ne1v orleans kepl'blicans’, satfcuday, sfptemfl … · 2017. 12. 14. · m m (o ilcan s iic...

M m (Oilcans iicpuU ican. fÎCÎAL JOURNAL OF TÜE UNITED IT A T c t «ffiCIAL JOURNAL OF ftJ£Wff*ll.KAV-.5*I.FTI.iIHFK 1«. «-7I. KKFIMLK AU -TAT K TICKET. t.:»r!lofi. .>!on«lay* November U, 1--ÎI. ror y-. -. i"- ANJ'OIKK LL'HÂCLLT. /’ «* J/« ,». w »if (%. >Ai, i * *>/ ha rf••«*:% J. HALL âVPH Kl». ;. - . v,*« f , «*. y ■ l'lu j n.:-H Y î; jfiaBi.r.. ;• - .V«,, w .,; !... lUK.-TKIi i». L.’ LLALL y « t fx, «... •'•* J» fit; 4». \ UbJtWti. l, N.IIsI! 3'i.r M ki <» . >-r < «;.,. *'-• f. Jlr-.-y. U t A NK v: * till-. Y. y J ! . .. h,, « V,v, c ;»«,»..»’. • • !. A > î î ; .. im • : ••* ». :t. L :hh J.qiVfcl e .- t-.;-«.unie. V i ril 14 Irial* It©*» „ • » ;.*. 4* <* . x*. L© ;«• } ** ai v liik’ .i 5. »■ *•» - - • i’v îh - r •i.-clt ; *■ ft ! i i A .,\ V* t«*'!»* 1 . -o :• >. eotatc ?,i’ .*!•« I:’ . tl* -4t «la*.# «ri «i-ariilit «trr •» •*» J «t-allt 1 .«t?.« _ ■m ’. VV-iLti i» a uiodh-le *ê S »!.t*<fga !#**il*i • hu * ;•'-••: i.T t! 766 •: »• • • r, «>i.«î l>«jii©«i MZ. -h* «.Ctcr eate 1 !« l'o-'u Limb* r lia* .».••f.rt'.T n.k«*»i i •. «r Mie'ake. II. et-a 1 • f kù! ’Jg lu* •*..,?î; »I «j i, he only ha i .' woua'i'-d. ; ■ end • \«-lit< ♦ ;>I n o i ut I * ;• *r-I-rr t a * 11.. - ; -, <\ h a y )i,; pent'»-. !..■•. a a à s»ï*i‘*r an<i 1.. . ; h cetabi;chii.« iit «I (»»'•rai»r K*.- . eu.* people ar«t lii*-; — « and leas p .. a-.ive tbaii ou M?jn<lay .e einaliest ami au*«’ • yct b:»» just iie*«. Taa:rtt-j. A î«,<?a! say«: ' Tht* fui?1«? w*iiîf«i i.n tii«* • i hu lAtber." Th*; îwjj.jriijani'fl «î •‘.'allwIliS faut tüok {.îjaa il- « u lfch. ftud ;.{ ( : reu«, üh might iw iul'arrad.” Ci.» t tlli» Lnl'tHit raja-at T.i .î.*- ' w ith a liai* bjt|>.i<?»VuB • :.-. I u». ye*Ter<lay i hit«/," c*-: »•« rr." r ih «jiut« overboard, a fa i i • iu »I I * lu a.y luit las ont *il Ji.îiaa J,e! a.« fl'Olil the JMlàt o l tha /«•» »? U. iiflll‘1 *« lia lu» (M;ia»urH. lu «lit cast ha Wuiii'i : iuur»e be mute. T'.:»- ealety of the Lrite'l u-« irai: l>\ the Viii-u'iurt/rr,»i instant. H »ay»; “Tbawbite > nth have the kimJabf Je ,! tone«. We would i .... nur ni’ L'nitetl States mliia-r» «‘atioaeil r this city, hacaise th v vu aid improve .-.!.• »» ot a!1 kinib-.'’ j\ 11 . 11-iC taaaher Tali-Jirk« tu tu? L'IilClJO V--’ >,,!>: ••Munie cv;Uiu'.y it the tine art !! :it li.iiKa» lia U” Jilea-ailt More tliiia t! it. .. :i... tille ai ;—1 t av. ti t ?i"« iaast U i :: ' — 1 :.t V . .Ü « v a u " a lly o n ali .1« ;!*•• «a; *”d- :. ltiuîse iu-a te <>t latüily-. !«• Oaev.ry ! . y«* i «au .net l’nui.iie» 'if. ••:. '.u hou?*e- 'li^ il. *,cil «laîi-u»' , t" «■•>i-t tua J .alto • • tr Inaiid, li. I'. Walsii«-. .lo :.J h t*.tie«» Mi I. i Canal street, wuo lu* li.iitu.ii-'! te kaaji hin ehirts ou i.aml dur.:,/ *ee '..* • i-volution, infomiM hi» fiiar.i]» : y nuvc-if.-?- ti.-ut, :n atiothi r aiouiun, *ii it ua t:.i. a .je t .y Tli'-iii v..t!i shii-i «t if ù-.TU'-ftuant» it.d ti '« t artiala» ut iuuurrat« juin-*. II;.« u ni ... :• pîease. .tnd iu» t -tu-* *•. î l e sliaiitl ot tii« -i . at auction tin» day. \ .it'-h-ii.«*-. No», t» and l?T«vôi-n lie!ai fini la »... î. la,u.vhold and ot : *. ua, tela y yo-ui», tii t . .i, «ton ui.ii wood »M-« », l ' . i i i i î u i . e . y’ » *1 .1-1. et 1HB SEW ECHEMS. A singular spectacle was witnessed y es- te r-iay in tlie Customhouse- A "sort of conference was held, vit h Messrs. H e- ft^ 881EAHS ! U l try and IVuu as the tv. » leading spirits ;u tue movement, and Governor KeMo’gg, or rather Lis oil, e as the object. *The j reposition is coolly made to the Governor to abdicate Lis offre-, relinnuish the at:- tbority now lodged iu his hands, and v Lieu the President of the T'nited States declared it hi.-, intention to sustain at hazards, and retire to malte room for man whom the White Leaguers would have a voice in selecting. Here we Lave presented to «» an instance of the van- •j'ti-ned coming into the tent of the victor and dictating terms. Governor Kellogg •an net possibly have anything to say to Mr. M-.-Euery or anybody else who talk» t-. him of resigning Lis office and abandon - ing his political friends. II ; ought never 1 1 h .ve permitted ;» conference of the r'n ito h e held in Lis name nor to issue i.nv instruction.» in connection with Sic- Entry, except to cause Li-, arrest for tre-a- * .n against the fitate. If Governor Kellogg wisue-. to resign L:» etnee and retire Iron* the very onerous po- et ion he has held tor nearly two years, •ft n.-iy regret his determination perhap», hut Live no reasonable objection to inter- pe-e. Hut we- do object d'-cidc-ily i > Lis : iihing Lis high office a matter of bargain and aale, trade and barter, with gentlemen v Lo were three days ago hunting his life an 1 denying his authority at the L.-ad of tT.u. i insurgents. They have since laid t- vin their aims und dispersed at th » command of the President, strengthened by the n. -naciug atti- tude ot General Emory. There is. thero- f>re, no impediment, lawful or o'her* v > i to the continued discharge of his • t.-.utive duties by the G iv- rnor. He is n « more respousiide to one man than an- other, nor should he lend himself to any afi- y.. ing jji -asure or jiroposition which involves the sacrifice of the interests ot hi» associates on the State ticket. If he chooses to resign he can not possibly pledge L. caten- ant Govern ot Antoine to follow LLs ex- ample. Nor is it reasonable to suppose Senator Audcr»ou who stands next I in tLe line of succession to Antoine “ i will yield liis chance on any account. V.'e hope Governor Kellogg will lor the present dismiss all thoughts of relinijuish- ftig Li» executive authority, which he Las heretofore exercised sparingly, and adopt inch a policy toward hi» personal and po- litical enemies as shall teach them lo re- spect Lis authority. Put if he decides to do otherwise, then let him take no thought or care about the selection of a successor, hut leave the «leci»ion of that <jue»ti in to those w ho w ill lawfully come alter him. ll Governor Antoine and Sen- ator Anderson both decline the honors, then doubtless the Senate will be able to till the vacancy acceptably. Lut we no faith in any bargain that i..t. be patched tip by those who were •Inkeriug with the question yesterday. V.'e do not believe Kepublieou.» need to p « cut of their own camp for advice, nor do we suppose the party throughout the ••tst'r will be pleased with sucu mixed counsel. There never has been such magnanimity since the d ays of I. «>t> X \., •«» thit displayed by Governor Kellogg. V'PL the whole army and navi «if the 1 nit • 1 fit at on at ln» back, and the j -rfect master of the situation; bolding in ms hands the fate for life or death of every citizen of the State, L - quietly sits down •and liiteus to a proposal from Lis d-.-aliy en» mk.» to abdicate, and turn Lis govern- ment over to them. Guile is Lr eight info requisition to accomplish what t nee failed to perform. V e say to the Gover- nor, in the language ot Sumner to >un- to n , ••.‘ .•''•'I ” NE1 V ORLEANS KEPl'BLICAN i ' i i partial to* his trial. Judge Hail, ' an Englishman by birth and feeling"—say» Monecte—granted« wait of habeas corpus for the release of Louallier, and .Jackson treating this as a violation of his military jurisdiction, ordered the arret of Judge Hail, and he was conducted without Jhe limit.» of the city. When Jackson Lad defended the citv, this "Egiishman by birth and feeling'* resumed Lis authority by virtue ot that defense, imposed a fine of «100T upon the man to whom he owed all, and this man, with a grandeur that would make Andrew Jackson paying fui», fine into the court a subject worthy any American painter, obeyed the order. Lut our object was to cal. the attention of cur fellow citizens to the part which aliens have taken in the domestic aS'airs of New Orieans on r <u.e most critical occa»ions. V.'e-are the known advocates ot immigration and migration. Vic- d e - in end that every foreigner who can be induced t come from Germany. I", ante, Italy, or elsewhere in K trope, »hall be in- vited and protected Lut we w;»L them to become American i..’.izen% or to ab- stain from aiding by intemperate clamor, ei icv.n politics. S’, SATfcUDAY, SfPTEMfl •ideat Grant himsAf. He iâ MJTR ranks Fresideu' cur sole and supreme civil ruler, and has a right to. demand from the force adequate to suppress all opposition. Neither the President nor General Emory can stop to debate the matter. The troops niu»t be Bent to reinforce the Governor, but no soldier can give an order in civil matters. The Cabinet fuliy un- derstand this matter, and the "President's orders are too j lain far any sort of doubt. General Emory claims no more civil au- thority here than Kellogg does in Delà- w ire. He L» under orders to assist the State government in its conflict with rebels, but La» no voice in the appoint- ment of fcjmte officiais. He can not delegate a power he does not himself possess. Hence Colonel Brooke may cap- ture public places, but can only hold them subject 1 1 the orders of Governor Kellogg, who is the chief magistrate of this State: an d General Emory. Colonel Brooke and ail the other soldiers have been ordered by the President to come Lem and a»»i»t him. not to give him orders. Doubtless the Cabinet has been misled by the stupidity of the I ’ir ty * an d li : and the agent of the Associated Press. Tnerc i-. not a line or a word in < jenem! Emory’s order which confers civil authority on Ei'ioke. Ills duties are purely military or police. But our new rebels wanted to break the fall they were bound to undergo—to let themselves the l’nitc-d States. Ve w-;»h the citizen ! down easy—so they invented the fiction from Vermont the tame rights as the citi- J that Emory Lai appointed Brooke to z u from Virginia, or t:.e citizen from i supersede Kellogg. Colonel Brooke is Connecticut identical rights w ith the citi- i merely in command ot the forces appoint- zen from Carolina. But the immediate z by Ii.oney, arm». or r. eitl.«r par!:y to An':er- , m ou• -Ut lii-:yt-.ü-I«Irte itizeuf *L:P »L ey are tL*j *‘ !0* •u e a il •Le re*« ,rj| political equa, lie. I'or this are v e 1; .publicans. Ve are the advocates of migration of Ameri- ican citizens to this or »uy other part of .itt.e ■ T in -•ate« army i- tiie sixteenth j *'ipie of the litiZb l»r the k - to ••;«• a u y il ati» Wi i I P. M . a? ii » :■> • i:limti* fctreet. i li 'li. S,-«;«ijitl ! »:•- - iuriiititu-, hardi .tintig». gîi'««-ne». .f"Il fu'i.t'g i Xi W n [HIM*u:. ft*» trie. % :; y lioMlllDI K tiniriiv, «ml mi .. r»sto nti-'n ! « j yt-l !:<• Hireling 'je«-n i ■1 liy ili»- C h a m b e r «it l.biumerctt t,» iy the «-litir«- etagii.iti--i» «■! businea*. « -.|ir«-Bsii>u n* «•'•tüti.i-r...«'. «luitmin l.i !.. littt :eil tiir the sake i»i l-nmjili te' >ti-iu-y. Kel.. lllg lljH'il tue late-t ait- -, n.ef' iiaiiT« in « he; i«‘« a r c H"V. ai*- ltuit-i’ tin- imj»r.-««iUB th a t ieisiness has •i l't-ii'U- 'iii'i‘ii su iiu-â *.» New tlrleatis - I.l w . V • !. «v«- r» •-• iv«-«t .r. :.. W.iV t'ullli, .1*1.Ill C' III ■ : m u n i' r «il th e T ra*. • ! i railway ami «terni . il «• l nitnt States at -t .t , -i !• . fiiiita.tiiiig « v T.taiiK-ii mi tl.e luimite •tu the Nart.-nal -|-e .SiqiTeiii- ..» • Ma-ial Guide t'-.i g ,tu'-i hues i a t i:» :h. lu this -t .*'• liage*, i» « i-ail'.ay« *n i •«!"* I l* -• tat t" lance the uh : .•,-» trat «‘tsi il bv i. at the Iaiixvail t ti. I1" » : .t «. atm ru t» i- leader at a the I'liited tiavei. bar VltlS I't -V e pi-« »teil trorii lit til'- sbe.-t ••I AliT M Ï COMPANY or ITALIAN'S.” The St. Lotus Y'fuies. wbic'u shows its politic-tl status by condemning the cause ;u which General A. S. Badg t was wounded. Bay». * A Liar.-: man ui-vt-r lived ir died." A. S. Badger is an Ameritau citizen, a native of Massachusetts, who has % right to inhabit and ‘exercisa the rights of a citizen and demand th«? pro- tection of th«» governnii-ut wheievc-r he n.ay be, w-ith|i!i or without it» jurisdiction. A Mr. MacL eca. calling himself captain MeI.u y Guilds, publishes a card, in w hich L- claim* the tn-rif of Laving been th«? fir»* to -pit k up" thi» wounded Amer - ican, and that -tu«* «.tutender of the arsenal and stationhouse. with about three the ;:.»:*u-.l stand «•! anus, two guns, about three hundred colored troops and about s«-vtnty-five whites'" VaS made to him. language i», -I and my company of Italians were ia the possession of the whole fifteen minutes before any eiliger made Lis appearance. 1': -:u the iext of this communication it would appear that -Itali ins'; have been or - ganized to resist the Statu authorities, tio tar r.s this has been d me by aliens, it Las p.aetd these per-, ms m a * rions relation tothe federal government. I'suallv the •great number •>! p- rsoii» iu Nv.v Orleaus who n-taiir their allogianee to a foreign govrrnment confine their interférence to uewsj .«pet and verba! abuse, or to sub- ,-crit'ii.g money t-» promote discontent. The d vtaiue tint aliens had a right to ’. ’.tat- iu our political affinrs'began with M. G Act, a E itn.h minister, nu-d-.-r the •»dtiunistraUon ot C5i.-a-.-r.«l V a s h i u g t o n . ller-.t •tare, however, when the military E re. of th«« I’nited States has beeU eX- I.ibiti i. the alien element Las repaire i to the consulat offices of their respective couutrte». Ttieic were stated to be thirty thousand fetich claimants of I j foreign t protection iu New Orleans j during*the l.« .t war. The same difficulty j occurred in the defense of N. w Orleans j l)v Jackson, tsay-s a d 'mestu* historian, th e p .‘i*: *«e ,)* *•-,« ? j i j -Freu Linen xihohaduotls-ennaiirralm'.'.l • ! ••» th«« people ot Euuigiana will be I were induced to claim the protection ot .iji’ .v iii'.ight ii they !..«'•• to lay «p.-va • their consul, and were thus enabled to i'.-:: th?- »ml ot their State the blood «4 j abandon their posts." They were willing ,i ry »on w hose heart ever beat responsive ! and vn ’er to fight, blit not to incur the . the can to deienJ their*;. My »ym. more »»yinj, duties of tha camp. •‘Dis« . nir ticket" und ti«'* People’s Party" hit' ci'am ns «■! the li •'• l;u-p» at ihe lii-iui f -is editorial «or- t..-- Wait«? 1. -ague in«»*»«« v. riit.-i. by the im ins'iitei! Little »5.ant « 1 «••tier ils «. ti e ;.-!l'«\viiig w.'ui»- ••Tl;;« g-.vernn.ent ■ uiii.ic by white tuen, M the »euch: ot n.« n and p -:-rity t -rever. and in- miiuiiiistec. «I t»> white iu.-n. and iii,-a«- «iti-i-r w h a t s u e i e r . 1 .ii- teg? . ivhica ail f«‘-«?.« •.« g-"•-•••! •* !•-• «cue.r. t mti-li-!eù to ecnvitice e-der.-.l !* ■•*’•.-• " th»-:s right.« a te ia s i sa» i« *l i>v W<- :ti «-vi-iiaagis rtls (tattle 1» «ner ...i {P.. "1 di. not ra ge t :: - >a.i teat it lu-uisi '.ol d. better let i 1 - t'aau Mibiuit t >the it shat the Pres itinv.ding pcop.e. tied that while I « ot-.iiuotian and r cat; « La in« Tray «.hots («ares? tie, g «Hülltet. i tight, but - «wenched Ler people -- irpatk :i «U b gov- *'-‘- • i h l l lOl l *} «IT tv)11 »Ult I wish it pro- nil. no man to urge i*;.itci-, I ».iv. a» un . op.I ry eue i >u piiry now is, w as thi« Mr. Mschcca and Li » “company of Italian.*,” crony of them, alien.-? The position cf aliens ffit ,-rv .-nin.g iu military conflict with American author- ities may be a subject cf inquiry by the American government of th-? several gov - ernments in umitabii; relations with cur own. TL?? status o: tLe denizen *r resident alien should Le ascertained and published. * THE CoLOHED PEOPLE OF LOUISIANA.” Such was tht address of Mr. Penn while assuming to be Lieutenant Governor of the State. It is an important admission as showing a sentiment adverse to that •jf the White Leaguers, which Lad but heretofore been allowed t-xp-re»s;on by them. That there wm never any cause f>r the White League organization is now shown by the admission of the White Leaguers tL.-m»elve». The proclamation of Sir. Penn was addressed to the colored people, l'rofessions of just intentions toward the negroes were made, and. no doubt, sincerely by the persons who made them. Mr. Duhuclet, colored, was Jett iu possession of the State treasury, and we believe soma colored men would have Leen taken into the police fore?. The line, however, entered into an argu- ment to prove that tne member of the city government had not received a ma- jority of votes and La i not been elected. This Admisfrator happen* to be the only man cf color and ii pul Lean iu thesut^ Administration. Admiaistritor Lewis is charged with knowing that Li.