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  • 8/18/2019 Neo-otomanism


    Cosmin-Dan POPESCU1

    „Neo-otomanismul”: creşterea influen ei Turciei în Europa Centrală şi deț

    Sud-Est prin mijloace „soft power” – diploma ie cultură educa ieț ț

    !Neo-"ttomanism!: Tur#e$%s &rowin& influence in Central and Sout'-Eastern Europe ($means of !soft power! - diplomac$ culture education

    )(stract: The foreign policy envisaged by Turkish presiden !ecep Tayyip Erdo"an comes amid

     preparaions ha lased for more han a decade# $ormer $oreign %iniser and curren Prime

    %iniser &hme Davuo"lu has prided himself on bringing a ne' pax ottomanica o he region(

     by pracicing a ype of policy called )*ero problems 'ih neighbours)( an approach ha 'ould

    have e+panded &nkara,s influence across he Caucasus and he lack Sea( he %iddle Eas and

    he %edierranean# This vision disavo'ed any )neo-Ooman) imperial ambiions# !aher( i 'as

    described by is proponens as a maer of )sof po'er)# Turkey( applying he concep of )neo-

    Oomanism)( 'as aiming o ake( in erms of economic( financial and culural force( mos of heareas ha once belonged o he Ooman Empire# enefiing from he 'ar of secession of he

    former .ugoslavia( Turkey has he advanage gained in he las /0 years o have 'ha i has been

    lacking since 1/23 %uslim saes in he former imperial erriories 4osnia( 5osovo and parly

    &lbania6 and srong minoriy in ohers 4%acedonia( Serbia and ulgaria6# .unus Emre 7nsiue(

    esablished in /008 'ih he ob9ecive of spreading abroad Turkish culure( sociey and language(

    already esablished ceners in counries like &lbania( osnia( 5osovo( %acedonia( :ungary(

    Poland and !omania# The locaions of he cenres reflec he emphasis on he alkans# 7ncluding

    Dobrud9a is par of he pro9ecs o recovery he Ooman memory( no fe' being he aemps o

    resore and highligh he monumens 'ih deep meanings# &nkara,s policy in he lack Sea(

    including he Souh Caucasus adds finishing ouches o his picure( Turkey considering mare

    nostrum he a;uaic area dominaed by he Srais 'hich are under is su*erainy# Therefore( he

    inclusion of Turkey in he European Union is a ma9or coninenal decision ha( if i 'ill be

    reali*ed( 'ill deprive( a leas in his par( he ):uningon line) of is relevance#

    *e$words: )sof po'er)( )neo-Oomanism)( &hme Davuo"lu( .unus Emre 7nsiue( Cenral

    and Souh-Easern Europe#

    1 suden( Universiaea a( $aculaea de 7sorie ?i @iin>e Poliice( speciali*area !ela>ii

    7nerna>ionale ?i Sudii EuropeneA e-mail3 cosminpopescu//Bgmail#comA mobil3 08/ F 22 F/A prof# coord#3

    conf# univ# dr# Emanuel PlopeanuA e-mail3 emmiplopByahoo#com#

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]