mcclureg holds hearmrjg...

;iJeromc-43 Gooding 2 R ock-O rP " ~NotTiildirfccU Rocj^O-Piaoe « Russ ByBATO^^MtNER --— U alM P rm lotemaUdaa Tbe Soviet Unkn'aclcD deliberate sbot down e said was on a nylog mli States, refused to andofl -------- and said lt4(«oul(ldottagal Three top Soviet offldai DewscoafereocelnMosa _____ /if fho yntwpn AlT Llnes ' aboard > ^n^^acdd( Tbe Reagan admlnlst Soviet <±BTges ot spying. ____ty Coundtpostpooed a \ ......... ^ynyWwnfng Ritiwiana ------- preaWent»d»eduledao^ -------UJJrCcneralAssmblySei tbelnddent But Reagan cautlooed --------^UrSftzbna-RepubUeai ------- couldoQiy goiflo.iar-ln 11 Moscow over tbe Korean { _______ ^ know J ta t some c — Typhc ^— ^fetWfn ByJ.L.BATTENFEIJ UnitedPress IntemaU, ^ HONG KONG - .battered Hong-Kong gustlng to 161 inpb Frl power and comrounlc ____ : _^ng__raudaIidM I villages- aod-blowlng - ■ rocksbeforeitbeadedl Offlclals said at leas I were killed and 277 k 120 requiring bos Tbree people on boar boat that capsized we mtttiitng i More than 1,600 pei emer^Qcy sbelter, m . . jcsldentsormakeshini swept away by higb w and landslides.' “ .Tfte tyjj)Oon“ brougl qwrous BrStlsb Crown standstill. Finandal m banks, sdwols, shops t rants.shut down and I I fexry service for som I Koo^s 5.5 million res About-50,000 .bouse T • -eiectricTxwerrutnity^ - ^ - forced to wait-until sb tions abated, before, bej . ; pairs. . - - The Hong Kong M fr _Tw in Falls Nampa 7~ M urti zMinit 24 I Burle ---------------------- 781 Plane r (fintlA 'S cU m OD e at tbe Twbi tU s Cointy 1 I ______ r-r dmowledgedTiWaayir" ^ n a Korean airilner it I'., mission for tbe United d o ^ for tbe Inddent rp ignln dals,lnararetwo.bour iscow .^ d tbe downing >.1 ies Jet with 2fl9 people Va dUentxxnntnw.^’ dstrallon rejeded Ibe lg. but lhe UU. Securi- tt a vote on a resolution- -Vi ans for Ibe tragedy. Ib e - ^ lappearanoebefore^be— .al 3^. -26;to^ )eak about—t ied in a telephone talk sou Kana"tharWaflhlngton —^ aJtajanctlons against— v a u plane tragedy. ofs B of our criUa bave _ B oorrhitsr ng^tlea. ELD , partment t \aUoaal ported 22 sl Typhoon Ellen minor mai ng with winds tbestorm. Friday, cutting prooerty I . lltlered-wl ^1SS.S' oard a fi«hWg Roy were reported Ktong's wei neariy 6 In people sought since mldi most of them andlandsll( mhlllsidehuU TttQ obs 1 w ln ^ floods “Ho. 10” h ught~lfie'pii>^jKS^J5 wn colony to a orieimph, I maricets and FromHoi l» and restau* rammed 1 xl Interisland ' estuaiy s nme of Hong China's Gut residents was Only mli . .. waa rqwrt usebolda lost portug^-. tyTsrwTwere miles- acro storm coodt»-- Hong' Koof beglnnlng-re— radlo-safd t . . ............................ <<niilfw)a P e n Mfurlne De- storm. ibcrly.54, rta u g H l—--..=4- ico i jr ------- ley 0 78th year. No; 253---------- od tb6~~fi^t&e'wbrid'Crao' ygair tbeteitdytoiW ttli ' WASHINOtON IKSSSSSS th^shrttkMm^aipr^ tt )uSS^:Iioiaim': aoi -iAt iveistibWiotEews*^ •ptoneiwM . d o « ^ . 8 tgt;^r.‘: iounded off that somdiow we h a » u ^ “ veageaoce,” -Reagfln zeigeaiicelsnH'theTiBnK^U: )f going to war, what would tbej Reagan has proclahned Sm rccfiorijr ist six— it and the Royal Navy re- 2 ships aground and sever- i»y rnlla rniri-rppnrtw ftf__ oaritime collisions during n. rty damagB in H«ig K(ug extensiTC txit streets'were -wlth-t«t>keD-glass-and— - Incoming and outgoing* >t Kal'Tak international were dtber canceled or U>yal Observatory, Kong Aether bureau, rqwrted inches of rain had faOen ildnigbt, triggering mud slides. >bservatory hoisted the ’ hurricane signal as tbe ffltb sustained wireJicf 90_ dgustsofuptolMkpots, >h, buffeted tbe colwi^ ^^ *Sto^*ffi'^Pea3” mvS and beaded toward fuangdong province, minor property damage orted in the oelghhoring e-endave of-Macao. 40- _ 3 tss the estuary from jogrMacao-governroent ------ d tbeeadave's-gamUfaig----- Casdefordi .OaldeyK " CcimasCbui Shoshone 6 io'dfByliig u8ka.;Todcy:tr ttwnnoddilgiootU>rida EUi lS> t l t J o .JWBP«SecwUiy-~ “Yot tWaylwttoectsBiA'' W rist *«^dieaeM*==Ll*»?Jti plagwiaisMweed'^ m edte lana. anUhm really ^aT~Ti7T7'ilMiiliM»— ' I iL’n" /e haven't exacted Uonal di gap-Bald;-»WeU.--— In Tol #"llHrgamBrSbortrrrfound:tb tbeybaveusdo?” be: fron Sunday as a na- Secretai IMiliws ByHALBERNTON _ TVmfls-WflirawT/ter TWIN FALLS - Tbe Dam must tie rebuilt oi an estimated 98 mlUku _ cost, according to an report.. Um rm r t’s findings \ at a Friday press coofer ____tbe.Twln Fallfl.and Nor companies. - Cm M HUi engineer Boise, found that por d ^ 's cenli^ wood.'con aw ay and tbat sllthas wi into imme iqistream ro actkm is taken, tbe r ^ ' damcouldq>rlngamiOo! To repah* the leak, Ux ervolr might bave to be ( actlonlhat could Intern; Irrigation water to aonM worth of crops that are ___ ^ y on tlM lands seryicad A ■prepflrwrBtateme joInUy by the two'cana calls tbe risk fact(»' p dam ’s current condition I John Roabolt. a Twin wbo represents tbe two < 'nies, says that the diai C50 million worth of rev cannot live with comfort - -TB6K 13 a vayTPgPT occurriilg;”- !“rbe boards bave a te bllity to operate and t J dam for the beneflt'of II -: - -Mali intTr24v -W er 5 Wox itnts "— ^ ------- ; Twin Falls, t r —anfl-maiyottw s. Hiei te:' rodao.PocmofeoDtbei rtrtzyz Ml-' baw 'toi-bear -in ttinc lsom»<1&6i8rtt>e Soviets.'.anr I." Wtfiifitttfor ukL lumanltariao thing (b e^iel y since they tiiot tbejlane day of mourning for tt)e 269 vl Pokyo,- polfce said -Jiq>anese tbe roMgled body of a child im tbe ill-fated Korean al ^ of ^ te ^rge ers. If the _ then they . .rl3l^"hei le ng<ng Milner in Mar or replaced, at rqw rt coj to to 110 milUon Can^ Co. swerereleased says, m u 'erence, beld by ^ repalrliig orth.Sldecanal periodic i era, fiiseSnn caha «r ortlons of the ' repair wl' are have rotted thelevelo woriMdltsway ■n»« rock fUL U no March, ^^ tb e penetrate he Milner Res-' /^r eempUed —an rupttbeflowof ne |2S0 mnnftn pe grown annu- ' e d b y tb e dam. □^-TeleaKd-^ ---------- ^ posed by tbe - n Intolerable, h Palls lawyer 9 comna- - ' lance of Jodng ^ Mng fhnr-fcwr-— —;T^7y vtably, even if t-^nce of legal req»oo8l-; , Aci Uey40, ?ndeU12; )od River 0 Isvtdaho .................................. . .TknaNa<i(ioto/9<V^SAV£SON . JO fab* eods-with-tonl^'B— befajr.seePageAB.: - . ' 'i • - . . : ' mg Jg iviets-Hike-m lind tbe moat ; black b(ix < un doing rtgbt ; that tberK mjittbeTlgWii nrwwnannt dane was Bbot Not only 3 Ifl tbe most ''actual fac b&Vo done ;*tbe defense uie down.r’.:be ..JW «iQ l^ tjloing i ^ is ^!S^S!dK iusaiii:«mr3£]K5ik^ SvIcUms Soviets of dl »e fishermen— “The tem Udthat^mlgbt,— notraa.acd airilner and chief of sta 2 accused the . duilngtheiy there is a risk of a serious leal ey must move to eliminate tlu lesaldJWday. lardx, a separate CH2M Hi conduded that tbe Twin Fall Co.'s aging canal system ma i as much as |61 million i i.“ B a t t h 0 5 8 'T q ) a l r 5 r R o s l i o nust now take a “back seat I ligtbedam.''* an the dam bas suffere c u fv ^ e v d leaks, which tt Km^finies'bave~been'able < M^tbout significantly lowerli] ^ of tb e reservoir, atest of these leaks occurred I wben. upstream wat< Ited through the centra cot f W n m 'J RoTT£D WOOD CX)R£SB:nOM .V _______________ ^ m. Flu. kc ro s^ sc c tlo n dlaflram Glehhs Fei "HSgelrnan D^lo^O,: Raft River McClure WP hail - B y MARTIN HEERV ti— -JJjiUsiBtssa Zntemai J _ SEATTLE - Sen. ........ said Friday .-that 1 i establish a flnaocini complete two nucieai W Washington stands ^ dum ce of being adopi ^ But be acknowl^ S praisalwasonthe"q @ McClure, tiie ch M Senate Committee ' N Natural Reisources, a . sponsor Sen. Slade C i Se^te^UIITOt.mSe lh e proposlUoQ dr port, many questions ~ T'opposlllon'firomraboi Including at least ooc "--------- Valley:---------------------- - *n» blll-would aUoi -Power Adminlstratii __ power distribution compete constructlo Public Power Supplj . . . No. 2 and No. 3. Ihe BPA already I completkm of WPPS Hanford, which is 96 p ............nnrf fn t pow er next spring. Another 91J>Uilonj Satsc^. That p la ^ i irtien thie bond marke ------------m ore money to WPPS system's default do ?t; l b imrderers^ ix drtj^ng witb seaweed anc frKoreaiv-pilot':was a spy 01 ^Mknthat -------------------- -aly have tl>e Soviets been c facts buttemngAJo(.of.pateo M eiecretaxy sa kt - - eraer saM tbo Sovfa^ w tr ainy invesQpiioa of^tbenhda id Preside R ea^ deal^t d^^thaayiDuidwer Jpatrih-agy way-with tbia im « — ^-T-r— fdupUdtyandbrutaUty. erm inationof tlM intruding fll( icddent.or.aa error.l'-SovJel staff Marahal Nikolai Ogaria © Moscow news conference. leak, and^>eweddowitstrei ithat to200cubicfeetperse " Future leaks-codd Hill serious, the report saj ii'alls Jerry Eggleston, s may engln($er,Ial}elsthedj a In lower-levdleakintbe stidt ~would"“re{julre' the" t at to drained—a posslbllit; However, the < ered catastn^c leak th 1 the tiie OTtire dam 'to o le tO'-rdativ^remote,-Eg| iriog According to Eggltt of the dam’s problem edin- to a weakness In iti rater . vintage design. Its bi core neglected to place a 5 ^ tip o f th e aging M ilner C k-i ' ' jrry39, __Alex J - inlO r6 ^ ir I l',i' I ' Satur g holds hear >PSS led, b ^W ^- .............. Nq.-5.-1i intinriAl ----- -3tniml«''lp ownerst n. 4ames McClure McCIi , hls pn^wsal to only to Ing medumlsm to plants tl iarpower plants In It prohi Es about a 50-60 any III )pted by Congress, plants. 1 eged that tils ap- Indefinil ‘(^mistlcside." - In op chairman of tbe ^ d ths > on Energy and con^let s, along with CO- vlded,' “ ! Gorton, R*Wasb., - tbe wor lg on tlK* measure, ‘^1**?, SeatUe. ' whlchtti drew a lot of sup- power." os and some strong Gortoi bout-SO.-.witnesses.-r: p l^ d a r ne from Uw Magic Into al “ —ments;*, low Uie B<Ouievll]e He s& lUtui, tbe federal thatma 1 agency In Uie have m argasrigaarto" winpiet ion of Washington Gortoi ply System plants complet cbsteffe y has assured Uie^ llie m >SS plant No. 2 ot UiebUlN J percent complete along-tl begin producing, applaua audieno i_nee^ to be bor> “TUs b n plhnt“*No. '3 fitm nnA yii rw as jnoUibailed " U ’s ket refused to lend .■ dollars! PSSbeeauBft«t4be -.hole of- in-$2.2S bllUbn of powerh >dpIttBWdr4and ■ T T I • I Ogarkov said ' ---------- p J a n e T w r a - “ Uioi —L:::....:.. _flperaUoiUu.dire Uje territory of Uj ^ Hesaidtwali the airliner alta _ and Uiat Mosow /denying First Deputy F nlenko-and^Co! tryingto JLepnld ZagyaUi demands it a ^rtJo Should be 1 ... .............. sorti" In Washington iiffht WIM—, re Itov^ . on a spylr ------------- *_SoeI gpsotili team at rates of up tween tl second. earth fil id be much more • vented I ays. hitothei a CH2M project setUlngi danger ora major . The o bedam—oneUiat band of : reservoir-to-be— horiionti Lltyi boards I rtnngpr of a earth fU mat would cause away. Ic CT>Hflngfi-r^ fTiftin<»- In c o n ta :gglest(Mi says. -------i-imiLenmi lestbn,agooddeal Egglcf ims be trac^ firm bat its original 1907* (^tionst buUdetB, be says, f i r s t wo< a Ught seal be- «S D am Indicates serious j/er knoGksout= jxis A rguellp ___ i ^. L5rthjio u n d ::^ ^ 25^ iturday, Septem ber 10,1983- .... mrjg ~ Lplan^ )ooed^ 5.-,ln-Which^eYgi^-Mago Vfiiiey ilplpnIltlM-aod utfllUes boId^nn.=^ Dtshlp lntrr^*ti . . cClure noted Uiat his bill relates y* to WPPSS I. 2 and 3.' Uie Uireo''^ Its the BPA has underwritten, and rohiblts tbe BPA from incturlng liability for (be terminated its. Plant 1 was mothballed for ao flniteperiodinl962. <^ienlng tbe hearing, McClure that if a method to‘finance U ierm r pleUon of Uie plai^ Isn’t pro-., d,' "ratqwyers may end up wlUi------- worst of all resulls — Uiree do" 5,:. a..,jraulU-bimoniioUar. je b t. ^ they must pay and a shortage of er." >rtori noted Uie leglslaUop "sim- ^larillefrBPA’s «uU»riiy;to e otci^.-. altemaUve financing agree- ts;" ------------------------------------- ^ ------- =r' 5 said later at a news conference- i - many of the q^xnenla of Uie &ill'.:i-. 5 mistaken It for a mandate: - pletFtbeWirSSpiaats: -------- irton said WPPSS 3 wouldrBe pleted Mily if studies sbow it to be < effecUVe. le most vdieinent witness agatot— - >U1 wasRep. Jim Weaver, DOre.: ig-Ume WPPSS criUc, who drevf, . ause and cheers trom among Uie - ence of about 300 v*«i be said, Is bill would simply pour:more oy^ntft^hAhl^M^Vhf^lffnfWPPSS-------- t’s a scandal that bllllons_of irs iiave been poured down the rai of-WPPSS-andnot one.penny_Df____ er has come out.^’ ;_____ • SeeWPPSSoop«8BA8 found lid Washington sent Uie Kqrean ‘UKmjugbly-plamied-teteUlgence-------- directed trom certain centers lh_____ >f Uie United States and Japan.* ) air-to ^ missiles were fired at ifter it ignored warnings to land, sa w vTOUld.dO-the.same.Uilag-. ^ lar circumstances.. ty Foreign Minister Georgl Ko^ :Commimlst Party ~^)okesman.. ratln also took part in Uie news __ ther Uie Soviets would respond tb ____ apologize, Kornienko said, uld aim i^-tun around and. take mlrroc-and-U-wUl-become-^eari-rrTT be answering questions of Uiis ^ Um Reagan admlnlstraUon > re^pwid to die Soviet accuM- ng Um charge the downed plane IV i^ mission and saying Um teoELANEoilEaaeAa___l._. Id leak n Um upsU%am rock fiil and Um ^ I fiU. This seal would have pre- jd UM' -“jnlgrftUng**. JP- Ihe rock stnidure and eventually 4 Ing against tbe c ^ tr a l wood core. e~cyro'is'conipused'of*a~slngle" • r 1 of 2-by-6-lndi txiards stacked xmlally, end on end. Where these ds have come In contact with ; 1 fill, they have begun to rot -*^- r. In oUier areas, wtieire they aro.-.':^-^' witact only wiUi rock, Uiey are:: gleston says that his engineering has narrcwed Um construcUon' ' ns to two main altomaUves. The - ~ ' would involve buUdlng_a_new.___ •See MILNER CQPage A 2. WULNER.R£i6l&;QlR: I # 'US Structural probtc^n^" ' 5 "

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Page 1: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

; iJeromc-43 Gooding 2

R o c k - O r P" ~NotTiildirfccU

Rocj^O-Piaoe «

RussB y B A T O ^ ^ M tN E R

- - — U a lM P rm lotemaUdaa

T b e Soviet Unkn'aclcD d e l i b e r a t e sbot down e sa id w as o n a n y lo g mli S ta te s , re fu sed to andofl

-------- a n d sa id lt4(«oul(ldottagalT h ree top Soviet o fflda i

D e w sco a fe reo ce ln M o sa_____ /if fho yntw pn AlT Llnes

' a b o a rd > ^ n ^ ^ a c d d ( T b e R eag an adm ln ls t

Soviet <±BTges ot spying. ____ty C o u n d tp o s tp o o ed a \

......... ^ynyW wnfng Ritiwiana-------preaW ent»d»eduledao^-------UJJrCcneralAssmblySei

t b e ln d d e n t B ut R eag an cautlooed

--------^ U rS ftz b n a -R e p u b U e a i------- cou ldoQ iy goiflo .iar-ln 11

M oscow o v e r tb e K orean { _______ ^ know J t a t som e c

— Typhc — ^fetWfnByJ.L.BATTENFEIJ United Press IntemaU,

^ HONG KONG - .b a t te r e d H ong-K ong

g ustlng to 161 in p b F rl p o w er a n d com rounlc

____ : _ ^ n g _ _ r a u d a I i d M Ivillages- aod-b low lng

- ■ ro ck sb e fo re itb e a d e d l O fflclals said a t leas

I w e re k illed and 277 k 120 requ iring bos T b ree people on boar b o a t th a t capsized wem tttiitng

i More than 1,600 pei em er^Q cy sbelter, m

. . jcsldentsorm akeshini swept away by higb w and landslides.' “ .Tfte tyjj)Oon“ brougl qw rous BrStlsb Crown standstill. F inandal m banks, sdwols, shops t ran ts.shu t down and I

I fexry service for som I K oo^s 5.5 million res

A b o u t-50,000 .bouse T • - e ie c tr ic T x w e rru tn ity ^

- ^ - fo rced to w ait-un til sb tions abated , before, bej

. ; p a irs . . - - T h e Hong K ong M

■ fr

_Twin FallsNampa 7~ M u r t i

zMinit 24 I Burle

---------------------- 781

Planer ( f i n t l A 'S c U m ODe a t tbe Twbi t U s Cointy 1

I ______ ■ r - r

d m o w led g ed T iW aay ir" ^ n a K orean airilner i t I'., m ission fo r tb e United d o ^ for tb e Inddent rpignlnd a ls ,ln a ra re tw o .b o u r is c o w .^ d tbe downing >.1 ies Je t w ith 2fl9 people Va dUentxxnntnw.^’— — dstrallon re je d e d Ibe ■ lg . b u t lhe U U . Securi- t t a vote on a resolution- -Vi ans fo r Ibe tragedy . I b e - ^ lappearanoebefo re^be— . a l3 ^ .-26; t o ^ )eak about—t —

ied in a telephone talk sou Kana"tharW aflhlngton —^ a J ta ja n c t lo n s against— v a u p lane tragedy . o fsB of ou r c r iU a bave _ B

oorrhitsrng^tlea.ELD , p artm en t t\aUoaal p o r te d 2 2 sl

Typhoon E llen m inor m ai n g w ith w inds tbesto rm . F riday , cu tting p ro o erty

I . l l t l e r e d - w l

^1SS.S'o a rd a fi«hWg Royw ere reported Ktong's wei

neariy 6 Inpeople sought since mldim ost o f them andlandsll(

m h llls id e h u U TttQ obs1 w l n ^ floods “Ho. 10” h

u g h t ~ l f i e 'p i i > ^ j K S ^ J 5wn colony to a o r ie im p h , I maricets and F rom H oi l» and restau* ram m ed 1 xl In te ris lan d ' es tu a iy s nm e of Hong C hina's Gut residents w as Only mli

. . . waa r q w r tusebolda los t p o r t u g ^ - . ty T srw T w ere m iles- acro

sto rm c o o d t» -- H ong' Koof beglnnlng-re— radlo-safd t. . ............................ <<niilfw)a P e n

Mfurlne De- storm .

ibcrly.54,rtaugH l—--..=4-ico i j r -------ley 0

78th year. No; 253----------

od tb6~~fi^t& e'w brid 'C rao ' y g a i r tb e te itd y to iW ttl i


I K S S S S S St h ^ s h r t t k M m ^ a i p r ^

t t )uSS^:Iioiaim': a o i -iAt i v e i s t i b W i o t E e w s * ^ •ptoneiw M . d o « ^ . 8 tg t ;^r.‘:

iounded off that somdiow we h a » u ^ “ veageaoce,” -Reagfln zeigeaiicelsnH'theTiBnK^U: )f going to war, what would tbej

Reagan has proclahned Sm

r c c f i o r i j rist six—it and the Royal Navy re- 2 ships aground and sever-i » y rn lla rniri-rppnrtw ftf__oaritime collisions during n.rty damagB in H«ig K(ug extensiTC txit streets'were -w lth-t«t>keD-glass-and— - Incoming and outgoing*>t K al'T ak international were d tb e r canceled or

U>yal Observatory, Kong A ether bureau, rqw rted inches of rain had faOen

ildnigbt, triggering mud slides.>bservatory hoisted the ’ hurricane signal a s tbeffltb sustained wireJicf 9 0 _ d g u s tso fu p to lM k p o ts ,>h, buffeted tbe colwi^ ^ ^

*S to^*ffi'^Pea3” m v Sand beaded toward

fuangdong province, minor property damage orted in the oelghhoring e -en d av e of-Macao. 4 0 - _ 3 t s s the estuary fromjogrM acao-governroent------d tbeeadave's-gamUfaig-----

Casdefordi.O aldeyK

" CcimasCbui Shoshone 6

io 'd fB y liig u 8 k a .;T o d c y : t r t t w n n o d d i l g i o o t U > r i d a

E U ilS> t l t J o

. J W B P « S e c w U iy -~ “ Y ot tWaylwttoectsBiA'' W r is t * « ^ d i e a e M * = = L l * » ? J t i plagwiaisMweed'^ m edte

lan a . anU hmre a lly

aT~Ti7T7'ilMiiliM»— ' I iL’n"

/e haven't exacted Uonal di gap-Bald;-»WeU.--— In Tol #"llHrgamBrSbortrrrfound:tb tbeybaveusdo?” be: fron Sunday as a na- Secretai


_ TVmfls-WflirawT/ter

TW IN FALLS - Tbe D am m u st tie rebuilt oi a n e stim ated 98 m lU ku

_ cost, a ccording to an re p o r t . .

Um r m r t ’s findings \ a t a F r id ay p ress coofer

____tbe.T w ln Fallfl.and N orcom panies. -

C m M HUi engineer B oise, found th a t por d ^ ' s c e n l i^ wood.'con aw a y a n d tb a t s l l th a s wi in to im m e iq istream ro ac tkm i s taken, tb e r ^

' dam couldq>rlngam iO o!To repah* the leak, Ux

e rv o lr m igh t bave to be ( a c t lo n lh a t could In te rn ; Irrig a tio n w ater to aonM w o rth o f crops th a t a re

___ ^ y on tlM lands seryicadA ■ p rep flrw rB ta tem e

joInU y b y the tw o 'can a ca lls tb e risk fact(»' p d a m ’s cu rren t condition I

Jo h n Roabolt. a Twin w bo rep re sen ts tb e tw o <

'n ies , sa y s tha t th e d ia i C 50 m illion w orth of rev

canno t live w ith comfort - - T B6K 13 a va y T P g P T — occurriilg ;” -

!“rb e b oards bave a te b llity to operate and t

J d a m fo r th e b eneflt'o f II

-: - -MaliintTr24v -W er 5 Wox

i tn ts"— ------- ; Twin Falls,

t r —a n fl-m a iy o t tw s . H ie i t e : ' ro d ao .P ocm ofeoD tbe i

r t r t z y z

Ml-' b a w 'to i - b e a r -in ttin c lsom»<1&6i8rtt>e Soviets.'.anr

I." W tfiifitttfo r u k L W » lum anltariao thing ( b e ^ i e l y s in ce th e y t i iot tb e j la n e

d a y of m ourning for tt)e 269 vl Pokyo,- polfce said -Jiq>anese tb e roM gled body of a child im tb e ill-fated K orean al ^ o f t e ^ r g e

e rs . I f the _ th e n they

. . r l3 l^ " h e i le n g<ng M ilner in M ar o r rep laced , a t r q w r t coj to to 110 milUon C a n ^ Co.

sw e re re le a se d sa y s , m u 'erence, b e ld by ^ repa lrliig o rth .S ld ecan a l

period ic i e ra , f i i s e S n n c a h a « r ortlons o f the ' r e p a ir wl' are h ave ro tted th e le v e lo w oriM dltsw ay ■n»« rock fUL U no M arch, ^ « ^ ^ t b e p e n e tra te

h e M ilner R es- ' /^ r eem pU ed — an ru p ttb e f lo w o f n e |2S0 mnnftn pe grow n annu- ' e d b y tb e dam . □ ^ - T e l e a K d - ^ ---------- ^

posed by tb e - — n Intolerable, h P a lls law yer 9 com na- - ' lance o f Jodng • ^

Mn g fh n r- f c w r- — — ;T ^7 yv tab ly , even if t - ^ n c e of

legal req»oo8 l-; , ’A c i


?ndeU12;)od River 0

I s v td a h o ..................................

. .TknaNa<i(ioto/9<V^SAV£SON .

JO fab* e o d s-w ith -to n l^ 'B — befajr.seeP ageA B .: - .

' ■ ■ 'i • - . . : • 'mg Jgiviets-Hike-mlind tb e m oat ; b lack b(ix < u n doing rtg b t ; th a t tb e rKm jittbeT lgW ii n rw w n an n t dane w as Bbot N ot only 3 Ifl tb e m ost ' 'a c tu a l fac

b&Vo done ;* tb e defense u ie down.r’.:be . . J W « iQ l^

tjlo in g i ^ is ^ ! S ^ S ! d K

i u s a i i i : « m r 3 £ ] K 5 i k ^

SvIcUms Soviets o f d l » e fisherm en— “ T h e te m Udthat^mlgbt,— n o tr a a .a c d

a irilner and ch ie f o f s ta 2 accused th e . du iln g th e iy

there is a risk of a serious leal ey m ust move to e lim inate tlu lesa ld JW d ay .lardx, a sep a ra te CH2M Hi conduded th a t tb e Twin Fall Co.'s ag ing canal system m a i a s m uch a s |61 million i i.“ B a tth 0 5 8 'T q )a lr5 rR o s lio nust now take a “ back se a t I l ig tb e d a m .''*a n th e dam b as suffere c u f v ^ e v d leaks, which t t K m ^fin ies 'bave~ been 'ab le < M^tbout s ign ifican tly lowerli] ^ o f tb e reservoir, a te s t o f these leaks occurred I

w ben . upstream wat< Ited through th e c e n tr a cot


_______________^m . F lu .

k c r o s ^ s c c t l o n d l a f l r a m

Glehhs Fei "HSgelrnanD ^ lo ^ O ,: Raft River


WPh a il

- B y MARTIN HEERV t i — -JJjiUsiBtssa Zntemai

J _ SEATTLE - Sen......... said F rid a y .-that 1

i estab lish a flnaocini com plete two nucieai

W Washington stands ^ d u m ce of being adopi ^ But be ack n o w l^S p ra is a lw a s o n th e " q @ McClure, tiie chM Senate Committee ' N N atura l Reisources, a . sponsor Sen. Slade C

i S e ^ te ^ U I I T O t .m S e l h e proposlUoQ dr

po rt, m any questions ~ T'opposlllon'firom raboi

Including a t least ooc"--------- V alley :----------------------

- * n » blll-would aUoi -P o w e r Adminlstratii

__ pow er distribution

co m p e te constructlo P ub lic Pow er Supplj

. . . N o. 2 a n d No. 3.I h e BPA a lread y I

com pletkm of W PPS H anford, w hich is 96 p

............nnrf fn tpow er next spring.

A nother 91J>Uilonj

Sa tsc^ . T ha t p l a ^ i irtien thie bond m arke

------------m o re money to WPPSsy ste m 's default do

?t; l bim rderers^ix d r t j ^ n g w itb seaweed anc frKoreaiv-pilot':was a sp y 01^ M k n t h a t -------------------- -—aly h a v e tl>e Soviets been c fac ts b u ttem ngA Jo(.of.pateo M eiecretaxy s a k t - - • e ra e r saM tbo Sovfa^ w t r ainy in v esQ p iio a o f^ tbenhda id P r e s i d e R e a ^ d e a l ^ t d ^ ^ t h a a y i D u i d w e r J p a tr ih -a g y way-with tbia im« — -T-r—

fdupU dtyandbru taU ty . e rm ina tiono f tlM intruding fll( i c d d e n t .o r .a a error.l'-SovJel s ta ff M arahal Nikolai Ogaria © Moscow news conference.

leak, and^>ew eddow itstrei i th a t to 2 0 0 cu b icfee tp erse ■ " F u tu re leaks-codd Hill se rious, th e repo rt sa j

ii'alls J e r r y Eggleston, s m ay engln($er,Ial}elsthedj a In lo w er-lev d leak in tb e s tid t ~would"“re{julre' the" t a t to d ra in e d — a posslbllit;

However, the < e red c a t a s t n ^ c leak th 1 th e t iie OTtire d a m 'to o le tO '- r d a t iv ^ r e m o te , - E g | iriog A ccording to E gg ltt

o f th e dam ’s problem e d in - to a w eakness In iti r a te r . v in tag e design. Its b i co re neglec ted to p lace a

5 ^

t i p o f t h e a g i n g M i ln e r C

■ k-i ' '


__AlexJ - inlO r6 ^

i r I

l ' , i ' I '


g holds hear

>PSSled, b^ W ^ - .............. Nq.-5.-1iintinriAl - - - - - -3tnim l«''lp

ow nerstn. 4am es McClure McCIi , h ls pn^w sal to only to Ing m edum lsm to p lan ts tl ia rp o w e r p lan ts In It prohi Es about a 50-60 any III )pted by Congress, p lan ts. 1 eged th a t tils ap- Indefinil ‘( ^ m is t lc s id e ." - In op chairm an of tb e ^ d ths > on E n erg y and c o n ^ le t s, along w ith CO- vlded,' “ ! Gorton, R*Wasb., - tbe w or lg on tlK* m easure , ‘^1**?, SeatUe. ' whlchttid rew a lot o f sup- pow er." os and som e strong Gortoi bout-SO.-.witnesses.-r: p l ^ d a r n e from Uw M agic Into al

“ —ments;*, low Uie B<Ouievll]e H e s& lUtui, tbe federal t h a tm a 1 agency In Uie h av e m a r g a s r i g a a r t o " w in p iet ion o f W ashington Gortoi ply System p lan ts com plet

cbsteffey h a s assu red Uie^ l l i e m >SS p lan t No. 2 o t UiebUlN J p ercen t com plete a long -tl

begin producing, app laua audieno

i_ n e e ^ to be bor> “ T U s b n plhnt“*No. '3 f i tm n n A y i i r w a s jnoU ibailed " U ’s ket refused to lend .■ d o lla rs! PSSbeeauBft«t4be - .h o le o f- in-$2.2S bllUbn of p o w erh > d p IttB W d r4 an d ■

T TI— • I O garkov sa id '

---------- p JaneT w ra-“ Uioi—L:::....:.. _flperaU oiU u.dire

Uje te rr ito ry of Uj ^ H e s a i d t w a l i

th e a irlin e r a l t a _ and Uia t Mosow

/denying F irs t D eputy F n lenko-and^C o!

t r y in g to JLepn ld Zagy aU i

dem ands i t a

^rtJo Should be 1... .............. so r ti"

In W ashington iiffht WIM— w aa.qulcK .to, re

I t o v ^ . on a spylr

------------- *_SoeI

gpsotilite am a t ra te s of up tw een tl second. e a r th fili d b e m uch m ore • v en ted I ay s . h ito th e i

a CH2M p ro jec t setU lngi danger o r a m ajo r . T h e o b e d a m — oneU iat ban d of : re se rv o ir- to -b e — horiionti Lltyi bo ard s I

rtnngpr of a e a r th fU m at would cause aw ay. Ic CT>Hflngfi-r^fTiftin<»- In conta:gglest(Mi says.-------i-imiLenmilestb n ,ag o o d d eal Egglcf ims be t r a c ^ firm bat its original 1907* ( ^ t io n s t buUdetB, be says, f ir s t wo< a Ught seal be- «S

D a m I n d i c a t e s s e r i o u s

j / e r knoGksout=jxis A r g u e l l p ___ i ^ .

L 5 r t h j i o u n d : : ^ ^

2 5 ^i tu rd a y , S e p te m b e r 10,1983- ....

m rjg ~

Lplan^)ooed^5.-,ln-Which^eYgi^-Mago Vfiiiey ilplpnIltlM -aod utfllUes b o I d ^ n n .= ^ Dtshlp lntrr^ * ti . .cClure noted Uiat his bill re la tes y*

to W PPSS I. 2 and 3.' Uie U ireo ''^Its the BPA has underw ritten, and rohiblts tbe BPA from incturlng

liability for (be term inated its. P lan t 1 w as mothballed for ao fln iteperiod in l962 .

<^ienlng tb e hearing, McClure th a t i f a method to ‘finance U ie r m r

pleUon of Uie p l a i ^ Isn’t pro-.,d,' " ra tq w y e rs m ay end up wlUi-------worst of all resulls — Uiree do"5,:. a..,jraulU-bim oniioUar. j e b t .^ they m ust p ay and a shortage of er.">rtori noted Uie leglslaUop "sim - ^larillefrBPA’s «uU »riiy;to e o t c i ^ . - .

a ltem aU ve financing agree-t s ;" ------------------------------------- -------= r '5 sa id la te r a t a news conference- i - m an y of th e q ^x n en la of Uie & ill '.:i- .5 m istaken It for a m andate: -p le tF tb eW irS S p iaa ts :--------irton sa id WPPSS 3 wouldrBe pleted Mily if studies sbow it to be < effecUVe.le m ost vd ie inen t w itness a g a t o t — - >U1 w asR ep . J im W eaver, D O re .: ig-Ume W PPSS criUc, who d re v f , . au se a nd cheers trom am ong Uie - ence of about 300 v * « i b e said,Is bill would sim ply pou r:m o reoy ntft hAhl M Vhf lffnf WPPSS--------t ’s a scandal th a t bllllons_of ir s iiave been poured down the r a iof-W PPSS-andnot one.penny_Df____

e r h as com e out.^’ ■ ;_____• SeeW PPSSoop«8B A 8

foundlid W ashington sen t Uie K qrean‘UKmjugbly-plamied-teteUlgence--------directed trom c erta in cen te rs lh_____>f Uie United S tates and Japan.*) a i r - t o ^ m issiles w ere fired at ifter i t ignored w arnings to land, s a w vTOUld.dO-the.same.Uilag-. ^ la r c ircum stances.. ty F oreign M inister G eorgl K o^ :Commimlst P a r ty ~^)okesman.. ratln also took p a r t in Uie news __

th e r Uie Soviets would respond tb ____apologize, Kornienko said,

u ld a im i^ - tu n around and. take mlrroc-and-U-wUl-become-^eari-rrTT b e answ ering questions o f Uiis

^ Um Reagan adm lnlstraUon > re^pwid to die Soviet accuM - ng Um charge the downed p lane I V i ^ m is s io n and say ing Um


Id leakn Um upsU%am rock fiil and Um ^I fiU. This seal would have pre- jd UM' -“jnlgrftUng**. JP-Ihe rock s tn id u re and eventually 4 Ing aga in st tbe c ^ t r a l wood core. ” e~cyro'is 'conipused 'of*a~slngle" • r 1 of 2-by-6-lndi txiards stacked xmlally, e nd on end. Where these ds have com e In contact with ;1 fill, they have begun to ro t -* - r. In oUier areas, wtieire they aro.-.': - ' witact only wiUi rock, Uiey are::

g leston sa y s tha t h is engineering has narrcw ed Um construcU on' '

n s to two m ain altomaUves. T he - ~ 'would involve buUdlng_a_new.___•See M ILNER CQ P ag e A 2 .


I #

'US S t r u c t u r a l p r o b t c ^ n ^ " '

5 — "

Page 2: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

. A ^T lm e8-Nows,Tw(nPalU

" ^ i e l— l A p e n ts deatri

HOMEDALE (U PI) vrfdding. narco tics age

■" ; m flfljuflnn plnrrfu valiin

I d ^ L aw Enforcem----------- O vertoo sa id o fO c m -' - - tbe

-^-(iQVpn'planta avEiBglog

O ne p l ^ m easured 1 fee t U gh. O vertoa sak

' p la n tsw a sv a lu e d a tb e t ' ' - N o .a rre8t8 w ere mac

' ' 's u s p e c ts . .- -

^ ^ -S h eep k tlle r i: ISLAND PARK <UPI

Id ab o trap p ed a sbeejv : cu b s aod w ere taking

_____.P aH cE riday»o£C dalssi---------:— I L e fem ale g r t ta r i i J___ thfl HpmVw f j t te .a n d .

' Idabo . killiDg th ree sbe : r a n d ie r s w ere alerted

r F ish and Game■ W llscn said s ta te aod fe

M ie tn 5 1 benw as"cl( sa id , aod tb e stnicture

r -- -^ - tranq w r ted to tb e n a t to ’ - - T b e b » iB w ere “v a

; W U snisald.

u L e g is la to r ‘o fi BOISE ( U P I ) - K e p .

— -o fO d a l ly re8lgD ed ,-«d

' I d a b o K o u s e o f R a p m Sbaip*s reafgnatta^ el

J e a tfT S ra sa M i Sharp , who moved

. su m m er, wUl probaU y„ - .. fo r Ju ly .flPdA ««

— —. ~ ---h av e to a >*<«««

_ S t lv e r s 8a ld.a(U (n8 b e d

JP la n e s f ire a tH ^ G U A , N lo irag

' p lan es tired rockets a t t a r g r t l o a n a tta c k F rU

■ ^ D m gDvenmaeot la te r fi . . planeaM bm llealD Skleit

. A D efease M inistry piflnw j.«cwnlpg troin_€k

. dow n W N IoTOOHa ■

T ^ p d a ]T n M M i m


- i : M o s t l j rT « ta r a ik . B okv^qpC il OoodtaganM !

•• _ _ M ad ly .Ia lr ,w ltti_ g r* b a :

frost thif monlag> w 11 b u t 10(0 IS npta IB tbe H b te 70 to 73 today aod 7 Stndiy:kfw s«(o4S.

..........C a m P ttW ei H tfa r.-W- VtBm: --------------------

M ortlyU lrw lttapM kalw i 11 winds (odty aod SuxUs

--------n»nilo8^fn»tHKtf*i«Bto7J«8 (0 7S 00 Smday; lows lo tbe

^ _ M g rth a m » n d M ° d g ifc :,MMtly soDoy and wum er

--------Suoda3TlirNev»ta.-Hlghrtrilow aOi today aod fa) (be ivper o o S u ttlay :low *3S to« .F U dotidy over UUb tfarousb Stn

N a a b n a lUu uin Pec

- Albuqutrqu* «1 ' t t ....AtUflU : « n ....Boston sr «9 ...C t l l c ^ " ------- « -----70— -.:.M t u SO.. 7D .... 0«f)V«r » U -. D«aU6ln«s tr n .... Damn ae » ....

• Honolulu M . 7» .... Hootlofl— 7» - n -.44

____ (n^lfnipolli_______>4 58 ...„

I n d e x' . B u d n e i s s . . ....................

a a s s l f l e d ......................C o m k » ..............................I d a b o ................. ...........

C i r c u l a t i o n jvryH cvtdiClzvulatiofl ptiooea are nskaoe receive your p«{«r by 7 a j i u o

"^~3eixinBW«a£IFCBBa!I5TOgl Buic^Rqpert-PaoMakley Bubl-Casttorord FneHtogcrsnvHolUstcr TwloFalls aod aD otbcr a n a s N e w s SUpfa«oHH<«aa.BMnt If yea have a oewi tip o r '

- —{^|M ftiacDt.call2JM iaut«t«- "repartlatsW W B aodiliartsm i

A < t v e r t l s l ^ ~ n iU yon wtib lo ptaee an adve

-' -takeo lilbodayftlday (roca 8 1 _ oota aooo. Infennatloe oo

i t '

WI»,ktalio SMunl«,S«pte

• i y = =fa ^ -^ O Q ^ t-p la iiP I) - Cam ouflaged, m at agents sw ept t t o u u ^ an Ov ZKlay. . destroying-, m ore - tbai lued a t about $1 m illion, autbo

AlVWmt Pppn^H ^ji^n - f ro ff l-s ta te ,- fe d e ra l and- tb e fOid^lKKirliiiOTtlddr^ Ing lOteefhilBllJil'tKBrEad

9d 16 feet tan , WhUe a ^ b ^ w said, twMtng th a t 4»a rh o f Um between 13,000 and 93,600. ' nade, but Overton s a l d a fee

rtaE ST fro inT ifalJ P I ) — WUdllfe w orkers In e a d H d n iflg grizzly b e a r a nd lb n g them to-YeUowatone.Nat Issaid.j r ftn>T p^»n'T3ffmWTTng Ifvffgtft

Bbeep about two w edcs ago b ed to move tb e lr b e rd s o u t o

u ne D n a itm e n t q x A eem an ] a federal wildlife w orkers bal ^ tra p 4 1 u ira d a y -n lg h t a odJ

rdd^lvliHBgworkers.'W n re w as hooked to a tru ck i t k n a l park In w este rn V ^ m l j V ery d o d W '-a f te r tb e lr ctqi

trffldallv ’ b o w s oep. W c b a d Sharp , R ^ a n q m

d istrict 13 w as r q ire se n te d li sentatW es.V eflectlve Saturday , w as r e a I ea rU er th is week, q>okeswo

Id to Kent, W ash., e a r lie r >ly Dot receive b is leglslaUve (beperlod of u o n rta ln ty .o y e laker Tran S tivers sa id F H day f ^ $ d ( s n r b e \ r a ^ them ; b( !Mwi for them w lth ln .flve d t le d id Dot b tileve S h arp ira o te

i t R u ss ia n sh ipragtia (U PI) - A n ttg av e rn a t a S o v ie ta h lp b u tm ls a e d

i'rVlay oo N k a ra g u a ’s m a jo r r s a k l i t sho t down a n unidea e ltsb c itie r.'~ ' ry -boD etb i s a k l tb e unideo I e o s ta W cao teirltw y** w as □ a rm y troops a t s p .m . (iT

l y ' s w ei l t B A P M C I ^ A T K M

H«aoMl.WMttMr8«r ____ . UPI W M ttel^tocaa

; r f a i i T ^ a <p n t, jmodw* DursooaboU

pa«lttipotty"^VerIdaboto • w ita tly aod I t wm cazi: (beiRccDoooL overtbeatate, d 7S to flOoo o fabow ento

Idabo. Tan|Wi - I f t e d - B lw — UntN^i-Uoo^

__________ .wbaiooSiBadIwanntogaad O aFW ay.* ■day. aner tUa loto Doctbera ta 71 today and— tu reeaad w la tbeaoi.. otberaectloaa.

__________ 8 to IS mph□w today ^ reaebeo ^ n

perTQi aodeOi MuUan’a M F U rtopartly tbat bad beeo

KtAM*city BO 73t S l K » S g

"" ucfflptQi B3 nuumiBMch a a

- = - i r s a i — S - ?nvw om m 91 n

- NtwYotk. n esOkUhonaaiy « U

■;a pSbmix m »iS -g

I --------------------------------------

............A IO M a a l c V id l___ B3-8 O b itu aries

........... A8 O pin ion .

........... A4 N o re a re a

LdR xU Joadlndarm ed betweln 7 « id to a j a ooiy.u can tbeoBabcfioc>oiif arte ;


«aM*stai«sur JoalOaa^r.dtjrMor wM to talk to aoneaoe ta ■Tiiaan M B ajn . andAaOpjXyJ mottsaatTreanTSMBOK— ^LiclmtldBiiflrkiar:------------- -t.-lvertiaen»(..caU 73»0831. Oaas ) 8 tJiL m u S fuiL. aod 00 ^ aood lq rfiv^ toavaaaU eM ekd

ptembenO. 1963

m t S --------MD D -o v er-Ju an asou thern border In

nacbete- . T h em in ls tiy b u l Owybee - tbo p lan e and Its a ban-500— supportantl*goveri tborltles The report cam e

fired rockets on tai n on B i l l t i m e In two days. >d-lo c a l - — T w o x o d ce tan r* bwy ln g th e wntgr-urithln y, a d S o en which w as docked i

o f M anagua, acconr w a s i s

S t a s s e h s efe d e ra l, * WASHINGTON. iat_tWP_ gprfng WnmlH- - ----------I9S4 p r u d e n t ia l a

m en t th a t he will i z i r i r — tiw se v e n th o rso tif

-Stassen, s t i i r t y « e a s te rn ■ new s conference th i Its two can d id a te In tb e 198

_____ 3 b e io n n e r .“ Boy„ . ____p re -W o rid W a r.n d

stock In . e ffo rts to becom e pi

> before a f te r being aaked 'i l o f th e n m .

By UDoffldal calc in Hugh -tim es: 1943,-1952,-19 tia ltedajd Ju ro d — ---------------------------

■ ST. LOUIS (U PI m ! n ^ r Louis B oard o f E di

F r id a y during tb e i seven s ta te s ^ t di: studen ts.

O tb e r - s trikes ; o u t Pennsylvania , M id

. en d W ash ln ^o n . ipa ,ba8 s t Louis teachers

— dass^and^nore4ba i J l n t b e . o n tb e th ird d ay o f a

. . C h ee rs could be h ea to re p o rte rs during I

S ? ^ = . .^ a 3 » L S t r lk e ih r e a U . ^ . . . deseg regaU onp lan » ^ a n d affected 56,000 8

w e r h i s _ : _________________[ « ^ " _ : : . S o n . p r o m i 8 i’5 j ^ HARRISBURG. E

“ d d m a n prom ised h b u t didn’t have tbe lo tte ry ticket Insteai

----------------P e n n ^ i v a n i a l ^S ta te lo ttery offlc

, w e re tb e .w in n era im m ent T uesday’s Lotto gas ed tb e ir Jo h aM aJo ro s, 72, o r p o r t 80 ,o fL u tb e rsb u rg .l

th e ja c k p o t M em bers o f G ra

leitflfled G ray , a DuBois pos ?as abot m illion fo r h is BOthJ (3 p .m . a i a ? t h av e tb e ro o a

N i t h e i ^FRON TA L SI

------- -

S«rrle« Far*e««t lo 7 pjn. EST 0-10 oLw e ____________________

fd u a lw artw(b<lByB;low8iDtbo40s.

5rfy Oow of a lr will cootlnua— vfo a e m lm o re d a y s :------ ■iziy a an les of minor storms c Ite, bclogli]^ a periodic t l i r ^ to aoutbesstcm oiperabnt* will be near Domu] ooday.-tbea will cool-aane>-.—V aadayaodWedaeeday. py, douda ta d abowers moved a n Idabo, but cod (einpera* If rlndy eoodlUooajimaOed I0 — ^ a .W Io d v e io d t la \^ I ro m 2 A la moat areaa. but gusti t tI m pti « t Irtuho ~

. a locb waa Iba only mlnlall ~ (k KQ reported 1a tbe state by th IOO. Ol

n portlftndiOre. 70 SO78 .... SLLOult 97 7373 .... s^tUJisClty 78 B!n ....... ...SutFnnelKO TT »ia SMtll* U <9? - » - S - S

S z ^ I d a h o78 “ M “ 'fas .... Bol*« '67 Un .... Btirt*ir C 4948 .... HjQfmtn________ 71

tU e y A 5 S je » .............................. A 6 " N

A 4 Wsa n e w s .................A 9 ' R '

Sd»o«)UsBMJ jr .u s w id o w

----------OMSA------■wtS>a«t«y..llathraoca. avaUi

uajjuft wt lrti lfwd dfl7J9.amoalDi s s s m K3S. 3 mamhi

73M33I Sunday ooly.lo____ U maUiB WBC

jraotor nuUlcaly HBOcta Ibo editorial

-- FkUs.<nDLtQil

poaUSB paM •

annayscro inB cteigtutadaaUi ikdayaody.. tnpubiMMd.


m a:t8 lan l,'3 .5 m acs inslderN r In R io San Ju a n province, bulletin said soldiers wero set is crew , w hich It cla im ed had]

une h o t n aftCT a n t l - ^ e m m I ta rg e ts Inside N icaragua for is. ■■ ■ ____lr6dTrom u .S .-m ad^l-28 aitx: n y a rd s o t tbe Soviet f r e l ^ t e e d a t P u e rto Corlnto, 70 miles cording to port offlclals.

seek s p residency•N. (U P I) - Like iho first

d enmpntgn M d a y ^ ^ th t t o J 111 seek the Republican oomlj)tlrtie:---------------------------------ly and full-voiced a t 76, deci B th a t b e will tie tbo “ CreaUvi 1984 prim aries.

Boy Wooder'J.govemor.of.M Ir H d ays declined to recount ai o p re s id e n t .- ............. ................

jd 'repeated ly bow piany tlmi

uilculatlon, S tassen bas run af v lM , 1368,1979 and I960. -

H f e W t y ^ e a c h c r tm ) — A bomb sca re d eare E^ducation h e a d g u a r t^ for t b e n u ^ b e a t^ o T le a c h e r s ’ i t disrupted school fo r m ore tbi

s d o se d classroojos •. la Michigan, New Jersey , Rbod

ters defied a Judge’s o rd e r to g ban-1,000 striking te a d te rs lie o f a walkout ov er w ages and c tieard from wlUiin tb e unionn g tb e ra lly . sabo tage a.voIunta lan acclaim ed throughout ttic OOstudents.

tsg s , give s $l~Kinil3, F a. (U PI) - T lie son of a r xl his fa th er $1 mllUon fo r his I tbe mooey. So b e bought b is te a d — a ticket w orth 91.2 mm

fflcials said F rid a y two seoloi 33 of tb e 92.S m illion Jadq gam e draw ing. '72, o f Roebling, N .J ., and Jo

*g. in w estern Pennsylvania, VI

Cray’s fam ily sa id Tliursd^ p o ^ w orker, p rom lsedJiiaj >th birthday la s t J a n u a ry J )u t w oey; bought lo ttery tickets fo

. S Y S 'n r « s A 'A m F t b w

- -


rm in g ^ tr c i iTemperatures ranged Irom (

509 to Uw i^per 03b, witb Mak uftipT7«<et niH aflfln iOTtii 'T

’ ^hl^'wasTSUegrees^^tEiDma cool est was 30, a t Deadwood.

In Twin Fails oo Friday, I count was UBper cubic metero

Tbeagricultura] forecastfor —V aliey-aod-aoutben Idaho -

pn«»»(p|tiiHrtf%nf1<wthiin .IQInfnext flve days, excqitQearUu Ip ibe soutbeastcrn valleys oa

-VaUy evaporatkn rataa-wlU n .23 Incb to JS locb. Winds wiIhnn p|Sh »A<<ay atwt again ivj

-----EB^wfiOTTrtBrM lIoo-FS-bottest-tenperBture'-reported

degrees at, again, GUa Bend, 4 Uw coolost W&S28, at botb Klam Ore., aod Tnickce, CallT.

so .oe*noFiii> S777 .... Lewiston TTS5 McCall S7M PociloIJo 574» - -.Of--S4lfnon *7

S T w i n F a U sMu

YoalorcUy SMift Pep u»tY#»f 88*< .... Nonntl 8J49 .OT Todiytsaunsfll........ .,4* .... Tomofrow'**unri*o.......

S p o rts ...........................N otion . . . . . . . . . . . . .W orld ...........................ReU glon.................... .

iRMai ■ ' T ~kUvety — dkOy. « * per week: SiBdi] u d Sunday. t i . « per wwk. R m l me

valUtM eoly wbere carrier dettvei: - dally aod Sunday, t o t i i b K.7S.: 3lDi OUO. U nootiM MB.aO; daUy SBiy. Mm 10.13. a aetlim CBJB. U oealt

1BMOUI txos, a aiaiihaia.U. • meoU 3S.aa Spodal Kadaat and Mrrfemaq UO per OBnlb lor daUy aod Snlay.

M « i li P O IO M M I7 « t a ' t i M 8L.tyMagicVaBayMl iipipiritB e.8K» M at TWIo rif la by Tbi Tina»Nf< nda i d ty n d oaoBiy uirapaiHi' p a tcs Qt Uh kMB ODda. tbaM iy k n U a diV o( U« «e«k oa «Mdi I « 1 GB

— ■PI.* 0 0 1

« o n ± iiig (o r

m enliila iiea o llh e w o ili

i S a f f f a i l o "

S t a t e D ep i R o m b e r g . '

: y aoaiii' su p p o r t

r t robin of - C T lngntllB _____K A L p la ^

nloatlon fo r I W P lic la re d a t a . - • C oo iv e C e n te r" O th e r s p

M a y o r G i a I ln n e s o ta o f _ a b o u t th e ^ h i s p a s t , e l e c t r ic a l "'

- s a t d t e m l y ” -------W e r i t in g tm e s b e h a s N e lso n . I> S

H o u se E n a tleaa lB lx . .W PPSS m

. - ___— __ d is a s t r o u s tv i r tu a l ly no

— - — - W r B ~ 8-office-?^ g y i U u g a x i

i r t d t b e S t -

a M in l-C afflla9d e I s la n d . A sso c ia t io n ,

« * « * * . fo rm e d

E u g e n e W_____________ fn v l r flre c to

U m lted loU .

b o S S S c S

4 p o l from b u i.^ T O ^ d ,

iw iu w v id e h o n o r tb e i r c

ia y , J a m e s _____ ___

S e & r M r l ff o rh lm . * 0 0 0

d a m a b ( d o w n s tre a m

-7-:----------------------O lje -s e c o n d------------------- r e b a b lllta U c

- - B o th opUc . a p p ra x lm a U

' . . . T h e r e p o -------------------m is s lo n e d - ti

M iln e r D a r t J e c t th a t c

K m e g a w a t ts 15 — — __________ w a a j e q u l r e7 R e g u la to ry (- _______________ a g e o c y . lh a l

b e f o r e a n y o H ie r e p i ) r t

. ___________ c u r r e o t cons u i t a b le f o r c a n n o t m e e t H i e dnm ,-a<

J _ . r e n t l y l s b e l r l l f l D e p a r tm e n t

n e ttran d ib e — r n ie s :a r o - c o tr t io n p r o je c t ,

t b e p ^ - I s s u e M llo e r : r o f a i r . T w o I ln anor tbe M agic c u s s e d briefl; ^ d l . t o . . i i i e n r a tM S S 'J I S S J l o n g to m . . l r

C ongress sp<

w t U b e i e s s u c h a l o a a o oS uoday .- - A se c o n d oFfk tayT lS e--------v ln c h ig - th e -ed-w es-H O -------B o a rd - to - iB ei.A rtz...«nd h e lp th e c o m im aihPoUs, c o m m e r d a l l :

/ . r —n 4s IS7 a .... I ■17 50 .02 IP -42- .... I

i -------------------»:ix Uin Pepa 4« ....0 44 ..........7.S7p.m. ■ ■ m H

J - Z ______

____ I-= - : ! “ R H

1 B

! . " !zars » HomJi» paid la t - ' ' " •

------- -s. 3 BOBtta . ..Sept. 1nCbaltaJO. • f , r , «q rate, by | 2 p m t o 6 |:

I - Sp*«Joln*«r . -.- : c n d j

g g s "P r& i r s I

l a n e —D ooU ntiedfnB nPa^A Ir o ^ n w ^ H f f T i s a r a i f t e s dvU aviation will not be Iln tb e fu tu ro ..evo its-ln -tb e -S o v ie t-U n io n Xdld not provide usor-tbe re s t ) rid w ith anffinsrs to questions bave about this case,” said itlal npnlrngmnn L a n y

’ Offered 0 0 evidence to siq>- r assertion tliat tlie plane w as connalssanco mission,” said epa rtm en t spokesm an A lan g. “T hey offered no evidence >rt th e ir claim tb a t they a t- to idoU lfy o r force down tbe

ne.”_________________ •

> P S S =t e th n ie d from P ag e A l q jeak e rs , Indudlng S eattle h a r ie s Royer, had questions lie volce_ of tlw region’s 1 ■Vcu^‘m erB Z In _ d e^ ,Io h s.

Igton—s ta te —H ep r-R lch aK t > ^ t U e , the chalrraan of tbe E nergy - Committee, said w as a n exam ple of m any ts decisions b d ^ m ode w ith no Input from the public.1 seriously concernea ^ t h UiiuUjei (fKfe!ia»-e nUty - tr r

ighshod over tb e Pacific ^ " N e ls o n said, beduled to testify Friday.w as :Bedke.-tbe.-lorm er-:BurIey- n e y , wbo now represents the s la P ublic R atepayers on, a consiim er group th a t e d a cockle of weeks ago. was in Seattle o n f^ ld a y anfl b e reached tor CTtnm ent. re ra rth roughoat"tbe-U n ited ' a pay ing niore for new public a s a re su lt,o f the W PPSS n S2.2S billion in m unicipal N ew 'Y o trbO D d 'experrsa ld - irlng.IW . M eyer, a v ice president

^ ~ o f~ h e ^ a u i t on tlie b o ^ T ' I No. 4 and No. 5 has not been I th e P acific N orthw est 1 tb e long-term tax-exem pt ice t began to deterio rate Ino ao fth ed e fe td tt-------------------sa id passage of tbe Senate Id send a signal to Investors edera l governm ent Is Inter- laM ng su re tha t its ag endes [rcon trac ts .”

Ineriootlnued from P a g e Al about a quarter-m lle a m from the presen t d a n ^ nd 'w onld 'lnvolve 'ex tenslve tUon of tbe curren t site.>tlons a re estim ated to cost lately s a m e . ' ^ ~ — p o r t o r i g l ^ y w as com*1 - to - hdp-the-canal-com pa-— erm ine th e -e u t ta b a i ty -o f r a m fo r a hydro-power pro-

could generate som e 40 ts o f d e c tr id ty . The repo rt [redJ>yJbeJE^edez«LEoergy_ 7 Comtnlsslon, a regulatory a t m ust approve the project / construction can b e p H r~ o r t found tha t the dam , in Its xindltion. Is. n ot only .u n : tor a pow er plant. It also 9e t s ta te safety regulations, .acco rd ing to Rosholt, cur- e l ^ r^ Ic e n se d by the s ta te ■si o f W ater Resources, nn, the director of the De- o f W ater Resources, says

IE n? Ihoom m itted to the-rebabUlto- ct, h is agency p rd jab ly will e r D am a new license, umclng options w ere dls* efly on F rid ay by Rosholt.' t would Involve obtaining a , ■ in terest-free-federal loan, sped flca lly b as authorized ?all3 C anal Co. to apply for- 1 ' ' *■'i option would Involve can- . W T rtatH -W ater-R esoures“ jse-lts-boodlhg-aiabority-to— jm pany obtain l o w - ln te i^ ol bank loans.

