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1 Москва, РЕЛОД, 2015 г. Международные конкурсы на иностранных языках

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1Москва, РЕЛОД, 2015 г.

Международные конкурсына иностранных языках

Page 2: Международные конкурсыunity.relod.ru/history/b2015.pdfсов эссе по английскому языку “Unity in Diversity: Russia & The English-Speaking

1. Обращение принца Майкла Кентского

2. Конкурсы – продолжение учёбы. Официальная информация

3. Международные конкурсы в 2014–2015 учебному году

4. Конкурс эссе “Unity in Diversity: Russia & The English-Speaking World”

в рамках Международного проекта «Единство в различии»

5. Конкурсы нужны для победы! Роль конкурсов в учебном процессе

6. Победители конкурсов в 2014–2015 учебном году

7. Лучшие работы участников индивидуального и командного конкур-

сов эссе по английскому языку “Unity in Diversity: Russia & The English-

Speaking World” – «Единство в различии: Россия и англоговорящий


8. Лучшая работа участников командного конкурса по французскому

языку “Unité en Diversité: Russie et le monde francofone” – «Единство

в различии: Россия и франкофонный мир»

9. Международные конкурсы по английскому и французскому языкам

в 2015–2016 учебном году











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D ear Friends,

“ U nity in Diversity: Russia and the English-speaking World: a Time for Equal Opportunities” is fulfilling a vital

role at a critical time in our history. This is the moment when initiatives such as this can do so much to keep open the

doors of dialogue between our two countries and help to re-establish the normal bonds of deep friendship and cultural

understanding that Britain and Russia have so long enjoyed.

More schools and pupils than ever before are taking advantage of this excellent programme to research and strengthen

the political, economic and cultural ties between our two countries. Our aim is the preservation and maintenance of peace,

creating an economy able to withstand any crisis. Your work will broaden your knowledge of the world around you.

I am always struck by the proficiency of our contestants in the English language, by their natural inquisitive nature and by

their hunger for learning.

I send you every good wish and my consistent support for your continued success.

Патрон Международных конкурсов Его Королевское Высочество принц Майкл Кентский.

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Инновационный образовательный проект «ОксБридж» успешно реализуется в России и даёт учебным заведениям возможности для комплексного и эффективного решения задач в сфере дополни-тельного образования по иностранным языкам.

Цели Программы – взаимодействие школы и вуза в области изучения английского языка, переход на новое содержание образования в области английского языка в соответствии с общеевропейскими стан-дартами и содействие профессиональной ориентации учащихся, основанной на уверенном владении английским языком, построение гармоничной системы дополнительного языкового образования.

В рамках Программы ежегодно проводятся Международные конкурсы на иностранных языках для школьников, студентов и преподавателей.

В этом году в конкурсах приняли участие более 400 человек в составе школьных, вузовских команд из разных реги-онов России.

Учредитель конкурсов – образовательная компания РЕЛОД.

В составе жюри конкурсов – преподаватели иностранных языков школ и вузов России, методисты по английскому языку образовательной компании РЕЛОД.

Первая церемония открытия конкурсов в 2008 году состоялась в присутствии патрона программы «Оксфордское качество» его Королевского высочества принца Майкла Кентского, большого ценителя и знатока русской культуры.

Образовательная основа конкурсов: «Английский язык. Инновационная интегративная уровневая образователь-ная программа для общеобразовательной школы», включает сравнение со ФГОСами; автор к.п.н. С. Н. Уласевич.

Рабочей основой при подготовке к конкурсам служат учебные и дополнительные пособия издательств РЕЛОД, Oxford University Press (английский язык) и CLE International (французский язык).

Наши партнёры: Музеи Московского Кремля, издательство Оксфордского университета (отделение обучения английскому языку), Российско-Британская торговая палата, Международная программа лояльности ISIC, Между-народный языковой центр Language Link, журнал English ИД «Первое сентября», журнал «Учитель».

Призовой фонд включает: призы от издательств РЕЛОД, Oxford University Press (ELT), CLE International, спонсоров и партнёров.

Конкурсы – продолжение учёбы

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Международные конкурсы на иностранных языках в 2014 – 2015 учебном году

1 “Unity in Diversity. Russia & the English-Speaking World“ – «Единство в различии: Россия и англоговорящий мир» Конкурс эссе для учащихся 8–11 классов и студентов 1–3 курсов, заочный.

Индивидуальный конкурс Конкурс проводится совместно с Музеями Московского Кремля.Продемонстрируйте знание английского, а также истории и культуры Великобритании и России!

Командный конкурс Темы для эссе предложили: Музеи Московско-го Кремля, Международный языковой центр Language Link, компания RELOD, Международ-ная программа лояльности ISIC.Выразите свою точку зрения на культурно-исторические реалии России и англоговоря-щих стран!

2“Му English Portfolio” – «Мое английское портфолио» Индивидуальный конкурс портфолио для учащихся 1–11 классов; 1-й тур заочный, 2-й тур очный.Удивите своим портфолио!

3 “My English Souvenir”– «Мой английский сувенир»

Индивидуальный конкурс поделок и рисунков для учащихся 1–7 классов – детей с ограниченными возможностями, заочный.Мы хотим помочь детям поверить в себя, проявить свои таланты и продемонстрировать знание культуры англоговорящих стран.Фантазируйте и творите, изучая английский язык!

Конкурсы по английскому языку для школьников

Организатор: образовательная компания РЕЛОД

Наши партнёры: Музеи Московского Кремля, Российско-Британская торговая палата, издательство Оксфордского университета (ELT), ISIC, Международный языковой центр Language Link, журнал English ИД «Первое сентября», журнал «Учитель».

Международные конкурсы проводятся с целью предоставления новому поколению возможностей реализовать себя и направлены на совершенствование знания языков, а также навыков написания эссе и рецензий, публичного выступления, составления презентаций и портфолио. Конкурсы прово-дятся в формате проектной работы, которая обеспечивает реализацию требований ФГОС по англий-скому языку и является ведущей технологией развития универсальных учебных действий и автономии учащихся.

Участвуйте в наших конкурсах, получайте сертификаты и призы!

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Конкурсы по английскому языку для студентов

1 “The Most Competent Lesson” – «Самый компетентностный урок» – Конкурс профессионального мастерства для преподавателей английского языка, заочный

Предоставляется видеозапись урока. Обязательно использование на уроке учебных пособий издательств «РЕЛОД» и Оксфордского университета.

Поделитесь знаниями с коллегами!

Конкурсы для преподавателей английского языка

Конкурсы по французскому языку для школьников и студентов

Включайтесь в наши конкурсы как участники, члены жюри, партнеры, спонсоры!

1. Музеи Московского Кремля

2. Российский экономический университет им. Г. В. Плеханова, г. Москва

3. ГБОУ ЦО № 1272, г. Москва

4. ГБОУ СОШ № 1354 с углублённым изучением английского языка, г. Москва

5. ГБОУ СОШ № 1284 с углублённым изучением английского языка имени Героя Советского Союза Наташи Ковшовой, г. Москва

6. Государственная Столичная Гимназия, г. Москва

7. Специальная (коррекционная) общеобразовательная школа-интернат VI вида № 44, г. Москва

8. ГБОУ СОШ № 1387, г. Москва

Благодарим жюри конкурсов:

1 “Business Project contest: The Hospitality Industry, Enterprise Solutions” Командный конкурс бизнес-проектов предприятия индустрии гостеприимства для студентов неязыковых специальностей, заочный

Конкурс проводится совместно с Российским экономическим университетом им. Г. В.Плеханова.

Представьте видение своей будущей профессиональной деятельности!

1 “Unité en Diversité: Russie et le monde francofone” – «Единство в различии: Россия и франкофон-ный мир» Командный конкурс эссе для учащихся 8–11 классов и студентов 1–3 курсов, заочный.

Выразите свою точку зрения на культурно-исторические реалии России и франкофонного мира!

2 “Bouquineurs” – «Книгочеи» Командный конкурс отзывов о произ-ведениях французской литературы для учащихся 6–9 классов; 1-й тур заочный, 2-й тур очный.

Почувствуйте себя литературными критиками!

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Спасибо за конкурсы! Дети с удовольствием участвовали и в следующий раз будут стараться сделать еще лучше!

О. Н. Бондаренко, учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ №2000, Москва.

Мои ученики довольны результатом и уже готовы к следующим выступлениям.

В. С. Горская, учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 27, г. Чебоксары, Республика Чувашия.

Очень благодарны компании РЕЛОД за возможность принять участие в конкурсе международного уровня, а самое главное – за возможность сделать процесс изучения английского языка самым увлека-тельным занятием для детей.

Т. Б. Санкина, учитель английского языка МБОУ ДОД «Колыванский Дом детского творчества», п. Колывань,

Новосибирская область.

Конкурс Bookworms нацелен на развитие всех видов речевой деятельности и, в первую очередь, говорения. Не секрет, что чтение – половина успеха говорения. Участники конкурса читают литературу на современном английском языке. Читая и прослеживая в речевом потоке жизнь языка, они учатся не заучивать, а мыслить на английском, владеть им и в нужный момент свободно говорить. Это и есть цель конкурса.

