my own math's dictionary

My own math's dictionary. By: Brayan Fernando Martinez Simales

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My own math's dictionary.

By: Brayan Fernando Martinez Simales

AAbacus:[noun] /ˈæb.Ə.Kəs/ it’s a tool

for counting and calculating.

Add/addition :[noun]

/æd/or/əˈdɪʃ.Ən/ to put two or more

numbers or amounts together to get a


Addend: [Noun]/ ăd′ĕnd′ / any of a group of

numbers or terms added together to form a sum.

Angle: [Noun]/ˈæŋ.ɡəl/ the space between two

lines or surfaces at the point at which they touch

each other, measured in degrees.

Annual: [adjective] /ˈæn.Ju.Əl/

relating to a period of one year.

Approximation: [noun]

/əˌprɑːk.Səˈmeɪ.Ʃən/ a guess of a number

that is not exact but that is close.

Arithmetic: [Noun] /əˈrɪθ.Mə.Tɪk/

calculations involving adding and

multiplying, etc. Numbers.

BBalance: [noun]/ˈbæl.Əns/ having the same weight (mass) on

either side.

Base: [noun] /beɪs/ the bottom part of an object.

Billion:[Noun] /ˈbɪl.Jən/ a thousand millions.

Brackets: [Noun] a part of symbols used to enclose a section of a

mathematical expression.


C Calculator:[noun] /ˈkæl.Kjə.Leɪ.T ̬ɚ/ a

small electronic device that is used for

doing calculations.

Calendar:[noun] /ˈkæl.Ən.Dɚ/ a printed

table showing all the days, weeks, and

months of a year.

Celsius:[noun] /ˈsel.Si.Əs/ a temperature

measurement scale used in the metric



Century:[noun] /ˈsen.Tʃər.I/ one

hundred years.

Circle: [noun]/ˈsɝː.Kəl/ a

continuous curved line.

Coefficient: [noun] /ˌkoʊ.ɪˈfɪʃ.Ənt/ a

number which multiplies a variable.

• Corner: [noun] /ˈkɔːr.Nɚ/ points where the

edges of a solid figure meet.

• Cube: [noun]/kjuːb/ a solid object with six

squares sides of equal size.

• Curve: [noun]/kɝːv/ a line tha is not straight.



D Date: [noun] /deɪt/ record showing a

given day, month and year.

Day: [noun] /deɪ/ a period of 24

hours, it’s a period of time when the

earth turns around itself.

Decade: [noun] /ˈdek.Eɪd/ a period

of ten years.

• Denominator:

[noun]/dɪˈnɑː.Mə.Neɪ.T ̬ɚ/ the

number below the line of a


• Digit: [noun] /ˈdɪdʒ.ɪt/ any one

of the ten numbers 0 to 9.

• Distance: [noun]/ˈdɪs.Təns/ the

length between two


• Division: [noun] /dɪˈvɪʒ.Ən/ sharing or

grouping a number into equal parts.

• Divisor: [noun] /dɪˈvaɪ.Zɚ/ a number by

which another number is divided in a


• Dividend: [noun] /ˈdɪv.Ə.Dend/ the

number being divided.

• Double: [adjective]/ˈdʌb.Əl/

multiplied by 2, twice as much.

• Dozen: [noun] /ˈdʌz.Ən/ a

group or set of 12.

E • Element: /ˈel.Ə.Mənt/ member of a set.

• Equal: /ˈiː.Kwəl/ having the same amount or


• Equilateral triangle: /ˌi·kwəˈlæt ̬·ə·rəl

ˈtrɑɪˌæŋ·ɡəl, ˌek·wə-/ a triangle that has all

sides the same length.

• Exponent: /ɪkˈspoʊ.Nənt/ a number or sign

that shows how many other number is to be

multiplied by itself.

F Factor:[noun] /ˈfæk.Tɚ/ a

whole number that divides

exactly into another number.

Finite: [adjective]/ˈfaɪ.Naɪt/

able to be counted, limited.

Flashcard:[noun] /ˈflæʃ

ˌkɑːrd/ series of cards used for


Fortnight: [noun]/ˈfɔːrt.Naɪt/ two weeks or fourteen days.

