「熱愛閱讀週」 - the isf academy · 2011. 7. 25. · mr nury vittachi, hong kong’s...

Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊 1 Love of Reading Week 愛閱讀週」 Our Dream, Our Olympic Youth Exchange Program 「心繫奧運兩岸四地青少年交流直通專列」 Cyberport Environmental Program for FY and G2 Students 小一預備班和二年級學生被邀參加數碼港環保活動 Working with Recycled Materials 利用再循環物料 Field Trips 校外硏習 Student Voice Workshop 「學生的聲音」工作坊 Grade 7Z Bake Sale for Secondary Library 七忠班 為中學圖書館籌款的糕點義賣活動 P.1 - P.2 P.3 P.4 P.5 P.6 P.7 P.8 • Sport 運動 Student Achievements! 學生成就! Professional Development 專業發展 Silent Auction for Grand Opening Ceremony Flags 拍賣形式「新校舍落成慶典」特別版旗幟 Parent Workshop 家長工作坊 PTA – Dr Louise Porter Talk 家長教師會-Louise Porter博士講座 PTA News 弘立家長教師會訊息 • Admission 招生 P.9 P.10 - P.11 P.12 P.13 P.13 P.14 P.15 P.16 News in Brief 特別通告 The next issue of the Newsletter will be published in mid-June 2008. 下一期的校訊將會在六月中發行。 The 2008 edition of this year’s Love of Reading Week (LORW) was a roaring success. Due to the combined efforts of all involved, the LORW committee put together a week full of exciting events and challenges. All the activities were designed to instill in students a love of reading and a love of books. Taking advantage of this year’s Olympic theme, the committee designed an Olympic Reading Passport which described each of the day’s events with points assigned to each event. Students were rewarded with points that would enable them to earn either a Gold, Silver or Bronze award. The awards were in the form of certificates of participation as well as Olympic-like buttons in gold, silver or bronze colors. Thanks to the generous support of the Clifford C.F. Wong Distinguished Author Program, the committee was able to invite two highly regarded local authors to inspire students, parents and teachers about writing and publishing books. Our community was given a glimpse about the writing process, how the authors work, what inspires authors to write, tips for our students to increase their desire to read and write, and tips for parents on how to get their children excited about reading. Mr Nury Vittachi, Hong Kong’s favorite literary son, gave workshops all week to students, parents and teachers. Far Eastern Media Ltd. set up a sales booth to sell his books and the PTA also set up another table to sell his books from a second vendor. The children lined up all week to buy these books and to have them autographed. 「熱愛閱讀週」 多得各方面的配合,「熱愛閱讀週」 的籌委會才能成功舉辦了一個充滿有 趣活動,空前成功的熱愛閱讀週。 這 一週裡的所有活動,皆為了培養學生 對閱讀及書本的興趣而設計的。 籌委會利用了今年的奧林匹克運動會 作為熱愛閱讀週的主題,每個學生將 會收到一本「閱讀奧林匹克護照」, 閱讀證上記錄了曾參與過的項目活動 及獲得一定的積分,而累績一定的分 數者,將會被頒發金、銀、銅獎以及 金色、銀色或銅色的徽章。 為了鼓勵 每個學生都積極參與,所有曾參與的 同學都會被頒發一張証書以作表揚。 非常感謝黃掁輝傑出作家系列基金大力支持,籌委會才能邀請到二位本 地著名的作家為我們學生、家長及教 師分享寫作及出版書籍的心得。 作家 為我們的社群簡介寫作的程序、方法 和他們的靈感來源,並提供了一些能 提高閱讀及寫作興趣的心得給予學 生,和為家長介紹了如何使孩子提起 對閱讀興趣的方法。 此外,香港最受歡迎的文學作家之一 Nury Vittachi 先生,在整個星期裡為 我們各班級的學生、家長及教師主持 了多個工作坊,而Far Eastern Media Ltd. 設立了攤位售賣他的書籍以及家 長教師會亦設立了另一攤位,售賣他 於另一家出版社的書籍。 每天更有很 多學生在攤位前排隊等候索取他的簽 名。 Mr Nury Vittachi autographed books for students (Nury Vittachi 為學生們親筆簽名) Love of Reading Week

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  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    • Love of Reading Week 「熱愛閱讀週」• Our Dream, Our Olympic Youth Exchange Program


    • Cyberport Environmental Program for FY and G2 Students小一預備班和二年級學生被邀參加數碼港環保活動

    • Working with Recycled Materials 利用再循環物料• Field Trips 校外硏習• Student Voice Workshop 「學生的聲音」工作坊• Grade 7Z Bake Sale for Secondary Library

    七忠班 — 為中學圖書館籌款的糕點義賣活動

    P.1 - P.2P.3



    • Sport 運動• Student Achievements! 學生成就!• Professional Development 專業發展• Silent Auction for Grand Opening Ceremony Flags


    • Parent Workshop 家長工作坊• PTA – Dr Louise Porter Talk 家長教師會-Louise Porter博士講座• PTA News 弘立家長教師會訊息• Admission 招生

    P.9P.10 - P.11



    News in Brief 特別通告The next issue of the Newsletter will be published in mid-June 2008.下一期的校訊將會在六月中發行。

    The 2008 edition of this year’s Love of Reading Week (LORW) was a roaring success. Due to the combined efforts of all involved, the LORW committee put together a week full of exciting events and challenges. All the activities were designed to instill in students a love of reading and a love of books.

    Taking advantage of this year’s Olympic theme, the committee designed an Olympic Reading Passport which described each of the day’s events with points assigned to each event. Students were rewarded with points that would enable them to earn either a Gold, Silver or Bronze award. The awards were in the form of certificates of participation as well as Olympic-like buttons in gold, silver or bronze colors.

    Thanks to the generous support of the Clifford C.F. Wong Distinguished Author Program, the committee was able to invite two highly regarded local authors to inspire students, parents and teachers about writing and publishing books. Our community was given a glimpse about the writing process, how the authors work, what inspires authors to write, tips for our students to increase their desire to read and write, and tips for parents on how to get their children excited about reading.

