muaoss) wmxiw-mm m m

Muaoss) wmxiw-mm m «BTSOA IS m 9 » 3 w t t e ^ of state* 1fernmtlm hotjor to M&emA&Q^ tin® *"w@i|»t *tf th» D»pNritotBt*« ^sasii@i?^l $B0femM£tae of iwradMir s% XD3§» taK&al«a& Mm stajegfe @$8p$|F $& * i A &» «t«tHa tt» titavii SM3fe'» of tb» Sfetfttlr to o&teS» fegwrt p«*&to ta ^nrlslft tide &ituati<tt»

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Post on 02-Oct-2021




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Page 1: Muaoss) wmxiw-mm m m

Muaoss) wmxiw-mm m «BTSOA IS m

9 » 3 w t t e ^ of state*

1 fernm tlm hotjor to M&emA&Q^ tin® *"w@i|»t *tf

th» D»pNritotBt*« ^sasii@i?^l $B0femM£tae of iwradMir s% XD3§»

taK&al«a& Mm stajegfe @$8p$|F $& * i A &» «t«tHa tt» titavii

SM3fe'» of tb» Sfetfttlr to o&teS» fegwrt p«*&to ta ^nrlslft

t ide &ituati<tt»

Page 2: Muaoss) wmxiw-mm m m

m % •»

Has QK«»Rt3Utr oaattoia of tfe* i^sg&tim taut \wm

&&!{*&&& «w£tfidUuowdy 4i#toc th* twnwr* y««r tbo «i%satt«*

with reput to JawiMtt rton* fcqpsrta tost© §*arfcrt% ** ! hn*

tuft ttXUA to £» .let® 12M altogial &mrUtafttl«ft atptoirf; 4a»

port*** of JtaNUMn srtoi* ®^ Q»nwrtw«>* « U l ws©oli«%

{9Vm ?ta» 03$#US cs«nmi ?Mtaotavfeb i t to*o*cJkfe * * "tt» »^*

tottfcUgi <s? $ls& e«tm&&to to Vl«sa» «og&s* of e©sr®a^at l«^M|

«htoh * * i MMclBiKt JWMS HMft iA<h t t e CitwSUjr SUM CoEvangr

of Qrowftflfti t^wtotora** #«w*mto£ a rto» -mmsmZg n4;i«h <&*

tot&toe Ooswaaflw* *a*s e»*M to fee ©drstorfhtottogj* Tim «**•

outoto Hlfh I ts A*«g*toh Ho* 5# of WwuBiy iC» *3Stt» tm»»»

a&ttttl * totttJjr of tb» »«ae &***« «*hW»MA t© t t » CftRriUy

Zb* favtrt&tfrttm isMA tfe* Legwfelcgi law rotor*

ialD&R to aaoartl «&tb lis® Ds^wtoiKfe1® InffiPUQtiim of Se^rit»r

5ft» l ^ | » watot* mgwrnm* &am that tut Jtq*&t£*to& oovwawRit)

asstor I ts s?dto^ «* r to* topnttafei;% r©e%i£iir%to% m& wmiitol*

l**® flsmft ttss stag ieparl <ga«*to at f t f l f 'pw ©ast of t h * eaatitai

• f Hot toparibaft Ana* aaoh aoiaitwy to 19QN» 3td l* I t mam

that thto **sw»trto%iw pottoy I© $mm®& m to a© tota l

<!»*»& «£ sto® fctpartai Swine th& ps^% i t to isst ©tos**

tlwfe I t to o&hKft&^r cistwrwfi «tt to twparto fjpsss #®sats ?»»

paattoa rtoa «paftttte $***6*t*f# 9iar» hMi« t*»sawer# tonn

vwy «dtuild«c«ft3Ui ^ifftoUHor to §*tttoc toPt»int&«n *3«fe ,w»uM. i «wr ** r«»3, di««^toftt4*» to tho altotrawfc of <$3a$km

I ®&rtoto

Page 3: Muaoss) wmxiw-mm m m

m % m

a tortoto «30RMk *f ttffto&ty hm baae. «?«ri~

anead la totoiatog «§j®eifto sas2 maattato iwto fan* Its® $»*

fKSTtaW Of Mm®$M$m rS**j» &U* to tofcfcp r * t o * t o a * * t o gJ9 0t»