. * j


' HS P C ^ S S r j :

l o d b n o b i l e !

BLOOD I IRAWMG IIday & Tuesday jl 2 | l e p r T6p m 11 pm to 3 p m |

eshvterian^ Church I

9 5 th A v . N o rth ^

— — Japanese-au ih or ilt e o f -a -c h U d 'b e lie v o d -t

he K orean p lan e w as fou d a y by th e Ashing bo£

. P e n iisu la in oo rthen ^ 's ^ d th e b « te w a s b a d l ; ^ ^ t a U v e l y identlfed

O rien tal chUd between —y o f age, d ead betweec

—.weeks.:. ---=r=vtp-- 'H ie b o ^ w as pierce vas m e ta l fragm en ts lo a id chest, suggesting the c lan been aboard the KAL 3ce ^ d .

• t h e Soviets have re ^ w reckage from th e a

bodies.------------ r a i c e b ’tbe'-noHE— tow n of W akkanal also — ^ -In g w reck ag e ' indudln

ob jec t w ith tb e lettersUe .ins ___ _

F resI^ — B e r r v P ah e F lats

w ...................Ilh -- -K K IQ B E S .. ..............

--------------------- O A »C B «tt«

O rd o r Aha s - - . . - . -

!| Pre-Jf -------- r A u t o A / <

im mn t ■ W l n t o r / S o

| r ; = £ o 8 d j el_ B u y N

- o n d l S ^te

r---- OPEI

Os t

n .a-—

Mr tjy— ^ P P s ^ ^ -------------

1i;t ^ O ^ o c e H o n j 1302 Spi th»-eur wmtrl

i ^ MONDAn •a U rhm m l i » O p js.

^ DlnoHo Sol. Larg* Oval C ovared O io ln . A Sm uI Chair. Wood Rockar, 4 K

^ W ood Dtttk. Ragulor SIzi m Bod Wllh Box SprlnQt i

W indow Sha<)M, N«w. Lo-------- Coong»TCti1ld^MtBh-Cha

r o.E.EI«ctfirChord-OrBt U with Colander. Slap Stool

*- WsstinohouiaElactrlcSX pool flafrlgorolar. S«lf D«

a PonobU OUhwothar, In ” Elactrle Cdfao Mokar, ' *; • Papcom Popp«r. Block S d meni*. Mr. ColU* Mok T- Wo»h*r, Kvnmora Cblha: _

h . Larga Malot D«»k S Ofl S— —tO-K>yT»rinT»rCBt«ota»iA__ Inq gqulpm «nt_C h*A -^. Copy Mochlno, 2 Drawar* w flu r O n Stond. W aitln

Naw M etal Dotactor In ( Tobla Sow WUh Tll».A*e

1 - Several Caias of OOtsUi f ' Coutklng CdnizMuhd,' Firm I o r Light WoodPonalIng: • f* ot A tbeitot Shingl**, Tc

• UrrtbrallaTant. Seomla*!

Boat Saal. Autb Seat Co 1 _ :.Exf»nitan Ladder. Shoveli

• MISCBLI ,N*w Set ol Drop**, 7. ft

t~ ‘ Bolhroom Towal Rock, N

Lawn Choirt, Electric Ckx Slond, Lorge Oeeorotlve :

1 - Holden:. Con<^ Dbhff. C I~— -ieng.lomirChlmneyi, 2 7 I Free Standing Pin BoIlMac

t Model T Wheel* (2) and I

Hand Cort for Planter •

i -------—» PERRY A

New Welbllt MIcrowov* nn Bottom. (Sold, Montw Microwave' Oven. GE Au

I ftolUtarle, TV Antenno, EI< I Door, Mi*celtanMui'Dtah«

»3 Upholftered Swivel Ro SolldOak TobU Wllh leaf

• 'OreM«r~W11h~torQe~Beve

SMatalShelvM. Wooden I a Shopping Cart. RCA Coloi

L _ QWNIt ~ . — y 11 M A W K ggnvi

—John Wert---------- IfrlnSI Wandall, Idaho Klmbe\----------- a * r t i - - -------- -------—

IBIIiHodiock Jerome, Idaho ' ’


o u n d la te T b u rs- o a t o f f Sh lre toko • m J a p a n . T b e y jc c u s a tlo i d l x m S e d b u t1 i r t h i T o f - a h —e n f l a n d l l y e a r s e o ono and two

U n io n d e fl c e d b y p a s s a n d a b so lu te ,] th e h e a d a n d t h a t It po ) chU d m a y tia v e c o u n trie s ,

p la n e , p o lic e S h u l t^ \ M in is te r ,

r e p o r te d fin d in g M a d rid f( a l r i in e r b u t no C o n fe re n c__________ ________ R e a g a iiS c

H b em J a p a n ^ S m i lE ^ so re p o r te d find- In M a d rid in g - a - O b e r g la s s — f o r “ c lv ll- i •s “ K " a n d “ L ," M oscow .

h BERRIESF Granaer,-Wi

t l C on ta in 1 0 I b f .o f B o rrla i

IH B B lca iaK 'tB U IE im E S M M M i o o u u i i t m < . s i t t i u a

(■aCAPC0KI),S«T., h e a d 4 2 3 - 5 9 7 7 , 6 - 9 p t r

seasons^gJue— - Meezep^

ummer • —ant A,l o w Ant g V E !9 9


r o f T S ^NSATURDCorner Shothonft & <



A u e iSprvc* S t. Twin FaOi, Idaho. Sprui h-in-th*-Blv« LokM Shopptns-Mc


FURNITURIal Toble'w lih W ood FhiUh Formic lutlful S«l In Very G ood Condlllot I K bchan Chair With Vinyl Cover h o Hollywood Bed Wilh Box Spr I S M a ltre ti , Floor Lanip. Hangl Lorgo Broldad Rvg W ith Throw Ri twtrrW air?leTur»»rW o»IIn'ghouu g a n . Naw. in C e ia w iih intiruci >ol, Kitchen D inette Set wM Choln

A PPLIA N C ISStova, 30 In., Haa 4 B u m an & Ova [>«frott. Hot Freazar O nTop. All V In G ood Condition, Saort Konmoi , T oo tte r, Hoir Dryer, Sclito rt,, C W hite TV, Cltotton Vocuum Si oker, Com lngw ore Colfe* Maki ie» Dryer

m i c i i c i u i l P M i MOffice Choir, Ollvatti 10 Key Col JorrCdMitfonctonOTCoy'CalcinQl - J ia te c ta r . Oeik.Tnp.Filai..,.Siir e r Legal File, 4 Drower Stondord llnghouie 8700 BTU Electric Hea 1 Box, Vent Moilc Automatic > b o r . Electric H eating Compulor, t ide_ Point For Melal O r W ood. Vo Iraplo'ce'Screen A'Log Holder, Po

'A In., S Sheet* of Mahogany po Toro Self Propelled Lawn Mowi

Bog*, 2 Small Bulone Tonki, C Covert. New. Electric Wire & Sv a lt. Sythei. O ther MUcQllaneout.

ULANBOUS HOUSft,..Chrl*tmo* Trae, Real Good. New Bathroom Shelf Sland. Ligf lock. Bathroom Scatei, Punch Bcr e Hinge. Redwood Flower Poti, Center Placet, Corello DIthe* i <

IT rlcy^e*. TopeDrv'Hongln'gi , Se» = » „ ., o T H i B ’d Rurtnlng Boordt • Several Set*


APPLiANcaa« O ven, M ^ tp o m e ry W ard Ref toofnery Word Electric Ronga. G< Sutom alle W oin 'JrT B bT T an.H c Electric Hond M ixer, Mr. Coffee W h e t. Juicer, Avon Sottla i, O ther M

FURHiniRBRockert, U pholitered Floral Do\ >of. W ood Arm U pholttered Choirve ledH an d 'C orved 'M trrflrpS M ltn Shafvei, O ld Ho*pltal Bed, Wo< ■lorTV.aSln. . '

TUOeiSt CcuhJER^DITH DURhrM P S tB M m rA u e n o H i iK V fc i

; ; ------ '**• »*nn4H ~berfy, Idoho W endell, Idoho _

M g r .tA ii^ ; JIm M e tte n m lth JeroiiM. Idoho


ii t tb b e p a rtb f th o K A L ln sc r ip .1 th e a iriln e r*8 taU ----------

parked som e of the b a r e s t stlons betw een Washington and IW since tb e Cold W ar, also was1 - In -M a d rid 'tv -S e c re ta ry of - 3 e o i ^ Shultz.e f a te of K orean A lrilnes Flight c e a g a in rem inds us. tbe Soviet' defines Its security In a w ay GO'Ite, self-centered and cynical - t poses a d anger to all other ■ies,” Shultz said, tz, w bo m et with Soviet Foreign­e r Andrei Gromyko while In- d for tb e E uropean Secu rity -ence, will repo rt to P resident li Saturday a t the While House. . tz q>ent m osi o i n is in ree days. Irid w inning E urt^iean backing - rtl-av ia tion -sanc tions 'a g a i n s t ^ w. '

!S . ^ -W a s h , — ^

m s ................... * 1 6 " / g n t .» ^ J to ffa iM B a T i« ,. ~ r . -------- -

.mt _ ■ ^pm (local coll)

Special I_____________ y : D

^ A u t o A / o l u o - ; —

nti FreezeWinter/

S u m m d f -------------------------



733-2049 j

D A « — Ja 3rd_________________ H

H g y j | | H O L P H

> M B I I T

T I O Nipruco St. I t ocro** th e itre e t2-Mell, ‘WaMh for te le ( Ig n t .- —

R 1 2 . 1 9 8 3Lunch Ot C huck W ogon

irmleo Top'. 6 M atching Vinyl llllon. U pholttered Arm Eoty ovarlng. W icker Choir, Smoll

Sprlngt S Mottre**. V. Size longing Lamp. W ood Louverw Ruq*. RuaBunnert. Chol«e. . ___o u te Pono0o_R*cord eiotrer,_______Ifucllbn t..P foufo W olt C loek : . holrt. Blue Vinyl

IO ven. Alt W ork Good. Whirl- All Very Good. W ettlnghouie im ore Compoctor, Like New, ort. Horfd Vocuum, 3 Iront, m Sw eeper With All Attoch- U okor. Kenmore A utomatic

a i f f ‘~ ‘" .........— - -’ Cotculolor Prim er. Monroo - -

..Sunbaam -G anlA -Elocironie- ___lord File, Smith Corono T yp^H eater, Old Copy Machine,

lllc Vont A tlk Fan. De Walt lor. Large Pto»tIc Tnjck Torp., Vorlou* C olor*.JLC ai#».of_•, Popor Log Roller. 8 S heo ti_ ly paneling, '/< iii., 9 Bundlet.Aowor With G ro i t Colcher,<1. Chorcool Grill O n Slond.& Sw itehei, Electric Motor*.

V S B H O L D ;>od. C h ritlm at Decorollont.Light Fixturet, Polio T roy*,.,

fl Bowl Set Wilh Cupi, Ploni | o tl, Ceromic V oie t, Condle ) '* a O lhert. Fruit Jars, Kero*1. Squora-Trunk. Roflulollon __

>eU Old C or,H orn i.-01d RR ,


Refrlgeralor With F reeie r ». G old, M ontgom ery Word i,"Covered B orbeaue With ee M aker. N ew Tub ShoMOf- e rM Itc o lla n eo u tl lem i..

Dovonb, A utumn Shade*.3iolr. W ood Bookcote. O akS w kT onrH aa tfboon rB ad :-------------W ooden Choirs. Hond Con


RHAAA i[VtCt. TWIN f AILS. P A H O » ■ ■

'-------Je rffJcim M '..... .. ..............*<0_____J t'? '"# -W o h o .......... .. ........

Cfithlen ' M arge Browrtfleld

Tw lnFeM i,l('''ho *

Page 3: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

S p i l l d^C H E R R Y FIE L D , MaL pounds of ammoaJt^ sulfal p r o c e s s l ^ plM t_toto_a_ in j in in g 'a plant worker th in g fo r aha lf.m llo stretc

- Tho am m onia Wiled al N a rraguagua R iver fron b lu eb e rry processing pla: s a id T hom as Varney, an D cpartroeo t o t Envlronmt

‘'Enviroom entally,' this Sm allm outh bass, white

d e a d salnMui a s well a s h fish , b irds aod sm all ma:

------- th o T iv e r bank; O v e r t i ^m uch a s 6 feet above tbe w

i'W c 'ro try lng-to €sUm

zD rough--------B y D E N IS tJ rG U tm O —

United Press Interaatioaa.

W ASH IN G TO N -W bol------ k ep t-m o v ln g gradually.--------m o d e sU .4 i)e rcea t in Auf

~ s tm w aa a ' remartcable w th e L abor D epartm ent salt

Drought-related hikes i eggb . pOrk andivegetable A ugust increase in tbe go f tw h jc e f P rice Iiklex U g b est o f the year, whlct

}ReagarUnited Press InteraaUcna

^ o h F rid ay announced a po licy to actively encoun

_____ flawLQf. dlTBct investmenBnri o u t o f thtH country ^

^ ^ w d r l d . - ' — ------•' ‘/A 'w o r id with stom g y e s t j^ t_ D o w s , to the ot ^ e n x u m game,'* P re d d ^ d in a sta tem ent. “ We b a r e only winners, no losi

-------- partte lp ao ta gain from ftH ie new prooouncem

peath-plcii CHICAGO (UPI)-AlU w e a lt tv re a l esta te brok

_ _ L _ w ith _ J ry ln g Z t6 .1 h lff i_ tflasaaslnate --------M ayor”W ashington will be allow ta p e reconling m ade du

' V ^ g a t lo n , a j i id g e r u l^ 1 ! L aw ren ie N. Obermai in d ic ted by a grand Jur^ follow ing h is a r re s t Wedn fo r allegedly buying coca g overnm en t in form ant

FCC prob ~*didl-a-po

--------- -WASHINGTON .(UPI).--c lslon affecting milUons o tb e F ed e ra l . CommuntcftI m ission agreed F riday daytim e-only AM radio i ex ten d tb e ir hours of opera!

In ano ther nillng, -tbe c vo ted to investigate tbe ] tnm sm itU ng allegedly oba r ia ls — such a s “ dlal-a-pi

-------u s in g com nM m carrierfacIl----------T h e longer hours of AN

a r e Intended to give p a r tlc u la r iy In ru ra l a i a r e a s , b e tte r access to new ^ r t s a n d other prograi form ation , said the V tiin a te d 2,000 daytimi c u rre n tly m ust go off th< su n se t, un til dawn.

- .......... FCC o ff ic ia ls 'sa id the. h o u rs w ill oot be p u t .Into .)

____the re -is - an -ag reem eflt-i— -U n ited -S ta tes , CflP‘»




We a re ..J e r o m e a n d


" G

an d q u o lllJo i

~ Ft

^ 1 1 1 shop (

___ _____________ L<

/^ N a tdestroydalne ( U P I ) '- ^ About 500 Ifate spilled from a blueberry

a pristine river. crlU cfllli. cer and kiUlng eveiy livingPctch, nf»Hnlaai><HByrfi^y___1 all fish and wildlife in the W m the Cberryfield Foods plan t to tbe A tlantic Ocean, an for iho

omental Protection. h l s i s a ^ e r o s p U l , ’'b o sa ld . T ltej«c)rei5.jk)ale!els.and.31. IS hundreds o f o ther sm aller m am m als w ere found along anglng trees w e reb u m efT as ' le w a tv , hesald . itlm ate the-to ta l-num ber of ■

ht boo^fi!' ' W ith a (^ A sep ara l^ ^ a ls p rices,holesale prices nation’s sirH y -u p w a td _ a ,.c e n t .- th e - iA ugustrbu ttne wBISB wt -fac-1383:SQ.far— w idespread s zero percent. Business sa id P tid ay . industria l < es for poultry, jum ped 0.7 ibles m ade th e r -^ o v M n B S I 5 g o y e r a m ^ ’8 B ut mai

p rices, froi ilcb h ad begun c lcser to iff

n ordersonaJ Jor U.S, pol

jec t, issuet

i a broad, new n eu tra l; tli Mirage-the f ree n e ither pre ttent,. both, into— w ardor-o iit and around the opportunlUt

“T h a t 's Io g foreign In- U.S. T rade t o p p o 6 lta .o L a _ B to c k to ld j s l d ^ Reagan intend to ac ^ebelievethere — both hr losers, and aU support U.S

--------------------iiiay beem ent w as a e c o m i^ c Ii

lot tapes in(U tom eysfo ra hU ntokillU roker charged Q je f Cri> _ a . .mflDi~tQ. ■.f^tggeraid-i )r - - - - H arold— e h n a n ’s aU lowed to study to s tu d y a mduring the In-____ B u t_ F it«

S F r l d v . “ • J a m e s M .E man, 38, was use of e a v lury Thursday u ie investit Jdoesday night a b le to re v l ocalne from a n lust tu ra i t ^ l)e •In^o^ defense a offored4o.p ay p itrg e ra ld s

S tate’s Atoes. - . « _____sou ice3 ..quo m pHum edhll.„ J . , “ MtI) —J o - a - i i f r ^ d e t e to r a t e -is o f IW enera, mtolslraUOE IcaUoiKLiiimi— -Giitmjo I jy to perm it planned to lo atnUons to 5 ,m i„n

. w to Is belDf ® JollTWOUia 1le p ra c U c e o I (o bo IreedOObflCCTW mfltft. ___________Q-pom” — by 'a c u i t i e s . ------- ----AM operation _ -'__ve listeners,

anid rem ote C o llilews, w eather, .p-nrnming ifl. O O G Ol I FCC. An ' a r e a .Jm a~ s ta tlo n s-i ............ .............the a ir a fte r

ti ie -e x te n d e d - — ------ito effect until ______________

ntvl Moirfpn .

G m rJl

ng in Commerci


)ONCORD/W esollljylho bi

n d M a g i c V a l l o y 's A u t^



G & P Inc. now h a t a l a rg i

FREE A/I lod t a rv lc a p s r to n n s l . «xp

FREEMANCOmI Us Today . . . GER/ >(208)324-3773 •

L o c n ta d 1 M llo N o r t h

tion^ a l l w i30 salmon kilied from tiie nun7 said a member of the stIV Department. ‘‘But-WOJWY'lg dono to wUdlife at this point_____ WUdllfe.expertflsaldJtisle occur fu r t i^ upstream, wtIs havo b ^ dono to tlw river’0, Tbe river is Usted as om te . north*

rustic coastal town of Che1. bluc^icny c o i ta l of the wtM_th(LCanndLan^rto,_____*r Officials at the plant h lg accidcnt>S Tbo”plant“workDr,TPraj

critical condition at tho 1 ?f - Ccntcr In Bangor wiUi acvt

rs index pI percent decline in January, irate measure of raw materi- es, a t the beginning of the simply line, shot 19 2.1 per- e-m ost- s tncc ..August i aBO.„ was a ia tK f periodtad droughta s .e ^ p m e n t prices, fromII ovens to printing presses, 0.7 percent the most since^ 9 8 1 . . . t : .....nany other categories- of rom tobacco to fuel, stayed level tor the monUi. canccl-

5 new fonpolicy s t a t e l e t on the sub- ued 1^ 1W7 by the Carter _ j*tion.^:plolicylthm;w>a::n the United States “would

promote nor disi»urage in- outward-investrocnt^ftows-or—iUes.” — ___________ _______s not our poUcy anymore," ide RepresentaUve WUUam :d a news coherence. .“We do actively si^port Investment hiward end outward, and'

J.S. investors wlierever tiiey

! Intersts to do so. A lot of

n t r o d u c e d

Uthemayor. iCriminal Judge Richard J ._ | Id-g^ted-a-requeet-by-Ob--J a tto n i^ . Louis B. Garippb, 1 sq>ies of the tapes. I

nil*y1 tbat-Judge—I [. BaUey, wbo authorized the I avesdrcnping equipment hi I itlgation last week, wUl be evlew the six tapes.first. Ho I m over Um t^ ies to tiie I

attoraeys by Monday, |Id said.—---------------^ -— IAttorney Richard M. Daley 1 o discuss a moUve or price I le aUeged murder, p lo t But I quoUag-a.Sl-miIUoaior_tbe-;:| l i t told the Chicago Tribune I rman feared Uie would I te-under-Washington’s-ad— I lon.0 also indicated Friday-he—I to' ask that Oberman’s' $4 I ond be roduced. Oberman, I Ing held in U>e Co(^ County ' d h a ve-to pc 4400.000 cash dfromJaU. c

)llectlb le G u n s Accum ul o f th e b ig g es t o ld coll


— Soptombor ISr V— Call THERON PU

I n c o r p o r a tJerom e'cial' Haying Equij

AGEPRODlbox, by fho pallet

jth o rix e d D is tr ib u to rs o

- Hay an d Bean. o n d

in A lfalfa Drying

rga Invantory of r«placam «n

MAN BALERSixp»rloncsd in th* ropolrom


?AID, JERRY or ROD • Residence (208)

lh - 1 Vi Mllos Easf of Joi

l l d l i f e fnum ber we Iiavo coUected,”) sta te’s Flsli and WUdlife lave, no idea of th e dam age oInt.”

f o r t ^ t f l U iejpIIl didn’t , where more d a m a ^ would ’ ver’saquaUclIfe. ooe of Uie 10 m ost prisUne

rtb eas t I t runs through Uie. Cberryfield, nicknam ed Uie ! w ori^ about 40 mUes from

it had no comment on Uie

iVank-Wood,-was-lfsted-1n— 10 E astern Maine Medical

prices: irtag much of tlie effecT

I* creases.e ■ Tbo business inUaUon > first e l ^ t m ontiis of tb ).— zaro.—governm ent—anc

because U k p rice index vi U m nU w asa tttw eiy lo fK

n The trend is'genUyiipv e r. Through Ju ly tbe bu tlon ra te had b ^ r u i m t a

, 0.7 p e r o ^ t J an u a ry ’s jk bas h^ped to offset aU t

f , t to u g h A u g u s t ''■ • Acconling to revised fl

reign-invjaM a re ln v o iv S T ’

h Specifically, accordhig r _ s t a ^ e n t ^ e a ^ by It L:^aIbng^wlUj-hls-cwn, ro i United States wiU woric fi I- and HkmnntHng of a iarg r fWYornmcnt ■ rftntrictlfwtf-___ m ent which b av e grown’ 1 ^ decade o r so. M any of ttiese have bt

I new ly lodustrializing o L atin A m erica and Asia

development o f tbe lr indu also Iiave b ee used by cot a s France, C anada and Jai

— • Ih e y Include, for ex quhem ents Uiat a.forelgn

l ^ g A I R I

J W t w

1 i i ■



I™ H - £ ln d - O u l Mof o A t______

■ Our Boolh in H Morxhanis Building

»— ■ No. 4AfTh«Folr ........I ■

: I Fee

t i O i llu la to d O ver M any Ye<ollections e v e r so ld ir


1983.5:30 P;M.— PIPER 452-4786

M r — -:jipment & Supp


s o f th o com ploto lin e o

n Rakes

ig Agent

i * n tp a r t f f o r

o i id m o ln t a n a n o q f ih #

VBALERiD PHELAN 5 ) 3 2 4 - 5 5 8 4 Jorom o- •

F o r h a lf“ E re n after^Uie t l d ^

___ Hrr<ii>q u?nfgp nttil■ tak e a w ate r sam ple toda:

h e^ U i c e n t e r j ^ r d ^ t o i o c d u ^ Thursday nlf^t^

l h e accident began wt ' from tb e bottom of a tan]

apparenU y overdralned b egan seeping otrt. H e wei to ahut'off a valve but tu r

" -^ V a rney.------------------------

T he fire dq ia rtm en t w — a se d a w a te r-sp ra y to b «

T hey d idn 't realize th e n — led to Uio riv e r. -----------

nfl^ iorilr o n h S r i n ^ - F r f d a y , 'A p

w as up 0 .31 m ra te for the a n d Ju ly ’sC the y e a r w as M any annalysts

1982. s till would pward;-how6V-— business tafia- P rice ln d ex itag a t a m ta i e __Tbo indel e c o r f ld ^ iM 'I th e ta d re a se s ^ w d sU ia tc

T he ra tefigured i s s u ^ A ugust w as

)estmeni~ a>new fact<

lg to a policy am ount o f : Uie preslident a g ree to es

ro m K J B ri lh f i '. pfr.h is .p ro : fo r reduc^on competiUot rg e n u m b e ro f ' O ther re: is..oa'-lnvest<— levelso floc n iq> ov e r Uie wlUi th e fc

---------------- reqalremerbeen used by counlries-ln-

- r i g g

Bxample, re- woiM 'sresi ^ investor ta m ostefflciei



W hy H av an 't You O rdi

• Curr«nf Motion Piefuro* llki "On Golden Pond'.'ond mor

• Mutic SpocloU Ilk* Johnny i “ ComWy 5j*cIoI» llko-“B6ff(

• World Champlon.Wp SponiAll Without CobU TV orS.


l o t u r i n g . . ,s B l v d j j r w l n F a l l ^ ^

e a r s

in th is

p l i e s


f mileitng IfTwvit pitTB HTTiinftnlnle ro se and fell a couple of o n ed m y hand. V iiienl w en t to d a y ,” sm d Susan Brainerd, a ito r in CberryCeld: T he ^ 0 1 l i t ■ .w tiea Wood w as drain ing oUnnlr m n ta tn in g n m m n n ln JJO)d tlie sy stem an d am iooola went fo r a gas m ask and tried tu rned i t tb e w rong way, said

t w as caUed ta a n d firem en bose down thc-ammonia-gaa.- 3 room contained d ra in s tliat

rfreezesA pril’s r a t e r s K roTM ay’a .3 p e rc e n t Ju n e ’s 0.5 percent ’s o . ip e r c e n tan a ly sts a r e pred icttag the 1983 InflaU <w j»t«j«U U »Jn.

iEbriiood’ i : 4 p e rc e n t whichJd be low est since I964's 0.5 r t s g p - I jB t^ r . l h f i PTftrtiKyr lex w en t \jp 3.7 percent, idex fo r August w as 286.2, n f 'to a p rice o f C ,'862'for It cost business n .tm tn i m te fo r tb e 12 months through r ^ l . 4 p e r c e n t

itpolicytctbi7 a ^ M to u se a ce rta ta of l o ^ p a r ts o r supplies, o r eiq iort a ce rta ta percentage

?roductzsoz.as_tojniIiilnJO T io n w ith 1 6 ^ I ^ u ^ . res tric tions require ce rta tal/v»nT lnvf»<»fnw>nt n1nngI foreign tav estm en t o r se t wntB— fo r— transfer— o f Syi local em ploym ent loca-

te rm s -o f f!nance.-A nother exproprlaU on of tavestm ent jompensaUwi.idm talstra tion 3 a id these Ifl B am 6W tgTh V e im en fa5 a~ UkI " tavestm ent Hows so the esou rces a re not used ta Uie : ien tw ay .

■ H I H I I Hj E C I A l



llk#"REOS".norony Coth and Fronk SlnotroOttomVUp '83--------------- -orting Evonl* >rJoUtlII«DlihandFor-

i 6 % ‘ = d o ,


■ . v ' l

B * c o fn * o n « w a u to lo an .


------------------* * * * rOtO. mOTnW/ pOlflTIC

upto48monttuloc A«3fo« oxira CO

ny>ntj orp troMfon®

^ P i l o t s after loi

■ ----- KAILUA-KONA, H— “ I thought I was

■ , and Uie pUot basical , , -U v es ," sa id ag ra te fu

--------L os-A ngelesr o n e -(S., rescued w hen a aight-seetag p lane v,

tho ocean off tlie islan oU The only passeng He serious Injury w; □la . Doughty, GO, of Okl ied \rtjo_was trapped bi aid plane sank Thursday------- - —gaardodTsmmtlon-Fr)en ' Hospital. H er husbai^ _____ said sljo seem ed to tie(mt “The w a le r rose

seconds it w as iqi to said Leonard 'O ’Br

------- —Arlington,—M ass. “ T» ■ Um eforpim lc.”I Seconds before, J

—venbacbr-24,-'of-Hen ly a Calif., b ad been alt

Panoram a Air MacDonald a s theii H -lB-StookoffonUie

Lln-------- an-clght-island-tour.-Jch ____________ _

m m m m m ilar • m m.m.m.m.»BA If JTl Ikr/Cli ll I


Ota 3 ; ^ SjE"o r •“ . Salect From Norway

_ Ssodleii Ath, ond Eur<______ ■■ ; .Coupar

g Kolloy Orchia ta ^ ELBERTAPEACm g - i ----- 1-------- AOOISON AVIse t > 1 ^ Op*nMopdayll

je r - . • ■ ■ ■ent

!se J53— --------------b e MMh e M y ^ m m

I : P r r T W p

I f )mI^5I ^ u F r ^ 4> r flI f l l■ iti

„l.______t I J ...- I ----------- W i —


I A C u c o i s a f l o u J c o v e r e d w i t h a

" I l e t t u c e , f r e s h t o n> - s h r e d d e d i i a e f - a r


I L o ca te d a c ro s s■ T ^ in Falls.■ I M O I


» w tth a Unllad First•• ■ ItlOC*

coroutoloonyoaVoovor ^ c ooeofnooiHhoVkwWw**!--------— ‘prnefttio(kMaiSl25.and Iroub .lopo,',aconvonlor^>«u>por- tiOMonodoirtonwtlcoiVt'on'

Unite^ n F ir s

FEoenRL sa v in,Mo!Ki'slaTO«ftMVlns*(

' r

™ ^___________Saturday. S

saves~pa^ sing planeHawaii (U PI) m louce3"o

ts go tag to die, failed.uUly saved ou r “ I saw thJul BUI Duke of en g ta e s ta r 'O f ~ t0 peiq iie— Uio cabin.-!a tw in-en^ne realized v,w ent down in Coivcnbad:

andofHawaU. ingaround

S ‘“n S J "H o ranIklahomii Clly, b r l o ^ M t h o “P ^^ b o d y

shock. HO «md Rnlph, 63, puUed thoK l m p r o v l ^ ------ m o s to fm o» so Im t. In The pilot

wero.UUcer Brlcn, M. of Dcpartm cn•There-w aa-no---------------------

OUiers \RusseU Col-- m inor injuj

arm osa-Beach; - K a r e e n - J c iiUing next to Calif., E

pilo t John A r l in ^ n , elr B eechcraft Zchetner, 3 le second leg of S oshlroFu! f.—About”th ree ■ Shizuoka'Pi

f - N 0 « i n 0 3 - M - «

HADE TREIsvE-^s^r.™ly M aple, Crimion King Maple. u rop*anW hlle8lr<h. ' lan fiee d J liteu a h .lu a id o y ,S « p t.J chord P eochet. Poor* & Applet Av ACHES NOW READVI DrlnsVourC »VENUE-AT CAiYLANDrTWIN fA l l Mhru Saturdoy 9i00 to 6i00;Sundi

■ ■ ■COUPON ■■

" M E X I C A N '


y J o irT U sfo r lu n_______p i M o r ^ C e | e

Tw in Palls Coun'

CUCO SPElur to rtilla , d e e p fried t[^n la y e r o f b e a n ^ to rm a to es , jack S^^heddi 3r_chIcken.jind.dfiUc.lpi

.L DAY-THURS.SB fro m S a a re , D ow ntow n, 360 )s. 7 3 3 -6 2 3 1 .0 p a n 11-8 Mooda> 0 Friday & S a tu rd a y , C lo sad S u


ur UfMIOd N<Av Ct»CWf>Q oecour^t. Vou ■ > OQsa end locuflty of novor mmino o c 9nt. n o w wrtllno a chock ot ovon IxMcomo.lfilo.on omco._______ _____-C o m o to unl1t»a f imgftfl Q0t.lhoroo: lublo-froo kwn bofoom < w k»«) for tti ifcrw>« of on outomobuo, p*cv-up »uclin«i troitof Ol inoior twrw. Il'i luJi ar«1fv jy Unltoa Flfit troott v«J liVO O Btg Whoo

s dS t - M ^ .inGS taMfomo* [»c*»ckil1on


.Soptem ber10,l983 Times-)

i ^ n g e f s y “ e to oc^irTf^3“ out,' lh e ”' r i ^ t “ engine’ ' “j

w the pilot try tag to get Uie • sta rted and 1 looked back ta ] in r ld o n ’tth lnkm ostpeop io - 1 w hat w as happening,'.' j ja ch sa id . "They w erepass- m d m acadam ia ntits." ' “

, 40rsald tbe pilot was <^alm. ra n to the exit window,

tho window, ’i ’old >dy to p u t Uieir Ufe Ja c k c ta - -L _ :le iJL usjveceJust Jdnd.oIiiL.. _____H e a s s i s t s some of us,Uie red tag, and pushedu 3 0 u t“ — ------------ -— -------------<Uot and a ll nine passengers iken to shore by the F ire men t. ______ ;___

3 who w ere treated for injuries and released were - J d u B o n i—21— Torranee,- -

E velyn Obrien, i2. ; an, M ass., Heirich ;•r. 32, o f TJnz, Austria, and Fukaw a o f Shimizu City ta I

aP refecturC fJapaifc" ^

EES fiMHIS COUPON---------- .----------S n .9 5 -$ 2 9 .9 5 -lie. Sllvor Maple. Martholl O •

tAvallabloHero.- >urOwnConfolner«. * • rA ll$ -« -7 3 « 5 1 8 ---------:-----1®"' :■;undoyi ..................... '

Lunch o r -------- --------------------Blebroto ^ t r {'____u n i y F air. W | ;

*ECIAL io o - - — - jhied g o ld en b ro w n , j;, to p p e d w ith c risp f, d d a r c h e e s e , h a n d “ i; c.ipu9 uocam o le ;------ j i -

!S., FRI. & SAT. ij^ Main Avo. No., IKlay-Thurday,- --------- ------ I . - -J Sunday. j ;

I W " h --

Vou gol , 1OOpcr/.Ixr/no ; .

'laick’ !ir«1f>orvhooi. ;

--------- ■

les-Nowa. Twin Falls. Idaho A - 3 ___

Page 4: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

' S y m m

with IBOISE (UPI) -

-- - ' S tates sbmild lucre ■ * ^mdcUqs* in TosctlOD

Ing down of a dvUlai week by tbe Soviet

------ ...Steve Sy n m s said FH At a DBwa

----------itheldahoH^xibUcantbe Soviets only und tazy force tbe U .S .d

“ • — ' ? j>^~pTntw>-------- ^ e f t o r t s ■ -ur-Bupfis

* flg b tm ” In Afgbi______ ^ Oantral America.___

H e aald Coogresa ' “ "f .. _ o ta iy spending, but In

'reduce ' t b e g r o ^ ol------- progranu.

S y m m s sa id tbe IJ = = =4reat—U»^^-fiovlets=

istlc a lly . “Tliey haw m en ta li ty ttmn we d

- - a d d in g th a t tbe Sovl< " i s In tb e bands of tbe:

^ ’i ^ n o t ^ i r t ^ i p l i ^ d o w n . W b e n l] m issin g tb e firs t tblD;

TK y ^ N » ~T iwrtiiTW’ rtt

_ l.S y m m s:^_ tb e .lj _ ...tfaos .Impoeed .by

Evansi — lo-extei

•JbO ISE (UPI) - ----- ' legt o l a t ^ leader? q n b

locreases if

o b ftmrtmg ]35B 5B w m ia$dFridayr

^— ' c.’h ie-D em oerat-B ald-b i flo ies of task'fw ce meel

toMian pigito cbMge t

bis p>»n to t ISi^cent tax boost «iac(<

' ~ : i 9 B 3 . ----------------------------';-T b e governor said ed 1 gram s from fct '^ v e r s l ^ level wlU oeec

= = - T i m b e r - s i

____ U -B 0 IS E .(U P I)-= JQ 9 y t.said xnrlday be Is p u tlo g

• mMlttm niW w inlTar Hmh#

.'Vtbe track'M n ti products wllb tbe popt

.'S tkKL-------C ( But - the goveniof -sali

I agreem ent tbat called for I pTraw 1<^ in Ueu of partli ^lumbersuch ^'cants'*

___^ 'h a s b ^ _ le \^ e d on four alr , .H e ^ d " tlia t wblie I id a b o ’a w ood-flnlablng ire

ijSwanFqlB O ISE (U P I) - Gov.'

; .o n F rid ay = ask ed -A tto n• J im Jones to review t h e ' t a ll ty of a proposed cootr

. . . th e s ta te a n d Idabo Powe a t p a rtlaUy_9ettllng_tbe.

___ I .water-rlA ts dispute.S everd roenibera of'lS

t a d r fOrce' bave~eipnE about tbe validity of tti pact, designed to protect] |U ver ^ t e r ise rs wbOe <

*n>«»ing t>w» utility


H e2


^ L a s tS...............■.............. ............ S u i

' m n r B-B-a B'B y» f y t


O u r entire stock o to d d le rs 2*4. Inch p o p u la r c b ld ^ a h c


_ P .u r ..en tlre s to c k of T -n^S j.t(ys &.cordurc

health-te:Our Entire stock of b<

A-4 T im os^owB. Twin Fal

ns: Face biggenjT- U je U nlied R eag an t

icrease m ilitary 269 peopl ion-to tb e s h o o t- h a v e n o t Ulan a irliner la s t suggeste( riet Uokjn, Sen. 289 So' IF r id ^ . W aahlngte reD c e ta B o lse r-< l> e ra tlo n can said because— M oscow, understand mill- !I. s b o u ld 'r ^ o g d : c lea rly th ent* t^ d o u b lln g w ith wori iply— '■freedcgn - d a y t h e y i fgtianiatnn and UUed 50(_______.:.-ii»!ir_qugess not tbesenatc anr ? more*mlli* t Instead should S ym m s f o f m H tI e m ® “ T » T a t a r i

- — .............- c e le b ra te0 u s . nM da to U.S-Soutli tfl^^^nQCT-reaI-~ ' t tonshtR :: lave a different p la n s a t t l t do ," 1» BaM,-— ‘T m g) uvlet te a d e n i lp Uaved to IheKQB.” to o to llM l

r i h ea id I f W ' R eag an » b log I said i s ' I a llie s to J< r d M n r s b o o t i t— tb e -m u ltl________________ f o r c e In T.e lim ited sanfs-_ . w a re i y _ . P i « M e r t ;

s e e k s ^

jndsalcs- R eputdican .h m d liy b a be persuaded y e a rs to s j 2 'T b is . .y e a r ’s •. H e to ia

if . they, a re enoe l ^ b l

g needs, Gov. th is faU ily . edu ca tion

leg lalaton1 b e beUeves a : - ‘ Ith lnk leetlngs on edu- rocom m ei jtrovUe enough ® S th e m inds of

id th e obis-year. ‘2 ’™ acted e a r lie r in L eg ls la tu- — V- - - . r r , ob serv a thftrftffqUnn ptO- legislative

rten through th e a j^ ro p r laleed a n d tb ey V

s a l ^ o u l d njy t .Jo ta ;E T a n » _ tb e d r_ w o r In g to a r ra n g e a goals, th e n b e rea le s d ea l s h a re o f “ m ildg lve Idabo ■ ,opportunll ) bradlQg ;wood . t h e r e o f w puloui A slan U nkm ol

ve to a n ysa id h s -w o u ld - o r e \

for tb e shipping p ro tec ted .irtlaOy flnlahed A ta o e w

tlm b e rth a t s a id b e hr s i t o . , _ could b e p<Jie pro jecting G ad lng coi' ind is trle s and t r a c ts wll

illscdhtracIV. John E v an s ~ g e n ^ ( e ~ to roey-G eneral— D a m r^ — - h e coostltutioo ' A s a r e a la tract betw een u rg e d EvzQ w ecX ^aim ed__m ftnt imHlbe_S w B iL E all8_-O pln loa_

___________*n>e p ro'IfiegbveriKHr’s f ro m a s ta j n s s e d - d oub ts— la s t Noven ’ tbe propoeed tb e utUlty c tm a n y S n a k e d e c t r l d ty le also guaran* w a te r po* Migh w a te r to Id a b o d am .


734-8' ......... . Twjn f

» l t h ^

10%[RESTOCK OF HI5 D a y s ^ S a l e 1

i u n d a y , S e p t . 1

n n n n n n n n r a t vs-f s r w r rb TODDLER HEA

20% OFF< o f p l a y w e a r f o r I n f a n t icludes to p s, p an ts , ov shcfdesigns.

RLS4-6X-7 EX® —20% OFFo f fuD fo p s an d ; bo ttom s,

lu ro y jcan s------------- _ 1

EX® D A N C EW Ef b o d y su its, leg w a n n e rs & :

I Falla, Idaho Saturday. Seo

3 soviets nilitary^n In reaction to the death of op le on board tbe airilner lot boonz^tough. enough, K o_- Ited (be govem m ent expell Soviet dlpk>mats f ro m ' 3gton a n d downgrade .the ionao f the-U.S, Em bassy-io—w,--------------------------- -------------> Soviet posture is very ’ th a t (bey a re oo t om cem ed u r ld oplnloo. On tbe sam e sy sb o t th e p la n e down, tbey 500 Afghanlstans (o m eet' iio ta of killing 800 a da v .” a to r s a l^

[hs w as scheduled to b e 'o n —

ite* tbe-ann lvereary of tb e “ idh I& uea defense, rela-

t tb e la s t m inute, g lad to be b « e ; and re­

to be back. Idaho’s never b e t te r ,» t» sald. _

1 sbould~cflll'oa 'A m erican—9 jo h i (he U.S; in-beeflog iq)

I T>>hAnr)n. "I»m find to see 9 finally reinforcing our 8 l h a ^ ‘ hBsaId.T;“ ‘ “

upport s taxes{ to creases ov e r tne next few

i^hls office th a t h e thinks w orkn w cllil fnnlr tnrpB

D wlU w d t to t d a lm ed

W s.Inlr H’b wll gningfn Piitmlnnfw In»«”^ q ttops of <tw»TBi^« fund-

educa ttoo all tb e w ay from {arten through the universityaa , " th6B0Vtfbor- r o ---------

th a t tbe iture, in q>lto of some of tbe itlons.- m ade, b y soroe-of- tbe iv e leadership, (wlU be) r la te ly and pzTf>erly briefed y w ill a lso rea lize this."

l - a i ^ s t a t e —rorfcers J a - o o e - o f ,h l s . m ato r h e s ta to m u st a ttem p t to g et a if " th e g rea te st future m arke t m lty th a t U nited S tates and o f tb e w orld h a s ever seen. ”1 offlclals have u r ^ E vans to ly export deal Involving Taw ev eo c a i ^ so dom estic jobs

Bnlahlng hiUustrhg wwiM'be xLew 8 conference, tbe governor ‘

hoped m a jo r Idabo firm s I p ersuaded to form an e x p o r t 'f Qn^mfiyTnTiatnmfi* OUt'OWlr w lth _ < iln a i ...................................

ict debatede e le c tr l^ ty a t SwaiTFaUis

e su lt, tb e task force la s t week Ivans oot to sign any agree- n tll .Jo D es .h a d p r o v i ^ an

jropoaed con tra c t stem m ed s ta te Siqirem e Couri deHikm 'em b er b l whlcfa JusUces said ty b a d th e rig h t to .geoerate ty w ith 8,400 cubic feet of to* second a t the southern im.

Y & M Ekes Mall______8989I Falls___ ,

t e X ’ l :


i Eiicis ---------1 1 _ ...........................

BTBTBT T a 8‘8‘BTTnnnn


nts 3 -1 2 .m o n th s and overalls an d m ore in

Fns. T urtle necks, crcw

E A R -20% o f f -& skirts.


\ .......B y H A L A K H O U R Y -UaJted Press IntemaU

__ . . B E IR U T ,” ” Ldianoj~ —M oslem -gunm en-flre i

ro ck e ts a t M arine ' peacekeepers F r id a y i

convoy 1 fbod a n d m ed id n e to

L (Christian refugees t ' m ountain village.’ O ne F ren ch so ld ier VI-------- tb e la te e tb a r ra g e -------

— N o casua lties w » e r ’ th e M arines, caugh t In I th e D ruze, tbe Leban ' pro-governm ent C hrist

con tro l o f the ShOuf t a n d southeast of tbe ca ;

- Chilea i“ ^UnitedPressiDteraatk

- = S A N T IA G O ^ ::a iI lo i=reg im e c e ld ira ted Its 1 ry ' In pow er F r id a y w ould a r re s t and exile

_ suspend d v il l iberties_____ nationa l p ro le S .---------

F o u r petqple w ere kfl T hursday , ra ising tb e <

-------- ln~flve~m oaths~ofcfaall____ i-dcnt- A ugusto..P lnocb- tented_(Jhllean3_dem a

m e d ia te re tu rn to demo



-------------F O O T B A

5 =

i i n „ , . r / y ] M

-Ibe -




t o " -------‘ ‘ ~

or • as r t •^ ---------------------------------— ^

i U s ~

ek >

Sr f ______ _____ _mId . . --------------teOf■ n ................................................

-V .-_____ - _____P residitinnai versatloi

Arizona,ion — D n i z e r e a s o n ” [« l-m ortarB -end^^4ng-trooj e and F rench outrigh t y and blocked a n o n r i ^ t i f try ing to bring I s r a d i to a t least %000 : a re a Su

besieged In a t io n s h is F o u r I

rw o sw ounded ln a n d 29__________ ________F r ench I>-rep(»tedam ong-- alUes - In battles am ong peaceket u iese a rm y and w ounded Stlan m llltlaa fo r TTie i ' m ountains "cast— Pbalang< capital. -been fire

iri rcgim<)LE — r “ .~ ^ o p p o s i i Uoasl accused

agression ^ H b o im U tta i^ c im o B s tD it s lOth annlversa- Interioi ly r d e c re e ln g - t t r - J a ip a e a l ie dissidents and th e " e x « e s because of a lh e contlir r ------------------— ho'callddlkfflaJ In vIoIen«^ •'We"do e d eath toU to 38 Uonal po' aIlenge-to-P resl---cannot-re !>hot-h y - /<iaivw. - d lsaDPearnantUng^an Im-__ ‘ U pder tBocracy.------------- m ake

A Y ( f 1 ^ ^

T f f l y l

' K t lj y s . ,

" I C A

»OLISH CHILI DOG-------------• B A R O P I N fD tntng 5 :3 0 -1 1 :3 0 p .m . -^

5 :0 0 -1 0 :0 0 P .|

BANQUETy / j w S f t 2 0 0 A d


siden t R ea g a n rln -a pbooe o tlon w ith R qxib llcans na, sa id th e re w as no “ gc tl” («_wlthdraw th e peaceko w p e - ln - L e b ^ - a l tb o u g h }it d v l l w a r ... seem s to be gol h tnow .”id i t r o ( ^ vaca ted tbo She Sunda y - fo r-m o re seo ire -p c n southern L ebanoa r U.S. M arines have been kUI 25 w ounded since- t h e a - T h have h ad tbe heaviest cai — an w b g “ th e - ' 4,800^n keeping force — 16 d ead and led th e p a s t year.

right-w ing rad io of t ngflmtlW /nuiM 65;000sbellsb Ircd In L ebanon in tbe la s t we

le m arksa s l t lo n - ie a ^ G a B r fe T V a ia id tb e govem m ent of "b ru t lon” ' In b reak ing ^ d

l o r M in is te r Sergio Onoti said th e govem m ent will rene xceptlonal pow ers” because i Qtlnulng disturbances by whj ftdleft-wingteiTorists.-^ - - - do 'no t w a n f to lo e l th e excej pow ers), b u t the govem m ei-ppfwwm^ fhPTTir a rs e n tlre ly .-^ a rp a s a id — X th e pow ers, tb e ^ v e m m e i ik e a n e s ts :w itb (^ w a iT a n t]


sgy ^ 1 . 0 0IG. . ■ ^ 1 .5 0f S 4 t 3 0 P . M .-M o n d a y th ru S a tu rd a y ~ P .M . S u n d ay

ET FACILITIES AVAILABLE A ddison A v e . W est w ln F a lls r ld a h o ----------

m s m - r*


. * , .m ida t

s t o p a i fe con- — Of .fighting a n d esti s In' w ere killed and 1,2(X “ good A M arine ^ k e a oreeo- fice r CSiaries Rowe,

b flse a 'a C B d ru tln ti gping d id n o t re tu rn fire,

m ax im um a lert. Sbouf “ TTie last shell I h

< gr> a n rt thi.............. ‘on fo r about'45 m lnUUed atonepoInL -T tie -M o rta r fire a lso 8 casu- p re sld o itla l palac< j^ n a n — B aabda. ( h e J W a iQd 44 o e a r t^ Y arze and th

tlan s u b u ita o f B d r th e w e re rq w rted , offl<

Ish ad — “ Jd-— --------------:—week ^ London, the I

s birthdaaides - e x n e d lS ia m ts T r ^ trutal suspend tbe righ t o f f

de- Opposltton leaden

notre Ings w i(h J a rp a Oienew — p d llic a liu tn ro .--------se of M em bera of the 1 w ^ t ance, ChUe’s mulU- ~ fnm t; “broke o fljfu i ccep- J a rp a , d a im ln g tbe ment nointenU onofrestori eo ce------

n e n t_ _ j lp f tM ii l jn ^ n

1 S e rv ed w ith

J b o lw d .p o la l — . f f r e n c h f r ie s ,

^ ~ ‘"T exas'fbasfT


n o u n tta u rt l ^ f ________ J I U . r * t l U a . t U L l _ f




. a>» AUVE* Support F

------------ei1-AUVE* SupportTCotora: Barely Black*

: __________ U««.(Joloc*...

_________^-1- — .^— ...I.t u i u u i u w»i

"paira c 5

Pl««9e add s a in ta> Postaoa win be own

Account § _______ _Amt. Enc<o<#d_____

A ddfM ______Clty------------ -------- --

--Z-l24'Maln'AvenUef\ " ' Open Dally 10: dC

:iatedParking With YourPL

d to GhitrfimntAH 515 pecqjle sa id i t .i00_o(bers wounded, bombejjm ian . W arran t Of- Cyprus^ sa id t t e M a r ^ need st

e , tHit r e m a ^ ^ ’r a fo rce .'A ne-

: h ea rd w as about 10 2 ,0 0 0 t r th ls b a s been^going i..p a r to L Jnutes,"-Row e sa id theM ai

siq)pott ► struck around the- you.” ice In suburban A Fi fense M ln ls t^ - a t S u p er- tb e n o r tb o n ^ H s - scram b d n d . No casualties ~ F o d i t f ld a l B eiru t rad io wotmde— ------tfae-iiea

Defense M l n l ^ tro o p s l

iy, issue!f public a ^ e m b ly . m edlatf ir s had-dem anded and rej>

on tb e country 's------------------------------ E a rli

1 Dem ocraUc AU1-— th e - to i U-party opposition p reside further!.'talks w i(h ''through le govem m ent h a d by tbou )rlng dem ocracy. support

»peat of d S«

iskh y o u r c h o i c e o f .i t o o r .. .. .____s, a n d t . '

^IE —rou


i « B lv d . PA 7 M lS]



>Mortptiont pcntyhoM r«lnf. hMl & to e ' tTJantytwee all<h»*r. samJaffoo k* B « t y There* Drtttwood*' Mavfalf* Soulh Paclfte* T


_______Height Welflht 8lza I

taX'Whoro applicabl«. ira. '__________________ •

________ :........ .. State _

i JVofi/i, Twin Falls • 733 d0 to 6 :0 0 ; Saturdays.'til5 Purchases — Use the 2nd,

i r i s t i a n ^i i t sen t s ix Joag-range.B uccaceer.. . nbers to tho R A F b ase In Akrotiri,>rus, to p rovide a ir siq^MTt “ If the d should a r is e to p ro tec t” tb e 100Ufih troops in - th e peace-keeping .............» .. new M arine am ptilblous unit of 0 t n x ^ w as anchored offshore a sto IP re a ld e i^ B e a g a n !8 ^ in lf le to ________M arine com m ander of - 'w h a tev e r----------[M tt i t tak es to stop a ttack s on

F rench ^>olccsman sa id two e r - E te n d a rd .. figh ters,im bled-at-dawD-from -the a irc ra ft— h a fte r a F rench so ld ier w as. njded by ooe of eight s b d ls fired a t . .iiead q ia rte rs-o f the-fcOOO J r e n c h ------------ip s ln tb e d ty .

Bsjthreatstie A l l ia n ^ h a s dem anded a n ln - ila te t ran a tUffli to dem ocratic ru le re jec ted P inochet's in sis to ice to

rlntwwwrim ttnqflQ....... —

a riie r . P inochet and-m em bers o f ; - - ..........fAim.m a n r u l in g mtlltnfy Ju n ta '

sided ov er a m ilita ry show Of fo rc e : downtown Santiago.attended!

housands o'f d iee r ln g governm ent:porters waving Chilean flags. :________


Shrimir I

| 9 » ' 27H ^ M A B K E T j

i t V E ^ —

S f f i r =

- - 1 Pslf 1 PsifReo-Prfoe PrfM

»■ 6.96 6.75 " -iffoot— 6.98-----6.78---------------- ------------od* Qflntltbrown» Town Taupe __________________ _

I Price ~^ Length -

Tax ,Total ' ......... .................... ... -•

_____ :C LC h«*.or-M ,0,------ — :-------------^

L— ------- ZP.------- ------- . . ... ■'t •

733:1506------- ' ,-itil 5:30 .............. :nd Avenue North Lot . :

Page 5: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

A la jBy BOB FREUND TV/nes-Wetw writer

could be sto rting a dolj com. ' ____ _

D epartm en t of A ^ c i l------------ b e -h as-< q )en ed -ta lk s

fa rm e rs in the 49th stat b e a d o f d a iry breeding

H e'~ alsio~ w iJd ' a p A lberta, C anada, serl sh ipping la rg e amount


J ___ .B onn ie Abral

Fail■ ByBO N N IEB A iR D


F IL E R - Everyb F i le r fairgrounds.

O r so it seem s to Ui__________ d ff^ Jh e _ w a D w a ^ ^---------------- ibo-do^-and-pupple

"dogbm B e," tb e bull boused a t the Twin F

T his y e a r 's dog e ~ la rg e s t shows ye t, i - v iru s sca re , w U ch c

p a s t two y ea rs , bas ■” ~ A D en trie s a re - r« !

A ttenByPATMARCANTONI Timea-Newa writer------

. F IL E R - If .tbe crow m g tb ls-w eekeod ,-tbe T o m S bousem ayberea]

T he fa ir m anager gt. -fhlfl piim m or . ♦hnt 101;would a tte n d -tb e -J3 K

______ nm m ty F a ir . By TOUT•halfw ay there .. Sbouse reported tnat [a ttended th e fa ir on *n

_____ ^am o u n t b ea t la s t yeai1.050 fo r tb e sam e d ^ .

A ltogether, a to ta l o f I b a d adm itted to tb in F ile r th rough Thursdi

a io u M d id n ot bave a F r id a y ’s attendance; bi

- c ro w d s w ere good and fa .'of h is p rediction — if ; continues to cooperate.

• d an ce to nice w e A d v e rtis in g of th e e

' ' p a rtic ip a tio n and th e fi :_____ ; Just th a t tin w o fy e a r fo r

> B yllA W D M O FTA T

: m a a h e d jd ly d o i ig ^

......... J -

i ~

rms k a i t


^ ® 1 5 ta te :o rA Inska“^ a ~ 1dairy industry using Idatjo t

iculture, said F rid ay th a t- t ilks -a im ed - a t - supplying— state w ith os m any a s 1,000 c ling stock during the n e x t . c— - ' ' -------- ta g r i c i i l b ^ officials in seriously a re considering s w t s o f w heat t t i r o u ^ t ^ t

rra ham , left, gave a d en

i r ' s * d o iEID JONESef - •

ry b o d /s in .the doghouse a t t

o thoM trying to m ake th e ir w. lys between tbe cag es of abc jp le ^ th a t-a re -o n -d f i^ a y - it t building w bere dog d isplays a0 F a lls County F a ir . - ,g en tries represen t one of t i , and Indicate th a t tbe . p a n fa c u t the num ber of en tries t las p re tty m uch been forgotte re<Silred to have p a rw -v ir

idance)N lb .............. A t Fri<_______ _______ p len ty to i

T he toirow ds keep com - of Ameri tbe prediction of w as the realiied.-----------------fitting am• giMWMri ea rile r Castl

l3 8 U rw in ..F a lls . li'uradav. he w a s - reservp-c

In the5aT203CDTeoipT5— B rew fiin1 Tliursday. T hat cham plot (rear’s figure by of Klmbe y cham p;—

0151,816 p ersons ' * 5 ? ^

- S Sid he <• ponnrtmit _• if tbe w ealbere . . In th e <

w eather, ^ F a lls was: event, m edia p r ic e ofe fac t th a t " I t’s se rv e ch afor a fa ir ." O ther I

dhjfioein.7 | r . . '.# , ___ u - '- 'i

u’l a lw ays gteftini ao d th e ir - z j freqnenlly do resem ble s

lO Q kqB ite tha tfinno rred^: t eMfeeo-keniftiedsmlle. ,-; j n w 1

2 S i5 i t i8 6 t lh iB lc J ie i ld 6 IZ il l w . ^ tfU8;jjjb e y h a v B .^

^ i cr m a r k

p o rt a t Lewiston lo Po rtl t h r o u ^ the Canadian port a t ■ Interview ed a t a confer

"~ traderH anson‘sa id heTsqrect ' th e breeding cows would com a n d T reasiTO valleys.

- fa rm s n ea r Anchorage, be sal___ D airy , fnrm tng tn Alnglrn

dustry , w ith an ly twotuU-tlm operation, h e said. The state aUltamlUc. - '

— '"n fty ’K Tgoifig-to 'buy-ar som e p lace," Hanson sold. " be Idaho."


e m o n 's t r a t l o n F r i d a y u s l r

t g h o u s evaccinations',' to g ive'd the contagious disease.

A r ^ Nohie, wnb a it the os co-superintendent oi

• th is y e a r Is tb e best she rw ay she h as a ss is ted w ilh t i

Q fthebe s t In thelSiorJ<

B a re T h ere a r e 30 b r e ^ puppies on display. 1

f the throughout M agic Valle a rv o - ' “ "W e 'h a v e eveiythli 3 the C hihuahuas, and for )tten. . yea rs , w e have som e J v irus;?: (Y drfahIre te rr ie ra ) .’! 1

L 9 o a L s <i^ d a y ’s event, there still w as to seean d d o . - >. t<q>per of tbe F u tu re F a rm ers lerica competition a t tb e fah* M Judglng-ofTtbe^r a m ^ ^ l n

istleford w as' nam ed g r ^ lion In the Junior division. ” Lem rid i -o f-B u h l- to o k -th ee-cb am p io n aw a^—:----------th e senior division, Sbellle r c r T w u r F a n r t o o i r g r a n a - - lion honora, and M elanie Sbouse iberiy w as nam ed tb e reserve

irdlng to FFA officials, the robin event involves only win* 'em other an im al cony>etlllons uring the p ast week, such as swine, dairy an dborse even ts .'' e w ere 10 en tran ts in tb e con-

le 4-H dog fitting and showing

ras tb e grand cham pion. W e i ^ of Twin F alls w as nam ed re- bam p,r F r id ay . ^ j s l n c l u ^ the

grown so Ug and U8ly you a s ^ jy l th th e m .

c o o t r ^ ' t h b . l

-z:l6 ;kM9. 7 t e p q 7p ^ garlic ie ' ^ t e ' ^ c a a s e n d e . . : .t h ^ rolled from a

And wif-oiihttM Tw4i>it •■dlacre^Bei»eoti>rD p<gtfo^

r-Umt Is a lo< at «arfecttvl cM c ia iii^ % r

and UemlAitt, ycw Jwv^to ^ c m e 'I w b ^ p u t W

. . . . . . ...

c V a

c e toportland. Instead of H i^EatVancouver. ’ excelliIference on export dlrecUrec ts tlie in a jo r ity of I7th 1om e from the Magic countr_ _ ofmUli

erds a f lB new d a iry ------HaniI s a i d . .................... d lrecUilrn n n tn fn n f tn . Atngtrn'tim e d a iry fa rm s in whllo 1 Late im ports a lm ost month.

