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30 AND MORE SPORTS, BOOKS NEWS Pg.5 Learn How To Make A Deli Date Pie Check out the playlist You don’t want to miss MUSIC

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How To

Make A

Deli Date Pie

Check out the playlist

You don’t want to miss


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Miranda is a student at CETYS in

Mexicali. She can be a role model to

anyone who wants to practice this sport.

Since when are you practicing this sport?

Since 2010, four years now. In June they’ll be five.

How did you hear about Hammer throw?

My two brothers practice shot put, that’s just like hammer

throw but instead they use a heavy spherical object. The

season of basketball, which I was playing had finished. So one

day I went to pick up my brothers and the coach told me he

would like me to train with them. I said no but my father

insisted and I end up going anyways. I tried shot put at first

but wasn’t good at it so I started with hammer throw. And I

quited basketball to start training with them.

What’s hammer throw?

Is a ball that has a 4 kg bullet for women and a 7 kg one for

men. Its tied to a wire with a handle and you basically just have

to sping it over your head 3 or 4 times in a circle of a meter

radius. Then you throw it and the one that’s remaining farther

is the winner.

Did you struggle learining?

Al first yes, the ball was very heavy for me so needed to start

going to the gym in order to able to control the bullet. Also at

the biggining you just have to spin 1 or 2 times and when i

started with 3 to 4 is very hard for me to stay in the parameter


Where you exited about practicing this


Thrut is I didn’t even wanted to give it a chance because I

really liked basketball at the time but then I notice I was really

good and decided to give it a try. Also my trainings are very

fun, and my brothers train with me too so we help each other a


Would you quit to star another sport?

No, never. Now I’am really good at it and want to continue


Have you ever won any award?

Yes, nationals I won third place two years in a row and small


Does your family support you?

A lot, my dad is always helping the coach set competitions and

he usually help us when the coach can’t make it to the

trainings. He loves it, my mom too but not that much.

Have you ever suffered an injury?

Yes. In my first year one week before nationals I fell while

spinning and hit my head, I injured my neck but I still went and

won third place.

Have you been offered schoolarships?

A university in Texas contacted me and also one in New

Jersey, Princeton actually. They told me they would like to

have me there but its too far and also expensive for me. In

Mexico a university in Chihuahua and another one in

Monterrey messaged me, but I haven’t decided yet, I think I

might stay here and study at the same one as my brothers.

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In which schools have you studied? Elementary and Middle school at Felix de Jesus, high school at Cetys, a summer long at Stanford after this I started my career at CETYS, then I returned to Stanford and right now im studying my career at CETYS and doing double degree from City University in Seattle in management. What career are you studying? Mechatronics Engineering and Management. Do you consider yourself a leader? Why? I’m trying to, because I like having positive influence over people and leave them a good example, that what I’m doing might be useful for other people. Since when you been have interested in Trascendencias? I met it when I was in high school, and I really liked it. Since that day I went every single year and finally in college I’ve got involved on the organization starting like a content coordinator and right now I’m the C.E.O. of it. What was your interest in this movement? That this are 3 days where you can met with people from other careers and hear conferences from different areas and get involved in workshops of different areas. Also gives you the opportunity to visit business and learn about the process. Since when have you been the C.E.O.? The symposium was in October 2014, in November 2014 they gave me the position. All the coordinators choose me, and we have been working hard since November 2014. What responsibilities do your position brings? Handle 7 different areas, be alert of all the situations, the organization of the event and look out that all the areas work in harmony. Try that the conferences are interesting. More

or less check that everyone makes a good job and work correctly. Do you have any staff that helps you over? Which ones? There are 7 areas: Logistic, strategy, image,

marketing and sales, content, finance, and

general direction.

What qualities do you think a C.E.O. needs? A C. E. O. needs first of all patience a lot of it, needs leadership, needs to be responsible, be alert of all the situation. Also needs to be leader, give a good example for people and finally courage and dedication. Do you think this year Trascendencias is going to be easy? Not easy, because nothing in life it’s easy, if things were easy everyone could be capable. I see it like a challenge. Since Trascendencias 2012 we have been trying to improve by the years and live through every last year. This year is going to be a challenge. What other position you have been in Trascendencias? Like I said, last year I was coordinator of the Content area. Do you consider this symposium essential for students? Why? Yes, it serves for formation, its not the same learn from professors and things in class room than learn from people who has been working at factories and are capable of give out information you need and their experience. Besides Trascendencias, in what other projects are you in? I’m involved in student society of engineering especially in the area of Silicon Valley visits. Me

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and my friends made a startup, it’s a business that its call “El Garage” were we offer service and workshop of 3D printing, electronics and programming, all for people that doesn’t need a previous experience. And I have a small business of selling jerseys called “Mucho Jerseys” and essentially school. Even do you have a lot of project, everyone has to be focus on school.

What do you think about the entrepreneurs? Are people very interesting, with innovate ideas but the entrepreneurs has to be also a businessman, because an idea can be the best but if you don’t execute it will never ever work. What are your future plans? First of all graduate from my career, study a mastery, travel to San Francisco and other cities, met people and take to another level my own business, consider myself a successful person and try to be an example for society.

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Angel Martinez is a student from Cetys that also practice basketball on the

same school. On the past Friday, march 20th, 2015 he participate on the final

game of Conadems Tournament against the Universidad del Valle de Mexico

(UVM) with 11 others member from the team that were born between the years

1997-1999. Angel Martinez plays under the basket taking the rebounds and

making points of short distance.

