non profit strategic planning may 22 2012

Leading Strategic Planning for Non- Profit Organizations Presented by Susan Low May 22, 2012

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Leading Strategic Planning for Non-Profit Organizations

Presented bySusan Low

May 22, 2012

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About MeFounder/CEO of Directis Consulting

MBA & 15 years consulting experience

Passionate about problem-solving and helping “good” organizations be stronger

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What is Strategic Planning?Provide direction and make choices for the


Determine how to apply the resources of the organization to


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Why Do Strategic Planning?Focus on positive change - proactively

Align interests &needs with actions

Society at Large




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The Strategic Planning Process

Process design


Planners Predictable


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Strategic Planning ProcessSituational Analysis

• What is happening in our world?

• What is happening internally?

Mission, Values,


• What is our purpose?• What makes us different & valuable?• What is our goal for this period?



• What are our big priorities?• What do we measure? How?• What are we going to do?



• How are we doing?

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Situation AnalysisEnvironmental Scan:

What is changing in our industry, markets, region?

How will these changes impact us?Stakeholder Scan:

How do our clients, funders, partners and public see us?

What needs are we meeting (or not)?Internal Scan:

What are our strengths & weaknesses?How do these impact us given the environment?

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Reflecting on Your ScansWhat are the biggest opportunities or threats

from the environment?What problems are we not able to respond

to?What resources are we not using well?How do we need to work together better?

Rank the top strengths/weaknesses, opportunities/threats

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Strategic Planning ProcessSituational Analysis

• What is happening in our world?

• What is happening internally?

Mission, Values,


• What is our purpose?• What makes us different & valuable?• What is our goal for this period?



• What are our big priorities?• What do we measure? How?• What are we going to do?



• How are we doing?

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MissionLong-term purpose: 10-15 years

Incorporate “vision” – simplify your planning!

Who will we serve? What needs?What is “the change we wish to see in the

world?”How will our organization shape itself?

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Values/BeliefsWhat principles or absolute ideals govern our

decisions and conduct?

Use as criteria in decision-making:Which programs/projectsWho to hirePartners to align with

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Strategic DirectionWhat resources & capabilities do we count


Where do they come from?

What makes us unique among organizations?

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Strategic Goal – FOCUS!2-3 Year Scope for the Organization

Guides near-term program choices, funding needs, etc.

What do we do?Selected activities / services that we can

capably deliverWho do we do it for?

Define the target population – make choices!

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Strategic Planning ProcessSituational Analysis

• What is happening in our world?

• What is happening internally?

Mission, Values,


• What is our purpose?• What makes us different & valuable?• What is our goal for this period?



• What are our big priorities?• What do we measure? How?• What are we going to do?



• How are we doing?

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Identifying the GapsCompare our goal with where we are now

Where are we falling short?

Prioritize the gapsWhat will make the biggest positive effect?What do we have the resources to do?

Create strategies to close the gaps

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Creating Strategies - ThemesDefine the desired results

What makes it possible to achieve that result?Themes are courses of action chosen to

achieve a goal

Given our resources, what can we do in 2-3 years?

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Example of a Theme:Theme – increase reach to local program participants

Objective – add program spacesMetric - # of program spacesTarget – 10% increase by end of 2013

Actions:Develop the case for support from fundersIdentify teaching / delivery staffReduce size of program booklet to cut printing costs,

allowing us to fit materials into existing budget

Resources required: $, time, in-kind, supplies etc.

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Strategic Planning ProcessSituational Analysis

• What is happening in our world?

• What is happening internally?

Mission, Values,


• What is our purpose?• What makes us different & valuable?• What is our goal for this period?



• What are our big priorities?• What do we measure? How?• What are we going to do?



• How are we doing?

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Building a Scorecard







#1 Measure: Outcomes

Also measure:What creates sustainability for the organization?What indicates healthy performance?

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ImplementationBreak up your action plan into 90-day

segmentsRealistic expectations

Meet frequently & communicate about progress towards each goal

Communicate your plan to all stakeholders

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Measuring / MonitoringUpdate your scorecard

Evaluate whether performance is “on track”

Reflect on progress & adjust your course:Given what we know now, what should we do?What assumptions did we make that were

right/wrong?How can we use this learning to go forward?

Make new action plans

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When can a facilitator help?If your organization is new to strategic planning

If there are diverging viewpoints / wide ranges of concerns among participants

If an internal facilitator will inhibit participation (or prevent a leader from fully focusing on planning)

If previous planning efforts were challenging or got derailed

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ResourcesWebsite: SWOT Analysis, Strategic Plan Word

Template, Marketing Plan Templates

StratPad – iPad app, coming to non-profit soon!

Contact me: 250-479-8303

[email protected]