modelo examen 2 adults 2

Instituto Superior “Josefina Contte” - Cursos Regulares de Extensión 2º ADULTOS – EXAMEN FINAL – Criterios de evaluación o Comprender consignas. o Utilizar vocabulario específico y estructuras correspondientes al nivel. o Inferir información requerida. o Utilizar información en ejercitación diversa. o Coherencia, cohesión y adecuación a la consigna en la producción escrita 1- READING COMPREHENSION The Story of Bikini After World War II, the American government wanted to test nuclear bombs. However, they had a problem. Testing nuclear bombs was dangerous; the bombs were very powerful. Furthermore, the radiation from the bombs could kill people years after the testing. Therefore, these bombs couldn't be tested near a lot of people. The government needed to find a place far away from civilization. They chose the tiny island of Bikini in the Pacific Ocean. Bikini seemed perfect. It was far from sea and air routes, and the u.s. government controlled it. After World War II, Bikini and the other Marshall Islands became a u.s. protectorate. Sadly, Bikini didn't get much protection. In order to get permission to bomb, the American governor of Bikini went to talk to the people who lived on Bikini. There were only 167. He explained that the tests were for "the good of mankind and could end all world wars:' He also said that the islanders could return after the tests were finished. In the end, the Bikinians agreed. Unfortunately, nuclear scientists were wrong about the strength of the bomb. They expected it to be a five-megaton explosion, but it was a fifteenmegaton explosion. The bomb was 1,000 times stronger than the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. It caused much more dangerous radiation than they expected. Now, more than 50 years after the nuclear test, the Bikinians are still living in exile. The nuclear testing did more than make a hole a mile wide in beautiful Bikini. It destroyed a way of life. Bikini native Emso Leviticus says that before the Americans came, "We took care of each other. No one starved:' Life on Bikini was easy. Men and teenage boys went fishing every day. Then they shared the fish with everyone on the island. In the same way, when a family needed help fixing their house, everyone helped. Meanwhile, the owners of the house cooked food for the workers. Bikinian Miriam Jamodre agrees with Leviticus, "It was a pleasant life on Bikini. We all made decisions as a community of people. We made food together. It was very harmonious:' Read and answer True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones. USE YOUR OWN WORDS (2 each / 10 marks.) a) Bikini is an island in the Atlantic Ocean.___ ................................................................................................................... b) A lot of people lived on Bikini.___ ......................................................................................................................... c) The United States controls Bikini.___ ..................................................................................................................... d) The bomb was stronger than scientists expected it to be.___ ............................................................................................. e) No one lives on Bikini today. ___ ....................................................................................................................... 2- Answer the following questions, USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (2.5 each ____/10 marks) a) Why are nuclear bombs more dangerous than other bombs? _________________________________________________________________________________ b) How did the U.S. government convince the Bikinians to agree to the testing? _________________________________________________________________________________ c) Has Bikinians' lives changed after the bomb test? _________________________________________________________________________________ d) Why haven't the Bikinians moved back to their houses? __________________________________________________________________________ USE OF ENGLISH

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Este es un modelo de examen que solo pretende familiarizarlo con el formato del mismo, los ejercicios son ejemplos de los que son incluidos en los exámenes finales.


Page 1: Modelo Examen 2 ADULTS 2

Instituto Superior “Josefina Contte” - Cursos Regulares de Extensión 2º ADULTOS – EXAMEN FINAL –

Criterios de evaluación

o Comprender consignas. o Utilizar vocabulario específico y estructuras correspondientes al nivel. o Inferir información requerida. o Utilizar información en ejercitación diversa. o Coherencia, cohesión y adecuación a la consigna en la producción escrita


