novice, dogodki, publikacije, razpisi 21. 8. 2020...eua webinar: universities and the european open...

1 Univerzitetna služba za raziskovalno dejavnost NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE, RAZPISI 21. 8. 2020 Vsebina NOVICE ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 RAZPISI ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 GENERALNI DIREKTORAT ZA MIGRACIJE IN NOTRANJE ZADEVE ............................................................. 6 GENERALNI SEKRETARIAT ........................................................................................................................ 7 PONUDBA ZA SODELOVANJE ................................................................................................................... 8 DOGODKI .................................................................................................................................................. 9 NOVICE EUA webinar: Universities and the European Open Science Cloud Friday, 4 September 2020, 10:00-11:30 CEST EUA is organising a webinar on 4 September to present the progress of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and to provide an occasion for the sector to discuss the initiative from a university perspective. The EOSC is a major effort to connect research data services, such as storage, analysis and transfer, across Europe. The European Commission has stated that the EOSC “will enhance the possibilities for researchers to find, share and reuse publications, data, and software leading to new insights and innovations, higher research productivity and improved reproducibility in science.” The EOSC will be implemented through a cross-cutting European Partnership within Horizon Europe. The Commission has released a proposal for this European Partnership. Meanwhile, a Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda and a legal entity (“EOSC Association”) are currently under preparation. The EUA webinar is free of charge and open to anyone who is interested in the topic.

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Page 1: NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE, RAZPISI 21. 8. 2020...EUA webinar: Universities and the European Open Science Cloud Friday, 4 September 2020, 10:00-11:30 CEST EUA is organising a webinar


Univerzitetna služba za raziskovalno dejavnost


21. 8. 2020

Vsebina NOVICE ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

RAZPISI ..................................................................................................................................................... 5

GENERALNI DIREKTORAT ZA MIGRACIJE IN NOTRANJE ZADEVE ............................................................. 6

GENERALNI SEKRETARIAT ........................................................................................................................ 7

PONUDBA ZA SODELOVANJE ................................................................................................................... 8

DOGODKI .................................................................................................................................................. 9


EUA webinar: Universities and the European Open Science Cloud

Friday, 4 September 2020, 10:00-11:30 CEST

EUA is organising a webinar on 4 September to present the progress of the European Open Science

Cloud (EOSC) and to provide an occasion for the sector to discuss the initiative from a university


The EOSC is a major effort to connect research data services, such as storage, analysis and transfer,

across Europe. The European Commission has stated that the EOSC “will enhance the possibilities for

researchers to find, share and reuse publications, data, and software leading to new insights and

innovations, higher research productivity and improved reproducibility in science.”

The EOSC will be implemented through a cross-cutting European Partnership within Horizon Europe.

The Commission has released a proposal for this European Partnership. Meanwhile, a Strategic

Research & Innovation Agenda and a legal entity (“EOSC Association”) are currently under preparation.

The EUA webinar is free of charge and open to anyone who is interested in the topic.

Page 2: NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE, RAZPISI 21. 8. 2020...EUA webinar: Universities and the European Open Science Cloud Friday, 4 September 2020, 10:00-11:30 CEST EUA is organising a webinar



Karel Luyben, Chair of the EOSC Executive Board; Rector Magnificus Emeritus, TU Delft

Vinciane Gaillard, Acting Director for Research & Innovation, European University Association

Inge Van Nieuwerburgh, Co-ordinator scholarly communication, Ghent University

Ignacio Blanquer, Full Professor of Computer Science, Universitat Politècnica de València

Registrations will be open from mid-August until the day of the webinar. A recording will be available

for those who are interested but unable to attend.

ESA - razpis o konceptih prihodnjih misij

ESA je v okviru temeljnih dejavnosti TEC objavila razpis o konceptih prihodnjih misij.

