有獎問答遊戲 quiz - oshc.org.hk · 2007-09-05 ·...

Introduction Introduction 壓力本身是一種中性的驅動力,可以給予我們奮鬥的動力,但當所承受的壓力過 大時,會令我們覺得情況不受自己控制,而會令動力減低。簡單來說,當一些與工 作有關的因素,例如對工作的要求未能與工作者的能力或期望配合,加上對這些因 素缺乏控制能力時,便會出現工作壓力。 隨著科技的不斷發展,市場競爭激烈、目標營業額不斷上調、工作量增加令工作的時間持續拉 長、工作不穩定及不可預期、每日要處理越來越多的電子郵件、電話、傳真以及面談會議,加 上對自我增值的要求不斷增加等,這些外在因素都不斷向人的極限挑戰。當看清這個情況後, 你可能再不會為各式各樣的都市病的出現,自殺率及離婚率的攀升而感到驚奇,因為工作壓力 是可以影響到你的健康、與家人、朋友及同事之間的關係、工作及生活的其他方面。 Stress by itself is a neutral motivating force. It motivates us to persevere in things we are working on. However, if the stress from work is too much, we will perceive that we are getting out of control of the work. This state of excessive stress will eventually hinder our motivation to persevere. In the workplace, this situation will happen when employees cannot satisfy the expectation of the employers or when their ability fails to live up to the demand of the job. becoming unstable due to stringent competition from neighbouring countries. In the workplace, workloads are also unprecedented. Employees not only have to accomplish a lot of paper work, they also have to meet their clients and business counterparts to sell the services of their company. In their leisure hours, they also have to take enrichment courses for further career development. So, we can see that employees are pushing themselves to has been the result of the accumulation of occupational stress which can adversely affects your health, interpersonal relationships, your work and other aspects in your life. It is not surprising that work stress increases as technology in the workplace becomes more sophisticated, market competition more tensed; demand on sales targets doubled, working hours the limit around the clock. It is therefore not uncommon to see that a lot of them are afflicted with different kinds of urban illnesses and rise in suicide and divorce rates. This phenomenon lengthened and as more and more people's jobs are

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Page 1: 有獎問答遊戲 Quiz - oshc.org.hk · 2007-09-05 · 讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。

有獎 問答遊戲 Quiz

免費訂閱表格Free Subscription Form

本人對文職系安全健康通訊感興趣,並以電子郵件索取I am interested in the Sedentary Bulletin and want to subscribe it by e-mail

中文姓名 Chi Name: 英文姓名 Eng Name:

電話 Tel. No: 傳真 Fax No: 電子郵件 E-mail Address:填妥後請將表格傳真至 2739 9779 職業安全健康局 Please fax the form to Occupational Safety and Health Council (Fax No. : 2739 9779)


© 2007 Occupational Safety & Health Council 職業安全健康局 8/2007(1)

職安熱線 OSH Hotline: 2739 9000


請圈出正確答案及填妥下列表格,郵寄或傳真回本局總辦事處,信封面請註明「文職系安全健康通訊問答遊戲」。截止日期:2007年11月30日。Please circle the correct answers and fill in the following form and send it or fax it to the Council. Please write “Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Bulletin Prize Quiz” on the envelope. Closing date: 30 November, 2007.

文職系安全及健康委員會於本通訊內續設了一個有獎問答遊戲,籍此來提高大家對工作安全的警覺性,希望讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。The Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee has included a prize quiz in this bulletin to help raise awareness of work safety. We look forward to your participation. If you can answer the following three questions correctly, you can enter the lucky draw and have an opportunity to receive one of a total of 5 shop-ping vouchers to the value of $150.

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

We will keep your personal data for promotion of safety and health at work, including related research and statisical purposes. We may need to transfer such data to service providers, event co-organizers and partner institutions. If you do not wish to receive information and news relating to safety and health at work from us, please mark the box at the end of this Statement. □ I do not wish to receive the aforesaid information and news

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

Personal Information StatementThe information provided would be kept for promoting safety and health, including research and statistics. The information may need to be passed to service providers, function co-organizer and partnerships. If you do not want to receive Occupational Safety and Health information. Please tick the box in the bottom of this statement. □ I do not want to receive the information stated above

姓名 Name: 身份証號碼 Identity Card No.:

地址 Address:

日間聯絡電話 Daytime Contact Tel. No.:

1. 每人只限參加一次。 1. Each participant may only enter once.2. 主辦機構之員工及其直系家屬均一律不得參加。 2. The employees and direct family members of the organising body are not eligible to enter.3. 得獎結果以主辦機構的決定為準。 3. The decision of the organising body regarding the prize results is final.4. 主辦機構保留更改有關是項活動事宜的權利,恕不另行通知。 4. The organising body reserves the right to make changes to any matters related to the competition and will not provide further notice.5. 倘有任何爭議,一切以主辦機構的決定為最終決定。 5. In the event of any dispute, all decisions by the organising body are final.6. 歡迎複印參加表格。 6. Welcome to photocopy the form.

參加細則 Rules for Participation

Personal Data Statement

地址 :中國香港北角馬寶道28號華匯中心19樓 電話 Tel :2739 9377 電郵 E-mail :[email protected]

文 職 系 安 全 及 健 康 委 員 會 Sedentary Workers Safety & Health CommitteeAddress :19/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, HK傳真 Fax :2739 9779網址 Website :www.oshc.org.hk

Occupational Safety & Health Council



Stress by itself is a neutral motivating force. It motivates us to persevere in things we are working on. However, if the stress from work is too much, we will perceive that we are getting out of control of the work. This state of excessive stress will eventually hinder our motivation to persevere. In the workplace, this situation will happen when employees cannot satisfy the expectation of the employers or when their ability fails to live up to the demand of the job.

becoming unstable due to stringent competition from neighbouring countries. In the workplace, workloads are also unprecedented. Employees not only have to accomplish a lot of paper work, they also have to meet their clients and business counterparts to sell the services of their company. In their leisure hours, they also have to take enrichment courses for further career development. So, we can see that employees are pushing themselves to

has been the result of the accumulation of occupational stress which can adversely affects your health, interpersonal relationships, your work and other aspects in your life.

1 遇到工作壓力時,個人方面會出現哪些徵狀? When we are suffering from stress, which of the following individual symptoms may appear?

A. 身體及心理 Physical and psychologicalB. 心理及行為 Psychological and behavioural C. 身體、心理及行為 Physical, psychological and behavioural

2 以下哪項屬於工作壓力的來源? Which of the followings could be stressors at work?

A. 工作上需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Always put on positive emotion and face at workB. 因工作,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilitiesC. 以上兩項皆是 Both A and B

3 以下哪項不是減低工作壓力的理想方法? Which one of the followings is not an ideal intervention for managing stress?

A. 找別人傾訴 Talk to people B. 均衡飲食 Maintain a balance dietC. 吸煙飲酒 Smoking and take alcoholic drinks


工作壓力管理 Work Stress Management

主要的壓力來源 Major Stressors



Do you feel nervous frequently? Are you feeling tired often? Are you occupied with negative thoughts? When you are

unhappy, do you smoke, drink, keep yourself at home or have difficulty in getting sleep? If your answers are the affirma-

tive ones, it has been a warning signal that you may be suffering from stress problems.

To an organization, excessive stress can hinder the employees' efficiency in their discharge of duties, which, in conse-

quence, will adversely affect the performance of the organization as a whole. The effects are summarized as below.

‧經常有員工離職 High turnover rates ‧員工經常請病假 Frequent absenteeism/sick leave ‧工作出錯率上升 Making wrong decisions ‧意外事故增加 Increasing accidents ‧服務及產品質素下降 Lowering service and product quality ‧勞資或員工之間的關係惡劣等 Poor relationship between employees, and between employer and employees




‧頭疼 Headaches ‧緊張 Tension ‧胃痛 /噁心 Stomachaches/indigestion ‧便秘/腹瀉 Constipation/diarrhea ‧血壓升高 Rising blood pressure ‧肌肉酸痛 Muscle pains ‧經常疲勞 Frequently feeling tired ‧呼吸困難/胸悶 Breathlessness/heaviness across chest

‧焦慮 Anxious ‧急躁 Irritable ‧煩惱 Worrying ‧憂鬱/沮喪 Moody/depressed ‧經常犯錯 Frequent mistakes ‧健忘 Forgetful ‧思維混亂 Lowering creativity/muddled thinking ‧注意力無法集中 Inability to concentrate ‧經常性的消極思維 Persistent negative thinking

‧不愛交際 Unsociability ‧不安寧 Restlessness ‧粗暴行為 Violent behaviours ‧失眠 Insomnia ‧自殺傾向 Suicidal attempt ‧沒有食慾/暴飲暴食 Loosing appetite/binge eating‧吸煙、喝酒、吸毒 Increasing smoking/drinking/drugs intake

工作壓力可以導致以下各種的身心及行為徵狀,直接影響你的健康。Occupational stress could lead to the following physical and psychological symptoms, directly influencing your health.


僱主篇 Managing Stress at Organization Level1. 因應員工的能力及經驗,分配合適的工作及工作量。 Assign task and workload according to employees' capabilities and experience.

2. 提供足夠資源,包括人手、資源及技術訓練等,令員工有足夠的能力應付被指派的工作。 Provide sufficient resources including manpower, equipment and skill training, so that employees are capable of carrying out

work assigned to them.

3. 如員工的工作或福利有重大的改變時,事前應向員工諮詢及通知進展。 If major changes are to occur in the job or welfare situation of employees, they should be consulted in advance and advised

of any progress.

4. 促進機構內的和諧氣氛及團隊精神,適當處理內部衝突及投訴。 Promote harmony and team spirit within the organization, and ensure proper handling of internal conflicts and complaints.

5. 為員工或鼓勵員工制定個人發展計劃。 Formulate or encourage the employee to formulate a personal development plan.

6. 提供安全及健康的工作環境及工作設備,制定及指導員工採取安全的工作方法。 Provide a safe and healthy working environment and facilities. Develop and instruct the employee to adopt safe work


7. 安排足夠的休息時間。 Arrange sufficient rest periods.

7. 與同事、家人、朋友建立良好關係,建立支援網絡。 Build a good relationship with your co-workers, family and friends; establish a support network.

8. 作息有序、安排工餘消閒活動,發展個人興趣。 Adopt a healthy way of living; arrange leisure activities; develop personal interests.

9. 遇到困難,可向信賴的人傾訴,或找專業輔導人員或心理學家輔導。 Talk to people you can trust or seek counseling from professional or psychologists when necessary.

為了讓僱主及在職人士能了解有效的工作壓力管理模式,職業安全健康局特別跟據在2004年對香港在職人士的工作壓力研究的結果編製成一套工作壓力管理自用套件,以深入淺出的手法,為大家介紹從個人及機構層面入手的工作壓力管理方式,藉以促進僱員的職業健康及提升機構的生產力。有興趣認識更多有關工作壓力的管理,請瀏灠本局網頁 www.oshc.org.hk。

In order to help both employers and employees understand the framework of work stress management, the Occupational Safety and Health Council had developed the Work Stress Management DIY Kit based on the findings of the research on the occupational stress in Hong Kong at 2004. The DIY Kit presents in a user-friendly approach to make sure people understand the strategies in managing stress at both individual and corporate levels so as to enhance the occupational health of employees and the productivity of organizations. You are welcome to access the kit in our homepage www.oshc.org.hk.