H e sn i a i r y cattle from ■ m oniir 1 “ I t m ight a s well official


s i n g M is s K iz z y , a c o c k

e * h a s f ie dog ownere p r o l ^ o n ' from ise. _i m n r R u p m u> uervii it of the show, says the variety she has seen in tbe four'years h the dog d g ia rtm en t, and one )rjQ year8jaeJia8.sho»n<loga

^ and 57 pens of dogs and f. E n tries have com e from a lley .'th ing from G rea t D anes to o r tbe_ lirst_ tlm e in several ye Scotties and some-Yorides >.’! N oblesayB rr-7— T.-— ~

gets cloi-as N o r th w ^ Ju n io r H era

. dog^)bed iencfr- r Judg e rs H erefo rd ca ttle Judging ah* Is te r o f M erit ^ w for bln H erefords. . . .tell------ T h e falr-beadquartorm d F a lla s h e r if f s office on. H iu r s d a y night and F ri th e —w ere fre e o f incidents r

j j j g - T ---------r - ...... ............: - -----

“ Saturda^ 8a .m .,n ag * ra is

9 ‘a:m ., the W r a rena .

^ lO a .m .. th e a n r„ sa lo bam .

2 p .m ., th e Idah sheU.

.........4 p .m ., tbe W na ren a .

Ing 5p.m.,flng-low<

idy a ren a ,re - 8 p .m .,tb e f ln a l |

10;30p .m .,re lesthe I_______ __________

ucoulddubat>aby 'aliycoii

b to iiie d l i ^ y lh ' and (

eum bers^took:^de.^^^=^3n^ lie and^akxuK X N ikl- m u o l^

w :;/” --o n ly a -i D talb it)eslook .aiU fdrM4x D a b o m o fp la i ty .. .so c ia li 4aln thfft' E o tr

Al*lty ■'in'~prodt>S ^ ^ -lav out- SoroByiow dafB ds ' n in g a l

« - . feahi r t

Uie ordiard g e ^ - - : Tbe 1

l l l e iaen^fc^ m ilk production mokes iUenl s to r te r stock, the ctor sold. Allhough the slo t

in -o v era irp w d iic iie rfrT d o itry’s.lop yeoriy average.of i;Uk p e r cow, he so ld .________uison o p en ^-ta lk s-w iih -B U :lo r of th e -ag ricu llu re -divl k a D epartm cnt.of--N atural Q he w as in the s ta le for a v Lh.I sa id h e will m < ^ with Heirr tir a t a-ConvenUon“ o ff iia ie ' lals and suggest tha t the Ali o 's dairy industry in Novemb(

. '' H m m i

;ker sp an ie l belonging i

^ l l c s ldim “ I th ink everybody

' even tua lly com es throui VH v e m Hartuna of nn] i ty ^ b la c k Scottish te rrie rs t irs tiny b lack puppies, wiili ne a crow d of spectatorsg s_ _ tbe lcp lay fu l antics.___---------- NOble'says'U ie piq>plnd th is y e a r . .......................m Som e o th e r favorites

th e tiny Yoricshlreteirii to som e Id ttens — and thi 'al And a bunch of Whlt< - '’ '_ .-^*3eeD O ®

>»SglLtO_reford Show, 4-H Ues’ alten Iglhg, ■ poUed - Shouse n g u id the R eg- w as Indlc or pen bulls and T h e re ha

every th incrsrfor- IbeJlw ln— sa id .-------3 reported th a t iT he a i ^ d a y afternoon e ludes todI requiring dqnt^— is <m Pag<

scheduleis ln g ceremony./ r ^ e r e t t e horse show w it

nnual 4-H and F FA fat-«lock

oho oldtlm e f l d d l e r T i^ t^ t \

f r ^ e r e t t e horse shmy will

werlng ceremony. >rodeo-cntortalnm ent-wiU-b

II perform ance of th e rodeo, ease of H ereford and polled H

r o | p e ^x i in e a m ^ 'ln i^ ^^orles f - ih e la rg e r "com m u

tb e oqe I v '

u ^ to"-!)! «s^orgBidsati6bftinvoivedH [^-iCfrnipeUtkKL-Thlsyear, a baodtul: O v o r tb e ^ e t^ (dl boin tbe Grange may bav^be 1 v i t y , bave quit ramdng, triea by tbe Hollister and Ol (ies BsUt top booora this year. B $ a B i T n w 3 a g 3 v 5 5 T H

a l m u t a ll tb e lodlvIduBr firs is; 'n tle d '^ 'O u r Cop Runoett

C r a i n l ^ p o i i r i^ -ve ibnlotbe-gFouod.-.

y ____________________

or Idccs Idaho cows *Ilie s ta t te ag ricu ltu re $63 m lllloi to te is ranked h e lp p ay fcrdaK T M fl-the-------- E v ^ tu aif 12,946 pounds b a lan ce tl-------------------— sto ck lo IdBill- Helm,—th e —— Hanson ~ Uvision'Of th e p rom isingral R esources,--------"Forelg ia vacation la s t o th e r s ta t

;lm again nex t a trad eitfrag ricQ ita re^ ~ h a s tho pol A laskans v isit ' o f w heat i nber. f id a ls a t

ig to Dla n e M etzger

dy who com es to the fair ough th e doghouse."HuiiMui eUtmrad Upflkc tliluli rs th is year, along wilh some /hlch w ere m a n a ^ n g lo keep >rs enterta ined F rid ay with

a re unusu a lly ^cn tifu l

Les a t the show ap p ear to be r r ie r ptq>ples— sm alle r lhan the soft, fluffy Pom eranian,

itlte Sam oyed puppies e ither H S S O n P aaB A O r^ .^ rr- _reality

tention.s e sa ld th e report of "quiet dlcaUve of th e fa ir this y e a havo been few problem s a s tiing is running smoothly, k

■ m n u ^ ~ n v e ^ a y ’e v e n t 'c o i today. A full s c h ^ u le of event ageifcS.-----------------------— —

e a t t l i e f ^RlU bd held in 'the iodeo-

c k sa le will be held in the

h win be held in lhe

rill conUnue In-thorrodeo -

1-be-offered-ln the-rodeo—

).3 Herefords.

irperfepiete-garden" w as th e rooe n u n l^ " c lass p laced seco ~ "vegetable a r tis tic la y o

— •It-alsobor"-be-t*oul 15....pieppers. TlMa-tbe-oon><—IT, th e re a r e - - t t o q )e d d d e r p e t^ e , ' f ro n t o f Ibe i

L beeoam aJor cltycoaDcUi } g , b e 8 a y s . r a m e n , s U c e I C edar D raw y e llo w w ax ; i r . T h e re waaS IS :iQ 2S O S ::nQ B in iD B aQ

i r « t p r l j « f o r , : T b e n o u j « th O v e r .” i t su b d tv ls la i ■ v ( « ^ a n d - B lack , A l O..... - ...... - . r i g h t out otlUMIcalmotU, 'ta b le ,b e tw e i

____ - _______ _ Saturday

ahodita te , ^Wllch is rich in oil ro y ^ lion to spend on farm loans t t y fo r the project, Hanson said, tu a iy , A l a ^ farm OT m ay i tho da iry trad e by supply! > Idaho’s p ^ t o grow ersrhe sal on-sald-the-prospects fo r a t Ing.e lgn-exports a re great, b u t- t i ta tes and adjacent countrie

d e m ission lasl rfionth to C an potchUal forp iM Ih^tlxiusand a t ttuough lhe port a t Lewii a t the provincial cdplta! o f <

■ -M other c

i J N i t a

f fo r s«S ByM .J.TRILLHAAi ! Q ........T^mes-News writer _

■ ^ TWIN FALLS - H ' ' '4 ibuse c a ^ a g a in s t fi■ v e te rinarian Charie■ another-*^twlst 'F r i■ alleged victim ’s n- H prosecutors and a pp H cooperate. .m ~ The mothSf-gna ■ d a u ^ te r-w e re - io c a l■ d ay s a f te r a m aglsi■ ' o rdered the girl t< ■ homer—r«------------■ Prosecutors h ad si■ e a r ile r th is week bee■ th emothCT wwxld at!

H M anners Is accuI m olesting the g lri d u■ period In June. A 1 I com plain t is pendini■ T w in F a lls County.■ And B annock.C oi■ h a v e filed a sixthI ______th a t M anners abu «I yM r^Jld slater In Poc I M anners rem ains

Prosecutors su iie t Aug. 24, when th e 9-yi to ap p ear a t a p r ^ l

— —T h a th e a r in g ,w h id i 'been called to d e te r

. should bo held fo r trh...........* Testim ony a t lh e I

- th a t th e m other h a „ d au g h te r 's ap pearan

The conflict betw a n d th e prosecutloi

!!P C harles B rum bach’c • q u ire th e m oflier to eJ

o r su rren d e r h p r t o t . Idaho D epartm ent

W e lfa r« ._ 3 b a t_ n M “ W ednesday by dej

D ennis Voortiees.B ut th e fam ily app

b efore Twin F a lls Cc- — M u n n 's ^ d e p u tie f f"

- = = — B n u n b ach ’s order.

y : Flights chai

^ i f d i / e j ',°h a forrut'corn- 'H A IL E Y -W o o d 1

p assen g e rs can p lan — hours-to t h d r trav d -l

-------1 — fo r com m ercial flight----------- {HnurFw eam airM em^ = T r a n s w e s t e m - A i r i r com m erc ia l a irline se

a irp o rt year-round, w . g e rs through Twin F w eek’s 's c h e d u le d - I a irp o rt’s runw ay fo r r

However, szhall, planes'wUl bd ab le to 1 on tbe sou them 4.Q a irp o rt’s e a s t taxlw a

' a g e rP a s d ia l D rake &--------------A spokesm an for

sa y s buses will leave----------- f f i e 'T w i r F a l l ^ S i ^ ’

-Airport two hours b s ^ i ^ u l e d d ep artu re I to S a lt L ake City.

____ I B uses w ill a rriv e in

e c t . 7 . unost d rfg l^ 'a n d best^a(;>eaxi ecood for quality of p ^ u a ly o o t: . '• -borem etiiM M bbaii'ro r y a m 'T b e M 'a re a k«v In^ndle h t r e p ^ s o i j p , ' - ’ . - >ediuty of my bouse g ^ eal le televlslOD news aflCT latM u cil meetings. It consists of "sn Uced "monster” zucchini sud ixpcppem.WM a qpe< ^ p r j ^ t h ^ j ^

»EDd.?>-lnto t ^ d p ^ ;

n vegetable g u tk n m I Cnowq;. aut-Faota'Cutala .< o t the ^ ^ a g ^ a g o d w ^


lay, Soptomt>er.lO, 1S83.— Time

[airy c' i t i e s , has V A lberta;"are cotha t could th rough Lewlst

1 shipm en t to thely seek to th e po rt of V an«

» -dea i-am __ahlpm enls.oLw tnations, from :

-to Im ore .. e ra ln j lo ™ I h ^toirTHanson w as i

m a d a a lso from Idaho,-A nds of ton3"~ a lten d ed -a -tw o rision. Of- V olley on Thi f C algary, sp o n so re d b y t^

agrees to he

lesssuie x ^ ^ i i iASE _ _


- The d ^ d sex- ; fo h h w Twin F alls lies M anners took 'riday, Viben the m other contacted

jparently ag reed to

iR r * b e r ^ e a z ^ l d —^ted-in-Bolse,-tw o—Istrate court Judge

out of her

sought that ruling lecause tbOT feared attem pt to the

n ised ' of sexually luring a three-week L five-count felony Ing against h im In

ktimty p r b s ^ t o r a 1 d ia rg e , alleging ised_lhe_glrl’B 10- ocatello.IS free on a $30,000

ered a M tl ia ^ f ra-year-old glri failed D I ellm lnary hearing.b w as aborted, h ad---------------erm ine if M anners H i e flrial. . p b o o e a} bearing i d e a t e d “ W eelad prevented b e r thh ik vmce. a g e e m itween the m olBer Voorbion led to Ju d g e interm eiI’s decision to re- en tly inc>eitberposta$l,500 w illb ig t

j ^ ^ c i ^ ^ y o f ^ ^ t e d i tt of Health- and th a t new M V fi_w a8_.80ught_Inaiy.he Iqn ity prosecutor Andbt

to tb e c opporently left town will re a Counfy Sheriff J im child out— is u ld — enforce------ " i r a i


i n g e t p J T w i n F a l

yairpdti nway res

1 R iver V alley-air . Tw in F a an on adding two la r ly Bt j tim es next w edc— a i0 i t s f i h tssche^ r i l n o r N o ^

iriinea.^ the'-O Tly— rdJulltr^ serv ing tbe H ailey T h e n will route passen- e a r iy 0* F alls during nex t D rake sj -' <*t<wing • of, the . In ^ ro v e r resurfacing. a i rc ra f t U, single-engine a n d d ra l0 take off and la n d Ib e $ ^1,000 f e ^ of t h e __ of aray , a l ^ r t nian^ provenu isays. c rea seo r T ransw estem im prove v e S tm Ja U e y Jo r_ f lIc 5 irS ft1 V a ll^ R e g io n a l T be c

before regulariy a round ;e tim es for flights u se peril

TheOiIn Sun V allQ ' from for.1 2 ,^

m U lk e lxuring. itt . . Pinially, t h o e w l e e a o d - 'te e d n w a s^ ^ ' '

aw \vfix t 'F A 'o r o ( B § ^ tlent to< iw ln g ' t o ' o u t ^

im ack-'d d ic e d "OWWCOOKii. .

T h i s y e w , the w j c r CTOtalM t^ .W g e a

R yan - . - U n f ix d sa y s the l o r o r , 1 ^F(tinner - ' - B u t j u s t w h im <

rUneaJJowajrwlnfflllfl. l(}ftho.M_li__


eows j3 considering sending the wiieot wlston and on to O r t la n d for J h e F ar E ast, to avoid delays a t anw uver,H anM nsald .a t Lewiston a lready handle large __ .Lwheatbounrf;to_Japah and .o lher 1 m M ontana. Barges c a p y the th e Snake a n d Columbia r iv e rs ^

'a s one of a num ber of officials f y ^ )n tn n q nnri Wynmlng w ho twxKlay-trBde conference in Sun ' n iu rsd a y and F riday . I t was jr tlw to s m j^ for tb e Rockies.

help ”7 |T"


DENNIS VO ORHEES A cted on a tip

16' sea rch ended F riday w ith ,» ca ll from a n in tennedlary .Ve g ot f l i^ 'c o n ta c l 'a t n6o h ,,an in t w e firm ed iq> a .ten ta liW e m en t by 3 p .m .,” Voortiees said .. < o rb e e s ded in ed to lo e n u f^ ■mediary. B ut t h a t p e r ^ appad^

indicated th a t tbe m other DOW t i ng to cooperate In tbe p ro s e c u t i^ " n s t M anners. ■; - rte deputy prosecu tor followed up new s scheduling a new preliri\>-- ^ hearing fo r Nov. 22. _id b e in S M ted tha t be^Will'sUbnflf^ e court Monday a stipulation tb a t rescind tb e request to tak e tb e " I out of b e r m other’s home, r a p p e a r s to "h e unnecessary,-’.^ - t b ee ssa ld .

•alls ;___-..... . 1:

isurfacin^ i1 F a lls two hours la te r than r e g »’ scheduled a rriva l tim es fMJts fro m S a ltL ak eC lty ^ ----------—( a i r sehrice offered, t o & ,• • rB o is rw h ilr t lie runw ay Is being^—

te runw ay will be closed a gain ln.‘ - r / O ctober so it can be grooved,; ce saya. Tbe grooved runw ay wHl tjve- - conditions - fo r—lan d lift— ^

by providing be tte r trac tlqp dra inage ,hesays. <>e $413,000 nm w ay p ro ject is p ^ r* l.5 "m n iI6 n ~ to ta l a irpo rt loe— r em en t'p ro jec t thafw U l bo tb -Ilt— ; se th e airpo rt’s c a p a d ty and TOve tbe services av a^ab le fjl- rfe l a n d ja g e a e m i, D ra te g j a ^ le d o su re s baveTw en s S e d iO T n d peak weekend , and s e a s o i » jeriods, h esay s. - 5ieO (H oberdosure w ill ha lt tra fff i2 days, be s a y s . ____________3 _ . . ^

« were tbe prizes tnr |

ire" “grow eadi ( rth v -fn ‘t t e ?

e bare may be -ptak- t t l

the Junkir jggest hflnanaa y w ^ - fd o e e ^ ^ :

the g row tt^

Page 6: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

E p r l i r t l iI ISU o f fe rs fli

- T W IN F ALT.S - Al /O lntlm applog will beg!

- H e rre tt M useum on ' cam pus.

- - - - .TheDiHHare(llt.w>rl« I e a c h W ednesday for l(

:____: _L _lnstnicloiLJam e3_c,p a rtic ip an ts an oppoi

, stone^ool production j an c ien t North Amei

------------ -re p lic a s of sim ple ci, . m o re com plex project

- ------ 1— ReglBtratkto-must-tI--------a C e n te rln T w ln ra U a ^

is $40. p lus a JIO lab... ............ .7344478.. . ___


j P a m A n e n l s

* T W IN F A L L S -T « i F a lls child w*o U wa:

— - - r r h o ^ l la l i2 r iM a > U 5 d l J A c ro rd lng 'toD r.P a i ' b e ing given an tib io tic ( w h o fsan ad m io ls tra to ]■ Alien w as taken to f C en ter on F riday aftc ^ a n d a swollen stom act

■■ ' r th rooghaB im lla rcw id--------^ ^ f lC T ^ o t i ld _ » « > e ! 5

T he d i ild p robably -the-w eelteD d lo robsen I i t j e A llen ^ 1 has : p ro g ra m a t a P ittsb u I tlon determ ines h e r p

r -------- ^ a ls o w a lt to g fo r i iv e rdC Qan $57,000 b

............./ - t h e tr u s t fund, whichj U re la te d expenses.


r G a rd en in g c]- ';.o ffe red th ii“(a ib y th e

V “ Q reenbouses: Tb< ( T hureday , Sept. 15,

------- ' I tu rsda j^T rom T U yB I^ th e c la ss on building a

-------- V -b eg ro w n ln ag reeo b o i------- •>: ■■Bob P etanoPArilUei

wfll . s ta r t O c t 20. St

^ te d m lq u e s . Tbe c lass r T h u rsd ay s fo r four w « : .uFor.-m ore Infonnath• c a ll 733'9K4, extension

----- r€ ro u p t> !a iis -.............. T W iN F AM - l l i e

A lbertson’s g rocery 8t( County F a ir .

Ind iv iduals joining- - - shou ld m e e t a t5 p .m ., i T o m P a rk s Pavilion.i F o r m ore Inform alI 5 < & ^ .

r f O b i f i^ ” : " K ¥ r t r t e t h T > ; 'P i f e y

• WENDEXL-Kenneth D . WeuleU. died Wedoeaday ' bontta! la Fort Lewis, was)

■■ * 'B dfnTJeerw .nm.-iirTri______ .Mrtiere bo atteocW schools,

I A nny wbea be was 17. Hi ; o v o ^ durlos Worid Wi

---------- Korean' War. Ho' reUird; w arrant onicer lo iseo.; He m anlod SteUaJiooi

- -TlW t. In R*«>. Bui tbey TOOWeodell, w ben be bad lived

..................He was a member as1 “ r:aaitSairt.geoeraloftbo Ajm

Post No. 41 ot Weoddl. At tj ' death, be was conunander* ans 0/ Foreign W an post li

a bo was a member or tbe 40; Survlvtngare:hlswUeol

daugbteiB, Barttara UUey ~ r — UUeyrboUnrf-PalrfleW,-C

r S eryH E Y B im N - m f u n ^

: wbo died Tuesday. WlU be b ‘ p.m. (a tb o H e y b ^ F ir s ts

_ _ C hapel. Burial will be In P Conieteiy a t Buriey.'Frtend McCuUoch’5 Funeral Kora today prior to tbe service.

■ -------- GOODING - *n« funeral---------Walter-*-'Rkk’!^Bock.l8,oX(

died Tuesday. wlU bo bdd ' ' a.m. In the First Chrlstla:

‘ Gooding. ArrangemcDts-ar ------- i-dlroctiofH)rDamaray's Goo

rH ospB4AGK

REQIONAL U........ :v.............. .............. Ad

Llsa Marte Sutberlaod, Sbj Harold Cooke, Jaanloo ; iCtarceae E. Hocking. Rez D. ^otwrt Whllo and Cloe Saoden oTFUer: M n. John C. Tbonu

___ (?edar Payton, both ol Jenwne;O odroa Ulbison c f H ansen; Mn M n . D . P chrson and Max Dletrl ; Dti• IJd y d 'B aIn , V era Colenian.

fiobatcck . &U of T w inT nlls; Dc Bow les and O ndrea QUnon.

f JC lm bcrly; F ra n k Mooger of t e ^ f e oodlng: M rs. Joseph Sooden K M ^ d a u g h te r-o f -Buhl; -C la r P ^ ^ w n i p g t o n of Ja c k p o t •

____ » A a « to Mr. a ^ M r t .b a ^ I

" s r . ’. A d l

EUa Alxawa of Jerome.Dis

I l ia Week*; Raymood-Hay _ Jerom e; «od Gary Andieaaeoof

■>UTIiiio»^<ews, Twin Fall

l i e ^ r a U

f l i n t k n a p p i n g c UL ^ i l d ^ S t a t e l U n f v e r e f t y c » g ln this W ednesday, Sept: 14 on tbe College o f Southern

orte3ho p w llib o h e ld fa t)m 7 to

3 C, Woods saya th e course wi jpo rtun i^ ' to ^ u d y Uie'dlver lon techniques em ployed thro m erlcal S tudents also will s cuttlng :and scrap ing tools pletod4t tbc ISU R< U a jltJ« JS e»)K L S t._E .jn !ed lab fee. F or m ore informatio

i s s e n t t o h b s p i t a

T iv o ^ea ro ld P a m Allcn;-UM w a l t l ^ for a liver transp lan ' uHfh an imknown infection. PauITVlDes of Tw in F alls, th e t tics, said P am Dowd o f Twin •ator of the child’s tru s t fund, to Magic -Valley R e^onaJ N

nfterooon, w ith a high tem pe lach. Dowd said. Tlie child ha

J reached fo r c o m m en t.^ — - )ly w in Be k ep t iiLlhie hosplti jervatlon. Dowd said, . • a s been accepted into a tra i jburgh b o ^ fta l . H er m edical T p lace on a l is t of o ther recsrdbnors.-------- -- . . — ,0 b as been collected a nd plec ich wiU p ay for th e ch ild 's m

c l a s s e s a v a l l a b i!Two.coui8CS J a g&rd£olD£jut tbe C ^ e g e of Southern Idaho’

Tbe How To’s ” w ill beg t 15, and. run i o r ' sbc co n » C )3 p iu rM fir th a t^ l9 o irv iilii tg a greenhouse a nd w hat p lai house. !H)e fee io r tb e course 1 H each-frdasson boosepian ts,

Students wiD be introduce<

ass ^ m eet from 7 to 9 p w eeks.'n ie cost is IIS. . a tion o r to reg is te r fo r e i tb ^ iion243. t.

i s - t r i p - t o - t h f r f a l r - R ie M agic V alley Chris tia n S

' sto re to ciriM O] to i t e Twin

lg tbe grotq) a t th e falrgr n ., a t t t e picnic a re a In IronLunaUon, call 734^158, 43 ft«

( ■ i i a r i e s------------- d a u g h te r ^

M antoca .Cih D .U U e y .0 .o f l a y a t t h e A r a iy • S '^asb. Q |]u a t I


[red a s a cftiei onS unday i

— D a v ld ^MURTAl

and bad bew i, A dam aon..

e4 0 e ta . in S ea ttle . aofW eodeU ;tw o H e se rv e le y a n d D a rie M a n d I a le r > i,-C alif.-ra-8tq )-------- tftic to r:—

rices—ITK rai for E leanor l l i e fam ily-T flT ont^B ufn :------ tr lB u O o S IM held today a t 1 M e m o r ia ls jtW ardM orrooo G oodlngH lj n P leasan t View 83330.

JK B O ™loiDO In Burtey 3^ „ , j e r „ „ ’• bo held lo«

oral lor R i a u n l ^ J J ' K ^S i r * r SalconlrtlxM

s t i a a o i ^ o r S ta le s TUiaa r a r e tiader t b e - GoodlnsCHaoel----------ALBION-^


Shawn PacU uun, M n . i iUj, Mr*. Je ffrey H ortlng. Robyn \ D. Jenkins J r . , M rs. Alan L ana ters , a ll t>f Twin F a lls : Trenton W o n u a of Kimberly; R ichard Bel (ne; Norval L um an of BUllngs, W M n . R o b ^ MlUIgah of Gooding letrlch, both of Buhl.D te n ls a ^inn Mib. R Id inn i M orris 1 ; Donna Lea Adam s of P ^ ; M n . n , boUi of H ansen; G arnet Klc

o f Norwalk. Calif.; T ren Myei le n of Rupert; Mr*. Sbeldon Sort n a ra W o lten -o f E d en ;-a n d I

idP ehraoaofB ubC

B E i ^ i c r sA d n ltto l

Dttm fw edfiayes and Vickie Cocstablo. a Q O fH aie ltoa ---------------------------

Falls. Idaho . Saturday, Septi

f e y =: l a s s L e a m h o u

y class ln~ ~r 14, a t the a t th e CoUege of 5 •m Idaho stu d y groiq) for pf

effective in deailn to 10 p.m . a a.*tsea wiU t e

nesdays. b ^ n n i will offer acad em ic counseli

/eraity o f ' - Thoro ’w iirb e irougbout en ro U m en tw illte 'Hi m ake T o re d s te r .c a l l )ls to the

R e s i to i t— N e w - t h e a t

V alley’s new est-------- ------- - a c q u ^ t e d m oetli

- w ill t e held in th< l ' ratUo building, not

P roducing d ireth e T \ ^ _p u rpose : a n d . pbililant, w as po rtion of th e m ce

' ‘‘T h e R eal Inspec ieB iild is"-—th e com pany will i yin F alls, M iller w ill expli 1.' t e rec ru itin g b a d, Medical Uon. tperature F o r m o re in fom b asb een

= i t i w ~ C S I : o f ^T W IN F A L L S -

r a n ^ Ia n t t t e advertising fe :a i condl* adv ertis in g tills faJ recipients M ike M cBride, t

__ Foils B r a n d l n d ^led g e d to th e fo rm er advert! m edical- - x t e c la ss wtU

w orld advertising!H ie course will t

w ell a s business a i b l e cover proc

a g ^ c le s , rad io , t<

___ A _gucsLw U I_aiMln thm a d v e rt^ I i

re su lts , a s a S S i l S - ™ * > m e r p K l e r = n ilan tscan T he cou rse will I le is liO . . n m for s ix consec Its,.which ,Room lQ S.Q tibeV o iced to a F o r m ore infon Miseplant .9554, extension 309 ) p .m . on

> e r j d ^ , . . C o r r e c t i o i i

" T W IN F A L L S - serious automobili T im es-N ew s news

r -------------------T K o re a a y rn inn Singles K elley R obatcek m g~rot~Of~~~thejifgtrfa-yearK)l vin F alls T h e nex t day, I

r d r iv e r w as not Ki rgrounds K lm beriy Robatcf inLofthe no ted tte .cbange.

I t t u r h ^ b u t th 1.6062 o r en tly re lied on a di

c a r , w e re wrong. T

S ; /x==BartaHFJ6an^Peter9on'Trf— 1. Calif.; nrv n nl-rtor, Klnlne I^ la F a irfield , Calif.m e n d wUl bo b d d Monday n l 1 t D em aray’s W enddl Cbapd. will be In W enddl Cemetery, ’- h o o o n w ill-b e provWed by in Legloo m em bers.3s m ay call a t tbe funeral borne a y fro m ilo 7 p .m .

l -A r th u r -A d a m s o n ——rAUGH - David Arthur in.. fia,_ of K ent, W a a b . , ^y o fM u rta iig i^d led S c j^ J . ___ ^M a i ^ < 1915. a t*M urtau^ 7he iiried aod divorced twice, then I M ildred Byeroo oo Nov. 13,1971,Fe.if e d in tb e A nny In World W ar II. ar w a s 'a cab iaetm aker and coo-

lly^ai^ ^ ^ I j C T ^ ^ a l ^ ^ .

J Scbolardilp Fund, In c a re of H igh Scbool. Route 1, Gooding. I

b ? — Ttie f u o ^ for Suo Orr, ' ome, who died Wednesday, will < today a t 10 a .m . a t While 1

’ O inp ri in.Tw In Falls. Burial iSunset Mernorlal P a rk In Twin0 fam ily suggests tha t roemorl- ; u tlons bo m ado to the Mountain •a o n n s tltn te tn B o lse .------------------ j



......... L o r r ie D rta d o fG o o de Shaff,m W aid, M rs. John Robertson 0 incaster,1 WrightBeU and ^

Lona H ymaa, Mlcba* ^ B renda Honsoo and Jes

M alta ; Jo e e f liu A rro

id Kdiji

Mdd“ « - ' B l ^ , P nIv e r r of and BOO. and La

a o l son, and TV)m Myo 1 D iv k i - d a u g b te ro f R upert-—

_________________________ J i n

RoydcQ E d w a i^ of M adsen, both Of R upert

Roydcn Edw ards of ( Urlc(uldl, bo tho f R u p ^

. aD of------------------ A daug tttartoM r.a iid



J W t o h a n d l e y o u

.<T — TTw» fitiirtnnt pcrsonngl ( of Southern I d a te is offering i r p aren ts who would like to t e iling wilh the ir children. t e held from 1:30 to 3 p .n

nning Sept. 14. Ann F e ir i iselor, will t e the instructor, be n o 'c h a rg e 'fo r t t e c lass I t e limited.:a ll Ferrell a t 733-9554, exlensl

a t e r g r o u p t o m e i:fl-—-H ollday -P laym akO T r s t thea te r company, will h letlng this Sunday a t 3p;m 7T l I th e conference room of the northofK lm berly.Urectbr L a iin i'M illw will e jbilosophy of the company. ' nee ting wQTte a n introduction pector Hound’’ by Tom StbpplIlpu ibnlnO ctoberT •icplaln h er audition system an tackstage and o ther help for t

ormatlon, call 734-0190.

r s a d v e r t i s i n g c oS — A m an who has b e ^ on beI fence'w ill teach a six-week } fall a t the College of Sou tterc ie, t t e m arketing and sales m; fependent M eat C a In TVto Ff jrtlslng dirw tor. for T te Timef vill t e geared tow ard p r ^ t n g b u y s /’te s a y s .

ill t e designed for local b u s i« 3 nnd m arketing students. Mcl irocedures for buying from a ►, television, newspaper, blllb

speak during each c la ss , islng plans fo F lh o rt- andII a s program s to c rea te inrence______________________lU l?egin this Tuesday, Sept. l secutlve.Tuesdays from 7_toI Vo-Tech Center, TOe c y t Is 'lj formation, call Colin K a ^ l 309. . , -

o n . : .S — Confusion, often a charadi tbile accident, found its w ay in IWS account.le n m ra rre w sT e p o n e d th a t i !k w as the d river In an acclder r^ldR yan-B ondof T w inF alls:f, iB a te S tate Police reporte : Kelley R o tetcek , but h e r t itcek . A story in F rid ay 's Ti;e. _ ___ ____________; th a t s ta te poirco officers, v, a d river’s license found In theg. Tbe d river w as Kelley Roba

^ -------Survlvlii8 aro :.h ls.w lfc-o3 sons, David A rthur A dam

D ana Lyn Adamson, boUi ot I W ash.; tvra daughlera, Oi I M i^ d c y of Moses Lake i , F ric son of Oakville, Wash, y chiidron; th ree biolbera,

A d a m ^ and CtecU L. Adan a Salt L ake City, UUih, a n-------Adam son of Tw la Falls ; and

D aLorls P c r k t o f Storm : A non Mortcnson and Anglo

------ Ogdcn.“ U iahraD d N aom i'iI Lako City.

** R u t h M . R e y n o ld sW----- TW IN >A IiS=R uth M:P1 of Twin Falls , died “n ju rsda j I, M agic Valloy Regioool Med

followlnga long Illness.I. Funeral a rrangem ents a h and wUl b e announced b; — Funeral C h ap d of'IVrto Falls,

. Author P ln sc )^ (a. of

Payno M ortuary in Burley. Bl In tbc Albion Masonic Cem< grnvesido r ite s provided by n the C assia Masonic Lodge F riends m ay call a t lhe fun p rio r to tho scrvico.

GLENNS- F E R R V ‘ - A sc rv lce for Helen W. Llm, 56, F e rry , who died Wednesday, >n>9ptn tMnynUhftnnmeflU H um pherys Funeral CJuipd o:

__ Homo Lh IncharRC of arrangcir


looding and Mrs. Dean Hoi t o f H ag D lsm laed


C A ^U E H O R IA L A dm itted -

•htKii n m ^ u a n d lre o e aJe s se M ose^ both o t Heybum ; L

irm ioodo of P a u l; iux i WUUa

PteitsBB d . P a m - F r ^ a n d - 0on,-Klm B arbe I L orry Meyer, a ll of Burley; O n Jye rs, a ll of Heyburo; and Susan

jk lN ID Q K A M P M P B l^____A dm tttal

o f H eybum ; a ad Deolso R a c to >eft

D is a io e dof H eytwra; and Ttieodore H am b pert.

----------- BWh” ■ ;--------aodH n-JesaoJuaraatiU ^ert.:.

u r k i d s By iu c K

1 departnw nt— ganlDO-week

C o S i:.m. on Wod- o g rtcm ei

.....SZylAnd Sh

e e t r a i s e fo r t

r l l M M agic--------U t o l i 'Shold a gel- Including

T h e m e e tin g d f lre <len ew K L IX clan ,_ _ McDonalce:i^Iain the S t e p ro

. T te m ajo r pe rcen t p 3no flh ep Iay =" - nexrtw o-j jpard , which cotmcU n-------- :------------------th a tp r opcand also wiU L a te r,r the produc- c o u n d l r

m easu re Shnddi>^k in c rea se 1

• ' '

o u r s e ' - to p a y iw both sides of executive' ek’ course in " T te y im Id a te . h im out om anager (orFalls, I sa lso w to d o esn ici-Newa. ■ ' SIM sayc U c a l,^ M -i. -

lnessm en,,as,icBti Mxs.: Boisi: advertisingU b d a S I s '^ ' s t a t e

I. They will ^tn o rijf le rm -------- M eier8 ,-at o g e , and _ B o ^ ^ P

--------- M rs.-R lcbk)iph^r?33- addition to

ahe b u w w om en in t

S t e n wt............. - Rutledge,-:.S le ris tlco tainto a recent In th e Mil into a recent la te r th ls y

It l7-yearH)ld ■ M eiers t

.......i K T H r t h i —twin s is te ,

Times-News N i ^ l R c ^

■ , ? S ? e ™-------- ----- - I— also a bloi

---------- --------------- qlhtirtiutHiJ______________ prev ious y

events. T he win

i-o fjfca tu w o ------ d iv lalon j)tinuon Jr. and second nil otMoaesLako, N eenieB Ia D aU ah Jean M rs. Jo h n 1

■8, Aaron V A ssodatioi Sheila H.

airf Archie I. B o n n e tR w nd four sisters,— H j M d a t e F i n Lake, Iowa, C on g en la lll lo Roe, both of M r .a n d M il-Rdd-ohSalt----------TOe~I»W

perfo rm h« 5 - n igh t when

plonship I t .Reynolds, 74. th e 1983 fail lay evening at m e i w i a uedical Center, ^ ^

a re pending^ Reynolds ‘ .Ccnt

snoozed In l theJrcagoD one ano ther

----------------- : T t e ;o th c

^ K im berly . Iso ft-coated ' l ln eB en llU tlieW heatei

igc. No. M. ' - idealfam U y Mineral boroe Cm nm lns

useful quail intelligen t d

^ w IU b eb d d

ements; all-puTpose— :— ----------- Inffdogr**—------------------- ' T te d o g a i

says. “ Iftlj(_____________ y e a r .th e y d

TTie best- 'w e n t to a E lk te u n d i E ikhotm dsi

agerman. -------- K ln c a id o ft

B liM

. a llo f-B u ria y ;---------4 « 6 C y M; Lyle Nelson of r ^ ii„ L , Ham M auy Of K S * I

----------------- - QChr

bery, Kalblocn - - 3iristlne Street . a n Haynes and

i'T K A N I

. M oit------------------------------------C«r.t e r ""<< M dvin ' . Co/l


nb y a n d L u d lle

t:- . _______

------------ G o a r


No rais(CKSHAUGHNESSY______■News wri

ILEY - The Burley Ci; U h a d little trouble reachlx nen t t t ^ week .wiwn ?ed a m >pe rcent increase tn tl 1983-84 operating budget, when i t cam o tim e to consider M t s id a iy Increase for Mayc . S h a d d u ^ t t e council wx y a n d b ltteriy divided. Shadduck w as left w itteu t

; r t h e U iirdconsccullveyear.,. 7,8% a yeat-, Shadduck's sa ia r T th a n I7 5 ih e rB ty employee: ng th ? c ll^ e n g i n e , Jh e pollc « chiefs, and the' head e lec tr

Councilwoman France uUd told t t e council, proposed ^ v ln g 'the m ayor a t jMy Increase in eacb of th ^Oi'cara.‘B u tn a n e d r te r re llo \ : m e m te rs chose to suppoiaposah---------------- ----------------r, sh e team ed up with tw

m em bers in s ^ p o r t of i t t e t would te v e g lra

ibk a single 9 percent pa; e fo r oex t year. That motloi nL dom toi3efeA t,M ._______

h icreases for t t e d t y ' s ^ e ve?y r e ^ y w a n t to manipulati t o f office,” McDonald says te v e a (m ayoral) candldati ssn 't w ant to serve fuU-tlme.” lays- those* council~m em ben irefer city govem m ent t e ru r iri-Ume elected m ayor and '£

se girl wins :e rodeo title _R — Blonde, blue-eyed Myls ^a-roodellng-lnstr uctor ..frDjo ap tu red t t e Miss Rodeo Idahc iday night a t t t e Twin Falfc T W aeorc lIm ax ing -a-w eck’s Ition f o r t te 13 contestants, s is t t e daugh ter of-D r. and Jchard M eleni o f BnteP— Ir 1 to b e r tersem ansh ip talents, : worked to help o ther young in queen clinics, wap crowned by Vickie

SB,--tte:out0jing M iss Rodec ^lelers will represen t tbe state Miss Rodeo A m erica contesi S y ea r .s a lso w as t t e winner of the ir 's speech contest, one of thev en ts In t t e co n te s t..................aiu o n -to -h erw ew aiu erste -is re n t queen of t t e Caldwell odeo.[irst runner-up w as a Twin ra m e n ,-Jo a n - O sterhout,-the ■X o f an d M rs. B la ir Os- and t t e c u r r ^ t ,queen of t t e R iver Stam pede. Osterhout, )londe, has won a n u m te r ol H4J11 tivmttf uw uiid tlw s la te lu 3 y e a rs and Is active in rodeo

Vinner of t t e tersem ansh ip j}L the.contesL aadjiam e^jiie runner-up for t t e title was 3Iake, t t e daugh ter of M r. and in B, B lake of Boise. She te ld s of G em County Q uarter H o i^ Lion Queen.: Henman, w te is cu rren t W ar [loundtq) queen and a resident I F a n s , w as a w a r ^ - t t e Mias allty title. H er p aren ts a re M rs. R ichard Henman. BW -M !S3-R odeo-ldate"w lU , h e r first responsibilities to- len s t e a ppea is.In t t e chom - I itxleo e v e n ts .t te t will close fa ir and rodeo.

g so n t l m i e d t ^ P ^ A S In t t e wood t te fo o v e r ' e floor o r w ere wrestling with ie r to en terta in t t e crowds. thcT ' si^K rintendent' of • t t e

Halffn Piim’minq ’ nf ^ is_ jlig )ja tflng th r e e ^ f h ^ Dd W heaten terrieraTLooking I in a vanilla ice-cream coat, iten te rrie rs ap p ear to t e t t edly peL-------------Ins says they te v e m any lallUes: they a r ^ extrem ely it d o ^ . le a m quickly and a re ilng-in lo th e ir own in this

I a re ran ch eB 'h e re w to use l i v r a to a r d o g s m ie y a r a a n • s e fa rm .dog a nd good worit-

ga te v e r forget anything, s t e Uj^ didn’t like som eone Inst y do n 't like him th is y ea r.” •st-of-ehow ^ w ard th is y e a r a s ilvery g rey N orw e^an

J nam ed Lacy, one of two Js a t t t e fa ir owned by M arty >fHansen.: ..........


M®»tCor».lP|<kupiIn JIf>*.........-

I . r ................. .............$ M 9■t labor. Ring*. Rod Boorlngi.

Gaikatf. OH ft Filter -■ Chraw ringt >38 •«*ro

A U T O M A T IC■ tS M M W O M B V A noit OvarhowU SaSf-$935;«n«rbl Ripolr^fflKW , ‘ , :o/buf#iof».Tun>-Up», iculc^AlfCoodllloning I OUAUXntO «voweirttnC H B w eer'a

incilideeides _seforB........... fu ll-tim e appointed ac

B u t o th e r coundl — — differen t - '5pasons~T< C ity m a y o r 's f ia la ry a t t te

. " A m ajo rity of t t e J It believe a p a y Increas*n th e - a t - u , l 3 ; U h , e ; ’^C<Ri

P ay n e say s. He say s dcr a - on ly m e rit p a y increa layor t t e t since the cou w as m u s te r m o re afflrm ai

p a y issue, i t could t e lUt a council w as less tiir .------- alX H it-aw ardlng” - aua ry _ c re a se b a a e d o n m e rit r ' ^ . " T lie re w ere n o l e ?“ « L -p e r io rm a n c e issues-< « tr i- y e a r th a t m erited ac nces p a y ,” Councilman

^ .s a y s . “T lie re w ere Im provem ente In c

! t t e a n d ln tte m a n a g e m e riJioW------P a y n e - say8..bringli'p ort c re a se te fo re Uie coui

tw o say s t t e Issue s te u ld h». a m onths ago to allow ciiven tu n lty to com m ent on Ipoy U nder s ta te law , po*^0" m ayors m u s t t e appn

^ ^ e c l l o n will b i Nqv78, of t t e coim'cil to ap p n on T uesday m eans the

ays. ' w U lte frozen a t least u la te

xrs— ----------- -----------------

^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J A NA nnour

- F a m i l y K

1 1 3 5 lh A v en u e V■nm ____a t e O Tfice!H00ralls By A p p o in tm eik’s—

and _____ _______________

! T ^S REtheUie A m o «

e i s

Thoro o ro nov/-------

A lb o rtso n s , Bui^ .............Sm iths Food Kli.Ql b ins a t Lynwoo(B lu 7 M uito y ^ rjiin io ^deo th o y o u th of Tw

S olva tion A rm y h ip u so d to s u p p o rtjlK ________ g q rlio r th is yoivas Boys S ta to camUld ' Ju n e . now spap< lids $ 6 0 0 .0 0 fo r P an

P io aso holp Klv a n d a lu m in u m c

VarIf th o ro o ro a n y


to-un-.. • - ----------- --------------------o s e . . . I_____________________

- WH-erith

t e ----------:---------- ------ j A i j Tof •

t e

B ecause you ire of w e a lth o rtiis sono l. h u m an

— sh o u ld n 't > ^ — — sam e-way-?— rk-

t east


i WHI"T h e Chape! A, 136 4th AVE. EAST


.....................NATlO.MAI. SELECTED

Ronoid J . Ham ill

" f Tf

(urley nn r im tn lg frn tn r______ COUnCiJl members give opposed T opT tsepiflgT ise— t w r a n a le sam e levd.- com pron t e council did oot p e n ^ t l ise w as w arran ted " I fe lt ouncDman G arth fo r a t it ys t t e d ty g r ^ t s sa la ry ." e a s ^ aod t e say s ' McDonal ouncil could no t supportir u tiv e votes on t t e P ayne t e construed “ t t e Coundlnr than enthusistic t t e secoi

Shadduck- an - in— n o t-ab lodt_______^ ...............because.'

enough positive- sa la ry , t-during t te -p a s t— - g h add t an adjustm ent in

Jam es Paricer 1 no a p p ^ e

communications le n to f tte d ty .” glng tte . p a y 'h j : - )uncll on Tue^ y

i te v e been raised re n tsy sK citizens anoppor- tlon- And nit. peU U ond pay increases fo r th a t woti ?roved a t least 60 w ith a p a i ^ 's-nex t-gene ra l------ H e -ad<

■8,'ahd the failure " for; e ^ l tirove a n increase official ple mayor’s sa la ry construect until t w • • m a n a g e r

j n c e s the O p en in g o f h For (he P ra c tice Ol

M e d i c i n e , i n e l u d i n g - . S e p t e m b e r - l 7 - 1 - 9 €i W e st Jl□rs---------------------------- -l e n t : , :

T iN T i• C Y C L IM iac lao a m w l e c n t l e a > r - a dle « o t lo n I s t h * L y a w o o L a k M a n d P i l a r l a T w la I

kv 7 n o w sp o p o r a n d 3 olu rr h o ro ,a ro noW spapor“ b In s ' u ttro y s, C ircio K o n N o rth \ <lhg; d n d W d ro m art. T horo od M o il, A lb o rtso n s, a n d Bu

Fwin Foils. In A u g u s t m ono ly Youth Fund. This Fall, m< Tt th o K iwonis a n d H igh Sch 'o o r th o Klwan|.s_b.oJpod indlH atos a n d ”lh o K iv/onls p o r a n d o lum lnum .con sa lo am A lton.H w anls holp y o u th . D onato cops-.

ly q u ostlons p le a io c a ll:

------ Jam es^E ,-Le733-7260

l l T K ' ^ c

u choose a f rien d no r social position , b u t b m q u o lit ie s th a t-m a k e V you ch o o se a -fu n e ro l

ITEb y the P ark" S r ST-TWIN FALLS '33 6E00 ..


iiton ^

mayor—^inHim nn Wa lte r Petersen, w te J icd M cDonald’s proposal fo r t t eonsecatlve p a y lilte s , offered t t e -------irom lse p r o p o ^ fo r a single 9 . •n tincrease. *f d t th e re w as som e j usU^^ U on ;

y ," t e says. H e w as Joined by ! )na]d and T nim an B radley In)rtlng ttecom prom lM prop03al. ,me and Paricer w ere joined by ;d ln u m Dale D oman In opposing ;econd proposal. Shnddiick w as ;b le -to uso h is tie-breaker vote . i s e .t t e motion involved his ow n . I. ^ .y. :idduck says t h a t l f th e p ro p o se d -f- - y increases w ere r e je c t^ a s not • ed, then “ these gentlem en : t open-eyed to w hat has been : nplished in t t e d ty in t t e la s te y e a r s , " ....................................— -says t t e d tizem o t BurloyJiaye. _ _

ystem o f m unicipal adm lnlstra-.And two yea rs ago through a ; m drive, they opposed m easures #ould te v e c rea ted a systenf I - t l m o m ayor, t e says.-a d d s -tb a t.-w faU o -ih e -d ty _ l3_____lY tbw ard fl system of m eritpay :-------n p l q y ^ , t t e t ^ t ^ is not an ~U policy and n e v ^ hasH Seen^___rued to t e In effect f o r t t e d ty ’s gers.

tf H is o f fic e .

I O f,, "

i n g o b s t e t r i c s -983------ - rn

J e ro m e , Id a h o 8 3 3 3 0

Tefepfione-:-------- ^—(2 0 8 )3 2 4 -1 1 5 7 J ___

I O N.ERS r• - .n

s a f o r a a w s -i a - M M .- 1 1 w -------------------- ---------ro o d M a D a t rla P a l l s .

lu m inum c a n b ln loca-I n s ' o f ty n w o e d 'M a ll ;— — --------l h W ash in g to n , S oars , o ro a r o a lu m in u m con • • — i B u ttroys.'

onoy w a s g lv o n to th o • •, m o n o y ra is o d w ill bo School fo o tb a ll fo am s, jd su p p o rt G irls a n d _ _fn i r b a s ^ b d lH e f lm r tn ------------ ----- -a lo s ra iso d .m o r.o jh o n ............

lo to y o u r n o w sp a p o rs

L e u e n b e r g e r "


n o t o n th e b asis 3 It b e c a u s e o f p er- 2 _:e y o u J e e l sp e c ia l....roi d ire c to r in th e - —J-


e 3 —

Page 7: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

B y M A B T ^ T R I L L t n tn e s -N e tw HT/ter

----------TW IN-FALLS— ..Twlhelp fro m tb e public

— ‘ responsnjle itor tb ls wee vanda lism s.

So fa r , Uk ) police bai stoIen_cars.. Tbe culpri vehicles.

“ Wo w ould pay a i__inlereste liJi cdUng Crl■ would - re m a in confide

T im Q ualls. "W edobav Up w ith tb e If Igbt eu^)cc

*nic th e f ts Include:' • A subcom pact wai

By U nited P r e s s Intem atlo• an dT beT lm es-N ew s

B O IS E — A p n ^ jc r ty owi K etchum c ity officials fo

— n ^ o n .-c la lm In g 1 b e y - to

= Ghaiiiv-^ n t e n o

» I n c a s e o f : c b a ln ^ w robbcoy in Jero i cam e to a closei tb ls week defendant f a d j^ ( a n eigbt-y te rm aod . tb e ‘o tb e r pl& th r e e - y e a r p r o b a t i^ - rthTJBtrtcl ncwat-’Jud

h a s o rdd red A ndn 3 i; of Jerom e,- k» spend u y e a rT In p f U s r m r b l r c o s rhnrgpw n f flmw»d rA l mfaUdous In ju ry Ui propeit;

- -c o u ld -b a v e b ^ o r d e r ^ b life (be' nuLxlDiu.

^ ^ e s C T t S w « m e two I B ^ ( ^ d e d d e d . o n Tuesd< p ^ a 10-y ea r seo tttic e fc

. . old J a m e s L ew is Johansen aOd p la c e h im on a three*yi tipn. ;

Jo b a n se n hwft tpleaded burg lai7 d esb rxU onof

flb e p a ir w as d ia rg e d wl tlJeir w ay in to tb e imobUe b R obert~ P eterB on~fan illy^ then robb ing m em b ers of I

A rm e d ro b b etW IN 'F A L L S " ^ X " 2 8 ^

m oan, cha rg ed wll'b robb i ' F a lls w onian la s t F r id a y a t rem ained in tb e o x m ty ] aH t

-------'D oud 'fo r E lia s M . PireJP ie rce S t - ln “rw ln F a lls ,-’ $20,000. following ihis F lft M ag istra te C ourt a r ralgnm

. in tb e w e e k . ......... ' . ,-------P irc Ja n ^ w a a r re s te d ooe, tb e a rm e d robbfeiy>jvtilcbo

about 6:48 p .m . o n S q > t 2 block of M onroe S tn je i

• 'Twin F a lls p ( ^ c e say tl — en tered th e w om an’s bon:

w ith a gtm . a nd dem anded c ^^-tbe "robbw“ I e O f l th 7 tb e :

bjllfold a n d wallet^ sbe r q- f n d d e n t t f f p o l lw r i ---------- -

iBy 1 a .m . dntbefo^Ioudng police h a d n am ed F ireja

...B u sp ectb e .ca8 e^H e wai a t5 p .m . _ '

l i i e v ic tim l a t o iidentifie a s b e r a s s a i l ^ accord p robab lfrcause s t a tem ent m ag ls tra teo o u rt.


THB-fOUR ' ---------------- (?0/W/A

»r t s / P o t h


rwln F a lls poUce a re seeking )llc in_deteonlnIng ,wbo is - #eek 's q>ree of ca r thefts and

have found three of the four Iprit aiiqmrcntly.crashcd tbo

a rew ard~lf someone w ere Crim e Stoppers: TOeir nam e idential," says'po lice Chief bave evidence if we can come peel.'-------------------- --------------

was stolen from the Joseph

i m H p v p I c

itional 3 0 ^c re resldC arl C urt

law suit InU . ow nerissu lng He c la im s K I for t y to $3 severa l Clt> to v e Illegally lm po3eJ~ lartowlnptng n m v o rw n V

-saw’ rot ced in Jeof la s t May’s while wieldin

irom e County Tbe com pb eek, w ith on& indicated thi it-year prison robbed a t k n placed on a w as th rea ten

A t h i s ^ t iju a g f lT t in ip : loia i K d " ^idre L aurant, volved h i dn: d iq) to eight of th e i ^ l d conviction o n — cou ld^rem eiir ih h w y nnri -^linppoTmrferty . Lauran t Johansen , d t o s e rv e d a — given -tb e-fim um penalty—iw U clfto p ayibo,____________ oniei:edJp_fiVO days a f te r tbe rtHnrngt^ isday, to sus- home, p lace B fo r 20-year- y ear; F a ilu r sen o f Je rD m e_ 8 cb ed u ]e will e -yearp roba- b e o rd e re d b

wby tb e p a y i ed to B eckersaid .l o f p r o p ^ . Johansen I w ith forcing Je ro m e Cou e hom e of the- counsel fro r tr i a s t - M a y ;— Heaber-w ltli of tbe fam ily tion period.

le ry su sp e c t s t5 -y e a ro ld 'S f n » e public tA In g a T w In pointed , to j^a tb e rb o m e , - JuclSealBoona llo aF rld ay . b e m a d e a v a l Ire jflB, ef BOO 15,-was se t Fifth D istrictn m e n te a r lie t ' Pi

..................ooeday -^fte r— ------------jb o cc ig red a tu 2 in tbe 600 H i K 9

f the mwpfr* E * j EMTERTiiome, arm edMl cash. A f te r" ......... jthe w om an's '; U :rq io rted tbe .ig SH A ll

IngSaturday, | |lejan a s the H i l M w a s , a r r e s t e d _ ^ B ^ _ - ^

tilled F ire jan g«o<iording to a ent Qied in


i c e — ——

poliecisM o c s r e s I d e i^ a t4 l9 S e a n d 4:30 p .m . W ednesdaj

^ th e following m orning a ^ t h r o u ^ a chaln^in irfeb

m e n tiy S c b o o i:--------• A late-m odel sedan

jr W ednesday from R obert ^ __174 M aurice St. N.JWben

h a d tiecn driven througb J ^ HlRb School football field.

w ------- - -A new full-sized caief U r ig i i^ 's borne a t 1339 Al

th eJE w in -F a lls Livestoc Ml p a re n tly , tho culprit pla<

Qper-sueslden tla ] t r a c tu rtis of K etchum filed tbo; U.S. D istric t Court In Boise.3 M ayor G erald Selffert and :ity Council m em bers have ia n d ^ g e ~ ~ re s tr ic tte a -U ia t— t 1972 dedaion . in w h ld T a ~

bb(^s2rom eding a d ia in saw and knife, ipifttnta flgniTwt th e two m eh th a t J a m e s Peterson was k n i f e ^ I n t an d tlia t h is life lened d u ring tb e robbeiy- n te n d h g bearing . J<Aansen w 5 t-4 1 ia t" h e h a a 'b e e n in ^ — 3 r u ^ , and th a t on the night ;ld m t, b e w as drunk and oem ber-:llttle::abouti.w bat.:;---------------------:— ^n , \t1io is unemployed, was -M l-p ro b a t io n j« r i o d J n « y a $500-llae?He also w as — ) p a y restitu tion for h alf of gM to tb e Pe te rson r iB b l l e ^ iced a t ¥1,300, within ooe lure to m ee t tb e restitutioa rill m ean tb a t Johansen will i b a c k Into court to explain aym en t h ^ n o t b e ra m ade,

n w ill a lso bave to repay . tounty the cost o f h is legal rom public defender John

L ^

still in jailillc’d efender bas-been ap^—) r ep resen t F ire jan . Tbe

nn Int^rpr^^** raH able to tb e defense.

P r o s e n t t h i s . c o u p o j i L i o r ^ _ _ ^ | __

RrAIIIMQ(TNIGim.V Hb y th o

N o t o r l o u a • -


MOdNBARl'WA1NST.7FH.ER todThniiSopl. n th .—

ICHANNEL 1 1 OACHINQ HOOFBEATS:e a p o c a l y p .s e : ’.iOOKSTQREi._________

seekinc9 Second Ave. E ., betw een 4‘ Jday. Police located tb e c a r g a f te r It b ad been driven fence^at'^tom lngsItte-E le-—

d an w as repo rted s to lo i e r t L ee P earson 's borne, a t len p ^ c e found tb a t c a r . It gh a fence a t th e Twin F an seld. -------

c a r w as sto len .from . Je r i.9 A lder Drive betw een 11:30 7 a jn . T hursday. T be th W _ R ock C r ^ C anyon.bS ilnd rtock-Com m issiai Co., Ap- - placed a w elsh t on tbe Ras

fo rm er ow ner of tb e laoc 3 perm lssk to to buUd a 1!

rtnrntntiiTT r»ftTwpl»T.i In cou rt docum ents r t 3 w e ^ C urtis is asking t t— o rd e r th e .d ty to ap p ro ve i i subdlvialon a n d ^ him

tem p b ra^^d am ases. ...... C u ^ sa y s tb a t if tbe d l

allow th e devekqunent b SkyUne Etevelopmeot Co p a y h im W mlUkm — tb e :

- - the land .-------------------------

In T h « y C a E > o o se R o o r n ^ N

' -F A M IL Y D IN IN G - ------- a a ^ H D X I R y P f f l lY

— V - S A W I R

X SJMUInclud©*: C

p lu s»7 3 3 - A

_______ S 4 5 \ ______ ^S h o ih o n * 1

S t. S.