Podatke o vsebini, procesu in implementaciji lahko najdete na povezavah:


Call for expressions of interest to select up to four new members of the EIT Governing Board

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is selecting new members for its Governing

Board. Leading academics, entrepreneurs, innovators and researchers are encouraged to apply and

help drive Europe’s ability to innovate. The EIT Governing Board consists of 12 European innovation

leaders appointed by the European Commission for a four-year mandate. It provides the EIT’s strategic

leadership and is independent in its decision-making. Specifically it is responsible for the selection,

designation and evaluation of the EIT’s Knowledge and Innovation Communities.

On 3 August 2020, the EIT launched a Call for expressions of interest for the selection of new members

of the EIT Governing Board. The application deadline is 30 September 2020.

The new members of the Governing Board will be appointed through a Commission Decision, expected

in 2021. In its appointments, the Commission gives regard to the balance between higher education,

research, innovation and business experience as well as to gender and geographical balance.




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Open Science: : Jisc in britanska rektorska konferenca zahtevata 25%-no znižanje cen založnikov

Jisc and Universities UK call for publishers to reduce their fees to maintain access to essential teaching

and learning materials, 17. 6. 2020


RLUK Content Statement, 11. 8. 2020

Universities will cancel deals with publishers if they don’t respond to current financial pressures -

warn major sector bodies

13. 8. 2020,


14. 8. 2020,


ERA PERMED (ERA-NET on Personalised Medicine)

• Povezava do aktualnih e-novic mreže:


• Vzpostavljen je ERA PERMED twitter račun- @ERANET_PerMed, kjer lahko spremljate ažurne

informacije mreže in drugih iniciativ s področja personalizirane medicine:

COST e-Newsletter July 2020

Brain circulation and empowering young researchers

The 2019 COST Annual Report, Brain circulation and empowering young researchers, is full of success

stories, highlights and interviews demonstrating the impact of COST.

This year, for the first time, the report has been made available as a digital version:

Interview with Magdalena Król - Finalist for EU Prize for Women Innovators

Read our interview with Magdalena Król, who has recently been shortlisted for the EU Prize for Women

Innovators for her pioneering work on cancer treatment. Magdalena attributes COST as a major factor

in her career success, which has included her being awarded two ERC grants!


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Cross-Cutting Activity (CCA) on science communication

On 22 July, an online meeting on the CCA on Science Communication was held with over 30 attendees.

During the meeting, innovative ideas for science communication in times of COVID-19 were shared and

concrete next steps with the aim to take the CCA forward were proposed.



COST Connect - The Green Deal

On Thursday 02 July, an online COST Connect session on the Green Deal was held. The event joined

together COST Actions with expertise from the European Commission to discuss the future needs of EU

research under Horizon Europe in order to make the Green Deal a success.


Microbes, MOBIEU and a meeting of minds

Exciting, daunting and intense: the conferences at which scientific communities convene are fabulous

opportunities for newcomers. For Marcin Makowski, whose PhD research focuses on peptides, the

chance to attend a congress in 2019 has led to a lasting collaboration.


COST Conversations - Prof. Tiziana Brevini

How can 3-D cell based models lead to a reduction in animal testing, improve health research and help

in the fight against COVID-19? Find out in our COST Conversation with Professor Tiziana Brevini, Chair

of COST Action, In vitro 3-D total cell guidance and fitness (CellFit). Find out here:

News and events from COST Actions

Summer School - SENSECO, Sensing of vegetation traits in time and space (EO-SENSE)

COST Action Optical synergies for spatiotemporal sensing of scalable ecophysiological traits (CA17134)

are holding a summer school in September on Sensing of vegetation traits in time and space Read



Publication - Water treatment for purification from cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins

This recently published book by COST Action Cyanobacterial blooms and toxins in water resources:

Occurrence, impacts and management (ES1105) explores water treatment for cyanobacteria and

cyanotoxins Read more:


Paper - Valuing the years of life lost due to COVID-19: The differences and pitfalls

Page 5: NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE, RAZPISI 21. 8. 2020...EUA webinar: Universities and the European Open Science Cloud Friday, 4 September 2020, 10:00-11:30 CEST EUA is organising a webinar


