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Words of Wisdom Be Noble, Think noble, And Want Only God.

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Be Noble,

Think noble,

And Want Only God.

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The Master is more than just Kind.O friends, I could never have enough time

To tell you of His boundless Grace.Only in the remote corner of my heart

I humbly shed tears!There is none in this world

Who’s so full of Love and Mercy.It would be my great honour

To be just a swallow,Standing on one leg,

Life after lifeSinging Her praise!

When Thou appearest,The sun seems to fade!

Thy beingShining as thousands of stars and countless jewels,

Thy holy and youthful glowBrighten the darkest corner of my soul.


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The Most Important Rule

To seek the Truth,the most important rule is not to criticize others

and to have an open heart. It's very important.

We have to serve selflesslyand everything else will come.

Once we only seek the Kingdom of God,we truly have everything.

Whatever you do here or anywhere,eventually the benefit will come to you.

Whatever we do good to people, we think goodabout people, the benefit eventually is ours.


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--Master Says, #84


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Initiation: The Most Precious TreasureThat is the great, great merit of being initiated. If you knew about it, you would die of gratitude and the shock of knowing how great it is, this initiation. Really, it's great. 

Of course, it's your time also. But otherwise, even if you pray for a thousand years, you won't get this gift. It's the greatest thing you can ever have anywhere in the whole universe. Anyone who doesn't have it, even some higher spiritual beings, will envy you. They will envy you very much because you are on the road to mastership, and they're still just spiritual beings, or angels or devas (beings living in the various realms of Heaven). They will die one day, but you won't. They will go lower, but you won't. You'll keep going up all the time, past them, higher than they are, being more glorified and more beautiful. You'll have anything, anything at all. You'll be next to God while they're still swimming somewhere in the three worlds, looking for guidance.

In the whole universe, you are the best, the picked ones, the selected, the very, very fortunate.

--Florida, USA, 2001, #135, DVD717


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God is the True BenefactorNow God also takes care of us, and yet we forget who our true benefactor is. When someone gives us a dollar or two we’re grateful and say, “Thank you, thank you very much!” When someone serves us a meal we also say, “Thank you, thank you very much!” And when anyone gives us an injection we say, “Wow! I’m grateful!” but we forget the one who is really taking care of us, who is taking care of the doctor and giving him power so that he can save us.

The one who really saves our lives is God; The one who really sustains us is God;

The one who really loves us is also God.

What I mean is the supreme power, which is also our original wisdom. Sometimes we forget our true benefactor because of this false benefactor. That’s why we cannot gain liberation. –Taipei, Formosa, 1988, #161

If we truly practice sincerely,then God will take care of everything.


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The Key to the Kingdom of GodInitiation is a help, group meditation is a help, vegetarianism is a help, and discipline is a help. They're not the ultimate. They're not the end. They are a means to an end only.

If you don't want God, you can eat vegetarian for a thousand years, you can sit for two thousand years and you can get initiated three thousand times, but you are still nowhere. These are just outer rituals, like people who go and bow to so-and-so. They don't understand; they don't commit. But there are other people who don't look like they meditate well, and they can't even repeat the Holy Names properly. But God knows. And they know that they want God. It's simple!

--UK, #135, DVD631

The more you meditate, the more you realize that this world

is just a dream; it’s not real, and then the more you become detached from it. And the more you become detached, the more quickly you progress. And then you can see Heaven while living. --Korea, Q&A, #158, DVD748


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God’s WillMany people do not understand God's will; do not know what is God's will. That's why we are clumsy in life, and even though we have the best intention, we always make mistakes. God tells us to do "this," but because of prejudice, we think we should do it the other way. Even if we are forced to do that in the beginning, we struggle inside, and are not concentrated enough to carry out the task that God wanted us to do in the beginning or we delay it and upset the plan.

But then God will force us to go around, and we will have to do it sooner or later anyhow. It's just delayed or spoiled somewhat because we are not concentrated enough.

We do things without happiness because we don't know the will of Providence, of the Almighty. Only after enlightenment will we know, more and more each day, how to accept the things that are assigned to us while we are here, and by the way, get access to Heaven at the same time.

If you live right, you think right, and you do things right, then your life will be always right.


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--Let Our Children Grow in a Healthy Environment , P2


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God is the Greatest Love

Every time we meditate, we thank God first,we pray for the less fortunate, and then

we remember God with all the sweetness and devotion.That is our duty –

very simple, very pure and very effective.Then everything else will come along,

without even we asking.

Only when we are in communion with God will we understand what good situations Hes has arranged for us, in what aspects Hes has taken care of us, and what beneficial things Hes has bestowed upon us.

Sometimes, Hes might have given us some good stuff, but we're ignorant and think that it's not good because it's not what we expected. And then we blame God for not giving us what we've prayed for, which in fact will be bad for us.

Ever since I've known God, Hes has always been very good to me. Hes is my best friend, the best lover, the best husband, the best father, the best mother, and Hes is everything.

I know very clearly that Hes is the greatest love power, and the greatest rich man. There's nothing that's beneficial to me and other sentient beings that Hes wouldn't do. –Master Says, #139


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The Best Gift from God If we meditate more and more, finally we know that we don't need anything. But even if we don't need anything, God will see to it that every necessary thing we will have in life. –Master Says, #165

Everyday is a miracle for us,and we're happier and more loving everyday.

That is the best gift from God.

If Hes gives us also financial blessing, it's all right. If Hes gives us something like loving relationships as a blessing, it's all right. If Hes gives us more houses, more cars, we accept. Everything God gives is all right. We don't go on to say, "Oh, God, I don't want material things. This is not what I want." It's okay. If Hes gives us anything, that's all right. And we share with everyone else, and this is okay. That's how the world will become a paradise. Everyone shares with each other. Everyone becomes happier.

That is the future vision of our planet, and that is what we should always strive to achieve. –Master Says, #165


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Be Our Great SelfHave no fear because we have nothing to lose.

We have never had anything because we have everything. We never lose anything

because we have the whole universe.

Do not identify yourself with the little problems that the world gives you. They are just like dust that cling on your body when you're walking on the road. You can leave it there, or you can shake it off. So, it's up to you. But don't always complain if you want to leave the dust there.

Be your great self! I rely on this great self, therefore I did the things I did. Your great self, my great self, only one great self. That is what we call God. There is no other God besides this. So, try to find this God, rely on this God all the time, and don't worry about the dust. We can always wash it with the Light and the Sound.

Be a God on earth! Walk like God! Do things like God! Talk like God! Do everything that is good and beneficial to others. Talk about everything that's good and beneficial to others. Think about everything that is good and beneficial to yourself and others. Don't dirty yourself with all kinds of low level thinking, speech or actions. That is below your dignity. Remember, you are great gentlemen. –Berlin, Germany, May 1993


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Forsake Everything, You Will Have Everything

If we do not really feel attached or attach ourselves to any possession, fame, name in this world, then everything really comes to us. But once we are enslaved to anything in this world at all, then we will be forever running after it; be exhausted, taxing our mental ability; and all kinds of trouble will come our way, not necessarily attaining anything. It is truly like that.

--Master’s Words, #172

Only when we are empty, can God then fill us with wisdom and love. If we are still somebody, if we still have something, we cannot become

completely empty and we cannot hold all the God power that wants to fill within us. --Brazil, #109

We must be honest with ourselves.Since we already have started our spiritual practice,


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we must make it a success. --Aphorisms, #101


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The Promise God Made to UsIt’s not that we have to forsake the world to know God. No, no! God made everything for us to enjoy. Hes makes a beautiful woman to be your wife so that you can love her, gives you beautiful, wonderful children so that you know how to love them, protect them and sacrifice for them and thus know what unconditional love is.

All of this God wants you to have. But if we have only the world and don’t have God, we have only half of it. We don’t even have half of it; we have only a little bit because we’ll lose it all. But once we have God, we have everything.

Seek you first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will come to you. That’s the promise God made to us.

--Master’s Word, #149

Only if we find God, will we find true happiness, true peace, everlasting bliss,

even in this life and the life after.


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Because I Love You Be a saint, and enjoy the world at the same time. Be a rich, beautiful saint. When I was just a little bit enlightened, I followed in the footsteps of many ancient Saints and renounced everything. I didn’t care about anything; I didn’t want anything; it didn’t appeal to me anymore.

But then God said to me, “You must have everything. I’m going to give you everything, more than you could ever want or need. You have to show the world that I’m the Father and that I can give you anything and everything, as well as spiritual awakening. You don’t have to forsake anything in order to love Me because I love you, whatever you are.” --Master’s word, #149

Whatever God gives you, whatever situation Hes put you in, is good for you. Whatever talents Hes endows you, is good for you. Whatever experience you undergo, bad or good, it's good for you. Everything is good for you. Even though you don't see it right

now, you will see it later on, or at the time of departure. Don't worry. Everything is perfect. Really. 


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Be Open and AcceptingSometimes the Master takes away something from us, and we feel very miserable, we think the Master doesn’t care. Master knows that we like it, so why the Master took it away.  But it’s not true, later you’ll be so happy that Hers gets rid of it for you. 

We never know what is truly good for us.We must always be open and accepting.

Then we'll find our life is terrific,is completely in harmony and beautiful,

and is a blessing everyday, 24 hours. No problem.--Formosa, #49

If God takes something away from us, Hes will give something. We have to have

enough mind power, wisdom and the openness of the heart to appreciate when Hes gives us something new to experiment with, to have a new adventure, new challenge, new power of creativity.

--Master Says, #84


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The Way of a Saint

Be selfless all the time, always unconditional. Never want to profit from any situation for yourself. Then you’ll get more than you expect. Always be selfless and unconditional. That’s the way of the working of the universe. --Cancún, #209, DVD#923

Be strong and be a giver, not a taker. That’s the way of a saint. Because if you call yourself a saint or think you practice saintly conduct but always go on depending on someone else, that’s nonsense. If you can’t take care of

yourself, how can you say that you’ll take care of other people? --Master Says, #158, DVD388

All we have to do is just really focus, really love God above everything else, then you're really a saint or you will be a saint in no time. --To Be A Saint

Everyday we meditate.This is just like walking the way of the tiger.

We provide, we bless, we don't ask, we don't beg.


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– MasterTellsStories, #56


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Humility is Close to the Truth The humble are very close to God and the saints. The pure-hearted are closer to the Truth. The more arrogant we are, the further we are from the Truth.

Why are we so far away from the Truth? Because we rely on the world! If we did not rely on the world, we would not be proud. If we rely on money, power, intellect or social status, we are relying on the world and the ephemeral. The Truth is not of this world, nor is it ephemeral. Therefore, the more we rely on this side, the further we are from the other side. That's a logical explanation and shouldn't be difficult to understand.

--Chicago, PearlsofWisdom, #95

If we still think of protecting our reputation,our demeanor, so that people would think

that we are benign, then our ego is still very big.--Aphorism, #40

The moment you’re proud or think you are special,


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you go down very quickly. --Aphorisms, #175


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Why We Should Earn Merits

If we don't have enough merits, our spiritual merit will be deducted and our spiritual level will be automatically lower. And also in this lifetime, if we don't have good merit, our life will be also somehow arranged that we'll have bad karmic retribution, we'll have terrible things that happen to us. So we have to have merits to protect ourselves as well as to elevate our spiritual level.

Because the higher the points, the higher level of spiritual practice, at least it will not be deducted from our spiritual merit. So if you gain some points, spiritual points, due to your work, then your spiritual level will be higher - that means closer to God quality, to our original God quality. When we lose some points, then we lower the level of our spiritual practice – that means nearer to the lower level, to degrading existence. That's why we have to earn merit, because the higher the levels of spiritual practice, the closer to God, to Heaven.

Because if we don't earn merit, then we will keep losing merit, and then we'll become bad inside also, not just losing it - our quality will change. If we don't have good merit, we will become bad.

And if we have more bad than, good, then we are a disaster to ourselves and other people. –Conf. July 2010, L.A.


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Truly PerfectI want to tell you one more thing for the last time ever again: You are not bad. Even if you have a lot of bad habits, you are not bad. It's your brain, your computer, that records all these things and plays them out again. Don't ever identify yourself with all those bad habits.

As long as you do what was instructed at the time of initiation and meditate every day to nourish your soul, that's all you can do. Everything else is just on the surface. The ocean doesn't have waves. The waves come from the wind and the shifting of the planet. You are the ocean. It's always calm and beautiful.

One day you will realize that you are truly perfect. Even if you do something wrong, it was perfectly wrong! It's just the thing that was wrong. But maybe even those wrong things are meant to be, so that something else will come up. Sometimes you have to go through some so-called wrong situations in order to meet the right person or the right thing. It's really like that. 

So just give yourself into the hands of God. Try your best, and that's all. Never blame yourself, and never think anything bad about yourself. Because you are God. They're just some bad habits. If you don't like them, get rid of them. –Master’s word, #136, DVD677


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Great Persons Conceal Their Talents

To manage the country and benefit the people, you should ignore your reputation even. Do not let people know that you are clean and upright, that you have great wisdom and talents to rule the country. Just do the work; do not explain or show off. Sometimes, it is better that way. Revealing too much of yourself to people, they will keep praising you.

Sometimes, your morals are not perfect - you score only eight points but they award you twelve points, then you will feel irritated! Everyone is expecting more from you. Then, another person may praise you with fifteen points, while your worth is only half of it and you begin to have troubles. You become very nervous, doing things extremely cautiously and feeling uneasy. Since you are always trying to guard your reputation as expected of you by other people, you have difficulties working.

Do things indiscernibly just like laughing behind a mask, which no one can detect. Have you ever seen those masks, so dull and expressionless, covering everything except the eyes? No one can see you laughing or crying behind the mask. Similarly, while in this world, do not mind what other people think if we really wish to help people.


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The truly virtuous and reputable persons are often indiscernible because great persons always have their talents concealed. –Master says, #51


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Overcome Unfavorable SituationsWhen we come down to this world we are given all the tools, equipment and circumstances with which we can thrive and try to overcome the situation, overcome the hatred that is bred by the circumstances. Sometimes, we are put into unfavorable conditions, to see how we can love our enemies. But we often fail to love our enemies.

Sometimes we'll succeed. And the more successful we are, of course, the higher the position in the hierarchy of the universe. And we will be given more opportunities in the heavenly system to do better work, more interesting work and more universal work, that we can develop immense talent that we never knew we had, even in the wildest imagination. We will be given leading roles in heaven, like teaching a lot of heavenly beings, and things like that. Or when we go to this earth, we will become like master teachers of spirituality or some special position, leading mankind into the Kingdom of God.

