Saya telah menggarap empat tulisan mengenai Mesir. Selain dari keinginan saya untuk membawa pencerahan saya juga turut sama "bertamarod". Tamarod membawa makna berontak/melawan. Saya garap tulisan itu agar kita dapat bersama merayakan garis politik jalan raya yang dibawa oleh anak-anak muda di Mesir.

Tamarod kini bukan hanya di Mesir, bukan hanya di Turki, bukan hanya di Brazil. Kini tamarod sedang merebak ke seluruh dunia. Kita telah membaca bagaimana tamarod di Brazil telah berjaya mengagalkan kenaikan harga tiket bas. Kita telah melihat bagaimana tamarod di Istanbul telah menjadikan Edorgan tempang dalam cita-citanya untuk menjadi presiden Turki.

Demonstrasi jalan raya kini telah menjadi satu budaya politik dunia. Dalam dunia pasca moden hari ini jalan raya adalah tempat pertempuran politik untuk menuntut keadilan, menuntut hak dan melawan kezaliman. Jika tahun enam puluhan anak muda telah bergerila di hutan, bergerila di padang pasir dan bergerila dalam bandar, kini metod politik pasca moden telah berubah. Anak muda kini turun ke jalan raya.

Membaca sejarah tahun 60-an dan 70-an, kita akan bertemu dengan Brigades Rouges Itali, Japanese Red Army, Weatherman dan Black Panther dari Amerika, Baader-Meinhof di German, Mujahedin al-Khalq di Iran, Action Direct di Peranchis, Sandero Luminoso di Peru, Al-Fatah di Palestin dan, dan, dan. Semua ini adalah gerakan anak muda yang bangun mengangkat senjata melawan kuasa imperial Anglo-Amerika dan kaum pemodal multinasional.

Kini anak muda bertamarod ke jalan raya membawa mod politik' baru. Sebenarnya turun ke jalan raya ini bukan satu mod politik' yang baru. Metod berdemo di jalan raya telah digunakan oleh CIA untuk menjatuhkan PM Iran Mohammad Mosaddeh pada tahun 1953. Metod ini juga telah digunakan oleh CIA pada tahun 1965 untuk menjatuhkan Bung Karno.

Tetapi metod jalan raya ini telah dirampas kembali oleh anak muda Amerika dan anak muda Eropah di zaman Perang Vietnam. Anak-anak muda sedunia yang menentang Perang Vietnam telah menjadikan jalan raya sebagai wadah politik. Mereka telah berdemo menentang perang Vietnam - di London, Rome, Paris, Washington, Bangkok dan Kuala Lumpur.

Politik jalan raya yang menjadi ikon sejarah, yang menaburkan imej romantik ialah apabila anak anak muda dan mahasiswa kota Paris turun ke jalan raya untuk menjatuhkan presiden Charles de Gaulle pada bulan Mei 1968. Paris dan Mei68 akan terus menjadi rujukan awal tamarod anak muda sedunia.

Politik jalan raya dalam era pasca moden di era Arab Spring telah dibantu oleh teknologi Internet, teknologi digital dan alat komunikasi yang terpantas. Teknologi terkini telah membantu mengembang ampuh Musim Bunga Arab. Teknologi ini juga membantu mengumpulkan puluhan ribu anak muda di Istanbul, di Rabat, di Bahrain dan di Yemen. Politik jalan raya telah berjaya menjatuhkan rejim-rejim zalim di Tunisia dan Mesir. Di Bahrain dan di Yemen tamarod belum selesai.

Saya membuka wacana tamarod dengan membawa rujukan politik jalan raya dari seluruh dunia dengan niat untuk mengajukan satu persoalan hakiki. Untuk saya persoalan ini amat fundamental. Dari pengamatan saya suasana budaya politik kita sedang nazak. Justeru saya wajib mengajukan soalan ini.

Soalannya, apakah budaya tamarod sedunia ini bersama perkembangan teknologi terkini akan membantu anak-anak muda di Malaysia untuk bangun menjatuhkan rejim United Malays National Organisation yang telah berkuasa lebih dari 50 tahun? Untuk saya jawapannya pasti boleh - pasti boleh yang positif.

Tetapi sebelum kita bersama merayakan perkataan boleh dan positif', pada hemat saya ada perkara yang wajib kita tuntaskan dahulu. Ada perkara yang saya rasa perlu kita bersama lintasi dahulu. Ini kerana saya rasakan ada kejulingan, ada kekeliruan dan ada kecelaruan fikrah dalam membaca dan memahami politik Malaysia dan politik antarabangsa.

Saya telah lama merumuskan bahawa kejayaan yang paling besar United Malays National Organisation ialah kejayaan membodohkan warga Malaysia terutama manusia Melayu. Proses pembodohan ini telah membonsaikan akal dan fikrah manusia Melayu. Akal dan fikrah Melayu telah dibantutkan dari berkembang. Yang wujud hanyalah akal-akal kontot yang tidak berupaya untuk berfikir secara kritikal.

Proses pembodohan jelas dibuktikan dengan peranan dan usaha media Melayu untuk membangangkan manusia Melayu ke tahap gaban. Contohnya: Tahun lalu sebuah kontena bahan mentah -rare earth- telah dibawa masuk dari Australia ke Kuantan. Akhbar milik United Malays National Organisation telah memaparkan di muka hadapan gambar satu kumpulan Melayu yang sedang meramas dan memegang bahan mentahrare earth. Gambar ini membawa tajuk: Kilang Lynas Selamat. Keselamatan kilang ini dibuktikan kerana ada mak cik tua bertudung yang berani menggentel-gentel bahan mentahrare earthtanpa mendapat kecederaan.

Untuk saya gambar dan berita ini sahih telah membodohkan manusia Melayu. Pembaca Melayu TIDAK diberitahu bahawa bahan mentahrare earthini kalau belum diproses memang selamat tidak ada santau radioaktif. Santau radioaktif ini hanya akan muncul apabila bahan mentah ini dibakar dan diproses.

Apabila saya melihat gambar mak cik tua bertudung ini saya merasa sedih kerana bukan sahaja si mak cik ini dibangangkan malah seluruh pembaca Melayu dibodohkan ke tahap gaban. Paling sedih media Melayu ini bukan sahaja telah menipu Melayu malah telah menjadi budak suruhan kepada syarikat santau radioaktif ini.

Proses pembodohan ini sedang merebak. Saya sendiri cukup yakin bahawa projek pembodohan ini telah sampai ke tahap yang amat kritikal. Respon dari surat- surat yang saya terima terhadap tulisan saya mengenai Mesir dan Syria menambahkan lagi keyakinan saya bahawa masyarakat Melayu ini sedang sakit tenat'.

Saya dapati ada kumpulan pembaca tulisan saya tidak memiliki daya fikir yang kritikal. Saya telah menunjukkan dengan fakta politik bahawa apa yang berlaku di Syria itu bukan pertempuran antara Sunni dengan Syiah. Hakikatnya apa yang berlaku di Syria ialah projek kuasa imperial Anglo-Amerika dan Zionis untuk mengawal bumi Arab. Mengawal bumi Arab bertujuan untuk mengawal telaga minyak dan telaga gas. Kenapa agaknya perkara sesenang tupai meloncat di dalam belukar ini pun gagal difahami oleh sesetengah pembaca.