Е. В. Старикова, учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназия № 1272, г. Москва.

Основная задача конкурса My English Portfolio – реальное владение детьми английским языком, практическое владение, коммуникативное владение. Это не только умение рассказать о себе и своих достижениях, выступить с презентацией своего портфолио и защитить его, ответив на вопросы жюри. Это развитие компетентности в области английского языка, общих компетентностей, развитие умения использовать язык в реальных ситуациях общения, умение общаться незаученными фразами, умение самостоятельно учиться и работать над языком.

Е. Н. Громова, учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 1387, г. Москва.

Проектная деятельность – это, в первую очередь, исследовательская деятельность. Участник конкурса “Unité en Diversité: Russie et le monde francofone” не найдет готовый ответ на вопрос, он должен дать его самостоятельно, в результате поиска и исследования. Это важно не только для развития умения учить-ся – это важно для принятия жизненных решений и быстрого ориентирования в любой ситуации.

Л. И. Максимова, старший методист по французскому языку образовательной компании РЕЛОД.

Отзывы о конкурсах

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Наш конкурс помогает сохранить лучшие традиции отношений России и Великобритании, обогатив знания школьни-

ков о взаимопроникновении и взаимовлиянии культур наших стран.

Цели проведения конкурса:

1. Активизация творческих форм освоения богатого исторического и культурного наследия и взаимоотношений

России и одной из англоговорящих стран в сферах науки, культуры, образования, экономики, политики;

2. Формирование опыта толерантного осмысления специфики иноязычной культуры, общения с ее представителями;

3. Выявление наиболее ярких моментов сходств и различий социального, политического и культурного партнерства и

соперничества двух держав – России и одной из англоговорящих стран;

4. Попытка дать объяснение этим явлениям и прийти к определенным заключениям;

5. Философское осмысление исторического развития английского и русского языков в этом контексте.

Спонсоры и партнеры объявили темы международного конкурса “Unity in Diversity: Russia & The English-Speaking World – «Единство в различии: Россия и англоговорящий мир» 2014–2015

Индивидуальный конкурс “Unity in Diversity: Russia & The English-Speakin World” Музеи Московского Кремля «Ч. Р. Макинтош. Манифест „нового стиля“»

“European Culture of the Modern Age”/ «Культура эпохи модерна в странах Европы»;“Charles Rennie Mackintosh:

Manifest of the New Style”/ «Ч.Р. Макинтош: Манифест „нового стиля“»; “Charles Rennie Mackintosh and a Russian

Spectator. One Hundred Years Later”/ «Ч. Р. Макинтош и российский зритель. Сто лет спустя»; “The world of Russian Art

Nouveau”/ «Мир русского модерна»; “Art Nouveau in my City”/ «Модерн в моем городе».

Командный конкурс “Unity in Diversity: Russia &The English-Speaking World ”Музеи Московского Кремля“European Art and the Birth of Russian Art Nouveau”/« Искусство Европы и рождение русского модерна».

Международный языковой центр Language Link“Accent as a geographical and social indicator: the importance of pronunciation in the English and Russian languages”/ «Ак-

цент как географический и социальный индикатор: важность произношения в английском и русском языках».

Международная программа лояльности ISIC“The distinguishing features of tourism in Europe and in Russia”/ «Россия и Европа: отличительные черты туризма».

Компания RELOD“Russia and the United Kingdom: the vectors of trade and economic cooperation”/ «Россия и Великобритания: векторы

торгово-экономического взаимодействия».

Командный конкурс “Unité en Diversité: Russie et le monde francofone”Компания RELOD“La France: leader mondial de l’industrie de la mode” / «Франция – мировой лидер индустрии моды»;

“Le centenaire de Tour de France”/ «Столетие Тур де Франс»; “La France ne serait pas la France sans ses fromages” / «Фран-

ция не была бы Францией без своих сыров»; “850 ans de Notre-Dame de Paris” / «850 лет Собору Парижской бого-

матери»; “Marseille, Capitale europeenne de la culture”/ «Марсель – европейская культурная столица»;“Nantes, Capitale

verte de l’Europe” / «Нант – зелёная столица Европы».

“Unity in Diversity: Russia & The English-Speaking World”

«Единство в различии. Россия и англоговорящий мир»

«Участие в конкурсе – это путь к самоидентификации, к осознанию своей национальной уникальности и языка, а также возможность усовершенствовать свои языковые знания и практические навыки в ходе проектной исследовательской работы».

С. Н. Уласевич, к.п.н., Президент образовательной компании РЕЛОД.

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1 Развитие экзистенциальной компетентности. Мотивация к изучению английского

языка, формирование воли и интереса к познанию в области изучения английского языка – все эти задачи ставятся

и решаются в рамках международных конкурсов.

Ученик начальной школы принимает участие в театральной постановке и видит театрализованные представле-

ния в исполнении других детей, общается со своими сверстниками на английском языке, получает положительную

оценку своих стараний, добивается успехов уже в младшем возрасте. Участие в конкурсах становится сильнейшим

стимулом того, чтобы ребенок захотел изучать английский язык, когда его интересы только начинают формироваться.

Победа в конкурсе – возможность заслужить уважение одноклассников и учителей. Ребенок увлекается чтени-

ем книг: конкурс – «Книгочеи»; интересуется ситуацией на международной арене – конкурс «Единство в различии»

поможет ему получить новые знания в этой сфере; увлекается журналистикой и написанием публицистических

статей – значит, ему просто необходимо принять участие в конкурсе корреспондентов.

Участие в проектной деятельности, изучение вопросов культуры, политики, экономики, морали, составле-

ние портфолио и рассуждение о планах на будущее в рамках конкурсов позволяют старшеклассникам задуматься

о будущей профессии, сделать важные шаги к познанию себя как части этого мира, поразмышлять о том, чего они

хотели бы добиться в жизни, а также понять, какое место в достижении их цели занимает английский язык.

2 Развитие коммуникативной компетентности. Коммуникация неразрывно связана

с языковой системой, ведь язык – основное средство передачи сообщения от одного участника социального взаи-

модействия к другому.

Принимая участие в конкурсах, школьники повышают свой лексический запас английских слов, в том числе

по основным темам, прописанным в Программе: «Гражданско-общественная сфера: Родная страна и страна изуча-

емого языка» (конкурс «Единство в различии», «Социокультурная олимпиада»), «Учебная и трудовая сфера»

(подробный рассказ о роли английского языка в жизни школьника в процессе составления Портфолио), «Бытовая

сфера: темы общения» (включение основных сюжетов в постановки фестиваля «Самый английский английский»).

Обучение произношению и интонации (фонологическая компетенция) осуществляется в процессе подго-

товки младших школьников к фестивалю музыкальной драмы «Самый английский английский», а также во время

репетиций и выступлений с защитной речью на городских и школьных турах конкурсов «Портфолио ученика»,


Конкурсы нужны для победы!

Интерес учащихся к конкурсам огромен. И очевидно,

что их роль выходит далеко за рамки развлечения.

Конкурсы – это часть реализации компетентностного

подхода, на котором базируется Программа «Английский

язык. Инновационная интегративная уровневая

образовательная программа для общеобразовательной

школы» (издательство РЕЛОД, Москва, 2013 г.).

Программа определяет структуру образовательной

компетенции как единство четырех компонентов:

экзистенциального, объектного, социального

и оценочного. Участие в конкурсах влияет на развитие

всех этих видов компетентности.

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3 Развитие учебно-познавательной компетентности. Мышление, воображение,

память, сознание – на развитие именно этих способностей направлена Программа и конкурсы как ее часть.

Например, в рамках конкурса «Единство в различии» дети сравнивают культуру и историю России и англогово-

рящих стран, анализируют политические события, происходящие в мире, обобщают свои данные и приходят к не-

ким выводам. Участие в детских театральных постановках фестиваля «Самый английский английский» развивает

творческие способности детей. Ученик готовится к социокультурной олимпиаде и развивает память, запоминая

основные страноведческие сведения. Придумывая афиши к своим спектаклям, дети развивают воображение.

Все это делает процесс изучения языка более рациональным, обдуманным, грамотно выстроенным.

4 Развитие социальной компетентности. Латинское слово “socialis” необыкновенно значимо: каждый человек с рождения становится частью общества и вынужден в нем существовать. Вы-нужден? Да, если человек не занимается развитием своей социальной компетентности. А полноценно живет он в обществе только в том случае, если умеет активно вступать во взаимодействие с людьми, при этом оставаясь индивидуальностью. Вступая в общение с представителями других культур и стран, нам необходи-мо использовать соответствующие языковые средства и обладать фоновыми культурными знаниями, о чем и говорится в Программе.

Большинство международных конкурсов в рамках Программы – командные. Команда включает в себя самих

школьников, учителей английского языка, учителей-предметников, родителей и корреспондентов. Деятельность распре-

деляется между членами команды: кто-то готовит презентацию, кто-то еще обрабатывает источники, другие занимаются

подготовкой костюмов. Каждый может попробовать и проявить себя в том или ином виде деятельности.

5 Развитие оценочной компетентности. Сегодня формирование ценностной системы человека имеет решающее значение в образовании и воспитании. Программа включает в себя технологии развития оценочной компетентности, на что направлены также и конкурсы.

