murder she wrote


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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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Murder she wrote. Imagine…. You are going to a party…. Not just any party, you are going to your PROM!. At 5:30pm your prom date picks you up. At 5:30pm your prom date picks you up. You both give a cute kiss to each other and head to the party…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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You are going to a party…

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Not just any party, you are going to your PROM!

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At 5:30pm your prom date picks you up.

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At 5:30pm your prom date picks you up.

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You both give a cute kiss to each other and head to

the party…

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The music is GREAT… you meet all your classmates on the dance floor..

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Becky Schulz

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Becky Schulz

Becky Schulz is 17 years old and she loves playing with her natural hair.

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Maria Lopez

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Maria Lopez

Maria is a 16 year old girl who loves eating cakes, as you can see.

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Leo Campidonico

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Leo Campidonico

Leo is an 18 year old ladies man. He always knows how to make the girls scream for him…

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Max Mccardy

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Max Mccardy

Max is 17 years old and is very shy around people. But, he has a love for math…

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Chris Wang

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Chris Wang

Chris is 15 years old. He is the only Asian in his school and he is always bullied for it. Thus, he hates being around crowded places.

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Andre Knowles

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Andre Louis

Andre is 17 years old and loves to make jokes. In short, he is a CLOWN…

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Dina and Nina Caliente

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Dina and Nina Caliente

Both Dina and Nina are 16 and although they look different they are TWINS… also, they both got pregnant by the same man. Denis Brown.

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Peter Dinklage

Is a nice young man that make the room smile.

He is a really good talker and he knows how to make you feel good about yourself.


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Denis Brown

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Denis Brown

Denis is 17 and he loves sports. He is one of the popular guys in school that always gets the girls… Now, it seems he may have gotten 2 girls pregnant… oop!

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You are having a lot of fun at this party and with your classmates.


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You are having a lot of fun at this party and with your classmates.

Dancing Singing

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You are having a lot of fun at this party and with your classmates.

Dancing Singing Drinking the weird


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Suddenly The lights go out!

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You hear a scream..

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The lights turn on and you see someone DIED!!

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You must choose 1 person to die…

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Everyone is scared and run away screaming in fear!!

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You run as fast as you can to the big RED door…

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Suddenly, the lights cut off again..

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Above the loud screaming you can hear the sound of a painful CRY…

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The lights turn back on… and OH NO! Laying DEAD in

front of you is….

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You must choose 1 person to die…

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Now What?

You cant breathe..

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You cant breathe You feel cold

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You cant breathe… You feel cold… Your eyes focus

down on your dead classmate…

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You can’t take this feeling anymore…

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You run, FASTER AND FASTER…heading towards the door…

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You see 4 of your class mates at the door screaming

for everyone to head towards the door…

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You must choose 4 persons to be at the door…

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As you run through, the door suddenly SLAMS SHUT behind you…

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You could hear the screams of all those who did not make it…

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Oh no!

Your heart is racing..

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Oh no!

Your heart is racing..

You feel terrible shakes of fear going throughout your body…

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As you look around you see that 1 of the 4 people are badly hurt..

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You must choose 1 who gets hurt…

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Oh no!

Your friend got hurt so badly that they died.

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Oh no!

Your friend got hurt so badly that they died.

Everyone is sad about this lost. But, we must move on…

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Now, there are 3 friends left…

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You look down the hallway…

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A cold FEELING… You look down the

hallway… You stand up and

tell everyone lets quickly leave…

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As you walk, holding the hands of you friends… you feel something cold slowly touch you…

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you notice a shadow standing in the HALLWAY..

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You hear a loud scream…

You turn around and see one of your friends pulled into the dark…. And you see….

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You must choose 1 person to be pulled in the dark…

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Now, there are 2 friends left…

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I am scared


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I am scared

I AM SCARED…. You make 3 steps backwards as you

notice a creepy smile behind another friend…

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You must choose 1 person that has the monster behind


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Oh No!

In 1 bite, the monster ate your friend whole…

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You grab the hand of your only friend left and ran away as fast as you could…

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Oh no!

You run with all your strength, holding your last friends hand..

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Oh no!

You run with all your strength, holding your last friends hand..

You could feel the cold touch of something trying to get you..

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FASTER… FASTER… FASTER… You run as fast as

you could..

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FASTER… FASTER… FASTER… You run as fast as

you could.. You could hear

your heart beat quickly…

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You and your friend see the RED door that says…


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You and your friend see the RED door..

You run through the red door outside in the RAIN to where a crowd of people and police officers are waiting…

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Thank GOD!

I AM SAFE!! I am so happy I hug my friend in tears…

Together we cried..

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Thank GOD!

I AM SAFE!! I am so happy I hug my friend in tears…

Together we cried..

But as I looked over her shoulder and at my school..

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I could see the shadow looking…

down… right at ME….

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I don’ know!!

I quickly look down onto the grass, hugging my friend tightly…

As I looked down I notice something…

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My shadow looked strange..I felt like it was looking at me..

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I want to forget all this…


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Who survived?

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aspiration ( 名 热望 )


You have a strong desire and determination to succeed in life no matter the problems that may come your way.

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Childish ( 天真的 )


A part of yourself has not developed its full potential.

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Knowledgeable ( 有见识的 )


You are aware of your surrounding and open minded to learning about new things, experiences and people.

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Superficial ( 面积的 )


You only care about the physical things in life and your worries are focus on what society expects of you.

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Anxious ( 渴望的 )


You have confused feelings about you life and the choices you make.

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Thin Skin ( 有危险的 )

Thin Skin-

you feel unworthy or feel that you are always being judged by society.

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Cheerfulness ( 愉快 )


You keep hope alive! You risk and try hard to achieve what is considered impossible

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Coldhearted ( 不区分大小写 )


You do not really care for other people’s feelings. Your main concern is your own goals and success.

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Insecure ( 不安全 )


you feel unimportant and insignificant in life and often feel helpless in some
