nashville union and american. (nashville, tn) 1858-05-08 [p ]. · 2017-12-16 · pornea oificeuc ja...

, d . i J . r. J d J A JUST RECEJVED.AM) fpirJ t aiilMioi.Wjr.O.BanA.Oo,)wj-'- - . ComiMlibivAroduceldr&nts i amBft IkBALBB. BrandisJVlnc, Cigars, &c., NASHYIBLK, TENNESSEE." '- ' WW had TJSwW Sjrr. aAbaMtMMe; 91 do Q fi.Ha Gees 450 Bb. "najiiu. 20 K 1W 4o " 9S SM do etirta Siflf leu do 6rJ4Bpwy so do latWd. . .Oa 4 on et 15 f03 ucKt eitn yteoti 1OH- - 00 jw oas jBOpetg im " iar ao tS bue W aertrPalated Tut i; " BM6ar JMl do tKaaaj 99 bWlWitttrtlTAte; - SMI do HlCW Mr&d' OL TcAiroO; m o bub nun do I 75 I M Uoeb do , ies do wSte A 1 i7y bolM Yirkmt trio a I: W do OU-nr- . 75 do " Bwrbon da 9 do EWrt w co do 40 do Htcac. .. . 74 i do 'do " T WO buin do 3 inn Bairu Fin: . 75 BUkolk Oistpociie; JW'r'eiHH Wr.nnlnr Pacer: Hi ffradMr lSBO-Wlcanar- 'i bna!r Btf3 - . BURQE & ALLKS W hol o s 1 G--r o c o ry .... . - Forwarding1 Merchants: Foreign, & Doiuestic Liquors, PCASHVIIiliK,....i.....TE.NFSSEE. WE neSbir Hi TOecidt t inige Ibd eea'eriTiuorlfficBt Groecriet M.quBTTJcct irMot ' Hi eu ai Tory lejr grvf no -- 1 - ' 740 Mi SoV&r ll trm4e: JO bWt Pccsut; t TBI bf K(.ih i . . M " .PUoartii 1UQ U bbli 8 H MoImki: 30 lleicei Hltc: 1UO0 b xetrfiHzXraodioa 3J0 Jj t X do do !M ka AaUe e , 1 OboiM I'afte U ice doi PilUed BnekU; KM do BreJisoe; ia nei!TabK 200 d HK-Kaiai- Sit erM Muhe: l tutu 9m bit uluiwire, nwrted: SOM tiU . do m bbU Cider Vbieian . 10 bozoi CorTOfter pO eoila MkollVKopc: 30 do Fro Poaoaot; - M Urece frtih Wer;- - ' IK do IVtji t 0 kecLeadaadtbolL . 13 LIQUORS. SjH ; S99 barrelt Plke'a, Jiaasolla, Sf barrelt pore old Brt,;te- - - -- rjrfloe; " Wiukj; SOS br'Ha TeaBoaaee WitteaeO bbia & K pipea A merkan WO barrda MbMo dlktrHod do do X M G4i; WaUkvi . - . 3 pipea old Holland Ptaj ' 906 bbli ferallb'i old rocorTe 850 bozea fiee and cojomon, WTiUkf - Mrasdj; " MO bbia Vt A. BrewataoM JUtealarseatoekefflBeBrar MoooiiatiaU.Wbiak ' ulei, W Ac. . sir Sri MOtCRlS & 6TKATTO? , &C0,, AVHQIJESAXE grocers, CoiiiiiiissiowiS ercliaiits ' AGENXS FOJR THE Sitken . 3rw aid M. Eactery. A wish to eal Ibe aUeoUon of MerrhtBts aad WE w&o aet!iB Irea aad Hatll, to tbMaoafinre of boataeaa Iron Wotka, loeaiedatradocabtKjtVsoie locality esaMe IB m to rated the beat leneearte material . fiber ate oo'Otoeri) for too atanufacture of IroB aad SM' I Thej bave altu) beat aad .Bol reoeat lmprgTcicOuU la L tbwlr mathioery whlca eoabloa tbea to mknnftduro all anlclea'uuntne tn quaiiiy.lor d raecb lesa price tbkn cas b aih(dd vj alUa. witaoul aacb. mederalapruao led .e ai all 1liBi Vlll bare'a fall aad moat complete Itoek HaUrtO , - bT liaif ilflTINn. SOIlARK. Ttnir.KR. AND hJUbliT IRON, TcfethorvltballtheTafioBa aixoaoT MAILS, whlcbweare oderlBctbetraieatmaaalaetBrera' prion. All Iron d to b 4a4a too maoofactore of any other Teeeea-ao- e Mllli, asd to ba aoperlwr to too Btasafaeutre of anj other Ktate. Call aBBezauiiBO our articlei and prlrei. HOLLlNOfiWORTH 4 CO., Jaly 8 Ko. 8 Market atreet. C"AbTlUb',aHool(jrow Bara, Wason boxei, Iron aatea Iter Iruo A large aad well atoek is atera asd fM M.e to tbe trade at Maautac-ureraBriee- HOLL1SG8V.OKTI1 dcUti. llHllt ' aio. 6. Market, atreet. JO. BBWABBSj tTHOLESAiiE GKOCEK, COMMISSION AND 9 TSEWAiBISO KEECHAS1, MALIE IS B8AHIMES, W1XBB.CK3ARS, AO. u Corner of Spring aad College Streets, Kt'aHVlLLI, TdNKKHIX. :o: HHOCKHIE.S. 1 AH HHDSrrlmo tetvt Koar; XVJV MbMiCoebed iMdrodaadLoaf6ux: WW bags Prime Ino CoHec . 30 " M SotI JaTa tVllee; " lee bbli aad BaU bbli Koboiiod Molauei ; StiO wMM,Balfaad qvarterboxeatiUrCaadlei; ( lOOboxeaieBiBorMoold do; ' U0 ' Wrsifefft asd MiHoari Tebacee; SOO " Aseorttd etaHWoeo; lOtietega WbeoUBcMalleadaaadSpikeiM) M bat'i Pepper Spite aad Giager, 80 Sh w Bulub Walmta aad FIIsofU; 23 rate ban and quarter boxea Sardtoei, . fin lbHed CtRaii; SO.ei'0 t .(toi braadt t;ara: 50 doxofi fit Med Bockata. , 50 Bati - do l'abo; SO caeee Matcbea; , . SS cMt MafaHUWaso. auortod rliea. July 11 JO. UPWARDS. BBLS KKCT1FIKD WWKKTi I ) SO Old Bourboa . ' do ' ' ' ' ' ' So " He , do KO " AtBOtioas Bmdy,. SO Wei 100 " Walker'! II AU, SS SKRaia; , Aleo.alirRB atoek of line BraodiM, Hleei, die., Is' alora Bad Tor ale ey ' July II JO. BDWAKPS- - New Store ,& JSew Goods. o Cheap Cash & Exchange Store. 'PUB labterlber barlar add eat hit laloreit latbeeld elaadof H tI b Co., SO Market atreet, aad located Blmieir pertBaaeatty oB btauwa proaerty, coreor of Gaer-- rj and Mulbrirj ttreota, Soatb KaabTiIlo, known hereto re aa Loie'i Moio, baa iBc coeeired, aad ti bow opBl oplrndldaie.rtaivotef Aowaadfreeb Goods of every dee orlption, lelltbietor tbe waataof both eby aad ceuatry eotiiiauag of DRY GOODS Of all klada, frlcti. Lawni,DeLalnei, en. Jaconet, Haellce,CilKi, KibtKBt,&c. ' - JKW'EIiRV. Fiae Gold Kiagi, LaJlea' aad Gaat'a Bicaat Plna,tf o, Sioeuc aaa Gold f'lone. lob Cbalaa, &c. Alia UEADV MDE CLOTHING, -- Of the lateet at)le and qlalfty. (a COTTON ADKS. Heavy WooIob Coeds, DoaiesUea, JWiakeU, io. thiiits siiiik. 1 rV viS'iTa. HARDWARE, CVfTLE&r ANDjQHEENS5VARb;, L Ib taetwer thing will be kept that will be necessary lot the All jf which he tsdeteraiiaod Vo.eoUWsidaay-cboipe-r K tbaa can be psrchatHl in athville,aa hts limited expea- - ot a will allow Ihb to do so. I, G, HASBROOK. A. MORRISON CO.. L WHOLESALE DBALBBS IS . , , , Foreign and Domestic HT anoy GrO " cis j - A O. 72 i'OMLW SQUARB, ; , Naskvillc. Tcnn. . . . . t j are bow tecedries or Fp"S etock of goodsle 1 WE we call (he aileeiloB of SerewaBls be jlag 1 1 this muket. Oar .lock la re and doeirable. no wm sail low rnr cash or to prowpt caea Ob ttote. earlOtf . A. MORK1BOX di CO. II .LO ' K A IS E , PR0DDCKr4.NO C0M1LISS1O.M kERGHANT I abb paauaiR reaaioM auo eenarnc 8AS1IVILLE. T2fJT. ebsS- -t Wanted. TT0K CASH.m.m ooaeda rt'Weel; " " Mm, " Ghueax; in em Featbersi lwiuii barbel Wheat; .. 3U.OU0 Kye; . . vae It ,K. O'KAiK' Wanted. ... FIVE HH5DRKD I barrels of Apple Cider waajed b . MARBLE MONUMENT &c. M. L, SnlLTON TNFOKMS hla frieadi aad the wttle Is I now proaecatlac ihe-iK- W!tvlVl2i ' .SlA.' fctree-- t rveebjteviao Ctureh and tho Post Otaco- - - auena to the erderrel all wbo may -- ant worar la aAHtoe eoae. lUhas and will beep on hBd a .atpiy of Marble Monuments, Tombs, &c linullured oi UeorBee. JUbu uuk Aaerlcaa M.utleta tb best of lhe,aju. .All ef.bla woib will be warresud. i. ,iil.iE52SBsHBS.i3BBBBjBimBB r? rr A, JB-- a O , i Jto. u ri)iiiu oyuAiUj, r aoii v lulld. i ; ? HeM1m 3K THBIK RKW ST0BE, " Be. vt OeogB Stxwt Spring &pd Summer Good, iTraiLHbsTeJbiMKofcawd uadar rery M tt- - lf fnmnfanon nnj VlU Irtm t M fcfrw beaara tuB aa afae.ll befaroMyiatf;, bhiwh otifM Ffbe aide otrtpo Otoaadiaea, Shttta fm d.adMrtee, Koaa-co- aad plUn Boraaea, In boMUfol H looj Bee Freaeh Or- - Caadie JantHea, oiogaaa oaaooa a do atripa Omadtoji. bsiottfol aeaallBgarea rreftoa ab BrlfliaBta, rltteide itiipo ad brad i xrirtfT. iLUHtiM 8ih (Man a&d UBdeulecrts. LteptntsoBdlK IH Sm Luo tUi, Jioonel b4 fiwlM omijir2iaaraer'WnBoiB(, alarg rtoek of U9 bttX enke tcelUh Uoaiorr, SiK sod ColtA. House Furniliing Cfoods. VVa will secit concUBtlf ob kiwJ a lige iek of Cxrp ti, Scotch Carpu of oron etad of ib.a bt aakca, TatroV aad Upeiirj m Ttry bow tf loo, alt klsdi of Sago ad Mm. caniQ utmut, uimpa, IjOopi verda im xvmou, a IrtcoaodMuiUaKmbiWaortdCuiUlEu, lonlctx, Usruta Haadiaad Hiss 'lVblIjDM. flapklai. TowoU.asd M&r- - seUloa Uu!ltsalo PlooifM CXoUS. Wa bare a good aatorlaMat of ButE asd Pore Cloths and Cassimeree. French Liceni for reatlOBau' itear. fins Fresah Hit etOea VetUBZ,Uien OackaKaUa Vestioc, Fasaf. Stt venrsca, nice eaetK Mnenj tor ajouerea'a woar. wo aetO wtu, eop UtBaburgi 3 yarat wjoe, car miking wifeB.eBeauff taatcloliia. awBlB?!. dee. Wewlil par a fair price for all rood barter la tbe way of - Sootj, Idnteya aad Jeasa. star J a. u. oc &. a. unnuii Sprang, McCrory & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AID :; Commission Merchants, pORNEA OificeUC ja NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. I r J TTTEaro sow lareeolp o'a large tf6 faootlat W ef OHOOBalBS A.l) L14UUES, wblcb wo wdl aell atjow ratea UjXha uxie. ISO U 3U b1 kaeit M do SUG RalU ISO Older VlBtfir, 750 paekBtiUr CaarHoj; ' IM Piae'a WhlikT: 100 bMs croih Sc pow. Bozar: 100 " Wilihlre do, MO JistL O df PlnAldbaaeo.. WO" If DomeifJQaondpaMdcaiemliiaa; I i L 0 Pine old KobertsoiTfeftanty WhUVy; AfkA ail olbtp&rUelos utuailjr aeM by wanietaip uroeeri. 1Y1KU, WCUllUttX & tlU. aareh S7, 18SS. I Kirkpatrickj K"eviii W ' aCl di X. For rA r d iug , fc Wholesale Grocery Merchants, MARKET STREET, NASUVILLt, TENNESSEB4- - rTAVB aiir la itorealarge and conipleto Ssaoftraest of a.JL uroeenei.emoraclDC kkw TjP.Clriss Sugars, all mdei. ' : iiaLAsScS.ln barreli aad hall barrel, COFPKH, a large aad complete itock; KA1S1SS, a lull ttock, with TEAS, CANOLES.SAKDIESVMaCKEaKD ULAbSWA 3, AbSUllTEIJ, I'tCAIXS, Joceiker wKh all klada of erllslea aisallj kept in tbe Cro on uae. uar aioca ci BBANDIES. WINES.. WHISKY. &C. - We think cannot baeurpaHed la tbla oranvotaer market. T.o out beavj alockof gjoda bow la elore we JnrKe IM at- -, tenlion of tbe trade. ' ' " k ,J mar96-- tf K1KKPAT8ICK, KEVINS & CO. R. G. M'NAIRY & CO., 15ET3BIVED THIS DAY elegant aisortment of NEW ana j&mkibi.huuuijs, laaptea f Uta approaclnr..l JOUOBiCOOtl! ma0.Ftifri the imwlagjlclei:f JTf w ELBOAN Side Stripe. " "; oanced Greaadlaet; Double Skirt ? Together with all aaatiilei flala Black Sllkt. Neat Ctioeke. PlaWV,Strlpei, &e.,&c .cheap, elegant Lacei,oew etjlei Wo bare auo an aisortraen, ol Ladlei' Under Garraenta. auch aaCbemlfe, Night Gownt, Sklrti, Caps, &c.,dxc , all of which we offar on the most favorable terrai. roar 90 K C. SlcNAIKY dt CO. Second Sppiiigand Summer r. roeJiAB, t: JAS. M. Q00DL0E, . AH PR. CAMPBELI.. FUBMiLN No: 2, Public SquartrrneKr tbo "Wli-- Bridcc, IMP0BTEBS ASD WffOLMALK SEALES8 inj" SEBICAN, BRITISH, GE MAE.nnrXlTAIlAX 4 DRY GOODS. WK are now rcetvtsg oar aecond Hook of Spring" summer aJoodx. embracleg all the varto ties aLd new deeigne of tbe seaaoa. An elimination of our etock hall Uat wm be Boceeaaryto convince tbe closest bnyera that we are able and willing to offer KXTJC.A INDUCtMKNTSTO TIIE TRADE. Our etock la complete In every line of goods, aad merchants teuclag In their order may reiy upon ui sending them NEW aad FKBSU GOOuS,ai we have selblng elao jo out house r AND AT itEUt CED PKICES; All bayers vttillBg oar market to recruit taelr stocks will Sad It to their interest to call on "s, lor In roleettop this tick of goods every advantage has been taken of tho mar-bet- a tbatmoue) and experience possets. Oar prlcea will oa toaau regular ana anuorm always. IJf We will offer no But! to caicbthe Unwary. April Si 2m FUKMAN dc CO. Greatest Medical Wonder of the .Age,, COWAN'S Vegetable Lithontripti , OR FRIEND OF THE .HUMAN FAMILY! T yati Korld is cballesgej to produc. a medicine thii bia aSVrdtd tbe same umouat of leuef to sufferiDr ba. Biaaity as Cowan'a Liiboatripiic. CuWAN'd LITUOM'ltlPriU bas cared thousandiuol eases (SioDe id the Bladder and Kidneys. " ' ' CUWAIv'd LliUuNlKlPTIU bas cured the most ag. gra voted Oites ol Gravel ever seeB, aad is tbe only corlara reaseey now known ior me above aisecei. 'OOtVAN'SLITHoNrtilPriu never fails to cure all diseaeeiof the Kidcej sand Bladder. CO WAI'd LlTilON 1UIPT10 is tbe only sure remedv for.Djteeiea. COWANS LITHOXTRUTH; is a certain core for Chro. cic (iBorrL09. and Uleet. COWANU LITUOATRIPTIO oares weazBees of tbe Loia. C0WAHS LiniONTRLPTIC aas cared the worst ca ses of Proiii)us Uteri ever known. CO WAN y LlTUONTalrTlG is the only remedy that bas fcueetfe fully eared UarreaLess. UOWAa 1.11UOA i Kin iu wai core tbe. went form 4 ofUrepey. OOwANUrHONTRIPTIC will cure loo standiM eases tf Stricture and resaore Venereal Taint from tbe CO.WANW L1THONTRIPTIC is tbe only remedy taowiiior Hie cureot all Symputbeiic CbEDplaiatj aileno- - ast oaiTregcancj, ana-te.- -y iiuuio who is pregnant saouia atofioe prtouia u bo.Ueil aoe wiabes to feel well, while ia tbet ceaciwiD. COWA.NS LITU0NTRIPT1U is the only remedy ever yeVdteooVerwl that wi 1 reinvd tbe p. ma cf labor, aad the i waoteHSHiaie w. riufouum rcjoKe inu Buou a aiaoorery tub bH made wbeieb toey nave obutlned a cure lneed aMUt Ibtra iu the g.elest trial vt Heir lite. TbHKist4ucrednlujswai bj convinced cf the great by rtui)ig ba ablcNlt certttbr Cites and tboae around each bjilie-- . 3ii Jack.ob, Madison county, Tobb. lo all periofu Atcua wan U ravel. Mr. J. P. Cowj--lr- r bust 1 hereby cetufv. that In 'ho laaimer of the cai ipj5 a aeivaut oi mine, a boy about IB ears of axe. woo ntd atwataueiarfe tbistiiwe ocen stout and ,an4gruu coutiluuu, was attacked with gravel. A lbtiisud w.s ciuad yih attauoeo ou bim lur aevoral WvBtas, dunug wrhCatJHri kl fcw verse dally, jtatsldie. was balplee, andlbeneva wouiaaave Oled in a few day bad it bo been ior a iriead, who4irud the use of Cowaaw iwHW1' Iprocureo a'rew b. tUe, the erst ol wmctt . him relief, aad ib aioortumebe waaab e (o walk b ut, nd flna iy luikyerod.Vbrett; .Mies' whlca tlneheha. a.UBo .mpli.msol aald disease, aad to ail appearance la aa any .orvjaton Bin plaotatioB. 1 taereiorero-touiuieu- d u to all persons auSeriug under a like illtlue, as eiie ui tue oiiwi ceruLia rcmeaite knows. Uiveu usder my band,tau AuguifJiJ, lSi7. ' lJA!Iu SHELT0N. . . JaoaaoK, Tena.,Aagaix, W67. Tbe above case waa petieeiiy cared by Ui oolllosol the LBbobtriptle, aud iitweouao worst cases of O ravel tat ba vm beoo m tbi. oouutry. U. AI) A MbO.N . jjj- - Leiev.ry ieiuale who expects lo become a moihe reaathe follow ing aud proat thereby : YoixriLLx, Oct. 1S63. Mr J. F. Corns-D- ear Sir : Yoa will dome tbe kindness to pdbhsh under m) oeuiiecau IbetoUowiag seta, tcatUiv snenu'c c0mmunityg.a bobjooalaed. I'haTSglve huth to nine cnlldrcn, and Viy litirtjotlg VlraWloaii s.ved (i consider) by r)Beauie, Jcauaou iiuilCAlo,jou,a,4. loth, public withhold ray testimony to it many virtues. 1 uscdyoor LilBoatnptic IB small portroa perhaps ones a da), ifir bfemoMh,wAiCbdlpeiled entirely the flatuleui tckeessof tho ilweicb ao luniri-bur- n wultu had annoyed me lo an oiarm g uxieai lu all oi) former prrguaaeM. vt hen 1 was couHaeu t took, abont two jviue glasses luHoi the same meutaiae wbkb savame aa easier delivery by a laad the biidwif with others la attendance, were thoreuobly fooviacod Uial tae pals of. tb deiiterj was lery mata e.saeuod by iu ae. t would say to all my .ex that expect to be raotbers,sot to bo without jour tavaiuabie medieia durUgptgaancy,aadparUcalarl al the tune of canine-mea- t, ultsu a marked tendency lo relax the system, las Dalnol labor I much ilimlntshed, and fur. Iber. ay. Paynclio and, Mi it? fee tiOVb said thai 1 bad. Bt9py J ol tbenouib and 1 now enjoy oeticr nvaiui man i Lire dBo la lea yeara.'andl baiWve tuo disease is .ntlrely re moved- - cir.ldo this that tbe sasTerior ef very many or my sex may alleviated If they eaa oaly overcome their prejudi- ce ao much as.lp aj tte Lioauipiio.. ll auj peraea withes to knowuly OfJtoloscTurUier tfpon IBM isbject, they can addiess a. at Yorkvtlie, 'laa. ELIJAH SNOW, CYS1U1A L. SNOW. I was present and heard Mr. Snow acknowledge w. faeu eoataiBod iu itoabore corulcate 1 have been .oquaiBied with Mr. and Sir., mow lor many years, aad have reason ,o believe lb. trut. of Uffcf v.'KREDrlAM. '' PUKPAKBD 02JLY BY 1 ... W. F. UilAV. JF&t-sJ- e by'sltthe Prtiggiste inNashTille, aadbfy . .JA.'