    Mr Nury Vittachi, Hong Kong’s favorite literary son, gave workshops all week to students, parents and teachers. Far Eastern Media Ltd. set up a sales booth to sell his books and the PTA also set up another table to sell his books from a second vendor. The children lined up all week to buy these books and to have them autographed.


    多得各方面的配合,「熱愛閱讀週」的籌委會才能成功舉辦了一個充滿有趣活動,空前成功的熱愛閱讀週。 這一週裡的所有活動,皆為了培養學生對閱讀及書本的興趣而設計的。

    籌委會利用了今年的奧林匹克運動會作為熱愛閱讀週的主題,每個學生將會收到一本「閱讀奧林匹克護照」,閱讀證上記錄了曾參與過的項目活動及獲得一定的積分,而累績一定的分數者,將會被頒發金、銀、銅獎以及金色、銀色或銅色的徽章。 為了鼓勵每個學生都積極參與,所有曾參與的同學都會被頒發一張証書以作表揚。

    非常感謝黃掁輝傑出作家系列基金的大力支持,籌委會才能邀請到二位本地著名的作家為我們學生、家長及教師分享寫作及出版書籍的心得。 作家為我們的社群簡介寫作的程序、方法和他們的靈感來源,並提供了一些能提高閱讀及寫作興趣的心得給予學生,和為家長介紹了如何使孩子提起對閱讀興趣的方法。

    此外,香港最受歡迎的文學作家之一Nury Vittachi 先生,在整個星期裡為我們各班級的學生、家長及教師主持了多個工作坊,而Far Eastern Media Ltd. 設立了攤位售賣他的書籍以及家長教師會亦設立了另一攤位,售賣他於另一家出版社的書籍。 每天更有很多學生在攤位前排隊等候索取他的簽名。

    ▼ Mr Nury Vittachi autographed books for students (Nury Vittachi 為學生們親筆簽名)

    Love of Reading Week

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    On Friday April 25th Ms Sun Wai Ling (孫慧玲), a very well known local Chinese author, gave presentations to all students as well as teachers and parents. As a bonus, Haven Publishing arranged for a free presentation by the publisher and illustrator of a new set of books entitled Animalympics. The audience for this new series is students from Foundation Year to Grade 2 and all of our students from these grades were treated to a wonderful demonstration of how books are published and how the art was created for these books.

    本地著名作家孫慧玲女士於四月二十五日(星期五)為全體學生、教師和家長作演講。出版商及一位插圖畫家更額外安排了一場免費講座,內容是有關他們新出版的圖書系列 — Animalympics,這系列圖書的對象為預備班至二年級的學生,他們每個學生都欣賞了一場有關怎樣出版圖書及怎樣將美術圖畫在圖書上創作的精彩示範。

    One of the highlights for LORW occurred on Thursday 17th April, before LORW began. A group of teachers dressed up as well-known book characters and did a runway-style fashion show for the primary children during their morning assembly. Students howled with laughter and many were instantly eager to read more about the characters from the books. Some parents were heard to remark what an amazing school this was where teachers would don costumes such as a chicken, a fish, an African lady, and even do the Indian dance for the purpose of promoting books to their students.


    The committee would like to thank all teachers for their support, all our parent volunteers for their undying dedication, the Clifford C. F. Wong Distinguished Author Program for enabling us to bring in our authors, our extremely talented technical team and Sodexho for their flexibility and speedy response to our mountain of needs. You all helped us to make this LORW the best ever. Last, but not the least, Bob wants to say thank you to the best library crew for keeping him sane on a daily basis.

    愛閱讀週的籌委會成員希望藉此機會感謝眾教師的支持和各位家長義工不斷的付出,以及黃掁輝傑出作家系列基金的幫忙,使我們能夠邀請到一些著名的作家為嘉賓;另外,我們亦十分感謝一班非常能幹的技術支援組的同事,及索迪斯的職員,他們有效率並靈活地處理及解決我們排山倒海的需要。你們每一位都使這次的愛閱讀週成為最成功的一次。最後,Bob 感謝一群出色的圖書館工作人員,在這段期間幫助他保持清醒地頭腦。

    (Contributed by: Mr Bob Jonas, Teacher Librarian)(資料提供:學校圖書館主任Bob Jonas)

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    Beijing Educational Exchange Program

    In March, five of our Grade 8 students, Angus Lau (G8Z), Ellen Ng (G8Z), Kenny Wong (G8Z), Eric Chan (G8X) and Samuel Wong (G8X) participated in a once in a life time opportunity: a trip to Beijing to learn more about the country’s preparations for the Olympic Games. Entitled “Our Dream, Our Olympic Youth Exchange Program”, this event was hosted by the All-China Youth Federation and Hong Kong Youth Sector Organizing Committee. It was co-organized by the Home Affairs Bureau of Hong Kong Government, the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China and RTHK Corporate. The Boys’ and Girls’Clubs Association of Hong Kong were also involved in organizing this program.

    During their trip to Beijing from March 22nd to 29th, our students took part in several activities with over 300 teenagers from Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong. Throughout their stay, our students felt very well received and looked after. They visited several Olympic venues which combined state-of-the-art technology and elements of Chinese architecture. These venues included “The Bird’s Nest” which is the main Olympic National Stadium, “The Water Cube” which is the Beijing National Aquatics Center and the National Opera House. They also took part in a series of exchange activities with students of Beijing Foreign Studies University, and talked to them about their feelings and experience thus far of being volunteers for the Beijing Olympics.

    The highlight of the trip was the chance to meet the President and watch the flag-raising ceremony at close quarters in the Great Hall of the People. The extraordinary experience of being in the Great Hall made them feel truly Chinese. The trip gave our students an insight into the preparation of a “Green, High-tech, People's Olympics” and it was a truly wonderful experience.

