niedźwiecka-filipiak irena · niedźwiecka-filipiak irena institute of landscape architecture...

1 Niedźwiecka-Filipiak Irena Institute of Landscape Architecture Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences Poland 50-363 Wrocław Pl. Grunwaldzki 24a [email protected] phone: +48 71 320 1859, mob.: +48 781848580 2010 - awarded to the academic degree of doktor habilitowany (a post-doctoral academic degree in Poland) in technical sciences in the field of architecture and urban planning, specialty of landscape architecture, at the Faculty of Architecture of Wroclaw University of Technology Since 2010 - head of the Institute of Landscape Architecture at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, head of the Unit for Rural Landscape Protection and Management PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1983-1988 Rural Development Planning and Design Company – assistant 1988-2006 The Institute of Rural Construction at Agricultural Academy in Wrocław – assistant, then assistant profesor since 2006 the Institute of Landscape Architecture, University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław THE LIST OF SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS (over the period of the last 5 years) MINISTERIAL RESEARCH PROJECTS 1. City- village and village-city transformation as a cultural landscape shaping factor. 2007-2009, the Institute of Landscape Architecture, N N527 1133 33, University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław, the executor. 2. The threats for landscape and rural architecture forms in villages of Lower Silesia and Opole Region – the methods of prevention in comparison with EU countries. 2007-2009, the Institute of Landscape Architecture, N N527 1968 33, the project manager. 3. Acquiring urban rights and development of small towns and areas surrounding them. Case studies. 2011-2013, the Institute of Urban Development, the executor. STUDY PROJECTS Elaboration of plans and prospects for rural development conducted within the framework of the agreements between the University and the Marshal’s Office and Municipalities (project manager): 17 villages in the municipality of Żarów 2004, 6 villages from Lower Silesia 2004, 6 villages of the Oder River Valley, 1 village within the framework of Wrzosowa Kraina Partnership 2007/2008, 30 villages from the Region of Opole 2003-2008, the villages of Mierczyce and Ślubów 2010, Dobków village 2011, the villages of Pęgów and Goworów 2013 – (65 locations altogether).

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Niedźwiecka-Filipiak Irena Institute of Landscape Architecture Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences Poland 50-363 Wrocław Pl. Grunwaldzki 24a [email protected] phone: +48 71 320 1859, mob.: +48 781848580 2010 - awarded to the academic degree of doktor habilitowany (a post-doctoral academic degree in Poland) in technical sciences in the field of architecture and urban planning, specialty of landscape architecture, at the Faculty of Architecture of Wroclaw University of Technology Since 2010 - head of the Institute of Landscape Architecture at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, head of the Unit for Rural Landscape Protection and Management PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1983-1988 Rural Development Planning and Design Company – assistant 1988-2006 The Institute of Rural Construction at Agricultural Academy in Wrocław – assistant, then assistant profesor since 2006 the Institute of Landscape Architecture, University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław THE LIST OF SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS (over the period of the last 5 years) MINISTERIAL RESEARCH PROJECTS

1. City- village and village-city transformation as a cultural landscape shaping factor. 2007-2009, the Institute of Landscape Architecture, N N527 1133 33, University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław, the executor.

2. The threats for landscape and rural architecture forms in villages of Lower Silesia and Opole Region – the methods of prevention in comparison with EU countries. 2007-2009, the Institute of Landscape Architecture, N N527 1968 33, the project manager.

3. Acquiring urban rights and development of small towns and areas surrounding them. Case studies. 2011-2013, the Institute of Urban Development, the executor.

STUDY PROJECTS Elaboration of plans and prospects for rural development conducted within the framework of the agreements between the University and the Marshal’s Office and Municipalities (project manager): 17 villages in the municipality of Żarów 2004, 6 villages from Lower Silesia 2004, 6 villages of the Oder River Valley, 1 village within the framework of Wrzosowa Kraina Partnership 2007/2008, 30 villages from the Region of Opole 2003-2008, the villages of Mierczyce and Ślubów 2010, Dobków village 2011, the villages of Pęgów and Goworów 2013 – (65 locations altogether).


