
7/24/2019 Mrunal.docx 1/53 Mrunal  Economy  Current  Articles Studyplans  Downloads [Mock Test #2] NCERT !! MC"s rom Class $ %All Su&'ect() * %only Social Science() + %All Su&'ects( "uestion,-apers+ mont.s A/o* Comments 1. Instructions 2. Q1 to 25 3. Q25 to 50 4. Q51 to 75 5. Q76 to 100 6. Answerkey Instructions NCERT Test No0 2 &y 1enkat Sir o -andit Deendayal -etroleum ni3ersity %-D-( -SC Study centre) 4and.ina/ar) 4u'arat0 !! 5uestions rom NCERT Class $ %All su&'ects() Class + %All su&'ects( and Class * %6nly Social science(0

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[Mock Test #2] NCERT !! MC"s rom Class $%All Su&'ect() * %only Social Science() + %AllSu&'ects(

"uestion,-apers+ mont.s A/o* Comments

1. Instructions

2. Q1 to 25

3. Q25 to 50

4. Q51 to 75

5. Q76 to 100

6. Answerkey


• NCERT Test No0 2 &y 1enkat Sir o -andit Deendayal -etroleum ni3ersity

%-D-( -SC Study centre) 4and.ina/ar) 4u'arat0

!! 5uestions rom NCERT Class $ %All su&'ects() Class + %All su&'ects( andClass * %6nly Social science(0

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• so Test # and #2) collecti3ely concludes NCERT Class $) *) + and ! all


• pcomin/ tests

• 7ndia 8ear&ook C.apter to 2

• NCERT Class only %all su&'ects(

• NCERT Class 2 only %all su&'ects(

Q1 to 25

1. Tripartite struggle was for wat an! "y wo#

 A0 9anau': 4ur'ara,-rati.ara) Ras.trakuta and -ala

;0 Tan'ore: C.era) C.ola and -andya

C0 Madurai: C.era) C.ola and -andya

D0 None o t.e a&o3e

2. $ic are %&''(%T)

0 Del.i &ecame an important city only in t.e twelt. century

20 Del.i irst &ecame t.e capital o a kin/dom under t.e Tomara Ra'puts

<0 nder t.e Tomaras and Del.i &ecame an important commercialcentre

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 2 6nly

C0 = <

D0 ) 2 = <

3. Assertion *A+, Aurang-e" succee!e! is fater a /aan to te trone

Reason %R(> Mu/.als did &elie3e in t.e rule o primo/eniture and re'ected custom o

coparcenary in.eritance

 A0 A = R are correct: R is correct e?planation or A

;0 A = R are correct: ;ut) R is not,correct e?planation or A

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C0 A is Correct: ;ut not R

D0 R is Correct: ;ut not A

4. Te aurao co#ple

0 @ere &uilt durin/ t.e C.andela dynasty

20 9in/ constructed 9andariya Ma.ade3a temple

<0 ;elon/ to two dierent reli/ions Binduism and ainism

$ic are %&''(%T)

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 6nly

C0 2 6nly

D0 ) 2 = <

5. atc te following

Tribal Known for

I. The Ahoms a. made high quality gunpowder and cannons

II. The Gonds b. practiced shifting cultivation

III. Banjaras c. most important trader nomads

IV. Bhils d. hunter gatherers

Answer coices


A b a c d

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B a b c d

! a b d c

" b a d c

6. $ic isare T'()

0 Nayanars %saints de3oted to S.i3a( and Al3ars %saints de3oted to w.ocame rom all castes includin/ t.ose considered untouc.a&les

20 Nayanars and Al3ars were s.arply critical o t.e ;udd.ists and ainas

 A0 6nly

;0 2 6nly

C0 = 2

D0 None

7. irasaiis# 8 $ic is 9&T True)

 A0 Mo3ement initiated &y ;asa3anna and .is companions like Allama -ra&.uand Akkama.ade3i

;0 Encoura/ed all orms o ritual and idol wors.ip

C0 Ar/ued stron/ly or t.e e5uality o all .uman &ein/s

D0 ;ot. A = C

:. %onsi!er following state#ents

 Assertion %A(> All t.ose w.o con5uered 6rissa) suc. as t.e Mu/.als) t.e

and t.e En/lis. East 7ndia Company) attempted to /ain control o3er t.e -uri temple

Reason%R(> 7n 6rissa control o3er t.e -uri temple pro3ided t.e le/itimacy to t.e

rulers o3er t.e local people

 A0 A = R are correct: R is correct e?planation or A

;0 A = R are correct: ;ut) R is not,correct e?planation or A

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C0 A is Correct: ;ut not R

D0 R is Correct: ;ut not A

;. %onsi!er following state#entsStatement 7>Mu/.al Empire started acin/ a 3ariety o crises towards t.e closin/

years o t.e se3enteent. century

Statement 77> Emperor Auran/e& .ad depleted t.e military and inancial resources

o .is empire &y i/.tin/ a lon/ war in t.e Deccan

Staement 777>7t &ecame increasin/ly diicult or t.e later Mu/.al emperors to keep a

c.eck on powerul mansa&dars

 A0 Statement 7) 77 = 777 are correct: Statements 77 = 777 &ot. are e?planations orStatement 7

;0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are only correct and Statement 777 is wron/: AndStatement 77 is correct e?planation or Statement 7

C0 Statement 7 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 77 = 777

D0 Statement 77 = 777 are Correct: ;ut not Statement 7

10. <uran=ul=ulk a>a!at an foun!e! a state wic was one of te #ost

i#portant to e#erge out of te &reak,up o t.e Mu/.al Empire

 A0 Bydera&ad

;0 Awad.

C0 ;en/al

D0 od.pur 

11. ?igestion is a co#ple process inoling, $ic is te correct se@uence

 A0 A&sorption in/estion di/estion assimilatione/estion

;0 7n/estion di/estion assimilation a&sorption e/estion

C0 7n/estion di/estion a&sorption assimilatione/estion

D0 Di/estion in/estion a&sorption assimilatione/estion

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12. o#e In!ian "ree!s of seep, i!entify wic is 9&T #atce! 9a#e of

"ree! 8 Quality of wool 8 tate were ound]

 A0 Fo.i 4ood 5uality wool Ra'

;0 -atanwadi Bosiery C.attis/ar.

