nick und dean’s ‘vokabeln hilfe’™

Nick und Dean’s ‘Vokabeln Hilfe’™ Über ‘Occupy Germany’!

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Nick und Dean’s ‘Vokabeln Hilfe’™

Über ‘Occupy Germany’!

Die Demokratie=the Democracy

Verstärker=Strengthener, booster

Sehr starker!

Die Globalisierungskritiker=critics of globalization

“The global earing (wearing) critics!”

Betroffen=affected, concerned

Bets are off’n!

“Nyah, see! The bets are off’n cause

I’m affected/concerned

for my horse!”

Das Vorbild=guide, example

A guide ‘for buildin’

“The workers need a guide/example, for buildin!”

Kundgebung=rally, demonstration


“Aliens could debunk the misconceptions about them through rally/demonstration!”

Verschwinden=to fade away, clear out split

We’re swindlin’!

“The fat cats were swindlin’ our money away from us, so we just faded away into oblivion, split up, gone, poof, that’s it!”

Jungendarbeitslosigkeit=youth unemployment

Uh well this sorta sounds like ‘losing x-inite”, like they’re losing a finite amount of money with unemployment? I dunno, you

guys figure something out :c

Sozialforschung=social research

Social forcing!

“They were forcing guinea pigs to do tests for social research, obviously!”

Das Prinzip=principle

Verursacher=origin, reason for cause, initiator

• Ich kann nichts fur dieses Wort denken! Es tut mir leid :c

No Boni=No Rebate/Bonus!

No Bones!

“The dog received no bone, so he protested like a stupid hippie on wall street asking for money he doesn’t deserve!”

Die Freiheit=freedom,liberty

Fahrenheit 451

Sehr einfach, oder?!

• The contrasting diction and startlingly docile tone of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury exemplifies the subjugation of humanities’ greed to the masses through the frivolity of technological advancement to fully express the authorial intent that the human condition is nill without the free will and liberty that comes with the analysis of literature (obviously, duh!).

Das Gerangel-skirmish

Go wrangle!

“Dean had to go wrangle up all his cats in an intense skirmish before starting his homework!”

Dauerhafte=sustainable, continuous

Power+have to

“We’re outta power, hafta find a new sustainable and continuous resource!”


Das Ende!