Jika seseorang memiliki keupayaan berfikir secara kritikal apabila membaca apa yang sedang berlaku di Syria pasti akan timbul pelbagai soalan. Contohnya: Yang bermazhab Syiah di Syria hanya 10 peratus dari 28 juta rakyat. Tentera Syria majoritinya bermazhab Sunni. Jika konflik di Syria ialah konflik Syiah lawan Sunni pasti soldadu Bashar yang bermazhab Sunni telah bangun menibai Bashar. Pasti telah lama Bashar terkubur. Kenapa ramai manusia Melayu tidak memiliki kudrat untuk menimbulkan soalan ini?
Kalau kita beralih untuk melihat apa yang berlaku di Mesir maka kebongsaian juga muncul. Saya ajukan pandangan bahawa bahawa apa yang berlaku di Mesir itu ialah demo rakyat Mesir untuk menjatuhkan Mubarak yang zalim. Kemudian berdemo lagi - kali ini menentang pentadbiran Morsi yang tidak terbuka.

Ketika ini cita cita suci anak muda Mesir untuk mendirikan Mesir yang lebih adil dan demokratik telah dibajak oleh tentera. Tentera telah merampas kuasa. Seperti di Syria soldadu Mesir juga bermazhab Sunni. Seharusnya dengan fikiran kritikal akan timbul soalan kenapa Sunni membunuh Sunni? Atau kenapa ada Sunni menentang Morsi dan ada Sunni menyokong Morsi?

Bonsai fikrah ini semakin menjadi-jadi. Kejayaan United Malays National Organisation memandulkan fikrah Manusia Melayu sedang merebak. Kalau kita perhatikan secara rapi manusia Melayu yang bonsai fikrah ini juga memiliki sifat berjiwa rendah. Sifat jiwa rendah ini berjaya ditanamkan bukan hanya melalui proses pembodohan tetapi melalui proses menakut-nakutkan.

Saya cukup yakin, projek pembodohan dan projek menakut-nakutkan manusia Melayu ini berjalan seiring. Dari segi teori ilmiah sebelum seseorang itu dapat dibodohkan maka sosok itu perlu ditakut-takutkan. Apabila takut maka amat senang untuk dibodohkan hingga gagal untuk memiliki tabii manusia untuk berfikir secara kritikal.

Pada bulan puasa tahun ini amat jelas proses menakut-nakutkan Manusia Melayu sedang berjalan ligat. Manusia Melayu terus dikepong dengan agenda eksklusif penggunaan nama Allah. Dalam masa yang sama dalam bulan puasa iniUtusan Malaysiatelah mengolah naratif watak manusia Melayu yang cukup lembik' lebih lembik dari bakuteh'.

Manusia Melayu ini diwatakkan olehUtusansebagai bagitu rapuh pegangan imannya. Terlihat sahaja anjing berhari raya' dengan serta merta manusia Melayu yang bonsai fikrah ini hilang pedoman dan putus iman. Ketika inilah manusia Melayu ini ditakut-takutkan seolah-olah bulan hadapan anjing dan biawak akan mengambil alih pentabiran negara.

Sayugia diberi ingatan. Agar jangan menusuk sembilu ke dalam luka. Kita wajib berwaspada kerana Melayu Bonsai yang berjiwa rendah ini sedang memanifestasikan rendah jiwa mereka dengan angkuh sombong'. Sifat angkuh sombong ini sedang menggunakan benteng agama. Apakah makna semua ini? Apa hubungan ini dengan Tamarod?

Ucapan selamat hari raya dahulu dari saya.

Brisbane is named after the river on which it sits, which in turn was named after ScotsmanSir Thomas Brisbane, theGovernor of New South Walesfrom 1821 to 1825. The first European settlement in Queensland was apenal colonyatRedcliffe, 28 kilometres (17mi) north of the Brisbane central business district, in 1824. That settlement was soon abandoned and moved toNorth Quayin 1825. Freesettlerswere permitted from 1842. Brisbane was chosen as the capital when Queensland was proclaimed a separate colony fromNew South Walesin 1859.The city played a central role in theAlliedcampaign duringWorld War IIas theSouth West Pacific headquartersforGeneral Douglas MacArthur. Brisbane has hosted many large cultural and sporting events, including the1982 Commonwealth Games,World Expo '88and the finalGoodwill Gamesin 2001. Brisbane is the largest economy between Sydney and Singapore, and as of 2008 is classified as aGlobal city. It was also rated the 16thmost liveable city in the worldin 2009 by theEconomist Intelligence Unit.History[edit source|edit]Main article:History of BrisbaneNineteenth century[edit source|edit]

The Old WindmillinWickham Park, built by convicts in 1824.Prior to European settlement, the Brisbane area was inhabited by theTurrbalandJagerapeople. They knew the area that is now the central business district as Mian-jin, meaning "place shaped as a spike". TheMoreton Bayarea was initially explored byMatthew Flinders. On 17 July 1799, Flinders landed at what is now known asWoody Point, which he named "Red Cliff Point" after the red-coloured cliffs visible from the bay. In 1823Governor of New South WalesThomas Brisbaneinstructed that a new northernpenal settlementbe developed, and an exploration party led byJohn Oxleyfurther explored Moreton Bay.Oxley discovered, named, and explored theBrisbane Riveras far asGoodna, 20 kilometres (12mi) upstream from the Brisbane central business district. Oxley recommended Red Cliff Point for the new colony, reporting that ships could land at any tide and easily get close to the shore. The party settled inRedcliffeon 13 September 1824, under the command of Lieutenant Henry Miller with 14 soldiers (some with wives and children) and 29 convicts. However, this settlement was abandoned after a year and the colony was moved to a site on the Brisbane River now known asNorth Quay, 28 kilometres (17mi) south, which offered a more reliable water supply. Chief Justice Forbes gave the new settlement the name of Edenglassie before it was named Brisbane. Non-convict European settlement of the Brisbane region commenced in 1838. German missionaries settled at Zions Hill,Nundahas early as 1837, five years before Brisbane was officially declared a free settlement. The band consisted of ministersChristopher Eipper(18131894) andCarl Wilhelm Schmidtand lay missionaries Haussmann, Johann Gottried Wagner, Niquet, Hartenstein, Zillman, Franz, Rode, Doege and Schneider. They were allocated 260 hectares and set about establishing the mission, which became known as the German Station.Free settlers entered the area over the following five years and by the end of 1840Robert Dixonbegan work on the first plan of Brisbane Town, in anticipation of future development. Queensland was proclaimed a separate colony on 6 June 1859, with Brisbane chosen as its capital, although it was not incorporated as a city until 1902.Twentieth century[edit source|edit]

ANZAC Square and theShrine of Remembrancein 1930.

RAAFrecruits marching along Queen Street, August 1940.