- election is iil-.-gal. an i tL ; Ii suppo- .-» “that after the catastrophe which Las I .-fillet» Kel- ! >gg, hi- lor i and m...sii.r. that L.- will not have the assurance to remain iu aa office which »1 j. s not belong to Lin.." But if it should turn out otherwise, an 1 Mr. Lewis .does not do justice himself— V a will engage that :’ ..» Couaci! will *ake such m--asurt.* us will g :-.»* entire .«.itisi'a-:- ti'«n t-« the «overeigary of the and tep.iir this crying injusti. . A* the election of I s’ i it wa» General i!e.t :r»-ga;\i tv,. . \va- ch'isen Adiuiaistratiii' of Improvement» i-nd member of the City Canne;:, and not Mr. Lewis. It must be then that the latter shall yield the placé. The purpose thus shadowed out re- quire* no comment except that the trace pr claim I by tha White League pro- tected that association from prosecution under the provisions ct law which punish any attempt “to deprive any por- tion or clasi? of the people cl any ol the rights, privileges or immunities, or protection named in the constitution anil secured by the laws for the j rotection of «itch rights,” etc. This keeping the White Leaguers in tht- back ground and entrusting th- move- ment to those who were not committed to the White Leagua platform, was adroitly devise»! by the learned council who con- ducted the strategy. But the /;•• was no party to this recognition ot colored right». u »r was the Whit? League which came to the trout when the Fusion j less heralded the affair finished. There were evidently two opposing opinions in the revolutionary camp. The one would have practically reduced the negro to political bondage. The other se<-ms to Lave always opposed the political ostracism ot the uegro, and was no doubt sincere in an intention to recognize th? political rights of the negro. Upon this issue w-j m.«y expect to L- ar more. TLe White League Las beea repudiated by the Democratic party of the- North, and is held responsible for the Coushatta horrors. There were many members of the- Fusion party who protested against the race issues, and refused to unite with the race movement. The doom of the White League Laving been sealed 1 y the circum- titan es of defeat, we may anticipate that those who would not yield t > it» dictation while in power will not obey the leader- ship o f it.» demoralized commanders. Ev.?uts will show the future political p i,i- ti'-n of the men who recognized the col - ored people of Louisiana. more trying duties of tha camp, gnated and irritated by these desertions. Jaeksoü ordered all French citizens who pat hie* -ire with this le, au l my p irse :s open to them.” As the gcti? emaa's ty\.% swthy is so strung, in language at least .. .. most gracetul thing he can do now is to p... , ^ aimed thw exemption out ot the city, his hand in that open parse ami relieve the « publicatious growing out of his families of the poor men who were slam in I satisfaction with this order, Jackson arrest- our streets. I e<* Louallier. and ordered a court fed t j receive the property captured from t;.*- insurgent ». mid st*?a we understand is General Emory's order. The only authority we have seen for saying that he had appointed a Governor of New Or- leans th.- stupid statement ot the organs of the rioters. _ THE EAYOÖ SARA AFFAIR The sensational teport trom Bayou ban contains the- most indubitable evidence of fraud. According to th? JiulMin, the great humbug faccory Lire, there was a perfect cloud ot negroes marching on Bayou ban from every direc- tion. This is followed by the inevitable battle and the invariable- buccc- s.» o f t h e whites. Somehow the negroes always are beaten when they go into the riot busines«. Now let us see th? outcome of all this big scare. No casualties reported, though there must have been bloodshed in the repulse of the negroes last night. “Later—No whites hurt." This makes the- five hundredth dreadful negro riot which has been reported since the last election, ami we have yet to hear of tie loss o! any whites, except at Colfax, where two men were killed, it is possible, by their associates’. Our advices from lîiyou Sara arc- to the effect that tb.-re Las been no nt-groe rioting there, though the White Leaguers mad« a movement on the offices, which they failed to capture as soon as they expected, whereupon they raised a howi of “negro rioting.” TL? echoed the words in a fifteen-do liar extra, the falsehood was duly telegraphed North and the whole community has had its mouth open f-r the past five hours ready to swal - low the next lie as greedi. five hundred which have got - they «lid the betöre i SOT A MILITARY GOVERNOR. We suspect the Cabinet has been misled in the matter ot Lieutenant Colonel B» ■>jke. There i.« nothing in the order of « «eueral Emory to sustain the assertion th.'.: a military commander has, been ap- pointed. Tue Commanding General des- ignated C Monel Brooke to perform Cer- tain military «duties, but gave him no civil^ authority whatever. If Colonel Brooke Las misapprehended the scope of his authority and usurped civil powers and prerogatives, the Jault U his. not General Emory's. The I nited States troops here are nothing more nor les3 than a posse or guard for Governor Kellogg. H... the master of the situation, and by virtue of the authority vested in him ly the people, A TENDER POINT. An Associated Press dispatch sit .»: A tei-gratu. trota New Orluatis t ax effi- i»i of t.:*" government «iv.« that one gun- boat would i-e of more use a*. New Orleans t .i;*.?, l e , men. The reason of this opinion is very ob- vious. A naval armament would inflict damage upon the property of the city. A military demonstration would but bring danger to its braver spirits, who will risk their lives oa a point of opinion. Their blood will fade and be trodden out lrom the pavement, their bodies pushed, with appropriate honors, into the pigeon holes of the cemetery, and the busy world will soon forget them in new companions or agitators. But a square set on fire or shattered from lung range projectiles wiil not only involve large cost to the owners, but bring» infinite danger to the helpless women and children who occupy the buildings. Hence, the appearance of a war vessel has always brought Error to auy city which has no naval force. It is, however, with the* powers of forfeiture and blockade incident to a state of insur- rection. a consequence which those who engineered the bit? violence, either «lid not take into consideration, er di 1 not advise their followers. A GRAVE DISCREPANCY. Day before yesterday the Vicftyur.t and IiuVrtih were jubilant over their own re« ports that more than five thousand stand of arms had been captured at the various police stations and the arsenals. It now appears that only about two thousand can be found. The difference—three thou- sand—has doubtless been claimed as pri- vate property. Perhaps the right derived from peaceable possession may be good iu law. at least mob law, yet it looks to us very much like a case of tort or outright larceny. Again, we hear that forty-eight dollar Winchester rille» were lugged away and old condemned smooth-bores, worth probably fifty cents apiece, returned in their stead. There is a perfect wealth, ft superabundance of high tone and honor- able dealing iu such a sharp transaction. TLe trouble at Bayou Sara attracts more attention and creates more excite« m-.-nt in White League circles than all the other rioting in the State. We account tor it on the ground that this i» the only point where th- negroes have gained even a temporary ascendancy. When the ne- groes are in the majority the movement is called a riot; when the Whit? Leaguers have it their own way it is credited to the people. NOTHE. Tiie efflft-r* amt «oM er« cf t'-e a“ -T. «6 tkei* iTira! iz New Orleaa* caa m ••KtCPLEMSIlXHEIlt WâUUROBE’» At Id. T . W A L S H E ’S , No. Iietliil Sireet, MURTS. C S D E R sp iars AND TOILBT ARTICLES At moderate purer Gr ratio. ■el» It *f* OBPEK. EXECVTI E OF ELEC TION* MtiKT.%<n%TioN ar-Y M rotvM M oB « . St»tb of ioniiA!**. ) Exerutive Departments s 5rw Orlean*. September i***- ) Wasi *1 *• Ri-T)rra**nîaîirci *o ti l vacancies t3 fit»* i-ortT-lourtii < or Tires9 are to be cboaen ia tins pitäte oi: Mond;t«' the e**çoa<l *îa? ©; ÿoveaiber licit, as provided by law as follows, to wit:. One Representative t.oiu the First Congressional District, composed of the parishes of Plaquemines S \ Bernard and that portion of the parish of Or- leans Ivins on Ihe right bank of the M.s*;a».pp; r.v*r. at. 1 port .on on the left bank t/C.ow Julia strert ?Le New canai, coropnsiii^ ward« !;iree, feur. Xiv«» «i x. seven. ci&h?, a:ne and -ifteen ot the city or' New Orleans. • *ae Kepresexitati'-'e from the Fécond Congres- sional District, composed of ail that port.on ot tu* parish of Ox leans iying a’tove Julia street and the New canal, comprising the first, second, tenth* eiev*-nt:.. twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth wards of the c ity of New Orleans, and the parishes of JtfSeraoa. St. Ciiari*-» St. #ohti anti St. James. *»!;e Representative? from The Congre»- sionai î istrict composed ot Ihe parishes ol Iber- v..Ie, Abcension. Aasurupton. Lafourche Terre- bonne. St. Marc Iberia. St. Martin. Lafayette Ver- io:. ard Ca'.caiicu. Ol©R©pr©*©Zàta*:v# from ?b© Font?.©?* i'«na'. î>:str:it. ©ompod©«! «•! ♦ i©pai irtb©.7 of Rapnl * Vrrnon yji'uzr ÿïo<.l.« t. Gr«üit, R.ner. X*e !*olo. Cud iç», Barts.« r. ’sVcbsXc* a:, i • «n© 3epr«-s©r*i»t v© from t .*• F :*h Coujrr©s*:o!i;»! !».«tr:c?« composed ©f the |»ar>he» of Cuncordia. Caidw'eil Franklin. Tensas. Madisos. Ri«:h'and. '•lacni’s Tick son. Lincoln, Vniou. Morehouse, Carroll. Claiborne and Catahou a. Due Représentât ice from the Sixth Conifreisiona! Distri« • composed of the parishes ot Avoyelles. St* Landî;,* Pointe Coupe»* 1*1 a at Feliciana, W st Fe!i- ciana ^V.*»t Baton Ru*;^e Käst Ra**»n Rouge, St. Helena L.viM^ntoa, ban^ pa!.*ia, VTash.n^tja and Si. Tammany; and Whereas. It :• provided by law t!.at on the day afors»a.ü îLffë sha.. be elecled a M ile Treasurer; Whereas I* is provided hr !aw t?:at ©a the dar aforesa.d there shall be elected State Senators tom eac:; of the senator;c! »Üstricts to till the places of those whose terms of service have ex* p.rcd ©: whe Lav« dirl or failed to qualify, etc., to % ;*. Tiirce Senators fr m the distrie? eo:»sr»»»se l of the First. Second and Third ii* p*e*en;ai;ve Distr.ct» of New «»rieans. •>ae Senator fioin the «Î s*::ct composed of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Représentât;«*ej Du-tuet» of Jew orlcäsi. One .^'-i.ator from *!te district compose I of the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Representative Districts Oi New Orleans and the par.sii of St. 3ernard. One Senator from the district composed of the Tenth and K.evcnth Represcufativo Didtncts of New Orleans. One Senator from the «I strict composed of the Fifteenth Représentative Distr.ct ani the parish of Pia*l nein ine<*. One Senator from the dbtrict co:r.*»09ed of the Twelfth. Thirteenth. Fourteenth. Sixteenth and Seventeenth Représentât:*-*•? Districts of New Or- leans and the parishes of .IrilerajU, .'St. Charles and St. John the Ba;>!ist. «me Senator from th# district composed ct the parishes of Ascension and M. James. One Senator from the district composed of tha parislies cf Assumption. Lafourche ami Terre* One Senator from the d.»*ric? composed of tn# parishes of Cameron, Caicasieu, La:a>ctte And St. Landry. one Senator from the district composed of the parishes o! Fast Feliciana, »Vest Feliciana and Foi.nte Coupee. One Senator trom the d:strict composed of the parish of Fast Baton Kouxe. one Senator from the ■! strict composed of the parish»-* of Iberville, >t. Martin, West Baton Rou^e and Iberia. One «v;. »tor front!;# !:*trict composed cf the parishes • î Cos cox»!:a and A'- One Nenato! trôna the dis’ • o*j»os»-»! of the pari*i.e# ot Madls&n. Carroll, Morehouse and Rich- On >.* from One Senator f;os parishes of Natch. said iirst Moml.kv fevrve .a the «i and Whereas, f* if * t!ie aforesaid »iay a for each parish i:: t! i »rleaxi«; and strie* comported of t!ie Loasier, Cha.hoine and Wcb- t!ie d.strie* composed of the ..todies, Desoto, Red Riv^r and s i provide«! by Jaw tha! on the ::: S r< mber lies* tnere shall be it the NtaTo, Representatives to •atuie U; the term of two years; •o provded bv hi tv that on Par «h J i-i?** shall be elected 1 2 *rate, except the parish of elect#«!; au». Whereas. It is provided bylaw that Justice* of the IVace and Constables s!iall be elected on the same «lay m th«* several parishes of the Mate; and Whereas. At «the same lime certain amendments to the constitution of the *:a*e are required by law to he submitted to the people for ratification or»it ion. which amendments h.avobeen more fully set forth by tho offi« ia! pubDcationa of the Sécrétai y of State, in acc ordance with the conäti* tut ion to which reference is had. These amendments are submitted in such man* ner and form that the people may vote for or against each amemlmeiit, to w.p I n«1«*r Art No. t, Fehlen of IbM . RELATIVE T«« IS.SIK•>?CONSOLIDATED BONDS. •‘First pi'cjwne*! amendment for appioval. *or “First piopo»c«l amendment against approval.** ItEDTTCINri ANTI LIMITIN’# THE STATE DEBT To FIFTEEN MILLION DoLLAUb AND LI3L ITI.Nft TAXATION. •'S»-cond proposed amefidment for approval.** or 4«Second pioposed aiuemimcut, a^uiuai approv- al.’* DFV«>TINfî ANNt’AL REVENTES OF TUB STATE T«» THE EXPENSES OF TJHESAMK TEAR, id propose«! amendment, for approva!,** «*r *‘Thi:«l proposed amendment, agamst approval.** Inder Act No* !2J, ^eision nf IsM . **For the ameudmeat limiting the debt of New Orleans,” or • Against the anunuimeut limiting ttie «lebt of New Orleans. * I nder Act No. fît, N#«*lon of INTI* •*Fo: the amendment I«» article seventeen rela- tive to th»- day of electing Representatives,” «>r "Against tlie amendment to article seventeen relative to the «lay ot electing Representatives." And whereas, It is made the duty of the Governor, at least six weeks before every general election, to i-saue his proclamation giving notice thereof by publication in the official journa*. Now, therefore, I. William P. Kellogg, Oorenior «>f th o State of Louisiana, issue this my proclamation, notifying the qualified voters throughout the Maté of the election aforesaid, and • onimanding a'«! Supervisors of Registra- tion. Commissioners of Election and other efli* iieis tli«-rein concerned to bold said election or Representatives to Congress, Mate Treasurer, Nenat«»ra and Representatives to the Genera! As- sembly. Parish Judges, Slier in*, Coroners. Justices of the Peace, Constable», etc., and lor the ratitica* lion <»r rejection ot the proposed amendments to the constitution, ou MoNDaV.THK FECOND DAV OF NOVEMBER NEXT. Nani elect.on to t># con* •luctedaud ti «• return« thereof mad«* ui all respects according to the provision» of the constitution and laws «»f this State and ©I the Tinted States, Given under my band and tlie sea! of tko State hereunto attached this tenth day ol September, m the year of our Lord, on# thousand eight hun- dred and seventy-four, and of the independence OX the l xiited States'the ninety-ninth. WILLIAM F..KKLLÜGO. By t!:«? Gortrr.or: BiLLIAS IVEEKS. Secretary of Sts?-. i. !* yoiicE, ftyt-.rr. f t tub t''i«is:nrii«riM »r ?as > frettlmaa'a Saviug. Trust Con,pauv ' WasJiiugton. D. C.. July Z9.1871. J Notice is IiereV -;cea tQ all versqpa, otlier tlian ilepostturs, who may have claim* fie FBKEII>UN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY or any oi its branches that Ihey are d ie d upoa'to present the same and to make leg»; proof thereof to the Commissioners of said company at their ottce, »a 13« Pennsylvania avenue Washington, District of Columbia, Pass books, when properly adjusted, wtii be deemed suibeicnt proof of the balances soown to be due thereon. Depositors wu. therefore present their pees books te the re- spective branches by which they were issued as .»oon as possible, that fh#y may be proper!v ver*- tied and balanced. JOfts a. J. t’RKSWEhL, ROBERT PURVIS. .............. ft- H. T, I.E1POLD. a u l .ft-JJ Çoaiaiis»lot;e«. x.\ gtate officer} who have been prevented dnr? ing tlie recent drsturbance’s from performing tne!r duties Wh, immediately resume their official functions. The Eoard «if Metro;.