newsletter july2014 ed87 en...λες παρουσίαση για το δίκτυο eureka και...

Το άρθρο αυτό μπορεί να έχει 75-125 λέξεις. Η επιλογή εικόνων ή γραφικών είναι ένας σημαντικός τρόπος πρόσθεσης περιεχομένου σε ένα ενημερωτικό δελτίο. Σκεφτείτε το άρθρο σας και δείτε εάν η εικόνα υποστηρίζει και εντείνει το μήνυμα που προ- σπαθείτε να αποδώσετε. Προ- σπαθήστε να μην επιλέξετε εικόνες που δεν ταιριάζουν με Το άρθρο αυτό μπορεί να έχει 100-150 λέξεις. Το υλικό θεμάτων που εμφανί- ζεται στα ενημερωτικά δελτία είναι πάρα πολύ μεγάλο. Μπο- ρείτε να συμπεριλάβετε άρθρα σχετικά με τεχνολογίες ή καινο- τομίες στον τομέα σας. Μπορεί επίσης να θέλετε να αναφέρετε επιχειρησιακές ή οικονομικές τάσεις ή να κάνετε προβλέψεις για τους πελάτες Πρόταση ροϋολογισμού 2008: αύξηση των δαανών για την έρευνα κατά 11% Ευρωαϊκή Συνεργασία στον τομέα της Ειστημονικής και Τεχνικής Έρευνας (COST) Ημερολόγιο ευρωπαϊκών εκδηλώσεων 9 Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: Στις 6 Μαΐου το Ευρωπαϊκό Γραφείο Κύπρου διοργανώνει στα γραφεία του στις Βρυξέλ- λες παρουσίαση για το δίκτυο EUREKA και το νέο πρόγραμμα EUROSTARS που αφο- ρά στη χρηματοδότηση και στήριξη των Μικρο-Μεσαίων Επιχειρήσεων (ΜΜΕ) που δρα- στηριοποιούνται στον τομέα της Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης. Ομιλητής θα είναι ο κ. Luuk Borg, Προϊστάμενος της Γραμματείας του EUREKA, ενώ στη συ- νάντηση θα λάβουν μέρος 50 εκπρόσωποι γραφείων έρευνας και ανάπτυξης, που συμμετέ- χουν στο δίκτυο IGLO - Informal Group of RTD Liaison Offices. IN THIS ISSUE: News from EOC 1 News from EOC’s members 2 Research and Innovation 3 Education 4-5 Regional Policy 6 Enterprises 7 Calendars September - November 2014 8- 10 Ε UROPEAN O FFICE OF C YPRUS EUROPEAN NEWS JULY 2014 ISSUE 87 INFO DAYS “Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking’s 2014 Info Day” 2 September 2014 Brussels, Belgium “Horizon 2020 Space Info Day” 17 September 2014 Rome, Italy “Horizon 2020 Info Day on Research Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)” 21 October 2014 Brussels, Belgium Mobility and Career opportunities for researchers “Le-MATH goes local!” After almost two years of preparation, the European project “Le-MATH- Learn- ing mathematics through new communication fac- tors”, coordinated by the Cyprus Mathematical Socie- ty and with the participation of the European Office of Cyprus (EOC) as partner, presents an innovative ap- proach to teaching mathe- matics addressed to students of age 9-18. The new communication factors “MATHeatre” and “MATHfactor”, the tools as they are called, were presented by the project coordinator Dr. Gregory Makrides at a press conference in Athens organised in early July 2014. The “MATHeatre” address- es the teaching and learning of mathematics through mathemati- cal theater, while “MATHfactor” is a method of learning through a range of communication activities, following the structure of the popular television music talent contest “X Factor”. The students’ motivation to be engaged with “MATHeatre” and “MATHfactor” is their partic- ipation in competitions that have already tak- en place in Europe and the result was posi- tive. "We are prepared to organise compe- titions at local, regional or national level," highlighted Dr. Makrides. "In September we are launching our campaign, which will be screened in all ministries and mathemati- cal companies and invites countries or cities to select winners through mathemat- ical competitions." Any organisation interested to organise a local MATHeatre or MATHFactor Competi- tion at a city/regional/national level is wel- comed, provided that a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement is approved and signed. Winners of city/ regional/national levels un- der an MoU agreement are accepted directly as final- ists of the International Competitions MATHeatre Europe 2015 and MATHFac- tor Europe 2015. As commented by the at- tendees representing the Greek Mathematical Society, "the project will bring innovation, creativity and a trend," expressing hope that the example of “Le-MATH” will be applied also in theoretical courses, such as ancient Greek and history, and possibly at a later stage in the higher education. In addition to the student, the pro- ject is addressed to teachers, rec- ommending guidebooks with in- structions and analysis on how mathemat- ics can be taught in an alternative way in the classroom. The manuals are ready be issued in English and be translated soon in nine more languages. In parallel, the teaching staff will have the opportunity to attend semi- nars in order to learn about the issues of inno- vative educational approach and how to put them into practice. Books with theatrical scripts and mathematical stories for children will be soon published in paper and electronic form. Until 15 October 2014, theater experts, teachers and trainers of all levels or spe- cialists, can take part in the two competi- tions announced by the “Le-MATH” pro- ject: competition for theatre play script writing; and / or competition for mathe- matics communication script writing. More information:

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Το άρθρο αυτό µπορεί να έχει

75-125 λέξεις.

Η επιλογή εικόνων ή γραφικών

είναι ένας σηµαντικός τρόπος

πρόσθεσης περιεχοµένου σε

ένα ενηµερωτικό δελτίο.

Σκεφτείτε το άρθρο σας και

δείτε εάν η εικόνα υποστηρίζει

και εντείνει το µήνυµα που προ-

σπαθείτε να αποδώσετε. Προ-

σπαθήστε να µην επιλέξετε

εικόνες που δεν ταιριάζουν µε

Το άρθρο αυτό µπορεί να έχει

100-150 λέξεις.

Το υλικό θεµάτων που εµφανί-

ζεται στα ενηµερωτικά δελτία

είναι πάρα πολύ µεγάλο. Μπο-

ρείτε να συµπεριλάβετε άρθρα

σχετικά µε τεχνολογίες ή καινο-

τοµίες στον τοµέα σας.

Μπορεί επίσης να θέλετε να

αναφέρετε επιχειρησιακές ή

οικονοµικές τάσεις ή να κάνετε

προβλέψεις για τους πελάτες

Πρόταση ροϋολογισµού 2008: αύξηση των

δαανών για την έρευνα κατά 11%

Ευρωαϊκή Συνεργασία στον τοµέα της

Ειστηµονικής και Τεχνικής Έρευνας (COST)





Περισσότερες πληροφορίες:

Στις 6 Μαΐου το Ευρωπαϊκό Γραφείο Κύπρου διοργανώνει στα γραφεία του στις Βρυξέλ-λες παρουσίαση για το δίκτυο EUREKA και το νέο πρόγραµµα EUROSTARS που αφο-ρά στη χρηµατοδότηση και στήριξη των Μικρο-Μεσαίων Επιχειρήσεων (ΜΜΕ) που δρα-στηριοποιούνται στον τοµέα της Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης.

Οµιλητής θα είναι ο κ. Luuk Borg, Προϊστάµενος της Γραµµατείας του EUREKA, ενώ στη συ-νάντηση θα λάβουν µέρος 50 εκπρόσωποι γραφείων έρευνας και ανάπτυξης, που συµµετέ-χουν στο δίκτυο IGLO - Informal Group of RTD Liaison Offices.

I N T H I S I S S U E :

News from EOC 1

News from EOC’s

members 2

Research and

Innovation 3

Education 4-5

Regional Policy 6

Enterprises 7


September -

November 2014






NEWS J U L Y 2 0 1 4 I S S U E 8 7


“Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking’s 2014

Info Day” 2 September 2014 Brussels, Belgium

“Horizon 2020 Space Info Day”

17 September 2014 Rome, Italy

“Horizon 2020 Info Day on Research Public Private

Partnerships (PPPs)” 21 October 2014

Brussels, Belgium

Mobility and Career opportunities

for researchers

“Le-MATH goes local!”

After almost two years of preparation, the European project “Le-MATH- Learn-ing mathematics through new communication fac-tors”, coordinated by the Cyprus Mathematical Socie-ty and with the participation of the European Office of Cyprus (EOC) as partner, presents an innovative ap-proach to teaching mathe-matics addressed to students of age 9-18. The new communication factors “MATHeatre” and “MATHfactor”, the tools as they are called, were presented by the project coordinator Dr. Gregory Makrides at a press conference in Athens organised in early July 2014. The “MATHeatre” address-es the teaching and learning of mathematics through mathemati-cal theater, while “MATHfactor” is a method of learning through a range of communication activities, following the structure of the popular television music talent contest “X Factor”.

