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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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SKL NO 1. ( PICTURES ) Menentukan pernyataan lisan tentang kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung, sesuai dengan gambar. Present Continuous Tense Rumusnya: Positif: S + Tobe + Ving Negatif: S + Tobe+ Not+ Ving Tanya: Tobe + S + Ving SKL NO 2 ( PICTURES ) Menentukan pernyataan lisan tentang lokasi suatu benda, sesuai dengan gambar. PREPOSITION at di Between = diantara 2 benda On diatas Among = diantara banyak benda in didalam Above = diatas but tapi Over = diatas for untuk Under = dibawah from dari Beneath = dibawah ( tak tentu ) to kepada / untuk. Below = dibawah ( abstrak ) Inside - didalam Infront of = didepan Outside di luar Behind of = dibelakang And = dan Beside = disamping SKL NO 3 ( PICTURES ) Menentukan pernyataan tentang penampilan (ciriciri fisik) seseorang, sesuai dengan gambar. PHYSICAL FEATURES / CIRI CIRI FISIK VERB yang seringkali dipakai: - look = terlihat - seem = terlihat - to be ( is/am/are ) - appear = terlihat / rupa - hold = memegang - puts on = memakai - wear = memakai ( benda yang nempel. ie: shirt, hat, watch ) - use = memakai ( benda aplikasi. Ie: hoe, handphone etc ) - cover = menyelimuti / menutupi Vocabulary : Shirt = kemeja T shirt = kaos Pants = celana Short = celana pendek Skirt = rok Uniform = seragam Gawn = gaun Jacket = jaket Eye glasses = kacamata baca Sun glasses = kacamata hitam Watch = jam tangan Bracelet = gelang Neckless = kalung Earings = anting Bag = tas Fat / overwight = gemuk Thin = kurus Tall = tinggi Short = pendek Moustache = kumis Beard = jenggot Bald = botak Short hair = cepak / rambut pendek Curly hair = keriting Wavy hair = ikal Straight hair = rambut lurus Eyebrows = alis Slanted eyes = mata sipit Nose = hidung Cheek = pipi Ears = telinga Lips = bibir Face = muka Smile = senyum Gloomy = murung

Do you mind to to come to ? If you dont mind, Ill invite you to . If you are free . If you have time please come to . Response : (+) (-) Id love to Id love to, but. Ill be there Im sorry, I cant It sounds good/nice I have a lot of work to do It must be great Im afraid I cant Thats would be nice SKL NO 7 ( QUESTION RESPONSE ) : Menentukan respon yang tepat terhadap ungkapan arah /lokasi yang diberikan secara lisan DIRECTION (MENUNJUKKAN ARAH) Could you tell me the way to go to. Can you tell me to get to. Could you direct me to. Can you tell me how to get to . Where is the nearest .. ? ( manakah . yang terdekat dari sini ) Which way is to .. ? ( jalan manakah untuk ke .. ? ) Response: follow this way, turn right and then turn left. It is on your left. Note : it is on your left = location LOCATION Where the location of. Could you tell me where the location of. Could you tell me where the nearest . ? Ie: - could you tell me where the school is? can you show me where the library is ? response : the school is infront of the permata bank . you can go along this street, and then you turn left after you find T-junction the library is across of smk dwp note : you can go along this street, and then you turn left after you find T-junction = direction SKL NO 8 11 ( SHORT CONVERSATION ) Di dalam menghadapi soal-soal short conversation kita harus pahami betul kata Tanya dari pertanyaan tersebut. Berikut ini adalah macam-macam kata Tanya : 1 . what ( apa ) : utk menanyakan subjek atau objek dalam kalimat berupa benda 2. who ( siapa ) : utk menanyakan subject yang berupa orang 3. whom ( siapa ) : utk menanyakan object yang berupa orang 4. whose (milik siapa) : utk menanyakan kepemilikan seseorang ( your book / his book ) 5. where ( dimana ) : utk menanyakan keterangan tempat 6. when ( kapan ) : untuk menanyakan keterangan waktu 7. why ( kenapa ) : utk menanyakan alasan ( dijawab: because. ) 8. which (yang mana) : menanyakan pilihan( dijawab: .. one ) 9. how (bagaimana) ; menanyakan keadaan atau tata cara 10. what time : menanyakan waktu terutama jam 11. how + adj : menanyakan karakteristik / deskripsi sesuatu ( contoh: how big is the school? ) 12. how many : menanyakan berapa banyak ( sesuatu yang bisa dihitung ) 13. how much : menanyakan berapa banyak benda yang tidak bisa dihitung (termasuk uang ) 13. how long : menanyakan berapa lama / rentang waktu 14. how far: menanyakan berapa jarak / jauhnya Materi no 8 11 ( SHORT CONVERSATION ) Perkenalan : - may i introduce myself - can I introduce myself? - let me introduce myself - Id like to introduce myself - I want to introduce myself Rencana / plan Will + V1 To be + going to Contoh : I will go to Jakarta She is going to go to jakarta SKL NO 12 13 GAMBARAN UMUM : What is the product being advertised ? What is the advertisement about??? Who does advertise the advertiesment? Where the advertisement be announced? SKL NO 14 15 GAMBARAN UMUM : What is the announcement about? To whom the announcement be announced? When the event will be held?