主席 Chairman 黃錦沛先生 Mr Wilfred WONG 香港人力資源管理學會 Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management副主席 Vice - Chairman

郭偉強先生 Mr KWOK Wai Keung 香港文職及專業人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical and Professional Employees General Union

委員 Members

陳惠儀女士 Ms Adeline CHAN 公務員事務局 Civil Service Bureau楊華勇先生 Mr Johnny YU 香港中華廠商聯合會 The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong 李賢勝先生 Mr Leslie LEE 香港中華總商會 The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 謝順禮先生 Mr Calvin TSE 香港地產代理商總會 Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association吳民輝先生 Mr William NG 香港保險業聯會 The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers曾嘉萍女士 Ms Sarah TSANG 香港華商銀行公會有限公司 The Chinese Banks' Association Ltd陳贊春先生 Mr CHAN Tsan Chun 香港僱主聯合會 Employers' Federation of Hong Kong 葉偉光先生 Mr Felix YIP 香港總商會 The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 區嘉榮先生 Mr Alex AU 香港文職人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical Employees General Union 關樂平先生 Mr Denys KWAN 香港地產代理專業協會 Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Ltd湯仲敏女士 Ms TONG Chung Man 香港洋務工會 Hong Kong Union of Chinese Workers in Western Style Employment 胡伯賢先生 Mr Andrew WU 香港保險業總工會 Hong Kong Insurance Practitioners General Union鄭永生先生 Mr Vincent CHANG 香港銀行華員會 Chinese Bankers Club, Hong Kong梁偉明先生 Mr LEUNG Wai Ming 高級公務員評議會(職方)Senior Civil Service Council (Staff Side)李煒敏女士 Ms LEE Wai Man 製造業管理文職技術人員協會 The Association of Managerial, Clerical and Technical Employees in Manufacturing Industry曾志強先生 Mr Kenneth TSANG 勞工處 Labour Department鄭樹基博士 Dr Andy CHENG 香港理工大學 Hong Kong Polytechnic University

文職系安全及健康委員會成員名單(2007-10) Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee Membership List(2007-10)

工作環境 Physical work conditions‧ 凌亂及狹窄的空間 Messy and tiny working space

‧ 危險的工作環境 Dangerous working environment

組織氣氛 Organizational climate‧ 員工的努力或良好表現未獲認同 Improper performance appraisal system

‧ 歧視(性別、家庭崗位、年齡、殘疾、種族等) Discrimination (gender, age, disability, race)

工作與生活的平衡 Work / Family conflict‧ 工作太繁重,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilities

‧ 缺乏家庭的支持 Lacking family support

工作安全感 Job insecurity‧ 裁員的威脅,事業前途不明朗 Threat of staff cutbacks, insecure career prospects

‧ 缺乏發展個人能力及晉升的機會 Lack of career development and promotion

情緒勞動需求 Emotional labour demands‧ 需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Put on positive emotion and face at work

‧ 經常遭人拒絕, 甚至面斥或羞辱,但又不可以發脾氣 Cold-calls, criticisms, even insults

組織約束 Organizational constraints‧ 沒有足夠的人力支援 Lack of support and backups

‧ 缺乏適當的設備 Lack of appropriate facilities僱員篇 Managing Stress at Individual Level1. 對工作作出計劃,訂立緩急先後,改善時間管理。 Develop work plans, prioritize the work and improve

time management.

2. 積極面對問題,跟同事與上司討論解決問題的方法。 Face problems positively, discuss with co-workers and

supervisors the ways to solve problems.

3. 多做運動,令體魄強健。 Exercise regularly to keep your body fit and healthy.

4. 均衡及充足的飲食,避免不健康食品,如咖啡、煙酒。 Maintain a balanced diet, avoid unhealthy foods such as coffee, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

5. 充足睡眠,睡前拚除雜念。 Ensure sufficient sleep, clear your mind of clutter before going to bed.

6. 學習鬆弛技巧。 Learn relaxation techniques.

工作壓力對員工的健康、生活、甚至機構方面均有負面影響,因此僱主應像對其他職業安全健康危害一樣,對工作壓力作出管理;而僱員亦應與僱主配合,以減低壓力的影響,及增加個人應付壓力的能力。Work stress will affect employees' health and daily life as well the effectiveness at work. An employer therefore should implement control measures over work related stress as with other occupational safety and health hazards. Employees should work together with employers to reduce the effects of work stress and increase their ability to cope with stress.

工作量 Workloads‧ 工作時限緊迫 Meeting tight deadline

‧ 工作量過大或過小 Over-load or under-load

自決空間 Lack of autonomy‧ 上司分配責任含糊或組織架構混亂,令員工不清楚自己的角色及責任

Jobs related to conflicts, violence, deaths

‧ 員工身兼多重角色,而不同角色的責任有所衝突 Great responsibility, enduring concentration at work

人際關係 Interpersonal conflict‧ 缺乏與別人接觸或溝通的機會 Lack of human contact or communication

‧ 與上司及下屬發生衝突 Conflicts with supervisors/subordinates



It is not surprising that work stress increases as technology in the workplace becomes more sophisticated, market competition more tensed; demand on sales targets doubled, working hours

the limit around the clock. It is therefore not uncommon to see that a lot of them are afflicted with different kinds of urban illnesses and rise in suicide and divorce rates. This phenomenon

lengthened and as more and more people's jobs are

Page 2: 有獎問答遊戲 Quiz - oshc.org.hk · 2007-09-05 · 讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。

有獎 問答遊戲 Quiz

免費訂閱表格Free Subscription Form

本人對文職系安全健康通訊感興趣,並以電子郵件索取I am interested in the Sedentary Bulletin and want to subscribe it by e-mail

中文姓名 Chi Name: 英文姓名 Eng Name:

電話 Tel. No: 傳真 Fax No: 電子郵件 E-mail Address:填妥後請將表格傳真至 2739 9779 職業安全健康局 Please fax the form to Occupational Safety and Health Council (Fax No. : 2739 9779)


© 2007 Occupational Safety & Health Council 職業安全健康局 8/2007(1)

職安熱線 OSH Hotline: 2739 9000


請圈出正確答案及填妥下列表格,郵寄或傳真回本局總辦事處,信封面請註明「文職系安全健康通訊問答遊戲」。截止日期:2007年11月30日。Please circle the correct answers and fill in the following form and send it or fax it to the Council. Please write “Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Bulletin Prize Quiz” on the envelope. Closing date: 30 November, 2007.

文職系安全及健康委員會於本通訊內續設了一個有獎問答遊戲,籍此來提高大家對工作安全的警覺性,希望讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。The Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee has included a prize quiz in this bulletin to help raise awareness of work safety. We look forward to your participation. If you can answer the following three questions correctly, you can enter the lucky draw and have an opportunity to receive one of a total of 5 shop-ping vouchers to the value of $150.

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

We will keep your personal data for promotion of safety and health at work, including related research and statisical purposes. We may need to transfer such data to service providers, event co-organizers and partner institutions. If you do not wish to receive information and news relating to safety and health at work from us, please mark the box at the end of this Statement. □ I do not wish to receive the aforesaid information and news

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

Personal Information StatementThe information provided would be kept for promoting safety and health, including research and statistics. The information may need to be passed to service providers, function co-organizer and partnerships. If you do not want to receive Occupational Safety and Health information. Please tick the box in the bottom of this statement. □ I do not want to receive the information stated above

姓名 Name: 身份証號碼 Identity Card No.:

地址 Address:

日間聯絡電話 Daytime Contact Tel. No.:

1. 每人只限參加一次。 1. Each participant may only enter once.2. 主辦機構之員工及其直系家屬均一律不得參加。 2. The employees and direct family members of the organising body are not eligible to enter.3. 得獎結果以主辦機構的決定為準。 3. The decision of the organising body regarding the prize results is final.4. 主辦機構保留更改有關是項活動事宜的權利,恕不另行通知。 4. The organising body reserves the right to make changes to any matters related to the competition and will not provide further notice.5. 倘有任何爭議,一切以主辦機構的決定為最終決定。 5. In the event of any dispute, all decisions by the organising body are final.6. 歡迎複印參加表格。 6. Welcome to photocopy the form.

參加細則 Rules for Participation

Personal Data Statement

地址 :中國香港北角馬寶道28號華匯中心19樓 電話 Tel :2739 9377 電郵 E-mail :[email protected]

文 職 系 安 全 及 健 康 委 員 會 Sedentary Workers Safety & Health CommitteeAddress :19/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, HK傳真 Fax :2739 9779網址 Website :www.oshc.org.hk

Occupational Safety & Health Council



Stress by itself is a neutral motivating force. It motivates us to persevere in things we are working on. However, if the stress from work is too much, we will perceive that we are getting out of control of the work. This state of excessive stress will eventually hinder our motivation to persevere. In the workplace, this situation will happen when employees cannot satisfy the expectation of the employers or when their ability fails to live up to the demand of the job.

workplace becomes more sophisticated, market competition more tensed; demand on sales targets doubled, working hours lengthened and as more and more people's jobs are becoming unstable due to stringent competition from neighbouring countries. In the workplace, workloads are also unprecedented. Employees not only have to accomplish a lot of paper work, they also have to meet their clients and business counterparts to sell the services of their company. In their leisure hours, they also have to take enrichment courses for further career development. So, we can see that employees are pushing themselves to the limit around the clock. It is therefore not uncommon to see that a lot of them are afflicted with different kinds of urban illnesses and rise in suicide and divorce rates. This phenomenon has been the result of the accumulation of occupational stress which can adversely affects your health, interpersonal relationships, your work and other aspects in your life.

1 遇到工作壓力時,個人方面會出現哪些徵狀? When we are suffering from stress, which of the following individual symptoms may appear?

A. 身體及心理 Physical and psychologicalB. 心理及行為 Psychological and behavioural C. 身體、心理及行為 Physical, psychological and behavioural

2 以下哪項屬於工作壓力的來源? Which of the followings could be stressors at work?

A. 工作上需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Always put on positive emotion and face at workB. 因工作,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilitiesC. 以上兩項皆是 Both A and B

3 以下哪項不是減低工作壓力的理想方法? Which one of the followings is not an ideal intervention for managing stress?

A. 找別人傾訴 Talk to people B. 均衡飲食 Maintain a balance dietC. 吸煙飲酒 Smoking and take alcoholic drinks


工作壓力管理 Work Stress Management

主要的壓力來源 Major Stressors



Do you feel nervous frequently? Are you feeling tired often? Are you occupied with negative thoughts? When you are

unhappy, do you smoke, drink, keep yourself at home or have difficulty in getting sleep? If your answers are the affirma-

tive ones, it has been a warning signal that you may be suffering from stress problems.

To an organization, excessive stress can hinder the employees' efficiency in their discharge of duties, which, in conse-

quence, will adversely affect the performance of the organization as a whole. The effects are summarized as below.