Fraction: [noun]/ˈfræk.Ʃən/ any part of a group, number or


Frequency: [noun]/ˈfriː.Kwən.Si/ the number of times a

particular item appears in a set of data.

Function: [noun]/ˈfʌŋk.Ʃən/ a mathematical relationship

between two values.

Fraction Frequency

• Geometry:[noun] /dʒiˈɑː.Mə.Tri/ area of mathematics dealing with solids, surfaces, points, lines, curves and angles, and their relationships in space.

• Gram (g):[noun] /ɡræm/ a standard metric unit for measuring mass.

• Grouping: [noun]/ˈɡruː.Pɪŋ/ dividing things into equal groups (sets)

• GMT: [noun]/ˌdʒiː.Emˈtiː/ standard time measured at greenwich, england.


HHalf:[adjective] /hɑːf/ one of two equal


Heptagon:[noun] /ˈhep.Tə.ɡɑːn/ a

polygon with 7 sides.

Horizontal:[adjective] /ˌhɔːr.ɪˈzɑːn.T ̬əl/

parallel to the horizon

Hour:[noun] /aʊr/ a period of 60


Hundred:[number] /ˈhʌn.Drəd/ whole

number equal to 10x10.

I,i Impossible:[adjective] /ɪmˈpɑː.Sə.Bəl/

no chance- will not happen.

Increase: [verb]/ɪnˈkriːs/ get larger in

size or number.

Inequality:[noun] /ˌɪn.ɪˈkwɑː.Lə.T ̬i/

not equal in size, amount or value.

Infinite: [adjective]/ˈɪn.Fə.Nət/ unable

to be counted, unlimited.

Interval:[noun] /ˈɪn.T ̬ɚ.Vəl/ distance

between two points.

Irrational number:[noun] /ɪˌræʃ.Ən.Əl

ˈnʌm.Bɚ/ a real number that can be

written as: a nonrepeating or

nonterminating decimal but not as a


Irregular:[adjective] /ɪˈreɡ.Jə.Lɚ/ a shape or

mathematical object which is not regular.


Irrational Number

K Keyword:[noun] /ˈkiː.Wɝːd/ it can help us

solve mathematical word problems.

Kilogram:[noun] /ˈkɪl.Ə.ɡræm/ a unit of

mass equal to 1000 grams.

Kilometer:[noun] /kɪˈlɑː.Mə.T ̬ɚ/ standard

metric unit for measuring distance.

Kite:[noun] /kaɪt/ plane shape having two sets

of equal sides and one of opposite angles that

are equal.



L Least:[adverb] /liːst/ the smallest in a


Length:[noun] /leŋθ/ distance from

one end to the other.

Less:[adverb] /les/ not as many as.

Likely:[adjective] /ˈlaɪ.Kli/ will

probably happen.


Line: /laɪn/ a mark of something.

Litre: /ˈliː.T ̬ɚ/ a metric unit for

measuring capacity.

Long: /lɑːŋ/ name given to base 10

block representing 10.


MMass: [adjective]/mæs/ quantity of matter

in an object.

Mathematics: [noun]/ˌmæθˈmæt ̬.ɪks/ the

study of numbers, quantities, shapes and

space using mathematical processes, riles

and symbols.

Maximum:[adjective] /ˈmæk.Sə.Məm/

highest or greatest amount or value.

Mean:[verb] /miːn/ average of a number of different amounts.

Member:[noun] /ˈmem.Bɚ/ element of a set.

Meter:[noun] /ˈmiː.T ̬ɚ/ a metric unit for measuring length, equal to 100 centimeters.


Millennium:[noun] /mɪˈlen.I.Əm/

a period of 1000 years.

Million:[number] /ˈmɪl.Jən/ one

followed by 6 zeros. Equal to one

thousand thousands.

Minimum:[noun] /ˈmɪn.Ə.Məm/

lowest or least amount or value.

Minus:[preposition] /ˈmaɪ.Nəs/ to substract.

Minute:[noun] /ˈmɪn.ɪt/ a unit of time is

equal to 60 seconds.

Month:[noun] /mʌnθ/ a period of about four




[noun]/ˌmʌl·tə·plɪˈkeɪ·ʃən/ the

process of multiplying numbers.