--USA, #49

Through hardship, we learn kindness.


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Through every misfortune, we receive God's holy plan- so as to make it better.

--Aphorisms, #36


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The Real Meaning of Suffering

If we do not suffer much, we do not know what suffering is. It’s difficult to sympathize with other people when we don’t know. If we don’t have sympathy and criticize people, later we have to suffer in a similar situation in order to learn what it is. Sometimes, it’s that way. So our suffering is not without a cause.

Maybe in the last life we didn’t learn well the lesson of being compassionate. Maybe we weren’t sympathetic to our fellow beings so in this life we have to suffer a little in order to know what suffering means. It’s very seldom that we have compassion without suffering. If without personal suffering we already feel great sympathy for our fellow beings, we’re fortunate and our life will be spared a lot of suffering. –The Realization of Health, p165

Try to have some consideration;not because of other people, but for yourself,

to elevate yourself into a much highersensitivity of consciousness.


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--New Jersey, 1992, #148


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The Secret to Spiritual ProgressSpiritual practice includes our body, speech and mind.

You may feel that you have improved a lot at the three or seven-day retreats, but that is not because the Master gave a lot of blessings to those who attended the retreats and withheld the blessings from those who didn't. It's because during these retreats, your speech, body and mind were at their purest.

First, your body didn't move a lot, waste energy, or work too much, so you didn't feel very tired.

Second, you didn't talk, scold, or criticize other people.

Third, you didn't divert your thoughts elsewhere. You just listened to my lectures and meditated. There was no time left for you to think about other things.

Consequently, your speech, body and mind were almost all purified. In this pure and harmonious state, they were open to all the blessings from God or from the Master, so you improved a lot.


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If your speech, body and mind keep wandering, even the greatest power is useless to you. --

Master’s Word, #88


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How Master Attained the Tao?

Do you know how I attained the Tao? It is because I have always been doing everything for others. Your spiritual practice is still blocked at the stage of keeping all the beautiful things to yourself and grabbing all the delicious food for yourself to eat. You are reluctant to give things to others, and that is why you don't have plenty. The truth is, the more we give the more we will have.  --Spotlight, #54

In order to progress quickly, the way you always want and the way you always ask me, “Master, how do I progress quickly?” I tell you, “Put down, put down, put down everything.”

The only sescret is to put it down. God takes care of everything. We can’t do anything! If God’s Grace isn’t there, we can’t do anything. –Master Says, #146


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If our level of practice is no so bright, but we have repentance, sincerity and pray daily, God’s grace will

still be bestowed upon us. --SESP, p.243


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Most Important Spiritual Qualities

The most important is selflessness, and then humility; they are the most important.

Then everything will come; you’ll quickly go higher.

But if you always think of yourself, then you’ll stay there. This I can promise you, 100%. The first thing is selfless. Selflessness means you think about others before yourself. You sacrifice. Then, number two is humility.

These two are enough. Selflessness means always love; be loving and kind. Humility means you put yourself last; you’re obedient; you listen to instructions; you think you are no one. And that’s good, because you don’t have any body. You are a Saint. So, behave like one.

If you're very complicated, dispute too much, argue too much, think too much about right and wrong, and take victory and defeat too seriously, then do not blame me if you're slow in attaining the Truth, for you have brought all these troubles onto yourself. --Spotlight, #90


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Group Meditation

Why do we have to go to group meditations, and to hang around with our fellow practitioners and virtuous people? Only then can we realize our level, and what we should do. If we always mix with people who are lower in level, naturally we will regress! Even if we can avoid the influence, we wouldn't have time to think about high level things! We busy ourselves with inferior matters, and our attainment gets stuck there and becomes useless. 

–Spot light, #73

During group meditation, the power is enormous. Even if our spiritual level is very low, it will be raised to a much higher level after we have joined in group meditation for some time. On the other hand, even if our level is high, not going to group meditation will push us down to a very low level. –Pearls of Wisdom, #105

If you improve, you will see everywhere that you have improved. Your love, your intelligence, your creative ability, your integration with

people, your understanding of all other things - that is when you progress. No need to sit there and wait for the light all the time. –Master’s words, #56


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Having a retreat is very important.It allows us to calm down

and to filter our any dust and dirt.

We should once in a while put down our habitual work and daily routine to attend retreats for a few days. At these times we let go of everything, become like a child and realize, “There’s nothing to be done in this world.” Even without us, the world won’t go kaput or fall apart. We should bear this in mind. –Master Says, #185

At times, we should put down everything and meditate more to allow our innermost Power to emerge and cleanse our past tendencies. Only then can we live in freedom.  –Master Says, #185

While walking, sleeping, talking, sitting and lying down, always try to

concentrate on the wisdom center. In that way you progress rapidly and you’ll feel it. –Helpful Tips, #159


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My Master Knows AllWhen I was a disciple and was misunderstood or framed by fellow practitioners, I would just ignore them. I thought, “My Master knows all. He’ll handle it.” I had great faith and didn’t complain or try to explain myself. I completely placed myself – my thoughts, words and actions – and my life – past, present and future – in the hands of my Master. So I felt safe, like a baby, without having to do anything on my own initiative. Perhaps this is my secret. At that time, I felt very safe without having to take responsibility. Therefore, I was very relaxed, with no sorrow or worries, ‘because my Master knows all. He’s the greatest.’

This is the only secret I have: total faith. If you don’t have faith in me, then have faith in the highest God, the highest Buddha. Hes can see all the actions of us sentient beings and will take care of everything. Hes really will!

--SESP, p. 36

The level that you reach depends on your confidence and sincerity in your quest for the Truth. You can’t hold me responsible; I can only guide and teach you. It’s up to you to go slower or faster. --SESP


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God Takes Care of Everything

Our Father will give us everything that we need. If we don't need, but we think we need and we ask, God doesn't give. Whenever we pray and we get it, that means okay, that thing is good for us and we should have it. Another thing, if we pray and we don't get it, then be contented; that is no good for you in the future, or as soon as you obtain that you'll lose something else, you endanger yourself, or you fall into some other even worse situation.

With this inner meditation and contact, we will soon discover that everything is arranged, everything is okay under the sun. God takes care of every minor detail of every being's life. –Germany, #90

Don't be so frustrated. Just live every moment with all your heart.

Whatever you have to do, do it with total devotion.Have faith in God and

the grand plan of the entire universe.

We shouldn’t worry so much. We shouldn't calculate so much – “If we do this, what will we get in return?” A 39

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child doesn't do that. A child never worries about tomorrow. --Aphorisms, #128


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Practice in SilencePractice in silence; because we have to protect our level, and climb slowly to become Buddhas, Mahasattvas, and superior Bodhisattvas.

The most terrible mistake in spiritual practice is talking about experiences. Having talked too much, the experiences become distorted in nature, or they simply do not come anymore, leaving only illusions. It is because the concentrated power is wasted, and the spiritual ambience is damaged.

Originally, the spiritual ambience is a protective wall. However, as one leaks out too much, the devil will dig a hole in it and enter. In spiritual practice, we dread boasting and arrogant attitudes. The prouder one is, the greater his trouble.

In this final stage of the Dharma, for a little bit of our sincerity, the Buddha and Bodhisattvas will help us a lot. This is really great. Otherwise, your two and a half hours meditation is nothing really!

Arrogance and exaggeration are the most difficult to rectify. Practitioners who do not have much experience or progress in their practice are mainly hindered by their arrogance. They talk too much. --Master Says, #52


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Transcend Gossip The less you know about the things of the world, the better it is for you. Don’t care about too many trivialities. You ought to transcend and ascend. Only then can you practice with tranquility, attain greater enlightenment, experience results in meditation and have motivation.

Each time we’re angry or critical, our hearts become narrower and can’t accommodate all. It’s like when your clothes are hooked by a little thorn on a tree, and you can’t free yourself unless you pull out the thorn, however tiny it is. So, we shouldn’t mind our neighbors or our Master, or the good or bad in anyone. Only then can we meditate wholeheartedly. If there’s any garbage in our hearts, we’ll be stuck there; we’ll be hindered.

Of course, if you feel that they’ve done something wrong, and you can’t stand it anymore, then you may talk to them. If they don’t listen, forget it. Don’t keep it in your mind for long.

Try not to mind about the good and bad aspects of other people. Let the big ones become small, and the small ones turn into nothing. Try your best to forgive and understand others. The more we forgive and understand, the better it will be. Don’t be angry with people. When we’re angry for a long time, cancer may develop in the body. You all know that anger is the most harmful emotion to the body. –Master’s Words, #146


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Master's Books and Videos

Reading Master’s books every day is similar to attending Master’s real time lectures. It will bring you blessings and open your wisdom. You should also listen to Master’s tapes as often as possible. For example, if you can’t sleep, or if you’re troubled by problems, you can play Master’s audio tapes. If you listen to Master’s tapes or read Master’s books before going to bed, you’ll feel different when you wake up. 

You can also use Master’s books as pillows. People in the modern days have very little free time. Using my books as pillows will help you learn better. Often times you don’t remember much after reading my books. But if you use them as pillows, you’ll remember better because Master will teach you. Also, it’s easier to teach you while you sleep because your brain isn’t so stubborn. I can dig holes in your brain and break in faster. 

Of course, you still need to read the books. It’s no use if you use them only as pillows. You should read a small section every day. There’s no need to read too much at a time. If you like, you can also finish reading a whole book at one time. But, still, you should at least read a portion every day. Our body needs food every day, and in the same way, our spirit needs to be fed. You can also listen to Master’s tapes, which will help you progress faster in your spiritual practice. You’re too slow in your progress.

If you have no time all day and all night, then you can play Master’s tapes when you’re asleep. Let Master talk while you sleep. This will also have an effect on you. We have to make use of any available means to help us practice. 


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Read or Listen to Good Teachings Everyday

You should keep some theoretical teachings in your mind, to control the mind. That’s for the mind only; the soul doesn’t need it. So each time you encounter a problem, or if you have a bad habit, you should read the teachings

of the Master. This will tame your mind to a great extent.

You must read or listen to good teachings and noble dharma every day, and not simply sit in meditation. Otherwise, you won’t know why you meditate. If you don’t know the purpose, you won’t get good results. Your heart won’t long for it, and your mind won’t be peaceful enough to enter samadhi and gain really good wisdom afterwards. --Master’s word, #151, DVD610

Watching videos calms your mind and answers many of your questions before your meditation. It helps you a great deal. Don't think it's useless and then you just run around or do something else. Listening to holy chanting or videotape lectures will help you a lot, even if you do not truly pay too much attention to it sometimes. But sometimes you will, because some of the sentences will shock you awake or calm your nerves. 44

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–Master’s Teaching, #65


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Create a Halo of Good EnergyYou should do good things all the time, to surround yourself with good energy. Even talking about meditation, talking about God, talking about the Master power, and talking about positive and good things - also create good energy. So when you meditate, of course it creates good energy, and it stays there. And the more you meditate in that place, the thicker the energy becomes.

The more you talk about positive things, the thicker the wall of energy you're surrounding yourself with. And then like attracts like, and you extract more good energy from different directions. So wherever you go, you carry this so-called "pocket" of energy, a halo of good energy.

Say positive things and do positive things as much as you can. Protect yourself, and then you create a wonderful house, a movable house, so that everywhere you go, you take Light, good energy, good vibrations.

And the more of that you take with you, the more you attract, and the more you attract, the more powerful and more positive you are. --Q&A, #132, DVD639


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How to Live HappilySometimes we have too many choices, and so we don’t want to try hard. When we have too many choices or when we think we have alternatives, we compare. We compare with the past, we compare with an illusionary mock-up of the future and we make the present miserable. And we can never enjoy life if we continue to do that. So always remember, if you don’t have the thing you like, you’d better like the thing you have. That’s how we find happiness in life. -- Master’s Word, #151, DVD610

Every situation, every circumstance is there for us to learn from. God doesn’t make you suffer for nothing, except if you want to learn the hard way.

Yesterday, someone asked me whether suffering cleanses karma. Yes, it does. But if we meditate well, and if we learn from our experience, we don’t have to suffer. We only suffer when God has to teach us a lesson once, twice or three times, and we still repeat the same mistake over and over again. Then of course, we suffer.

-- Master’s Word, #151, DVD610


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Concentrate on the Blessings You Have

Concentrate on the present and the blessings you have. Concentrate on whatever's at hand that's nice and lovely. If you always focus on the bad side of things, you'll forget the goodness that's right in front of you.

--Korea, News 151, Helpful Tips, DVD701

Just forget the future; forget the past. Learn from the past, but don’t cling to it. That’s how you’ll be happy. Every miserable situation is caused by us or by people around us because most people cling to the past and forget the present.

They forget to live. We have to live every moment! Every moment is a miracle, you know. Every moment is something new, something awaiting us, and we have to savor it. We can enjoy every moment, so why do we have to make our lives miserable?

--Master’s Word, #151, DVD610

If we truly believe in God Almighty,then we would not complain


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under any circumstances.


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Take Care of Your Defense System

You're the best doctor for yourselfif you think positively and live a healthy, simple life.

Live a healthy, simple life - simple living and high thinking. Always think positively. Even just thinking changes your pattern of living, changes your day, and changes your fortune. So always try to keep being positive. Then a lot of accidents, a lot of illnesses can be avoided.

So try to take care of your defense system and don't let it break down. Try to take care of your system by acting positively, thinking positively and speaking positively. It's very simple. –Singapore, Master Says, #171, DVD446

Every word has vibration. When you say the word ‘God,’ when you say the word God, even in our Shadow Universe,

it’s different than when you say the word ‘terrible.’ It affects you, the hearer. Even you don’t see the vibration, every word has vibration. That’s why we should always speak positively. --Videoconference, Jan 2014


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When You Laugh

When you laugh, it is the most beautiful time for you. At this moment, all good things will be attracted to you.

Laughing is always good for you even when you force yourself to laugh. Medicine people have researched and found out even you force yourself to laugh, the whole body reacts in a happy tune, the whole cells, because it’s used to taking orders. 

