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  • 7/30/2019 Nguyen Luu Ly. A2 WLP


    Nguyen Luu Ly _ WLP A2


    Assignment Received By: Date:




    NAME OF STUDENT Nguyen Luu Ly


    UNIT TITLE Working with and Leading People

    ASSIGNMENT TITLE Toshiba - Please Dont Go

    ASSIGNMENT NO 2 of 2



    I, ____Nguyen Luu Ly______ hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work and not copied orplagiarized from any source. I have referenced the sources from which information is obtained by me forthis assignment.

    ________________________________ _____ 02 . 01 . 2013 ____________

    Signature Date


    FOR OFFICIAL USE (Course Administrator)

  • 7/30/2019 Nguyen Luu Ly. A2 WLP


    Nguyen Luu Ly _ WLP A2


    Unit Outcomes

    Outcome Evidence for thecriteria

    Feedback Assessors decisionInternal






    Be able to




    a team


    Assess the benefits of

    team working for an



    Demonstrate working

    in a team as a leader

    and member towards

    specific goals, dealing

    with any conflict ordifficult situations


    Review the

    effectiveness of the

    team in achieving the



    Be able to

    assess the




    t needs of



    Explain the factors

    involved in planning

    the monitoring and

    assessment of work



    Plan and deliver the

    assessment of the

    development needs of



    Evaluate the success

    of the assessment



    Merit grades awarded M1 M2 M3

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    Nguyen Luu Ly _ WLP A2


    Outcome Evidence for thecriteria

    Feedback Assessors decisionInternal






    Distinction grades awarded D1 D2 D3

    Assignment( ) Well-structured; Reference is done properly / should be done (if any)

    Overall, youve

    Areas for improvement:


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    Nguyen Luu Ly _ WLP A2


    Outcome Evidence for thecriteria

    Feedback Assessors decisionInternal






    NAME: ...............................................................................

    (Oral feedback was also provided)


    NAME : ..............................................................................



    DATE : ................................................................

    VERIFIED BY : ................................................................

    NAME : ................................................................

  • 7/30/2019 Nguyen Luu Ly. A2 WLP


    Nguyen Luu Ly _ WLP A2


    Table of Contents

    Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 7

    Analyzed ......................................................................................................................................... 8

    1. Assess the benefits of team working for Toshiba AMA Inc ................................................ 8

    1.1. Definition of team ......................................................................................................... 8

    1.2. Structure of team .......................................................................................................... 8

    1.3. Benefits of team working ............................................................................................. 8

    1.4. Benefits of team working for Toshiba .......................................................................... 8

    2. Demonstrate working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing

    with any conflict or difficult situations ....................................................................................... 9

    2.1. Conflict in organization ................................................................................................ 9

    2.2. Types of conflict ........................................................................................................... 9

    2.3. Caused of conflict ......................................................................................................... 9

    2.4. Deals with conflict ...................................................................................................... 10

    3. Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals ............................................. 11

    3.1. The factors that inhibit the development of effective teamwork ................................ 11

    3.1.1. Group size ........................................................................................................... 11

    3.1.2. Purpose of group ................................................................................................. 12

    3.1.3. Groups conflict................................................................................................... 12

    3.2. Factor that promote the development of effective teamwork ..................................... 12

    3.2.1. Patience ............................................................................................................... 12

    3.2.2. Training ............................................................................................................... 12

    3.2.3. Delegation ........................................................................................................... 13

    3.2.4. Incentive .............................................................................................................. 13

    4. Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work

    performance ............................................................................................................................... 14

    4.1. Monitoring plan of work performance ....................................................................... 14

    4.2. Assessment plan of work performance ....................................................................... 14

    4.3. Monitoring and assessment of work performance in Toshiba .................................... 14

    5. Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals ........................ 15

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    5.1. Development needs ..................................................................................................... 15

    5.2. Development plan of individuals in Toshiba AMA ................................................... 16

    5.2.1. Job description..................................................................................................... 16

    5.2.2. Development plan ............................................................................................... 17

    5.2.3. The effectiveness of the work and the expectations of the company .................. 18

    6. Evaluate the success of assessment process....................................................................... 18

    6.1. Choosing assessment criteria ...................................................................................... 18

    6.2. Impact of assessment on Toshiba ............................................................................... 19

    Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 20

    Reference ...................................................................................................................................... 21

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    Keeping careful watch of who's leaving, how long it takes for them to leave, and why they leave

    is just what Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. does. I proposed to make assessments aboutToshiba makes remarks and appreciation for their recruitment decisions. I have made the

    assessment criteria, objective evaluation of specific employees, thereby making plans for her.