The only thing that is certain about death is that upon it, no life remains, and that the risk of death

during a person’s lifetime is 1. Read more from the paper based on the work of COST Action European

Burden of Disease Network (CA18218) click here:


Event - German online seminar for COST application

The German coordination center for COST is organizing a second online seminar on how to apply for

COST on 09 September from 09:30 -10.45. Read more:


Article - Why ultrafast detection is ultra-good

COST Action Fast advanced Scintillator Timing (FAST) (TD1401) have been featured in June 2020's

Physics World for their work on observing fast-moving events at ever-higher speeds. Read more:


Razpis Evropskega parlamenta za sofinanciranje projektov na področju ozaveščanja državljanov o vlogi in demokratičnih vrednotah Evropske unije

Več informacij: Spletna stran razpisa

Rok prijave: 30.9.2020


Evropski parlament je objavil javni razpis za sofinanciranje projektov, ki bodo prispevali k ozaveščanju državljanov o vlogi in demokratičnih vrednotah Evropske unije s spodbujanjem strateškega sodelovanja z državljani EU prek treh različnih poti: (1) z angažiranjem civilne družbe, (2) vključevanjem mladih prek lokalnih evropskih dogodkov za mlade in (3) sodelovanjem mladih na Konferenci o prihodnosti Evrope.

Sklop 1 - civilna družba: v okviru tega sklopa je na voljo 1,320,000 EUR; prijavite lahko projekte v vrednosti do 60,000 EUR; sofinancira se do 80 % upravičenih stroškov

Sklop 2 – organizacija mladinskega dogodka na lokalni ravni: v okviru tega sklopa je na voljo 60,000 EUR, podprt bo en projekt, sofinancira se do 80 % upravičenih stroškov

Sklop 3 – sodelovanje mladih na Konferenci o prihodnosti Evrope (samo za vseevropske organizacije): v okviru tega sklopa je na voljo 1,260,000 EUR; sofinancira se do 80 % upravičenih stroškov

Upravičeni prijavitelji

Na razpis se lahko prijavijo neprofitne pravne osebe iz držav članic EU in Združenega kraljestva, pri čemer se specifični pogoji razlikujejo glede na sklop – glej razpisno dokumentacijo.

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Call for Proposals EaSI VP/2020/010 Competence centres for social innovation

Več informacij: Spletna stran razpisa

Rok prijave: 15.10.2020


The objective of this call for proposals is to support the establishment, development and professionalism of organisations that do or can assume the function of a social innovation competence centre in an EU Member State.

The types of activities to be funded under this call for proposals may include:

Drawing a comprehensive overview of the social innovation ecosystem synthesising the visions, needs, opportunities and priorities of relevant social innovation stakeholders and promoters, in order to produce a shared strategy and action plan for boosting social innovation in a Member State, including under the ESF+;

Collecting, validating, mapping, and communicating suitable and successful tools and methods, approaches and models, practices and inspiring examples, through social media, web platforms, conferences and seminars;

Organising awareness and inspirational actions for social innovation promoters;

Providing guidance, coaching, mentoring and training in applying/ adapting suitable tools and methods and practices to social innovation promoters;

Creating and facilitating (thematic) networks of social innovation promoters, academics and local bodies to speed up mutual learning and exchanging good practices;

Facilitating and assisting the development of (new forms/new combinations) of community-led/citizen-controlled finance for pursuing social innovations;

Continuously monitoring and assessing public support towards social innovation, and drafting recommendations for improving the responsiveness, effectiveness and governance of public policy towards social innovation;

Providing guidance, coaching, mentoring and training to less experienced competence centres, and assist them in mutual learning and exchanging good practices;

Sharing suitable and successful tools and methods, approaches and models, examples and practices and inspiring examples with other competence centres.