weoaS MI pietottttag <f*ea.insf% «*y aetlaa of to* imfar&m mt&tim*

itto*# tola * » to to© f*»ltag toat *aaa aatioa s»y to inter*

pwrtflg as a«#i*Satog «B*8 «mrstot&1y sNwefc to towir dSaatt*

iWRfe*i» la dbteSatat asrfetsar topfet ptmito front to* Aafffcrlaa

&M\m$M*mm ®m -"mteim ^ipdrtor of 4MWlaMi H®a toferea

to* oawaliW caotiaa t*f to* !4 p«fei«n toafc to* fifty ttor ©ant

t$aata far ttia $mt# teaas m tSU4 fefsarte* to dfvt^vtt «msg

toa auarctoito ISPOB *.3ah the fie© an* tesp&etoeA to IWS^> w&

that to* spate of aaafa &mmk#% to toaa Arthar &v6o«t Sato

aJIfl'toaate for tor** aanft#+ mm far #**f* ^aarto^ a aafc p«^-

s i t s **a tter*£te« UOKMNS « % far to* ajacwto aMMh any to

SE^ortoi la a partlawlar fasa*tor# Sato* ton Ss^wrtor »f

Jwrtosss 2*io© «totoa« auto a*** to* qpawfcMy #»toh any to is**

jswtod i t t» ©*rtoto ©ewrttrto® Is asy ess* *p«fcrtor to atoa to**

to* Isspitrtor say aocaidor tJs» ^ipwaat too m&Xl to offer asy

Mvmfm®» w profit* S» Jttottor states that ito»riaa» rto* to»

porta to ISM « n toXow ««wa®* acsg to** mat M&***to* «f

tont jf®«r % to* ;to»to3*a tttttovitoto a* to© '-aai* for to*

fifty p«* a«fe g^ate ton awtoa out to to* &l«a3h»«*tog» #f

itoerlaafc rto* «^?astonto | Ms Sia^arter *3*e «bH©|?ssl toito

to* if5fartowi to« to* ia5P*»to»toE on to* atotittto* of to*

VortoaA dor :«iritoanilkr g»feK»I% «a>v «©rtoto «>lf«ito^pHl

3a to* oMtoor ^ rtks© toport i»»»ito answir otoir 3 ]»«rtoW' # ^

a*® iwt dlr«a^7 n$«tM*atoa« it# fav*e*tog to to* ia**t 4*f»»

nito tofettartioa «sigfe i t has 'btoa poaatola to totoia isdto

r*gs»iaa to p***St*l* 41**i*ijaSar iaa ^#d»»t itoartoua rieto

I t toy

Page 4: Muaoss) wmxiw-mm m m

*» 4 **

ri$o liqporte qootao o«*r©l ®pst*» to o«M«tt*m win* tho enmnvl.

offtvt of tho 3sowi*tafstifc to *o&30* tfe* uBfinroribl* trcdo boJU

moo of th* acwfeQAi S*» ifewtrSm unftMoon&io tpaio taitoMao

s»s fottMrfy o* ***** *• Safe&ltoeft l#Q0O#QQ9»OQ© * yo«r# m&

it mm alssNslu't®! ooaontifcS to roelua© t&lp mtevwelsto t*2Um»o

Mi Auttirib o«iM mtku'® t» sam fesmt B fSlMRWl*! Ofttfotontti

4$& oat luxvv tt*t £w&g» «fe«g»|^ «& 4*0 gUpcm! to oosrar

mob ft l^i@ xaa&mw*)fim laSonoa* ***! «b* tai*4«t tMtflo woo

tw* i*$sgiis|j to tho mmmtw onauat to oaap&r mob & bugi

v, fiwof»bltt IMOABOO of tvo&a* AoM*ioMii8» «ns to tm%?

miif&B%a, draotl© zwmmrmt lm& to b© teiiaoa to 4**sr®fes@ tbto

fids tnfttocNroi&ft 1»3««Ki@#i, %$&<& for tbo ourrmt ;^«r t*A12 1st

amsit afeilltogii SOOpOKXVQOG* m& thta 1* to & fcutp doepoo

©aRpRsaalsod % tbo toootwi £*o* tho tourM tntfflo vhltfb ho»

is. tttt MNBt&aft &*w&egiod ^n«og«A> )| I t to ?ps|uwtSGi»l4#

tteA tbo uoSuot&an of #*&» oKtamfty lamy m£mim$>%® trodo

botano* for a ootwtgp Of «te ossi a holf aftUton xttapte boo @at*»

trftixgfeoa: "way aotortottgr toounte t&o otrft^^tatttac of ta* to*

torsoi f tooaotoX oae oooaoato «&tt»tftai onS to * # batter

g$tiJft&flB 'Otsbrib gvoofcili til tbo oeKsa£% to£s©r# Jtootrtob oon»

trod aoMuroo nnet ttoomttoro taf&Mlty to looted ugot* «•

laewmn Ml ^4(Bli i«»ro ?;s@o«eiw^ i*or t l» fmfe&OKaoeo *$£ tfeo ooo*

p«fe in*© offioot fatnw boar* appliisfl «Ub l;a|3«3^»M%t fcMt St

l i sot 'teprobe^ilo %fos#i ^ioro te^ imm* mi « o# I N ^ I ^ B dis^

orletlsftt&aoo #'dcis», totwv«rc ff*sa ttui poltto of rimt of 1t»