‧經常有員工離職 High turnover rates ‧員工經常請病假 Frequent absenteeism/sick leave ‧工作出錯率上升 Making wrong decisions ‧意外事故增加 Increasing accidents ‧服務及產品質素下降 Lowering service and product quality ‧勞資或員工之間的關係惡劣等 Poor relationship between employees, and between employer and employees




‧頭疼 Headaches ‧緊張 Tension ‧胃痛 /噁心 Stomachaches/indigestion ‧便秘/腹瀉 Constipation/diarrhea ‧血壓升高 Rising blood pressure ‧肌肉酸痛 Muscle pains ‧經常疲勞 Frequently feeling tired ‧呼吸困難/胸悶 Breathlessness/heaviness across chest

‧焦慮 Anxious ‧急躁 Irritable ‧煩惱 Worrying ‧憂鬱/沮喪 Moody/depressed ‧經常犯錯 Frequent mistakes ‧健忘 Forgetful ‧思維混亂 Lowering creativity/muddled thinking ‧注意力無法集中 Inability to concentrate ‧經常性的消極思維 Persistent negative thinking

‧不愛交際 Unsociability ‧不安寧 Restlessness ‧粗暴行為 Violent behaviours ‧失眠 Insomnia ‧自殺傾向 Suicidal attempt ‧沒有食慾/暴飲暴食 Loosing appetite/binge eating‧吸煙、喝酒、吸毒 Increasing smoking/drinking/drugs intake

工作壓力可以導致以下各種的身心及行為徵狀,直接影響你的健康。Occupational stress could lead to the following physical and psychological symptoms, directly influencing your health.


僱主篇 Managing Stress at Organization Level1. 因應員工的能力及經驗,分配合適的工作及工作量。 Assign task and workload according to employees' capabilities and experience.

2. 提供足夠資源,包括人手、資源及技術訓練等,令員工有足夠的能力應付被指派的工作。 Provide sufficient resources including manpower, equipment and skill training, so that employees are capable of carrying out

work assigned to them.

3. 如員工的工作或福利有重大的改變時,事前應向員工諮詢及通知進展。 If major changes are to occur in the job or welfare situation of employees, they should be consulted in advance and advised

of any progress.

4. 促進機構內的和諧氣氛及團隊精神,適當處理內部衝突及投訴。 Promote harmony and team spirit within the organization, and ensure proper handling of internal conflicts and complaints.

5. 為員工或鼓勵員工制定個人發展計劃。 Formulate or encourage the employee to formulate a personal development plan.

6. 提供安全及健康的工作環境及工作設備,制定及指導員工採取安全的工作方法。 Provide a safe and healthy working environment and facilities. Develop and instruct the employee to adopt safe work


7. 安排足夠的休息時間。 Arrange sufficient rest periods.

7. 與同事、家人、朋友建立良好關係,建立支援網絡。 Build a good relationship with your co-workers, family and friends; establish a support network.

8. 作息有序、安排工餘消閒活動,發展個人興趣。 Adopt a healthy way of living; arrange leisure activities; develop personal interests.

9. 遇到困難,可向信賴的人傾訴,或找專業輔導人員或心理學家輔導。 Talk to people you can trust or seek counseling from professional or psychologists when necessary.

為了讓僱主及在職人士能了解有效的工作壓力管理模式,職業安全健康局特別跟據在2004年對香港在職人士的工作壓力研究的結果編製成一套工作壓力管理自用套件,以深入淺出的手法,為大家介紹從個人及機構層面入手的工作壓力管理方式,藉以促進僱員的職業健康及提升機構的生產力。有興趣認識更多有關工作壓力的管理,請瀏灠本局網頁 www.oshc.org.hk。

In order to help both employers and employees understand the framework of work stress management, the Occupational Safety and Health Council had developed the Work Stress Management DIY Kit based on the findings of the research on the occupational stress in Hong Kong at 2004. The DIY Kit presents in a user-friendly approach to make sure people understand the strategies in managing stress at both individual and corporate levels so as to enhance the occupational health of employees and the productivity of organizations. You are welcome to access the kit in our homepage www.oshc.org.hk.

主席 Chairman 黃錦沛先生 Mr Wilfred WONG 香港人力資源管理學會 Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management副主席 Vice - Chairman

郭偉強先生 Mr KWOK Wai Keung 香港文職及專業人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical and Professional Employees General Union

委員 Members

陳惠儀女士 Ms Adeline CHAN 公務員事務局 Civil Service Bureau楊華勇先生 Mr Johnny YU 香港中華廠商聯合會 The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong 李賢勝先生 Mr Leslie LEE 香港中華總商會 The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 謝順禮先生 Mr Calvin TSE 香港地產代理商總會 Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association吳民輝先生 Mr William NG 香港保險業聯會 The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers曾嘉萍女士 Ms Sarah TSANG 香港華商銀行公會有限公司 The Chinese Banks' Association Ltd陳贊春先生 Mr CHAN Tsan Chun 香港僱主聯合會 Employers' Federation of Hong Kong 葉偉光先生 Mr Felix YIP 香港總商會 The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 區嘉榮先生 Mr Alex AU 香港文職人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical Employees General Union 關樂平先生 Mr Denys KWAN 香港地產代理專業協會 Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Ltd湯仲敏女士 Ms TONG Chung Man 香港洋務工會 Hong Kong Union of Chinese Workers in Western Style Employment 胡伯賢先生 Mr Andrew WU 香港保險業總工會 Hong Kong Insurance Practitioners General Union鄭永生先生 Mr Vincent CHANG 香港銀行華員會 Chinese Bankers Club, Hong Kong梁偉明先生 Mr LEUNG Wai Ming 高級公務員評議會(職方)Senior Civil Service Council (Staff Side)李煒敏女士 Ms LEE Wai Man 製造業管理文職技術人員協會 The Association of Managerial, Clerical and Technical Employees in Manufacturing Industry曾志強先生 Mr Kenneth TSANG 勞工處 Labour Department鄭樹基博士 Dr Andy CHENG 香港理工大學 Hong Kong Polytechnic University

文職系安全及健康委員會成員名單(2007-10) Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee Membership List(2007-10)

工作環境 Physical work conditions‧ 凌亂及狹窄的空間 Messy and tiny working space

‧ 危險的工作環境 Dangerous working environment

組織氣氛 Organizational climate‧ 員工的努力或良好表現未獲認同 Improper performance appraisal system

‧ 歧視(性別、家庭崗位、年齡、殘疾、種族等) Discrimination (gender, age, disability, race)

工作與生活的平衡 Work / Family conflict‧ 工作太繁重,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilities

‧ 缺乏家庭的支持 Lacking family support

工作安全感 Job insecurity‧ 裁員的威脅,事業前途不明朗 Threat of staff cutbacks, insecure career prospects

‧ 缺乏發展個人能力及晉升的機會 Lack of career development and promotion

情緒勞動需求 Emotional labour demands‧ 需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Put on positive emotion and face at work

‧ 經常遭人拒絕, 甚至面斥或羞辱,但又不可以發脾氣 Cold-calls, criticisms, even insults

組織約束 Organizational constraints‧ 沒有足夠的人力支援 Lack of support and backups

‧ 缺乏適當的設備 Lack of appropriate facilities僱員篇 Managing Stress at Individual Level1. 對工作作出計劃,訂立緩急先後,改善時間管理。 Develop work plans, prioritize the work and improve

time management.

2. 積極面對問題,跟同事與上司討論解決問題的方法。 Face problems positively, discuss with co-workers and

supervisors the ways to solve problems.

3. 多做運動,令體魄強健。 Exercise regularly to keep your body fit and healthy.

4. 均衡及充足的飲食,避免不健康食品,如咖啡、煙酒。 Maintain a balanced diet, avoid unhealthy foods such as coffee, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

5. 充足睡眠,睡前拚除雜念。 Ensure sufficient sleep, clear your mind of clutter before going to bed.

6. 學習鬆弛技巧。 Learn relaxation techniques.

工作壓力對員工的健康、生活、甚至機構方面均有負面影響,因此僱主應像對其他職業安全健康危害一樣,對工作壓力作出管理;而僱員亦應與僱主配合,以減低壓力的影響,及增加個人應付壓力的能力。Work stress will affect employees' health and daily life as well the effectiveness at work. An employer therefore should implement control measures over work related stress as with other occupational safety and health hazards. Employees should work together with employers to reduce the effects of work stress and increase their ability to cope with stress.

工作量 Workloads‧ 工作時限緊迫 Meeting tight deadline

‧ 工作量過大或過小 Over-load or under-load

自決空間 Lack of autonomy‧ 上司分配責任含糊或組織架構混亂,令員工不清楚自己的角色及責任

Jobs related to conflicts, violence, deaths

‧ 員工身兼多重角色,而不同角色的責任有所衝突 Great responsibility, enduring concentration at work

人際關係 Interpersonal conflict‧ 缺乏與別人接觸或溝通的機會 Lack of human contact or communication

‧ 與上司及下屬發生衝突 Conflicts with supervisors/subordinates



Page 3: 有獎問答遊戲 Quiz - oshc.org.hk · 2007-09-05 · 讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。

有獎 問答遊戲 Quiz

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電話 Tel. No: 傳真 Fax No: 電子郵件 E-mail Address:填妥後請將表格傳真至 2739 9779 職業安全健康局 Please fax the form to Occupational Safety and Health Council (Fax No. : 2739 9779)


© 2007 Occupational Safety & Health Council 職業安全健康局 8/2007(1)

職安熱線 OSH Hotline: 2739 9000


請圈出正確答案及填妥下列表格,郵寄或傳真回本局總辦事處,信封面請註明「文職系安全健康通訊問答遊戲」。截止日期:2007年11月30日。Please circle the correct answers and fill in the following form and send it or fax it to the Council. Please write “Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Bulletin Prize Quiz” on the envelope. Closing date: 30 November, 2007.

文職系安全及健康委員會於本通訊內續設了一個有獎問答遊戲,籍此來提高大家對工作安全的警覺性,希望讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。The Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee has included a prize quiz in this bulletin to help raise awareness of work safety. We look forward to your participation. If you can answer the following three questions correctly, you can enter the lucky draw and have an opportunity to receive one of a total of 5 shop-ping vouchers to the value of $150.

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

We will keep your personal data for promotion of safety and health at work, including related research and statisical purposes. We may need to transfer such data to service providers, event co-organizers and partner institutions. If you do not wish to receive information and news relating to safety and health at work from us, please mark the box at the end of this Statement. □ I do not wish to receive the aforesaid information and news

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

Personal Information StatementThe information provided would be kept for promoting safety and health, including research and statistics. The information may need to be passed to service providers, function co-organizer and partnerships. If you do not want to receive Occupational Safety and Health information. Please tick the box in the bottom of this statement. □ I do not want to receive the information stated above

姓名 Name: 身份証號碼 Identity Card No.:

地址 Address:

日間聯絡電話 Daytime Contact Tel. No.:

1. 每人只限參加一次。 1. Each participant may only enter once.2. 主辦機構之員工及其直系家屬均一律不得參加。 2. The employees and direct family members of the organising body are not eligible to enter.3. 得獎結果以主辦機構的決定為準。 3. The decision of the organising body regarding the prize results is final.4. 主辦機構保留更改有關是項活動事宜的權利,恕不另行通知。 4. The organising body reserves the right to make changes to any matters related to the competition and will not provide further notice.5. 倘有任何爭議,一切以主辦機構的決定為最終決定。 5. In the event of any dispute, all decisions by the organising body are final.6. 歡迎複印參加表格。 6. Welcome to photocopy the form.