    From which, Toshiba can draw the positives and limitations of the assessment staff.

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    1. Assess the benefits of team working for Toshiba AMA Inc

    1.1. Definition of team

    A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to

    a common purpose, performance goals and approach, for which they hold themselves

    mutually accountable (Katzenbach & Smith)

    1.2. Structure of team

    - Multi-disciplinary: This team consists of individuals with various skills and a

    knack own special skills, their experience and knowledge can be Pooled or

    exchange. Thanks to this team, they can enhance the ability to link to what each

    person has to quickly solve problems and complete objectives.

    - Multi-skilled teams: This team consists of individuals who have been through a

    lot of different groups, with different task properties. So they can take on any role

    in the team, be able to share all the work and get the job done smoothly. Whether

    the current team has less or more persons, all of them knew what to do to

    complete the job in the shortest time.

    1.3. Benefits of team working

    - Improving the productivity

    - Improving quality of products or services

    - Improving customer focus

    - Speeding the spread of ideas

    - Increasing employee motivation

    - Introducing multi-skilling and employee-flexibility

    - Responding to opportunities and threats and to fast-changing environments

    1.4. Benefits of team working for ToshibaTeamwork is a work that requires the activity evenly among team members. Toshiba,

    teamwork provides many benefits in employee retention. Teamwork allows

    employees to take greater responsibility for decision-making and also allows the team

    members to control the work process. This can lead to mental improvement as

    employees more authority and ownership for the project they are working on. Team

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    working to make employees at Toshiba clearly sees their role and responsibilities for

    companies, helping them find their value and place of work. So they will become

    more excited about the work. Teamwork can help the task at Toshiba AMA is more

    flexible. By bringing together employees from different parts of a project together

    into a group, or blockage problems can sometimes be solved more easily. Since, the

    staff has more experience, helping them to improve their qualifications. Teamwork

    and maximize the creativity of each employees in Toshiba AMA. They can present

    new ideas, and if recognized, they will be really excited about the work assigned.

    2. Demonstrate working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals,

    dealing with any conflict or difficult situations

    2.1. Conflict in organization

    Whenever there is disagreement in the workplace, conflict will occur. Conflict

    brought about internal divisions within the company, but it also brought positive

    changes, it makes people change and progress.

    2.2. Types of conflict

    - Positive conflict

    Positive conflict occurs when the parties disagree with each other but

    existing ideas can have a good impact on the development of the

    company. Any positive conflict also brought major changes in the

    company's success, it brings creativity, encouraged to contribute ideas in

    the organization. Positive conflict reduces the effects of conformity

    pressures and groupthink.

    - Negative conflict

    Negative conflict occurs when parties given the mixed ideas and involves

    many bad consequences to the overall development of the organization.

    Negative conflict can include the following:

    2.3. Caused of conflict

    - Interdependence conflict

    While there are many people who do a lot of different parts of a task, their

    performance will affect each other. They often have to face each other to

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    Nguyen Luu Ly _ WLP A2


    solve problems in their work. When a job not completed nor done wrong

    will affect the whole team, the conflict will occur.

    - Style difference

    Each person has a different personal style of work, or work requirements,

    their work make their style. When people have different style with a job

    will make it difficult to solve problems or make their work slowed down.

    - Background or gender differences

    People have different educational backgrounds, different life experiences

    and political preferences and so on. This makes us different from each

    other and helps maintain the interest in meeting other people. But these

    reasons can also cause conflicts.


    - Leadership style

    Leadership style does not fit well can cause conflict. When all staff are

    familiar with a leadership style of the previous leader, the current leader

    has different leadership style will cause difficulties and disagreements

    among employees. It is also stressful for the work environment and makes

    employees feel hard with their work.

    -Personal differenceEach person has a different personality and a different way of looking at

    the same problem. Therefore, when arranged for people who have

    different personalities will make them conflict with each other as soon as a

    problem occurs. They will always be conservative to protect their views,

    so will make the job more difficult.