The Story of Bikini After World War II, the American government wanted to test nuclear bombs. However, they had a problem. Testing nuclear bombs was dangerous; the bombs were very powerful. Furthermore, the radiation from the bombs could kill people years after the testing. Therefore, these bombs couldn't be tested near a lot of people. The government needed to find a place far away from civilization. They chose the tiny island of Bikini in the Pacific Ocean. Bikini seemed perfect. It was far from sea and air routes, and the u.s. government controlled it. After World War II, Bikini and the other Marshall Islands became a u.s. protectorate. Sadly, Bikini didn't get much protection. In order to get permission to bomb, the American governor of Bikini went to talk to the people who lived on Bikini. There were only 167. He explained that the tests were for "the good of mankind and could end all world wars:' He also said that the islanders could return after the tests were finished. In the end, the Bikinians agreed. Unfortunately, nuclear scientists were wrong about the strength of the bomb. They expected it to be a five-megaton explosion, but it was a fifteenmegaton explosion. The bomb was 1,000 times stronger than the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. It caused much more dangerous radiation than they expected. Now, more than 50 years after the nuclear test, the Bikinians are still living in exile. The nuclear testing did more than make a hole a mile wide in beautiful Bikini. It destroyed a way of life. Bikini native Emso Leviticus says that before the Americans came, "We took care of each other. No one starved:' Life on Bikini was easy. Men and teenage boys went fishing every day. Then they shared the fish with everyone on the island. In the same way, when a family needed help fixing their house, everyone helped. Meanwhile, the owners of the house cooked food for the workers. Bikinian Miriam Jamodre agrees with Leviticus, "It was a pleasant life on Bikini. We all made decisions as a community of people. We made food together. It was very harmonious:'

Read and answer True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones. USE YOUR OWN WORDS (2 each / 10

marks.)a) Bikini is an island in the Atlantic Ocean.___ ….......................…............................................................................................b) A lot of people lived on Bikini.___ .........................................................................................................................c) The United States controls Bikini.___ ….....................................................................................................................d) The bomb was stronger than scientists expected it to be.___ ….............................................................................................e) No one lives on Bikini today. ___ .......................................................................................................................

2- Answer the following questions, USE YOUR OWN WORDS. (2.5 each ____/10 marks) a) Why are nuclear bombs more dangerous than other bombs? _________________________________________________________________________________

b) How did the U.S. government convince the Bikinians to agree to the testing?


c) Has Bikinians' lives changed after the bomb test?

_________________________________________________________________________________d) Why haven't the Bikinians moved back to their houses?



Page 2: Modelo Examen 2 ADULTS 2

Instituto Superior “Josefina Contte” - Cursos Regulares de Extensión 2º ADULTOS – EXAMEN FINAL –

3) Write the questions about the text. ( 2.5 each ____/10 marks)

1. _______________________________________________________________________________?Because the radiation from the bombs could kill people years after the testing.

2. ______________________________________________________? They tested the nuclear bombs in the island of Bikini in the Pacific Ocean.

3. _______________________________________________________________________________? There were 167 people.

4. _______________________________________________________________________________?Yes. Life was better then on the island, people lived happier, they helped each other, and they shared food and went fishing every day.

4) Circle the correct option. ( 1 each_____/ 15 marks)

1 You __________ pay for this magazine, it's free.

a) don't have to b) can't c) shouldn't

2 The Alchemist is the most interesting book I've ________ read.

a) never b) just c) ever

3 'Let's go for a drink tonight'. ' Sorry, I can't. I've got _________ work to do.

a) many b) a lot of c) a few

4 I __________ wear a uniform at the hotel. Fortunately I like it a lot.

a) have to b) must c) mustn't

5 We have lived here __________twenty years. We moved in 1990.

a) For b) When c) Since

6 _________eggs do I need to make a cake?

a) How many b) How much c) How

7 I've just read _____________ book in the world.

a) boring b) more boring c) the most boring

8 'How about ________ to the cinema tonight.' 'I'd love to'

a) Going b) to go c) go

9 _________________have you known your best friend? Since I was 10..

a) How long b) When c) Why

10 Have we got ________cheese for the pizza? Yes, we've got some.

a) a b) any c) some

11- Jane is ___________student in her class.

a) worse b) the worst c) bad

11) 'Where's the nearest post office?' 'Take the second turning ____the left.'

a) on b) in c) at

12) I've never been ______ France but I'd love to.

a) at b) for c) to

13) I always forget to __________the computer when I finish doing my homework.

a) turn on b) turn over c) turn off

14) Take some tea with lemon ______you have a cold.

a) and b) if c) but

15) When you have a headache, ______ an aspirin.

a) take b) takes c) took

Page 3: Modelo Examen 2 ADULTS 2

Instituto Superior “Josefina Contte” - Cursos Regulares de Extensión 2º ADULTOS – EXAMEN FINAL –

5 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. (1.5 each____/15 marks)

• A – I 1)_____________(buy) a new dress yesterday, and when I arrived home, I found a hole in it.