C0 Nali Carpet wool Baryana

D0 ;ak.arwal @oollen s.awls ammu and 9as.mir 

13. $at are te precautions to "e o"sere! wile rea!ing a clinical


0 T.ermometer s.ould &e was.ed &eore and ater use) preera&ly wit. anantiseptic solution

20 Ensure &eore use t.e mercury le3el is &elow <GHC

<0 Bold t.e t.ermometer &y t.e &ul& w.ile readin/ it

 A0 6nly

;0 = 2 6nly

C0 = < 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

14. atc te following

I. !alcium hydro#ide a. $ime water I. !alcium hydro#ide

II. Ammonium hydro#ide b. %oap II. Ammonium hydro#ide

III. &otassium hydro#ide c. 'il( of magnesia III. &otassium hydro#ide

IV. 'agnesium hydro#ide d. )indow cleaner IV. 'agnesium hydro#ide

 Answer c.oices

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A b a c d

B a b c d

! a d b c

" d c b a

15. $ic of te following state#ents are %&''(%T a"out te tropical


0 E3en in t.e coldest mont. t.e temperature is /enerally .i/.er a&outGHC

20 Days and ni/.ts are almost e5ual in len/t. t.rou/.out t.e year 

<0 Iound in Sout.east Asia) Central America and Central Arica

J0 Fess competition &etween and amon/ animals or ood and s.elter 

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 ) 2 = < 6nly

C0 < = J 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

K0 LCyclone warnin/ is issued

 A0 2J .ours in ad3ance

;0 J* .ours in ad3ance

C0 < days in ad3ance

D0 Discretion o District Collector 

17. $ic of te following state#ents is 9&T %&''(%T a"out Boa#y soil)

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 A0 Foamy soil is a mi?ture o sand and clay

;0 Foamy soil is .a3in/ .umus

C0 Foamy soil is .a3in/ ri/.t water .oldin/ capacity or t.e /rowt. o plants

D0 Foamy soil t.e &est topsoil or /rowin/ plants

1:. $ic is %&''(%T)

 A0 Normal ran/e o & rate per minute in an a3era/e adult person at restis 2G times per minute

;0 Durin/ .ea3y e?ercise) we /et cramps in t.e le/s due to t.e accumulation olactic acid t.rou/. aero&ic respiration

C0 Diap.ra/m mo3es down durin/ e?.alation in respiration

D0 6ur muscle cells can also respire anaero&ically) &ut only or a s.ort time)w.en t.ere is a temporary deiciency o o?y/en

1;. $ic is I9%&''(%T)

 A0 1eins are t.e 3essels w.ic. carry car&on dio?ide,ric. &lood rom all parts ot.e &ody &ack to t.e .eart

;0 -ulmonary 3ein carries car&on dio?ide,ric. &lood rom t.e lun/s to t.e .eart

C0 Dialysis) &lood is iltered periodically t.rou/. an artiicial process) is or kidneyailure

D0 T.e ma'or e?cretory product in .umans is urea

20. %o#pact Cluorescent Bigt "ul"s *%CB+

 A0 Emit 3ery low le3els o 1

;0 Contain a small amount o mercury

C0 A 3ery lon/ liespan) compared to t.e a normal incandescent &ul&

@.ic. are TRE

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 2 = < 6nly

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C0 = < 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

21. (@uality "efore te law 8 $at tis #eans)

0 E3ery person) rom t.e -resident o t.e country to a domestic worker) .as too&ey t.e same laws

20 No person can &e discriminated a/ainst on t.e &asis o t.eir reli/ion) race)caste) place o &irt. or t.ey are emale or male

<0 E3ery person .as access to all pu&lic places

J0 ntouc.a&ility .as &een a&olis.ed

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 2) < = J 6nly

C0 = < 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

22. <ook title! A#ar /i"an is te first known auto"iograpy written "y an

In!ian wo#anD written "y

 A0 Rokeya Sak.awat Bossain

;0 Rassundari De3i

C0 -andita Rama&ai

D0 None o t.e a&o3e

23. $ic is I9%&''(%T)

 A0 Eart.s crust orms only !0G per cent o t.e 3olume o t.e eart.) K per centconsists o t.e mantle and *< per cent makes t.e core

;0 7ntrusi3e i/neous rocks cool down slowly and t.ey orm lar/e /rains

C0 Deccan plateau is made up o 4ranite rocks

D0 T.e oceanic crust mainly consists o silica and ma/nesium and t.ereorecalled Sima

24. $ic is I9%&''(%T)

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 A0 ;eac. is not an erosional eature o sea wa3es

;0 Ilood plain is not depositional eature o a /lacier 

C0 6? &ow lakes are ound in Deserts

D0 Meanders are ound in Ri3er 3alleys

25. Tir! #ost a"un!ant gas in te at#ospere

 A0 Car&on dio?ide

;0 Ar/on

C0 6?y/en

D0 Belium

Q25 to 50

26. Arrange te <'I% countries accor!ing to teir Eeograpical si-e Barge to


 A0 Russia C.ina ;rail 7ndia Sout. Arica

;0 Russia C.ina 7ndia ;rail Sout. Arica

C0 Russia ;rail C.ina 7ndia Sout. Arica

D0 C.ina Russia ;rail 7ndia Sout. Arica

27. %onsi!er te following state#ents a"out tese peaks 1. ancenunga 2.

9anga Gar"at 3. 9an!a ?ei 4. 9a#ca <arwa

0 T.ese -eaks are arran/ed accordin/ to t.eir .ei/.ts i0e0 .i/.est to lowest

20 T.ese -eaks are arran/ed accordin/ to location i0e0 @est to East

@.ic. isOare C6RRECT

 A0 6nly

;0 2 6nly

C0 = 2

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D0 None o t.e a&o3e

2:. $ic one is 9&T correct)

 A0 T.e olds o 4reat Bimalayas are asymmetrical in nature

;0 T.e core o 4reat Bimalayas is composed o /ranite

C0 6ne o t.e most ru//ed mountain system is -ir -an'al ran/e and orms t.epart o Bimalayas

D0 S.iwaliks re/ion is well known or its .ill stations in Bimalayas

2;. %onsi!er te following state#ents a"out te !rainage patterns an! fin! out

te %&''(%T)

0 Draina/e patterns depend on t.e slope o t.e land) underlyin/ rock structureas well as t.e climatic conditions o t.e area

20 A trellis draina/e pattern de3elops w.ere .ard and sot rocks e?ist parallel toeac. 

<0 A rectan/ular draina/e pattern de3elops on a weakly 'ointed rocky terrain

J0 Com&ination o se3eral patterns may &e ound in t.e same draina/e &asin

 A0 2 = < 6nly

;0 ) 2 = J 6nly

C0 = J 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

30. atc te following tates 8 Goerty 'e!uction eto!F

*. &unjab and +aryana I. &ublic distribution of food grains

,. -erala II. $and reform measures

. )est Bengal III. +uman resource development

/. Andhra &radesh and Tamil 0adu IV. Agricultural growth rates

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pt * , /





31. %onsi!er te following state#ents a"out te population !ensitygrowt in

In!ia. $ic are %orrect)

0 Assam and most o t.e peninsular states .a3e moderate population densities

20 T.e Nort.ern -lains and 9erala in t.e sout. .a3e .i/. to 3ery .i/. populationdensities

<0 Since +* t.e rate o population /rowt. started declinin/ /radually in 7ndia

J0 Me/.alaya is .a3in/ t.e .i/.est decadal /rowt. in t.e 2! census

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 ) 2 = J 6nly

C0 ) 2 = < 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

<20 Statement 7> Ma.atma 4and.i emp.asied /ames suc. as cricket) .ockey)

oot&all and tennis or all t.e people o 7ndia

Statement 77> Ma.atma 4and.i &elie3ed sport was essential or creatin/ a

&alance &etween t.e &ody and t.e mind

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 A0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: Statement 77 is correct e?planation orStatement 7