Queen Street, Brisbane's main street, illuminated for the 1954 Royal Visit.Over twenty small municipalities and shires were amalgamated in 1925 to form theCity of Brisbane, governed by theBrisbane City Council. 1930 was a significant year for Brisbane with the completion of Brisbane City Hall, then the city's tallest building and theShrine of Remembrance, inANZAC Square, which has become Brisbane's mainwar memorial. These historic buildings, along with theStory Bridge whichopened in 1940, are key landmarks that help define the architectural character of the city.DuringWorld War II, Brisbane became central to theAlliedcampaign when the AMP Building (now calledMacArthur Central) was used as theSouth West Pacific headquartersforGeneral Douglas MacArthur, chief of the Allied Pacific forces, until his headquarters were moved toHollandiain August 1944. MacArthur had previously rejected use of the University of Queensland complex as his headquarters, as the distinctive bends in the river at St Lucia could have aided enemy bombers. Also used as a headquarters by the American troops during World War II was theT & G Building. Approximately one million US troops passed through Australia during the war, as the primary coordination point for theSouth West Pacific. In 1942 Brisbane was the site of a violent clash between visiting US military personnel and Australian servicemen and civilians which resulted in one death and several injuries. This incident became known colloquially as theBattle of Brisbane.Postwar Brisbane had developed a "big country town" stigma, an image the city's politicians and marketers were very keen to remove. In the late 1950s an anonymous poet known as The Brisbane Bard generated much attention on the city which helped shake this stigma. Despite steady growth, Brisbane's development was punctuated by infrastructure problems. The State government underJoh Bjelke-Petersenbegan a major program of change andurban renewal, beginning with the central business district and inner suburbs.Trams in Brisbanewere a popular mode of public transport until the network was closed in 1969, leaving Melbourne as the last Australian city to operate a tram network.The1974 Brisbane floodwas a major disaster which temporarily crippled the city. During this era, Brisbane grew and modernised rapidly becoming a destination of interstate migration. Some of Brisbane's popular landmarks were lost, including the Bellevue Hotel in 1979 andCloudlandin 1982, demolished in controversial circumstances by the Deen Brothers demolition crew. Major public works included theRiverside Expressway, theGateway Bridge, and later, the redevelopment ofSouth Bank, starting with theQueensland Art Gallery.Brisbane hosted the1982 Commonwealth Gamesand the 1988 World Exposition (known locally asWorld Expo 88). These events were accompanied by a scale of public expenditure, construction and development not previously seen in the state of Queensland. Brisbane's population growth has exceeded the national average every year since 1990 at an average rate of around 2.2% per year.

A panorama view of the stage and Brisbane River duringWorld Expo 88

CityCat and City Ferry flotilla returns to the Brisbane River 14 February 2011, following the flood.Twenty-first century[edit source|edit]After two decades of record population growth, Brisbane was again hit by a majorflood in January 2011. The Brisbane River did not reach the same height as the previous 1974 flood but still caused extensive damage and disruption to the city.Geography[edit source|edit]

Satellite image of Brisbane Metropolitan Area.

The Brisbane metropolitan area is centred on the Brisbane River.Brisbane is in the southeast corner of Queensland, Australia. The city is centred along the Brisbane River, and its eastern suburbs line the shores of Moreton Bay. The greater Brisbane region is on the coastal plain east of theGreat Dividing Range. Brisbane's metropolitan area sprawls along the Moreton Bay floodplain fromCaboolturein the north toBeenleighin the south, and across toIpswichin the south west.The city of Brisbane is hilly. The urban area, including the central business district, are partially elevated by spurs of theHerbert Taylor Range, such as the summit ofMount Coot-tha, reaching up to 300 metres (980ft) and the smallerEnoggera Hill. Other prominent rises in Brisbane areMount Gravattand nearbyToohey Mountain.Mount Petrieat 170 metres (560ft) and the lower rises ofHighgate Hill,Mount Ommaney,Stephens MountainandWhites Hillare dotted across the city.The city is on a low-lyingfloodplain. Many suburban creeks criss-cross the city, increasing the risk offlooding. The city has suffered three major floods since colonisation, inFebruary 1893, January 1974, andJanuary 2011. The1974 Brisbane floodoccurred partly as a result of "Cyclone Wanda". Heavy rain had fallen continuously for three weeks before theAustralia Dayweekend flood (26 27 January 1974). The flood damaged many parts of the city, especially the suburbs ofOxley,Bulimba,Rocklea,Coorparoo,ToowongandNew Farm. TheCity Botanic gardenswere inundated, leading to a new colony ofmangrovesforming in the City Reach of the Brisbane River.Urban structure[edit source|edit]

Story Bridgewas constructed in 1940 to connectFortitude ValleytoKangaroo Point.The Brisbane central business district (CBD) lies in a curve of the Brisbane river. The CBD covers 2.2km(0.8sqmi) and is walkable. Central streets are named after members of theroyal family.Queen Streetis Brisbane's traditionalmain street. Streets named after female members (Adelaide,Alice,Ann,Charlotte,Elizabeth,Margaret,Mary) run parallel toQueen StreetandQueen Street Mall(named in honour ofQueen Victoria) and perpendicular to streets named after male members (Albert,Edward,George,William). The city has retained some heritage buildings dating back to 1820s.The Old Windmill, inWickham Park, built by convict labour in 1824, is the oldest surviving building in Brisbane. The Old Windmill was originally used for the grinding of grain and a punishment for the convicts who manually operated the grinding mill. The Old Windmill tower's other significant claim to fame, largely ignored, is that the first television signals in the southern hemisphere were transmitted from it by experimenters in April 1934 long before TV commenced in most places. These experimental TV broadcasts continued until World War II. The Old Commissariat Store, on William Street, built by convict labour in 1828, was originally used partly as a grainhouse, has also been a hostel for immigrants and used for the storage of records. Built with Brisbanetufffrom the nearbyKangaroo Point Cliffsand sandstone from a quarry near today's Albion Park Racecourse, it is now the home of the Royal Historical Society of Brisbane. It contains a museum and can also be hired for small functions. The city has a density of 379.4 people per square kilometre, which is high for an Australian city and comparable to that of Sydney. However like many western cities, Brisbane sprawls into the greater metropolitan area. This results from the fact that most of Brisbane's housing stock consists of detached houses.Early legislation decreed a minimum size for residential blocks causing fewterrace housesbeing constructed in Brisbane. Recently the density of the city andinner cityneighbourhoods has increased with the construction of apartments, with the result that the population of the central business district has doubled over the last 5 years. The high density housing that historically existed came in the form of miniatureQueenslander-style houses which resemble the much larger traditional styles but are sometimes only one quarter the size. These miniature Queenslanders are becoming scarce but can still be seen in the inner city suburbs. Multi residence accommodations (such as apartment blocks) are relatively new to Brisbane, with few such blocks built before 1970, other than in inner suburbs such asNew Farm. Pre-1950 housing was often built in a distinctive architectural style known as aQueenslander, featuring timber construction with largeverandahsand high ceilings. The relatively low cost of timber in South-East Queensland meant that until recently most residences were constructed of timber, rather than brick or stone. Many of these houses are elevated on stumps (also called "stilts"), that were originally timber, but are now frequently replaced by steel or concrete. Brisbane is home to several ofAustralia's tallest buildings. Brisbane's tallest buildings areInfinityat 249 metres,Soleilat 243 metres,Aurora Towerat 207 metres,Riparian Plazaat 200 metres andOne One One Eagle Streetat 195 metres.222 Margaret Streetat 274 metres an
Menarik.Kagum dengan kesungguhan para ulama menuntut ilmu Kindly confirm your particpation with online registration by 23 August 2013.Contact InformationInternational Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) MalaysiaJalan Elmu, Off Jalan Universiti 59100 Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaTel: +603-7956 9188Fax: +603-7956 2188 / +603-7956 2966Email: [email protected]

Biru Positif: Ada ketenangan atau kesejukan dalam diri anda dan juga menjadi warna kegemaran ramai. Cintakan kedamaian dan berharap dicintai ketika berada di mana-mana. Selain bertanggungjawab dan pandai menyimpan wang anda sering membuat orang lain berperasaan yang sama terhadap pandangan anda.Negatif: Bersikap terlalu memaksa orang lain terhadap kehendak anda dan ada kala bersifat angkuh.biggestEgyptian universitiesand has contributed much to the cultural and scientific life inMansouraandEgypt.Hint about[edit source|edit]Mansoura University was founded in 1972 and is located at the middle of the Nile Delta in Egypt. The Study at the University covers the major disciplines; Medicine, Applied Science, Humanities, ...History[edit source|edit]The faculty of medicine was founded in 1962 as a branch ofCairo University. In 1972, a presidential decree announced the establishment of the University under the name "East Delta University". Later on, its name was changed to Mansoura University in 1973.Campus[edit source|edit]Themain Campusis located inMansouracity.Mansoura University Website

It comprises the following faculties:Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Pharmacy

Faculty of Dentistry

Faculty of Commerce

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Agriculture

Faculty of Nursing

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Physical Education

Faculty of Computers & Information Sciences

The University also provides a number of students' services within the campus which include:Students' services complex containing restaurants, stationaries and a student hospital.