Конкурс «Портфолио ученика» помогает учащимся понять, каких результатов они сумели добиться в из-учении английского языка, каких новых целей в этой области они хотели бы достичь и какие задачи необхо-димо поставить для достижения этих целей.

В рамках конкурсов не менее важна и роль преподавателя в развитии ключевых компетентностей учащихся. Имен-

но поэтому для преподавателей предусмотрен их собственный конкурс «Самый компетентностный урок».

Конкурсные проектные работы реализуются преподавателями и учащимися, вступающими в постоянное взаимо-

действие, которое играет огромную роль и для тех, и для других. Соприкосновение с культурами стран изучаемого языка, подготовка к конкурсам обогащает учащихся дополнительными знаниями для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ.

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Заключительная часть события – награждение победителей в конце каждого из конкурсов – огромная радостьдля участников, так как многие из них уже не представляют жизни без английского языка.Призы победителям – книги издательства Oxford University Press, подарки от партнеров и спонсоров.


Победители индивидуального конкурса “Unity in Diversity”

Место Образовательное учреждение

Тема проекта







Art Nouveau in my City.

Модерн в моем городе.

The world of Russian Art Nouveau.

Мир русского модерна.

Art Nouveau in my City.

Модерн в моем городе.

European Culture of the Modern Age.

Культура эпохи модерна в странах


Князькова Мария

Шаповал Марина

Кудряшова Элина

Калугина Кристина

ГБОУ Гимназия №1748

«Вертикаль», г. Москва

МБОУ Старогородковская

средняя общеобразовательная

школа, МО, Одинцовский р-н

ГБОУ СОШ №1284 с углубленным

изучением английского языка

им. Н.Ковшовой, г. Москва

ФГБОУ ВПО «Сочинский

Государственный Университет»,

Краснодарский край, г. Сочи

Московский колледж управле-

ния, гостиничного бизнеса

и информационных технологий

«Царицыно», г. Москва

Московский колледж управле-

ния, гостиничного бизнеса

и информационных технологий

«Царицыно», г. Москва

Луданин Дмитрий

Петрова Елена


Учащиеся 8–11 классов

Студенты 1–3 курсов

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Место Образовательное учреждение

Победители командного конкурса «Unity in Diversity»


МОУ СОШ №41 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов

г. Чебоксары

ГБОУ СОШ с углубленным изучением английского языка № 1317, г. Москва

МБОУ Гимназия №4 , г. Астрахань

Международный языковой центр Language Link

«Акцент как географический и социальный индикатор: важность произношения в английском и русском языках»

“Accent as a geographical and social indicator: the importance of pronunsiation in the English and Russian languages”

Special Prize

ГБОУ СОШ №1908, г. Москва







ГАПОУ Колледж предпринимательства № 11, г. Москва

ФГБОУ ВПО «Сочинский государственный университет» Университетский экономико-технологический

колледж, г. Сочи

НОУ ВПО Институт Цивилизации, РСО-А г. Владикавказ


«Россия и Европа: отличительные черты туризма»“The distinguishing features of tourism in Europe and in Russia”

Компания RELOD«Россия и Великобритания: векторы торгово-экономического

взаимодействия»“Russia and the United Kingdom: the vectors of trade and economic cooperation”

Музеи Московского Кремля

«Искусство Европы и рождение русского модерна»“European Art and the Birth of Russian Art Nouveau”

НОУ СОШ «Светлые горы», Красногорский район (МО)

ГБОУ СПО МО «Электростальский колледж», г. Электросталь (МО)

МАОУ лицей №82, г. Нижний Новгород

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Место Образовательное учреждение Тема проекта

Победители командного конкурса “Unité en Diversité: Russie et le monde francofone”

Победители международного конкурса “My English Souvenir”




ГБОУ АО Астраханская Лингвистическая

Гимназия, г. Астрахань

Каримов Азим

Барабошина Мария

Калтушкин Вадим

Билоус Антонина

Настека Любовь

ГБОУ СОШ №460, г. Москва

МБОУ Экономико-математический лицей

№29, г. Ижевск

ГБОУ Гимназия №171 Центрального

района с двуязычным русско-

французским отделением,

г. Санкт-Петербург

Место ФИО Образовательное учреждение

La France: leader mondial de l’industrie de la mode /

Франция – мировой лидер индустрии моды

ГБОУ Комплексный Реабилитационно-Образовательный Центр (бывшая школа-интернат №44), г. Москва

МБОУ СОШ №16, г. Йошкар-Ола

МБОУ СОШ №101, г. Казань

МОУ лицей № 2, г. Волгоград

МБОУ СОШ № 27, г. Мурманск

850 ans de Notre-Dame de Paris /

850 лет Собору Парижской богоматери

850 ans de Notre-Dame de Paris /

850 лет Собору Парижской богоматери

Marseille, Capitale europeenne de la culture /

Марсель – европейская культурная столица





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Образовательное учреждение

Чернышова Марина Сергеевна

Заикина Марина Алексеевна

Юркевич Светлана Александровна

Кашевская Елена Ивановна

Ельчева Анна Владимировна

Подвинцева Татьяна Олеговна

АНО СОШ «Феникс», г. Москва

НОЧУ ДО «ЭРУДИТ», г. Истра (МО)

ГУО СШ № 12, г. Минск

ГУО СШ №12, г. Минск

НОЧУ ДО «Эрудит», г. Истра (МО)

Пермский Кадетский корпус ПФО им. героя России Ф. Кузьмина,

г. Пермь

Победители конкурса “The Most Competent Lesson”

в категории «Начальная школа»

в категории «Средняя и старшая школа»

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Лучшая работа участников командного конкурса

“Unité en Diversité: Russie et le monde francofone” – «Единство в различии: Россия и франкофонный мир»

Предлагаем вам познакомиться с работами победителей конкурсов.

Лучшие работы участников индивидуального и командного конкурсов

“Unity in Diversity: Russia & The English-Speaking World” – «Единство в различии: Россия и англоговорящий мир»

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- This essay was written to give a detailed feedback on the problem of Art Nouveau in general and characterize it within my native town Sochi in particular.

- In introduction of the essay the topic, prehistory, aim and my personal opinion on the topic are stated clearly. The aim of this essay is to study peculiarities of Art Nouveau in the architecture of Olympic city Sochi before and after hosting the Olympic Games.

- Next paragraph is devoted to the results of our studying of theoretical basis of Art Nouveau, giving information about architects whose contribution into the development of this incredible style was enormous.

- In the fourth paragraph a short description of classical researches made in this sphere is presented. Scientists, whose works played a leading role in a determination of Art Nouveau peculiarities are mentioned and two significant works writ-ten by Norwegian scientist Stephan Madsen, as well as his expectations are discussed.

- Then, the term “style” is examined and my own definition of what “style” is, is presented.

- Paragraph six reveals distinguishing features of Art Nouveau and depicts the unique atmosphere of the Olympic city Sochi. The influence of numerous merchant buildings which changed the image of Sochi forever, is shown.

- For this reason, next paragraphs give an overview on Art Nouveau in Sochi, analyzing its architecture before and after Sochi hosted the Olympic Games 2014 and giving vivid examples which can be seen in Appendix 1.

- In final paragraph the doubts of Stephan Madsen are disproved, my opinion on the topic of Art Nouveau is summarized, as well as my beliefs about future development of Art Nouveau in Sochi is expressed.

Topicality of this essay is determined due to the necessity of examining Art Nouveau in general and in my native town Sochi in particular. This style, which appeared in the end of XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries, ac-cording to the words of Dolf Sternberger, was “the style without examples, models, absolutely new one, independent and modern”.1 As the heritage of style Art Nouveau is extremely expressive and valuable, it deserves the attention of contempo-raries not only because it contains unavoidable values and real artistic discoveries, but also the provement of stability of our civilization in front of difficulties of life and complications of social progress. Inner logic of this incredible style fully depends on various factors of social evolution.

Naturally, the heritage of Art Nouveau cannot be characterized only by positive or negative sides, as its studying de-mands more flexible and multifarious approach. In my opinion, thanks to its inconsistency and duality, the attitude towards it could not have been formed completely or gained enough certainty. Besides, it is necessary to mention that among all the other styles, which united within their laws and principles a great amount of plastic types of art (such as architecture, paint-ing, graphics, sculpture, applied forms of art), Art Nouveau can be considered to be the most contemporary one. Today, it can be clearly observed that despite being tightly bound with some modern artistic movements or tendencies in the sphere of art development, which earlier simply rejected or overcame Art Nouveau, it was still being rather fashionable for a long period of time and in 70s, partly.2 This fact gives us an opportunity to distinguish its achievements as well as strong and weak points, investigate perspectives it revealed and bewilderment it caused. That is why the aim of this essay is to study peculiarities of Art Nouveau in the architecture of Olympic city Sochi before and after hosting the Olympic Games.