!fl1l.....'uS Clot. . . JJrutrfftBls .v, 7 a- - ft. W.iERRV-- i DEOdOVILLE, BW I N PJSND LET0N 1 & CO.. iH,H ''uSii.l.Ttiri'ta.'Nairirtaa' Hti n mmm)miimww I - "J .aw. WwiiWm .d i i. No; IJ.JtarHO Mrecl t. . I trinflcaiaiulever.ntdaiore. Aoria tela all, 1 have .VJsKiw ' "Taeefi'iV Med la one am, aad beard irom. a respectable stffe l.v, . ft f i. . t ... ,lW3.M Lu .1 '1 i ffllwalijluiiimer, Cook 4 Co., ft I0LE3ALS DEAJffi woJaOCIWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaStaaaR AND T"bJRrETrESs Nqs. 7 & JB, public Square, 'ktsato-E,..- . rl!iia?HSSEE. WE iavo rfceirrf fiur aliri, stock ibr the 8prinjr Saka,asdinrHeMK0HAN is tb eitr end 0B&try to oli and easfftse tbe g Gi&u,. : We will, at berelooifaIKXffiiNTS ONLY. We off me ftntOltojmmmSLco'i in its rcMiii". brnli reJoTrStotaMlSSM jJricea, and to oar eta aad well t r JsioJrAtlr (E Aeeemmedaticnt a4 (aaibhee bereSjr iriTeti -- tEea. Caib and abort Tkae bojere Will hs- nHrred lhe Mrongett poiaiblajn- - Ladiife&Bress ?HVe sew seals entirely - -- -j ojWlhitu-ifii- l gylev snsna . ELBGASy BARAQ&ilOBSi'X'Q0IIiLS. javunst ' DtUfeSSinEBQIlES A'QrjILLE. BHALli MUUKKU MUSLLNS. JiEiT ?' JACONETS. " LAWNS. " v . ' ( " . OB3ANDIH8. X' .'V-'u--i BROfljtaJeWB.".-- " '" WHITE45'' - EMBR0IDKRIB3, JACONKTS, SWISSES, ic, A:. f tnjsra coATVotje. than a?JatlarAP .dbmKrirtntr Avnrvtlilncr " ' " . Jag- - waJ ja Vi r iiDatinirtitatvijD. OF IBNcS- - IJHILIi: " PL 4 IN LINEN DRILLS sinoy corroNAUEs. , plmn 'coti'ONabes: - CROtON CLOTrti. C maksatllswestisgs. F n a w env frTi vnA UUJ1L I AAJAAaIUO. CBAYAT3. aUSFENtJiS, HALE, HU3E, Ac, 4c. Tceetner with a eeneral 'cssoftmenf ofl luch' 'gooda'as are required for tbe fcprtng Tcdeyjjjslj.ntci ing '&8D GAY 8TY..E3. liEiJ TICKS. WHIPPS ADatib;CK.,- - - Lt-iCUcU DOMESTIJS. BLEAChDO SllEBTINGf?. TMKEAOd OF LVEftY VARIETY, NEEllfES. 1X& ilDTTONa." TRIUM1NGA GENEKALLy, COlIBd, 1'ORr MONAIrid, 4a, As. Weatk especial attealjen lo.lh'g iicru. lisee ws'brrebV, fit tbe Largest ane:y .and ilandeomtst assoitmeat ever btforet ttredbj-rii- . - .i MOUOAN, PLUMJIERCOOKE & CO. W. H. WEBB, O. O. J0NE3, t. WIBB BKUB W. M. W EBB & 'CO.- - READY-MAD- E CliOTHIJSG. 1 ... , ... WE are bow In receipt ol a large and well aelocted nock of Ready-Jflad- e , Clothing:, . , . - --GoUeo-Ai'p twireijl fur this tradeto which w luruo thoio A vUillog our market to examine beior bu)ln. ai welntend lo ugrr luducementa to cajh or Prompi lime Bayers. mirJ W. H. WEBB & CO. MajinvZii ConihiiicU W4llaWobdjt,jmprprc -- TTiItl?celebrited allebiae received tao first premlnn) ofa GEAiNO GOLD the bestoiublnea tfeaplng aad Uowhis; thd reatUnl States AcrlcultU- - ral Fair, held at LatlBvirte. KV.ilnSaDlember. 187. The ulalcameqiTaear'ayraeuse, new York, in Joiywbere all U pr(nctpfil Machines In th JTjrilad'Siiate wra tberoazb-l- y tested. Tb committee made tSelr awards lhmB2h Mar-- thai P. Wilder, President United Slates AgrlcuitSraTSocl- - iy,-s- l LonlseillOnKy. ralso'lecelved rtSeawariiVtna.iest Kesser aoiaitbe best Mower before two seoarala corrniiUtees.aBraintedDr IfieTTiildeHWf-ra- e DivIdV&n couaty Ag"rOttUijral JJodely, at Aashvtiie, tn July, lea, overman oi :he jcre4injsnow th Trne ' Bmeruoa oiher oremlama and awards .word rlvenlbis artTce anrlBg-th- e last"'ttort1'Brfl eVeryTIachlne lo imtr ca. Tbe above machines are for sale by bo nndorsigned. u. r. unr.A i ham, Geneial Agent for the State Pi 1SHEK, WUBuESS & CO., ' feb S7 d&wtf lens. DEALERS IN Heal Estate, Negroes, &c. WK will pay the highest prices for likely yonng negroes. Cash advances made on Negroes consigned us. Wo will keep constantly on hand negroes for sale, at the old stand oi Will L Boyd, So. So, Cherry street, MaehvlUe, lean. eept gj, T57 Charles lleidsicli . . CHAMPAGNE. .... - TIIE rapid sale with which my last importation of this met baa induced me to order a new supply, which arrived this day, being SUPERIOR lo any lot ever et offered. I recommend it lo l Trade as well as for amltruse. B. L SIM." Public Scusro.. march uonj. r. annus' uom. uouse , GEN UINE GORDON DL'Fr SHERRY WINE. A FKKSI1 supply In osisisaL packages, Just received and A JL for sale by b. L. SIMPSON. march i Public Square. Scdtcli &lrish Wliisky. DIRECT IMPORTATION. received a shipment of several puncheons and kegs JUST this acrxaioa article direct from Bellasl, Ireland. It will be found tar superior to any over offered lo this market. 1. Lt . OllfTAU.l, raajrehs " i i 44 Public Square. OLD ALANTADO MADEIRA. TUKBE original calks, which 1 oferAns tistm and Vtiirt.' ' ' B. U SIMPSON, march 42 Public Square. MORRIS &, STRATTON, WHCESALE6i0CERS, AUCTION ASD C031MISS10N MEEOHANTS No. 12 iriurkct Street, Naaliville. CTAVING made arrangements by which we will bo reeelv- - ll mr large and fresh supplies oi urocery every le days, re will hereafter have regular sales every anxasoay morning. (dec 10 te JIOKKIS & hTKATlUS. Hit Bank of Nashville. WB have a a completo 'lock of Groceries, consisting In pert of SALT, WHISKY, NAILS, CANDLES, rsa. CArart. Tobacco. Braadlbi. &C.H wblcb. wl'h Bale IkKopeUagglBfr, aoiKU bile. ofiAugastavBrili.; all ol which we will ten at reasonaoie rates ior diui ui .la.uviiie .loies, or for certified check or deposit. We have also soma desirable c'ty and Edgefield property whteb we wrtl dispose of on favorable terms in tne .am. way. Apply lo FISHElt, WHELESS 3t CO, Oci3. ba RUN AM AY ROM tbesnbsenber nnthelBtdar of. July.. a .necrt J Bar. named lihNliY. of cosoer color. & feet i mcbeehigb, IS years old, and weigbs about ISO, pounds. tie wasraisea in rjtst.ieariesee, near sicjaiauvuie. ui will probably make his way back there. 1 bought Mm. Ieo'iu Mr. Terry ol East TeontSasi'J jrillgivla do'Jeri. i beiscadgbttn my neighborhood, twenty-by- e dollars it takeaoot ct tbe county) erJlfty. delists 11 begets to When taken he is to be delivered t. me, c eoBneed so that lota get him, D AVIUM. ,.N' ' IV Seven miles soatb of Nashville. Tenn CARRIAGES!! P. P. PECK & BE O. have a tanra assortment df all styles, COACHBS, WE 3AK0UCHBS aad BUGGIES, which we will sell at price lo suit the times. '' ' ottas W atson M House. Sitaated oa'JJarhet istreit.--- ' " - v NASHVILLE, - - - TENNESSEE, asd nxiK tbx muc sqeaak, .Snow open for the accouia.oJation of the public. Tbe 1 hoase bas been tUqroaghiy reauvated aad Tbe proprietor 1 determined, b, attention to tho cotafoit oi bl guests, to merit the patrouage T the public PRICES. Board per day SI 50 Board per week......... 3 30 feb U dm 1HOS. S. WATSON. Andrew J. Smith, So. 45, BE0ADWAY, NASHVILLE, - . - - TENNESSEE, t SSALEK 15 ''Tennessee Iron, Castings, NAILS, STEEL, WAGON AXLES, EL1FTIC SPRINGS, ' AND all other article In nil line of builnei', which he at wholesale or retail, low for cash, at the above jsUud. febS ly L. S. 8AYAQX. JL, B. AS9EBS0N SAVAGE St ANDERSON, ATTOr-iTEt- S ATXW, Sinltl, villo', Tenaesse. nrvlngaaocfatd iheBnelvestogelber' in Che practice 01' lawwui a;ive tceir nnuiviuea siieniios to an duiibcss to ahem: They will practice In Sllthecoontles of tbe fourt. Jodlcial Clrealt, aud'also lathe'eountlee'orlv'ama',' Canaoa; Wllseefsbd In the BuprerdeOderfat'NubTllle. a' A. ja8B au. corse er " 71 ffBlC:SQllAitE; eta in tJr nVI50anUclpi!ertlre.large demand, tltii It iooa4obd made far aooda of all kln.ia thli Knrin. wa . ra An. uantly rtceirinj and bare now on'bxdd an Immen'ee itociofj Fine Wins BraBOJes, audy 'Iiiauors.' . OF ALL KINDS, Cigars, Tohaccoaaff (Sundries, Wbleh wo ara offering atitbe yory loweat prlcea, . FaxUcula m icnuoa pata U3 u oraera "tiYDSB & CO' Janla 5o. 71, Pabllo Square. !isar Maanfactorv. TIIE dnd.reigaed are now very exteanrity engiged4n tnannfactore of all kind of Clgara, and are enabled1 to compete anccesafally with any of thoEaatara ctilai: One of oar Arm, who nu charge of. lbla department qf oar bail-nea- being a practical fjlgar-mxlce- oar cutto inert rray reiy spon gjiuag men goaiaa are aareto gira aaturaeuoal and welch, we will guarantee la every instance. Wo exf aaaure osr friends and caitomeri that we are miking aa 8ne Clranaa, ever cams from .Havana? we Import direct from there the finest Tobacco, there)? eavlnz. cooilderable dntv e are enabled to tell bur Clzua wban cnadeai mach-lowa- r ratei thin anythlat Ilka the aarae article eoeld bo lmportedt"; tbenwh-Jn- t K ' V r W Call and examine for yoanolrea at LYONS dc CO., E.-- L. GARDhSHIRB, JAMBS W, McHKNEY, - Sparta, Tana. Xivlngiton, Tnn. Gardenbire & SCcHoHr TN tbe "Olrcalt and Chaucerv Conrta of White. Overton. Pitnam1Jaek9n,lCem'lelaulfFentrrji conbtle.a Tenneuee. Btriet tltenvfcn glVdn totfie eollectloa ofTlehui aanouier oaaiaeaa. ueoo-w- xy 358 kSiUAQfcBSS SPRING GOODS. .wljransford, M'Whirter &j0o uwjrviH'a au. uvr&wowau dLfl.tva.' a dU4 Foreign and Domestic f VARIETIES, MANTLES, BONNETS, &c. HO- - SiJiW.WKtiuio y Mi.U no NASHVILLE, have io store and reidy.for xhibUrn"'afcIiari7i I WE Complete, and WeU Selestrd'StoetofSprlngand j summer, ory Mooovioue aiteBjijon rr wM(n.Tre jvotiid. and PROMPT TIUK deal, eri riiitire our city. i . rairch7-- 2m BRANSFORD.-MWHIRTER'aYC- r WHOLBSALB OKA LESS IN FOREIGN AND DOITIESTIC ' $1 m, j No. JPHbllc Sqnfc'rc, I " NASnVILLC, TENNESSEE Sp ring S tylesr 18458. . o . X8.58. , WE are w receiving aad opening, and shall by the lit next month, have ready fcr sale oar usual rtotk oT - Foreign And Domestic Dry - Gpoas, r- - 42W READY . MASS CLOTHTXQ. " Adaoted to the Snrfnr and Summer trade" We lavlte those vislUBfr our market to call and examine our ws-- shall offer Inducements to those pnrrhsilng Jor CAigor U f Taokrr nereaants. ,,L ALLISON, ANDEHSO.XIc CO. feb 33 3o Airs Forwarding JHerchaiits NO. 3T NATCHEZ JSTREET.,1 r feb 6 err I DPkTTJ7- - OxrloxXa.f3 T. 0. ZXARRIS. Tf. O. HARRIS. B. HARRIS HARRISA'CO 1 Wholesale 'Grvwrs'A AND ComnussionM ere kits. Office at IF. ZT. fffttfori Co's Watehoute, .. i , No. 7. 4riajliet street, . ' , . ...-- . HXTAtalxvUAOji. Tonnosjiaoo. ian 9 - . , : ... .'i.t, - 'n . it ix ( .mi ' ? .' j (LATE J. PEACOCK A CO.)' . ' ' ; .t . ' for sale: .'.'J.. - OFFER barrels Pike's Magnolia Whisky, 50 do Flitchera.Nealrtl Wbiaky 50 do Julius li. bmilh's do " 50 1 ' " '" ' do Old Bourdon do' 50 k casks rJraady.gibd article, ' ' 60 Sugar, 150 boxes Star Candles, . i i 'i " . O1 10,000 fiae Llavani Srgars choice brands, 10 birrels Navy Beats. ' D1LL0N4C0,' : - spril 27-- tf . ... 15 College street. SKUAKSI SENARSl R10 HOUD4.S,Xoudrei',Na3aj"as,i)raVas, ta'Sufgas, aad choice bianda Ilaviaa Segars,foraIe by " DILLON sl CO.,, , aprll 28tf .. . ,' ,X.ate J. Peacock dt Co. SJashville Sanmber Yard; 1 'J. C. DAEDEN pxalxilis. .'"' iTvT X LUMBER, v?SHlKfcLM) IJOARDST . ... ' . ..S.i... l.tlwr. f Jtt-- P JIVU I, a larze lot or Cedar, Yellow aad I Dear White Pine, Poplar Plank; Joist, cailllpg,. Sarnie Cedar. Cedar; eiank.nd Poplar! Shingles. !lbf3f rMinirtUlajEopTaraild Oeda,Ohe aresiinvi-ppiir- , inauno tenow rino rioorlm. une snin-gl- a Machine, making No. ,1 Poplar Shingles. AH Jo. constant rperallon. j I "can supply any quantity of dumber or, SblDglas, altbeahorleil notice. and athe'Ioweit prices Ior tba cash. I ' ' J CDARPEN, , march 2 ' Nashville Lumber Yard, 36. JJL Broadway. Wholesale Yariety Gpads, ' FANCY GOODS. ' PRESS TJUM3IINGS, JEWELRY, TRICKS. sSCia W. Si. GttVBBU (Late of tbe house of A. Morriion'dt Co! ITAKB pleasure la informing my cqttomersosdjill that 1 have opened a large and well asiorled stock f Variety Gooos Fancy Goodsf Jewelry Tricks. 4.C, la the upper rooms of Menrs. Trabue d Lucas, No. 47 I'aolle and my expeasar being comparatively oothing.I feelsafelnisaylngthatlcan Oder greater Inducements, to customers ibanauy other dstabllsbmanl la the city.' lhave alio engaged my services aa salesman, M KalCt Xrahue de Locus, wboihavn a large stuck of Uiy Goods, Shoes, Straw Goods, Clothing, Uardjy&ra, fttfeaniWarei &t.f which ioa and wUlssllat sucb pilcesas will Insure entire satisfaction. W. B. OKUBBi; ' ' " ai i ranee metis, mar 12 So 74 Public Square, CRAIGHEAD fe CO.a' DBALXa IS 29 PUBLIC SQUARE. 1AME8 B.CP.AJGHEAD having purchased tbe entire 1:- 1- terest of Mr. .WM. 11. AlLNCtiUI, la the bnstaess of Craighead tt Mlbchlu, Is alono aiuhonaed to use the name ,r the lau firm in liquidation, and will continue tbe ImtlBee at the old Itand, no 29 Public Square, under she title . may24 WHEAT,, WHEA3S 117 aSTED Immediately, .100,(1 0 bushels of.wbeat. W VV will tike all, qusJIUea or wheat al Ih. hit,aest. market-pric- paid in Nashville, 'VV'e also have an order forSDx bales or Sulct Middling Cotton, foiwbicb we win pay tk. aiieuestmarietpfice Qqiiverea u oar wareaoases xonter market and uurk street. U. S. PKEN4JH nov li . BC. Uncurrent liaiik Notes Wanted.- - K will pay be highest omktC price Tof the Note' bf tbe rollowinx Baati if'dellvered Immediately: Xa'w-- " the above lilt, atihe-hUhe- st market prise. decS tf A. WH BLESS CO: ' Bonds and Stocks For Sale. 7 0,000 SlralghtTenneaee State Bond. , ' ' ' ' ' ' 100,1)00 Esdorsed , , J,J00 Skres NashTlUe & ChatUfioo'ga B. E. 'Blot " 100 Sewaneo MtnlhsrStoek' - '" ; s,uee Buauvllle Mlnlbgand riaadraeturlng Btict "" ' All or which will be sold oa favorable term by (dc5-- if A. WHKLK.NS A CO. J. Hr O-RE'- liii. .i nl lltl ,r. 11 .' Funeral IJjadertiaKi:, prepared to furaiah every description, TromlbtUne Casket tofbe plalneu.Sarranta. Coffln, everythlpg accessary for Funerals. AH orders lertatmy Ware-room- s, Deaderiek street, next door lo the rr'andUo Llverv Stable, between Oborvw aadSuracinr 'itreeU", vrtll receive pronrpt StfeBfloBMhsyilTorri: J' - "jrFainltajiij'Mndrji eAetlnl m i. df- - -- Jl-ii T' - ie.- - El H m P vug-'. . i : S'SWil. w3" ail ti BUT GrOOBB. .... c&o? elbo. j . w importers . . . And plil'sBejiiri ru'" c l. l'.',' " Hi.!, nil 1. i'.' Di51 GOODS, w - k ' J . w Fiifelle Square, 'Nashville, Tenne8e. oVa'lar j- - i'j jruutuli. si.. .... L r Wil'h we will sell aUbejery-loir- prleea for caib, erto , . .r.UMlln V9.... . HWMUtO U.Bt .1 IB u rC.4.S I ' - ' . . 