    2.4. Deals with conflict

    - When conflict occurs in the company, a leader needs to provide

    employees with the right solutions and to become stronger to be able to

    take responsibility for the consequences that conflict triggers. Leader

    should continually encourage employees to do and complete their work to

    avoid conflict happened. But when it has happened, the leader needs to

    find the root cause of the trouble, not to find out who was right and who
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    was wrong. Require the parties involved to provide the necessary

    information to solve the problem. Then the leader can give your feedback

    to staff about the conflict going on. Disagreements in the work are

    inevitable, so when the leader can deal and help employees resolve

    conflict, they will gain huge benefits and provide better performance.

    Changing leadership style needed also makes employee attitudes become

    more positive. For example, a leader with dictatorial leadership style, if

    becomes clear understanding of the staff and how to promote their work,

    to make them satisfied with their work.

    - Employees are often involved in the conflict in the company. So to solve

    the problem, each employees need to enhance understanding of the work.

    The discussion needed to resolve conflict to expand people's awareness of

    the situation, giving them an insight into how they can achieve their goals

    without affecting others. Employees also need to enhance group cohesion:

    When conflict is resolved effectively, team members can develop stronger

    mutual respect and a renewed faith in their ability to work together. they

    also need to transform themselves more to fit the work environment,

    Conflict pushes individuals to examine their goals in close detail, helping

    them understand the most important with them, sharpening their focus,

    and enhancing their effectiveness.

    3. Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals

    3.1.The factors that inhibit the development of effective teamwork

    3.1.1. Group size

    The size of group is the factor that can determine its likely behaviour. To

    becoming a large group, group should

    Require a higher degree of formalization

    Require clearer line of communication

    Pay less need of individual

    Concentrate more on tasks requirement than personal issues

    More care about the group development

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    3.1.2. Purpose of group

    Work-group is assigned purpose within the organization structure. Some

    group are especially set up for many purpose, such as: task-force, working

    parties and project groups.

    3.1.3. Groups conflict

    Conflict can be pretty much inevitable when you work with others. People

    have different viewpoints and under the right set of circumstances, those

    differences escalate to conflict. How you handle that conflict determines

    whether it works to the team's advantage or contributes to its demise.

    All three factors may affect a group that inhibit the size of group, purpose, and conflict.

    Applied to Toshiba AMA, we can see all three factors are important. Toshiba is a big

    corporation; the group can see that there are big in size. So, all the work, the pressure in

    the group is very large. It requires the capacity of staff at a higher level. Managers and

    leaders are also subject to more pressure. Target is an important factor. Every individual,

    every group and every organization has its own purpose. Toshiba have purpose will help

    them set goals, know what they should do, and determine the position of each individual

    in the group. Conflict is a negative factor but always appear in the group. To resolve the

    conflict, only one way that people must constantly hone communication skills to be able

    to talk to each one easily. Moreover, the conflict can be solved; people also have the

    opportunity to understand deeply each other.

    3.2.Factor that promote the development of effective teamwork

    3.2.1. Patience

    Some workers are more skilled than others, and some tasks are harder than

    others. Remind yourself that you are all working towards a common goal, and

    offer a helping hand instead of criticism or judgment.

    3.2.2. Training

    In order to have everyone efficiently working together, you need to lay the

    proper groundwork. From the beginning, the core values of teamwork need to

    be instilled. Team building exercises, such as situational scenarios, ropes

    courses and games, are an effective way to do this.

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    3.2.3. Delegation

    Establish clearly defined roles for each and every team member, as this gives

    him a sense of purpose. Too much tunnel vision can lead to the "not my

    problem" effect, which is obviously counterproductive to teamwork.

    3.2.4. Incentive

    Everyone is presumably sold on working together for the greater good.

    However, it doesn't hurt to add extra, performance-based perks here and there,

    as long as they are for the entire group. Individual awards can sometimes lead

    to team members creating their own agenda and losing focus.

    3.2.5. Reinforcement

    Schedule regular meetings to ensure that everyone is still on the level. This

    can be done as a group or in private, as long as constructive feedback and an

    open dialogue are the letter of the law. Being proactive and stopping problems

    before they start not only helps your business, it also strengthens teamwork in

    the sense that you know that everyone worked together.