To start with, major contribution into the development of theoretical basis of Art Nouveau was made by Austrian and German architects. For example, the most important research belongs to a pen of Viennese architect Otto Wagener, who published his prominent book “Modern architecture” in 1895. It gave a description of new principles in style, which “must develop the artistic forms only from the constructions, should become the impression of its time and must take into account new building materials”.3 At the beginning of the XX century names of such outstanding masters as Peter Behrens who

Art nouveau in my olympic city Sochi

Sochi State University

Written by: Marina Shapoval Teacher: Tatiana Tikhonova

1 Sternberger D. Uber den jugend stil und undere Essays, 1956.2 Бахтин М. Вопросы литературы и эстетики. М.: 1975.3 А. В. Иконников. Мастера архитектуры об архитектуре. Искусство, 1972.

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Sochi State University

proclaimed Art Nouveau to be the reflection of all types of art, Munich architect August Endell, Belgium artist and architect Henry van de Velde to mention but a few, went down in history. Henry van de Velde considered connection with the tech-nological progress to be the most urgent problem of the new style. He presented his view on the problem in the book “The Renaissance in a contemporary art”4 , that gave a vivid explanation how ornament can be compared to techniques.

Afterwards, among the proceedings which appeared during the XX century and which are of high interest for us now, are works of Englishman Walter Crane, German masters Max Clinger and Paul Ekman, Dutchman Petrus Berlage, French-man Denis, Russian Alexander Benoit. These works played a leading role in a determination of Art Nouveau peculiarities. Moreover, monographs which appeared in 50s-60s of the XX century, provide us with the most classical researches in this area. Two significant works “Sources of Art Nouveau” and “Art Nouveau”5, written by Norwegian scientist Stephan Madsen, explored one of the most debatable questions of those days: if the sphere of Art Nouveau influence should have been limited only within architecture and applied forms of art. Madsen touched upon the geographical borders of the style and expressed his doubts that Art Nouveau would become popular in Russia.

As a matter of fact, almost in every form of ancient or modern art, each epoch leaves its scent, which can tell a lot about the level of culture and habits of some particular society. Combined together, distinguishing features of definite time and environment make up a style, which reflects itself not only in every masterpiece of art, but also in common objects of everyday life. Thus, to my way of thinking, style is a unique way of expression yourself, which can be seen and repeated in everything that man is able to create with his hands in a certain period of time.

Needless to say, that many buildings all over the world belonging to Art Nouveau which were constructed at the be-ginning of the XX century are recognized as masterpieces of architecture. Houses made in the Art Nouveau style combined natural beauty and functionality. Absence of right angles, use of glass and metal, curved and smooth lines are the most vivid distinguishing features of Art Nouveau. To the best of my knowledge, architecture of world-famous resort Sochi is strongly associated with magnificent structures in the Neoclassical style. Of course, numerous merchant buildings changed the image of Sochi forever. Country houses and villas of the rich created a magic mellow atmosphere, which can hardly be associated with general surroundings of Stalin’s structures. What is more, definitely because of mixture of old architecture traditions and up to date style Art Nouveau, these buildings look like fantastic medieval castles, which citizens of Sochi as well as vast numbers of tourists appreciate and love a lot. For this reason, the aim of the next paragraph is to give an over-view on Art Nouveau in Sochi, analyzing its architecture before and after Sochi hosted the Olympic Games 2014.

Firstly, Villa Vera (32 Kurortnij Prospect), Villa Anna Hotel (72/7 Kurortnij Prospect), Dacha of Zinoviev (22 Vinograd-naya Street), Dacha of Yakobson (73 Kurortnij Prospect) can be mentioned among the main structures of Art Nouveau in Sochi (Look at Appendix 1).

Speaking about Villa Vera, it was the first mansion in Sochi, which was built by Nicolay Mamontov in 1872. The wood the mansion was made from, had been delivered from Rostov-on-the-Don. In 1910 the house was reconstructed and sur-rounded by an enormous park. During the Revolution it was used for the purposes of Revolutionary Committee. Since 1963 it was called “Dvorets Pionerov” and since 1992 it has been serving as a centre of afterschool activities for children. Unique mixture of tower-chamber architectural traditions and Art Nouveau creates a special charming atmosphere which attracts thousands of tourists every year6.

Despite the fact, that Villa Anna Hotel was erected in 2004, it can hardly pale splendid Scottish castles of the XVI cen-tury. Red spires of powerful towers, exotic species of flora and fauna create the atmosphere of glorious past of the Middle Ages. The entrance of the Villa Anna is decorated with knights, standing in front of the basin with gold fish, water hyacinths and lilies in it. Hotel also borders with the territory of Aboriyum Dendrarium which is surrounded by bamboo grove.7

It is popularly believed that Dacha of Zinoviev is one of the most gloomy building which is often compared to medi-eval castle. It was built in 1900 by Zinoviev, the general and chamberlain of the Imperial Castle. At that times it was one of the most popular mansions in Sochi. It was surrounded by various types of exotic greenery.8

Next outstanding example of Art Nouveau in Sochi is Dacha of Yakobson, which was constructed in 1902. It’s a two stocked house with an attic, surrounded by carved galleries. Slim architectural forms turn the view of the mansion into an old castle. Dacha of Yakobson is one of the best masterpieces of architecture presenting romantic trend in Art Nouveau.9

After this, in Sochi – Olympic city 2014, a wide range of extremely beautiful, ultrafashionable and useful places ap-peared. Among them there are stadiums, ice arenas, skiing slopes, x-trim park and many others. So, owning to the Olympic Games 2014, the most well-known examples of Art Nouveau in Sochi now are Fisht Olympic Stadium, Shayba Arena, Bolshoi Ice Dome and Iceberg Skating Palace (Look at Appendix 1).

Fisht Olympic Stadium is built in such a way that people in the stands will be able to see the staged show and, at the same time, the mountain peaks and nearby sea. Fisht is used as a multifunction sports and entertainment center after the Games, and as a football stadium during the 2018 World Cup.

4 А. В. Иконников. Мастера архитектуры об архитектуре. Искусство, 1972.5 Нью Йорк,1955/ Париж,19676 Архитектура Сочи. http://arch-sochi.ru/2010/04/villa-vera/7 Гостиница Вилла Анна. http://villa-anna-hotel.ru/9 Дача доктора А.В.Якобсона. http://arch-sochi.ru/2010/05/dacha-yakobsona/

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Shayba Arena is the second, smaller, ice hockey venue. The arena fits 7,000 spectators and was constructed as a temporary venue that can be dismantled and moved to another city after the Winter Games.

The name of Bolshoi Ice Dome draws associations to the legendary Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. From a bird's eye view, the ice dome is meant to look like a frozen drop of water. It will be used as a multifunctional sports and entertainment complex after the Olympics.

Iceberg Skating Palace is the oval stadium which has three lanes in total, two for racing and one for training purposes. The venue can fit 8,000 viewers and will be transformed into a retail and exhibition center in time for Sochi to greet political and business guests during the G8 summit .

All things to be considered, we can say that doubts of Madsen in 50s-60s of the XX century were unjustified. Having examined architecture of Sochi we can claim that Art Nouveau is still very actual here. Art Nouveau requires changing of geometric forms into smooth lines of nature, usage of new materials and technologies, usage of various elements for deco-ration of exteriors as well as interiors, a high interest towards new techniques and the development of applied forms of art. It can be convinced that the main function of Art Nouveau is to involve fresh springs of beauty into all person’s activities and combine utility with real art, making art and natural beauty an inseparable part of routine, ordinary and common things.


1. А.В. Иконников. Мастера архитектуры об архитектуре. Искусство, 1972.

2. Бахтин М. Вопросы литературы и эстетики. М.: 1975.

3. Вилла Вера. Архитектура Сочи. http://arch-sochi.ru/2010/04/villa-vera/

4. Гостиница Вилла Анна. http://villa-anna-hotel.ru/

5. Дача доктора А.В.Якобсона. http://arch-sochi.ru/2010/05/dacha-yakobsona/

6. Дача Зиновьева. Архитектура Сочи. http://arch-sochi.ru/2012/03/dacha-zinovevoy-budet-rekonstruirovana/

7. Olympics 2014. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/sochi2014/Olimpycs- 014.html

8. Sternberger D. Uber den jugend stil und undere Essays, 1956.

Concept of essay was worked out by Marina Shapoval, student of the faculty “Tourism” due to the support of lexics from the following textbooks:

1. Robin Walker and Keith Harding. Tourism (B1). Oxford University Press.

2. Robin Walker and Keith Harding. Tourism (B2). Oxford University Press.

3. Eric H D lendinning, James Greenan. Technology 1(section Tourism 1,2,3). Oxford English for careers (B2). Oxford University Press.

10 Olympics 2014. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/sochi2014/Olimpycs-2014.html


Villa Vera

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Villa Anna

Dacha of Zinoviev

Fisht stadium

Shayba arena

Bolshoi ice dome

Iceberg skating palace

Dacha of Yacobson

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- Moscow is located on the crossroads of civilizations and symbolizes their interaction;

- Unlike previous academic art, Art Nouveau is a new artistic attitude using more sensual and expressive forms and, moreo-ver, global transformation of all elements of a lifestyle;

- Art Nouveau in Russia was a short, but bright period of time with the political changes of epochs before it, which brought about the unique nature of this style in Russia;

- Art Nouveau in Moscow was mostly possible due to the moral and financial encouragement of young Russian business-men; the buildings they built have survived to this day;

- The common traits of the English and the Russian modern style paid close attention to details, rich and bizarre images, and introduced all modern techniques and materials;

- Culture, architecture in particular, promotes both the unique nature of every nation and global character of civilization.