«Iitan Police will at once organ ize the police force of New Orleans and assume the ma.aienance o: tn# peace and order of the city. WILLIAM I*. KEIjLOGG. tfcta Governor. CIRCULAR. ’A à©r©as, 1 :§ provide«! !hrtf on !!;# aim e «!:*>• a ^ ©ri:!' *nd a Coro:i©r w : th be ©lecte l in each p;»r.sîi or th© State, ozeep th© paris*; of Orleans, where t»« F ivriffa and C rouer s are to be Of;?' . K* . » ti? a« -r V. res. ( New Orleans, September I-A HU. 1 The registrars of voters in the sever», wards in the City ct New Orleans, who have eeu prevented trom performing-their since Mon-iav last, will resume leg:.?return on MONDAY September 21 !874. The offices will !«e opened at the ns i»'. Lour. As the law directs. WILLIAM WUBIHT. 2t State Registrar of Vo'ets. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, ©»■?:•:« DiTlsiotr Sr:-rKiJiTHS:>BST or P r s tt c ) Edueation, sixth Division. J Room No. î ‘*<ity Hall, September ta, 18T1. > Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Direct- or,, the public schools of this division will reopen on MONDAY, the twenty-first instant. >'oel«c-;on ot teachers having been held as vet those employed at t.,e « lose ct las: se-sion will resume their places provisionally. Tee Lower Girls School will he located, as heretotete. at the corner of Royal and liospiul streets. The new buddies» for the use of the fhalmette and the St. Andrew Schools not i*ins «?omplrted_ the former of these schools will remain closed until fnrt.ier notice: the latter *:.i reassemble in the building oc. upied by it last session. The Sumner School will «»c npv the new build- ing on Perdido street, hear Liberty. Principal* of the various school, will apply to this office tor the new record books prepared for the use of the schools iu the division. C. W. BoOTHBY. se! • Superintendent. PROCLAMATION. TI1B ASSASSINATION OF KM) KIV£K fAKISH OFPlt’tft» Statb or lim riji. ) Exec utive Department. - Sew Orleans, SepSeurber J, 18*1. ) Whereas, During the morning of Sunday. August 3?*. ! its. at the McPariand plantation iu the parish of Bossier, about forty miles east of the Texas line. H«»MBR J. TWtTCHRbb. ROBERT A. DEWEES. f ’LARK HOLLAND. W. 3. HOWELL. FRANK S. EDGE ETON and M. C. WILLIS, peace- ful and law abiding citizen* of this State, were cruelly murdered iu o ld blood by a body of armed and mounted men claiming to Vorig to an organi- zation R’ioivn as tlie White League of Louisiana? Now. therefore, I, William Pitt Kellogg. Governor of the State ot Louisiana, with a view, if possible, of bringing the perpetrators of this great outrage to lust ice. and of preventing th«» repetition of such crimes in the future, do issue this aiy proclama- tion «Hering a reward of FIVE THOUSAND DOL- LARS each for such evidence as si.ail lead to the arrest and convictio:« of tho said murderers, or any ot them. Given under my Land, and the *eal of the State hereunto attached, this third day of September, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and of tha independence of tho United SUt«» the tiinety-ainth. WILLIAM B. KELLOGG. By the Governor: P. G. DE3LONDE. Secretary of State. *e» Ï» A STATELIEST TO THE PUBLIC. Ha-in# felt it mr duty t > issue mr pnKlaniA^ou orïeisiig a îürgrt reward for the apprelieusiou au«I conviction of the murderers in the Couslutta out- rage, and to the end that the law aliuiing citizens of the State may fully comprehend the magnitude of the crime committed, and be induced to render more active assistance to the ©iTicers of tha law I deem it proper to muke the following »»tat^iuriii*. These tacts are gathered from reliable i^moia* lion received at the Executive Department. «»n or al>out the twentv-eiglxtb ilaj- of August. ! Tl, a body of **t-rsona, !*♦!»>aging to a aemi ioiii* tary organiz it:on known as the White League of Louisiana, assemble«! in tn«? î«»«nn ot Coushatia, parish of Red River, in this Slate, tor the purpose of compelling, by torceoi aims, the State c*!icera of that par:.-I, to resign their positions. These «Hüters were men of good «diaracter; most of then» large.y interested in planting a id met. an* t;Ie pursuit». They held their positions with the tui! consent of an admittedly large m ijon:# of t..e legal voters ©l the parish, this !« a largely Repuhlican parish, as admitted even by the Fusion returning boards. The onlv known objection to th»*?u w ti that they were ot Republican principles. Flunk S. Edgerton, the duly «iiialitied sheritf «»I the parish, in strict compliance with the laws of th.a .^t.itc, and or ti»«* I’nited State*, summoned a posse com it at us of lit’ iz«-ns, white and colored, to assist him ia protect- ing th© parish officer* rii th# exercise of their un- doubted rights and duties trom the threatened un- law fui violence of tho W lute Leagues, Hi* posse, consisting of *.xty-iive men. was overpowered bv a superior force assembled from the adjacent par- ishes, arid finally, after several colored and white men had been killed, surrendered themselves pria* oners, wit!« the explicit guarantee that theii lives would be spared if th# more prominent Repub lie uns would agree to leave the parish, and those holding office would resign their positim:*. These stipulation*, though unlawful!;* exacted, were complied with, on tlie part of the Republican officials, w ho were then locked up iu the i»il for the night. The rollowin# named person* wer# among those so surrendering and resigning: Home: J. Twitchell, planter and *ax collector ot Red River, ami deputy Unite«! States postmaster in charge oi the postoffice at Coushatta; Robert A. De wees, supervisor of registration. De Soto parish, t’lark Holland, merchant am! supervisor of regis- tration. Red River parish: *V. J. flowed, parish attorney and United Sride» commissioner; Frank S. Edgerton, »herirf of Red River parish; M. C. tViilis, merchant and just; •« of the peace. On the following morning,.Sunday, the thirtieth day of August, these persona were bound and conducted by an armed guard t«» the McFarland plantation, just over the parish one ©: Red River, within boundaries of Bossier parish, about forty lu.les east of tlie Texas line. There they were set upon an«! «IciiW-rate]y murdered in ©old blood. Their bodies were buried near where tney fell, without inouest ©r any formality whatever. On •!;© night preceding tlie flirrender a body o* forty members ot th# U'hit# League of • 'add» parish, mounted and armed, left th** c it y of .Shreveport and wer# «een tidiug ;:i the àiiecîiou ©f the p’ .sjce where the xnnrd« r was tuosei^uently comuiitled* WILLIAM P. KELLOGG. set •»overnor. QL'ARAM'i.NE. n u n LA.MATIQ« BY THK «O î KKBOK. St. t * «t. L-r:«-»??.. J Blecutive Draiirtnirat « Bui»’ Oil«,.ms, Jim . 1. i TS. \ WtieK»««, An Ail of tl;, Leg!»!atnre, appr ve<i Mar« .: lî, I?:.», eutiuieil “An a«;t t'l es-aV i.u quar- amine for «lie »rutectiom ol i»ta*e," provitle. tiiat Hit Governor oi -he State shall is»-.# Li» proclamation, upon tha advice of the Boar.l of Health, «leoiarir,« anv plaça »her« -h.*;# *'■ *U h. leason to Believ# a pcal..ent, ton-a^ions er in- fectious «iiseaaa e t ist», to Le an infected pla and statin» the number of day* of quarantine t , he performed i,j the Teääel», their pas.^nz-?!*, effi« cer* amt e:t» s, c«,miui£ Iron, *uch ila-.e or sletn . and Whereas. T ie Board of If -fti?'; *f ttie N?af, •* Louisiana has th.s day otlic ai.y infonuetl me t. ,,i the fo'.loiviuu name! ports ara infected p.ace*. via: All ports ia the island* of i.'uha, Porta Rice and, and the port of Demarara, in .«j .lh America a's,». the fort of Pensacola. Mata oi Florida, in the United .States, and has reconmiead- ed that ail vessels leaving any of said ports on and after June 15,18Î1, shall be detained at quar- ant.ue s* itlon not less than fen days. Now. therefore. I, William P. Kellogif. Governor Ol she State of Louisiana, issue this niv priM-iania tiou, deciarinx the aforesaid port, infected place, and requiring tlpit ail vessels, tosether withoffl« eers, ciews. piisseiisers and cargoes, leaving such places, or having, touched or stopped at anv of them.ou aud after the fifteenth «lay of June, lTtt, Bballhe subject to a quaraatine of not less than ten days, or for a longer period, as may be consid- ered necessary by the Board of Health. Given under my hand, and the seal of the State hereunto attached, this thirteenth day of June, m the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and of the independence of the United States the ninetv-eighth. william p. K ellogg . By the Governor WILLIAM WBBKS Assistaat Secretary o( State, jeld INSURANCE. V tU OüLKANS n i tULDi»lU!«C| COMPANY. earner nt llsesl and Camp ft tree I«, rorSTEENTH annual statement . la eaaforaiiîy with tneir charter the eompanp publish the following statement? Premiums dunn# the year ending »« ft, irro— On t re r.sks ......... • *l«.«35 3J Ou marin© risk*.................. ........................ . ^ 8| Oa nr«? .. ........................................................ si 7 cîi: }irt!ILünil.s#**»i»e«ee«»Me*et§55£|S5| &| LtêêTeBvrrm fur untvriiain* sn*<-ci ntk.*, December •!, I-T5.................................... L©ai rotum prrut.uni*............ 11,""* V*—!3T.3^J G| N©t premium*............. ...................... cur«« Be.asurance*,.. ........................ Loa»r» OU t i t# . .... $23-.^®*.» UT Dobiivs «L mannt», fc" !"! !'i Lortd^«on river. ••• 9 *7! ?1 —! q ’M iîî #| Bx;»enrt©*, tar©*; « te- î«à* ia» tereat account ................... Ct)xusu*9iOn* oa »gency bu«* Tttàà- B-buts paid to the assured.. Bom; annual interest ah tap* ital atock- Five per cent paid August. « . j .. Five percent pay« able in Febru- ary, I?T4.......... IT.«?! « ? **» 3? SJ TTi f . 23 > n 23,0*. or— »'• «*. ou-r?,«:< oa Reserved for unsettled cla im s ....... T ie company has tie following asset« Bills receivable for premiums....*........... Bonds city and others............................... Mocks. Gas Company and ethers ............. P.edge and mortgage notes ...................... Prem.ums n course of collection............ Suspense account.......................................... Ageutyprem.ums for December............ Warrant account........................................ .. Branch office.............................................. Louisiana Cotton Factory.......................... .. Property comer Canal and Camp street« Other real estate ............... ...................... .. . Due by insurance companies Total. ................................. . Drpre nation........................ •..Jot » ft«l,Cd IS »,or: is 135,00? (I* 6T,St* 5* 2*5 rs6 re« ft» 2? d» 2.59» » I! Oil 2» «52« » ».95<- 9® T0.Ù6! 7» •3.531 2»' t,4J5 T6 .•TL1,5'6 li . 92 56» 9* Cash market v a lu e ................62 LIABILITIES, Capita: »foek.................................... Unterminated risks....................................... Interest on capital stock, d ie,in Febr> ary ..... ........................................ .. ........ .. Interest aud dividends uncollected ...... Bills payable................................................. . C.ainis unsettled ............................................ Ses» : ve. two and a half p -r cent • • losses .......................................................... f 5nq,WM I* 125.60} 92 25.*}* "« 11,112 t l ; .716 <M 2. 3619.115 «»» Total.......................................................... $6:6 94« 32 The above statement is a true and correct trace from the books of the company. J. TUVEA. PresldesL J. W. Hiycss Secretary. Bworn to and subscribed before Bis. thi« ttiJItft day of January. A. D. 13'«. P. CHARLES C P F E -LIER. Notary Publiai {!«>. I«? Gravier street. New urleonft senu-annua? Interest divideud of Uv« peV cent, due first MONDAY in February, wilt he paid to tho stockholders on and a fie» «hat date, Director«, GEORGE URqUHART. M. PaTRO H G ALLY. PLACIDE F*jS.«tltt, GEORGE W. BABCOCK. AUGUST P.EICHARD, T. BAILEY BLANCHARD, l . MILTE>BEROEV A. SCHREIBE R, W. B. I-CHMIDT. CHARLES LAFITTt. J. TUYES. Zlitl? IJ1VV fcNT Y «F Ift'TH ANMAI. STATEM ENT or THS CRESCENT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPART, May !23, IS74. Total gros» premiums for end:r.» April ' .1374............................................ AUW,S » A Earned premiums, less reinsurance and return premiums......... ...................... S13.5— 52 Less losses pa a and esti- mated................................... $«:*.2tiu 96 Less taue» discount iu lieu of par:: unation, interest on «lapital, less discount,etc.ID1 ),?»* •*—258.SÎI ifl Ke'prodts ........................................ *62,702 4*> Total gross msets of company........ 652,649 21« The Board of Trustees resolved that alter pay- ing the fourth quarterly t?i‘erest at two and a naif per cent on the capital slock ot the companv, that a dividend of TWENTY-FIVE PER 4 ENT be paid in cash on and afrer the twenty-third day of Jun, neat, to those par::,»* insuring stiib the company entitled tb receive ihe same. TRUSTEE«. Thomas A Adorns f>amu»l H. Seiiiiedy, John Plis!pa, Adam Thomson, P. N. Strong Joseph Bowling, John M. Saudioge, Simon Foicheimer, R. B. Post. Edward P.Abury. Charles k. playback, David Wallace. Andrew itewart. Saniue! Tt. NewrniB, C. T. 3u,idecke. A. O. Oher Henry Abraham, Victo’r Meyer Edwar.l j. Gay. Simon Heriisbeim, Josepli B. Wohe, A Levi eiim K. King. Frederick <emstdeO. J. L. Harris. Joseph Stone. THOMA.« A. ADAM*. P ie s id e a t Hzrar V O'.r.K?., Secretary. my2°Su WSaly T OIIS1ANA lUlTUAL INSlKAAltt COMPANT. . TWENTIETH ANNUAL STATEMENT. In conformity w th the teq-iirement* of they charter, the «.ompany publish the following slalo- ment : Total premiums for tho year «• ruling February 2f, 1874, *56» 124 aft, v i t E. e premium»............................................... $ 2^* m M Mar.TiH p iv mi uro a.......................................... ^ R.v«r pumiuil» ............................................. ;'.»,634 w to la! ....................................................... i.j i:« t« si unearned premiumi*....... ^23,12S ReXuru«‘d pieiuiuuia................. i!«,3J3 26— 33 463 26 .................. ^ S 171.335 . IL1 .»7* if. . 45,335 61 preoifiims.......... Fîr# los*«*................ ........... Marin© losses ....................... &IV6S lo st« ! ......................... Total T osii ftalrf......... ^382.«45 ?•. Berate in iieu ot aividenii ., IX<ii;iaur&*i*:©» and ©xpens-* • *8s «ürtconnt and profit •kiàd ©»a*ace#«ml * jA Ti©« r©*«rv©<f ................ .......... $ Vi ViU bd l HV havathe following aâ3«tâ; Citv au à '»Ti««-* _ Bank a:«d or her s to c k s ... ................ In*; rati*.t* stoik aud scrip«*........... Bills receivable and «nortgageh... B iifl r«€«ivaille.................................. Frem:uro# in rouiaeof reilecUoa. Ameunt -lu** bv ageac:©*................. Oasiiou hut A and iu K-.rop©.......... fiwipeuae acvuuul........ Tot.*»!. .. $59,42? 75 12.34.T l* Y4 722 25 2 -:» i l Jh,«H>! 21 30.21 37.;: n i? Zb >27 37 $U2j:id Tb# a*»ove i* a tm enn4 ©otr#3t tränt» cript X:ou» tu© ieokrt of the company, , _ _ ^ CHARLES Fretidtfit« i. F. K »rt, Bevreuiy* ' Ftutii of t rarsn *f ^reafii, ot S>*w Orleans, ft rwm an«! suböcribed Acftoj# eie tfii* ftwvötj» tUiid 4av ot Maich. ft. 37^ F. THARtK* rr^EfiLTER, Fo*ar^ Fel).;©. Ne. li uiruet. FriAR!» OK TRf^TRE^ Febfi ar v, • Êr’gga* Aut. Cartiere. George A. R. Brugier, F. A;.ù -r*o'siw A. Freiifrieh*. G©orge 4^*. ftukSaf. Georg» lï*. Hyiae-Äii, Henry J. Vos^ F Maifinb7.1t m l'ùaruf» ’•Vd»>a*ar, A. Lecourt, Frau?« V.'iiiiaroi, Cbarlne Latt: 1 «^ RudolpU © vg, *v C. Black, 9m^ aiTia* M, BeTt offhl Tiioroaefl Ci.a flouold, I«. • ♦Ililft'dU iX ». Howard E îw««*(l Toby, V.’Asa. ^rortoB, K aox. ^*, h, Ba*.«* J. K, tivaiilaiâ» A- K, Miilvj tdwani J. A. Luit F .ae Week* ï . K, B f vaut K- R. IftXfrlé •J-fcIT«IriiA A>»IK.1M’J4 UMIFAIIÏ •• ftEW ORtÉAÿ* «»®i*eflw, JH Uravier Streat» CBS FIRS, MARINE AND RITES BISSE H LOWEST RATES. A*«»«* .S?9rt,444 *. SrMEP. ÈADBR, "PfesMect. CH. ENGSTFELD, Vice President. «iSORGE STROMKYER. Seciclw.-y, Board «f Truste*«: Heury Abrams. A. Eimef Badef, H. A. Baumgarden, Ch. Engatfeld, H. R. Gogrev». . Eigm’mdSUtr, J. Se ffer, Théo. Lillientha*. F. R.ckert, Louis Schneider, B. Sois, Lo ua Schwsrts, J. R. Wildermanii, 0025 1/ B. F. De Bondl«a M. Frank. Ey. Hallef J. H. Keller, Louis LeonhArd, C. H. Miller. Frank Roder, W. B. Schmidt^ Isaac Seherck J. M. Schwarts, JT. Weiwtibaee

