module1 unit 3 travel journal 执教者 : 金潇潇 浙江省临海市回浦中学

Module1 Unit 3 Travel Jo urnal 执执执 : 执执执 执执执执执执执执执执

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Page 1: Module1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 执教者 : 金潇潇 浙江省临海市回浦中学

Module1 Unit 3 Travel Journal

执教者 : 金潇潇


Page 2: Module1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 执教者 : 金潇潇 浙江省临海市回浦中学

Journey Down the Mekong





Page 3: Module1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 执教者 : 金潇潇 浙江省临海市回浦中学

The Structure

Part1 The Dream and The Plan

Learning tip: You should especially pay attention to the first or last sentence (part) of the paragraph– the topic sentence ( 主题句) .

Para1 Para2 Para3

Page 4: Module1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 执教者 : 金潇潇 浙江省临海市回浦中学

The dream

Ever since middle school

What they did

Two years ago

Last year

When we graduated from college


…dreamed about taking a great bike trip.

…bought an expensive mountain bike, … persuaded me to…

…visited our cousin….got them interested in cycling…

…finally got the chance to…

… planning our schedule….

to make sb. do sth. by giving good reasons

Page 5: Module1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 执教者 : 金潇潇 浙江省临海市回浦中学

The Plan

A travel Plan

1. When

5. Background knowledge

3. Where

4. How

2. Who

6. Difficulties/ Points for attention

7. What to take

Wang Wei’s Travel Plan

A person who do not care about


Page 6: Module1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 执教者 : 金潇潇 浙江省临海市回浦中学


Wang Wei’s Wang Kun’s

1. …insist…organize the trip properly.

2…not change her mind.

…nothing can change it.

1. I kept asking her…

I asked whether…

3. …be excited about it.

…an interesting experience.

stubborn; careful; sensible

2. …..I had to give in.

adventurous easy-going

Learning tip: You should always make a conclusion by the supporting details in the passage.


Page 7: Module1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 执教者 : 金潇潇 浙江省临海市回浦中学

A Story Sharing

I’m Wang Wei….

Key words

The dream


The plan

★My dream (dream about)

★My plan

Who (persuade)

How & Where (cycle from … to… )

Background knowledge (stubborn,

care about, atlas, details)

Page 8: Module1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 执教者 : 金潇潇 浙江省临海市回浦中学


What is important if you want to make a successful journey? Give your reasons.

Success belongs to the determined who hold a dream and make good plans.

★ A dream ★ A detailed plan ★ Positive attitudes ★ A good partner

Page 9: Module1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 执教者 : 金潇潇 浙江省临海市回浦中学

Design a travel plan

My travel plan









When :


Travel cost:

Where :

Things to take:

Background knowledge:

Points for attention:


Page 10: Module1 Unit 3 Travel Journal 执教者 : 金潇潇 浙江省临海市回浦中学


1. Write a travel plan using the words or expressions in the passage.

2. Read the passage loudly, and underline the useful words and expressions.