    (Contributed by: Ms Penny Ho, BGCA Social Worker)



    在三月份,本校五名八年級學生─八忠班的吳嘉蕙、黃嘉杰及劉耀聰、八孝班的陳百竣及黃碩皿有幸地參與一生難得的機會, 「心繫奧運兩岸四地青少年交流直通專列」北京交流團,其目的是為了進一步了解北京奧運的籌辦情況。 是項活動由中華全國青年聯合會與香港各界青少年迎奧運系列活動委員會主辦;另由香港特別行政區政府民政事務局、中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會及香港電台單位參與合辦;而香港小童群益會是其中一個協辦機構。

    在三月廿二至廿九日期間,把握了這一次難得的機會,本校學生成為三百多名青少年的一分子。 學生與來自台灣、澳門及香港的青少年一起遠赴北京參與多項交流活動。 期間,學生得到北京各界的熱情款待,他們遊覽過奧運主體育場館「鳥巢」、國家游泳中心「水立方」、國家大劇院等等集合先進而揉合中國文化元素的建築;學生亦與北京外國語大學的學生進行一系列交流活動,訪問他們當北京奧運志願者的感受及體驗。

    此外,學生們更踏進人民大會堂與國家領導人會面、近距離看升旗儀式以及攀上了長城,做了好漢呢! 這些非凡的北京奧運體驗,讓他們真真正正感受到自己是不折不扣的中國人,同時也深入了解到北京在科技奧運、綠色奧運及人民奧運三方面的準備情況。這真是一次很難忘的經驗呢!


    News article in Sing Tao Daily about the trip to Beijing which also featured a short interview with one of our students Samuel Wong (G8X) who talked about his experience in Beijing and the exchange program.星島日報的新聞稿刊登了港生北上「京奧」前奏,八孝班的黃碩皿同學更被傳媒訪問他有關交流團的心得及在北京的體驗。

    ▲Students outside the “The Water Cube”學生們在「水立方」外跳起

    ▲Students outside the Great Hall of the People 學生們在人民大會堂外

    ▲Students on the Great Wall學生到達長城

    Our Dream, Our Olympic Youth Exchange Program

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    Our FY and G2 students were invited to participate in the “Earth Day at Cyberport: We Care! We Act!” event. The exhibition, which lasted two weeks from April 10th to 22nd, included an art and educational exhibition, several workshops and a cloth bag redemption activity. The event aimed to develop in students an understanding of the need to protect our environment and inculcate in them a sense of responsibility and the realization that they too can make a positive impact on the lives of others.

    Our students helped to sort items for recycling and they decorated the maze on Wednesday, April 9th. They also participated in the opening ceremony on April 10th. Through the

    ▲Decorating the environmental protective tree 學生在裝飾環保樹

    (Resources: All Pictures are from Apple Daily published on April 13)(所有圖片來源是由四月十三日刊登在蘋果日報內)

    ▲Students brought waste material from home to act as decorations 學生從家裡帶棄用的物料來裝飾

    ▲Our G2 students at the Earth Day at Cyberport本鈫二年級學生參加數碼港環保活動

    (Contributed by: Ms Letty Wong, Administration Assistant)


    我們的小一預備班和二年級學生獲邀參與 “數碼港地球日”--- 一個為期兩星期由四月十日至二十二日 的環保活動。 這個活動的節目包括藝術及教育展覽、工作坊、回收布袋等等。 活動的目標為培養學生對環保的認識和責任感,以及體現他們的行為能給別人的生活帶來正面影響。

    我們的學生在四月九日(星期三)到數碼港幫忙分類回收物和佈置場內迷宮,並參與四 月十日的「數碼港地球日」開幕典禮。 透過這次活動,學生們學習了一些有關環境保護的知識,他們也覺得活動十分有趣好玩呢!


    Apple Daily News (Supplement):

    This event was featured on Sunday, April 13th in the Apple Daily News (Supplement).



    Cyberport Environmental Program for FY and G2 Students

    activities, they learned more about environmental protection and had great fun at the same time!

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    Working with Recycled Materials 利用再循環物料

    ◄Geoffrey Hui (G2A) showing his cloth made from plastic bags二愛班的許皓博同學展示他用塑膠袋做的衣服

    Abigail Belle, Cheung (G2A) wearing ►her art work二愛班的張詠斯學生正在穿上她的藝術衣服

    (Contributed by: Ms Mui Siu Ha, Teacher)(資料提供::梅小霞老師)

    ▲Audrey Kathleen, Yen (G2R) selecting her materials二仁班的嚴晧媛學生挑選物料

    Clothing Project 探索科做衣服

    ▲Grade 8 students designing and constructing a lampshade made from recycled materials in their technology class.八年級學生在科技班用循環再用物料設計及構迼燈罩 (Contributed by: Ms. Ruth Morris, Teacher)

    (資料提供:: Ruth Morris老師)

    Designing and Constructing a Lampshade 設計及構造燈罩

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    Grade 3 Students Visit Hong Kong Museum of History

    Our Grade 3 students visited the Hong Kong Museum of History on Thursday April 10th to complement their Guided Discovery Lessons on “History of the Development of Hong Kong”. Through their visit, students developed an understanding of life in early agrarian Hong Kong society. They also explored

    the history and functions of clan villages and clan halls, various traditional customs and festivals, and the lifestyle of fishermen. The visit to the museum greatly stimulated our students’ interests in the early history of Hong Kong and serves to reinforce their understanding and appreciation of local history.

    (Contributed by: Ms Pun Fan, Teacher)


    為了配合探索科「香港早期的歷史發展」單元的學習,三年級的學生在四月十日(星期四)到香港歷史博物館參觀,進一步了解農村社會的生活,例如:圍村及宗祠的由來和功用、傳統習俗與節日、漁民的生活等。 透過活動,他們對早期香港的歷史發展以及對本單元內容有更多的理解和認識。


    On Wednesday March 19th our teacher Mrs Naga led us on a field trip to the Water Treatment and Sewage Treatment Plants. We are presently learning about the different ways of treating water and sewage and the visit to these two plants allowed us to see the processes first-hand. It was really beneficial as we developed a better understanding of how the processes work. We also learnt that the treatment processes have to be done very precisely due to the possible

    adverse impact this could have on our environment if things go wrong.