Every time I come back from holiday spent abroad, I always think how small this planet is and, by contrast, how huge this world is. Small, because with modern transport it takes you hours to get anywhere, huge, because there is an astonishing variety of cultures, as even in the neighboring country there are different languages, different fashion, different cuisine and different behaviour. And still I am always happy to come back because, as the phrase goes, there is no place like home. Like people all places have their own looks, and Moscow looks very different from the European cities, because, on the one hand, it has both wide streets and spacious squares and, on the other hand, in its historic center there are typically low buildings and curved streets with numerous churches, which defines true Moscow atmosphere. I enjoy living in my district which is Krasnoe Selo, because there are a lot of sights around: churches, places where Pushkin lived, mansions and estates of Russian nobility. And another thing I enjoy most is that nowadays living in Moscow, both a Russian and a Euro-pean city, we feel free to keep in touch with the world outside. So, if we talk about the modern style in architecture, we can see the fruitful and very special interaction between Europe and Moscow.

Art Nouveau is a broad concept which implies both philosophy and art, which, in its turn, involves all areas, no matter whether these are painting, architecture or applied and decorative arts. Art Nouveau as a trend was a special response to a strict academic art of the previous epoch, and in its most provocative way it turned to more sensual and expressive forms and structures, inspired by nature, to more grotesque and bizarre images. As one of the most renowned modern style artist Aubrey Beardsley put it: «I see everything in a grotesque way. When I go to the theater, for example, things shape them-selves before my eyes just as I draw them — the people on the stage, the footlights, the queer faces and garb of the audi-ence in the boxes and stalls. They all seem weird and strange to me. Things have always impressed me this way”. So, as a matter of fact, the modern style is not just a trend but a vision of life, a peculiar artistic attitude. Being as total as that, it also embraces a lifestyle, not just art, namely it has to do with everyday life, design, furniture, textiles, jewelry, frames, mono-grams and all things to do with the household. In other words, Art Nouveau was as overall as a way of life itself.

Art Nouveau in Russia experienced a short, but bright history. The late 19th and the early 20th centuries were a very dra-matic time in the history of Russia and to my mind it can explain a unique nature of the Russian, and particularly the Moscow Art Nouveau. As D.V. Sarabyanov, a prominent Russian art historian said: “Modern style is the final stage of the last century art … breathing of the dying age”. Although its history in Russia is as short as 20 years, it was enormously productive. And despite such a short period, there are still masterpieces of Art Nouveau in Moscow streets that have fortunately reached these days in a perfect condition, so there is a great opportunity to have a look at them, even now, in the early 21st century.

When it comes to more concrete characterization of the style, the things to mention are the replacement of distinct geometrical shapes with more curved and smooth lines, typical for wild nature, usage of new materials and technologies like concrete, metal and glass, as well as the usage of rich decorations, both in the facades and in the interiors. The most typical decorations were ornaments, using the images of irises, ivies, sea-weeds and animal figures.

Art Nouveau in My City

School 1284, Moscow

Written byMaria Knyazkova

Teacher Alla Podchufarova

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As for the Moscow Art Nouveau, it was mostly encouraged by young Russian businessmen. Those were well-off and well-educated people, due to whom on the verge of the 20th century there appeared a variety of buildings and mansions, fea-turing this style. It is important to note that this period was marked by the most active constructing activity in Moscow, which was even more intense than in other European big cities. It took Moscow as short as two decades that Art Nouveau buildings became the true decorations of boulevards, the lanes nearby Arbat and Tverskaya and the streets where Moscow aristocracy chose to live: Povarskaya and Prechistenka. The most outstanding Art Nouveau representatives in Moscow were Schechtel, Kekushev, Walcot, Voskresensky, Erichson, Zelenko and others. The buildings they designed keep admiring us nowadays.

Let us consider now a few most fascinating examples of Moscow Art Nouveau. It gives me a great pleasure to talk about some particular buildings I personally like. When I come to think about Art Nouveau in Moscow, the first thing that comes to my mind is the Metropol Hotel (see the attachment, photo 1). It was built in 1899-1905 and was initiated by Savva Mamontov, one of the most famous Moscow merchants, who employed William Walcot to work out the initial design. Unfortunately, Mamontov failed to put his plan into practice because later he experienced bankruptcy because of huge debts. The new owners invited Lev Kekushev and Nikolai Shevyakov who totally changed the original Walcot design. In 1901 there happened a destructive fire in the hotel which ruined the almost ready interiors. The further project of the Hotel reconstruction with the partial redesigning was developed by the architect Golenovsky, while the works themselves were guided by architect Vishnevsky. Finally, in 1905 there was an official opening ceremony of the Hotel. It turned out to be a spectacular building in terms of its size, design and decorations. As it was a case with modern style, all rooms of the Hotel were absolutely different. As I have mentioned above, the modern style influenced not only architecture, but interiors, fashion, furniture and decorations. I can say that the Russian modern style resembled the British one. In Metropol the inte-rior was designed by outstanding Russian artists, such as Vasnetsov, Korovin and Golovin. As for Golovin, we can vividly see his close connection with the European modern style. His works had much in common with the works of Klimt, Mucha and Beardsley; we can see an abundance of elements, the use of gold and silver colors, which results in enormously rich and bizarre image. But surely when we talk about Metropol, the thing to mention is Vrubel's panel “Princess of Dreams” (see the attachment, photo 2), which is known to be the most famous panel of Moscow. It was first painted on the canvass, but later Mamontov suggested making it in ceramics to display it to everybody, so even now all passersby can still admire this masterpieces.

Another outstanding masterpiece of the modern style architecture in Moscow is Isakov tenement (see the attachment, photo 3). It reveals the typical Art Nouveau traits, common for both the Western and the Russian modern style. For exam-ple, if we compare it with the building of Art School in Glasgow (see the attachment, photo 5), designed by famous British architect Mackintosh, we can see that in both buildings there is such a close attention to the shapes of windows and balco-nies, the floral ornaments, the fantastic lines of the interior, the dramatic asymmetry and the decorations with sculptures. In both buildings there is an apparent unity of traditional and grotesque elements, in a word, an idea of a universal grasp of everything in life. “Nature has different ways compared to architects. It is not the line that connects the branches of the tree with the stem but the entire shape. The branch and the tree are one. Likewise, in a human face there is no line to connect the nose and the face, which makes them inseparable. The eyes and the mouth, if to compare them with embrasures on the facade, are not made mechanically but smoothen by curved or inclined shapes. From this thinking of mine comes the huge way for any architect”, this is what Francois Schelkopf said in 1899. If we regard the Isakov building again, we can see both the vivid advantages of composition and genuine symphony of its window frames, featuring flowing lines of the modern style, which variety is nowhere else to be seen in Moscow (see the attachment, photo 4). One of the important elements is a richly decorated top over the curved surface of the facade, the bottom of which is lined with granite.

Another modern style masterpiece can be seen in Kropotkinsky lane. It is the Deroszinskaya's mansion which is the most outstanding work of Schechtel (see the attachment, photo 6). Its composition is dominated by a big window, which is horizontally and vertically divided into three parts, over which there is an attic with three narrow embrasures. The main decorations of the facade are gorgeous railings going alone the lane, which curved pattern overlapping the well-balanced structure of the house makes them truly unique. As it is typically the case with Schechtel, here we can see the intentional effect of exaggeration of the volume. It results in the discrepancy between the high fence, huge windows and tiny details. The interior, which is quite well-preserved, is of great importance for the image because of its high artistic value. Here again we can follow the connection of the Moscow modern style with that of the British, where interiors mattered a great deal. In most rooms the main theme is decoration with wooden carved panels with geometric or floral patterns (the hall, the library, the vestibule and the living-room). The design of the door frames and the staircases, the composition of some pieces of furniture are the vivid indication of Schechtel's thorough knowledge of the European modern style.

To sum it up, everything around us forms and affects our way of thinking and world outlook and architecture is not an exception. ‘The built environment’ subconsciously influences our daily lives. I believe that architecture is of great significance for everyone because it helps to form and develop our tastes since childhood. Architecture throughout the world reflects the way people think, their habits and traditions, and is capable of uniting people, countries, and epochs. Speaking about Russia, even during the ‘iron curtain’ it was culture that was the most important ambassador to provide the contact with different countries. The modern style is one of the examples of this contact. It originated in Europe, and then was developed and extended in Russia in an absolutely splendid and unparalleled way. And hopefully, this essay is to say that no matter how tragic and unpredictable the political, economic and financial circumstances are, it is the culture that, on one hand, makes all nations unique and, on the other, unites all of us.