B – What did you do? 2)_________________________(you /take) it back to the shop? A – No, I 3)_______________________(not/be) into town yet. I 4)________________(do) it this afternoon.

• A – Who is your favourite actor?

B – I 5)_____________________________(really/ like) Robert Pattinson

A – 6)________(be) he the actor in Twilight?

B – Yes. He 7)__________(make) that movie in 2008 and now he 8)____________________ (work) in an action movie at the


• A – Are you hungry?

B – I'm starving. I 9)____________________(not/ have) lunch yet. 10)_________________(you / cook) anything special ?

B – No. I'm ordering something from the pizza place.

6) Vocabulary . Complete the sentences with the correct word from the word bank. There is three extra words. ( 2 each___/ 16 marks)

grapes– trainers – track suit – trees – beauty – garlics – sore – injections – arguing — fireworks – argue

1 Bariloche is a place is known for its natural ______________.

2 I love the postcard Mary sent me from Miami, it has wonderful palm__________.

3 I hate onions and ____________in the food. They have an awful smell.

4 My child always get _____________throats in winter.

5 I need to buy a new ________________ to go to the gym. I can't go with shorts and a T-shirt.It's too


6 I hate ______________with my friends and family.

7 People use _________to make wine.

8 My dog is afraid of __________. Every Christmas it scares to death.


7) Choose ONE of the following topics to write about. (100 to 120) ( 24 marks)

a. Describe a celebration/ festival you like best. a. Describe a favourite place you have visited. b. Write an e-mail to a friend telling him/her about your plans for next holidays and invite him/her

to join you.

Content: students convey meaning. They get the task 10

Accuracy: grammar mistakes, punctuation, spelling. 10Coherence and cohesion. Length 4Total 24

Page 4: Modelo Examen 2 ADULTS 2

Instituto Superior “Josefina Contte” - Cursos Regulares de Extensión 2º ADULTOS – EXAMEN FINAL –


1 Interaction: (role-plays) Ability to convey meaning through a dialogue. 2 Vocabulary range. 3 Pronunciation. 4 Accuracy: word order, tenses, etc. 5 Knowledge of short stories.

Formato Oral: 1- Picture description ( lo hacemos- yo no practique pero me queda tiempo)

2- Role play At the chemist's – Celebration (congratulating, talking about a celebration they've just taken part in, checking into a hotel, deciding where to go / making suggestions, giving advice to a person who wants to go to a birthday party/ wedding, etc)

3 Story telling

Page 5: Modelo Examen 2 ADULTS 2

Drinking Tea, Breaking the Ice

In 1993, Mortenson wanted to climb a mountain in Pakistan called K2. It's 28,251 feet (8611 meters) high. He stayed on the mountain for 70 days, but he couldn't reach the top. After he turned to go down, he became very sick and weak. Two local men took him to a small village called Korphe. There, the Balti people took care of him for seven weeks until he got stronger. To thank the people of the village for their kindness, he decided to build a school in Korphe.

Mortenson worked hard for years to get the money for his first school. Since then, he has built more than 70 schools, and more than 25,000 boys and girls have studied in them. His work was sometimes very difficult, because he was a foreigner and his customs were different. Some men in the villages were very angry with him, because they didn't want schools for girls.

But Mortenson learned about the local cultures, and he found a good way to break the ice: by drinking tea with people. That's where the title of his book comes from. The Balti people have a saying:"The first time you drink tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time you have tea, you are an honored guest. The third time you share a cup of tea, you become family:'

By drinking three cups of tea with the people in the mountainous regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, he could connect with them and learn about their villages and their problems. His schools have brought a better future for the children of the area.