;0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: ;ut) Statement 77 is not,correcte?planation or Statement 7

C0 Statement 7 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 77

D0 Statement 77 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 7

33. %onsi!er te following state#ents

0 T.e ri3erine plains and coastal re/ions in 7ndia are well,irri/ated

20 -lateau re/ions suc. as t.e Deccan plateau .a3e low le3els o irri/ation

<0 6 t.e total culti3ated area in t.e country less per cent is irri/ated e3en today and

lar/e areas are dependent on rainall

@.ic. isOare C6RRECT

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 2 = < 6nly

C0 = < 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

<J0 Statement 7> -un'a& armers are now orced to use more and more c.emical

ertiliers and inputs to maintain production le3el

Statement 77> T.e continuous use o c.emical ertiliers .as led to de/radation o soil


 A0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: Statement 77 is correct e?planation or

Statement 7

;0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: ;ut) Statement 77 is not,correct e?planation

or Statement 7

C0 Statement 7 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 77

D0 Statement 77 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 7

35. $ic isare %orrect)

0 Seasonal unemployment is in /eneral a eature o rural unemployment

20 Dis/uised unemployment is in /eneral a eature o rural unemployment

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<0 Dis/uised unemployment is in /eneral a eature o ur&an unemployment

J0 7n t.e secondary sector) small scale manuacturin/ is t.e most la&oura&sor&in/ in 7ndia

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 = < 6nly

C0 ) 2 = J 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

36. $ic is I9%&''(%T)

0 -o3erty is still a serious pro&lem in 6rissa) ; Assam and ttar -rades.

20 Alon/ wit. rural po3erty ur&an po3erty is also .i/. in 6rissa) Mad.ya-rades.) ; and ttar -rades.

<0 -o3erty declined su&stantially in C.ina and Sout.east Asian countries as aresult o rapid economic /rowt. and massi3e in3estments in .uman resourcede3elopment

J0 7n t.e countries o Sout. Asia also t.ere is rapid decline in t.e po3erty

 A0 6nly

;0 = < 6nly

C0 J 6nly

D0 2 = J 6nly

37. %onsi!er te following state#ents a"out <ose=(instein con!ensate

0 Satyendra ;ose and Al&ert Einstein) .ad predicted it in t.e +2!s

20 Atoms in state super une?cited and super cold

<0 Atoms in state super .ot and super e?cited

J0 T.e atoms in a ;ose,Einstein condensate %;EC( are lar/ely similar to -lasma

@.ic. isOare Correct

 A0 6nly

;0 = 2 6nly

C0 2) < = J 6nly

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D0 ) < = J 6nly

3:. Te rate of eaporation !epen!s upon

0 T.e surace area e?posed to t.e atmosp.ere

20 T.e temperature = t.e .umidity

<0 @ind speed

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 2 = < 6nly

C0 = < 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

3;. $ic is I9%&''(%T)

 A0 Tyndall eect can &e o&ser3ed w.en sunli/.t passes t.rou/. t.e canopy oa dense orest &y scatterin/ o a &eam o li/.t

;0 Iace cream 4el type o Colloid

C0 Ammonium c.loride E?ample o a solid w.ic. is su&lime

D0 C.romato/rap.y is t.e tec.ni5ue used or separation o t.ose solutes t.atdissol3e in t.e same sol3ent dru/s rom &lood

40. Te principle of %entrifugation use! in

0 To separate suc. mi?tures t.ose contain a su&lima&le 3olatile componentrom a non,su&lima&le impurity

20 Dia/nostic la&oratories or &lood and urine tests

<0 Dairies and .ome to separate &utter rom cream

J0 mac.ines to s5ueee out water rom wet

$ic are %&''(%T)

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 2 = < 6nly

C0 2) < = J

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D0 = < 6nly

41. Accor!ing to ?altonHs ato#ic teory

0 All matter is made o 3ery tiny particles called atoms

20 Atoms are di3isi&le particles in a c.emical reaction

<0 Atoms o a /i3en element are identical in mass and c.emical properties

J0 Atoms o dierent elements .a3e dierent masses and c.emical properties

@.ic. isOare 7NC6RRECT

 A0 6nly

;0 2 6nly

C0 ) < = J

D0 < = J 6nly

42. (. Eol!stein in 1::6 !iscoere! te presence of new ra!iations in a gas

!iscarge an! calle! te# canal rays. Tese are

 A0 Electrons

;0 -rotons

C0 Neutrons

D0 Atoms

43. $ic are #atce! relate! to %(BB &'EA9(BB()

0 Fysosomes a kind o waste disposal system o t.e cell

20 Smoot. endoplasmic reticulum a role in deto?iyin/ many poisons and dru/s

<0 4ol/i apparatus comple? su/ars may &e made rom simple su/ars

J0 Mitoc.ondria ener/y re5uired or 3arious c.emical acti3ities needed or lieis released

 A0 ) 2 = < 6nly

;0 ) 2 = J 6nly

C0 ) < = J

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D0 ) 2) <) = J

44. $ic one of te following state#ents is %&''(%T a"out '& plant)

 A0 Re3erse 6smosis works &y usin/ a .i/. pressure pump to increase t.epressure on t.e salt side o R6 plant

;0 Re3erse 6smosis works &y usin/ a low pressure pump to decrease t.epressure on t.e salt side o R6 plant

C0 Re3erse 6smosis works &y usin/ a low pressure pump to increase t.epressure on t.e pure water side o R6 plant

D0 None o t.e A&o3e

45. $ic one of te following co#"inations of countries is representing #ega

!iersity in out A#erica)

 A0 Ecuador) -eru) Me?ico) ;rail

;0 -eru) Me?ico) Paire) Mada/ascar 

C0 ;rail) Colom&ia) Ecuador) -eru

D0 Paire) Mada/ascar) Ecuador) Colom&ia

46. e#i!actylus is a genus of te fa#ily of 

 A0 Common ro/

;0 Sea .orse

C0 Bouse wall liard

D0 Bouse ly

47. atc te following Grinciple 8 ?eiceGro!uctF

*. $aw of inertia a1 %ubmarines

,. Archimedes2 principle b1 %afety Belts

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. 3lectromechanical c4 'iniature !ircuit Brea(ers

/. 3lectromagnet d4 3lectric Bell


pt. * , /

A c d b a

B b a c d

! a b d c

" d c a b

4:. Te uniersal law of graitation successfully eplaine! seeral

peno#ena. $ic of te following peno#enon are %&''(%T)

0 T.e motion o t.e moon around t.e eart.

20 T.e motion o planets around t.e Sun

<0 T.e tides due to t.e moon and t.e Sun

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 2 = < 6nly

C0 = < 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

4;. Te spee! of oun! at te sa#e te#perature in te y!rogen an! oygen

will "e

 A0 Bi/. in Bydro/en and Fow in 6?y/en

;0 Fow in Bydro/en and Bi/. in 6?y/en

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C0 Same in Bydro/en and 6?y/en