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The Metropol Hotel

The multi-family residential of Isakov A unique window frame, the multi-family residential of Isakov

Vrubel's panel “Princess of Dreams”


1. Ulrich Conrads “Programs and Manifestoes on 20th Century Architecture”, 1975, The MIT Press edition, Cambridge, Massachusetts;2. Ludwig Petzendorfer “Treasury of Authentic Art Nouveau: Alphabets, Decorative Initials, Monograms, Frames and Ornaments”, 1984;3. И. Л. Бусева-Давыдова, М.В. Нащокина, М.И. Астафьева-Длугач «Москва: Архитектурный путеводитель», изд-во Стройиздат, 1997;4. М. В. Нащокина Московский модерн. - М.: изд-во Жираф, 2005.5. Д. В. Сарабьянов «Модерн. История стиля», М.:Галарт, 2001;

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Art School in Glasgow, designed by Mackintosh

The Deroszinskaya's mansion, Kropotkinsky lane

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The distinguishing features of tourism in Europe and in Russia

Business college № 11 of Moscow

Team members: Svyatoslav StaroverovAlex KhaustovNikita Samorukov

Teachers: Nailya Berdigulova – English teacher Tatiana Shvedova – Geography teacher

Reporter: Alexandra Kuznetsova

Social representative: Agata Mukhtaryan

«Cognition comes through comparison»Confucius


- So little known Russia. Russia is a large country (an area of over 10.5 million square miles) but foreigners know about it only a little.

- Versatility is the first feature of Russian tourism: you don’t need to leave the country in order to visit the arctic zone and navigate through sub-tropical regions.

- Variety is the second feature of Russian tourism: for example, the epic journey aboard the Trans-Siberian Railway, spend a moment in the Siberian town of Ulan Ude or enjoy the Baikal Lake region.

- Accessibility is another feature but quite new attitude toward Russian tourism.

- Western Russia has been popular among tourists to travel because of its great cultural heritage and dramatic history. It is called Russia's Heart and Soul and includes Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) and the Black and Caspian Seas making this region the commercial and political core of the nation.

- Europe is a popular destination with everything on high level.

- European tourism is widely available for everyone with different financial opportunities.

- Europe's top destinations are London, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam and Venice.

- First of all we should learn everything about our own country. But if we want to learn more about the world around us and to expand the mind, we should travel abroad.

We`ll start by saying that for a country that encompasses an area of over 10.5 million square miles, it is no coincidence most foreigners know very little about Russia, aside, of course, from textbook blurbs of Tsarist rule, Mongolian raids, bloody revolutions and snowy, desolate Steppes. According to a study of the Higher School of Econom-ics Russia in the minds of foreigners is still mainly associated with Russian doll (matrioshka), caviar, and bears. But foreign tourist does not consider Russia as a country of unfriendly people any more. More than a third of respondents agreed that Russia has high prices for substandard services. Unfortunately, many foreign tourists don`t know that expanse of the Rus-sian border makes our country a more versatile destination than any other place in the world.

Versatility is the first feature of Russian tourism. Everyone can visit the arctic zone and navigate through sub-tropical regions without ever leaving the country! You even can travel Russia from Europe to Asia. There is nothing quite like seeing six thousand miles of land in a single trip.

Variety is the second feature of Russian tourism. For example, the epic journey aboard the Trans-Siberian Railway is for those who consider the journey to be just as magical as the destination (Picture 1). The longest continuous rail line on the planet takes you from metropolitan Moscow through vast steppes and the Siberian taiga, the largest remaining forest in the world, to finally arrive in the commercial bustle of Russia's main Pacific port city, Vladivostok. Three alternate routes and several extensions into European and Asian nations have also been constructed and provide more options to travel Russia's breadth. Or make sure to spend a moment in the Siberian town of Ulan Ude (Picture 2), Russia's main Buddhist centre, and visit the Tibetan Buddhist monastery that has been restored since the oppressive rule of Stalin. The Baikal Lake region is also a very popular stop and a perfect place to be immersed in the natural beauty of Russia's heartland. Baikal Lake (Picture 3) is the oldest in the world, estimated at 25–30 million years old. The lake region is home to over 2,500 animal species includ-

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ing a unique Siberian species of freshwater seal and thousands of migratory birds.Russian tourism industry is growing fast after the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991. Many travel restrictions have

been lifted since then, so accessibility is another feature but quite new attitude toward tourism in Russia. A society that was closed-off for a long time, particularly to westerners, is now ready to embrace curious visitors with open arms. It is now pos-sible to arrange overnight stays in many of the fascinating towns and breathtaking landscapes along the way.

At all times Western Russia has been popular among tourists to travel because of its great cultural heritage and dramatic history. It is called Russia's Heart and Soul. Western Russia includes Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) and the Black and Caspian Seas; making this region the commercial and political core of the nation. Initially the capital of Russia, St. Petersburg was built by Peter the Great and is filled with both haunting and enchanting remnants of a time past. St. Petersburg (Picture 4) is certainly the most European and best preserved city, adorned with stately architecture and regal cathedrals that echo of a romantic and prestigious era.

In the early 20th century, the capital moved away from the European border to Moscow (Picture 5) where the Kremlin, Red Square and Lenin's Mausoleum (where you can view his embalmed body!) stand as testaments to Russia's rocky history.

Almost all travel centers are concentrated in Moscow and Saint Petersburg cities because they have a lot of places of inter-est for travelers like Red Square and Kremlin in Moscow, Petropavlovskaya fortress and Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg.

In the Southwest, Volgograd (Picture 6) is traditionally accepted as the origin of the Russian Empire and was fortified in the 1500s to protect Tsarist Russia's southern border from Cossack and Viking pillages.

In contrast to Russia Europe has always been a popular destination for travel. The cultural heritage of Europe is “one of the oldest and most important generators of tourism.” Everything there is organized on high level from all the rich cultural opportunities to an excellent service in hotels. Where else can you experience fine food, exquisite art, architectural splendor and world-class museums?

European tourism is widely available for everyone with vatious financial opportunities. “Eurolines” connects over 500 cities in 25 European countries and offers travelers the freedom to explore Europe at their own pace, in the greatest comfort and the lowest price possible. Each Europe by Air Ticket costs only $99 (plus tax) and can bring you to nearly 100 cities in over 20 countries, with more than a dozen participating airlines. For the budget-minded, overnight trains are a great way to save on accommodation, and you'll wake up in a new city, or even a new country. The romantic can enjoy a lakeside break-fast on the move, with views of snow-covered mountain peaks. It is possible to travel in Europe on a shoe-string budget if you stay in convents/monasteries, hostels, or tap into traveler’s networks such as Couchsurfing. It connects travelers with a global network of people willing to share in profound and meaningful ways, making travel a truly social experience.

Europe's top destinations – Paris, London, Rome, Amsterdam and Venice - offer all of this and more.A city rich in treasures from its historic past, Paris (Picture 7) boasts many modern attractions as well. Paris is known

for its famous buildings and works of art, its chic fashion scene and its modern literary, artistic, and intellectual ideals, and is a must for anyone wishing to experience the best of both contemporary and age old European culture.

«When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford» - writer Samuel John-son said this in the 18th century, and it can still be said of today's contemporary London.

London (Picture 8) is a city of traditions and treasured memories. It is also a modern commercial and industrial center, and a lively and entertaining place. This is London: a city that is always advancing and growing, yet one that has deep roots in the past. For all travelers on all levels of budgets, London is at its best in its downtown core.

Rome (Picture 9) is the capital of Italy and once the nucleus of an Empire. It has been said that every road in Rome leads to eternity. Rome is more than a fascinating European capital city; it is a spectacular encyclopedia of living history. The whole experience of Rome is so powerful as to be almost overwhelming at times.

From its humble beginnings as a 13th century fishing village on a river bed to its current role as a major hub for busi-ness, tourism and culture, Amsterdam has had a strong tradition as a centre of culture and commerce. While many visitors head to the canals and coffee houses of Amsterdam (Picture 10), it is also interesting to view the coastal sand-dunes, and the reclaimed province of Flevoland.

Venice (Picture 11), gateway to the Orient, is one of the few cities in the world that can be truly described as unique. Over an extraordinarily long period, the city was embellished with monuments of rare splendor that today make it a tourist attraction like none other in the entire world. Especially because of gondolas.

So, we can see that Russian tourism differs from European tourism. Each of this kind has its distinguishing features, its own style and peculiarities. To conclude, we should learn everything about our own country first of all. But if we want to learn more about the world around us and to expand the mind, we should travel abroad.

1 Thorburn, A. Marketing cultural heritage: does it work within Europe? Travel and, Tourism Analyst December. – 1986. - P. 39-48.2 http://www.travelnotes.org/Europe/uk.htm#.VOEhdtKsXt4


1. Bermont, J. “How To Europe: The Complete travelers Handbook, fourth edition. – Imprintbooks, 2003. – 470 p.2. Thorburn, A. Marketing cultural heritage: does it work within Europe? Travel and, Tourism Analyst December. – 1986. - P. 39–48.

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Websites:1. http://tetw.org/Greats2. http://www.waseda-giari.jp3. http://www.youtube.com/user/thisiscouchsurfing

4. http://www.travelnotes.org/Europe5. http://russiatrek.org/about-russia-travel


Picture 1.The Trans-Siberian Railroad in the Early 20th Century

Picture 5. Moscow, the Kremlin Picture 6. Volgograd, Monument “Motherland is calling!”

