modern architecture tsa 3

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Makul TSA 3




ArchitectureApa itu arsitektur modern?Arsitektur modern adalah suatu istilah yang diberikan kepada sejumlah bangunan dengan gaya karakteristik serupa, yang mengutamakan kesederhanaan bentuk dan menghapus segala macam ornamen.Arsitektur modern diketahui telah berkembang lebih kurang setengah abad, berawal kira kira tahun 1920 hingga 1960

Adolf Franz Karl Viktor Maria LoosLahir : 10 Desember 1870, Brnn , Moravia, Czech Republic.Kebangsaan : GermanyKarya : >>>

1899Caf Museum, Vienna1904 Villa Karma, Montreux, Switzerland1907 Field Christian Cross, Radesinska Svratka, Czech Republic1908 American Bar (formerly the Krntner Bar), Vienna1910Steiner House, Vienna1910 Goldman & Salatsch Building, overlooking Michaelerplatz, Vienna (a mixed-use building known colloquially as the "Looshaus")1913 Scheu House, Vienna1915 Sugar mill, Hruovany u Brna, Czech Republic1915-16 Villa Duschnitz (re-model), Vienna1917 House for sugar mill owner, Hruovany u Brna, Czech Republic1922Rufer House, Vienna1925Maison Tzara, house and studio,Montmartre, Paris, forTristan Tzara, one of the founders ofDadaism1926 Villa Moller, Vienna1927 House (not built), Paris, for the American entertainerJosephine Baker1928Villa Mller, Prague,Czech Republic1929 Khuner Villa,Kreuzberg, Austria1932 Villa Winternitz, Na Cihlce 10, Praha 5, Czech Republic19281933 many residential interiors in Pilsen, Czech Republic


Caf Museumhaussteiner(1910)

Peraturan bangunan terkadang menjadi suatu tantangan bagi seorang arsitek maupun perancang. Adolf Loos mendapatkan tantangan untuk membangun rumah dengan keinginan pemilik untuk memiliki banyak ruang namun tidak melanggar peraturan setempat. Di Hietzing, perumahan di sisi jalan hanya boleh memiliki satu lantai. Pada bagian atas hanya diijinkan sebagai lantai mezanin. Didapatkan solusi terhadap kasus tersebut adalah dengan memberikan fasad berlantai satu namun dengan variasi pada fungsi atap. Yang dibuat melengkung dan dijadikan ruang lantai 2 dan 3.Terlihat 3 lantai pada sisi taman, Adolf Loos menyesuaikan aturan dan menerapkan "Einraumidee": Dari pintu masuk ke dapur dan ke lorong yang mengarah dua program di ruang tamu rumah. Sebuah tangga spiral menghubungkan semua lantai bersama-sama. Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris)Lahir : 6 Oktober 1887, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. Kebangsaan : Swiss, PerancisKarya : >>>

1923:Villa La Roche, Paris1925:Villa Jeanneret, Paris1928:Villa Savoye,Poissy-sur-Seine, France1929:Cit du Refuge,Arme du Salut, Paris, France1931:Palace of the Soviets, Moscow,USSR(project)1931:Immeuble Clart, Geneva, Switzerland1933:Tsentrosoyuz, Moscow, USSR19471952:Unit d'Habitation,Marseille, France19491952:United Nations headquarters, New York City (Consultant)19491953:Curutchet House,La Plata, Argentina (project manager:Amancio Willias)19501954: ChapelleNotre Dame du Haut, Ronchamp, France1951:Maisons Jaoul,Neuilly-sur-Seine, France1951: Buildings inAhmedabad, India;Sanskar KendraMuseum, Ahmedabad; ATMA House; Villa Sarabhai, Ahmedabad1952: Unit d'Habitation of Nantes-Rez,Nantes, France19521959: Buildings inChandigarh, India: Palace of Justice, Museum and Gallery of Art, Secretariat Building,Governor's Palace,Palace of Assembly, Government College of Art (GCA) and theChandigarh College of Architecture(CCA)1957:Maison du Brsil,Cit Universitaire, Paris19571960:Sainte Marie de La Tourette, nearLyon, France (withIannis Xenakis)1957:Unit d'Habitation of Berlin-Charlottenburg, Flatowallee 16, Berlin19641969:Firminy-Vert: Unit d'Habitation of Firminy, France; Maison de la culture de Firminy-Vert.1967:Heidi Weber Museum(Centre Le Corbusier), Zurich, Switzerland