D0 Random

50. tate#ent I, Anti=iral #e!icines are si#ple in #aking tan anti="acterial#e!icines

Statement 77> 1iruses .a3e ew &ioc.emical mec.anisms o t.eir own and ater t.ey

enter .osts cells) use .osts mac.inery or t.eir lie processes

 A0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: Statement 77 is correct e?planation orStatement 7

;0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: ;ut) Statement 77 is not,correct

e?planation or Statement 7

C0 Statement 7 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 77

D0 Statement 77 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 7

Q51 to 75

51. %onsi!er te following state#ents

0 Irenc. Re3olution o $*+ and popular uprisin/ esta&lis.ed a secure andsta&le democracy in Irance

20 7n t.e world) Democracy .as e?panded t.rou/.out t.e twentiet. century

<0 Democracy .as &roaden e3enly in all parts o t.e world in t.e twentiet.century

J0 @.ile a ma'ority o countries are democratic today) t.ere are still lar/e parts o t.e world are not democratic

@.ic. are C6RRECT

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 2 = J 6nly

C0 = < 6nly

D0 ) 2) < = J

52. tate#ent I, /i# Jong i#D a well known econo#ist an! known as a goo!

goernance "ankerD is te Gresi!ent of te $orl! <ank

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Statement 77> T.e -resident o t.e @orld ;ank .as always &een a citien o t.e S)

con3entionally nominated &y t.e Treasury Secretary o t.e S /o3ernment

 A0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: Statement 77 is correct e?planation orStatement 7

;0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: ;ut) Statement 77 is not,correcte?planation or Statement 7

C0 Statement 7 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 77

D0 Statement 77 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 7

53. tate#ent I, Eeneral Asse#"ly can take any !ecision a"out wat actionsoul! "e taken in a conflict "etween !ifferent countries

Statement 77> E3ery one o t.e mem&er states o t.e N .as one 3ote in t.e N

4eneral Assem&ly

 A0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: Statement 77 is correct e?planation orStatement 7

;0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: ;ut) Statement 77 is not,correct

e?planation or Statement 7

C0 Statement 7 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 77

D0 Statement 77 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 7

54. Ten countries in te International onetary Cun! aing ery ig say in

!ecisions. $ic one of te following co#"ination of countries is representing


 A0 C.ina) 7taly) 7ndia) Canada

;0 C.ina) 7taly) Saudi Ara&ia) Canada

C0 C.ina) Australia) Saudi Ara&ia) Canada

D0 C.ina) 7ndia) Saudi Ara&ia) Canada

55. %onsi!er te following state#ents

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0 7n C.ina) elections are re/ularly .eld ater e3ery i3e years or electin/ t.ecountrys parliament called National -eoples Con/ress

20 T.e National -eoples Con/ress .as t.e power to appoint t.e -resident o t.ecountry and elects t.e -resident o t.e Supreme -eoples Court

<0 7t .as nearly <)!!! mem&ers elected rom all o3er C.ina) includin/ somemem&ers are elected &y t.e army

J0 ;eore contestin/ elections) a candidate needs t.e appro3al o t.e C.ineseCommunist -arty and only t.ose w.o are mem&ers o t.e C.inese Communist-arty or allied to it allowed contestin/ elections

@.ic. are C6RRECT

 A0 = 2 6nly;0 2 = J 6nly

C0 = < 6nly

D0 ) 2) < = J

56. tate#ent I, o#e "asic alues to "e inclu!e! in te constitution were

accepte! "y all lea!ers #uc "efore te %onstituent Asse#"ly #et to

!eli"erate on te %onstitution

Statement 77> Motilal and ot.ers drated constitution in t.e +2* and t.e

resolution at t.e 9arac.i session in +< &ot. committed to t.e inclusion o uni3ersal

adult ranc.ise) ri/.t to reedom and e5uality and to protectin/ t.e ri/.ts o minorities

in t.e constitution o independent 7ndia

 A0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: Statement 77 is correct e?planation orStatement 7

;0 Statement 7 = Statement 77 are correct: ;ut) Statement 77 is not,correcte?planation or Statement 7

C0 Statement 7 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 77

D0 Statement 77 is Correct: ;ut not Statement 7

57. atc te following lea!ers wit teir contri"ution

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*. +.

!. 'oo(herjeeI4 5ounder !hair of !entral %ocial )elfare Board

,. 6aipal %ingh II4 'ember7 "rafting !ommittee of the !onstitution

. "urgabai "eshmu(h III4 5ounder &resident of Adivasi 'aha %abha

/. T.T.-rishnamachari IV4 Vice4!hairman of the !onstituent Assembly

 Answer C.oices

pt * , /





5:. %onsi!er te following state#ents a"out %onstituent Asse#"ly of In!ia

0 Elections to t.e Constituent Assem&ly were .eld in uly +JK

20 Constituent Assem&ly .a3e &een c.osen directly &y all t.e people o 7ndia ont.e &asis o uni3ersal adult ranc.ise

<0 T.e Constituent Assem&ly wrote t.e 7ndian constitution .ad 2++mem&ers

J0 7ts irst meetin/ was .eld in Decem&er +JK

@.ic. isOare 7NC6RRECT

 A0 = < 6nly;0 2 = J 6nly

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C0 2 6nly

D0 J 6nly

5;. $ic isare %&''(%T)

0 Constitution o 7ndia is a collection o &arely statements o 3alues andp.ilosop.y

20 Takin/ inspiration rom ;ritis. model) most countries in t.e contemporaryworld .a3e c.osen a pream&le to t.eir constitutions

 A0 6nly

;0 2 6nly

C0 = 2

D0 None o t.e a&o3e

60. $ic isare %&''(%T)

0 Ra'ya Sa&.a does not .a3e power o no conidence

20 6nly a person w.o en'oys t.e support o t.e ma'ority o t.e mem&ers in t.eFok Sa&.a is appointed as t.e -rime Minister 

<0 6nce t.e Fok Sa&.a passes t.e &ud/et o t.e /o3ernment or any ot.ermoney related law and Ra'ya Sa&.a can only delay it &y J days or su// in it

J0 T.e -resident o 7ndia is a part o t.e -arliament) alt.ou/. .eOs.e is not amem&er o Bouse

 A0 ) 2 = < 6nly

;0 2) < = J 6nly

C0 = 2

D0 ) 2) < = J

61. Te political syste##o!el followe! in #ost of te countries of Batin


 A0 -residential System

;0 ;ritis. model

C0 -arliamentary system o /o3ernment wit. written Constitution

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D0 ; = C

62. %urrentlyD in te Bok a"aD seats resere! for te ce!ule! %astes an!