TMtoft fita*«»

Page 5: Muaoss) wmxiw-mm m m

•» 0 *»

HhifeKl States a** of a a&raor ataesaoto* £n <«§«*r of %N* vary

Xaapjp ft**o*B|jto t*3a»ot of tnA» xMtii vm owg^f «tta Aartvia*

%$ar th» low© rfcotaocpl* ts# «N»i<*&# eswpamtiisas

batnaan I1a*3$f# ZtogNQfe an& itoatriA Jaw 1Jom aaailitsftaft ana

Matfariiai ttsgarfei %> Italy !»*a Itaawa^asl -wwy a*a»?ia!ljflfc

ItaUsm «s*r ta t o AtaMrte law* m3o*£ita£% INN** i ^ U * * * * *

%• .M*§ %r&a a&i& pptMim&kl® «sts»r Mm^t^^m&iam iapi.J5ast is**

porta JSran aorta&a. otto**- sfigtea* taut S*i apit* «£ tSai* Ita3»»

jbnaot aa$>ort* t» iswtria foaw wA gjpcwtt 2» a ***fctr$*i '«%* or to

a dap** to aavt-susalgr &b'l8£*£& oapirt® ffssis «*tm* <*igias#

Ital ian tapcvt* Iwwi In gaosipal ipaai&'w*! o*v* JtaNvahl* oan»

si&gaK&loii HSI |*a©tt#© &a§ t» t&a iarga fawawtelo he&mm of

trad* that AttftKlft !wa» «Nh I ta ly afid afilaft S« ift f*#t en* of

the iter fteo»a*lo baSanoaa In *** f ar*i$* ***** ahftfe Austria

has* M to t t» £&ttsu&t&«» of « # Xt*2&*» Ooaaltesctt $H

praaftdSag paQsasxt ftxr Sa$or*s to ?aa*|$i #s*taap§* a ©ews&lor-

a*)* **»***& «r An* tr iait smalt I * AvNMtt to fta%>* ass th is

oartai© ffaoilitlo© afcish Austria my tmm g^m to lass***

from xtalgfe Snttiudinc Has*

Ha* M i i d State* i*»s * i $ * ii*a*tr$a * <s*** l*a^»

f&voraMo W&mem of tra&a* A* » assatar of Hast* tfta l*wpwt

i awiof»i>Xs trass bslaooea a?*£*t& Austria taM «t> tdib c«©«8so»

aluwsSdja, *M \:vXWi mm&m* end 0«na«9w Austria1* mfawsv

aid.© t3Rl«Ka3® 0I1 tff«**» ia4«i ttMHMi thrae «ua^st4.«si la &» f « t « l i d

aa to gfca* J»r atl3.1« 9saa» 8ut mmmm* tm& i n tls> last yaar a

p r t l oy l s r

Page 6: Muaoss) wmxiw-mm m m

» 9 «*

p&tom&m ®£&3srti hm tmm m0B t o r«tiu«i * * mtarovftO*

Xmtemxt i t fUi Caoafmrikttri&ft and ttwmngr* & «s*l» «Mt th»

l*a^o wnKsom^bto teiana* tdtfc Urn iMfcofi state*** 4MMM has

boon fwwt&Mlty BO dtar fedt t t t tan «gpla*% JMtftiwo tsfioG* ®®&

m mmmmm tstond Abwotly «t t *» dtifefcliac: Asm. &£ Mpor t i

Hem tfeo tiMfttft mmtm tern boon intt&tirtwd* l a vim «P t *#

f o s l ^ f t t H &l£t3kwlt OOSWOK&O t^ tswt lu* l u the « » lay aadl

tt*» foot tfeoft «wr flwoitib&l XMSMMNI n i t h iftMtiiifi i s 1&©

sooaal or 12»tttf lavgoft unAHranACbi balisse® ^*3*§a .Aw t r i t t taa»

i t noy "a© oonNttAoroA gpat i ^ tsg tiws* Wsma turn horn ao fw tae r

«D$ no creator ot&Hig& at &bmit%i£m&^ o@k&ie& our ii^poHau

m wd&ead& *ift*its&* ^ s r e t p w bom m&m of n&wsf

tia^aina&SaBi ogklaot &a«et*si» fegMVtil vtiiflb #*i® I ^ p ^ i *

'••*» «ot $*&o& t o ft&X<ar w o t oo*o&&3yo l a roa l ©m» of

4$*«rfc:f» t&ci% Isowssw** bee h&m m$Al$Mm$. wall t tw $1$*

fioialt'ioa lt»m mmfe^ Isexas £t**sd %? bo t t iot af p^ tos* »lo»»