The whole cell of the body, each cell links with each other. So, whatever one muscle does, the others follow. So it’s logical that when we smile even forcefully, other cells create a happy expectation, “And now is laughing time!” Everybody flowers, kind of opens, and the whole body chain reacts in a happy mood, and then make you young and relaxed. --Go Beyond the Difficulties of Life, P9

Why should we put on a miserable face when we could have a brighter one? It costs nothing. It's also a kind of giving, giving happiness and a lighter atmosphere

to the people. That's more important than money, more important than food. –Aphorism, #9452

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Thoughts are Very Important

Thoughts are very important. When we think nobly, the whole universe admires, loves and serves us; and waits for us to visit their place. --Pearls of Wisdom, #56

When our actions, speech, and thoughts are clean, at that moment, the whole universe is ours, supporting us, and a throne is prepared for us to sit on. But when we have one single inappropriate thought, we attract all kinds of hindrances, as well as different, bad atmospheres, bringing suffering to ourselves.

–Pearls of Wisdom, #120

We should not bind our thoughts with the preconceived ideas that we are sad, we are inferior, ugly or immoral persons. Change our concepts with thoughts, and train our body cells to obey our ideal and quest. They will change accordingly, and

follow the direction of our thoughts; this is how they gather informative material! Take care of yourself everyday; tell yourself that you are very good, and endeavor to do the best. The body cells will act accordingly, then you will be elevated to higher levels 53

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and become increasingly relaxed and free. --Master’s Words,



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The Blessing of Self AcceptanceOf course, we have some things we don't like about ourselves. But then again, who are we to judge ourselves even? God said, "Don't judge," which doesn't just mean don't judge other people; it also means don't judge yourself. 

Try your best. Do whatever makes you feel good. Whatever you can change, if it makes you feel good, then change it. If it doesn't make you feel good to change, then no matter how many people say it, don't change. And if you can't change, even if you know it's good, then don't change. 

Forgive yourself and enjoy. Enjoy whatever other things you have. And try to ignore the negative things that you feel you don't like about yourself as much as possible. After all, God made us in all colors and all personalities so that we can live a colorful life. So, accept yourselves; accept your imperfections. There's no need to be perfect.

The whole universe knows you're trying your best, or else you wouldn't be here. You wouldn't be suffering for your own so-called defects. Everyone knows that. So it's all right; just accept yourself. Because you're perfect anyhow. Who is there to judge you? "Let the one who is not guilty cast the first stone." I am not the one who casts that stone. --Master’s word, #130, DVD598


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Forgive Yourself and Try AgainYou’re allowed to make mistakes sometimes, so you learn. Next time you say, "Oh, yes, this is wrong." It's okay. Don't worry. You are not a Buddha overnight, it's okay to make mistakes. Forgive yourself, and try again.

You never know if it's really a mistake. Sometimes, it's planned for you, so that you do it that way. Take yourself from all the responsibility. As long as you don't do things on purpose, just to go against the Master's teaching or to do some harm to other people, then it's okay.

--Go Beyond the Difficulties of Life 7

I tell you, forgive yourself. Forgive yourself anytime. Whatever you do, just make offering to God and let it be, whatever the outcome, because we are not the body anyhow. We are not the action. We are not the doers of anything in this world.

Even if we are; suppose we are the doers, we still have to forgive ourselves. Forgive ourselves when we make mistakes or when we cannot help with our habits, like anger or sometimes greed and sometimes lustful thoughts, because these things also arise from


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circumstances. It's not truly the Self; it's not truly the soul that desires all these things. --Hindu Temple, CA, 1993, #34


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Mystery of VibrationQ: Does playing the video and audiotapes clear the atmosphere in a certain room or area, even if it's low and the ears cannot hear, does it help?

SM:  Oh, it does help, (generally helps) because vibration is vibration. If it's good, it's there; if it's bad, it's also there. So good vibration, of course, helps.

It helps and normally the good vibration remains a long time. That's why when you go to a very holy place, you sometimes feel better. Then, when you go into a different place, it affects you because of the vibration of that particular place. It does help, yes. Some people play my chanting tapes and cure themselves of sickness. There was one man who had been bedridden for eighteen years. He is finished now, finished with his trouble. Nothing could cure him for eighteen years. He just listened to tapes every day. That's all he did, twenty-four hours a day. After a few months he got up and walked.

The vibration does heal you, does clean the atmosphere. Whatever affects you is also the vibration of the atmosphere. So, of course we can counteract that with different vibrations. --Formosa, Q&A, #95


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Have a Notepad HandyHave a notebook beside you, or in your pocket — a small one, so it’s not heavy, and a pen. This is more practical, concerning your job; because once you write it down, the mind feels better. “Okay. He is going to take care of it.” It has already lessened the intensity and the pressure. You tell your mind, it eases off. If you know the solution to your problem, write that down, too. That’s even better for the mind to calm down.

But during meditation, sometimes you have better ideas about how to solve that problem, have some clearer idea about what to do. Then you write it down immediately, because that may be the Master answering you, giving you the solution. So write it down before you forget. Also once you write it down, you are peaceful. Then you can continue to meditate; and later when you finish your meditation, you can take care of it. So don’t hesitate.

--Washington D.C., #102

Don’t make meditation a kind of work; it’s just a relaxation time.

Tell your mind that it has nothing to do


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and just sit there relaxing.--News #122


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RomanticismI like a romantic atmosphere. Romantic doesn't mean only the loving atmosphere between two people, like a man and woman.

Romantic is something that is very sacred, very noble, very poetic in the air, which we ourselves generate from within our heart when we feel very loving, very peaceful, very kind, very gentle, and we feel so good about everything, about everyone around us. We walk slowly, we talk gently, we think very, very nobly and poetically.

Don't let the habits of this world drag us into a different, rude, coarse kind of atmosphere in which we feel uncomfortable, in which we find ourselves very confined, very suffocated, very lost, and most often times, very sad.

That's why people fall in love. When we are in love we talk softly, we feel elated. But we can create that ourselves, too, every day; create this kind of romantic atmosphere and carry it in our pockets. Carry it around with us. So when people see you, it's like they see a flower, like they see the sun, like they see the moon. And they also may get infected by the romantic atmosphere.

--Spotlight, #93


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Pearls of Wisdom

Whatever we want, we will have it eventually. That's why there is a saying, “Beware of what you ask for.”Beware of your wish, because

whatever you wish, eventually will come true - It takes longer or shorter time.

Whatever we do, we should do it quietly. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas know everything, good and bad. God also knows. We shouldn't exaggerate our merit, otherwise, it will diminish and disappear. --News#57

Once we are enlightened, we see things from a higher standpoint, from a higher intelligence, and we see that nothing happens by accident, or nothing occurs by our own doing. –Aphorisms, #139

It is our destiny that we ought to do such and such things, but the happiness or pain we experience in doing them is generated by us. When we are too uptight, our mind is blocked and we act in an unhappy way.

–Aphorisms, #139


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Always Keep A Peaceful Mind

Whenever someone angers you or you feel anger towards someone, don't put all this anger on that person. Just remember the Holy Names and try to center yourself as much as you can. Otherwise, if we keep rushing toward that person with all our anger, then we forget our real Self. We project all our energy to that person and then we, the practitioner, having a very good energy, just give it all to them even though with hatred. You've lost everything. You have emptied your pockets.

Anytime we think negatively about someone we lose some of our Self, we lose some of the light, we lose some of the heavenly happiness that normally belongs to us. So if we can see clearly all this, we actually cannot afford to hate anyone. –Master’s Words, #55

Whatever we speak, we'll give a vibration,and accordingly what we say, good or bad,


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will affect upon us again.--Aphorisms, #86


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Everything is Created by the Mind

Our thinking is very important so we should take care that our thoughts are always good; it's better this way because thinking is the material for the physical appearance of all things in the universe. If it’s too strong it will materialize right away, if it's not strong enough it will take some time to materialize, and if it takes too long we will forget it. We'll think it happened independently, that it had nothing to do with our thinking, but actually it was because of our thinking that it happened. That is what's meant by karma—As you sow so shall you reap.

--Pearls of Wisdom, #162

Our thoughts, our speech and our actions are very powerful. Especially for the Quan Yin practitioner because

you're already reconnected with your own Godly power. So whatever you think, whatever you wish, whatever you say will eventually come into being, come to pass.

So please take care that what you think is only truly what you want. Don't always think nonsense and then later regret it because you're God. You create everything with your thinking. –Master Says #9765

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How To Protect Ourselves

The less we think of the mundane world,the less karma we will gain;

the more we think of our Master,the more blessings will be bestowed upon us.

–Aphorism, #96

When we talk to other people, when we look at other things, look at the surrounding, we dissipate our energy as well. Even sometimes, if we just think of someone in our home even, and that person maybe thousand miles away, you could even get hurt by thinking of that person. 

So sometimes you think “okay, why did I have this accident, why this thing happened to me, that thing happened to me. It happened for some reasons.  Maybe when you think too much of someone or some event in the past, or maybe the karma from the past catches up with you.  Nothing is accidental in this world. Try to concentrate all the times on your wisdom eye and the Holy Names. --Try to Remember God All the Time, 2012, DVD 1003

Always recite the Holy Names andask for inner guidance

on whether what you do is correct,and meditate on that if you are in doubt.


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Mind Your Own Business

Whatever you think is bad from others, that means the heavy quality, heavy energy. Don't hang on to it, because you will drop down with it. Regain your hardworking spiritual merit by always “mind your own business.” Always recite the Holy Names, remember God.

Whenever you want to criticize somebody, please pray that you restrain from it. And if you already did, please pray for forgiveness and pray that you won't do it again, and apologize to that person personally – I mean, outwardly or inwardly. At least, inwardly. Otherwise, we have to pay with our hard-earned spiritual merit points.

--“Being Closer to God”, DVD 916

We must recite the five names all the time, because those are God's qualities that you are reciting. It's not the names,

and also it is the names, the holy names of the five Buddhas, five Gods in the five levels of consciousness. They represent the God qualities in the different levels. –Cambodia, 1996, Master Says, #69


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Sharing the KarmaIf you think of somebody, you share their karma (retribution), because we’re all connected one way or another. If you think of them, or you love them, or you like them in your thoughts, then you are connected. If you can see it, your energy will be like a bridge, going from your being to that person. And then whatever she/he has, also through that bridge comes back and forth to you. And whatever blessing you have, or if you are higher, then it goes to her or him. If she is higher, then it’ll go to you. Or exchanging to some degree. –Conference,

Sept 2014

If we mingle with people in society, inevitably we're sometimes contaminated by their auras. Our blessed rewards fly onto their bodies, even if they don't want

them. When you have two pipes or barrels full of water, one at a higher level than the other, the water will definitely flow from the higher to the lower one. So if you want to protect yourselves, to close off the water pipe, you should constantly recite the Holy Names. This is the only way. --Formosa, Master Says, #144


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The Imporance of Keeping the Precepts

The karma that we have created cannot be erased by simple repentance because any actions, thoughts and ideas we have will stick to our magnetic field. Once the thoughts are sent out, they cannot be taken back, and sooner or later they will grow. Therefore, we’d better not create any new karma. As for the old karma, I can help you cleanse it. You have to pay for the new karma by yourselves because if you break the precepts knowingly, the karma is different than that created in the past when you were ignorant. –Master Says, #175

It’s not that if we violate the precepts, then someone will do us harm. We lower our level ourselves, and thus someday we will have to pull it up ourselves.

The five precepts we have to keep, directly or indirectly. We are responsible for our actions in this physical realm. Nothing can escape karma. If you create a new one, you have to bear it. The Master power can help a

little bit, but the karma law, you can't escape. –Conf, Jan 2015


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Helping Others

If we don't try our utmost to help others in the most effective way, we'll regret it afterwards. We'll blame ourselves for not fulfilling our duties. When other people blame us, it's not so bad. It is terrible when we blame ourselves.

–Aphorisms, #66

When we serve the multitude, God also serves us.

Such is the law on which the universe functions.

Sometimes, if I don’t do my job, I also get sick because the energy is built up inside and not let out. So don’t worry about hard work. You should work and expend your energy.

In our bodies there are about seven chakras that can draw in energy from the universe. They’re just like a battery automatically charged by universal power. That’s why we can run our machine all the time. When we meditate, this power is in even greater abundance. So the more we give, the more it comes in. It will never stop. So don’t worry about karma and helping people, or taking karma and all that. If people need help, you should help.


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–Singapore, #171, DVD446

Purpose of Enlightenment

You are not just enlightened and then do nothing; that's becoming a useless Buddha. The more enlightened, the more work, I have to warn you. That's the purpose of enlightenment -- to help other people who are weaker, who need you. –Aphorisms, #94

When we come to this world equipped with all the talents, intelligence, good looks, health, luck, money, everything, we’re too comfortable. We do not remember where the blessings come from. We think it's due to our own personality, our talent, our good looks, our intelligence, our luck, that we have all what we have. It's not true. In exchange for this, we have to do work.

We must help people. We must use our instrument, our apparatus for the universal purpose. Otherwise, we will fall more than we can ever imagine, after using up the universal blessings. –Master’s Words, #78

We have to help the world evolve higher and higher to join the other evolved galaxies, and


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by so doing we also help ourselves to elevate. –Master Says,



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Meditate More to Help Others

If you wish to help anyone, you must meditate for at least four hours each day, not just two-and-a-half hours. Meditating for two-and-a-half hours is only sufficient for yourself, and sharing a little bit with others.

–Spiritual Tips, #205

It is not good for us to offer too much help to people when we meditate very little, because we are not balanced. We will lose our patience and love. If we

have no love, everything we do is useless. No matter what we do, it must be done with love. Only love can touch God, the Buddha, and the people's hearts. –Pearls of

Wisdom, #112

You can meditate more so that you can help other people. You can bless this world, which you owe so much. You’re born into this world with nothing, and you’ve been fed, you’ve been clothed, you’ve been loved, you’ve been blessed until you grow up. How much favor, how much love you owe to everyone around you in this world. The one who makes your clothes, the one who grows vegetables, the one who plows the field in sweat and tears under the sun, in the cold climate, in the 75

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freezing weather, just to keep you alive. How much you owe them! You have to meditate more. --Conf, Sept 2014


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Selfless DevotionIt's an honor to serve people, to serve sentient beings,

and to serve our fellow practitioners.That’s our highest award.

This world is very fair. You don't have to worry that your merits or sincerity are overlooked because we know it ourselves! We are God; we have God inside. Why should we worry that others don't know it?