ce!ule! Tri"es are respectiely

 A0 *$ and J*

;0 *J and J$

C0 J2 and 2<

D0 $+ and J

63. %onsi!er te following state#ents

0 Mioram) Na/aland) Tripura and Sikkim are t.e states .a3in/ only one seat in

Fok Sa&.a

20 All t.e nion Territories are .a3in/ same num&er o seatOs o representation int.e Fok Sa&.a e?cept Del.i

<0 Ra' and Mad.ya -rades. .a3e less num&er o seats Ma.aras.traand @est ;en/al in Fok Sa&.a

J0 T.ere are states w.ere t.ere is no reser3ation o seats or Fok Sa&.a

@.ic. isOare C6RRECT

 A0 ) 2 = < 6nly

;0 2) < = J 6nly

C0 = 2

D0 ) 2) < = J

64. %onsi!er te following state#ents

0 7n 7ndia) it is t.e responsi&ility o t.e /o3ernment to /et t.e names o all t.eeli/i&le 3oters put on t.e 3oters list

20 A complete re3ision o t.e 3oters list takes place e3ery i3e years in 7ndia

<0 7t is only * years or &ein/ a 3oter in 7ndia) -eoples Repu&lic o C.ina and in9

@.ic. isOare C6RRECT

 A0 = 2 6nly;0 2 = < 6nly

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C0 = < 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

65. %onsi!er te following state#ents

0 Security deposit or Fok Sa&.a election or a candidate is Rs0 2G)!!! and acandidate &elon/in/ to Sc.eduled Caste and Sc.eduled Tri&e is re5uired tomake a security deposit o Rs0 2)G!!

20 T.e ma?imum limits o election e?penditure 3ary rom State to State or FokSa&.a elections

@.ic. isOare C6RRECT

 A0 6nly

;0 2 6nly

C0 = 2

D0 None o t.e a&o3e

66. All te political parties in our country ae agree! to a o!el %o!e of

%on!uct for election ca#paigns. Accor!ing to tisD

0 No party or candidate can use any place o wors.ip or election propa/anda

20 No party or candidate can use /o3ernment 3e.icles) aircrats and oicials orelections

<0 Ministers s.all not lay oundation stones o any pro'ects) take any &i/ policydecisions or make any promises o pro3idin/ pu&lic acilities

J0 T.e contestin/ candidates and t.eir campai/ners must respect t.e .ome lieo t.eir ri3als and s.ould not distur& t.em &y .oldin/ road s.ows ordemonstrations in ront o t.eir .ouses

@.ic. isOare C6RRECT

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 < 6nly

C0 2 = <

D0 All t.e a&o3e

67. Tere will "e a !is@ualification to contest electionsD as per ection : *3+ of

'epresentation of Geople ActD 1;51D if a person is conicte! of any offence an!

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sentence! to an i#prison#ent of 

 A0 2 years or more

;0 < years or more

C0 J years or more

D0 G years or more

6:. any people were secretly picke! up "y te forces fro# all oer te

worl! an! put in a prison in Euantana#o <ayD an area controlle! "y A#erican

9ay. Tis Euantana#o <ay is in

 A0 Australia

;0 Die/o 4arcia

C0 Cu&a

D0 6kinawa %apan(

6;. I!entify te AD <D % an! ?

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 A0 ;ul/aria) Montene/ro) Macedonia and Ser&ia

;0 Ser&ia) 9oso3o) Montene/ro and Macedonia

C0 Ser&ia) 9oso3o) Macedonia and Montene/ro

D0 ;ul/aria) 9oso3o) Macedonia and Montene/ro

70. $ic isare %&''(%T #atce!)

0 Ri/.t to 3ote in elections Not a Iundamental Ri/.t &ut it is a constitutional ri/.t

20 Ri/.t to property Not a Iundamental Ri/.t &ut it is a constitutional ri/.t

<0 Ri/.t to social security and insurance -art o 7nternational Co3enant on

Economic) Social and Cultural Ri/.ts

J0 Ri/.t to inormation Ri/.t under t.e Iundamental Ri/.t to reedom o t.ou/.tand e?pression

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 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 2 = < 6nly

C0 < = J 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

71. >A istory of <ritis In!iaH a "ook wic !ii!e! In!ian istory into tree

perio!s 8 in!uD usli# an! <ritisD pu"lise! in 1:17 "y

 A0 ames Mill

;0 Ro&ert Caldwell

C0 Edward 4reen ;alour 

D0 Sir Ale?ander Cunnin/.am

72. Assertion *A+, In 1600D te (ast In!ia %o#pany ac@uire! a carter fro# te

ruler of (nglan!D Queen (li-a"et I

Reason %R(> T.e Company did not .a3e to ear competition rom En/lis.

tradin/ companies wit. t.e c.arter 

 A0 A = R are correct: R is correct e?planation or A

;0 A = R are correct: ;ut) R is not,correct e?planation or A

C0 A is Correct: ;ut not R

D0 R is Correct: ;ut not A

73. %onsi!er te following state#ents a"out te seenteent an! eigteent

centuries A?

Statement 7> T.ere were intense conlicts amon/ Europeans

Statement 77> European tradin/ posts were ortiied

Statement 777> European tradin/ companies were interested in &uyin/ t.e same

 A0 Statement 7) Statement 77 and Statement 777 are not correct

;0 Statement 7) Statement 77 and Statement 777 are correct and no relations.ip&etween t.em

C0 Statement 7) Statement 77 and Statement 777 are correct and Statement 777correct e?planation or Statement 7

D0 Statement 77 only correct and Statement 7 and Statement 777 are not correct

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74. <ritis a! cange! teir policies as a result of te re"ellion of 1:57.

$ic isare %&''(%T)

0 -olicies were made to protect landlords and amindars and /i3e t.em securityo ri/.ts o3er t.eir lands

20 All rulin/ c.ies o t.e country were assured t.eir territory would ne3er &eanne?ed in uture

<0 T.e ;ritis. decided to respect t.e customary reli/ious and social practices ot.e people in 7ndia

J0 7t was decided t.e proportion o 7ndian soldiers in t.e army would &ereduced and t.e num&er o European soldiers would &e increased

 A0 = 2 6nly

;0 ) 2 = < 6nly

C0 2) < = J 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

75. $ic of te following cities were !e=ur"ani-e! !uring te nineteent


 A0 Mac.lipatnam

;0 Surat and Serin/apatam

C0 A= ;

D0 None o t.e a&o3e

Q76 to 100

76. %onsi!er te following state#ents a"out te In!ian %ities !uring %olonial


0 Del.i de3eloped only ater + w.en it &ecame t.e capital o ;ritis. 7ndia

20 7n ;om&ay and Calcutta) t.e li3in/ spaces o 7ndians and t.e ;ritis. weres.arply separated

<0 7n Madras) especially in t.e irst .al o t.e nineteent. century) t.e ;ritis. li3edalon/ wit. t.e wealt.ier 7ndians in t.e @alled City