P P i i l i l i i i S B i S

| h I J a i l A D U L T ! S - F R O M 4 TO

_ - i i i l ----------------M IG U C

Op ^ B i y *- ^ -------N e w - t i i ' J a i

— ' t i . • At R*flOlai r |;J Prlc*t

_ i j l | ____ •AllDUeou; . i | ---------■ n c i m

Sul Sorry No Po

jil) .JT A IL W R

I REKI I OF T- i ; [ | - .....— Oolty7i00-»r:

. . Sut>.a<10-4:SS-7

" l l i l l ...... M fc l i i id K;;; t h i n g t

li " ' M ' i

SH -■ '• T j l j

;ili _ _ _ _ _

H jjisiisisB ii is l iWiN i qw

' li ' Every lu m m ar C ^ C h sM takes hla J

> S ------------ oir#:iim9-tTtj“ I! I h l iy e a r hlTw_ n too far. • -- 0 NATION- j j ___ LAME**

; ViVAIi....... I N M S O C

It THURS. 7 :9 0 -1 1 •> FRi.-THURS. 9 !2 i

g ear til: p eda l, eogagod the traosi ' c a r to t r a v d over tbe edge

* Peggy C raadal, o f ] reporte< L faec:p ictap-tn i 11:30 p .m . W ednesday aoc fa r , th a t tru ck b as n o t I

Police have oot compl< dam ag e In tbe

__dfllll^rva1^^ p m ^ i«*ln^n^^fNo new t h ^ w ere r m

. .. .T b e n a tu re o f tba o k th a t a tflwiflg” * o r a grotinvolved._______________

•'Usually, someone doe - show off,*" Qualls says.

m n m thnn^^^^plfryrthfpd,**

>r $3 miln d w as given n i e d e v 19(Mmit coo- g ran ted ac i

9 0 th e form re leased th is 30-acre pa ; tb e court to tb ro u g b a o e a re s id e n t ia l - werebuilL-

d tv re fu s e s to

i [ £ i

i O R G A S B ^E l A L S t O O T O Q l M: O v e r 5 5 s a la d s a n d spoci I H o m » -m ad e ro lls a n d d oi


T S G E T I N F O R $ 2 . 7 5 ( 0 6 P . M . A N D A LL SUI

I t A I J t f D o i a R - V U & G t


IIMilW M y it r M M . - i,a r --------- — • S r

E . I J

I R N I r H E iE z z id♦«rs --------------Bis — V,S-7:00-9t25 _ 3

K e a to n a n d T c r l G a r r a r e t o h a p p e n t o m o v ie s th i a

¥ M

W ' " IN BOTH TOW NS DAILY 7 :1 0 -9 :0 0 SUN. 1 U 0 -3 :3 0 -j

7 :1 0 .9 8 0 0 -

IM . pH

iS r |ip■a , '

% r ~ '~ 1M il —

. A t , H I v

^ ’S - — p 2 t


I f i ■ -2 5 ONLY I l j i i l l

I '

hieves■ ■ ■ ■ .......- ' r r : ........

nsmiaston a nd allow ed tb e jg e of tb e canyon, j 1 196 W ashlngtoa S t N .. rack-w 8s-«toientbetw ee& Bod4:56 a .m . T hursday . So * been recovered, Q ualls

ipleted a n of tb es t s , b u t Qualls say s th e

s n r te d F riday .leads police to th ink

roq> o f teen ag ers m ay be

VTM nftWwURIng^tlm tHR~tn~ • a would th ink It would be-"


‘1 1 * ' mr

\ertioper s a y s d t y o fflda ls access to tb e p ro p o ty in 1972, rm e r ow ner could d ev d o p tbe p a re d ,, b u t .tb e . .p la n 8 J e llflfvl d ie QriTwV tptnlityny oeverI t - -------------fhwi O trH a myw, K jred-tbe-BaiUertledskKi-by lUy re fu tfn g -h lm -access to e r ^ , thus b lo d d n g an y devel- and rendering th e land v irtu- hlesa.______________ _______

wUDRD IM P . M . . A -»clallly Itorris IJo sso r t . ■


5 S T " . ..U7a*-a4«a

N - P K ^ H T - E K ____^S O N . - S U N t lU N D A Y N IG H T t i l

S R A N P -V U f l

IBEmBl ' f l t f l f M o m l i T j 5 r o 5 ! »

jawI S doaIly z ije -tiao '-

SUN. 2i00^50.8u0-7i30.?sj0

i r e t t te r u n n i e s t ' lie s u m m e r !

R . a

IS>0 - ........ — I :0 -5 :2 0 • t i

K iffliliii tf 'F R I.. S A T .. SUN. t

^ I ^ P E N ^ l 15 - S T i ^ -



! I IF Y O U L4 Y O U 'L L L

> ” I ■ A L U O T

t v W MAIC P l l lW t


J ----- O n-H w yrl4 — .......Wlals --------- ----------W2,th e 1 .

• r v / r ^w : P \

lol*b y - ,---------------

sAtim. in clu d in g 'b d rl

— p o f o t o ^ a l a t J I a n d b ev e ra g e

------------- O N L - Y L ^

C o m e o n D o w

------------ J a e h p e i . N av o d a

E u S Them's a fimo for c . -MSnd aJima for,.^—

[■IH I I U T I

I ii ■ l» « « O O W I

I ®




Be S IN o w [ p i

I. O N L Y s;Lt R M p r

• E A D ^ i l - i

!S------ 1<YS.................. r»U IM D A

“ Sahjrday, 5



0 m^ —-A tio f ln > 'A m * rIc a n *

L I K K S E A F O O D . . . L O V I T H E W A Y W E P I

M A T O O B s e s o j u . —Pr«por*d C hlnat* a ^ I* w

| g 0 , flcoahomomqd«»9op- .H OURStM ondar-Sanirdsy IM O ------------ N«at «o g g ^ f t Sc»»l—


» a y : l y s p

iffPriiellifi r b e c u e d r i b s . v e g e t o l i d - b a r i d e s s e r t T - r o H s i i z

w n . . . G e t l u c k y a

— ---------------- ---------------C all

r ptaylng it safe

DAILY: SUN. AT 1 :00-3

EL T H E S t iM A N O


i HEW:________ _____ D A U X Z ia fti

SONDAY AT 1:05-3!

g m

. . ▼ 7

“ T ~ " T -


WIN |M y ® n n

OPEN 8:15- s i—......— • A-s’no cf

^ Iho t tako

1 1 l^ >

’,8e^enU >»r10,lO Q Tlm«»-nep-News, Twin Falls, U a te M r


rr* -t^9 & o o iV lih 9 i-— ^ ' .


ll* wllh triad

ii'"* - . . . . J - L

i i f i


i t o b l e , b a k e d

: o l lT o H F f « r T M if 3 f » - ^ - i—

J ”

LY 7 :0 0 - 9 :0 0 0 -3 :0 0 -5 :0 0 -7 :0 0 -9 :0 0 ^

S T R O N G E S T l l ~I O N E A R T H i i__________p .

F E R R i G N O ^ l i =

s i E f } :20 ONLY I iiii J_5-3 :10*5 :15 -7 :20 --------■ rj:ff i= = = H |m |M I I H H ~ r ^

■ I l i i i B f S I i .

^ 1-. .A ndS oyG oodivo iH:

ToYixirBfoinl_^, • Ir** - _

r ° . n li'[ h U B ■

F irs tR im ! | E xclusive! ji

START 8:30 |lOcKlnfTaTe’ o l h o rro r ' akos you b e y o n d fear.

— O H E - J S l i i i - . -

iRK NIGHT I IJV in ao lca l p o w e r_____ ^ ------

-f ig h t a t h i» » id a> ){t .......

M o m

Page 8: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

ahead: / B y FRA N K W.SLUSSER ; United PiTssIatemaUom

: • ‘ N E W YORK - - m o Bi:--------- Rnvo“ grcraad-FM day- p

govem m enl’s mcin6y“ au; ; . w ith b lufrchip Issues faUli I re a c h new heights.

Coleco and some ( ' Technology issues olso we

- by* low er cnmlngB cstli ~ tak eo v e r nim ora hoist

’ s tocks. ^T h e Dow Jones Industr

tip about a point a t the oul to 1,239.74. But the clos( av e rag e of 30 blue-chip

-'- ■24.29 fo r the week overall. ;,-.-..x .,^^ in^£ )ow _gained -2^

Thursday , finiahlag Jusi — — r cco n l-hlg h - o f - 4 ^ 4 8 .^- -^fiinceithad rl8en39 .331n :

four sessions, m any Inves (non the lrp ro flts.

•nio New York Stoci "■ ' Index shed 0.41 to 96.‘54 ai

o f a n average share di ' • cen ts . S tandard & Poor

eased 0^5 to 168.1 edged a d v a n c e 772^42 l ,9 3 3 issu ^ trad ed .

B ig B oard volume total< s h a re s ' co m p ared ' with

!--------- trafle(m iuradayM ^4argblocks exceeding 100.0001

' trad ed wltb a n ea r balai . those on tb e seD ^ tbosil_ _ ^ f l jd e s ._ : . . .-------- • , -------— "T b ere-w ere-a -co iq jli

p ro g ram s and a coupUp ro g rf l tn a g n ln g nn f!iirtn|th e m a rk e t vnxmd I n . neu tra l posttton,” said <

! tvuA'U! D iu y fiu C o n r—

NEW YORK (UPt) ~ Monfy i

- ®^ow60«y?w§*^

; '= a K % 'S S . 'S S V i« .aiiSiSaOOtoNdJlTa S.2QBlSil


, a i j r t^ O n a o )

“' s S y s U : - -

i??!S«uSo? (.ni • t____ .T«MCKtCo(pnitQ7-S11____ _

~Clc^’hW fORK iuP5

FMiixrint u« uleetM ’ niu «>4e conpo>il« prKo .(04k»-IUI«--Wl IM H*w T( StceH £jrcMnfl*FrWa;, StplamMr t. tH3

W«i f MfMtlUiia

.> AfitttllLbt 1 It ti'tt •• Wn»U tttsn.vX^-AJetnAI .« " m SmJ

. fflSr !' ? ss:AliflP« JJJ91 pSVl


AUAX .20 ..IK p .m t■' a r ” , 'g § s :

AOftM } u i n n UH», : i s s . a . a , s s . „ACyin I.7S JOina HH-1

A£J( ta Itrce ............AjbMOW........Or.........M -H H-

■ r K » ’■f i i S ' S ! :Am U91011 .. eu IU-s s i a ,! ,5 § 5 :A storti .<a i}inr a * ATT IK* Itea pa>t* Am«ltk .n ]| o zsu*

^ S?AmcD X . .n n a ^ t -

ABRdl.' 19 1»74 ptfH-jtuoM ^ s m QUt


;: - S -

s ’! ' ? S ;- SSfS,- s s a i

____ ^-AJOJlmes-Newa.TwlnFfl

m uStreet~c J of FeeE R I-----

0 B to ck -m arite t----------------------r - p r i o r - t o - t h e ---------------g u p p ly -r e ix ir t , --------------- 1 / 1a U ln g ln a b ld t o

J o th e r h igh - w e r e d o b b e r e d a U m a te s w hU e r e p o r t l r o ls te re d o th e r -------------------------------m e jw u ri

B lr ia l a v e r a g e ; •o u tse t, lo s t 0.40 l o n g ^

Jo se ly w a tch e d

to 14 t a ^ e t lu s t b d o w Its

l ln th e p re v io u s iv e s to rs c a s h e d-------- - cxpcctelock E x c h a n g e w e r t U 4 a n d - th e - p r i c e - - - P f s t - ^ w , d e c re a s e d 15 'oor’8 SOO^tock , ;68.92:-D ediD e9 l e a v e s ! 742 a m o n g - t h e — - p e r c e n t

- -A u g u s t,) ta led 77,990,000 p e r c e n tv ltb . 79,250,000 --------7ip g e ;n a m b e r o l - - - ‘« « e - f l n d f WO s h a re s w e r e In sU tuU on a lan ce b e tw e e n f e a r o f b o s e o n tb e b u y m o r e p e s s

...................................r e c e n t p r oiipTB n f w i l in g C om pos! Ip le o f b u y in g I H H o n l [ring tb e s o th e c o u n ti In lu st about » co m p ared

Id George P Ir- n m ra d a y . ------------------------------Thff Am

ify rilot >rkU)t u - NEW YORK

“ . rK"^

.. .op«nlnlsresi;l

----------J i M S S’''SXcfi -

. .rja“______________ g ; g ; .

..............ifktl J*n................

' S«lllemenl. Eallnalad aal« No.12o»«nlnl<


1k| “|60.10. Inaotsn

— r -^ t i f f lo n i^


______rnm.oai '- . . . ( W w tW . , bo»n*,Onl.,JJ


e«.7W.OOO rf-«)

K & i s a

I " Dfv«iwM i"■•S g ? i j l ;

&itreh ■ :.1D “

SIS. a s s !:S ' , g

BH-rt CDS l.»___ ^ K 0_

! ! : F s s ■■? ! - “ - a s " I ” s ^

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»;S IS a ES9 oiyirrT i.n lonn ;o«£) j.a 7KU :

!!!;'5 S i ' ! S ^«H- t*— C«««Ce(----- x a ....... ««» _ <SH-W ColQlI* 1JI 9]B» p:iM I g!rSV \F t - S ” ' , ’ ' w i i«s a.}» -H :cwuup t i t s 1o S r S j S l w o ’:SS

~ * s— M - iU . . CPOlO l.!0 t 3» :

!5 . '. a?«, IS i!,S- i)»-IU 0(11 Ownl O Ml <

sEs jm -u nifsu ' 'I B 7xm <ig a ' I l i 'S ”

S ; 5 g r , ; - . - S . - S ’S " !rs s 'iN i’i

n Fftll9..l<tohO___ _3aturda y ^ j

ts f l i igfws^l d mone4edsme m target::w YORK (U PI) - Ttje jy stq)ply m easure known t(eU $2b lU io ttln tb e la tiK t ■ting week, a drop ttiat » ; all - th r6 e • -m o n e y -

R eserve a re well within te rm targets.U s brings all th ree of the :m i, M2 and M3) com- b ly w ithin t h d r req>ectlve It ra n g e s - and v irtually ' o u t ^ t e n l n g by lhe F ed '

1 weeks ahead .” said D avid _ . }pes, econom ist a t A u b r^ anstoh &' C 6 .'"E veh If t t e r te d -b u lg e -o c c u r s - next: tb e $3.4 blUlon drop tbe ^wo -weeks g ivas-tbo — y o f room to absorb St."3 la te s t w eek 's drop In Mi s i t grow ing a t r o u ^ y 8V4 snt.-for- tb e .y e a r_ th ro u g h _ a t , w ithin tb e F e d 's M m t ta rge t.

D d^oU ierxanalysiksaldrm an^ lonal Investors bought out of m issing a m ajo r move while

s s im ls t lc tra d e rs cashed In onw f l t s . ..........................toslte-yolume-of-NYSE-issties-

n te r to taled 90,856,770 shares an w ith 95,306,290 traded ay.Vmgrican Stock Exchange In-

IRK (UPlV-WofW »ufl*i-No; 11-hjlufw ointa tiigfier lo 1 polniiowftr Frl<Uy.■'ISff ' t t i “ '& > '* pfS:

10.18 lO.Of 10.18 10XBi' S ii'S li'g iS ' - = s = ; s - - - i l l = i i =

................... 1J.M U.M

isi;S2.sno rtM .3RK (UPlHDomesile Augi' No.. 12 i»gg->-poiiii»' iuwBrw«~potm«'ntBtiBr~

=vg;: S i i

:)>onuthra tn»ialt publlcilton; »>8§25u J 'm” P’“*' 0“™

•2wohife.'d<Slwroa*'u5common, U.S. pdmiry producer*J4*«cSb ■ <••««>«»> ■jfli.W .^reoni. Inool iM.OOeJb.<•«. M.9 portsnt. boiM r«ouUr

V N.Y. “Am. - Moi MM. do iio r'; 'U X r W f i o * . producr 473.00; rex., WOO-MO.OOper Iroy ounco.’ion eon*ulnor‘ bu*l~,lSlii|?{^Si2in^7onSr?on.**'__ 1 **’ .Am. Mol. Om. 0|.<>0Cl(-I14 J3C4D.

Am.-M«l.-Mkt. * » ^ r prlc* — W7.2S -

■ .oM pS il^^^ i?5? l^S ^m '? if£M J p«c*nl

>• w«*tMn. U.S..«.00<4('7B<Ht>. _

3 7 k . " S S K - ^ ' S “ ” ‘S5 J S ; S SSW i 5 ? , S’ K U ”i 'J ’S33 s ; * “ ‘s a “S » £

J ullU- ti Rtm 1.0 I 80“ «1S,

a b a n - >1 ICWO i .« ____

“I “f i i s:|4 n«nlao . -77 ti cn2 bUH* H n tfia IA IS14

^ .... iJ^g-! S u Ih ForflUt JO) n u n J JTH. H fnua i1 rn* OAF ,o» 17 IIIr s u t s w i s 1 s5 1»H ... OnlFdl ‘ 2.43 WB

r s s r s ' - s s s r - ' f f l — i s - ! S 5 :8 s . ' s t • ' s ' . a

- ,,15 .-1 S 3 -

h r ,a ’‘ s-iiiLlJl| s ; s ,’. 1

" S S ! ! dp1B^_JH OuMW* .9B a»pt]H~ H tuann IA — u n o -

I g g p 'S S . S


[mund= 2y repo- | d ex slipped 0.93 to 235.0:

-■ o f an a v e rag e Bhnm ahf____ Advnnppfl pdgpd rtw

. a m ong tb e 803 Issues tn------- lU^-voIuroe-totaled-G ,(-------co m p ared with 6,073,600

I t ie N ational As SecuriU es D ealers in s t ( ^ gained 0.44 to 302

On tb e trad in g flo S ham rock , w hich com flrm ation well in Wyor

------- m o st ac tiv e N Y S& llstcto 26W7Tnie'8tock rose o n speculation tlie co: m ak e a m a jo r oil find F ie ld in A laska. .

LTV Corp.-was seconi____ ^4-10 l7.--inifi_M m pa

com ple ted its acqulsli ird , u p % to31%. ..

“ A m ong h a rd es t h it Issues, A m erican E xpr

------- 37%-; In ternational Papa n d M e rc k x to91V4.

Coleco skidded 4 ^ t W ebber ana ly st B arbai

------- s h e — low ered___h e r _-e a rn in g s estim a te for

tw een 50 a n d 60 cen ts a y .cenl8 ..She.sald_Cole<». a y ^ ab l» 4 » ahlp.aDou^ :O L of hom e com puters by tl

i le m onth to genera te tb< on m ee t h e r e a r ile r estlm ai

Tepcas in s tn m ien t^ >63 d ru b U ln g 'ea rile r 'th is-] 'e r — c o m p a n y T q w rte d -B - %s q u a r te r loss, added 1 1 ied a n a iy ^ '* f ire " c $ U m ls l

com pany’s outlook, . in- p u b l is h ^ reports.


r»» NEW VOnK (UPI) - Soloct* ^ eolnprteo*:•*: oo«S 6W . “.1: 11S ! S■41 Moiican p«Mi. 1 Iroy m ..71 cninol* Pind*. 1 Iroy ot.'.H U.S. Armtvono 1 Iroy o^..30 AusirUn 106 coron* .Hiroy oi.■U MoitCM 20 p«»o. .48 troy ©t. J*.- 8 - Anie»m-2 r»nO .SO iroy or.II U.S. Wright .SO Irdy oi.

S. AlrlCArt H iwid .28 uoy ci. M»Dio Um I 1-4 cunco -JS Iroy si

>•■ SO porconi iiKrorJ-gj iS:. s r

s ■ ■ S £ r s V ! . w »quoiod 6y DctX Porori. Tha prh

1* d««lar IS d««)«r *n« d«p«ndlng

» .. ■" • 'u ° i ' “.00 • oe f” IJ

“ I 'i___________ i j_______:.t 1“

•C« :j!n aol. .p«t> 7, » : l - J - .

ffi B A» i £ - ; j - - - - ■

■ Jty;.

g- ^ iiiSTrs.s -t 1

-im \

'iXt SH-H *5M bUa k Inra LU X

& "Ts ili r a w l ! «™«S ijit+ ii. J ; |fw ,i

S ’M !! ! i a i 'J? I

tm * rj nc 5J| ■ J,III DISH OE I m a%-'i K"PU tM IH Kamflig . .n ........

S 'a^k* K 5«rt*e t u 11

I ! * : ! 5SS«: i i 'm m - . V - i a u . AiiS '

1S-? i!-!3!«—«!—il“ir-’5 '“-.JS ' S L i I I

i r l ! ^ ' « ii

I1J7 « n - n LuMM J L l l l t l

« a s ? 1-5? "

4 l 7 : s = : S ^ - ; f c r ^ l


■ ..................................M{>rt Ii.Ot and the p rice h< ftpven C ctedlne3_3QQ-279._ H T T P ® traded. Compos- ^0.917.135-sh a re s ....... P®OO-niursday.------------------ ^fissodatlon of ^ index of OTC g c '02.23. NO'Qoor. D iamond ^m pleted a con- ' '•oming, w as the ________»ted_lBgue^upJ j L ■ B W P se'1% T h u rsd ay ' company m ightd In Its MuHuk

prox lm at M lon theJl3l , u p - t o n M m pany- Thursday . P9‘ . aa i i o r o r s ^ = ^ ^ - - ^td lx jdead)-w aB__

It Dow average press lost 2 % to a p e r m t o s ™ j ™

I to SO-Tfc. P a ine .In te rm n . >ara Isgurg said ‘m H ^ th lrd -< n ia r te r It C deco to be- b H H B a sh a re f r o n t s chicaoo

» would not t »- l ^ C i t t l a -

the d id of th9 ^ b e revenues to Apr uites. . „ | „1, w h id o k .a r y e a r a f t e r t b e — 15?j-hngB-secOTd-— ---------[ lo II8V4. Som e ^ ' isuc - about . : w -- E t r i i i r j

acconling to^ -FrKWM33.S0 (432.50 '7

1 1 » | S o S4JJM 4J2M SalliomBfll

.. sss ISfiU^oJfl l i p c i « ™•oz— --------

baai t t OCO P* !* C'* IMS clrculilod ' FfinWurt-1| ■■

i i i w i & ’i!- “ K"""

— ---------- 'US’— i s r ™

Bid Aak Eno.lriMi] OUoount tritl ailrer <8 » . a __tibdcatodsir

■ I X l i

II I p«'"910 M oqutlt 10). sits :<H -

f i « S ! : - " c » . IS 'il _ _935 .23i I ™!:§ S j | |E 55.:

- ' ! i S - g . : r s r s T ' ’i !!"§ 5 t 5 - m - - ’?S

a »4] U - h UCKni 2.40 » Ss i» 2 -} U " '7J0^ 1 . 4 .»

'a tet Q 4 'u ^M«nuco• • » i ^ s ; S 2 . u ; : K I fa H7 uIJ - H UOfSd li l■ ■ 144 ' itW— H— rHotrel*------ 1J1_

i a m 8SH-1U ;K«bUco is t lOISS; 4S • U HlOMt IK

c li™ : H a ' 3a 243 » H -H 'KCn 2tO

l i s a vOH-H .H«tPa ^7^. . ' } ^ . S » v » - j | S g ......-fS .-

r “ ;k a21 243 O -IH ;Horwtt IJO ,I ■« ir* ::: ’oceapi 2jo

' l i in v i i S r ' i S

liJOT i i l ' t i l -8n*c5l ■ ‘ 2.C


a m « \ * 5 ■pEiSfhtnII 771 nn» H iPiePL Ml tl tSJ uD ■* U -Pin Am Air - II1774p(»-IH :PwM 2X

II in SK* H iFMJpU LO a " j ( ' iTU^'ii ipMipdn - -S .. i i ; ( i» i- H .pM W -- l a . i a zn»- u iniibry i4t

-T«WtZ«-. -.. ■ hniT B


PrevM ontb Commodity CTose M ay.M alnes. 8.73O c t live c a ttle 57.90D ec. live catUe 58.425N ov.foodercatU e 58.95 Oct. live bogs 42.875DecTwfieal"-------------- ^ ;0 3 MS ep .co m 3.65Dec. s ilv e r_________12.49

goM____________ «7.40D ^ rc o p p e r 74;93'Oct. su g a r ,io .08>fov. soybeans - 9.27W □ec. T reasu ry Bills 90.44


ymgBa tto n s from NASO a t aj l a td y 2 p.m . All bids Ij Ie r htrt<» TntPrrtefllpr quotfltior in d u d e re ta il m arkup, m art

— o r — commlsslOD."—■—Thes Ions a re provided by Edw ard Ir C o T “ ^ — ------------------

— ■ Bid Ask ifA m er. - - .. 21.C2J:,C 0 . 20.625 21.00i C o ip . i - „ ___ .50________.875F in . Gp. ■ - 27.00 , 27.25 in. G as 16.G25 17.00

w i«7 to ra ta ! • t]»&3.40t2.SS 83.29 82.! 8S.0) 85.20 84.U8S.0S 84.!

ilaa 1J,7}| eonlr»e1^ T>iursO»y'a Ml«

iir»"r405“ conif*cia: TnifTjtfjyj-m

____________g.M 43.M «.M O.S7 42.148 70 49:03499 49:00 48:- 5S.OO 55.00 S4.05 54.72 54..

}?,*nl.ViSf34W'sa=' « “ »-“" ‘ ?r5K'i?o.cn65.o5«.

S;SS:HS;SS:?^S:.84 40 87.82 8S.90 87.40 65.1 84.70 85.92 84.30 89.80 83.1

lies S.8S9 conlitcia: Thursday’* ul< snlniai#stl2.7WupS9.IBM Pilcoa onclosa and pro»loua.

Onx iUPi) - Foreign and dom«»t« go oled In Oollars por Iroy ouncaFilday:

uT 0:3?(Ireo rturkolj

; • . ' '415.80 up to Nt*Yo»k ■ ' , , •nd Harman- 414.79 up 0.1

^tL .toa oilcB for rleo. yabrkiied oo’i^4jj'4fu 1 prtco IWIno cMnges bolfl aio based ( oua day'* cioainp pric*. artd thus may n nd wim ih» pro>»ua iixings.

YORK (UPI) — Handy and Hsrmi /oi*d-aiiref-*t tT « rp « rn n 6 0uneo i ard Ccrp. quoied • baaa oilco lor ir>du

YORK (UPI) - Stanflird hourly IndBies lor -Friday (IMI.4

400" 2 0 • ec

;ioa(> iS :S » :» S ^i i l S 1“ :'

^^^^Unltod P T .- ■

[?*-|fld--------------i2 » ;S - o i r - j : ;SOO-SlocHi — .J 8 1 J 2 — Qll._OJ

t: a “

n i» Bl 2n*+tl98 2# *11 30 - * :52Jn‘I®........ ! ’S * s H - : S -Irillr;: s30 ■ 14 00 BW* Ik 'I S a f i5 vi_r“•»— 2 - s s iS a s - 7 K P ; 2

10*1017 CU+W ;87*»


•ev ...........ose High Low .73 7.06 6.78 . '.90 . 58.45 57.90 .425 69.175 58.475 .95 59.30 58.675 ..ff?5 43.90 __42.65_____03%--------4 .i»--------- 4.06--------65 -3.70 3M'A .49 12.55 _ ' 12.44 .'40 ■'• "418.60 415.70;93-------- 75; 15---------74.60-------.08 10.18 10.07 m* 9.54 9.40 .44 90.50 90.45 ts from S ln d a ir and Co.

ap- KeilwoodI In- Long. F ib e r 23.U ons. -T r u s J o is t . 30. laik- Consd. Food •■ Ticse— W tS tero Union ~rdD . B IgPineyO U .50-----------u tn n p a w e f --------------ksk A lbertson .625 Idaho Pw r. Com,.00 Heinz,875 D art-K ra f t____ _____^ Safew ay.00 V ngrd T rustees

1 m m ma n ? M l K ’ 'lor now*Irop.*3 at 1».?0. 5 aU

u!u v n i r n B i B B H H

wlM Cailoydealerquoiiiionsobiafi

2 S S DENVER (UPI) - PoUK0 aloady. 100 ib. oacks wasnB<**'4* unless oiherwiae allied. Toxa

MO sllV'm’ bJM7;M . “ a»*li Tlw?»?m” msj*l&°and 1W» B.tij'


-8 .i2 i.-~V-5; new YORK (UPI) - Can 0.02. and nurxei Irsnds as rape

'piices paid and deKrored

•f iroy CHICAGO (UPI) - Bulk se nn 'andooBiaaroporlBdbyUSDA

H H ___lu0a77-«;U(0o73n-7B^Mlli

■ 20u‘;19loMday8n^.«erop,“Ji —-ni .TsnnmM.BlBWtof 6Wk No

1 5 ■ a.70H-J.77rt. up 14; IS lo X Mt.«l _ unchinBoa, _ _ -

i w S '-------OQD£n luh l - cirain pri.187.45 - oroioin whaai 9.3M.M bu., 180 92 proioin bu. .oo to u

■ to up ,CS. No. 2bajl«yS.BM.0C B.BM.OOaieady.

. DENVER (UPI) - OraIn ,

PORTl^ND (UPI) — Cuh

_ d;S__ oeTTalhill'llKlSii^Sii^

V ' i ' n n i 'u M H -H : tuLi JII-! J" ’ !l o ^ « > » -!!

' ffl1 M IIIOB uan* U 'Trai^ | - - ; i S - g S T - s — «

. ■ i5?’ S J . :5 is s•M l . . i n 40U4-U- --{Jn* - i.« 14 a H ;iMiI------1i4----^«-41-»in»-77^------- UM

' , . ' l i l a S s . a— 9 S— -UW

i.« I n p]4H- H I i.ti J im , p iifc -u

5 .......f.A....... lliMT S v J t »— IIIM 14SS2 S7H-H ■

r i ii’g ir "■" I 'S i jf lS (« « L 'h . ra.' ’’I mJsiS :»

2ia i}4t70 £ u I { h .ta JJ«72‘ 4l|.=-||------Irt

9 - 1.70 n n t piSH ... ^

II . ! * g r :5 “

' , s s ’s - i i t s — af L T iJ l™ " ‘ * J - s

. * '7 .^ 5 ! s r ' ? a. . -8 w -tfm .-.:: . . ..flM


5 ^ ^ I S S ' f i p-M- K . ' a

! S 3 «58.425 4S.5M 8.^

I?------- 43.85 catiio •«^ 4 . o < R 4 -■

3.67V4 JOUET.fl_ _ 12.45_________

415.90 Moi« 700- . - 7 4 . 7 0 -------------- 'nW J jik

_____10,16____ KANSAS9-489 0 .« . i

----------------------_ lOES M

e ^ o t frv:

boot cho-------- 24.75 S - S i - g S

a .7 5 ' 24.25 “ i 00.00 30.75 -,, - 31.25

..................Tidies43.75 , DENVER

67.00 24.125 - i “r 2 l N ^

38.68 raw», is at 22.00, 1 al 21.00

M T . i r f S o . . ^ : d “! 2 ^ ^ ' ir^ i7 * T ri8 :w n T if‘ 2 ^ r - ^ - " ^iBiircrop'anirTnjfroid— w™----- Aor.00. 1 al 17.00. and 2 wop^^ P gK. ■ ■■ .(iQuraa lo

^sw'rf* D ein'IKaioil


ol tho rrM^ey S.25, ml«ed grain c^m ord*^

iSge ol smlaf'M agtc 10 tS.W

WbMt -

? r u . s ^ r i M p

minoion^^^oifla^O« . Jly

—arlon eog final pricsa Ooe Dponod 6y m« lISOA, Tnuraday >d 10 Now York aloro- r rt ||IO|t i»Ullera: Extra ^

tdium igzm L______ ___.J*;_____E HLs_____

Sidays. J.^O.aiU, up to IS days. 0,90, up

o«c• . • Thurodar* ! “ 5 5 L _ a w s s .

‘o.f:;^-|r4.Mi :S25fIB whMl 3.eM.73 Du.. ,00 Mar I.OOcwI.rMchango.Oals

. 1 ^8M.00CWI.

: Thuradayah grain prfcoi. coaii •iT oO op 2nd hail 4.«; 'ln^ioua*i>l4.lS.Oai1oy-.NobJd8.-.. ; Souismof

TaiJCO 3 t M pSH» «bftCDMI------TJt- a 1» p<2H» HTiElSt 4.10 t] 7a (2U-1H - .Tr Ou M] I] 1 4>l*-«(a - :

s i l . " l i i r

TRW 2.B) 14 u t 71 - H----U U—UAL 7 74t XU-1

UnCirb 3.40 . 241W nk ...K T j S z L ' . i S ' S J . - i v :urioT*i---------------- aio»-pMw*-i*— :UM Drands .. 91 111^ M .

fcSi"" ------*4 ■Ss“, r ,:!) ii's'slv* sS t's . i s ’i ' s a t i ' s ■

NEW YORK (UPI) - FonswMo art naHeniHd* cob- foS* prtcn IV aalKtad MocU lUM OA Ol* AmarleaA

t s s - - s - ~ r r r " S 5 i A - iss.- ‘t s . ' ! ! * *

' S liS ’S S 3 ^S-a-J-J'Kr

s r — , s ' M -

SS? s ! 5 , s - i r j f f i “ . M : r

lbo' and cahe* 290; no) Btwugh any daw lo ,imarkattaM.---- -----------------------------------1—►pnofto.-. ...lET,tn.(UPU —LI*0*104*: ..................................I* iS: ailoa W l K M l lo oauUUh a maikel I »” TO:Tradk>g~i3hBr”bam>w*~and'o5a”so”’

SAS CnY. Ito. KUPt) - u»«»10«ll 'fl tna U ticf aa'M tnsuiricienl lo sti a martal (rand.s, s s » r u u ' r - , - . “i ; s s . s ?t.SO, Sowt and boars scarc*.

UOIKES. lOM (UPU - UidwBSI fm h cut nwM Had* FiUtr-

iSS U r ' ^ r - -‘&»k:o ^ J KrtSSL E - ?■»■. oood-WKio 34 . ODMOO m . U.OO-

aaSaj!fi °“'rESSSSSiSHIlAGO (UPO - W>»« and corn____

s r .s.'V"2’“„ r ^ . . .•llhoygh tr»>oq wy* n*rvom , ^ r . .■^ u c t to n rwpor. aciMdvlod , lor

I Monday tflaymioti."% v n A f f " , ^ ■May. p^aM lorecaalar Conrad

Bom ll(rura ' mr* a«a b«low' hla lot icsi rt«nn. and ' th* AcrKuliur* ' iw n ra-U W -p ra d W to n . ■ ulsston hov*«s w*r* on bem t» « t I mwkM FfkMry m ail piu. Qood

■Iry fnov*m*nt conUovod IIStiL

op*B** HWi low ^SoSf Pr*».

4.17 4.2D 4,17 4.1SU 4.18A-??*

? ? I c f f L T J i r l l .^ « “ s.VO 3.8814 3,»7V. 3.85 3.S7H 3.70 3.8SM 3.C7U 3.84US35 !:SS iS S i S ; !:?S

----------3 .rw 3 ;e iw -a .7 e w -» .w 3 .7 7 -------

• M7 ]l.17 2.14I* 2.14W tIS • aday aaiva i.T40 buahala; Thuraday

;:g & - l s

? ;5 ^^70 7J 9 Tin 7:S5 s i ' h , s ! 5 i s s r « “ »

- i s i f f M f - H a a s a a s s s - s a33.(0 53.S7. 3J.40 3 3 ^ ® ^ _ _ _

1 1 H l ; s a s a i s2«.00 ' 2129 2S.0O 29.10 0.40

• d a r e o o i r a c t * ; . Thurt-

ifl II illm en] niic** .00 <*>•*.

H 2 a - « i S - ? S t 7 » —« ' \ataa J i 2 i n S5«* U ■

Co • • MI w « ♦ *« -IMenn------- j o T * i r 2 * ' W t- U • -a - K ‘=-

, - m i l B s l ^ «

* ^ i a i a | ^ i iH 2Mnd - 1JZ I m (0 » .,.

5 : s s a 5 . “ I ' i S

*" ' ! ^ t.Ub !^ W 'J |2 ^ W?-i--f.- a - - ■ i - 'S - p f c ! -

_* WWlil _ IJ IB; im + »'ii N M ' W> « Cl (A - H » NSMO 0 0 ,. J i % - H5 s s « • s :

i ' S . . . : !i w is .* . “ S - *

5 = S S K t = A ; ^ t S t 3 - = : .

Page 9: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates


■ T im c s - N e ^ w riter

I TWIN F A U £ - JunJo------b er tr th ru s t- ln to a fitartin

J Jniury, le t Jt be loiown h(

-------- L am bert- ro m p ed-fo r-l• open u p the ottenso consli ' th e T w la F a lls B ruins seo

- th e final four m inutes t ; N am pa BuUdoRS 21-7 Frldj

A lthough L am bert wa . c o r^ lc u o u s Junior on the

■" 'h is~clu iism atcs"m ade■ til . tow ard becom ing A-l plo; ' ' took on th e v e te ran Bul

~T- to5 iead ahd""appeared- - - s tro n g e r throughout the nl

F o r th e m w t p a r t It wa;

M l t i lc o ’s E u g e n e C

i r 3 i f e i Q• • BU RLEY - A pa ir

■ n e ith e r designed to dO-V }. - touchdow ns F rid ay nig J ;; • “d o w n e d c n ^ i 1> ^ r tv a

: ^ a c h Red-Halversoi - H j _ ,down_when he called :

K ' fourth arid one' sUualf r ' E ugene C hapa turned

and Von P e te rm an ’s b<^ - lead to keep. -----------

p ; And H a lv e r^ n w as s l.w h en ,.w ilh lh efin a lsec(

: : h is S p a rtan s had a fouj 2, ’ th e B urley two. H e ser c - 24-yard field goal but w

P e te rm a n scooped iq) tl ' to sco rcstan d iiig u p .

T . ^^A fte r .th a t_ B u r |e y ..h

" i P f y e r r KO’s Argue in lOtl:

------ L-LAS-VEGAS.JJey-lUEI)— second . tlm e._in lO mont

. P ry o r turned. Alexis A ^ e ] in to a n le h tm a re .

‘ ' -P ry o r 'e n d e d Arguello's a tte m p t to m ake boxing h

fiiADOUnded tho th ree-tim e cha f e r e t l r ^ m ^ tF d a S y W g h irB i

: “ d e f e n d in g h is Worid Boxln ! , -Uon Junior w ellerweigbt tl ' ; np th -rbund knockout.

? li'/V rguello w as looking to b f ir s t m an in boxing histo

‘flU ts in fou r w eight d a sse s -^fcU ^v ic tim ^ to -P ryop’s puni

r a ^ of blows.• K - : -P ry o r; who stopped Argi ~v rounds lo st November,

; 7/ii^ u c llo in th e firs t and fou -cbd p u t b lm out a t 1:48 of tb

of punches to sagged d o ro 'w ith

. a p and re fe ree R l d i ^ S t ^

- -c a n v a s w ith b is head beknees.

^ ; go ing- to bea t h i ■ •ir3hvna.” 'JBapiivpwed.bcfore

n b e ihitting g an clearly he: departm en

tnior Je ff Lam- Bruins ga rting-role by a n — N am pa’ l ) he likes it out {ng os good

........."N am pa (r-1 7 l yards to— sald -asalsti nsldcrably and ' along th e : scored tw ice in - -mannRod n ' s to down the i, rld^yniEhl.

w as the m ost to Tim the flc ldrall of N am pa ha< - tn a jo r-s trid e s— 38^ard-Un< p layers a s they punted th e i Bulldogs head- ‘ received thr e d " to“- g r o w - 39.------------enighL___________ -Twin F aw as a bruising, lessly thro

i P ^

! C h a p a b r e a k s t h r o u g h

d o m i mlalr of fourth-down plays — lo-what they did — resulted in . night a s the Mlnlco Spartans =ival Btirlev i w r " _ : ^ : rson h&d to be t h l n ^ g first sd for hiS 'Spartan s 'to try a lalTon"Dirihe Burioy <ii. b u i ed ll Into a 41-yard scam per s boot gave lhe Spartans the

IS slm ply 'thinking Insurance seconds showing on the dock , fourth and goal, this tim e a t sen t Peterm an to attem pt a it when the snap v a u n u f le d .. p th e ball'and skirted the end

,[..hqd._tlmc. for..the, k lckoff.

flonths, Aaron '[ijdlo 's d ream ~ ^

to 's last-gasp g history and - A am plon into :76ucccssfuUy— ixlng Assocla* it UUe with a

to becom e Ute istory to winses, but again I H H iitmlahlng.hnr. _

Vrgudlo in 14-

f Uie lOth with and he d id Ju to Uie head, to Uie puncl ri lh h is k r i ^ o p e n i n g m int it^ e c o u h ie d . “ I 'm n ot si

'bctw oen~hIs h d r d v than s ta r t. 1 caug

him l lk e - a — sh o ts .I Uilnk [ore-tbe.flghtv-:_more.tban h i

r t f ^;ame and a l the outset N am pa held the advantage ir tha l lent. But th e ■ Junktr-ladcn gave up a touchdown on,

^ i r s t effort-then s ta rted giv— )od as it received.)a com edow n h e re to hitiis.** - Is tan t-C o ach - Al -R o h w ed e r-- e s id d in e s-a s Uie-Bulldogs 1 n 7-0 lead.

on uphill batUe for the Bruins 9-yard bom b'from Je ff Turley F ^w o o d posted a 7-0 lead, had moved to Uie Twin Falls Ilne-wlUi-the opening k lck o ff^ he ball to Uie Bruin 3 and then I Uie- rc tiirn kick a t th e Bruin'

F a lls offense labored fruit- tiroufiii the f ire ^ period as

g r t i

— ;— L ^

g ti B u r t e y - 6 l i n e o a h i s - w :

>fdys ke— re tu rn and one desperatl in_. hom sounded . _ . — ns M inico 's d efense wag t

J vlctoryVhowever, a s j t ga' J d i ^ ^ lo 'B urley In eac ^ ^ . : .d o o r . — r n r —at-------- M inlco-had-the-^jall-^CI- U a .m uffed puni .je second punl nailed Burle _ _ b u t j \^ p ia y s . la te t -Q u a r t - - - s h o o t- lo o se a n d - a p p a

touchdown. H e gained U ^ S p a rtan s overhauled him. a B urley’s biggest th res

l _ 5econds.of.Uie first h a lj w id sho rt passes to a O rst do

fourth-ond-S a l th e IO. th( iff__ end zone w here thepassw

n P r v o r , r i g h t , r o c k s A le :

I Ju st Uiat, beaUhg Arguello nch consistenU y. from the I n n t j T o f . l b ^ g h t r z r ^ m r r r " tsu p rised Uie w a y l tw en t.’ - ;

in we~dld in M i a ^ a t Uie lught .hlm wlUi som e good ' Ink h is h e a r t p lcked 'hlm up'-—; h is ability . H e w asted th is— i

>a N am pa obviously was a t fullback Corky Federico m second quarter, pitchcs c )n, by L am bert started looa v-— Nam pffdefenscrLam bert

tim es fo r CT yards to setI,,__j;scoring_hlfi t ^y F <_ _ F e d e r ic o ’s boot drowlthe

w lU iStW lefllnthehalf.In th e s w r id half. La

h a d 116 yards at intern IS contained a little b e tte r t •y go t aw ay for a few m ore y 1 But it wasn't unUl the f Is Uiat Twin - Falls . s ta rt f;— N am p a 's goal line and a g ai Uial w as set up on pass< in' Doug Peterson to senior I — o r th e Jones boys, Craig aj

t- P e te rson connected th t IS Twin F a lls mllwl R> yards

i S a

' ■ > • •


•w a y t o a 4 1 -y a rd t o u c h d

ev Miniration long pass before the

19 the m ajo r reaMii for th e; gave up a'couple of scoHng__e a c h l ia f but s lo m n i^ 'the

lH w ice-before-B urleydld,— lunt on the first kldc. The irley back o r Uie Bobcat 10 oarterback Alex AJejandrw.-r.-.v jp eared -h ead in g f o r H b e ^ d Uie Mlnlco 32 before Uie dm. ;ireal cam e In Uie waning If w ^ it m oved largely on ; dow n 'at IhftTWlnlcolS. On the B obcats Uirew inlo Uie

ss was broken up------ , _

k ie x is A r g u e l lo w ith a h a

figh t v e ry badly. It’s tw be

“ ^ 'P ^ r s a l & I & t 'A ^ u e l ] - -h a n d le h is style,

' 'L .fe lt I -could keep bl “ P ry o rsa id . “M y sl^o o fb w a v in g was throwing him

— m o a few Umes but i really — U w p a n d ie s .-The-ptmcfti

os aw are of beatjng o f CO. But In the s trik e to E 5 and cutbacks 4:38 left In jsenlng up the acro ss fron • r tc a in « in v e — a nd U iw kl< e l up a 4-yard

“ ■SS1S.S:L am bert.-M o rm ta lon , was r bul Fcdcrico "^yartls.! (Inal quarte r irted denting ‘"S- I good sh a re of— ‘m m p a jses by jun ior they bunch r Bob Burwell u s ,” sa id Cand Todd.------- counteract*

hree tim es a s (Offensive ■ds I r n i plays, s ta r te d gel

l u n

Tinn- Nid o w n r u n J n J ’r ld a v J ilj

f c o t n i iIn th e second half, Scoti

s e t up Burley a t the Mj S p a r tW h d d .

— ' ‘It w as 'ju st like la s fw o —Jo h n Bliletz. “ We had no c — U w ughlw eplayed g reat, g

— H alv e rso n sa ld -h e -fe lt-

la le In th is gam e.• “ T hat triple option of t

liltrouS IE ahd h u r t us in th e m en to r sa ld ."“ But in Uie s ta r te d .to com e alive t capable . O ur s ta ts h ad u m inus 22 y a rd s In the secon

Buriey . ; .......................... .........■ M—Chapa1trun(I*etennanklck

- M-(>al«nnaa3na>(rii(onnanU

la rd puncHi In th e f ir s t ibadh efaad to afrecUrig m<

___ T hey were_cello could not “ lo t 6T"Ume

com lngclost bltUng h im . -The large! rbo&bingahd o v e r 11,000 { im off. H e b it ch an ted and i ^ d n ’t f e e l w a ssb o c te d

Q fourth-and-5 wllh a 20-yard ) BurweU a l midfield. WlUi In th e gam e, Federico swept ■om th e 4 wlUi a n option pitch kicked the conversion, a’s hopes for a com eback MO p lo j^ ' a f te r ' lhc "ensuing rtien G reg-P roctorp icked off pf-pass and re tu rn It lo lhe 31. F rom th ere Is w as a

on of Federico and L am bert erson got Uie final two y ards lout wlUi 11 seconds rem aln-

p a w as a h illing team and iched up' the m iddle against 1 Coach Bill Jones. “ But we icted lh a l-p re tty well when ^e co-ordlnalor Bill) Ingram R e ttin g L am bert outside on

d a i

1- N~« !><«'>'' non UfXASHWUn___n l g h t * . s f l r s t q u a i t e r _ r

x t t BarreU ’s IntercepUon Mjnlco M but again the

week;” said B urley Coach— ■0 consistency on offense. 1“ ' L, g reatdefense.'s l t-h ^ team ,-b lanked b y - *

f thelr’s gave us a lot of J ieJlrsL half.” IheW lnico - - lhe.sccond liolf ou r kids ; and p lay like they’re1 us holding Burley to n M ndhalf.”

•i.-v,-.-r.. ..-V-O-O-T—H— -

;iek)....................AUckI-------- .................................- -

I, ................. uni*o“

I t r o u n d F r i d a y n l g h t ~

m e a s much a s the crowd. e cheerin g and sc m u n ln g a_ m es and lie w asn 't even ose (o b itting m e .” gely pro-Arguello crow d of 10 a t Caesars Palace,* whicb md scream ed for Arguello, o d into sUeoce In th e 0DeD-_ » M D T o o T ^ : B a i : i _ _

3rd- - pltclicsandoptions.’’___ Jones said , he wnsn'

s u r p r i s e d by Uie debut < th e v arsity level. - '

“ H e 's been doing Uial Irii;— »al d, -wh0 - o f£ .:z J u n lo i:_ w h c n _ s e n lQ C _ t

M organ was ruled out , fl two w e e k s b e c a u s e of > prt " I Uilnk th e re w e r e tw( ^ F irs t. Lam bert h as iear . |_ a b o u t playing varsity 1

p a s t four w ee k s and. a m usi have h a d tha t

ind R ussell) keying on Corl n s t fid d . E very t im e Cork; we No; 12 w as Uiere. They len lim e w atchlngCorky an a m to th e m ."

But Jones confirm ed


. _ * Highland! J jM ■ Major leac y ’ ■ Classified


--------B ySTEV B^RU M P-------- 7V/nes-JVetvs qx>rts eiUlOi

T he th ing about Gary ’ th a t you Just don 't kr

e x p e c tn e x t . _The G-foot, _170-poiuic

q u a r t ^ a c k fo r Cast ^ o o l ra n for two touchc nlehl In the-W olves' i Magic Valley Conferenw

_____tory.oyer_Oakley and. pfmoro. But he also ra n t tra p p lays when CasUefo: tough yards.

“ He’s a fine young q says Oakley Coach Do “ But he’s also a good t

^that'we're lacking this ye Reynolds completed or

___ a p_ass^he.putjup_Frl(lw as intercep ted four tl m ade his passes coun portanU y, he g ave CasU ing g am e in Uie second I H ornets got wise lo Uie

_ Uie W olves w ere running “ We rea lly didn’t m

____J u s tm e n ls (offensivdy)r . .half,’:_said_C asU erqrd,

____ Ja rin e , whose t e ^ t rin S i^ lM ro n . "B 'iilw e d w e could run a l w hen lh o u r p a ss patterns. Tht w eaker against th e run th e p a s s ."

T he vlclory.-CasUefor____ tw o.gam is season .t------ ten th I n l l g am esash ea i

school, gives Uie Wolvc _ - 'a d v a n ta g e in U ie-M V er

—quest- for-a-possiW e-stf playoff bid. The Home now face Uie th ird p

____conference, R aft R iver,■ M alta; CasUeford won’t

-tend wlUi R aft R iver i gam e of Uie season, and j

Oakley, playing its i underT om pkins, looked

____ if - l t—w ou lcU p als tia -v ip ic tu re in Uie MVC Ui H ornets picked off R'

J lim es In Uie f i r s f h a l f

Ih T w rm I a t covI By M IK E PRA TER I Times-News writer

M F IL E R — T w o ^ m e v

I f irs t double v ictory a t 11 I Counly Rodeo F rid ay nil■ T he Rapid City, S.D.,B »i/nc th<» nlT.nfni■ In 1980 and ca lf roping I -1979, pinned h is sloer i I fo r th e fastest s te e r wrc■ th e night. T ierney Uien

" e ffo r t In 'c a lf roping ti

I lightning quick f id d a t U


T ierney ’s tim es, bowe quick enough to p u t him lead in eiUier event. F Uiird In boUi events, w group of cowboys sdK^

I p e te in tonight’s finale.

Six-tim e world aU^uw ■I^m F trg u so n leadsTUi wlUi a 12.5, w hile Mj

^ _ U rst-nlght run of four m ains Uie tim e lo, b

d. wresUing.; a Only one m ore g roq ^ h a v ^ a 'd u m c e to 'c a p tu

Uiose tw o events, and In o f th e rodeo condud * -.B areback aimpeUUoi 0 . Je ro m e’s M ickey .Jfoi D- ran k ed No. 2 ia tbe w — ti l i n g uriderw6v'at E o In

N a mopinion th i

n 't particu larly ‘‘“ W j l o t L am bert on ,

playing bet a t the sta

a t in pracUce all deteriorate 10-called oa-Uic— gam e-but-_ tailback..Scott ..said....... .ut of aclion for While F« f a neck Injury, vlded Uie \ wo things there, couldn't he a m e d a litU e b lt ‘*Uioy w en / football .In Uie ctor’s Intei second. N am pa laxing p la j

t No. i2? tCory second tou( ) r l^ all o ver therky got the ball, .........try spent a lot ofnnd Lam bert g o t- TF-.Fc<teric

T>--KedcTleed the laym en 's - m c m

day. Septem ber 10,1363 Tim

] harriers romp B3 igue baseball B3 d B 48

R eyni .s W o n O a k l________ ;_______ played-almi

rltory. C ast — --Oakl oy 0 e a ry Reynolds Is mHUi la l l to know' wbnt to away Uio b

Gu3 G orrlnnd_Bophoraore__ second periS tletord High ball over de O idownsFriday. Oakley’s Q

crucial 26-12

'p a s s ^ to r tw o ^ r ? - 7 ' ' ei t h e d raw .an d blocked.lo rd needed Uio — ^'Theyrm

. we w eren 'tq u arte rback ," Ja id jne . •%

>on Tompkins.1 big back who .

y ea r." golTSBsrasonly nine o t Uie K ejm oldsthrldav night and Uia t covereUmes, but tie p ln y rjh * ^ c

unt. M ore Im- Sample by IsUeford a runn- sco nd half a f te r Uie was wide,le p ass p a lem s “ Th® iglnU ieU rst.m ake any ad- A iidtjlve/i’) in Uie second jo b o fca td ii d„m entor_ H a l---- S a m p le dtrallK l l2-€' a t ' Gorrirdid nnd a-spot- ry , had le ft t

they look aw ay “ Sure, ith ey ’re a lltUe Ujere,” sayim Uuui against— def«inslveb£

The Homeorxl's second In halftim e w 1 and Ja rd ln e 's John Oldha (id <;6i^hafU ii~R cyiiplcisT> ires a b ig early and ram ble l-race a nd Uielr -e x tr a p o in t! Jtate C lass A-4— In U iesec nets, 1-1, m ittt out nm nlnj power In th e niore press

r , nexLw edcJn::^fonsivcly.jv I’l have lo con- a le m uch S• unUl Uie la s t d idn 't ^e t a d a l home. ■ h a lf-u r iU l ; second gam o third down !d fo ra while a s Dave PIckt 'v S y T aU fcren t and under p th is y ea r. The “ co Reynolds four CasUeford U frw h lch -w as------- •SeeCAS


' ClTdmplor the Wrangl crowned ar

5 world cham pi- $^,000 will

; Uie Twin F alls H l^ llg h t night. . . . should be >., cowbby, who where th e I nun d rhnm pion_U ip?e_nlghl lg champion in tha t list wlU• in 9.1 seconds Davis, whc xesUing U m eof College of J en added a 13.4 .dent of the

to edge out a boys Associ [ Uie F ile r rodeo The rem i

................f id d willwsver. w ere not ranked 12Ui m in the overall No. 8; IGl

He Is Ued fo r Dubois; i wlUi one more- Ham lllon.--

K^duled to com- Small lea daring Frid

roundcham pion -N o .- l bronc "Uie ^ r r ^ ln g ~ G J e r m u n d s i « a r ty M d v ln 's In oUier u r seconds re - - n e a rc a p a c beat In steer— U » -se a so r

fidds. Thli nq> of cowboys roping has tureT he lead ln— rodeo a n d 11 I n f l v e o t h ^ a s \ DroPIck) u(k!s lo n l^ t . tip for a I.- loh, . featuring - but Uiat w a roung, who is of Natlona world, will get -M Uton a ir i i j n . ..... ' ' ~

I th a t Twin F alls m atured con-ily in lh lsg am e .re 's no doubt lha t we w ere' be tte r a t the end Uian w e w ere ,

s ta r t. L a ^ w e e k . I . r d t - i v e --------ra ted tow ard the end of the )u t-ton i^ t-w e-p ickedup,-^ iT e------- -

i Federico and Peterson pro- ho winning touchdowns, Jones t h d p admitUng wlUi a sm ile A-ere nice, bul 1 thought Pro- interception w as the m ost re ­play pf Uie night a fte r Corky's toucfidown.” .......... .................................

................ ........... .......7 0. 0 o-'? ..........I ........................... 0 7 0 i*r-aiwoo<m p ia from Turley < l.ane kkk >rtertcotrutKrebertcoltlck)........................clcTlm 4 run I f'cdcrlco kick)lerson t rw t KkJctIco kick r------ ----------------

Timo»-Newa, Twin Falls, Idaho

i __ _______

— i

fevilm ost en tire ly in Hnmp.1 ler-______:asU eford gol a s d o se a t the J c a r ly .ln -thesecond iquartc r,. :llback -R ich 0 \ven fumbling.____ _lo 'ball lo Oakley com erbaclc rrlnge. M idway I h ro u ^ th e • - - p ^ o d , CasUeford turned Uie r d w p 'ir i l ts own to rrilo ry an d J Cory Woodhouse carried it end zone from 11 yard s w ith .nrin in g ^n ^h frb a l« o iab » ilw t----------Tie ex tra point a ttem pt w a s______

’ r an a double-slot offense th a t in 't p repared for,” explained

“ We h ad lo ad just lo th a t In ndha lf.”Solves tied the gam e m h iu l«

sw 3 lo i r n r - 1t3 "own 28 ; un d | Is m rew a screen pass to Owen : /ered 30 yards. On th e next 'r-T ouncrw ldo -T ccc tverM an-----------!by h im self In the end zone to core. Tho e x tra point a ttem p te. , ....................line gave m e enough tim e to • t pass off," sa id Reynolds.

Id ling It.”:e.caught .the.ball four p lays ........rrlnge.-m irslng an a n k le Inju-:---------e ftU iegnm e... . ----------------------------. It iidped Uiat he w asn’t in sayd Reynolds. “ He’s a good

om els w ent up 12-6 ju s t before 5 w hen-defena lve .-llncm an dham stepped In front of aisrpass: on~therCasUefordT 48:------- rib led Into Uie end zone. The___In tW ckagain fa iled .' - - - second half. CasUeford c a m e . ning on offense and putting ; re ssu re on th e H ornets de:,- y. NelUier team could gener-:h~yaKUIBe’^ I i r r a c t Oakley--------e t a first down in Uie second nUl in U}e fourth quarte r. On a. wn play, Oakley quarterback ic ketl dropped back to pass e r p ressu re put Uie bMI upTor - I cam e down in a crowd, and T “ ird defensive bock Steve ? A grrR Tm H n rtrt~pagATW

rides—id eoplons’in a ll events; Induding . ' - angler Bullfighting, w i i r b e ' '1 and a purse of m ore th an ‘ ' will be distributed to Uie lead-

Ightlng tonight’s perform ance be the saddle bronc finals, he lop 10 r id e rs from Uie p a s t • Ighls will compete. H eading •'w ru fF y JT ^ n je F ilc r’sShaw n----------who is rodeo coach a l theof Southern Idaho and presl-----------the Professional Rodeo Cow- socialion. . em ainder of th e saddle bronc rill include D uane Dalnes.12Ui in Uie world; Bud Pauley, ,

IGUi-ranked BuUi Small df and 9Ui-ranked Dbcon

>n.-------------- .lead all saddle bronc rid e rs

Friday’s rodeo wlUi a 74;-Tbe ironc r ld e r In the .world. J r a d _____ '.ndson rhada69 .--------- - —tier acUon F rid ay night,- th e F paclty crowd w itnessed one o f . • iso n 's fastest leam roping ; This is the first y ea r , te am . ; h a s been a p a j t of Uie F ile rad It-wns introduced In sty le .--------- ^►Icketl and Mike Beers team ed a 7.4 effort Wednesday n l ^ t ,.w as ocllpsed Frlday .by a p a ir_ “ Ional F ina ls veterans. J a k e ” T a n d l-ee W oodburv-out-tbclr. ■SMR0 D T O dpI^iaaB 2 ' - - -

Page 10: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

l im e--------? - J E R O M E - - - I f - t J w

doub ts about J ^ m c ’i " w ^ U lerally thrown VaUey'a pervasive i PTJday n l ^ t a s lhe T th e Goodlog Senators 4: -.-Low-nying a irc ra ft H igh h ad p len ty o f con- Q uarte rback Shane Ju n

- o t 15 p a sse s for-2TO y w a s lod b y Todd Slmls Q l^ 'w h(rG am cd 317 ya: ^■ 19 of 42 attem pts.

----------^ a r y H u I ^ . gave Jflfla ta s te of \ ^ t w as to co o n X o o Jiin d p a ^ to Goc

about four minutes 25-yard effort se

r f d r t h e s ^ o r . - ;; Ju n d unleashed a 5S- <: T odd A dum son fo r t h e '

s c o re In the first pe /b e g a n th e second 12

^ _ _ ? a o o t h e r l 2 -yard toochdo

____ w i p i n g 6 l y a rd s om I: /b e fo re Goodhig’s Br

'■ s tru c k p ay d lr t from a '’^ r c 'a l t h e h ^ ( 2 9 - 6 ] 1 ' o f bow th e whole evcnl

-------- !rup fo r th e S enators; -« “ W e w ere rea lly hap Ik lds ,'’ sa id Jo n Jund , J( Scoach. “ We got to p u t the jw e w an ted to . The defi |4 h p re tnft<nthflt»r>rtha» .>But th e second half was ;bo th clubs w ^ t to th |th e o ther’s defense. R

— —T igers,—.which— V -[follow ed b y a D avid M e--------iiO oodlngrw hldw nade^li

l;M etzger w a s In jured o |ia fte r try ; b u t h is te im n

~ — fon fo r tw o rho re scores I ihargJn rSeySEtable;1 H ard ly o ne to r u n i^ t l :

• I s a id i tw a a a a t ru g g l f i t f l " sq u a d o u t o f th e fra y 1

------- V holf.'-------------- -------------“ I p u t th em In only

second,” h e said . " I belh tS O k id s." . .

-jBaaei''; ALstandings

i ^ «t L PCL■ J g g :S

< UMutM ! 3 u '.SToraito ' 77 H .Ut

■ i ; &------ ^'CNoae------------•;— B-w-JO-

H i :g-.: T(ui a n .«aiilomu M 77 «4


; gssrftss?.-------1*----- Cfae»goH.C»JitomnO-----------

■' Mlnn«j«J7,KlfiutOtr<.10lftmr>o

: - a t e -- Otutnd tcoi^ Hi tl rwcfim•I 1M01 (t CltTt•! U) i!