It's also said that Master is omnipresent. Then, why should you feel anxious that others do not know, and compete for credit or show off? --Master’s words, #142

Whenever you handle patients, please be loving and pray all the time inside by reciting the Holy

Names and praying to Master to help you. Afterwards, wash your hands thoroughly and anytime you can, shake your hands to cut the psychic connection. Then after you go home, wash with lemon and salt and put sandalwood oil or cream on your body to cut any negative connection that might remain. –Helpful Tips, #159


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How to Treat OthersTreat all the people around us as Gods and enlightened beings. Although they don't recognize themselves as that, we should still respect them and treat them as we would ourselves; be strict but also forgiving; be loving but also detached. Then we'll be more relaxed in our actions, speech and thoughts, and we'll naturally attain the Truth by practicing in this way.

–Spotlight, #90

The more we respect others, the less our ego and arrogance will be; the more we lessen our ego, the nobler, wiser, and freer we will be; we will be free from the bondage of this humble self, free from feelings of sensitivity, free from the pain of an inferiority complex.

--Aphorisms, #147

Even black color is useful sometimes. So, everything is made for a purpose. Even some things we think are very bad, but in a proper use, they are useful. Like in our home, the toilet is the most unwanted place, but it's very necessary, no? Therefore, we learn to value things in life accordingly and not to judge rashly or blindly. Therefore, in the Bible, it is state that: "Judge not, so that you shall not be judged." Whatever


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we laugh at today, we will be laughed at tomorrow ourselves. So be careful how you treat others. –Find Hope in God


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Always Try to Make PeaceI assure you once and for all again here. Even the lousiest of you will go up. So now the only problem is here and now. Whatever we have to do, we finish with love and devotion so that the day we go we don't feel, "Oh, I should have done better." Then you regret and come back again.

We should build love, not make war. Anywhere -- at home, in the grocery store, on the streets, with friends, with neighbors -- all the time, try to find a way to make peace, to make the situation better, not worse.

--Spotlight, #83

I hope you do your duty and stay true to your promise as a savior of humankind. Because what you do affects the whole planet. You will see that, in deep samadhi, when you arrive at that stage. –Master Says, #157


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The AngelsMost initiates have some angels at the time of initiation. If you don't even have any angels before, you will have five angels assigned to you. Five because of the five precepts. And if you keep one precept, you will continue to have that angel with you. If you keep five, then you'll have five angels. A person can lose their angels. If they do bad things or they slander some good person, or if they hurt somebody or harm someone or animals, they lose their angels. Not because the angels hate them, but the angels are not allowed to continue to protect that person anymore.

So at the time of initiation, you have five angels. But, if we don't continue on a noble path, then our angels will leave, also. One or two or all of them, depends. Even low-class angels, they will not be allowed to stay around if a being is not worthy. –Conf Jan 2015

We should be true, beautiful and virtuous in spirit,speech and in actions;

that is a perfect human being.--Aphorisms, #83


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The Protective ShieldWhen an illness first begins, if we have a firm attitude about rejecting it, don't allow the concept of "I am ill" to come into being, then the illness will run away immediately. However, you're all too weak. You often feel, "Oh! I have a pain here. I have discomfort there." Frequently, having these thoughts is like pushing a door open. The door is open only a little bit in the beginning; however, since you keep thinking about "becoming ill," the slightly opened door will be pushed wide open by the power of your negative thinking. As soon as the door is wide open, the illness will quickly invade your body.

Originally, there's a layer of protective energy covering our bodies. It guards us against the invasive negative power outside. When we get sick, it's just like having a hole poked in the layer of protective energy, so that the illness can directly enter our bodies, through the hole. That's how we get sick. If the layer of protective energy remains intact, the illness can't get in.

Even if we really have some illness, we shouldn't let it perplex us. When we know that we're ill, we should practice even more diligently, and use our power to drive it away. This body is our house, and we are the owners. Without the invitation of the owner, how can anyone come in? If you can drive it away with a firm attitude, no illness will stay. –Spotlight, #97, Formosa


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Pearls of Wisdom

Try to meditate as much as you can and don't gossip too much. If you have to talk, talk about God, something beneficial, something that vibrates positively in the air and contributes to the harmony of the

world as well as to your spiritual progress and that of your neighbors. Whenever we speak, we give off a vibration and accordingly what we say, good or bad, will affect us again.  –Helpful Tips, #159, Formosa, DVD478

When we meditate we should be sincere – so sincere that it’s as if we’re meditating for the last time, or as if we’re to die the next day, or in five minutes. If we have this attitude in our heart when meditating, we’ll have achievement. –Secrets to Effortless, Focus on the Truth

Before you meditate, pray very hard, sincerely, to help you to calm down and to concentrate. Also, write “Holy Names,” “Holy Names” everywhere, so that wherever you see it, you remember to recite them, not just when you meditate. Then when you meditate, it becomes a habit. Don’t wait until you meditate to recite the Names. Recite all day long. –Aphorisms, #210, DVD#1000


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Meditation: The Most Precious Gem

The most precious time for you since the moment you were born and until you die is meditation time. It's the best thing you do for yourselves. No one can give it to you; only you can give it to yourselves. It's the best thing that you can do for yourselves - meditation.

When we meditate, the people and all the things around us benefit but we're the ones who benefit the most. It's the best thing that you can do for

yourselves, the best medicine to nourish your bodies, the strongest energy to nurture your brain, the best book to develop your wisdom.  --Spotlight, #143, Florida

Any time you have any problem, be it yourself, or with any of your loved ones, or any of the employment, or any business, anything, you just sit down and meditate and the problem will become clearer to you and then you'll know how to solve it, or the problem will just disappear itself, in time.  –Cambodia, 1996, Believe in the Inner Master


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Do More Sound Meditation!You ask me how to avoid the ego.

I advise you to do more Sound meditation. We must do more Sound meditation! 

Do more Sound meditation!Without it, we can never cleanse our myriad habits!

Although I've instructed you to recite the Holy Names and meditate on the Light, it's not effective if you don't practice "Sound meditation." This is so because chanting the Holy Names

and meditating on the Light also add extra things; although these additives can control other things and make us forget worldly vexations.

We can use these benevolent Holy Names to control our distracting thoughts and stop them from troubling us. It doesn't mean that they've vanished, or been cleansed by chanting the Holy Names or Amitabha Buddha. No! We add tens of thousands of repetitions of the Holy Names every day, to control the distracting thoughts. After that, we should use the "Sound meditation" to erase them, including the Holy Names! --Master Says, #143


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The Importance of Quan YinFor those of us who are practicing the Quan Yin Method, Quan Yin (contemplation on the Sound) for at least one hour each day is essential in order to erase the effects of the world on us, and for our spirit to attain genuine bliss. Of course, even if you only practice a little bit, you can still get a joyful feeling, but you won't feel completely happy.

Of course, it may be difficult to do Quan Yin for one whole hour, but you still have to try your best. Sometimes the situation improves after practicing for twenty minutes. The body becomes more stable and the spirit more inspired. Then the body feels nothing. By this time the initial atmosphere of excitement and instability will be gone. All will be well if only we endure it for a while. –Helpful Tips, #140

We really must meditate diligently; meditate whenever we can, even just for five minutes is good. Even if just for two minutes, we still have to concentrate.

When working, recite the protective Holy Names whenever we can to protect ourselves at all times. Otherwise, we are in a world that is full of heavy pollution and very strong destructive power; we could be harmed at anytime.  –Spiritual Tips, #205


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Time For Meditation

After a night of rest, many difficulties, obstacles and karmic hindrances are washed away. These impressions and negative influences from the previous day are all washed away and forgotten! All of our causes and effects are paid off in our dreams. So we’re very fresh when we wake up in the morning. Therefore, it’s very easy to see the Light when meditating, easy to communicate with the highest qualities within us. 

Everyday we must meditate, both in the morning and in the evening, whether we are monastic or lay practitioners.

We meditate in the morning so that we can face the day's polluted gifts. We meditate in the evening so that we're protected and in peace at night and so that we can cleanse the contaminated atmosphere of the day.

Whenever you have free time, you should meditate. There’s no need to always meditate in the early morning or in the evening. Those are your regular hours, but in between, whenever you have time to rest just sit and meditate. Every minute you earn is added to your storehouse of merit. –Master says, #157


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Stay Awake to Receive More Blessing

The more you stay awake, the more spiritual points you have. Even just stay awake and think about meditation. Think that "I want to meditate" and you think all over the country, but still you're awake and meditate. In your heart, you want to. That also earns you a lot of merit.

Just be awake at night. That's the time when most blessing coming. And if you're more awake, that means your soul is still here, not gone away. It receives the blessing into the soul. If the soul is elsewhere, maybe in other worlds, or just not aware, then the

blessing is less, because when you're asleep, the soul went out.

Just like financial merit in this world, if we have spiritual merit points in our bank account, it multiplies, multiplies. And the more we have, the more interest rate we earn. The Earth gives us so much, at least 15 to 50% of spiritual power. The air you breathe, just breathing it in,


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the air blesses you 15%. The trees give us up to 10% power, spiritual points.


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Save Your Time

You must save your time. Anything that’s unnecessary, don’t do it. And anything you have to do, do it quickly! One second is your life; half a second is your life. Meditate well and join the Saints in the whole universe. You cannot lag behind; they will laugh at you, especially since you’re my disciples! --Hungary, Master Says, #163

Whenever you have a chance to meditate—be it at the center, on the bus, in the park, in the baby-sitting area, anywhere—you should meditate. Especially at this time, in the transitional period when planet

Earth is joining all the more developed galaxies, everything is blessed and open for the faithful ones.

--Hungary, Master Says, #163

This world really has nothing worth clinging to so we should hasten to practice spiritually. Every moment, every minute, is precious because we never know how much time is left for us to practice. --Tây Hồ, Formosa,  #69 90

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Concentrate Only on GodConcentrate only on God, enlightenment, deeper level of consciousness and happiness. Because the deeper you go, the more you’re happy, the more enlightened, and the more intelligent, the more blissful.

And then you can deal with all kinds of problems – if any problem. Otherwise, we just concentrate on problems. Then we’re right at the problem level, and we could never see it better from above. Then, not only you cannot solve this problem, you delay your own spiritual progress and deny yourself of spiritual power. Then, you lose both. You lose the problem solving solution and you lose spiritual elevation. --Europe, DVD 1016 P1

If we practice this Quan Yin Method, it means we are in touch with God's power, and only God's power can help us in any

way. God's power will give us everything we need, give us tolerance, give us unselfishness, and give us wisdom and love. –Q&A, #125


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Meditation is Very Important

Meditation is very important. You absolutely need to meditate. It is not because I tell you so; it is because if you don’t meditate, you would be spiritually dead and your body would be exhausted. This is really true. I am not joking! --Spiritual Tips, #205

Depending on your situation, you should meditate after waking up. If you can’t get up at seven o’clock, then get up at nine, but you should still meditate, at least for a little while.

Otherwise, our minds won’t be stable, and we’ll view good as bad and vice versa. We’ll be easily contaminated by other people’s karma and be pulled down. Our level will drop quickly, or it will be hard to progress, even if it doesn’t drop. We won’t be able to have a cheerful mood, and anything we do will not go very smoothly. If someone offends us, we won’t be able to forgive him, and we won’t be able to think about anything clearly. So meditation is very important. 

--Master’s Words, #63


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Continue to refill your spiritual bank account before it runs out. So if we are in bad health, that means our spiritual bank account is low.

--DVD923, Be Selfless and Unconditional, P1


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The Effectiveness of MeditationThat two and half hours that you invest every day, this will work for a long time, for thousands of years, because the time you enter eternity during your meditation, time stops. It's not only two and half hours. It's thousands of years, eons of evolution, of development. You enter a different time and space zone. Like this you're recharged and you come back renewed.

Each minute you put in represents a lifetime. Because in eternity there's no such thing as two and a half hours, or one minute. It's always eternity. We're only counting time because when we're trapped in time then we know it's time. Once we're out of the time, there's no time.

The time for meditation is very precious. It's your hundreds of eons of evolution squeezed together. Just like a concentrated chip for the computer. Just a little chip like this contains thousands, sometimes even millions of bits of information. So, it's not the size. It's not the time, it's not the number that we are accustomed to. The time of meditation is a completely different time, different space. So, the more you enter into this timeless, spaceless space (Master laughs) the better it is for you. The more you know yourself, the more you are free. 

--Korea, Master Says, #93


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Secrets for Lasting Meditation

What should we do if we want to meditate a lot and not feel tired? The secrets are: Talk less, don’t look around, don’t think of others’ goodness or badness and just recite the Holy Names 24 hours a day.

If you feel unstable in doing the Sound meditation, then recite the Holy Names for several minutes before doing the Sound meditation again. Should you feel any part of your body ache or become numb, just take no heed of it! When you are in samadhi later, you don’t sense that the whole body exists. Therefore, don’t scratch around.

Some of our fellow practitioners can meditate for the whole night. It is because they do the Light and Sound meditations alternately. But don’t do that too frequently and change your posture in five minutes, for this is useless. For the longer time you remain in the same posture, the better. The Light and Sound meditations are helpful to each other.

--Helpful Tips, #131


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Penetrate the Tunnel Between Life and Death

Meditate sincerely.Always pray before, so that you can cut through

the thin veil, the thin curtain that separates us-- the illusion of world,

from the knowledge of the Truth.

It's only very thin. So thin like smoke. If you pierce that curtain, you know many things, you know everything. If you do not, you remain forever ignorant. That's the only difference between a sage and a common ignorant person. Only a very thin curtain.

In the Bible it is also said, The road to heaven is so thin like a razor's blade. It's the separation between heaven and earth. Some Indian sutras, some Indian bibles say, The difference between knowledge and the ignorant is one hair apart... So thin!

It is true like that, like the curtain that you see when you meditate. You saw that it was so thin and so fragile that you could penetrate it anytime, but it's difficult. Sometime, you see it and then it disappears. You can not concentrate there. Try, keep doing it. Just like the man who dug the mountain, made a tunnel out of it.


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We have to penetrate the tunnel between life and death. Save ourselves, save many people. –Master’s Words, #75


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The Sound Current

Whenever you remember, repeat the five names. Whenever you remember, pay attention to your third eye. The repetition and the attention here will help us to draw our current up to the third eye center. Then from there the sound current will lift the soul, or lift us up. Not the repetition and not the attentions at the eye alone do the work. The Sound is important. Its very strong energy will lift us up.