4. - i Jl I.. DRESS GOODS, OomprisHejjtb. rgetassqrtinentisnd Good, webave overbad the pleasure of pffortng, aad ' l5Tieeartathar-Mt!.'riWor1v- r ' WVohavetakea 'nas3IWls he'l!d Si'.ibl.elatief uoou,ana are cosurety cowajou hanisome; au.y,wah wejarll pelal AerUaq 11 Jacoaets, Cimbrlcs,v6wUs, Mull, Nainsook, Ofeu-barre- t . r kad Striped Mttillaj,., ,;, .. , Embroideries an'dr- - I !J W i v4 't. Old-'- J e.v..,, Sties,.- . . . . 4 . Colored, j'e; -- ' mi j i- w . i. v . All widths, PlIlow'VaiofLlnen,'()rIovi, ,'HoslerYj itandker-- ' caleri, Suspenderr; Oravats, die , &t. A large aad gaa era! assortment of A TRlMMIWCfS, . ir.A ' 'nt g .tUtf- f j O. .'J' "t I1' ' Ol li- - I , JJ ... 10 1T' ' 1" 1" 1(1 , 14 0. . , ,,i vj-j- , iv ii jiie ,,j "' ,,. ..BLEAJCHEPANP.mBBOWK,,, ill Ji".'l I1K1.U. H . I ' ' ' djm l;.i il li uo-- i il J. T,' 1'4 il mo J " JS C" ii Osnaburga, strtped'Sad twilled.'of allttSllHec BaJ'Tiek lnrs, Apron. .Caecka and Daekv llrewau Domistles, e SbMUng-jandhlrjlng-s. 6t M ,wL4th, bfiy$ and . .. 1 tslaad.. i ... 'tr. ' n l' lj ,lll'lJ''t r nl n.' ft XlC.aU tbo bevt'Bai'eii'and WrfanUd- - Yaif edlor'.'BonneW, American, Sprarua's, Allan's Bay .StaUj aioaetar, Oochecj), (!dco.,L&c;itlBlack, blae-,a- d,. , blqeYni OraSge, 14 " " dl ill I I'll! ,.1111 ,l '.'Jul V tl . ,, lii'iioii 1. ;VT.::l serges, &c, &c ' .u.e nif ioiw "i bmi eW i" ,PreemblneaadbrowiiBereie.dwt()WJt .. mpro,oBiJjtoekeosaprMf the largest and best sSsert- -, "mstiof 3rJodfftbwhiklt We'wflr-beaadlag- t 'faiiT.iit.ltewGsiidai Bather ar. Introduce into ., i diiw 1. "ii r w ...iw . 'l . .,1 ..rti- - ,j',14tf tltlljlljtl .J LUtMid I."' ' ' 1,, a 1 w . ji ' - ' ' lu i imib 1 . ni mi Kit 111 11 iiii ihka'bsual.'ahu wcleb I'we'are now adding th beaa ninora jutvDatwn.i", -- "'r . oj.petaai aiteauon, .guu,i4V'aoy'.D"vl' - .. .aari j Sniriis, . Drawers?--etc.,- - etc.! mTiT. r . TI ,..Jt -- We Vlll nil goods l 'Wl&m atrVaBcSnpet, the erffjaai; Nut. irt'n.rtMM A.iAr.. and f.BTlta tbo alleatrest chanUandlflora " - to;ourtlool) .i'""' )!,. ""'I' MtMl WoyilFb roguUrly recelTlo, g. Sew. OqodU .Satmafeecl. 'tSeeitidt?. .h,,, i,h.i ,.im ...), 4 1 .'ill" .11. 1 trnt'l . lT-- fl I at rar nwratTin .a lekT 0 L eJivnjUtUVAVlV'SemV Jru Ml Bvpsn, litlB - J . PNNSVliVANIA JLLKOA-D- . 'TVHl: QreatCentral Route, coanocting the AtliHtieolhttl JL withWesternyivrjTthweatar2,tiBd iSeMfrw Dya conunuoua nauway turect. i.aia roaa ivao coaai al Piiliiriary with daily Una ot Staamora to allDOrtaon .ha Western Kiyers, andatClsrelend and Bacdusky wivt Btsamexs toau perse on toe a oraweetera xdtcea ; BaQsr .the most- - dirxet, ikm. ami rUtaUi rmtti by whteb ttiviuur ean.De lsirwaraea a ana iroa ue urstK nut. - Sites betvtas hlla4lBiiia asd Pittibanr: ilKST Mhoee, Urj Gioodr ( w, 1 ao a (farSeejlWFeel at.UU.MJ UUAH3. conirs'aianiaiioatry, 1 Dry Goods (in bales,) Hardware, Lea- - toe per IS . ther,sa. ...... J HIRO OLASWAnylb,Bigrms, Beeoi, ! iid Perk (la balk,), &ap.4s . J 108 Pw 1 tridrork(rck)JUrdtidIOiLr,tlM . Floar 50 75, per boLunlil further notloe. (iraln "sScW.per loo tba. until further aetiee. .Cotton tptTMtle, not exceeding 686 iwS.wetjrht.ontB nrlher notice. I3F7 In shipping Goods treat any point East of Ph&sv deipau, beparucuiar to sndrc peexsge "a rsMa&tiptAa RoilrtadJ All .Goods senalgaed to the Agents of this Road at Philadelphia or Pittsburg will be farwarded witlv oat detention. r FaKoar AoiSTi. Haxrli, Warmlty & Co., MeBphla, Tennessee; R. F. Baas & Co., at. Urnie: 3. & Mitebell i Sen, EvaaaTille, IndiansiOnraessil, Beiland Murdoei, and Cartel 4 Jewett, JttisviUe, Ky R. 0. Mel drum, MudisoB. Indiana: BDneman 4 Brawn, and Irwin dc Co- - Cineinsan N. W.Grahsm 4 Ca, Zanesville, Ohio; Leech & Go- - No a &.UDJ street Boston; Leco auo.11 Aster ueeee, new fork: No.l WUGam Street, and No. 8 ItstterZPkiee, New Phrladerpbiaf Mssraw-- i Kodtit. Bal ttaor Geo.C. FraaoiscusPittaberg. - si. iu Jiouaiun, aintrausruAnt AgH.t. jtiiaj fl, ,7, LOMBAERT. Owy't Ueesa. . ejjrl, 'IS- -tf PennsylvUnia Central Railroad. ' XHree Tralai) from PlttsMtrgb to VJlltsstlpilisc. npKAIKS leave Pitttburgirss lollowi 1 Maii.7 A. M.; last JL Lines P. il.:JSxjxei&U.jB,40 P. M. ' Ine Brpreai MaU raiiV iWyViija tw'tw Sundavi 'BI ecrxedt MaJtint'JJlKECTCOi NS with aHTriins Bl. Lenls. Mo Daboque, Keotak'a$fJiwa Oty, Iewa 1' Caire. Bock Island and Chicago, riUMaT; Jvexlsrwo aad ' UoulsvlUe, K Terra Haate, IncHaaapWU aad ladlxni ) Clsclonau, Catesbu, Dayton, . Toledo, Cleyrland, Zaia.evlle, Crestliae, . Mamilon asd Wooater, Ohio. Also Kansas, Sebrasa and Minnesota, AND AtiaV JPOinxs IN XJUJs WEST.' ' ifABB AS LMW AS.BX ARY UI UltK KIJUTE.. Paaaecgera from' the VVest can reiy upon lata as botsg the shortest and most eZbediUoa ronte to' ' PH1LADELPU1A, BALTIMOrtB NEW YORK, aad aB EA3TE1 THOMAS MOO KB, Aroat, aeg.SI FassengarllBu, Penan. Ballrosd.Pbttz. Oentiral Oiiio AJND Baltimore andOIii RAILROADS. BAdAtJlfOHJSXJxIED THBOUGH! ONLl'KOUTK by Vbiek tbrodghtlok'eB to Wsih-initoaca- n be procured, to whicb poini as well aa to Baltimore, it is tbe shortest, most direct sad in every re. fpect'the tsest relnMe route. It is the duly rente by whieir puxenssera oi 'icrangn Aioaua is new aorsars- - essoiea to reach the citoea it JJsHmtore, PbiUdelphia. sad New York, at the cost cfavTicket to New YorkI oniv. Uutass. abuagilujineasMeaaadTniTelersfepleasBro or inter. mauoB, to visit iouc oi tue priocipai ciues in tag unioa ior, iees costtSka can be sabrdedby any Other route. And it is1 the only fonte by" wnicb Through Tiokete eaa hadlaRiCEEWnd.Ntjrloir, Wis cheater. JrjderickBburr. aad Petertbarg, Vav. CharlestoB, rJevabnab, Mason, to, AnpiiU,BerklisyyprBgaaadlitdlordKprffigi. . iisDgari fro laNAsLLsukp the Stage Ueacbeso! iJarterlc. 'ihomasor .steamers oa the Cumberland riytr. io.LoEuriLLz. "coauectriig tcera with tbe United States mil steamers'-t- o Cinblanati, or with the JcflersonVUIe Bailrottd to laaiatapollr, lad, make direct connection at C6lumbua;ObitiL witb tbe Central Ohio Railroad to Wheel- - tnX, wbencsteioecconneotion with tba BsUkaoreandWbitt cua iruuu tsAao tv n aautsutca uity, naiumvis, ABiim . delpbU andjew lork , rat? i'sAsenirera boldiae Throngh Tickets from Mats. pbla are tra&ilerred at Cairo to the can of tbe Illinois oeutrai Atuiruiui, troia ueaos paaauz turuuga Acrxo Haate. LidtaSaDOas. llanon and ieniatoColumbaa.'Three Daily Traise leave Uolambns,at 10 A. M, 3:80 P.M. aad lijrBL. e t5ff TrayoUrx srercqpted to notice that while this is tae mtjtovi s3irdiag.Tbrpagb Tickets to all the Eastsrs Oitiea (tha same rate as charged by other routes to Jilts fartaxh it is also the shettest. most speedy aad direct id all tbalesding poiattla the ffcst. The distance from Cdlnm&ns far Baltimore ii only S76 milts. beine aboBt 166 'mQes shaxterto New Yortf tbka by any other rou to. Then crslsasctiangMOi catsoy iiois rooie, less detention, utan pj any ojaer, tg- - The road is Dallasted with broken stone snd il .entirely free from dost. rortarthsriBlormanoa.pieuesppiytol. U. kumbj&x, AgenttNasStTilie; Tenn. for ThxrfairbrTietets apply laLoaiiviile at the oSee oi tbe U. 8, Uojlst5aiaflrs,or,t Railroad mee Maatistreet. ytja- - a. wyuisaiiit-- , . . .... . iisjtei irajponaiioa. ,o, j, ,a. , JQHN M. 8HAKP, Genersi Western Ajjent. Jn?o25 J CABIN PASSAGE FR- O- CHARLESTON TO NEW YORK, ' $'WENTY-F1YJ- S DOLLARS, United States Mail Line HEW TORS: AND CHARLESTON STEAM SHIPS. ' Thioneh In 48 Ca 53 Honrs. SEMI-WEEKL- Y. Tbij hew Steam Ship ColombialsOOtoee, M. Berry Commander, J ntunriue. ,tOVv ions, A. a, ansa, tfummituaer. Marion, ISOO tons,W. X Foster, Commander. jJas. Aager,,1500 tons, S. C.Trner.Commandir. .BOUtBCIuer, l,0Vw voav, . 3L.sisrTjt 4omiBsutuor. iiCtAVoOAugorB VB4U7vca,evofy 11 cuuca day and Saturday aftsr tbe arrival of ths ,era torn, the 8onth..jid West, "at high Whssa 8teamMps"were all bnilt expressly for this line and for safety, 'comfort Snd' speed 'ere' unrivalled on the Coast. Tables strpplledwitiTwryliiTntf. Atteittve and cow isons Comtnanders. will insure Travellers by this Lin. lysrrpotsible comfort and accommodation. Csbtnpsssaire,......, ' 8tterarepajsajef4-i...8.....Ji-...i.- '''' forfreicht or parsage.havinjr elegant State Room As- - toamodstions, applyto . , 'mar '$757 tf Charleston, 8.0. FREIGHTS".J3Y SAIL. VESSELS AND PRO- - PELLERS FJiO.U Jew Torky Pidiadeiphia, Bo3ton".aiid Baltimore. who. jnay.shlpby the aboye lnr. MRRCHANTS by consigning their goods to the agents of Carolina Kail Koaff, Chkrleafob, or agent oj uen- - IrUEall Kosd.sayanBabj mey win e- lorwaraou-irr- or eomMUslonsl (draiazoand wharlaje only charged J.andbe entlhri)agh,at the following rates: JromCbaJlestoB or Sayaanab WNaahyin ,FirsVpUaf,'pet 4bs..iv.i..-.t.'.' t S Second clut...-.,.- . ... ...... ........ iJJ ThlMelaair,..! 1S Bpoelal rate for light good,per 100 lbs.. 2 7. Rtilohnwins. amount mid vessele sed amount chirred' for dray age And, wharfage, will be mailed 10 consignees. . 'j CHAS. VV. ANpEESOS.Gen'IAgtnt,. . Alay 2S,1S37. 1. anar.copy u.i .jlRREST THE flWRDERGR 1 1 SStlO Re ward l i I PROCIiAMATIOfl. a, HDJJBW jounsu.t , uoTerner or 3. the siaseoi aeuneaBeo,ts-ai- i wuu shall 4 thesepTeseata Greeting; at bfen roaaeinqwci o me mn.wwu JOHN WEN, cbsrgedwlth having committed a foal and atrocloua Murder' tin tbe dayorJunei8JT.ora'theTbdr6l MJCAlAlt WlllTIiEVaU of ur county of WilllamseBtias Q6a IrOm JUSllCOajUUS now I uumut a. saig. Andrew Johnson. Governor a aforesaid bvTlrtae orth-poe- snd'anaterlirie'Me Veiled, doberebj oner a iowtwu,vt HX.-r.- rr ,i-:- 7L In Z' .TTaZ may appruiiBuu .4u .wu ""vu, sa. u- - . ?JTrZ tnhk iite or Jailer of Our cohnty orVimam- - n, Ib .ordertbaVjaaiiee in that behalf may oe bad and . , , fc. dninMUMIOI nlWll 1 - 44.9U44?v-- . thy- hnn'd andf eauid the Great Seal of the 8sat to bo afflxed al NalbyUle, oa the'ISU' fljTu,4uga iw. . lTi.' .44i"J" I"""""" ,U f TrilSa Governor : F.N. V, BUlrfvS, Seeretaryef S tat. - , DESCBIPT10N. fiald Owen Is snout 30 years of sge, SfeftD or 10 aches., In, weighs 'aJb.ut 135 lbs. snd la well formed. lieu (".'.J'.r.i' .4t,mnlBf tlntr Att batr.' abd bass J,sil beardVi .11 1 pteaumed ba has gone Intbe dlrsetioaof . jrp in aUCUUU vw mc swoiq tiiL,vvv fj . vr ernor.w wlllpsy TWO' jaCADRBD DOLLARS' Pot the arrest and delivery of John Owen to tho Sheriff For sack lafetmaUobat wlll'lSad to hi arrest. . LJ. WHITI.B7 .. jnddtwtf .. .fM5' SoaUtera Portable Plaatatlea - ' pprnPeoder and KoTiring Mill , , BTAsauaiimozxT. BUEE Of all sixes oai hand sad made loot, der.smat rail It, mill Irons rani xeering, d regaiaiinr, rewl, ereee l Irons, Pis Stsr. pari. Patch an- chor brand bol-- Ungetotbsofair bumoars. J 7J'o.50B.' tract ior tuo e roc ties of floor1 laxaa d saw. mill. Alio Ail klndsofi repairing doae la the most substantial - OUXlltT. lnrtud to etamlne our itoct Bfere Dareaasrat:.. tTTAU orders Abd comttiualcaUaas promstrri aUeadsd tsrr' , , , WABNB & B7AN, , . iaag1l-c.- a w or. uouega ana uraia it.. isutui.. .'; " Herring's Safes. HAVE Id itor. S'bf aerrfag Fire rt6f Safes.ajf dliferl In aat slie,whleh' I will self at cert, to etots eesavrttmestt ntar 18 , . Et. K. GbASGOCE, ,. AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL AGET, inpULfl JCir His'serttees to tie putiHs, as A(iht fci the .'1 Koal EMXAte, nerroeai yHrHiiHze','xrrT- - 1.. Uraaaraarscex-at- . ur oin.r spociftsoi?rut,uic.1vr(i: wj-.- us ovuhmj, om.. lnr dstermlned to 'devote jay lio io lie aooya bnilaees snc bavisr 44adc3Brlu'rabrexrfiieni,I asttermysiUtbitl cai riva aatlafaetaa(s4't44tawbf4nxRTor mlBthxl Has'.' t- - ate always bo found at the iCeaattag Room of Uei "iFatrtot wtlwtlavvo a . V t i. jtmiA iit.aJ ewJ Sit tvti 'fi fth iriiiir rJiiia I su - a ..Mjvirnmm imi ,n tqj ' - - J ST.r t sMeers. ' W- - ' 4 -' 1 7tfT-- . u.ifii' To he drxwni iBf tWn oSateVa, AKPV(saIj1s4TOflC cLABb ie. Tobe drawd (a Use oily of ABguMa, afa,si pubHc,OB SLABS M, . . . 5 . - To be drawa lathe ettyef AgiMtv6eeisea,a oa SATOHBAY.wJJAr R, mSu - .Ol44V,l - . - . 4.J To bo drawn. U taoCti of Ag4, Csia,iBBbMAa -- 1 8LA 88 17,;' ' e. 1 i.r-- -i 1' To b drawn le tbe 6Hy of Aa,.GLori,. teasssMteea MTORBAy,'MAr.liy,-188- . ON THE PLAN OF SINGLENOkaSR4l A FIVE THOUSAND FOUR U U MNksKB JkXD KXCa-EVwFlV- PJtlZHb - NEARLY riawTO KYUKY 9 1r6 !. MAGIJCKTiC '' : ' " TtlttjfWN 5 "', ' 4. 4. i.ium . .a'.j ei..J . i il. Prise of ; v.-n;.- .... I7vee iWj . t3tde 9JKt0 dO (t w4 MJrM do .......; it lirtf ft do. do ' Prfxee'er. t- d 4 Mo - iI....... i..4Aj;i.i,i,-,.- . JK) see id- - -- 1.t..V.A.Ar;s..aiV?a.Af..l.-;.-.."'-' W - 0t. -- 1. ...... ! tr e-- . ( yjl"l 5 .dfc m do 1 - ADnrexlBiatien rlH.-4- v . . . . 4 Pr' -- ! 'fS "'JS ido MM, 4 do ties) 4 de 1M - tle- - u 4 4vet)t ' -- d 4 do 4. de ' S,M do 30 1V9itietjrsBifw iJWiMfi ri.48S prises aiaMatrojr te i;. .; i . . . . . U33O,(rO0 PRtM.rvx vtosratsu. OLTlgAT Tbe Namheiw fraaxLla 5JiW..sriaiiBenittBg-iw4t- h tbsar Number1 ob the Ticket oriy tad ob seoafaio alios oi. B&Dor. ire eaelreled with small Mb tubes aad plaeelM 0e WIllP. 'ltie nni Mi vnut f uiuurjy hMu. atva, fBateso, are placed las another Wbeol. The Wheels re then revolved, asd a seas be r" Ir ijraws lomniioheetHH4eTi,MaWt ukojamaaow aJirixola drawaTrom lae other Wbeei. Tbe Stuabar aad ruts draws oatats opoaed aud exBfbifed to tbe audio oc, and regisler&d dv laavqmmiHrocersv tae rnxw MBg-pvaco- aganBei: satr Number idjawa. This ooorsstea Jae jreruatoir tl4ae: Prise are drawn out. . t , . . ArraoxufATioB aadtaq two t aficeedi ag A h m bers Vrtbvsd drawl ng tbw 4 ri7 Prfxe wilt be eciUied to the S8 AproxteaatuoB; Prtie Far exaaSptt If Ticket! No. I12S0 ftaaws i)be jPVou stae, l Ike., anmsered lUMe, Ui4W,imi, 11J5S, wiU oacu booaiiUod to' Steu. urikiet So. 3S0 draws tae $e.,t)0 lttore6Ttct-e- u numberMle,5,lTnei.wUiactM miiidte taeo, Snd .0 on1 aecordiBsr lolbo Mtwtvek. asfoino. 4........ TheS.uOc Prises ut t0 wtiiSe last ure 01 tae .iu tuat iititwa mmi c v,uuv urtao. .aucpasu ifilvt BBmber dfawldir tWTO.rktT rrixfe eirdf Airh 1; all the tiekets'where lie awrstw rndafirr X wiHIWeBtitled to 80, If the tlBateread wrth h. aV Ibea urt tBtierkl(- - where the aamber ants is & win be eutittea t4$, aadH tyonloOi. flCtrttllat the, i . tJertiieateorl'aokBije'ol 10 Wnole Ticlets,.. JSC . atd ea vv tk isr - ass e " IS Quarter lv- - IN OROKBINQ Eacfoee the taeoey to our ad4ree b kb Tiosetti order .1 I" eLoatbe receipt of which thejifiU torfti y Hr! leaH. Parahasers can hare Ticieui ending la auy lS - The jt of ttraW Ntrmbers and Pirt wrH be sat o "Wbtt iobsJi.rBiaMeefliaieijr Alter te drawiojfi - ibeir Poet Omee, Oooaty ud rtetd. i, .. , t3fKeatenitier tkfttexcrr Brt4tttAe.tVraarB.aB4 lsayaU, mm ra full without daductiiAB- - 138 All prises of 11,000 and tinder, paid iiamtiiiioiy sfterthe drawing other ptiieS1 at" theWai'fioie'of'tt'rty Aadrese Orders for 1 lOtete er tjtwtitteasaw i ' ' S. SWAN & CO.. Atwuata. Oa. FersoaansidtBi; earMotgeaMtry, 4sl,oc AWaiSi A.., n have tbfir ardAr. aiiad. and tsl. limn hv - ' " ' " inrS.Swaudj Co.. at eittwr onitoee elUei. Jry A list of tbe mimeersihM ars ewewej'fteai'tee wheel, f with ineamonnioi toe eeiinee to, wlllbepubuthedaXler every daautiria liia fooMia, pa oars'.. AsgusUfGa I OsBsiKotfow rhtswr1e'M BrftarMoMfr 1 Eegister, CbarlV SUKd&rd; &aiaiv4Ht UaKtte, AttsmM Iaurligedcer,New Voik, Meekly pay riook, V4titBb Xom- - lDgews and RichiBOod and sew York Dapbicb, aad Pasldmr iMiss-- i Clsrioi, ahd lmie Botk(Arb.: Trtfe- - Democrat. . . wwt J7, W. E. CHlidHai im .Patent ELASTIC FlREANi W Attfi.'pfbot. TBK nbdenifBed bavlngparebaHtd t,dtaJnsjattsv :ag of tbe above pauut utpreparvd to Ijttndae? it into aeaenlSe,' and istV'Bie ef arWHi-aXi- l ttiut Builders llradiBeaBtee, aad Jwxinrfc . aoiB4y ixaBineiissaraniyveriarii444,aiii, AKCUrrKCTS AND BUILUuSS uatd nol fail lo exam-in- a this rot).2, a tt t better and ebeaprr tsaa aWy aMagf ib tue. The malftalfrms a hard l44olh,irfattaal 4w, retUt theaotioa f tbe atnuiare ut. er tistaate. Ills ' impervtoua tq water, ela.ltc aad" floii'ttu-- . It coutwU aa, eipaad with tne changes of tbttoroyge;l4wfll Berth-j- r evaporate, cra3k,Mr rot; lu.uiiMdvrabtUcy, theses . BoquesUOa. It 1 practically Imperithable, and wJT perre!.iy reel) aay ordinary external exposure le ftrV, prov- - eu,anuwewui warraa-tt- wawr-ptvos,- wvvniesttstRi iug.14. aatsn iron looia may b for seven dollars peroeo atiBwea twaia 4o, ; noresieop. e. tbaa ahj koof of tba old t)l, sad we ate ,nr ll wtl rirotier siUtfxcuon. A44U ' It wil!tl0b foaadtobo the best thir ever icrentedft cover or B.Mid old leaky tla,tdBd gntvoi roo,oraroaB alilmneysi tcCUs, dorma( wiBtlMs, attd gfiUMM, wee.l4; ilal rutted IhfTsjn. TbM Letaeiii ca be utu itwla. long as stone, ana firm i, peitoer aabeslon .0 any db.eetiv which tt Is applied lis tteol cas u abt4 over aad way. rawed hot la leat,at lwolcimiad,IUi uu kutubiK aare eet,wbKb Cheaper uianca oettex iiit .owau. iaU Kooring will bd found to be toe best mi lomfstg' .arge EooCs where they are taesti evpuiiee steam hhi. baw iii, ran, tim , uttroaa uepou.btauoB nousos, moiubioa( xoc&i,aua. 14. MM.., B '.A iiaJ of Hoof I in eiienial exposure ,6ia tn. At the foot wttaowVa yoiBtiu'pisseiTts-- chance lot uVd to MrauiAalcaiavaMaM) ligbtitoatvii fcr iara act IgnlUng. J4I1W ITr' Insurance Dmce. at ClaelnSarf, tad other Jlac ithere Child dt Co.'i OeeeBt4ar eeWsH sfafy IN ivilb Hoof, covered, with tbft Caett,aX tuetof Mies aa or lhmwveredwUblron,Upprar4jf-- , . XO Tae Cement will be iariiitbed to at a dialaact . direetrOBs rorasmg. IT County ElghU lor saw, . u(,a. i)ionKwMxite,friW tl lfeetei. 1eo,wHlbS promptly attended to " 1 woaHl respeelialiy refer te tbj iVJiifrwveg gewtlsaniu' to whom IbbveeovMet BtuWiBs wttb tbe cs.- ii . r ' ArcAiUUt 04 Matter. Mtt&anKiief Muhmlie.' . Mr. 11. M. ,. .,.,.. . X Mai. A JlBlMAN, ' J' , , L.1 WAEKttSOi OOat, . r. n .. . u COLK11AN 4 -, ,, Jy u McCULOCG.lii HoCOB, of JOHN McCANN k'CO;'' , "') .' - - Col.H.LANBHEBON.Bap'tNAOKEO"' " " - Kor.C.D. BLUOXr, Ai.bVWM ':.,!, -, i., i. . JltiW.B.SttAPAElJ. . . n 1 .t ' ' .M'4,1.1 Ullifltll 1 At. ft. Urt44tAt4VA. n. tf. wn.Kloi 1 Ift ,il , ll. . I't. Mi ' K' jOUS llHATYt,, , i tt'.iijn io'. 4. i,m atrtol yiu u J.a. trlBbAKU, ' '.4t W i ui 'U 'JAS. UMEININ, ..'-- lit i 11 iiii iut4,l K, J. MtllS, ,u -- II Iatvt; At V.S. Li.WSi.EV. if tt JAS H KEMWHyKV ' : ifjlfol',' " ENOLU ESbLhV.' . MeMrt.HASBKOUtl.ot WiilatT4b4bTkit,.,. , flg I EUKGrf Ot ALLEN. Tt 8LAUUAItlK&KSfF&l(lf;'':'' w. aFco " Cel. A. J,,PoLK.ManyoaM. , U . , MaJ. A.J. LKJIShLaOiS.bnidsOB eoeaty. Kector F. G.SMITH, Colombia. , LEItBE .MENJFstJi, .4 ,.: ,,,444., ... " t). B BMKlvERoi CO , rtBolbyvUie. Mr. JAS. A. yoWeiLLf itwrebaraj " '' "" Messrs. McEEVNOLD3,& iUwltrjis,,, l Mr.JJ.S. vmat ladtftlMier. " uille " A.J.ECUAEl4,mMiatbse4.,i. . i m nr The NSthville dt Lbattaaoogf Kaulioad Coapa ar have adopted this Clement for in torrlk'Ssww c4fT-tr.f- r enter wera. Also tbo MeMiaJiilljs Oc Wai4tjik4if oaay, liertiaearw ana iesnmr..i.l3 (root (locldBau aad ilsewher, wbc bat bea, ttt, gaaM wa.iorwMat. tBnr J IT II t&4 VW B4.I.IW.. UBS bom rgnw bu- ore it t,Bgatn in Tarsosn avoweaov CemsBtEbobBK foraaay yeaxt.aad aa'ters ibieiMM .that be "has iaiseiemeeXpneaceabakoow.edk ddrins; tSa Urn. Ju I. A I IMirstt'ie. OtSce No. li Ueadar ies. street. iWr.WotOJk- - Bating House. - rHE PrbprMien bag tq, lefeim ttateiwpfl44vU) the public thai fboy bare al eontiderabie oipea BUed ap ismrq.aoiMen tbytwroti i , ' CED AM AJSJl,(miW irthe purposeol carrying ou armuiar ousiuaM in tbe . WetV xrK'iiyle. WaBeroese bavisr a reaiuar Bill tt Fare, with roc att'ebed, BoUat-we'ea- 6oVmii td'iirik'bdtit pM'hnd kppeie. olMr aats) sm swt.u-i- . abort, 4bab uy-gct- . Tbla tta been tweued laour eity.aBd waboneb) 11 mot attention 40oui"0ib te ' avbrtt .ut VaMtwafo' ' uoaborreA notieat,. Wa alas Jaeoiiibiad a kaaiw VICARS, CUE,VI,NG .0(l4AiCO, ,yV)BXS. latttt l4lriucrb. Call'aAd Tmlna,at . .. .in i 'oett JAW. MOORE. LlNfJOLW, Ji ULlS ji. JTi, 1LLLAUOXA, TEN.' us iTAVl.NS taken eaaFgeef tbe abovw J t 1 tejllowdeet ' umionAij&t .oe rtesjdaalieit patrauiet My ubt .nulal sakata,. tt rfH rlded whbtba best lb Co an try aawtu.,aid ev.rj can will aetakea to plesee all. .r . . $ai.tu7fa eager eoacb Jeete tbi bote f'.e way Muafi Wednw14' bad FrfdaV for tbo abovj nlae.Ai i ut'diit.n. m ..Bd n wrolag every Tuesday, Thursday aad .Saturday arreietettH'1 a.B,3saxug cortaeeuoas wiia tae aaaviue and una aoqra, and sfcMasavtlie a.i.anasVster Jtf r, Wa.fc. iniraeom. Ausati 14. itov ..MB -- W'Vn-.'i .t4..S - riODejli,. SIGN. AND ,0 SNAXatT. PW it fT-.J-M , V ! riaiitii ,1.. tpt27 f w..itWBJjarJsoi ti 0.. . . JUST KitC tainxBa . iTtaEtbsndiedvEaii Prme,Bi 4eJ4 isoiia.I JutMititsatt Mi if. '.. Tllsjol 3 0 mini 'JB J4V"S( '( -' fT .l:Arwlfll.RIWP Idl A 1 1 ia JT, OrW twrW- - Itfwieaar- - .. L T 1, Y.,iar?JlMX SUI JTAVAl JMZ. SBllS bow ta.aEcanuu " "l pfand ui ercuioWlsTi bKi iWYiituiu - kms Irian niSii Ib gis BtiiMtS.iii . , la .vef j.'ieicot. The, .hoe. aave beoa apiaroyoa olmmI are www aaoo: lytn towhw tMHl learaKM JJiyWLJ JfW ltn'JTsl e svTit 4bb la. I ktrntilaiki Hilt M..irl . nr'i uwt .am sua m ,1,1 " OrradtfrWtirtV .'oeiieSeie lvwy, 1 .! a syBjjsy Btjttl. y.gqfcA. jTl TOXliSJaH. JBOUPUELP AN l7MlJ ttirtAlm ti LJ ' ' ' afPSsF ' tViefl IP XOj A i ll .aiwiAflLsTaJl.laaaiiUll t ai 1I r.Si.aaalS, in Auulttoa 10 8 juib Jl shitiii win 44rJaM 4BAakal. .. Kia.-0juJwia- -i. SVsddsy.ssai. east Mvrtie tsaelrsal J3tn4 btaatsu. . .... ... . .. "14-dAWA- STkoiiaNirf daSBS gUsi uuimr Virial ''is- - - - -- In spates itf ojuiaime s dViSMIe ArVtnAytf exaiedsr-llMiOi- c tti iiiivaal ,;nr(imil md9 gufFf s w"w .ntnosqaaai, .to-ut- Mrlfwaiea4tU. M.lg.i,i4eio., wua muaa tawr- - , aKteworJcwitiiijia ea we vw ruAN-te- a r ana ji miul uovs yfOtvMida ithii insr a' . Va;-.. .j io i aodi ai tCti'.'K'jr-'-V- . - .j I3X4.iaa Al. aMALL, 4.UF.Q1 r Wfj. P. A j, " X. VtiBIJotd' SB tf.'r.MdSi(EA v.d. JrV4AiiaV4. f i . a eai UaU. l)LXtb! Jfli. 4tl knitUE 4m . AMIJ AVtUA i. - . AllWBtrl4HAltl. .r-ilTEas- r t.- 'T' arr,,. jail. mu d.4) alt--., lotuwingaiuo; aicrw: ,iAt..i.4am, t,wtiuUtasMomjaTeta.X' i - o ajt Mr. tl. B, JoXon. lenjiy J oho Voi t A Co3 sSrBi.- - T At J-- A. Kaylliaoxrlllo,' Xswa. - , t ,j. . .... NAaVIllLE; '.tsstrsltBl. if, YatiiaTBis.-- 1 1 aA. r. .U w.Mtau-- l . I;4 .(.. I.I tiea tat Jr. awir.- - iMesi, wtewa iaoidld 'ts:TVt4MM u ,aue ourejxris, TaepotMt-t-- i,istf so--j, .jtd Wj Je gt4bea to sy, ttbe. work la vWacwtuw xfcr 1 sesnreil S Ivnityaii treat llaeatr wv.MopviMii4Miiiit)t44 Mimmoa- - to wataa ,4u "rri ' - j! 71 c7l(iA bMsj aJULL a. UaqWN.'. 4jWr Ja.aBJ.rafcBa iuff jtASaoN M. BrUEN. Ha. a. VEjt.tlBLi,. vjarttb !vV0UL6. JfiOWlN .a. Ji VYING. il i fl iw JX&TUUBiJ ' A jk'UiJi,5 oi toe aal ' Crtgiitai'rjoart.-" ' '. t JAU. aJ Al oa; AMPaaLL. . tAMJla IB. iO'uli. 4kiiiaAi'iA. iwsat.-ii'-i i COTJ-LAffTilW- . . ,..,1 0 OAIENTE3 fajiroteaiMtia taaaiiatetar. or Ta ladw --L .mpiymx to, .jtuie two banvbui sBe-st- ii . viBsait require t raise u, yna.aumbero.c.if,ig qt iaM ff .utyeaiaof a, abd iboyo; aad woaoa aiX&' 'Janaw Iftfiutg or prwamg emu. - . - .114 4)4t aasai of hPaekwU4a, a-- ioJ.L,A rates', wdirAis . - LaAoal .AliwaeVaud WitteW'lliaemtCSi'' ' LiapaUo, aahaesHitfantlt as' wh.retliere lrperleet, Ajtamj,ViJk. goueraliy, eaMEsew, s4oot.,e' t&eMMoetssiaB.,.i . .BliFayeiTe.MniraBl UBaHS&EiajBJI i, .u biAa . w tn u e.w- - , a , , - , . r F rrai ri(nisi in tU9 nPWIBIBriKllj Mil i! U2S ! ..... . . . vboiiwi .Dimuti: tateM &t&toQm& iiuki d,f4-- i rXyjvui iort laan fur iaa vki uuHr.iAaurJ Xslo 0 et&d tt4iivn ' Wtv ' S' t , 'to ttf ken i4rn mini Inttd a (,( A. . s UotoArinAvTLYJuWorme TPr&IiirjfVSi-'"- ' pruotAvetiUartiiatfi bWi Wurts, 4 watt? - . assabfi4amalflmrB.LWBltMiu.s1 Btavdtvttf.taEr .a uu w..- -. Aoui uw ,uM-uxiu- e tabtM la uxasUfr, SjmMuiAgjau oaiuu BPt saw. Jtir.iaa8rsfy1tr eaah arte4j)t-W- r VvA ! c.pWnead, i ca. grain ruieioi iimnta., aad. asr sa. . itiKBioa t4iraji. t, oa irwi w oa oT.Ua , see .tear, or the excMa lbs yaian bfiaA '. jruuwdi aMMjr-wiia- 1 a eoatraer reaarisir th. pv) aieat tllMte'inw' - ututgv 4iwjtne4Wt4. ? - ,11 - 1. e . liOt rropvtitioos, tftua ruoww, mar bow bu4. , . jil AitowuMt 01 tba istaeaiaeo Mtfttir psvrtioaUf tVw. tosw . bum whAl has bn ui. iium.jr or ia4rtaj '"'' " lajur okooa oc bow aiaa peiutda oijaia. a dar vaw mm 1 put. Tijio.-'e- . tns&xl? arw-t.4- y Matitl,, A..,,; ai7ast valuable larst oa wb-ts- t ti. aa4rtt'&4)4 iiaa 4. i'UAX latt eirht orrnt 7I.t. fe nsflss.. Tmrc ct.ibwitieri pt.lftg. bap.U. ntar, (4, ma Buaaii, ; vaT UAiarMi, jLHirleen uilea, sear lae tuisre c. nit, on Irut tfteSHad aad Csatraviile lartk4i. bia. M MtHtf rrahXUB, tna coanti seal of WiUtaaaatia. aud mto4 of tue SiJria Wewara' JSaitroarf new dwibg ;oa- - ywwi.. - M.f.-- . -.- - r , flf Btjai J acre, of Ural rato arauuig land; tb ooaaly luwiwtavei. xwitetofl kail- - WHHtvatvuii ruailiiwifSrlo iVttBwm or-- . 01 lb uacx. it waa loimailv tun wail kiu.4 i. tsalai WukiarWaiteSW. z uu tbu Xarut arVtwo cowferubl fiid4aae)Hw4tk aU aej tUW.ll WOOTW4, IM44U, bUW, A44W40., CUrUfO ItOUa OttW. witaaa ekceHeotyeeng oreiii-- d M moeeeteo IrdiXjvse '"" 'aiti iluBiit; pilar, Hum diiT.rebt tZaS ibHsia ISTifBFltS' "' iBoi umM aairtiwc ito;,or aou.iaBSiiMd of wnu vi rxeiMloBl laud with a residence, ior sal", la, auator ,i4.a.uoUl eqsUteraAijlMeretd)itier'i ' bout anuea, llh.y will laoidiepfnuaiy la4j.tV114si.ivt , . . a , 'ituj'suil l(uierd ill Utouxhl b rood littmua.ii'id . tailt, ouobi xno.biiat tuocar larmxia iMasaataasv iaa tvantinE ta but, nouia or waiaa to 4.w pjomiitt- - beioro pitrena.ifi'g, a Nnltf VetohtuSmr as .J "'Ws at M Vatavi toyaal aau ..e-fc- ,. w 4 ui : . imi-o-j4- f.vtioetw) sau ineiaios oa wbua 4- - reud, ka WaUaaoAJCa A.ceuatyt aujosaiBg that advertued above kyMr.jobaT. .1111, coBtaiBiagky raeeatsurroae rT-- f sal nfaeij" Btwv aehl 4 nail acre o; Ant rat Jarratax wstk uv.iHag1, sirurarl Bicairy 01IC iWuea, iSMtpUP .ujtuiaRu, wua, food, watoc.. laa term i;wii eltjsa wua good leBc,iacladlag about eva baadredyaru el Hotte WBte. t WI4.B.H. lats.ataeo st4)aiuraiv. ir fcaetaMti" . -- .ui. jtr. liiu' as both aattau would tertauaty maJtajt do. . tr.Btts jaru,iaa purAaasera an ui Can oa xtuahialka jrBUMaW 4AVUHA CHAMttUkku.i a, 'ink ArUerpuUcuiar apply to Mr. id. 3. tf&ra.r, a. tate biiydor eViriaaiesi, AaAkrtUo fc. is. , ttttt eootwlt SPECIAL NOriCJil ALW'ITS OjJIANU JLMI,,TB WfliUIilililT-- . VrVT a an. T. f 2 . O.cditcrraucaB Wheat f ! ait , Mt ustT ad .bjuaI lAUHittOiS bo. laad. lantve -- ri! :a, m ytli (oi .SflulJ i iUJa .'ai '. " T rul Metal VXTM mt all. iiusj, o H,, i um the biAheAt mark.l nrteaiacxaa. tat ttri ta . wH s f VAklEItefs, dSiiveraU trjuiltade'lTis. TZZO -- 3 jhkI Lhfrsr. alroet. JiAAfttiUe. Toba. AajLritAHt. vmi Ltt are bOLcJ.! lor tae purpose oCAKUiis nttifH ffllo UI1 mo uoc two. uiittoitnL u-- et iiniMyttu,.iwiiwiui(Ha cry ei aAivir liaas A a JdOiYKK. ".4.tall l4llTtJlllAP4.44AlliM. -- ItK. . , . L. A- .- vv.rl. liUhfjuJ tv CU'S, Market lrtl. UMieaj uacwau. UAicriiii SMASj.AWeJsri '. ' . - snw tCH-o- ica luruliae. to aititattMM dellw; VVayt. , . , ui ,jaJflJ to BniltifrjF.,; 'iowrf HHuniert!gut(d will receive btdcwitebe Mf Jwsr-- - 'teiettw aextlrtcoustraai44a4iaCOUKTiiOUeE ka ta. .1 fflAlllTlin ..nnt. If - n ,1.. v Tta.. 4. ""aa btoreot strtret of MJdtogtorlaVoenles.ij7Vr ya4, eld see us plas. xaUooa, iks.,M.Ui. alsdwp iri1 tailing an the und.rtig.ed anJraaXMa, apr la tae ia,-- , .j. M Aay.aiterUatbmeailaeoaleeer lb. Arebitoelj ht ji. arereya, .latae, 3aaa.A,wbea W6 Um.of,jByia4H, , , ,. W parttenuri win auo m maae Knowa, i . ' K. B. iALiWJ" a ' ri - nmi1 " ' ' biIr,C8aiJa,,,,' Fraaklia, Ky., Arlt l,8-rliw-jw T - ..." ' "" EeraoviiL 1 KtortMt rytyVredaeehouMbl NWeol dr'Oreef hiHnniiW.jU." sMtewdbueM, m the. fM, ataad ivriaarv e).4tiMd i li . . jtiresi, wBeroiaey wmieeauaera fJem" " fgba'S,A-- f V"VnHr.?i woatieW Xr,LHfalaitadT44fti ma4eiHtcBaaBAtA4t4a4i r jdaoB. O" Wei are paylBg at all Use tbe nsrVM'MW' Ita ' t''e'"i ii Notice osf DisstIutioTi" suraaT Iiaitieb4ty9xfcrtlr 1rVen S.'L.iAfket 'dTirvy rstm A.JLr1''. aD.J?f 7.;v.; ef B.IiJtiLdk.iito,, Jti svti A'aetMire lawereiiiu t.wixtaarm.iiaiOBS aatkortaM Hp.tbe sinie aaiwea-KS- , icoe. Kefarria r lo lb, atow j atice. iula wait , , lo my frteads my tale lir.Tl.l. laftMt- - aMaJtr gewawft.enrerjr was? Ws)tvV4VQ1-dsm'- e'i eoatiMedpatroBafe. . .. u i. 1,111 ii uoi'i.',.!!..-- ) ...... w 9bu owl WEIGN tk DOMESTIC LIQpFgR; , , . r. 7Js,,'ts ,.- - a rax S ABHYLLE , 'TEli,ldsWr I Broad way jftomer.''' YHJI aboye Houae havlag been tboroagkly real rq itow vyxta tot- - u noeptsoa ol travelers. , bVowviewr boees fiom hurlmir lb. b. jSasK albea. aad bla detemtaalioa limits rn,,iis tOis tatustuviill olai good eourao d Il ii'..i iu. d W ,, ii Al iatviu ubiu with the beat tbo market attord, W jaant ,tli n. oerfts tears of BaUOaaje. n ITr,'J 'Ttieei. yaWwn.i.." ,"',w "VVyek w " y Strrojl tnarSB' i ''"PwSUeioir J'' iasaavei Tt7niveWity fir jYaskVmeT'a Aatd "" ..fAKVM'.VrluaH comm. ace. In th. Lb.riry Opailaeat, oa vbo'JtHb tasias BriiyteoMyadvnser. ltMBargetfltvua.udA.t.BfcC.A. k, a?reaoa,ii tbtsMdlell Department, aatterno th Family so tdMta- - icay rtt'ri lreiJMiieA OeMegsui to any olhsr paj-t-l Uo.SUle, UaiW'iah jf . ipaota erereitrBn nriac oa taw pruiaisei, awa ..ccurred witbia bar waokv'fi i mm wrtral weets anoceaplKl, anl bate be. a i.nmbT raaovated. (MtuteaeaM .are made beeaasa. jidaas )AWtfces ,tl reootti bavo Bees cirruiatwei ngiriinsg ieas, " ' .m. u Bank of Commerce. ti ta.rJrfieed uta sryewtsi'" WhioTaT iai;grnoiet as eariya If I..t IIS tt?fnH5ft EMChy4ewJaao'W-t4o- s oedgei Idail tuHHw- - fcritsosi. aad. L,Vti4r awtahr ,mmi iJJiA lVf Iw itse j .sTssia U sa d ,k Vvovvs 4ft w .io k 't u n vaii I I"' iw - ial if aw bs ' viq ma th. ltesii i: IlllT j-- T ,atii-- f i'tueavl ,esaiwii I a 1 Eoardera ""t T" ' . bbe (