Call for Proposals 2020 - Prevent Radicalisation ISFP-2020-AG-RAD

Več informacij: Spletna stran razpisa

Rok prijave: 24.11.2020

Page 7: NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE, RAZPISI 21. 8. 2020...EUA webinar: Universities and the European Open Science Cloud Friday, 4 September 2020, 10:00-11:30 CEST EUA is organising a webinar



The objective is to develop effective responses and tools to prevent and counter all forms of radicalisation (including in particular Islamist and violent right wing extremism) in priority areas highlighted in the annual Strategic Orientations on a coordinated EU approach to prevention of radicalisation, focusing on approaches for disengagement and reintegration of extremist offenders and radicalised individuals, including on returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families.

The following types of activities are eligible under this call for proposals:

activities that are supporting the exchange on effective and innovative approaches and practices, including, where appropriate, activities to foster networking, public-private partnerships, mutual confidence, understanding and learning, exchange programmes, seminars and workshops;

activities that are enhancing awareness of Union policies and priorities listed under point 2 among stakeholders and, where relevant, the general public, including, where appropriate, the organisation of events such as conferences, seminars, debates, workshops and facilitating a better dissemination and awareness of also relevant policies and actions at national level;

activities that are supporting the development and the dissemination of new models and methods with a significant transferability to other Member States, including, activities aiming at testing and validating the outcome of Union funded security research projects;

the development and/or the implementation trainings, including tools/toolkits or (e-learning materials;

sharing lessons learned and good practices within the Radicalisation Awareness Network;

the management of the project, including monitoring and evaluation of its activities.


Call for Proposals - Pilot Project on Media councils in the digital age

Več informacij: Spletna stran razpisa

Rok prijave: 21.9.2020


The objective of the call under the present Pilot Project is to acquire a better knowledge and to support the activities of media self-regulation bodies.

In order to protect media freedom and pluralism and to promote professionalism in journalistic content, the action will seek to improve the understanding of the challenges of digital developments through a press / media council cooperation platform, and in parallel, will support the transition of media self-regulatory bodies to the online world. It will also help them engage in discussions with internet intermediaries and other internet media stakeholders.

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Through exchanges of best practices, the project will help bringing clarity on how to achieve, in a converged media environment, the goals of media self-regulation

Activities to be covered by the Project:

Maintenance and development of the database

Exchange of best practices

Establish a pan-EU Working Group

Support to new press/media councils

Global dialogue


Ponudba za sodelovanje v okviru razpisa IMI2 št.23


Direktorat za znanost vam posreduje spodnjo ponudbo za sodelovanje, če ste zainteresirani za sodelovanje, jim sporočite, in vas bodo povezali z Agencijo za mednarodno sodelovanje iz Urugvaja za nadaljnje informacije.


dr. Eva Batista

Direktorat za znanost

Science Directorate

T: +3861 478 47 54

E: [email protected]

From the Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation (AUCI) I am interested in contacting you since the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (, wishes to talk with those who are writing the following proposals, in order to evaluate the possibility to consider that institution as a partner of the consortia that are being formed.

The institute's proposals of interest are the following:

- Modeling the impact of monoclonal antibodies and vaccines in reducing resistance to antimicrobial agents.

Deadline: September 29, 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time

Types of action: research and innovation actions (RIA)

Page 9: NOVICE, DOGODKI, PUBLIKACIJE, RAZPISI 21. 8. 2020...EUA webinar: Universities and the European Open Science Cloud Friday, 4 September 2020, 10:00-11:30 CEST EUA is organising a webinar


Budget € 95.150.00

Acronym: IMI2-2020-23-02

- A platform to accelerate the discovery and validation of biomarkers to support the therapeutic development of neurodegenerative diseases.

Deadline: September 29, 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time.

Types of action: Research and Innovation Actions (RIA)

Budget: € 95,150.00

Acronym: IMI2-2020-23-03

- Shortening the path to rare disease diagnosis through the use of newborn genetic testing and digital technologies.

Deadline: September 29, 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time

Types of actions: RIA (Research and Innovation Action)

Budget: € 95,150.00

Acronym: IMI2-2020-23-05


European Research and Innovation Days

Prek spleta, September 22-24 2020

Več informacij tukaj

Online conference on macroeconomic modelling of research and innovation, 7th/8th September


Prek spleta, September 7-8 2020

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