Three students' accommodation complexes including Alamal city (males), Alzahraa city (females) and Gehan city (females).

A Central eating hall.

Olympic village.

Four faculties are located off campus, which are:Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Specific Education

Faculty of Tourism and Hotels

Faculty of Kindergartens

TheDamiettabranchhas eight faculties:Faculty of Science

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Specific Education

Fcaulty of Arts

Faculty of Applied Arts

Faculty of Agriculture

Faculty of Commerce

Faculty of Physical Education

In July 2012, Damietta branch has become an independent university.Damietta University

Medical Centers[edit source|edit]Mansoura University is famous for its specialized Medical centers, which provide both medical and academic services. They include the main mansoura university hospital,the children hospital,the specialized hospital for general internal diseases, the ophthalmology center, the digestive system center andthe Urology and Nephrology center. The latter is the biggest of its kind inAfrica.Rankings[edit source|edit]According to the 2008 Webometrics World Universities rankings, a measure of institutional visibility on the internet, Mansoura University is ranked 3rd in Egypt and 15th in Africa.[1]Mansoura University, Obtained advanced positions in international rankings of universities this year "2012", and that as stated in the new classification of universities for the year 2012, which was released recently for Time Magazine British higher education (TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION) where the Mansoura University place (96) globally within universities established less than 50 years, and The University of Mansoura University is the only Egyptian that received a rating of Advanced in the 100 universities worldwide and is ranked second after the Arab King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, which got a No. (94) globally.[2]See also[edit source|edit] Job Description
Fellow of the Islamic Renaissance Front [IRF]IntroductionIslamic Renaissance Front [IRF] is established and registered as a company limited by guarantee under the Companys Act 1965 on 30th October 2007. It is a think tank focusing on youth empowerment and the promotion of intellectual discourse on Islam and Social Justice. IRFs vision is stated clearly in the companys profile and website.General DescriptionA Fellow for IRF is to follow the Boards directives to ensure that the organization maintains a progressive and moderate outlook by managing and implementing the planned agenda.A Fellow is also expected to manage all assigned program areas to; to develop a strong network with partner organizations; to represent the company when necessary; to keep the Board of Directors informed of the on-going progress of all company program-related activities; to maintain close coordination with the research fellow, analyst, senior analyst, board of directors, and other program staff as needed to accomplish the companys goals and objectives.Specific Responsibilities:1. Manage assigned events, programs and tasks, including relevant contacts and resources.2. Assist the companys Chair and Director in matters pertaining to the companys administrative operations.3. Learn and master basic computer, media and IT management skills to ensure the consistent operation of IRFs website.4. Periodically review and report the overall progress and effectiveness of each program area to the Board of Directors [BOD].5. Conduct visits to local and foreign institutions of higher education to establish rapport and to organize events of mutual interest.6. Propose ideas for new programs that would benefit and serve the purpose of the companys vision.7. Establish and accomplish specific work-related goals as outlined in scheduled work plans and events.8. Attends all BOD and Executive Committee Meetings, to support recommendations made and to provide information to the Board.9. Interacts and reports directly to the Directors throughout the year, and to keep the Senior Research Fellow informed of any on-going developments in promoting teambuilding and create cohesiveness in the companys structure.10. Participates in all intellectual events held by the company.11. Represents the company professionally by responding to letters, inquiries and attending meetings and conferences, both locally and internationally.12. Conducts research in areas within the domain of objectives of the company namely in promoting reform [islah] and renewal [tajdid] and the advancement of democracy, liberty, freedom of expression, human rights and civil society.13. Perform the duty of a personal assistant to the Chairman and Director of IRF.Requirements:1. Minimum Bachelors degree in any discipline from a recognized university; a Masters degree is highly preferred.2. Must be bilingual and highly proficient in English, both written and spoken. (Additional languages such as Arabic/Mandarin are a bonus.)3. Working experience is not required. Fresh graduates are invited to apply. Previous campus activism such as a member of Students Representative Council is preferable.4. Possess good computer knowledge including word-processing and spreadsheets are preferable. Familiarity with Mac OS X is an added advantage.5. Possess strong analytical skill, reasoning skills, problem solving and has passion in research work.6. Excellent interpersonal skills; and strong communication skills, well conversant in both Bahasa Melayu and English Language.7. Able to work independently, resourceful, dynamic, reliable, highly meticulous and self-motivated.8. Possess solid judgment, critical thinking skills, highly tolerant and not having insular views are of high importance.9. Team player and able to work overtime with minimal notice.
10. Possess own car and is willing to travel.Application:Please submit your full CV to [email protected] or [email protected] together with a scanned photograph. Applicants who fulfill the criteria above and aspire to become activists are encouraged to apply.Prepared by,Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa
Chairman and Director
Islamic Renaissance Front [IRF]

Pergolakan pilu di Mesir mengingatkan aku tentng surat Abdulrahman al Qardhawi kpd Ayahanda Sheikh Yusuf yg terkenal itu. Kritikan2 beliau terhadap kesilapan2 Pres Mursi memang sukar disanggah walaupun beliau (anaknya) tidak mengiktiraf konteks politiks-ekonomi Mesir dan geopolitiks Timur Tengah yg cukup penting. Idealisme generasi muda yg dipacu dari bacaan buku dan keadilan zahir negara2 Barat enggan menerima kelemahan dan kekotoran dalam cerita keadilan yg mereka mimpikan. Sokongan Ayah kpd Mursi bukan kpd harapan kesempurnaan Mursi tetapi kpd suatu permulaan yg telah berjaya merengkok keluar penjara zahir-batin ketenteraan sejak hampir 70 tahun. nah sekarang, bangsa itu diterjang kembali ke dlm penjara itu dgn penderitaan yg dasyat.