參加細則 Rules for Participation

Personal Data Statement

地址 :中國香港北角馬寶道28號華匯中心19樓 電話 Tel :2739 9377 電郵 E-mail :[email protected]

文 職 系 安 全 及 健 康 委 員 會 Sedentary Workers Safety & Health CommitteeAddress :19/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, HK傳真 Fax :2739 9779網址 Website :www.oshc.org.hk

Occupational Safety & Health Council



Stress by itself is a neutral motivating force. It motivates us to persevere in things we are working on. However, if the stress from work is too much, we will perceive that we are getting out of control of the work. This state of excessive stress will eventually hinder our motivation to persevere. In the workplace, this situation will happen when employees cannot satisfy the expectation of the employers or when their ability fails to live up to the demand of the job.

It is not surprising that work stress increases as technology in the workplace becomes more sophisticated, market competition more tensed; demand on sales targets doubled, working hours lengthened and as more and more people's jobs are becoming unstable due to stringent competition from neighbouring countries. In the workplace, workloads are also unprecedented. Employees not only have to accomplish a lot of paper work, they also have to meet their clients and business counterparts to sell the services of their company. In their leisure hours, they also have to take enrichment courses for further career development. So, we can see that employees are pushing themselves to the limit around the clock. It is therefore not uncommon to see that a lot of them are afflicted with different kinds of urban illnesses and rise in suicide and divorce rates. This phenomenon has been the result of the accumulation of occupational stress which can adversely affects your health, interpersonal relationships, your work and other aspects in your life.

1 遇到工作壓力時,個人方面會出現哪些徵狀? When we are suffering from stress, which of the following individual symptoms may appear?

A. 身體及心理 Physical and psychologicalB. 心理及行為 Psychological and behavioural C. 身體、心理及行為 Physical, psychological and behavioural

2 以下哪項屬於工作壓力的來源? Which of the followings could be stressors at work?

A. 工作上需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Always put on positive emotion and face at workB. 因工作,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilitiesC. 以上兩項皆是 Both A and B

3 以下哪項不是減低工作壓力的理想方法? Which one of the followings is not an ideal intervention for managing stress?

A. 找別人傾訴 Talk to people B. 均衡飲食 Maintain a balance dietC. 吸煙飲酒 Smoking and take alcoholic drinks


工作壓力管理 Work Stress Management

主要的壓力來源 Major Stressors



Do you feel nervous frequently? Are you feeling tired often? Are you occupied with negative thoughts? When you are

unhappy, do you smoke, drink, keep yourself at home or have difficulty in getting sleep? If your answers are the affirma-

tive ones, it has been a warning signal that you may be suffering from stress problems.

To an organization, excessive stress can hinder the employees' efficiency in their discharge of duties, which, in conse-

quence, will adversely affect the performance of the organization as a whole. The effects are summarized as below.

‧經常有員工離職 High turnover rates ‧員工經常請病假 Frequent absenteeism/sick leave ‧工作出錯率上升 Making wrong decisions ‧意外事故增加 Increasing accidents ‧服務及產品質素下降 Lowering service and product quality ‧勞資或員工之間的關係惡劣等 Poor relationship between employees, and between employer and employees




‧頭疼 Headaches ‧緊張 Tension ‧胃痛 /噁心 Stomachaches/indigestion ‧便秘/腹瀉 Constipation/diarrhea ‧血壓升高 Rising blood pressure ‧肌肉酸痛 Muscle pains ‧經常疲勞 Frequently feeling tired ‧呼吸困難/胸悶 Breathlessness/heaviness across chest

‧焦慮 Anxious ‧急躁 Irritable ‧煩惱 Worrying ‧憂鬱/沮喪 Moody/depressed ‧經常犯錯 Frequent mistakes ‧健忘 Forgetful ‧思維混亂 Lowering creativity/muddled thinking ‧注意力無法集中 Inability to concentrate ‧經常性的消極思維 Persistent negative thinking

‧不愛交際 Unsociability ‧不安寧 Restlessness ‧粗暴行為 Violent behaviours ‧失眠 Insomnia ‧自殺傾向 Suicidal attempt ‧沒有食慾/暴飲暴食 Loosing appetite/binge eating‧吸煙、喝酒、吸毒 Increasing smoking/drinking/drugs intake

工作壓力可以導致以下各種的身心及行為徵狀,直接影響你的健康。Occupational stress could lead to the following physical and psychological symptoms, directly influencing your health.


僱主篇 Managing Stress at Organization Level1. 因應員工的能力及經驗,分配合適的工作及工作量。 Assign task and workload according to employees' capabilities and experience.

2. 提供足夠資源,包括人手、資源及技術訓練等,令員工有足夠的能力應付被指派的工作。 Provide sufficient resources including manpower, equipment and skill training, so that employees are capable of carrying out

work assigned to them.

3. 如員工的工作或福利有重大的改變時,事前應向員工諮詢及通知進展。 If major changes are to occur in the job or welfare situation of employees, they should be consulted in advance and advised

of any progress.

4. 促進機構內的和諧氣氛及團隊精神,適當處理內部衝突及投訴。 Promote harmony and team spirit within the organization, and ensure proper handling of internal conflicts and complaints.

5. 為員工或鼓勵員工制定個人發展計劃。 Formulate or encourage the employee to formulate a personal development plan.

6. 提供安全及健康的工作環境及工作設備,制定及指導員工採取安全的工作方法。 Provide a safe and healthy working environment and facilities. Develop and instruct the employee to adopt safe work


7. 安排足夠的休息時間。 Arrange sufficient rest periods.

7. 與同事、家人、朋友建立良好關係,建立支援網絡。 Build a good relationship with your co-workers, family and friends; establish a support network.

8. 作息有序、安排工餘消閒活動,發展個人興趣。 Adopt a healthy way of living; arrange leisure activities; develop personal interests.

9. 遇到困難,可向信賴的人傾訴,或找專業輔導人員或心理學家輔導。 Talk to people you can trust or seek counseling from professional or psychologists when necessary.

為了讓僱主及在職人士能了解有效的工作壓力管理模式,職業安全健康局特別跟據在2004年對香港在職人士的工作壓力研究的結果編製成一套工作壓力管理自用套件,以深入淺出的手法,為大家介紹從個人及機構層面入手的工作壓力管理方式,藉以促進僱員的職業健康及提升機構的生產力。有興趣認識更多有關工作壓力的管理,請瀏灠本局網頁 www.oshc.org.hk。

In order to help both employers and employees understand the framework of work stress management, the Occupational Safety and Health Council had developed the Work Stress Management DIY Kit based on the findings of the research on the occupational stress in Hong Kong at 2004. The DIY Kit presents in a user-friendly approach to make sure people understand the strategies in managing stress at both individual and corporate levels so as to enhance the occupational health of employees and the productivity of organizations. You are welcome to access the kit in our homepage www.oshc.org.hk.

主席 Chairman 黃錦沛先生 Mr Wilfred WONG 香港人力資源管理學會 Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management副主席 Vice - Chairman

郭偉強先生 Mr KWOK Wai Keung 香港文職及專業人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical and Professional Employees General Union

委員 Members

陳惠儀女士 Ms Adeline CHAN 公務員事務局 Civil Service Bureau楊華勇先生 Mr Johnny YU 香港中華廠商聯合會 The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong 李賢勝先生 Mr Leslie LEE 香港中華總商會 The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 謝順禮先生 Mr Calvin TSE 香港地產代理商總會 Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association吳民輝先生 Mr William NG 香港保險業聯會 The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers曾嘉萍女士 Ms Sarah TSANG 香港華商銀行公會有限公司 The Chinese Banks' Association Ltd陳贊春先生 Mr CHAN Tsan Chun 香港僱主聯合會 Employers' Federation of Hong Kong 葉偉光先生 Mr Felix YIP 香港總商會 The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 區嘉榮先生 Mr Alex AU 香港文職人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical Employees General Union 關樂平先生 Mr Denys KWAN 香港地產代理專業協會 Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Ltd湯仲敏女士 Ms TONG Chung Man 香港洋務工會 Hong Kong Union of Chinese Workers in Western Style Employment 胡伯賢先生 Mr Andrew WU 香港保險業總工會 Hong Kong Insurance Practitioners General Union鄭永生先生 Mr Vincent CHANG 香港銀行華員會 Chinese Bankers Club, Hong Kong梁偉明先生 Mr LEUNG Wai Ming 高級公務員評議會(職方)Senior Civil Service Council (Staff Side)李煒敏女士 Ms LEE Wai Man 製造業管理文職技術人員協會 The Association of Managerial, Clerical and Technical Employees in Manufacturing Industry曾志強先生 Mr Kenneth TSANG 勞工處 Labour Department鄭樹基博士 Dr Andy CHENG 香港理工大學 Hong Kong Polytechnic University

文職系安全及健康委員會成員名單(2007-10) Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee Membership List(2007-10)

工作環境 Physical work conditions‧ 凌亂及狹窄的空間 Messy and tiny working space

‧ 危險的工作環境 Dangerous working environment

組織氣氛 Organizational climate‧ 員工的努力或良好表現未獲認同 Improper performance appraisal system

‧ 歧視(性別、家庭崗位、年齡、殘疾、種族等) Discrimination (gender, age, disability, race)

工作與生活的平衡 Work / Family conflict‧ 工作太繁重,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilities

‧ 缺乏家庭的支持 Lacking family support

工作安全感 Job insecurity‧ 裁員的威脅,事業前途不明朗 Threat of staff cutbacks, insecure career prospects

‧ 缺乏發展個人能力及晉升的機會 Lack of career development and promotion

情緒勞動需求 Emotional labour demands‧ 需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Put on positive emotion and face at work

‧ 經常遭人拒絕, 甚至面斥或羞辱,但又不可以發脾氣 Cold-calls, criticisms, even insults

組織約束 Organizational constraints‧ 沒有足夠的人力支援 Lack of support and backups

‧ 缺乏適當的設備 Lack of appropriate facilities僱員篇 Managing Stress at Individual Level1. 對工作作出計劃,訂立緩急先後,改善時間管理。 Develop work plans, prioritize the work and improve

time management.

2. 積極面對問題,跟同事與上司討論解決問題的方法。 Face problems positively, discuss with co-workers and

supervisors the ways to solve problems.

3. 多做運動,令體魄強健。 Exercise regularly to keep your body fit and healthy.

4. 均衡及充足的飲食,避免不健康食品,如咖啡、煙酒。 Maintain a balanced diet, avoid unhealthy foods such as coffee, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

5. 充足睡眠,睡前拚除雜念。 Ensure sufficient sleep, clear your mind of clutter before going to bed.

6. 學習鬆弛技巧。 Learn relaxation techniques.