The study commissioned by the Province Monument Conservator in Opole (project manager) 1. The study of the municipal cultural landscape in respect of wind turbines,

municipality of Paczków 2010, municipality of Radłów 2014. 2. The historical-landscape study with the establishment of requirements and

conservatory protection guidelines for the village of Strzeleczki 2010, Pilszcz 2011, Grobniki 2012, Zakrzów Turawski 2013, Klisino 2014.

The study commissioned by the Institute for Regional Development in Wrocław The optimal green infrastructure design within the borders of the functional area of Wrocław (WrOF), 2014, the project manager.

COLABORATION WITH SELF-GOVERNMENTAL AND GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES OF THE PROVINCE OF LOWER SILESIA AND OPOLE. 1. Lectures at trainings, seminars and workshops for village leaders, Rural Renewal

moderators, and village residents on subjects connected with the preservation of rural cultural heritage, 2001-2013.

2. Participation in the joint inspection of villages, farmsteads and projects submitted to the competition “Piękna Wieś Opolska” (The Beautiful Opole Village) and „Piękna wieś Dolnośląska” (The Beautiful Lower Silesian Village), 2009-2010.

3. Member of the Lower Silesian Marshal’s Office Commission „Przyjazna wieś” (“A Friendly Village”), 2010-2012.

4. Development of a concept for the multimedial publishing firm „Krajobraz wsi Odnowionej” (The landscape of a renewed village”) containing examples of good and bad practices in this respect. VOL.II Zagroda i dom mieszkalny na wsi (The farmstead and the dwelling house in a village), the author, 2007. IN POLISH

5. Collaboration in the creation of the concept in the currently implemented project „Sieć Najciekawszych Wsi w Polsce” (The Network of the Most Interesting Villages in Poland), which was inspired by the French project „Les Plus Beaux Villages de France”. „Sieci najpiękniejszych wsi. Opracowanie eksperckie projektu – możliwości utworzenia sieci (Networks of the most beautiful villages. Expert preparation – possibilities of the network creation.) Opole 2012, eds. R. Wilczyński. Editorial team: Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Kuriata Z., Wilczyński R., Solisz I., Rybak K., Mazurkiewicz M., Nowowiejski R. IN POLISH


1. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Krajobraz i wiejska przestrzeń jako elementy dziedzictwa kulturowego (Landscape and rural space as cultural heritage elements) at the Conference” The rural cultural heritage of the Lower Silesian and Opole Provinces – knowledge, good practice, challenges”. 7-8 June 2013, Biedrzychowice, an ordered lecture, Organizer: the Rural Development Foundation and the Governor of Opole Province. Published in the Internet.

2. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Zasób kulturowy wsi zagrożone dziedzictwo (The rural cultural resources an endangered heritage. Public Debate Forum of the President of the Republic of Poland entitled “The Network of the Most Interesting Villages – a


way of preservation of rural cultural heritage in Poland”, 3.10.2013, an ordered lecture, published in the Internet.,29,fdp-o-wsi-jako-dziedzictwie-narodowym.html

3. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Cultural landscape as an invaluable asset, European Conference “European Rural Visions 2020” , 6-7 March 2014, Wrocław-Pawłowice, organized by EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND VILLAGE RENEWAL ARGE.

OTHER FUNCTIONS: Chief editor of the quarterly „Architektura Krajobrazu-Landscape Architecture”. Expert of the Polish Accreditation Committee. Senate Member at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIP President of the Association of Polish Landscape Architects SPAK, The Commission for Monument Protection of Lower Silesia, The Commission for Monument Protection of Opole Province, The Advisory Board for Preservation of Rural Cultural Heritage and Rural Landscape Protection of the Opole Province, ICOMOS, ECOVAST. DISTINCTIONS AND AWARDS On many occasions awarded for scientific, didactic and organizational work by the Rector of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław, Awarded to the Badge “Honored for the Services to the University of Environmental and Life Sciences” 2010, The Bronze Cross of Honor, No 171-2006-49, 2006. MAJOR PUBLICATIONS (THE LAST 5 YEARS) 2011

1. Borcz Z., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2011, Rozmieszczenie wiejskich szkół w sieci osadniczej na przykładzie Dolnego Śląska (The location of schools in a settlement Network on the example of Lower Silesia), „Acta Sci. Pol., Administratio Locorum” 10(3) 2011, s. 5-17. IN POLISH

2. Z. Borcz i I. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak, The role of small towns and villages with urban traditions in the cultural landscape, Rola małych miast i wsi o tradycjach miejskich w krajobrazie kulturowym, “Architektura Krajobrazu - Landscape Architecture”, 2011, Nr 2/2011, s. 7-15.

3. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2011, Why should we care about the rural space? [w:] „Problems of management and environmental protection” Monograph No. 7, “Issues of landscape conservation and water management in rural areas”, s. 7-17.

4. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Borcz Z., Rural schools in the landscape of Lower Silesian village [w:] Contemporary rural landscapes, Monograph, Tuchola, s.10-15. 2012

5. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2012, Wyróżniki dziedzictwa kulturowego obszarów wiejskich (Cultural heritage determinants in rural areas), „Architektura Krajobrazu- Landscape Architecture” 2 (35)/2012, s. 38-48. IN POLISH


6. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Kuriata Z., Drabiński A., 2012, Ochrona i kształtowanie krajobrazu wsi w pracach Instytutu Architektury Krajobrazu Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu (The protection and management of rural landscape in the study of the Institute of Landscape Architecture at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences), „Architektura Krajobrazu - Landscape Architecture” 2 (35)/2012, s. 90-98. IN POLISH

7. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I. Filipiak P., 2012, Wpływ stopnia modyfikacji zabudowy na wartość kulturową wsi (The effect of the extent of building alterations on the cultural value of a village), [w:] „Wartościowanie w ochronie i konserwacji zabytków”, Wyd. ICOMOS, s. 151-160. IN POLISH

8. Kuriata Z., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2012, Nowy krajobraz wsi dolnośląskiej (The New appearance of a Lower Silesian village), monografia, Wyd. Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Dolnośląskiego. IN POLISH

9. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Borcz Z., Zielińska L., 2012, Ewolucja małych miast w Polsce południowo-zachodniej, Evolution of small towns in the south-western Poland, „Architectus” nr 2(32)/2012, s. 43-48,

10. Potyrała J., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Ziemiańska M., Filipiak P., 2012, Waloryzacja panoram i widoków jako element studium krajobrazowego na przykładzie gminy Paczków (The valorization of panoramas and views as a landscape study element on the example of the municipality of Paczków), „Architektura Krajobrazu - Landscape Architecture” 3(36)/2012, s. 13-21. IN POLISH

11. Kuriata Z., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2012, Nature and man as stimulators of village development, Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW, “Horticulture and Landscape Architecture”, No 33/2012, s. 69-76. 2013

12. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2013, Jak ratować krajobrazy wiejskie w planowaniu przestrzennym? (How to save rural landscapes in land management?) [w:] “Problemy planistyczne”. Wiosna 2013, Oficyna Wydawnicza ZOIU, Wrocław, s.115-127. IN POLISH

13. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2013, Tradycyjne budownictwo wiejskie (The traditional rural construction), „Budownictwo na obszarach wiejskich. Nauka, praktyka, perspektywy”, Monografie, Wydawnictwo Politechnika Lubelska, Lublin, s. 47-56. IN POLISH

14. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2013, Efekty opolskiego Programu Odnowy Wsi (The effects of the Rural Renewal Program in the Opole Region), „Urbanista”, Rocznik V-2013, TomVII, s. 49-53. IN POLISH

15. „Contemporary rural landscape – opportunities and hazards/współczesny krajobraz wsi – szanse i zagrożenia”, 2014 under the academic supervision of Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Kuriata Z., monography, Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Dolnośląskiego.

16. Wilczyński R., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2013 The Network of the most interesting villages as a chance to preserve the cultural heritage/Sieć najciekawszych wsi szansą na zachowanie dziedzictwa kulturowego wsi i ich rozwój, [w:] „Contemporary rural landscape – opportunities and hazards/współczesny krajobraz wsi – szanse i zagrożenia”, Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Dolnośląskiego, s. 40-56.