Angel Martinez says that his parents support is very important to be a great

player in basketball or in any other sport; he says that they are the one that

motivate you and every time you’re about to give up they tell you that if you do your

best you can reach whatever you want; they help you a lot on your sportive


Angel Martinez says that his experience on this last Conadems Tournament

was excellent because he had the opportunity to win the on the last change he will

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have in his life; “I have never won anything in the past and I didn’t want to go to the

university without winning something here in high school”, he added.

He says that they have a good opponent for the final game of the

tournament, “they had won the final game twice but this time we had the

opportunity to win against them”, he explained.

Winning the Conadems Tournament wasn’t something easy to do, “we had

a hard semifinal against Bachuni and the final game was even harder, but we

made our best and we did what we want”, he affirmed.

Angel Martinez gave an advice for the future generations for winning one

more time the Conadems Tournament, “wining this tournament is not something

easy to do, but if you take some discipline and make all your effort, you will be able

to do whatever you want; if you lose, you don’t have to be disappointed, you need

to analyze your mistakes and do everything for finding a solution to them and with

this become the champions of the tournament.”

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By Paulina Salcido

A girl that studies in Cetys Universidad and has been a successful

athlete in her state. And this is an interview that we made to her to

find out how much effort she puts into it and what is like to be

successful in a sport.

1. At what age did you start running? I was 15 years old

2. What motivated you to do it? Before I started practicing track

and field I played basketball but I didn’t liked it that much. I wanted to do something different

and I ended up practicing track.

3. Is your parents' support important for your achievements? Why? Yes, because in my case my

parents are the ones that support me when I don’t do a good job on a competition or practice

and that helps me not to quit.

4. What do you enjoy the most about it? One of the thing I enjoy about practicing a sport is

traveling for a competition, because I get to know many places. But the thing I like the most is

training because even though it is very exhausting, I get to run every day and I love to run.

5. Have you ever thought about quitting? Why? Yes it is something normal in every athlete to

have a moment in which you want to quit because it is a very demanding sport and even more

in distance runners like me.

6. How do you manage to have enough time for school and practicing? I practice four hours a

day and the only way of get to do homework, study and train is organizing my times. I need to

arrange the hours to study or do homework and sometimes do them on weekends.

7. How many competitions have you been to? And what places have you ended up with? I have

been to many competitions, but the most important of them is the Olimpiada Nacional 2014 on

Xalapa, Veracruz. I have also compete on Hermosillo, Sonora; San Diego, California

and all the cities on Baja California.

8. Which was your last competition? And what was your experience in it?

My last competition was the Aztec Invitational in SDSU in San Diego,

California. It was my first time I went to a competition in the United States

and I liked the experience because I ran with girls that were like 5 years

older and that helps me improve my time.

9. If you could practice another sport which one would you choose? I will swim

or do triathlon (run, swim and bike).

10. Do you plan on doing this for the rest of your life? Why yes or why

not? Yes because practicing this sport helps me to be a discipline

girl, to learn values as responsibility, I travel and helps me to be


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INTERVIEW This interview was made to Sergio Mario Salcedo a young kid that have been competing in name

of Baja California for two years.

1-Why and how did you start swimming?

At the age of four.

2-What did you like most of this sport?


3- How many years have you been swimming?

Three years.

4- In how many competitions have you been?

In four.

5- Would you like to do another sport?

Yes, soccer.

6- Have you ever injured?


6- Would you like to do this for your entire life?


7- What is your goal in life?

Be like a Mexican Michael Phelps

8- Wish cities have you visited four sports reasons?

Tijuana and San Diego.

9- Are you going to stay in Mexico?


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“Apple has 178,000 million of dollars around the world. It´s difficult to

imagine the amount of money that this big company has, let’s make a comparison:

Apple can pay half of the debt of Greece.” (Regueira, 2015), clearly, Apple controls

most of the economy in the world, Apple product consumption is a big problem in

this planet that affects everyone, it doesn´t matter the economic status of the

people, most of the society has one of this products nowadays.

Apple products consumption is something that affects a lot nowadays and

these problems are growing. The way Apple gain all that money is by taking out

every single year new products and people, with all the publicity, desires the new

iPhone just for being fashion and cool. This is something that affects all the society

because they buy one electronic device in less than 1 year.

Taking out all the investigation results, the society will realize that they

expend a lot of money on this products that aren´t so necessary like Apple tell us

they are. It is incredible that kids nowadays prefer an iPod touch instead of an

bicycle or a football.

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The objectives of this investigation are:

General objective: Prove that Apple products consume really affects the

consumer’s economy in a negative way.

Specific objectives:

O1: Identify approximately how much expend one Apple consumer during a

specific period of time.

O2: Evaluate which students expend more on Apple products approximately.

O3: Detect how much people doesn´t have with an Apple product.

O4: Detect in which month people is more likely to buy one Apple product during

the first semester.

O5: Observe if this people save money for buying these products.


Hi: Consuming Apple products really affects negatively to the consumer´s


Ha: Apple products consumption doesn´t affect to the consumer´s economy.

H1: The students from second semester are the one who consume more Apple


H2: December was the month where the consumer´s prefer to buy in Apple


H3: People prefer to buy products that fashionable or that are used by celebrities.