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Page 1: NE1V ORLEANS KEPl'BLICANS’, SATfcUDAY, SfPTEMfl … · 2017. 12. 14. · M m (O ilcan s iic p u U ic a n . fÎCÎAL JOURNAL OF TÜE UNITED ITATct «ffiCIAL JOURNAL OF ftJ£Wff*ll.KAV-.5*I.FTI.iIHFK

M m ( O i l c a n s i i c p u U i c a n .



ftJ£W ff*ll.K A V-.5*I.FTI.iIH FK 1« . « - 7 I .


t . :»r!lofi. .>!on«lay* N ovem ber U, 1 - -Î I .

r o r y - . -. i " -ANJ'OIKK LL'HÂCLLT.

/ ’ «* J/« ,». w »if (%. >Ai, i * *>/ h a rf••«*:%J. HALL âVPH Kl».

; . - . v,*« f , « * . y ■ l ' l u

j n .:-H Y î; j f ia B i.r ..

;• - .V«,, w . , ; ! ...lU K .-T K Ii i». L .’ LLALL

y • « t f x , «... •'•* J» fit; 4». \

U b J t W t i . l , N .IIsI!

3'i.r M k i <» . >-r < «;.,. *'-• f. J l r - . - y .

U t A NK v: * t ill- . Y.

y J ! . .. h, , « V, v, c ;»«,»..»’.

• • !. A > î î

; .. i m • : ••* ». :t. L :hh J.qiVfcl e

.- t-.;-«.unie.

V i ril 14 Irial* It©*» „ • » ;.*. 4* < où*.x*. L© ;«•} ** ai v liik’. i 5.

» ■ *•» - -• i ’v îh - r •i.-clt ; *■ ft ! i i A.,\ V* t«*'!»*

1 . -o :• >. eotatc ?,i’ .*!•«

I:’. tl*-4t «la*.# «ri «i-ariilit «trr •» •*»J «t-allt1 .«t?.« _

■m’. VV-iLti i» a uiodh-le

*ê S »!.t*<fga !#**il*i • hu * ;•'-••: i .T t! 766•: »• • • r, «>i.«î l>«jii©«i MZ. -h* «.Ctcr eate

1 !« l'o-'u Limb* r lia* .».••f.rt'.T n.k«*»ii •. « r Mie'ake. 1 • f kù! ’Jg lu*•*..,?î; »I « j i , he only ha i .' woua'i'-d.

; ■ end • \«-lit<♦ ;>I n o i ut I * ;• *r-I-rr ta *11.. - ; -, < \ h ay ) i,; pent'»-. !..■•. a a à s»ï*i‘*r an<i1.. . ; h cetabi;chii.« iit «I (»» '•ra i» r K*.-. eu.* people ar«t lii*-; — « an d leas

p . . a - .iv e tba ii ou M?jn<lay

.e einaliest am i au*«’• y c t b:»» just iie*«. Taa:rtt-j. A î«,<?a!

say«: ' Tht* fui?1«? w*iiîf«i i.n tii«* • i h u lA tber." Th*; îw jj.jriijani'fl «î

•‘.'allwIliS faut tüok {.îjaa il- « u lfc h . ftud;.{ ( : reu«, üh m ight iw iu l'a rrad .”

Ci.» t tlli» L n l 'tH i t raja-at T.i .î.*- ' w ith a liai* bjt|>.i<?»VuB

• :.-. I u». ye*Ter<lay i hit«/," c*-:»•« rr." r ih «jiut« ov erb o a rd , a fa i i • iu »I I * lu a.y lu it las o n t *il Ji.îiaa J,e! a.«

fl'Olil th e JMlàt o l tha /«•» »? U. iiflll‘1*« lia

lu» (M;ia»urH. lu « l i t c a s t ha Wuiii'i

: iuur»e be m ute.

T'.:»- ea le ty o f the L r i te 'l u-« irai: l>\ th e Viii-u'iurt/rr,»i in s ta n t. H »ay»; “ T baw b ite > nth have the kimJabf Je

,! ton e« . W e w ould i....nur ni’ L'nitetl S tates m liia-r» «‘atioaeil

r th is c ity , h ac a ise th v v u a id im prove .-.!.• »» ot a!1 kinib-.'’

j\ 11.11- iC ta aah er Tali-Jirk« tu tu ? L'IilClJO V --’ >,,!>: ••Munie cv;U iu '.y i t th e tine a r t ! ! :it li.iiKa» lia U” Jilea-ailt M ore tliiia t! it.

.. :i... tille ai ;—1 t av. ti t ?i"« iaast U i :: ' — 1 :.t V. .Ü « v au " a lly on ali .1« ;!*•• «a; *”d- : . ltiuîse iu-a te <>t latüily-. !«• O a e v .r y

! . y«* i «au .net l’nui.iie» 'if . ••:. '.u hou?*e-'li^ il. *,cil «laîi-u»' , t " «■•>i-t tu a J .alto

• • tr Inaiid , li. I'. Walsii«-. .lo :.J h t*.tie«» M i I . i C anal s tree t, w uo lu * li.iitu.ii-'!

te kaaji hin eh irts ou l d u r . : , / *ee '..* • i-v o lu tio n , infomiM hi» fiiar.i]» : y nuvc-if.-?- ti.-u t, :n atiothi r aiouiun, *ii i t ua t: .i. a .je t .y Tli'-iii v..t!i shii-i «t i f ù-.TU'-ftuant» it .d ti '« t artiala» u t iuuurrat« juin-*. II;.« u ni ... :• pîease. .tnd iu» t -tu-* *•.