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Reason, Freedom and Democracy in IslamA Lecture by Prof Mohsen Kadivar, Duke University
Venue: Senate Room, International Islamic University of Malaysia
Date: Wednesday, 21 August, 10AM 1PMThe relationship between revelation and reason is without doubt one of the major epistemological issues faced by the Muslim world today. The tension between reason and revelation that is between human consideration of mans own welfare in this life on one hand, and divine intervention and decree, on the other, has been consistently present ever since the advent of Islam itself.Muslim civilization has also experienced aging; and as part of the aging process, the relationship between revelation and reason has become the subject of controversy.The controversy is made worse when one discusses about the concept of freedom. Reason is considered as a dynamic faculty for thinking and seeking the truth while freedom is the exercising the faculty of reason that is the freedom of thinking.Freedom emerges as a collective contest with defining rules of its own. Obviously it improves with practice, and those who violate the defining rules of competition, or decide to withdraw from it, deprive themselves of benefitting from it.The whole equation becomes more complex when the most important development in the last century about democratization is discussed. The relationship between Islam and democracy or more precise, the compatibility and co-existence of the teachings of Islam with the principles of democracy is a theme that is hotly debated, defined and discussed by the diversity of voices.What is probably true is that a religious society could become more religious as it grows more free and freedom loving as it trades diehard dogma with examined faith. This is the true spirit that will break the tyrannical arm of religious despotism and breathes the soul of free faith in the body of power.leh: zain-ysKita sering mendengar atau membaca perkataan as-Syahid /al-Syahid atau syuhada. Ia diberikan kepada mereka yang mati di jalan Allah atau kerana menegakkan kebenaran. Seperti contoh al-Syahid Hasan al-Banna yang ditembak oleh penguasa yang zalim. Al-Syahid Syed Qutb yang digantung. Al-Syahid Abdullah Azzam yang gugur di Afghanistan. Dan ramai lagi.Yang terkini ialah peristiwa pembunuhan secara kejam beramai-ramai di Mesir oleh pihak tentera.Bolehkah gelaran al-Syahid itu diberikan kepada individu tertentu atau pada kumpulan tertentu. Seperti kita katakan para syudaha dari Syria yang telah gugur ketika bertempur dengan tentera Iran di Syria.Berikut ini saya paparkan fatwa ulama berkaitan dengannya.

Terdapat dua pendapat ulama:Pendapat pertama: Ia dilarang

Pendapat kedua: Ia dibenarkan

Pendapat pertama: Ia dilarangTidak dibenarkan memanggil gelaran al-syahid atau syuhada kepada individu atau kumpulan yang terbunuh ketika berjihad di jalan Allah atau dalam menuntut keadilan.Menurut syeikh Saleh bin Utsaimin rhm, ada dua jenis persaksian terhadap seseorang bahawa dia itu syahid:Jenis 1: Mengaitkan kesyahidan dengan sifat atau secara umum seperti dikatakan: Siapa yang terbunuh fi sabilillah, maka dia telah syahid. Atau dikatakan siapa yang terbunuh kerana mempetahankan harta atau sebab taun, maka dia telah syahid.

Jenis ini dibenarkan kerana ia adalah persaksian berdasarkan sabdaan Rasulullah s.a.w.Jenis 2: Mengaitkan kesyahidan terhadap individu tertentu, seperti dikatanya: Si fulan itu telah syahid.

Ini jenis yang tidak dibenarkan, kerana tidak boleh menetapkan kesyahidan individu tertentu melainkan dengan apa yang telah ditetapkan oleh Nabi s.a.w. sebagai syahid.Menurut syeikh al-Utsaimin lagi, imam al-Bukhari ada membuat bab di dalam kitab sahihnya: Bab Tidak Boleh Menyebut Si Fulan Itu Syahid. Imam Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani di dalam Fathul Bari menyatakan; tidak boleh secara pasti menyatakan demikian melain melalui wahyu. Ia sepertinya memberi isyarat kepada sebuah hadis Umar r.a. di dalam khutbahnya, katanya: Kamu sekelian berkata di dalam peperangan kamu, bahawa si fulan itu syahid dan si fulan itu mati syahid. Namun, boleh jadi dia mati kerana terjatuh dari kenderaannya. Oleh itu, janganlah berkata seperti demikian itu. Tetapi katalah seperti yang telah disabdakan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. barangsiapa yang mati fi sabilillah atau terbunuh, maka dia mati syahid.Apakah alasan panggilan al-Syahid secara khusus kepada individu tertentu tidak dibenarkan? Ibnu Utsaimin menyatakan setiap persaksian terhadap sesuatu memerlukan ilmu atau pengetahuan mengenainya. Syarat seseorang itu mencapai syahid ketika berperang menegakkan kalimah Allah ialah niat di dalam hati batinnya. Tiada siapa yang dapat mengetahui apa yang diniatkan oleh seseorang.Teks fatwa penuh syeikh Saleh bin al-Utsaimin boleh dibaca di sini: ar.islamway.netKesimpulan: Boleh atau tidak menyebut syahid kepada seseorang?Boleh secara umum mengatakan: Siapa yang mati berperang fi sabilillah maka dia mati syahid.

Tidak boleh menentukan secara khusus kepada individu tertentu seperti: Si fulan telah syahid atau as-syahid si fulan.

Hanya wahyu sahaja yang berhak menentukan. Manusia tidak dapat mengetahui hakikat sebenarnya seseorang itu syahid atau tidak.

Pendapat kedua: Ia dibenarkanDr Ahmed Al Raissounimengemukakan empat hujah yang mendokong pendapat ini. Hujah 1: Hadis Umar r.a. berikut:

Ertinya: Ketika terjadi perang Khaibar, maka sekumpulan sahabat mengadap Nabi s.a.w. dan berkata, 'Fulan mati syahid, fulan mati syahid', hingga mereka melalui seorang laki-laki lalu berkata, 'fulan mati syahid.' Maka Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Bukanlah begitu, sesungguhnya aku melihatnya di dalam neraka dalam pakaian atau jubah yang diambilnya (sebelum dibahagi).' (HR Muslim)Di dalam hadis ini secara jelas menyatakan natijah dari peperangan dengan menyebut para syuhada mereka pada peperangan Khaibar. Mereka yang syahid itu adalah fulan dan fulan dan fulan. Rasulullah s.a.w. tidak membantahpun nama-nama berkenaan kecuali seorang sahaja. Kerana apa Baginda s.a.w. membantah yang seorang itu sebagai syahid? Kerana Baginda s.a.w. mengetahui keadaannya dan apa yang sebenarnya yang dilakukannya.Ini bermakna, Rasulullah s.a.w. tidak membantah penetapan sahabat tertentu dengan gelaran syuhada, bahkan baginda mengakuinya. Ini termasuk Sunnah Taqririyah/pengakuan. Yang dibantah oleh Baginda s.a.w. hanya seorang yang diketahui hakikat sebenarnya melalui jalan wahyu.Hujah 2: Hadis Jabir:

....Ertinya: Dari Jabir bin 'Abdullah al-Ansari r.a. bahwa bapanya mati sebagai syahid pada perang Uhud dan meninggalkan enam anak perempuan serta hutang. Ketika tiba musim memetik buah kurma aku menemui Rasulullah s.a.w. lalu aku katakan: "Wahai Rasulullah, sungguh Tuan telah mengetahui bahwa bapaku telah mati syahid pada perang Uhud. (HR al-Bukhari)Dalam hadis ini dengan jelas sahabat menyifatkan secara khusus ayahnya yang terbunuh ketika perang Uhud sebagai telah syahid. Di sini Rasulullah s.a.w. juga mengakuinya dan ia termasuk Sunnah Taqririyah.Hujah 3: Telah umum di kalangan para sabahat r.a. dan orang selepas mereka menyebut mereka yang terbunuh ketika berada di jalan agama mereka sebagai syuhada. Sebahagian mereka ialah Sumayyah Ibu Ammar r.a. yang sering disifatkan sebagai syuhada pertama di dalam Islam.