H4: Around 1600 dollars are invested every year on Apple products by family.

H5: Only 25% of the people who answer the questionnaire doesn´t have an Apple


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Most people use the regular tooth paste when they clean up their

teeth, because it’s easy and is the most practical option, but what

the most people don’t know is that this toothpastes have an

unnumbered different chemicals that in a future will damage your


So that’s why we are going to teach you how to make your own

natural tooth paste.

- Ingredientes and tools


White clay ( 3 spoons) Glass bowl

Baking soda (1/2 spoon) Spoon

Sage infusión or clove ( 2 liquid


#1- The first think you need to do is to boil your sage fusion with some water,

or the clove with some water too just to dissolve the essences making them

more light.

#2- Now you need to introduce three spoons of White clay into your glass


How to make: home made

natural tooth paste

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#3- Right after the step number two you need to (verter) the clove or sage

infusion in to the bowl with the white clay.

#4- You need to stir the mix in the bowl for a few minutes till the mix

consistency looks just like a regular tooth paste.

#5- Finally you introduce the half spoon of baking soda just to make the

consistency more like the one of a regular tooth paste.

#6- Officially you have done with your natural tooth paste but if you want to

make it more nice you can add to the mix two or three drops of flavoring.

As you can see this is a very easy way to make your oral hygiene more

healthy and natural and now you can make your own natural tooth paste

every time you want.

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HOW TO? How to do a date pie?

First things first, why are date and nuts pie so well known in Mexicali?

Mexicali is known for his big valley and his incandescent sun but it is also known for his long fills of


The date comes originally from Arabia, in fact its real name is Arabic pie.

And today we are going to learn how to make a Date pie.

Ingredients: Tools:

EGGS ----------------------2 BOWL-------- 1

CONDENSED MILK----- 1 can SPOON-------1

MARIA COOKIES-------- 1 package

NUTS----------------------- 1 cup

DATE--------------------- 1 cup´

Step #1

Take the whole package of cookies and crack them all till all the cookies become in to little tiny

pieces like sand.

Step #2

Take the molted package of cookies and mix it with the egg whites till they become into a dough.

Step #3

Place the cookies doe all around the recipe till it become hard.

Step #4

Crack the nuts, and cut the dates in the little pieces.

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Step #5

Introduce the two whole eggs in the blender right after that boil the condensed milk, and finally

let it blend till the mix looks fine.

Step #6

Now boil the mix in a bowl, and at the same time bought the cup of nuts and dates too, and

incorporate them with a spoon.

Step #7

Slowly introduce your pie into the oven.

Step #8:

Set your oven with a 150 °C temperature and let it work till your pie is ready.

Finally we have a delicious and easy to make Date pie.

Enjoy it till your last bite.

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Julio Cesar Alvarez Montelongo, known artistically as Julion Alvarez

is a Mexican singer of the regional gender, actually he is one of the

most popular artists in this gender right now. I think that you might

remember him from the tv show La Voz Mexico; a Mexican version

of The Voice I which he ended up as the winning coach of the


Well, rumor has it that he has being offered a spot as a deputy by

Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto. This two met in Chiapas

back in march and the president praised him saying he was an

example for the youth adding that he would like him to participate

as a federal deputy for the political campaign “Partido Verde” and


When media asked Singer Julion Alvarez he answered:

“That’s not true, I barely have time to do what I love which is music. I

respect the ideas and decisions of the president but I’am not really interested

to work with the government. I’am very greatful though.”

So, does this mean that he won’t be participating in the next

campaigns? I personally hope not, trying to involve artists in political

issues don’t seem very smart.

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The Samsung S6

The technology has become part of our lives, right now cellphone is an important

thing that everyone needs. This little communication system has been changing by

the years, and the competition between companies is getting bigger, I’m talking

about Apple and Samsung. Their most important competitors are the IPhone and

the Galaxy, but this time I’m going to talk about the latest invention of Samsung,

the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge.

We can remark huge technology in this line of cellphones, each generation has

something new that replaces

the latest ones. In this 6th

generation of the Galaxy there

are awesome changes, which

make easier the users life style.

This are some new technologies

that I will show you.

An extraordinary

super-fast charging that in 10

minutes of charge, this will let

you use your phone for 4 complete hours, that means, you will be able to see a

complete movie.

Also Samsung reinvented the phone charging concept with a Wireless Charging

Pad, that charge the cellphone by placing it on this pad, without connecting any

cable to the phone.

The camera on phones have passed to the next level and Samsung proved it with

the S6 that contains a 16 MP rear camera and a 6 MP front camera, sounds crazy

but its real. With this new technology resolution and clarity have become not a


With the Samsung pay your phone isn’t only a way of communication, it also

replace your credit or debit card for payment.

Samsung has become a gate for us to the new technologies that man can create.

This is not a competition between two companies, is a step to the future, the new

ways of communication and technology.

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If you’re a big Pretty Little Liars fan then you

definitely need to catch up on Sara Shepard’s


In Rosewood, Pennsylvania behind their big Channel

glasses, everyone has something to hide, especially high

school juniors Aria, Emily, Hannah and Spencer.

Aria is having an affair with her English teacher, Emily is

not really sure if she likes boys now, Hannah is using

some ugly tricks to stay beautiful and Spencer can’t wait

to steal her sister’s boyfriend. But besides all this little dirty

secrets this four inseparable friends have shared one

since sixth grade when her bff Alison went missing in the


Just like the TV series this liars start receiving threatening

texts from someone named “A”. And they believe the

person who is about to expose all them secrets is their

friend Ali because she was the only one who knew

everything about them.

But could “A” be Alison, the ultra popular girl who

disappeared 3 years earlier? And if she is not “A”who is?.

Suddenly their secrets, the big and little ones start

coming out, seems nothing is safe in Rosewood now.

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She is described as having trademark short, shoulder length, blue black hair and ice

blue eyes, which are her distinguishing features. She is said to be quite tall, as well as

having pouty lips, and a thin, ballet dancer frame. Aria used to be Rosewood's resident

weird girl, but that was before a trip to Iceland. Aria is artsy, bubbly, independent and

she is also very loyal to her loved ones, she is tough but compassionate at the same



Spencer is described as having long, dirty blonde hair, in which she gets lighter blonde

highlights in, as well as a small, upturned nose, pointed chin and bow-shaped lips. She is

depicted as having emerald green eyes. She also has a petite figure from years of field

hockey. Spencer is determined, smart and overachieving. She has a nice side and a

sneaky side. She can be pretty ruthless in getting what she wants and is not afraid to

take her enemies down.


She has strawberry blonde hair that is tinted green from chlorine and hazel/green eyes.

She has broad shoulders and is skinny, but has muscular legs and thighs. Emily is the

sweet girl in the group. She's sympathetic and compassionate to others. She loves very

passionately and sometimes her love for people can cloud her judgement. Emily is very

naive at times and lets her love for Ali get in the way of her logic thinking. She's also the

most forgiving of the 4 girls.


Hannah has been characterized as being extremely beautiful. She developed bulimia

so now she is a size 2. Hannah was the “it” girl in Rosewood when Alison disappeared,

but before that she and her best friend forever Mona used to shoplift and had to do

community service. Back when she was in high school she used to be the chubby ugly

girl that’s why she is so concentrated in being perfect all the time now.

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Insurgent is an American film directed by Robert Schwentke , with screenplay by Brian Duffield and Akiva Goldsman , based on Insurgent , written novel by Veronica Roth

iInsurgent is the second part of the saga of divergent, and basically is the continuation of the firstmovie but if you didnt watch diveregent you will not understand what is going on in insurgent, so if you want to go to the theater right now to watch this movie , first watch the firs part.

Insurgent main cast rolls are Shailine Woodley as Tris , Theo James as Four, Ansel Elgort as Caleb and Miles Teller as Peter.

The movie starts when Four, Tris , Caleb and Peter are oustide the “Wall” , and they are out theWall beacause they are fugitives and they found refuge at the Amity compund, but when theywere more distracted, Erudite arrives with a band of Dauntless traitors.

After a few minutes of fighting and running Triss, Caleb, and four finally escape from the Dauntless traitors band that where trying to catch them to take them back with Jeanine, but Why Jeanine was trying to catch Tris an four? Beacause a one sigle reason, Jeanine was catching all the divergents but this time she don’t want to kill em, she want them alive , beacause after she destroys Abnegation in the first movie , she find a mysterious box that was hidden by Andrew and Natalie Prior.

Jeanine Matthews reveals that only a Divergent can unlock what's inside the box and she orders to capture Divergents across the city to find the one who can open it. To "open the box" the Divergent must pass a series of five simulations (one for each faction) that challenge the subject to prove their Divergency. This means that only a Divergent with potential for all five factions can open the box, not another with potential for only a few of the factions.

After they escape, they find refuge in the factionless-ville. At the factionless safe house, then Trisfinds out that Four´s mom, Evelyn, is still alive and has a plan of her own to take over the city, killing Jeanine.

A lot of different events happens passing the movie, one of the most important is when Trisconfessed that she kills Will in the first movie, event that traumatized her with a lot of different nightmares and stuff in all the movie.

Then she is captured by Erudite and there is when they know she is the perfect prospect to open

the box , beacuase she is 100% divergent , but with the help of Four and theyre Dauntless friends, Triss and Four escapes once again from the Erudite army.

Right afer this they go back to factionless ville. One night, Four has a meeting with Evelyn, and he brings Tris along to analyze the situation. Her analysis: Bad News, Dead Ahead. But Tobias ignores her, which causes a huge fight. When Jeanine later activates a simulation that causes Marlene one of the Dauntless friends od Tris to jump off the building and kill herself (the city's suicide method of choice, it seems), Tris decides to turn herself in to Jeanine. If Jeanine wants the Divergent, the Divergent is what she's going to get.

After much effort, Tris could finished the five simulations (one for each faction) , and the box was finally unlocked.

No one really expected what was about to come. A video!!!

In the video, a woman who calls herself Edith Prior says that the outside world is in danger, and everyone in the city was placed there as some sort of experiment to save humanity. The Divergent ones are the people who will save us all.

Personally I like the movie, but I think that Divergent is much better. I am not saying Insurgent is bad, actually is very good but one thing that the public had fallen in love in the first part of the saga , was the romanticism and the relationship between Four and Tris which is very sparingly in the second part of this saga.

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By Paulina Salcido

Gossip Girl is one of the most popular and successful series of all time, based on the

novels written by Cecily von Ziegesar, it is about a bunch of teenage kids living the

“dream life” of any other teenager, even any other adult. It takes place in a school

located in the Upper East Side of New York, where only rich people can live, so with

that said, you can already assure they are from rich families, but, Is that a good thing for

teenagers? . It shows how people feel superior from others because of the money they

get from their families. But the best part is that the lives of all these kids, always gets

published in a blog that belongs to someone that nobody knows until the end of it; and if

you start thinking about it, when the author wrote it, nothing like this had ever existed

and in the actuality it´s a very common and normal thing. I enjoyed so much watching

this because every time something new happens, a new adventure, a new problem, etc.

When you finish a chapter you can’t stop thinking about watching the next one. The

thing that you never know until the end of the serie who is the real person behind gossip

girl is the most exciting thing and a little bit stressful at the same time that you don’t

know at what moment you are going to find out. In my opinion this is the best serie I

have ever watched and could watch it all over again. The thing that it takes place in one

of the most famous cities in the world and has a lot of fashion in it, including famous

designer clothes and famous people wanting to be in it, that makes you want to be in

the same place and want to live there. Since I finished the story I have been wanting to

go to New York and

be in the places they

recorded it. It was

recorded too in Paris

and Italy, and that

gives even more

attention to fans and

started to grow

worldwide. In

conclusion is a very

influential serie.

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Not all your dreams came true

(Personal experience)

This event happen just a few months ago, i was coming through my senior

season as a high school football player.

And just like other football players in Mexico, one of my dreams was to have

the opportunity to play in one of the most greatest and known college in

Mexico, but the only way to make this dream possible was striving every

day to improve more and more and maybe someday attract the attention

of a talent scout, and the perfect moment to make this possible was all

through my senior season.

Actually a lot of people believed in me, among them my coaches, my

family, my teammates, and me personally.

Sadly at my first scrimmage game as a veteran senior player

against the Calexico Bulldogs, I made a wrong move and as a

result I broke the cruciate ligament from my left knee.

And if you don’t know once you broke this ligament you will not

be able to do any sport or activity for one week, because your

knee is wounded and inflamed, but when the inflammation

decreases you now will be able to walk and do some activities

but limited, why limited? Because if you do an extra effort your

knee can easily come out because it has no support and the only way to fix

this issue is through a surgery based in replaces the broke ligament with a

new one.

And the approximated time to heal this surgery is between six and eight


So basically i lost my last season as a high school football player, and a

chance to make it through the college football.

This experience was very difficult for me but with a lot of support from my

parents, my girlfriend and my friends I could get ahead.

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, 12

TV, 1.4



1 OR 2

3 TO 4







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THE HOT EIGTH If you like indie-electronic music you should definitely check

out this French band formed around 2010! I recommend

the whole continuum album; their videos can be a little

strange, it seems they like to burn their logo on them but

anyways every song has a different disco beat

mixed with soft melodies. Perfect to just lay down

and chill a bit.


THE KOOKS This band was formed back

in 2005 in England almost at the same time as the Arctic

Monkeys, unfortunately they are not that famous yet. There

are so many good songs from the kooks, they have this

funk rock groove that makes all them song catchy. My

favorites are Naïve, Around town and the most recent one

Bad habit.

For rap lovers I recommend the good kid M.A.A.D city

album dropped back in 2012 by the artistic Kendrick Lamar.

This cd shows how rough life can be in Compton, where

Kendrick grew up. But also has this sweet track featuring Drake

“Poetic Justice” that I bet you won’t regret listening to.

CHERUB are a pair of funk

soul brothers that seem to

love 80’s keyboards and

guitars. Their most popular or viral song has been Doses

and mimosas, that gained almost a million youtube

views. In every song you’ll find real live instruments,

guitars and more guitars with a touch of techno with

some computer help. If you’re looking to relax with an

80’s groove try Heart <3, All and Tonight.

This hipster brothers have the craziest

videos, so if you don’t like their songs I

bet you’ll at least like the vid!

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In their new video SUGAR Maroon 5 surprises brides,

grooms, and guests as the band crashes different

weddings in LA. Everyone appear baffled as

Maroon 5 helpers construct a small stage for the

group. But once they start performing the party

explodes in excitement. Watch as the reactions

move from screaming to pointing to shouting to


"I thought you might want to meet this one. She has that quality

you're looking for." Christian turns. His eyes meet Anastasia's. She

bites her lower lip. "Yes," he whispers, "Yes, you'll be just fine."

The weekend who delivered two of 50 shades of grey soundtrack best

tracks did a great job with the assignment. It seems they were told to

write a really sexy slow jam for background and nailed it. As always they

kept their noisy R&B carried on guitar waves. I recommend listening to

their songs with headphones you can really appreciate the instruments.


If you liked the first two recommendations

then BEAT!BEAT!BEAT! Won’t be an

exception. This German band has soft

indie rock songs just like the kooks but

with more acoustic guitar solos and

electropop beats. They only have two

albums but every song has a particular

melody and the lyrics are very striking


“Move on to lightspeed on our bicycles with

fireworks. So we're both crashing into a

hospital, yeah, love hurts!

Now tap my heartbeat, my heartbeat

like a metronome, a metronome”

Hayley Kiyoko or should I say Vilma from

Scooby doo? Is a 23 year old girl that crafts

tunes in her parents’ basement. Left acting

to start a singing career dropping an

electro pop album named This side of

paradise. The song that I highly

recommend is cliff’s edge that features an

extremely catchy chorus with a carefree,

relaxing sensation. She repeats “I want to

feel that sea breeze,” a couple times in the

chorus, making

everyone by the

end of the song

want to drive

down to the coast

and feel the same

sea breeze she so

desperately longs


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By Paulina Salcido

Name: Steven Paul Jobs

Born: February 24th, 1955. San Francisco, California, U.S.

Died: October 5th, 2011. Palo Alto, California, U.S.

Residence: Palo Alto, California, U.S.


-Cofounder, Chairman and CEO of Apple Inc.

-Cofounder and CEO of Pixar.

-Founder and CEO of NeXT Inc.

Board member of: The Walt Disney Company and Apple Inc.

Religion: Zen Buddhism.

Spouse: Laurene Powell (1991-2011; his death)

Children: 4.


-Adoptive: Paul Jobs and Clara Hagopian.

-Biological: Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Carole Schieble.

Better known as Steve Jobs, the inventor of Apple, was a

business man and incredibly good with computer sector

and entertainment industries in the U.S. Founded his

company as Apple Computers along with Steve Wozniak in 1979, and is the biggest

individual shareholder of The Walt Disney Company. He started the company in the

garage of his house and now is one of the most famous companies in the whole world.

At only 26 years old of age he was a millionaire thanks to the success the company was

having. When competition started to evolve, the company was having problems so he

quit; that same year he received the National Medal of Technology by President Ronald

Reagan, closing with the recognition of an entrepreneur. He returned to the company in

1997, which was having serious financial problems, and was called executive director

until 2011, when he die due to Pancreatic Cancer.

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by Paulina Salcido

Creator of the Baja Med cuisine, cheff

Miguel Angel Guerrero. Baja Med

cuisine works with regional products

that are rich in variety and quality.

La Querencia: Tijuana

Cheff Jair Téllez, this restaurant was

the first Baja Med cuisine in Valle de

Guadalupe and was also the first one

to own its organic orchard. Its standout

dish is Oven-roasted local lamb with

shallots and mustard greens.

Laja: Valle de Guadalupe

Cheff Esteban Lluis, this restaurant is

the one that represents high cuisine in

Mexicali. Maybe is not an old

restaurant as most of the others,

nether less, has turned into a very

well-known restaurant in the country.

Ambar: Mexicali

Finca Altozano: Valle de Guadalupe

Cheff Javier Plascencia, campestral

cuisine style, owned by Plascencia

family, every dish is barbecued and

the diner is located in the middle of a

Valle de Guadalupe vineyard.

Villa Saverios: Tijuana

Cheff Javier Plascencia. Restaurant

owned by Plascencia family, the most

influential culinary family in Baja

California. One of the most distinguish

culinary spaces in Baja California.

Manzanilla: Ensenada

Cheff Benito Molina, innovating

cuisine, with regional products and

very well known in the country.

Together with his wife Solange, they

have been able to position themselves

in the top because they have a

restaurant in Mexico City.

Corazón de Tierra: Valle de Guadalupe

Cheff Benito Molina, innovating

cuisine, with regional products and

very well known in the country.

Together with his wife Solange, they

have been able to position themselves

in the top because they have a

restaurant in Mexico City.

La Guerrerense: Ensenada

Food cart located in the most transited

streets from Ensenada, known for their

delicious seafood dishes.

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To be only 2015, technology is so advanced that

now we can "print" anything we want. The question

is what can we not do with this new technology?

3D printers are capable of creating volumetric parts

from a design made by a computer. We literally

can print anything at this point. An article that

caught my eye was the manufacture of a rifle

composed of 16 pieces that works perfectly,

endured 14 shots

before splitting.

But a weapon is

little compared

to what we can

get; some have

printed cars,

organs, bones,

cameras, jewelry

and even food.

Medicine took

an interesting

turn when

scientist tried to

combine a 3D

bio-printer for


purposes. They

took a printer, then added a cartridge full of cells

instead of ink and got new skin ready to use. With

moles and freckles up to be even more real. We

can print orthopedic prostheses, artificial skulls,

bones among others. For example Erick Moger, an

old man who suffered a huge tumor on the left side

of his face and ended up with a hole in it, now

thanks to these advances, doctors provided him an

incredibly realistic facial prosthesis.

The only negative thing I see about this printer that

anyone actually can acquire with just $ 200, that of

course can only be able to print small things, can

eating printed meat be healthy? Even the question

doesn’t sound well. Can you imagine having a cut

of meat without having to reach to sacrifice an


In the United States we can get a cut of meat that

however is not yet ready for consumption with the

third dimension bio-printer and animal cells. Like

when skin is printed, the only thing that changes is

the ink that is now made of thousands of living cells.

Scientists now have as a project to create a burger

that would cost about $ 300, 000, it seems

exaggerated trying to produce food with these

machines, although

they have already

printed chocolate


These developments

seem impressive, but

they also have a

downside. For

example a 3D printer

consumes 50-100

times more electricity

than a standard

model; these

machines emit up to

200 billion of ultra fine

particles per minute.

Something interesting

but also negative at

a time, is that the assembly of chemical

compounds at the molecular level is possible using

this printer; I mean that in the future, chemicals may

be able to create drugs like cocaine.

This new technology is certainly better despite its

dark aspects; the only thing that I am not happy

and I think not many people will be is why creating

food, weapons and drugs? The objects to be

printed should be limited and certainly used only for

improvements or things that have negative


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By Paulina Salcido

As you´ve known your whole life, you´d always depend on your brain,

even in the act of breathing every second of your life, maybe you don´t

notice yourself thinking about not forgetting to breathe but your brain is

always working without you even noticing sometimes. So, why do

people start to forget about so many things in their life? Like where the

car keys are, what you ate last night or to

get your lunch to work or to school.

That is an easy question, it is caused for the

weakening of your synapses; for those who

don´t know what these are, is a part of your

brain that contains a small gap separating

neurons. The brain would never change its

overall structure or grow new nerve cells,

only the synapses are reinforced and cells make more

and stronger connections with each other, this depends on

how much we use our brains, or in a sport-ish language, on

how much you put it to practice. There is an area in the

brain that every decade loses five percent of its nerve

cells, so by the time you are eighty years old,

you have already lost forty percent.

Nevertheless, there are obviously some other

explanation to loosing memory, such as the human body been exposed to

potions, like smoking, alcohol or introducing drugs to it; old healthy people

are sometimes better verbally and more intelligent than young people who´s

been under this circumstances. A clearly example of this, is when you go to

a party and one of your friends drinks too much that he doesn´t remember

what happened the next day. Too, this can be caused from diseases.

In some other cases, people who have been victims of bad treatment or any other

traumatizing occasion never loses memory of the act, but not always this happens

with bad moments, it happens to with good and happy old ones. Frequently

when someone asks you about what you had for diner the night before or what

you said to your mother before going to bed, you just don´t remember it and this

is because is not worth remembering it. So this is a small explanation on why

these happens, but to finish, every human body is different.

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There was a little hen that wanted to cross the freeway; the

other side of it was her wish, but cars had a speed between

80 mph and 120 mph, so that was the problem. The hen has

been trying this for 1 week long and never got to the other


At the next day a duck step beside her and told the hen: “Are

you trying to cross the freeway?” The hen answered “yes”, as

the duck replied: “You will never get there; it’s a dangerous

way to get to the other side. Why don’t you fly across the traffic?” but the hen

wasn’t capable because she never learned how to fly. The duck accompanied the

hen for the next two days, thinking how he could help her to get to the other side of

the street, but the duck now wanted to get at the middle of the freeway were there

was a big lake under the large construction, so he could wash himself and swim

with the other ducks.

The next morning a bird step by with the hen and the duck asked them: What are

you doing here? You are just standing here watching the cars rolling” and the hen

answered: “We are not watching the cars, I’m trying to get to the other side and the

duck wants to get to the middle.” The bird told them: “I can fly and can get you to

your destination without a problem.” The duck and the hen were exited with the

idea. So the bird grabbed the hen and the duck with his peak and started to move

his wings, but they didn’t elevate, so the bird thought that he could grab one per

one could be easier. But it wasn’t.

The next day there were tree animals standing at the limit of the freeway, and a

wolf step beside them, “What are you doing?” asked the wolf. “We are trying to get

to the other side but we don’t know how.” The wolf was very hungry so he told

them, “I can take you to your destination, I’m a magician and with my magic I can

take you where you want to go.” And everyone accepted, so the wolf started to

talk, “All you have to do is close your eyes and the magic will do the rest.” When

the hen, the duck and the bird closed their eyes the wolf opened his mouth and ate


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A lot of people around the world celebrate on March 17th the St. Patrick’s

Day, but most people don’t know what this day is about. Almost everyone

thinks that is involved with Ireland, at some point, it is, but that isn’t

the fact. Here is the true story.

It’s all about St. Patrick, who was born in United Kingdom on IV century.

When he was 16 years old, he was kidnaped and taken to work as slave in

Ireland. Patrick prayed to God every day , at the age of twenty had a dream

where God wanted him to return to United Kingdom , He traveled all the way to

the coast of Ireland , there he found some sailors that would lead him to his

homeland. Patrick began his studies and in four years he was ordained bishop

of Auxerre. Patrick had another call from God, who asked him to return to

Ireland, and so he did. He began to preach the gospel, along with his

Disciples and began to build churches. The royals began to follow the steps

of the Christian religion by hearing the word of God through Patrick; he died

on March 17, 461.

On 17th march, people pinch each other if they’re not wearing green or a

shamrock. But why a shamrock? St. Patrick uses this plant for showing the

Trinity (Father, Son and Holly Spirit).For some reason marketing relates

green color with this character but they have nothing in common but this

Trinity plant.

Before we start celebrating holydays, it’s important to us for cultural

knowledge to search for information about what we are celebrating, and not to

get carried away by the marketing.

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Were becoming older everyday and the meaning of a recess is changing.

Nowadays, going out to recess means just having a break that is used to drink

water y and, if there is enough time, go to the restroom and visit a friend very

fast, all these thing need to pass in just 10 minutes, that is nothing for what we

want to do!

When we were in elementary school we had minimum 30 minutes of

recess, unfortunately the football matches that we used to play on recess have

been left on the past. There is no time for doing that!

Another activity that we used to do on recess is

collect Tazos, this is one of my favorite part of my

childhood, hundreds of Tazos to collect of different

colors, material and sizes; honestly, we only bought

the bag of chips for having one more Tazo and added

to your collection. If you had repeated tazos you ran

out with your friend so you can make an exchange

and both of you be one step more for having the full


“Las escondidas” was one of the best games that

we used to play on recess, unfortunately, nowadays the

kids from elementary school don’t do this activities, they

prefer to play with their electronic devices like PSP,

Nintendo DSi or go throw their iPods; this is something

really sad for the new generations that are not having all

this experience that we had when we were kids

I think that parents and teachers should promote the activities outside on

the park for them to have a better experience when they grow up, I think that not

having all this activities will change all the society and the way we see it.

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When I was like 5 years old in Sam Ellis there was an elevator that takes you to the second floor on the top. I always ran inside the elevator to be the first to get in and the only one that press that button that

takes you to the second floor. My sister and my dad were pissed off that I did that every time we wanted to go to the second floor and the elevator doors were completely opened.

So my family did a plan to scare me. They waited me to be running through the elevator, and they started to walk very slowly but I didn’t even notice. When I was inside the elevator I turned around to press the top floor button, but no one was inside with me, everyone were standing outside and saying good bye with their hands. When I saw that the doors closed immediately.

I didn’t know what to do and I was scared, my cheeks were al red and my heart was getting accelerated. When I got to the second floor, I immediately pushed the 1st floor button. The doors were closed and the elevator started to descend.

When I got to the first floor, my dad and my sister were laughing in front of me, and my face was really red, I’ve got really nervous and shamed about that moment that I got trapped in that creepy elevator.

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Apple watch, one of the most waited product from this Brand, is going to

be now available on Friday, April 24th at authorized atores; but, is this watch

going to reach our expectations and have better specifications than the other

smartwatches from other brands?

Apple company is one of the largest companies around the world, it is

recognized because they make products with good quality, operating system and

a great design; also, they are always searching for new technologies and

innovations. Apple Watch isn’t the exception for all these things that this

company offers.

This watch will let you answer your calls easier, instead of taking out your

phone from your pocket, you’ll have everything right on your wrist. The only

inconvenient is that you won´t be able to insert a SIM Card to this device, you’ll

need to have an iPhone 5, 5c, 5s, 6 or 6 plus running with iOS 8.2 or later.

Having the necessity to buy an iPhone is not the problem, this device will

have a very high price that goes from $349.00-$17,000.00 dollars depending on

the material of the armwrist you choose, this can sound like a joke but it isn’t, the

most expensive watch from this company is called Apple Watch Edition has 18k

of yellow gold, that’s the reason for the high price.

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This first generation of Apple Watch comes in three

different styles, the most expensive is made of 18k of solid

gold and it is called Apple Edition; the next one is cheaper

because it is made of stainless steel, one of the most

resistant material in world, this one is called Apple watch;

the last one and the cheaper is called Apple Watch Sport,

this one is made of alumin5rum.

All of the presentations of Apple Watch will have the same operating

system, the only difference will be the material of your watch, so buying a watch

of 17,000dlls it’s kind of crazy because the battery only last 18 hours, this mean

that in 1 or 2 years your battery watch might not even last for all the day; in the

other hand, this watch, which starts at the price of 349 dlls, is more rational than

the first one and it is a very useful device that let you have everything in your

wrist instead of having it on your p ocket.

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By Paulina Salcido

If you love numbers and

are interested to get

entertained for a little while, you should play this game.

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Did you know?

Every night when all the visitors and tourist of Disneyland leave from

the park an uncounted number of cats is released just to

file the population of rodents.

Cats have taken up residence at Disneyland

since 1955. Allegedly, Walt Disney found the

cats living in the building that is now

Sleeping Beauty’s castle, and rather than

evicting the four-legged intruders from the

grounds, he let them stay. The cats were natural

hunters and could fend for themselves. They even

proven helpful to control any unwanted rodent populations

– yeah, we’re looking at you Minnie! Disney now runs a TNR program to help

control the cat population and there is even a vet clinic that helps ensure

they all stay healthy.

The colony of cats have become rather famous in their own right and an

entire Instagram account and website have been created to document their


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Have you ever been on the situation that you expend all your money

and you don´t know on what? Don´t worry, on this article you will have

some tips that will help you to save money and don´t waist it on

unnecessary things.

One of the first things you need to do before start saving money

is register all the money you expend monthly; everything you buy when

you go out and all the money you invest on restaurants when you

decide to go to eat outside your house.

Someone who is saving money needs to have a goal, something that you

want to buy or do in life because if you don´t have a reason to be saving money

you will be failing on this because you don´t have an incentive for doing this extra


One excellent tip for saving up money is by buying a piggy or moneybox,

here you can be putting all your coins and 20 pesos bills, with this technique you

will have approximately more de 1,500 at the end of the year; this might not be a

lot of money but is something extra in just one year, honestly, no one gives you

1500 pesos every single time so having this money for just be saving coins it is not

bad at all.

If you´re trying to save money, you need to stop wasting your money on little

things, such as souvenirs, fast food, giving tips on every single traffic light or on the

supermarket. All these unnecessary expenses can be save on your piggy and

collect a big amount of money.

Maybe when you start you might be frustrated

because is not all the money that you expect, but better

think is not yours at all and when you least imagine you will

have a good amount of money and expended on whatever

you planned at the beginning.

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