The students’ motivation to be engaged with “MATHeatre” and “MATHfactor” is their partic-ipation in competitions that have already tak-en place in Europe and the result was posi-tive. "We are prepared to organise compe-titions at local, regional or national level," highlighted Dr. Makrides. "In September we are launching our campaign, which will be screened in all ministries and mathemati-cal companies and invites countries or cities to select winners through mathemat-ical competitions."

Any organisation interested to organise a local MATHeatre or MATHFactor Competi-tion at a city/regional/national level is wel-comed, provided that a Memorandum of

Understanding (MoU) agreement is approved and signed. Winners of city/regional/national levels un-der an MoU agreement are accepted directly as final-ists of the International Competitions MATHeatre Europe 2015 and MATHFac-tor Europe 2015.

As commented by the at-tendees representing the Greek Mathematical Society, "the project will bring innovation, creativity and a trend," expressing hope that the example of “Le-MATH” will be applied also in theoretical courses, such as ancient Greek and history, and possibly at a later stage in the higher education.

In addition to the student, the pro-ject is addressed to teachers, rec-ommending guidebooks with in-

structions and analysis on how mathemat-ics can be taught in an alternative way in the classroom. The manuals are ready be issued in English and be translated soon in nine more languages. In parallel, the teaching staff will have the opportunity to attend semi-nars in order to learn about the issues of inno-vative educational approach and how to put them into practice. Books with theatrical scripts and mathematical stories for children will be soon published in paper and electronic form.

Until 15 October 2014, theater experts, teachers and trainers of all levels or spe-cialists, can take part in the two competi-tions announced by the “Le-MATH” pro-ject: competition for theatre play script writing; and / or competition for mathe-matics communication script writing.

More information:

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P A G E 2 I S S U E 8 7

Womenpower: the new technologies empower the voice of young women

With the view to contribute to a positive social change and enhancing the participation of women in society, the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) succeeded to get funding for the project “Womenpower” (WE-ME). WE-ME is the winning concept of Mahallae programme under the "Women and Dialogue" challenge. The project is funded with $30.000 for a period of ten months (June 2014-May 2015).

The project intends to link women mentors and mentees together through an online community platform to be developed following a user-centered approach. More specifi-cally WE-ME aims at helping young women to receive support and advice in regards to self-improvement, in order to increase their self-esteem, personal and social power and solidari-

ty. It is expected to provide women with practical advice on how to deal with difficulties in their personal and profession-al life in order to overcome the glass-ceiling effect and promote gender equality. Moreover, the platform will also allow its members to organize local WE-ME Mentoring/supporting- meetings, seminars and/or fairs and a yearly WE-ME Mentoring-conference to be organized in Euro-Mediterranean region. These events are expected to allow women to exchange ideas and develop a community of mentors and apprentices. WoMEnpower will primarily target women in academia, business and health and social care; whereas other fields will also be added in the future.

The project launched on June 25th-26th at the Design and Activation Workshop which took place at the Home4Cooperation in Nicosia. Principal Investigator of the project is Ms. Antigoni Parmaxi, PhD Candidate at the Cyprus Interaction Lab in the Depart-ment of Multimedia and Graphic Arts at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT). The project is coordinated by the Cyprus Interaction Lab (Ms. Antigoni Parmaxi, PhD Candidate; Dr. Andri Ioannou, Lecturer, Ms. Christina Vasiliou, PhD Candidate and Mr. Giorgos Lambrou, Interaction Designer) and involves experts from the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management (Dr. Maria Kapardis, Associate Professor, Chair of the CUT Committee on Equality of Gender), and from the Department of Nursing (Dr. Christi-ana Kouta, Assistant Professor, vice-chair of the CUT Committee on Equality of Gender). International professional associations such as the Association for Computing Machinery on Women-ACM-W are supporting this project.

More information: and [email protected]

ECVET4practitioners Toolkit Launched!

Intercollege announces the launch of the ECVET4practitioners Toolkit. The Toolkit provides practitioners from the hospitality sector and from other fields within Vocational Education and Train-ing(VET), with access to information on how to implement practicum and study mobility using the European Credit system for Vocational Educa-tion and Training (ECVET). The Toolkit enables users to identify the opportu-nities and challenges associated with using the ECVET framework, and sup-ports the implementation of a strategy to address these points with the use of forms and other such resources made available.