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Page 1: Nashville Union and American. (Nashville, TN) 1858-05-08 [p ]. · 2017-12-16 · pORNEA OificeUC ja NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. I r J TTTEaro sow lareeolp o'a large tf6 faootlat W ef OHOOBalBS

, d . i J . r. J d J A

JUST RECEJVED.AM) fpirJt aiilMioi.Wjr.O.BanA.Oo,)wj-'- - .

ComiMlibivAroduceldr&ntsi amBft IkBALBB.

BrandisJVlnc, Cigars, &c.,


WW had TJSwW Sjrr.aAbaMtMMe;

91 do Q fi.Ha Gees450 Bb. "najiiu.20 K 1W 4o "

9S SM do etirta Siflfleu do 6rJ4Bpwyso do latWd. . .Oa4 on et 15 f03 ucKt eitn yteoti

1OH- - 00jw oasjBOpetg im " iar aotS bue W aertrPalated Tut i; " BM6arJMl do tKaaaj

99 bWlWitttrtlTAte; -SMI do HlCW Mr&d' O L TcAiroO;m o bub nun do I 75 I M Uoeb do ,ies do wSte A 1 i7y bolM Yirkmt trioa I:W do OU-nr- .75 do " Bwrbon da

9 do EWrt w co do40 do Htcac. .. . 74 i do 'do " T

WO buin do 3 inn Bairu Fin: .75 BUkolk Oistpociie; JW'r'eiHH Wr.nnlnr Pacer:

Hi ffradMr lSBO-Wlcanar- 'i bna!rBtf3 - . BURQE & ALLKS

W hol o s 1 G--r o c o ry.... . -

Forwarding1 Merchants:Foreign, & Doiuestic Liquors,


WE neSbir Hi TOecidt t inige Ibd eea'eriTiuorlfficBtGroecriet M.quBTTJcct irMot ' Hi

eu ai Tory lejr grvf no -- 1 -'740 Mi SoV&r ll trm4e: JO bWt Pccsut; t

TBI bf K(.ih i . . M " .PUoartii1UQ U bbli 8 H MoImki: 30 lleicei Hltc:

1UO0 b xetrfiHzXraodioa3J0 Jj t X do do !M ka AaUe e ,1 OboiM I'afte U ice doi PilUed BnekU;KM do BreJisoe; ia nei!TabK200 d HK-Kaiai- Sit erM Muhe:

l tutu 9m bit uluiwire, nwrted:SOM tiU . do m bbU Cider Vbieian .

10 bozoi CorTOfter pO eoila MkollVKopc:30 do Fro Poaoaot; - M Urece frtih Wer;- - '

IK do IVtji t 0 kecLeadaadtbolL .

13 LIQUORS. SjH ;S99 barrelt Plke'a, Jiaasolla, Sf barrelt pore old Brt,;te- -- -- rjrfloe;"Wiukj;SOS br'Ha TeaBoaaee WitteaeO bbia & K pipea A merkan

WO barrda MbMo dlktrHod do do X M G4i;WaUkvi . - . 3 pipea old Holland Ptaj '

906 bbli ferallb'i old rocorTe 850 bozea fiee and cojomon,WTiUkf - Mrasdj; "

MO bbia Vt A. BrewataoM JUtealarseatoekefflBeBrarMoooiiatiaU.Wbiak' ulei, W Ac. .

sir Sri MOtCRlS & 6TKATTO? ,

&C0,,AVHQIJESAXE grocers,

CoiiiiiiissiowiS ercliaiits'AGENXS FOJR THE

Sitken . 3rw aid M. Eactery.A

wish to eal Ibe aUeoUon of MerrhtBts aadWE w&o aet!iB Irea aad Hatll, to tbMaoafinre ofboataeaa Iron Wotka, loeaiedatradocabtKjtVsoie

locality esaMe IB m to rated the beat leneearte material. fiber ate oo'Otoeri) for too atanufacture of IroB aad SM'I Thej bave altu) beat aad .Bol reoeat lmprgTcicOuU laL tbwlr mathioery whlca eoabloa tbea to mknnftduro all

anlclea'uuntne tn quaiiiy.lor d raecb lesa price tbkncas b aih(dd vj alUa. witaoul aacb. mederalapruaoled.e ai all 1liBi Vlll bare'a fall aad moat complete Itoek

HaUrtO , -

bT liaif ilflTINn. SOIlARK. Ttnir.KR. ANDhJUbliT IRON,

TcfethorvltballtheTafioBa aixoaoT MAILS, whlcbweareoderlBctbetraieatmaaalaetBrera' prion. All Iron d

to b 4a4a too maoofactore of any other Teeeea-ao- e

Mllli, asd to ba aoperlwr to too Btasafaeutre of anj otherKtate. Call aBBezauiiBO our articlei and prlrei.

HOLLlNOfiWORTH 4 CO.,Jaly 8 Ko. 8 Market atreet.

C"AbTlUb',aHool(jrow Bara, Wason boxei, Iron aateaIter Iruo A large aad well

atoek is atera asd fM M.e to tbe trade at Maautac-ureraBriee-

HOLL1SG8V.OKTI1 dcUti.llHllt ' aio. 6. Market, atreet.




Corner of Spring aad College Streets,Kt'aHVlLLI, TdNKKHIX.


1 AH HHDSrrlmo tetvt Koar;XVJV MbMiCoebed iMdrodaadLoaf6ux:

WW bags Prime Ino CoHec .

30 " M SotI JaTa tVllee; "

lee bbli aad BaU bbli Koboiiod Molauei ;StiO wMM,Balfaad qvarterboxeatiUrCaadlei;

( lOOboxeaieBiBorMoold do;

' U0 ' Wrsifefft asd MiHoari Tebacee;SOO " Aseorttd etaHWoeo;lOtietega WbeoUBcMalleadaaadSpikeiM)

M bat'i Pepper Spite aad Giager,80 Shw Bulub Walmta aad FIIsofU;23 rate ban and quarter boxea Sardtoei, .

fin lbHed CtRaii;SO.ei'0 t .(toi braadt t;ara:

50 doxofi fit Med Bockata. ,50 Bati - do l'abo;SO caeee Matcbea; , .SS cMt MafaHUWaso. auortod rliea.

July 11 JO. UPWARDS.

BBLS KKCT1FIKD WWKKTi I )SO Old Bourboa . ' do ' ' ' ' ' 'So " He , do

KO " AtBOtioas Bmdy,.SO Wei

100 " Walker'! II AU,SS SKRaia; ,

Aleo.alirRB atoek of line BraodiM, Hleei, die., Is' aloraBad Tor ale ey '


New Store ,& JSew Goods.o

Cheap Cash & Exchange Store.

'PUB labterlber barlar add eat hit laloreit latbeeldelaadof H t I b Co., SO Market atreet, aad located

Blmieir pertBaaeatty oB btauwa proaerty, coreor of Gaer-- rj

and Mulbrirj ttreota, Soatb KaabTiIlo, known hereto reaa Loie'i Moio, baa iBc coeeired, aad ti bow opBloplrndldaie.rtaivotef Aowaadfreeb Goods of every deeorlption, lelltbietor tbe waataof both eby aad ceuatryeotiiiauag of

DRY GOODSOf all klada, frlcti. Lawni,DeLalnei,l.ioen. Jaconet, Haellce,CilKi, KibtKBt,&c. ' -

JKW'EIiRV.Fiae Gold Kiagi, LaJlea' aad Gaat'a Bicaat Plna,tf o,

Sioeuc aaa Gold f'lone. lob Cbalaa, &c. AliaUEADV MDE CLOTHING, --

Of the lateet at)le and qlalfty. (aCOTTON ADKS.

Heavy WooIob Coeds, DoaiesUea, JWiakeU, io.thiiits siiiik. 1 rV viS'iTa.

HARDWARE, CVfTLE&r ANDjQHEENS5VARb;, LIb taetwer thing will be kept that will be necessary lot the

All jf which he tsdeteraiiaod Vo.eoUWsidaay-cboipe-r Ktbaa can be psrchatHl in athville,aa hts limited expea- -

ota will allow Ihb to do so.




Foreign and DomesticHT anoy GrO " cis j -

A O. 72 i'OMLW SQUARB, ; ,

Naskvillc. Tcnn.. . . . t j

are bow tecedries or Fp"S etock of goodsle 1WE we call (he aileeiloB of SerewaBls be jlag 1 1

this muket. Oar .lock la re and doeirable. no wmsail low rnr cash or to prowpt caea Ob ttote.

earlOtf .A. MORK1BOX di CO.


abb paauaiR reaaioM auo eenarnc

8AS1IVILLE. T2fJT.ebsS- -t

Wanted.TT0K CASH.m.m ooaeda rt'Weel;

" " Mm, " Ghueax;in em Featbersi

lwiuii barbel Wheat; ..3U.OU0 Kye; . .

vae It ,K. O'KAiK'

Wanted. ...FIVE HH5DRKD

Ibarrels of Apple Cider waajed b .


M. L, SnlLTONTNFOKMS hla frieadi aad the wttle IsI now proaecatlac ihe-iK- W!tvlVl2i ' .SlA.'

fctree-- t rveebjteviao Ctureh and tho PostOtaco- - - auena to the erderrelall wbo may -- ant worar la aAHtoe eoae. lUhas and willbeep on hBd a .atpiy ofMarble Monuments, Tombs, &clinullured oi UeorBee. JUbu uuk Aaerlcaa M.utleta

tb best of lhe,aju. .All ef.bla woib will be warresud.



r? rrA, JB--



, i Jto. u ri)iiiu oyuAiUj, r aoii v lulld. i ; ?

HeM1m 3K THBIK RKW ST0BE," Be. vt OeogB Stxwt

Spring &pd Summer Good,iTraiLHbsTeJbiMKofcawd uadar rery M tt--

lf fnmnfanon nnjVlU Irtm t M fcfrw beaaratuB aa afae.ll befaroMyiatf;, bhiwh otifM

Ffbe aide otrtpo Otoaadiaea, Shttta fm d.adMrtee, Koaa-co-

aad plUn Boraaea, In boMUfol H looj Bee Freaeh Or- -

Caadie JantHea, oiogaaa oaaooa a do atripa Omadtoji.bsiottfol aeaallBgarea rreftoa abBrlfliaBta, rltteide itiipo ad brad

i xrirtfT. iLUHtiM 8ih (Man a&d UBdeulecrts.LteptntsoBdlK IH Sm Luo tUi, Jioonel b4 fiwlM

omijir2iaaraer'WnBoiB(, alarg rtoek of U9 bttXenke tcelUh Uoaiorr, SiK sod ColtA.

House Furniliing Cfoods.VVa will secit concUBtlf ob kiwJ a lige iek of Cxrp ti,Scotch Carpu of oron etad of ib.a bt aakca, TatroVaad Upeiirj m Ttry bow tf loo, alt klsdi of Sago adMm.caniQ utmut, uimpa, IjOopi verda im xvmou, aIrtcoaodMuiUaKmbiWaortdCuiUlEu, lonlctx, UsrutaHaadiaad Hiss 'lVblIjDM. flapklai. TowoU.asd M&r- -

seUloa Uu!ltsalo PlooifM CXoUS.Wa bare a good aatorlaMat of ButE asd Pore

Cloths and Cassimeree.French Liceni for reatlOBau' itear. fins Fresah Hit

etOea VetUBZ,Uien OackaKaUa Vestioc, Fasaf. Sttvenrsca, nice eaetK Mnenj tor ajouerea'a woar. wo aetOwtu, eop UtBaburgi 3 yarat wjoe, car miking wifeB.eBeaufftaatcloliia. awBlB?!. dee.

Wewlil par a fair price for all rood barter la tbe way of -

Sootj, Idnteya aad J a. u. oc &. a. unnuii

Sprang, McCrory & Co.,


: ; Commission Merchants,pORNEA OificeUC ja


TTTEaro sow lareeolp o'a large tf6 faootlatW ef OHOOBalBS A.l) L14UUES, wblcb wo wdl aellatjow ratea UjXha uxie.ISO U3U b1

kaeit M do SUG RalU

ISO Older VlBtfir, 750 paekBtiUr CaarHoj; 'IM Piae'a WhlikT: 100 bMs croih Sc pow. Bozar:100 " Wilihlre do, MO JistL O df PlnAldbaaeo..WO" If DomeifJQaondpaMdcaiemliiaa; I i L

0 Pine old KobertsoiTfeftanty WhUVy;AfkA ail olbtp&rUelos utuailjr aeM by wanietaip uroeeri.

1Y1KU, WCUllUttX & tlU.aareh S7, 18SS. I

Kirkpatrickj K"eviiiW

' aCl di X.

For rArd iug , fc WholesaleGrocery Merchants,


rTAVB aiir la itorealarge and conipleto Ssaoftraest ofa.JL uroeenei.emoraclDC

kkw TjP.Clriss Sugars, all mdei. ' :iiaLAsScS.ln barreli aad hall barrel,COFPKH, a large aad complete itock;KA1S1SS, a lull ttock, with


Joceiker wKh all klada of erllslea aisallj kept in tbe Croon uae. uar aioca ci


We think cannot baeurpaHed la tbla oranvotaer market.T.o out beavj alockof gjoda bow la elore we JnrKe IM at--,

tenlion of tbe trade. ' ' " k ,Jmar96-- tf K1KKPAT8ICK, KEVINS & CO.

R. G. M'NAIRY & CO.,15ET3BIVED THIS DAY elegant aisortment of NEW

ana j&mkibi.huuuijs, laaptea f Uta approaclnr..lJOUOBiCOOtl! ma0.Ftifri the imwlagjlclei:f JTf w


Side Stripe. "";oanced Greaadlaet;

Double Skirt?

Together with all aaatiilei flala Black Sllkt. Neat Ctioeke.PlaWV,Strlpei, &e.,&c .cheap, elegant Lacei,oew etjleiWo bare auo an aisortraen, ol Ladlei' Under Garraenta.auch aaCbemlfe, Night Gownt, Sklrti, Caps, &c.,dxc , all ofwhich we offar on the most favorable terrai.

roar 90 K C. SlcNAIKY dt CO.

Second Sppiiigand Summer

r. roeJiAB, t:JAS. M. Q00DL0E, . AH PR. CAMPBELI..

FUBMiLNNo: 2, Public SquartrrneKr tbo "Wli-- Bridcc,


DRY GOODS.WK are now rcetvtsg oar aecond Hook of Spring"

summer aJoodx. embracleg all the vartoties aLd new deeigne of tbe seaaoa. An elimination of ouretock hall Uat wm be Boceeaaryto convince tbe closestbnyera that we are able and willing to offerKXTJC.A INDUCtMKNTSTO TIIE TRADE.Our etock la complete In every line of goods, aad merchantsteuclag In their order may reiy upon ui sending them NEWaad FKBSU GOOuS,ai we have selblng elao jo out house r

AND AT itEUt CED PKICES;All bayers vttillBg oar market to recruit taelr stocks will

Sad It to their interest to call on "s, lor In roleettop thistick of goods every advantage has been taken of tho mar-bet- a

tbatmoue) and experience possets.Oar prlcea will oa toaau regular ana anuorm always.IJf We will offer no But! to caicbthe Unwary.April Si 2m FUKMAN dc CO.

Greatest Medical Wonder of the .Age,,COWAN'S

Vegetable Lithontripti ,OR


Tyati Korld is cballesgej to produc. a medicine thii biaaSVrdtd tbe same umouat of leuef to sufferiDr ba.

Biaaity as Cowan'a Liiboatripiic.CuWAN'd LITUOM'ltlPriU bas cared thousandiuol

eases (SioDe id the Bladder and Kidneys. " ' 'CUWAIv'd LliUuNlKlPTIU bas cured the most ag.

gravoted Oites ol Gravel ever seeB, aad is tbe only corlarareaseey now known ior me above aisecei.'OOtVAN'SLITHoNrtilPriu never fails to cure all

diseaeeiof the Kidcej sand Bladder.CO WAI'd LlTilON 1UIPT10 is tbe only sure remedv

for.Djteeiea.COWANS LITHOXTRUTH; is a certain core for Chro.

cic (iBorrL09. and Uleet.COWANU LITUOATRIPTIO oares weazBees of tbe

Loia.C0WAHS LiniONTRLPTIC aas cared the worst ca

ses of Proiii)us Uteri ever known.CO WAN y LlTUONTalrTlG is the only remedy that

bas fcueetfe fully eared UarreaLess.UOWAa 1.11UOA i Kin iu wai core tbe. went form4ofUrepey.OOwANUrHONTRIPTIC will cure loo standiM

eases tfStricture and resaore Venereal Taint from tbe

CO.WANW L1THONTRIPTIC is tbe only remedytaowiiior Hie cureot all Symputbeiic CbEDplaiatj aileno- -ast oaiTregcancj, ana-te.- -y iiuuio who is pregnant saouiaatofioe prtouia u bo.Ueil aoe wiabes to feel well, while iatbet ceaciwiD.

COWA.NS LITU0NTRIPT1U is the only remedy everyeVdteooVerwl that wi 1 reinvd tbe p. ma cf labor, aad the iwaoteHSHiaie w. riufouum rcjoKe inu Buou a aiaoorerytub bH made wbeieb toey nave obutlned a cure lneed

aMUt Ibtra iu the g.elest trial vt Heir lite.TbHKist4ucrednlujswai bj convinced cf the great

by rtui)ig ba ablcNlt certttbrCites and tboae around each bjilie-- .

3ii Jack.ob, Madison county, Tobb.lo all periofu Atcua wan Uravel.

Mr. J. P. Cowj--lr- r bust 1 hereby cetufv. that In 'holaaimer of the cai ipj5 a aeivaut oi mine, a boy about IBears of axe. woo ntd atwataueiarfe tbistiiwe ocen stout and

,an4gruu coutiluuu, was attacked with gravel. Albtiisud w.s ciuad yih attauoeo ou bim lur aevoralWvBtas, dunug wrhCatJHri kl fcw verse dally, jtatsldie.was balplee, andlbeneva wouiaaave Oled in a few daybad it bo been ior a iriead, who4irud the use of Cowaaw

iwHW1' Iprocureo a'rew b. tUe, the erst ol wmctt. him relief, aad ib aioortumebe waaab e (o walk

b ut, nd flna iy luikyerod.Vbrett; .Mies' whlca tlneheha.a.UBo .mpli.msol aald disease, aad to ail appearance aa any .orvjaton Bin plaotatioB. 1 taereiorero-touiuieu- d

u to all persons auSeriug under a like illtlue, aseiie ui tue oiiwi ceruLia rcmeaite knows.

Uiveu usder my band,tau AuguifJiJ, lSi7.' lJA!Iu SHELT0N.

. . JaoaaoK, Tena.,Aagaix, W67.Tbe above case waa petieeiiy cared by Ui oolllosol the

LBbobtriptle, aud iitweouao worst cases of O ravel tatba vm beoo m tbi. oouutry. U. AI) A MbO.N .

jjj-- Leiev.ry ieiuale who expects lo become a moihereaathe follow ing aud proat thereby :

YoixriLLx, Oct. 1S63.