Le Corbusier's Villa SteinVilla Savoye

ChapelleNotre Dame du HautChandigarh Secretariat Building, IndiaHis idea was to build an enclosure in which the material is presented in all its purity. A place to meditate and where the sound and the spaces prominence acquired were free of any additions.Sought a dialogue of matter and light. The dominance of the curves and the kit makes the Ronchamp a single work. The contrast in color between the walls and the deck joined the curvilinear motion of the elements and the elevation of the deck with respect to the walls makes the play acquires a spirituality and an elevation insurmountable. Le Corbusier took five years to build the Ronchamp, was one of the projects they worked more deeply, to follow staff works.This book is the supreme exponent of one of the two extremes between which displays the personality and thus the work of Le Corbusier. Here is the Cartesian thinking, program disappears, leaving in place an intense lyricism based on the voluptuousness of the masses and built the formal freedom.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Lahir : 8 Juni 1867, Richland Center, Wisconsin, United StatesKebangsaan : AmerikaKarya : >>>18891909: Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio,Oak Park, Illinois1901: Ward Winfield Willits Residence, and Gardener's Cottage and Stables;Highland Park; Frank Thomas House,Oak Park, Illinois1909: Frederick C. Robie Residence, Chicago, Illinois1910: Park Inn Hotelis the last standing Wright designed hotel, Mason City, Iowa1926: Graycliff.Buffalo, New York19351937: Fallingwater(Edgar J. Kaufmann Sr. Residence),Bear Run, Pennsylvania1936: Johnson Wax Headquarters,Racine, Wisconsin1937: Herbert F. Johnson Residence("Wingspread"),Wind Point, Wisconsin19411958: Child of the Sun,Florida Southern College,Lakeland, Florida1947: First Unitarian Society of Madison,Shorewood Hills, Wisconsin1948: V. C. Morris Gift Shop, San Francisco1949: Kenneth Laurent HouseIt is the only home Wright designed to be handicapped accessible. Rockford, Illinois19521956: Price Tower,Bartlesville, Oklahoma1954: Beth Sholom Synagogue,Elkins Park, Pennsylvania1956-1959: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City19561961: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church,Wauwatosa, Wisconsin19591964: Gammage Auditorium,Tempe, Arizona

Falling waterPrice tower

Guggenheim MuseumFalling WaterThe building bears a relationship with the environment that becomes of respect or adaptation to the environment. Thus, the foundation of the house are the rocks of the place, and some of them forged over the width of the first floor looming next to the fireplace. Much of the house is in overhang at the top of the creek. The engineers at Wright did not trust that this structure would stand and advised Wright to rectify. The pride of this architect allowed him to give up being only a few metal pieces that hold the cantilever, which is still standing after suffering the effects of a tornado. The house has two floors, extending horizontally with prominent overhangs and terraces, however there is a core that grows vertically, which is the chimney. Has some windows that extend vertically and passing from one plant to another, thus demonstrating the forging. This vertical focus is the "heart" of the House of Cascade. Niemeyer Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares Filho

Lahir : Rio de Janeiro, 15 Desember 1907Kebangsaan : BrasilKarya : >>>1956 - Residncia Provisria do Presidente da Repblica (Catetinho).1957 Eixo Monumental (Monumental Axis); Palcio da Alvorada(Palace of Dawn) Presidential residence.1958 Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida; Church of Our Lady of Fatima ("Igrejinha Nossa Senhora de Ftima"/"A Igrejinha da 307/308 Sul"); National Congress of Brazil(Congresso Nacional); Supremo Tribunal Federal or STF (Supreme Federal Tribunal) Federal Supreme Court; Palcio do Planalto(Palace of the Highlands) Presidential office; Cludio Santoro National Theater(National Theater).1959 Palcio do Jaburu(Palace of the Jabiru) Vice-presidential residence.1960 Praa dos Trs Poderes(Square of the Three Powers); Cine Braslia.1962 Palcio do Itamaraty(Ministry of External Relations); Ministrio da Justia or "Palcio da Justia" (Ministry of Justice); Universidade de Brasliamain building, the Central Institute of Science (Instituto Central de Cincias, ICC).1965 Aeroporto de Brasilia (Project was never built).1985 Panteo da Ptria e da Liberdade Tancredo Neves (Pantheon of the Fatherland and Freedom).1986 - Casa do Cantador (Palcio da Poesia).1987 Memorial dos Povos Indgenas (Memorial of the Aboriginal Peoples) .1995 - Superior Tribunal de Justia.2002 Sede da Procuradoria Geral da Repblica Brasileira (Attorney General's Office).2006 Cultural Complex of the Republic(Complexo Cultural da Repblica); Biblioteca Nacional Leonel de Moura Brizola (National Library of Braslia); Museu Nacional Honestino Guimares (National Museum Honestino Guimares); Tribunal Superior do Trabalho.2008 - Sede da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil.2011 Tribunal Superior Eleitoral.2012 Torre de Televiso Digital (Braslia Digital Television Tower).

Palcio da Alvorada

Panteo da Ptria e da Liberdade Tancredo Neves

Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida

Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora AparecidaNiemeyer saw a compact and clean concept, a volume occurring with the same purity from any perspective and for times of deep religious expression.In the air born outside the structure of the earth is a cry of faith and hope, then, the gallery is located in semi-darkness to prepare the faithful to show religious order in the contrast of light and the external effects; the faithful depart from the world and are projected between the cathedral and the infinite spaces.

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