工作壓力對員工的健康、生活、甚至機構方面均有負面影響,因此僱主應像對其他職業安全健康危害一樣,對工作壓力作出管理;而僱員亦應與僱主配合,以減低壓力的影響,及增加個人應付壓力的能力。Work stress will affect employees' health and daily life as well the effectiveness at work. An employer therefore should implement control measures over work related stress as with other occupational safety and health hazards. Employees should work together with employers to reduce the effects of work stress and increase their ability to cope with stress.

工作量 Workloads‧ 工作時限緊迫 Meeting tight deadline

‧ 工作量過大或過小 Over-load or under-load

自決空間 Lack of autonomy‧ 上司分配責任含糊或組織架構混亂,令員工不清楚自己的角色及責任

Jobs related to conflicts, violence, deaths

‧ 員工身兼多重角色,而不同角色的責任有所衝突 Great responsibility, enduring concentration at work

人際關係 Interpersonal conflict‧ 缺乏與別人接觸或溝通的機會 Lack of human contact or communication

‧ 與上司及下屬發生衝突 Conflicts with supervisors/subordinates



Page 4: 有獎問答遊戲 Quiz - oshc.org.hk · 2007-09-05 · 讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。

有獎 問答遊戲 Quiz

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© 2007 Occupational Safety & Health Council 職業安全健康局 8/2007(1)

職安熱線 OSH Hotline: 2739 9000


請圈出正確答案及填妥下列表格,郵寄或傳真回本局總辦事處,信封面請註明「文職系安全健康通訊問答遊戲」。截止日期:2007年11月30日。Please circle the correct answers and fill in the following form and send it or fax it to the Council. Please write “Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Bulletin Prize Quiz” on the envelope. Closing date: 30 November, 2007.

文職系安全及健康委員會於本通訊內續設了一個有獎問答遊戲,籍此來提高大家對工作安全的警覺性,希望讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。The Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee has included a prize quiz in this bulletin to help raise awareness of work safety. We look forward to your participation. If you can answer the following three questions correctly, you can enter the lucky draw and have an opportunity to receive one of a total of 5 shop-ping vouchers to the value of $150.

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

We will keep your personal data for promotion of safety and health at work, including related research and statisical purposes. We may need to transfer such data to service providers, event co-organizers and partner institutions. If you do not wish to receive information and news relating to safety and health at work from us, please mark the box at the end of this Statement. □ I do not wish to receive the aforesaid information and news

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

Personal Information StatementThe information provided would be kept for promoting safety and health, including research and statistics. The information may need to be passed to service providers, function co-organizer and partnerships. If you do not want to receive Occupational Safety and Health information. Please tick the box in the bottom of this statement. □ I do not want to receive the information stated above

姓名 Name: 身份証號碼 Identity Card No.:

地址 Address:

日間聯絡電話 Daytime Contact Tel. No.:

1. 每人只限參加一次。 1. Each participant may only enter once.2. 主辦機構之員工及其直系家屬均一律不得參加。 2. The employees and direct family members of the organising body are not eligible to enter.3. 得獎結果以主辦機構的決定為準。 3. The decision of the organising body regarding the prize results is final.4. 主辦機構保留更改有關是項活動事宜的權利,恕不另行通知。 4. The organising body reserves the right to make changes to any matters related to the competition and will not provide further notice.5. 倘有任何爭議,一切以主辦機構的決定為最終決定。 5. In the event of any dispute, all decisions by the organising body are final.6. 歡迎複印參加表格。 6. Welcome to photocopy the form.

參加細則 Rules for Participation

Personal Data Statement

地址 :中國香港北角馬寶道28號華匯中心19樓 電話 Tel :2739 9377 電郵 E-mail :[email protected]

文 職 系 安 全 及 健 康 委 員 會 Sedentary Workers Safety & Health CommitteeAddress :19/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, HK傳真 Fax :2739 9779網址 Website :www.oshc.org.hk

Occupational Safety & Health Council



Stress by itself is a neutral motivating force. It motivates us to persevere in things we are working on. However, if the stress from work is too much, we will perceive that we are getting out of control of the work. This state of excessive stress will eventually hinder our motivation to persevere. In the workplace, this situation will happen when employees cannot satisfy the expectation of the employers or when their ability fails to live up to the demand of the job.

It is not surprising that work stress increases as technology in the workplace becomes more sophisticated, market competition more tensed; demand on sales targets doubled, working hours lengthened and as more and more people's jobs are becoming unstable due to stringent competition from neighbouring countries. In the workplace, workloads are also unprecedented. Employees not only have to accomplish a lot of paper work, they also have to meet their clients and business counterparts to sell the services of their company. In their leisure hours, they also have to take enrichment courses for further career development. So, we can see that employees are pushing themselves to the limit around the clock. It is therefore not uncommon to see that a lot of them are afflicted with different kinds of urban illnesses and rise in suicide and divorce rates. This phenomenon has been the result of the accumulation of occupational stress which can adversely affects your health, interpersonal relationships, your work and other aspects in your life.

1 遇到工作壓力時,個人方面會出現哪些徵狀? When we are suffering from stress, which of the following individual symptoms may appear?

A. 身體及心理 Physical and psychologicalB. 心理及行為 Psychological and behavioural C. 身體、心理及行為 Physical, psychological and behavioural

2 以下哪項屬於工作壓力的來源? Which of the followings could be stressors at work?

A. 工作上需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Always put on positive emotion and face at workB. 因工作,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilitiesC. 以上兩項皆是 Both A and B

3 以下哪項不是減低工作壓力的理想方法? Which one of the followings is not an ideal intervention for managing stress?

A. 找別人傾訴 Talk to people B. 均衡飲食 Maintain a balance dietC. 吸煙飲酒 Smoking and take alcoholic drinks


工作壓力管理 Work Stress Management

主要的壓力來源 Major Stressors



Do you feel nervous frequently? Are you feeling tired often? Are you occupied with negative thoughts? When you are

unhappy, do you smoke, drink, keep yourself at home or have difficulty in getting sleep? If your answers are the affirma-

tive ones, it has been a warning signal that you may be suffering from stress problems.

To an organization, excessive stress can hinder the employees' efficiency in their discharge of duties, which, in conse-

quence, will adversely affect the performance of the organization as a whole. The effects are summarized as below.

‧經常有員工離職 High turnover rates ‧員工經常請病假 Frequent absenteeism/sick leave ‧工作出錯率上升 Making wrong decisions ‧意外事故增加 Increasing accidents ‧服務及產品質素下降 Lowering service and product quality ‧勞資或員工之間的關係惡劣等 Poor relationship between employees, and between employer and employees




‧頭疼 Headaches ‧緊張 Tension ‧胃痛 /噁心 Stomachaches/indigestion ‧便秘/腹瀉 Constipation/diarrhea ‧血壓升高 Rising blood pressure ‧肌肉酸痛 Muscle pains ‧經常疲勞 Frequently feeling tired ‧呼吸困難/胸悶 Breathlessness/heaviness across chest

‧焦慮 Anxious ‧急躁 Irritable ‧煩惱 Worrying ‧憂鬱/沮喪 Moody/depressed ‧經常犯錯 Frequent mistakes ‧健忘 Forgetful ‧思維混亂 Lowering creativity/muddled thinking ‧注意力無法集中 Inability to concentrate ‧經常性的消極思維 Persistent negative thinking

‧不愛交際 Unsociability ‧不安寧 Restlessness ‧粗暴行為 Violent behaviours ‧失眠 Insomnia ‧自殺傾向 Suicidal attempt ‧沒有食慾/暴飲暴食 Loosing appetite/binge eating‧吸煙、喝酒、吸毒 Increasing smoking/drinking/drugs intake

工作壓力可以導致以下各種的身心及行為徵狀,直接影響你的健康。Occupational stress could lead to the following physical and psychological symptoms, directly influencing your health.


僱主篇 Managing Stress at Organization Level1. 因應員工的能力及經驗,分配合適的工作及工作量。 Assign task and workload according to employees' capabilities and experience.

2. 提供足夠資源,包括人手、資源及技術訓練等,令員工有足夠的能力應付被指派的工作。 Provide sufficient resources including manpower, equipment and skill training, so that employees are capable of carrying out

work assigned to them.

3. 如員工的工作或福利有重大的改變時,事前應向員工諮詢及通知進展。 If major changes are to occur in the job or welfare situation of employees, they should be consulted in advance and advised

of any progress.

4. 促進機構內的和諧氣氛及團隊精神,適當處理內部衝突及投訴。 Promote harmony and team spirit within the organization, and ensure proper handling of internal conflicts and complaints.

5. 為員工或鼓勵員工制定個人發展計劃。 Formulate or encourage the employee to formulate a personal development plan.

6. 提供安全及健康的工作環境及工作設備,制定及指導員工採取安全的工作方法。 Provide a safe and healthy working environment and facilities. Develop and instruct the employee to adopt safe work


7. 安排足夠的休息時間。 Arrange sufficient rest periods.

7. 與同事、家人、朋友建立良好關係,建立支援網絡。 Build a good relationship with your co-workers, family and friends; establish a support network.

8. 作息有序、安排工餘消閒活動,發展個人興趣。 Adopt a healthy way of living; arrange leisure activities; develop personal interests.

9. 遇到困難,可向信賴的人傾訴,或找專業輔導人員或心理學家輔導。 Talk to people you can trust or seek counseling from professional or psychologists when necessary.

為了讓僱主及在職人士能了解有效的工作壓力管理模式,職業安全健康局特別跟據在2004年對香港在職人士的工作壓力研究的結果編製成一套工作壓力管理自用套件,以深入淺出的手法,為大家介紹從個人及機構層面入手的工作壓力管理方式,藉以促進僱員的職業健康及提升機構的生產力。有興趣認識更多有關工作壓力的管理,請瀏灠本局網頁 www.oshc.org.hk。

In order to help both employers and employees understand the framework of work stress management, the Occupational Safety and Health Council had developed the Work Stress Management DIY Kit based on the findings of the research on the occupational stress in Hong Kong at 2004. The DIY Kit presents in a user-friendly approach to make sure people understand the strategies in managing stress at both individual and corporate levels so as to enhance the occupational health of employees and the productivity of organizations. You are welcome to access the kit in our homepage www.oshc.org.hk.