17. Kuriata Z., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2013, Transformations of the rural landscape of Lower Silesia/Przekształcenia krajobrazu wsi Dolnego Śląska, [w:] „Contemporary rural landscape – opportunities and hazards/współczesny krajobraz wsi – szanse i zagrożenia”. Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Dolnośląskiego, s. 9-24.


18. Zaniewska H., Borcz Z., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Barek R., Thiel M., 2013, Małe miasta, które uzyskały prawa miejskie w latach 1989-2011(Small towns that acquired Urban rights in the years 1989-2011 , Instytut Rozwoju Miast, Kraków. IN POLISH

19. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Możliwości wykorzystania wyróżników architektury wsi w tworzeniu nowych rozwiązań (The capacities of the use of architectural determinants in the creation of new solutions), „Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Muzeów na Wolnym Powietrzu w Polsce", 2013, nr 13, s. 11-24. IN POLISH

20. Stępień K., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2013, Assessment the impact of vineyards on an aesthetics of rural landscape, based on View Evaluation Method, 2014

21. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2014, Cultural Landscape an Invaluable Asset, Dorferneuerung international, “European Rural Vision 2020”, 22/2014, s. 72-77.

22 Kuriata Z., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Piotrowski M., 2014, Shaping the traditional landscape of rural areas – programs and method/Kształtowanie tradycyjnego krajobrazu obszarów wiejskich – programy i metody, „Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego”, nr 23/2014, s. 177-202,

23 R. Wilczyński, konsultacje M. Wiland, I. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak, I. Solisz, Przestrzeń wiejska [w:] Przestrzeń życia Polaków, raport s. 37-65 IN POLISH

24 Borcz Z., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2014, „Nowe” małe miasta w Polsce południowo-zachodniej, Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Poznańskiej, Zeszyt 31, Architektura i Urbanistyka, s.83-92. IN POLISH

25 Szkoła wiejska jako centrum aktywizacji mieszkańców obszarów wiejskich, 2014, monografia pod red. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak, Chmura K., Piotrowski M., Wyd. Omikron sp.z.o.o. IN POLISH

26 Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Borcz Z., 2014, Szkoły wyróżnikami wsi na Dolnym Śląsku, w: Szkoła wiejska jako centrum aktywizacji mieszkańców obszarów wiejskich. Red. I. Niedźwiecka-Filipiak, Z. Kuriata, M. Piotrowski, wyd. Omikron sp.z.o.o Wrocław. s.11-22 IN POLISH

27 Bocheńska-Skałecka A., Kuriata Z., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Podolska A., Serfin L., 2014, The application of rural landscape discriminants In valorization and revitalization: Creating the New image of rural areas, PECSRL 2014, 26th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landsacape “Inraveling the Logics of Landscape”, 8-12 September 2014, Gothenburg and Mariestad, Sweden, s.129

28 Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Potyrała J., Filipiak P., 2014, Projekt optymalnego układu zielonej infrastruktury na obszarze Wrocławskiego Obszaru Funkcjonalnego (WrOF),Wrocław, 49 s. IN POLISH 2015

29 Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Serafin L., Function of water in the landscape of the villages in the past and in present, on example of villages in Lower Silesia, “Journal of Ecological Engeneering” J. Ecol. Eng. 2015; 16(1):92-99

30 Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., 2015, Walory miejscowości – tworzywem Sieci Najciekawszych Wsi, Wyd. Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa opolskiego, Opole, 100 stron IN POLISH


31 Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Potyrała J., Filipiak P., 2015, Contemporary management of green infrastructure within the borders of Wrocław Functional Area ( WrOF) „Architektura Krajobrazu Landscape Architecture” AK 2/2015 nr 47, s. 4-27

32 Kalbarczyk R., Kalbarczyk E., Niedźwiecka-Filipiak I., Serafin L. 2015. Ozone concentration at ground level depending on the content of nitrogen oxides and on meteorological conditions (midwesternPoland). Ecol Chem Eng S.22(4): 527-541. DOI: 10.1515/eces-2015-0031