    When Toshiba AMA can apply the above factors into their group, they can stimulate

    employees to work in a company truly much more effective. Teamwork is the catalyst

    that helps Toshiba realizes its full potential. Developing teamwork is about facilitating a

    commitment to working together on the goals of the company and aligning the

    circumstances and opportunity for workers to contribute their best. For Toshiba, to reach

    its potential, it must deploy its human assets efficiently, for maximum productivity,

    creativity and synergy. Expect this to happen, people must want to work together, and

    this kind of highly focused commitment is ultimately an individual behavioral decision

    made by each employee. The challenge of managing individual commitment to the team,

    overcoming ego behaviors, lack of teamwork skills and process, and creating an inclusive

    and participatory work environment should not be taken lightly. Toshiba will have such

    great potential for organizational success if handled well, while carrying the seeds of

    catastrophic failure if managed badly.
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    4. Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work


    4.1. Monitoring plan of work performance

    In an effective organization, all tasks and projects are monitored continually.

    Monitoring is measuring performance and providing ongoing feedback to employees

    and work groups on their progress toward reaching their goals. Criteria requirements

    for monitoring performance include

    - Conducting progress reviews with employees where their performance is

    compared against their elements and standards.

    - Check how well employees are meeting predetermined standards and to

    make changes to unrealistic or problematic standards.

    4.2. Assessment plan of work performance

    An organization has very good impact on employees, the need to regularly perform

    the appropriate assessment for employees. Assessment staff can bring to both the

    discipline and reward. Assessment also helps the company to find out the weaknesses

    of staff for timely appropriate training plan.

    - Identify the Organization current activities and the extent to which they

    are used for the organization. Compile the data on the performance level

    that the organization has achieved.

    - Use objective standard to assess the effectiveness of individual current

    approach, his/her current plan. Help employees find the opportunity to

    develop themselves as well as to improve the experience.

    - Close key gap: creating appropriate training plan for staff to help them

    improve their shortcomings. As well as continuous monitoring to find out

    what employees need help in the company.

    4.3. Monitoring and assessment of work performance in Toshiba

    First, you need to know what you're dealing with. Monitoring leadership retention

    rates and patterns is a good place to start. Keeping careful watch of who's leaving,

    how long it takes for them to leave, and why they leave is just what Toshiba America

    Medical Systems, Inc.At Toshiba, we have noticed there is a link between the level

    of support provided and a department's ability to keep top performers."

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    To plan a staff assessment, Toshiba should provide specific objectives for each

    employee, each individual in the company, so they know what to do. These goals are

    usually set periodically, for example every year or every month. Such issues will be

    time control, make it easy for the assessment becomes easier. Making goals should be

    accompanied with assessment criteria. Based on that we can evaluate and feedback

    comes back to the employee. Finally, Toshiba should consider whether individuals

    after receiving feedback, become progressive or not.

    For example, Mai is an employee of Toshiba AMSs sale department; she assumed

    the role of sale for the hospital medicine agents in Hanoi.2012, Toshiba aims to Mai

    sold more than 500 types drugs in any form every month. Evaluation criteria for Mai's

    work is based on the amount of consumption of each hospital in the last month, and

    orders for the next month. Based on, Toshiba can know the status of the employees of

    Mai, developing or being poor. Then the company can provide feedback for Mai, for

    example, introduces the relationship, or hire more employees to do the same position

    to increase labor productivity, or to advanced training level. Since, if her labor

    productivity further development should be rewarded in order to retain, in contrast,

    Toshiba AMA should find other employees to replace Mai


    Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals5.1. Development needs

    The training needs assessment is a critical activity for the training and development

    function. Whether the company works very, very good the employee, the demand for

    training is still always necessary to hone the skills and experience of staff. To assess

    training needs, Toshiba should provide and analyze the following information

    - Organization and its goals and objectives.

    - Jobs and related tasks that need to be learned.

    - Competencies and skills that are need to perform the job.

    - Individuals who are to be trained.

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    5.2.Development plan of individuals in Toshiba AMA

    Return to the example of Sale employee listed above, we can take this example to

    better analyze the development plan for individual in Toshiba AMA. Mai is the sale

    of medical worker, so her development plan is no different to the normal sale staff.

    5.2.1. Job description

    Sales employees not only earn a standard salary, but receive added income as

    well. This income comes from bonuses and commissions when they have both

    met and exceeded their targets. They also get other vacation, pension, and

    insurance benefits.