Di dalam Mushannaf Ibnu Abi Syaibah dari Mujahid, katanya: Orang yang pertama syahid di dalam Islam adalah Ibu Ammar. Abu Jahal telah menusuk kemaluannya dengan tombak.Di dalam Mushannaf Ibnu Abi Syaibah lagi, dari Saad bin Ubaid al-Qari pada peperangan al-Qadisiyah: Kami akan bertembung dengan musuh esok insyaallah. Dan kami akan menemui syahid, maka janganlah kamu mandikan darah kami dan janganlah kamu kanfankan kami melainkan dalam pakaian yang sedia kami pakai.Di sini al-Hafiz Ibnu Hajar berkata: Telah sepakat para salaf menyebut mereka yang terbunuh pada peperangan Badar, Uhud dan selainnya sebagai syuhada. Dan telah sedia maklum para syuhada ini semuanya adalah orang-orang yang dikenali individunya dan nama mereka.Hujah 4: Sedia diketahui bahawa para syuhada mempunyai hukum khas di dalam hal memandikannya, mengkafankannya dan menyembahyangkannya. Untuk memelihara pengkhususan mereka ini maka tidak boleh tidak mestilah memberi sifat syahid kepada mayat berkenaan.

Dr Ahmed Al Raissouni membuat kesimpulan hujah-hujahnya dengan mengatakan:Bahawa dalil-dalil yang dikemukakan di atas memberi kita kefahaman bahawa menyatakan atau menyifatkan dengan kata syahid atas individu tertentu adalah dibenarkan pada tempatnya.

Hadis-hadis yang mengandungi larangan berkenaan, ini bermaksud agar berhati-hati bahawa di sana terdapat perkara-perkara batih/dalam oleh seseorang menyalahi apa yang dilakukan secara zahir. Maka tidak boleh mengatakan secara pasti apa ghaib di sisi Allah. Kita hanya mampu menghukum apa yang zahir sahaja dan Allah yang tersembunyi adalah urusan Allah.

Oleh itu, harus hukumnya menghukum bahawa si fulan itu sebagai syahid atau mereka itu adalah para syuhada adalah berdasarkan baik sangka dan berasaskan kepada hukum apa yang zahir.Di dalam kitab Hasyiah al-Sindi Ala Sahih al-Bukhari: : ( ) : "Ertinya: Katanya: (Bab Tidak Boleh Menyebut Si Fulan Itu Syahid), iaitu: Dengan memandang kepada hal ehwal akhirat, sedangkan dengan memandang kepada hukum-hakam dunia, itu tidak mengapa.Sedia maklum juga bahawa berbaik sangka dengan apa yang zahir pada seseoarang dengan menyerahkan apa yang tersembunyi di dalam hati mereka kepada Allah, merupakan asas yang kukuh dan jalan yang sejahtera.

: : : { }Ertinya: Dari Abu Said al-Khudri r.a., katanya, Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda: Apabila kamu sekelian melihat seorang lelaki yang melazimi masjid, maka janganlah kamu merasa berat untuk mempersaksikan bahawa dia adalah seorang mukmin. Maka sesungguhnya Allah telah berfirman: Hanyasanya yang memakmurkan masjid-masjid Allah adalah orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah.. (HR al-Hakim di dalam al-Mustadrak)Realitinya, mereka yang memakmurkan masjid ada kemungkina mereka beriman dan adakalanya tidak. Menurut kebiasaan, dan apa yang zahirnya ialah masjid dikunjungi oleh orang yang beriman. Kadangkala ia didatangi oleh orang munafik. Adakalanya oleh para perisik dari kalangan Yahudi, Nasrani dan athies. Malah, Masjidil Haram adakalanya dimasuki oleh mereka ini dengan pelbagai tujuan. Namun semua itu tidak menghalang kita untuk mengatakan setiap yang datang ke masjid sebagai orang yang beriman dan mempersaksikan mereka dengan keimanan. Tetapi kita tidak menetapkan secara pasti perkara ini. Begitulah keadaanya dengan masalah kesyahidan dan para syuhada.

(Sila rujuk teks fatwa penuh Dr Ahmed Al Raissouni di sini: activists split over Islams stand on dogsFathul Bari reportedly said Islam was against dog abuse, and cited a story of a prostitute who gained a spot in heaven after giving water to a dog. Reuters picPETALING JAYA, Aug 2 Two Muslim activists have taken opposing views on whether Islam permitted its followers to keep dogs as pets, with one saying yes and another arguing that canines were allowed only for security and hunting purposes.The debate over the role of the pooches in a Muslim household arose after a Muslim woman was arrested and interrogated on Wednesday for featuring her dogs in a three-year-old video posted online that resurfaced recently ahead of the Aidilfitri festival.The Star Online reported today Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) chairman, Dr Farouk Ahmad Musa saying that Muslims could keep dogs as pets as there was no specific evidence or valid reason in the Quran or Hadith that prevented them from doing so.Anybody who treats Gods creatures with kindness should be given credit, rather than hauled up for questioning. There is nothing insulting about being kind to Gods creatures including dogs, he was quoted saying.But another religious scholar Dr Fathul Bari Mat Jahaya told the news portal that Islam only allowed Muslims to keep dogs for security and hunting purposes and not for pleasure.Citing Fathul Bari, the chief executive of an Islamic group, Pertubuhan Ilmuan Malaysia, The Star Online reported that dogs were forbidden to Muslims as food.Muslims were also required to cleanse themselves by washing with mud and water in a ritual called samak every time they came into contact with a dogs saliva. This shows that dogs cannot be kept as pets. According to the Al-Quran and Hadith, we can keep dogs for only security and hunting. A dog can be used in the area of detecting drugs for example, he said.He also said that if the history of Islams Prophet Muhammad and his comrades was studied, it would show that none of them kept dogs as pets.Fathul Bari reportedly said Islam was against dog abuse, and cited a story of a prostitute who gained a spot in heaven after giving water to a dog.This is prove that everyone including Muslims should be kind to dogs, he was quoted saying.The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) has weighed in on the storm over the Aidilfitri dog video and decided it was insult to Islam, Minister in the Prime Ministers Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom confirmed today.In the 105-second video reposted on YouTube on Tuesday, dog trainer Maznah Mohd Yusof is seen walking and bathing her three dogs as the Takbir Raya, or Muslim call to prayer traditionally reserved for the first day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, plays in the background.The juxtaposition appeared to be a reference to the wudhu, or ablution performed by Muslims before prayer; dogs are also considered unclean by adherents of the predominant faith in Malaysia.Maznah has since been arrested and was released from remand in Johor earlier this afternoon on a court bond.According to her lawyer N. Surendran, the dog trainer has also been questioned by the MCMC.She is being investigated under section 4 of the Sedition Act and section 298A of the Penal Code.Section 298A includes a variety offences, namely causing disharmony, disunity, or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill-will, or prejudicing, etc., the maintenance of harmony or unity, on grounds of religion.If convicted under Section 298A, Maznah, better known as Chetz Yusof, can be sentenced to a jail term of not less than two years and not more than five years.After the video started making its rounds on the Internet, local news site quoted Chetz as saying that she made the video in 2010 to show that dogs are not haram (forbidden) as widely-believed, and that Muslims could keep canines as pets.Dogs are not haram; if they are wet, just samak, she was quoted as saying.

Cuma kini, penjara itu telah hilang kekebalan batinnya....tapi sifat batin baru ini tidak semestinya memihak kpd kefahaman dan keyakinan mendalam terhadap Islam sebagai nafas sebuah Order Masyarakat dan Peradaban. - .

...- - .

Mohamed GhonimSabda Rasulullah s.a.w "Berilah makan buah kurma kepada isteri-isteri kamu yang hamil, kerana sekiranya wanita hamil itu memakan buah kurma, nescaya anak yang bakal dilahirkan itu menjadi anak yang penyabar, bersopan santun serta cerdas pemikirannya.