The ECVET4practitioners project aims to facilitate and promote student transnational mobility as a recog-nized and integrated part of VET qualification pro-grammes within the hospitality sector. The project aims to achieve this goal by developing a mobility network in hospitality which will utilize the European Credit transfer system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) –

between VET providers in five countries: Finland, Cyprus, Netherlands, Spain and UK.

The Toolkit is presented in a user-friendly format, separating activity into Before (pre), During and After (Post) student mobility.

Five established VET providers across five EU countries with a total student pop-ulation exceeding 35.000 and strong links with national and EU VET Associations (EfVET, EVTA, EUproVET) form the core of this consortium. In addition, two asso-ciate partners with specialize expertise in Hospitality and Catering will provide valu-able industry input and help exploit the

ECVET benefits and key principles to the industry both at national and European level.

More information:

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P A G E 3 I S S U E 8 7

EU-industry partnerships: first €1 billion to boost innovation

Research partnerships between the EU, the private sector and Member States presented on 9 July 2014 their first calls for projects and partners un-der Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation programme. Worth a to-tal of €1.13 billion in public funding, which will be complemented by a com-parable amount from the private partners, the first round of funding will go into projects that will improve people's lives as well as boost international competitiveness of Europe's industry. Topics include new treatments for diabetes and eye disease and a roll out of dozens of hydrogen-powered road vehicles and refuelling stations.

The seven public-private partnerships launched represent a total investment of €19.5 billion into research and in-novation over the next seven years, where the EU contribution of €7.3 billion will unlock a €12.2 billion investment from the private sector and the Member States. These partnerships work in a number of key fields:

1. Innovative Medicines 2 (IMI2): to develop next generation vaccines, medicines and treatments, such as new anti-biotics; 2. Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 (FCH2): to accelerate market introduction of clean and efficient technologies in energy and transport; 3. Clean Sky 2 (CS2): to develop cleaner, quieter aircraft with significantly less CO2 emis-sions; 4. Bio-based Industries (BBI): to use renewable natural resources and innovative technologies for greener everyday products; 5. Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership (ECSEL): to boost Eu-rope’s electronics manufacturing capabilities; 6. Shift2Rail: to develop better trains and railway infrastructure that will drastically reduce costs and improve capacity, reliability and punctuality; 7. SESAR 2020: to develop the new gener-ation of European Air Traffic Management system that will enhance the performance of air transport.

The competitive calls launched by these partnerships are open to the participation of companies, SMEs, uni-versities, research organisations and others. The best projects will be selected for funding through peer re-view.

More information:

Fast Track to Innovation and five innovation prizes

The European Commission pre-sented on 22 July 2014 details of a new €100 million "Fast Track to Innovation" (FTI) pilot action and five innovation prizes under Horizon 2020.

The FTI aims to support Europe's economy by offering innovative businesses and organisations grants to give a final push to get great ideas to market. The Fast Track to Innova-tion scheme will be open to applications from Janu-ary 2015.

The prizes offer a reward for tech-nological breakthroughs of high societal relevance. The contests for the five innovation prizes will start in late 2014 and early 2015. The prizes, worth €6 mil-lion in 2015, cover three differ-ent thematic areas of research:

health ("Reduction of the Use of Antibiotics Prize", "Food-Scanner Prize"), the environment ("Reduction of Air Pollution Prize") and ICT ("Collaborative Shar-ing of Spectrum", "Optical Transmission Prize").

Public consultation on the future of science: ‘Science 2.0’

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on ‘Science 2.0’, in order to gauge the trend towards a more open, data-driven and people-focused way of doing research and innovation. Researchers are using digital tools to get thousands of people participating in research, are sharing their findings online at an early stage, while scientific publications are available online for free.

The consultation will look at awareness of and participation in these trends, as well as get views on the opportunities created by ‘Science 2.0’ to strengthen the com-petitiveness of European science and research. The deadline for responses is 30 September 2014.

More information:

More information:

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P A G E 4 I S S U E 8 7

As part of the European Commission's efforts to help reduce childhood obesity, the Commission's in-house science ser-vice, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), has published the first comprehensive report on school food policies in Europe. It shows that European countries acknowledge the important contribution of school food to children's health, devel-opment and performance at school.