î l e slia iitl o t tii«-i . a t auc tion tin» d ay .\ .it'-h-ii.«*-. No», t» and l?T«vôi-n l ie !a i fin i la »... î. la ,u .v hold and ot : *. u a , te la y yo-ui», tii t . . i , «ton ui.ii wood »M-« », l '. i i i i îu i.e . y’ » *1

.1-1. et


A s in g u la r sp ec tac le w as w itnessed y es­te r-iay in tl ie Customhouse- A "sort o f

con fe rence w as held , v i t h M essrs. H e ­

f t ^ 881EAHS ! U l t r y a n d IV uu as th e tv. » le ad in g sp ir its ;u tu e m ovem ent, an d G o v ern o r KeMo’gg,

o r r a th e r L is o il, e as th e ob jec t. *The

j rep o s itio n is coolly m ade to th e G o v ern o r to a b d ica te Lis offre-, re lin n u ish th e a t:-

tb o r i ty now lo d g ed iu h is h an d s , a n d

v Lieu the P re s id e n t o f th e T 'n ited S ta tes dec la red it hi.-, in ten tio n to su sta in a t

h az a rd s , a n d re tire to m alte room fo r m a n w hom th e W hite L eag u ers w ould

have a voice in selecting. H ere we Lave

p re se n te d to «» a n in s tan ce o f th e van- • j'ti-n ed co m in g in to th e te n t of the v ic to r

a n d d ic ta t in g te rm s. G overno r K ellogg •an n e t possib ly have a n y th in g to say to

M r. M-.-Euery o r an y b o d y e lse w ho talk»

t-. h im o f re s ig n in g Lis office a n d a b a n d o n ­in g h is p o litic a l friends. II ; o u g h t never

1 1 h .ve p e rm itte d ;» confe rence of the

r ' n i t o h e h e ld in L is n am e n o r to issue i.nv in s truc tion .» in co n n ec tio n w ith S ic- E n try , ex cep t to ca u se Li-, a rre s t for tre-a-

* .n a g a in s t th e fita te .If G o v ern o r K ellogg wisue-. to res ign L:»

etnee a n d r e t i r e Iron* th e very onerous p o ­

e t ion he h as h e ld to r nea rly tw o years,

• f t n.-iy reg re t h is d e te rm in a tio n perhap» ,

h u t L ive no reasonab le ob jec tion to in te r- pe-e . H ut we- do ob jec t d'-cidc-ily i > Lis

: i ih in g Lis h ig h office a m a tte r o f barg a in a n d aale, tra d e a n d b a r te r , w ith g en tlem en

v Lo w ere th re e day s ago h u n tin g h is life

an 1 d e n y in g h is a u th o r ity a t th e L.-ad o f

tT.u. i in su rg en ts . T h e y have s ince la id

t- vin th e ir a im s un d d isp e rsed a t th » co m m an d o f th e P res id en t,

s tren g th en ed b y th e n . -naciug a t t i ­

tu d e o t G en era l E m ory . T h e re is. the ro - f>re, no im p ed im en t, law ful o r o 'her*

v > i to th e co n tin u e d d isch a rg e o f h is• t.- .u t iv e d u tie s b y th e G iv- rn o r. H e is

n « m ore re sp o u s iid e to one m an th a n a n ­

o ther, n o r sh o u ld h e lend h im se lf to an ya fi- y .. ing jji -asure o r jiro p o sitio n w h ich involves th e

sacrifice of th e in te re s ts o t hi» associa tes

o n th e S ta te tick e t. I f h e chooses to

res ig n h e can n o t possib ly p ledge L . caten-

a n t G overn ot A n to in e to follow LLs e x ­am p le . N or is it rea sonab le to suppose

t l . i t S en a to r A udcr»ou w ho s ta n d s n ex t I in tL e lin e o f success ion to A n to in e

“ i w ill y ie ld liis ch an ce on any accoun t.V.'e h o p e G o v ern o r K ellogg w ill lo r th e

p re se n t d ism iss a l l th o u g h ts o f r e lin iju ish -

ftig Li» execu tiv e a u th o r ity , w h ich h e Las

h ere to fo re ex e rc ised sp arin g ly , a n d a d o p t

in c h a p o licy to w a rd hi» perso n a l a n d p o ­

litica l enem ies as s h a ll te ach th e m lo re ­

sp ec t L is a u th o r ity . P u t i f he d ec id es to

do o the rw ise , th e n le t h im ta k e n o th o u g h t o r c a re a b o u t th e se lec tion o f a

successor, h u t leave th e «leci»ion o f th a t

<jue»ti in to those w ho w ill law fu lly com e

a l te r h im . l l G o v e rn o r A ntoine a n d S en ­

a to r A n d erso n b o th dec line th e ho n o rs , th e n d o u b tle ss th e S en a te w ill be ab le to till th e v acan cy accep tab ly . L u t we n o fa ith in a n y b a rg a in th a t i . . t . b e p a tc h e d tip b y those w ho w ere

•In k eriu g w ith th e q u es tio n y este rday .

V.'e do n o t b e liev e Kepublieou.» need to p « c u t o f th e ir ow n ca m p for adv ice, n o r do we su p p o se th e p a r ty th ro u g h o u t th e

••tst'r w ill be p leased w ith su c u m ixed counsel. T h e re n ev e r h as been s u ch m a g n an im ity sin ce th e d ays of I. «>t> X \ .,

•«» t h i t d isp la y e d by G overno r K ellogg.

V 'PL th e w ho le a rm y a n d n a v i «if th e

1 n it • 1 fit a t on a t ln» b ack , a n d th e j -rfect m a ste r o f th e s itu a tio n ; b o ld in g in m s

h an d s th e fa te for life o r d ea th o f every c itiz e n o f th e S ta te , L - q u ie tly s its dow n

•and l i i te u s to a p roposal from Lis d-.-aliy

en» mk.» to a b d ic a te , a n d tu rn Lis g o v ern ­

m e n t o v e r to them . G u ile is Lr e ig h t in fo re q u is i tio n to accom plish w hat t n ee

fa iled to p e rfo rm . V e say to th e G o v er­

no r, in th e la n g u ag e o t S u m n er to > u n -

to n , ••.‘ .•''•'I ”


p a r t i a l to* h is tr ia l . J u d g e H a il , ' a n

E n g lish m an b y b ir th a n d fe e lin g "—say»

M onecte—g ra n te d « w ait o f h ab e as co rpus

fo r th e release o f L o u a llie r , a n d .Jackson tre a tin g th is as a v io la tio n o f h is m ilita ry

ju r isd ic tio n , o rd e red th e a r r e t o f Ju d g e

H ail, a n d he w as co n d u c ted w ith o u t Jhe

limit.» o f th e c ity . W hen Ja c k so n Lad

defen d ed th e c itv , th is " E g iis h m a n by b ir th a n d feeling'* resum ed Lis au th o rity

b y v irtu e o t th a t defense, im posed a fine o f «100T u p o n th e m a n to w hom he ow ed

a ll, a n d th is m an , w ith a g ra n d e u r th a t w ould m ak e A ndrew J a c k so n p a y in g fui», fine in to th e c o u rt a su b jec t w orthy a n y

A m erican p a in te r, obeyed the o rder.L u t o u r o b jec t w as to ca l. th e a tte n t io n

o f c u r fellow c itiz en s to th e p a r t w hich

a lie n s have ta k en in th e dom estic aS 'airs of N ew O rieans on r <u.e m o s t c r itic a l

occa»ions. V.'e-are th e know n advocates o t im m ig ra tio n a n d m ig ra tio n . Vic- d e ­

in end th a t eve ry fo re ig n er w ho ca n be in d u c ed t com e from G erm an y . I", an te ,

I ta ly , o r e lsew here in K tro p e , »hall be in ­v ited a n d p ro tec ted L u t we w;»L th e m

to becom e A m erican i..’.izen% o r to a b ­s ta in from a id in g by

in tem p e ra te c lam or, ei

icv.n po litic s.


•ideat G ra n t h im sA f. H e i â M J T Rran k s F res id eu 'c u r so le a n d su p rem e civ il ru le r , a n d h as

a r ig h t to . d e m an d from th eforce a d e q u a te to su p p re ss all o p p o s itio n .

N e ith e r th e P re s id e n t n o r G en era l E m ory ca n sto p to deba te th e m a tte r . T h e troops n iu» t be Bent to re in fo rce th e G overnor,

b u t n o s o ld ie r ca n g ive a n o rd e r in civ il m a tte rs . T h e C ab in e t fu liy u n ­d e rs ta n d th is m a tte r , a n d the "Presiden t's

o rd ers a re too j la in fa r a n y s o r t o f d o u b t.

G en era l E m ory c la im s no m ore c iv il a u ­th o r i ty h e re th a n K ellogg does in D elà-

w ire . H e L» u n d e r o rd e rs to ass is t th e

S ta te g o v ern m en t in its con flic t w ith reb e ls , b u t La» n o voice in th e a p p o in t­m e n t o f fcjmte officiais. H e c a n n o t

de leg a te a pow er h e do es n o t h im se lf possess . H ence C olone l B rooke m ay ca p ­

tu re p u b lic p laces , b u t c a n o n ly h o ld th e m su b jec t 1 1 th e o rd e rs o f G overno r

K ellogg, w ho is th e ch ie f m a g is tra te of th is S ta te : a n d G en e ra l E m o ry . C olonel

B rooke a n d a il th e o th e r so ld ie rs have

been o rd e red b y th e P re s id e n t to com e

Lem a n d a»»i»t h im . n o t to give h im

o rd e rs . D oub tle ss th e C ab in e t h a s b ee n m is led b y th e s tu p id ity o f th e I ’ir ty * an d

l i : a n d th e ag e n t o f th e A ssocia tedP ress. T n e rc i-. n o t a lin e o r a w ord in < je n em ! E m o ry ’s o rd e r w hich co n fe rs civil

a u th o r ity o n E i 'io k e . I l l s d u tie s a re

p u re ly m ilita ry o r po lice. B u t o u r new

rebe ls w an ted to b re a k th e fa ll th e y w ere

b o u n d to u n d e rg o —to le t them selves

th e l ’nitc-d S ta te s . V e w-;»h th e c itiz en ! dow n e a sy —so th ey in v e n ted th e fic tion

fro m V erm ont th e ta m e r ig h ts as th e c iti- J th a t E m o ry L a i a p p o in te d B rooke to

z u from V irg in ia , o r t:.e c itiz en from i supersede K ellogg. C olonel B rooke is C o n n ec tic u t id e n tic a l r ig h ts w ith th e c iti- i m ere ly in co m m an d o t th e fo rces a p p o in t-

zen fro m C aro lin a . B u t th e im m ed ia te

z b y Ii.oney , arm ». o rr. e i t l .«r par!:y to An':er-, m o u • - Ut lii-: yt-.ü-I« Irteitizeuf*L:P »Ley are tL*j

*‘!0* •u ea il •Le re*«,rj|p o litic a l equa,

lie. I 'o r th is a re v e 1; .pub lican s . V e

a re th e advocates o f m ig ra tio n o f A m eri-

ic a n c itiz en s to th is o r »uy o th e r p a r t o f

.itt.e ■ T in

-•ate« arm y i- tiie six teen th j *'ipie of the

litiZb l» r th e k - to ••;«• auy

il ati» W i iI P . M . a? ii »:■> • i:lim ti* fctreet. i li 'li. S,-«;«ijitl ! »:•- - iu r iiititu -, hardi .tintig». gîi'««-ne».

.f"Il fu 'i.t 'gi Xi W n

[HIM* u:. ft*» trie.

%:; y lioM lllD I K

tin iriiv , «ml

m i.. r»sto nti-'n ! « j

y t- l !:<• Hireling 'je«-n i ■1 liy ili»- C ham ber «it l.bium erctt t,» iy the «-litir«- e tag ii.iti--i» «■! businea*.

«-.|ir«-Bsii>u n* «•'•tüti.i-r...«'. «luitmin l.i !.. littt :e il tiir th e sake i»i l-nmjili te'

>ti-iu-y. Kel.. lllg lljH'il tu e la te - t ait- -, n .ef' iiaiiT« in « he; i«‘« a rc H"V. ai*- ltuit-i’ tin- imj»r.-««iUB th a t ieisiness has •i l't-ii'U- 'iii'i‘ii su i iu -â *.» New tlrlea tis

- I.l w .

V • !. «v«- r» •-• iv«-«t .r.:.. W.iV t'u llli, .1*1.Ill C' III

■ : m uni' r «il the T ra*. • ! i railw ay am i «terni . il «• l n itn t S ta tes at -t .t , -i !• . fiiiita .tiiiig « vT.taiiK-ii m i tl.e lu im ite

•tu the N art.-nal -|-e .SiqiTeiii- . . » • Ma-ial G uide

t'-.i g ,tu '-i hues i a ti:» :h. lu th is

- t .* '• liage*, i»

« i-ail'.ay« *n i •«!"* I l* -• tat t" lance the u h : .•,-» tra t «‘tsi il bv

i. at th e Ia iixvail t


I1" » :

. t «. atm ru t» i- le a d e r a t a

th e I 'liited tiav e i. b a r

VltlS I't - V epi-« » teil troriilit til'- sbe.-t

• • I A l i T M Ï C O M P A N Y o r IT A L IA N 'S .”

T h e S t. L o tu s Y'fuies. w bic'u show s its politic -tl s ta tu s b y co n d em n in g th e cause

;u w h ich G en era l A . S. B adg t w as

w ounded . Bay». * A L ia r.-: m an ui-vt-r lived

i r d ie d ." A. S. B adger is a n A m eritau c itiz en , a n a t iv e o f M assachusetts, w ho

h as % r ig h t to in h a b it and ‘exerc isa th e

r ig h ts o f a c itiz en a n d d em an d th«? p ro ­

te c tio n of th«» governn ii-u t wheievc-r he

n .ay be, w-ith|i!i o r w ith o u t it» ju r isd ic tio n .

A M r. MacL eca. c a llin g h im se lf c a p ta in

M eI.u y G u i ld s , p u b lish e s a ca rd , in

w h ic h L - claim * th e tn -r if o f L aving been

th«? fir»* to - p i t k u p " th i» w ounded A m er­

ican , a n d th a t -tu«* « .tu tender o f th e

arsen a l a n d s ta tio n h o u se . w ith a b o u t th ree

the ;:.»:*u-.l s ta n d «•! a n u s , tw o guns, ab o u t

th re e h u n d re d co lo red tro o p s a n d ab o u t s«-vtnty-five w hites'" VaS m ade to h im .

la n g u ag e i», - I a n d m y co m p an y o f

I ta lia n s w ere ia th e possession o f th e

w hole fifteen m in u te s before a n y eiliger

m ade Lis ap p earan ce .