. ' tl N»'^*ini«lcr IMl *nd uwi7t" M), 7.1:90 pm.CMilomli <2*nn Mil »l CftiMflo )


5 NL staiiaing^ ” •f ' £m ' <

■ ■ ........... w u fw.pntUdtiphU' • 77 «'-

' Monl/eil 71 <7 '*...........

s a a -!

! a r " ” s g g j '

f s a v . s s f i, ancinnji.

Si.Logm,cn<Jjo5.10miMftg»• NraToi>^Uentretl4. «. PlUJBuWiJ, 13 irninp

— S S J i S S ? -*' Hau9i0n7.StnFtinciK0<

' “ tO(^‘lO»5M . .SI ioum^o(wriw<ut?ft*c*goinii

,1 (C«ni«ion1l-tl1.5:Mp™'' "Attwiii IMcMui 17-iL*U-®> *"S' --- —, rVjt«Wu6U'TJJ;ia5y-ra. '

;_AL box.scpres_: OAUmOM^^^^HEW TOm^^I S elB C( 4 0 10 Rj/mWO'' ?B 3 1■ fans tl I S I S CnIlBf IB < 1

. . . . nioiion JS 111 a w,r.iitw It 1 0I nofP<H8“i *12 2 SiiiiJj to • 1. S'fO'«W'' C" »» * ®: ^ i ^ i ^ 'o 'o o ’ o^&o^.'^. ". C/02 Ml J 0 9 a Uitttrel, f( J 0■ Atili pn 1 0 0 0 E:»<no c 3 0 :■ Uo'cno cf 4 0

T6UU- -- . f. - S J S ^ ------ . _ s o n a m i

1 I' VIcO^eT^ 17 1 7 11 J J ;I TMtrlme: I 0 0 0 (

•' nup~br Ouid'y iDtmpul). T- A-47JJ1.

__ ■; CAUfOBW ^ ^ ^ CHICAOO•' P*ni> ei 4 0 0 0 flu* el - ♦ C• ■ - 40flfl Kiifiton e! .1

• • 1 ■.kattnt 30 0 a 0 0 PKWnk JB-J <

__ noJKWn IB J 0 0 0 SOUSII 16 1; ---- an* rt 3 0 0 0 LUJ-IUJ sn 11

s '

_ ^ ^ n n w * W i « r T w l n F i

2TSW■there~w cre' a n y -[le’s offense, they cords a twn to the Magici w estern wind Gootuas ■■3 Tigers trounced-4 3 .2 4 J-K llnflis u * ^ . J-Adanti f t over Je rom e - j-w in ip » m p an y a s T iger ' j - huLkj lundcom pleted 10 ,O-yards. (3oodlne mis, a sophomore c-mcixJi -yards l i r passlng— T=»mm;

G-MowJ:Jans on both s l d c s r ro co m eash eh u n g . _____Gooding's 12-yard tcs Into the gam e, i x i m

se t up Je ff KI- -

5S-yard bomb to SHOSF be T igers' second been a period. K linger quarte rs,

12 m inutes w ith sco red tv hdown; w ith Ju n d — to o u ilas 3fptfais-tin>e-for a In-on ^ l ^ A to m t i t 2 ^ . Sner“ B rian M etzker ' touchdo\

1 a ya rd out. The q u a r te r 6} w as Indicative th e Musi renlng would end and scoi

_ iT^Xiinli tiappy with o u r On Iti , Je ro m e 's head County { the ball up w hen rece iv e r defense held in ra n It tolaU,” -------^--------- -would - hi#03 different a s would hi } the lim it tb te s t intercept

Running b a ck Bond sa nb im g nlfTflW l"'"" m enfs tl-yard-»eorfrfor--r-gaincd-l' —w as quickly-— ^ ac ro sstt M etzker run f o r - . - Punktv

h ls lw o lcm m ates c a m e a chnsho r « t o - n . = t e t h e - ^ ' ^

' . ' - h e r s , p the score, Ju n d .

ly In the second............... .........................S ^nuaonly once In th e cc-^'ul^l lelieve we played cc-p#ui

. Punkhouwi

laagaaSchclitU I t lOOOWiiker-

Downitifl ph 1 fl fl 0 VUw ». . . ESJIB TMii* a 01 a K uft"

:m"i o ^ . _ .,“ ,Ji r -.Ut a OP-CiIi'Dmii 1. LOB-Oiilixn.«D II 10.2B-Crai,B*Jn«i.Ha-fljk|.«7 ^ . U),LWlnjilCT). ^ ^

. « Ilh carown 2 I« n'i I J

» ------- -KAK3AS COY.......lOKNESMrhM________ Wttw^cl ^

'Mir-gs D'ttI tB S2:2-W«a if tSJ3-M/0«-1l----------- W>ui*.;»—

MB <SllfB . MDey U S a 1 0WuhJigln M 4 0 : 0 Kiich*.

OmUn) Conctpcin S> 4 t } 0 fiMo a m Mft. fi oui ■ll* i>m


kiihiiuiie*' rtll. SB-wiininawraj. V

' ; TT'* . . . - Mhinwott --------------

ScfoBtn S 11M o’SJSS iW.2Ji :- 2 2 J - L

7* “ Sthtom pctch« 18 Iwo W

g-liii—U, 78 4 0 0 0 Moliiw X~ Ttimmtll 11 4 0 0 0 Cinlnoi 4

-Ciniflft i!ti..-2.0 1 O.Simffloni s S'* C»B«n IB 4 0 10 momii ar“ * ' ' Lemorf d 4 0 0 0 Oiouluia

WiiMn rf 3 0 0 0 Uinnirtg Kiencrick 3S 3 0 1 0 Uoota rt

" £ . ”"""*53Cmt-nnniin nill-CooCMri- L00-D«lrsil 1, Uiiaiu>«A < :

. n P * " ”'' Jif-l'o®'*Jte^oHUt ^ I ^tnciieo [MMIiMtBuijn ““ 1 1 ;,^ ^ “' * ’ I

... .1.. Q 0

~ SaeendOaiM, oETnor M.WAUK

tb 'h U* wnm»er ?b 4 o 0 0 UoMw 3:


^27*0 C*b '*^ Sn' VoVo^^™!»ni*’ 4 f 1 J IB 4 0 0 B flioXia

4 0 11 LvmoA cl 1110 tSw>ia>4 110 leun tl 3 0 0 0 utnning4 0 2 0 Kt0ncn«cli 30 3 0 1 a pf0 0 0 0 mooiCfi) }B 0 0 0 0 Umi* e

i°AVo S?5.3 0 0 0 UtakAM „ ocelOOa Cin>»-«inninflf)[lj-SBno

> 0 0 0 0 E-UOO<« DP-CXW0.11 LOO4 go a__Uliiuieei JD-PuiiiA.Ibu.'x

« . DP— Gun>p«rl 110 2 0

a 0 7 TJXAS 8CATTU3 T V — Iff,«rj-It— J 0 0•9-O«n^:-

Ilin. B«I1 30 4 0 0 0 DrMler c I-7J1 Wfiflfil el J 1 2.1 RMAiclo

Piiiun on 4 0 0 0 PuiMiB 1 OunUi ll 2 I 0.0 CoMni H O'DiXn IB 4 0 10 CntfflBtt]

hU . DeRlU....2IJQ.Ua}e}i:'. - 4 0 0 enllA«r ph 1 0 0 0 Cele* 3B .1 CO.. SuMMtflC JI17JN«lw<ie 7 11 lu c w 1». 1 0 6 0 n«rt«iid»

Jll . rn~’ 'A.-mgf»fln «T-a b i v — --



n Falls. Idaho— S abrdayrB ef

[•ase o“ g am e 'pm s"bo th -schoo l5 ’- r ea t l - l . ..........................................

............................. e « « u - »...............................H 15 14 0-C

inflcrlZnmiHulaeykkk)A m m sa p an lr«m Jund I ilubey kick IIn ]^ U run I HulKy Uck >lacy 81 p an trom Jond t Hulaer P » 'n > r

rtifarlrun(klc*f«il«lio a t1rwT(»ul*3rktck) -------------------rt2kerlrtm(runUlled) ^

oo()y 3 p an (ram Slmls I nm (alied)docty jp ttn liom Simla ipo^a lolled)____

m a s C ty .2 4 ,

iSHONE — Ending w hat ha( a ta u t battle through th r« ITS, th e C am as County M usherI two fourth-quarter touchdown; lost.the S h o ^ n e Indians, 24-6 J ^ t~ m s n affair.

jow n r u n 'l a t e " l n “ t h ^ t h l r e r brought Shoshone w ithin 8-6 u sh e rs took the ensuing kickol c o red on Lonnie Funkhouser'■drun:-------------------- : --------its nex t possession, Cania:

y go t a b reak when a Mushei e r caught a. deflected p ass a n to the Indians’ 2-yard line. "

-have l lked-toJm ve.seen-w ha hav e happened If the ball w a

ep ted ,” Shoshone Coach Larr; said . But it wasn’t, and md

n a f e F ‘“ 7 e f r ” W t t l k n e r , - '^ i-16(hyards on 30 carrleartookJtth o g o a llin e ------ ----------------- l.khouser opened the scoring ir illal perlod.“ p l tln g 'lh B flrS t'o > touchdowns on a 15-yard nm . ihone. M . hosts Leadore In ai oon gam e next week, whUe th« •rs, 1-0, en te rta in North Gem.

jmnty 0 0 i6 -i ................................... e 0 « 0 - '■unUwuser IS run (Robbia n a )n w r a a n n i ip i tn W W ) ----------------'unkbouaer 17 run (Stewart ran 1 ■aulkner 3 ran ICormley pan fror

:kefph 1 a 1 0___ G*m»-«lnnif.9HBI-0V“ll. S'I'f 'f RCTT1CW5.“A/I*3trt0Will s a i l iOD-Tg»j4.S«itTle7.2

Coi«»,JNoi»ft IIB-WrierJ10«« »1 a a a ciumbii* ni. &jn<jbera mCMi u 5 110 Dunew HI. HI, ftoc


“ss'£ \ sa:ijk|7!|.PMioie« Slinioo |S n 2M

HflWMSO.s __________; J i • 1 OAKUHO TOft? M n A •O'OM1 0 g 0 B H«nU»t»on II 5 2 2 1 Cfltii, . . , , Own cl ’ 51 3 I Mulll


NESOTA ,■ ?! V oiO o!il|j:“ ‘ !Ji,'g;s

p f ‘ji! g ^ » ” i*va’ “i , '1 5 *^Si*<l/inlnjRQI-M(iL r,l ? 1 5 i E-OiTU.- Cnllui. C

1 n fl , LOa-OitUftil ». I<XMI(£ « T I UuWfilM, Orojj,■ 7 ia 7 Hn-HeixJetjen i8i,.Oj»h

. ' (23) Sf-Gttca.l.l«>tf. ^

na MtCjllf (W tT) t

rSiS'S!.' --ss,-h' M I o

T a - i T —II I j ' J 2 ^ s 11 a v«»i

.................... c 4 0 I 0 Tno"

° ® Tattl* C I 14 t Tool

, T S s s J S ;I s H 3 0 Cle.«tiM 7 70-Tho<ntc™;.'!■!! i ra s - s iw

s a W s o i " ‘I, U.IOUk|«l O l

t s s — S I - . “ a . - ,

e J ? 0 '3J , 7 J J NL box scot0 Q..0 0 0_ 5 . toots- - CKS;---------------------:tMmrrn-Tr-iT7 ilUr^

» 3 2 0 0 U^J , in *?n"i^ '< 5 1 3 I JU""^ J ? n HeiMt k IB 4 I 7 3 H»n , r }a S VJtiSivW rt-}0 0■0-C T', iV J I n 0B«illc1 IS 5 I I 0 UOMJ HK J J S PW*' « '3 ” ’ >•«"*f.,M w 1 ■( J 1 flimsor TB 4 0 11 flonr

.1 .JI t i l l . AftJuHf P J 0 0 0 Drul Alien p oooaoeii.

C 3 0 10 P 0 0 0 0 loS/

? 1 2 § § p 0 “ « “ OwM l 10 1 5“'" ' P 1 0 0 0 Dom

0001BC1J-Jocoemo»-i .;

LOO-Oel-wtS.jon./a.C«pef • ------ ^

H ncnuoso yoau j7 i i o i t ^1 1 1 1 0 -- __ __ _____; ass-fe 'i;

Lcgil », Cnoja t. 20- , , , , , HH-H»nd(tck(l7).C«T(J01

...... f i a , ------------ ” j-

K S i i u , i

lai4C0Ce«-l Anduiw.LtlmiirwrJ.J


)ffens-HH— - -

Friday’s s0 - 0

Amerfcan Fal>< 20. Ater k) BLibopKel]yl3.Gru8B

Du(teCo«mtys.MaeKB:from ---------Cok>weU4t.K(BaO-----

Camas County 24. Sbosh CaplU145.PWateUo7 Cwtlelonl3S.O«U«)iU Dock) 20. Ran Rivero

ki-------------- Rmmrtt |§, MounialnHiC a n to Valley 41 M<s«i CirenleafFrtend»«.Ni

..................G to«w «>'erTyB.lU ^----------kUb»Palis3I.Bomev(l

Jcromo41,Coodlra!M KlmtiertyH.Murtaugt)i l.Mdore3Q.ClartCo4mt:

________ ■ Madl»o42.Blaekfoota

McCall 20. MarslogS h a d MkWWonl3.Home(lale

MIn5col4.CurtcyO - - N4lwPJyi7*«lI.a.M«ib.

a e r s NotOi Fremont s i. Dood w n s Prcston20.SadaSprlasi

Pullman. W#sh.2«.l-ewi ----------Kocklanda.NorthCem(

j i i r d ‘ ;; su«»rsaJeii».S(nUjFi , f tji Teton 26. JftckMo. Wyo.

« T>^laFWlall.Naiapo7 Ikoff Vaikiy40.Mal«ie je r ’s V4lUvue7.V«le.Or«.0----------------- r.W«ia«r.lB.miUUodO-

W e» ld IttH ’oodRlvef< Wcetak>o3S.CnKs9: ^

Sher WllderHIUmroefcMa n d!. “ 1 --------- ______________irtiat_________________ _________

W en d e ll 12 ^ -W o o d R iix eo k J t -------H A I L E Y - - E r i c W_ i_ _ B t e l L T h a c k e r e y - r a n - g j n - a n d - lb e .-W e n d e U J I r o J it-o f— o n t h r e e cosU y-W ood-I

to d e f e a t th e W olver , ^ c o n fe re n c e g a m e F r i d th e W e ln m e is te r opene

I w i th a 3 0 -y a rd r u n a n s e c o n d q u a r te r . A f te r

O-M f iim h lM fh o h n » nwfl't h e i r o w n 5 -y a rd l i n e r

______ th e th i r d p e r io d , T h ath e T r o ja n o u tp u t • '

from p lu n g e .T h r e e tim e s th '

-:— :----- :— _ - p - —


i i i l s i ’liP K BE«MSO u;;»^nr « n

i S ! ! ! 1 ! s s Si’ " " - '83? i j 5 < 4 e s s«mr p 34 c J M I 0 0 0 7 Ofowo B 0 “ <


tt(hUP*"'"* ” ... n I ' Totili a 5 10 Muilin.k}.tt4Jin___ N«ii-r(rt---------

TJostbf CI ]T 0 ktelTMl

s e n ;W>1l c 4 1 1 0 . nP—Utiflifftij I LOJ tol.«ld rt 4 110 8 fr.G*»n J? 2 100 SO-RiinoJ(ai.Wi)

WMie 5 J6-¥»i»n,ICTCr, Hiil, Upl tw HBP-B> Seir0J..1 (e) iS-C«lirM (Oqu«ivJ0l f-3.05-1fM4-BeB£BB0 -ATtAHTA------- '

e « V 4 3 5 . r V o ' i '1 1 0 0 0 0 J5 ,0 0

M-3 II 7 ( 0 5

-fUmirei ss 4 0 l

tSr‘3 ^ ^ ' ' 010

iointon. Iieier. HU—

s s S -, , , , , , Pfftu (W 11^ .1 ( a I n NlMenluel’ ^ “ H0»» (S 18)

51 10 4 S 0 1 P®' p>lct>«71 1 a B a t Ni«<J«nluetp.ichoi31 1 1 5 S §•? J- W >-Pc«.I-2

MOUSTOH • -•b th l

• ISeon et 5 0 0;ores K ”.? V,'i

-Ctt » . • • S t 2J-------------------------UoitUnd n 7 0 0 0lo W lf l 0 0 0 0 ..........flcnn pn 10 0 aDruHUJ p 0 0 0 0 M J ,1oe-,i«, Cf 10 0 0loOw'in p 0 0 0 0 l ^ f ^ u lu-n

S ’” !!!!S , r i ! ! ! K M K6 10 10 W S-Nie»r .utflshm^pOoOO a»<MM.CUrt.......

4 | £—aaifej-raw;™—SI, uSuL^lOO-^l

V H RER8SS0 ' ^ ^ Ibrhb 5 4 2 2 7 J C»Sl’ a ODOl

2J I 7 2 7 I Rosa IB SOI a -1 -8 0 s -o U»ltfi«iirJ II 4 OOI a I a O' a 0 o«mior« aaoc

10 0 0 0 a 0 Hdund e ooai’ ‘ K J M p i ’ ??;« 5 4 4 I 7 SefitTHdl a 5 01 C

10 1-1- I - I 0 J t 0 <’I ? S § § 2 i i S T e ? 111^

I r I '1 7 3 our c . 3BJ1 .l ,u iiw iA ^ una .rs ton« .K .z ._ t DO!S i o s iu . , *«.- a “s i . u Vo'i*.,A-iaiB. csmon p a i o t

smeds c o re s

I9>vlll«u Woodkayl# Frem o:_ _

r WoodEUru -----------------------------W-W«lI W-Thi


vfUeao----------------- r - , w-----!». WacBtfyfi GLEN

______________ F e r r y t“ 5'* F tld a y»ieo _ from tlK

T he I“ »®-------- ~ s tra ig h t.^U JeJV tl D 3^fB 4

. . th e f ir s t mo m ore In= = ^ = = ^ ' ^ l t = B r i i

fo.t9 to 2CKI .i7 • , tu rn ed i

Inksl c®' ____________ touchdoiEfo JTooS

capped I' th e th in l

H ag erm— dr i ve of....... ............— — that-wlUr t - v * O n ley ta

B ut ir

eirO.----W elnm eister and y a n is ton fnr tniirhriftwna__yyent'22 3oJan3 .qq)ltall2e d - bootedoi M Uver-turnovers-;— “ H a ^ e rines in a non- Coach 1 iday Eight, 12-0. - p ir a te s I

J ? ’'! ;® freshm e around end in th e them W s r the W olverines r e s t a r t

; m idway through w e 'r e 2-Chackaray c a p p e d ...............• with -a - l*yard »uaenn«>

GkoMPerth e Wolverines

iiisaw iii7 ] 1 Oiwjcn cl 0 0 1f^ 'tS T r'c '’ 1o2oo.aX ?rru*;t l o 2 ? ' oaowhit»pf ogaa Hirperj,

JI s I , r n n n A CtrtloaOoaiJiSrt 1011 Mellsftd

" iKW*? a a a a H «r^»_^

- „^^^tLBO.O.Ofl__ c w t i ^

ijinB I-m rtJS tM ^f'^ '’ OHOKHATl

frsrwru 3B-Sl/»«e«nr. rfgtHHEHBBSO Or'MS«n IB

'm'*a'- 'IS o ’' -C(' L o s-A w m s-------

rRN- ttxhbi d ropped I ’a S ^ /u J is . W A Z a m ^l l l & r o 3 » 4 ? I ? ^, 10 iu/sh»ii II 31 a a Tom pklr oooaSkVo n a a tack ed (

SS2 S d u c t p ^am-Rffloj* -c— 7 a o a— OOKleyj


a 11 g am e.M° Touts ^ a j a r “ I h a v

!®Rmreii. FUmiroj. dp- E 7 1 3 C

— IP H nEnBaaj - ,n g j i , - ^ u ,

7 1 0 0 1 2 P ry o r 7 3 0 a 2- s th e oper } J J J J 0 tra d e d pi

fl 10 0A» tanot Ir> em, ArgUCllO.S M a " ” ly b a rg e e

i>N Arhti m iaa ic 0 )III c o ^ t o fIS" en d lng .lt

110 L»ons(a 11 110 lefts and i

,Vo!3S.'» !i!) 0 0 MDjm P • 1 0 0 0 „ ..-----S S T rl? ' OOOO -ricU 7 I ^ ' ^ ’ flJ lS .. *00

n am es i

?nS?LoS^e.»A.7.S.n-Orwktiun. SMin 30— S4>C0ndS.s . f e s ' j ’ s ; R isM

! ” 1 0 i 0 ! V ales ' n ! ! ! . ro iicn i,!] 1 i i > S ; m an >67,1

C l S

S S f f i y ' , 5 ! I. p l i e d tooiiSnS-'U to 0 b a re b a c l

■ a o ^ K ^ *? ? r a n k e d 1BOMS5«h 3 b l l 20th..Si3CIS S S iS iB I I I h a d a 7:

i l i ^ r 26 5 0 0 - in thebo i

' f i i - s i S e0 0 maioi oft i « 0 ' _S tephaa

loiibt!rtra ted “ W endell’s ~ iO,~ b u t- ess lo n each Ume, twice bles a n d once on an Interceptii endell. w hich improved to 8 h ost to V alley nex t w eek, v d R iver, .1-1. trave ls to S nont.

S ' . .’...’. r.'~ ~ ! b T 1 i '.................................. 0 0 «■WdnmeWiiTJOrua Inn tttUaH . .. 7hackw«ylrua(runUUed).

ennsEeny 39, igerman 8ENNS F E R R Y - The G le f P ilo ts tu rned to the alrw; ly n igh t to ta k e ,a 39-8'decls th e young H agerm an P ira tes . 5 P ilo ts, winning the ir s e a ^ t gam e, broke on t<^ wl B ellegante rom ped 58 yards

rst q u a rte r. T be Pilots added j in th e sccond when S ^ t Ulln iri4 ft=B unker=w lth=ain8-73 i g : i i H K 0 3 0 e n « a t ? n n K a ■0 a t Interm ission v4ien h e ' d a n Interception 37 yards.

converted on th e . sect dovm..o e-y aM p Iiu ig e 'b y lio d lS eab d a G lenns 'F erry drive to J rd period to m ake i t 2&0 befi rm an cam e back with Its o: o f th e night. G reg Locke cap i rith'^S'flv&yard'romp'and'Shi ’ tadoed on th e tw oiw inter.

in th e final period. Isenh red up h is a rm for two dos: cawngr~T&C' fln f r o verBd -

to R on Crone and the- secc 22 y a rd s to T rav is Grone.-Ulla j o n e e x tr a point. — igerm an is a young teai«i,'' s I P a u l ' Shrum hi c ith ig i BS fo r spunk. “ Ih e y s ta r te d fi men o r sophom ores aga l W e know how th a t feels becai

o rted s ix sophomores two ye;

2-O rightnow .”

.7.' !7.'.'.'.nr.'.7« "6 '0 ” •P e tiy ..........................« 14 « UBelicsantfl 58 run < ran ftUed)Bunker ia pan Ir«m Unlinky (Unll

10 10 >Vrr>» cl 1 0 fl 0 Selwri— 47-4 »-4-T«4aM-------S J -U — PowcMi flaBonxoocei-t wiuoi^ CB0 100 02BeOBO-) Eusk:iMinnlflo RBI - Ltletn* |7). Ocslet4einison.^miai [>P-P.i!>»ut0j 1, O-lvOcMli«»lpfta I, P«nsbutofi I .211— FoKy2, Ucr.-DWeius. HR-V«ri4on (S). • Pul«o111, P*fJ (III. SB-S10"» III.' S - j ^ :

^ ------g-H BaBBtO-—OmB

Hi (w Wl ^ 0 a 0- a 2 ^

^ ^ = F F H 1 4 s

I 3 a a a [ tw ii 213 u , ^It fl 4 0 1 0 OwTivi fl 117

IB 1 Oflfl Mth.aWj el 01 J '* ” ■

a M T 0 a t•Continued from P a g e B lr a c a u ^ t th e b a ll------- tl:«d It. Tho officials ruled U r a h a d possession and tha t been in terfered with, y/t kins pro tested too loudly, t t d on ah unsportsm anlike o K n alty tha t took th e ball to 'l y-32. F ive p lays la te r, Reyno: igged the ball into the end zc 12 .yards..w lth_7 :24Jefl-in .l

lave to say it. tha t w as a terril

o u t —s c a u c u e t f t r o n r t ^ B t —nutes.j r sto rm ed from h is com er penlng bell and th e fighte I punches in Arguello’s c o m llo. who seem ed flustered, flm ged o u t b u t a s ho turned a rig0 th e <dila dropped hinLln-tJ1 of tho ring. He w as up a t U of five and P ryo r, Intent 1 L it.qu ick ly , pelted away, wl i d r i ^ t s t o th e h e a d.lello’s legs w ere leaden and < «ilt alreaify showed under h

o d e o - ^Continued C ron P a g e B l s a to p tbe lead e r board wt ^ p ^ im tb e lr victim in ds.b t hohfrsd th a t duo w as 1 - a n d son te a m of D ick and J . w hich recorded a 7.5. 1 ' a r e cu rren tly tb e No. 1 tc£ i_lin th^ w o r i± winning me57,000 betw een them , n is W atldna:.-aD d..B ob H nd h a d a 7.6 an d Joe l M aker a B Artjs p a ired up for a 8.2 effoire D unham an d D a r H i ^ 1 up s c o io - o f 74 to lead I a ck compeUtton. Dunham d 17th in th e w orid. H a s l ^ S ixteenthdranked D anny Bro I 72. R ou P a rr ish re m a im ( r In th e e v a i t w ith tb e 8 3 1» J books W ednesday n ig h t - ly W ahlen took^over th e b [ load a f te r G a ry ToOle an d M a n s hod sh a red It Crom the Inll

EsandC F ^ ^ n ito ^ w to t-

Itw uu CF-lM *lrtlt«B(ptl ption. li-LACkeSnsKOeleyi to 2-0. GF-R. Crwe M pMi

-IE— = -

T tJ v S lT ^ OMalad 6

MALAD — Sei _____M a r tin . Mussmani

^power th e Valley V F rid ay . 4M .

jle n n s M ussm ann powcj Irways »ni>rhfVmm< fm in Ti !cisk)n_ followed .that with

version nm . In I Jecond running la c k Dav

from 8 y a rd s out a >«Jsln po ln t-a fte r.theV lk i

- _S tIcW n g to ita riin JIInsM cam e o u t In U » tW

— o n-lY acv-B lack !s- H ® n r j7 v ,h i ic in . th e fina: h®' ^ M u ssm a h h .w eh t.t “ • Show n T hacker fror second M ussm ann Iced L

________ Z irord r u n la te r in.tsabaif— face. M alad’s D ea ><^>en i& .yardpasstoavoli before w hU e Valley’s ofl * only certah ily to be adn

___ re s t Fonnesbeck haiShane f t s blacksh irts.

■‘W eJu s tp lay ed e in h art he sa id . "W ith tbat Joslng w ere ab le to controe d -9 0 — w e ^ t e a t o ? ' -------«cond . poim esbeck n o t ninskl— jlnebackO T D annyl-------------T ubbs; and also sale

com h T n am o n :o fN ff th e J a y K incaid ^ d 1 d fo u r— m ightily to Valley’s gainst'^ u s e V«uey..........................

------- V-Tilley a n n ' is

V-Bladc23nmiiIol*UB! ------v--nu»ek*f 17 pan trei U - 9 rani

V-Munmtnn3rui(ra: Uollmkl V-WatdlOpanframAl

<K«fier p 0 0 0 0 X*nnMr C Ao.l 0 I

s r H S ^ t i r lol«y ss 3 0 10

; 1G*m«-«inmfiflHto-G»imnlSj. '

jfle^}!'ifioSMl.lOS-c2e«v>*«J. ] jn nKno r. 7B- Rousahoidtr, KenaMr, 'g . * ; q g ' a S g l l ? ° r r Z ~ '“ “ ■‘' - ““ " " “i. , n n is s o

Ondnntll_________ __ ]

'”41 i rn,-14,7*5.

rdEEEEzEca ll,” sa id Tompkl

- then— w as one o f th o worsl J th a t I ’ve e v e r seen . Bul la t he a re like everybody When m istak es too sometli . they B on Owen broke i con- point a fte r, and UtL to 'the- ' fo r O akley therei yrnolds scored less than tv 1 zone a f te r th e Wolves gotIn, the__ _0 akley.20 , ,w ith_^n

............from Reynolds In tirrible —4wo-point convers

________^right-cycr-buliiejna• th e ro u n d .---------- -

............... P ry o r continued thier a t the sccond and thii ;hters A rguello’s h e a d .fo r •m er. laiKllng w ith lead ri final* ag a in and again. E ji r i ^ t . r o u n i P ry o r m issed

n - th e__ butscorcdMrithiLfolI'it the the head that orira ag It on down. Pryor attackew ith, -w h ir lw h id s ty le and 1

________ hut-was.unftblR to-piId an looked a rm -w eary s T h is round.

perform ance. Wahli w hen B utte” io r an 80 p In 6.9 M iller a lso m a n a ^

into th e m oney wlUi is th e “ L eroy B raw n ."-1-

^ . Suzzaoe Fauset ' tnVm b a rre l rac in g field

• tn a n g u ia r p a tlen i Me- onds.

• ra n d P e g g y R e lte rh a d i “ O rt- o f Hom edale recon

D ebby Brunei pu t to£ CompeUtlon In*

un Is B u U fl^ th ig t i g h t s F r id ay ’s periorm an th e 1981 worid cham

® to m ove in to 'a tie fc l » p u t ■ ^ D ari AUiipd. wh

' „ have 222 points. Wl

-b e h in d - w lth-221.pol d e ra o n h a s2 ll .

1 God>i«avttar«t^(ranU lll 0 e ptnfaUed)

Sirfrom h a ia i i (UllnsU Rapan rmn Iscohort ikkk DEC

Off si finally

0 , ~ ” r .- - ................................... squaW_____________________ in to J ISenior quarterhadc ’ hook© uin ran fo r two 26-yar

V l k l n ^ p ^ M ^ a d keepin Matthc

rcred the firs t o f h is a n d thjI TO ynrrts nwny nnd Inponi Ji a successful con- w lth th

tlie nent qunrler,.v ld TUley w ent In ^ ^ a e r l a l

unningganw . Valley W rd period to

to t f ie j i I r_ to :h ] t then«m :i7 yards but. ' ^ u c h d I the trium ph w ilh a >rom n th e fourth. T o M v e D evin“i l W ard a iu g b t a acro ss o ldashu tou t.offensive punch w as dmIo ..,dm lred. Coach For* d- ms ia d a b ltjp _ 3 a y ^ ^ u t

1 excellent defense." ' lat kind o f effort wejo l th e ball tbe -way

otod the p lay o f y DooglasTind B rian— -* lid th a t his backfieldT B i « i n a n h T ^ G y . ~ r M ^ 1 Black contributed ‘ BuIIdoj -ssuccess.. t e a ^ C

............• • 8 »♦-* M urtaif ® * - • Klml

,seyer««"" p«n ea r l^safe ty

itlMpan{remMunn.anfl) 22 n^rtrem MuwMzm (Kli*c*kl pgyUg.

ranfilW) No 01i/UdredlpanfAlled) ble.

---r~ .~ ;

J M S S M MNFL8jandlngsi,_

U ( 1"o'■o^£S■ » '’o

'^H«w'"£n5l^ " ~ 0 1 0. c i J ” ■Hauilflfi . , a 1 0 .000 3S 41

—OneSSS—____p^-jUL-OQ—IIL-a.LA lUlders 1 0 a 1,00} 70 10D«n>«r 1 0 0 1,CC0 14 10

—lU«srC*li-------- 1—»-«-l«0-l7—StslIK 0 I fl .(DO 13 17

W L T Pct 'PF PA; g 'i

iklns. “ In fac t th a t Reynoli ret-offJclated g a m e s - r u n afilut l guess officials H ornetly else. 'R iey m ake m a d e lt •times."Ke th e tie w ith .th e . Ittle e lse w ent right pcafter. CasUeford -two m inutes la te r, 2 “ '''®'

p t a tu rnover on th e o -cS Sample taking a p ass r - b oi the end zone. The c~ sanrsion failed, b u t 9 ~ ^

n a n a g e d J o ^ M o d v e ___

th e a ssau lt t t i r o u ^ ap p a re tiird rounds, using brea th , or ta rg e t p ractice , m ore ir i ^ t s to the h e a d __ six th .a

E ariy In the fourth evenw : id with a righ t hand b ig kno jllow-upJefthookto .. periaUji a ^ r i sent Arguello P ry o r’s k ed in his fam ilia r Argu d battered A i^uello into a i piit him a wfly_and— pushed

' a t the end of th e a f te r A o r foui

hlen rode “ Squaw M ore point effort, R oss -am ong

^ to put h im self foUowli th a 71 point rid e on F rid i

B w ^t bea t out a fas t . n^ikins. d w ith a I7.70 run . «rx. glris a ^ ra n tho I ' i n undw 18 soc- ’’S S

. QJ«RnuD

i a 17.73, K ay D avis ■ " S H iorded a 17.81 and a s ;3 .E0 g e tb e ra l7 .g 7 ru n . »■>.1 ‘ -the W rangler To«n i !Ded a s a resu lt of

Mll“ Ha. rSSSnimplon, scored a 78 for the lead. H a re . .-pBgayJJ-

vho h ad a 69. each BnnMl.v iVIck Peth, th e 5i- -P a m e r , . i a - r ig h t . )olnt8,;JIm m y-Ai»-— wkk-p*

3tling -)ecl6~20, ~ iaftRiver6OECLO— The D ed o H ornets shoA ’ s ix turnovers F riday night (b lally tu rn back the stubborn RaftvcrTroJarcrCW ;------------------;-------:—[n th is traditional C assia County uabble. D edo scored d g h t m in u lte0 th e gam e when Dwight Jenkins oked up wiUTKcDyTVIangun on a y a rd scoring play.■Rut nftp r th n t -we_ had trm ihlc— ^ in g the ball.'J .sald Coach Mike itthews. “ We had th ree fumbles1 th ree Interceptions and 125 yards >enalUes. Wo fcUJuf-ky. ta ge taw ay — h th e w in .”lo f t R iver pulled even in the sccond i r t e r when Todd McGhie c a p ^ a ve by getting the la s t 12 yards. 5poedster B art Kelsey then pro- led -the-w inning-touchdow ns.-H o— ired-frorn-nve-yard8out-w lth-a:03—

in -w ound ' up th e - insurance ichdow n-drive by b d tln g across - im vrith two with 1:16 reniidhlng; v in Powers ra n the two-pointerposs:---------------------------- ; ; ‘

.............. ........... « a 0 » r«to ............................................ « 0 e • - »—MansLm2Span fran JenU n (n n f«Ued) R.~UeChlo 12 lua (run M kd)=Kct«e79TiBitpaw(>iled>----------------------------^KdflByJrun(Po*er*nui)......

'4mberfy-34,— furtaugh-0— ■dURTAUGH------- 'T b e-K im b eriy —lldogs , exploded for four c h ^ w n s in the firs t q u a rte r and . led to a 54-0 decision ov er tbe r t a u ^ Red Devils F riday n ig h t .< :im beriy got Its offense h i giar 'ly=^-the defense d tlppL ig lu wlUiu ety — to score 42 points In th e first m inutes against the young R ^vilsr" " ............. o ther details w ere m ade avolU*

0«lfOII 0 IJDO 11 -0t _ UmnesoU I 0 iCO U «>

. I 0 ' ; S 17 nc PA Tunpi BSf ^ 1 a oco a i:

I g - ;■

— r -

i-i;— s a S S g ar- -3 17 Dl!UsifSl.lOuls.1Utn,’ *’ a j;{ ? ,? rK !.!S p ’!n*"-F PA HS»l“ s?LA:'FUkJ«S>Jpin.1 30 NS^MM*l'LAfHliniS;2b.t^

-nolds scored agahi on a' one-yard a f te r - th e -W olves-got a n o t lw —

n e t .fumble.:.Ron, Owen's_klcked I e l t 2f l 2 .

jy .-..................................... 0 U 0 C - Uefonl .............................. 0 8 0 » -p 8

- WooilbouNll ran (WcKblocked).- Sarr^te O pan trom Reymhb (kkk ra IM I, -0I(Buun4atQtercep(k>niklckr«U«il). . ;BoyD(^tfaUnialBaiOwenklcU----------_____- Sample24 pan frem ReymUf (n o {ailed). -Reyn>ldilnm(Rtt)OweflUck). ^

h e pace of the figh t slowed consld- bly-ln-the {irtlT-round-^lii « y o r _ larenUy looking to ca tch his a th . Arguello actually landed re punches in th e fifth, and the lh.and.sevtinth rounds w ere falriy n w ith P ryor content to look fo r the knockout punch and Arguello <tes-

aMJly- looking for a solution to ^ r ’s stylo. ’ , ' x g u d lo m anaged to back P ryo r > a co m er In the eighth bu t S te d e hcdh lo iiM tckA n^fiduclsdA paln t— i r A rgud lo dd lv e red a t least th ree four blows bdow the b d t.

lore than $8,GOO w ill be d i s t r i b i i ^3hg those four d o m * b u U f](^ tm owing ton lght'spertorm anee.— -- t id a y night’s resu lts; :•

tr^Mck - 1 Itia) Steve Dikliam''arid''I)Ar Um . 74: 3. Danny UnKly. 73; 4. Layne Morrti.-

ear wrHUlat - 1. Ttefncy; «.lj tT cr.-!4 Jrl’nm R dv«««M »*-‘-------- ---------a a t t n e e - i . Botch SmtU. 7 4 i-2 ,-B ^- ■niBxboa, OB; M . Jco ScoUil aad Jotanao.07. *__lU pT*«a - >' Tleraey, 13.4; 3. Joe Sagen.; I Dan Kddkfflwi. a 7 ; 4. Jen* l CamwlUo.

«m rapiiv - 1. Jake MUtoo and Lee Wood- M V lS e k - « d J4). Y at«. 73; 1 D ittto

Kipt a a l Bob McCWUwl. 7J;-C Jfld .M ttcr.- Oeorg»Arai,U. i r w n ^ ^ -

3 u f » 5 '- 1 . Kelly Wahkn.« : t Baw »ffllcr.l.D aleJehaam.ea. . ’ '<•r s t f a r bnDlMttBg^irMU«-iUr«.-n;-2— li-P«lw-J3;-VJJ«i-AIl«d..«:.4..^lWny_

• ................ .......... — ..


Page 11: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates



------- Tirnes-Neim m ie r ----------

' TW IN F A L U - Sopt co llected th e individual l ir

' Jx> w ith in two points o( a i J ^ U e g e o f Southern Idabo •m eet F rid ay .

Kene, wii6'won the"naU0 'c ro s s coun try title la s t fa -F o u r of th e n ^ flve m en Q

...J-W creH igW andR am s.____M inico’s Jo se Vega. wtM

fall, c a m e from sixth placc — - c o ^ I e o f hundred y ard s U


^ ^ N e t t— uiiiUKl P w as iniem atlc

- r - s ^ i M cG regor h ad t e„-ble on the' road (Ms sea:

B altim ore Orioles, but a N ettle s i^ U e d tha t stn

, night a t New York.

—N ettles, 39. and his team

d ra w n a n d tired a fte r re ti M ilw aukee a t - th e concli

------- B u c o ss fn rW T w d tr lp , ye_____iw th ird basCTna n reached

U lD i'S c tra a n a 'c a m e Uira • two^run h o m er In tbe eight

T h e M e w Y o rk Y ankeesa S 7. .. O rioles w ere wai -•'and should have been fre ' “N ettles. " I know I’m tire

before th e gam e. But we___ L^t i r e e o u t iirlii.m a te J

th is r a c e . 1 h it a high fasU ; 'o u t o f th e s trike zone.”*'*' N ettle s’ bom er, h is 19th,

..... - t ie an d snapped McGregoi"w hm lng s tre a k on (he roac a lso m ad e a w inner of R IS ^ , wbo w ent th e d istai I9 thU m e. .

T he v ic to ry re duced I------- m argltt-dver-New-York-iif

con L eaaue E a s t to four { tr iu m p h a lso w as New. Yor

........;o_row .and .lO th Jn its 1 ^w hile th e defeat w as oiily I

; th ird ln l6 g a m e s . A ’B T .E lu eJay sS - • A t Toronto, Miko Reatl

____.fllnglR In. th e eighth Innin

— ' h igh llg h t-a th ree -ru n rally th e A 's . T ra iling M , O akl in th e eigb th . B ack> (o^ck

------ Way n e tiro s s .a n d E tanM eisco re 5-5 and one>out la

____ sngled to cen te r to score Me

Phils ni]- B y U nited P re ss In tem atioi

— Jo o L efebvre singled ho- H ernandez w ith two o u t in

' th e 13th lim ing F rid ay nlghi.¥>hni>rt«»lphln P»i»Uffg tn fl <

_:.Over th e PittfibuiBh Pirates.T l» v ic to ry vauliK i tbe P

, f irs t p la c e in lhe N ation • E a s t^ H ernandez singled off th losing p itc h e r J im BUdiy,

l_ tw ) - o u t , . . to o k . ,s e c o n d wl S chm idt w alked and moved B ibby’s w ild p ltchT L efdrn t

— i-2 " p i ic h ~ ln io 'l e f r -o e ld - H ernandez.

-V. . ' HemaxKfat-pitched4hre&-

th e eigh th on solo homers

' ". M c E n r o e & F i l

Navn- - N EW YORK (W I ) -*~~r^ |g n tn g -f |iw v * n -n f - t lv \- i r'-^N avratilova, seeking th e s i

to e lude h e r, cam e aw ay wi . to s e t up a showdown t o ^ .

. — J i 'l r s t i t w as N avratilova < aw ay b e r close friend and

. S h river, 6-2, C-I, following V '" 'ta llB rito n J o Durie, 6-4,'*■' T he tw b H nalls ts thus-m i

sbc m a tch es w ithout (he los th e top seed , oop/wttrig on

-.-E verty ield ingSS .

-•■" F o r'I^avratU ova it w as s ' > -a s -S h riv e r w as th e one wb------ aidellnes-iUUM ^knoeking-l- V.'ctuflrterflnalfl." She also s e t

“ ilay d ay S a tu rday . Iiicluclljia r.w o u ld p u t b e r over th e S6 ■••earnings.

E v e r t , s ix Umes th e Op / c a r e e r advan tag e o t 30-23 o>

- ^ ‘•N avraU lova-has won tbeir- e ig h to f th e la s t nine.

' • ' “ I h a v M 't played 100 pt ' - t h i s y e a r , bift dM h asn 't W . ..-E v e rts a ld . “ r U h a v e to id ^

th a n I h a v e all week.— “ l-b b p e-I-canpu t-m y 'bes

•~bac)rw jllbo-ag;w nst-the-w ai


1 boyi__________________ , - p r c


kq?homore Rob Rene I firs t and led Highland a pcrioct score In the ^

tbo p rep (zoss counlry

fiveiuonai;ju ftio ro iym pic— saw t-fall,-clocked a 17:48. "I :n across tbe finish line ' **Th

_______________wisJS p l a y e d football lost Ai ace.going into the final said Is (o secure-fourtb-and— com

^ 1 1- '- ....................... ...

McNealy scores

t l e s ’^Htional-------

u n b e a t ^ ' - ^ ^ ^ ^ l season for the ; a tired Gralg streak FYiday

om m aicsw ero returning from nclusion .of a ; ^ t tbe'vetcr-— bed back for a hrough with a 01 th th a t Rave 'a S^^um pET^ ivalting for us . fresher,’'-said t ired and was we m ust win

ke headway in Bgtbnli. I think

X h,brokea3-3 H | g | | B ‘goris 13-gomo t>ad. The blast f Ron Guidiy, stance for tho

d Baltim ore's iTffthe^Smori. ir gam es. Thefo rk ’s th lrd Jn _______N e w .’1 ^ _ M gam es_ ly Baltim ore’s ' w as'riinh ln i

only one hi M ike B um s

eath’s onfrout a n d Cartlon iilng .drovc in ..G reg Luzins

lUy th a t lifted lh e - v ic to r ;akiand rallied s tra ig h t ancick doubles by B u m s, 9-9, d V leverttedihe— tm til-B rown

later, H eath w ith tw o ou1 McNealy, tbe Twins 7,a aS o ^ E rw h o Al'M lrihea

ip Piratetional r:rr- - - ~ ----------------------- t— •hom e Willie ‘ i. K r ? J ^

L in tb o tq » o f—

eP H m ira lblo

E a c ° „ ” “

n»4illteai-to- - r i a i n , - w t o itd'tofi-4 ' — basom an Te S r e a r ^ n n ^ - e r iW - T J i f t r C iers by Dave R ose de liv e r

Reming win doi,

''atilova,— Chris E v«rt U oyd, the -U .S ^O p en r-an d -M artin a— e s ln ^ e prize th a t continues f wl(h easy v ictories F rid ay loy.for the wom en'scrow h.^a (HI C enter Court, blowing ' and doubles partxier, P a m lg which E vert tu rned backW . ...........m ade i( through the ir flrst- I loss o f 'a set, Navratilova,' only 15 gam es and No. 2,

IS sweet revenge inasm uch wbo sen t b e r cry ing to ig -h e r -o u t- in la s t y ea r’s - setbereelf up fo r a - linga'$S00,00d bonus, wiiic^S6 million marie In c a ree r

Open chanqilon, holds a 3 over h e r old foe, although elr-Iast-fivo-m oetlngs-and—

t percent aga inst jv ia r tld a __. 1 ^ m e p lay 100 p ercen t,” play 10 (0 15 percent b e tte r

best gam e on4he-lineAM y— w ailr*> -to«peak .-because—

s app]irevcnti^ghlnnri’sjw oep . - ___

H l ^ a n d also took t h e '^ I s v i rith 32 points bu t. Wood Riw rlcGinnis, a two-time s ta te char ast spring , r a n off with Indlvldui

McGinnis appeared ’ to coast ou rse which th is y e a r h as bee [ve kilom eters (3.1 m iles) for a ld ap p caran ceap p ah jfltly belli *'It w as h ard ,” said the sm all

T h e e x tra distance m ade a lot o d^sh i tw a s lik e j t w as la s t yparj I A lth o u ^ 's fie w as u h te s t^ In tl

aid , “ I h ave a long w ay to go" ondltionlng;-addlng.that-shc be

IS winner for A ’s

w .Y o ik l s W U lI e R a n d o l p ]

iIng“ ro r" M e y e m im ” A 'c k e r~ h it — a two-out single by

ms in the seventh Inning — lon F isk , Tom Paciorek and Jnski belted succcssive first - m ers to can-v th e White Sox.tory w as Chlcago’s - f l f t h __and l l lh in a row a l home.3, d id not allow a baserunner w n-llned-aj^6in^«-to-cM ler— ouls In the seVenlh"InnIhg. '

toyals6(10)leapblis.TCM fHrixskTiinils

as, move

m d Tony P en a off s ta r te r ■lion.--------------ra le s took^a’W) load In tho • - I a leadolf bom er by J im

’ s ta r te r Johii Candelaria p erfec t gam e through fivo

u t In th e sb((h h e h it leaddffT J isz isn iif fa a u ia e rw ith -a — : 1, one out la te r, Carltoniaz-at-seconcL - Joe . J ilo rg an__nded te th ird b asem an Mor- hose- throw - pulled- first - Tenace o ff 'ih e bag f o r a n — rC fifl(6n~K »K rihlr<r-pet6— 'e red an RBI singliHo tie the

r u b l e s c r o w n

Evert LhQ ~ s h e 's supposed’te’ bea t me 1— w hat kind o f tennis I p lay:'' 5 N avratilova, who s a y s « f w hen they first m et 10 yei

sm iled an d said ttello to me ; - ru n u p a m a tch rccord of 1 d o foa t com ing te -K a tb y . c Open. S ince January-' 19 - ' - h a n d e r h a s won 155 matche t T h e m e n 's sem ifinals al , d a y wlUr defending ch a

m eeting Bill Scanlon anc u p s ta r t J im m y Arias.

E a r iie r F r i d ^ . John M< \ Ing won (be m en’s doub

Frify Riw»hntng nn___________ __

— - N avratilova, adm itting I couldn’t be m uch be tte r Ui ' se rv icesbcU m esaga instS l

th e final six gam es “ I h a d th e j i l t e r a a t tb o l

ju s t exc ited being there ,” I ;— th o u g h -P am -b ea t-m o -b er

because I knew I’d b ea to i b__ th a t she’d have to p lay unb

m e .”S h riv e r felt (he tunUng

g am e o f th e <^)enlng se t, Ji — back ./o r:2 -2 . N avratilova — w itb tbo b ro ak th a t seem ed

»roael___ '_ 1 __________ m o re ..w9 v arsity division ‘*i«toncoi l iv e r 's M aureen McGlni hampion In track prom ptin Idual honors. no te , “ W( tast through th e la s t y ea r been extended to 'R iv e r ;” “ for girls but sb e .S ta n d sjelled th e fact:-------- Im pruvenlall'blood junior. - ouryoun{ ot of difference. I ' ' y e t a n d w u -(th reoK ).” (Szubcrt) In this-; M cGinnis-' ' 'G ln g w ;o" in (he a re a of , Twin F a l



I p h s c o r e s .o n D a v e W in

•— second b o m e ro f tbe-gam r th e 10th inning and prq>el

B re w e n S -l, T igers 1-2. .. i A t M ilwaukee, r i ^ t fie I - M oore m lsplayed e n elghi

ball th a t enabled C3}et LeiI__th e w inning .run and glv, sp lit o f Ihe ir d6iible4ie ‘ Cooper’s twc^run home•__ r«nmhlrw»rf g l r A tl p ltrh ttl]r ' 'H a a s " a n d - P e te r T a d f f

Brewer3ihelr.Y th 6, Ind ians 4

’ into 1stsco re 1-1.M e ts5 iE x p 0 8 4 -------------

'I A t M o n t i i , K eith Her w ent .3-forr3.. singled he breaking ru n in the sevei

' _ S e a v e r allow ed six hits In n in g te help tbe"M e

’ ■ ■ E xpos’-'fo u r-g am e 'w ln r ‘ S caver, 8-13, needed reli<

J e s se O roeco in the ninth ‘ out J im W olhfotd an d TI

end th e g am e for h is 16th 1 C ardtoals 6. Cub^5 (1 0 )_

A t CWcago, Willie McG th e w inning run In th e to

“-o ff-L ee -S m ilh - to -g iv e - tl theh- fou ijh victory in th


loy d dueme,' and I ’m curious to see

^ ^ ys she w as In aw e of E v i ^ y ea rs ago "an d when Chris > m c l was m e s m e r i z e d ," ^ of 65-1 th is y ea r, (hb s ln ^ e

by Horvath a t th e F tench 1982 (be .26-year-old te n ­

ch es and lost four.B also will be played S atur- champion J im m y Connors and Ivan tak ing on

I M cEnroe and P e te r F lem - oubles fo r tb e th ird tim e, yuid-Van-W hiltsky, M , W , -

n g h c r s e l f t h a r b t f gam e” r than it w as F rid ay , broke It Shriver and sw ept through

bo beginning because I waa !,” N avratilova sa id . “E v en b e re - la s t-y c a r I frit g » d . - o i her (he la s t few tim es and u n M . i e v ( ^ . t r a ^ t o ^ t 7

Ing point cam e in tbe flftb t. Just a f te r she b ad broken v a respondedJm m edlately w d tocnB hher-friend .— — i

hperlw eeks‘ of..tra in ing would i B m om cw iifo itablef b fbCT?- •

innls led Wood R iver to thi ing,Twin F a lls Coach Duane iVe'ro righ t w here we w ere a t a r trylng'to~ ca td i.u p _ w

Is sa id his Bruin glris sbov em cul fiviii lastw eekraddlns n g e r g lris aren ’t to rea l good w e expect them to run close

1 ) and (Klm) H annab by next ir“S m ed ley won th e 'lS M a u i ‘a lls g iris 'c la lm ed the junlo

o v e r Q

In f ie lc i ’s f i f t h - in n in g b a

m e to lead off------A tC levelel theTw lns. in fou r n m

- _____ ,a n d a s ln g l(Id d e r C harlie f lrs t hom er 5hlh inning fly R ed- Sox. ] e m b n to sc o re . Ind iansove dve Detroit a (ihaiKUpiUl (leader. Cecil M a r in e rs^ ner and .-the .. .A t_ S caUtng nf M fxw rhn m h p m tiia ~ g a v e - th e ■ “arid M lk e lth eo pener ---------comblned-o

M ariners.

t place in--------- ------ — D odgeraS,]

-T T . _ _ A t Los-A em andez, P c n a drove h o m e .th e .tie - in th e s e c o i renth and*Tom re io .bomei its over 8 1-3 T t e trium p -fels snap (he lead iri'the nnlng=5treak.— ihriee^am e a ie f help from P a d re s 8, R ;th, who s tn ic k -— A t-San-E T Im R a ln c s to . th re e - ru n hh sa v e . ___ s lx th _ ln n i___________ ^ __ M cReynoldiGee singled in - t o l ^ d the I (£¥ o f tbe 10th pltchingofy -the-C ardlnals--A 8tro87,-G l th e ir la s t five A t San

;_ jg .a _ g ^ a B u ck n e rto tb e w ith Fran*

- , leadhigH ou

eltodg}^^B " I f 1 b old se rve for_3^

b e c n ^ f o ^ t , " sa id S h r t th is po to t she’s ju s t bef B p o in to d ltild n ’ts tay c lo sc s _ A sked if she thought 9 im prove, S h riverre^w nd 1 A l th o u ^ Shriver hx - N avra tilova only (hree i

i n ^ two of those successi E v e r t g o t off to a ten t

1 2-0 , b u t th en c am e b a c k ' I th ird am i flflh garoes to

be ld to open (be secood sc * flv o R an x s to g o u p S -l;

------W ith tb em a td i-seem ii^ s e e d e d 14th,.8uddeolyj:t( ) s e v o itb gam e, w arded i b re a k in tb e e l ^ ( h and be 1 B u t E v e r t w asn’t ab

chance, tMldIng a t love t I m inu te m atch .I M cE nroe Fleming i . . J l t l e In 1979 and iflBl.aa] r doubles trium pb. while Bl

-h o m e |l2 ,0 0 0e a c h . ' ' ~M d ^n ro e and Fleihiog

I ckMibles th is y e a r f(7 tb e (i 1' N av ra tilova and Sbriv ’ M is ia Jau so v ec and KaU - i^ th e f ln a lo ttb e w o m e n ’g d

•feetici m ake th e c row nallbouf

th ird place,ne S tands to i^m cB rM -i: I a t (his tim e

» :« : 0. Prwu, •!towed aomo Whjuy. t f . s:so;I n g rT w o o f— ------ -od condition - ^ = 1 =5 ^ ee to T e e s Ie R , ^ . 4.Rigto-i extiQonth.”duaTUlIe as^^X T lH iyiW ea. ’

b a s e h i t F r i d a y n i g h t

/e land,-D aveSU pleton drove tm s w ith a th ree-run bom er Igic a n4 Dwight E vans hit his ner since Ju ly 30 to lead the

B ob-Stanley blanked the >ver th e final th ree innings to lus 'iuinsflve- ^16, R angers 4^------------------attle , -Al Cdwens ^ Al

e 'M oore 'a n d ' M ike Stanton 1-on^a-slx -h itte rrpac lng 'th r ' [.

n East3 ,B rav es2 _________________I AngfllW, Atojnnrfm)ve Ih'two'runs-vrilh-a.slnglo. cond inning and P edro Guer- ncred to lead the Dodgers, mph tocreased tbe D odgers’ h e NationaI“LeaguB‘W « r t o in « over th e B ra v e s .~ — “ ,R ed s 2i-Diego, Bobby Brown h it a 1 hom e run to c ap a four-nm ruling and rookie Kevin Dids.drora In tw oD thcrruns- se P ad re s behind th e fou^hlt ofAndyHawklns.G lant84---------------n F rancisco. Phil G am er th ree m na w ith a bom er and _ a ^ J oe Niekro coriiblned ink D lPlno on a slx-HUer, louston.

[for titleth e f I rs tjy o u ld J ia y e

Shriver, w ho then a d ^ "A t be lte r (han m e. I’m dlsap- o se tober.”S it N avratilova tcUU - m ight » d ed , “ OhGod, Ibcqw not." had been ab le to beat

0 tim es in 17 previous m eet- s s e s cam e a t (he O pra. sntative sta rt, failing behind :k w ilh service b reaks In the to take control. A fter Durio

1 se ^ E v e rt cap tu red the next

n lng ly g w e,l> u ric , u ^ 'w a s 'itoughfioaL .SheJield in the, ad off two m atch points to I held again to d o s e to 4-5. about , to g ive h e r aoother ’0 to end th e one h ou r and 15

Ing, who previoualy .wDn the nniTMwt p j lym e ach Xor theUr- I B u^inlng.4 nd W lnltaky.took

log d M th e W l^ Ie d o n e th ird tlnw .elver later' team ed to defeat ^atl^r Jo rd an . 6:2, to.^tdn

0 rt atough Bruto Rick Valdez ranofi honors. ' — ~


•ftfiTeanedtey, TF. MlSB; i a tUWef. WR, M:3Lr»:cB:<. j . Teniic. m v a iOBiTrHOfnU, TF. K-Af. 7. M. HeCJBweU. TT.(:S0; ». S. Jcoea. TF. a:S7; 10. S. Meyei

---------- JVDoy»---------------------» -4^U abaa M: l-Twln-F«lU SbySX9.J«rocae1H.

■njiiT*ka.-TF,-t8;a; rnrProeterrinBhTlB-MI9:IS; 4. T.'Oenlnir'Am. Kslts. 1S:S;UgtL- a.

_ g 3 tg ^H un tin g to

TWIN FALLS - p ro tec t the ir tropl; Wildlife ConservaU

I------------------ T heroectingw iU--------------- jud icial buUdlng.-

^ t o t h e f r e e z e r . — ^

I . D rag racingH PO C A TELLO -^■ today with a p a ir of■ J e r r y Seigia, Tor H _ ’ K.C. Jones, Los Ani■ ' C hu ck S w iao fS (■ ■’ m ile on only th e bai ^ T lm e.tria ls begli

p .m .

ZZTC^LbaskelH -T W IN F A L L S -■ - — T renk le and his pl£---------------■ grade-school-boysm _ Golden E ag le gynuM ____ Instructional dril[ S youths a ttending m

B ruin b o o s•O TWIN F A U 5 -

b reak fast m eettogi £ -G uests will toclu

Twin F a lls High S< L ' flnaliring of plans ^ F rid ay a t Bruin S ta

H------ D e a d l in e s“ B O ISE— 'rtu ir ia

W arm Springs ( ^ I f The toum eybeg l

•ve-------- ^A ll four-m an lean tAm ong (he prizes t

. c itie s In Mcxlco, on * e ho le-hw ne.

Tlie tax-deductlt|_|2_______ b r e ^ a s t . t w prize

f o r m ore iniorm -Idaho, 384-5060...


^ —D ie tr ic h ;^h r - ---------B y The Tlmes^New!

Goals by Shawr deadlock and llfte D ietrich 's Bluo Do\

Exon shoved Blla--------------Sm ith’s fksLgoal,-ico-----------m oved lhe Bears^Hglo__ w^ l n one a t tb e Ier- flve m inutes i ^ a L rs . TTiursday a t Gocr s ’, : . ___ W m m es added aiM(o ov e r Tw in FaHs_C

■ fire t-ha lfd rtiw ,a3J

■un E asy tit le d<1" ATLANTIC c m

--------h l3 j:ii[ecr,bu l.Scolhit- on theunBiaten-W o

Holm es, 43-0 will —tonight a t 8 p.m.-M

‘e r tiU e bout a t H arra a d - : . -^^F m n k ^ l-C U L w ith l■ed_________ F ran k , ran k ed li

b e a t H olmes, allho la s t th ree bouts. TJ

— _____ a s Holm es won aE uropeanfioavyw c

J-T- M a r c h a n d R a i^ (

M ahaffeycSUTTON, M ass.

sh ak y s ta r t a nd p r ^ one-stroke lead ovf

tw o ro u n d so flb e C - M ahaffey, (ho fli

ive---------- the-lasHO^holes-fbi■At 7 1 ,7 ,119-yardP lea op- won th is toum am ei

h is firs t since 198i.^ t - -

s a t . S tep h en so je t- PORTLAND, Or

confidence to h e r I ^ one-stroke lead in

P o rllan d P ln g g o lfi r t o ____ IX e ilm L C a ssd ff iixt 3-under^parC9.