Mr J. F. Corns-D- ear Sir : Yoa will dome tbe kindnessto pdbhsh under m) oeuiiecau IbetoUowiag seta, tcatUivsnenu'c c0mmunityg.a bobjooalaed. I'haTSglve huth

to nine cnlldrcn, and Viy litirtjotlg VlraWloaii s.ved (iconsider) by r)Beauie, Jcauaou iiuilCAlo,jou,a,4.

loth, public withhold ray testimony to it many virtues.1 uscdyoor LilBoatnptic IB small portroa perhaps ones a

da), ifir bfemoMh,wAiCbdlpeiled entirely the flatuleuitckeessof tho ilweicb ao luniri-bur- n wultu had annoyed

me lo an oiarm g uxieai lu all oi) former prrguaaeM.vt hen 1 was couHaeu t took, abont two jviue glasses luHoithe same meutaiae wbkb savame aa easier delivery by a

laad the biidwif with others la attendance, were thoreuoblyfooviacod Uial tae pals of. tb deiiterj was lery matae.saeuod by iu ae. t would say to all my .ex that expectto be raotbers,sot to bo without jour tavaiuabie medieiadurUgptgaancy,aadparUcalarl al the tune of canine-mea- t,

ultsu a marked tendency lo relax the system,las Dalnol labor I much ilimlntshed, and fur.

Iber. ay. Paynclio and, Mi it? fee tiOVb said thai 1 bad. Bt9py J

ol tbenouib and 1 now enjoy oeticr nvaiui man i LiredBo la lea yeara.'andl baiWve tuo disease is .ntlrely removed- -

cir.ldo this that tbe sasTerior ef very many or my sexmay alleviated If they eaa oaly overcome their prejudi-ce ao much as.lp aj tte Lioauipiio.. ll auj peraeawithes to knowuly OfJtoloscTurUier tfpon IBM isbject, theycan addiess a. at Yorkvtlie, 'laa.


I was present and heard Mr. Snow acknowledge w. faeueoataiBod iu itoabore corulcate 1 have been .oquaiBiedwith Mr. and Sir., mow lor many years, aad have reason,o believe lb. trut. of Uffcf v.'KREDrlAM. ''


JF&t-sJ- e by'sltthe Prtiggiste inNashTille, aadbfy. .JA.'!fl1l.....'uS Clot. . .JJrutrfftBls .v,

7 a- - ft. W.iERRV-- i DEOdOVILLE,BW I N PJSND LET0N 1 & CO..iH,H ''uSii.l.Ttiri'ta.'Nairirtaa'

Hti n mmm)miimww I - " WwiiWm .d i i.

No; IJ.JtarHO Mrecl t. . I trinflcaiaiulever.ntdaiore. Aoria tela all, 1 have.VJsKiw ' "Taeefi'iV Med la one am, aad beard irom. a respectable


l.v, . ftf i. . t ...

,lW3.M Lu .1 '1 i

ffllwalijluiiimer, Cook 4 Co.,


I0LE3ALS DEAJffiwoJaOCIWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaStaaaR


T"bJRrETrESsNqs. 7 & JB, public Square,

'ktsato-E,..- .rl!iia?HSSEE.

WE iavo rfceirrf fiur aliri, stock ibr the 8prinjrSaka,asdinrHeMK0HAN is tb eitr end

0B&try to oli and easfftse tbe g Gi&u,.: We will, at berelooifaIKXffiiNTS ONLY.

We off me ftntOltojmmmSLco'i in itsrcMiii". brnli reJoTrStotaMlSSM jJricea, and tooar eta aad well tr JsioJrAtlr (E Aeeemmedaticnta4 (aaibhee bereSjr iriTeti --tEea. Caib and abortTkae bojere Will hs- nHrred lhe Mrongett poiaiblajn- -

Ladiife&Bress?HVe sew seals entirely-

-- -j ojWlhitu-ifii- l gylev snsna .



" LAWNS." v . ' ( " . OB3ANDIH8.

X' .'V-'u--i BROfljtaJeWB.".-- "



f tnjsra coATVotje. than a?JatlarAP .dbmKrirtntr Avnrvtlilncr" ' ".Jag--

waJ ja Vi

riiDatinirtitatvijD. OFIBNcS- - IJHILIi: "

PL 4 IN LINEN DRILLSsinoy corroNAUEs. ,plmn 'coti'ONabes: -

CROtON CLOTrti.C maksatllswestisgs. F n aw env frTivnAUUJ1L I AAJAAaIUO.

CBAYAT3. aUSFENtJiS, HALE, HU3E, Ac, 4c.Tceetner with a eeneral 'cssoftmenf oflluch' 'gooda'as arerequired for tbe fcprtng Tcdeyjjjslj.ntciing

'&8D GAY 8TY..E3.liEiJ TICKS.


Weatk especial attealjen lo.lh'g iicru. lisee ws'brrebV,fit tbe Largest ane:y .and ilandeomtst assoitmeat everbtforet ttredbj-rii- . - .i



W. M. WEBB & 'CO.- -



... , ...

WE are bow In receipt ol a large and well aeloctednock ofReady-Jflad- e , Clothing:, . , . -

--GoUeo-Ai'p twireijl fur this tradeto which w luruo thoio A

vUillog our market to examine beior bu)ln. ai welntendlo ugrr luducementa to cajh or Prompi lime Bayers.

mirJ W. H. WEBB & CO.

MajinvZii ConihiiicU

W4llaWobdjt,jmprprc--TTiItl?celebrited allebiae received tao first premlnn) ofa

GEAiNO GOLD the bestoiublnea tfeaplngaad Uowhis; thd reatUnl States AcrlcultU- -

ral Fair, held at LatlBvirte. KV.ilnSaDlember. 187. TheulalcameqiTaear'ayraeuse, new York, in Joiywbere allU pr(nctpfil Machines In th JTjrilad'Siiate wra tberoazb-l- y

tested. Tb committee made tSelr awards lhmB2h Mar--thai P. Wilder, President United Slates AgrlcuitSraTSocl- -

iy,-s- l LonlseillOnKy.ralso'lecelved rtSeawariiVtna.iest Kesser aoiaitbe

best Mower before two seoarala corrniiUtees.aBraintedDrIfieTTiildeHWf-ra- e DivIdV&n couaty Ag"rOttUijral JJodely,at Aashvtiie, tn July, lea, overman oi :he jcre4injsnowth Trne '

Bmeruoa oiher oremlama and awards .word rlvenlbisartTce anrlBg-th-e last"'ttort1'Brfl eVeryTIachlne lo

imtr ca.Tbe above machines are for sale by bo nndorsigned.

u. r. unr.A i ham,Geneial Agent for the State

Pi1SHEK, WUBuESS & CO., 'feb S7 d&wtf lens.


Heal Estate, Negroes, &c.

WK will pay the highest prices for likely yonng negroes.Cash advances made on Negroes consigned us. Wo

will keep constantly on hand negroes for sale, at the oldstand oi Will L Boyd, So. So, Cherry street, MaehvlUe,lean. eept gj, T57

Charles lleidsicli. . CHAMPAGNE..... -

TIIE rapid sale with which my last importation of thismet baa induced me to order a new supply,

which arrived this day, being SUPERIOR lo any lot everet offered. I recommend it lo l Trade as well as foramltruse. B. L SIM." Public Scusro..

march uonj. r. annus' uom. uouse ,

GEN UINE GORDON DL'Fr SHERRY WINE.A FKKSI1 supply In osisisaL packages, Just received and

A JL for sale by b. L. SIMPSON.march i Public Square.

Scdtcli &lrish Wliisky.DIRECT IMPORTATION.

received a shipment of several puncheons and kegsJUST this acrxaioa article direct from Bellasl, Ireland. Itwill be found tar superior to any over offered lo this market.

1. Lt . OllfTAU.l,raajrehs " i i 44 Public Square.

OLD ALANTADO MADEIRA.TUKBE original calks, which 1 oferAns tistm and

Vtiirt.' ' ' B. U SIMPSON,march 42 Public Square.


AUCTION ASD C031MISS10N MEEOHANTSNo. 12 iriurkct Street, Naaliville.

CTAVING made arrangements by which we will bo reeelv- -

ll mr large and fresh supplies oi urocery every le days,re will hereafter have regular sales every anxasoaymorning. (dec 10 te JIOKKIS & hTKATlUS.

Hit Bank of Nashville.WB have a a completo 'lock of Groceries, consisting In


rsa. CArart. Tobacco. Braadlbi. &C.H wblcb. wl'h BaleIkKopeUagglBfr, aoiKU bile. ofiAugastavBrili.; all ol which

we will ten at reasonaoie rates ior diui ui .la.uviiie .loies,or for certified check or deposit.

We have also soma desirable c'ty and Edgefield propertywhteb we wrtl dispose of on favorable terms in tne .am.way. Apply lo FISHElt, WHELESS 3t CO,

Oci3. b a

RUN AM AYROM tbesnbsenber nnthelBtdar of. July.. a .necrt

J Bar. named lihNliY. of cosoer color. & feet imcbeehigb, IS years old, and weigbs about ISO, pounds.tie wasraisea in rjtst.ieariesee, near sicjaiauvuie. uiwill probably make his way back there. 1 bought Mm.Ieo'iu Mr. Terry ol East TeontSasi'J jrillgivla do'Jeri.i beiscadgbttn my neighborhood, twenty-by-e dollars ittakeaoot ct tbe county) erJlfty. delists 11 begets to

When taken he is to be delivered t. me, ceoBneed so that lota get him, D AVIUM. ,.N' '

IV Seven miles soatb of Nashville. Tenn


have a tanra assortment df all styles, COACHBS,WE3AK0UCHBS aad BUGGIES, which we will sell atprice lo suit the times. ' ' ' ottas

W atson M House.Sitaated oa'JJarhet istreit.--- ' " - v

NASHVILLE, - - - TENNESSEE,asd nxiK tbx muc sqeaak,

.Snow open for the accouia.oJation of the public. Tbe1 hoase bas been tUqroaghiy reauvated aad

Tbe proprietor 1 determined, b, attention to tho cotafoit oibl guests, to merit the patrouage T the public

PRICES.Board per day SI 50Board per week......... 3 30

feb U dm 1HOS. S. WATSON.

Andrew J. Smith,So. 45, BE0ADWAY,



''Tennessee Iron, Castings,NAILS, STEEL, WAGON AXLES, EL1FTIC


AND all other article In nil line of builnei', which heat wholesale or retail, low for cash, at the above

jsUud. febS lyL. S. 8AYAQX. JL, B. AS9EBS0N


Sinltl, villo', Tenaesse.nrvlngaaocfatd iheBnelvestogelber' in Che practice 01'

lawwui a;ive tceir nnuiviuea siieniios to an duiibcssto ahem: They will practice In Sllthecoontles of tbe

fourt. Jodlcial Clrealt, aud'also lathe'eountlee'orlv'ama','Canaoa; Wllseefsbd In the BuprerdeOderfat'NubTllle.


A. ja8B au. corse er "

71 ffBlC:SQllAitE;

eta intJrnVI50anUclpi!ertlre.large demand, tltii It iooa4obdmade far aooda of all kln.ia thli Knrin. wa . ra An.

uantly rtceirinj and bare now on'bxdd an Immen'ee itociofjFine Wins BraBOJes, audy 'Iiiauors.'

. OF ALL KINDS,Cigars, Tohaccoaaff (Sundries,Wbleh wo ara offering atitbe yory loweat prlcea, . FaxUcula

m icnuoa pata U3 u oraera"tiYDSB & CO'

Janla 5o. 71, Pabllo Square.

!isar Maanfactorv.TIIE dnd.reigaed are now very exteanrity engiged4n

tnannfactore of all kind of Clgara, and are enabled1to compete anccesafally with any of thoEaatara ctilai: Oneof oar Arm, who nu charge of. lbla department qf oar bail-nea-

being a practical fjlgar-mxlce- oar cutto inert rrayreiy spon gjiuag men goaiaa are aareto gira aaturaeuoaland welch, we will guarantee la every instance. Wo exfaaaure osr friends and caitomeri that we are miking aa 8neClranaa, ever cams from .Havana? we Import direct fromthere the finest Tobacco, there)? eavlnz. cooilderable dntv

e are enabled to tell bur Clzua wban cnadeai mach-lowa- r

ratei thin anythlat Ilka the aarae article eoeld bo lmportedt";tbenwh-Jn- t K

' V r WCall and examine for yoanolrea at LYONS dc CO.,

E.-- L. GARDhSHIRB, JAMBS W, McHKNEY,- Sparta, Tana. Xivlngiton, Tnn.

Gardenbire & SCcHoHrTN tbe "Olrcalt and Chaucerv Conrta of White. Overton.

Pitnam1Jaek9n,lCem'lelaulfFentrrji conbtle.aTenneuee. Btriet tltenvfcn glVdn totfie eollectloa ofTlehui

aanouier oaaiaeaa. ueoo-w- xy


.wljransford, M'Whirter &j0ouwjrviH'a au. uvr&wowau dLfl.tva.' a dU4

Foreign and Domestic


HO- - SiJiW.WKtiuio y Mi.U noNASHVILLE,

have io store and reidy.for xhibUrn"'afcIiari7i IWEComplete, and WeU Selestrd'StoetofSprlngand jsummer, ory Mooovioue aiteBjijon rr wM(n.Tre jvotiid.

and PROMPT TIUK deal,eri riiitire our city. i .

rairch7-- 2m BRANSFORD.-MWHIRTER'aYC- r



j No. JPHbllc Sqnfc'rc, I "NASnVILLC, TENNESSEE

Sp ring S tylesr18458. . o . X8.58. ,

WE are w receiving aad opening, and shall by the litnext month, have ready fcr sale oar usual rtotk oT -

Foreign And Domestic Dry - Gpoas,


Adaoted to the Snrfnr and Summer trade" We lavlte thosevislUBfr our market to call and examine our ws--shall offer Inducements to those pnrrhsilng Jor CAigor U

fTaokrr nereaants. ,,LALLISON, ANDEHSO.XIc CO.

feb 33 3o


Forwarding JHerchaiitsNO. 3T NATCHEZ JSTREET.,1 r

feb 6 err I DPkTTJ7- - OxrloxXa.f3T. 0. ZXARRIS. Tf. O. HARRIS. B. HARRIS


Wholesale 'Grvwrs'AAND

ComnussionM ere kits.Office at IF. ZT. fffttfori Co's Watehoute, ..

i ,

No. 7. 4riajliet street,. '

, . ...-- .

HXTAtalxvUAOji. Tonnosjiaoo.ian 9 - . ,

: ... .'i.t, - 'n. it ix (.mi'?

.' j (LATE J. PEACOCK A CO.)' .' ' ; .t . '

for sale: .'.'J.. -OFFER barrels Pike's Magnolia Whisky,

50 do Flitchera.Nealrtl Wbiaky50 do Julius li. bmilh's do "

50 1 ' " ' " 'do Old Bourdon do'50 k casks rJraady.gibd article, ' '

60 Sugar,150 boxes Star Candles, . i i 'i " . O 1

10,000 fiae Llavani Srgars choice brands,10 birrels Navy Beats. '

D1LL0N4C0,' :- spril 27-- tf . ... 15 College street.

SKUAKSI SENARSlR10 HOUD4.S,Xoudrei',Na3aj"as,i)raVas, ta'Sufgas, aad

choice bianda Ilaviaa Segars,foraIe by" DILLON sl CO.,, ,

aprll 28tf .. . ,' ,X.ate J. Peacock dt Co.

SJashville Sanmber Yard;1

'J. C. DAEDENpxalxilis. .'"' iTvT X

LUMBER, v?SHlKfcLM) IJOARDST. ... ' . ..S.i...l.tlwr. f Jtt-- P JIVUI, a larze lot or Cedar, Yellow aad I

Dear White Pine, Poplar Plank;Joist, cailllpg,. Sarnie Cedar. Cedar; eiank.nd Poplar!Shingles. !lbf3frMinirtUlajEopTaraild Oeda,Ohearesiinvi-ppiir- , inauno tenow rino rioorlm. une snin-gl- a

Machine, making No. ,1 Poplar Shingles. AH Jo. constantrperallon. j I "can supply any quantity of dumber or, SblDglas,altbeahorleil notice. and athe'Ioweit prices Ior tba cash.

I ' ' J CDARPEN, ,

march 2 ' Nashville Lumber Yard, 36. JJL Broadway.

Wholesale Yariety Gpads,' FANCY GOODS. '


W. Si. GttVBBU(Late of tbe house of A. Morriion'dt Co!

ITAKB pleasure la informing my cqttomersosdjillthat 1 have opened a large and well asiorled stock

f Variety Gooos Fancy Goodsf Jewelry Tricks. 4.C, lathe upper rooms of Menrs. Trabue d Lucas, No. 47 I'aolle

and my expeasar being comparatively oothing.Ifeelsafelnisaylngthatlcan Oder greater Inducements, tocustomers ibanauy other dstabllsbmanl la the city.' lhavealio engaged my services aa salesman, M KalCt Xrahue deLocus, wboihavn a large stuck of Uiy Goods, Shoes, StrawGoods, Clothing, Uardjy&ra, fttfeaniWarei &t.f which ioaand wUlssllat sucb pilcesas will Insure entire satisfaction.

W. B. OKUBBi; ' ' "ai i ranee metis,

mar 12 So 74 Public Square,



1AME8 B.CP.AJGHEAD having purchased tbe entire 1:- 1-

terest of Mr. .WM. 11. AlLNCtiUI, la the bnstaess ofCraighead tt Mlbchlu, Is alono aiuhonaed to use the name,r the lau firm in liquidation, and will continue tbe ImtlBeeat the old Itand, no 29 Public Square, under she title

. may24

WHEAT,, WHEA3S117 aSTED Immediately, .100,(1 0 bushels of.wbeat. WVV will tike all, qusJIUea or wheat al Ih. hit,aest. market-pric-

paid in Nashville, 'VV'e also have an order forSDxbales or Sulct Middling Cotton, foiwbicb we win pay tk.aiieuestmarietpfice Qqiiverea u oar wareaoases xontermarket and uurk street. U. S. PKEN4JH

nov li . BC.Uncurrent liaiik Notes Wanted.- -

K will pay be highest omktC price Tof the Note' bftbe rollowinx Baati if'dellvered Immediately: Xa'w-- "

the above lilt, atihe-hUhe- st market prise.decS tf A. WH BLESS CO: '

Bonds and Stocks For Sale.7 0,000 SlralghtTenneaee State Bond. ,' ' ' ' ' '100,1)00 Esdorsed, , J,J00 Skres NashTlUe & ChatUfioo'ga B. E. 'Blot "

100 Sewaneo MtnlhsrStoek' - '"; s,uee Buauvllle Mlnlbgand riaadraeturlng Btict "" '

All or which will be sold oa favorable term by(dc5-- if A. WHKLK.NS A CO.

J. Hr O-RE'- liii.

.i nl lltl ,r. 11 .'

Funeral IJjadertiaKi:,prepared to furaiah every description,

TromlbtUne Casket tofbe plalneu.Sarranta. Coffln,everythlpg accessary for Funerals. AH orders

lertatmy Ware-room- s, Deaderiek street, next door lo therr'andUo Llverv Stable, between Oborvw aadSuracinr'itreeU", vrtll receive pronrpt StfeBfloBMhsyilTorri:

J' -"jrFainltajiij'Mndrji eAetlnl


i. df- - --Jl-ii T' -


El Hm

P vug-'. . i :





.... c&o? elbo.

j . wimporters . . .

And plil'sBejiiriru'" c l.

l'.',' " Hi.!, nil 1. i'.'


w - k ' J . w

Fiifelle Square,'Nashville, Tenne8e. oVa'lar

j-- i'j jruutuli. si.. .... L rWil'h we will sell aUbejery-loir- prleea for caib, erto

, . .r.UMlln V9.... . HWMUtO U.Bt .1 IBu rC.4.S I '


' . .4. - i Jl I..


OomprisHejjtb. rgetassqrtinentisndGood, webave overbad the pleasure of pffortng, aad' l5Tieeartathar-Mt!.'riWor1v- r '

WVohavetakea 'nas3IWls he'l!d Si'.ibl.elatiefuoou,ana are cosurety cowajouhanisome; au.y,wah wejarll pelal AerUaq


Jacoaets, Cimbrlcs,v6wUs, Mull, Nainsook, Ofeu-barre-

t . r kad Striped Mttillaj,., ,;, .. ,

Embroideries an'dr- -I !J W i v4 't. Old-'- J

e.v..,, Sties,.- . . . .

4 .

Colored, j'e; --


mij i- w . i. v .

All widths, PlIlow'VaiofLlnen,'()rIovi, ,'HoslerYj itandker-- 'caleri, Suspenderr; Oravats, die , &t. A large aad gaa

era! assortment of


ir.A ' 'ntg .tUtf-

f j O. .'J' "t I1' ' Ol li- - I

, JJ ... 10 1T' ' 1" 1" 1(1 , 14 0. .

, ,,i vj-j- , iv ii jiie ,,j "',,. ..BLEAJCHEPANP.mBBOWK,,,ill Ji".'l I1K1.U. H . I ' ' '


il li uo-- i il J. T,' 1'4 il mo J " JS C" ii

Osnaburga, strtped'Sad twilled.'of allttSllHec BaJ'Tieklnrs, Apron. .Caecka and Daekv llrewau Domistles,

e SbMUng-jandhlrjlng-s. 6t M ,wL4th, bfiy$ and. . . 1 tslaad..

i ... 'tr. ' n l' lj

,lll'lJ''t r nl n.'ftXlC.aU tbo bevt'Bai'eii'and WrfanUd- - Yaif edlor'.'BonneW,American, Sprarua's, Allan's Bay .StaUj aioaetar,

Oochecj), (!dco.,L&c;itlBlack, blae-,a- d,. ,

blqeYni OraSge,


" " dl ill I I'll! ,.1111

,l '.'Jul V tl . ,, lii'iioii 1.