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@.ic. isOare C6RRECT

 A0 6nly

;0 = 2 6nly

C0 2 = < 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

77. A pu"lic #eeting was el! on 13 April 1;1; at /allianwala <ag in A#ritsar.

Tis was for 

 A0 To protest t.e purc.ase o orei/n articles

;0 To protest t.e arrests o Dr Satyapal and Dr Saiuddin 9itc.lew

C0 To &ecome sel,/o3ernin/ t.e ;ritis. Empire

D0 To protest t.e use o orei/ners as employees

7:. 'osa Garks a! contri"ute! to

 A0 @omens and workers ri/.ts

;0 Mar?ist t.ou/.ts

C0 Arican,American Ci3il Ri/.ts

D0 Fiterature

7;. $at is particular to In!ian ecularis#)

0 T.e most pre3alent deinition o secularism is not w.olly applica&le to 7ndianState

20 State maintains a separation as well as inter3enes in reli/ion

<0 Any intererence in reli/ion &y t.e State .as to &e &ased on t.e ideals laid outin t.e Constitution

J0 A3oidance o inter,reli/ious domination and intra,reli/ious domination are twomain reasons w.y t.e separation &etween reli/ion and state in 7ndia

 A0 6nly

;0 = 2 6nly

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C0 2 = < 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

:0. %onsi!er te following state#ents

0 Accordin/ to Article 22 o t.e Constitution) e3ery person .as a IundamentalRi/.t to &e deended &y a lawyer 

20 Article <+A o t.e Constitution places a duty upon t.e State to pro3ide alawyer to any citien w.o is una&le to en/a/e one due to po3erty or ot.erdisa&ility

@.ic. isOare C6RRECT

 A0 6nly

;0 2 6nly

C0 = 2

D0 None o t.e a&o3e

:1. ?.. <asu Eui!elines of upre#e %ourt

 A0 Se?ual .arassment at workplace

;0 7n cases o encounter 

C0 -rocedures to ollow or t.e arrest

D0 6n sc.ool &uses saety

:2. Assertion *A+, In 2003D upre#e %ourt o"sere! tat te nu#"er of #anual

scaengers in In!ia a! !ecrease!

Reason %R(> 7n ++<) t.e /o3ernment passed t.e Employment o Manual

Sca3en/ers and Construction o Dry Fatrines %-ro.i&ition( Act

 A0 A = R are correct: R is correct e?planation or A

;0 A = R are correct: ;ut) R is not,correct e?planation or A

C0 A is Correct: ;ut not R

D0 R is Correct: ;ut not A

:3, Te supply of water per person in an ur"an area in In!ia soul! "e a"out

 A0 <G litres per day

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;0 $!! litres per day

C0 K!! litres per day

D0 J! litres per day

:4. 9agercoil in Ta#il 9a!u is known for

 A0 Solar -ower 

;0 @indmills

C0 -etroleum and Natural 4as

D0 Coal

:5. atc te following, *'egionBocation 8 oil %onseration+

a0 Coastal and dry re/ions ,0

&0 Bill slopes ,20 Contour -lou/.in/

c0 Steep slopes ,<0 Terrace armin/

d0 ;are /round J0 S.elter &elts

2 < J

 A c d & a

; c d a &

C d & c a

D d & a c

:6. atc te following, *'egion%ountry 8 inerals+

*. 0orth %weden a4 0ic(el

,. ntario b1 Iron4ore

. %outh Africa c1 &hosphate

/. Algeria d1 !hromites

 Answer c.oices

pt. * , /

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A d b a c

B b a d c

! d b c a

" b a c d

:7. $ic isare %&''(%T)

0 ;rail is t.e lar/est producer o .i/. /rade iron,ore in t.e world

20 @estern Cordilleras o Nort. America .a3e 3ast deposits o coal

<0 Ni/eria) Fi&ya and An/ola produce a lar/e portion o t.e worlds /old

J0 9al/oorlie and Cool/ardie areas o @estern Australia .a3e t.e lar/estdeposits o &au?ite

 A0 6nly

;0 2 = < 6nly

C0 < = J 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

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::. $at te regions 1 an! 2 !enote

 A0 Feast -opulated re/ions o SA and C.ina

;0 Mediterranean Climate o SA and C.ina

C0 Conierous Iorests o SA and C.ina

D0 Ara&le Fand o SA and C.ina

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:;. 'iers #entione! as 1 an! 2 are

 A0 Su&arnarek.a and 9.arkai respecti3ely

;0 9.arkai and Su&arnarek.a respecti3ely

C0 Su&arnarek.a and Damodar respecti3ely

D0 Damodar and Su&arnarek.a respecti3ely

;0. Bocational a!antages of ilicon plateau 8 <angalore

0 ;an/alore .as t.e lar/est num&er o educational institutions and 7T colle/es

20 T.e city was considered dust ree wit. low rents and cost o li3in/

<0 T.e state /o3ernment o 9arnataka was t.e irst to announce an 7T -olicy in++2

J0 T.e city .as t.e lar/est and widest a3aila&ility o skilled mana/ers wit. worke?perience

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@.ic. are C6RRECT

 A0 ) 2 = J 6nly

;0 2) < = J 6nly

C0 ) < = J 6nly

D0 All t.e a&o3e

;1. Assertion *A+, /apan an! <angla!es ae si#ilarity in te sape of teir

population pyra#i!s

Reason %R(> apan and ;an/lades. &ot. are 3ery densely populated countries o t.e


 A0 A = R are correct: R is correct e?planation or A

;0 A = R are correct: ;ut) R is not,correct e?planation or A

C0 A is Correct: ;ut not R

D0 R is Correct: ;ut not A

;2. $ic is 9&T true)

 A0 @orld @ater Day 22 April

;0 7nternational Decade or action on Q@ater or lie 2!!G2!G

C0 Disinectant or water C.lorine and oone

D0 Clariication t.e remo3al o suspended matter in raw water 

;3. %oncae #irrors are use! for #any purposes. $ic are %&''(%T)

0 Doctors or e?aminin/ eyes) ears) nose and t.roat

20 Side 3iew mirror to .elp t.e dri3ers

<0 Relectors o and .eadli/.ts o cars and scooters

 A0 6nly

;0 = < 6nly

C0 2 = < 6nly

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D0 All t.e a&o3e

;4. Assertion *A+, In In!ia tere as "een #ore tan four ti#es increase in te

pro!uction of foo! grains

Reason %R(> 7n 7ndia increase in production .as &een ac.ie3ed &y proportionate

increase in t.e culti3a&le land area

 A0 A = R are correct: R is correct e?planation or A

;0 A = R are correct: ;ut) R is not,correct e?planation or A

C0 A is Correct: ;ut not R

D0 R is Correct: ;ut not A

;5. Glants re@uire nutrients for growt. %onsi!er te following state#ents

0 Nutrients are supplied to plants solely &y water and soil

20 T.ere are si?teen nutrients w.ic. are essential or plants

<0 6?y/en and .ydro/en comes rom water) and soil supplies t.e rest o t.enutrients to plants

J0 7ron is one o t.e important macronutrients to plants

@.ic. isOare TRE

 A0 ) < = J 6nly

;0 2 6nly

C0 J 6nly

D0 ) 2 = <;6. %onsi!er te following state#ents

0 4reen manure .elps in t.e soil in Nitro/en and -.osp.orus

20 6r/anic armin/ is a armin/ system w.ic. in3ol3es mi?ed croppin/ and croprotation

