nicola chan portfolio

NICOLA CHAN contact: 27 Hadley Road, Enfield, Middlesex, EN2 8JT. 020 8366 1266 07917573583 [email protected] CV & EXAMPLES OF WORK

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The Bartlett School of Architecture, 2012-2015


Page 1: Nicola Chan Portfolio


c o n t a c t : 27 Hadley Road, Enfield, Middlesex, EN2 8JT.

020 8366 126607917573583

[email protected]

C V & E X A M P L E S O F W O R K

Page 2: Nicola Chan Portfolio

N I C O L A C H A Nc o n t a c t : 27 Hadley Road, Enfield,

Middlesex, EN2 8JT.

020 8366 126607917573583

[email protected]



ProjectWise Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe

Photoshop Microsoft Word

Microsoft Powerpoint Microsoft Excel

LasercuttingFoam cutting

Soldering3D Printing (MakerBot)

E X P E R I E N C EBarnardos Charity Shop , Golders Green: December 2008- February 2009.-Gained customer communication skills.

The Blake Organisation (Publishers), Finchley Central: 1 week / 2009.-Gained client communication skills.

Cedar Park Nursery , Enfield: 1 week / 2009.-Gained experience with children.-Learnt the rules and regulations of such a workplace & experienced how the space functioned.

All Aboard Charity Shop, Golders Green : November 2009- May 2010.-Gained customer communication skills.

Axiom Design Partnership, Hong Kong: 2 weeks in June 2011.-Learnt how the company dealt with a given design brief. -First hand experience of undergoing work on site in Hong Kong. -Gained graphical presentation skills in developing a Power Point presentation for future clients. -Gained more independence from working abroad.

Emulsion Architecture, London, 3 weeks in August 2014.-Learnt about the logistics of running an architecture firm.-Took part in the lead up to the RIBA Regent’s Street Windows L’Occitane Project and the overnight installation.-Experienced working on projects with a small architecture firm.

Farrells, London, From September 2015 to current.-Worked on a variety of major projects in London, including, but not limited to: GWML Old Oak Common Feasibility study (Transport project), Crewe Hub Station, Earls Court Masterplan, King’s Cross Hotel, Edgware Circus Public Realm development and various competition bids (including Gare Nanterre La Folie).-Work involved the completion of drawings using MicroStation and AutoCAD, production of diagrams and visuals using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, client reports using InDesign and physical model making. -Experience gained from working at a large (95+) leading architecture and masterplanning office. -Gained confidence in working with seniors and in teams in a fast-paced and professional working environment.

E D U C AT I O NHigher Education

Architecture Years 1-3, University College London, Bartlett School of Architecture: September 2012-June 2015.

Degree classification: 2:1 (Bsc Architecture)

Secondary Education

The Henrietta Barnett School: 2005-2012.

A Level: 2010-2012Art: A*

Mathematics: A*English Literature: A

Philosophy (AS): A

GCSE: 2008-2010Art: A*

Design & Technology, Graphic Communication: A* Mathematics: A*

Science: A*Additional Science: A*

Geography: A* Classical Civilisation: A*

German: A*French: AEnglish: A


I N T E R E S T S , S K I L L S , A C H I E V E M E N T SDuke of Edinburgh Bronze Award: 2009

Royal Academy of Arts, attRAct programme nominated member: 2011-2012

Piano Grade 5Photography



FilmProduction Design

R E F E R E E SDamjan Iliev, 3rd year tutor at The Bartlett School of [email protected]

Julian Krueger, 3rd year [email protected]

Sabine Storp, 2nd year tutor. [email protected]

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Examples of work completed at Emulsion Architecture and at Farrells, showcasing the variety of experience gained with small housing refurbishments to major transport/infrastructure projects in London.

Emulsion Architecture: Options for flooring and wallpaper for a house refurbishment in Dusseldorf; produced using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

Farrells: Option for Old Oak Common GWML Feasibility Study, GRIP 2; produced using Microstation with the assistance of ProjectWise.

Farrells: Conceptual section for Montcalm King’s Cross Hotel; produced using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

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f av e l a p a r q u e

o r i g i n a l f l o at: n at u r e | a n at u r e z a é v i d a

f av e l a : S ã o C l e m e n t e

i s o m e t r i c o v e r v i e w o f f av e l a p a r k

f av e l a p a r q u e2 0 1 5

b r i e fThe materials and components used to design the “A Natureza e Vida” (Nature is Life) float are recycled by taking apart certain parts and reconstructing to build a community hub. The timber construction is designed to cater for both the younger and older residents of the favelas, including an adventure park that is constructed soley from pieces of the float, and a growing hub for fruit and vegetables. The trees in the float are taken apart and used as wall structure for the indoor community spaces.

3 R D Y E A R P R O J E C T 1 : F L O A T T O F A V E L A

Float to Favela is a project that explores the social issues relevant in favela communities by drawing attention to three identified themes, ‘water and sanitation’, ‘health and rehabilitation’ and ‘nature and public space’. These issues are brought to the public eye in the form of ostentatious and eye-catching float designs that are broadcast all over the world during the annual Rio Carnival.