;VT.::l serges, &c, &c '

.u.e nif ioiw "i bmi eW i",PreemblneaadbrowiiBereie.dwt()WJt.. mpro,oBiJjtoekeosaprMf the largest and best sSsert- -,

"mstiof 3rJodfftbwhiklt We'wflr-beaadlag- t

'faiiT.iit.ltewGsiidai Bather ar. Introduce into

., i diiw 1. "ii r

w ...iw . 'l. .,1 ..rti- - ,j',14tf tltlljlljtl .J LUtMid I."' ' '

1,, a 1 w . ji ' -' ' lu i imib 1 . ni mi Kit 111 11 iiii

ihka'bsual.'ahu wclebI'we'are now adding th beaa ninora jutvDatwn.i", -- "'r.oj.petaai aiteauon, .guu,i4V'aoy'.D"vl' -

.. .aari j

Sniriis, . Drawers?--etc.,- - etc.!mTiT. r .TI ,..Jt

--We Vlll nil goodsl 'Wl&m atrVaBcSnpet, the erffjaai;Nut. irt'n.rtMM A.iAr.. and f.BTlta tbo alleatrestchanUandlflora" -

to;ourtlool) .i'""' )!,. ""'I' MtMl

WoyilFb roguUrly recelTlo, g. Sew. OqodU .Satmafeecl.'tSeeitidt?. .h,,, i,h.i ,.im ...), 4 1 .'ill"

.11. 1 trnt'l .lT-- fl I

at rar nwratTin .a lekT 0L eJivnjUtUVAVlV'SemV

Jru Ml Bvpsn, litlB-



'TVHl: QreatCentral Route, coanocting the AtliHtieolhttlJL withWesternyivrjTthweatar2,tiBd iSeMfrw

Dya conunuoua nauway turect. i.aia roaa ivao coaaial Piiliiriary with daily Una ot Staamora to allDOrtaon.ha Western Kiyers, andatClsrelend and Bacdusky wivtBtsamexs toau perse on toe a oraweetera xdtcea ; BaQsr.the most- - dirxet, ikm. ami rUtaUi rmtti by whteb

ttiviuur ean.De lsirwaraea a ana iroa ue urstK nut.- Sites betvtas hlla4lBiiia asd Pittibanr:ilKST Mhoee, Urj Gioodr ( w, 1 ao a(farSeejlWFeelat.UU.MJ UUAH3. conirs'aianiaiioatry, 1

Dry Goods (in bales,) Hardware, Lea- - toe per IS. ther,sa. ...... J

HIRO OLASWAnylb,Bigrms, Beeoi, !

iid Perk (la balk,), &ap.4s . J 108 Pw 1

tridrork(rck)JUrdtidIOiLr,tlM. Floar 50 75, per boLunlil further notloe.

(iraln "sScW.per loo tba. until further aetiee..Cotton tptTMtle, not exceeding 686 iwS.wetjrht.ontB

nrlher notice.

I3F7 In shipping Goods treat any point East of Ph&svdeipau, beparucuiar to sndrc peexsge "a rsMa&tiptAaRoilrtadJ All .Goods senalgaed to the Agents of thisRoad at Philadelphia or Pittsburg will be farwarded witlvoat detention.r FaKoar AoiSTi. Haxrli, Warmlty & Co., MeBphla,Tennessee; R. F. Baas & Co., at. Urnie: 3. & Mitebell iSen, EvaaaTille, IndiansiOnraessil, Beiland Murdoei, andCartel 4 Jewett, JttisviUe, Ky R. 0. Mel drum, MudisoB.Indiana: BDneman 4 Brawn, and Irwin dc Co- - CineinsanN. W.Grahsm 4 Ca, Zanesville, Ohio; Leech & Go- - Noa &.UDJ street Boston; Leco auo.11 Aster ueeee, newfork: No.l WUGam Street, and No. 8 ItstterZPkiee, New

Phrladerpbiaf Mssraw-- i Kodtit. Balttaor Geo.C. FraaoiscusPittaberg.

- si. iu Jiouaiun, aintrausruAnt AgH.t. jtiiajfl, ,7, LOMBAERT. Owy't Ueesa. .

ejjrl, 'IS- -tf

PennsylvUnia Central Railroad. 'XHree Tralai) from PlttsMtrgb toVJlltsstlpilisc.npKAIKS leave Pitttburgirss lollowi 1 Maii.7 A. M.; lastJL Lines P. il.:JSxjxei&U.jB,40 P. M.' Ine Brpreai MaU raiiV iWyViija tw'tw Sundavi 'BI

ecrxedt MaJtint'JJlKECTCOi NS with aHTriins

Bl. Lenls. Mo Daboque, Keotak'a$fJiwa Oty, Iewa1' Caire. Bock Island and Chicago, riUMaT; Jvexlsrwo aad '

UoulsvlUe, K Terra Haate, IncHaaapWU aadladlxni ) Clsclonau, Catesbu, Dayton, .

Toledo, Cleyrland, Zaia.evlle, Crestliae, .Mamilon asd Wooater, Ohio. Also

Kansas, Sebrasa and Minnesota,AND AtiaV JPOinxs IN XJUJs WEST.' '

ifABB AS LMW AS.BX ARY UI UltK KIJUTE..Paaaecgera from' the VVest can reiy upon lata as botsg the

shortest and most eZbediUoa ronte to' 'PH1LADELPU1A, BALTIMOrtB NEW YORK, aad aB


aeg.SI FassengarllBu, Penan. Ballrosd.Pbttz.

Oentiral OiiioAJND

Baltimore andOIiiRAILROADS.

BAdAtJlfOHJSXJxIED THBOUGH!ONLl'KOUTK by Vbiek tbrodghtlok'eB to Wsih-initoaca-n

be procured, to whicb poini as well aa toBaltimore, it is tbe shortest, most direct sad in every re.fpect'the tsest relnMe route. It is the duly rente by whieirpuxenssera oi 'icrangn Aioaua is new aorsars- - essoieato reach the citoea it JJsHmtore, PbiUdelphia. sad NewYork, at the cost cfavTicket to New YorkI oniv. Uutass.abuagilujineasMeaaadTniTelersfepleasBro or inter.mauoB, to visit iouc oi tue priocipai ciues in tag unioa ior,iees costtSka can be sabrdedby any Other route.

And it is1 the only fonte by" wnicb Through Tiokete eaahadlaRiCEEWnd.Ntjrloir, Wischeater. JrjderickBburr.

aad Petertbarg, Vav. CharlestoB, rJevabnab, Mason, to,

AnpiiU,BerklisyyprBgaaadlitdlordKprffigi.. iisDgari fro laNAsLLsukp the Stage Ueacbeso!

iJarterlc. 'ihomasor .steamers oa the Cumberland "coauectriig tcera with tbe United Statesmil steamers'-t- o Cinblanati, or with the JcflersonVUIeBailrottd to laaiatapollr, lad, make direct connection atC6lumbua;ObitiL witb tbe Central Ohio Railroad to Wheel- -tnX, wbencsteioecconneotion with tba BsUkaoreandWbittcua iruuu tsAao tv n aautsutca uity, naiumvis, ABiim .

delpbU andjew lork ,

rat? i'sAsenirera boldiae Throngh Tickets from Mats.pbla are tra&ilerred at Cairo to the can of tbe Illinoisoeutrai Atuiruiui, troia ueaos paaauz turuuga AcrxoHaate. LidtaSaDOas. llanon and ieniatoColumbaa.'ThreeDaily Traise leave Uolambns,at 10 A. M, 3:80 P.M. aadlijrBL. e

t5ff TrayoUrx srercqpted to notice that while this istae mtjtovi s3irdiag.Tbrpagb Tickets to all the EastsrsOitiea (tha same rate as charged by other routes to Jiltsfartaxh it is also the shettest. most speedy aad directid all tbalesding poiattla the ffcst. The distance fromCdlnm&ns far Baltimore ii only S76 milts. beine aboBt 166'mQes shaxterto New Yortf tbka by any other rou to. ThencrslsasctiangMOi catsoy iiois rooie,less detention, utan pj any ojaer,

tg-- The road is Dallasted with broken stone snd il.entirely free from dost.

rortarthsriBlormanoa.pieuesppiytol. U. kumbj&x,AgenttNasStTilie; Tenn.

for ThxrfairbrTietets apply laLoaiiviile at the oSee oitbe U. 8, Uojlst5aiaflrs,or,t Railroad

mee Maatistreet. ytja- - a. wyuisaiiit-- , .

. .... . iisjtei irajponaiioa. ,o, j, ,a., JQHN M. 8HAKP, Genersi Western Ajjent.Jn?o25 J





Thioneh In 48 Ca 53 Honrs.SEMI-WEEKL- Y.

Tbij hew Steam Ship ColombialsOOtoee, M. BerryCommander,

J ntunriue. ,tOVv ions, A. a, ansa, tfummituaer.Marion, ISOO tons,W. X Foster, Commander.jJas. Aager,,1500 tons, S. C.Trner.Commandir..BOUtBCIuer, l,0Vw voav, . 3L.sisrTjt 4omiBsutuor.

iiCtAVoOAugorB VB4U7vca,evofy 11 cuucaday and Saturday aftsr tbe arrival of ths,era torn, the 8onth..jid West, "at high

Whssa 8teamMps"were all bnilt expressly for thisline and for safety, 'comfort Snd' speed 'ere' unrivalled onthe Coast.

Tables strpplledwitiTwryliiTntf. Atteittve and cowisons Comtnanders. will insure Travellers by this Lin.lysrrpotsible comfort and accommodation.

Csbtnpsssaire,......,' 8tterarepajsajef4-i...8.....Ji-...i.- ''''

forfreicht or parsage.havinjr elegant State Room As--

toamodstions, applyto . ,

'mar '$757 tf Charleston, 8.0.



Jew Torky Pidiadeiphia,Bo3ton".aiid Baltimore.

who. jnay.shlpby the aboye lnr.MRRCHANTS by consigning their goods to the agents ofCarolina Kail Koaff, Chkrleafob, or agent oj uen- -

IrUEall Kosd.sayanBabj mey win e- lorwaraou-irr- oreomMUslonsl (draiazoand wharlaje only charged J.andbeentlhri)agh,at the following rates:

JromCbaJlestoB or Sayaanab WNaahyin,FirsVpUaf,'pet 4bs..iv.i..-.t.'.' t SSecond clut...-.,.- . ... ...... ........ iJJThlMelaair,..! 1SBpoelal rate for light good,per 100 lbs.. 2 7.Rtilohnwins. amount mid vessele sed amount chirred'

for dray age And, wharfage, will be mailed 10 consignees. .

'j CHAS. VV. ANpEESOS.Gen'IAgtnt,.. Alay 2S,1S37. 1. anar.copy u.i


SStlO Reward l i IPROCIiAMATIOfl.

a, HDJJBW jounsu.t , uoTerner or3. the siaseoi aeuneaBeo,ts-ai- i wuu

shall 4 thesepTeseata Greeting; at bfen roaaeinqwci o me mn.wwu

JOHN WEN, cbsrgedwlth having committed a foal andatrocloua Murder' tin tbe dayorJunei8JT.ora'theTbdr6lMJCAlAlt WlllTIiEVaU of ur county of WilllamseBtiasQ6a IrOm JUSllCOajUUS now I uumut a. saig.

Andrew Johnson. Governor a aforesaidbvTlrtae orth-poe- snd'anaterlirie'Me Veiled, doberebjoner a iowtwu,vt HX.-r.- rr ,i-:- 7L In Z' .TTaZmay appruiiBuu .4u .wu ""vu, sa. u-- .?JTrZ tnhk iite or Jailer of Our cohnty orVimam--

n, Ib .ordertbaVjaaiiee in that behalf may oe bad and

. , , fc.dninMUMIOI nlWll 1 - 44.9U44?v--.thy- hnn'd andf eauid the Great Seal of the

8sat to bo afflxed al NalbyUle, oa the'ISU'fljTu,4uga iw. .

lTi.' .44i"J" I"""""",U fTrilSa Governor :F.N. V, BUlrfvS, Seeretaryef S tat.

- , DESCBIPT10N.fiald Owen Is snout 30 years of sge, SfeftD or 10 aches.,

In, weighs 'aJb.ut 135 lbs. snd la well formed. lieu(".'.J'.r.i' .4t,mnlBf tlntr Att batr.' abd bassJ,sil beardVi .11 1 pteaumed ba has gone Intbe dlrsetioaof

. jrp in aUCUUU vw mc swoiq tiiL,vvv fj . vrernor.w wlllpsy

TWO' jaCADRBD DOLLARS'Pot the arrest and delivery of John Owen to tho Sheriff

For sack lafetmaUobat wlll'lSad to hi arrest.. LJ. WHITI.B7 ..

jnddtwtf .. .fM5'SoaUtera Portable Plaatatlea -

' pprnPeoder and KoTiring Mill, , BTAsauaiimozxT.

BUEE Of allsixes oai handsad made loot,der.smat rail It,mill Irons ranixeering,

d regaiaiinr,rewl, ereee


Irons, Pis Stsr.pari. Patch an-chor brand bol--Ungetotbsofairbumoars.J 7J'o.50B.'tract ior tuo eroc ties of floor1laxaa d saw.mill. Alio Ailklndsofi repairing doae la the most substantial -

OUXlltT.lnrtud to etamlne our itoct Bfere Dareaasrat:..

tTTAU orders Abd comttiualcaUaas promstrri aUeadsdtsrr' , , , WABNB & B7AN, , .

iaag1l-c.- a w or. uouega ana uraia it.. isutui...';

" Herring's Safes.HAVE Id itor. S'bf aerrfag Fire rt6fSafes.ajf dliferl

Inaat slie,whleh' I will self at cert, to etots eesavrttmesttntar 18 , .


inpULfl JCir His'serttees to tie putiHs, as A(iht fci the

.'1 Koal EMXAte, nerroeai yHrHiiHze','xrrT- -1.. Uraaaraarscex-at- .

ur oin.r spociftsoi?rut,uic.1vr(i: wj-.- us ovuhmj, om..lnr dstermlned to 'devote jay lio io lie aooya bnilaees sncbavisr 44adc3Brlu'rabrexrfiieni,I asttermysiUtbitl cairiva aatlafaetaa(s4't44tawbf4nxRTor mlBthxl Has'.' t- -

ate always bo found at the iCeaattag Room of Uei "iFatrtot



. V t i. jtmiA iit.aJ ewJ Sit

tvti 'fifth iriiiir rJiiia I su

- a ..Mjvirnmm imi ,n tqj

'- - J ST.r t

sMeers. ' W- - ' 4 - ' 1 7tfT-- . u.ifii'To he drxwni iBf tWn oSateVa, AKPV(saIj1s4TOflC

cLABb ie.Tobe drawd (a Use oily of ABguMa, afa,si pubHc,OB

SLABS M, . . . 5 . -To be drawa lathe ettyef AgiMtv6eeisea,a oa

SATOHBAY.wJJAr R, mSu- .Ol44V,l - . - . 4.J

To bo drawn. U taoCti of Ag4, Csia,iBBbMAa

-- 1 8LA 88 17,;' ' e. 1 i.r-- -i 1'

To b drawn le tbe 6Hy of Aa,.GLori,. teasssMteeaMTORBAy,'MAr.liy,-188- .



NEARLY riawTO KYUKY 9 1r6!.MAGIJCKTiC'' : ' " TtlttjfWN 5 "', '

4. 4. i.ium . .a'.j ei..J . i il.Prise of ; v.-n;.- .... I7veeiWj . t3tde 9JKt0

dO (t w4 MJrMdo .......;

it' Prfxee'er.

t- d4 Mo - iI....... i..4Aj;i.i,i,-,.- . JK)

seeid- - -- 1.t..V.A.Ar;s..aiV?a.Af..l.-;.-.."'-'

W - 0t. -- 1. ...... ! tr e-- . ( yjl"l 5 .dfcm do 1- ADnrexlBiatien rlH.-4- v . . . .

4 Pr' --!'fS "'JSido MM,

4 do ties)

4 de 1M - tle- - u 4 4vet)t ' -- d4 do4. de '

S,M do 30 1V9itietjrsBifw iJWiMfi

ri.48S prises aiaMatrojr te i; . . ; i . . . . . U33O,(rO0PRtM.rvx vtosratsu.OLTlgAT

Tbe Namheiw fraaxLla 5JiW..sriaiiBenittBg-iw4t- h tbsarNumber1 ob the Ticket oriy tad ob seoafaio alios oi. B&Dor.

ire eaelreled with small Mb tubes aad plaeelM 0e WIllP.'ltie nni Mi vnut f uiuurjy hMu. atva, fBateso, are

placed las another Wbeol.The Wheels re then revolved, asd a seas be r" Ir ijraws

lomniioheetHH4eTi,MaWt ukojamaaow aJirixoladrawaTrom lae other Wbeei. Tbe Stuabar aad ruts drawsoatats opoaed aud exBfbifed to tbe audio oc, and regisler&ddv laavqmmiHrocersv tae rnxw MBg-pvaco- aganBei: satrNumber idjawa. This ooorsstea Jae jreruatoir tl4ae:Prise are drawn out. . t , . .

ArraoxufATioB aadtaq twotaficeedi a g A h m bers Vrtbvsd drawl ng tbw 4ri7 Prfxe wiltbe eciUied to the S8 AproxteaatuoB; Prtie Far exaaSpttIf Ticket! No. I12S0 ftaaws i)be jPVou stae, l Ike.,anmsered lUMe, Ui4W,imi, 11J5S, wiU oacu booaiiUod to'Steu. urikiet So. 3S0 draws tae $e.,t)0 lttore6Ttct-e- u

numberMle,5,lTnei.wUiactM miiidte taeo,Snd .0 on1 aecordiBsr lolbo Mtwtvek. asfoino. 4........

TheS.uOc Prises ut t0 wtiiSe lasture 01 tae .iu tuat iititwa mmi c v,uuv urtao. .aucpasuifilvt BBmber dfawldir tWTO.rktT rrixfe eirdf Airh 1;all the tiekets'where lie awrstw rndafirr X wiHIWeBtitledto 80, If the tlBateread wrth h. aV Ibea urt tBtierkl(- -

where the aamber ants is & win be eutittea t4$, aadHtyonloOi.flCtrttllat the, i

.tJertiieateorl'aokBije'ol 10 Wnole Ticlets,.. JSC .

atd ea vv tk isr - ass e

" IS Quarter lv- -

IN OROKBINQEacfoee the taeoey to our ad4ree b kb Tiosetti order .1 I"

eLoatbe receipt of which thejifiU torfti y Hr!leaH. Parahasers can hare Ticieui ending la auy lS -

The jt of ttraW Ntrmbers and Pirt wrH be sat o "WbttiobsJi.rBiaMeefliaieijr Alterte drawiojfi -

ibeir Poet Omee, Oooaty ud rtetd. i, .. ,

t3fKeatenitier tkfttexcrr Brt4tttAe.tVraarB.aB4 lsayaU, mmra full without daductiiAB- -

138 All prises of 11,000 and tinder, paid iiamtiiiioiysfterthe drawing other ptiieS1 at" theWai'fioie'of'tt'rty

Aadrese Orders for 1 lOtete er tjtwtitteasaw i ' '

S. SWAN & CO.. Atwuata. Oa.FersoaansidtBi; earMotgeaMtry, 4sl,oc AWaiSi

A.., n have tbfir ardAr. aiiad. and tsl. limn hv -' " ' "inrS.Swaudj Co.. at eittwr onitoee elUei.

Jry A list of tbe mimeersihM ars ewewej'fteai'tee wheel, fwith ineamonnioi toe eeiinee to,wlllbepubuthedaXler every daautiria liia fooMia, paoars'..

AsgusUfGa I OsBsiKotfow rhtswr1e'M BrftarMoMfr 1Eegister, CbarlV SUKd&rd; &aiaiv4Ht UaKtte, AttsmMIaurligedcer,New Voik, Meekly pay riook, V4titBb Xom- -lDgews and RichiBOod and sew York Dapbicb,aad Pasldmr iMiss-- i Clsrioi, ahd lmie Botk(Arb.: Trtfe--

Democrat. . . wwt J7,

W. E. CHlidHai im

.PatentELASTIC FlREANi W Attfi.'pfbot.

TBK nbdenifBed bavlngparebaHtd t,dtaJnsjattsv :ag

of tbe above pauut utpreparvd to Ijttndae?it into aeaenlSe,' and istV'Bie ef arWHi-aXi- l ttiutBuilders llradiBeaBtee, aad Jwxinrfc . aoiB4yixaBineiissaraniyveriarii444,aiii,

AKCUrrKCTS AND BUILUuSS uatd nol fail lo exam-in- a

this rot).2, a tt t better and ebeaprr tsaa aWy aMagf ibtue. The malftalfrms a hard l44olh,irfattaal 4w,retUt theaotioa f tbe atnuiare ut. er tistaate. Ills '

impervtoua tq water, ela.ltc aad" floii'ttu--. It coutwU aa,eipaad with tne changes of tbttoroyge;l4wfll Berth-j- r

evaporate, cra3k,Mr rot; lu.uiiMdvrabtUcy, theses .