All the countries studied (28 European Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland) have guidelines for school food, although these vary considerably. National measures aimed at promoting healthy diets in schools range from voluntary guidelines, for example for menus

and portion sizes, to complete bans, includ-ing on marketing, of vending machines and sugar-sweetened drinks.

The report maps the most recent national policy documents for standards and guide-lines on food available in primary and sec-ondary schools. It describes these policies according to common criteria, such as foods that are allowed or banned, nutrient levels, dining facilities, catering services and mar-

keting restrictions.

The report also provides an overview of the regulatory situation, which is an important step towards assessing the impact of such policies on childhood obesity.

Launch of European Tertiary Education Register

The new European Tertiary Education Register (ETER) published begin-ning of July 2014 its first results, providing easy access to information on universities in 36 countries, including all EU Member States. For the first time at European level, ETER will provide a one-stop-shop for detailed and comparable data on 2 250 institutions hosting more than 16 million stu-dents. The data includes university size, number of students and staff, subjects and degree levels covered, as well as information about research and international activities. ETER was set up with €500 000 in EU funding from the former Lifelong Learning programme (now Erasmus+).

Using information from national statistical authorities, ETER will build a permanent and regularly updated database on Europe's universities. It will help policy makers to better manage the European higher education system as a whole, allow universities to compare themselves with others, and to identify opportunities for research collaboration or specialisation.

In addition to the 28 Member States covered, ETER provides information on universities in EEA-EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) and EU candidate countries (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey).

More information:

Study maps EU school food policies for the first time

More information:

The Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission has published a call for tenders concern-ing “Network of experts on the social di-mension of education and training”. The general purpose of the contract is to set up an advisory network of experts which will provide reliable, independent and rigorous scientific support and advice to the European Commission in relation to equity and social aspects of all types and levels of education and training in a lifelong learning perspective. The offers can be submitted until 8 Sep-tember 2014.

This support will include providing access to the most relevant evidence from existing European and international research. It may occasionally require a limited amount of primary research and/or secondary data analysis. The Network should also contrib-ute to the dissemination of policy-relevant knowledge and evidence on social aspects of education and training and more general-ly act as a knowledge broker, bridging the gap between EU policy coordination and

the academic world and contributing to the feedback from research to policy.

More information:

Call for tender for the creation of a network of experts

on the social dimension of education and training

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P A G E 5 I S S U E 8 7

How does Erasmus staff train-ing contribute to the profes-sional development of univer-sity administrative and tech-nical staff? Staff mobility weeks: how can both the hosts and the participants make the best of it? How to organise a successful staff mobility week and staff ex-change? The final of the European project iMotion: “Integration and Promotion of Administrative Staff Training at Universities across Europe” that will be held on 9 September 2014 in Brussels aims to give answers to these questions.

“iMOTION” is a 1-year project funded through the “Lifelong Learning Programme”, aiming to create an online platform that will centralise information about staff training events organised in Europe. The project

is coordinated by the Network of the Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) and is composed of a consorti-um of European universities and networks including the Eu-ropean Association of ERAS-MUS Coordinators (EAEC).

In the course of the final confer-ence, the participants will get an insight into the latest trends and current challenges related to the compe-tence development of university administrative staff. They will also discuss quality assurance of university administrative staff training and explore institutional strategies on integration of staff training at universities. Alternative approaches to staff training will be also part of the programme.

The Conference will mark the official launch of the iMOTION staff training platform:

Record-breaking year for Erasmus

The latest Erasmus statistics released by the European Commission reveal that nearly 270.000 students - a new record - benefitted from EU grants to study or train abroad in 2012-2013. While studying at another university contin-ues to be the most popular choice, one in five students (55.000) opted for Erasmus job placements in companies. The three most popular destinations for Erasmus students in 2012-2013 were Spain, Germany and France. Countries sending the highest number of students as a proportion of their graduate population were Luxembourg, Liechten-stein, Finland, Latvia and Spain.

The statistics show that the average Erasmus grant, designed to cover part of the costs of living abroad and travel, was €272 per month, a 9% increase on the previous year (€250). The grant is topped up in some countries by national, regional or institutional funds. Erasmus is not just an exchange scheme for students: in 2012-2013 more than 52.600 academic and administrative staff received funding from Erasmus to teach or train abroad. The experience they gain not only benefits the individual concerned but also the quality of teaching and learn-ing at their home institution when they return. Some 500 staff from businesses - an increase of more than 20% from the pre-vious year – also received Erasmus support to teach at higher education institutions abroad, highlighting the growing interest in aligning education and training to the needs of the labour market.