    All in all, these were very eye-opening visits and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We learnt so much more than if we had just read it in a book.

    (Reflections from a Group of G8 students and contributed by Mrs Naga)


    於三月十九日(星期三 ),我們的老師Mrs Naga 帶領我們到沙田濾水廠及沙田污水處理廠進行實地考察,藉此機會,我們很高興可以見識到並親身體驗處理食水和污水的不同過程及兩間廠的運作。 這次實地考察之行加深了我們對處理污水過程的認識,使我們得益不少。 我們也學到必須一絲不苟地進行處理過程,不容有失,否則,我們的生態環境將會受到影響。

    總括而言,我們都非常享受這次參觀活動,它不但使我們眼界大開, 更讓我們學到了很多書本以外的知識。

    (一班八年級學生對活動後的感想,資料由 Mrs Naga老師提供)

    ▲ Demonstrating the filtering system at the Water Treatment Plant 在濾水廠過濾系統的示範

    ▲Control room of the Sewage Treatment Plant. 污水處理廠控制中心

    Field Trips 校外硏習

    Grade 8 Visits to Shatin Water Treatment Plant and ShatinSewage Treatment Plant

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    British Council Student Voice March 12th 2008

    Last month, three students from the Student Council, Yammy Lo (G8X), Eric Chan (G8X) and Jonathan Chow (G8X), participated in the British Councilorganized Student Voice workshop. Students were accompanied by The ISF Academy social worker, Ms Penny Ho, and Mr Andrew McHugh, Dean of Faculty. The workshop, led by Mr Archie McGlynn from the EDB, was part of the year-long seminar launched at The ISF Academy in October 2007. On this occasion, activities focused on defining and sharing what “Student Voice” meant to each school. We also had the opportunity to compare and contrast differing points of view. It was amazing how many different suggestions surfaced, but also comforting to see that students across Hong Kong had so many ideas in common!

    Possibly the highlight of the afternoon was an activity called “Graffiti” which involved moving around four workstations and adding our own thoughts to the written comments left by previous group(s). Sharing the end product was very revealing and left no doubt about the key themes of “Student Voice” or the ability of students to present without rehearsal!

    “Breaks are important!” Mr McGlynnsaid and so it proved. Short breaks between activities offered a chance to talk with students and teachers from other schools. They were just as curious about our school as we were about theirs! Of course, as representatives of The ISF Academy, all three of us were proud to be answering their questions and to promote our school and its approach to “Student Voice”.

    After such an inspiring workshop, we plan to share our Student Voice experience with other Student Council members before spreading the message to the rest of the school community, so expect to hear more about “Student Voice” in future Newsletters.

    Being able to participate was great fun! Not only did we get to share the mission of our school, but we were also able to

    listen and learn about other schools aswell. It was exciting to get to know more about student life elsewhere and to share in the enthusiasm of putting the ideas of “Student Voice” into action!

    (Contributed by: Jonathan Chow, G8X)



    本校三位學生自治會成員八孝班的盧怡蒨、陳百竣及周令弢同學,在弘立書院社 工 何 莉 萍 女 士 和 教 務 長 Andrew McHugh先生的陪同下,於上月參加了英國文化協會「學生的聲音」工作坊。

    這個工作坊由教育局的代表 — ArchieMcGlynn 先生主持的,並在去年十月時在本校的年曆已定下。 在此次活動中,參加者除了可以討論「學生的聲音」的定義及分享對各校的見解外,更有機會交換及討論雙方的意見。很驚喜地大家都有很多不同的意見提出,但也很欣慰收到很多一致的意見。

    整個工作坊最精彩的部份是下午其中一個環節是「Graffiti」,各組輪流於四個工 作 站 上,在之前組別所寫下的意見中,加入自己組別的意見。 在最後的成品 出 來 後,大家不但得到了相當的啟發,而且對「學生的聲音」的主題有了結 構 性 的概念及讚嘆學生們的臨場演說!


    在我們對其他學校感到好奇的同時,他們亦同樣對我們有很大興趣呢! 而身為弘立書院的代表,有幸為學校解答其他學校師生的問題,以及使更多人認識本校和本校對「學生的聲音」的態度,我們三個為此感到自豪。


    這是一個非常愉快及難得的經驗!我們不但能分享本校的使命,還可對其他學校作出了解。 能夠知道其他學生在校園的生活以及與他們一起努力地把「學生的聲音」這概念付諸行動,真的使我們感到十分雀躍!


    Student Voice Workshop

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    Through planning and organizing this Bake Sale we learnt many skills. We first had to come up with something we felt passionate about (books for the library), then we needed to come up with a way to raise funds. Then, we had to come up with an announcement for the weekly Friday Folder and the assembly to tell everyone about our project. And it was especially challenging to motivate students to contribute to the bake sale and to get them to understand the purpose of our project. We succeeded and it was very rewarding indeed to see so many excited students bringing in their baked goods that day!

    We would like to thank all of you who brought in the goodies and all of you who bought the goodies! Also, we’d like to say a big thank you to: our homeroom teacher, Ms Wendy Fan, who patiently guided us throughout this project; the Sodexho staff, and Ms Jo Choi and Ms Gwyneth Cheng from the Secondary school office. Without them, the fundraiser would not have been possible.

    We are very happy that we helped to make our school a better learning environment. Helping our own community

    Grade 7Z Bake Sale for Secondary Library

    Message from the Librarian of the Secondary Library:

    On behalf of the Library Crew, you all did a fabulous job! Thank you so much! We hope to buy some great books with the money raised! You are AWESOME!