主席 Chairman 黃錦沛先生 Mr Wilfred WONG 香港人力資源管理學會 Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management副主席 Vice - Chairman

郭偉強先生 Mr KWOK Wai Keung 香港文職及專業人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical and Professional Employees General Union

委員 Members

陳惠儀女士 Ms Adeline CHAN 公務員事務局 Civil Service Bureau楊華勇先生 Mr Johnny YU 香港中華廠商聯合會 The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong 李賢勝先生 Mr Leslie LEE 香港中華總商會 The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 謝順禮先生 Mr Calvin TSE 香港地產代理商總會 Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association吳民輝先生 Mr William NG 香港保險業聯會 The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers曾嘉萍女士 Ms Sarah TSANG 香港華商銀行公會有限公司 The Chinese Banks' Association Ltd陳贊春先生 Mr CHAN Tsan Chun 香港僱主聯合會 Employers' Federation of Hong Kong 葉偉光先生 Mr Felix YIP 香港總商會 The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 區嘉榮先生 Mr Alex AU 香港文職人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical Employees General Union 關樂平先生 Mr Denys KWAN 香港地產代理專業協會 Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Ltd湯仲敏女士 Ms TONG Chung Man 香港洋務工會 Hong Kong Union of Chinese Workers in Western Style Employment 胡伯賢先生 Mr Andrew WU 香港保險業總工會 Hong Kong Insurance Practitioners General Union鄭永生先生 Mr Vincent CHANG 香港銀行華員會 Chinese Bankers Club, Hong Kong梁偉明先生 Mr LEUNG Wai Ming 高級公務員評議會(職方)Senior Civil Service Council (Staff Side)李煒敏女士 Ms LEE Wai Man 製造業管理文職技術人員協會 The Association of Managerial, Clerical and Technical Employees in Manufacturing Industry曾志強先生 Mr Kenneth TSANG 勞工處 Labour Department鄭樹基博士 Dr Andy CHENG 香港理工大學 Hong Kong Polytechnic University

文職系安全及健康委員會成員名單(2007-10) Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee Membership List(2007-10)

工作環境 Physical work conditions‧ 凌亂及狹窄的空間 Messy and tiny working space

‧ 危險的工作環境 Dangerous working environment

組織氣氛 Organizational climate‧ 員工的努力或良好表現未獲認同 Improper performance appraisal system

‧ 歧視(性別、家庭崗位、年齡、殘疾、種族等) Discrimination (gender, age, disability, race)

工作與生活的平衡 Work / Family conflict‧ 工作太繁重,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilities

‧ 缺乏家庭的支持 Lacking family support

工作安全感 Job insecurity‧ 裁員的威脅,事業前途不明朗 Threat of staff cutbacks, insecure career prospects

‧ 缺乏發展個人能力及晉升的機會 Lack of career development and promotion

情緒勞動需求 Emotional labour demands‧ 需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Put on positive emotion and face at work

‧ 經常遭人拒絕, 甚至面斥或羞辱,但又不可以發脾氣 Cold-calls, criticisms, even insults

組織約束 Organizational constraints‧ 沒有足夠的人力支援 Lack of support and backups

‧ 缺乏適當的設備 Lack of appropriate facilities僱員篇 Managing Stress at Individual Level1. 對工作作出計劃,訂立緩急先後,改善時間管理。 Develop work plans, prioritize the work and improve

time management.

2. 積極面對問題,跟同事與上司討論解決問題的方法。 Face problems positively, discuss with co-workers and

supervisors the ways to solve problems.

3. 多做運動,令體魄強健。 Exercise regularly to keep your body fit and healthy.

4. 均衡及充足的飲食,避免不健康食品,如咖啡、煙酒。 Maintain a balanced diet, avoid unhealthy foods such as coffee, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

5. 充足睡眠,睡前拚除雜念。 Ensure sufficient sleep, clear your mind of clutter before going to bed.

6. 學習鬆弛技巧。 Learn relaxation techniques.

工作壓力對員工的健康、生活、甚至機構方面均有負面影響,因此僱主應像對其他職業安全健康危害一樣,對工作壓力作出管理;而僱員亦應與僱主配合,以減低壓力的影響,及增加個人應付壓力的能力。Work stress will affect employees' health and daily life as well the effectiveness at work. An employer therefore should implement control measures over work related stress as with other occupational safety and health hazards. Employees should work together with employers to reduce the effects of work stress and increase their ability to cope with stress.

工作量 Workloads‧ 工作時限緊迫 Meeting tight deadline

‧ 工作量過大或過小 Over-load or under-load

自決空間 Lack of autonomy‧ 上司分配責任含糊或組織架構混亂,令員工不清楚自己的角色及責任

Jobs related to conflicts, violence, deaths

‧ 員工身兼多重角色,而不同角色的責任有所衝突 Great responsibility, enduring concentration at work

人際關係 Interpersonal conflict‧ 缺乏與別人接觸或溝通的機會 Lack of human contact or communication

‧ 與上司及下屬發生衝突 Conflicts with supervisors/subordinates



Page 5: 有獎問答遊戲 Quiz - oshc.org.hk · 2007-09-05 · 讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。

有獎 問答遊戲 Quiz

免費訂閱表格Free Subscription Form

本人對文職系安全健康通訊感興趣,並以電子郵件索取I am interested in the Sedentary Bulletin and want to subscribe it by e-mail

中文姓名 Chi Name: 英文姓名 Eng Name:

電話 Tel. No: 傳真 Fax No: 電子郵件 E-mail Address:填妥後請將表格傳真至 2739 9779 職業安全健康局 Please fax the form to Occupational Safety and Health Council (Fax No. : 2739 9779)


© 2007 Occupational Safety & Health Council 職業安全健康局 8/2007(1)

職安熱線 OSH Hotline: 2739 9000


請圈出正確答案及填妥下列表格,郵寄或傳真回本局總辦事處,信封面請註明「文職系安全健康通訊問答遊戲」。截止日期:2007年11月30日。Please circle the correct answers and fill in the following form and send it or fax it to the Council. Please write “Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Bulletin Prize Quiz” on the envelope. Closing date: 30 November, 2007.

文職系安全及健康委員會於本通訊內續設了一個有獎問答遊戲,籍此來提高大家對工作安全的警覺性,希望讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。The Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee has included a prize quiz in this bulletin to help raise awareness of work safety. We look forward to your participation. If you can answer the following three questions correctly, you can enter the lucky draw and have an opportunity to receive one of a total of 5 shop-ping vouchers to the value of $150.

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

We will keep your personal data for promotion of safety and health at work, including related research and statisical purposes. We may need to transfer such data to service providers, event co-organizers and partner institutions. If you do not wish to receive information and news relating to safety and health at work from us, please mark the box at the end of this Statement. □ I do not wish to receive the aforesaid information and news

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

Personal Information StatementThe information provided would be kept for promoting safety and health, including research and statistics. The information may need to be passed to service providers, function co-organizer and partnerships. If you do not want to receive Occupational Safety and Health information. Please tick the box in the bottom of this statement. □ I do not want to receive the information stated above

姓名 Name: 身份証號碼 Identity Card No.:

地址 Address:

日間聯絡電話 Daytime Contact Tel. No.:

1. 每人只限參加一次。 1. Each participant may only enter once.2. 主辦機構之員工及其直系家屬均一律不得參加。 2. The employees and direct family members of the organising body are not eligible to enter.3. 得獎結果以主辦機構的決定為準。 3. The decision of the organising body regarding the prize results is final.4. 主辦機構保留更改有關是項活動事宜的權利,恕不另行通知。 4. The organising body reserves the right to make changes to any matters related to the competition and will not provide further notice.5. 倘有任何爭議,一切以主辦機構的決定為最終決定。 5. In the event of any dispute, all decisions by the organising body are final.6. 歡迎複印參加表格。 6. Welcome to photocopy the form.

參加細則 Rules for Participation

Personal Data Statement

地址 :中國香港北角馬寶道28號華匯中心19樓 電話 Tel :2739 9377 電郵 E-mail :[email protected]

文 職 系 安 全 及 健 康 委 員 會 Sedentary Workers Safety & Health CommitteeAddress :19/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, HK傳真 Fax :2739 9779網址 Website :www.oshc.org.hk

Occupational Safety & Health Council



Stress by itself is a neutral motivating force. It motivates us to persevere in things we are working on. However, if the stress from work is too much, we will perceive that we are getting out of control of the work. This state of excessive stress will eventually hinder our motivation to persevere. In the workplace, this situation will happen when employees cannot satisfy the expectation of the employers or when their ability fails to live up to the demand of the job.

It is not surprising that work stress increases as technology in the workplace becomes more sophisticated, market competition more tensed; demand on sales targets doubled, working hours lengthened and as more and more people's jobs are becoming unstable due to stringent competition from neighbouring countries. In the workplace, workloads are also unprecedented. Employees not only have to accomplish a lot of paper work, they also have to meet their clients and business counterparts to sell the services of their company. In their leisure hours, they also have to take enrichment courses for further career development. So, we can see that employees are pushing themselves to the limit around the clock. It is therefore not uncommon to see that a lot of them are afflicted with different kinds of urban illnesses and rise in suicide and divorce rates. This phenomenon has been the result of the accumulation of occupational stress which can adversely affects your health, interpersonal relationships, your work and other aspects in your life.

1 遇到工作壓力時,個人方面會出現哪些徵狀? When we are suffering from stress, which of the following individual symptoms may appear?

A. 身體及心理 Physical and psychologicalB. 心理及行為 Psychological and behavioural C. 身體、心理及行為 Physical, psychological and behavioural

2 以下哪項屬於工作壓力的來源? Which of the followings could be stressors at work?

A. 工作上需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Always put on positive emotion and face at workB. 因工作,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilitiesC. 以上兩項皆是 Both A and B

3 以下哪項不是減低工作壓力的理想方法? Which one of the followings is not an ideal intervention for managing stress?

A. 找別人傾訴 Talk to people B. 均衡飲食 Maintain a balance dietC. 吸煙飲酒 Smoking and take alcoholic drinks


工作壓力管理 Work Stress Management

主要的壓力來源 Major Stressors



Do you feel nervous frequently? Are you feeling tired often? Are you occupied with negative thoughts? When you are

unhappy, do you smoke, drink, keep yourself at home or have difficulty in getting sleep? If your answers are the affirma-

tive ones, it has been a warning signal that you may be suffering from stress problems.

To an organization, excessive stress can hinder the employees' efficiency in their discharge of duties, which, in conse-

quence, will adversely affect the performance of the organization as a whole. The effects are summarized as below.

‧經常有員工離職 High turnover rates ‧員工經常請病假 Frequent absenteeism/sick leave ‧工作出錯率上升 Making wrong decisions ‧意外事故增加 Increasing accidents ‧服務及產品質素下降 Lowering service and product quality ‧勞資或員工之間的關係惡劣等 Poor relationship between employees, and between employer and employees




‧頭疼 Headaches ‧緊張 Tension ‧胃痛 /噁心 Stomachaches/indigestion ‧便秘/腹瀉 Constipation/diarrhea ‧血壓升高 Rising blood pressure ‧肌肉酸痛 Muscle pains ‧經常疲勞 Frequently feeling tired ‧呼吸困難/胸悶 Breathlessness/heaviness across chest

‧焦慮 Anxious ‧急躁 Irritable ‧煩惱 Worrying ‧憂鬱/沮喪 Moody/depressed ‧經常犯錯 Frequent mistakes ‧健忘 Forgetful ‧思維混亂 Lowering creativity/muddled thinking ‧注意力無法集中 Inability to concentrate ‧經常性的消極思維 Persistent negative thinking

‧不愛交際 Unsociability ‧不安寧 Restlessness ‧粗暴行為 Violent behaviours ‧失眠 Insomnia ‧自殺傾向 Suicidal attempt ‧沒有食慾/暴飲暴食 Loosing appetite/binge eating‧吸煙、喝酒、吸毒 Increasing smoking/drinking/drugs intake

工作壓力可以導致以下各種的身心及行為徵狀,直接影響你的健康。Occupational stress could lead to the following physical and psychological symptoms, directly influencing your health.