SKL NO 5 ( QUSTION RESPONSE ) : menentukan ungkapan yang tepat terhadap ungkapan pilihan ( PREFERENCE )

1. 2. 3. 4.5.

S + like + noun + better than + noun Ving Contoh : I like reading better than watching television S + prefer + noun + to + noun Ving Ving Contoh : Ali prefers swimming to running S + would rather + V1 + than + V1 d rather Contoh : I would rather swim than run


S + would prefer + to + V1 + rather than + V1 Contoh: she would prefer to sleep better than study rather than + V1 + S + would rather + to V1 contoh : rather than watch TV shanty would rather to listen the music

SKL NO 6 ( QUESTION RESPONSE ) : menentukan respon yang tepat terhadap ungkapan undangan INVITATION / UNDANGAN Would you like to come to.? Will you come to .. ? Could you come to .. ? Can you come to . ? Are you able to come to ? Would you mind to come to ? Would you mind to join at ?


Where the announcement be held? SKL NO 16 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan hobi dan minat Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang dipakai - do you like . ? ( apakah kamu suka .. ? ) ( ie : do you like playing football ? ) Respond : yes, I do / no, I do not - what do you like doing in your spare time? ( apa yg kamu lakukan di waktu luangmu ? ) Respond: I like reading in my spare time - do you like . in your leisure time? ( apakah kamu suka.. diwaktu luangmu?) Respond : yes, I do / no, I do not - what is your hobby? Respond : well, I have several hobbies SKL NO 17 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan penanganan tamu / percakapan telepon Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang dipakai untuk pembicaraan telepon can I speak to . ? ( dapatkah saya bicara dengan . ) cold you put me through to .. ? ( dapatkah anda sambungkan saya dengan ) would you phone .. ? ( maukah anda menelepon .. ? ) could you phone .. ? ( maukah anda menelepon .. ? ) berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang dipakai dalam menerima telepon who is speaking please? Would you like to leave a message ? Sorry the line is engaged Sorry the line is busy OK. Ill put you trough Hold on please Wait a minute please One moment please Im sorry, he is out of the town SKL NO 18 (INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kejadian masa lampau. Rumus Past Tense: Positif: S + V2 Negatif: S + did not + V1 Tanya: Did + S + V1 (+) adi played football yesterday (-) adi did not play football yesterday (?) did he play football yesterday Rumus Past Continuous Tense Positif: S + was/were + Ving Negatif: S + was/were + NOT + Ving Tanya: Was/Were + S + Ving Rumus Past Perfect Tense Positif: S + had + V3 Negatif: S + had + not + V3 Tanya: Had + S + V3 Adverb of time past: Yesterday Last night Last Two days ago ago This morning SKL 19 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan undangan INVITATION / UNDANGAN Would you like to come to.? Will you come to .. ? Could you come to .. ? Can you come to . ? Are you able to come to ? Would you mind to come to ? Would you mind to join at ? Do you mind to to come to ? If you dont mind, Ill invite you to . ( jika kamu tidak keberatan, saya akan mengundangmu ke ) If you are free . ( jika kamu luang . ) If you have time please come to . ( jika kamu punya waktu .. ) Response : (+) (-) Id love to Id love to, but. Ill be there Im sorry, I cant It sounds good/nice I have a lot of work to do It must be great Im afraid I cant Thats would be nice