    (Contributed by: Ms Susan Stronach, Teacher Librarian)



    ( 資 料 提 供 : 圖 書 館 主 任 Susan Stronach女士)

    is a very meaningful thing to do. We look forward to working on another community service project. Stay tuned!

    (Contributed by: Grade 7Z and Ms Wendy Fan, Teacher)

    As part of our community project, the students of Grade 7Z decided to organise a Bake Sale on Thursday March 27th to raise funds for our Secondary Library. We would like to announce that we raised $1,961 for the Secondary Library and we are delightfully surprised with our efforts. The money raised will be used by the Secondary Library Crew to buy more books for the library.

    七忠班 — 為中學圖書館籌款的糕點義賣活動

    七年級忠班的學生於三月二十七日 (星期四)舉行了一個糕點義賣籌款活動,目的是為中學圖書館籌務經費。 今次的所籌得的款項遠遠超過了我們所預料的數目,真是十分驚喜! 共籌得港幣1961元! 中學圖書館的職員將會利用這款項為圖書館添購新書籍。

    透過策劃和籌備這次的糕點義賣籌款活動,我們獲益良多,首先我們要想出我們最熱衷於的事物(圖書館的書籍),然後我們一起決定籌款活動的形式,接著我們再想出怎樣以全班的身份在家長通告及集會向大家宣佈我們的計劃。 要激發起同學們參與糕點義賣和令大家真正了解這活動的意義,真是極具挑戰性,看見很多同學帶來了他們焗製的食物,這真正領回到努力帶來的成果,令我們感到十分興奮呢!

    我們在此衷心感謝學生為活動而準備的食物和家長及教職員前來購買。 我們在此亦非常感謝我們的班主任范家璧老師在過程中耐心的指導。 另外,很多謝索迪斯的職員和中學校務處的蔡慧玲小姐和鄭美珊小姐,沒有他們的幫助,這次義賣活動是不能如此成功的。



  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    Sport 運動





    Training sessions for The ISF Academy Swimming Team are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. at the Henry Fok Swimming Pool, Hong Kong University, and every Sunday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at South Island School.

    Team members who qualify will be selected to represent the school in the Interschool Swimming Competition to be held next school year.

    The ISF Academy Swimming Team

    五年級和六年級的女同學在四月三日(星期四)的午飯時間於黃鍚權黃黃秉彝體育館進行了一場友誼籃球賽。 比賽非常激烈,雙方隊員都十分落力地爭取得分,並表現出團隊精神。 在得到學生們的加油下,球賽的最終結果是五年級女生以兩分勝出了比賽。她們並於四月十七日再賽,結果六年級女生同樣以兩分之差取得了勝利。

    透過比賽,球員不單能改進球技,更能認識到團隊精神的重要性。 希望她們會繼續努力練習, 爭取更佳成績!


    Basketball Match

    Grade 5 and Grade 6 girls organized a basketball match against each other on Thursday April 3rd during lunch time at the S.K & Margaret Wong Gymnasium. It was an exciting game and both teams showed great team spirit and were also very evenly matched. After much cheering, the Grade 5 girls won by 2 points. Two weeks later, on April 17th, the teams met again and this time the Grade 6 girls won with a 2-point lead.

    The match enabled the players to improve their basketball skills and to learn about the importance of cooperating with each other. Well done girls! Everyone enjoyed watching you all play your hearts out.

    (Contributed by: Ms Letty Wong, AdministrationAssistant)


    ▲Students cheered enthusiastically for Competitors 學生們熱烈地為比賽者打氣

    (Contributed by: Ms Edna Woo, StudentDevelopment Manager)

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    59th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival 第59屆香港學校朗誦節

    Below are some students whose awards were not mentioned in the earlier issues of the Newsletter. Congratulations to all of them.

    Solo Verse Speaking (English) for Age 5 to 8 Boys and Girls: Richard King (G3Z) – 1stVocal Solo - Treble Voice (English) for Age 7 to 9 Boys or Girls: Edward Tsui (G1R) – 3rdSolo Verse Speaking (Chinese) for Primary 1 and 2 Boys: Victor Tsui (G2Z) - 2nd

    (Contributed by: Ms Winnie Yang, Assistant Manager of Student Development)


    五至八歲的男女子組詩詞獨誦(英文):三忠班的金子傑 – 冠軍七至九歲的男女子組童聲獨唱(英文):一仁班的徐逸昇 – 季軍小學一、二年級的男子組詩詞獨誦(中文):二忠班的徐旭昇 – 亞軍


    Peking University International Speech Festival 20082008年度北大國際朗誦節

    Congratulations to Winston Luk (FZ) who participated in the Peking University International Speech Festival 2008 held at Sheung Wan Civic Centre on Friday February 1st. He obtained the following awards:

    Solo Verse Speaking (Putonghua): New Poem (Lower Kindergarten) – 2nd Solo Verse Speaking (Putonghua): Ancient Poem (Lower Kindergarten) – 3rd Solo Verse Speaking (Putonghua): Ancient Poem (Upper Kindergarten) – 2nd

    (Contributed by: Ms Sabrina Fung, Mother of Winston Luk, GFZ)


    幼稚園初級組(普通話) - 新詩獨誦 (參賽誦材:釣魚) - 亞軍幼稚園初級組(普通話) - 古詩獨誦 (參賽誦材:春曉) - 季軍幼稚園高級組(普通話) - 古詩獨誦 (參賽誦材:回鄉偶書) - 亞軍

    (資料提供: 小一預備班(忠班)陸樺曦的媽媽馮海莉女士)

    60th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival 第六十屆香港學校音樂節

    Congratulations to Hugo Yeung (G2A) for coming in third in the Violin Solo (Grade 1) in the 60th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival held in March 2008. Prior to the competition, Hugo very diligently practiced his violin and his dedication has paid off. He started learning the violin when he was 4 and will be taking the Grade 3 examination organized by The Association Board of the Royal Schools of Music later this year in May 2008.