Instituto Superior “Josefina Contte” SEGUNDO AÑO DE ADULTOS

Third Term Exam Date: ……………… Name and surname: ….....…….........………... Group: 2º B C I. C. Nº: …...................

Criterios de evaluación Comprender consignas. Utilizar vocabulario específico y estructuras correspondientes al nivel. Inferir información requerida. Utilizar información en ejercitación diversa.Coherencia, cohesión y adecuación a la consigna en la producción escrita


Read and answer True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones. USE YOUR OWN WORDS 2 each__/ 10 marks

1. Mortenson tried to climb the Everest. ___2. Mortenson had to come back down. ___3. People gave him money to built his first school. ___4. Mortenson went back and built 70 schools. ___5. He made a movie about his work. ___

2- Answer the following questions, USE YOUR OWN WORDS. 2.5 each ______/10 marks

1. What is K2 ? ________________________________________________________________________2. Why did he stay with the Balti people?

_____________________________________________________3. Was his work difficult? Why?

____________________________________________________________4. Why did he call his book “Three Cups of Tea”?


USE OF ENGLISH 3- Ask questions about the text. 2.5 each /10 marks

Page 6: Modelo Examen 2 ADULTS 2

1. ______________________________________________? It's about his experience building schools for poor children in Pakistan and Afganistan.

2. How much time_________________________________? He stayed in Khorpe for seven weeks. 3. __________________________________with him? Some Balti men were angry because they didn't

want girls to go to schools. 4. _______________________________________________? Yes, they have. They have brought a better

future for the children in the area.

4) Circle the correct option. 1.5 each/ 15 marks

1. You __________ take this books out of the library don't have to can't shouldn't

2. The Inconvenient Truth was the most interesting film I've ________ seen. never just ever

3. I have __________finished my homework, now we can go out. never already just

4. I've had these shoes ________Christmas. for since at

5. I've lived in my current home ______ ten years. For When Since

6. _________books have you read so far this year? How many How much How

7. I've _____________ booked a package to go to Brazil next summer. never ever just

8. Who __________out with last weekend? you went did you go have you gone

9. _________________have you had this job? Since last year. How long When Why

10. Who____________ you early this morning? called did you call did call

6-Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. Use past simple, present simple and present perfect.

1.5 each ____/15 marksInterviewer: Why1)_______________(you want) to be a member of Close Watch?Sabrina: Well, I 2)___________________(like) the program since I 3)_____________(watch)for the first time . I 4)________________(never miss) the show. Interviewer: What 5)____________________(you like) most about the program?Sabrina: Hmm. Well, I guess it's the fact that you know that everybody is watching you every minute, it 6)_____________(be) very exciting. Interviewer: Well, actually, that's something most people 7)_______________(not like).OK. Let's talk about your previous work experience. You 8) ______________(work) as a waitress in Corsica in 2001. Sabrina:Yes, and after that I 9) ___________an entertainment manager in a hotel in Ibiza. I was flying back to sign a contract for the next season when I 10) _____________(receive) a call form 'Close Watch'.

Vocabulary . Complete the sentences with the correct word from the word bank. There is three extra words. 1.5 each_____/ 15marksmagazine– bored – polluted – touristy – booked – embarrassed – take- make- tooth - horror – newspaper – tourist - cosmopolitan

1. I went to Mar del Plata last summer, but I didn't like it because it's ________________.2. I'd love to live in a big city like New York or London. They are so________________.3. Mexico city is the most ______________ city in the world. The air is full of dangerous gases. 4. Helen loves sweets and cakes. She has a sweet ___________.5. I am so nervous when I ____________an exam.6. Good morning sir. Can I help you? Yes , I've ________ a single room. 7. I always get _____________ when I can't remember people's names. 8. The Ring is the worst _________movie I've ever seen. 9. We were so _____________with the movie that we fell asleep. 10. The New York Times is a popular ______________in the States.

WRITING 7) Choose ONE of the following topics to write about. (100 to 120) 25 marks

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1. The worst day I've ever had

2. The most interesting person I've ever met