<0 7nter,croppin/ ensures ma?imum utilisation o t.e nutrients supplied and alsopre3ents pests and diseases rom spreadin/

J0 A3oidance o summer plou/.in/ is recommended or weed and pests control

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@.ic. isOare 7NC6RRECT

 A0 ) 2 = < 6nly

;0 6nly

C0 J 6nly

D0 2) < = J 6nly

;7. %onsi!er te following state#ents

0 a ew orms o &acteria) lie,orms are not a&le to con3ert t.ecomparati3ely inert nitro/en molecule into orms like nitrates and nitrites

20 A dierent type o &acteria con3erts t.e nitrates and nitrites in t.e soil intoelemental nitro/en and process is called Lnitro/en,i?in/

@.ic. isOare C6RRECT

 A0 6nly

;0 2 6nly

C0 = 2

D0 None o t.e a&o3e

;:. %onsi!er te following state#ents a"out &-one

0 Iound in t.e upper o t.e atmosp.ere

20 7t is poisonous

<0 7t is sta&le nearer to t.e eart.s surace

J0 Reduction o t.e oone layer .a3e disco3ered a&o3e t.e Antarctica

@.ic. isOare 7NC6RRECT

 A0 = J 6nly

;0 2 6nly

C0 < 6nly

D0 None o t.e a&o3e

;;. Te energy use! !uring a #ont in ouseol!sD in!ustries an! co##ercial

esta"lis#ents are usually e?pressed in terms o Lunits0 Lunit means

 A0 kilowatt .our 

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;0 ! kilowatt .our 

C0 !! kilowatt .our 

D0 !!! kilowatt .our 

100. %onsi!er te following

0 Aristotle classiied animals accordin/ to t.ey li3ed on land) in water or in t.e air 

20 C.arles Darwin irst descri&ed idea o e3olution in *G+ in .is &ook T.e6ri/in o Species

<0 Fi3in/ or/anisms Classiication .ierarc.y> 9in/dom -.ylum %or animals( ODi3ision %or plants( Class 6rder Iamily 4enus Species

J0 All li3in/ or/anisms are di3ided into our kin/doms namely Monera) -rotista)-lantae and Animalia

@.ic. isOare 7NC6RRECT

 A0 = < 6nly

;0 2 6nly

C0 J 6nly

D0 None o t.e a&o3e


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int for electe! Questions

<0 Did not &elie3e in t.e rule o primo/eniture

$0 a/ainst all orms o ritual and idol wors.ip

20 -atanwadi Bosiery 4u'arat

<0 Dont .old t.e t.ermometer &y t.e &ul& w.ile readin/ it

G0 7ntense competition &etween and amon/ animals or ood and s.elter 

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+*0 <0 Not sta&le

!!0 J0 Ii3e 9in/doms) Iun/i

Ta/s> 1enkatMrunal recommends

S;7O7;-S ;ank E?ams

-SC Ci3il Ser3ice

SSC C4F> Sta selection

CDS> Deense Ser3ices

CATO77M M;A Entrance

 AC76 7ntel 6icer 

More rom cate/ory

[Download] -SC Mains,2!G> Sociolo/y 6ptional Su&'ect "uestion -aper,

= -aper,2[Download] -SC Mains,2!G> -olitical Science 6ptional Su&'ect

"uestion -aper, = -aper,2[Download] -SC Mains,2!G> 4eneral Studies

-aper,< %4S<() incl0 past papers topicwise sorted: o&ser3ation) analysis: JG

matter co3ered in Mrunal0or/ itsel   [Download] -SC Mains,2!G> Bistory

6ptional Su&'ect "uestion -aper, = -aper,2[Download] -SC Mains,2!G>

-.ilosop.y 6ptional Su&'ect "uestion -aper, = -aper,2

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0 ' ( G B J

A'sir)w.en will u upload ne?t test

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can!anRe/ardin/ "0 No0 2 0 [;ak.arwal @oollen s.awls ammu and 9as.mir] is a correct matc. &ut you .a3e mentioned it as a wron/ matc. in youranswer0 @ould you please e?plain

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AT.e 5uestion is askin/ a&out not matc.ed

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pra"kindly c.eck t.e answers and .ints careully) t.n comment

<0 ' ( G B J

Aanya" G2 im 8on/ 9im is president o world &ank so &ot. statements arecorrect0

J0 ' ( G B J

Aanya6. sorry realised my mistakeUU

G0 ' ( G B J

?A'A?( <T.ank you sir "uestions like upsc pattern Are 3ery .elpul to re3ise ncert0

K0 ' ( G B J

 व क  नमसत र  क    छ ट    सट ह द म भ उपलबध कर द त त मलग भ ट    सट द पत) )please sir00

$0 ' ( G B J

ankit2<num0ans a nd c &ot.0cause crust !0G mental *< nd cord K

*0 ' ( G B J

a!itiasir) in 5ues $!00 ri/.t to 3ote is not a constitutional ri/.t) its a statutory ri/.tunder an act passed &y parliament) t.e article <2K 'ust mentions uni3ersaladult ranc.ise it does not /i3e ri/.t to 3ote00 in my opinion00kindly correct me i i m wron/00

+0 ' ( G B J

a!itiasir) in 5ues no0KJ0 isnt it t.e election commission w.o re/isters t.e eli/i&le3otersV a conusion .ere kindly .elp0

!0 ' ( G B J

A"ina /Sir "uestion < 7 7ts Na/aland w.ic. .as a ne/ati3e decadal o /rowt.0 So itcant &e D"uestion 2< 1olume wise Mantle is /reater core w.ic. is /reater

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crust"uestion 2 Accordin/ to Art J -resident .as an e?emption So it cant &e D

0 ' ( G B J


7s loamy soil a mi?ture o sand) slit) and clay Am a little conused a&out $t."uestion00 Belp pl U

0 ' ( G B J

rain!ra pratap singyes

20 ' ( G B J

AparaitaSir) Casual workers in ur&an areas are also under dis/uised unemployment)as per NCERT0 Bence t.e correct option s.ould &e D) and not C0

<0 ' ( G B J

ar#aSir) could you e?plain t.e answer or 5ues no0 J+ as 7 dou&t t.e answer you.a3e pro3ided0

J0 ' ( G B J

saT.ank you sir00 "uestions are 3ery .elpul to re3ise ncert 00

G0 ' ( G B J

'A/A'w.ere is mock test

K0 ' ( G B J

#anis ku#ar i t.ank 5uestion is 3ery important or me &ecause 5uestion is /oin/ toirst stand in science 5ui

$0 ' ( G B J

ars7n t.e 2*t. 5uestion) C can also &e incorrect since -ir -an'al orms t.e part oTrans,Bimalayas and not t.e Bimalayas