1': -:u th e ie x t o f th is c o m m u n ic a tio n it

w ould a p p e a r th a t - I t a l i ins'; have bee n o r ­

g an ized to re s is t th e S ta tu a u th o ritie s , tio ta r r.s th is h a s been d m e b y a lien s , it Las p .a e td th e se per-, m s m a * rio n s re la tio n

t o t h e federa l gov ern m en t. I 's u a llv th e

•great n u m b e r •>! p- rsoii» iu Nv.v O rlea u s

w ho n-ta iir th e ir a llog ianee to a fo re ig n g o v rrn m e n t con fine th e ir in te rfé ren c e to

uew sj .«pet a n d verba! abuse , o r to sub -

,-crit'ii.g m oney t-» p ro m o te d isco n ten t. T h e d v ta iu e t i n t a lien s h ad a r ig h t to

’. ’ .tat- iu o u r p o litic a l affinrs 'b e g a n w ith

M. G A ct, a E i t n . h m in is te r , nu-d-.-r th e

•»dtiunistraU on o t C5i.-a-.-r.«l V a s h iu g to n . lle r- .t •tare, how ever, w hen th e m ilita ry E r e . o f th«« I ’n ited S ta tes h a s beeU eX-

I .ib i ti i. th e a lie n e lem e n t Las rep a ire i to th e c o n su la t offices o f th e ir respective

cou u trte» . T t ie ic w ere s ta te d to be

th i r ty th o u s a n d fetich c la im an ts o fIj fo re ign t p ro te c tio n iu N ew O rleans j d u rin g * th e l.« .t w ar. T h e sam e difficulty

j o cc u rre d in th e d efense o f N. w O rleans j l)v J ack so n , tsay-s a d 'm estu* h is to rian ,

th e p .‘i*: *« e ,)* *•-,« ? j i j - F r e u L inen x ih o h a d u o tls -e n n a iir ra lm '. '.l

• ! ••» th«« people ot Euuigiana w ill be I w ere in d u c e d to c la im th e p ro te c tio n ot .iji’.v iii'.ight ii th ey !..«'•• to lay «p.-va • th e ir co n su l, a n d w ere th u s e n a b led to

i'.-:: th?- »ml ot th e ir S ta te th e blood «4 j ab an d o n th e ir p o s ts ." T h e y w ere w illin g ,i ry »on w hose h ea rt ever bea t responsive ! an d vn ’e r to f igh t, b li t n o t to in c u r th e . the ca n to d e ien J the ir* ;. My »ym . m ore »»yinj, d u tie s o f th a cam p . •‘Dis«

. n ir t ick e t" und ti«'*People’s P a r ty " hit'

c i 'a m n s «■! th e l i •'• l;u-p» a t ih e lii-iui f -is ed ito ria l «or-

t..-- Wait«? 1. -ague in«»*»«« v. riit.-i. by the im ins 'iite i! L ittle » t « 1 «••tier ils «.

ti e ;.-!l'«\viiig w.'ui»- ••Tl;;« g-.vernn.ent ■ uiii.ic by w hite tuen, M th e »euch: ot

n.« n an d p - : - r i ty t -rever. and in- m iiuiiiistec. «I t»> w h ite iu.-n. and

iii,-a«- «iti-i-r w h a ts u e ie r . 1 .ii- teg?. ivhica ail f«‘-«?.« •.« g-"•-•••! •* !•-• «cue.r. t mti-li-!eù to ecnvitice e-der.-.l !* ■•*’•.-•

" th»-:s right.« a te ia s i sa» i« *l i>v W<-

:ti «-vi-iiaagisr t l s (tattle 1» «ner ...i {P.."1 di. not ra ge t ::

- >a.i te a t it lu-uisi '.ol d . b e tte r le t i 1 - t'aau Mibiuit t > the

it shat th e Pres itinv.ding pcop.e.tied th a t w hile I « ot-.iiuotian and r cat; «



j t i .e r« Tray «.hots («ares? tie, g «Hülltet. i tigh t, bu t - «wenched Ler people

- - irp a tk :i «U b gov- *'-‘- • i h l l lOl l *} «IT tv) 11 »Ult I w ish it pro- nil. no m an to urge i*;.itci-, I ».iv. a» un

. op.I

ry eu e i

>u p iiry now is, w as th i« M r. M schcca a n d

Li » “ com p an y o f I ta lian .* ,” c ro n y of th em ,

alien.-? T h e p o s itio n c f alien s ffit ,-rv .-nin.g

iu m ilita ry con flic t w ith A m erican a u th o r ­itie s m a y be a su b jec t c f in q u iry b y th e

A m erican g o v e rn m en t o f th-? sev era l gov­

e rn m e n ts in u m itab ii; re la tio n s w ith c u r

ow n. TL?? s ta tu s o : tLe d en izen *r res id en t

a lien sh o u ld Le asce rta in e d a n d pub lished .


S u ch w as t h t ad d re ss o f M r. P e n n w hile

a s su m in g to b e L ie u te n a n t G overno r o f

th e S ta te . I t is a n im p o r ta n t ad m iss io n a s show ing a se n tim e n t adve rse to th a t

•jf th e W h ite L eag u ers , w h ic h Lad b u t

h e re to fo re been a llo w ed t-xp-re»s;on b y

th em . T h a t th e re w m n eve r a n y cause f>r th e W hite L eag u e o rg an iza tio n is now sh o w n b y th e ad m iss io n o f th e W hite

L e ag u e rs tL.-m»elve». T h e p ro c lam a tio n

o f S ir. P e n n w as ad d re sse d to th e co lo red

peop le , l 'ro fe s s io n s o f ju s t in te n tio n s

to w ard th e negroes w ere m ade, an d . no

d o u b t, s in ce re ly b y th e persons w ho m ade them . M r. D u h u c le t, co lo red , w as Jett iu

possession o f th e S ta te tre a su ry , a n d we

believe som a co lo red m e n w ou ld h a v e Leen ta k en in to th e p o lic e fore?.

T h e line, how ever, e n te re d in to an a rg u ­m e n t to p ro v e th a t t n e m e m b er o f th e c ity g o v ern m en t h a d n o t received a m a ­jo r i ty of vo tes a n d La i n o t been e lec ted .

T h is A d m isfra to r h appen* to be th e o n ly

m a n c f co lor a n d i i pu l L ean iu th e su t^

A dm in istra tion . A d m ia is tr i to r L ew is is

ch a rg ed w ith k n o w in g th a t Li.- e lec tio n is

iil-.-gal. a n i tL ; Ii su p p o - .-» “ th a t a f te r

th e c a ta s tro p h e w h ich Las I .-fillet» K el- ! >gg, h i- lo r i a n d m...sii.r. th a t L.- w ill n o t

have the assu ran ce to re m a in iu a a office w h ich »1 j. s no t b e lo n g to L in .." B u t if it

sh o u ld tu rn o u t o th e rw ise , a n 1 M r. L ew is .does n o t do ju s tic e h im se lf—

V a w ill engage th a t : ’..» Couaci! w ill *ake such m--asurt.* us w ill g : -.»* en tire .«.itisi'a-:- ti'«n t-« th e «overeigary of the andte p .iir th is cry ing injusti. . A* th e election o f I s’ i it wa» G eneral i!e.t :r»-ga;\i tv,. . \va- ch 'isen A diuia istratiii ' o f Im provem ent» i-nd m em ber o f th e C ity C anne;:, a n d not Mr. Lewis. I t m ust be then th a t the la tte r shall y ie ld th e placé.

T h e p u rp o se th u s shad o w ed o u t r e ­

qu ire* no com m en t excep t th a t th e tr a c e

p r c la im I b y th a W h ite L eague p ro ­te c te d th a t asso c ia tio n from p ro secu tio n u n d e r th e p ro v is io n s c t law w h ich

p u n ish a n y a t te m p t “ to d ep riv e a n y p o r ­tio n o r clasi? o f th e peop le c l a n y ol

th e r ig h ts , p riv ileg es o r im m u n ities , o r

p ro te c tio n nam ed in th e c o n s titu tio n anil

s ecu red b y th e law s fo r th e j ro tec tion o f «itch r ig h ts ,” e tc .

T h is keep ing th e W h ite L eag u ers in tht-

b ac k g ro u n d a n d e n t ru s t in g th- move­m en t to those w ho w ere n o t co m m itted to th e W h ite L eag u a p la tfo rm , w as a d ro i tly

devise»! b y th e le a rn ed c o u n c il w ho co n ­d u c ted th e s tra teg y . B u t th e /;•• w as

no p a r ty to th is re c o g n itio n o t co lo red

righ t» . u »r w as th e W h it? L eague w h ich cam e to the tro u t w h en th e F u s io n j le ss

h e ra ld ed th e affa ir fin ished .T h e re w ere e v id e n tly tw o o p p o s in g

o p in io n s in th e re v o lu tio n a ry cam p. T h e

o n e w ould hav e p ra c tic a lly red u c ed th e n eg ro to p o litic a l b o n d ag e . T h e o th e r se<-ms to Lave alw ays opposed the po litic a l o s trac ism o t th e ueg ro , a n d w as no d o u b t

s in ce re in a n in te n tio n to recogn ize th ? p o litic a l r ig h ts o f th e n eg ro . U p o n th is

issu e w-j m.«y e x p e c t to L- a r m ore . TLe

W h ite L eag u e Las b e e a re p u d ia te d b y th e D em ocratic p a r ty o f the- N o rth , a n d is

h e ld responsib le fo r th e C o u sh a tta h o rro rs . T h e re w ere m a n y m em b ers o f the- F u sio n

p a r ty w ho p ro te s te d a g a in s t th e race

issues, a n d re fu sed to u n ite w ith the race m ovem en t. T h e doom o f th e W hite

L eague L av ing been sea led 1 y th e c ircum -

titan es o f d efea t, we m ay a n tic ip a te th a t th o se w ho w ould n o t y ie ld t > it» d ic ta t io n

w hile in po w er w ill n o t o bey th e le a d e r ­

sh ip o f it.» d em o ra lized co m m an d e rs.

Ev.?uts w ill show th e fu tu re p o litic a l p i,i-

ti '-n o f th e m e n w ho reco g n ized th e co l­o red peop le o f L ou isiana .

m ore try in g d u tie s o f th a cam p,

gnated an d ir r i ta te d b y th e se d ese rtio n s .

Jaeksoü o rd e re d a l l F re n c h c itiz en s w ho

p a t hie* -ire w ith th is le, au l my p irse :s open to them .” As th e gcti? em aa 's ty\.%sw thy is so s trung , in language a t least . . ..m o st g rac e tu l th ing he can do now is to p .. . , ^ aim ed th w e x e m p tio n o u t o t th e c ity , h is h an d in th a t open p arse am i re lieve th e « p u b lic a tio u s g ro w in g out o f h is fam ilies o f th e poor m en who w ere slam in I sa tisfac tion w ith th is o rder, J a c k so n a rre s t-

o u r s tree ts . I e<* Louallier. and ordered a court

fed t j receive th e p ro p e r ty c a p tu re d from t;.*- in su rg e n t ». m id st*?a w e u n d e rs ta n d is G en era l E m o ry 's o rd e r. T h e o n ly a u th o r ity w e hav e seen fo r sa y in g th a t he h a d ap p o in te d a G o v ern o r o f N ew O r­lea n s th.- s tu p id s ta te m e n t o t th e o rg an s o f th e r io te rs . _

THE EAYOÖ SARA AFFAIRT h e sensa tiona l te p o r t trom B ayou b a n

c o n ta in s the- m o s t in d u b ita b le ev idence

o f fraud . A ccord ing to th ? JiulMin, th e

g re a t h u m b u g faccory L ire , th e re w as

a p erfec t c lo u d o t n eg ro e s m a rch in g o n B ayou b a n from every d ire c ­

tio n . T h is is follow ed by th e in ev itab le

b a t t le a n d th e invariable- buccc-s.» o f th e w h ite s. S om ehow th e n eg ro e s alw ays

a re b e a te n w h en th e y g o in to th e r io t

busines« . N ow le t u s see th ? ou tcom e o f

a ll th is b ig scare. N o ca sua lties rep o rted ,

th o u g h th e re m u s t have been b loodshed in th e rep u lse of th e neg roes la s t n ig h t.

“ L a te r—N o w h ites h u r t ." T h is m akes the- five h u n d re d th d rea d fu l n eg ro r io t

w h ich h a s been re p o rte d since th e last

e lec tio n , am i we have y e t to h e a r o f t i e

loss o! a n y w h ites, ex c ep t a t Colfax,

w here tw o m e n w ere k illed , i t is possib le ,

by th e ir associa tes’.O u r adv ices from lîiyou S a ra arc- to th e

effect th a t tb.-re Las b ee n n o nt-groe r io tin g th e re , th o u g h th e W h ite L eaguers

m ad« a m o v em en t on th e offices, w hich

th e y fa iled to c a p tu re a s soon as th ey ex pected , w h ereu p o n th e y ra ise d a how i

o f “ n eg ro r io t in g .” T L ? ech o edth e w ords in a fifteen-do lia r ex tra , the

fa lsehood w as d u ly te leg ra p h ed N o rth a n d

th e w hole co m m u n ity h as h a d its m o u th

o p en f - r th e p as t five h o u rs ready to sw al­low th e n e x t lie as greedi.five h u n d re d w hich have g o t

- th e y «lid the b e tö re i


W e suspec t th e C ab in e t h a s b ee n m isled in th e m a tte r o t L ie u te n a n t C olone l

B» ■> jke. T h e re i.« n o th in g in th e o rd e r of

« «eueral E m o ry to s u s ta in th e a sse rtio n

th.'.: a m ilita ry co m m an d e r has, b e e n a p ­

p o in ted . T u e C om m an d in g G en e ra l d e s ­

ig n a te d C M onel B rooke to p erfo rm Cer­

ta in m ili ta ry «duties, b u t gave h im n o

civ il^ a u th o r ity w hatever. I f C olonel

B rooke Las m isa p p re h e n d e d th e scope o f h is a u th o r ity a n d u su rp e d c iv il pow ers

a n d p re ro g a tiv e s , th e J a u l t U h is . n o t G enera l E m o ry 's .

T h e I n i te d S ta te s tro o p s h e re a re n o th in g m o re n o r les3 th a n a posse or g u a rd fo r G o v e rn o r K ellogg . H... th e

m a s te r o f th e s itu a tio n , a n d b y v irtu e o f

th e a u th o r ity v ested in h im l y th e p eo p le ,

A TENDER POINT. ’An A ssociated P re ss d isp a tc h s i t .»:A tei-gratu. trota N ew O rluatis t a x effi-

i» i o f t.:*" g o v ern m en t «iv.« th a t one g u n ­boat w ou ld i-e o f m ore use a*. N ew O rleans t .i;*.?, l e , me n.

T h e rea so n o f th is o p in io n is v e ry o b ­

vious. A n av a l a rm a m e n t w ou ld in flic t

dam ag e u p o n th e p ro p e r ty of th e c ity .

A m ilita ry d e m o n s tra tio n w ould b u t b r in g

d a n g e r to i ts b ra v e r s p ir its , w ho w ill

risk th e ir lives o a a p o in t o f op in ion .

T h e ir b lood w ill fade a n d be tro d d e n o u t

lro m th e pav em en t, th e ir bod ies p u sh ed , w ith a p p ro p r ia te h o n o rs , in to th e p igeon ho les o f th e cem etery , a n d th e b u sy w orld

w ill soon fo rget th e m in new co m p an io n s

o r ag ita to rs . B u t a sq u a re se t on fire o r s h a tte re d fro m lu n g ran g e p ro jec tile s w iil n o t o n ly involve la rg e co s t to th e ow ners,

b u t b rin g » in fin ite d a n g e r to th e h e lp le ss

w om en a n d c h i ld re n w ho o ccu p y th e b u ild in g s . H ence , th e a p p e a ran ce o f a

w ar vessel h a s a lw ays b ro u g h t E r r o r to a u y c ity w h ich h a s no n av a l force. I t is,

how ever, w ith the* pow ers o f fo rfe itu re a n d b lo ck ad e in c id e n t to a s ta te o f in s u r ­

rec tio n . a co n seq u en ce w h ich th o se w ho en g in ee red th e b it? v io lence , e i th e r «lid n o t ta k e in to c o n s id e ra tio n , e r d i 1 n o t ad v ise th e ir fo llowers.