SKL NO 20 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pujian Ungkapan yang biasa dipakai adalah sbb: What a beautiful she is ! what a handsome you are ! fantastic ! how marvelous ! response: (+) thank you very much So you do I think so Thanks for your compliment Im delighted to hear that ( saya senang mendengarnya ) (- ) I dont think so You must be kidding Are you sure? SKL NO 21 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan keluhan (COMPLAINT ) Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang dipakai untuk keluhan : - I want to return this . ( saya ingin mengembalikan ) - it is not actually what I want ( ini tidak seperti yang saya inginkan ) - at first you said that but now .. ( dulu anda bilang tapi sekarang ) - Whats wrong with this . ( ada apa dengan ) Respond yang diapakai untuk menangani keluhan sbb: - I am very sorry sir. Due to .. disorder. ( saya minta maaf, itu karena .. jadi rusak ) - I guarantee it wont happen again ( saya jamin tidak akan terjadi lagi ) - do you want to exchange it / them? ( apakah anda ingin menukarnya ? ) SKL NO 22 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan perintah / permohonan EXPRESSING COMMAND / REQUEST ( ungkapan perintah/ permohonan ) Pattern / rumus : V1 + O / adjective Be + adjective Ie: open the door! Put me a glass of water ! Be careful ! ( berhati hatilah ) Be strong!( menjadi kuatlah ! ) SKL NO 23 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan nasehat / saran ( suggestion / advice ) Berikut ini adalah ungkapan untuk meminta saran / nasehat: - what do you recommend for a toothache? ( apa saranmu tentang sakit gigiku ? ) Respond: you had better see a doctor - could you recommend a good restaurant around here? ( dapatkah anda menyarankan restoran yang bagus disekitar sini ? ) Respond: you ought to go to ombilin restoran at pancasila street - is there any recommendation for a good restaurant around here ? ( apakah ada saran untuk restaurant yang bagus disekitar sini? ) Respond: you should go to ombilin restoran at Pancasila street - What do you suggest? - what is your advice? Atau bisa memakai rumus dibawah ini: - Why dont we/you/she/he - What about.. - You had better - you should. - its a good idea to .. Youd better singkatan dari : you had better In example: Why dont we get some food ? what about having lunch together? SKL NO 24 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pengandaian PENGANDAIAN If clause / conditional sentences Pattern (pola): A if B 1) WILL V1 / to be present (is/are)



2) 3)

WOULD tidak mungkin terjadi

V2 / to be past (were) sebab


: Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan rutin/sehari-hari. Simple present Positif: S + V1 (s/es) Negatif: S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1 Tanya: DO/DOES + S + V1 Contoh Kalimat Positif: I drink coffee She drinks coffe We drink coffee *) untuk Subject tunggal kata kerjannya ( verb) ditambahi s/es Present Continuous Tense Rumusnya: Positif: S + Tobe + Ving Negatif: S + Tobe+ Not+ Ving Tanya: Tobe + S + Ving Rumusnya Present Perfect Tense begini: Positif: S + have/has + V3 Negatif: S + have/sas Not + V3 Tanya: Have/has + S + V3 Rumus Present Perfect Continuous Tense Positif: S + have/has + been + Ving Negatif: S + have/has + not + been + Ving Tanya: Have/has + S + been + Ving SKL NO 28 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemesanan EXPRESSION IN MAKING RESERVATION - I would like to reserve.. - I would like to book /order . - can / could / may I reserve ? - could I make reservation for my . ? - can I book a train seat for Saturday to malang? EXPRESSION IN HANDLING RESERVATION - Yes sir / madam, what sort of .. ? ( jenis apa. ) - yes. Off course. Do you prefer . ? ( anda pilih yang . ) - off course / certainly / absolutely, sir / madam - I am sorry to tell / inform you that all have been reserved ( maaf semuanya telah dipesan )

WOULD HAVE Have / has + V3 akibat *) bisa di bolak balik antara kalimat A dan B *) will bisa diganti dengan modal yang lain ie: can/shall/may/might *) would bisa diganti dengan could/should/may/might if clause memakai wish


I wish you were rich I wish you passed the examination I wish you came to my party She wishes he were handsome Wish V2 / were

*) khusus untuk pengandaian to be nya memakai were SKL NO 25 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan persetujuan/ ketidaksetujuan Question: What do you think of.? What do you think about ? Do you agree with .? Is that right ? Am I right ? Untuk menunjukkan persetujuan ( respon ) sbb: - exactly - I think so - certainly / absolutely - I agree - I totally agree with you - that just what I thinking ( itu seperti apa yang saya pikirkan ) Untuk menunjukkan ketidak setujuan - I dont agree with you - I dont think so - Im sorry, but youre wrong - thats not right - surely not, I cant agree with that - no way / non sense - Im afraid, I have my own opinion Untuk menunjukkan ketidak setujuan dengan halus: - I agree the point, but .. - I see your point but .. ( saya paham intinya, tapi .. ) - I suppose you are right, but .. ( saya rasa anda benar, tapi ) - they may be so, but ( bisa jadi seperti itu, tapi . ) SKL NO 26 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemberian arah dan lokasi DIRECTION (MENUNJUKKAN ARAH) Could you tell me the way to go to. Can you tell me to get to. Could you direct me to. Can you tell me how to get to . Where is the nearest .. ? ( manakah . yang terdekat dari sini ) Which way is to .. ? ( jalan manakah untuk ke .. ? ) Response: follow this way, turn right and then turn left. It is on your left. Note : it is on your left = location LOCATION Where the location of. Could you tell me where the location of. Could you tell me where the nearest . ? Ie: - could you tell me where the school is? - can you show me where the library is ? response : the school is infront of the permata bank . you can go along this street, and then you turn left after you find T-junction the library is across of smk dwp note : you can go along this street, and then you turn left after you find T-junction = direction SKL NO 27 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE )

SKL NO 28 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemesanan The expression used in the restaurant : (ungkapan yang dipakai di restoran ) asking about wants ( meminta sesuatu ) would you like anything to eat? ( apakah anda ingin pesan makanan ? ) Would you care for anything to drink? ( apakah anda mau pesan minuman ) Would you like me to get ? Would you like to have ? Respond ( + ) - yes please Respond (- ) Im afraid we dont Im sorry we dont No thanks Customer : well, Ill have .. , then ( mmm saya ingin . Dan . ) OK Id like some, please.. ( OK saya ingin ) Respond : Yes, certainly SKL NO 29 ( INCOMLETE DIALOGUE ) : Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan suatu kemungkinan Beberapa ungkapan yang biasa dipakai sbb: Ungkapan psoitif - I know that . - Im certain that .. - I have no doubt about - its positive that .. - you might right about . Ungkapan negative : - Im not sure / certain / convinced that - we have doubt that ( kami telah ragu kalau .. ) Atau bisa dengan ungkapan dibawah ini :




Ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kemungkinan sbb: Will It will rain - 50 % To be + going to it is going to rain - 90 % To be Must = pasti May = mungkin Might = mungkin Could = dapat she is sick it must rain- 95 % it may rain - 50 % it might rain it could rain - 100 % - 50% - 50 %