The new Erasmus+ programme will provide grants for 4 million people, including 2 million higher education stu-dents and 300.000 staff over the next seven years (2014-2020). It will also fund 135.000 student and staff exchang-

es between Europe and partner countries worldwide. The expanded programme, which includes Erasmus and similar mobility schemes for other groups including apprentices and volunteers, puts more emphasis on linguistic support, more flexible rules for grants, as well as specific additional support for people with special needs, from dis-advantaged backgrounds and remote areas.

More information:

Conference for the promotion of the Erasmus Staff Training

More information and registration (until 25 August 2014):

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P A G E 6 I S S U E 8 7

“Connected Communities” initiative

On 10 July 2014, the European Commission launched its “Connected Communities” initiative – an umbrella for several sys-tems designed to connect towns, cities, local broadband partner-ships and operators to the advice they need to access finance and develop tailored business models for bringing fast broadband to their community.

Types of support on offer include:

• Individual feedback: initial assessment of a local broadband plan to determine what support can be offered.

• World Bank technical assistance: the World Bank is cooperating with experts from the European Commission who will help develop business models and advise on how your project can achieve the necessary scale to be eligible for private or public financing.

• European Investment Bank (EIB): The Commission has provided seed money for the EIB, as part of its Con-necting Europe Facility, to deliver tailored financing for broadband projects, backed by the banks AAA credit rat-ing.

• European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF): The EU has €453 billion available to all regions between now and 2020. Access to, and quality and use of ICT (including broadband investment) is, for the first time, one of the top priorities for these grants.

• State aid: The Commission has defined special rules to assist in the granting of state aid for broadband, in ways that do not harm competition. This has seen a significant increase in the amount of state aid offered by Member States in recent years.

All parties working at a local, regional and national level are invited to submit their concepts and plans for broadband deployment projects to the European Commission. Requests must be received before 15 October 2014, and the best concepts will receive the Commission's "seal of approval", and access to more in-depth support.

More information:

6th EU Cohesion Policy Report

The European Commission's 6th Report on Economic, Social and Territo-rial Cohesion published on 23 July 2014 analyses the state of cohesion of the Union and highlights the challenges faced by national, regional and local authorities in overcoming the impact of the financial and eco-nomic crisis.

Looking ahead to 2014-2020, the report outlines how investments will be focused on key areas like low-carbon economy, SME competitiveness, innovation and employment and social inclusion.

EU Cohesion Policy investments will make more than €38 billion available to support the shift to a more environmentally-friendly economy, through investments for energy efficiency and renewa-bles – this compares to €16.6 billion invested in the low-carbon economy for 2007K2013. According to the spending plans and "Partnership Agreements" of Member States up to €33 billion will support Europe's SMEs to become more competitive. More than €80 billion will be invested in human capital through the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative.

While cities are identified as engines of innovation and growth, they have suffered more during the crisis than other regions in terms of employment losses. City dwellers are at a higher risk of poverty and social exclusion in many Member States. Also for this reason, the new Cohesion Policy rules foresee that at least 20% of the European Social Fund should be invested in strengthening social inclusion and combating poverty.

The Commission is also launching a new Cohesion Policy open data platform to support the reinforced results focus, to increase transparency and to promote debate on the performance of Cohesion Policy funding. Users can explore Report data with a range of interactive maps and charts and submit comments.

More information:

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P A G E 7

Support for projects diversifying the tourism offer

In the framework of its tourism policy, one of the main aims of the European Commission remains the promotion of the development of a competitive, sustainable, responsible, and high-quality tourism offer. To stimulate competitiveness in the European tourism sector and to keep the lead-ing position of Europe as a tourist destination, the Commission encour-ages, among others, the diversifica-tion of the supply of tourist services and products.

The new call for proposals entitled “Diversifying the EU Tourism Offer and Products - Sustainable Trans-national Tourism Products 2014”, within the EU pro-gramme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises “COSME”, aims to support projects promoting transnational tourism routes/itineraries/trails; stimulate competitiveness of the tourism

industry; encourage the diversification of the supply of tourism products and services by the development of sustain-able tourism products; encourage the participation of SMEs and create a framework favourable to SMEs’ cooper-ation.