僱主篇 Managing Stress at Organization Level1. 因應員工的能力及經驗,分配合適的工作及工作量。 Assign task and workload according to employees' capabilities and experience.

2. 提供足夠資源,包括人手、資源及技術訓練等,令員工有足夠的能力應付被指派的工作。 Provide sufficient resources including manpower, equipment and skill training, so that employees are capable of carrying out

work assigned to them.

3. 如員工的工作或福利有重大的改變時,事前應向員工諮詢及通知進展。 If major changes are to occur in the job or welfare situation of employees, they should be consulted in advance and advised

of any progress.

4. 促進機構內的和諧氣氛及團隊精神,適當處理內部衝突及投訴。 Promote harmony and team spirit within the organization, and ensure proper handling of internal conflicts and complaints.

5. 為員工或鼓勵員工制定個人發展計劃。 Formulate or encourage the employee to formulate a personal development plan.

6. 提供安全及健康的工作環境及工作設備,制定及指導員工採取安全的工作方法。 Provide a safe and healthy working environment and facilities. Develop and instruct the employee to adopt safe work


7. 安排足夠的休息時間。 Arrange sufficient rest periods.

7. 與同事、家人、朋友建立良好關係,建立支援網絡。 Build a good relationship with your co-workers, family and friends; establish a support network.

8. 作息有序、安排工餘消閒活動,發展個人興趣。 Adopt a healthy way of living; arrange leisure activities; develop personal interests.

9. 遇到困難,可向信賴的人傾訴,或找專業輔導人員或心理學家輔導。 Talk to people you can trust or seek counseling from professional or psychologists when necessary.

為了讓僱主及在職人士能了解有效的工作壓力管理模式,職業安全健康局特別跟據在2004年對香港在職人士的工作壓力研究的結果編製成一套工作壓力管理自用套件,以深入淺出的手法,為大家介紹從個人及機構層面入手的工作壓力管理方式,藉以促進僱員的職業健康及提升機構的生產力。有興趣認識更多有關工作壓力的管理,請瀏灠本局網頁 www.oshc.org.hk。

In order to help both employers and employees understand the framework of work stress management, the Occupational Safety and Health Council had developed the Work Stress Management DIY Kit based on the findings of the research on the occupational stress in Hong Kong at 2004. The DIY Kit presents in a user-friendly approach to make sure people understand the strategies in managing stress at both individual and corporate levels so as to enhance the occupational health of employees and the productivity of organizations. You are welcome to access the kit in our homepage www.oshc.org.hk.

主席 Chairman 黃錦沛先生 Mr Wilfred WONG 香港人力資源管理學會 Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management副主席 Vice - Chairman

郭偉強先生 Mr KWOK Wai Keung 香港文職及專業人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical and Professional Employees General Union

委員 Members

陳惠儀女士 Ms Adeline CHAN 公務員事務局 Civil Service Bureau楊華勇先生 Mr Johnny YU 香港中華廠商聯合會 The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong 李賢勝先生 Mr Leslie LEE 香港中華總商會 The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 謝順禮先生 Mr Calvin TSE 香港地產代理商總會 Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association吳民輝先生 Mr William NG 香港保險業聯會 The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers曾嘉萍女士 Ms Sarah TSANG 香港華商銀行公會有限公司 The Chinese Banks' Association Ltd陳贊春先生 Mr CHAN Tsan Chun 香港僱主聯合會 Employers' Federation of Hong Kong 葉偉光先生 Mr Felix YIP 香港總商會 The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 區嘉榮先生 Mr Alex AU 香港文職人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical Employees General Union 關樂平先生 Mr Denys KWAN 香港地產代理專業協會 Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Ltd湯仲敏女士 Ms TONG Chung Man 香港洋務工會 Hong Kong Union of Chinese Workers in Western Style Employment 胡伯賢先生 Mr Andrew WU 香港保險業總工會 Hong Kong Insurance Practitioners General Union鄭永生先生 Mr Vincent CHANG 香港銀行華員會 Chinese Bankers Club, Hong Kong梁偉明先生 Mr LEUNG Wai Ming 高級公務員評議會(職方)Senior Civil Service Council (Staff Side)李煒敏女士 Ms LEE Wai Man 製造業管理文職技術人員協會 The Association of Managerial, Clerical and Technical Employees in Manufacturing Industry曾志強先生 Mr Kenneth TSANG 勞工處 Labour Department鄭樹基博士 Dr Andy CHENG 香港理工大學 Hong Kong Polytechnic University

文職系安全及健康委員會成員名單(2007-10) Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee Membership List(2007-10)

工作環境 Physical work conditions‧ 凌亂及狹窄的空間 Messy and tiny working space

‧ 危險的工作環境 Dangerous working environment

組織氣氛 Organizational climate‧ 員工的努力或良好表現未獲認同 Improper performance appraisal system

‧ 歧視(性別、家庭崗位、年齡、殘疾、種族等) Discrimination (gender, age, disability, race)

工作與生活的平衡 Work / Family conflict‧ 工作太繁重,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilities

‧ 缺乏家庭的支持 Lacking family support

工作安全感 Job insecurity‧ 裁員的威脅,事業前途不明朗 Threat of staff cutbacks, insecure career prospects

‧ 缺乏發展個人能力及晉升的機會 Lack of career development and promotion

情緒勞動需求 Emotional labour demands‧ 需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Put on positive emotion and face at work

‧ 經常遭人拒絕, 甚至面斥或羞辱,但又不可以發脾氣 Cold-calls, criticisms, even insults

組織約束 Organizational constraints‧ 沒有足夠的人力支援 Lack of support and backups

‧ 缺乏適當的設備 Lack of appropriate facilities僱員篇 Managing Stress at Individual Level1. 對工作作出計劃,訂立緩急先後,改善時間管理。 Develop work plans, prioritize the work and improve

time management.

2. 積極面對問題,跟同事與上司討論解決問題的方法。 Face problems positively, discuss with co-workers and

supervisors the ways to solve problems.

3. 多做運動,令體魄強健。 Exercise regularly to keep your body fit and healthy.

4. 均衡及充足的飲食,避免不健康食品,如咖啡、煙酒。 Maintain a balanced diet, avoid unhealthy foods such as coffee, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

5. 充足睡眠,睡前拚除雜念。 Ensure sufficient sleep, clear your mind of clutter before going to bed.

6. 學習鬆弛技巧。 Learn relaxation techniques.

工作壓力對員工的健康、生活、甚至機構方面均有負面影響,因此僱主應像對其他職業安全健康危害一樣,對工作壓力作出管理;而僱員亦應與僱主配合,以減低壓力的影響,及增加個人應付壓力的能力。Work stress will affect employees' health and daily life as well the effectiveness at work. An employer therefore should implement control measures over work related stress as with other occupational safety and health hazards. Employees should work together with employers to reduce the effects of work stress and increase their ability to cope with stress.

工作量 Workloads‧ 工作時限緊迫 Meeting tight deadline

‧ 工作量過大或過小 Over-load or under-load

自決空間 Lack of autonomy‧ 上司分配責任含糊或組織架構混亂,令員工不清楚自己的角色及責任

Jobs related to conflicts, violence, deaths

‧ 員工身兼多重角色,而不同角色的責任有所衝突 Great responsibility, enduring concentration at work

人際關係 Interpersonal conflict‧ 缺乏與別人接觸或溝通的機會 Lack of human contact or communication

‧ 與上司及下屬發生衝突 Conflicts with supervisors/subordinates



Page 6: 有獎問答遊戲 Quiz - oshc.org.hk · 2007-09-05 · 讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。

有獎 問答遊戲 Quiz

免費訂閱表格Free Subscription Form

本人對文職系安全健康通訊感興趣,並以電子郵件索取I am interested in the Sedentary Bulletin and want to subscribe it by e-mail

中文姓名 Chi Name: 英文姓名 Eng Name:

電話 Tel. No: 傳真 Fax No: 電子郵件 E-mail Address:填妥後請將表格傳真至 2739 9779 職業安全健康局 Please fax the form to Occupational Safety and Health Council (Fax No. : 2739 9779)


© 2007 Occupational Safety & Health Council 職業安全健康局 8/2007(1)

職安熱線 OSH Hotline: 2739 9000


請圈出正確答案及填妥下列表格,郵寄或傳真回本局總辦事處,信封面請註明「文職系安全健康通訊問答遊戲」。截止日期:2007年11月30日。Please circle the correct answers and fill in the following form and send it or fax it to the Council. Please write “Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Bulletin Prize Quiz” on the envelope. Closing date: 30 November, 2007.

文職系安全及健康委員會於本通訊內續設了一個有獎問答遊戲,籍此來提高大家對工作安全的警覺性,希望讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。The Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee has included a prize quiz in this bulletin to help raise awareness of work safety. We look forward to your participation. If you can answer the following three questions correctly, you can enter the lucky draw and have an opportunity to receive one of a total of 5 shop-ping vouchers to the value of $150.

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

We will keep your personal data for promotion of safety and health at work, including related research and statisical purposes. We may need to transfer such data to service providers, event co-organizers and partner institutions. If you do not wish to receive information and news relating to safety and health at work from us, please mark the box at the end of this Statement. □ I do not wish to receive the aforesaid information and news

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

Personal Information StatementThe information provided would be kept for promoting safety and health, including research and statistics. The information may need to be passed to service providers, function co-organizer and partnerships. If you do not want to receive Occupational Safety and Health information. Please tick the box in the bottom of this statement. □ I do not want to receive the information stated above

姓名 Name: 身份証號碼 Identity Card No.:

地址 Address:

日間聯絡電話 Daytime Contact Tel. No.:

1. 每人只限參加一次。 1. Each participant may only enter once.2. 主辦機構之員工及其直系家屬均一律不得參加。 2. The employees and direct family members of the organising body are not eligible to enter.3. 得獎結果以主辦機構的決定為準。 3. The decision of the organising body regarding the prize results is final.4. 主辦機構保留更改有關是項活動事宜的權利,恕不另行通知。 4. The organising body reserves the right to make changes to any matters related to the competition and will not provide further notice.5. 倘有任何爭議,一切以主辦機構的決定為最終決定。 5. In the event of any dispute, all decisions by the organising body are final.6. 歡迎複印參加表格。 6. Welcome to photocopy the form.

參加細則 Rules for Participation

Personal Data Statement

地址 :中國香港北角馬寶道28號華匯中心19樓 電話 Tel :2739 9377 電郵 E-mail :[email protected]

文 職 系 安 全 及 健 康 委 員 會 Sedentary Workers Safety & Health CommitteeAddress :19/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, HK傳真 Fax :2739 9779網址 Website :www.oshc.org.hk

Occupational Safety & Health Council



Stress by itself is a neutral motivating force. It motivates us to persevere in things we are working on. However, if the stress from work is too much, we will perceive that we are getting out of control of the work. This state of excessive stress will eventually hinder our motivation to persevere. In the workplace, this situation will happen when employees cannot satisfy the expectation of the employers or when their ability fails to live up to the demand of the job.