Normally, we hear the Sound, but it's very feeble. Only when all our attention is drawn up to here, then the Sound can lift up us to very higher worlds; because up there is a center where we can make contact with the higher world. But we must go up there to make the contact. What you experience sometimes or at the time of initiation, that's just extra blessing. Otherwise normally, it takes long, long years of practice to empty ourselves up to that point. Once we're up there, contact can be made with the higher world.

--Costa Rica, 1990, Let spiritual Practice become a habit


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Every time we remember God, every time we remember the Holy Names of God, we are empowered with purity, holiness and blessings. --Formosa, #129


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Sit Correctly When You MeditateWhen you meditate, don’t worry about the energy. You should not pay attention to any part of your body, because when you think like that, you stop the energy. Let it flow freely.

Sit with about one third of your buttocks on a cushion. Then you can sit straight like this. If you sit like this or like that, (Master slumps forward with Her shoulders, from right to left, then leans far back against the chair cushions) then sometimes the energy doesn’t flow correctly. If you sit long, and if you don’t sit correctly, the blood circulation cannot flow. Then it causes some blockage in the body, and then it causes pain.

Also if it’s cold, you must keep yourself warm. Sometimes it is rheumatism. Next time, before you sit, maybe you should put something warm on your back first; keep warm from the shoulder on down. If that doesn’t help, you should put on sesame oil. That should help.  --Washington DC, #102

If you’re as relaxed in your meditationas when you see me, that’s real meditation.

--Master Says, #130100

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Go to Sleep in a Meditative Mood

Most of the time we meditate while we’re asleep because in the daytime how much time do you give me? None! An hour and then you sleep through three quarters of it. So that’s why I’ve told you to meditate before you go to sleep. Then you go to bed and meditate a little more and you slowly go to sleep in that meditative mood and all night is meditation. That’s the time when you have the most. Yes, you go to the highest places. –Boston, Q&A, #161

All of the verbal lessons or lectures I give you are just a very small part of it -- 30% of my teaching, and 70% you learn through silence, through meditation, through your sleep. While you sleep, you'll be taken up to a higher school, and then study there.

That's why even though you sit in meditation and you don't see much sometimes, your wisdom still increases tenfold, twentyfold, one hundredfold. Your loving kindness, your level in every aspect rises up. It is because of the teaching in silence. --Master Says, #99


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There is no good or bad situation really. Just that we are not prepared, haven’t learned our lesson well by using the situation.


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The MasterThe Master is your only true friend and companion — through all kinds of worlds, through life and death, through ups and downs, through everything. We have a fast, long-lasting friendship. One important thing is, that you should know the Master will never leave you until you become Buddha, until you reach the highest spiritual level, until you become a master. Then the master's job is finished. Individually, each one is the same, doesn't matter how long it takes, doesn't matter how lousy you do. That's the promise.   –France, Q&A, #74

Here you can't see meeven though I am with you every day.

I am with you at home, on the bus, on the train,when you're tilling the land or when you are eating

– but you can't see me at all.--BMD Sacrify to help others, P1

When you love an enlightened master, Her good qualities will be yours.

Her blessings will be bestowed upon you. You will become more and more intelligent,

at ease and wise.


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Pearls of Wisdom

I just hope you remember that whatever happens to you, you’re greater than that. There is nothing in this world greater than we are. Nothing in the universe greater than we are. So don’t let anything, good

or bad, distract you from knowing yourself, knowing that you’re great. You’ll know it one day.

–The Realization of Healh, p.140

The "Natural Magical Power" means our omnipotent inner Master will make all the arrangements for our needs. If Hes does not arrange it for us, it means that the place or plan is not good for us. --Aphorisms, #92

Don't rush, don't be nervous, and don't force yourselves. It doesn't matter what level we've arrived at, as it differs between individuals. By and by, everyone will understand. I can only promise you that you won't have to come back to suffer in this world, won't go to hell, won't become animals, and will definitely ascend. However, the level that you can reach depends on your confidence and sincerity in your quest for the Truth.

--Spotlight, #90


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This World is a Great School

This world is a great school for us to train, to become useful and strong mighty angels.

Otherwise, if the God-father doesn't let us come here, we can also be spoilt kids and just stay around in Heaven, flying around, plucking flowers, listening to music and hanging around everywhere, and do anything you want. But because we want to improve, we asked God-Father to have a school for us. Therefore, in this school, everything is harsh, everything is competitive, everything is a struggle, everything is an obstacle. Don't blame it. Just fight. Struggle for it. That's what we are here for. 

--The Different Aspects of God, P1

You're allowed to make mistakes sometimes, so you learn. Next time you say, "Oh, yes, this is wrong." It's okay. Don't worry. You are not a Buddha overnight, it's okay to make mistakes. Forgive yourself, and try again.

You never know if it's really a mistake. Sometimes, it's planned for you, so that you do it that way. Take yourself from all the responsibility. As long as you don't do things on purpose, just to go against the Master's teaching or to do some harm to other people, then it's okay.

--Go Beyond the Difficulties of Life, P7


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On WorkingEvery job is only a means for us to learn and grow. Actually, we don’t do any work. You shouldn’t complain and think that you’re working too hard. It’s only a means for us to learn. God uses this method to educate us, let us become enlightened and give us a chance to develop our talents, cultivate our personality, beautify our demeanor and develop our mindfulness.

Work is a way to temper ourselves, helping us to measure our personality, stamina, talents, and level of enlightenment. So, you shouldn't be afraid to work. Fear of work is also a kind of phobia. The more we work, the more enlightened we will become.

–Master’s word, #132

Working for others is working for ourselves, and the same applies to the situation in this world. This is why I often say, serving others is serving ourselves. Don't ever think that we are helping people. We are given the opportunities to earn merits. However, do not think about the merits either! You will have them naturally; they will be less if you think of them. –Master Says, #73


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As Long As Your Life ChangesIf you don’t see much Light, you don't hear much Sound, it's because of lack of concentration. That's number one. But nevertheless, if your heart is still sincere, and you just sit there, even then you cannot concentrate, it counts. It counts! And even if you don't see much experience because of whatever -- karma, concentration, influence from the environment, or stress from job, emotional problem, etc... It doesn't matter. As long as your life's changed, you feel more peace, more calm, more loving, that is the progress.  You must have the Light and Sound, must see and must hear, of course. But if your life has changed, you're a more peaceful, more loving person, that's important. Because, the Light and the Sound are there for you to change! And if you change, that means Light and Sound is there. --Spiritual Progress Is Reflected in Daily Life, DVD 778

We all have different experiences in spiritual practice. Not everyone has to see Master or certain visions. Everyone has different responses,

experiences and destinies. Perhaps your destiny is to become happier and happier. Other people's destiny is to see the inner Master. Another's destiny is to see the lamp, the Light, and hear the Sound. 107

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--The Joy of Being with a Living Master P2

The Real Meaning of LifeSometimes before we came to this world we have chosen a harder way to practice. We say, "OK, I would like to be a shorter person, or a fatter person, or a very exceptionally tall person." Or, "I want to be a handicapped person, in order to pay for quicker progress in finding God, or to help other people to find God in the same situation as me, to help those people who are in the same position." But when we come here, we wear this human's brain, and then we begin to compare ourselves with other people. And we begin to feel complexity; we begin to feel that our choice is too disadvantageous now. But it's just the mind that thinks like that.

The main thing is to be enlightened, deeply enlightened, so that we can find Heaven right now and so we know that nothing is really us. Not even the outer beauty or the outer disadvantage is us. They are not us. They are just the clothes we wear. So what's important is to be enlightened, not to be anything else. And everything else will come along. --Master’s Words, #122

Until we know everything, we’d better not accuse, blame or criticize anything, because God is very


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wise. When God makes everything, it's for some purpose. It's just that we don't know. --Aphorisms, #92, Find Hope in God


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Seek Only to Become WiseOur imagination is rich and powerful. The higher our level of spiritual attainment, the more our imaginings will be realized. Therefore, we ought to be cautious. We should have good expectations so that we can benefit ourselves as well as other sentient beings instead of hurting ourselves and others. 

We should want to be liberated, reach the Fifth Realm and seek to become wise and powerful. Only these aspirations are valuable. Don’t desire anything else because they’ll come naturally. The Master will take care of the material aspects, but you must be contented. You shouldn’t think that it’s not enough when I’ve given you two bowls of rice, and complain in your heart, “Why not give me three bowls?” This is not the way. Enough is enough.  --Master Says, #152

We already have exactly everything that we need at exactly the right moment. We chose to be in this way, so we’re just perfect. Don’t whine too much or pity yourself too much because then you make yourself less than a human, less than a dignified person. And it’s no wonder your life is no good and you have sickness all the time, because that’s all you have, that’s all you concentrate on.

--Realization of Health, p.144


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Meditation is the deepest prayer through which you get anything you want. Anything that is good for your spiritual and physical well being will automatically come your way, whether you pray or don't pray for it. That's why the life of a Quan Yin practitioner is full of contentment and satisfaction - he wants nothing. The more he practices, the less he wants. The more he practices, the less he prays. Seek you first the Kingdom of God, and all the things shall be added onto you.

--Q&A, #56, Thailand, 1994

Anytime you feel the urge to pray, you may do so because at that time you’re sincere and the prayer is your request to God. But then you must meditate afterwards in order to receive the answer. So you can pray, but then meditation is a must. Just like if I’m talking to you, you have to listen for the answer.  –Q&A, #161

Glorify God by your own power of meditation and realization. That's the best prayer. That's the best glorification for God, the most significant prayer and the most significant job that you could ever do for God. 

--Pearls of Wisdom, #57


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Pearls of Wisdom

Don’t compete with others; don’t long for profit and fame; don’t be mean and calculating, be forgiving instead. People may have treated us

badly but we should treat them well and love them. Such is the heart of a child. If we can preserve this heart of a child — no matter how old we have grown, we are still God’s children — we won’t go to hell or fall into undesirable situations. Our lives will be smooth; at least our hearts will always be happy. –Pearls of Wisdom, #86

God knows everything; God forgives everything. It’s just that we can not forgive ourselves. So we should never make lowly choices that we regret afterwards. Therefore the Master and the brothers stand by all the time, to assist us in re-choosing. We can always make a new choice. And depending on your choice, a new event will happen, a new direction will open up. Then you go into a different dimension.  –Q&A, #121

In spiritual practice, don’t care too much about having progressed or not. Instead, we should care about our sincerity. Whether or not we are truly long for liberation.

--Aphorism, #92


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TheaterEventually, when we all go up to a very high level of consciousness, we all look down together, then we'll all have a good laugh; because we were all very stupid then, taking theater for real, looking at the reflection in the mirror for the true image. So, we will be laughing at ourselves at the final moment when we join together at a very, very, very high level of wisdom.

For that very noble and high goal, I sacrifice everything and I can go through any hardship, misunderstanding, negative thick fog of energy because I know eventually there is nothing there at the other end. There's only brightness, beauty, grace, love and harmony at the other end. That's how I can continue. Otherwise, to be a teacher of any kind is a very lonely position.

--You May Not Know, #65

At all times and in every situation, we always have the Master power; we just don't use it. We give into the situations, we surrender to difficulties, and then we're in trouble. Never. Never. Never. There's always an alternative and with patience, we will know. --Aphorism, #95


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The Soul is Omnipresent

If we think about someone, they know it; we talk about someone, they know it; whether they are present or not. That's why we should not talk badly, we should not talk bad about people behind their backs, we should not run down people behind their backs, we should not do anything bad behind someone's back; because they will know. 

Normally people say God knows, but that person will also know, even though you don't tell him. That's why many crimes, sometimes, they do them in the dark; but they will surface sooner or later. It's because of the omnipresent quality of the soul. Even if that person doesn't know, many invisible beings will know. The ghosts will know and sometimes the ghosts will tell.

--Singapore, September 29, 1994

Never blame others, one should blame oneself.

No matter what happens to us,it's the result of our own karma.


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The Law of CompensationWhatever we use in this world, even though it’s physical use, like we eat something, or we take something, we always have to share our merit. That’s why if we accumulate a lot, or we eat a lot, nobody says anything, but we have to pay for it spiritually. So, that doesn’t mean the more you eat, the better for you. It’s not like that, just because it’s free or because you’re rich. You still have to pay even if it’s your money. You pay somehow spiritually. Some spiritual merit points have to go toward that being for him or her to evolve. That’s how all beings evolve. 

It’s better that we meditate a lot and then we have a lot of spiritual merit anyway. So even if we spend some on food or on any other thing or hurting others accidentally, we still can have enough to cover ourselves. 

--Unconditional Love Is the Best, Europe, 2013

The simpler our life is the better, because if we live simply we won’t waste so much money. If we don’t spend so much money, we won’t have to work so much. If we don’t have to work so much, we’ll have

more time to meditate. The longer we meditate, the faster we’ll progress. The faster we progress, the more people we can help. Then our world will become more and more beautiful.  –DVD518-3, Law of Compensation


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Be Noble

Don’t act like an ordinary person.

You should be noble, does noble deeds,speak elegant words, and behaves like a sublime

and civilized being. Shortly after,you’ll become a truly noble person like this.

As spiritual practitioners, we should be frank and straightforward - say what we have to say, and then forget about it right away. Don't keep it in our pocket, otherwise, it will be too heavy for us to

go up in our spiritual practice. We should be as straight and hollow as a bamboo - empty inside. That's why in China, a bamboo is analogous to a virtuous person.  --Pearls

of Wisdom, #67

By observing the precept of not telling anything but the truth, whatever we say will benefit others, and whatever we say will come true. –Đài Nam, Formosa, 1989, #112


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Be Grateful

Anything that you do which is good at all, just thank God for giving you a chance to be a better person, to earn some little quality of a good person. Thank God all the time in your heart for any chance that you can do something that is so-called good. That is how to do without doing.

The more grateful you are,the more miracles you will see.

It’s just like begets like.

Just thanking Heaven for whatever you feel lucky about. If you're happy about something, then immediately thank Heaven, thank God for that happiness. If you're healthy, then every day give thanks for your health. If you have a good friend, thank God for that, and if you have a bad friend, or bad person, then thank God that you are not that person. –Conference, Jan 2015


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Be Magnanimous The more we practice spiritually, the better we should be able to understand others and treat them magnanimously. We should be more capable of accepting other people's opinions and their levels of understanding, as well as respecting their freedom of thought. This is a free universe! 