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Mongols, or Mongolic peoples, are an Inner Asian ethno-linguistic group. Although the largest Mongolic group are those of Mongolia, they also live as minorities across Northern Asia, including Russia, China, and many of the former Soviet Union states. Mongolic peoples belonging to the Buryat ethnic group live predominantly in what is now the autonomous republic of Buryatia, Russia. In China, they live mainly either in Inner Mongolia or, less commonly, in Xinjiang. Mongolic peoples are bound together by a common culture and language, a group of related tongues known as Mongolic languages.DefinitionBroadly defined, the term includes the Mongols proper (also known as Khalkha Mongols), the Buryats, Oirats, Kalmyks and Southern Mongols.The designation "Mongol" briefly appeared in 8th century records of the Chinese Tang dynasty, describing a tribe of Shiwei, and resurfaced again in the late 11th century during the rule of Khitan. After the fall of Liao Dynasty in 1125, the Mongols became a leading tribe on the steppe and also had power in Northern China. However, their wars with the Jin Dynasty and Tatars had weakened them. In the thirteenth century, the word Mongol grew into an umbrella term for a large group of Mongolic tribes united under the rule of Genghis Khan.HistoryAncient periodMain articles: Xiongnu, Xianbei state, Northern Wei, Rouran Khaganate, Khitan Empire, and Kara-Khitan Khanate In various times Mongolic peoples have been equated with the Scythians, the Magog and the Tungusic peoples. Based on Chinese historical texts the ancestry of the Mongolic peoples can be traced back to the Donghu, a nomadic confederation occupying eastern Mongolia and Manchuria. The identity of the Xiongnu is still debated today. Although some scholars maintain that they were proto-Mongols, the fact that Chinese histories trace certain Turkic tribes from the Xiongnu complicates the issue. The Donghu, however, can be much more easily labeled proto-Mongol since the Chinese histories trace only Mongolic tribes and kingdoms (Xianbei and Wuhuan peoples) from them, although some historical texts claim a mixed Xiongnu-Donghu ancestry for some tribes (e.g. the Khitan).The Donghu are mentioned by Sima Qian as already existing in Inner Mongolia north of the state of Yan in 699632 BC along with the Shanrong people. Mentions in the Lost Book of Zhou (Yizhoushu) and the Shanhaijing indicate the Donghu were also active during the Shang dynasty (16001046 BC). The Mongolic-speaking Xianbei formed part of the Donghu confederation, but had earlier times of independence, as evidenced by a mention in the Guoyu ("" section) which states that during the reign of King Cheng of Zhou (reigned 10421021 BC) the Xianbei came to participate at a meeting of Zhou subject-lords at Qiyang () (now Qishan County) but were only allowed to perform the fire ceremony under the supervision of Chu (), since they were not vassals by covenant (). The Xianbei chieftain was appointed joint guardian of the ritual torch along with Xiong Yi. These early Xianbei came from the nearby Zhukaigou culture (22001500 BC) in the Ordos Desert where maternal DNA corresponds to Daurs and Evenks. The Zhukaigou Xianbei (part of the Ordos culture of Inner Mongolia and northern Shaanxi) had trade relations with the Shang dynasty (16001046 BC). In the late 2nd century the Han Dynasty scholar Fu Qian () wrote in his commentary "Jixie" () that "Shanrong and Beidi are ancestors of the present-day Xianbei". Again in Inner Mongolia another closely connected core Mongolic Xianbei region was the Upper Xiajiadian culture (1000600 BC) where the Donghu confederation was centered.After the Donghu were defeated by Modu Chanyu the Xianbei and Wuhuan survived as the main remnants of the confederation. Tadun Khan of the Wuhuan (died 207 AD) was the ancestor of the proto-Mongolic Kumo Xi. The Wuhuan are of the direct Donghu royal line and the Xin Tangshu directly says that in 209 BC Modu Chanyu defeated the Wuhuan instead of using the word Donghu. The Xianbei however were of the lateral Donghu line and had a somewhat separate identity, although they shared the same language with the Wuhuan. In 49 AD the Mongolic Xianbei ruler Bianhe (Bayan Khan?) raided and defeated the Xiongnu, killing 2000, after having received generous gifts from Emperor Guangwu of Han. The Xianbei reached their peak under Tanshihuai Khan (reigned 156181) who expanded the vast, but short lived, Xianbei state.

Xianbei Empire under Tanshihuai (141181).Three prominent proto-Mongolic groups split from the Xianbei, as recorded by the Chinese histories: the Nirun (claimed by some to be the Avars), the Khitan and the Shiwei (a sub-tribe called the "Shiwei Menggu" is held to be the origin of the Genghisid Mongols). Besides these three Xianbei groups, there were other Xianbei groups with Mongolic affiliation such as the Murong, Duan and Tuoba. Their culture was nomadic, their religion Shamanism or Buddhism and their military strength formidable. There is still no direct evidence that the Nirun spoke a Mongolic language, although most scholars agree that they were proto-Mongolic. The Khitan, however, had two scripts of their own and many Mongolic words are found in their half-deciphered writings that are usually found with a parallel Chinese text (for example, nair = sun, sair = moon, tau = five, jau = hundred, m.r = horse, im.a = goat, n.q = dog, = silver, ju.un = summer, = autumn, u.ul = winter, heu.ur = spring, tau.l.a = rabbit, t.q.a = hen and m.g.o = snake). There is no doubt regarding the Khitan being proto-Mongolic.

Asia in 500 AD, showing the Mongolic Nirun (Juan-Juan) Empire and its neighbors, including the Mongolic Northern Wei Dynasty and the Mongolic Tuyuhun KhanateGeographically the Tuoba Xianbei ruled southern part of Southern Mongolia and northern China, the Nirun (Yujiulu Shelun was the first to use the title Khagan in 402) ruled Eastern Mongolia, Western Mongolia, northern part of the Southern Mongolia and Northern Mongolia, the Khitan were concentrated in eastern part of the Southern Mongolia north of Korea and the Shiwei were located to the north of the Khitan. These tribes and kingdoms were soon overshadowed by the rise of the Gok-Turks in 555, the Uyghurs in 745 and the Yenisei Kirghizs in 840. The Tuoba were eventually absorbed into China. The Rouran fled west from the Gok-Turks and either disappeared into obscurity or, as some say, invaded Europe as the Avars under their Khan Bayan I. Some Rouran under Tatar Khan migrated east founding the Tatar tribes, who became part of the Shiwei. The Khitan, who were independent after their separation from the proto-Mongolic Kumo Xi (of Wuhuan origin) in 388 AD, continued as a minor power in Manchuria until one of them, Abaoji (872926), established the Khitan Liao Dynasty (9071125). The Khitan fled west after their defeat by the Tungusic Jurchens (later known as Manchus) and founded the Kara-Khitan or Western Liao dynasty (11251218) in eastern Kazakhstan. In 1218 Genghis Khan destroyed the Kara-Khitan Kingdom after which the Khitan passed into obscurity. The modern-day minority of Mongolic-speaking Daurs in China are their direct descendants based on DNA evidence.Medieval periodMain articles: Mongol Empire, Northern Yuan Dynasty, Timurid Dynasty, Four Oirats, Khotogoid Khanate, Zunghar Khanate, Kalmyk Khanate, and Khoshut Khanate