BoquesUOa.It 1 practically Imperithable, and wJT perre!.iy reel)

aay ordinary external exposure le ftrV, prov- -

eu,anuwewui warraa-tt- wawr-ptvos,- wvvniesttstRiiug.14. aatsn

iron looiamay b for

seven dollars peroeo atiBwea twaia 4o, ; noresieop.e. tbaa ahj koof of tba old t)l, sad we ate ,nr ll wtlrirotier siUtfxcuon. A44U

' It wil!tl0b foaadtobo the best thir ever icrentedftcover or B.Mid old leaky tla,tdBd gntvoi roo,oraroaBalilmneysi tcCUs, dorma( wiBtlMs, attd gfiUMM, wee.l4;ilal rutted IhfTsjn. TbM Letaeiii ca be utu itwla.long as stone, ana firm i, peitoer aabeslon .0 any db.eetivwhich tt Is applied lis tteol cas u abt4 over aad way.rawed hot la leat,at lwolcimiad,IUi uu kutubiK

aare eet,wbKb Cheaper uianca oettex iiit .owau.iaU Kooring will bd found to be toe best mi lomfstg'.arge EooCs where they are taesti evpuiieesteam hhi. baw iii, ran, tim , uttroaauepou.btauoB nousos, moiubioa( xoc&i,aua. 14. MM.., B '.AiiaJ of Hoof I in eiienial exposure ,6ia tn.

At the foot wttaowVa yoiBtiu'pisseiTts--chance lot uVd to MrauiAalcaiavaMaM) ligbtitoatvii fcriara act IgnlUng. J4I1W

ITr' Insurance Dmce. at ClaelnSarf, tad other Jlacithere Child dt Co.'i OeeeBt4ar eeWsH sfafy INivilb Hoof, covered, with tbft Caett,aX tuetof Mies aaor lhmwveredwUblron,Upprar4jf-- , .

XO Tae Cement will be iariiitbed to at a dialaact.direetrOBs rorasmg.

IT County ElghU lor saw, . u(,a.

i)ionKwMxite,friW tl lfeetei.1eo,wHlbS promptly attended to "

1 woaHl respeelialiy refer te tbj iVJiifrwveg gewtlsaniu' towhom IbbveeovMet BtuWiBs wttb tbe cs.- ii .

r ' ArcAiUUt 04 Matter. Mtt&anKiief Muhmlie.' .

Mr. 11. M. ,. .,.,.. . XMai. A JlBlMAN, ' J' , , L.1

WAEKttSOi OOat, . r. n .. .u COLK11AN 4 -, ,, Jyu McCULOCG.lii HoCOB, of

JOHN McCANN k'CO;'', "') .' - -


Kor.C.D. BLUOXr, Ai.bVWM ':.,!, -, i., i. .

JltiW.B.SttAPAElJ.. . n 1 .t ' ' .M'4,1.1 Ullifltll 1At. ft. Urt44tAt4VA.n. tf. wn.Kloi 1 Ift ,il , ll. . I't. Mi '

K' jOUS llHATYt,, , i tt'.iijn io'.4. i,m atrtol yiu

u J.a. trlBbAKU, ' '.4t W i ui'U 'JAS. UMEININ, ..'-- lit i 11 iiii iut4,l

K, J. MtllS, ,u -- II Iatvt;At V.S. Li.WSi.EV. if

tt JAS H KEMWHyKV ' : ifjlfol','" ENOLU ESbLhV.'

. MeMrt.HASBKOUtl.ot WiilatT4b4bTkit,.,. , flgI EUKGrf Ot ALLEN. Tt

8LAUUAItlK&KSfF&l(lf;'':''w. aFco "

Cel. A. J,,PoLK.ManyoaM. , U . ,

MaJ. A.J. LKJIShLaOiS.bnidsOB eoeaty.Kector F. G.SMITH, Colombia.

, LEItBE .MENJFstJi, .4 ,.: ,,,444., ..." t). B BMKlvERoi CO , rtBolbyvUie.

Mr. JAS. A. yoWeiLLf itwrebaraj " '' ""Messrs. McEEVNOLD3,& iUwltrjis,,, lMr.JJ.S. vmat ladtftlMier. " uille" A.J.ECUAEl4,mMiatbse4.,i. . i mnr The NSthville dt Lbattaaoogf Kaulioad Coapa ar have

adopted this Clement for in torrlk'Ssww c4fT-tr.f- r enterwera. Also tbo MeMiaJiilljs Oc Wai4tjik4ifoaay, liertiaearw ana iesnmr..i.l3 (root (locldBau aadilsewher, wbc bat bea, ttt, gaaM wa.iorwMat. tBnrJ IT II t&4 VW B4.I.IW..

UBS bom rgnw bu- ore it t,Bgatn in Tarsosn avoweaovCemsBtEbobBK foraaay yeaxt.aad aa'ters ibieiMM .thatbe "has iaiseiemeeXpneaceabakoow.edk ddrins; tSaUrn. Ju I. A I IMirstt'ie.

OtSce No. li Ueadar ies. street.iWr.WotOJk- -

Bating House. -

rHE PrbprMien bag tq, lefeim ttateiwpfl44vU)the public thai fboy bare al eontiderabie

oipea BUed ap ismrq.aoiMen tbytwroti i , '

CED AM AJSJl,(miWirthe purposeol carrying ou armuiar ousiuaM in tbe

. WetV xrK'iiyle.WaBeroese bavisr a reaiuar Bill tt Fare, with roc

att'ebed, BoUat-we'ea- 6oVmii td'iirik'bdtit pM'hndkppeie. olMr aats) sm swt.u-i- . abort, 4bab

uy-gct- . Tbla tta been tweued laour eity.aBd waboneb) 11

mot attention 40oui"0ib te ' avbrtt .ut VaMtwafo'


uoaborreA notieat,. Wa alas Jaeoiiibiad a kaaiw

VICARS, CUE,VI,NG .0(l4AiCO, ,yV)BXS.latttt l4lriucrb.

Call'aAd Tmlna,at . .. .in i

'oett JAW. MOORE.

LlNfJOLW, Ji ULlSji. JTi,


iTAVl.NS taken eaaFgeef tbe abovw J t 1 tejllowdeet '

umionAij&t .oe

rtesjdaalieit patrauiet My ubt .nulal sakata,. tt rfHrlded whbtba best lb Co an try aawtu.,aid ev.rj can willaetakea to plesee all. .r . .

$ai.tu7faeager eoacb Jeete tbi bote f'.e way Muafi Wednw14'

bad FrfdaV for tbo abovj nlae.Ai i ut'diit.n. m ..Bd nwrolag every Tuesday, Thursday aad .Saturday arreietettH'1a.B,3saxug cortaeeuoas wiia tae aaaviue and unaaoqra, and sfcMasavtlie a.i.anasVster Jtf r, Wa.fc.

iniraeom. Ausati 14. itov

..MB --W'Vn-.'i .t4..S -riODejli,. SIGN. AND ,0 SNAXatT. PW

it fT-.J-M , V ! riaiitii,1..

tpt27 f w..itWBJjarJsoiti 0.. . . JUST KitC tainxBa .

iTtaEtbsndiedvEaii Prme,Bi4eJ4

isoiia.I JutMititsatt

Mi if. '.. Tllsjol 3 0mini'JB J4V"S( '( -' fT

.l:Arwlfll.RIWP Idl A 1 1 ia JT,

OrW twrW- - Itfwieaar- - ..L

T1, Y.,iar?JlMXSUI JTAVAl JMZ.SBllS bow ta.aEcanuu " "lpfand ui ercuioWlsTi bKi iWYiituiu -

kms Irian niSii Ib gis BtiiMtS.iii . ,

la .vef j.'ieicot. The, .hoe. aave beoa apiaroyoa olmmIare www aaoo: lytn towhw tMHllearaKM JJiyWLJ JfW ltn'JTsl e svTit 4bb la. Iktrntilaiki Hilt M..irl . nr'i uwt .am sua m ,1,1 "

OrradtfrWtirtV .'oeiieSeie lvwy, 1 .! a syBjjsy

Btjttl. y.gqfcA.jTl TOXliSJaH.

JBOUPUELP AN l7MlJ ttirtAlm tiLJ '' ' afPSsF ' tViefl IP XOj A i ll .aiwiAflLsTaJl.laaaiiUll t ai 1 I

r.Si.aaalS, in Auulttoa 10 8 juib Jl shitiii win

44rJaM 4BAakal. ..

Kia.-0juJwia--i. SVsddsy.ssai. east Mvrtie tsaelrsal

J3tn4 btaatsu. . .... ... . .."14-dAWA- STkoiiaNirf




Virial ''is- - - - -- In spatesitf ojuiaime s dViSMIe

ArVtnAytf exaiedsr-llMiOi- c tti iiiivaal ,;nr(imil md9gufFf s w"w .ntnosqaaai, .to-ut-

Mrlfwaiea4tU. M.lg.i,i4eio., wua muaa tawr-- ,

aKteworJcwitiiijia eawe vw ruAN-te- a r ana ji miul uovs

yfOtvMida ithii insr a' . Va;-.. .j io i aodi ai

tCti'.'K'jr-'-V- . - .jI3X4.iaa Al. aMALL, 4.UF.Q1 r Wfj. P. Aj, "

X. VtiBIJotd' SB

tf.'r.MdSi(EA v.d.

JrV4AiiaV4. f i . a eai

UaU. l)LXtb!Jfli. 4tl knitUE

4m . AMIJ AVtUA i.- . AllWBtrl4HAltl.

.r-ilTEas-r t.- 'T' arr,,. jail.

mu d.4) alt--., lotuwingaiuo; aicrw:,iAt..i.4am, t,wtiuUtasMomjaTeta.X' i - o ajt

Mr. tl. B, JoXon. Joho Voi t A Co3 sSrBi.- - TAt

J-- A. Kaylliaoxrlllo,' Xswa. - ,t ,j. . ....

NAaVIllLE; '.tsstrsltBl.if, YatiiaTBis.--1

1 aA. r. .U w.Mtau-- l . I;4 .(.. I.I

tiea tat Jr. awir.- - iMesi, wtewa iaoidld 'ts:TVt4MM u ,aueourejxris, TaepotMt-t-- i,istf so--j, .jtdWj Je gt4bea to sy, ttbe. work la vWacwtuw xfcr 1

sesnreil S Ivnityaii treat llaeatr

wv.MopviMii4Miiiit)t44 Mimmoa- - to wataa ,4u"rri ' - j! 71 c7l(iA bMsjaJULL a. UaqWN.'. 4jWr Ja.aBJ.rafcBa iuff

jtASaoN M. BrUEN. Ha. a. VEjt.tlBLi,.vjarttb !vV0UL6. JfiOWlN .a. Ji VYING.

il i fl iw


jk'UiJi,5oi toe aal' Crtgiitai'rjoart.-" ' '. t

JAU. aJ Al oa; AMPaaLL. .tAMJla IB. iO'uli.

4kiiiaAi'iA. iwsat.-ii'-i i

COTJ-LAffTilW- . . ,..,1


OAIENTE3 fajiroteaiMtia taaaiiatetar. or Ta ladw--L .mpiymx to, .jtuie two banvbui sBe-st- ii .

viBsait require t raise u, yna.aumbero.c.if,ig qtiaM ff .utyeaiaof a, abd iboyo; aad woaoa aiX&' 'Janaw

Iftfiutg or prwamg emu. - . - .114 4)4t aasai

ofhPaekwU4a, a-- ioJ.L,Arates', wdirAis . - LaAoal .AliwaeVaud WitteW'lliaemtCSi''














i, .u biAa . w tn u e.w- - , a , , - , .r F rrai ri(nisi in tU9 nPWIBIBriKllj Mil i! U2S! ..... . . .

vboiiwi .Dimuti: tateM &t&toQm& iiuki d,f4--i

rXyjvui iort laan fur iaa vki uuHr.iAaurJXslo 0 et&d tt4iivn ' Wtv ' S' t ,'to ttf ken i4rn mini Inttd a (,( A. . s

UotoArinAvTLYJuWorme TPr&IiirjfVSi-'"- 'pruotAvetiUartiiatfi bWi Wurts, 4 watt? - .

assabfi4amalflmrB.LWBltMiu.s1 Btavdtvttf.taEr .a uu w..- -.Aoui uw ,uM-uxiu- e tabtM la uxasUfr,

SjmMuiAgjau oaiuu BPt saw.Jtir.iaa8rsfy1tr eaah arte4j)t-W- r VvA !

c.pWnead, i ca. grain ruieioi iimnta., aad. asr sa. .

itiKBioa t4iraji. t, oa irwi w oa oT.Ua ,see .tear, or the excMa lbs yaian bfiaA '. jruuwdi

aMMjr-wiia- 1 a eoatraer reaarisir th. pv) aieat tllMte'inw' -ututgv 4iwjtne4Wt4. ? - ,11 - 1. e . liOt

rropvtitioos, tftua ruoww, mar bow bu4. , . jilAitowuMt 01 tba istaeaiaeo Mtfttir psvrtioaUf tVw. tosw .

bum whAl has bn ui. iium.jr or ia4rtaj '"'' "lajur okooa oc bow aiaa peiutda oijaia. a dar vawmm 1 put. Tijio.-'e-. tns&xl?

arw-t.4- y Matitl,, A..,,; ai7ast

valuable larst oa wb-ts- t ti. aa4rtt'&4)4 iiaa 4.i'UAX latt eirht orrnt 7I.t. fe nsflss.. Tmrcct.ibwitieri pt.lftg. bap.U. ntar, (4, ma Buaaii, ; vaTUAiarMi, jLHirleen uilea, sear lae tuisre c.nit, on Irut tfteSHad aad Csatraviile lartk4i. bia. M

MtHtf rrahXUB, tna coanti seal of WiUtaaaatia. audmto4 of tue SiJria Wewara' JSaitroarf new dwibg ;oa--

ywwi.. - M.f.--. -.- - r , flf Btjai Jacre, of Ural rato arauuig land; tb ooaaly luwiwtavei.xwitetofl kail- - WHHtvatvuii ruailiiwifSrlo iVttBwm or-- .01 lb uacx. it waa loimailv tun wail kiu.4 i.

tsalai WukiarWaiteSW. zuu tbu Xarut arVtwo cowferubl fiid4aae)Hw4tk aU aej

tUW.ll WOOTW4, IM44U, bUW, A44W40., CUrUfO ItOUa OttW.witaaa ekceHeotyeeng oreiii--d M moeeeteo IrdiXjvse '"" 'aitiiluBiit;pilar,

Hum diiT.rebt tZaS ibHsiaISTifBFltS' "'iBoi umM aairtiwc ito;,or aou.iaBSiiMd of wnu virxeiMloBl laud with a residence, ior sal", la, auator

,i4.a.uoUl eqsUteraAijlMeretd)itier'i 'bout anuea, llh.y will laoidiepfnuaiy la4j.tV114si.ivt , . . a ,

'ituj'suil l(uierd ill Utouxhl b rood littmua.ii'id .tailt, ouobi xno.biiat tuocar larmxia iMasaataasv iaa

tvantinE ta but, nouia or waiaa to 4.wpjomiitt- - beioro pitrena.ifi'g, a Nnltf VetohtuSmr as

.J "'Ws at M Vatavi toyaal aau ..e-fc-,. w4 ui : . imi-o-j4-

f.vtioetw) sau ineiaios oa wbua 4-- reud, ka WaUaaoAJCaA.ceuatyt aujosaiBg that advertued above kyMr.jobaT..1111, coBtaiBiagky raeeatsurroae rT-- f sal nfaeij"Btwv aehl 4 nail acre o; Ant rat Jarratax wstk

uv.iHag1, sirurarl Bicairy 01IC iWuea, iSMtpUP.ujtuiaRu, wua, food, watoc.. laa term i;wii eltjsa

wua good leBc,iacladlag about eva baadredyaru elHotte WBte. t WI4.B.H. lats.ataeo st4)aiuraiv. ir fcaetaMti" .

-- .ui. jtr. liiu' as both aattau would tertauaty maJtajt do. .

tr.Btts jaru,iaa purAaasera an ui Can oa Ht.amxtuahialka jrBUMaW 4AVUHA CHAMttUkku.i a,'ink ArUerpuUcuiar apply to Mr. id. 3. tf&ra.r, a. tate

biiydor eViriaaiesi, AaAkrtUo fc. is. ,

ttttt eootwlt


VrVT a an. T. f 2

. O.cditcrraucaB Wheat f !










-- ri! :a, m






'." T

rul Metal

VXTM mt all. iiusj, o H,, i umthe biAheAt mark.l nrteaiacxaa. tat ttri ta . wH s fVAklEItefs, dSiiveraU trjuiltade'lTis. TZZO


jhkI Lhfrsr. alroet. JiAAfttiUe. Toba. AajLritAHt. vmiLtt are bOLcJ.! lor tae purpose oCAKUiis nttifHffllo UI1 mo uoc two. uiittoitnL u-- et

iiniMyttu,.iwiiwiui(Ha cry ei aAivir liaas A aJdOiYKK. ".4.tall l4llTtJlllAP4.44AlliM. -- ItK. . , . L. A- .-

vv.rl. liUhfjuJ tv CU'S, Market lrtl.UMieaj uacwau. UAicriiii SMASj.AWeJsri '. ' . - snwtCH-o- ica luruliae. to aititattMM dellw; VVayt. , . , ui ,jaJflJ

to BniltifrjF.,; 'iowrfHHuniert!gut(d will receive btdcwitebe Mf Jwsr-- - 'teiettw

aextlrtcoustraai44a4iaCOUKTiiOUeE ka ta..1 fflAlllTlin ..nnt. If - n ,1.. v Tta.. 4.



strtret of MJdtogtorlaVoenles.ij7Vrya4, eld see us plas. xaUooa, iks.,M.Ui. alsdwp iri1tailing an the und.rtig.ed anJraaXMa, apr la tae ia,-- , .j. MAay.aiterUatbmeailaeoaleeer lb. Arebitoelj ht ji.arereya, .latae, 3aaa.A,wbea W6 Um.of,jByia4H, , , ,. W

parttenuri win auo m maae Knowa,i . ' K. B. iALiWJ" a ' ri- nmi1

" ' 'biIr,C8aiJa,,,,'Fraaklia, Ky., Arlt l,8-rliw-jw T - ..." '

"" EeraoviiL



rytyVredaeehouMbl NWeol dr'Oreef hiHnniiW.jU."sMtewdbueM, m the. fM, ataad ivriaarv e).4tiMd


l i . .

jtiresi, wBeroiaey wmieeauaera fJem" "fgba'S,A-- f V"VnHr.?i woatieW

Xr,LHfalaitadT44fti ma4eiHtcBaaBAtA4t4a4ir jdaoB.

O" Wei are paylBg at all Use tbe nsrVM'MW' Ita ' t''e'"i

iiNotice osf DisstIutioTi" suraaT

Iiaitieb4ty9xfcrtlr 1rVen S.'L.iAfket 'dTirvy rstmA.JLr1''. aD.J?f 7.;v.; ef B.IiJtiLdk.iito,, Jti svtiA'aetMire lawereiiiu t.wixtaarm.iiaiOBS aatkortaM

Hp.tbe sinieaaiwea-KS- , icoe.

Kefarria r lo lb, atow j atice. iula wait , ,lo my frteads my tale lir.Tl.l. laftMt- -

aMaJtr gewawft.enrerjr was? Ws)tvV4VQ1-dsm'- e'i

eoatiMedpatroBafe. .

.. u i. 1,111 ii uoi'i.',.!!..-- ) ...... w 9bu owl

WEIGN tk DOMESTIC LIQpFgR;, , . r. 7Js,,'ts ,.- -a rax SABHYLLE , 'TEli,ldsWr

I Broadway jftomer.'''YHJI aboye Houae havlag been tboroagkly real rq

itow vyxta tot- - u noeptsoa ol travelers. ,

bVowviewr boees fiom hurlmir lb. b. jSasKalbea. aad bla detemtaalioa limits rn,,iis tOis tatustuviill












Al iatviu

ubiu with the beat tbo market attord, W jaant ,tli n.oerfts tears of BaUOaaje. n ITr,'J 'Ttieei.

yaWwn.i.." ,"',w"VVyek w "y Strrojl

tnarSB' i ''"PwSUeioir J'' iasaavei

Tt7niveWity fir jYaskVmeT'a Aatd

""..fAKVM'.VrluaH comm.ace. In th. Lb.riry Opailaeat,oa vbo'JtHb tasias BriiyteoMyadvnser.

ltMBargetfltvua.udA.t.BfcC.A. k, a?reaoa,iitbtsMdlell Department, aatterno th Family so

tdMta-- icay rtt'ri lreiJMiieAOeMegsui to any olhsr paj-t-l Uo.SUle, UaiW'iah jf .ipaota erereitrBn nriac oa taw pruiaisei, awa

..ccurred witbia bar waokv'fi i

mm wrtral weets anoceaplKl, anl bate be. a i.nmbTraaovated.

(MtuteaeaM .are made beeaasa. jidaas )AWtfces ,tlreootti bavo Bees cirruiatwei ngiriinsg ieas, " '

.m. u

Bank of Commerce.ti ta.rJrfieed uta sryewtsi'"

WhioTaTiai;grnoiet as eariya

If I..t IIStt?fnH5ft EMChy4ewJaao'W-t4o- s

oedgei Idail tuHHw- - fcritsosi. aad.

L,Vti4r awtahr ,mmi iJJiA lVfIw itse j

















' viq


ltesii i:


j-- T

,atii-- f



a 1

Eoardera ""t

T" '