We should be as magnanimous as the creator. Since Hes can accommodate them all (all creation), why can't we tolerate the thoughts of our relatives, friends and people we know? We should be able to do the same to attain the Anuttara-Shamyak-Sambodhi, the highest dimension, the highest level. --Formosa, 1987, # 67

Sometimes God creates some adversity for us in order to cleanse our karma and remind us to look inwardly for inner God almighty and rely on It to rescue and uplift ourselves out of

ignorance and suffering. Therefore, all situations are lessons only. No one is truly good or bad. They are all playing different roles. The more we practice spiritually, the more easily we will live and let live. –Letters, ch. 5


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On PurityAnd the purity, in this world it's kind of difficult because it is infectious. Infectious. People are sometime not pure, and when you're near them, you become also not pure, to some certain extent, or even completely, at least half.

You just try to protect yourself with the Names of God that I taught you. Whenever you think of impure things, that you think is impure, then you immediately turn away from that thought or action. Then you recite the Names of God and pray for help. The angels are there to help you, if you pray. The gods are there to help you if you pray to them. –Conference, Jan 2015

Do not ever think that no one knows what we are doing. That is the most important message I want to tell you. People will sense it, they will recognize it, they will just feel it. Sometimes they will see it in a vision.

Not everyone knows perhaps, but there are people who know... So make sure that you know you are good and pure and you are with God, then people will see that within you. --Pearls of Wisdom, #51


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Everyone Has Different Destiny

We all have different experiences in spiritual practice. Not everyone has to see Master or certain visions. Everyone has different responses, experiences and destinies. Perhaps your destiny is to become happier and happier. Other people's destiny is to see the inner Master. Another's destiny is to see the lamp, the Light, and hear the Sound.

There are many benefits to practicing the Quan Yin Method. Some gain heavenly wisdom, some have inner experience, some heavenly sound, some get into deep samadhi, some develop love, some have faith in God, some feel that they can depend on the supreme teaching, and some cultivate eloquence. These are the results of their spiritual practice.

If you think you truly aspire to a higher way of life, to be of higher service to the universe and become a saint or a wiser being in order to work with the wiser beings in other levels,


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then just work for it until you take your exams and get qualified. –Master Says, #157


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The Secret to Retify Bad Habits

You can break any habit in three week’s time,if you persist everyday up to 21 days.

--Realization of Health, p.147

Everyday, write down any good points that we have, in our diary. If there are any faults that we abhor or if are disliked by others, and which we want to correct, also record them in our diary. Introspect on ourselves everyday to see how many good and bad things we have done. In about three months, we can improve a lot.

If we can rectify ourselves and increase the good qualities in us, our life will attract many of the so called blessed retributions.

The more we are elevated, the more we see that cleanliness is necessary. It is the way of life. It's not that someone is cleaner than the other, or someone loves more cleanliness. It is the inner, the inner


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expression of beauty, virtue and Truth - the saintly way of life. --Aphorism, #83


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The Proper Release of Anger

Anger is a natural feeling; it’s just that you shouldn’t carry it too long or you’ll drown yourself in it. That’s no good for you or for the other party involved. So get angry and talk. You don’t have to be sarcastic or hurtful when you talk; just air your views and tell them that they made you angry because of whatever reason and you hope that in the future it won’t happen again because you won’t tolerate it. Air your views, be finished and love each other again.

Anger suppressed can make you physically ill. So don’t hurt yourself more by swallowing the poisonous anger within you. Spit it out, just in a proper way.

--Realization of Health, p.160

It's not that we come here and try to expect that everyone becomes as good as God, or an angel, or ourselves. But

our purpose is to show how good we are. That's all and nothing else in return. That's our duty. We always have to show how good we are; that's it, not to wait for other people to show how good they are. Whatever they are, they are. --Master’s Words, #97


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Develop Your Own PersonalityI don't like copies. I like you to develop the way you are, just like a rose next to a lily. So not everyone becomes half-rose, half-lily. I don't even know what kind of flower that is!

It's better if you are what you are. Because you are unique. And that's what makes us special, what makes the world beautiful. That's what God wants. Creation has to be different, has to be very colorful.

You have to know freedom of expression, freedom to grow, freedom to be yourself. I want you to be yourself, a better self only, not a copy of me. Because I do things that look good on me. But

when you do it, it doesn't look good on you, because you are different. I cannot copy you and still look good. And you cannot copy me and still look good.

God makes different personalities for different reasons, and you are fine. You just refine yourselves, but don't change to copy exactly like everyone else.

--Master’s Words, #118


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On GivingIf you give someone something, give it and forget it. Don't ever regret it. Because if you give it and regret it, you lose the business. You also lose the money and the merit and waste your time. –PearlsofWisdom, #111, Formosa

When we give anything to anyone,we are only fulfilling our obligation

by giving what God has entrusted to us,to the rightful recipient.

We take water from the river, put it in a water tank, and the water tank will distribute it to the whole village or town. We should live our lives just like the water tank. Whatever we have is for distribution to others. We are only the receivers. Therefore, I may have a lot of money but I never feel that I have any. It's very relaxing this way. You don't worry because you already don't consider that it's yours, so whether it is there or not, it doesn't matter. –Pearls of Wisdom, #111

Whatever you do, do it in the name of God. If you have to give to the beggar some money and you just say, "Well, this is God's money," and give it back to God. Then it's okay. You must think this way. You must act this way. You must move your life along this line, and you will have never bad karma. –Find Hope in God126

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You are Masters Yourselves

We have to be happy and then be confident, be positive. Every time you think that you are at a lower level, throw that idea away. Every time you feel you are depressed or beaten up, throw that idea away! It's tough, but that's how you beat the blues. That's how you become higher. You cannot want to be at the fifth level and be thinking at the same time that you are lowly, beaten up by karma and being negative. I can't help you.

You are the one who decides at which level you want to be, not me. I can't bless you; you bless yourself. Suppose I say, "Okay, go to the fifth level; I bless you." But your mind is still used to thinking negatively and being depressed and pessimistic. You have to train your mind. Tell it that you are the master; tell it what to think, what to do, what to feel, and which level you command. When you can do that, you know you are the master. You are already a master; it's just that you have a hard time convincing yourself. You have to work with yourself.

--Q&A, #132, DVD639

The more you meditate and help others, the stronger and quicker you

will grow up and be able to overcome all the obstacles. --Letters, chapter 5127

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As You Think, So Shall You Become

The law of God is"As you think, so shall you become."

Keep thinking, keep thinking, until your thinking power becomes very strong, and then you are that.

The power of creation is inside you, in your head, in your brain, in your mind. Because you are God, you have this creative power. So, you make yourself what you are. Create yourself with dignity, create yourself as a saint and create yourself as a Buddha. Keep creating until it becomes reality. 

Why do you think we become like this? Because we have been thinking and creating ourselves like this, until we become one. It takes time, but it happens. That's why we have to meditate every day, to create, recreate, recreate, remember, remember, remember, until we are as firm as our remembrance, as our original Self. Then we are sure that we are Buddha. – A Natural Way to Love God, DVD716

The purposes of our spiritual practice areto open our wisdom, help all sentient being,

and uplift the power and civilization of the world.


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--Aphorism, #57


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Living a Balanaced Life is the Tao A balanced life is the Tao; an ordinary mind is the Tao. We should not crave for anything. Craving to become a saint quickly is also a kind of greediness. We ought to be moderate in whatever we do. How can you demand a newborn baby to ride a bicycle? You may be anxious to see him grow up and become a capable person, but you must not rush him.

We should first take good care of our mind. Check whether or not we have a pure and noble ideal, that we have reined in our greed, wrath and infatuation, that we are loving and patient enough to others, that we are magnanimous, understanding and generous enough to tolerate others' mistakes. When we have achieved all these things, it is still not too late to become an enlightened Master or saint. Before we have reached perfection, who can benefit from our becoming an enlightened Master? We have not yet erased our guilty feelings, or cleared up our preconceptions and ignorance.

Being still very narrow-minded, we cannot tolerate many people. Our love is still too insignificant to love a lot of people. Then what is the benefit of rushing to become an enlightened Master? Even if all the saints and Masters pour all of their power into such a narrow-minded, agitated and ignorant person, what is the use?

--Master Tells Stories, #131


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Pearls of WisdomEvery minute, every second must be treasured to concentrate on God. This is the only demand on you from God, which is also the only thing you should do. As long as this demand is

fulfilled, anything else becomes easy, nothing is a problem.

Emerson said, "A big burden will fall from our shoulders if we let God run the universe." Most of us run the universe. We worry about this, we take care of that, and we don't rely on God's power. That's why we exhaust ourselves without much success. So, if we do things to our best ability and let God arrange whatever the outcome will be, and then we won't feel so hurt, so disappointed, and so tired.

We, the initiated people, have no need to pray or ask for anything. The great wisdom – the Supreme Master within us – will take care of us. The inner Master will take good care of us. It is better that we don't pray for anything, and just live day by day. We just meditate everyday and pray that we will have greater faith, and attain the great wisdom quickly. Don't pray for other material things. Spiritual practitioners definitely will not die of hunger!

--Master Says, #73


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Turn Your Family into a Heaven

Most people owe their success in their career to having a secure family. Members of their families have more affection for each other. They are more united and cooperative, and not complicated. Both the husband and wife give a harmonious atmosphere, so they are not easily affected by the trials outside. They are also not easily troubled. When we are happy, we do not mind about others' mistakes as much. We are not concerned or troubled.

That was why I said not to turn your home into a hell. Because we live in it, we need to look after it, organize it, repair it, make it look beautiful and turn it into a heaven. It is not out of compassion or brotherly love that we love others. We love others because we want to be comfortable and happy. The more we offer our love to others, the more others will love us. When all the people love each other, how comfortable that will be!

--Master Says, #61

Love our relatives but be independent. Be alone all the time and only with God. God is our only true relative, friend and everything.


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We’ll be with God, and we’ll be forever satisfied. --Aphorisms, #79


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MarriageMarriage means partnership in trying to improve

each other’s life, trying to support each other’s ideals,and trying to make our lives nobler.

--Costa Rica, Aphorisms, #131

It doesn't mean that after I have taught you cosmetic skills and virtues, your marriage is guaranteed to be a satisfying one. No one can guarantee this kind of thing. Most of the things in this world are ephemeral. Therefore, in doing anything, we just do our best to fulfill our obligations, just like when protecting our marriage. Then, whatever happens, we know that it is arranged by God, by destiny. We no longer need to expect anything, blame anyone, feel uneasy or sad, or be attached to anything. Besides, when we have done everything well, even if our marriage has failed, we will still have become a contented person. This is the most important thing.

–Feature Reports, #131, DVD573

Love, like trees and flowers, also needs watering every day, at least in the dry season. Otherwise it dies. People think, oh! I love you, and then it will be forever. No, no. You have to nourish it through devotion, through daily renewal, through appreciation of each other’s value and loving kindness, and help your partner to develop the


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best qualities within him or herself. That’s true marriage. That’s true partnership. --PearlsofWisdom, #131, DVD573


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Be a Good PartnerWe expect our partner to be this or be that, to do that or do this. And when they don't do it, we're disappointed. When they aren't the one we like, we're disappointed and get hurt and all that, and we get out of the relationship.

But the relationship is not meant for you to expect the other person to do what you want. It is for you to do what you want yourself, to be who you are, to show what you are, how good you are, how you want to be and what kind of person you want to be in that relationship or marriage. You might want to be a good wife, a "super-wife," the tolerant one or the faithful one.

Most of the time, we expect our partner to make us happy, to be the one that we like in our picture. And that's the problem. We forgot to be who we want to be. We forgot to make a schedule for us, make an idealistic agenda for us, and we make an agenda for our partner. We make a kind of picture for our partner to fit in. Both expect the same way, and that's why things fall apart.

We forget that we must check ourselves. We're the one important. Any relationship, any situation is for us to learn, not for the other person. The other person is the "catalyst" only. It's an excuse for us to exercise our power, our imagination about ourselves.

--Master’s Word, #131, DVD638


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Embryo EducationTo train a child, you must start from the embryo. During pregnancy, you should say good things to it - positive things. Read books to it. Read a dictionary! Read a few pages a day, then when it is born it will be able to talk to you right away. (Master laugh.) That's right! Its IQ will improve. Sing songs often, good and positive songs; then its IQ will also increase, perhaps by 20 to 50 points.

During pregnancy, if you stimulate the baby's potentials, its nervous system will develop more. When the baby is born, it will be very intelligent - smarter than if you didn't sing or talk to it.

Because of the intimate relationship between the mother and the baby, you can have a great influence on it. Whatever you eat and think can affect it. You should eat more food that nourishes the brain; food like spinach and other green-leaf vegetables. The baby will be born beautiful and intelligent.

If you want the child to be good-looking, then hang pictures of beautiful, good-looking and moral people everywhere in the house - the baby will be very good-looking. The effect will be there. Whoever you think about, the child will look like that person.

--Formosa, YouMayNotKnow, #57


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Train Your Children to be Independent You had better teach your children from a young age to be clean and responsible for their own messes, to clean up after themselves.

I think the Occidental ways are better. Teach the children to be independent, and they will grow up to be more confident. Many of our Oriental children are a little bit weak and too reliant on the parents, on the elder, on the wife, or whoever can do it. This relying spirit is no good. It makes you weak. Do whatever you can do; it's good for you, really.

The more work we do, it's good for us. It makes us strong. I don't mean "more" like you work yourself to death. Just that the more variety, the more capabilities, the more things you know, the better for you. You're more independent and more confident. That's the way we should live our lives. We walk tall. –L.A., Master’s Words, #95

If you do not teach them well and put them on the virtuous path while they are small, it will be too late to correct them afterwards. 

--Formosa, Pearls of Wisdom, #98


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Lessons in Being a TeacherGod gives us children to remind us to be good teachers, because there is a child waiting for you, waiting for your help, for your guidance. God entrusts you with a child, a fresh soul in your hands, for you to take care of him, to polish him, and to create a prototype out of him. Therefore, do not complain if you have children. They are your lessons in being a teacher.

–Formosa, PofW, #98

You have to set an example. First be a shining example, and then the children will follow you; there’s no need to force them. One example is better than twenty years of talk.

–L.A., PofW, #98

You should train your children when they are still young. Let them share in the chores, teach them the value of money, and educate them by giving them rewards - showing them that it is an honor to be able to work well and fast. Then, when they grow up, they will associate work with glory, heartwarming feelings, and love and praise of their parents. It will become their habit when they grow up.

Young children do not demand much. As long as we pay attention to them and share with them, they are happy. They do not ask for dolls every day. Because no one plays with them, they play with dolls.