now aasS grosses** <ti£fioi»l% S» iiomiritsg tepgift ponsitA* Ste

jaoet ©»»% Ijcwewi't tbo poswito horn 1mm mrn^mX^ fpwtfcmW

thft ojupis&ofc of th» Autfer&aa ia^^rtow of Jtom&ttm r4o» <&«%

Hxm hoe bono rottl dloerS&&&a!%loi» i t not \sised an s*t£Yi«i«pi1^

itfkwpafe a^loooo to taofeo I t ewd w^»®eei%©M«w t o tint ForoigP

Offioo* a ® dlitl«teHSgf i«w boott pglsw&pojjy la ip t t teg 4?**

pw% p@M§i 9ftBMpt% M l in* tapaeto of AttiwfeMHt $ M feitm w o w

boon 'Msff%. tim ?«i»lt® aw i m ^ U y isar mmxm. «,i«S* Oo not

t o t a l i - for^s of r lo» Sato Atiot^U %/ asi»ifc»ta» I f sr4gji%


Page 7: Muaoss) wmxiw-mm m m

<m ? m

asm *»*stiie of lflso MB iwfcrtt %ais* hmm im& ssport*! *bS4b

Is »Xim%» war* than ^ n f JJtgp p r t i n t of *h» 128ft m t r i t

tom i jTorfcaa « u r ^ t?» flret ois» anrtfai «f ISM* M «hi

1384 fcfxxrtfc « • *i*» lais-la of th» fl£% per MKk Ufl&a tfcitfi

hm %3nm mWAMmS^ vtm» i t no fa&wifeiait of 4ir«st <$!#»

<vS»&«tiUM» Us© %Hl*l% hewtwMfc ofaflwo ttte* t te f l t% f*r

« n t ImtiM tm not t aw «pt&tia6 vitti «ftNM3uft» fottt&ttMMMi

1a© itaa fc'4w^« $m* £t«Jir# ari&bfe *8*t$t» tht ftttaiftttidi** «n&

BgwsSI* ^«l th&* i® ia® to tpteSal ooari&MNKUaae «UMft* iMM>

bwaa 3^£fc»«ft t# in tfcte &Oitp«ste$i#

la viois- of t t e ' aesr 1t*tt» JtaK*rib&» %*tano» of

8tft$eo to Sueteeia, lw** omttBuii to dwolap as a vwtf laefeSo-

fwrtwiy iai|f* S 63& »a* fai l roeon*^ to ftaww-^ku Sn t&t

?Qr#i^ off'ie® t» fertog ©«*%&&* ss&nor ili«s»ii.,toitit«% to*

«0Ait3s$£ irle% to tha attaaifc** of t£t# *qj$ra»prl*i!too offtstols

ml* tk» Aaaftrftan ^wmnnrilt 2 &» » t totta* €mt ttaar*> i«

aa ' ftirtfNr ««ti<m *foMj ifiioaM Is® telam lay *» *t KW* ***•

«Dd I 4o not tollem fwn th# Isadhnanhtlcvt tihicfe i t bt» ^*(g|

yoMriftA* to mmm. tfewfe t t e ftaitriaik &x*rtwwi of sm&am

tim famm «$r '$&&, eaet&ftAnt to rail®* 9M& tfa|r tfcaild tawt

gTBttfctr d l f f l ^ l% «a6 «imi*Bi3e® owtata 4#l%n. te pt&&qg

rio© Sqp<iri nmtadUki Is w%u*ss& xtaOme tb» ««A«tJ«c oasMtl ^a®.

2a titi-e §giasfl s© »o mm t$bm m&iiMm ®i a i w ^ i tiwfc ttm-

r«o»i8 « ^ gu*? ttusi ' 3© Attt rfSB. OvMNntMnt i t tdlot&Sac

to Mm fs^m^mm «f immi&m rkm 4$m vms^m £m? I'li% pur

oaat of tiMi yam ^ ^ % « # i ^ . 10 ti# oetii&iiiwi. 1 .®$^

% »

Page 8: Muaoss) wmxiw-mm m m

• I *

w i l l mxMmo to ft»n«» tikis

are*; «15l »io% f a i l to jwport st^mM tb>*» to «HA«MNI of

HftSr^HJUilg? yowrtf

0*9t^Ji f§§ *%ft«#m3£'t$|»l

3 m i

i* sua* ©r