marine tfa q

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  • 7/28/2019 Marine Tfa q


  • 7/28/2019 Marine Tfa q



    Q. How can I update the printing parameters. ......................................................... ..................... 10

    Q. Do I need to specify a printer-id? ............................................................................................. 10

    Q. I encountered a message "Error Printing Opal Page" while trying to print using the "Print

    Screen" function. .............................................................................................................................. 10

    Q. When printing the Port Clearance Certificate, garbage is printed on the form. ...................... 11

    Q. I want to print the current screen on my PC for documentation purposes. How do I proceed

    with that? .......................................................................................................................................... 11

    PLUGIN................................................................................................................................................ 11

    Q. Where can I download the plugins? ......................................................................................... 11

    Q. When running the transaction, I encountered the message, "Plugin not loaded". ................. 11

    Q. I see a small icon in the middle of the screen that look like a piece of jig-saw puzzle when I

    click on "Declaration of vessel for port user". .................................................................................. 11

    Q. Can I install plugins on the server instead of every PC? ........................................................... 11

    Q. If I buy a new PC, do I need to install plugins?.......................................................................... 11

    Q. Do I need to download and install plug-ins for every Marinet account? ................................. 11

    OTHERS.............................................................................................................................................. 11

    Q. Can I access Marinet from home? ............................................................................................ 11

    Q. When submitting vessel's new general declaration, I encountered the message "GD found in

    portnet file" ....................................................................................................................................... 12

    Q. Does Marinet have the VSIP transaction? ........................................................... ..................... 12

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    Q. I am new to MARINET, can you guide me in the downloading and installation

    of the plug-in so that I can submit my declarations?

    A. In order to use MARINET to submit your declarations, you have to install the

    Opal plug-in. Before you install the plug-in, please note that the OPAL plug-in

    only supports Windows 32bit Operating Systems. OPAL plug-in DOES

    NOT support Windows 64bit Operating Systems. To download and install

    the plug-in, please follow the steps below:

    1. Login to MARINET. Click on the Utilities link in the Main Menu. The Plug-

    ins screen will appear.

    2. Click on the OPAL FOR IE button.

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    3. A dialog box will appear. Click Run.

    4. A status dialog box will appear showing how long it will take to download

    the file.

    5. After the download is completed, you will be prompted with another dialog

    box. Click Run.

    6. This will start the installation program. It will ask a few questions regarding

    your computer settings. Just use the default setting and click on the Next

    button on each dialog box.

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    Q. How do I check whether my Windows Operating System (OS) is 32bit or


    A. To check whether your Windows OS is 32bit or 64bit, please do the following


    1. Click on the Start button, followed by Control Panel.

    2. Inside the Control Panel, double-click on System.

    3. Look under System Type, it will show whether your OS is 32bit or 64bit.

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    Q. How do I disable pop-up blocker in Internet Explorer in order to print the port

    clearance certificate?

    A. To disable pop-up blocker in Internet Explorer, please follow the steps below:

    1. In the Internet Explorer menu, go to Tools -> Internet Options.

    2. In the Internet Options, click on the Privacy tab. Under the Pop-up

    Blocker option, click on the Settings button.

    3. Within the Pop-up Blocker Settings option, under Address of website to

    allow:, key in and click on the Add button,

    followed by the Close button. Finally, click on the OK button to exit from

    the Internet Options.

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    Q. How do I Clear the cache or Delete temporary Internet file?

    A. To Clear the cache or Delete temporary Internet file, please follow the

    steps below:

    1. In the Internet Explorer menu, go to Tools -> Internet Options.

    2. Under the Browsing history, click on Delete.

    3. Inside Delete Browsing History, click on Delete all.

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    4. When prompted with a Delete Browsing History dialog box, click on thecheckbox Also delete files and settings stored by add-ons. and click

    on the Yes button, followed by Close and subsequently OK to exit

    Internet Options.


    Q. What is the definition of ISC?

    A. ISC stands for Information Security Co-ordinator. Each company must have at

    least 1 ISC and each company can have at most 2 ISCs.

    Q. What charges are applicable when subscribing to Marinet?A. A one-time administration charge of S$40 is payable for each logon-id and a

    monthly subscription charge of S$10 regardless of the number of logon-ids.

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    Q. Can I fax the Marinet Application Form to MPA?