Find ways for them to play. Playing with your children is not just going out and buying many expensive toys all the time. On the contrary, if you bring them along more often and let them work with you, their IQs will improve; they will become smarter, livelier, and more careful. Also, they will understand their parents' work more clearly. Later, you will be able to communicate with them easily.  –Cambodia, PofW, #98


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Pearls of Wisdom

Whatever God gives us is good for us. We have to be content. The world is for us to have fun. Don't be too serious. If you think about it, you'll know it's fun. Just

organize things a little bit, then your family will be all right. Just meditate and think for a while, then you will know how to solve the problem. So don't be nervous and don't complain. This is how our life is no matter how much you complain. --God Gives What is Good For Us, BMD768

When someone scolds us, our karmic hindrance transfers to him. So don’t fear being scolded by people; just worry that no one scolds you, that no one is so compassionate as to scold you. Even when people treat us badly, we should still be grateful to them.

–Master Tells Stories, #147

When we want something, we should try not to want it, and then it will become ours. This is very strange.The more we want something, the further it will be from our reach. The same is true for enlightenment and attainment of the Truth. By no means should we push God anxiously and nervously to let us become Buddhas.Instead, we should remain calm and cool, and just fulfill our daily obligations.  --Formosa, Dec 1988


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The Sun: Spiritual BenefitsThe suns are pure Fifth Level beings who didn’t have to evolve like human beings. These are the Fifth Level beings who, out of love for all beings on this planet and those nearby, manifest themselves as a sun, to help us. They came directly, purely from the Fifth Level.

If you sit in the sun to meditate, it’s very, very, very good for your spiritual progress. It could increase to hundreds of thousands or millions of spiritual points if you concentrate well, if you deserve it. I told you, meditate from 10 to 3; it’s the good time. Why? Because the sun is at the highest.

When you meditate in the sun, your meditation merit multiplies, even for the people who don’t practice the Quan Yin Method, who just practice Zen or something like that.

For example, Quan Yin and vegan practitioners who are well-practicing and go into samadhi, even just the Third Level Light and Sound practitioners, can get up to 30 million an hour in the sun. But cover yourself, or sit in the shade with the sun nearby, shining in; it’s also good enough. Don’t sit all day in the sun. It will burn you and also can get cancer and all that. It’s no good.

--Revelations on the Magnanimous Sun, P1

We have to thank the Sun infinitely, the magnificent Sun, the benevolent Sun, the noble Sun, the spiritually so high Sun for revealing this to me, because in the whole universe it has not been told; it has not been revealed.


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The Sun: Health BenefitsThe sun has a lot of benefits. The sun cures many diseases. For example, in the old time, they did not have tuberculosis medicine yet, they would put the patient in a sunny room, or sunny area, and open a window, let the sun come in to cure the TB. Of course, when it's too heavy, maybe they cannot, but maybe in the initial stage, then they can cure like that.

The sun cures your aches and pain, it eliminates toxins through sweat - when it's hot, you sweat - and also it cures some of the diseases or other ailments. The sun gives benefits to all, bad or good.

The sun gives also people happiness, carefree feeling.

You see how people are happy when they go on vacation in the sunny area? For example, the Italian people, why they are happier than other countries? Why? Because they have a lot of sun, a lot of sun. The Spanish, Italians - they are just more relaxed and they care a little less about material things than the people who have less sun. The sun gives them too much contentment, so they feel like they don't need much material comfort.

If we go sunbathing, it cures many illnesses and even cures our psychological misalignment and also depression and all that. You see, some countries with less sun, they feel less happy than the countries with a lot of sun. The sun will cure a lot of things, even psychological depression and all that.

--Revelations on the Magnanimous Sun and the Universe, P1


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Prayer Before MealsBefore we eat, we should pray to God or whomever is the Master that we follow or believe, to bless our food, and then it will be nutritious, vibrant with spirit and blessing. And that will be healthy to our speech, our mind, our body. Eat with love and thanks, then everything is enough.   

Nutrition is also in The AirAfter 10 days, 2 weeks of going on this diet [vegan] and doing the breathing, you will feel wonderful. I feel good, I feel light, I feel happier, and my pain gone, my troubles gone, depression gone... Even cancer maybe gone also. Heart desease gone, cholesterol blockage gone, stomach ulcer gone. You're brand new! 

Just breathe in as deep as you can, and out as deep as you can, and then as you go along, it gets deeper also. That's all. But we be natural, okay? Do it whenever you remember. It's just like the protection names.

And then out as deep as you can, just to change the air in the body and refreshing all the chemistry and all the organs and the cells, to replenish with fresh information, fresh nutrition. Because the nutrition is also in the air.


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The Way to RejuvenationBy practicing the Quan Yin Method, we change our spiritual condition, concepts and wisdom, and also our bodily organs and cells, which become refreshed and purged of toxins.

If we have no time to meditate, these changes will not take place. If we are busy working hard for the multitude, or when we are too exhausted, these changes are not discernible. Otherwise, each time we meditate, all our cells are renewed; therefore, we say "return to childhood". We become younger not only in mentality, but in body as well. We feel healthier, our body becomes more supple, and our skin more tender. As all toxic substances are eliminated, we look better and better each day.  -- Formosa, Pearls of Wisdom, #123

Actually, the Sound doesn’t “purify”; it just lifts us up, lets our consciousness become higher, and then we don’t think of bad things or have negative thoughts anymore. The negativity can’t reach us anymore.


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--Realization of Health, p.190


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Raw Food Has More LightRaw food has more light than cooked food. They think it’s just vitamins and all that. No, it’s the light in the raw food, they have light. So when you eat these raw foods, you eat the light as well, in a smaller degree, of course. All beings have light. And when they are alive, that light is alive. That’s why eating raw food is good. --Europe, 2013, DVD1014

Raw foods have more Light in them. There’s still life. So when you eat the raw food, you take some more Light into your body, this inert body, so at least you have some Light. That’s why the raw food is good. But the people who meditate a lot, they can turn anything into Light.

So if you don’t meditate a lot and if you don’t meditate at all, the people, anybody there, then you should eat more raw so you get more Light into the body. Like this, the body can sustain better, at least for the health. More Light means more intelligent. More intelligence and more wisdom and more health, more happiness.

--Conference Sept 2014

You recite the Holy Names when you’re cooking,then the food will taste especially blessed

and nutritious and tasty. --Europe, 2009


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On Sprouting & Making Tastier Juice

I just choose this, the juice system. Because you just have a blender and then whatever you want, you just put it in there, like a piece of cucumber, some apple.

And I grow some sprouts, like quinoa sprouts, very fast. And mung bean sprouts. Alfalfa sprouts and lentil sprouts! Sunflower seed sprouts. I sprout whatever I can. And then I sprout so much. I just put some sprouts in the blender together with those peaceful foods (Peace and Loving Foods). And some of the green wheatgrass powder. If don’t have fresh, then I put powder. And some of these omega-6, 12, whatever, you can buy, from the flaxseeds and stuff.

Sprouts are a very good system. You go everywhere and you can have them. They are really fresh vegetables. And also protein at the same time. Like quinoa is a complete protein. And lentils. They’re all proteins. Mung beans, they’re all protein. And you also have vegetables together with it. By sprouts. So you really have a lot in the sprouts.

And the fruits you can also put together with it, so that to make it tastier. You see, like for example, the green powder or green wheatgrass juice...that the people make juice from, not the weed like you smoke! And if you taste it alone, it don’t taste good. But if you put it together with fruits, vegetable and fruit juice and other fruits, and you blend it into a thick juice or a little thinner juice, then you drink it fast. And it’s easier and it’s tasty.


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Or you put coriander leaves in it. And other maybe herbs, then it tastes great and then you would like to, and it’s nutritious for you. --Conference, Sept 2014


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Secrets of Good Cooking

Cooking must not be very luxurious but taste good. The secret of good tasting is the right ingredients. Salt, pepper, and also a little sugar and all that. Right amount. Don't need to put a lot of things in side to make it taste good, just right amount. 

Mostly if you put a little bit sugar in same amount, and salt, it would taste good. Add some Maggi in it, and put always some Maggi or other - a dash - inside. Should sometimes you cook lousy, if people put Maggi in, they can swallow it. That's the secret. Or cook some soup, and they want to put them together and drop it down fast.

--BMD 1932

When you cook, you should be happy, be loving, and recite the Five Holy Names. If you don’t practice the Quan Yin Method of meditation, recite the name of Buddha, Jesus

Christ, or any religious leader, or your own mantra. It’s better not to gossip or think nonsense while cooking, so that the food has more blessings. Your reciting will bring blessings, so when they eat your food, they will be healthier and happier. --Yang Ming Mountain, Formosa, 1992


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Secrets of Making Delicious Soups

When you make soup, you should use green peppers, carrots, radishes and napa cabbages;  these will all do. If you don't have napa cabbages, it's fine too. You can cut them in any size. Stir-fry them a little bit. It's OK if you don't, either. Put them into boiling water and cook them for a longer time. The soup will turn out sweet. All these vegetables can make the soup taste sweet in a natural way.

There is some MSG which is make from natural ingredients such as fruit. If you don't have this kind, you may use black mushrooms or other kinds of mushrooms, like the type that looks white. Black mushrooms are OK, but they taste different. I prefer the fresh ones. I hardly use black mushrooms. I don't really like them. But you can still eat them. They are not forbidden. You can use white mushrooms and regular mushrooms with green peppers or red bell peppers. Don't use the spicy ones, but the big, sweet peppers. Cut them into pieces. Then cut more carrots and radishes.

Stir-fry them with a little bit of oil. They will shrink and become dry. then add the  seasoning. Only a little bit now, since we are going to all more later. We add a little salt to draw out the juice from these vegetables. Then we just stir-fry them with a little bit of salt. Add some water, let it simmer for a while, and then put in the napa cabbage or  the regular cabbage. Just cut them into small pieces. Not too small, though. Simmer them for a while. The water, the sweet juice, will come out from the vegetable. Then you can add noodles,


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cilantro, etc., depending on  the kind of soup you are making.


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How Master Cooks Her SoupAt home, you know how I cook my soup? Either rice, cold rice already in the fridge. You know, when I cook a lot and I keep it in the fridge or the deep freeze. Then I take out a portion, I put in a lot of water. And then whatever vegetable I have, meaning Chinese cabbage or romaine lettuce, or cucumber, and/or a little tomatoes. That’s all I had.

And sometimes I have coriander, if have. If not, it’s okay. So I just put either of that or all of them in there with the soup and put some salt. And if it’s not tasty enough, I put some of

these vegetable bouillon, vegetable cube, stock, or Loving Hut mushroom seasoning. That’s it! 

That’s how I cook my soup. If you want, you can put chopped apples in it to make it sweetened. Chopped apples, chopped pears. The vegetables, you put in the last minute, so it’s still raw. And the rice and the noodles, you have to cook first so that it becomes soft. And the vegetable, you chop it smaller like almost my finger size. And then you put it in the last minute and then you mix it with the hot soup. And you turn off the fire. So the vegetable is still raw.

--Unconditional Love is the Best, Europe, 2013


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Avoid Talking When You Eat

During a meal it's better not to talk because if you talk, you don't chew properly. I'm talking about materially, not to mention spiritually. Also, sometimes when you talk, you swallow [your food down] the wrong channel.  Instead of going to your stomach, it goes into your lungs or your nose and causes you trouble. Sometimes you can die from it!

There's another explanation, which is that most of the time the devil goes through the mouth because it's the widest opening of all and we keep it open most of the time. If there's anything that wants to possess us, it can enter through the mouth very quickly. So when we eat and open the mouth and talk all the time, the devil will hear it and then go inside with the food. Or it will contaminate our food and make it indigestible for us or make it poisonous or make it do something troublesome when it enters our body.

Sometimes we have an infectious disease and we don't even know it yet. It may have entered but hasn't developed yet in our body so we don't know we have it. If we eat together and talk, we breathe all kinds of germs into the food, and then both people have to inhale and eat the food that's infected by our germs. So while eating, it's better if we don't talk. If we have to talk, it's better not to talk directly into the food.

–Tips, #158, DVD517, Formosa


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Wonder Remedy for PainFor people who have pain in any part of the body, please don’t ever wash with cold water, not even for one second. Even if you wash your hands or face, the cold water still remains somewhat in your skin. Then it sinks inside the bones and it makes the pain terribly worse, unbearable. When washing your hands, please try to use warm water. Even those who don’t have pain in their joints or muscles yet, try not to use cold water, just wash with warm water all the time.

For those who have pain, even in warm climates, try to wash with warm or lukewarm water, not cold, and never ice-cold water. Like this, you aggravate your painful condition. If you have pain, and you don’t have any hot massage oil in your house, you can use sesame oil. The sesame oil that’s used for cooking in the kitchen is a very good remedy for you.  --Age-old Secret, #102, Korea

 If you have a shawl always ready, it's very simple. When it's sunny, you can always cover yourself. It's very nice. And when it's windy or cold, you can also cover yourself. Winter is good, summer is good. The shawl, you know, when you do

the Quan Yin, very nice.  –DVD 1015


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Secrets to Keep WarmSometimes, if it’s cold air, then you might have pain in the joints somewhere. So if you feel not warm enough, then you can use the glass bottle from mineral water or juice, and you fill it up with boiled water, and then you tighten the cap very well and you can hug it to sleep. I use just one bottle, and it warms up the whole night until the next morning even. And when you sit on the floor to meditate, the floor, the air may be cold, you put that in between your legs or something. Not next to, but when you sit to do Quan Yin and all that, you just put it there or next to your hip or behind your back, wherever you feel comfortable. And if it’s too hot, you wrap it up first with a piece of cloth or the towel, and then slowly, you open it when it’s cooler, and then it will be warm the whole night. And then, in the morning, you can use that to drink, like if you put in the whole liter, the whole day it’s good for you to drink water anyway.

If you put it in a plastic bottle, you cannot drink, but it’s still warm. It still can warm you up. It’s just you can’t drink. When something is hot, put in a plastic, it’s better you not drink, because the plastic sometimes leaches into your food or your drink when it’s hot. –Conf., Jan 2015


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Warm Your Body from the EarsBuy a hat to cover your ears because the ears are very important. If your ears are warm, the whole body is better. Sometimes I have headaches because my ears are cold.