    (Contributed by: Ms Herlry Wan, Mother of Hugo Yeung, G2A)

    恭喜二愛班的楊鎧駿在第六十屆香港學校音樂節在三月份舉行的比賽中,獲得一年級小提琴獨奏第三名。 他在比賽前努力不邂地練習,從而取得成功! 楊鎧駿同學從四歲開始已練習小提琴,亦會在今年五月參加三年級由英國皇家音樂學院聯合考試委員會舉辦的考試。 在此預祝楊鎧駿同學獲勝!

    (資料提供:二愛班楊鎧駿的媽媽Herlry Wan女士)

    ▲Hugo Yeung (G2A) won third place in the Violin Solo 二愛班的楊鎧駿同學在小提琴獨奏勝出第三名

    ▼Winston Luk (FZ) won 3 prizes 小一預備班(忠班)陸樺曦同學獲得三個獎項

    Student Achievements! 學生成就!

    ▲Richard King (G3Z) with his award 三忠班的金子傑同學獲頒發獎狀

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    8th Hong Kong Schools Putonghua Speech and Art Competition (2008)第八屆全港學界普通話傳藝比賽

    Congratulations again to Edward Tsui (G1R) who won 3rd prize in the Verse and Prose Group for a lower lever at the 8th Hong Kong Schools Putonghua Speech and Art Competition (2008).

    (Contributed by: Ms Winnie Yang, Assistant Manager of Student Development)



    2008 Tai Chi & Wushu Master Competition

    On Sunday April 27th, Mr Yu Cun Hui and Ms Lo Ching led our Wushuteam to Loke Yew Hall, Hong Kong University, to join the 2008 Tai Chi & Wushu Master Competition (organized by Li Fai Centre of Wushu). The results were:

    Personal:James Yuen (G2L) - 1st in Wu Bu Quan, Children GroupChristy Lau (G2Z) - 3rd in Junior Quan Shu (fist), Children GroupChristy Lau (G2Z) - 3rd in Junior Gunshu (cudgel), Children GroupLianne Woo (G4X) - 1st in Junior Quan Shu (fist), Children GroupLianne Woo (G4X) - 1st in Junior Gunshu (cudgel), Children GroupBranden Yau (G5X) - 2nd in Selected Quan Shu (fist), Children Group

    Group:1st in Group Performance - Junior Daoshu Competition (Weapon) Lianne Woo (G4X)Charlotte Chiu (G4X)Yuen Wing Sze (G4R)Priscilla To (G4R)Chan Wun (G4X)Kelly Chan (G4R)Mark Lu (G4R)Vivien To (G4R)

    1st in Group performance - 24 sets TaijiquanJin Yun Chow (G7Z)Gisella Tan (G7X)Jillyan HuiBonHoa (G7Z)Lorraine Leung (G7X)Emily Fung (G7X)Emily Tsui (G8Z)

    (Contributed by: Mr Yu Cun Hui, Teacher)


    四月二十七日(星期日)于存輝老師和羅靜老師帶領武術隊的學生參加了在香港大學陸佑堂舉行的2008年優秀太極養生及武術家大獎賽(由李暉武術文化中心 統籌),獲得如下成績:

    個人:二禮班的袁俊龍 - 少兒男子組五步拳冠軍二忠班的劉淏沂 - 少兒女子組初級拳季軍二忠班的劉淏沂 - 少兒女子組初級棍季軍四孝班的胡莉宜 - 少兒女子組初級拳冠軍四孝班的胡莉宜 - 少兒女子組初級棍冠軍五孝班的邱煒峰 - 少兒男子組自選拳亞軍




  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    Our Chinese teachers commenced a series of peer-to-peer class observation activities in April to share and practice the learning and teaching skills which are the “milestones in language ability”: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Putting these observations into practice in the classroom was facilitated by a teaching demonstration of “Vocabulary Revision” conducted by our teacher, Ms Chloe Chan, on Thursday April 10th with students of G1Z. Teachers were given introductions on how to design instruction rubrics and group discussions as well as the feedback process.

    ▲A peer-to-peer teaching demonstration of “Vocabulary Revision” in a Grade 1 classroom一年級“識字復習”的現場教學範本及同儕觀課情景。

    本校中文老師在四月開始進行了一系列的同儕觀課。分享及實踐聽説讀寫各項「語言能力的里程碑」 的課堂教學。 為了讓老師能真正貫徹、落實在課堂教學實踐中,已於四月十日(星期四早上) 陳韻清老師與一年級忠班進行一堂「識字復習」的現場教學,為大家提供一個研究範本。其後更介紹教學設計思路、集體討論及回鐀。

    Peer-to-Peer Class Observation 同儕觀課

    ▲Teachers concentrating intently老師們也集中精神地學習

    Crisis Management Workshop

    When a crisis arises in a school, every adult member of the school community needs to react quickly and appropriately to ensure the emotional and physical safety of the students, while continuing to maintain the normal operations of the school.

    On Tuesday March 25th Professional Development Day, our educational psychologist, Ms Renee Lam, helped faculty and staff learn more about handling school crises and the procedures for crisis management. A simulated crisis drill got everyone actively involved in brainstorming and acting out the necessary steps to solve specific problems in different scenarios.

    By the end of the workshop, all the participants felt much better prepared to handle crises, though of course, the goal is not to have any!

    (Contributed by: Ms Renee Lam, Educational Psychologist)



    在三月二十五日(星期二)的專業發展日上,本校的教育心理學家林曉暉女士幫助學校全體教師及職員認識更多有關校園危機的知識,及熟習管理危機的措施。 在危機演習中,每位職員均主動投入集體研討,和預習如何為不同的情況採取相應措施。



    Professional Development 專業發展

    With the end of the classroom observation sessions, we propose to arrange a series of follow-up events such as “How to Implement an Effective Approach of Facilitating Literacy”, “How to Evaluate Literacy (teaching and learning of basic knowledge)”, “How to Extend Reading”and “How to Teach and Learn Writing Skills”.