    A. No, Marinet Application Form should be sent by post or by hand to:

    General Accounting DepartmentMaritime and Port Authority of Singapore460, Alexandra Road

    #18-00PSA BuildingSingapore 119963

    Q. Can I fax the Marinet Account Acknowledgement slip?

    A. Yes, you can fax the acknowledgement slip to MPA at 62727502, attention toMPA Marinet Helpdesk.

    Q. How do I terminate my MARINET subscription?

    A. To terminate your MARINET subscription, you need to write in or fax thetermination letter with your companys letter head to our General Accounting


    General Accounting DepartmentMaritime and Port Authority of Singapore460, Alexandra Road#18-00PSA BuildingSingapore 119963Fax: 63751659Hotline: 63751695


    Q. I have forgotten my password. What should I do?

    A. Ask your ISC to reset your password. ISC can reset password through theAdministration module on Marinet.

    Q. There is a change of role and we need to replace the ISC. What should we


    A. You can write/fax your request to MPA Marinet Helpdesk. The fax number is62727502.

    Q. I am not able to see the Administration Module.

    A. The Administration Module is restricted to your company's ISC only. Otherusers will not be able to see this option.

    Q. How can I freeze an account?

    A. Only your company's ISC can freeze an account. ISC can use theAdministration module on Marinet for this purpose.

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    Q. How can I request for a new Marinet account?

    A. Only your company's ISC can send in the request for an account. ISC can usethe Administration module on Marinet for this purpose.

    Q. I have received my login id and password but still unable to access the

    Marinet. Why?

    A. Your company's ISC must acknowledge your account using the AdministrationModule on Marinet before you can start using your account.

    Q. Can an existing account be replaced with another user?

    A. Yes, your companys ISC is able to do a replacement of user under theadministration module on MARINET.

    Q. When I logon to Marinet, I encountered the message "Password expired".

    Why is that so?

    A. For security reason, Marinet password will expire after a period of time. Youneed to change your password in order to continue using the system. At the

    logon panel, do the following:

    1. Click on the checkbox Click here to change password.2. Key in you logon ID.3. Key in your existing password (2nd row)4. Key in your new password twice (3rd and 4th row)5. Click Logon

    Q. My Marinet account is suspended, how can I reactivate my account?

    A. Ask your ISC to reactivate the account for you. ISC can reactivate the accountusing the Administration module on Marinet.


    Q. How can I update the printing parameters.

    A. Under the Marinet Administration Module, select "Printing". You can updatethe printing parameters from there. Printing parameters can only be updatedby your ISC.

    Q. Do I need to specify a printer-id?

    A. You only need to specify a printer-id if you are using a network printer.

    Q. I encountered a message "Error Printing Opal Page" while trying to print using

    the "Print Screen" function.

    A. There are 3 possibilities. Firstly, ensure that the power is on and the printer isin ready mode. Secondly, check that your printer is set as the default printer inthe printer settings inside Control Panel. Finally, verify that you have thecorrect drivers installed for your printer. To do that, look at the model of your

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    printer and ensure that the model is the same as the model that is found in thePrinters settings in Control Panel.

    Q. When printing the Port Clearance Certificate, garbage is printed on the form.

    A. This may due to printer problem. Ensure that you have the correct driversinstalled for the printer, restart the printer and try again.

    Q. I want to print the current screen on my PC for documentation purposes. How

    do I proceed with that?

    A. Click on the "Print Screen" icon located at the bottom left corner. It will printwhatever that is on the screen. Before that, make sure that your printer is setas the default printer on your PC.


    Q. Where can I download the plugins?

    A. You can find the various plugins under the Utilities Module.

    Q. When running the transaction, I encountered the message, "Plugin not


    A. You need to install Opal plugin in order to use any of the transaction.Download the neccessary plugin from the Marinet Utilities Module and installthe plugin.

    Q. I see a small icon in the middle of the screen that look like a piece of jig-saw

    puzzle when I click on "Declaration of vessel for port user".

    A. This means that you have not install the Opal plugin. Download the Opal

    plugin from the Marinet Utilities Module and install the plugin as instructed inthe user manual.

    Q. Can I install plugins on the server instead of every PC?

    A. No, the plugin must be installed on each individual PC.

    Q. If I buy a new PC, do I need to install plugins?

    A. Yes, you need to install the plugins in your new PC.

    Q. Do I need to download and install plug-ins for every Marinet account?

    A. No, you only need to install the plugin once for each PC.


    Q. Can I access Marinet from home?

    A. Yes, Marinet can be access from any location that has an Internet connection.

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    Q. When submitting vessel's new general declaration, I encountered the

    message "GD found in portnet file"

    A. There is already a General Declaration that is waiting for vetting by OSDC. Ifyou wish to replace the previous GD, you should first cancel the GD using"VCAN".

    Q. Does Marinet have the VSIP transaction?

    A. Yes. You can find this transaction under "Enquiry of Vessel Information"module.

    Q. When I access any of the links which requires an OPAL plug-in, for eg.

    General Declaration of Vessel Arrival/Departure from my company computer

    network, the access hung or a Not connected to MPA host message

    appears. What should I do?

    A. 1. The issue could be related to your companys network configuration.

    Please follow the steps below to troubleshoot:

    i) The 2 Opal servers listed below listen to port 80 though they are notWeb servers. Do not use application filtering but allow TCPIP port80 in your Firewalls.

    ii) Bypass proxy for the 2 opal servers if your company use proxy serverto access internet.

    2. If found out the issue is not related to your companys network

    configuration, check with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Ask the ISP to

    bypass proxy for the 2 opal servers if they use proxy server.