*0 ' ( G B J

pawan cau!arysir pl mock test .indi pro3ide karaia

+0 ' ( G B J

prasant ranansir aapki ye initiati3e &a.ut &a.ut useul .aiVpar ye .indi medium mea3aila&le .o to &a.ut sre student iska la&. ut.a payen/e00so pl pl sir .ini me3 suwid.a upla&d. karayeV

M Greious   1   2@rite your messa/eU

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• SAWM W Sir 7 was selected in two or/anisation or t.e post o J2!! /p

in 2!J) AC76 was one o t.em) i c.ose t.e it000 X [A-IC] Bindi

Bandwritten Notes on minimum wa/es) ES7C) Fa&our000

• PRACHI W Today 78; 2!K e,3ersion is released &y 7=; Ministry) &ut i

canYt see its e,3ersion on pu&lication di3isionYs we&site0 Any clue X $ Days

Duty TM  > Bow to read t.e Bindu000

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• ARYAN W aapne to a&aati kar diya >D X [Ireedom Stru//le]

;e/innin/ o t.e ;ritis. Rule o3er 7ndia>000

• SHIKHIR W Many T.anksUU X $ Days Duty TM  > Bow to read t.e


• KASHISH VERMA W /od is &ack0000 X $ Days DutyTM  > Bow

to read t.e Bindu000

• MUKTA W -l sir update some new material or ssc000i really dnt knw

rom w.ere to start000 X $ Days Duty TM  > Bow to read t.e Bindu000

• SABA ALAM W T.anks a lot Mrunal Sir or suc. a precise /uidance0 X

  $ Days Duty TM  > Bow to read t.e Bindu000

• TUMESH W $!Z data is reprinted) i you .a3e 2!G t.en donYt &uy0 X

  $ Days Duty TM  > Bow to read t.e Bindu000

• SACHIN SRT W T.ank u 3ery muc.)wonderin/ w.ere was our

captain)to steer us t.rou/. t.e most cruelest part o upsc preparation) esp

w.en t.e e?am is around t.e000 X $ Days Duty TM  > Bow to read t.e Bindu000

• VIVEK HOODA W T.ankyou Sir O 4uru i O 46D O ;.a/wan0 X $

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Mega Jobs

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11=ar, % %EB 2016

01=ar, E% 9(T

IT Jobs

02=ar, Guna" G%

2;=Ce", eay (ngineering %orp

2;=Ce", <aratiya aila <ank

26=Ce", '(% Gower ?istri"ution %o


10=ay, aryana %

1;=ar, In!ian ariti#e niersity

14=ar, G G%

10=ar, 9ational Institute of <io=(nergy

10=ar, tate (lectricity ?istri"ution %oy

0:=ar, %entral cientific Instru#ent &rg

0:=ar, aryana G%

03=ar, G% specialist

01=ar, Gower Eri!

2;=Ce", %ocin ipyar!

2;=Ce", Gower Cinance %op

2;=Ce", %entral Gower 'esearc Institute

27=Ce", <(B

27=Ce", In!ia Eoern#ent int

27=Ce", G G%

26=Ce", '(% Gower ?istri"ution %o

23=Ce", aryana elec

22=Ce", u#"ai Gort Trust

22=Ce", IT<G (ngg

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20=Ce", <arat (lectronics

20=Ce", Trans#ission %o#pany

1:=Ce", G r"an ?eelop#ent


21=/un, arayana Golice consta"le

10=ar, %'GC consta"les

01=ar, 'ailway Grotection Corce

01=ar, %'GC

24=Ce", G %onsta"le

22=Ce", asastra ee#a <al

20=Ce", Air#an *ports+


14=ar, G G%

05=ar, Ayure!i council

05=ar, 9ational Alu#inu# %o Bt!

27=Ce", G G%


2;=Ce", 9TG%

2:=Ce", % Gar#acist

27=Ce", AII Gatna22=Ce", asastra ee#a <al

22=Ce", IT<G et


11=ar, 9ational niersity of /ournalis#

05=ar, 9ational Alu#inu# %o Bt!

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P" on!#

27=Ce", T?% In!ia Bt!


16=ay, In!ian &il %orp. Bt!.


10=ay, aryana %

2;=Apr, 9ational Institute of 9utrition

22=ar, In!ian %ouncil of Corestry

22=ar, aryana % *Ciel!+

15=ar, 9ational Institute of 9utrition

14=ar, G G%

0:=ar, aryana G%

07=ar, IT<G

04=ar, G% geoD y!ro

04=ar, G% ce#ist

03=ar, G% specialist

02=ar, Guna" G%

01=ar, Gower Eri!

2;=Ce", %ocin ipyar!

2;=Ce", 9at. <io#e!ical

2;=Ce", 9at. <io#e!ical2;=Ce", %entral Gower 'esearc Institute

22=Ce", u#"ai Gort security

22=Ce", < ?ental

22=Ce", Ato#ic inerals ?irectorate

21=Ce", 'aastan G%

20=Ce", 9ational Institute &f ental ealt

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1:=Ce", G r"an ?eelop#ent


10=ay, aryana %

31=ar, G tate %o=operatie <ank

14=ar, /arkan! %ourts

11=ar, 9ational niersity of /ournalis#

0;=ar, 9ational Instructional Inst

04=ar, In!ian Agricultural 'esearc

01=ar, %'GC teno

2;=Ce", 'astriya anskrit anstan

2;=Ce", %entral Gower 'esearc Institute

27=Ce", In!ia Eoern#ent int

22=Ce", < painterDtailorDgar!en

22=Ce", Ato#ic inerals ?irectorate

20=Ce", In!ian %ouncil of Agri 'es

20=Ce", Trans#ission %o#pany

1:=Ce", G r"an ?e.


14=ar, G G%

11=ar, 9ational niersity of /ournalis#

0:=ar, aryana G%

05=ar, 9ational Alu#inu# %o Bt!

2;=Ce", plastic inst.

2;=Ce", 9TG%

2;=Ce", eay (ngineering %orp

2;=Ce", Gower Cinance %op

2;=Ce", olkata Gort Trust

2;=Ce", <aratiya aila <ank

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27=Ce", <(B

27=Ce", G G%

26=Ce", '(% Gower ?istri"ution %o

24=Ce", %ocin ipyar!

23=Ce", aryana elec

22=Ce", aulana A-a! (!n

22=Ce", u#"ai Gort Trust

20=Ce", Trans#ission %o.

1:=Ce", G r"an ?e.


20=ar, IIT 'opar 

15=ar, IIT /a"alpur 

14=ar, G G%

12=ar, %% niersity eerut

11=ar, 9ational niersity of /ournalis#

10=ar, niersity of Allaa"a!

03=ar, G% specialist

02=ar, Guna" G%

2;=Ce", 'aen!ra e!ical ciences

2;=Ce", u#aon Institute of Tec

2;=Ce", IIIT Ewalior

2;=Ce", Gana" niersity

2;=Ce", 'astriya anskrit anstan

2;=Ce", International Institute of Info Tec

27=Ce", G G%

20=Ce", 'aensaw niersity

20=Ce", IIT anpur 

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eisting.Bast up!ate! Ce" 1:D at 12,30 G

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