- I think you ought to + V1 ( saya rasa kamu seharusnya . ) - I think its good if .. - my advise would be to + V1 - I would + V1 + if I were you ( saya akan .. jika saya jadi kamu ) SKL NO 34 ( ERROR RECOGNITION ) Menentukan ungkapan deskripsi fisik seseorang (physical appearance) PHYSICAL FEATURES / CIRI CIRI FISIK VERB yang seringkali dipakai: - look = terlihat - seem = terlihat - to be ( is/am/are ) - appear = terlihat / rupa - hold = memegang - puts on = memakai - wear = memakai ( benda yang nempel. ie: shirt, hat, watch ) - use = memakai ( benda aplikasi. Ie: hoe, handphone etc ) - cover = menyelimuti / menutupi Vocabulary : Shirt = kemeja T shirt = kaos Pants = celana Short = celana pendek Skirt = rok Uniform = seragam Gawn = gaun Jacket = jaket Eye glasses = kacamata baca Sun glasses = kacamata hitam Watch = jam tangan Bracelet = gelang Neckless = kalung Earings = anting Bag = tas Moustache = kumis Beard = jenggot Bald = botak Short hair = cepak / rambut pendek Curly hair = keriting Wavy hair = ikal Straight hair = rambut lurus Eyebrows = alis Slanted eyes = mata sipit Nose = hidung Cheek = pipi Ears = telinga Lips = bibir Face = muka Smile = senyum Gloomy = murung SKL NO 35 ( ERROR RECOGNITION ) : menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan permohonan/pemberian izin ASKING FOR AND GIVING PERMISSION ( PERMOHONAN/PEMBERIAN IZIN ) Pattern / rumus ; can I + V1 ( ie: can I go to your house? ) please let me + V1 ( ie: please let me to go to your house ) may I + V1 ( may I have your name please ) - do you mind if I + V1 ( ie: do you mind if I take this book? ) - do you allow me to + V1 ( ie : do you allow me to go out ? ) - do you permit me to + V1 ( ie: do you permit me to borrow you book? ) Responses ( + ) sure. Go a head no, I dont mind ( saya tidak keberatan ) why not ( kenapa tidak ) you have my permission I wont stop you Its OK Responses ( - ) no, you may not - yes, I do mind ( ya, saya keberatan )

ie: You may be sick She must be smart They are supposed to be here ------------------ to be + supposed to They should be here -------------------should + v1 SKL NO 30 ( INCOMPLETE DIALOGUE ) : menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan seseorang / sesuatu ( CAPABILITIES EXPRESSIONS ) Some words usually used ( beberapa kata yang biasa dipakai ): - can - able / ability - capable / capability Contoh: She can move the table She is able to move the table Pattern / pola: Can = to be + able to = dapat

*) (be) able to bisa dikombinasikan dengan Modal yang lain. In example ( contohnya : ) She will be able to + V1 She might be able to + V1 SKL NO 31 ( ERROR RECOGNITION ) Menentukan ungkapan perbandingan benda / orang 1. positive degree ( perbandingan sama ) as + adj + as contoh : she is as smart as Adi ( dia sama pintarnya dengan adi ) ( dia sepintar Adi ) 2. comparative ( perbandingan 2 benda ) one syllable ( 1 suku kata ) adjective + er + than contoh : Anto is smarter than Adi two syllable ( 2 suku kata ) more + Adjective + than contoh ; Dewi is more beautiful than Ratih 3. superlative ( perbandingan paling ) one syllable ( 1 suku kata ) the + adj + est contoh : she is the tallest in the school ( dia paling tinggi di kelas ) ( dia tertinggi di kelas ) two syllable ( 2 suku kata ) the most + adjective contoh : Rendi is the most handsome in the class ( Rendi paling tampan / tertampan di kelas ) SKL NO 32 ( ERROR RECOGNITION ) : menentukan ungkapan tentang deskripsi benda ( adjective clause ) ADJECTIVE CLAUSE Adjective clause adalah sebuah klausa ( kalimat ) yang mempunyai subject dan predikat yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kata benda ( noun ). Beberapa kata yang biasa dipakai adalah sbb: - Who : menyatakan orang - Whom : menyatakan orang ( khusus object ) - which : menyatakan benda - that : menyatakan benda - whose : menyatakan kepemilikan Contoh : I met a woman who is kind to everybody The woman who is my teacher buys a new I met a woman car A woman is kind to everybody I know the students who are smart The woman buys a new car I know the students She is my teacher The students are smart SKL NO 33 ( ERRROR RECOGNITION ) : menentukan ungkapan penawaran / persuasi ( persuading / convincing ) Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang biasa dipakai : - youd better + V1 ( kamu lebih baik . ) - why dont you + V1 ( kenapa kamu tidak . )


I dont think to I will not permit you to SKL NO 35+ ( ERROR RECOGNITION ) : menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan perasaan seseorang Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan yang biasa digunakan: what are you thinking about? How is it going ? Are you OK? How do you feel about it ? Are you worried about something ? Response: I feel + adj She feels + adj .