If it's too cold, bring two sleeping bags: one to sleep in, and one to cover outside. Because the sleeping bag is very insulated, and insulation is good; buy a good one. Or sometimes a simple one also helps, because the cover of the sleeping bag is meant for insulation.

So if it's very hot, you can put the sleeping bag on top of your tent and open the window. Just leave the screen door open. When you sleep inside, at midday it's still very cool. And if it's very cold, you can spread the sleeping bag over the top of your tent to make it more insulated. It's much better.

And wrap another blanket like this, inside your sleeping bag, on top of your body. That also makes a big difference. I just cover with this a little bit and I feel complete, immediate relief for the ears, and it feels very warm. It really makes a big difference that you cover your ears.

And sometimes the cold wind goes through your ears. Your ears are very sensitive inside. And they have a lot of nerves connected with the whole body and the head. So if your ears get too cold, it gives you a headache. And you have a cold


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and flu and everything like that. So it is better to keep your ears warm. –Helpful Tips, #131


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Gentle Way of Living

The trees suffer and people everywhere, millions of people don’t have water or no clean water to drink, and then we are flushing clean water down the toilet. And we’re not only contaminating the environment, but also polluting water sources from all kinds of things that we do.

We cannot keep giving poison to the Earth because it will stay in the soil forever and keep building up generation after generation. And we are the ones who will suffer unhealthy consequences.

So we have to really do our utmost to keep the environment healthy, to keep the Earth healthy, so we and the next generation, and generations and generations will stay healthy. I thank all of you who put an effort to do this.

Use towel to wipe your hands. And because the towel you can reuse, but the paper you cannot reuse. And millions of trees are cut down every year. We throw billions of dollars down the toilet every year. Not just trees, but financially, environmentally, it’s really unsustainable.

Love and kindness, protectiveness, being lovingand tender to all beings as if to yourself.

Think and be inventive in your daily activities, use, and try to minimize, or replace, or cut out completely what we can to have a more simple, healthy, and gentle way of living for yourself as well as for the world. –Conf., Jan 2014


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The More We Waste, The Heavier Our Karma Is!

We must not spend lavishly just because we have money. No! The materials in this world are to be shared by the world. 

The more we waste, the heavier our karma is because people have to work extremely hard to grow it or make it, with sweat and tears! If we waste too much, in excess of our blessed reward, we have to pay for that excess amount, for other people’s karma, effort and pain.

--Aphorism, News 40

Since ancient times, spiritual masters have advised us to live a simple life, as simple as possible... What I mean is that, in every aspect, we must try to be as frugal and simple as possible. This is

good for us, our country, and the whole world. 

The less we abuse the planet, the better for us.Whatever is better for the environment

is better for our health and brings good luck.159

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Live a Simple Life

Live a simple life, more simple, the more simple the better.

Be frugal, meaning don't use more than what we need and appreciate what we have. The resources nature has given to us are precious and limited. We can't abuse it because only when we spend wisely will they last.

We don't have to always buy new and fashionable clothes. We don't have to go to the latest restaurant trend. There are many things in life which could give us joy and satisfaction without much of the money involved. We can always live on without furniture; it's also fine.

You save - you use less hot water, shower less time, and don't keep water running while you're showering, don't keep water running while you're brushing your teeth, turn off your computer, turn off the light when you don't need it, turn off anything standing by that you don't need.

I do not have a lot of food bought so I don’t have to waste it when it goes rotten... We eat whatever easily rots first so the things don’t get rotten. Cook only what’s needed and in the amount needed. But you can also cook a big pot and then warm it up once every day to eat for several days.

You will be happier if you are more frugal, simpler, really, for sure, guaranteed. Take control of your lifestyle; you don’t have to live like other people. The simpler your life, the happier you will be, the better for the environment, better for your wallet, and for the future of the next generation. 



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Be FrugalBe thankful for what we have,

minimize what we can, simplify how we live.

I’ve taught you to be frugal, not to be greedy and exceed your share. Do not spend more than you have. When it’s necessary, you can take and use. When it’s not, try not to. Otherwise, we might get in trouble. Sometimes we might get sick, or get an incurable disease.

I knew one person who practiced and he always tried to live on someone else’s earnings, and he always had diarrhea from the impure offerings! Sometimes when we take presents from other people who are impure, it also affects us. We may not even know that it affects us, but it’s as if we owe that person or these persons something. We just feel like we’re bound to them, and we don’t know why we can’t get away. It’s sometimes like that, just because we take their presents.

Before you buy something, in any case, not just clothes, anything, just ask yourself, "Really need it or not?" And

"how long will I need it?" "We're using it often, long term, or occasionally?"


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The Smaller, The BetterIf you really want to practice well and be happy,

then the smaller the house, the better.

Big houses never make people happy. Maybe that’s why a lot of people are not happy. Because so many things, you feel oppressive. Because big house, you collect things. Small house, you think twice before you want to collect something. 

And the smaller the house, the happier you will be. Because whatever you need is there! You don’t have to walk miles to take things from the kitchen. And then you forget, and then you go

back again, another thing. I’m very happy in the cave. Because I have everything at my fingertips. So easy to get anything.

And then less heater in the winter, less air-con in the summer. And mostly, the smaller house, it’s cool, if you have it under the tree. It’s cool all day, you don’t even need it, don’t need air-con at all. And winter, just a small heater is fine. Also air-con, small heater, less than if you have a bigger house. 

The more we are elevated,the more we see that cleanliness is necessary.


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Natural Insect Repellant

You should just clean your house thoroughly with water and vinegar, 50/50. This disinfects and deodorizes everything, and neutralizes all the odors that attract insects. Clean whatever is infested once and for all, put it in the sun, shake it out and clean it every day or as often as possible with 50 % vinegar and 50% water. You should use more vinegar, if possible, if you can bear its smell. And you have to spray your window frames and door frames with an insect repellent, a harmless one, outside your house. Then the insects won't come in later. Otherwise, they will keep coming all the time. You should spray them once a week or every once in a while, and then they won't come in. –Fresno, California, Helpful Tips, #126

How to Clean the Floor and CarpetThere are some vacuum cleaner for the car, they're equipped with extra brush, and that brush you can vacuum your carpet or your floor. After that, simply spray around with vinegar solution. Just spray all over and mop it. One time, finish. All clean, fresh, any smell, gone.

And when I want to clean the house, first I sweep... So after I sweep clean, or use the vacuum. I even mop the carpet as well, so that it’s clean all the time. Because the carpet, just vacuuming is not clean enough. I spray vinegar solution like 50-50 vinegar/water on the clean floor and the clean carpet, and then I mop it after that. Just first spray the vinegar. Be careful not to spray on the thing that you can’t clean afterward. And then after spraying vinegar, I mop with hot


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water. No chemical. And wash with eco-friendly detergent, hand soap, everything is eco-friendly.  –DVD1004, Conf Jan 2014


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When Coming Back From OutsideAnd another thing, take off shoes before entering the house, that would be a lot less cleaning to do. The shoes should be out or in a box, not all over your carpet or your floor or even on the bed in some cases. I saw on some TV, people go home and just, with the whole shoe, just lay on the bed. I wonder how they do that. How can anybody do that! Otherwise, they will help to bring in bacteria and germs and help you to get sick more easily. If that’s what you want.

And when come home, I don’t lie down with my clothes from outside, from the street, that are laden with dust and allergens. Allergens that give you allergies, and whatever not. So I always have some homewear ready, or change, at least before bed. But I always change when I come back from outside, from the street. 

Scent of PerfumeWe often think that the scent of perfume in this world is beautiful. But actually it's not! The process is just an absorption of numerous little micro-organisms into our noses. Those who put on perfume are only absorbing countless complicated beings into themselves. That's the way our personality can become complicated. (It is like many people living in the same house.) It can be caused by the scent of perfume or some beautiful things.165

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Salt Takes Away Even Negative Energy

Salt is very powerful, takes away even negative energy, too. Not just chemicals and dirt and bacteria, but also negative energies. So all fruits and vegetables should be soaked in salt

water for three to five minutes. But first, clean all the dirt and clean with clean water first for one or two times. And then soak in salt water and then rinse with clean water again.

Insecticides Damage Our Body

The strong chemical and pesticide they use for agriculture, which is not really necessary if we do it the normal way, the natural way, we don't even need pesticide or  insecticide at all, they cannot bear all this, it is too much for them. Even human, sometimes we eat the food full of insecticide or pesticide we also feel sick, over the long period of time! But because we are big, so the sickness is not very grave.

So we do not feel it right away, but over the time, it ruins our body function and damages the cells and all kinds of things, make us sick. Sometimes get sick right away, but


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most of the time, because we are big, so we can kind of ingest it and some other way to clean it out, but then after too long, we also cannot bear it.


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Grow Organically

If you have a garden, you should plant more fruit trees and food. Make it become a habit. Food that is easy to plant, short term harvest, and has plenty of vitamins and nutrition already. You try to plant those vegetable that bear fruits, like beans, pumpkins and stuff, cucumbers - those things that bear fruit and are simple, easy... And if you don't eat it enough, you make it into, like, jam or pickled fruits.

The farmers are the best. Very happily married. They work together every day and they watch their things grow. And they eat from their own food, from their own labor. Must be a very happy life, so contented. And also because they work in the sun all the time, in the fresh air. Sun makes you happy. Fresh air makes you healthy. And then you bend up and down, you’re digging here and there. It’s like exercise. So it’s all this combined together, no wonder they’re happy.

If you love your vegetables, they grow... If you really put your heart into doing it and you really love it, your plants will grow very big, very big.  –TheFishStrawberry, P2


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Trees are Very Useful to People

The more we are in tune with the Divine and the longer the time we are vegan, the more we become more sensitive and more connected with all beings in the world, not just animals, but even trees. 

I told you some time before that trees even report to me and tell me that there’s some danger for me or something like that. The plants also try. They’re always trying to tell us something, but it’s just that we don’t listen, because we are too coarse, we are too burdened with so many things, and if we are lighter in our consciousness we can be in tune with animals easily, intuitively, or even telepathically. 

And even the trees and the plants will talk to you when necessary, and then you will feel their love and you will appreciate their beauty more, like you have never seen them before. Suddenly you feel the trees are so beautiful, or the animals are so lovely, lovely. --L.A., 2010, DVD#911

Trees also have some spirit on them, especially big trees, sometimes more than one. We have respect for all things and in turn they will protect you


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also. People do not know this; otherwise, trees are very useful to people.  --BMD #921


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Become More Connect with All BeingsWhen I walk barefoot on the ground, I felt the love from the Earth. Truly, my God, she loves me!  I never knew that before. Before I never felt it. Maybe she loves me all the time, but I never felt it. This time I feel so strong that I almost cry.

You try it to see if she loves you. I mean, she loves you, but try if you can feel it. My God! It feels like a very gentle wave of warmth, of electrical currents... I just feel it, and it was so touching. Just so, so, so, so good! I hope you feel the same, because it's so nice. It was so beautiful. –‘Killing Is Never Right’, P5

D1: Also plants are very, very noble and are very grateful for the care that we give them. I planted some papaya trees, and the trees bore some bunches, lots of papayas, and then higher up also, and it is flowering up above and the  soil is little, but they feel the love and they appreciate a lot. I think. D2: The sister said that also plants are very noble. SM: Yes, yes, yes.

Animals, plants, trees and walls, they all know. Even rocks can nod. Just because we don't see them nod, we don't think they nod. It is their souls that nod. Rocks also have souls, harder souls. See it yourself and you will know. –‘The Joy of Being with a Living Master’ P1


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Respect All Things

Since childhood I have liked trees and plants. Before I became a renunciate, our house had a huge garden. The lawn was green and the garden was filled with green plants. It was very beautiful and comfortable. I watered every day and took very good care of the plants. And I disliked it the most when someone would harm them. I got very upset, because I could feel their pain, and that would hurt me, too. I don't like that. We really shouldn't harm plants without any reason. –You May Not Know, #120

It's not always that you trim the trees that it's better. I don't trim the olive tree. I let them grow. They grow very fast. No water, because I haven't been there for a long time. But this year they grow a lot of fruit. So luscious; look beautiful ! And a lot of oil, a lot of oil. Oh my God, so much, so much fruit. So abundant, the fruit. The olive trees must feel very happy, and the mountains also. Because we don't harm them if we can avoid. --BMD #921

We don't even cut grass. In spring, they grow and in winter they die and they become compost, and so we just let it be... If in my house, I don't cut anything. Only minimun when the branches go too much into your


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walking area, it might scratch your eye or something, then I ask permission first. And if they're okay.  --BMD #921


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Back to the Golden EraMaybe we should think and dream a golden dream again. Maybe we should go back to the golden era of ancient times — where God and humans lived together - where all the fairies could talk to us in our own language and could instruct us how to have a better value of life — where everyone looked upon enlightenment and wisdom as a very natural way of living, when no one would doubt a Master like Jesus when He came to Earth to grace our world — where no one would ever criticize another great being like that again — and where no one would ever have any doubt in his heart about any Master who graced our Earth, because the Master is our Self. I very much hope that this dream will come true, and that every one of us becomes a Goddess, God, or fairy. Then our planet will shine with the halos of all of the Earthlings who have become enlightened, wise, graceful, and beautiful.

We have been living in rags and poverty for a long time. I think we deserve to enjoy some of the golden atmosphere — the beautiful, royal style of a high standard of living, in which everyone is graceful, royal and beautiful, like the queens and kings of the ancient times, with dignity and virtues fit to be Gods.


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Pearls of Wisdom

Just relax. Remember that the Bible says, “Don’t worry about tomorrow, because God will take care of everything, including even the blades of grass and the lilies of the field.” How would Hes not take care of you? You are Hiers begotten children in Hiers own image. You are saturated with Hiers love and blessings, all day long, for 24 or even 25 hours, over and over. Just be still and feel it. Be still; then you can feel it. –Florida,


Fulfill your duties, but forsake worldly ambition.Love your kinsmen, but remain unattached. Help your

neighbours, knowing it’s a shared responsibility.Do good deeds as an offering to God.

Truly, one day, may be when you get older, think of all the upheavals in your life, all the retribution that has been thrown on your path, you will feel, “Oh, how lucky I have been to have been trained with the merciful hand of Heaven so that I have become humble, become nothing.” Because in becoming nothing, you becoming great, you become your true Self. You’re not pretentious, nothing to lose any more. You are completely free. Free of clinging


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to false pride and prejudice and pretentious reputation, whatever all that rubbish is. –DVD868 The Wise Saints