It is not surprising that work stress increases as technology in the workplace becomes more sophisticated, market competition more tensed; demand on sales targets doubled, working hours lengthened and as more and more people's jobs are becoming unstable due to stringent competition from neighbouring countries. In the workplace, workloads are also unprecedented. Employees not only have to accomplish a lot of paper work, they also have to meet their clients and business counterparts to sell the services of their company. In their leisure hours, they also have to take enrichment courses for further career development. So, we can see that employees are pushing themselves to the limit around the clock. It is therefore not uncommon to see that a lot of them are afflicted with different kinds of urban illnesses and rise in suicide and divorce rates. This phenomenon has been the result of the accumulation of occupational stress which can adversely affects your health, interpersonal relationships, your work and other aspects in your life.

1 遇到工作壓力時,個人方面會出現哪些徵狀? When we are suffering from stress, which of the following individual symptoms may appear?

A. 身體及心理 Physical and psychologicalB. 心理及行為 Psychological and behavioural C. 身體、心理及行為 Physical, psychological and behavioural

2 以下哪項屬於工作壓力的來源? Which of the followings could be stressors at work?

A. 工作上需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Always put on positive emotion and face at workB. 因工作,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilitiesC. 以上兩項皆是 Both A and B

3 以下哪項不是減低工作壓力的理想方法? Which one of the followings is not an ideal intervention for managing stress?

A. 找別人傾訴 Talk to people B. 均衡飲食 Maintain a balance dietC. 吸煙飲酒 Smoking and take alcoholic drinks


工作壓力管理 Work Stress Management

主要的壓力來源 Major Stressors



Do you feel nervous frequently? Are you feeling tired often? Are you occupied with negative thoughts? When you are

unhappy, do you smoke, drink, keep yourself at home or have difficulty in getting sleep? If your answers are the affirma-

tive ones, it has been a warning signal that you may be suffering from stress problems.

To an organization, excessive stress can hinder the employees' efficiency in their discharge of duties, which, in conse-

quence, will adversely affect the performance of the organization as a whole. The effects are summarized as below.

‧經常有員工離職 High turnover rates ‧員工經常請病假 Frequent absenteeism/sick leave ‧工作出錯率上升 Making wrong decisions ‧意外事故增加 Increasing accidents ‧服務及產品質素下降 Lowering service and product quality ‧勞資或員工之間的關係惡劣等 Poor relationship between employees, and between employer and employees




‧頭疼 Headaches ‧緊張 Tension ‧胃痛 /噁心 Stomachaches/indigestion ‧便秘/腹瀉 Constipation/diarrhea ‧血壓升高 Rising blood pressure ‧肌肉酸痛 Muscle pains ‧經常疲勞 Frequently feeling tired ‧呼吸困難/胸悶 Breathlessness/heaviness across chest

‧焦慮 Anxious ‧急躁 Irritable ‧煩惱 Worrying ‧憂鬱/沮喪 Moody/depressed ‧經常犯錯 Frequent mistakes ‧健忘 Forgetful ‧思維混亂 Lowering creativity/muddled thinking ‧注意力無法集中 Inability to concentrate ‧經常性的消極思維 Persistent negative thinking

‧不愛交際 Unsociability ‧不安寧 Restlessness ‧粗暴行為 Violent behaviours ‧失眠 Insomnia ‧自殺傾向 Suicidal attempt ‧沒有食慾/暴飲暴食 Loosing appetite/binge eating‧吸煙、喝酒、吸毒 Increasing smoking/drinking/drugs intake

工作壓力可以導致以下各種的身心及行為徵狀,直接影響你的健康。Occupational stress could lead to the following physical and psychological symptoms, directly influencing your health.


僱主篇 Managing Stress at Organization Level1. 因應員工的能力及經驗,分配合適的工作及工作量。 Assign task and workload according to employees' capabilities and experience.

2. 提供足夠資源,包括人手、資源及技術訓練等,令員工有足夠的能力應付被指派的工作。 Provide sufficient resources including manpower, equipment and skill training, so that employees are capable of carrying out

work assigned to them.

3. 如員工的工作或福利有重大的改變時,事前應向員工諮詢及通知進展。 If major changes are to occur in the job or welfare situation of employees, they should be consulted in advance and advised

of any progress.

4. 促進機構內的和諧氣氛及團隊精神,適當處理內部衝突及投訴。 Promote harmony and team spirit within the organization, and ensure proper handling of internal conflicts and complaints.

5. 為員工或鼓勵員工制定個人發展計劃。 Formulate or encourage the employee to formulate a personal development plan.

6. 提供安全及健康的工作環境及工作設備,制定及指導員工採取安全的工作方法。 Provide a safe and healthy working environment and facilities. Develop and instruct the employee to adopt safe work


7. 安排足夠的休息時間。 Arrange sufficient rest periods.

7. 與同事、家人、朋友建立良好關係,建立支援網絡。 Build a good relationship with your co-workers, family and friends; establish a support network.

8. 作息有序、安排工餘消閒活動,發展個人興趣。 Adopt a healthy way of living; arrange leisure activities; develop personal interests.

9. 遇到困難,可向信賴的人傾訴,或找專業輔導人員或心理學家輔導。 Talk to people you can trust or seek counseling from professional or psychologists when necessary.

為了讓僱主及在職人士能了解有效的工作壓力管理模式,職業安全健康局特別跟據在2004年對香港在職人士的工作壓力研究的結果編製成一套工作壓力管理自用套件,以深入淺出的手法,為大家介紹從個人及機構層面入手的工作壓力管理方式,藉以促進僱員的職業健康及提升機構的生產力。有興趣認識更多有關工作壓力的管理,請瀏灠本局網頁 www.oshc.org.hk。

In order to help both employers and employees understand the framework of work stress management, the Occupational Safety and Health Council had developed the Work Stress Management DIY Kit based on the findings of the research on the occupational stress in Hong Kong at 2004. The DIY Kit presents in a user-friendly approach to make sure people understand the strategies in managing stress at both individual and corporate levels so as to enhance the occupational health of employees and the productivity of organizations. You are welcome to access the kit in our homepage www.oshc.org.hk.

主席 Chairman 黃錦沛先生 Mr Wilfred WONG 香港人力資源管理學會 Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management副主席 Vice - Chairman

郭偉強先生 Mr KWOK Wai Keung 香港文職及專業人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical and Professional Employees General Union

委員 Members

陳惠儀女士 Ms Adeline CHAN 公務員事務局 Civil Service Bureau楊華勇先生 Mr Johnny YU 香港中華廠商聯合會 The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong 李賢勝先生 Mr Leslie LEE 香港中華總商會 The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 謝順禮先生 Mr Calvin TSE 香港地產代理商總會 Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association吳民輝先生 Mr William NG 香港保險業聯會 The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers曾嘉萍女士 Ms Sarah TSANG 香港華商銀行公會有限公司 The Chinese Banks' Association Ltd陳贊春先生 Mr CHAN Tsan Chun 香港僱主聯合會 Employers' Federation of Hong Kong 葉偉光先生 Mr Felix YIP 香港總商會 The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 區嘉榮先生 Mr Alex AU 香港文職人員總會 Hong Kong Clerical Employees General Union 關樂平先生 Mr Denys KWAN 香港地產代理專業協會 Society of Hong Kong Real Estate Agents Ltd湯仲敏女士 Ms TONG Chung Man 香港洋務工會 Hong Kong Union of Chinese Workers in Western Style Employment 胡伯賢先生 Mr Andrew WU 香港保險業總工會 Hong Kong Insurance Practitioners General Union鄭永生先生 Mr Vincent CHANG 香港銀行華員會 Chinese Bankers Club, Hong Kong梁偉明先生 Mr LEUNG Wai Ming 高級公務員評議會(職方)Senior Civil Service Council (Staff Side)李煒敏女士 Ms LEE Wai Man 製造業管理文職技術人員協會 The Association of Managerial, Clerical and Technical Employees in Manufacturing Industry曾志強先生 Mr Kenneth TSANG 勞工處 Labour Department鄭樹基博士 Dr Andy CHENG 香港理工大學 Hong Kong Polytechnic University

文職系安全及健康委員會成員名單(2007-10) Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee Membership List(2007-10)

工作環境 Physical work conditions‧ 凌亂及狹窄的空間 Messy and tiny working space

‧ 危險的工作環境 Dangerous working environment

組織氣氛 Organizational climate‧ 員工的努力或良好表現未獲認同 Improper performance appraisal system

‧ 歧視(性別、家庭崗位、年齡、殘疾、種族等) Discrimination (gender, age, disability, race)

工作與生活的平衡 Work / Family conflict‧ 工作太繁重,未能兼顧家庭責任 Heavy workload, unable to meet family responsibilities

‧ 缺乏家庭的支持 Lacking family support

工作安全感 Job insecurity‧ 裁員的威脅,事業前途不明朗 Threat of staff cutbacks, insecure career prospects

‧ 缺乏發展個人能力及晉升的機會 Lack of career development and promotion

情緒勞動需求 Emotional labour demands‧ 需要笑面迎人與客人溝通 Put on positive emotion and face at work

‧ 經常遭人拒絕, 甚至面斥或羞辱,但又不可以發脾氣 Cold-calls, criticisms, even insults

組織約束 Organizational constraints‧ 沒有足夠的人力支援 Lack of support and backups

‧ 缺乏適當的設備 Lack of appropriate facilities僱員篇 Managing Stress at Individual Level1. 對工作作出計劃,訂立緩急先後,改善時間管理。 Develop work plans, prioritize the work and improve

time management.

2. 積極面對問題,跟同事與上司討論解決問題的方法。 Face problems positively, discuss with co-workers and

supervisors the ways to solve problems.

3. 多做運動,令體魄強健。 Exercise regularly to keep your body fit and healthy.

4. 均衡及充足的飲食,避免不健康食品,如咖啡、煙酒。 Maintain a balanced diet, avoid unhealthy foods such as coffee, alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

5. 充足睡眠,睡前拚除雜念。 Ensure sufficient sleep, clear your mind of clutter before going to bed.

6. 學習鬆弛技巧。 Learn relaxation techniques.

工作壓力對員工的健康、生活、甚至機構方面均有負面影響,因此僱主應像對其他職業安全健康危害一樣,對工作壓力作出管理;而僱員亦應與僱主配合,以減低壓力的影響,及增加個人應付壓力的能力。Work stress will affect employees' health and daily life as well the effectiveness at work. An employer therefore should implement control measures over work related stress as with other occupational safety and health hazards. Employees should work together with employers to reduce the effects of work stress and increase their ability to cope with stress.

工作量 Workloads‧ 工作時限緊迫 Meeting tight deadline

‧ 工作量過大或過小 Over-load or under-load

自決空間 Lack of autonomy‧ 上司分配責任含糊或組織架構混亂,令員工不清楚自己的角色及責任

Jobs related to conflicts, violence, deaths

‧ 員工身兼多重角色,而不同角色的責任有所衝突 Great responsibility, enduring concentration at work

人際關係 Interpersonal conflict‧ 缺乏與別人接觸或溝通的機會 Lack of human contact or communication

‧ 與上司及下屬發生衝突 Conflicts with supervisors/subordinates