Picture 3. Baikal Lake Picture 4. Saint-Petersburg

Picture 2. Ulan-Ude

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Picture 7. Paris, the Eifel Tower

Picture 9. Paris, the Eifel Tower

Picture 11. Venice

Picture 8. London, Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

Picture 10. London, Houses of Parliament and Big Ben

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Be careful of the refined language. It should be both simple and fine.» Anton Chekhov.Even if you speak like all the people around you, even if you speak modern (or traditional) Received Pronunciation,

you speak with an accent. An accent is the way you speak.Sociolinguistic experts define an accent as a manner of pronunciation peculiar to a particular individual, location, or

nation. An accent may be identified with the locality in which its speakers reside (a regional or geographical accent), the socio-economic status of its speakers, their ethnicity, their caste or social class (a social accent), or influence from their first language (a foreign accent). Accents typically differ in quality of the voice, pronunciation and distinctions of vowels and consonants, stress and prosody.

To understand how to develop an accent, it is important to establish what accent is. In simple terms, accent consists of two basic elements: phonemes (the essence of the language that makes up words) and prosody (the overall sound of your speech).

Native speakers usually don’t pay much attention to the foreigners’ mispronunciations because successful interaction with others depends on how you use your voice. It is very important whether you are friendly or hostile, if your speech is grammatically correct or “street”. And last, but not least is whether you are self-confident or shy.

It was interesting for us to compare the role of accents in two languages: Russian and English. We found out that the importance of pronunciation in Great Britain is more prominent than in Russia.

In the Russian language there are a few different accents, and they are region-specific. There are slight differences in the way people pronounce the language. Russian has regional accents: northern, southern and central, but these accents are not culturally significant.

What is really essential is that the speech is “educated”: stress in the right places and “correct” grammatical forms. If your speech is educated, you will be accepted as a member of cultured society, and any provincial accent will simply be a clue to one’s origin.

Main differences between the two varieties are: 1) “Г” pronunciation: sounds like hard “G” in the north, more like “H” in the south 2) “В” (Cyrillic) pronunciation: sounds like “V” in the north (“F” at the end of words), more like W in the south 3) Word for “WHAT” (“что”) is pronounced as “SHTO” in the north, often as “SHO” in the south 4) Unaccented O phoneme is open and trends toward A in the north, closed and reduced to schwa in the south.

As we have already mentioned, there are plenty of people from the south who grow up speaking nothing but Stand-ard Russian. Most of the population practice diglossia, and will switch easily from local accent to Standard, depending on who they are talking to. Standard Russian is based on the Moscow - St. Petersburg pronunciation with a little difference between the two. Southern accent, much like British southern one, is associated with being a country variant.

As for the UK, a famous British writer George Bernard Shaw in his world-known play “Pygmalion” wrote: “An Englishman's way of speaking absolutely classifies him. […] One common language I'm afraid we'll never get. […] If you use proper English you're regarded as a freak. Oh, why can't the English learn to speak?”

Is the issue of this hundred year old play still of current interest? We have found out that, unfortunately, yes.It has long been believed that Received Pronunciation (RP) is a typical aristocratic accent of British high society and a

social marker. In the nineteenth century «received» meant «accepted in the best society». It was also the accent taught at public schools. With the spread of education cultured people had to change their accent so as to follow the social standards.

Even though one may suppose, as many do, that R.P. is the only “proper” English, only people of an older generation in England could sound credible and genuine using it. A recent step taken away from R.P. right into the Standard English in the media, also called BBC English, allows more regional pronunciation that follows the basic grammar rules.

Accent as a geographical and social indicator: the importance of pronunciation in the English

and Russian languages

High School №41, Cheboksary, Chuvashia

Team members: Irina Adrianova Katya Stepanova Angela Delle Noci Sasha Bon

Teachers: Irina Sarapulova – the teacher of EnglishSvetlana Cherepanova – the teacher of Russian

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This very move, named after the British Broadcasting Company, reflects the audience's diversity both in location and accent. Moreover, nowadays, only 3 to 5 per cent of the population speaks RP. (Appendix 1)

As for non-RP accents, they may be grouped like this: Southern accents (London as a reference) and Northern and Midland accents.

We may definitely state now that RP is a genuinely region less accent within Britain; i.e. if speakers have it you cannot tell which area of Britain they come from; which is not the case for any other type of British accents.

There is considerable variation within the accents of English across England.For a start, the linguistic codes which Kate Fox, a social anthropologist, in her book “Watching the English: The

Hidden Rules of English Behavior” mentions that “class in England has nothing to do with money, and very little to do with occupation. Speech is all-important. A person with an upper-class accent, using upper-class terminology, will be recognized as upper class even if he or she is unemployed and homeless.”

On the contrary, a person with working-class pronunciation will be considered as working class even if he is incredibly rich. There are other class indicators, but speech is the most immediate and obvious.

(Appendix 2, 'Haitch' or 'Aitch'. How do you pronounce 'H')“I can’t but agree” says Sasha, one of the members of our team. While living in Birmingham several years ago, he

experienced first discrimination for his French accent, but afterwards, when he acquired that particular “brummy” accent, he was no longer treated as an alien but as a low class “truck son” (Birmingham being famous for having a lot of truck-ers, they usually call them like that). Sasha learned that English was first about achieving the right grammar, and then the proper pronunciation: having a working class accent is hard to live with, because it blocks certain opportunities like getting a decent job or even getting a proper education.

One cannot talk about English accents without talking about class. Kate Fox also writes that “those at the top of the social scale like to think that their way of speaking is ‘correct’, as it is

clear and intelligible and accurate, while lower-class speech is ‘incorrect’, a ‘lazy’ way of talking – unclear, often unintel-ligible, and just plain wrong.” She explains to the readers that the upper classes do at least pronounce their consonants correctly, whereas the lower classes often pronounce ‘th’ as ‘f’ (‘teeth’ becomes ‘teef’, ‘thing’ becomes ‘fing’) or sometimes as ‘v’ (‘that’ becomes ‘vat’, ‘Worthing’ is ‘Worving’). Final ‘g’s can become ‘k’s, as in ‘somefink’ and ‘nuffink’.”

There is, however, a distinction between upper-class speech and ‘educated’ one – they are not necessarily the same thing. What you may hear referred to as ‘BBC English’ or ‘Oxford English’ is a kind of ‘educated’ speech.

There is a tendency in the last few years that concerns generation divide. “Language change happens through innovation - each generation talks slightly differently from the one before. So

we hear a «pronunciation divide» between the young and the old with forms like “aitch” and “haitch”. We also gradually change borrowed words, like village and garage from French, to fit a more English pronunciation - with an -idge sound in the last syllable. Languages have always been alive and evolving to suit the users' communication needs, and it's not a bad thing to have change like this.” Jon Herring, British Library

So, why accent matters?Like it or not, you probably instinctively judge someone’s ability in a language by their accent within the first seconds

of them opening their mouth. It’s also natural to feel self-conscious about your own accent and what it might say about you. Functionally, a good accent is a reflection of the ability to communicate clearly.

Accent matters because the more natural it is, the more authentically people will respond to you, and treat you like a friend, rather than a foreigner who needs a different kind of attention. It is true both for Russia and Britain, but even nowa-days good pronunciation plays more important role in this English-speaking country than in Russia.

There is a growing tendency of using more standard accent in both countries as there are more educated people in the 21st century. Professor Paul Kerswill, Department of Language and Linguistic Science, together with his colleagues investi-gated recent accent development in Britain and proposed a map of accents in 2050. (Appendix 3)

In conclusion, we can compare the process of speaking to the one of cooking. As a great chef knows perfectly well what ingredients to put in the dish he is going to prepare, a person with good pronunciation should know how to use all the phonemes in the language, adding right “spices” in the form of proper intonation and grammar structures. To be a great chef you need to foresee what dish you are going to cook. And if you want to develop an authentic accent in any language, you should care about accurate pronunciation, also taking into consideration the additional components in your speech.

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Theses Plan

1. The aim of this essay;

2. The origin of the term “Art Nouveau”;

3. The Art Nouveau representatives in different countries;

4. Mackintosh and his foregoers in Britain;

5. The birth of Russian Art Nouveau;

6. North Modern;

7. Coincidences in life;

8. Ekaterinburg eccentricity of Modern style;

9. Conclusion.

The aim of this essay is to analyze and describe the birth of Russian Modern and its connection with Euro-pean art especially with architecture.

Influenced and inspired by bright long history of art a new style was revealed to public presenting buildings and prod-ucts at fairs in the end of the 19th century. In 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition marked the beginning of Modernism.

German art dealer Siegfried Bing in his Maison de l'Art, the gallery, displayed exclusively modern art in 1895. The Exposition Universelle of 1900 in Paris first presented the «modern» style. There one could find objects d'art, tapestries and furniture. The public associated the exhibits with a new style strongly and that gave birth to the term «Art Nouveau». And then Esposizione d'Art Decorativa Moderna of 1902 in Turin had exhibits from almost every European country where Art Nouveau turned to be familiar to designers that is Jugendstil (the term originated from the name of a youth journal «Der JUgend») in Germany, stile Liberty in Italy, Secessiosstil in Austria, Modern style in Britain, Secese in Czech, Modern (which originated from English term Modern Style Floreal») in Russia.