    We will also share at each grade level “Effective Literacy Teaching Approaches” to consolidate and enhance the character and word learning process.



  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    We conducted two successful parent workshops in March. The first, “Walking with You—Communication with Adolescents in the Family”, was held on Tuesday evening, March 18th. Our educational psychologist, Ms Renee Lam, and social worker, Ms Penny Ho, talked to parents about adolescents’ developmental needs and how parents can maintain positive communication with them. Parents joined in the discussion and participated in the activities enthusiastically.

    On Saturday March 29th, the Playright Children’s Play Association came to our School to present a parent-child workshop entitled “Play with Your Heart”. Parents learned a lot about the theories behind play and the benefits that play brings to children. Games and parent-child activities were introduced. Both adults and children had a great time that afternoon!

    (Contributed by: Ms Renee Lam, Educational Psychologist)

    共有兩個家長工作坊在三月期間順利舉行。 我們的教育心理學家林曉暉女士及駐校社工何莉萍女士,於三月十八日 (星期二) 晚上的「《與你同行》 - 與青少年溝通 」工作坊內,向家長講解了青少年在成長過程中的需要和與他們維持良好溝通的方法。 當晚,家長們都非常積極參與討論及投入活動之中。

    另外,智樂兒童遊樂協會已於三月二十九日 (星期六)到本校主持名為「遊樂載滿愛 –親子遊戲工作坊 」工作坊。 家長從中學習到很多在遊戲背後的理論及它為孩子帶來的好處。 此外,講者亦為大家介紹了一些遊戲及親子活動,使家長及小朋友們渡過了一個愉快的下午!


    Due to popular demand, the school organized a silent auction of our Grand Opening Ceremony flags after our Grand Opening Ceremony. These flags were autographed by our Founding Chairman of the Board, Professor Charles Kao, and our existing Chairman of the Board, Professor Cheng Kai-ming. We are delighted to report that the proceeds raised from the sale of all Grand Opening Ceremony souvenirs, including the flags, was $51,341. The monies raised from the flag auction will go towards our Financial Aid and Scholarship Program. We would like to give a big thank you to all our donors for their generosity.

    If you are interested in purchasing our souvenirs, namely the USB memory stick ($150), the watch ($150) and the umbrella ($100), these are available from our school office.

    Silent Auction for Grand Opening Ceremony Flags拍賣形式「新校舍落成慶典」特別版旗幟

    因廣受歡迎,日前我們以拍賣形式推出了我們的「新校舍落成慶典」特別版旗幟,為增加紀念價值,我們邀得本校的基金董事會創會主席高錕教授與基金董事會主席及校監程介明教授,親自在每一張全新製作的旗幟上簽署。 很高興向大家報告售賣「新校舍落成慶典」的紀念品以及是次拍賣活動,共籌得港幣51,341元。 此款項將全數撥捐本校成立的「助學金及獎學金計劃」。 在此向各位慷慨的捐款者致以萬二分謝意。

    如有意購買我們的紀念品 – 記憶體($150)、手錶($150)及雨傘($100),請到小學校務處購買。

    Parent Workshop 家長工作坊

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    Guiding Children’s Behaviour

    On Thursday April 17th The ISF Academy had the pleasure of hosting Dr Louise Porter and welcoming over 200 attendees for a talk on “Guiding Children’s Behavior”. Dr Porter has over 25 years of experience as a child psychologist consulting with children, parents and educators on children's developmental, emotional and social needs. She is a sought after speaker both nationally and internationally on the needs of young children.

    In the second of our “PTA Speaker Series”, Dr Porter introduced the “Guidance Approach” and addressed subjects such as “Rewards and Punishments”. One of the key principles of the Guidance Approach is:

    “…rather than controlling children by delivering rewards or punishments, a guidance approach believes that adults must teach children, not punish them for not knowing how to act considerately.”

    Dr Louise Porter

    Parents and teachers found the seminar to be quite enlightening and rewarding. Dr Porter has written books which many parents have found to be most useful: “Children are People Too”, “Young Children’s Behavior”, “Teacher-Parent Collaboration”, “Gifted Young Children” and “Educating Young Children with Additional Needs”.

    (Contributed by: PTA Member, Ms Maria McCabe, mother of Sara Tomaselli, G2A)

    PTA – Dr. Louis Porter Talk

    家長教師會 - Louise Porter博士講座


    於四月十七日 (星期四),弘立書院有幸地邀請到Louise Porter博士,為超過200位參加者主持「如何引導兒童的行為」講座。 Louise Porter博士有超過二十五年兒童心理學家經驗,指導兒童、家長和教育家認識兒童的發展、情緒和社會的需要。 無可否認,她的兒童心理學家地位已在全國及國際性被認可。

    在家長教師會講座系列的第二部份中,Louise Porter博士為大家介紹了「引導法」,並提出了一些例如「賞與罰」等的議題。 其中一個主要「引導法」的原則是:

    「…… 引導法相信成人必須教導小朋友及不可因為小朋友不懂得怎樣行事而責罰他們,並不要獎賞與懲罰的方法去控制小朋友。」

    Louise Porter博士

    ▲Dinner for our teachers and staff. Thank you PTA members for organizing the food.多謝家長教師會的安排及供應晚餐給教職員。

    家長及教師均認為此講座富啟發性和令他們獲益良多。 很多家長都認為Louise Porter博士的著作十分有幫助,她的著作包括「孩子也是人們」、「兒童的行為」、「老師及父母的合作」、「有天賦的幼兒」及「教育幼兒以外的需要」。

    (資料提供:二愛班Sara Tomaselli的媽媽及家長教師會成員Maria McCabe女士)

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    The ISF Academy Parents are Students Too!

    The ISF Academy parents have been extremely fortunate in being able to attend the Parent Effectiveness Training (PET) course onWednesdays, offered by PET trainers Katherine Winter-Sellery and Claryss Nan Jamieson. Although called a 'parent effectiveness' course, it is essentially a course in understanding how to communicate more effectively: communicating with your children, your spouse, your friends and yourself.