    - Functions of Sales Support employees include:

    working with the sales teams

    Handle client (hospital) issues and enquiries

    Check on hospital orders, prices and discounts

    Coordinate with other departments, such as accounts, purchasing and


    Perform administrative duties

    Plan employee activities, and meetings

    - Skills required

    Excellent communication skills

    enthusiastic and dependable

    focused and goal oriented

    Be able to achieve sales objectives

    Be able to achieve high customer satisfaction

    Have good organizational skills

    Have good knowledge about sales procedures and merchant services

    Be inventive and resilient

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    5.2.2. Development plan

    Career path

    To follow this career path, Mai needs to have and improve skills more. The

    first is to achieve the goals that the company made, then to achieve success in

    his career.

    Barrier Development plan

    Negotiating skills Negotiating skills: this is the most important skills to

    determine the success of a sale staff. This skill requires

    smart, subtle communication to be able to provide the most

    benefit for the Toshiba AMA.

    In daily life, Mai can improve this skill with the same

    regular dialogue with parents, friends, used to negotiate to

    get what she wants to achieve.

    At work, she will learn this skill when direct trade with thecustomer (hospitals purchasing staff) for the company.

    Bargaining, the time of delivery, process and pay the debt,

    all the negotiating skills of a sale staff.

    Communication skill Communication skills are really important, not only for Sale


    Staff for

    a region



    for a




    of areas




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    Nguyen Luu Ly _ WLP A2


    job but also for life. Improve communication skills is an

    essential. I think a communication course has helped Mai a

    lot in improving communication skills. The way that she

    shares ideas, as well as discussion of ideas among members

    actually very effective.

    workflow management

    and planning

    When time is managed effectively, lives have become

    better. How to manage time is a very easy way. Mai need to

    set a detailed and clear timetable. The more detailed it is, the

    more coherent way that she can manage her life and her


    5.2.3. The effectiveness of the work and the expectations of the company

    Mai job at Toshiba is not really effective because customers are familiar with

    the Toshiba brand in the field of electronic production, but did not know about

    the brand medical and the health care service. Therefore, in order to create

    confidence in customers, Mai needs to cultivate more of the things that

    Toshiba has outlined above. Then Mai can promote the best of their ability

    can in the consumption of drugs that Toshiba has produced.

    6. Evaluate the success of assessment process

    6.1. Choosing assessment criteria

    Assessment of the company's success is evaluating many different criteria. It is the

    judgment of the leadership for the staff or collectively through the transcript, the

    requirements of the job compared to what the company expected. Criteria for

    assessment can be based on the following step

    - Job Analyzed: Analyzed may be carried out by observation, if the job is

    routines and repetitive, it will be easy to see what it involved. Job

    analyzed indentifies all the component tasks and skills requirement of each


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    - Job description: description of job or position including its purpose and

    scope, duties and responsibility, relationship with other jobs and the

    expected results that manager give for the position.

    - Departmental or team plan, performance standard and targets: if the plan

    completion of a certain number of tasks or production of a certain number

    of units, to a particular quality, standard, assessment can be focused on

    whether those target have been achieved.

    (BPP course book, page 398)

    6.2. Impact of assessment on Toshiba

    It can provide the Toshiba AMAs managerwith very practical and functional

    information about what employee needs from the course, the progress that they have

    made, their difficulties, their favorite activities or even some suggestions or

    improvements that Toshibas managercan implement later on. Some staffs tend to

    ignore the corrections, suggestions or feedback made by the others: but when a

    learner is somehow forced to correct himself/herself, there exists a higher probability

    that those errors will be analyzed, and omitted. Its also helps the employees to get a

    better idea of the goals that they are trying to reach.

    Staffs can be undecided or if they havent received enough feedback from others, they

    may have doubts regarding to the progress that they have made; therefore they can

    provide wrong information, making the assessment process invalid. Maybe the most

    significant disadvantage of all would be the lack of maturity. Some staff is not ready

    to be assessed by their leader or co-worker at Toshiba, mostly because they arent

    aware of the seriousness or importance of the process. can have a lot of people do not

    agree with the assessment results for the effort they put out for their labor is great, but

    sometimes the target too high compared to the request, so they do not get paid or

    compliment rewarded for what they do.

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    The above is my presentation on the assessment plan as well as the assessment team

    and the operation of the team at Toshiba. I set out the benefits of group work, as wellas the factors that affect the group in achieving goals. Then I set out the factors related

    to employee assessment process and specific plans for them.

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    1. BPP course book, Leading people and Development