Besides locations and well-known artists influenced the term names. Hector Guimard's Paris Metro entrances provided the term Style Metro,

London's Liberty &Co department store designs were famous in Italy and so the Stile Liberty appeared. Artists of the Vienna Secession practiced a local form of Art Nouveau and the Sezessionstil sprang in Austria. In Britain

the activities of Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow were associated with the «Glasgow' style. Gifted young men have always been yarning to express themselves through new forms. But their unexpected exciting

ideas have not always been appreciated as refined masterpieces at once. Elaboration and artifice, pattern, ostentation stockpiling of owner's wealth was noteworthy for the Victorian era

among the middle and high layer representatives of the society. As a result innovative ideas and new technologies surprised and annoyed some of the Victorian citizens though some of them perceived breathtaking challenges with enthusiasm. So many men so many minds.

«Beauty against machines» was a motto of Art Nouveau which was a reaction to ultimatism of industrial times. Even nowadays places designed in modern style can be nice places to hide away from pragmatism and aggression of the world. Wedding Tower («Hochzeitsturm»), exhibition studios and artists mansions («Mathildenhéhe») continue appeal to tourists excited by Modern Style.

One can turn to Antoni Gaudi who made up his own style characterized by his architectural style in wrought iron, fur-

European Art and the Birth of Russian Art Nouveau

Non-state Educational Institution Secondary Comprehensive School “Svetlye gory”.

Students:Evgeniy Zaikin, Alexander Mishchuk, Juriy Trubitsyn

Teacher: Galina Anan'eva

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niture, stained glass, sculptural works, mosaics, ceramics within an organic concept of decoration and with the integration of all these elements into a construction process.

In the 18th –the 19th centuries high demands for new consumer goods and art objects were good stimulus for creating new modernist ideas. The growth of Asian style popularity in the world was cause by the breaking of Japanese isolation. Japanisme several characteristics such as economy of means, simple forms, natural materials, various neat use of texture and light and shadow attracted designers. Besides Japanese focus on quality of space evoking calming feeling to the enterior appealed to them too. Also the designers were inspired by Ancient Egypt, Middle Ages too.There are some forgoers of Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Britain, Beardsley Aubrey was an English illustrator noted for his stylized black-and-white illustrations influenced by the style of Japanese woodcuts.

He can be called the most controversial artist of the Art Nouveau era. His drawings in black ink, influenced by the style of Japanese woodcuts, emphasized the grotesque, the decadent.

His many works characterized by refined decorative images and skillful use of elegant lines and silhouettes played an important role in creation of modern style in drawing.

One must also keep in mind another name, Morris William, an English poet, «PreRaphaelite painter, designer and craftsman, who led the revival of crafts in England and inspired the Arts and Crafts Movement. He founded a firm of decora-tors in 1861 and the Kelmscott Press in 1890 and produced wallpapers, furniture, stained glass and textiles. He still attracts us, contemporaries, by the mansion he built for his family. Its neo-gothic style was influenced by the desire to return to medieval Gothic methods of craftsmanship resulting in furniture, architectural carving, metalwork, stained glass window and murals.

Mackintosh was a Scottish architect, designer, artist. He was working in different fields with wood, metal, textile, stained-glass window techniques. He absorbed some extensive specifications for detailing, decoration and furnishing in his buildings from Chippendale, Beardsley, Morris heritage. Also he combined his Scottish upbringing and the flourishing of Art Nouveau and the simplicity of Japanese style. There is a contrast of his Rose motif and some references to traditional Scot-tish architecture in strong right angles and floral inspired decorative motifs. Moreover, he included subtle curves. Though rather short his architectural career was of great quality and significant impact. He designed private homes, commercial buildings, churches. Mackintosh gained international reputation with the Glasgow School of Art. His most mysterious project is the Queen's Cross Church. It is the only church by Glasgow born artist to be rebuilt and is now Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society headquarters.

The most outstanding masters who created true masterpieces of Moscow Art Nouveau, were L. N. Kekushev and F. O. Shekhtel. Both architects used new decoration, complex spatial compositions. One of the first houses in the Art Nouveau style, known as the home of the Acting Leaves (N. T. Koussevitzky), was built in Moscow in 1898 – 1899. It was L. N. Kekushev's own mansion in Glazovsky pereulok, 8, well-known for amazingly beautiful combination of Golden Tarusa «marble» with bright multicolor floral ornament ceramic panels. L. N. Kekushev's second masterpiece, officially owned by his wife, was built in 1900 - 1903, Ostozhenka, 21. The building looks like a small castle, decorated with obvious signs of Art Nouveau. The form of the house were taken from the European middle ages, but built in the spirit of art Nouveau where tiered corner tower ends in a tent, street pediment is crowned with a figure of a lion. Internal decision of the house is typical of Art Nouveau that is the state rooms are grouped around the stairs, there are living rooms above them. Among master-pieces created to Fyodor (Franz) Osipovich Shekhtel's designs are exterior and interior of the building of the Moscow Art Theatre in Kamergersky lane, the famous emblem of the gulls on the theatre curtain, private residences H. G. Morozova, S. P. Ryabushinsky, A. I. Derezinski. The essential characteristic features of Russian Modern that can be called its principal fea-tures can be traced in Ryabushinsky's mansion. Firstly, it is unique in giving personal freedom in a home. Secondly, the house is able to develop in any direction either in building design or in any item of interior. Moreover, a paradox that democratic Modern style had a possibility to be personalized only in well-to-do manufacturer in the third generation of Russian aris-tocracy. For example, unlimited finances received from Morozov allowed Shekhtel to attract M. A. Vrubel who wrote three panels for a small Victorian Gothic living room, «Morning», «Noon», «Evening»; to decorate Grand Gothic staircase with a sculpture of Robert and Bertram, to make a drawing for the stained glass in the Gothic frame with the image of a knight on horseback. All in all, the principle of organization of the interior of the spiral was implemented as a wave, the symbol of eternal movement and life, dominated in the interior.

North Modern, a kind of Russian Modern, is vividly seen in St-Petersburg. At the end of the 19th century a new architectural style appeared in Sweden. It invocated to use natural handicraft material. It resembles British «Arts & Crafts Movement». Influenced by Swedish and Finnish architecture Modern is characterized by bezelled basements; wall planes are invoiced plastered or have decorative brick; traceries inspired by north folklore, fauna and flora were introduced as ele-ments of elaboration; buildings are massive lacking detailed decoration.

Life is full of coincidences. Morozov used to master textile craft in Manchester, Shekhtel was inspired by European Art Nouveau, Modern features can be found in some monasteries and convents. Modern style buildings can be found in other Russian towns. Ekaterinburg is among them. And Alapaevsk where Grand Dutchess Elizabeth was sentenced to tragic death is not far from it. We saw a film dedicated to Elizaveta Fyodorovna Romanova which was called «White Angel of Moscow». In 1984 Grand Dutchess was recognized as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, and then by the Moscow Patriarchate in 1992. A statue to this modern martyr was unveiled in 1998 and stands above the west entrance to Westminster Abbey.

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Historical centre of Ekaterinburg is represented by buildings of the second half of the nineteenth century and early twentieth centuries. Opposing to classical buildings the eccentricity of modern style makes it unique.

Asymmetry, deliberately original decorative and visual techniques can be found only in some separate buildings. Being mixed with other styles stylized Art Nouveau style had boundaried of four streets Moscow, Chelyuskintsev, Eastern, Shchorsa. The most beautiful Art Nouveau mansions belonged only to rich merchants, who in any way sought to outdo each other, manifesting the same functional purpose but showing originality too. Nowadays most of them have been rebuilt or reconstructed. So typical of the art Nouveau in Yekaterinburg was the first building in the city of cinema «Lorange» (later «Sovkino»), built in 1907 by architect Regiment. The building was dominated by oblique lines. There was some asymmetry in the compositional details of the facade with projecting upward projections. Between the projections were placed win-dows, the building outside had no ornamental decoration. But bizarre line between the floors of a building was introduced weakening the integrity of the walls and attached structures as though moving them.

To sum it up, art esteems various things and common and strange, high-souled and simple and they may become art items through a master's self-expression. Masterpieces gain the society support and it stimulates brilliant fruitful architects, artists to trust in themselves. Coming across Art Nouveau objects persons thrill contacting with gorgeous. Our exciting team work taught us to surf an abundance of information and to master our skills both in organizing it and our ICT skills. Lastly, actuality of writing this essay is obvious as a lot of Russian Modern buildings have become embassies and even the recep-tion of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia. Thanks to Russian Modern the Moscovites and tourists can admire breath-taking samples of Moscow Modern, can't they?


1. Нащокина М.В. статья

2. Великобритания.Лингвострановедческий словарь. Составитель Г.Д.Томахин.Москва. Астрель. АСТ 2001

3. Интернет-ресурсы

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Tableau des contenus

1. Collecte d’information sur les maisons de mode, de magasins francaises de vêtements et parfum francais.

2. Structuration de l’information.

3. Le choix de la forme de la présentation.

4. Conclusion.

5. Références.

La France, pendant des siècles, a été le centre de la mode du monde. