mishima warzone


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warzone mishima


  • By: Jarek Ewertowski, Rob Alderman and Mark RapsonLayout by: Michal Pawlaczyk

    Introduction by: Andy HoareArtwork by: Darek Zabrocki, Tomek Tworek

    Additional Art Supplied by: Mutant Chronicles International Inc.Cover art by: Tomek Tworek

    Prodos Games would also like to thank: Kim Rapson, Jay Zetterberg, Jim Vidlak, Tom Haswell, The 532, The Leamington Gaming Club, Warwickshire Wargamers, Our Alpha Testers,

    Modiphius, Paradox Entertainment

    (c) 2013 Mutant Chronicles International Inc. MUTANT CHRONICLES and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses are trademarks or

    registered trademarks of Mutant Chronicles International Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved.Produced by Prodos Games Limited.

    All Rights ReservedProdos Games Ltd. 2013

  • Mishima Death Before Dishonour 4Mishima Generic skills 5 Soshomara Temple of Enlightement Ki 5 Yorama Temple Ki 6 Shirii Temple Ki 8Mishima units 10 Lord General Nozaki 10 Captain Hiroko 12 Ronin Samurai 13 Hatamoto 14 Meka 15



    The Mishima Corporation stands apart from its peers, its culture, structure and organisation a throwback to an all but forgotten age. The megacorporation is ruled by a hereditary Overlord who dwells in his pal-ace on Luna but who over recent generations has be-come nothing more than a beloved, yet powerless fig-urehead. The true controlling power rests with three Lord Heirs, all of whom are children of the Overlord, though each the offspring of a different mother. Lord Heir Moya, Lord Heir Maru and Lord Heiress Mariko are bitter rivals, for one day one of them may ascend to the rank of Overlord and each dreams of turning that position into one of genuine power. The three lords compete with one another incessantly, an eter-nal conflict that occasionally erupts into assassination and betrayal.

    Mishima is a corporation divided and sub-divided over and again in a complex, multilayered system of feudal domination. Each of the Lord Heirs is ruler of a grand division based on one of the three Inner Worlds, each of which is further sub-divided into countless branches, many of them competing direct-ly with one another. It might appear that this system represents a wasteful duplication of resources, but it fits the Mishiman Way very well indeed. It encour-ages the purging of unsuccessful and weak elements by those with more power and makes it possible for Mishima to totally dominate by massing its strength, whether in the market place or on the field of battle.


    The Regulations of Ryoshun: All Mishima Models within the LD value in inches of the Warlord are Fear-less.

    Death before Dishonour: Models from the Mishima Army List may always re-roll failed LD Tests.

    Ki Masters: Each Mishima Squad Commander (and also the Warlord and Lords) can be upgraded with up to 2 Ki powers at the Point cost stated. The available Ki powers depends on the Warlord chosen to lead the force (Close Combat, Range or Tech). These powers are only assigned to the Squad Commander and are not transferable under any circumstance (including Squad Commanders death). One Ki Power can be used per Game Turn per Squad Commander.

    Squad Commanders led by a Psychic Warlord can take any combination of 2 Ki powers, but due to the con-flicts caused by such disturbances in the Ki, a Squad Commander must pass a LD test after each use of Ki. If the test is failed the Squad Commander is Stunned and automatically becomes deactivated. The Warlord and Lords are not affected by this rule.

    Ki Powers follow the rules for Psychic Powers and as such, the Squad Commander must be activated in or-der to use their Ki Powers. Ki powers do not cost Ac-tion Points to use, unless stated otherwise.


    Power of the Ox: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Power of the Ox for 10 points. Turn to Burn 2 Resource Cards to use this Ki Power. If suc-cessfully cast, the Squad Commanders Close Combat Attack is AVV10 and RoA:3 until the end of the Game

    Turn. RoA:3 may not be increased by any means. Any SP lost are doubled.

    Resourcefulness of the Monkey: A Squad Com-mander may be given the Ki Power: Resourcefulness of the Monkey for 15 points. Use 2 Action Points to use this Ki Power. Un-Turn 1 Resource Card. This Ki Power does not require a WP Test.

    The subsequent SOSHOMARA TEMPLE OF EN-LIGHTENMENT Ki Powers use the following Stat-line:

    Strike of the Serpent: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Strike of the Serpent for 20 points. Use 1 Action Point and additionally Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card. If successfully cast, the Squad Commanders Squad gains an additionally +2 Modi-fier to CC until the end of the Game Turn. Leap of the Grasshopper: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Leap of the Grasshopper for 10 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. If successfully cast, the Squad Commanders Squad gains the Leap (5) Special Skill until the end of the Game Turn.

    Prowl of the Tiger: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Prowl of the Tiger for 10 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. If successfully cast, the Squad Commanders Squad gains the Ranger Special Skill until the end of the Game Turn.

  • 6Speed of the Horse: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Speed of the Horse for 15 points. Turn to Burn 2 Resource Cards to use this Ki Power. If successfully cast, the Squad Commanders Squad may Run for 1 Action Point until the end of the Game Turn.

    Path of the Rat: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Path of the Rat for 25 points. Turn to Burn 2 Resource Cards to use this Ki Power. If suc-cessfully cast, any Model attempting to Shoot at the the Squad Commanders Squad receive an additional -4 Modifier to RS until the end of the Game Turn.

    Hide of the Rhino: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Hide of the Rhino for 30 points. Turn to Burn 2 Resource Cards to use this Ki Power. If successfully cast, the Squad Commanders Squad gains the Heal (6) Special Skill if Engaged until the end of the Game Turn.

    Strike of the Panda: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Strike of the Panda for 15 points. Turn to Burn 2 Resource Cards to use this Ki Power. If successfully cast, the Squad Commanders Squad gains the Critical Force (1) for all Wound Effects caused in Close Combat until the end of the Game Turn.

    Fury of the Rooster: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Fury of the Rooster for 10 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. If successfully cast, the Squad Commanders Squad gains an additional +2 Modifier to their Engage Bonus until the end of the Game Turn.

    Stubbornness of the Goat: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Stubbornness of the Goat for 10 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. If successfully cast, the Squad Com-manders Squad gains Impenetrable Armour (9) if En-gaged until the end of the Game Turn.

    YORAMA TEMPLe (Ranged Warlord)

    Condensement of the Rainbow: A Squad Com-mander may be given the Ki Power: Condensement of the Rainbow for 15 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. The Squad Commander completes a Condensement of the Rainbow Psychic Shooting Action (for 1 Action Point).

    Active: Double Rainbow: Turn to Burn 1 additional Resource Card before the Ki Power is attempted. The Condensement of the Rainbow Psychic Shoot Action gains +1 Modifier to St, +3 Modifier to AVV and be-come Piercing.

    Blast of the Hurricane: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Blast of the Hurricane for 10 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. The Squad Commander completes a Blast of the Hurricane Psychic Shooting Action (for 1 Action Point).

    The Petal of the Lotus: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: The Petal of the Lotus for 10 points. Turn to Burn 2 Resource Cards to use this Ki Power. If successful the Squad Commander completes a The Petal of the Lotus Psychic Shooting Action (for 1 Action Point). If a Model from and enemy Squad on small bases is touched by the Blast Template the entire Squads RS, CC and Movement Values are halved until the end of the Game Turn

  • 7Active: The Leaf of the Lotus: Turn to Burn 1 addi-tional Resource Card before the Action is instigated. The Petal of the Lotus Psychic Shooting Action also affects models on Medium Bases.

    The Destructive Path of Lava: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: The Destructive Path of Lava for 20 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. The Squad Commander completes a The Destructive Path of Lava Psychic Shooting Ac-tion (for 1 Action Point).

    The Blazing Sun: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: The Blazing Sun for 15 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. The Squad Commander completes a The Blazing Sun Psychic Shooting Action (for 1 Action Point).

    Passive: Dazzled: Enemy Models with Small bases under the template are Stunned.Active: Bedazzled: Turn to Burn 1 additional Re-source Card before the Action is instigated. Enemy Models with Small and Medium bases under the tem-plate are Stunned.

    The Bite of The Blizzard: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: The Bite of the Blizzard for 20 points. Turn to Burn 2 Resource Cards to use this Ki Power. If successful the Squad Commander com-pletes a The Bite of the Blizzard Psychic Shooting Ac-tion (for 2 Action Points). The Bite of the Blizzard Psychic Shooting Action has the Supression Fire Spe-cial Skill against Models on Small and Medium Bases.

    The Sapphire Tsunami: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: The Sapphire Tsunami for 20 points. For 2 Action Points The Sapphire Tsunami Psychic (B) can be attempted. If successful a nomi-nated Enemy Player must Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card. If they have no Resource Cards available their Warlord receives a St14 (piercing) Autohit with no Heal saves allowed.

    The Way of Enlightenment: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: The Way of Enlighten-ment for 20 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. If successful the Squad Com-manders Squad can ignore any Negative Modifiers for Range and LoS until the end of the Game Turn.

    Path of True Sight: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Path of True Sight for 15 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. If successful the Squad Commanders Squad gains an additional +2 Modifier to RS until the end of the Game Turn.

    Blast of the Lightning Dragon: A Squad Command-er may be given the Ki Power: Blast of the Lightning Dragon for 20 points. If successful all of the Ranged Weapons used by the Squad Commanders Squad are Type: Blast until the end of the Game Turn.

  • 8SHIRII TEMPLE (Tech Warlord)

    Greatness of the Good: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Greatness of the Good for 10 points. Turn to Burn 2 Resource Cards to use this Ki Power. If successful any Activated Model from the Squad Commanders Squad may sacrifice their soul for greater good. Remove the Model from play. Any Model within 1.5 of the removed model takes a St10 Autohit (Piercing) with AVV3. Armour Value for Models hit is halved.

    Endurance of the Zealot: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Endurance of the Zealot for 25 points. Use 2 Action Points to use this Ki Power. If successful the Squad Commanders Squad gains Im-penetrable Armour (10) against Ranged attacks until the end of the Game Turn.

    Insight of the Technician: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Insight of the Technician for 20 points. At the beginning of the Squad Com-manders activation Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card per attempt to use this Ki Power. If successful, once for each Turned to Burn Resource Card one friendly Model with an AV value within Range (Range equals unmodified LD) of the Squad Commander may at-tempt to repair their last lost SP. Roll a D20 on a result of 1-8 the SP is repaired. Only 1 SP can be repaired per Model per Game Turn in this way.

    Preparation of the Samurai: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Preparation of the Samu-rai for 20 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. If successful the Squad Commanders Squad gains AVV:2 for Ranged and Close Combat weapons until the end of the Game Turn. The AVV:2 cannot be increased by any means.

    Suppression of the Masses: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Supression of the Masses for 20 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card and use 1 Action Point to use this Ki Power. If successful the Target Enemy Squad must instantly take a Pinning Test with a -3 Modifier.

    Resourcefulness of the Thief: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Resourcefulness of the Thief for 15 points. Use 2 Action Points to use this Ki Power. Un-Turn 1 Resource Card. This Ki Power does not require a WP Test.

    Prowl of the Ninja: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Prowl of the Ninja for 10 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. If successfully cast, the Squad Commanders Squad gains the Ranger Special Skill until the end of the Game Turn.

    Misstep of the Fool: One Squad Commander per Force may be given the Ki Power: Misstep of the Fool for 25 points. Turn to Burn 2 Resource Cards and use 1 Action Point to use this Ki Power. Place a 30mm Beam of Ki Token within 15 inches of the Squad

  • 9Commander. Any Model finishing their Activation within 3 inches of the Beam of Ki suffer a St10 Au-tohit (plasma) with AVV2. Remove the Token from play at the end of the Game Turn it causes a Wound or lost SP. For each additional Beam of Ki Token in range of the Target the Autohit receives an additional +1 Modifier to the St and AVV.

    Power of the Elders: A Squad Commander may be given the Ki Power: Power of the Elders for 10 points. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. The Squad Commander completes a Power of the El-ders Psychic Shooting Action (for 1 Action Point).

    Passive: Combined Power: The Strength of the Power of the Elders Psychic Shooting Action is equal to St5 with a +1 Modifier for each Model in the Squad Com-manders Squad (excluding the Squad Commander).

    The Honourable Act of Hara-kiri: A Squad Com-mander may be given the Ki Power: The Honourable Act of Hara-kiri for 0 points. A Squad Commander with the The Honourable Act of Hara-kiri Ki Power can be sacrificed (removed from play) for free at the beginning of his Activation to un-Turn up to 3 of the Owning Players Resource Cards. This Ki Power does not require a WP Test. Models removed form play in this way count towards Body Count Value.

  • 10

    Lord General Nozaki

    Type: Warlord (Tech), Medium Base (40mm), UniqueEquipment: Tambu No.3 Silenced Ronin Handgun, The Obsidian Blade of the Black Rose, Lord Com-mander Battledress.

    ARMOUR: Lord Commander Battledress: (No nega-tive Weapon Type Modifiers).


    Passive: Silenced Elimination: When using the Tam-bu No.3 Silenced Ronin Handgun, any successful Ar-mour tests made by the targeted model must be re-rolled.


    Passive: Martial Prowess: Whilst wielding the Obsid-ian Blade of the Black Rose, Nozaki gains the Impen-etrable Armour (13) Ability against Close Combat attacks.

    Special Skills: Contempt (Bauhaus), Duellist, Fear-less, Honour the Pledge, Black Rose Society, The Greatness of Nozaki, Unblinking Eye, Dressed for Battle, Battlefury, Daimyo, Nanocell Replicator.

    Passive: Honour the Pledge: Lord Commander No-zaki may take one Squad of Cybertronic Chasseurs or Cybertronic Armoured Chasseurs. Use the points, upgrades and stats from the Cybertronic Army list.

    The squad counts as a Support unit in Nozakis army.

    Passive: Black Rose Society: If a unit of Ebon Guard are taken in an army where Nozaki is the Warlord they count as his Secret Police, the Black Rose Society. The Black Rose Society can guard Nozaki (use the Guard-ed special rule) if they are within 4 inches of him.

    Passive: The Greatness of Nozaki: Nozaki may target any friendly Model within 6 if he uses the Greatness of the Good Ki Power.

    Passive: Daimyo: Nozaki is a Samurai Leader, a fear-caused inspiration for heroic acts by his underlings, everyone wants to impress Nozaki. All friendly Mod-els starting their Activation within 9 inches of Nozaki gain an additional +1 Modifier to RoA until the end of the Game Turn.

    Active: Unblinking Eye: Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card. Lord Commander Nozaki ignores any Strategy or Tactical cards and Special Skills that reduce his LoS or Range for the rest of the Game Turn.

    Active: Dressed for Battle: Nozakis Battle Dress is not only a ceremonial uniform of ostentation and cer-emony. It is in fact made of cutting edge bullet and blade resistant materials and nano-thin plates, based on the same technology as the Graviton Plates that simulate Earth-like gravity on the inner planets. Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card at the beginning of Nozakis Activation. Nozaki electrifies his nano-gravity plates. Each successful ranged attack against Nozaki for the remainder of the Game Turn must be rerolled. Once the batteries have been activated they quickly drain, Nozaki can only complete this action once per Game.

    Active: Battle Fury: A Master of Ki, since his expe-riences with Steiner, Nozaki has learned the ancient skill of the Crescentian Dervish. Battle Fury counts as a Close Combat Special Action, costing 1 Action Point and can be initiated even if Nozaki is not En-gaged. Nozaki has 8 Battle Fury Tokens. Place one

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    Battle Fury Token on as many Enemy Models a pos-sible within 6 inches of Nozaki. If there are less enemy Models than Tokens, Models can receive more than 1 Token. For each Token allocated to a Model it receives a St 14, AVV2 (Piercing) Autohit. Remove the Tokens as they are resolved. Nozaki is immune to Free Slash while completing a Battle Fury Special Action.On completion of the Battle Fury Special Action place Nozaki in his CCWR with any of the surviving Mod-els (Nozakis Player Choice). If there are no survivors Nozaki does not move. At the end of the Battle Fury Action Nozaki must complete a Con Test; if he fails he is Stunned until the end of the Game Turn and is immediately deactivated.

    Active: Nanocell Replicator: Gifted to Nozaki by the Cybertronic Corporation for some as yet unre-vealed service, the rare Nanocell Replicators seem

    to be on some kind of ancient and dark technology. Turn to Burn 3 Resource Cards. Nozaki can place a Nanocell Replicator using the Grenade Rules (counts as a Shooting Action). Nozaki can place up to 2 Na-nocell Replicators per Game. A Nanocell Replicator is a 30mm Token counting as Light Terrain with an AV18 and 4 SPs and is hit automatically if Engaged. Friendly Models within 5 of a Nanocell Replica-tor have Heal (5), which cannot be increased by any means. Friendly Vehicles starting their activation with 5 of a Nanocell Replicator can attempt to repair the last lost SP by using 1 Action Point. The SP is repaired on a D20 roll of 1-5. All enemy models finishing their activation within 5 of a Nanocell Replicator take a St10 (piercing) AVV 1 Autohit. For each additional Nanocell Replicator in range of the Target the Autohit receives an additional +1 Modifier to the St and AVV.

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    Captain Hiroko

    Type: Warlord (Ranged), Medium Base (40mm). Unique.

    Type: Lord, Medium Base (40mm). Unique.Equipment: Tambu no.17 Yumi Sniper Rifle, Tam-bu no.4 Windrider SMG x2, Enhanced Mishiman Samurai Battlesuit.

    ARMOUR: Enhanced Mishiman Samurai Battlesuit: (No negative Weapon Type Modifiers).


    Passive: Sniper: When firing the Tambu no.17 Yumi Sniper Rifle, Hiroko counts as having the Sniper Spe-cial Skill.

    Passive: Slow to Reload: The RoF of the Tambu no.17 Yumi Sniper Rifle cannot be increased by any means.

    Passive: Eyes of the Hawk: Shots from the Tambu no.17 Yumi Sniper Rifle that hit on a natural roll of 1-3 gain Critical Force (2) and Armour is halved. Ad-ditionally, any successful Impenetrable Armour Tests for these hits must be rerolled.

    Active: Poise of the Stork: Use 1 additional Action Point when Firing the Tambu no.17 Yumi Sniper Ri-fle, Range is increased to 30.

    Active: Stun Ammo: At the beginning of Hirokos Ac-tivation, before he has used any Action Points, Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card. The Tambu no.17 Yumi Sniper Rifle is loaded with Stun Ammo. Any Model

    on a Small or Medium Base hit by Stun Ammo take a St 13 hit (which cannot be increase by any means). Before the Armour Test is attempted for each Wound Effect, roll a Con Test. If the Con Test is failed, the model is Stunned.

    Passive: Gun fighter: Captain Hiroko gains the Im-penetrable Armour (13) Ability against Close Com-bat Attacks.

    Special Skills: Doomtrooper, GunfighterKi Powers: Kyudo, Feet of the Muddied

    Passive: Gunfighter: Hiroko wields his Windriders in Close Combat much like others use a sword or dag-ger. Hiroko may fight in both his Rear and Front Fac-ing. Enemy models Engaged with Hiroko cannot at-tempt the Swarm and Hold him Down Special Skills against Hiroko.


    Kyudo: Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card to use this Ki Power. If successfully cast, the target Squad gains an additional +2 Modifier to RS until the end of the Game Turn.

    Feet of the Muddied: Turn to Burn 2 Resource Cards to use this Ki Power. If successfully cast, the target Squad on Small or Medium Bases has a Movement Value of 2 until the end of the Game Turn.

  • Ronin Samurai

    Type: Troop, Small Bases (30mm). Squad Composition: 1 Ronin Samurai Squad Com-mander and 4 Ronin SamuraiSquad Size: 5-12 Ronin SamuraiEquipment: Tambu no. 1 Shogun Assault Rifle, Sam-urai Sword, Mishiman Samurai Battlesuit.



    Passive: Martial Prowess: Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card. The entire Squad gain a +2 Modifier to AVV.

    Upgrades: The Squad may be increased by up to 7 Ronin Samurai Models for 13 Points each.For 2 Points per Model entire Squad may be given Ki Training, which increases there WP to 15.

    Squad Special Skills: Disposable, Dishonoured, For Honour

    Passive: Dishonoured: This Squad ignores the Death Before Dishonour Mishima Army Special Skill.

    Active: For Honour: Before the Squad spends any Action Points, Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card at the beginning of the Squads Activation. The entire squad may reduce its RoF to 0 and gains RoA +1 until the end of the Game Turn.


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    Type: Troop, Small Bases (30mm).Squad Composition: 1 Hatamoto Squad Command-er and 4 Hatomoto.Squad Size: 5-10 HatamotoEquipment: Tambu no.1 Shogun Assault Rifle, Cer-emonial Blades, Mishiman Kote Powersuit

    ARMOUR: Mishiman Kote Powersuit: (-1 Piercing)



    Passive: Martial Prowess: Any Hatamoto Model with a Ceremonial Blade gains the Impenetrable Armour (10) Ability against Close Combat attacks.

    Squad Upgrades: The Squad may be increased by up to 5 Hatamoto Models for 17 Points each.For 3 Points per Model entire Squad may be given Ki Training, which increases their WP to 16.

    Ebon Guard: One Squad of exactly six Hatamoto may be upgraded to Ebon Guard for 24 Points. They have the same Special Skills, Equipment and Weapon up-grades as the Hatomoto. The Ebon Guard are a Sup-port Choice and have the following Statline.

    Squad Special Skills: Art of Tachi-Dori, Art of Tachi-ai, Performance of Shiko

    Passive: Art of Tachi-Dori: When a model makes a Close Combat Attack against a Hatamoto, it must first pass a Con test for each additional Hatamoto CCWR it is in. If a Con Test is failed, the model receives a -1 modifier to RoA. RoA cannot be reduced below 1.

    Passive: Art of Tachi-ai: Due to the force of weight behind its armoured body, when a Hatamoto makes an Engage Action and successfully reaches the tar-get, he gains an additional +1 Modifier to the Engage bonus,

    Active: Performance of Shiko: Turn to Burn 2 Re-source Card . One Hatamoto model in the squad may complete the Performance of Shiko. All models with-in 6 of this model (friendly or foe) count as being in Light Terrain (for the purposes of movement only), until the end of the Game Turn or until the Hatamoto is removed from the board.

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    1-10If SP=0 or less the Ve-hicle is Destroyed but remains in play as a piece of Heavy Terrain.

    11-14If SP=0 or less, the ve-hicle may no longer use its main weapons.

    15-18If SP=0 or less, the vehicle cannot move or pivot.

    19-20If SP=0 or less, the Vehicle explodes! Measuring from the hull of the ve-hicle with a range equal in inches to D20/2. Each model within this range takes a S14 Piercing autohit on a roll of 1-15.

    Type: Light Vehicle (Light Walker), 50mm Base.Squad Composition: 1 Meka Squad Commander.Unit Size: 1-2 MekaEquipment: See Upgrades.

    ARMOUR: Meka Layered Mercurian Alloy Armour: (-2 Piercing)

    UPGRADESAn additional Meka can be added to the Squad for 150 Points.Each Meka must take one of the following Main Weapons for free.


    Passive: Slow Loading: The RoF of the Daimyo can-not be increased by any means.


    Passive: Any Vehicles hit by a Meka with the Edge-Crusher Powered Blade takes 2 SP of damage for each failed AV Test.

    Passive: Sheathed: The Meka can retract its Edge-crusher Powered Blade to instead use its Electrified Mega-Fist.

    Special Skills: Fear (3), Lumbering Advance, Crush-ing Advance

    Passive: Lumbering Advance: Due to its size and gait, the Meka has the Pathfinder Special Skill.

    Active: Crushing Advance: Turn to Burn 1 Resource Card. The Meka ignores all Movement Modifiers until the end of the Game Turn. Crushing Advance lasts until the end of the Game Turn. In a Game Turn when the Meka Engages with a Crushing Advance it receives the Engage Bonus for all its RoA.