Multiple:[noun] /ˈmʌl.Tə.Pəl/

the number doing the


Multiplicand: [noun]the

number being multiplied.

NNatural number:[noun] a counting number from

one to infinity.

Negative number:[noun] a number less than zero.

Number: [noun]/ˈnʌm.Bɚ/ describes quantities or


Numeral:[noun] /ˈnuː.Mə.Rəl/ a symbol that

represents a number.

Numerator: [noun]/ˈnuː.Mə.Reɪ.T ̬ɚ/ the number

above the line in a fraction.

O • Octagon:[noun] /ɑk·təˌɡɑn/ a polygon

having eight angles.

• Operations:[noun] / ˌɑp·əˈreɪ·ʃən/ a process

of a practical or mechanical nature in some

form or work.

• Ordinal:[noun] / ˈɔr·dən·əl/ a number such

as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, that shows the position of

something in a list of things.

• One:[number] /wʌn/ the number 1

PPyramid:[noun] /ˈpɪr.Ə.Mɪd/ a solid object

with a square base and fourtriangular sides

that form a point at the top.

Polynomial: [noun] /ˌpɑl·əˈnoʊ·mi·əl/ the

result or adding or substracting two or more

numbers or variables.

Parallel:[adjective] /ˈpær.Ə.Lel/if two or

more lines are parallel, the distance between

them is the same all long their length.

Proportion: [noun]/prəˈpɔː.Ʃən/ the

number or amount of a group or part of

something when compared to the whole.

Problem:[noun] /ˈprɒb.Ləm/ a

situation, person, or thing that needs

attention and needs to be deal with or



QQuarter: [noun]/ˈkwɔː.Tər/ one of four equal or

almost equal parts of something.

Quantity:[noun] /ˈkwɔː.Tər/ the amount or

number of something, especially that can be


Quadrilateral:[noun] /ˌkwɒd.Rɪˈlæt.Ər.Əl/ a

flat shape with pour straight sides.


relating to numbers or amounts.

RRaise:[verb] /reɪz/ to lift something to a

higher position.

Rectangle: [noun]/ˈrek.Tæŋ.ɡəl/ a flat

shape with four angles and four sides, with

opposite sides of equal length.

Radius: [noun] /ˈreɪ.Di.Əs/ a straight line

joining the center of a circle to its edge or the

center of a sphere to its surface.


Rhombus: [noun]/ˈrɒm.Bəs/ a flat

shape that has four sides that are all

of equal length.

Rotation: [noun]/rəʊˈteɪ.Ʃən/

movement in a circle around a fixed


SSecond: [predeterminer] /ˈsek.Ənd/

immediately after the first and before

any others.

Semicircle: [noun] /ˈsem.Iˌsɜː.Kəl/

half a circle.

Score:[verb] /skɔːr/ to win or get a

point, goal, etc. In a competition, sport,

game or test.

Sequence:[noun] /ˈsiː.Kwəns/ a series

of related things or events, or the order

in which they follor each other.Sequence

TThird: [ordinal number] /θɜːd/ 3rd

written as a word

Triangle: [noun] /ˈtraɪ.Æŋ.ɡəl/ a flat

shape with three straight sides.

Trinomial:[noun] /traɪˈnoʊ.Mi.Əl/ a

mathematical statement with three

numbers or variables.

UUnit: /ˈjuː.Nɪt/ a single thing or a

separate part of something larger.

Unequal: /ʌnˈiː.Kwəl/ different in

size, level, amount, etc.

VValue:[noun] /ˈvæl.Juː/ the amount

of money that can be received for


Variable: [adjective] /ˈveə.Ri.Ə.Bəl/

likely to change often.

WWeek:[noun] /wiːk/ unit of

time equal to 7 days.

Whole:[adjective] /hoʊl/ all,

everything, total amount, all the


YYard: /jɑːrd/ equal to 3 feet

or 36 inches.

Year: /jɪr/ the time it takes

the earth to completely orbit

the sun, equal to 12

months, 52 weeks or 365


Z Zero: /ˈzɪr.oʊ/ the number 0.

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