Stephenson, a n A h a d sbc b ird ies a n

Lbo PUt t s o f l S a ix i2 5 te

^ W altrip w ii e r RICHMOND, Vo15 ■ a v e rag e b e lte r th

Sunday’s R ichm oa W altrip p ushed t:

e lr— 93.069-m iles p e r ll >ok . (92.312); (^eoUBod• ..............(91.916) an d M orgaien Defending cban^

o v e r W altrip in the . q ^ f y i n g Ume. Al

^ ----------rou n d ...............

i j

,S e p to m t» rlb .1 9 a^ .TTmoa^

C S Iroff with lUflb. 1»:M: la. b. GUnde

Tbaes Ksrloe—I. Illsb FalUSXf

I. MAuroea McOUnl 4:51:13. 2l:05: 3. L Nyo,^-TT-.— B«ubertT^. M r i M.-!ISO- a. S X'sh. 23:31: a. K. iUanth yer^TF. •— ...--------------- .J.-----------Vl__________ T>StiaKW»=;l.lIi«hlU-a. Woai> --l-'Mlnlfn Mirt-WootflUw

I.RobRene.l<l8ii. ll:B8-i-R. -Stn-efidn. IHgn. n;:si: <. a - y T — »>«*». s. umt*. Hi(

— Urlte, TF. U:oe; 9 .1- U TV, _____________

o p ics to b e discui_nnn coassolo will explaln.u■phles for the tax iderm ist a l 'Qtlon Inc., m eeting.ill b e ^ n u t 8 p.Tn.-Tuc9day In t

ig c o n c lu d es a t P—Intenuouu talffRaceway-wli o f 250-mli&per-bour je t powen torrance, Calif., will drive h is I i n ^ e s . .SeatUe will pllo l a Dodger Chi

jln aV ll a .huw lU i Uie Je t elll}

s t b a l L c l i n i g j C ^ i- (College of SouUiem Idaho bi ilayers wllLconduct a froo clli ys-and-glrls-W ednesday-fron nnaslum .rills will be conducted a nd filr m ust w ear tennis shoes that'do

)sters b re a k fa s t 1— The B ruto Boosters w il

g a lT a .m .T u e sd w .a lJB ’s R e Jude Coach K am y Anderson School volle)4>all team . . Also [IS for th e "B ruin CHiili Svpp iladlum.

^ g ro a c h e s - fo r-b)If Course.‘gins n ex t Saturday a t 8 a .m . ' m s-w lilcom pete-forg lft-certl 9 a re a f ree round-trip a i r fare and a 1984 F o rd Tem po fo r th e I

tlblo en try fM is $35, w hich ' zcs and a n aw ards luncheon. -

a p o d ln g ^ tr b o o t

wn E xon and R ichard Sm it rted B liss’ B ears to a 3-1 s ovils F riday afternoon alBU ss Ilss ahead 1-0 four m toutes Int il^ co m ln g .lram .^ .y a rd s .o u t

I I5-mlnute m ark btit a p ena lt alning Iced Uie victory. . . Coding,'John-R boadea.scoi:^ m l ^ t o l l f l ’G o o d ln g ^ te to _C^iristlan. A cadem y.-H ie - te 3 J e ff F e rr is scored Uiree tim e

d e fe n s e fo r H olnrY ,'N .J. ( U P I ) -L a r ry H o lm » l t FVank probably will not be Vorid Itoxing ComKilbeavywe ilh 30 knockouts, defends h is I MDt to a nallonaUy televised t a h ’s Hotel Casino again

lOUi bv Uie WBC. is given v! hough Holm es h as nov shown T hn W llher^Kion g ave Holme a sp lit decision la st M ay. Li k ^ ^ r S i i u ^ I b n , wont Uie'dls y C < ^ also w ent the distance 1;

g ra b s le a d a t PGs . (U PI) - J (* n M ahaffey i proceeded to flre a 2-under pa iver Fuzzy Zoeller and Leonar $350,000 Bank of Boston Q assl first-round co-leader w ith a 61 fbra-tw^TOund totalD fS-unda easan( V alley Counlry CHub cc lent hi 1978, Is seeking h is sevei I.

on o n to p a t LPGiOre. (U P I)— Ja n Stephensoi r putting, flred a 4Hinder-par in tbe first round of the 5H If tou rn am en tav and CaUie rin e D uggan wer

I A ustralian native now living I m djlwo bogies in ber.round... f ^ ____________________

/in s .po le fo r NASVtk. (U PI) - D arreU W altrif (han 93 mph, took Uie pole m d 400 NASCAR G rand Nation I h is C hevrolet around th e she

tVMir and e d g e d - o u t - T ^ - od lae 's.B >ptlscJ92.225),J1ro gan Shepard’s Buick (91.813).

Bobby AUlsoi, wbo bold be NASCAR potots s ta n d in g Allison pushed h is B uick to 9

V ' " ' ............. *

io»-Newa.Tw[nF^la,ldahoB-3.' '

meet-—totHTTF.atiw. ............ ^

mgdtai 31 X Wli*} lUver « . Ii..-ItvTea

onl*. WR. » :» ; 1 M. Lo«th«r. lUgb.Si 4. M. JKxm wn. I2:n; S.

L M. Sciante. H!B^-a:3J^7^ma*^oaC-----------anth. T F .a :a ; S. J . Ju im , Jer. s : u :•Ai. ■— VwirttyB^------------------------------------KhUadir.l'hrtaFaihfiS.XJemwBL______im w rnrtR isiv isr-T - — — ------------

n p tttsga. I7;«i 1 A. Hauer. Hlah. I7:M: 1 Cji:<.-j.-veai;Mioioj.Tr.5t; 5 :a Bi»J.(. HIS&. 17:9; 7. U G lm Jer. U;oe; B.L. tA ibf. Mla. W;Jt! 10. T. M o ty n ^ ---- ------

I V ^ ' ^

:u sse d --in ways hunieis can b est ... . . a l Twin F alls F ish and j j

InUieTwinFaUaCounty-TTTTT- — —

t P o ca te llo ''-w lndrup its 1983 season---^wered dragsters.tils Datsun280ZX against

C harger Uie fuii q u a rte r '

e iun lnaU onsa la ted fo r6 -

idnCSdaV ~ .7. ~ K>baBkeU>aU'Coa^'Fri^'~--‘ 'oUnlo frtf nny IntPfCTt ’

ArW l p m ' - Z ' l______

I film s will be Shown. All ifdon’lbavedarkso les .

t T u esd ayWill bold their weekly

iR estauran t,________ ' ____ l_;„n n and m em bers of the Jso on Uie agenda is (he •:iq)per" to be held next '

r-benefH-golt -----

,m. w ith a shotgun s ta r t. - - —srtin c a te s and t r o p h i e s . - ^ ---------fa re for two to one of six Uie first p layerto m ake a

Ich covers a coi}tlnental : : j n . - - - - -- -• ■ ' •

o t e r s ^ n - -----

ImlUi broke a balfUme .•1 soccer deciston over JUss.{Into Uie second half and , out.elght.m lnutesJater,.^_________

Q a l ty s b o tb y S ^ to ^ U i ' f

four goals and Tode to soccer dedskm ____ -j-team s foii'gh l'to 'a '3 -3‘ ,, Im e sfo rT w in F a ^ .

)lmes ton ig h t? ~ ~ iolm eslsU iU ielw illghtofit be the ooe to se t Uie sun , . r - ;•y ^ fljitcn am p io n . -1his UUe for Uie leUi Umesed (Channel 7)-l2-round— -— ,l._gainst Uie also unbeaten , ;• ^

■ rrv irtu ^ i:^ ^ chance to " i ' his usuiU form 'hlhlfl.

limes all h e could handle Luclen Rodriguez,'Uie

s'dlstance with Hhlmes in ---------ice la s t November.

’GA e v en t -:ey setUed down a fte r a • -r p a r ra F riday to take a , inard ThonyMon Uirough •••.'.asslc. ” .. '_____a 65, bad four b irdies hi :D derparl34 o v e rtb e p a r -------b course. Mahaffey, wbo - evenU iPG A lrium idiand -

G A to iim eynson, showhig renew ed ' ' p a r 68 F riday to g rab a , 5 4 ^ e , $150,000 LPGA ^

w ere one stroke back a t ________ .

ing to P o rt WorUi, T exas, ' | rxi W pr hirrfltxi ln/»lnrind— --------- ^ .- i

\SC A R ra c eItrip, too only d river to. lole poslUon F riday for t k ^ r a c e .1 short half-mile track a t ‘ny- Labonte’s.C hevro let -------------n ro Richmond's Eontla<L_,_________3).bolds a slim S6i>olnt le a d '* '. . : QgB, bad Uie slxUi fastest to 91.73S during F rid ay 's -

Page 12: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

'. ^ T I m e » N p w a ,T w J » P * i

— — - - ^ 3 - A n n o u n c e n ie n.001 Florists -002Lo3l4lound

’-004S0Qclal noltcoa r.-." ;605 (*mbrl«1 f w l l e e s ^

006 Poroonals ■*

■ ^ ■ S e l e c r e d d f to n007 Jobs ollntorost

■ - :008 Sales pooplo ---------------- T08'Eiiip!6yiiranniggnetosi------- WOPfoloajlonotsofvicos

.OISBabysltlora :ai6SI1uallons wanted. :017Bus!nooaopportunllios

---------- rO10incom«DfO{H>fly----------020 Monoy 10 loon : 021 Monoy warned •

__ '023lnvo8lmont•025ln9lfucllon ■026 Music lossons

0 - R o a l e s t a t e .------- :— ;o290ponhousos--------------

: 030 Komo9 for salo■ -■----- TOTTIDHHPWn hctnos '

: 032 fluhl-Filof homos 033 Klmborly-Honaon homo;

. 034 Jfomo hom os................: 036 Rool oalalo wanted

_______; :037.F«rm9.» ranchos______038Acroaao&lols

' : 039 Buslnoss proporty . ;CMOC«molorylots <-

------. ^043Vacationpfopony- -. - ;044CondominlumaIofsaIo

• " : 045 MobllohoRios for sale

- i H R e n ta ls. : 050 Furnishod houses ' >0S1 U nfuplshod houses

_______ ;iS2J:UrD,Jipl8..WyPl2>'’i -

; 096 Rooms for reni . . :o57Ren!almobllotio(poa’

;o580tnco&BuolnoS9fonial ■■■■“— • roSBCohUflrtlflluiTUTorronr .......... ... ; 06lQ ofaoofonta1s_

' :003W anledloront : oes Tourist and Irallor ronlal

___ _ ’ 066 Mobllo homo spaco

IS M e r c h a n d i s e. 067 Misc. for sale •- oesComputors

------rOe9C«mor»oqufpmonl------------070Wanlodtobuy 071 Shoos and clolhlng

. :072Anllquoa ■ :074Mu9lcal Instruments

■ rOTBOHIcooqUlpmonr ;077RadlO8,W846loroos

; :07aFumlture&carpots

— _ - E l A n n o u n c y r t e n t a

— : 0W-Bort8t8_ ■ _ ____'f^arjorlo's Flowera for loss; dollvorlos. All occasions.


- O ( e - l08t&Found

• r CHECK DAILY ~ n = r r7 ^ ^ -T 0 fT C d R R E N t=




__ :^;,-L0CATED:13flBTHAVE.W. .

Black.___ _ ,i.SponlolX. molo. block and

brown.3. Boston Bull X. molo. black

*ehepherdi malOi brown and . 'black.

6. Retrlovor, malo. oold.;6. Poklngoso X. Tomale.. blond.

H ouraStoTpmonly ' MoodaythruFrMay

- - 'C a ll- .-■■■■- ..-73»066Qo»l284- IBocauso Dogs aro brought In ovory hour, and SOLD or

........... DESTROYED after 48.h<jur9,.-pioaso call or visll the pound idolly lo chock w hether y u r

'Is not an up -i^a io list. — MlKO<l-d0fl9-«ffr-hard.lo-d«— . 'scflbo. como to tho pound to

*:soo II your pot is there. .Como tjid pick out ■ puppy

_ _;or_full orown. doo* thoy ■■ wculd love to have a noma. 'FOUND. 0 mans 1070 Twin Foils HlQh School doss ring on Jackson Siroot. Twin.

... Call to lt}onlllY.-733-93a2.LOST: Malo Yollow U b . 8

■ yr9. 'HONKER'., by K!lx faidlo. 42:W 48.423-^9 .

-004^peel8 lN otic83 'DEVELOP YOUR JALENTS

9 tu d o n t? ^ o la h l loss & tobacco oasy. z9 yoars oxp.

■ CallJohnlodny 324.7281.

- - . - 00S-H&moflalHot[c88Thank you good doctors, nu rsos at MVftC & also roia- livo & lrlond9 lor me flowers, plants, gills, visits, calls,

.c ard s & concorn during my slay In Iho hospital. Mrs.

• J von Molyneux.___________ •4Do you havo unused pholo: oquipmont In your homo?

-----:— ^eM tlDtl'II for casti wim'n :.'Q ulck-acllnoclasslfi^ad. ..

,. _ _ _ W 7 = J o b 3 ol IntereM______

CARRIER!. 1 . - -1 0 0 - 4 0 0 Blocii o f P

-S t r e e t . W o rk d n hou ’ a n d k o o p y o u r a f f e i

c a r r i o r l o a m a n d b e 'C o l l y o u r o p p l i c a t l

N o w 5 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 I , o r /

i w o t m c e w i

OTQApplloncfls ients-flBO.Hoa!iria/-A’f “ ''d:___

032 Building maioriols,033 Garage solos

______0flOiilti)wood:__________087 Plants &lroos

.■ ■ -7.— rOaa Varlotyfoodr------- —■ 'OOOPolsipolsupplios


F a r m e r s ’ m a r k e l

---------- OOSFonlllzorliopaolL.___loa___ ' oaffFafnTsood::; . ___33 097 Hay, grain & food

098 Farms for root099 Pastures for ront

ilo» 100 LIvoaiock wanted

102Calllo104 Horsos105 Horso oquipmonl < lOSSwIno108Shoep110PoullrySrot)bIt3

______ 112lrrlgatlon

--------- 114 Farm Implemonle--------______ IISForm work wonlod

- C 3 R e c r e a t i o n a l —120Avla1Jpn121 Boot&&marlno Moms

______ 122 Sporting goods_______123SK(fngoqu(pmbnf-- 124 Snow vohlclos 12&Travel trailers

— ISeCam persA shells aio 127 Molor homoa llo l 28Ulltllytrailora f -

E ! A u t o m o t i v e131 Aulo service

I 132 Auto parts & accossorlo! o5— i 3rCTT58-wa-ni0d ' ■ ■ exes i34Aulos for ronl

135Cycl03&9uppllos tr . 136Hoavyoqulpmont in ial':140TrucksDni— r1 «l-V8TTs--------------------------

142 Import opons core■ 1464-whooldrtves- ............

inlal 148Anllquoaulos149 Aulos — AMC_______ ^

--------- IK A u to s ^ u lc kA 154A ulds-Cadlllac ” 166A utos-C nrysler

158 Autos — Chovrolet IBO A utos-Dodoe

— — 162 Auloa— Ford----------leaA ulos — Lincoln-Mercur) 168Autoa-~OldsmobIlo'172 Aulos — Pontiac'

I 173 Auloa — Plymouth 174 A u to s-O m er

DS 175Aulodoalors340 Business directory

n t s ; 006-Persona)8_________ •

“ ; a l c o h o l i c s ’ANONYMOUS .

- CtJI733«00IS ■ ■

BOARD S ROOM lof aonloi

" ^rlva\o''room, fjmill/'sVw^ moals In Joromo. 324444J nakforPonorH clono.

- GOOD NEWS. Waleh-------- Chsnnnl-e-ool-ol-B olao-Jl— ^onTSnndftV p - ir -s r KKKT~~


: A Problem Is n o i a problem whon shared. Montal Hoal{h <4s50C/fl»0n. Bpm to 7am.

S IWiaVlDEOTAPEyour receptions, reunions, salea

V ...... promotions- or -anythingrmsglnsble. Roasonablc

le.— ratosrVHSorBato.-g4-728t.- LADY SEEKS alnglo ranehof

,1, Jo-^^^^'^^CompSnions^hlp, oosslblo morrlaoo. 734-8231.

y6-r~----------LAWSHOP--------nd -Unoonlealed-dlvorcosr47S ,

Bankruplcy and corporation. $80. WINS. S30, oic. Moll

le.. order avolloblo, Call 336-0732. Boise. _________L£OAL KfTS. Dlvorco, alrolght bankruplcy. 734- 0387. Maiiordors available,

ht ' M O R M O N ISM

I d ' “ WIlBt do you k n w a ^ u t t h e „r Mormon Church? 734-2613, ,u 678-9103. 54>«42 for o_ re. 51— ggrcoB nuw iiicssane-wlitr:—«----------PREONANCYHOTUNE—to Prognant? Nood help? Call0. 734-%72._________________W SURELY. In this aroo. Ihero

..m ust be one slim,, rol nod lady. 45-60. who.onloys trov

In ol, pots, bowling and cem* ig ponlonshlp, possibly .load* n. Ino to marrlago. I lso . plooso

conlact mo through Box J-52 "a c /o Times News, P. 0 . Box [i: 548, TF. ID 83*1.. Enclose

portlnenl Informotlon ond 11= nQaalOlophOloV ■ y_______

•-TERRORISM.Seo if nowl TTio now docu-

rs monlary of thlo 'grow hg In- '0l ~ ~ t 6rna?l0nal ihroal lo you- i NO PLACE TO HIDE; from p. Woolorn Goals Foundations-

Sunday. Sopt. 11. 8:05 pm & 10:05 pm MOT on-Turner

• BroadcastlngsSyslom 's • Na­tional' CoEfto- Nolwork. Channol 5. For infptmallon

[*■ coll 423-5030.

I*' Do you havo t'y oquipmonl In your home? fs- Exchange It lor cash wilh o _ ■ ■ • Qulck-actlno classilled od.310 '.N o t to worry ll yOu'vo 10? • novor placed a classllfod,ad. 1 a.V w o wff; Kilb'yiSu. i;air9UJ^

. . . 0931.

______ OW -Jobs of Interest---------

RS NEEDED:>f P lo r c o . A lso J e f f e r s o n lo u r a d a y b o f o r o s c h o o l - P f o r n o o n s - f r o e r J o ln o u r -

b o c o m o 'I n d o p o n d o n t ' . : a t I o n in to t h o T lm o j- 3 r M a r Y a t 734-8137 .

(Falle.ktaho Saturday, Sept

n e n t s ' J B i e i


z l : -- - - - ^

........... \ ■

rloa _

/ ' ■1 3 2 3 r c

- J : : ^ : S 6 i 6 c t f i d o f f e r s


se ek s plant manager lor a mulll-specio sood condl*

...llo n ln o ,— pockoglog.-.and shipping faclllly located at

__ Nompo, Idoho. Thls_pos(tlon

nior * J iti^ '^ ' pPa-.?Duo

______ rolollona ond dIrocI com-

~ grow Sood Company, Box 1235, Twin Falls. Idoho. EOEM /L___________________-

lom . ASSISTANT MANAGEa al JACOBY'S. Apply In porson

__ ote iB Bluo Lakes Blvd N.TFIf ■ ootw eonO-llam SodI12.>100 ATTENTION LAOIESI lino-- ‘•House of Lloyd" now hir- •oio inn loy/ollt demonslraiors. ■gt.~ Party" 'plan:— WorK— now ;hor through Nov; No Invest* ind. m enl, delivery or collecimg, hip, FREE kll, training S hosleos 31. gllis. Call Suianne 537-6920,----------AVONfNOTJUBTPRETTY-J7S ___ PRpFESSJpNAL _Inn' T hero 'a good monoy In ^"r, coam ollcs. Sell Avon. 423-m l 5804 or 734*9256.__________

BABYSITTER Noodod In my — homo In Buhl. Call 543^970. 734I BEAUTICIAN wllh or without

lollowing lor now aalon In--------Rooereon-Mflll.-Twln Fall#.-

Inquire ol Evelyn's, 101 W.Main. Jerom e.____________

jho-----BEAUTICIAN----- Icf-----busy.J13, Jorom o Salon. Evolyn's, 101

w . Moln, Joromo. - . - — COOK-;— experienced— In-

: . hom espun * cooking.----- Eopocioriy~bak!(1!jr-GCO(r

salory and hours. Write Box ~ K*52 c /o Tlmos Nows. P. O. firt Box 548. TF, ID 63301.

— EXP-MAN-to-food-cattlo-a Lm.- ■ tabulate-lood vanonsrM uai ia(]- be lamllair w/vaclnallons & B30 irootmonl ol cotilo. Rel noc* ,.52 ossory. 886-2087.888-7752.3ox EXPERIENCEDmilkers.Paul Dso aroa, no housing avoiloblo.d II , 438-8292.__________________ .EXPERIENCED body man.

wonlod, own tools, power & icu* hand, sond resum e & rofer- In- oncoa lo P.O... Box 1327.

ju - ' EIKo:Nuvr89801,■0’’’ Heating & Air Conditioning >ns* oslabllahmeni looking for a ^ & Sorvlcoman. Musl bo "Of knowlodpoable in oil, oas & NO" ■ air condlilonino. Sond ro* 5fk. aum e lo E-52 c /o Timoa tlon . -fjovvo, -Twin- Falls. Our

ompIoyeesknow oM hlsod.7T„ H O U S E K E E P E R /M o ld o‘2 w anlod: Call 734-7354. h 0 JOURNEYMAN Mechanic.

oxporioncod In dlosel, i r . hydraulic S oloctrlcol. Expo-

rioncod wllh cflnsltuolkin- S r — oqulpm om rSalary comment

ouralo. wllh oxporlonco. Apply In porson. Colonial

— C oncfote.--A ddlaon— Ave.-Wosl. Twin Falls._________

-------- L P N r P a r f ib o 'S - fu in im o r^ C o n ta c t DNSr Mountotn-

Vlow Care Conlor 423-5591. PART-TIME custodian. Tuos, Fri. Sal, and Sun ovonlnga.. Call 734-0786 b«>-iwoon9am-4pm.__________PROGRAM DIRECTOR oought »or ICF/MR unil. Ex- p o ifon to . working with

“ -m entally rotardod & muHi- .. .hondlcappod children ro­

qulrod. Should be otjlir*io quallly a s QM RP.-eonflfcr David Farnos, Groon Acros Caro Contor, Gooding.934-5601_________________RESUMES. Prolosslonaily

— WTliion;-- roa80naDI07~Con- ‘ — IIOonttalrChrtslino8?6-2277.—

optemborJO. 1983_-___ :_______

e a L e s t a t £

i im

/ 5 _ X_ . . . ’ o oll«f TOU n'*

/ V " '

____________ a n d w

— c a S S f f l E T

i r d S t . W e s t

) s - N g w s C l a s s i f i e d s

007-Job3oM nlerest_____

^ — SACESXL-ERK-NoadodrTJX__ porioncod only nood apply

no phone calls plooso Sovon-Elevon; 760 'Slui

_____— Lakes Blvd. North:- - —,f 0 SEED.WEST INC.. a newt ndl* formed sood company I. ond - -loohlna. for 0 gonorol. nan I at ogor. Tnis Individual shouli lion hovo a broad knowlodgo c iree managomeni, sood solosQUO pr/vnBfilng- .QAnfi rrICO. aum os lo Box 1-52, ch nan TImoe-Nows, P. O. Box 545 cm- TwlnFalls.lDa3301. ■ la n t- - viDin Volunloor Area Volunro-— t e a r .........— Cloarlnohows.

As-— C66 rdin8lorrOutlosrcooidi Box nalo volunteer ollorls, ro ■OE crull & rolor volunteers ti

mool community nooda al- QuollllcallDns: Edocllvi

son communlcollon & orgolnzs TF lionod shills; ability to wor

wllh -communliy loadort— public rolallons oxp pro h i„ lorrod. Bonoliia: S369 monll Qfj stipend, hoalih Insuranco

l^ y ^ C o l l Bruco Bonnolt, CSiS _______________osa .WANTED, part-limi20, wookond doak dork. Cs T V -- -nvonSprlnflslnn.

WANTED aulomatl—In— transmission—rnochonte-ti 423- run hla own ahop or hoii

start up 0 Iranamlsslon sho|— (f»Burloy. 678*7560.67^3977. ro. WANTED oenorol form ham — , and collloloodor. Pioaso di

:not call unloaa oxporlencoi ,1' ” alonn Ihoso linos. W-4832. w WANTED poiolo trucks ti

: haul Irom field to cellar lo

Brolhors Forms, 637-6269 0 ^ ..83^6338.- -

i ( '0 ^ ^ ^ l T I £ . O o n & ^ ^ ^3° . 'M ust bo soll*mollvalod J n lonloy pooplo. Exc. worklm

condlllons& bonoflls.Salar— & Incentive program. Som ’ ■4 ".:RQ Sumo:"Box- W-31— c/i U3I -Times Nows.TwInFaHs.* “ -WANTED: Maluro porson I<

.llvolnBuhlhom e.lullorpof— . limo. Hoip husband caro lo ’aul oidorly, sonllo wife. Profo 3lo. older woman. Room 4 boan _ • . salary. Rol- rog. 543*5528. la n — ----------------------------------

OOft-Sales People 127. 01STRiaUTOR_noedpd. JQ

oxcelleni Now Food Pro iTq duel. For details ca! ,r 5 McKinnon 765^94 or wrili 1,0 00 x 216, Blackfoot. '5 & ■ '

(nfr-B abysltiers 5ur BABYSiniNG My Homo 1 Close 10 Harrison Schi, ho[Td moals. drop-ins. 734-3552^

BABYSITTING In my homo ^ Momlngsido aroa. Con laki fti lo S from school. Ages 3*up


S,T-CO. includod. 423-4432 KImborly: lial RABYSrmNO-onytlmo. Da;

' or nloht S w eokonds too. Ai _ ngos wolcomo. Drop li io:— ^Bnyiim<J~vory-roo5onaDl( aln— rato srh o v e oxcollent fefer ^ ftncoB. Call 734-0718. in Babysitting, my home, an] un limo bul Frl nights, ony ago j*>- • Dfop-lns welcomo. 7334314. _ 'B O PEEP Klndaroartsn 3R com pletoproporo llon lorlsIx- grado .-E m phaals - o n - j^ ojth -nlc3, _m ath. . .& -Spanish Kl* Doycore avail. Class siortir e - - g n o i6 th .733-5007.________7 ° BRIGHT HORIZONS. KindOf

oarton 4 Preschool, Full ac 09 ndomic curriculum. Agei '0- 2Vi‘7. Mon-Sat. 6:45om-i;

midnight. Droj>4ni Ily _ jr« lc o m 9 ., .F u l l J.firo^slot; in- avaiiablo only. 73^6040 ?.------ 7»93aS:----------------733-5133

C L . . . . .

EOimm»,», It> p[0£lflQ your tioi

8 : 0 0 A.M. to N

You con p la "X * s t a r t in I

un til 11i M r’ ori

■v ■ - knov- 'f ic u lt fo r

- >• • ' w e e k d a y / S a tu rd a y

—/ ----------------- __iuniiy_to_c o n v o n len t

----- O u r D o porlm on t Is5 p .m . M onday th ro u g h

ii n o o n , so c o m o 'ty o u r c w o 'll ho ip y ou w ith y o u r cl


l s - r _ T h e y d o n ' . t - C o s L

____ ■ Ol5-Baby8lHere

dW, old girl, 'largo spaclou; ISO. homo on qulol culdesac

wly WILL BABYSrr^CHItDREfIs ages 1-4. Nulrllional moar

lan- provided. Fof.moro Informa,uid tlon.32M 6l3. ask lor Julie.> ol WILL 0 0 babysllilng In mlos, homo, days. .Inlanl TA. ■ .f,ai>-r,fnri.Coll324-362a,,

C/O '■S43. ai6-Situatk)iu Wanted^ HOUSECLEANING

Wo do moat, housohol r h nfoft.flg try ua--you'lUlK

— ua:734^g73or70-75aa.— •, to 'IDAHO DELUXE'. "Th Ids m ost V ersa tile -B and I llvo Magic Volloy". Now bookin 120- engagomeni lor partle; ,o7k woddlnos. QIC. 324-3840. ors, MOWING - WANTED. Goo 3ro- dopondablo work. Co inth ..733^, • ’-------------------------------

OlF-BualtiesaOpptys^—CUSTOM MEAT procossin

iSTo ■ plant witn mobile butchorln Ca- ; Truck localed south <

Joromo. Excollonl bualnos! -T.. -home Included, Ownor am “ 'J? 'foua lo aoll for hoali

IroosonsrCall Slovo DIxorfi ff'P .Root Estate Unllmlloi77” : 324-7513.________________—H -EARN 18 to 30% on yoi “5° -monoy, tox Ireo. Invest In

-T ----- £XO-part-llmo-fomlly-bua,L® noss In. Wendeir. Oldi

couplo rollilng-looklng l( ^ som eone Io afop In 4 lak ’ ~ : o v o r iho!r” tt»oauo.” Term:

’ .■:124-1248or536^132,______= ___ :HALP-WTEREST. In Flor

I * required. 43^5731. Sorioig . iJnqulrlosonly,-----------------on3 :INV6ST in Iho dovelopmoi cro -of river & lako Ironi proper

• In Cascade, oxcelleni relui ^ on Inveslmonl. Call 734-0411 pen PROFITABLE BUSINESS li lor -(ulo. No compotlllon.Mat

jfor :otfor. 734-3830. B-5.--- >ard sUNVALLEYHAlRSALOr JL Compleloly oqulpood w,- chairs. Good track recor

:H ightrofllclocollon. Donn ;HonaQl, Roaltoro 726-3303,

Q2M)pen Houses

- ^ O P E N- I S i^ U R E

■ - - - ■ - t r - —■

i v i i l

for“ - B --------------- 4 5 0 - S D g a_ ■ ^ on Ellxobalh li any ■ dlvtilon.Turn righr o n (OO. I .Ign*. .~ I R I D U C I D I I B0.11st p prlc^rangB . C om o^ol

Ish. M don,_»upor kitehpn.fc iris ' ■^R educed lo SI 21.000.

i5T. ! \ g e m

I i f e ^lots W *05 ADDISON AVL EA

mmdonlllvd odi.


)laco a C la ssifio d A d to I th o S u n d o y p a p o r 1 1 :45 o n S a tu rd a y o rn in g .

— »h«— T im oa»N ow s. w p~~ ow —t h a t - l t is o f to n -d if - - 3 r p o o p lo fo p la c e o d s on a y s .- B e ing o p o n ovory ly g fvos you th o op p o r- to .ca il_ u 5 w h o n It is con- n t fo r YOU I ~

is o p o n from '” 8 a .m . to . g h Fridoy ,pnd S a tu rd ay r o ffico o r g ivo u s a call r c la ss if io d a d . '_________

X p j X y t f g S k _______

i f i i f

7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1

iL-jrheyPayl!_1 ^

017-B u» lnesj0pp ly i. TTZ TACO TIME roslauro

TfaSichlso oppononiiy. wj '° ’i* tact: Jospeh Casey. VI.

President. Craig Food I duatrlos. Box 92M. Onde

: .WARNINGL....lo. : Tho Timos-Nows *r . commond9 lhal you I'an,; voalloalo ovory phoso______ : Invosimont opponunliio— “ Touputionyntroio irorrroui I .s ta to or olforod by o porsi ' ' -d0 lngbu9lnes90ui0 la •

local motel o r hotel, hold : Wo suggost you consi -llko — —

7pr„ : Idoho Consumer Alfalrs I i . asK lor a froo pamphlol ai ,vinn Inlormalion Irom Iho iiU “ Attorney Gonoral'o Co

' .sum or — V Protocllon Division, Stal

-h ouso .-B olso , Idaho 837:Call :phono 334*2400._________

i Established Suppor Club -Roslaurant in downlov

— -— -Buhl.— Including— llqu

ifinS --Also includes a commerci looao. Terma avallabi

,ofl9 *225.000. Munroo Robir a n x - - Ro«> MM809oajlh 5*3:6335^ ^

°iod! ; O IM n co m e Property----- 4*PLEX. Roducod to ;85,0Cyour. :aii olec. Good finanein In 0 : MarKolIno Aasoc. 734-48^-

« o l . CLOSINQCOSTDOWN----- ;Twln Folio Trlplox, aosumbusl— t,,5__pHA— feon:— Tern Jldor :noaoiibIo.(608)33M949. ' , - 1? ' : S o il-o r trodo* 1 acre -

•4.plox-au.duplox.-Urgo.c lico, Ownor will ear

- to lance at 10%. 1 mile

Trodo or lerms, J100.00----- Coll 6Q1-533-3848.________illfrti 4-PLEX wllh ossumob

mortgaoo. Two lots fi ^ ,0 opanrnonts ond modlcal t

fico. Noar Magic Valloy ho S^'or Dital. 637-6392.___________

— Q20-M on8yToloan

CASHcord, F0RTRU8TDEEDS annis ANDMORTGAGES 33. 1-{208)^4S«22S

(OS-Open Houses

MHOUSI * tDAY iO - 2

i lg o b ru sh D r iv e ------ - -h Item KMVT le Eoitgol* Sub- >r» C errlog« to n * o n d w oH h for—

losi buy In Twin FolU In ih li oot and com por* for your«oH. «ih».-<am lly room . r*< room,-! .for_lho-lady_ol_ th*_h-°y*® '_D.

: S T A T ^

■ i«T „ 7 3 ^ < 0 0 . „ J H ^

023-lnYe3tment :

I BETTER BUYSI FOR ANY INVESTOR■ Wo havo threo new homos■ - Iho Mid 40's price ranc

■—A asum sblo'toanjrExcolic I rental records. ~Groal I■ — — tnvnstmont:----------------- *I call TODAY■ for MORE DETAILS.

AURORA CAPITAL CORI___________ 734«47.


k _____ W o_ buy HE Conlroc■ “ faooda/lrust. mortgagt

f ^ S 5 S „ . i 0 R «: p ^ e r . Wo pay oil costs, f : BROKERS FEES. Fj -aonrlco. Call o r write I

- -FREEosllmalo............. —----------- :-------- - __73«I3B7 —------— M otfopblllan-MorloaoO"

-SecuriUes Co. Ir :708ShoshonoSt. E.TF

Eves: 733-3589___ _ —_____ lom iiufldhausen- .to : ______ LoonOlflcero r Will BUY or SELL rool osii

controcis, mortgagos,: Deeds of Trust at discoui : McCoys brokerage. Box 3i :TwinFall3.734-2068.

” Z ^ 3 ^ 6 5 L e 3 l a l t i = i f ._ — - - ' ■■

• 029-Q p e n Houses

T. ; 03&-HomesForSa!e----------■ ---------------------------^A^REALSTEEU------

3 bdrm, lovo rock llreplac........ :fam ily- room, hardwoi

:tloors, largo lot 4 moro. Bo :cf oil. 6 7/8% assumatj lloan wilt) low down pa

[Q mont. Ask for R a n ^ Woatem Realty 7 » S &

jy -twm# 734-2477. _____

= — r v v :


• now only M2,200. :Bodrooms, formol •dlnii room, family room, oi

____ 'm uch more.'W ell planni

'F abulous fenced yard wl .treoa ond polio. Prime h .locoilon. Low Intorest .nonclnflso CALLNOWI

H A M L E T T R E A L T- ..;(2flyflflrsfi//yonoafSon'/Ci

:0FF1C £.................. 733^0a a _ Joyce C o te '............7 3 3 ^

D aveHamlett.......... 733-40___ • Bargain Priced. 3 Bdrm brt

home noar high scho< I. High assum loan.- J43.9C


?ndon' .NEW luxurious whllo bfl Om - ’ hom e ,-4 bedroom ,-3 bol

------1;29 acros.---------------------•PRIME 20 Acres, wat

............. ■ riohla, hlohwoy-frontaoe..'re - .240ACHbslocK ronch, Hu

u In* :arca. Torms. Ownor w so ol :corryot11%. nltios, ••out ul : ■ Warren Briggs, /AViaw; lorson BEAUTIFUL Home on G( ' • Courso. Will irodo equity f

land. m.50a..,A8oumob O'’®'"' loan t65.000.324-4926. -

iir* nr would llko 10 trade for MoQ M -.VolleyHomo.3 4 5 ^ . :

Con- '•BYOWNER*Tudor, 5 Bdrm. don. 2

Stole* balh, family room. Ilvli 83720. .room , formal dining rooi

firopiaco, Inlorcom, Iroi compoclor, Jonn-alr. built-

imoni orass enorgy ellicleni. ou icrclai sprinklers. 3.000 sq. llabio ■ finished. 1344 unflnishe loblrta ^cuslom bulll for prose « ™ •.ownor.S117.S00.734-8161.

: BY OWNER, 3 bdrm riai( ; lot, oioroqo bsmi, no«-Hl(

, ; School. *49.500.324-4054.

ncing! Q S -O p cn Houses

WN e m e E E lS™ - ■ __________J B f l l l•!” ’ M a g l c V a

___________ N o .w l H o

,if."K - " T t i e r e l

-------------- ^»■«» Sof.lmobloJ for A*kob®.;af of*;....................... eonv«nlloni(Thoft- im t« o i

1 ^ S A T U B D i

mi M o n

__________ ( C o r n e r o^■ . 193S ELEGANCE in th * ■ homo located In a (In

'it I i | . hood. G root orchllocli If. M matching tho hom e. F

lloon.-dock ovoHooki ••— ■ _ » _ Q t* .lu iL o Jo y /jsL lh B .

J B No. 150-83.

. [ k G E M

^ t M S ^ D t S O N A VC; 1


CQO-Homes For Sale___ QY_ 0WNEa^l3-.Bdrm._2y

:bolh, qulol cul-de-sac. Wi

L ikmge. BY OWNER* Nico oldfl Illont— ; nofno72 Ddrmrl bathrpartl;

lax basomeni. fenced yofC

Sood——looallon— $2u0Chown by appolnimoni onl)

. 733-8190. iRP ,BY OWNER. 2 bdrm oide

homo, njce. Ownorjnayhol . — flhanco. ”2 ^ 9tn Ave N

733-6511._____________'----- ^--BY.OWNERLQualltyAbdtn:

.3botha.2w /tilo .2000oq.ll y^ y„p jj_y„^ jjoam cellinc

‘0” ' fam. rm. ook lloorlngIn entrr,¥5; ■ -4-dlnlno-rTnr2-frp!ce»rwe

.|ondseopod-w /--9prlnk loayslem , hoalpum;:Assumoble loon. 73 4 ^ 1 0 ^

’ COLLEGE MEADOWS— • — Bodroom- _c o n d o .^ -N 0'

carpolinnr^gobd-MSuruit)!Idoho Housing loan. Co


. • ENJOY...;- . -•.SThls ouporbly malntalnoi

homo ond yard. Opon Iloo “"*'2 .plan. EKtros includo wooi ■ f Burning liroplace. buill-li , , 9, alereo ayaioms, hoal pump

;ond much moro. Bedrooms, 2 bolhs.1400 so

:<t. ol living aroa. 122 Avonid---------- Del Rio,-»5i -.900,----------------


— : ■ J2500down.'----- ;12 Inloro8l-30 yoar loan


Eve's and weoKonds•JoanBrawloy ....... 733-963

= — ^FABULOUB-Vlew-ln-yav laco 'a round log home, decking vood studio 4 beautiful yord on B o^ Tocror Reduced to J88.000 lahio ;WIII conaidor trodo. Col MV. 462-3861. Garden Valloy (4! y i t -m lleoN .ofB olael.

RLER B BDRM. 2 balh h o ^___ 560,000. Ownor meilviiod

Coli Judy 326-5680 or Mair W ost Roallv 734-0555.For Solo by owner, builder

---------- Now 3'Ddrm'homo ln-Wendoll. Will consider porlla lrade.S31,000.538-2259.

i u B . FOR SALE by ownor* Tudoi ^ — 4400 oquare-lool homo.onJ ,„i„^ ocre lot. N.E. location. - '" '"S bedrooms. 3 baths, library

^ 7 6 0 9 . J175.000.I NE ------ -----------------------------I li* ..................................

GOOD AREA NEARCSIT V 1133 SF wllh full basomont •* * -- olmosl new, 3 bedroom s,;

baths, -calhedral-colling ■4078 largo ossumobie iooi

opproxt45.400 wilh no quail 2 ™ . lying, 154.900.

S S r e d u c e d to J69,5001.900. boaullful spilt-ontry homi = ----- o n - .9-acre .-5 ■ bedrooms.-i

1227 real country living vel ciosi to town. Movo right Ini

: A M E R IC A N ..^ ,a tir REAL ESTATE

________ &APPRAISAL —,.! (AceosatromCcurtHouao)

- 73M6S0

n ------------- [)ou9Vo«mofr6fok*f—Joan F rank ............. 734-6921MaryAkkormon ...734-388;

y < °f- A ldaS trong ........... 733-090ilau'o DonnisVolImer, . . . 733*9191

^lno=.-.lJ^ROE-ASSUMABLE^tOA^ '“Olc on Ihls Supor 3 bdrm, IV___ bath, greal locallon

liroplace, Ulo rool. For onl; S64.500. Call Pam, Conlury

2V4 21*Mayor Realty. 734-7935 0Iving 733-2667.________________>om. LOW INTEREST, top loca

lion, 5 -bdrm. 3 balh. 'a door '•^ 1 2 — OWNERi>EaPERAT&- ““ P ua an oiler on Ihls : h„H bedroom, lom. rm, fireplace

shop bldg lonod Ind. laoni J37_[)00 jyif}, t32.000 I.H.L— low -lnL -loan-_-iako_cot arge pickup ole. on trado. Cai High— Fforold-733-6071 -or-M oli >• W est Roally 7 3 4 ^ .

029-G pen Houses

a l l e y ' s L a r g e s t

l o m e ^ B u i l d e r . ________i i s a r e a s o n "

w p p mFrl. 4-6

I. ft S u n . 1-4

lx>ulour7% K >nat lo a m Wtth o*Of S% down.

i j C S Sll7!uSM »V -i-°—W J J o r 734-3311

I V I l l S . I N C . ^

I H O U s C >»AT2_-4P.J«. ' IHI l f f i T A v e T i ; I0^ n t h a i o c u i * ) __________ Itho 'e o 'i with th it 3 bodroom _ lino Eoft Twin Folli neighbor- Id u r o l d#»lgn w llh lh e 9orda«— I. Family room w ith h o rd w o o d _ " sk ln a nlcoty lo n d ie b f^ 'y o rd I ia.n«t:Q iw grlcad.oLS6A .900___ |

1 S T A T E j

E;CAST 734*0400 ' W B M

0 0 1 - 0 3 7 ~C30-Hoine8ForSala '

PATK) HOME on Falls Avo!, w iii~ £ o s l. 'T 'la ro o -b o aro o m a r2 -------down, baths, rango and dishwash- 87 or,panlry.2cargaiago,lully

- -loncod.-0vor.-1200 -flq_ ll-----------„“ rtW--t52-2DQ.^uallllod buyor.can______

OwiTwith J1350 down and finance bolonco al 10.21%,

HEADY TODAY... ,° .f -for you and yoursi This .____

'almost now'T^Bbdibom. 7 ~ — :bath home has 1200 sq. fl. ofbPfnii— ilvlng—spaco— Doublo—car----------iQ. II-. garogo-fenced yard.Blllng.-..>l30AvonldaOalRlo.S52.g00........'Ontry OWNERFINANCINGrW ell-------------- AVAfCJVBtE:---------------------inkier-------------- J2500down.----------------------3ump.- i2v.% lnIorosl-30yoartDan. i10-_ AURORA CAPfTALCORP rs 2 73M347.:

New Eve'e and weekendsmabla _ Joan Bntwley---------733-8633 _ .

SPACIOUS 3 bdrm, IVi balh____ on aero lol. Dining room,

------family roomrW/l(replaco.-lftr.T=— ^------- BOrt.-huge kitchen w lih |onn— —

Ialnod" a lr4 microwavo. fiUII Iro ss4 •"I lloor lots ot oxirss. Realtor wood owned. S68.900. Assume ulll-ln with low down or rollnance.5ump. Kalhv 733-1063 or 734-8191.

3 THig h o m e QUAUFIES for Low Inlorest Idoho Housing LoanI 3 bedroom. 1«f bath.

basemoni, 2-car garage.J58.900. Call 734-96M or ___

io*"' 733-6043 oy.e :i------------------------VERY VALUABLE duplex &

■ ;^ ._ 2 .S T 0 p y _ H 0 U S E . 3 bdm , 2______-kinn balh. fireplace. 2'/4 acros. l o n i S53.000. Call 543-6072.8.000. 3/4 ACRE 3 bdrm.- brick, 2 '

Call . balh homo. 2000-t- sq . ll.. IrrIV (49 waior. fruit Iroes & gorden. , -

J73,500.-Bul moke us an ot- -___ . ,ior. Coll Joe 734*3393 or Main______lomo. West Really 734-0555. ■ mod. 4 BEDROOM HOME on Sun- Main . rise.B lvd North. Finished

_______ ^ m g n i . wllh K?i;u_oi______llder. buiiMn sloraoo, air. cond.Wen—-llftpl4co,-limIiy-roomUafOQ-'-:__lorllal covered patio wllh nice

privoto bockyard. $4500 f r r r . :down ond assum e. Coll' 734-9660 or 733-9043 ovos. ___in. 4 664 ALTURAS DR. 3 bdrm, • jrary, lolal brick, fireplace, at* jm i .loched garogo, lonced yord,

lAft Inmlly room, dishwasher. slovo. Assumable loon.

____ ’*45.000. By ownor. 734-3805.734-9547.__________•-

. FACINQ FORCLOSURE 4 CSI bdrm, 3 both, many exlros, mont. N.E. area. *, 2 - .................... — .....................illlng. j-O Ji-O u to lT ow n-..........-Qualt- Sole by ownor, builder.^ Now 3 bdrm homo InJVon*

dell. Will consider partial •Art Irado. 131.900.536-2258.^ m o HAGERMAN Custom Homef la - 2— onJ.ncco.jlQwu>rlyalo..lQt9_______

__ ol extraa. Agaumable loan._______close - w j4 0 2 o rM ^ 6 to i^ ____________

' 034-Jerom e Homes._ I I .!2 -B E D R 0 0 M -wilh-_atoKor.______

'Olectric bosoboord heaters, carpeted, full basomoni,

■BY OWNER: - 4- bdrm, 2Vi both, all elec_home w/dbi_______

}i?|® nice yd, corrols & paaluro.All on 5 ocroa. SW oi Joromo, J78,500. Assumable

W199 loan. For appt 6780874.

W basomoni. corner loL Exc ?oniy locanon-*34,500.324-4859.

Q3fr-Real Est. Warned____ WANTE-' HOUSE to movo.loca- Profor ■ North side aroa

>38 C '" ' ’ fl *0

___________ ..utcnsa___

S'Jc’ CHOICE FARMSInd., 1016 ACRES-.Good larm Ir-

I.H.L. rlgatod and dry pasture, nico-Cor___hQirm____and buildings.. Cali Shoshone. T6. ______ __________-M ain-440-------A C R E S ^^^^^o w -----------

crop/cattle, rock home,— South of Twin. T42.

282 ACRES- Productive row crop/collle, boaullful 4 Bdrm brick homo, nico oroa. T24.221 ACRES* Farmland and ctiolce river fronlage. Buhl.165 ACRES- Good form, pivol. torms, Wondell. T7S. •148 ACRES-Nico larm. Flier.Lovely 5 Bdrm homo, T6t.

-----------120 ACRES-'’ G ia ln '-an d -----------boons. Older homo. Cioso to . .

120 A *C R ^ Excellent lorm. “

'120 ACRES- Pasluro land NE olTwlnfordevoIopmont. .


: 733-MI4or54M222

— - i—_____ ^DA lRIEa:- V_____;40 ACRES Dolry comploto .-with cowa. Will handle 100 ‘head. $30,000 down.

a t :80 ACRES, Buhl, alnglo 6tdatry;-----------------

w :Grade A 40 acros al Wondoil, -----------:in-iIij?fi>Tt25T0W9rO00Dto1----------M -wllhieoiock-upa.

^40 ACRES Dairy, close in ^ ITwIn Falls, Doublo fl HB, 168

:froo stalls.^ ; ROWCROP

— JooodJ2 fl'o ....................I •200ACRESNonholJoromo. .

- ■ -.:240A CR ESnearW ondoll---------------

! : CallJlmPaul9on543-t330

B A R N E S R ^T Y ^ : 1043 Blue Ltkoa North ^ ; 01173^6227

^ [GOOD 320 combinalion.

__ _ :wsler, 4 bdrm brick homo■ 'noxttoBLM .Reailoro'w ned,M Realtor ‘

! ^on ^ c r o s , double sS ^o r^__ ■ — Irlngbon fi^L B u lo ipallcJfl:______I _ ;cludlno tako-olfs, foodors.. ■ '.washing, olectrlo crowd

_ - g a lo . . , l ro e -h M ta t„ -2 .0 0 a _ .-----I ■ ^oalion tank. 270x40' opon — ■ -•iB hod , oxconeni—ctimotij:---------

■ :Tako ovor existing loan.— I — Jmint-iP.-«ft;ga?q. ----------

I s j a ' s s i r . r K ’r ' - ■_ rSTOCKMEN'S REALTYI : 3244303. ■_______________ .

V ■ :200 AC. rock rrM row crop- ■J ■ :farm, oxc. location, concrete .'S iM ;dltchoa, ^ , 0 0 0 , low down. ■-J # -Rocky Min. RIty. 733-1406/^ _ _ J v « 7 m M S .

Page 13: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

037-Fann8& Rafw ha8_ _V £RY _N ICE 3 Bodfoi

nomo on 25 . Aci Sou1t)wost o( Joromo. Sh( coffols, many extras. io:i

--------------- toquallliod .l

llmllod,32<-75tfl Of 324-592

Bedroom .houao. WM.O J 100.000 down. 10% inlon on a 10 yoor paymonl. C

__________ 3?4-7<35.^

________ (^A crBaQ BiLotsBY OWNER New Boaulirul

-bdfm homo. 2Vi bathn. < m acfo. Foncod. lan ocapod. wfundorgroui

--------------- flprlnhlora. l95,000.-32*-<0^CITY LOTS FOR SALE

various Btioo 0*11423-4441

EXCELLENT bulldinn !ol9■ ■ Jorom o “ and~TW In~Ftt'

Countlos. low down ps monts. Call Stovo Dixon

r 3 ^ - : r : ? R f l a I “ -EEaialo“ Unllmiio — . . . . 324-7S1B....... ........ .............

FAIRFIELD, IDAHO Princess Mlno Ranch. 1 0! ocfo parcois. Walor. ole Irlclly, counly road. S2S oach. Andorson Ranch Ra orvolr by Pino. Idaho.

__________Acro^arcolo^, walor. ole

----------------»sj:000r-t«nn3-O T-J2Mcash . Call Bud. ASPEN R

--------------- ALTYr377^10or37fr«1Qr

FOR SALE by ownor on 2 3- acroa-2 bdrm, 2 bath. 19

mobllo homo. GatBoo omall room altachod. i cond. J3g;S00.-53&«ff7.—

U R G E NEWER 40x65 moi ahop tjldo. 2,4 ocros with wator nJco 3 bdrm. 2 ba homo, J70.000. Call Hare

____ ____ 733-60n.or Main Wosl Real73441553._________ .MOBILE HOME LOTS I sa le "MoQlc Valley Mob

__________ Fnlnln-'-V-Nnw fldult 3L............division. Washinglon SI. S

: -----------,-a,.i.blQcK woal.on.PheasaRd, Easy lorms. 734^843. MUST SELL 21W Acr sou th of Joromo. Bootollt

■PU R E 'A R T E SIA N ------- H OT-W A TE a U- Homo/lfllsuro site

Boautilul vlow*.-just ihl whal you can do. Heallr

• pool or spa, yoar-rou groonory and grass. Fr

. ' socurlly, and a cous .hundred acros (canyon.a Tolling) upon which to rk h lko.llsh ond onjoy. Umll

" num ber available. Roa 'SOonI Only 17 country mil (rom Twin. Let's visit. C

• 7 3 4 j^ 0 L ;4 3 jg g 2 :____----------------a-ACRES,-8-Mrm,-3-baU__________ 2ifl£_oara fle .J ioa t„pu ff

*79,500, Call Judy 3?6-56■ Main Wosl Realty 734-0555

33 ACRES. 3 S i 1V4 W Buhl. Subdlvidod w /S^ac

------------- T-i-tvrolV^-BcrololarBoautisotllno. QOOd grour

______ ... S7g.^.324-U 46. By owno— - ■ 5 J\.CRE parcels. Buhl. JU

down. ^ 0 1 1 4 wookda' 734-3555 ovo9&wKonds

righto, well, highway lr( ~ . ta go .-po ton lla l. subdivlsl

. -.slto, small down, ownor k carry. Aseumo papor 9

___________t^ .O O O 'or bost roasonalJ i o tier. ------------ : : :

• . a ACRES soulh ol WofldiPotonllal tor homoslto. srr

. . larmstoad, mobllo itoislto. Ownor llnancing. 1i uown. 25 yooro on balom 637-63a3 ovonlngs.

• 87 Acres, 750 W. 075 N. Paul, ID. 3 bdrm -f buildlni 1/3 Down, S261.000. So bids 10 Box 268, Orowsi

;-------------- -OR97n04,-----— ~ —

• 03S-Bu9ln983pfOpbftyDOWNTOWN .STORE f

___ _______ fnnan or salo behind ll

fo" ms'^E^or dofalis wrtVo ’p, Box 927, Port Townsend, W 08308. -IN BOISE, 160 AC ol u dovolopod land locaiod no tho-BolBO Airport. Zorn r'nmmnrclaL CALL 733-753: SHOP (or loaso or salo. bay. with air. 3 phaso olo W ^y.^^large lol. alter

:______ .Q43-VacaliQ[lgf.9PartL___________ WATC

Clooo. Roady aooni Loi vlalt. 734-8296.543-8082 RIVER & U K E lot I C ascade sowor 4- wall 19.000. Call 734-0418. - SUN VALLEYI Allordat vacalion rosidonc

. - .Spacious 2 bdrm. 2 ba--------- ; 'Tow nhouse■ condo .- E«

cond. Conven loc. *69,5 w/*54.000 assum .atlO % .l balloon pymnlo, Idoal-.l

.- lam lly/couplcs. O ihorqm ty proporllos avail. Oom

----------------HanogH--------ownorybrokior 726-8001.

045^Moblle HomesALL 1983 HOMES MUST G Tho 84’a aro'herol Closo-c

—.— pricos wllh all 83's plus ■St.000 l a c j ^ ^ b a l o l Cat

a .O S E ^ U T SALEI 1 Ic Boaullful 1983 Concc doubio wldo: Pricod lo s immodlatoiyl 1984 modi avallabio soon at Mai Valley Mobilo Homos. <

_________.jnilea Waat ol Hospital. H

. ■ ^RICEDW W for qul'clTaa.......... . rJOSI..... Broadmofo -Mob1 :* -H om o , .14x70 with- 8i

g ipando . 2 bdrm. 2 ba

~ )^Hal?er6Dm.'4'3lSie9* '•---- Trado Eqully In Doubio wl

------------ T -T o r" t< x ^ n in Q n :to a rrC. 324-4288. . _

------------:-73-14>i70 3-BORM-Tamara:• - Sa lu p ,S paceH 7.V illage ' " ' ^ Jerom o.' _

ro fu r b l^ d . m a n ^’ eoo to approciato. Sligt

Resort, furn. o r uf»tui- 837-6503.____________ ^

1972 SIERRA. 2 bdrm. 12i In Adull Court. *5995. C 733-3836..______________

• •. -1882 KAUFMAN a-BflO^1600sq It. Dbl Wide. -To


eal estates____ M S -Moblle Homes


ll Je rry -.-24/60.1979SKYLINEJrijanilO-Un-__ pa.'A:____ _____________1-5922 *27 500.

28x67 1981 GOVERNC

iruT^< *28 900198> ’ GOVERNC


_ ^ _ 1 4 x 5 0 1977.J'AM&flACK. olocirlc,

I jr r r -— 1-4i7O'1570 ^ io l o c i f r d

ro u n d "------ -----------15,600.----------

......‘CO^JTEMPORAflY>^OMl^^^ 2064 Kimboriy

;— r ... - iS s b Am Homcdalo.3 bd !2^ , i 2_ lm _ b a tn ^ l / ia ,_ .O a s sio ^ 1 1 5 M rpot & drapes, Sliyl/

pay- Park *158. *6500.829-4156. 14x64 BUDDY.. *7500.

mltod,— aown -paym ont.-JI73------month 3112%. orwill ront

*175.788-9452._________0 , , 14x70- KIT Goldon Slate \ .tL - Bodroom, 2 balh. Ilrepla

"bullt-In dlshwashor. ste , rofrio.-movabio dock. M

in 000. *10,600, Call a '°oloc° S:30Dm.j<2^567.

W — ^ 9 ^ B R 0 A D M Q R E

819------- • 2 B odroom ” --------------- - .TotolEleclficn2 3M »6” Wall . 1981 •Thormopano Windows

r i • Rango. Roltlcprator.Air........ • t \2 M

— T, BROCKMAN’S r ' ? ) MOBILEHOMES! balh 4 mllos north of Per-iarold Bridge. Twin Falls. PliReally 734-3167 or 438-5707.____ ___ 1883 NASHUA 14.70.3 b<B for *3300 down S laito iilobllo Pvmts or *17.900.326^54.: aub- .0 nr^RU i4y?n w51. So. atovo. many oxtras. Callsasani___ inlo 436-35W or 532 4530.43;__

101107 m R e n t a l s

051-U nfum . Houses ‘t;;;;; § b e d r o o m ' 'h o d ;

think 'oocod yard, across Ir J lin n school. *425 + *200 dopo !roljn'd 733-1116or 733-2273.. Fruit ’ 5 BEDROOM HOME rivacy Jerom o. 202 Easi Avo F, * CQUofo m onth -t- *100 dopo>n nnd 487-2282 or :<87-22Bi:.........3 rido, ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm ol •Imllod riomo. now carpot t. pa Roady bsml, storm windows. ’ mllos (oncod yard. Available C :|. Call 1.*325 -l-*150dop.733-63^ — - . ATTRACTIVE 3 Bdrm hoi bams,— ^i;4-bath0r-flaraoo,-fonip.ufpPi___ uaxd_carpelQd Jrap o d w>5680, poslia and roleroncoa « 5 5 ^ cuHod.*2S5(nonlti.733-2(1 W ol COUNTRY 2 bdrm. wo •8 acro burning stovo. w/d hook- ,auti(ul— i;75rN 0 pets.-733-1797—

IN BEAUTIFUL Hagorr !S!1£L-. -Valloy,. 12x60 mobllo.ho . * l0 0 0 _ 7 o r font. Fishing ..y kdays, around. Ico skaiing Is nnm nn. Prnfor rosDonsI


( Iron- 4 BEDROOM houso in Fl ivlslon . Noods somo work. WUU lorwlll 03 io (or *225 monlh.

ir 9%. doDoalt. n*-6387. . . onable— MOBICE HOME|'^~bdm-------:------baih.-GalCaCm ir ~ .l.:...OfldOll. n e w e r 3 BEDROOM HOI. small on small acroaflo, close

nomo Jorom o. Eloclrlc hi3. garogo. *378 + dopeilanco. havo rolorencos. i_____ 324-4578 SATURDAYONLi N. Ol n ic e SMALL 2 Bdrm. St Idlngs, & relrig (urn.-ldoal lor c

Sond plo. 234 Nonh Washlngl pWSpy. , _ S260-f *100 dop, 733-66^.------- 8HALL-AGREAQE-6.W,

----- Twin. 3 bdrm-homo. 24ly ' shop, corrals 4 somo ( 7 ~ bulldlnga on 1 acro. J = ■ mon, cfoaninodooJOQuIr d lhe ChucicChaBlaJ24-7445ot“X ° i - GANYONSIDE REAL! o p o — 733 .1062or32«354 .d, WA 1 b d r m houoo (or renl, I____ ___ carpotod 4 panolod,'] | un- oloctrlc host. 340 Elm. T dnear Falls. *200 monlh -f dZoned 733-4130 alter 6, -'7537. • 1 RFDROOM small re:IIS71----->10000. '424%“ W alnuirJ, oioe- - J '^ ' ’‘b eOROOM apt,, cle- ■ largo, lurnlshod, 262

Avo. N,»2,J1<0 monlh.{y • 2 BEDROOM houBO

ATER. closo to Shopping; rris “ silo:— drson ET j28?mBnirr—

Let's • REAL CLEAN, cuio 3 bl homo In Jorome, 325

;r~Tn Avo, E., *325 monlh. wator ..-*.QARAQE&OFFICE.,u

- for outo repair on Add! W. near hospllal, J

MAYER & asso ciate ;.................734.7836.- .