The Battle of Oroi-Jalatu in 1755 between the Qing and Oirat armies. The fall of the Zunghar Khanate.The Shiwei included a tribe called the Shiwei Menggu.Bodonchar Munkhag (Chagatai tradition dates 'Buzanjar Munqaq' to the rebellion of Abu Muslim or 747 AD.) the founder of the House of Borjigin and the ancestor of Genghis Khan is held to be descended from the Shiwei Menggu. The early Shiwei paid tribute to the Tuoba Wei (386534) and submitted to the Khitans. After the Khitans left Mongolia the Mongols rose to prominence, when from the 1130s there were reciprocally hostile relations between the successive khans of the Khamag Mongol confederation (Khaidu, Khabul Khan and Ambaghai Khan) and the emperors of the Jin dynasty.With the expansion of the Mongol Empire, the Mongolic peoples settled over almost all Eurasia and carried on military campaigns from the Adriatic Sea to Java and from Japan to Palestine (Gaza). They simultaneously became Padishahs of Persia, Emperors of China, Great Khans of Mongolia and one even became Sultan of Egypt (Al-Adil Kitbugha). The Mongolic peoples of the Golden Horde established themselves to govern Russia by 1240. By 1279, they conquered the Song Dynasty and brought all of China under control of the Yuan Dynasty. With the breakup of the Empire, the dispersed Mongolic peoples quickly adopted the mostly Turkic cultures surrounding them and were assimilated, forming parts of Uzbeks, Tatars, Yugurs, Kazakhs and Moghuls; linguistic and cultural Persianization also began to be prominent in these territories. However, most of the Mongolic peoples returned to Mongolia, retaining their language and culture. After the fall of the Yuan Dynasty in 1368 the established their independent regime as Northern Yuan. However, the Oirads began to challenge the Eastern Mongolic peoples under the Borjigin monarchs in the late 14th century.Present-day Mongols (also known as Khalkha) of Mongolia and Southern Mongolia are the most prominent of the remaining Eastern Mongolic peoples while the Kalmyks (formerly also known as Oirats) in Europe are the main descendants of the Western Mongolic peoples. The Khalkha emerged during the reign of Dayan Khan (14641543) as one of the six tumens of the Eastern Mongolic peoples. They quickly became the dominant Mongolic clan in Mongolia proper. The Khalkha eventually submitted to Qing rule in 1691, thus bringing all of today's Mongolia under Beijing's rule.Some scholars estimate that about 80% of the Dzungar population were destroyed by a combination of warfare and disease during the Qing conquest of Zungaria in 17551757. Mark Levene, a historian whose recent research interests focus on genocide, has stated that the extermination of the Dzungars was "arguably the eighteenth century genocide par excellence."In the winter of 17701771, approximately 200,000 Kalmyks began the journey from their pastures on the left bank of the Volga River to Dzungaria, through the territories of their Bashkirs, Kazakh and Kyrgyz enemies. After several months of travel, only one-third of the original group reached Dzungaria.Modern periodMain articles: Mongolia, Buryatia, Inner Mongolia, Kalmykia, Qinghai, and Xinjiang Marshal Khorloogiin Choibalsan called Southern Mongols and Xinjiang Oirats to migrate to Mongolia during SovietJapanese War of 1945 (Mongolian name:Liberation War of 1945) but Soviet Army blocked the Southern Mongolian migrants way to the Mongolia.It was a part of pan Mongolian plan and only few oirats and southern Mongols (uzemchin, huuchid and tmed) arrived in the Mongolia.LanguageMain article: Mongolic languages

A Mongolic Ger The specific origin of the Mongolic languages and associated tribes is unclear. On rare occasions researchers have proposed a link to the Tungusic and Turkic language families, which are included alongside Mongolic in the proposed broader group of Altaic languages, though this is highly controversial. Today the Mongoloian peoples speak at least one of several Mongolic languages including Mongolian, Buryat, Oirat, Dongxiang, Tu, Bonan, Hazaragi, and Aimaq as well as either Russian or Mandarin Chinese as inter-ethnic languages.ReligionThe original religion of the Mongolic peoples from the time of the Donghu was Shamanism. The Xianbei came in contact with Confucianism and Daoism but eventually adopted Buddhism. In the 5th century the Buddhist monk Dharmapriya was proclaimed State Teacher of the Rouran Khaganate and given 3000 families. In 511 the Rouran Douluofubadoufa Khan sent Hong Xuan to the Tuoba court with a pearl-encrusted statue of the Buddha as a gift. The Tuoba Xianbei and Khitans were mostly Buddhists, although they still retained their original Shamanism. The Tuoba had a "sacrificial castle" to the west of their capital where ceremonies to spirits took place. Wooden statues of the spirits were erected on top of this sacrificial castle. One ritual involved seven princes with milk offerings who ascended the stairs with 20 female shamans and offered prayers, sprinkling the statues with the sacred milk. The Khitan had their holiest shrine on Mount Muye where portraits of their earliest ancestor Qishou Khagan, his wife Kedun and eight sons were kept in two temples. Mongolic peoples were also exposed to Zoroastrianism, Manicheism, Nestorianism, Orthodox Christianity and Islam from the west. The Mongolic peoples, in particular the Borjigin, had their holiest shrine on Mount Burkhan Khaldun where their ancestor Brte Chono(Blue Wolf) and Goo Maral (Beautiful Doe) had given birth to them. Genghis Khan usually fasted, prayed and meditated on this mountain before his campaigns. As a young man he had thanked the mountain for saving his life and prayed at the foot of the mountain sprinkling offerings and bowing nine times to the east with his belt around his neck and his hat held at his chest. Genghis Khan kept a close watch on the Mongolic supreme shaman Kokochu Teb who sometimes conflicted with his authority. Later the imperial cult of Genghis Khan (centered on the eight white gers and nine white banners in Ordos) grew into a highly organized indigenous religion with scriptures in the Mongolian script. Indigenous moral precepts of the Mongolic peoples were enshrined in oral wisdom sayings (now collected in several volumes), the anda (blood-brother) system and ancient texts such as the Chinggis-un Bilig (Wisdom of Genghis) and Oyun Tulkhuur (Key of Intelligence). These moral precepts were expressed in poetic form and mainly involved truthfulness, fidelity, help in hardship, unity, self-control, fortitude, veneration of nature, veneration of the state and veneration of parents.

Timur of Mongolic origin himself had converted almost all the Borjigin leaders to Islam.

The Mughal Emperor Babur and his heir Humayun, The word Mughal, is derived from the Persian word for Mongol.In 1254 Mngke Khan organized a formal religious debate (in which William of Rubruck took part) between Christians, Muslims and Buddhists in Karakorum, a cosmopolitan city of many religions. The Mongolic Empire was known for its religious tolerance, but had a special leaning towards Buddhism and was sympathetic towards Christianity while still worshipping Tengri. The Mongolic leader Abaqa Khan sent a delegation of 1316 to the Second Council of Lyon (1274), which created a great stir, particularly when their leader 'Zaganus' underwent a public baptism. Yahballaha III (12451317) and Rabban Bar Sauma (c. 12201294) were famous Mongolic Nestorian Christians. The Kerait tribe in central Mongolia was Christian and Shamanistic.The western Khanates, however, eventually adopted Islam (under Berke and Ghazan) and the Turkic languages (because of its commercial importance), although allegiance to the Great Khan and limited use of the Mongolic languages can be seen even in 1330's. The Mongolic nobility during the Yuan dynasty studied Confucianism, built Confucian temples (including Beijing Confucius Temple)