A GRAVE DISCREPANCY.D ay b efo re y e s te rd ay th e Vicftyur.t a n d

IiuVrtih w ere ju b i la n t over th e ir ow n re«

p o rts th a t m ore th a n five th o u sa n d s ta n d

o f a rm s h a d been c a p tu re d a t th e various po lice s ta t io n s a n d th e a rsen a ls . I t now

a p p e a rs th a t o n ly a b o u t tw o th o u sa n d can

be found . T h e d iffe rence—th re e th o u ­s a n d —h a s d o u b tle ss been c la im ed a s p r i ­

vate p ro p e rty . P e rh a p s th e r ig h t d e r iv ed

from peaceab le p ossess ion m a y be g o o d iu law . a t le as t m ob law , y e t i t looks to u s

very m u c h lik e a case o f to r t o r o u tr ig h t

la rceny .

A gain , we h e a r th a t fo rty -e ig h t d o lla r

W in ch es te r rille» w ere lu g g e d aw ay a n d o ld co n d e m n ed sm o o th -b o re s , w orth

p ro b ab ly fifty c e n ts ap iece , r e tu rn e d in

th e ir s tead . T h e re is a p e rfe c t w ea lth , ft su p e ra b u n d a n c e o f h igh to n e a n d ho n o r- ab le d ea lin g iu su ch a s h a rp tra n sa c tio n .

TL e tro u b le a t B ayou S a ra a t t r a c ts

m ore a t te n t io n a n d c re a te s m o re excite«

m-.-nt in W h ite L eag u e c irc le s th a n a l l th e o th e r r io tin g in th e S ta te . W e a c c o u n t to r i t on th e g ro u n d th a t th is i» th e o n ly p o in t w here t h - neg roes have g a in e d even

a te m p o ra ry asce n d an cy . W h e n th e n e ­g ro es a re in th e m a jo rity th e m o v em en t is c a lled a r io t ; w hen th e W h it? L eag u ers

h a v e it th e ir ow n w ay i t is c re d ite d to th e peop le .

N O T H E .

Tiie efflft-r* amt «oM er« cf t'-e a “ -T. «6 tkei*

iT ira ! iz New Orleaa* caa m

• •K tC P L E M S IlX H E I lt W â U U R O B E ’»

A t

Id . T . W A L S H E ’S ,

N o . I i e t l i i l S i r e e t ,


At moderate purer Gr ratio.■el» It *f*


M tiK T .% <n % T io N a r - Y M r o t v M M o B «

. • St»tb of ioniiA!**. )Exerutive Departments s

5rw Or lean*. September i***- )

Wasi *1 *• Ri-T)rra**nîaîirci *o ti l vacancies t3 fit»* i-ortT-lourtii < or Tires 9 are to be cboaen ia tins pi täte oi: Mond;t«' the e**çoa<l *îa? ©; ÿoveaiber l ic it , as provided by law as follows, to wit:.

One Representative t.oiu the First Congressional District, composed o f the parishes of Plaquemines S \ Bernard and that portion of the parish of Or­leans Ivins on Ihe right bank of the M.s*;a».pp; r.v*r. at. 1 port .on on the left bank t/C.ow Juliastrert ?Le New canai, coropnsiii^ ward« !;iree, feur. Xiv«» «i x. seven. ci&h?, a:ne and -ifteen ot the city or' New Orleans.

• *ae Kepresexitati'-'e from the Fécond Congres­sional District, composed of ail that port.on ot tu* parish of Ox leans iying a’tove Julia street and the New canal, comprising the first, second, tenth* eiev*-nt:.. twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth wards of the c ity of New Orleans, and the parishes of JtfSeraoa. St. Ciiari*-» St. #ohti anti St. James.

*»!;e Representative? from The Congre»- sionai î istrict composed ot Ihe parishes o l Iber- v..Ie, Abcension. Aasurupton. Lafourche Terre­bonne. St. Marc Iberia. St. Martin. Lafayette Ver­

io:. ard Ca'.caiicu.Ol© R©pr©*©Zàta*:v# from ?b© Font?.©?*

i'«na'. î>:str:it. ©ompod©«! «•! ♦ i©pai irtb©.7 of Rapnl *Vrrnon yji'uzr ÿïo<.l.« t. Gr«üit,R.ner. X*e !*olo. Cud iç», Barts.« r. ’sVcbsXc* a:, i

• «n© 3epr«-s©r*i»t v© from t .*• F :* h Coujrr©s*:o!i;»!!».«tr:c?« composed ©f the |»ar>he» of Cuncordia. Caidw'eil Franklin. Tensas. Madisos. Ri«:h'and. '•lacn i’s Tick son. Lincoln, Vniou. Morehouse,Carroll. Claiborne and Catahou a.

Due Représentât ice from the Sixth Conifreisiona! Distri« • composed of the parishes ot Avoyelles. St* Landî;,* Pointe Coupe»* 1*1 a at Feliciana, W s t Fe!i- ciana ^V.*»t Baton Ru*;^e Käst Ra**»n Rouge, St. Helena L.viM^ntoa, ban^ pa!.*ia, VTash.n^tja and Si. Tammany; and

Whereas. It :• provided by law t!.at on the day afors»a.ü îLffë sha.. be elecled a M ile Treasurer;

W hereas I* is provided h r !aw t?:at ©a the d a r aforesa.d th ere shall be elected State Senatorstom eac:; of the senator;c! »Üstricts to till the

places of those whose term s of service have ex* p.rcd ©: whe Lav« d i r l or failed to qualify , e tc., to % ;*.

Tiirce Senators fr m the distrie? eo:»sr»»»se l of the First. Second and T hird ii* p*e*en;ai;ve Distr.ct» of New « »rieans.

•>ae Senator fioin the «Î s*::ct composed of th e Fourth, Fifth and Sixth R eprésentât;«*ej Du-tuet» ofJew orlcäsi.

One .^'-i.ator from *!te d istric t compose I of the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Representative D istricts Oi New Orleans and the par.sii o f St. 3ernard.

One Senator from th e d istric t composed of the T enth and K.evcnth Represcufativo D idtncts of New Orleans.

One Senator from th e «I strict com posed of the Fifteenth Représentative Distr.ct a n i the parish of Pia*l nein ine<*.

One Senator from th e d b tr ic t co:r.*»09ed of th e Twelfth. T h irte e n th . Fourteenth. S ix teenth and Seventeenth R eprésen tât:*-*•? D istricts o f New Or­leans and the parishes of .IrilerajU, .'St. C harles and St. John the Ba;>!ist.

«me Senator from th# d istric t composed ct th e parishes of Ascension and M. James.

One Senator from the district composed of th a parislies c f Assum ption. Lafourche am i Terre*

One Senator from th e d.»*ric? composed o f tn# parishes of Cameron, Caicasieu, La:a> ctte And St. Landry.

o n e Senator from the d istric t composed of the parishes o! Fast Feliciana, »Vest F eliciana andFoi.nte Coupee.

One Senator trom th e d :stric t com posed of the parish of Fast Baton Kouxe.

o ne Senator from the ■! s tric t composed of th e parish»-* of Iberville, >t. M artin, W est Baton Rou^e and Iberia.

One «v;. »tor f ro n t! ;# !:*trict composed c f the parishes • î Cos cox»!:a and A'-

One Nenato! trôna the dis’ • o*j»os»-»! of the pari*i.e# ot Madls&n. Carroll, Morehouse and Rich-

On >.* from

One Senator f;os parishes of Natch.

said iirst Moml.kv

fevrve .a the «iand

Whereas, f* if * t!ie aforesaid »iay a for each parish i:: t! i »rleaxi«; and

strie* comported of t!ie Loasier, Cha.hoine and Wcb-

t!ie d.strie* composed of the ..tod ies, Desoto, Red Riv^r and

s i provide«! by Jaw tha! on the ::: S r< mber lies* tnere shall be it the NtaTo, Representatives to •atuie U; the term of two years;

•o provded bv hi tv that on Par «h J i-i?** shall be elected 1 2*rate, except the parish of

elect#«!; au».Whereas. It is provided bylaw that Justice* of

the IVace and Constables s!iall be elected on the same «lay m th«* several parishes of the Mate; and

Whereas. At «the same lime certain amendments to the constitution of the *:a*e are required by law to he submitted to the people for ratification or»it ion. which amendments h.avobeen more fully set forth by tho offi« ia! pubDcationa of the Sécrétai y of State, in acc ordance with the conäti* tut ion to which reference is had.

These amendments are submitted in such man* ner and form that the people may vote for or against each amemlmeiit, to w.p

I n«1«*r A rt N o . t , F e h l e n o f I b M .

RELATIVE T«« IS.SIK•>?CONSOLIDATED BONDS.•‘First pi'cjwne*! amendment for appioval. * or“ First piopo»c«l amendment against approval.**


•'S»-cond proposed amefidment for approval.** or4 «Second pioposed aiuemimcut, a^uiuai approv­



id propose«! amendment, for approva!,** «*r*‘Thi:«l proposed amendment, agamst approval.**

I n d e r A ct No* !2J, ^ e is io n n f I s M .**For the ameudmeat limiting the debt of New

Orleans,” or• Against the anunuimeut limiting ttie «lebt of

New Orleans. *

I n d er A ct N o . f î t , N#«*lon o f IN T I*•*Fo: the amendment I«» article seventeen rela­

tive to th»- day o f electing Representatives,” «>r"Against tlie amendment to article seventeen

relative to the «lay ot electing Representatives."And whereas, It is made the duty of the Governor,

at least six weeks before every general election, to i-saue his proclamation giving notice thereof by publication in the official journa*.

Now, therefore, I. William P. Kellogg, Oorenior «>f tho State of Louisiana, issue this my proclamation, notifying the qualified voters throughout the Maté of the election aforesaid, and • onimanding a'«! Supervisors of Registra­tion. Commissioners o f Election and other efli* iie is tli«-rein concerned to bold said election or Representatives to Congress, Mate Treasurer,

Nenat«»ra and Representatives to the Genera! As­sembly. Parish Judges, Slier in*, Coroners. Justices of the Peace, Constable», etc., and lor the ratitica* lion <»r rejection ot the proposed amendments to the constitution, ou MoNDaV.THK FECOND DAV OF NOVEMBER NEXT. Nani elect.on to t># con* •luctedaud ti «• return« thereof mad«* ui all respects according to the provision» of the constitution and laws «»f this State and ©I the Tinted States,

Given under my band and tlie sea! of tko State hereunto attached this tenth day ol September, m the year of our Lord, on# thousand eight hun­dred and seventy-four, and of the independence OX the l xiited States'the ninety-ninth.

W IL L IA M F ..K K L L Ü G O .By t!:«? Gortrr.or:

BiLLIA S IVEEKS.Secretary of Sts?-. i . !*

y o i i c E ,ftyt-.rr. f t tub t''i«is:nrii«riM »r ? a s >

frettlmaa'a Saviug. Trust Con,pauv ' WasJiiugton. D. C.. July Z9.1871. J

Notice is IiereV -;cea tQ all versqpa, otlier tlian ilepostturs, who may have claim* f i e FBKEII>UN'S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY or any oi its branches that Ihey are d i e d upoa'to present the same and to make leg»; proof thereof to the Commissioners of said company at their ottce, » a 13« Pennsylvania avenue Washington, District of Columbia, Pass books, when properly adjusted, wtii be deemed suibeicnt proof of the balances soown to be due thereon. Depositors wu. therefore present their pees books te the re­spective branches by which they were issued as .»oon as possible, that fh#y may be proper!v ver*- tied and balanced. JOfts a . J. t’RKSWEhL,

ROBERT PURVIS............... ft- H. T, I.E1POLD.a u l .ft-JJ Çoaiaiis»lot;e«.

x . \ gtate officer} who have been prevented dnr? ing tlie recent drsturbance’s from performing tne!r duties Wh, immediately resume their official functions. The Eoard «if Metro;.«Iitan Police will at once organ ize the police force of New Orleans and assume the ma.aienance o: tn# peace and order of the city.

W IL L IA M I*. K E IjL O G G .tfcta Governor.


’A à© r©as, 1 :§ provide«! !hrtf on !!;# aime «!:*>• a^ ©ri:!' *nd a Coro:i©r w: th be ©lecte l in eachp;»r.sîi or th© State, ozeep th© paris*; of Orleans,where t» « F ivriffa and C rouer s are to be

Of;?' . K* . »ti?a« -r V. r e s . (New Orleans, September I-A HU. 1

The registrars of voters in the sever», wards in the City ct New Orleans, who have eeu prevented tro m performing-their since Mon-iav last, will resume leg:.?return on MONDAY September 21 !874.

The offices will !«e opened at the ns i»'. Lour. As the law directs.

W IL L IA M W U B IH T .2t S ta te R eg is tra r of V o 'e ts .


©»■?:•:« DiTlsiotr Sr:-rKiJiTHS:>BST or Prsttc ) Edueation, sixth Division. J

Room No. î ‘* <i ty Hall, September ta, 18T1. >Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Direct-

or,, the public schools of this division will reopen on MONDAY, the twenty-first instant. >'oel«c-;on ot teachers having been held as vet those employed at t.,e « lose ct las: se-sion will resume their places provisionally.

Tee Lower Girls School will he located, as heretotete. at the corner of Royal and lio sp iu l streets.

The new buddies» for the use of the fhalm ette and the St. Andrew Schools not i* in s «?omplrted_ the former of these schools will remain closed until fnrt.ier notice: the latter * : .i reassemble in the building oc. upied by it last session.

The Sumner School will «»c npv the new build­ing on Perdido street, hear Liberty.

Principal* of the various school, will apply to this office tor the new record books prepared for the use of the schools iu the division.

C. W . B o O T H B Y .se! • Superintendent.


T I1 B A S S A S S IN A T IO N O F K M ) K IV £ KfA K IS H O F P l t ’t f t »

Statb o r l i m r i j i . )Exec utive Department. -

Sew Orleans, SepSeurber J, 18*1. )Whereas, During the morning of Sunday. August

3?*. ! its. at the McPariand plantation iu the parish of Bossier, about forty miles east of the Texas line. H«»MBR J. TWtTCHRbb. ROBERT A. DEWEES. f’LARK HOLLAND. W. 3. HOWELL. FRANK S. EDGE ETON and M. C. WILLIS, peace­ful and law abiding citizen* of th is State, were cruelly murdered iu o l d blood by a body of armed and mounted men claiming to V orig to an organi­zation R’ioivn as tlie White League of Louisiana?

Now. therefore, I, William Pitt Kellogg. Governor of the State ot Louisiana, with a view, if possible, of bringing the perpetrators of this great outrage to lust ice. and of preventing th«» repetition of such crimes in the future, do issue this aiy proclama­tion «Hering a reward of FIVE THOUSAND DOL­LARS each for such evidence as si.ail lead to the arrest and convictio:« of tho said murderers, or any ot them.

Given under my Land, and the *eal o f the State hereunto attached, this third day of September, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and of tha independence of tho United SUt«» the tiinety-ainth.

W IL L IA M B. K E L L O G G .By the Governor:

P. G. DE3LONDE.Secretary of State. *e» Ï»

A S T A T E L IE S T T O T H E P U B L I C .

Ha-in# felt it m r duty t > issue m r pnKlaniA^ou orïeisiig a îürgrt reward for the apprelieusiou au«I conviction o f the murderers in the Couslutta out­rage, and to the end that the law aliuiing citizens of the State may fully comprehend the magnitude of the crime committed, and be induced to render more active assistance to the ©iTicers o f tha law I deem it proper to muke the following »»tat iuriii*.

These tacts are gathered from reliable i^moia* lion received at the Executive Department.

«»n or al>out the twentv-eiglxtb ilaj- of August. ! Tl, a body of **t-rsona, !*♦!»>aging to a aemi ioiii* tary organiz it:on known as the White League of Louisiana, assemble«! in tn«? î«»«nn ot Coushatia, parish of Red River, in this Slate, tor the purpose of compelling, by torceoi aims, the State c*!icera of that par:.-I, to resign their positions.

These «Hüters were men of good «diaracter; most of then» large.y interested in planting a id met. an* t;Ie pursuit». They held their positions with the tui! consent o f an admittedly large m ijon :# of t..e legal voters ©l the parish, this !« a largely Repuhlican parish, as admitted even by the Fusion returning boards.

The onlv known objection to th»*?u w t i that they were ot Republican principles. Flunk S. Edgerton, the duly «iiialitied sheritf «»I the parish, in strict compliance with the laws of th.a .^t.itc, and or ti»«* I’nited State*, summoned a posse com it at us of l i t ’ iz«-ns, white and colored, to assist him ia protect­ing th© parish officer* rii th# exercise o f their un­doubted rights and duties trom the threatened un­law fui violence of tho W lute Leagues, Hi* posse, consisting o f *.xty-iive men. was overpowered bv a superior force assembled from the adjacent par­ishes, arid finally, after several colored and white men had been killed, surrendered them selves pria* oners, wit!« the explicit guarantee that theii lives would be spared if th# more prominent Repub lie uns would agree to leave the parish, and those holding office would resign their positim:*. •

These stipulation*, though unlawful!;* exacted, were complied with, on tlie part of the Republican officials, w ho were then locked up iu the i»il for the night.

The rollowin# named person* wer# among those so surrendering and resigning:

Home: J. Twitchell, planter and *ax collector ot Red River, ami deputy Unite«! States postmaster in charge oi the postoffice at Coushatta; Robert A. De wees, supervisor o f registration. De Soto parish, t ’lark Holland, merchant am! supervisor of regis­tration. Red River parish: *V. J. flowed, parish attorney and United Sride» commissioner; Frank S. Edgerton, »herirf of Red River parish; M. C. tViilis, merchant and just; •« of the peace.

On the following morning,.Sunday, the thirtieth day of August, these persona were bound and conducted by an armed guard t«» the McFarland plantation, just over the parish one ©: Red River, within boundaries of Bossier parish, about forty lu.les east of tlie Texas line. There they were set upon an«! «IciiW-rate]y murdered in ©old blood. Their bodies were buried near where tney fell, without inouest ©r any formality whatever.

On •!;© night preceding tlie flirrender a body o* forty members ot th# U'hit# League of • 'add» parish, mounted and armed, left th** city o f .Shreveport and wer# «een tidiug ;:i the à iiecîiou ©f the p’.sjce where the xnnrd« r was tuosei^uently comuiitled*

W IL L IA M P . K E L L O G G .set •»overnor.

Q L 'A R A M 'i .N E .

n u n L A .M A T IQ « B Y T H K « O î K K B O K .

St. t* «t. L-r:«-»??.. JB lecutive Draiirtnirat «

Bui»’ Oil«,.ms, Jim . 1. i TS. \WtieK»««, An A il o f t l; , Leg!»!atnre, appr ve<i

Mar« .: l î, I?:.», eutiuieil “An a«;t t'l e s-a V i.u quar- amine for «lie »rutectiom ol i»ta*e," provitle. tiiat Hit Governor oi -he State shall is»-.# Li» proclamation, upon tha advice of the Boar.l of Health, «leoiarir,« anv plaça »her« -h.*;# *'■ *U h . leason to Believ# a pcal..ent, ton-a^ions er in­fectious «iiseaaa e t ist», to Le an infected pla and statin» the number of day* o f quarantine t , he performed i , j the Teääel», their pas.^nz-?!*, effi« cer* amt e : t» s , c«,miui£ Iron, *uch ila-.e or s le tn . and

Whereas. T ie Board of If -fti?'; * f ttie N?af, •* Louisiana has th.s day otlic ai.y infonuetl me t. ,,i the fo'.loiviuu nam e! ports ara infected p.ace*. via: All ports ia the island* of i.'uha, Porta Rice and, and the port of Demarara, in .«j .lh America a's,». the fort of Pensacola. Mata oi Florida, in the United .States, and has reconmiead- ed that ail vessels leaving any of said ports on and after June 15,18Î1, shall be detained at quar- ant.ue s* itlon not less than fen days.

Now. therefore. I, William P. Kellogif. Governor Ol she State of Louisiana, issue this niv priM-iania tiou, deciarinx the aforesaid port, infected place, and requiring tlpit ail vessels, tosether withoffl« eers, ciew s. piisseiisers and cargoes, leaving such places, or having, touched or stopped at anv of them.ou aud after the fifteenth «lay of June, lTtt, Bballhe subject to a quaraatine of not less than ten days, or for a longer period, as may be consid­ered necessary by the Board of Health.

Given under my hand, and the seal of the State hereunto attached, this thirteenth day of June, m the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and of the independence o f the United States the ninetv-eighth.

w i l l i a m p . K e l l o g g .By the Governor

WILLIAM WBBKSAssistaat Secretary o( State, jeld

INSURANCE.V t U O ü L K A N S n i t U L D i » l U ! « C |

C O M P A N Y .e a r n e r n t l l s e s l a n d C am p ft t r e e I« ,

rorSTEENTH a n n u a l s t a t e m e n t .

la eaaforaiiîy with tneir charter the eompanp publish the following statement?Premiums dunn # the year ending »« ft,■ irro—

On t re r.sks......... • *l«.«35 3JOu marin© risk*.................. ........................ . 8 |Oa nr«? .. ........................................................ s i

7 c î i : }irt!ILünil.s#**»i»e«ee«»M e*et§55£|S5| &| LtêêTeBvrrm fur untvriiain*

sn*<-ci ntk.*, December • !,I-T5....................................

L©ai rotum prrut.uni*............ 11,""* V*—!3T.3 J G|

N©t prem ium * ............. ...................... c u r « «B e.asu ran ce* ,..........................Loa»r» OU tit# . . . . . $23-.^®*.» UTDobiivs «L mannt», fc" !"! !'iLortd « on river. ••• 9 *7! ?1—! q’Miîî # |Bx;»enrt©*, tar©*; « te- î«à* ia»

tereat account...................Ct)xusu*9iOn* oa »gency bu«*

T ttà à -

B-buts paid to the assured..Bom; annual interest ah tap*

ital a to c k - Five per cent paid

August. « .j . .Five percent pay«

able in Febru­ary, I?T4..........

IT.«?! «

? **» 3?SJ TTi f .

23 >n v»

23,0*. or— »'• «*. ou-r?,«:< oa

Reserved for unsettled c la im s . . . . . . .T ie company has t i e following asset«

Bills receivable for premiums....*...........Bonds city and others...............................Mocks. Gas Company and ethers.............P.edge and mortgage n otes......................Prem.ums n course of collection............Suspense account..........................................Ageutyprem .um s for December............Warrant account........................................ ..Branch office.............................................. —Louisiana Cotton Factory............................Property comer Canal and Camp street«Other real estate ..................................... .. .Due by insurance companies

T otal...................................Drpre nation........................

• ..J o t »

ft«l,Cd IS»,or: is

135,00? (I* 6T,St* 5*

2*5 rs6 re« ft» 2? d»

2.59» »I! Oil 2»

«52« »».95<- 9®

T0.Ù6! 7» •3.531 2»'

t,4J5 T6

.•TL1,5'6 l i . 92 56» 9*

Cash market v a lu e . . . . . . ..........62LIABILITIES,

Capita: »foek....................................Unterminated risks.......................................Interest on capital stock, d ie ,in Febr>

a r y . . . . . ........................................ .......... ..Interest aud dividends uncollected.. . . . .Bills payable..................................................C.ainis u n se ttled ............................................Ses» : ve. two and a half p -r cent • •


f 5nq,WM I*125.60} 92

25.*}* "« 11,112 t l

; .716 <M 2.36* »

19.115 «»»

Total.......................................................... $6:6 94« 32The above statement is a true and correct trace from the books of the company.J. TUVEA. PresldesL

J. W. H iycss Secretary.Bworn to and subscribed before Bis. th i« ttiJItft

day of January. A. D. 13'«.P. CHARLES C P FE -LIER.

Notary Publiai{!«>. I«? Gravier street. New urleonft

T .is senu-annua? Interest divideud of Uv« peV cent, due first MONDAY in February, wilt he paid to tho stockholders on and a fie» «hat date,


IJ1VV fcNT Y «F Ift'TH A N M A I.



Total gros» premiums for v .ar end:r.»April ' .1374............................................ AUW,S » A

Earned premiums, less reinsurance andreturn premiums......... ...................... S13.5— 52

Less losses pa a and esti­mated...................................$«:*.2tiu 96

Less taue» discount iu lieu of par:: unation, interest on «lapital, less discount,etc. ID1),?»* •*—258.SÎI ifl

K e'prodts........................................ *62,702 4*>Total gross m sets of company........ 652,649 21«

The Board of Trustees resolved that alter pay­ing the fourth quarterly t?i‘erest at two and a naif per cent on the capital slock ot the companv, that a dividend o f TWENTY-FIVE PER 4 ENT be paid in cash on and afrer the twenty-third day of Jun , neat, to those par::,»* insuring stiib the company entitled tb receive ihe same.

TRUSTEE«.Thomas A Adorns f>amu»l H. Seiiiiedy, John Plis!pa,Adam Thomson,P. N. Strong Joseph Bowling,John M. Saudioge, Simon Foicheimer,R. B. Post.Edward P.Abury. Charles k. playback, David Wallace. Andrew itew art.

Saniue! Tt. NewrniB, C. T. 3 u,idecke.A. O. Oher Henry Abraham, Victo’r Meyer Edwar.l j . Gay.Simon Heriisbeim, Josepli B. Wohe,A Levi

e iim K. King. Frederick < emstdeO. J. L. Harris.Joseph Stone.

THOMA.« A. ADAM*. P iesid eat H zrar V O'.r.K?., Secretary. m y2°Su WS a l y

T O IIS 1 A N A lU lT U A L I N S l K A A l t t



In conformity w th the teq-iirement* of th e y charter, the «.ompany publish the following sla lo ­ment :

Total premiums for tho year «• ruling February 2f,1874, *56» 124 aft, v i tE. e premium»............................................... $ 2 * m MMar.TiH p iv mi uro a.......................................... ^R.v«r p u m iu il» ............................................. ;'.»,634 w

t o la !.......................................................i . j i:«t« s i unearned premiumi*....... ^23,12SReXuru«‘d pieiuiuuia................. i!«,3J3 26— 33 463 26

.................. ^S 171.335

. IL1 .»7* if.

. 45,335 61

preoifiims..........Fîr# los*«*................ ...........Marin© losses.......................&IV6S lost«!.........................

Total Tos ©ii ftalrf......... ^382.«45 ?•.Berate in iieu ot aividenii . ,IX<ii;iaur&*i*:©» and ©xpens-*

• *8s «ürtconnt and profit•kiàd ©»a*ace#«ml


Ti©«r©*«rv©<f................ .......... $ Vi ViU bd

lHV havathe following aâ3«tâ;Citv au à '»Ti««-* _Bank a:«d or her s to c k s ...................In*; rati*.t* stoik aud scrip«*...........

Bills receivable and «nortgageh...B iifl r«€«ivaille..................................Frem:uro# in rou iaeof reilecUoa.Ameunt -lu** bv ageac:©*.................Oasiiou hut A and iu p©..........fiwipeuae acvuuul........


. . $59,42? 7512.34.T l*Y4 722 25

2 -:» i lJh,«H>! 213 0 . 2 1

37.;: n i?

Zb >27 37


Tb# a*»ove i* a tm en n 4 ©otr#3t tränt»cript X:ou» tu© ieokrt of the company,

, _ _ ^ CHARLES Fretidtfit«i . F. K »rt, Bevreuiy*

' F tu tii o f tra r sn *f ^ reafii, ot S>*w Orleans, ft

r w m an«! suböcribed Acftoj# e ie tfii* ftwvötj» tUiid 4av o t Maich. ft.37^

F. THARtK* rr^EfiLTER, Fo*ar^ Fel).;©. Ne. l i uiruet.

FriAR!» OK TRf^TRE^F ebfi ar v, •

Êr’gga* Aut. Cartiere. George A.R. Brugier,F. A;.ù -r*o'siw A. Freiifrieh*. G©orge 4*. ftukSaf. Georg» lï*. Hyiae-Äii, Henry J. Vos^F Maifinb7.1t m l'ùaruf» ’•Vd»>a*ar,A. Lecourt,Frau?« V.'iiiiaroi, Cbarlne Latt: 1« RudolpU © vg,*v C. Black,

9m ^ aiTia*

M, BeTt offhl Tiioroaefl Ci.a flouold,I«. • ♦Ililft'dUiX ». Howard E îw««*(l Toby, V.’Asa. ^rortoB,

K aox.^*, h, Ba*.«*J. K, tivaiilaiâ» A- K, Miilvj td w an i J. A. Luit F .ae Week*ï . K, B f vautK- R. IftXfrlé

•J-fcIT«IriiA A >»IK .1M ’J4 U M IF A IIÏ

• •

ftEW ORtÉAÿ*« »® i*eflw , J H U r a v ie r S tr ea t»


A*«»«* .S ? 9 r t ,4 4 4

*. SrMEP. ÈADBR, "PfesMect.CH. ENGSTFELD, Vice President.«iSORGE STROMKYER. Seciclw.-y,

B o a rd « f T ru s te * « :Heury Abrams. A. Eimef Badef,H. A. Baumgarden,Ch. Engatfeld,H. R. Gogrev». .Eigm’m dS U tr,J. Se ffer,Théo. Lillientha*. F. R.ckert,Louis Schneider,B. Sois,Lo ua Schwsrts,J. R. Wildermanii,

0025 1/

B. F. De Bondl«a M. Frank.Ey. Hallef J. H. Keller, Louis LeonhArd,C. H. Miller. Frank Roder,W. B. Schmidt^ Isaac Seherck J. M. Schwarts,

JT. Weiwtibaee