;69 5M " 14x70 MOBILE HOME, !% No bdrm. balh & V4 wllh wc til (or burning slovo. Locaiod quail- ’

Jennls doo. 734-5ri3of 733^646.irokor,----- t 175.-1-bdrm,-l-balhxom

-Rnfrig 4 slovo. 936 E Lakes Blvd, Evins Prop Management. 734-1401.

rTTTT:. 2 BDRM. Cloan. Iliopli oas lurn. Insulalod. No p

W;Ot,t g ° r^4 -5234 or 734-5483! r jr tn r 2 BORM HOME In Flier.

2°BDRM HOME. 2!» Adi Knii UOO/mo. + cloanliiD do|

Im .i! II c n n t-sm .m lm . Maolc 2 BDRM houso lor font. I 3. IVt m onlh. 733-7348,_______II. Hwy 1280. 2 Bedroom. 1 b------- ------ ra ir ig.' gmvo. garpei, dratK aalo: garago. 657 2nd Avo W Mobile— E vans- ProM rty-U ani

8x12 m*nt. 7 3 4 - 1 ^ b a l h ^ , 2 7 0 ^ n 4 t h Avo NortI

L___ flooreV basomont, E*0 w^de Manafloni

____ f M . 2 Bdrm. 1 bath, slia ra c t— —rolrlo,___cafpoL— drajigoW, foncod yard, small bi — m «m ,-4 4 4 -L o w st_ E v

sugars 3 BDRM, 2 bath. Double

,12x64 3 BDRM HOME-. Gan1 Call nlco yard, llronlaco,_____ condition. 733-6117.ROAD. - - a BDRM In counlry. Car •To bo family room 4 llroplaco.:

. month: 934-4907 eves.

e-Farmer051-U nfum . H ouses

------- 3 BEDROOM. 2 balH. f, u e - - ~ basom ont. oaraoe. ’«>« '" ’C o|(jo, homo In a Coun

Sotllnn In Excolloni h lamily locallon .G ardon3paco .lt

“ ■|tooar537Sfm0rL0a!0-4-c--------------p o s i i---------------- immodi:^NOR. possosslon. Call 733-21________ days. 733-4609 evenings.

4 B0RM HOUSE. *380 + 51 =INOR. deposit. Call 324-8213


;K- All— 0 5 2 -F u m .A p l.iO u p .A CLEAN 1 BDRM. lurnlsh

line:— T 'iip r'w ato r-s-nan ita tian -p_______ tl25/inoTim. Call 734^070.

■D, BASEMENT 2 bdrm apt. Jl ----- ‘--------+ - j7 5 -d e p o 3 ii .-N o -p o5UES------_____________________:rt .i£B O M E . 1 Bdrm, avalial t J w n now. all uilllilcs iurnlsht

no pots. *185 plus'aopo!..... 32*-S163or330l or7204.

kJl’nm;---- LAHGe-1-BDRM,-Alco-S, dio. Heat 4 walor pd. 203 •I p — S I ,N .734-5325 altor4pm,S'- ---- LOOKING FOR A HOUSE Iontlor - APARTM£NT?.Cal] Quillci

PARTIALLY lurn apt. Ex “ nice, to working mati? P0'30h. no amokeVs. *275

Muai dop. Includinn util. 733-694 altor TWO 1 Bedroom ap;

'm onia, downtown. *95 a-------- *160. Call 734-1333.,RC______ W H i_H £tii_w nan_xcuc

buy for *500 down 4 ^ :______ m onlh, Jim VoiK,-Big Wc

- - Roally 733-5605.734-6551- 'l Bdrm. noar Saloway Twin, *155 plus powor,.Br

• 543-6404 days.3fe-5373ov(1 BEDROOM apartment,

--------------00(9.—M a o /fo -a l-« « -T n0 Avo,E._________________?C - IIA PTScom plotow lthcal •i* , TV. Weekly *45-*60, i; Perdno Kimboriy Rd, 733-6284.Phono • , ’ -----------------

— - 054-U nfum .A pts., ; tP i i p |e » e i - .

<544. A LARGE 1 bdrm apl w

30.. . _______ FALLS APARTMENTCloso 10 schools 4 Shf ping. Children wolcon

• Warm, fiiondly 4 quIol m osohoro. 1 4 2 bodroi ap ts *l95‘rJ240-rfrontfn Quincy,

CA LL73*«QQ------ QQRQgQUS ?. .hcfrm .1

OIJSE, W/D hookup, bulll In api “ ncos- *275.+ SIOO.OCP. P^ls, Non smokora. 7

'E „ I" . SPACIOUS 3 bdrm 2 b; r j ? ? ? Duplex. 8 rooms, lar apo?!’.'..,. _ror>cod yard, 1-or-2.chlldi_________Ok.Call ovo'a. 734-8025.

olfof 2 or 3 bdrm op lurnlshod or unfurnlsht

« b c f No pots-Call 733-0740. 1^40 ■ 2 APARTMENTS- ono

bdrm. *225 -t- *50 cloani ___ dop. 2 bachelor *190 + :

-----on 0 0 0 r6 4 ^ 9 6 i------- -----3-209^ 2 aORM, Dlshwashor. f

wfttor 4 sant lurn. Lav, wood- rnoJfod, *280 *■ *100 dop. I

jok-up, EaalandN, Rel, 734-2413. ± 7^7 - 2 BDRM, Opon boam c'ollli ' h o Z . dishwanhor. c

ua!i7— p o a a , :• stovo— 4— roln

mslble— '3 ’ DRM. 2 baths, reliig slovo. (oncod yard.

rpiiST: c tti,ld rcnoii.n iB M S,__ ,

S - ' " , ; , ! 058-Room 5 For Beni^____: -*O A R D and^ROOM. Ior jdfni. 2 . . . n |5r -d l iia n _ w h o wants

-------■— t r t ^ l ^ lm o o p lw r g ^ toHOME cookeo'lootfnaDndiTTina ose 10 (orth. For more Inlo 733-25'

op'ostL. .. O57-M obll0Home . INLY*” 14*70 MOBILE HOME,

bdrm, bath 4 Vi with woc■ Slovo burning stove. Locaiod >r cou. .- lovoly Family Park. *275 Inolon. doD. 4-5713 or 733-6646.

2 BDRM-parl-(urnlshed ■^4x30— 3 2 4 ^ .2 ^

\° O55-Offic0 Renlaisaulrod. poR RENT body r--------- ba yo -t-pa ln th . lone\LTY- In yard, good locaiion>54------- Burley.-oli utHltlos paid I

hoat. air compross d‘- M lu m is h e d .- - advortlsemi

67y756Q!*or6°7iOT77.■--------------OFFICE SPACE. Excolli ------~ r locaiion, nowor bulldli

___afflpla_oaJkino._alLutllll’• ^5 0 paid J325 month. Doshio

hollov Realtors 734-2922, 52 sm OFFICE SPACE (or ront. ■2 5'Q— sqrdrB lueLakooB lvdN o

J60 + location. Call 788-2406.

rie Ad- •*' -caotlonist 4_ a n s t^ r

3 bdrm Bruco ot Globo Roally 7 125 5lh 2626,

used____066-M obile Home,Spc,_J« 0 CAMEO MOBILE ESTATE

(Com aiivewithos.) .JES A dultsp avail. 734-8064.

8-14 WIDE TRAILERS, Ga; n r ~ ‘\ " all oloctrlc.~ADULT COUI wood- NO poia, 733-3838,

nod In —

^ . f l i M e r c h a n d i s entlnnn '3 BFuo - --------- --rop«rty 067-M l8cellaneou3

BEAUTFIUL 8' rust coloi0 oom’ cuslom drapos with dece 83* ‘ . ia rro d s4 w h ito sh o e rs .P

■ *750. Ilko now-*200.324-76

r tost'sc u es. Bowladromo 733-031

dopos- BLUE Iroo-siand131 f i r e p l a c e . Pipe compI(7 ^ . Boat ollor. Call 524-8751

CLEAN FRUIT JARS y r r i i z rings, all sizes . BARG,

,.PHfgE5, c .T rn i..;7 ,1 West COMPLETE rock si

machine and stor

fl°Jpori(o,'°*5000“ casR 0emam,

CRAFTSMAN tablo a now. *250: Now Soars I

hM«:— wood - ia m o ,~ » 200r— » Chickorlng piano, mint 1

a S ----- riiiinn: *956:324-2^07.--- ----------:____H A RRlSJ»_dolj_xe morTTTT, to lephone, 7 chann

HEAVY DUTY vortical w apllttor. gaa or oloclrlc, hitch. *1000.834-8360 eve

J ____ • e monlh old wall away

*60. can 734-8577.

rs ’ markt___ 067-Miscellanoou3

i . full --------------------


r f FurnllurQ. Many lop qu,— miscoiianoous-itoms'l Ct

+ 5150 Covenant Followohlp, ■’3 4ih Avo. Nonn. Mom------- Sopt. 12. 8:00 pm. Soo

doiails In Mond, >. Timo»-Nowo. For luiSliKFd Inlormailon call 7341341in-PCn— Lace— Tabfecfolhr-94x 070. Chinoso handmado, * n T iM " Wilson, Ja rbldgo; 69826..-p o ls___ MEIAL.DETECTOR Boi

Huntor VLF/TR 8« ,iiV --crim m aior;— almost— , oihod condlllon, *135.734-3799. ooosit' m ink STOLE, aulumn r r . . color. Ilko now. *350 Of 1z r ^ . . olfor, 423-5306._________203 4th Norwonlan Silver fox m. coat. Liko new. Size 7. /

lnq*1500orolfer. 734-73G Jillci’s ,- PINBALL MACHINE lor s

Neodb a couplo ol I “ elura bulbs. *250.733-2807. mature POWER TROWEL, J90C *275 + trado ol oqual valut.':- 1-6941. 436-5684 aftoinoons.. apart- . -QUEEN-.Sl'ZE Soria por

95 and sloopor mattross & I aprlnga, bod framo

r - r : : -----hffad5OTn*7S100--12'-' biai-----whit«-TVrt2 6 .-So l^f<op<i

inJnn lOltJ tlfo oxllnguiahor wllh plpos for restau

■'’r'nSS Ki.’C'iqr'. *^50, 733-8838. -in<ra— gAVE *120“ 6if lisi pr-----r ; MAGIC MILL III. *239.50' “ 5'® only). 733-7463 or 733-789t • - SEARS CEMENT MIXER. ;^7-T- cu,ft. Ilko now. *175.

324-8054.______________SIX 4-0 X 4-0 aluminum ' doWa *20 .each, Ono.3«

; r ^ f , window, *10, All SIM,'Jfi 3rd 7789, .......................... •-7 “ ^— SWA'MPTIOOCERliBf.J MT— -Nearly now .-usod onl

— monms.-545Q.or-make.oi Icomo 733-8872 alter com. ilol at- THE LARGEST oelociioi tdroom unlinished lurniluro- dn iih, 563 •" o rsrrocK D rsrstoo lsrch

and roll lop desks. Theh Carlor Contor. 733-3493,: FourihA vo.E.. Twin Pall!

— □ncrT T T rucK a uu lu rv00 No Truck with 7 compatlme1 734- *725. call 4234864.

WOOD PALLETS lor s 9 Assortod aizos, id s '

i?rnr> chooso Irom. Call Bob 1hiidlSn 733-6061.______________5___ .- . ^ O D STOVE, lor snio,

Ilshod:" 16 HORSE POWER" Ca'dolto riding I

rjjT— mowof-tractor. Call 733-5;eaninn ------------ ^ ^

O gbW an(ed To Bjjy___------ ;^_BUYINQ:-Ev8rylhlng.ift^

4 Silver. Idaho Coin Gai Lawns loa. 302 N. Main. 733-8S93. ep. 644 WANTED NIQHTCRAWLE ,13. . H lflheatP rcos. 430 2nd j •'olllhn— East.--Sam-liartr— a 5| r dlsl. 8 j30pm ovor> d^ y ,J2^y TOlria.-;--WANTED- TO BUYu E)

Lono Double or Twin B C011734.7523.

rd. • 2 ------------------------------- — —1 • ROUND SOLID oak antli1____ tablo, oxcoiiont condltiIor so- ■ *750. Call 432-5573,ints a - _ 1J----- :— ---------------Utono=-—and so— u/*—OBWinuawdJi#— 3-2513.

Se~ 3 «IURDAT, StPfEHBIR 10, II wood-

S,i J S e w in g is S av ir

! | ^ z _ p . r 4 < n e d J . 3 U e i

ltd .bu l---------V y / - f y - r r 7 . .

lomcnt 5 ^

collont V ' i ^jllding, • \* . ft I ?jtllllloa__ _ P i b '. * ■ /5hior4 ff/V

__ \ * •//■ tjfi -M _____

Ily 733- ^

p c .- - ..FATES ■5-> /Cr-/ I " IGas or L ^ \ ' \ \ / ^ / j P

:ouRT.- Ill ........IU

ise .yK" IT l" \ 1-

:olorod \ Vjecora-rs.Pald 9 0 4 9 SIZES B-114,7545,______ , . _o'ftabio _ i u

..................landlrjQ Wlim itie sewms -i jo mploto. mT,-lTDWCsnr)or«nt-tni 51___ th w cusp, ne<« blouwic own. Ihc)r'iepe()ectlottU7

. shop 12 Vuit**«) iljilupo’--..... ,«ils.45-iR ti:J»U V S Ilaslon- , 2,53 , „ h p ,||

“rs and- *’* *"g ' “ol? K u n iS f c iP j t t iw m ^ f» only. R udg j^ •

i saw! 2 W W ^ 8 ^ S ? .N « \e r t irs bosi lOOtl. Pilnl NAME. iUWR ;— Also— np.'Sizr»fl« s m r KUMB Int con- . Woikin* «amin> S<t. tl;

■ thot wwli lot rou, y « 'm mobllo Sent) lot N(W fAll.Wlf

i-annola;-----PAITtRN MTA10G.-Fi« p«rS738. coupon (J2.50

12»0«ici'n'Ejjy Tr»mlir 126.fhrill, Criltj n<»tr»

«ay re- 125-Ptt*l teilb *110. 121-Filkn U«»«(f«

d table,— BooU ina cujioi- job- nch lor poiliie *nd h»nc

et0 7 2 -A n l lq u e ^ ____

A'NTtOUE Oak Framod F Mirror. iuiy unlQuorApp 2V |-«6\ J3M. ALSO Anti Solid Oak Library Dosk,

. opon side shelves. 1 co SOS. drawer *200.734-6432 ail£ :ycIos. ANTIQUE oak ollico chai Qu.illly salo. Call 733-5528.C hrts— OAKHOOSIERKllchon't >■ 348 Inot. 3oakHi-boy3,2wal anday. All boaulilully restored, DO lull Koeoan Lano, 734-7069, nday's _________________

074-MuslcalBaldwin Splnolo PI; Excolloni.condition... *1

r — r Call 734-3533 altor6pm.BOX-QUITARr-8-strtTTB-

L “ ‘;;,._.ca6o,.,-liko-r»ow,-*85—jg 3 ^ 5 4 4 ;________r j ^ o CLASSIC solid ma'hofl

hAM piano. 1010. *600, CallJf bo-t . ^293.--------- : ----------„ Fnr -OOOD-USED-BUNOY-AI

SAX, CALL 436-9739RUPERT._____________

T7:±;— Kimbail pianorpocan fin ' 1 ? '? i- -|u3l llkono«. tfooo, 734-! ' or 734-7629aftorSpm,5^ , MEMPHIS electric Gu

oxcoiiont condition, * Call733-3lS6aIter6pm. '

.TTi;:?, ■ Movlno-Musl solll 95 1 h n . Chickorlng piano. I

10 4 cond. *950.324-2507. liabk a~-Y «m ftha-Inna net;-ExcelipflUoa__ condition, 0011 423-40251;or. All 5pm. ___________174. -1906-upfigh(-PIANO,-fl 'MENT lone. ornaio.-*600/b03i lOod 4 . lpr..Call326:4Q43orJ16i5;

aura"rlt 077-Radlo.TV&Siefeo - COLOR-Tclavlslons. U;

P/,'®?.; largo solecllon. From *K (2 Kon-o TV 4 ApplUnce.

E 4 — M alng.Tw lnr- ----------RCA color tv. vory fl

'• call cond. *150.324-2166.----- r RENTANEWTVIOwnai? * 1 ^ color TV by renting. No c

ilora chocked, 204 Moin; N.CAlNS- 733-7111,

..DIICL— ygg Q — COLORED— T'------- , ouoroniQed4tocondllloilioa ol Po.tables 4 conso ojoas- Bl.ickor appliance 733-161

’7" BLACK 4 WHITE 1 excellent picture. *45

alls ,° Bannor. 733-1421,

Tionts! 078-Fum .& Carpels----- -- ■ CASH lor good u

sale, (urnlluro and appllani i s ■ 10 Bannor, 733-1421.

DARK BROWN plush mln------- group, -cloaranco --p0. Cail_S34g.95.._caln:a_CIcara____ - Conlor. 733-7111.> IHC early American RocH

lawn Avocado color. *49, Ban5-5528. 733.1421. ___________

HEAVY Wood Framod So Chair, *199, Banner.

i^ o ld — KTNQ-Sl2£-mattf089-ar ?aiior- ml3-malched. Only S4J i i — Cain’s Clearance CorIE R S 733-7111.______________


Extra 1421- 'MATCHING Couch. La:

___ lounge, colloo table, so'*250. (^ood cond,^ Br

------- a-bed. chair, slool, <ntlquo cond.. *550-324-2166, dlllon. (um, couch, chair.

lablo. cofloo lablo. *200: T r ~ .- . - - p u iL-^ H jQ w ^ *M:

_ _ p’ATfrO F'yollow vinyl olools. only *9,95. Ca Cloaranco Contor, 733-71

. . . . ROCKER, Rose Bo ■ Nylon Fiizeo. *39, Ban

733-1421.______________n n g ROSE BEIGE. Nylon Fr

Sola Bod, s n : - ' Ban733-1421.______________

p r o ROSE BglGE-Nvlon Fj Swlvol Rocker *39. San733-1421.______________SELL. 3-ploco velour sol. Rocker lounge d

________ kliehf^n lablo & chair-------------Bedroom-drossera 4 b

m isc. 733-8356 allor.7pm. TWO naughahyde sc

• a • Ono 5-ploco bodroom Call 324-2920 aller 5pm. '

' P / USED bunk bod set. c> .-y-------plolor-foducod- to *147 Cain’s Clearance Coi

/ - 733-7111,______________; . USED ond tables and cc ' tablos. 25% oil, aI Cloaranco Conler, 733-71- y -------- USED TABLE-Wlin 6 cn

------needsw ork , roducod 10



“ A R D JA D E

_________- B Y IISTINO,y / ' J YOU R S ER VIC1_____________________IN _____



---------- : - a d VERTISYOUR

- i SERVICE SPEC s S M NTHISDIRECuycaie:pe. Placod under tho ttMiiiw youreholcol

lie IH Your ad will roaitl raids, _ lamllios ovorydayiiitam. rosults'wlll am020cm lai loday ond ono ol 01u u L ta _ - J t iZ a f ir ty L ij ih g ipr t r- your od ao Ih af 1

most efloclivo and_ ^ Q jD a u lla jr .o jL “£:

CRESS,Mra.------------------733-0931tIOlIlM ..................-WINU?[ ^THTUBREFTNISM ll tm - — R opalr..-l--.« lln la

porcololn & liborg Iwturoa, - -ap

M uch Porcelain Service 7BLDO MAINTENAW

‘ •Bulld*Ropalr*RiSmall jo b s a spec

,g. 5QJ- - indiing.

07&-AppHancesJ ^ r FOR SALE, wnito washvpprox diyor, *400 pr.Cail J34-8.Vntlquo FOR SALE,. 30" qas v)Sk,w/4 stovo. *130. Call 4^3-33;contor 423-5738.___________

flllorS c;pppr> nuFF N DRihalr lor white. *99. Bannor. 733-1_____ ___WASHER and DRYERitn'Ca&:— gal»rCeii-73>65e7;- ■ —walnul. 17 cubic ft Irost-freo r<)d, 1052 *250. Washor/dryor.i9, Eloclrlc ovon/rongo,____ .____GIbaon upright froozor.

7 3 ^ 5 6 allor 7pm,

-------OSO^Hoatlnfl and - -, .* i3 o o :.......... AlfCondllloolna------- LIKE NEW Franklin Olv

— H oavyxaanftfrt'W cca!

*150./bo ” 0110*" 733-069

___082-::Buildlnfl Malarial!, . . y / . ALL DIMENSIONS r ^ ‘■■\2~lum bTr, '2 20 -250 -po r ^ poats. Call 326-4069.~T.-T~L CGDAR Inland rod 1x6-1

Inconcd Codar. Rod> ■34-0552. rough — lumtsof.-' 324--------- 324.S120 ..................C «l'^ - REO CEDAR SHAKES c

.*’«>• • Irom .-.O regon MillL------- Iruckload, *39, Sq,.15 year 343-1243, Evo’sB88-4532.

RON'SWholoaaloWInd_____ 117Plno SIrool. KImboceelleflt-r T ^ 23-<66i=lnaulnleil=ali 25 altor Specials: (5'0"x5'0"------ --------1150:83------ now------ J9i—flood__ i2^0Uxa!0!l_rQg.-.. *49,

ol- , *35,) 350 windows toch &.S348. Ifornal speclaldlflcouni


_ oach.-------- '/>" CD blow ply>' flood *6,49 a shoot._____ H ” .Rulf sown st-lanow S5,9Sasheot, ocrod- HT-1-11 Flir siding, * lin Avo. ashooL

Vi” Cladwood siding7 f ^ ,^ n .3 h Q Q l , ,, , , • .T -; - .

oach 4x4 Bl Fir C03I3. .- - oach. ---------rrjTT 26'’ wldo Della rib gllonod’ nlzodtmrflScalineaiitr-

?iM4“ ’ NORTHWEST -------- -----------p l y w o o d SALEJ*49,50. (Behind United Oil)

i 0S3-G arage Salesused FAIR WEEK Yard Salo. I

lances, 7 mru 10, 9am-dark. V«_____ . Soulh o l 93-30 pit olcioodlosr__________-p r ic o GARAGE -SALEI Salu larance— Sopt-10,-8-6...Titod_ol_____ week?- Como to our a:cllnor. Salo, Wo'vo got It alll Jannor, ol QOOd clothes. Alt s

Inlanis, loona. adulls, f c ^ . prossion glass, old di: r m - collocllblos. quoon

,. _____boaid ._ .cno8t_of-dro \

■ ^ 5 ? — K fa " c i '° ' ' 11° “ . . ' S JJ4B.a5. picturoa, books, lapoa.

i-onier. ^ify^ ,oois. phonogi-------- -----Much Morol TwInFallS-l;cotlont S. ol Singing Bridge infgoid— W ttsn in a to n rR ia h n t^r. 733- K men Wosl V4 milo. V

___ - fo r tlg n a .-— ■ -Layout GARAGE SALE, Sopt 9sot (or 10.5. Anllquo tablesBrown chairo, now humid

T ^ c T w^Thor! 3 whi Elko 4 n_____ ___5681stAvoE. Wondoll.lir. end GARAGE SALE Sal?D0: Lrg 4pm. Molorcyclos. bicy; _L ffl baby iloms. clolhos 4 i« . - -sscram T tvirW rT P:-—lyl bar HUGE YARD SALE.Cain’s 6,10 4 11 at 410 North

J-7111, Buhl,10;30amlo7;00omBeige. 53,, 733.0931 to place

3annor. classified od. WeVo h._ _ — aervoyou.

3anner° hT iRRyT h URRYI HURI Iho blggost gagago sail

Banner, your way to tho lalr. 8-5--------- Sol. across from Polorir sofa M arkotlnFiloron HwyC

SATURDAY, oloctrlc li aU^01.__9hop-llghtB.-vlBOHti0li 1 beds, toctor. baseboard hoi

------frult-H oddefr-w hoolbsolas; misc. 504 Lynwood. 733

)m_sot, SEPT. 9 4 10. Franklin;IL____ onllquo bed, lots ofI. com- 2i77ihAvo. E .,Jorome *149 95. s E P T T T i 10. WTW£ Center. . ^yo. E ,.-Jerom o . Ar______ - oowlng machine, ImnitiJ colloo -. STOPI At our yard aa

C a ins your way to-Iho Fall ^7111, morgod 2 households

J 'to *a ! . »oms^_ftJ. & 'S a ^ _ l^

______ Stnrn. lollow lhe alona.

L - cJE ■ - = »

/ i c i ~ J Z IL J°' l e n E a

■ iCARPENT•T|Ap--------------- ---------iRomodellr

;sm all ropa'H ' -oxporionci'ECIALTY •FrooostlmECTORY“ ............ " ~ :CARPENT

:now cor 0 heading o l , ;modallflO.


L % "S — i i y S I f - —nd bring you Fast 4 ol a re looklno ____j)risow /o>

^ - " iQ o o r g o l f l .------------- -OuallTy wNISHINQ\ Froo localInlahlng- lor . 'CONCRET

- :A4A Con

: S a

M CW I^W O ic iM S if^


______ . . 083-GaraG e Sales _rasher 4 - HUGE 4 family garago 34-8402. . Sai;. Sopt.10. 9-.5..corr IS white Addison 4 WashmBtor 3.3377 or haveoverythlngl ^

. -. YARD SALE, 375 Elm S 'DRYEP. — S at. S ,opu6i-^o_7_^ '33-1421. . orilcios. o u t b ^ molVER lor tools,_______________

— Y A no-S A tE rsat r Aug ■e roltig, Oom-lpm. 352 Jellofsc ,f, J300. MIscand baby Clothes. 0, *150, YARD SALE; 3030 Rill tor. *250. rlllo, dlshwashor. TV.

adull 4 maloinlly c>< .» canning jars, bunk

• -------------- lots-ol goddlesr1230 Stno Saturday 9-4._________

' YARD SALE. Sopt 9.10

**'fn®'*’— 1714-OsiariDrrat ino-o- South Locusl.- -

1539-FALLS AVE. I- . — Mulli-Family -Saior -

i ___womens

____ 8:30-4. SAT.Only.Sopt.IX6-10-12. 4 Famliy Patio Sale. 1 =lodwood ..winlercloihino.-dining 324-2127,— 6. chairs. 4_moio. Fri I

-. ---------&.8.-M oro addod. onE?dI7ocl y^omjnO&8lhE,_Ggocv<lll by • 6-FAMlLY Yard SalolJ,. Days East Addison Ave, 9am1532. Sal, Slyllsh clothes fi/Tiidows dishos. and lurniluro.mborlv. ’ " 8'TAMILY Yard Sale. :

0" rog hoaiorTalbum coiiuci -*96.10); MM -oto lcclof. n 49 now loador.10am Sat.4 6ar3 chooso No"oarly_oaloa,.243_A3lj jgn is:----------------------------------------

Treated- 08ft-Flf8WOOd

s i l C " I T S ^ i S S K '---------------lead or cord: Eve’a. 324-1■ny *1,29 A bundtnco A-1 Quality -■r;- ----— lodgo-polo,

dor now4 savo. 324-474C I sidlnn ' AL’S FIREWOOD

” • Dryplno,dellv4slacko(

- I K l - S S K S i i S s

Is — n»T 804:---------- ---------- -BEAVER w o o d Cullinilb galva- Good clean dry pine.lit:----------- 6pltt_iJ-dolivotod_by_

load, cord or block. 2T available po&l 4 polos.LES---------

D ryP lne4A apon , *45/1 ____ _ _ 2-10 cotd loads, *55 loni= -----*60cuLuP.Pollver. 326^

■GOOD quallly lirowood 1 on up. Ready for dellvt

- y o u r = « n H * ! l= a J 2ytlon. lols LET JJS, warm your h

wllh our clean dry pine, 4 doiivorod, *70^cord.

Fai; " 352-4203,352-4429. u'r super LUCKY PENNY CHIfc am To^ns SWEEP. Froo Inspoc III sizes, niddiv. Call 734-1698. jlls, Oo- NOW TAKING FirO' I distios, ordorsl Long lengths, 1 n hoad orod *50 per cord, 733 drowilta.___or 733-5179 ovoninns.

“ TaifpH. lakinn orders 5-8 cord 1 303. low- .|onoIothe.J50cord.655- n s W e T-^QUALITY LOGS b rinn on 'argo iruck load, Fo

° g _ ( otmallon.£all 733-4299.0. Watch 3M TON P^CKUP^oa^^^

08a-VarietyFoo<l3imldlller. * sK OUR CUSTOMInnr n Tiiuy lupuaiuLiiy lull uj4 more, ,|nj, ,f,o awQotest co

Si!:____i cantaloup they havoal 9am- o a to n , at Here's Orbicycloa. G ardens. Pole Una R 1 4 misc.- Ph. 733-4560.' ~ - HII77IN- A C R g s '^ OE. Sopl will lilt your conlaTnera orth 7th, 733-7036oxcoDlSunday 3om,-.- CANNING - PEACHES aco vour poora- Kelley Gi o horo to com er. 2223 Addison

East.TF. Bringconlalni CANNING PEACHES r

lURRY to Bagoott's Ri^osale yoi- o rch ard.543-5004/543<

'■ff^frPiilHcANNlNO-PeACHESr — roody-a t Akienfl-Ort

Somo aro hall marked 1 wS an aro charging *6.50 a bi

which Includos lax. ' J I ^ • conlalnors, 2 mllos E; n:ioul.da-— .,^ _ e y ..-p i

cornS T o l B u h l ^ b — c-gifflnn643^Wa30fS43-

Eiberta PEACHES. B

thru Thursday, 9am-2pr FOR CUCUMBERS Floyd Drown, 7 3 ;^ 2 A

lids inlo 1 JONES U-PICK FARM o f o d — nlno cukos.-dlll, .tom,

s e r y i c e t g n d n d tr e

ENTERS wiSellnor'fonovallon-^------ ----- Allrepairs. Over 20 yoara Lo onco. Call Jack for ' -Bu Stlmolo. 423-4528, ,__________ m t;n tr y_________ ^ | qconstruction. ro-

ino. cablnots 4 .Foiro, Charies. 734-3144. lot:

Penny Chimney ^1. Q uam y-w nilco..at____^lablo rates. Freo In- . Die. . . n lMly.73».iaM. g<EYSWEEP-BlacKHat— - ------I. olllclent. Froo aur-w/ovory visit. Boat the ' L 'aimowrSSO^TS:— ---------------^FkRgyg ' _____ _________ OWolfl-Ccmonl, Sorvico,------ — 1 4f work. Low prices, Loip a le s t . 734-2154. oxiRETEFtNISHtWi ’Concrete. Flat work. raya, pallos, side- CicFroo osl. 733-1W l Piicash? Team up wllh led and mako 0 llnlo. tolling Iho Itoms you oornood. Ca

u rday , S o p to m b o r 10.1983 T

Oaa-Varlety Foodsio sale, N 0 'w ’AVAILABLE“ c3ri orner O f....P oaches 4 Poars. .Ne ion. We inos. Plums, early Api

Kelloy Canyon Oichar fn'ioa Wost 4 7 Non

7, Misc:' Fl'or- 543-5330. Bring lolor. S I^*ner3 -


Cukes ?8®b " U-pk. 543-4 ,3 2 ml So BuhlonCsilIrdmir(r2'2 WE STILL HAVE FRE! 3 hihv Ra3pborilo3-J13.75/IIC.0lh0^:, hnH.1 Last chance Ior Irosi

Blackborrloa 4 Blucboi iSlarttre ,

'” ^R°DErS q]7 ,°^ p

f - ' 3 g i _ 080-Pel3&SuppUB8-______ ADORABLE AKC reg

EAST, Cockor Spanlol pup - G o o d - - *100, 734-6437 days-or 3z 8-14; 3132ovo'3andwCDkondsrm isc :— A K C'aiQ nan-noundr’iipt.J_OL_ neuiorod, cream w/lI, Fall 4 mask, 5 yrs old, large,ng table.- lock ingr-nood-w atch- ti 4. Sal. _ .Will givo FREE lo good fon Sat. as l‘m being iranslorroclOdlng. cannot take him. 726-306lol 2147 AKC Brillany old lemalo. shots Ind..1 for all. 837-6694 or 637-4847,____L_____ ■__AKC Golden RotrloJ 50 yrs- 'OFA, champion I

J51ICIO 7SW162, ~ ~

- 4591.

pups. Parenis rog. Will IIV03t0Ck. *40.934-8152.

By Ilk BASSETT HOUND PUP?4^55____ fQ£_Mlfl_fi_W0e(l3_0(tf.i i j ^ o a c h X a l l ^ m ___cJt Of- COCKER SPANIEL P 740r AKC reQrS75 wilh pap(--------- *50 wllhoul papers. 734-:ked. COCKER SPANIEL PUP1 , salo, Purobrod bul*55- ' papers, black, *50. 734-8

COCKER SPANIEL p pickup,' purobrod, no papers, b........ . . ~*'4 tjuff culuiSi *5&7676*f9ing Co, EDAH-HOW KENNELS. 0. Cut, Taking hunting dods lor y_3oml _ Doo Traininn-. Rofresh K. Also . gun dog boforo irte hu ao Irom season . 17ytsoxp.324-i_« fio n ------FREE;-2Lwook-Old-Fof_____ Goldon Retriever Mix,l5/Cord: 734-4579 allor 5pm. ^ 0 ^ . ^ KEESHOND PUPPIES

lOd. *55 *75, 676-1573 or 676-6045.m ale Siamese h WANTED. Call 733-5354

hoarlh 6pttv________________■’S ' ®P'l! PROFESSIONAL f«»:Coll. q r o o MINGI Vacaiior--------- I'll board your doo- (HIMNEY Miller Konnols,'423-S^I04 loctlons PUREBRED Bassol ho----------- *100 oach, Cail alter 5rowood 6241________________


SJf-nn* PUREBRED Siamese lona, Housobroko.'reai

i by lhe 00, *35.733-6342aller 4p For in- p u r e b r e d Gorman {

------ herd pupsr*50.-HolIGoid, good Shepherd, V> Goldon il. _ PUDS. *16.324-2240.

PUREBRED black lab p ies. *50 oach. 734-2787.


c o r n l 7 94!’^e ever r e q GERMAN Shop

Rd^^E ^ “£ 4768^ weeks old.

HONEY—ora. Call 19a *200.733-7458. -

— ; REGISTEREDIMiYr.Fe IES - y h — eriiiany, Hunied 1 soi Garden S45/bost ollor. 543-8329,

. SNAKE RIVER Ca ''n,P=’- Kennel Club Is ho > ready, beginning 4 intermo ivorview Obodlonco Claasoa 3-698Z^ (Jay. Seplombor 12 at 3 -N ow — CIty-Park. 7:30pm. 733 3 r c n 3 r d .~ ora24-4560'alter5pm:— 'f laow o 3 FEMALE Shop! busnoii Cocker Cross Pups

:. Bring • months old., froo to East, 4 homo.r733-9634 boloro5

I boloro “t3-4044:----- --------------------------------Bartlett R 5 l F a r m e r s m i

rapes 4

^ L - . Q 96-Fam iS«K l " 2pm, -. CUSTOM GRAIN CLEA IS call ’'Porlablo” . Savo youi J6. ■ ' aood slock lor on tho IM p ;,: seed cloaninn 4 iro S i l S ; Ball, on l,. .

3 otoen— TOP'aUALTTY'Alfaila- . y c a b - . JMt ”

g u id e?ctcrry—-

DiefcbUN SEllN GAll— natural— hor&ar_dloLJ___Loso 10-29153 In ono monlh.Build solf osloem. lool g fO aL -Froa.W o.w flloJiD ------ ,

BRAVEL4T0PS01L For drivowsys. parking lots. etc. You haul or wo can

and Rlgqlno. 733-1234,PAINHNQ-____________Dick’a ................... Painting,5omm/Farm/Homo,‘ 30 yraa«p. 734-5732.---------- -------- ------PAINTING_______________I Paint, H ousos 4 loncos Froo ogTlmat!??. RftaBi ri- — able 734-5983 or 733-3998.PAlRTINQ.................................Loroy Crlst 4 Son 's. Inl 4 oxt. Res. 4 comm,, loncos &. . roofs. Froo 031.734-9711. ■PAINTING-INT. & EXT.— ------Clean. NoalTHolIablo. Low—ptlco. Call 734-7130._______PLUMBINQ4SEWEB_____Boydr'9 Plumbing- for all plumbing 4 sower noods, ball 734-2778.934-8233__________

Tlm o3-N ow 3, Twin Folia, Idaho &-5

_ < 090 -Fann Seed

‘’carTntng ALFALFASEED ^Nectar- 2 -new.pfOtiiotary_!railolloB______

' Apples, dovolopod by Lovolbck rchard, 2 Sood. Winter hardy wilh Norm ol aphid and baciofiai wnt; to-•Ino con- - sIsianco. -tI.eS lb, 720 .w ah-------- — Pftytom iata_ioai_fQ l_anO .._____

ii- .? " ? . ' _____543-4809 l3y Sluccy Scod. Bob

- I SFRESH ■75/Ilal. -------------------------------------B.soflai. 097-H ay, Grain s Feed;

ALFALFA-OAT hay’ 60 Ions.on Cor^:' 'S SSV Ipn-C allJjaiB T — ----------gropes. APPROX. 50-55 lOns ol 2nd,64pm. ■ culling allalla naV. Somo ........

----- rainTmako ollor. 934-6295,1B8_________BALED-HAY_aoQm..Loade:______------- r - ,, mourned on 1973 Ford, ;i)xcreg bull condition. *3485. 324-1134 puppies days or_324-5_222 evoningJ._

konds BARLEY WANTED. SOIbe or '

' ' ’iT/hln'rk BARLEY WANTED, SOIbs orrne good boltor. Call324-5048.___ _itV -dog ,-------- -CORNCHOP.EING.':_____ __Dod home L oo'aCuatom Farming, Filor— erred and 326-4964 or 326-4763.6:3066._ POR SALE approx. 250 biilos iU)l, 1 yr. barley straw wim new sood,Ind.. *#5. 829-5il5______________;______ FOR SALE: 1st culling hay,otrlovers. Call 934-4510.__________

linos, GRAIN STORAGE lor roni,Sally.__1:___Un-tO—30.000-bu5h all—Cali_____H H Z I ^54472771.J Golden .. Cair934=-------------------MIKE'S----------------------

--------- STEAM ROLUNG- - - -Will work ’’Custom rolled QralQ1152 on your farm .' ••-^U W ES - g ? l l» t^ o r 5 4 3 ^ „ . old *100 SILEAGE COHN lor aalo. .oia.-»iw — Cair 543-5015 or 543-4916 AI— a sk Jp rG lp n n ,_______ I _Daoors 4 ‘ WANtfiO: W heal,— 4eod .— .734-7236 barley 4 cofn. Pole Unjlna,

734-8607 WILL HAVE 55 ACHES Ol 3rd

r t m JiiiM »,3^«-5<i;i_____________r . c Mn,: —la t cutting hay. Oalry quality I, n f'ay 4 foodor hay- Aalnbow •esh you" Commodity; Hay ^hauHng,

10.TON 131 culling lor oalo.

l t . , ^ ? i f i o . , 'n ' l l ; ^ l , . i S ' -^nmfllon, GoultK.h<»rom»r^ g*^^ - ----------~ T — 25 TONS 2nd Culling Allalla

Hay. Sell all or pan,,C all ^ " “ Of 324-3269.----------- 5 ACRES 3rd culilno hay In^Honing? t!^oN old.C al!32^7l4 ^

O K -Pftsfures For Renl •I hounds HORSE PASTURE lor renl. • lor 5 536- Summer 4 winior. Coll 423- 4213. _ _ . . . .

js.^fJalos 102—CalllB,_________ ___— aU L tS lorrontonnilorO utry--------

— -c-ows-j-Hcifiir-norsanr-cifi-------1090 . *' '■ Harris, 888-7518-__________AMnm COLOSTRUM FEO day old

calvos lor sale, Conlacl an Shop- Kara, Magic Valley Dairy,II Gorman — 43^6292,-............ ............Idon Lob COLOSTRUM Startod Bull

Calvoo lor salo, -Day old or. . lab pup- oidor.Calt536-611B- :

----- COLOSTRUM aiartod heiferpupp 03' and bulls calvos lor sale. .

:----- r —L 100- HEAD DAIRY COWSShoplw d D_HIA.,1<yoar3AI,.436-9349..

— H M -H orses---------------- ---- . -rf.ltilwJO ABC'a Of Horsnmanship ', —^— = fiuo T tl= a= p iaa5 an r-rto in g :--------V cnmnin Hartmsns Stables. Also 1 soa^on Family Fun Farm, 733-1939.S329, ' BEAUTIFUL bay mare. V.

f . . " -• arablan. very gontlo. exc lor h ftiX S fldlng, *10W; 3 voar old bay

„m »^ i^2 lilly. arablan. Halter ni, u n i? btoko. oontlo. *500. Both

-ronlstbrod. 733-9587, - .7»1897 GENTLE REG. BuoKokin

m----------,_G oldinQ ood_____lor beoTnner. 823-4557. -

Pups 3 Horses bbunhl-sold-iradod. to flood • iH omoolDoc'aOoclor.

0,0 5 93-Livostock. PH .733-6055,^ = = r - R O R S E S H O E I N Q “ graiJuDto ..

m a r K e i h o r s e s h o e in g .■' ' Experienced farrior. Call- Larry Eversole 733-4074. __

_ Moon Crook Ranchoa Seven-------^ B ^ nnual All Brood Rorao.LEANING S a ia .S u n d o iP it _____your own pm al our new locTJoro^mo

I tho larm Palrgrounda, Joromo ID, iroallng, catiTo log doadlino Oct 1st.

[:_______ Consignments acceptedalia-sood, - unlllsalo timo,-Total leos *50------II Bob tor Re^^h(^r3^-^4_^» for------

A d v o r t i i o , f o r a s li f t io o s

- ^ i - p o r d a y ' : ;----- —

------------- .— C a l l --------------------------

______ 1 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 - _

PLUMBING AND WELDiNQ~- ___Slutzm an’a Plumbing.- ....................... ..

Healing 4 Welding, New.^ m o d e l 4

QUALfTY PAINTING .............. ..Reasonable ratoa. Int . 4 . exl. Free osllmaloa. 733-7648 l Oam-gpm or 733-3194 ALT.

T4S RooHng 4 Romodol- ; : in g . Free Est. build now.

•romodol.addohT423-5410r- ----- -------_ ROTO-flLLING------------------------

' 'Now lo -lho-tim o-lor. now— - — 'law ns. Tioy-blll tiller, wlll* :ttavel.Call&3S-6359.

--------- SPRAYPAJWTTNG....... : ' --------- - Roliablo— palnilng-T-done.-— ----- -

______ C all- .P au la '3„C on trac ilng_________643-8572 botwoon 8am.3pm.

-TAXJ -AND DEUVERY-SERVICE ______________ _For your dollvoilcs a n ^

■■ — oul<l-low n~ runs--Y o llow — - — ■CabCompany.733-1536, ’ : .T R E E S E ^ _Troo 4 - Shrubbery trim-

:m lnp.Fw #-esl, Insured.•Jim 's Troo Care, 734-1484.

Page 14: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

\~ ^ F a r

' NOQI.EGRAND BAR. Syoaf'• olttcofrel. O. H, mafo, Suoar

Sa ls . Diamond 2<Bar Brocd-.— ^.Jng^S la iIc l.A 3-a 2 yoar qIJ• - a n a ridden M _o^60 days^

Brod~lb ‘Sunof* noT"5ac-—CfTarir rr tl S ^ 'W 4‘W?Z;____"PO A paint mo/o. vory oontlo.'

• ' 03^ 164,QftOdIng- ______-■ POCATELLO Horso Tralntno

Cohtor for loaoo. Indoor rldliia arona 1&e'x114‘ wllti ofllco. Kllcnon & 2

____ bainfooma—on _2S_aca5a_. . - . auadivldod . inlo, 8 horso

pastures. 4-3lali olaillon• - • 03fn-+ i1-ftc!fm-brlck homo

with orchard. InlorsUto• ' " (rot\laoo, nil irrlgalod. J1200:--------mtfnttT7?06-aMS?e,8-i.--------• ' Ol/ARTER' HOflSE-SALEr-

Thij Sllvor Dollar Futurity--------Bafe-Frti Sopt-ie; 1083, 7pm

at rho Quality Inn, Pocaiollo, i— rlE>.jBoillno aJ yoarilnoB ollpi--

blo^lor tho 19M Sllvor Dollar ' Fuhjrlty. 2 yoor olds and.

• :-b rdod m aros brod lo SItrer • :rr~:-Doitaf.5ljiiTori.-rof:ifltQrniav:

tlon phorjo 801 752-7701 or20Aa52-3Q1S. •__________RBkL GENTLE Tonnosso

WolKor horso. Good moun> taln& pack horao. 328-4631.

• R g O p p y Maro 8 yrs, oxpo-• rloticco rIcJor-Soii or Trado.

At£b Woich pony aonilo,• '..... ooddterhida.-^?3^33(r - —

REC. AOHA Rod Oun Uaro.'______Exenlloni brnndlnti S dla- ’

p o s lllon. 934-5?66.________■ SOUND. Quartbr Horso

G ^dlno, IB yoars. Call 324-

3' TEAR OLD Sorrol grado meue. Gontlo. will Oo aooa

■ '■ ^unll^■Q'horso.■»00 or Dostoffflr. 326-5154 ___________

--------a-«Vfi-OLO-RogbtatocI. , « i_ArSblan, Vi Appy Maro. 16

t / - - - hM ds, oroen broko. StOOO.; Boy Gofdlng J450; Sholland Polly S150. Or bost odors.

: 32^1219. _

. oSS,!-orC display. Formers

V - Ew hango,- -Haoorman ’W - -. 62y'iaav3,e37-6?S2ovog. •

--------^ADDLE-ANDTACK— ^-------------- AUCTION----------

W£slorrt Supptiorsm o^so to ^ ^d d ^ cr^^ o t W

saddio and lacl( Invontory roducilort salo. Horns sucn a s r .B ils . bridlos. spurs, hajlors. loads, rofns. cin-

____ cnerf, _pads, grooming'aiipptios. Sunboam cllppors, '

' — and muet>.-moro-wlll t>o- placbd at public auction..

' Now and usod namo brand - Woatorn and English ' aaddlos plus somo now Clr*

clO'Y show aaddlos. Largo soloc'lon of roping, culling.

_____ plflMut®.____youin.— Odd__chlltlron fl ciddlooj Alao now: pack saddles. Itoms acW,8opafaloly and In lota. Difflnra wOlCOmO. AuCtiOn w lll> tariat 7:30 PM. Inspoc- ..

“ r ~ ^ j S p M r P i n ^ o w ^ r mond— this monoy saving sa lo .al .

• ' • tno-H eiiaoy tnn, 1350 Bluo .-UtSos- Blva -Nonh in Twin -

. . F4»9. ID on Tuosday. Sop- •• iodibori3m .

.......... o o M T m s s r n . . - -.■ '.C BUY 4 soil usod aaddlos

:.n acka .'V icko r’3 Woslorn- su)t.]8 73-'-7:’ i;. . .

— ^SP O T BOAR^(or-oalo. C a ll- - , oWnr 6pm. 543-8786.

W€ANER PIGS lor salo. Joo'• Kip p o s , 543-6597.

WEANER PIGS, various• aC os. Call 324-8054.

WEANOR PIGS for salo. Call'• 30-117Batler5pm. t

<y -v ' ' MH.KING NANNIES (or salo. "

4*#<ARKET U M BS, roady ror-*slaugMor. J85 oach.

----- .-034<132aTlT6.------.. ■ — —- ^-SUFFOLK Ducks. fl34-aiM;

. J tO -P o u it iy i Rabbits• ^ E S E FOR SALE-423-4M3!

■ H2-lfTlt|aUon• .V GATED PIPE

- -SundororoundPV C :>moth I r r ^ ^ ^ & Supply

T r , m. LUKEHAHTCO.,Sovoral u sod pivols and_______ancTIfa^ aqulpmo'rir . ■ai.piit>hio r-3i((m-«ninL^ED whool linos, lour . Farmland whool linos. S1500 cfflch (DS Is). Ono Roady

____S a in ^ o llJ i :L . jm L ( « _ ia j___. 324-aias-________________ _

- W« « r e - t n#w flAHof f o r . Corrugalod Motal Cotvort

~ P ip«. AlL3!zfla:iOJlQCK.iQ.__ :clu?loa36"di«.Soo,U3,leroll . your iriioa Ion pipo noods.

BOB BAILEY PIPE SALES- - 733-40l3dayofnlgh» •

• ~ ~ - ;^j3=FaiTiTSuppll03---------- —• AtUMINUM 18" polalo ' — r-c{«ltarplpo.-8'*l8' Low t>oy3-,-

flKlo trallor, 532-4591; 'CRUSHED GRAVEL. Top Ouailiy Roadway malorial.Dan SKo6m, 543-8082.--------------GRAVEL FOR SALE Oolivorod by tho toad. CALL

------53&-2S11. -------- . ............

li4 -F anp [m p le fnen ts .

jo!&. Flold roady, Exc. cond. ‘8v<ool coolor, 320-4070, bOlJAHUE SWATKER trail-

.nLil,A M . OQQd aan[!w.tlOOQ_. Jintfor now prico. Conaidor frg jo . Call43M1B2.

— -F O n-S A L E -N ow . HolMnd______ S w atho^_4__ bato__w.-<qor>-• FTooman soll-propollod—

fJS-Calora S miac. haying afe~.<5aulpmont. Wrllo lo Box S J S e % c l o Timaa-Nawa, P. 0 . g ^ ^ B,Trrb'B33oir~^— —S « f l- 6 A L E ,-7 0 6 0 - A ll i9 “ C:------■- ^tractor with 2083 houra. Llho-----itffW.—1B.4- x38-»ubbor-wHh-----

Adjusiabio roar whools, i(o.-idod w/wcifihts. Havo JODt'5<l.fTiyJocm j r a c l o r ran ^ e ry liltio ih o l a s l J yoars.

■ lA W ng J i a m —7C50-:51B— t i ^ r a . Rubbor. llko now.

- 'S Jo to -Doofo plow. 5-18"' < bono m s10 'packer.S o ila sa '

■-«uhim5.000.(SW ) 787.2582. .■ Jg EHL alnolo row corn

'chopper w/hay hoad. Good- .^coiic>,-ti400. CaU..8as.76a8,—

■ 15^7569 f

r^^H ^T rnT aS ^ew arT w liT rat

i r m c n s ^ m i

114-FaimIinple(nflnl3 o a r ~ FOR SALE COMBINE JOHN gar DEERE8820. CflllB5«-?.14i n?; HESSTON 4600 balor.

oxcolloni condition. Call yg-— W8-6744 cvcninqg--------------

,i ; ; - - S p o e d y (ront-mounl 6-row • boan cuitor. 4 6-row Hoath ■ - conlor ^ ’ dlschargo

Ing WIndrowor. 8204257.LATER MODEL JD 55 Com-

i ' bino, Cab & cooler, good cond. tield roady. 324*2191^

'SO MARK VI Spud Harvoslor.' on 18‘ hydrollc bed. Call 324-T)0 —26C9 or 324.2338.... -------110 NEW HOLLAND TR 70; JO ?00 4440 cab & o<r: JD 4240 cab &_ ------a ir;~ M F — 2 8 5 - caor— Bin.E;— Lounhmll!or.-733-S76l. liy OLIVER 68 DIESEL Tractor & jm • loador. 2 r o w AC corn fo. chopper. Will trado for llvo-P‘----alS.cJL-CalL934-6370.---------^1“' TWO Lockwood polalo f'fl- pilora wllh silngors. 40' ’0 ' ■ booms, 1 . -haa Mortoc

-applicator; H.'-^Schutlo,.Of 8^-5044. • ________ ;

USED EQUIPMENT ''0 ONE-1978 Usod 1440 Axial "• Flow Comblno, diosol. cab,

Qlr.0- ONE-1976 Usod 1440 Axial 0 . Row Comblno. diesoi'. cab,0 . n lr.axcow ionollyd t.n .3T-------^no8fr-^maohina5^ar*^n:

V • for grain, beans, corn or“------ sfftaiTroTj;--------------r„ O N E ^ o d 610 Massey 7 Forfluaon, diosol, comblno,

cab, air. Excellent shapo,- roady 10 go to work<2 THRE&660 Case Boan 'tf ..Spocial Comblnoa, 2 wlifi

cab. Each havo boan pick­ups. 2 wllh boll unloadeis.

14___Roody.toflo, . ,

Wllh Iho low prices wo havo id on thoso machlnos,- Don't s. tako a chance on losvln'g ^ your crop In Iho flold.

5-«..lrr8lock., . --------- -* CALLUSj \ WOLVERTON

- INTERNATIONAL -181 3 rd ^A ^ uoWost ’

■ 9S?fl OHM-nFFHF -traOnr- . -w/JD 148 loador. snap-on )l duals.'A lso divided 300 gal.

y 324-2124 alter 6pm.________n 3 SPUD TRUCKS 4 1 dump>, truck for salo or trade. Call1- 324-2243.0 ___________ _____ . ■ ■

‘ 1948 9M FORD TRACTOR.? ' vory good. C:a1l 733-4560.a I960 JOHN DEERE55.COM-h fflN E ^ ra ln and boan. C all.

0 1 968 CASE boan spocial1. combine w/Sund pickup caba___ ¥iiawofHp_ cooler. Qood^ oondr42faM aor3«:5338:=r S 1971 GLEANER Modol G,

vory good cond., 15^ ' grain tjoad. w l straw chopper. &

- grain 'm onitor. Mold roady.» 'C all am 823-4565->7000.S M Ft. potato bod wlih belt.“ •: 324.5613.-: - • ----------- rn — 25 ALUS CHALMERS-Boot- K Harvoslor. Call 324-4030,

5 1 7 5 -A u to O ^ e rs ,


O n A l l 1 9 8 3 a m

' - N ow modola-or®- hav o a ’ vory gc ChoyrolotSj PontJ b ilo s an d B uk k s

^ of m o st'o ll tnodol

1983 CUTIASS C5 m ore to chooso Inifn wil

___ prico*. Fully oqulppod wlm otl oil Iho popular opiiot

WAS$ 1 1 , 2 0 2 ............. N

1S83BU1CKSK1_ _ ._S£DAN_Ai(.^ondlt>6nin{


- i n W . ..NQV —1983 GHEVROIEI

4 ODOR SEDAN. Automa ^touring, fully equipped.

VifAS$ 8 5 8 2 .......... . . N

------1983S1frmiAir condllloning, V-6 on iron im liilon , o ther popula

------ WAS---------:-------- --$ 1 0 , 4 3 7 . : . . . N (

__________ a R E A T .S E L E C T I______Q I H E R .M Q D E L

O L D S M O B lL l - - — C H E V R O I E T S ^

Lorg* S«l«< __ | _ . Chovro ie l-Ponlloc-O

t a r k e t ^ J L e114 FamirmpIemenlJ

)HN WANTED' ^ O R ■ ■■■PAFTTSr I M assey Ferguson Diesel- Tor. . traclor Model 65. 734-4610.Cali 16' Ail motal spud bod______ w /baH .3n loadc r A motOL.

a37-4a42nQpnflLallJ'J0onu—----------• - "

!,“oS - ..H ^F arm W orK ........ALFALFA. GRASS, STRAW. Custom Siackod. 2 wldo. Fast • quality work. JerryS la le v .^ 7 S 2 2 ._________


CHOPPING, (solf propollod). V n Manure— nauiing,- ground JD work. Rock pickor. wTll.trav-.

.. 01.543-6886. ^3-4011." BEAN—CU TIIN G .. Plowing- —, with or wllhoul Ammonia.'f 4 Call 326-4631._____________


ratoa. Cair423-5700.40' CUSTOM BAUNG. 3-wldo loc Blacking. Havo man ^ l ih lie,: -.awolher. ;--Arnc>id__Pfuoli,

543-4048._________________“ CUSTOM boan Ihroshfng «fal and hauling. Call 543-5214. . ab, CUSTOM BEAN Thrashing'

with CB hazo. Call 423-5731(lal ovonlnga.________________ab, CUSTOM GRAIN & boon

combining. ‘-Will haul. Call coifocf4«-50B5-8ftefflpm: CUSTOM HAY STACKING.

-2 rw ld Q ^ 0 5 a £ ilf lc K e L ^ ll_ley ___________________no. Custom haying, swalhlng, 30 baling, atacklng. Quality &

dopondablo work. Will trav- ,an el. 53^6310 or536.2443. llh CUSTOM HAY slacking. Call :k-- Gall Paulaon 543-5689.IS. CUSTOM Haying, swathing.

. . bollng. & slacking. Refor- encos. 733-5339, 733-0798, .

vo 734-6832._________________•CUSTOM Manuro Hauling. Also groon chop hay and

.... corn allago. Gooding Groon„Q C h o j js jU ra p ,_________iJ'-'-C tfSTOF.TTTiJnUfO'^aurmnr'____hay ballnjL& aiackioa. C M o■ - M essenger. 324-224T -------

CUSTOM POTATO DiG- G IN G .C all734^72 .-- - -

- CUSTOM SWATHING, bal- ------- lng-4 slacklng.-Call W3-6756-- It no answer caa543-fl069.

EXPERT Custom—PffiW Ing- wllh or wllhout Aqua Ammo- nia. Contact Brian.Alien or '. Mlho t.llllor. Full Clrolo Ino.

- Twin Falla. 733-5671."R GARY'S custom threshing.

67„ GRAIN-THRESHING 4-hauf-- - "• Ing. . Roasonabio. fa te s ..,.------- T ta ^ S o r 733-7535 a lla re .-—

H.M.I. Custom corn 4 hay 911 chopping & manuro hauling._ . 324-‘>5i 1. Alter 5 324-5771 orial ,324-4483. ________

HAVE TWO-IO-WHEELERS.3d___w U U iaa l-P .£A a-O tJ\H E A I_=-----WHI'-rff-artywhoror-734-3676—G, or 73^7395.______________

Cuoiom HAY 4 STRAW bal- ,« Ing. Good 3-alrlng balos.'X' Now 500 balor. 536-2273. - - - • --— PEA;— Ijrain— and— boen— '!<■ Ihroahlna wllh JD 4400 or “ ■ T lillli loncem lT norH ay 'and '- let— straw -bating - w lth_Jo-467.

Balor: Call 356-5688.