From Left to Right: Isometric drawing of favela rooftop hub, produced from 3D MicroStation model; physical lasercut model of ‘health’ concious Rio Carnival float design; view looking down the ‘health’ float at Niemeyer’s purposely built Sambadrome.

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3 R D Y E A R P R O J E C T 1 : F L O A T T O F A V E L A

The work above showcases the design process for the ‘water and sanitation’ float; the original float design is taken apart (as shown in the exploded axonometric) and reused and repurposed to create a rooftop laundry service for the favela community.

Process: Original conceptual sketch of float design reproduced using MicroStation 3D and rendered.

R i o c a r n i va l 2 0 1 5









t e c h n i c a le x p l o d e dl o n g s e c t i o n

1 i s o m e t r i c l o n g s e c t i o n o f w at e r f l o at

2e x p l o d e d f i b r e g l a s s c a b l e c a r g o n d o l a

3e x p l o d e d i n n e r s c a f f o l d i n g s t r u c t u r e

4e x p l o d e d r o o f t o p “ ta p ” s t r u c t u r e

5 l i g h t w e i g h t s t e e l b a n n i s t e r

6f i b r e g l a s s w av e p l at f o r m w i t h t i m b e r s u b s t r u c t u r e

7 i n n e r r i n g s t r u c t u r e o f p i p e s

8 t i m b e r s t r u c t u r e r e c y c l e d a s s e at i n g

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3 R D Y E A R P R O J E C T 2 : A E S C O L A F L U T U A N T E

A Escola Flutuante is a specialist craft school for a favela community in Rio de Janeiro ; it takes advantage of the annual influx of discarded Rio carnival float materials to create semi-permanent structures and follies that allow students to learn from the recycling process. From Left to Right: Exploded axonometric of building design; exploded axonometric of semi-permanent textiles workshop; rendered view of textiles workshop.

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3 R D Y E A R P R O J E C T 2 : A E S C O L A F L U T U A N T E

The building design mimics the irregularity of the surrounding favela site with a central spine that reflects upon the processional architecture of Niemeyer’s Sambadrome. Large voids in between the “pods” allow children to visually interact with the Carnival production zone on the lower ground, with ramps and staircases providing access to the semi-permanent workshops and the Burle Marx-inspired landscape.

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3 R D Y E A R P R O J E C T 2 : A E S C O L A F L U T U A N T E

An annual arrival of materials used to create the Rio carnival floats are brought to the school after the celebration is over. The steel, timber, polystyrene, fibreglass and fabric pieces are processed and recycled in a calculated manner to allow the construction of new semi-permanent craft workshops for the school children.From Left to Right: Long section of building; axonometrics from technical dissertation and material studies; view of lower ground post-carnival production zone.

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3 R D Y E A R P R O J E C T 2 : A E S C O L A F L U T U A N T E

At the end of the year, the students showcase the work they have produced during the school year; the float materials are again re-purposed to convert the school into a captivating exhibition space. From Left to Right: Long section of building; technical axonometric experimenting with GRC panels cast from melted polystyrene; view of exhibition space.

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2 N D Y E A R P R O J E C T 2 - S T R E E T V E N D O R ’ S R E T I R E M E N T H O M E

A retirement home situated in the Old Quarter’s of Hanoi, specifically designed for women who participate in the deteriorating culture of street vending, which is rapidly becoming regarded as an illegal activity. The building’s design takes inspiration from the bouncing rhythm of the baskets hanging from the bamboo pole.

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2 N D Y E A R P R O J E C T 1 : C Y C L I N N

Cyclinn provides a hub in Hackney for children to learn how to cycle and to learn the rules of the road in a city where it is hard to find suitable areas to learn to ride a bike. The project is influenced by traffic parks around the world that aim to recreate real-life roads and situations at a child-size scale.

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C O L L A B R O A T I V E C O M P E T I T I O N : F A I R Y T A L E S 2 0 1 6 - B L A N K S P A C E P R O J E C T

A collabroative competition project with two fellow students for Fairytales 2016. The project centered around the idea of creating an analogue representation of Instagram to draw attention to society’s reliance on social media. This physical portrayal of Instagram shows it as a dilapidating factory; the worker’s and the environment is clearly strained by the Boss’ overuse of the app/factory, thus resulting in a software malfunction.

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C O L L A B R O A T I V E C O M P E T I T I O N : F A I R Y T A L E S 2 0 1 6 - B L A N K S P A C E P R O J E C T

The ‘Instagram Factory’ consists of four main spaces; the filter stations where filter colours are mixed (each filter station being architecturally representative of its style), the darkroom spaces where the photographs are developed, the archive of existing and deleted images, and the projection space which acts as the app’s ‘newsfeed’ for successfully published photographs.