The Commission proposes to reward projects which have developed a tour-ism offer based on sport or wellness activities and which are related to one of the following types of tourism:

coastal or maritime or mountain or rural tourism.

Public or private legal entities active in the field of tourism or any other field that is strictly related to the object of the proposal are invited to submit their proposals until 7 Oc-tober 2014.

The maximum grant will be 250.000 EUR per project, while 5 projects will be co-funded.

Safety of Tourism Accommodation Services

Today consumers expect to be able to purchase tourism accommodation services with confidence for their own safety regardless of their choice of accommodation or destination within the EU. In this context, and on the basic assumption that European consumers have a right to adequate levels of safety which are implemented and enforced effectively wherever they go within the EU, the European Commission launched a public dialogue about the safety aspects of Tourism Accommodation Services.

The purpose of the public consultation is to collect information on factual aspects and on the position and expectations of interested parties. For example, are existing EU rules sufficient

and are they adequately implemented across the Member States? Are modern safety risks taken into account when providing cross-border tourism accommodation services? Are these risks linked to gaps in current legislation? What is the impact of existing requirements on small and medium-sized enterprises and vulnerable consumers?

Interested parties have until 30 November 2014 to share their opinion on the topic.

More information:

More information:

The Europe 2020 Strategy out-lines the EU’s priority to become a sustainable economy and set ambitious objectives for climate action and energy efficien-cy. The Small Business Act (SBA) highlighted that the EU and Member States should ena-ble SMEs to turn environmental challenges into op-portunities. The Green Action Plan (GAP) gives a clear direction and framework for how the EU, in partnership with Member States and regions, in-tends to help SMEs exploit the business opportuni-ties that the transition to a green economy offers.

This initiative concretely presents a series of new or revised SME-oriented actions proposed at Eu-ropean level.

The GAP aims to (1) improve resource efficiency of European SMEs, (2) support green entre-preneurship, (3) exploit the op-

portunities of greener value chains, and (4) facilitate market access for green SMEs.

Green Action Plan for SMEs

More information:

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CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 2014 Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking’s 2014 Info Day More information:

2 September Brussels, Belgium

European Public Health Alliance - EPHA 5th Annual Conference “Tectonic tensions - wealthy Europe`s fear of commitment” More information:

4-5 September Brussels, Belgium

Sixth Cohesion Forum - Investment for jobs and growth: Promoting develop-ment and good governance in EU regions and cities More information:

8-9 September Brussels, Belgium

27th Cher Annual Conference “Universities in transition: shifting institutional and organizational boundaries” More information:

8-10 September Rome, Italy

Ambient Assisted Living Forum - AAL 2014 More information:

9-12 September Bucharest, Romania

Cloud Computing Project and Initiatives - CCPI'14 More information:

10-12 September Salerno, Italy

International Digital Health and Care Congress More information:

10-12 September London, United Kingdom

RESER 2014—Services and New Societal Challenges: Innovation for Sustaina-ble Growth and Welfare More information:

11-13 September Helsinki, Finland

International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Economics and Man-agement Study - ASEM 2014 More information:

13-14 September Paris, France

The 26th Annual EAIE Conference More information:

16-19 September Prague, Czech Republic

Horizon 2020 Space Info Day More information:

17 September Rome, Italy

2nd European Conference of Future Internet More information:

17-18 September Munich, Germany

22nd ENCATC Annual Conference "New Challenges for the Arts: Is it just about money?" More information:

17-19 September Brno, Czech Republic

EU Marketplace for eHealth & EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing More information:

22 September Brussels, Belgium

EuroBioForum 3rd Annual Conference - “Europe’s progress in Personalised Medicine and Care” More information:

22-23 September Tallinn, Estonia

3rd International Conference on Informatics Engineering & Information Science More information:

22-24 September Lodz, Poland

Audio-Visual Gestalt Workshop: How can multiple audio-visual sources be used to create enhanced user experience? More information:

29-30 September Bremen, Germany

LET’S 2014 (Leading Enabling Technologies for Societal Challenges) More information:

29 September - 1 October

Bologna, Italy

European Biogas Association Conference 2014 More information:

30 September - 2 October

Alkmaar, The Nederlands

iMotion Final Conference: Integration and Promotion of Administrative Staff Training at Universities across Europe More information:

9 September Brussels, Belgium

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CALENDAR OCTOBER 2014 2014 EU Financial Regulation Conference - Future challenges and global perspective More information:

1 October Brussels, Belgium

New policies for protection of ageing consumers More information:

1-3 October Orasak, Croatia

eHealth at European Health Forum 2014 More information:

1-3 October Bad Hofgastein,


High level conference on Roma inclusion on the ground - The ROMACT experience More information:

2-3 October Brussels, Belgium

University-Business Cooperation Forum: “Universities, Businesses and Co: Together We Can. Strategic Inter-sectorial Partnerships for Economic and Social Change and Growth” More information:

2-3 October Rome, Italy

Exchange of best practices on transparency of media ownership More information:

3 October Brussels, Belgium

Creating unity out of diversity: sustaining lessons learnt in Active Ageing More information:

7 October Brussels, Belgium

7th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change More information:

8-10 October Athens, Greece

17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) More information:

14-16 October Portoroz, Slovenia

2014 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques More information:

14-17 October Santorini, Greece

QED Conference - The future of shale gas in Europe More information:

15 October Brussels, Belgium

1st International Conference on Leisure, Recreation and Tourism More information:

15-18 October Harkany, Hungary

H2020 Information Day on Research Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) More information:

21 October Brussels, Belgium

The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference More information:

23-24 October Krakow, Poland

UASnet Conference 2014: Tackling the Societal Challenges of Horizon 2020 More information:

23-24 October Copenhagen,


14th EBES Conference Barcelona More information:

23-25 October Barcelona, Spain

2nd SCIENTIX Conference (The community for science education in Europe) More information:

24-26 October Brussels, Belgium

European Autumn Gas Conference (EAGC) 2014 More information:

28-30 October London,

United Kingdom

Standards: Your Innovation Bridge More information:

30 October Brussels, Belgium

The Thirteenth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2014) More information:

30 October - 1 November

Leuven, Belgium

12th European Week of Regions and Cities – OPEN DAYS 2014 More information:

6-9 October Brussels, Belgium

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CALENDAR NOVEMBER 2014 5th EUROMED 2014: Progress in Cultural Heritage e-Documentation, Preservation and Protection More information:

3-8 November Limassol, Cyprus

5th edition Intelligent Sensor Networks Conference More information:

4 November Eindhoven,

The Nederlands

11th annual Energy Policy Summit: “Europe's energy outlook: The race against the clock” More information:

4 November Brussels, Belgium

European Utility Week 2014 More information:

4-6 November Amsterdam,

The Nederlands

Regulating financial Benchmarks– what’s next? More information:

5 November Brussels, Belgium

Aging and Society: An Interdisciplinary Conference 2014 More information:

7-8 November Manchester,

United Kingdom

Rail Revenue Europe 2014 More information:

12-13 November Brussels, Belgium

2014 Conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS '14) More information:

12-14 November Frascati (Rome),


9th European Quality Assurance Forum Changing education – QA and the shift from teaching to learning - More information:

13-15 November Barcelona, Spain

7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation More information:

17-19 November Seville, Spain

Going Green: CARE INNOVATION 2014 More information:

17-20 November Vienna, Austria

6th European Innovation Summit More information:

17-20 November Brussels, Belgium

Conference on emerging challenges in retail finance and consumer policy More information:

18 November Brussels, Belgium

Structural reform of the banking sector More information:

18 November Brussels, Belgium

Science, Innovation and Society: achieving Responsible Research and Innovation More information:

19-21 November Rome, Italy

University-Business Cooperation: Driving Competitiveness, Employability and Pros-perity More information:

20-21 November Berlin, Germany

Blue Economy and Geo-information Services for Sustainable Growth in Coastal Regions More information:

20-21 November Bari, Italy

Smart Grid World Summit 2014 More information:

24-25 November London,

United Kingdom

European Conference: The New Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 More information:

27-28 November Brussels, Belgium

Engage today to shape tomorrow - 5th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) More information:

27-28 November Brussels, Belgium

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Rosemary Strevinitoti Christos Katsalis Head of Brussels Office Officer E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

European Office of Cyprus

Brussels: Rue du Luxembourg 3, B-1000, Brussels, Tel./Fax: +32 (0) 2 280 22 85 Nicosia: University of Cyprus, University House “A.G. Leventis”, P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia,

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