    The objectives and philosophy of the PET course resonate beautifully with much of what our school is trying to impart to our children as part of the IB learner profiles and the habits of mind. In doing the PET course as parents we too are trying to be thinkers, to be principled, to be caring to our children, to be knowledgeable, and to be reflective of our own and our children's strengths andlimitations.

    It has been such a rewarding experience to undertake the PET course. As children grow and face new challenges, it is difficultsometimes as a parent to know how and when to support and to guide our children. Hearing other parents speak of their own experiences in an environment which simultaneously seeks to inform and to teach specific skills has been invaluable. Throughout March and April, we have learned specific skills on how to listen more effectively to our children, how to guide and encourage our children to problem solve and how we can better understand the needs and behaviors of our children.

    I thank the school and the PTA for supporting the PET program and I most earnestly encourage other parents to take the course when it is offered again at The ISF Academy.

    (Contributed by: Dr Jennifer Ford, Mother of Eloise Fan, G1X)



    弘立書院學生的家長有幸地參加星期三由訓練導師 Katherine Winter-Sellery 及 Claryss Nan Jamieson 主持的家長技巧訓練課程(PET)。 雖然它是一個名為「家長技巧」的課程,但實際上課程介紹了一些更有效的溝通方法,包括怎樣與你們的孩子、配偶、朋友,以及與自己溝通。

    家長技巧訓練課程目標及哲學,正與學校的國際文憑學習者檔案和頭腦習性互相呼應。 課程中,鼓勵家長多作思考、堅守原則、關懷孩子、廣闊知識以及反思自身與孩子的優點與短處。

    家長技巧訓練課程使我們獲益良多,我們的孩子正在不斷地成長和面對種種的挑戰,與此同時,作為家長,有時候也不太清楚該怎樣和該在什麼時候才能適當地作出鼓勵和指導。課程提供了一個難能可貴的機會,它不但讓我們得到很多有用的資訊和專門的技巧,而且讓我們互相分享經驗。 在三至四月期間,我們學會了怎樣更有效地聆聽孩子的想法、怎樣鼓勵我們的孩子去解決問題,以及對他們的需要和行為加深了認識。


    (資料提供:一孝班樊海怡的媽媽Jennifer Ford女士)

    PTA News

  • Newsletter April, 2008 二零零八年四月份校訊


    The Independent Schools Foundation Academy1 Kong Sin Wan Road, Pokfulam, Hong KongTel: (852) 2202 2000Fax: (852) 2202 2099

    Website: www.isf.edu.hk

    Email:[email protected]

    Editorial Team:Department of Admission, Development and Community Relations

    弘立書院有限公司香港薄扶林鋼綫灣道1 號電話: (852) 2202 2000傳真: (852) 2202 2099

    網址: www.isf.edu.hk

    電郵:[email protected]


    Reflections on a Return Visit to Kingston International School (KIS)

    On Thursday April 10th I was one of several alumni invited back to Kingston International School (KIS) for an Informational Evening. When I arrived there, I saw many of my friends from the previous year. It was a lovely surprise and we all gave each other a great big hug and chatted about our lives since we left KIS. In no time at all, it was time for the Informational Evening session to start.

    Girls from Renaissance College Hong Kong and Chinese International School started the session off. They talked about the transition process between primary to secondary and about the differences between KIS and their current schools and remarked how apprehensive they had been in about making this change.

    As for myself, I too talked about life at The ISF Academy and compared it with my experience at KIS. No one was surprised when I mentioned that as a secondary school student I now had a greater amount of homework. They were happy though to hear that it was a very manageable amount. Of greater interest to them was my class schedule and they listened attentively as I talked about the “blocks” in our timetables, changing classrooms for different subjects and my subjects themselves. I also talked about the advantages of being a secondary school student. I told the parents and teachers that I felt privileged to be at this school and was happy with the many opportunities it gave me, such as the chance to go to the People to People Organization Program in the USA, and how much I enjoyed having Wushu lessons which are not typically offered at other schools in Hong Kong.

    After the talk was over, everyone took pictures, and chatted! It was really fun! I really enjoyed presenting at the Informational Session and hope to have the opportunity to do it again in the near future.

    (Contributed by: Yuko Fujita, G7Z)

    Admission Deadline

    Deadline for the next round of Admission Applications for all grades for 2008/09 is May 30th 2008.

    Admission 招生

    重訪母校京斯敦國際學校 (KIS) 的心聲:

    受到母校京斯敦國際學校 (KIS) 的邀請,我出席了他們於四月十日(星期四)晚上舉辦的資訊夜,成為當晚受邀的畢業生其中之一。 當我到達會場的時候,我看見很多於去年認識的朋友,我們都感到既開心又驚喜,立即互相擁抱和分享從(KIS)畢業後的體驗。 過了不久,資訊夜便要開始了。


    我自己亦提及到我在弘立書院的生活和比較了它跟(KIS)時候的不同。 雖然,我談到升中後的功課量增加了,在場的出席者都覺得這是意料中事,當大家得悉我仍能應付功課的時候都感到高興。 而大家最感興趣的,便是上課的時間表,他們都很用心去聆聽我講述如「積木」狀般的時間表,和在不同課堂時到不同課室上課的情況。 我還提到作為中學生的一些好處,我告訴當晚出席的家長及教師,我很慶幸可以在這中學就讀,也很高興這學校給予了我很多嘗試不同事物的機會,例如參加美國的「People to People Organization Program」計劃,和參與在其他學校較少見的武術課。

    在演講完結後,大家都不忘一起拍照留念和寒暄一番! 這真是一個十分愉快的晚上!我非常高興可以在資訊夜環節中為大家作演講,希望在不久的將來可以再有這機會。



    下一階段 2008/09 學年所有級別的入學申請截止日期為二零零八年五月三十日。

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