W ^ O U T — ^i n d 1 9 8 2 M o d o l t l

re ro lH ng-fast i-W o - ~ good so lo c tio n of itlo cs a n d O ldsm o- ks. W ldo so lo c tio nloliT 21i

:CIERALS SEDANw ilh ilmi[oroqoTpmo_nJ ond wllh o ir'cdndillonlhq, ond '

TToriv ’

n o w ^ 6 9KYtARK4DOORiin^ ,--o1>o-m ony-popola i— ----

« ’ 1 0 , 1 3 8.ET-GAVALIERCS------imatle troniml»»lon.. powor

n o w ^ 7 5 9 9iVROLET PICKUP - - -engine. 5 tp o o d mar\uol uloropllon*.-

M O W 8 9 9 8 ~H itf l i l iw ro l8 l f l c l ( i i |g ; ' " ~

: t i q n o f m o s t —E L S . I N C L U D I N G ________ uI 1 U 5 , « U I C K S , .r A N D P I C T O P S I — ~ “

»l*<llon.ffl __ __ .Z . ■• O ldim obllo -B ulck____________

sp tem tw n o -tea r '- ,

^ c r ^ n t r4M

-Recreational—sei. ' '■'- 120-AvUUon____________tor___ CESSNA 210. Now InlorlorS |!rziD a:b i8 :sM 0H ;-K in trA w fh ^ Panel. Dual Nav-Com'a

Transponder, sirobo. sharp -118,500, 734-3383 or 733-1058.

tw COME -JOIN Iho ROIO< (jQ - Advonlurol Finoat ultra Iigh ■ rry alrcralt avaiiablo. No llconst

^ roqulrod. 733-1305.________ONE QUARTER INTERESl

Ia V In good older Cossna 172Id). Calf324:6660o^^repm,____jnd '•av-... -121—B oato iA ccoM .^ — BOAT?,'MOTORS'S'TRAU: ffl— E R S rM agic Valloy Martrr:

-2 '/iW . on 3l>-93.733-6141.TT, - Evlnrudo 4 Morcury Motora

boots S fishing lacklo b|0— ^Ton)'«-Marln«-4 Sport Oda,- Hoyburn/BuHev. 6/8-7473.

•• SK HAUL MARLIN Ski boal wltn-BS’ HP-Jonnson.- eai>

>“ ■ - -load trallor. 543-6600.-----------—„ 15 FT. TRI-HULL boat and "0 Irallor. 15 Fl. Aristocrat camp- irallor. and 1973 El Comlno, ng ' Trade for RV Van of oo ual ^1 voluo. Aox. i4500.436^^27.- 17- Trl-Hull. 165 HP I/O', lull an top cover, misc.' ski equip- f i ! - mont.. Trallor. Vorv clean.z:------HOOO. C a I I'7 3 7 -2 3 K ^ y s ;G. 734-6770 ovos._______ • '

___ ■ onglno. Morcuw outdrlvo,ig, powor till. Eazy load irallor, & storoo. sun dock, plush Into-

IV- rIor. Soo to approclaie$11.900.733-6302._________

all 1977 TAHITI (ot boal with 460 Ford, J5000. Coll 78M333

g, days. 788-2045 ovos.

''6. . 122-^portingG ooda- ■ 'CHILEAN M0USER.-7mm rl-0- llo. oxc. tond . $75.825-5043- !n FOR SALE Doublo A 4 Bluo

M agic" S h o t" gun ‘ snoli

[“ . - • |7 5 _ A u lo Dealers



d ' “ ^

^ \\ ■

M M ^ i i i i ^ - ' i iiliiff^"

— ig/6V;Wr ■ DASHER

- - --?-d ^ r-» > a » eh b o « k ,-* —spood. oir, radio, gold.

. o x l e r i o r . S 5 .0 0 0 m llol. m int condition.

^ - - 1 9 8 2 - f O R I I - ^

,.t:H U S T «(G G I--------CruUo. 5 »po«l. <ov

g ° « -d C h o lc o ._________

^ l j 5 9 8 6 ^

K C H R i r jVolkswagen


1 5 3 4 B lu « L ot T w tr iT 'q lll ,

. - ________ (2 08) 7

n a l122-Sportlno Goods .

--------- NEWlWBOXrBrowiiin'g'S-44 Magnum Rlllo w /oia Super coyolo & door gu

__ $2M-Call 734-2319-_______IOr.i__ PARKER. Hnin 770 ■dto----- ncopo. aiiouidor strap, oxI'a , cond. $250.324-1226.

PRE-SEASON Gun Salo. S; ^ Sopi 10. Sun. Sepi 11, lOan loc 6pm, In .garago .at.loar.. ght houso. 824 Sovonih S ISO Ruport, N ochocks.nocroc__ cards, currqncyonly. AIIFf:$T rogulallons will apply. / 72 guns aro oxcolloni -•■ mlnti _ now In Iho box. Wlnchosli

original $550. vJlnchosti „ MOdol T2, 12-gaugo. 2« ul:;— ctTamborJ4M; 2 wmcnoBti tna— Modol 12 20-gaugo. i-w ii

vont rib. your choice $550. ~ Winchosior 16 gaugo Mod< .|n ' 12. ono wllh vont rib $57d,"___ ono plain barrel modlflo

-----$525: Winchoalor'ExpdrI '5—, 20-gaugo over 4 undor. $47: o a '..W in c h o s io r 101 2(Hjaug

___ over 4 undor. 30" fu[l 4 ful

PToM W In aulo 12 ga, $28! Long Tom 12 ga, $50; Mod 7

■’®; 300 Woaihorby .Mag. $281ua' 324-2634. ____________r „ REMINGTON 7MM magnun lu" - new 3x9 actfpo 4 fling,

boxs ofjimo.-S295

REM^NGTON^Modol” 70(

~1' I*— SUPER~MAGNUM—0005

jqI • docoyo.-$80-por dozer ,io nylon bag Includod. SuppI

llmllod- ao ordor NOW734-2130 altor 7pm-_______

^ • W E-W ILL-aoll-your guns Gunsmllhlng. Pawn. Gui

- Shop.543^2W Buhl. WINCHESTER MODEL T

— XTR' Foalhor wolghi 33-0i rl- w/4xLoupold Scopo; Z L lover Acifn, Model 942: uo W inchosior. S-L-I.R o i r 4xBushnoll range masior3_______________ __


-------C h r l s - J o r d o n U - -H a n d p l c k d d - - U s e d C a r s

S p e c i a l ^ P r i c e s O n - S p e c i a l

■ ■ 'C d r s T T .

D i c k A n d o r s o n ' s S p o c i a l o f t h o

r 7 T ~ W ^ k - " : 7 . "

1980 AUDI 4000-4-doorr-«»kU-«hltt:-»fOf>l— w hool drivo,_______ _ .

* 5 4 9 51 Hom*73*-17fl2

Bu«ln«t» 733-2954

R i c h a r d R i c o ' s r z : : S [ r o c r a t ^ o t j f H o ! r i r

1979 CHEVY% TON. Compor top. 4 spood. 6 eylincior. custom deluxe. . .

*3995' Hem * 324-2061

------- -BCiln.** 733^2954“------

■r D o n n i s ' M a u g h a n * s ^ S p o c l o i o r t R o : • W o o k . . .

„ 1978 P0NTIAC____flREBIRD. Stick shHt. mb'g*. o1it 55,000 mllos.

*aS95_____H orn* 733-3639 .........

Butlnos* 733-2954

R o n B u s t o r ' s “ S p e 'c l q l o f t h e — - - W e e k . . .

■197810HZA2+2M ags, brow n m olollle point, io itbaek. .

d___ 1 1 9 9 5^ Horn* 733-5908 ~ B uslnett 733^2954

TOX ^"■ ■ ■ 2 dtfbr. 50,000 oelool

m llo t. Iron i w hee l drivo, super shape.

- M 9 8 0 -r _ J 3 8 1 l l U l S X i n i A S S _

_____ SUPffilffiae<>«r ^••ilno. ch'om*

JORDAN1 Po'rsche/AudI7 T o P l e a s e " 'o k e t B lv d . N o r t h ............I , I d a h o 8 3 3 0 1

7 3 3 - 2 9 5 ^ _____________ __

122-Sportino Goods jS-92 WINTER.WITH US In t caso. Grand Kaymans: Moxic gun. San JUan Islands; "C

___ Hawaii 4 The Virgin lelan4X wo wllLbcjJl»ln(j^onuui

oxc. ifio next low monlhsTRt___ sonablo prices. Noxt Scu

diving claosos start M 2-J i - m ; Inlormounialn Divo She „ • ■ 559 Wo3l Main, TF. Rosor

SI^ ■ ' your placo 734-9224,4-Opm.: r o d i i --------------- --------^

.125-TravBlTrall8ra- SILVER STREAKS- now usod. .Farmers Eachang

'H agarm an a37-«2M d a y n•y '0 [ 637i<282 ovos.___________

— -TOP LINE-Mld Summer Sali -with Viking 4 Rockwood loi50 2 Irailors. Spocial pricos cm oHQi •- models; Can 734-406o 1 $575. ' 734-3140. , llflod_1971 ARISTOCRAT 21 rl 90 Do'ublojxlo.'sollcorilalnoi $475. oxcollont condition. Mar augo Itoms roplaccd. $3000.- C: . full^ 734-3193 wookdavs._ ■1972 - 22' KENSKILL-trav $265; Irallor. Tandom axlo. ro 3d 70 balh. soil contalnod, o> $285. condllion. $3950.788-3344.----- ' 1974 TETON 24‘. Fully oelum, conlalnod.-'oxc cond. $415 0. 4 655-122Q..Uay? or-655.43; )llor. ovoa4^«rWend3jtHollfslot

700. . w^in^pxirrs.'EKeoiionfcoi Mold d lllon .$4300.324-7431.

S n ! ~T 75-A utoO eal»re


uiis............ .........-------- V ' t f k“ . 1 9•7 0 . . . .


^ J C I i

Theis«r : z d C flS h d i


= T I. — r P o r O v S i

701 M ain Avo.


t 197 7 BOBCAT \

m 4rrlM*r, 4ipM d.......- -

_ "Z • •<A‘_ j . _lSZ4JyiAZDAJE

— 4CTlmdW.4;<pMd.ipKl.OThMlt. C0>n(>«r >h*tl. lo»197 8 CHEVEHI

-Xdaof.ovtenailc. pci..«i

4 9 7 a DATSUN I4cyll»d.>.Sl(>^-AM/r

1 97 8 O O D CE<3door.4Cri‘ *'-4>PM

0 1 9 7 6 JEEP WA^

.4X<.4door.Ow«l'Olro< , ii»._>lAgtb>ok*a

197 7 OLDS OW4doo>.pow«;tl**>lo9l

1979 SUBARU4.^hMl<jil».4eiopr.4

1 979 RABBITl-JT AM'rM<ai»»*. }lp*«

E 1979CHEVR01^ LUV4X4.Ulkodo.4CYl..

► 1979C E U C A "

ot Co«p»,4cyll"d»«.li


198 2 EAG IEW

----OPEN-------M on.-Fri.

1 Sot. m 8 till 5 ^

i - t 2 3 5


125-»TraYelTfaiforBIn tho 1977 RREBALL 7 W Irarl loxico: Sc 'f conlalnod, pullod li "CA: than ' 2.000 m ilos~$5£

elands Good condllion. 543-4814, i^*'^=lSI7SXOBIFOHTT/av«ilTf ' c . l , Of- 21’ Fully soll-conlaini 19^1 Extra cloan unll. Quoon 3

t . i i ,7 a a ^ ;i3 o ,7 i» jB ;» .

____ 26‘ ROAD Rahgor- loadi------ oxc, cond. A/C, Pricod

BOllI 734-2080, - - .........., ^O '-flO A D . RUNNER .

Whool, Ball 4 plalo ty“15°;___hUch.-aioona.6,many-oiir,lys-Di pQQjj con(,]i|on_ yvas $5------ last wook- nood'to soll.-\■Salol lako $4450,934-4031,

79 STARCRAFT Toni Tral w /acroenod In patio. Sloe

” —7. S2500.733-7187 or 733J8!

., / jo ;— li8 - C a m i» f B tS li e l l » -Many CAMPER SHELL, will .- Call Datsun P.U. Shori bod, $1(_______Call 734-3322. ________travel.;. UKE NEW Doluxo

roar Campor. Full ovorahol. 19£ oxc Usod 3 tlmos. gas/oloc r

l i __ Irlg, stovo. ovon, prossuI soil wator. therm oslal lurnanc M150, Hush lollot. lacka. 837-4905, W 328" 10' CAMPER w llh ' alof- Overshot, Slovo 4 rolrljaOw l— ^^^fr-?S4~l90^Bf1g^4:30;----■con- ' 8 ' POLAR campor shell fc

ton nirkiin r».-W7i

175-Auto Dealers

» 8 3 M E R

L # 1

•en M o to ri M s h a t e ^

U s e T o u r B o b )OnS A « Y o u r D o w n P (

HEISEMv e r 3 0 Y e a rs T h e 'E a sk0. E............. ........................

nvin.sMeTOu s i


wSO N - A U - I A B E L

a W A G O N ^ 2 2 9 S

S : ^ . ; 3 ^ a a 9 5& J U C K U E _ I ^ _ —

......3 7 7 * 2 4 9 5 ^__ *2T9S

» 2 9 9 5W G O N EER , 3 2 , 5

RU W A G O N « j 3 A 9 j i

L ..........^3T95..... *47 9 5

Otf.. 7 .:r» M 9 5IPH TR-7 ■

CJ&----------------------*T9931, H,000mlt»».

E W A G O N * 3 9 9 5

WIL"Our Bigg

127-M otof Homes•oiler. -ONE-19a3 24'E IDoradomi

loss molor homo, doalor dcm (5500. 3000 mllos. Ford 460 wlih al 4, c rulso, mt. Mlcnoim iiro.Trail.__ Qancralbr.jooLarrvOtofoclinod. DOX- color iv, mlcrowa^ 1 a lio O’'®'’ * much moro, Sa 3 $8000. flank financir ■57^ available. G 4

Manaulaclurlnn 4 Salo _ M. «

Jd 10


rol1o r ~ / J V ...... .loops . I tf

/ i / ---------1383HanAEEMl----------- l l ----MIARMtei-----------I (M.M*....................C

$165 11 1Sa3HEtlTUE29'/ l------ - - t » \ -oTtqv»«nili»W lood»»l

8’ \ % \ in A iim ci1981. » » « .•••


i lo r ■ ............ ^m . ------------ ^

175-Auio Dealers


i i nI 9 8 3 |L Y N :

. ■ - o n e

, roQ

"S <» P A Y J

> b a t0l> a y m o n t

i ^ M c m'.iesi P la c e In T h e Worh

T w in F o i ls



p 19740A T S U N 710S E I

E 1976 f O Y O tA CORO^ ,,......................

f--------r9 7 7 R O K D 7 rW S G O' ■ 4eSoo>.4cyllnd«r,4ip.*4...........

: 1980RENAULT1.«CAI-u.pi^.-.iA ^.iu-i.prA «:Tu«5


- H BO FORD FIESTA^ t cfll'Kltr, 4 apMd, AM/TM coMX'i K cicihlnlxlo'..............................

Jl?,°Stl!YEITItonlna i5 _1976C H E V Y SUBURB

5 19 7 9 M ONZA W A CO4Qtl>'j>«»-4ip^^^/rMcoi.»1li

J 981 TOYOTA TERCEI4-«pMd. lrcMit~kWldil.* ..........

5 197 6 G M C VAN


ISC TUBS s n » m n u nCat or •t*<lil<(rklg«. »o««. po'lr.

5 : - r --------5A M B 0A Y FIN /.-IL A L W A Y S J iV A J tt


i S s•gest D ea l Is Y o u "E E T S O U T H 7 3 3 -

. . . . 127-Motor.Homes ;ISlSiRl - 1977 DlPLOMAT-?6-r43,MO-— — demo, mllos. roar balh. rool and... llh air cab air. gonoralor.j^of rack.

ilrn^' •• Call 536-2926. Wondoil. .........tOtOQ')__19BQ_EIH£BALL_23: molor._______owavo homo. Excollonl condlnon.

Savo 15.000 m ll03.326-5095.__MOTOR HOME FOR RENT.

Salos! Call 734-2302. ~_______I- 438- MOTOR HOME loi rent, C.i|l


IKE ZSViFOtlTHm^HME^ “ " \. . . Ctojiout P»I« * 2 9 7 9 9 5

I .

^ 'a w .o u m ie , * 3 0 , 0 0 0 / / '■ "


175-A uto Dealers

t Y H X

l i f t :NX 5 DOORT h is - h o tc H b a c k - r n b d e l Is - t ! g ..........en o u g h fo r th o fam ily , Equip- p o d - w i th - f r o n t 'w h o o l drivoT" — Indiv idual s c a t s , in d o p o n d o n t ro o r su sp o n s lo n , d o lu x o In-

fo rT h e iso n M o to rs .

N o C ash ; “ Ou# O f Y o u r ' - -

P o ek ef! T

lea .«lih ISM »l>a'> do-n, 4« monlh.,90 AJ-t. P0rm.f»ig71«69.

orld-To B u y A C ar — - ' • '________ 7 33-7700 _


IY'« j p ------

’" ° * ^ 2 a 9 5 i

G O N * 4 9 9 5 H

'‘%.':T»3a95- g ^

■r:'::.,.*3695'‘H “" - ..„....«3795 U^ S ^ n . , 1 3 9 9 5 _ H -

. $ 3 9 Q g Er *3995- H - -

*4495 BXI VAN ~ ' R l ____^

= .7 .r* 4 9 W K ^ " :“ a ___» 6 9 9 5 -P ^__=INANCING----------------f 3 j ----------ll’ABLE fO A C r.........:| l i i < | ------------O N DUTY I W J I

> E D „ 1

^ R S I

3 3 - 7 3 6 S Bl

Page 15: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

l27-M olorH om e3— .--CLASS A MOTOR HOME I

~ fontr?Ht7r8leep3 6.-733-lDornllof 5pm 733-82<4

:------------- — :^^-COMESeE^HE—_______________ 18MS0UTHW1NQ_


Y w EndS avfnga On1963

Jtmt>ore«s & Soulhwlad!

SpttcW Pficos on all us< Motor Homos:

•- -laa i-JA M B O R E E -23'.-go oralor. oir. many oxlras.. 1979 TIOGA 23' Pai

— —m odotrw norator& alr.• 1977 HREBALL 21’, sioei 6. rool oir

-------- — . 1978 rrASCA-2<^Clano-,a lo o p se .16,000mllos

: ■ - i : USEO VANS”• 19S0 LUXURY VAN. Fo 351: 9lQop3 4. ainh, rofrjgor

--------------- torrwovtrrloHarwlih hoTcilitank.• 1977 FORD 250 LancJmar 390 V- . auxiliary qbs lan

- - - "icoljoxrMicheiinlifesT

USEDTHAIURS• 1878-20' NomaO, so conlalnod• 1977 20’ Aijo. 80

• 1978 11Vi‘ SpoflKti____ _ _ j : ^ or.______a o l t o otalng.

•“l9W FORD 250 pickup 4x -------------- r40frV»fl;oxcBllgntTOmjitiOfi

• 1973 FORO F-100 pleku ■■•3M, campor aholl. 33.W0 a

-•'h jai mllos.; BUICK Skylark, 4-<J0' i. Sodan, aulomallc, cruls

___: Qlr. J

J ' , Wo wolcomo tn<S(ylns

J ______U R R T S- f -----r-LEISUREUVIN'------

^ 6570vorUndAve.' 8ur1«y

^ A7B-7Q97 43045!TRAVELTOWN-

• Mnnic Voilov'8 Molor Homr r ^ b f t t f ^ T iT f t r r w w a W W

•<. lull ranoo bf'f tio lo r fiomoi ^ Novv-Uaod&conslgnmonii , All compolitivoiy pricoc « Prolosslonal. .. .Iriondi

.......... :-8 « r» lc« -A lw ay s- a t-T n v ii Town, Whoro you savo b

_____ r l ’doallna girocily wllh th

% .“ ’T ^ ^ ^ v e l t o w n• M3 2nd Av®. South. TF ; ' • 734-28W._______

' 197B OPEN TOAD 22\ Clas 4 A. low. low milos. Immaci ' latol•: 1B78 SPORT KING 24V4

" ■ oroaffloor^plan.'aupor COI j'-d ltio n i • — ........... - -

- -v -1 9 7 3 — MINI-WINNIE— 20V sloops 6 ^ o o d condllion!1 197# CHfeVY PWKUP & Si Ti curtty Campor.jjroat shapo

■t972UTELrNER.25'Gtt88/ ; onlnlarnallonaifhassls.

- Now.U aodi'Constgnmonl---------1----------w e - ta k e t r a B e s —

r " TRAVELTOWN -- 643 2n(JAvo.Soulh,TF.

___ ■ 734-2991, _

--------- 1 . - . 12&>UlllltyTfBll5f8_____' ONE EXCELLENT Ulill

I-------- ^ 'Trallor. 8‘*8‘x l2 'r«neloso: MSODrboalollof,324-1219.

' '5??45g1,________

i ^ u . c m o U ^

j§ ,~ A utoServlce

:t32-A uto, Parts & Acces8oriB3

ALMOST NEW 4 Afmstronj r^rljom on llros 3U10.5 ia .T . on chfomo siollot

________So-'aajar!!::___ FOR SALE Hocontly. retjuii----- le f t wig or will buy oatly 701

Jiw ota body. Also; nowl; •• upRolstofod eoaia. 423-4886.

--------------Moo!anor25OTa-rnIIOS’fljgcond , >200. 734-3835, 1MPC0 2 barrel carb. pro iiaho convorslon. 85 qI tank domplotoiy assomblod

.............. -«»g3-fe28.423-t443allOf5.—__ j^lhamknn.fl.holftjnai

iS|,.sroTiWiiSb PPLY, 305 Shoshofi.

________ ^ o o t Soulh.laliiL -;---------------------' . m r m D n o w m s x— ------ niK)9 moiniiDJ on vfhit

'Spoko whools for a joop CJ Ifoc4 slandard traction llros <

_______ . whools. 733-8339 9:30^:00,->,1972 K5 Olazor. Parting ou'• Beil bar. Iranslcr ease

" ■■■ ’tom piolo 4x108.'o ie. Mak ----------- 'bW br-foi“ part*-yot»-wan'- - - t5 3 i^ 9 a o r 7 W 4 0 1 - -------

•I433-AutQ9W anfed!>W6 WILL PAY CASH lof 197 *:& nowor P .U .s& 4x4’s, Als

___ ^>977 & nowor Aulomobllo:■ »FronlldrMolor9.73«:834g^_

__ Supplies'/KAWASKI KD 175. ROO C

_ ____VbBst Qllor. Will irado for rifi(. . . Caii 733-5787 aflofS,

;;yAMAHA 650, , oxcolior .rcondition. with holma

^ • «1900.324-3232._________ _:;ifl74 CB £50 HONDA.^Fuli ••lOBdftd. oxcolianl condllior

■::: — -^rn o o f f t rm r z t tC M m tg r -• H974 HONDA 100. Run

- ; n y 4 HUSOVARNA ^ W F

- i{s « ^ 2 a o f S3M533.""' -

-----»? a f ln ^ l t7 3 4 ^ 2 C ,— - - . i ------ !yT574 175'YAMAHA’ Endur------j^M lO |-*375 -C alU 33-24 ft

!vlftn'^HWDA7C0Automaih— ^ i i j n o n d m o n r i o w — 4 ^« « _ > aa .iV g 9 or SM-2533.


^ 2 1 2 9 ^ 5 3 ^ ° ^ . J— t:ilWtrMondaQoldWino.-Full

„ loadod. iota ol oxtras. W

***” *'*;044 3 ? 4 ^W ' M1881 k6 x17S. Runs groai


e tn 'e a t io ta________135-C ytde9iSuppllM«E lor 1977 YAMAHA- 750. Sh 13-1027— drivo.- 15.000 -m iios.-go____ cond. .51.000 or bost oir

733-3633 Of 733-8575, — ^197S^HONDA-Goidw(ftO-(1_______ 1000; loadodJoyunllos..CI 734-43B7.

' 13&-Heavy Equipmeniinds DINGBAT SPECIAL. You a

roally dino In ttils onol i usod purposo 1957 Chov 2 li

High Cubo Van wllh IB' ba rg o n . - ,j9 i5 or 1965 Ford 750 cab 1. chassis 4/4 irans. 10 whoi Pony ,500 mllos on now onnin

— a i9a5,73>2<77.B-5Mon-Frf 'loops - HOUGH LOADER, oas, 4W

___lllcQ _nQ w _iubbof_rcbirams, 53500.788-3875-------JD 310 A BACKHOE. GOi------------ eonjlllon -Cjl[7m.57gj;

■ JOHN DEEBE_aTaino u g g Q


-''•'‘l J.D..500CBackhoo,S19.50C.......... J,D .544Loador,124.500:-


ELLIOTT'S INC.,®ol'- IIIOvertandAvo,

n J - . ' Bob Houston, Salos Rof f?)enl_.HflmQ Phono____ ^733-.l-

S'S'; ---------------------- -------

M oor _________rulso. SHARP 1962 Vt ion FOI

pickup. ■ flatbed,' C------------ ahvllmQ:352M203,-----------'*5 UTILITY Truck Bod for 1 T

. Truck wim 7 comparlmon $725.Cflil423-4884, ■1962 DOOGE’ D ^O O r^ 'S chassis, ovorhaulod 361 V

J45»}- 4 a oood ,51175.734-5789.----- -1943 CHEVY W. lon plcki<bmo AT.-PS/B.- V-8. 5995, C

•Icod! 1984 INT 1600 Load Star;: ondly V-fl. 5 sp. 2 sp roar ond. rt rnvol - -a u p a r .g o o d . good ruhb '0 by -short whool baso, Idoal

the pulifna traitors or low tru------------ rT2iia/0H6r.655-4419. -_ '1968 FORD 600: 390 V-8 Tr apood ,'2 Spood roar oi___ runs good, good rubbor.________ goo, 655-4419.-Class 1971 FORD RANGER > nacu- ohort box. slop sido plcki

'V-8, AT. 51000 or best oil 2 W . •734-2633 altor 5:30pm.■ c o n - --------------------------------

^ 7 5 - A u t o D ^ f «K So-

s. -

lonfs" ' ~ !


^ H—---- 1978

----- 400 V-B. 4 spoolpow or brokot, A/ 4646.- -

l o i . , -

s r „ 1977 CHE----------- -9 5 0 V-8,-«ulomaiibuilt pow or brokot, AA-70'S 4671. -----

Ei HZrTqian' 6 cyllndor «hg1n

^ r;r radio, lock-out hia ««■blod,

a - — 198«400 V-B. oulomol

T uTTc ”iiTQ pow or d o o r lock»hono' V i o w ^ N ^ 6 5 3 ^

= 1 9 7 9 -Short bo*. 351 V-(

)0 tfoaring. AM/FMI oiit. , - •7^raso.Mako

= r — i g j 5

V-8. auiom otlc. |— rodio, rod io ltirov

AlsoOlios. ~ 1982S V-8, automoile tre

^illo! 4658,

19791Fully AM/FM 4loroo, p<Illon. tro ^b * tonkj oulc r r* ~ y ~ ^:an^n^lch:•Nora63 Runslalino ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I * * *

I 1980Short bo*, oulom

— •-Ing .'V -S .-o ir-A h_fnIlbQr..NQ..4652.

- : r ^ 9 8 inallo.- ■ Short bon. 6 cyliinilos:—



f 1 ^Call —


ndUAutows 1 4 0 -T n ic te --------------—Shalt • 1974 DATSUN PICKUP.’VO

-good- - cood ah ap o ,n 4 5 0 ,733-8801 ollor, 197< f o r d C-600 w/dolivo

------- van. Acci^llng soalod bl<ifl'GL----- th rough-Soot.- 'ia .-C ontai..Call— Mr_BowomlSoara,403Wa

Avo. Wost. Twin Falls. 73— 0821;_________________I 1978 CHEVY-CHEYENNE-'------ PICKUP. Many oxlras. voiu can good cond, Soo at Tho OuK ol All SloplnH agorman, 837-8393 ?k!.h' ’877 CHEVY PICKUP, 3i r=Kit V-6,_4 spood, dual tank

-^978 FORO S600.361 V-B. S ^ 2. PS. 900-20 lifos. J550

324-2669 or 324-2838.------1978 ’GMC ■SI6rra7“P S rP i

AC, now paint. 51,000 milo v.qoo.— lncludoB.campof-aholl.-C4

bo ooon al 1605 Addisc Avo. Easl. 733-5336 or 73

: _ _ w § L l « § L ____________^1979'GMC W lon 'p lckup .'

iPMT cylinder. 3 apood. aunroo ' • AM/FM stofoo, good on ga:

5~j Oakioy. 882-3318._________5 - ' . 1580 FORD F-100, auto; P; 500, ■■■PB. AC. 302‘V-B,-53750,0

. Must soilll 734-1826 or 73"« 7 m _________________

1982GMCCabailoro;V-fl,ai;________ tilt, crulso. Iiko now, undi

1[T,DOO mlTiis, 5fflgrB55^«37:------------- 2JaUCK-TIRES.900ir?0,Sllp j r --------for p a i r 837-6383 PvontnQsr3-MJO 63 Konworth Convoniion

— w/a2"Ciimrt^T?nr~5S4r^- .- Spu<H)Od. J9CXX).-----------

5& Auto car; 280 Cummin 5&4.20-Spud bod, 58000,71 Mack RL 700, 335 Cur mln9& quadraplox.20’ sptj

_ “ .- ,i>oa.!il.5S0.^ '____ 1 Convortor dolly w/10,00x;1 Ton liros. 51750.

nonls. 4 whool trallor. lO.OOxS____ llros, duals front & roa

bTrtd— J 2 2 » ;- ------------------- —n v -8 . DICK CASPER9. EOUIPMENTBROKER

7 3 4 ^ 9 o rg 4 -2 g 4 3 . , Call 75 DATSUN PICKUP. Wit

aholl. Call 734-473 — w g o l^ a ^ ^ j t ^ a .—

^ 5 1 < l-V a in ______________I. runs INTERNATIONAL motro var jhbor.. . ,GoodJnochanlcat condllior J8l lor . Will consldof Irado. 565( iruck.- 734-3514or733-8821.

—— . 1971 DODGE -Sorvico Var V-8. 4 accoptlng soalod bid r ond, through Sopt. 15. Conla( or. 16* Mr. Bow oralSoars. 403 Mai I-------- Wool. Twin Falla. 73:

lickup. , 1979 CHEVY BEAUVILL : olfor. VAN Vi ton. lono chassi:

____ 58000,786-4000j5r 78;W«1. ;


78f0RlhF25fl4x4~ -lOod tfonsmlstlon, power itoerlnj , AM radio, oir. two tono paint. N<

HEVROin BLAZER 4x4 ,nailCntrontnUulofV powouleecini AM radio, whilo spoko whool*. Ni

inA;tiUiOCRlilSERix4:gins. A tpood tronsmlitlon. AA t hub*, look* ond run* good. Nc

:raRD-F3Mn!ICKUP=;r>ollc lron»ml»»lon. power »to«rinj

wheels, sioroo. power windowi cks, tilt wheol.'cruiie control, llk<

l9T0RDfl»4=^V-0. oulomolle tronsmlsilon, powe =M iloroo. chrome roll bor. dual e>

15 JEEP CHEROKEE- -c. power iloerlng. powor broko ros. No, 4659.

82F0RDF250 4X4. tfon*mli*lon. powor »teerlng. oxif tof^»-po(flt.-lock-out-hubi_iaKJ2 llo

9EMCV2T0H4x4, power *leoring. power broke*, e: lulomolie lron»mlsslon, V-0, mirroi4633.------ ^ ' ------ . :

U) FORO F150 4x4lomol^e transmission, powor sitffl' AM/FM-,*lor*o. wh«el».ond lire:w ,___________ ________________

&FOM50ix41I_:ylindor. 4 sp««d. power sleorlnie reo r chrom e .tpoko-M heBla.J 6.00J_________________ ----------------

CM Nbj^S

t m o t i v e

7 ^ - M.J90B,_____ X,HivoryI bids X□ntact---------------------------y ---------jW aln,_______________ /I. 733- /

NE-10--------- -------- / - --------------

m I A', 350 ' I r V ^ ilanks, - L . » ■—iTbar;— . . ------------- r r - r j - 1 '^ - =

i T k . I'ii i!l*5500. Y l ;;;

t p b ;-----------------------V 'nllos. \ l' -----------t :.-Can Adioon • ------------- ---------------------------r 733-

___ __________lr * ~ w

5o,ool--------------------"Hurnr 734- '


u5 m - - K l ^ a n a _______ 1 - : .^------ -■Uonal 1977 FORD 250 Landmaft' . 20--■ 8W-V-&r«ttxllt>fy-t}a»~t8nt

ic o b o x ... Mlcholln. lirasmlns. 97S-7057 o r ......4JM5A0, ................... ..........

le-lmpoil Spota CinLIKE-NEW-l97}-VW-8«atl«

W*20 Loss lhan 10.000 mlloa, nov motor. AM/FM casaoiio, Fi nancino avaiiablo, 734-403

roar, or 737-212flaak lorGlonda.--------- -LIKG-NEW-TS-Toyola Coroll,;n 4D DLX Wagon. Low miles j " automatic. 52795.837-4988. ■J5i7h 1964 BAJA, ongino in oroa

ahaoo. 5950. Can 734Wi.

= = - 3M horso powor. Also 196. Corvotto Coupo. 324-8680.

------ 19e7MQMIQIT> van. . Good condllion. 52500, Cai

734-3184 oveninos,1969 Morcodos 230 Sodan

— ■alr.PS.Michonns.aconomii y ? J ' e cyl. gas onglno. oicop

llonailvcloan.53250 326488? 107OVWCAMPERBUS

- Runs good, sloops 5, Jtooc

issis 68 VW BUG. Now motor i J t! Ilroa. Sharp, Call32W23fl,

175-Auto Doalers

••Qotagrtofd* ___ jy otROYRAYMO

t i m e. ^ 1 _______ 1 9 8 2 i i

■''z ?n“wheels, two lono paint.

_____ 4630F>.

l / 1979C H E V R 0L !icing.- .V-Or-outomalle_powsc_ I. No. -AM/FM itoroo. e.OOO'rhU

tonk. No. 4657.

L4i-r = r r 1 9 8 H E E tAM V.0, automotic tronsm

power brokoi. AM rodio.

■■'"fl' Short box. V-6, 4 ipe«d, r '°iT *' OQO. AM/FM sloreo, oki

NO-450DR. ' •

— = 1 9 7 f f C « E f f l 0 lower v-8. automoile, power *t<II ex- stereo, tilt whool. crui»<

" " i M MTwo tone point, oir, AMi

oko*. powor • itooring, • •» 4634.

' ~ ‘l9 7 9 C H E ¥ R 0 iexlro Four speed ironsmiiilon niioi. tro flos tonk. 30,000 mile


isjglo*, ox- ,460 V-e, oulomelic ironi Irrort power broket. Ronger i

— t)llwhe«l,-l9,000actualj

1981 FOREWOTT- V-fl. 4 speed, piv^gr I tiro*. aM/FM *iereo, lock-put _____ No.464t,_____________

~ Z H Z W foiring. v a . outomollc. powar tli 5.000_ 4iocao„tllLwhaoL^ulstt _____ No>ifi60,____ ______ _

7 3 3 - 5 1 J O - 1 2 4 3 B

B l v d . N o . , T w l r

'ry up, D a d d y h T h e /re

™ 1983eh WIND

oH a-~ ^

••Coniompo Spirit".5 ? r r r - =cm J£cym =eow aL5^196$ Honing, sio ioo c a s s^ co uch , cap la tncha ii

olmosl now,

lan, •mlc

s . 4/!V]L2 3 5 S h o ttx > n * S t.K

(A cross fro

i * a l o n m y t r u c k ________ HO N D f O R D - ' ■

0ROF15O II tronsmlsslon, pow ontoor>~^H :tro go* tank , w hllo ipoke If. 18.000 oetuol m llot. No. H

LET ONE TON 4x4 I:c_sloQ rlng^pow .< ir_b 'a luu ..H hUoiTworn winch, oxtro gas H

yJAEOHKfc=|im ittlo n . p o w er ite e r ln g . H lo. oir. No. 4667. ■

I, pow or stooring, XLT Pock- )x tra .g o s tonk, low mile*. ■

)tmLAZER^x4=;lstooring. pow er broko*. o i r . H ito control, running b o o r d s .H

150$UPER4;AB— IM/FM storoo . v -8 ; 4 * p o o 3 7 ^ | o x tro - go* to n k . N o . H

)tETr4T0N4x4 Ion. pow er •leerin g . V-8, e x - H Hot, tw o tono point, lo e k -o u tH h e e ls ,N o . 4655._________

WF150 I}nsml**lon. pow or s t e e r in g .H r Pockoge, AM/FM storoo, a lm iIe s .N o .4 6 6 4 .____. . . ■

9DF1504X4 If iiu u i iiig, -powgi—brefcqrrW ut h iib i. m lrro rt ond h l i c h .H

ORDFISO"^^^sloorlng. pow er brokos. a l r . ^ |<n fo ntrol qo« or prnpnnn M

B l u e L a k e s H I n F a l l s ■

■e h a v i n g r o l l c a l l l ^ '—

.• - •tt:- - l7 S - A u to D a a l« a = ^


I", powor windov/s S locks. r bf.ikor;, nir CQQfli-Q550M0,'Top ra'cir,“TV.'”lrid9C, lairs, lablo, bod. 2.GOO mllo;;,

16,995B e l t T o d a y A t

I C OSED „ | _ f j f i a R . c ;

t. North . 733-7366 Irom Wills Showroom)

a/ S


J l



—rc— — i »

As Lo


1!IM nhBW .s.

As $ ^ JLowAs, . # *

K M nT lM rtSrM•an r e e lU a Wltl

• e M b o a m ^ r

~ | wi5f^ I


1 9 8 3 D O IA S L O W A S ...

1 9 8 3 C H R V

m ^ s 2— Wei-BUIGK- ------------------ S K Y t A R K —

No. 39B

, ---------------» 4 4 8 8 e r

J 4 » o o w „ : t l S 9 . P .« 36 m e. e l 17.33% AJ>.R.; D ef.:

TOow n pETs'TSSeXIllU'T O llC .- -

, 1 9 8 1 F O R D M U S T A N G

No. 394

___________ _______ Solurdav

_____ llSr:AlllsiDMHra_____

^ V o u r C h o i

o r

1 . 9 % / ,183 Chevrolet CiTito Choose 1

O W As

8 8 8 ^ ^

es Chevy. S-n4 to Choose Fi

' 5 7 4 . * ^

£ (Acel------ CMC1

; S l .u tl* ii(S n O )i

) D G E C O N V

m E R N E V V

E m ]------------------------------- 8reou


Por-Mo.* - ♦49 DO.{.$5978.96; * 2 4 mo. a t I(

— . — Dovrftplv»tO>

D 1 9 8 1; C /

ay.Soptombor10,19S3 Timo:Imoa-Nbwa, Twin Folia, Idaho B-7

1 2 7 - 1 4 ^

________ 175r-Au1o Dealers ______________

» ie e _________

^ d t e

- M r P f c ^ r - — / I n t e r e s t

: Chevetts-e F r o m ______________

104x4 uF r o n t

NO. 3-356

_____.N O -3-_m _,_ l.

iiailiMW _n0«THAM0»0l.eLINtR0«D .

I V E R t lB L E S ^

V Y O R K E R S "I ................ FRO W U -__________ _____

•'iS 'to 'chboso ^ from

^ 0 ^ • F ront W hooP ” ........ d rive

I ^ H R Y S L E R T Q W N - ^ D U N T R Y - W A G O N — --------

No. 303

- » 3 4 8 a o r — — ^ —

D ow n • * 1 6 9 P o r Mo.* I IDt 16.37% A.P.R.: Del. 54265,9'6:H q ^ >m U >O .A .C . . . .

31 D O D G E C L U B C A B Va T O N

No, 1563

8 9 8 8 = =

Page 16: McClureg holds hearmrjg WP>PSSLplan^ WIM—, re I to v ^ . on a spylr gpsotili----- *_SoeI team at rates

- B -8 T im e s-N e w s, Tw in Fa

- : - . : E B f 4 \ | \ -

• ' t URSHOK

----------142~lm p0ftSp0rt3Cafa—' i 1Q72 PORSCHE 9I1T BlacK

Coupo: Eiccolloni condiiion Insldo & out, Man/ oxiras.

. Call726-&ei<allof6pm.

I ~ ll ^ / ^ ^ n ? o l d? ^ 1 ^ 5 ^ •'- — :r-r^3Sg f-fl;5:S7jT, * " .......

' 1075 AUDIIOO'CS: AC. crulao corilrol. AM/FM c aa so l^ ,

-.1076 CeI iCA LKlback. Now------— !Hfe#r»uM-pootJ.-< cyllndor,-

6 apood. Call <?J488a,; '• DATSUN B-2J0/Of #aIO.

•:•------ ff000.'can733'g062.------------1978 OATSUN - Slallon w agon. Low mlloao^o, o ic eondlllen.«1Q0. 733^60.

------ 1977 PORSCHE MCU______axm llon t cond. W900■j RDHHVrCainj4-*3l2.I 1878 SILVER Anniversary

r '. - - . . jD o iv o » o ^ ^ O o rw j n t t ko

Luxury odillon, loadod wlih llll Iho oxiraa. S spd. oood '4lro8. low mlloago.:42M049 Of 4 2 3 -5 ^ POQQy.

— >1S79. DMW-633 CSI.-Silver, •. ,'«un_fQQf_black leathar. 4 .

Ispocd. m ags, eulltstsln <hocka. crulao. 1 ownor. 503-eaS4545 weekdays.■1080 AUDI 5000 S; aulom alic,''

_____f S /B . A/C. Good,cond. Call... 7 3 3 ^ 7 ._______________

] S ^ ^ e d . ^ ^ l o r o a ^ radS?a! i . vack. rog UaSO NOWf ■ >i;rf/°lli.r.«nH 3n._____---------106O--TOYOTA C O RO LU -

tUilback, 5 apood, AC, ilM /FM atoreo, supor cloan.moo.Catl32e-<735._______

‘ io s i s u w n u DL wagon. 40;000 mlloa, groal cor. Too in m y k ld a .3 2 4 ^ .

;-------- 38at-3U B A R U- G L F ^ /C , . ■

Exc. condlllon. 23,000• -mffos. >5800. Call 734-B399.• 73- MQ MIDGET. All alock,

porf oct~-cond Ition.'~tvoDfiQO~ rack. $3900.324-24^3.

! .146-4WheelOrfves ' PRICES CUTI

i S n 'w 7 - ‘‘Hnrtloii. 'fi c y f~_____ Indof. low mlloago. *5000.-------- tffT B 'C J^ B flgh rfod wflh---------m CJmrKK lap . U tyNrider,' ‘~~ '~>i/nn<rapsK ffw neoia:i«700'

19fl1 C J5 -U k o now condk ' tlon^Cnly 17,000 mllos. Many ex tra s . UGOO.

----------— — C tim a-iM n1952 JEEP. U to OHV & ongino. tow bar, row bar.

. motal top with roll up win*, dow s, body vory stralghl. 11500. Rlchllold 487.2*33.10S7 JEEP 6 cyl. atallon w aoon. Qood condlllon.

-------- ti-^ .-62& «S 6--------------1873 Joop W agoneor B cyl. 4 ab. ready Ear hunllng.

■ HVoo/beat ottor. 324.4439. 1978.CJ.5 JEEP.-oood condi­tion, aoll lop. now tiros.

• ^ - ^ i3300:-Caltm<iOT:—• '. 'a CHEVY BLAZER. AC. w . «heol, 4 apood. chromo

587-8681 Mounlain Homo.197S IHC Seoul Travoloc. 4 wlrool drive. Turbo diosel,

. PS . PB. air. from disc, whllo apoKo whoois, low mlios, oxiraa. Uko new. 32ft«)81.IMO CHEVY PU 4 whi drive

_____ ^C hoyo jino .ton . Now.llroq, _

-------- 1M 0-f-O ndI:i50 -E ap lo ro t ^-------- PS#6.-4 spoodr39,000-milo5.----------- Oood ‘MPQrSoll or lfflJt r t o r ~

U 4x4 In goodcond. 3244543 oy»’8.

-------- 1081 CHEVROLET Suburt>aH:“a lrc o n d ., radial Urea, runn* Ing boards, rool rack, oxira

- c lean ; meehanteall}! le al—aound. retails tor our

- 1981 DATSUN King Cab 4x4; 5apood . PS. siereo. airlpos. radlala. Roa MSM. SELL


t75-Auto Dealers

_ / ■ ■ ■ ■

-----------1980T-RITR-7 CONV


------- .4 .cy liiido t,-luo l injncHon------- Hiontng, rw w w f-lxakoo,-


- = ^ 7 4S e e I tT

WILl2 3 5 S h o a h o n * S t . N orth

----- -----------(AcfoM-fromWI

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

1 Falla , td a h o S a tu rd ay . Sop

r i o J n o W tS i


- - ^ - H e-tm eelD rtyes--------[7k----- 198rDATSUN' 4XCK MDr IIon apood. PS. radlala. sloroo Bs oirlpos. regular {6600 N0\^

Siflfe/Oller. 678.3372.BW___ iP63 CHEV-4I4 4^r...l-IOC25..' 4-spd. 6.2 diesel. 9,00<

mMos.'rfldfatllreJi-storoo, HI[Ts----- WhOOlrHD M«l«f. C*»OlC«-0

” noara. Tako over payments or

- 1983 CHEVROLET Sllvorodc ~ 4x4; excollont condlllon °7 Low mljeago. will eonsldoi “'■“ ■"trade In on older; modol- 734.4848.10 . --------------- i48^A ntk)ueA uto8

« AUCTION~ Collector CarsJii Soptombor 23rd 4 -24^.

Woslorn Idaho Fall Z Q roundi, BOIBO. A CsnadliiTi iry & Nalional Advertiaod Event, ko • 8am»-dDy pay. Call oarly foi

Prlmo Salea poslilona.

Ith C tualo Car Auction Co.Pd 5 0 3 ^ 2 7 8 6 . Oreoon

1932 NASH 2 doof Sedan.- Eaay rosloralion. Havo HHo. }f, - SI aro-. 324.2878 or 324.3606:— ,* - 1060 CAOILt^VC.-'Runs raal ''n good, 4 door, rap around

roar window, would rosloro . - ■ - •-tfo ly . W O. 733.2807.--------

Bll___ 152—Auto»-Buick,______1953, BUICK 4D; Jlk o new.

W 1979 RIVIERA FWO; loadod wllh ovorythlng. Rog tasso.

A _ S E L L « 9 9 S /o » o r ,e 7 ^ 7 2 ^ .

S: , 154-Auloi-Ctlilllac1972 CADILLAC. 1 ownor.

)o S ^ m ' l " ' ’**'

5 ■{gg—j^^^.Chnraier - • •00 1967 Chryalor Newport 2 dr.

t395.73348SSalIor6twi.Z 1970 CHRYSLER NeV; Port; JO-----M2S.CalL734-Q144--------------

15S-Aut08-Ct)evr0let1973 CHEVY wagon, nlco Insldo & out, runs vory good. <750.324.4439.____________

a -heavy d u ly o u llll. built whon roal cara wero aim In

Ll— aitlQ n.iJdea!_ro /_D uiiing^ I, - -tTaval'trall0f.-B0ing::30ld to

flotllo an oaiaio- 32Awt4. 1977 CHEVY 2 door Impala. AT. AC. low mlloago, exc

=i------condlilonr-O riolnal-ow ntrr6 Call 3244546._____________^ 1977 MONTE CARLO; oxc : cond. 8 track aloreo, U.OOO "• ■ mllos. M.OOO.324.1172.'n ’78 CHEVY Mallbu wagon. 22 n MPO, looks poor, runs "• . c roal. ri39S. Randy 5364148.

' 160-AiilM-DodaaMOTHER’S . SPECIAL. 1981.

11.— Alro»-Sulioii-Wogon.J!ronL J. Wheol drlvo. Power door - ^ f o c k s r A /O r P /S r P /e r ^ t c ? - ' « 2 0 5 .733-4^4. •"o 1978 OODQE OMNI. AT, AC,

* 162-Aut03*F0fd8WANTED any 71. 72. or 73

' Ford Pinio. Any modol, any cond. 734-1561 or 7344422.

,® 1065 FALCON RANCHERO.’------Cnroma-wfioola.-Tiowraaiar

llroa. robulil 289 ongino,'

’' 7 i 975-FORa-Gfaa-Torlno-4-1 door. Good clean cond.

Loaded. teSO. Call 678-2300.I-------1978-PINTOr-Now-paint-a-^ .interior. 48.000 orglnlol . mllos. Sharp lllllo car. prolor

tl7 m 1 4 l t ^ ,, , , ir 1982 Ford Escort GL. 4 doorir___ hatchback, AZC.:.ES.-4-sod.-------nrTT/fm-HttTTTrorl5.000-miio9.-j. A ssum e loan. 934-5795. i! 78 FORD GRANADA 2 door,L A /C, P /S . A/T. good mllo-- aao.»1700.423U3&allof4.

175-Auto Dealers


|lor>.-C-«Ooo{»rWli»-^b<Hl^)o ,-A M /F M -c a sc o llo ^ l

495t T oday At

I Q USED . L O cars•rth 73^7385

> op tom bor10 .1983

3 166-Mercury & Uncoina " 'CLASSY silver 1580 Couga

XR7. 45,000 m. PS. PQ. air- - now llre9rt500Qr644-?778.—

MECHANICS SPECIAL. 197: Morcury Monlcgo MX. Ev orytiiinggreol-«*c«pl’no«l«onolno work, 733-30^8._____

“ i969-CO U G AR rioV-cond: AC. llll wheol. AM/FM« Caso: flieroo. S1W£. 764-2344

■■'’ 1877 LINCOLN"QonllnonIal Mark V GIvonchy doslonoi

-- cofloo. 0X0 cond, Sf.OOC miles. J6.000. 5434192. Allor

- Spm 543-5060. .........Wont lo savo monoyi

m Shop classified llist_ fo i " • w hotovorvbunnod.

-----------175=Auto08alers------- -—


a-ot— -■'}nta. t l ' r A j9 ^ _ in | i l j T | l k f l jado - ------ ■ • V - I S S k ? ?

I - M m- - - -

P ■' foOOR— , No. 2513. Pow or Door

• CioM, Roor W indow i !"®- ' Coridltlorilno. Crulso. A

-------- W ho5rr-A W 7f^C5Tfl7«a n d A Wholo lo t Moro 1

‘ oro R o ta il V a lu o $12= S av o $ 1 5 0 0 .0 0

^ M O . S ^


F - 1983 CHEVE —------ 4-DOOR

T No. 2506. 1.6 Litre. 4 Cy4 Spood Monuol Tran;

ICO Ro'dio, Reclining Soots, orA

L M O M i --------, (J - J

Chevettes - 1jn iL . 1 ■ ; ; o N L Y '

i -

i l Z l i g ^ o i c— - N o r - l 2 5 7 5 . - Hn«od -o i l

,jj Hoar WTndow. lO'ib HoyleI ■ V-6 Entjlno. 4 Spood Mon»i i --------jjoD ,-Jlii_5flll2n_E uiii_ I.3 Sioorlng. W hllo Lotiorod

Radio’s. AM Radio, Ch Slop Bumoof. Dufonoo Poi

|Tf ~Wliooi», Sport Two-Toni M uchM uchM ofo.

" r M O W . . . . ' f llol

1983ttCflMNo. 3485. Pow ei Door

-W indow i.-ln lo rm in lcn l S po rl M irrors, ConqOis Aulomollc. Till W hool. AA Cossotlo. Rallv WhooU. MOREI

M O W . . ^ 1 0 ^

7 3 4 - 6 5 6 5

----------------- 1-----------------^-------

1 168-Autos - Oldsmoblle'ugar 1974 Oldsmoblle Totonad( . air.- outo, AM-FM-storoo.-oeoi — ---- con<Illlonr41295^ 4 .4024--1972 1 977' CUTLUSS SUPREMI

___ 1078 OLDS TOHONADC)n d '— Eicoiriinl condillonrLoatlOFM/ with o«lras. 934-5890.23M-- __________ __ —

nno! 172-Auios-Pontlacia 7 F ^ N flA C "A ^ T R E . . oDOOd oxc palnl & bod

ll,06rW>5,ZM-a379- . . 79 THANS AM. low mllo

_ !9 / m a n y o x lra irG re a fc o n c llopi Call 733-4378.

---------- I ^ A u to Dealers----------


3 L-'Ii')|\


OR ISsor lock* • Tintod w Ootoggor. AirI. A uiom oilc. Tjll ___________jroo ._V inylilR aaC -----------------o l No. 2518.$ 1 2 ,0 9 6 .0 0 Er>gino, 1

Iniorior on0 0 NOW

i 9 S

;VEITE ISOR-----------------1 Cylinder Engine. No. 2499. ronsm ijslon. AM M onuol Ti r, ond MORE I T lro i-andM

i T O S - - M a w -

K 9 ^- C e l e b r i t y - C i t a t i a n s


? IC K U P 1 9 8 :- G l o s s - S l id i n g - -N o^T 2550: oy looaT ac to 'fo -;" -E n -g ln o rT\onu'ol Tronsmis-' Gollon Foe>1 Tonk. Powof._ _AM Jladlo.rod Stool-Oeilod bo iled radChrom ed Roor euflom viny

iPoekooo. Slylod And MORE. Fono I’olnt ond

B 3 S ^ - M o w ^

AMINO fo r locks. Powor / 2n l W.por». Air. No. T2562. lUisio P a c k ag e . oeiiy Roor . AM/FM Sloroo. Brokos. 4 S| ols. a n d _ A ^ H . _lng..AM.Rc

G auges one


^CHEl1 4 0 W e s t M a i n

— J o r o m o

~ 1 4 2 ^ T 7 S

le 172-Aul09-P0ntlacado," RREBIRD; ' cusio leod painl. 400 - 4 -speed. -wicI_____ Hf»-i nleo car. t2400/lraf

lor docont 4x4. Call C&Mj il

.-ITa-rAutM J ly n t^ th —‘DO- - 1973 DUSTER- 2 door, iflod obod~conitil[on‘- wllh nO

tires and brakes. t600. Ci — 733-9255. ........

17<-Autos-Other8'-'rt* CARS {2001 TRUCKS S10

■ Avallabio 'ai local do -•emmpnt sales. Call (roTui

““ •._dobl<J)J:619:56W)24IJ3xlli; indl- (Of your dlreclory on how i

purchaso 24 houra.

- - — 13^-AutoOeaJerB---------



18. Auiomoilc. 2:5 Liter E'.F.I.'Till Wheel. Maroon Clolh


> ^ 7 9 9 5

1S83CHEVEnE _-_2000R--------------- ----9. 1.6 Lliro Engine. 4 Spood Tronsmission. Whilo Woli

IMORE!—------ ----------— • ■

r ^ 5 3 9 5

| | | ^ Financing

s-S-10 Pickups!E P T . 2 1 s t

S3 S-10 BLAZER___SB^Foldlng-Roei-Seats-V-*- ^ -sp o « T T rim rn r« rew rT J“ 'ool Tonk. Power Sieoring.0. GflU8Oj..PJ05/7.5Rl5_M««l. ediols. iuii site sporo tiro, inyl high backed buckot loots,

983 CHEVROLET - /2 TON PICKUPi2. TInlod Gloss. Exlra Cop- ir S/inos.-Hoovy Duty Powor . Speed Monuol. Powor Sleor. RodlO_Kaatfy -Outy Rodietor, ind MOREI_________________

r . . . . S 8 4 9 5

m twVR(MTI' -------3 2 4 - 4 3 1 8

175-Auto Dealera



. c - ^L112Z___

1 - 5 « it

I « 5J

, it * *■ - 4 S - ---------------------

” .198371■ 2 ^9>y 1983 PA

---------- S IM l i

^ 1983S ^ 11

" Z g Z H I

^_19B3 S:15

r —

i _ _J________________

; 4 g 1983 6MC

■ ^ 1983

' ^ 1983 EMi

W E 'R E T H

ITS-AutoDealers -

E3UQT983Ie to s iYEAREND



!3 0 €1983 DATSU— ^ ^ B C _ v o n l



PM .735-.IJ3 ■ I

^ A

_ d C l - 0 !

_ _ P MPHOENIX 4 DR. -m m■ARISIENNE4DR.Il>99^« I A R S A V I N G S O N



Oi15 EXTENDED CAB_4x4:i — - ^ - M y - H i o h

X C % TON 4x4 D IESEL'

3 ^8 3 B H C '/ 2 T O N - S t o i

MC 4x4 “ JIMMY” - S I


UOCXMAINAVt.l. ■----------- ■ _ !

; 175-Auto Dealers .


^ W iUN - Reg. *6870lUIPPED WITH: 2.4 liter a j i ittmisaibr>;- 3<ool bo lto < ublo-v<ol}-bed-€hrofno-tlj n»liotod--dlsc=farokcrs=S=fl UDES $300 CASH BACKl-E 4 DR. SEDAN—EQUIPPED WITH: 1.6 litor tran5|tiIssIon7 tlntod gtossr whot^- AM/FM radiornovr JofroVtor.


1 3 ------------------------m o H i

»SE-OI— stock No. 3P9^ro nt w hool drive, 2.S lit n ^ n o , a u to , tro fis ., po^ ro k o s ,-a ir-c o n d itio n in g ^ aasetto, tilt & crulso control

. — Stock No. 3P23-9 Pontioc‘s la rgest c<

iho woy you would -rartcrboT ----- —

»LLAC— ^S to c k N o r^ C 6 - l

9 0 'o logcnco pockag bluo cloth intorior. overything fo r oquip

E O N 3 D E M O S IN S I

MC|.-_Stg_ckNo.3E22-]h Slorra, 5 spood,-pow er aitcT ^Q Q -pay toadT ^ugosrJlOrium|MOOt»-ond-n>ororT-

. - Stock No. 3fi3-i6.2 DIospI, High S transm ission , dual

■ K rors, ..8600-G V W ^ tir6 s r 2 -tonorstidln( end much m ore.

ock No. 3629-Retail6.2 Diosol, Siorro C ovordrlve a u to tran o r stooring, wjndo\ a ir condiioning, 2 .

_____-c a a sottQ. tilt ond c........ moro.

s to c k No. 3 0 2 5 - R e t a

> 6.2 Diosoi, Siorro Cic bvordrivo au to , trans tin t g lass , full 'p o w tilt & crulso, skid' pl

------- t a n k r ^ o a d —shocks:*9 p, 2 tono bluo fi silv


-------------C A D I t i A C - Vi - M N Y U I


■ * ^ l l ^ ‘Aui‘6b^er3

w w : w m r -i N J i s -

U T afcm e * —

IHTEffia *------------------------------------------4 T -

1 B A C K = ^ ™70 ^>r ongino, 5 spoodl lnri rodiol tlfo s . . . w K►-tlo-downsr-powof--------- " ---------a-Tnueh-m oro .-IN » -----------------I - ' • -■

- R e g : ^ 9 2 4 ^ « r “Itor ongino, 5 spood ' A A ssrp o w o rb ro k o srtilt— V k —ow-t^^os^ote<♦rie-t^w:-------" ---------


f f t

I “I ----------------------------------- ^

liter, fuel injoctod .p o w e r sfoorirTg^A ~W\ig,_AM/EM_alar.QO______________trol and much m ore. ■ - '

3 - Retail M4,288 ^It ca r and equipped m RI! luld oxpoct a luxury V .

■ ----------------- # -

-RelaiP2j,697— -kago, whito with or. Has absolutely ^uipmont. .Y...........

' s t o c k .

-Rebil >12,606 ^e rsteering .^O go l.'- ■o s ; 2 to n o .

-Retail >15.973 ^Siorro 4 spood - - ,- j-

lai tqnks, big mlr>V ^g o u g o s,-rad laI----- .d In g 'V eo rw In d o w ., '

ail >14.947 t ia Classic. 4 .spood < ^ ransmissIon,”p o w - '" idows, door locks, S A *

2. lono. AM/FAA d crulso. ond lots _____ / ______

letail >18,314. ^Classic, 4 speed ..

□nsmisslon, doop ' ow or, c a s se tte , .r plotos; 31 gol.

#llvor._ - ----E A L I N G F U N I

m k w M m ~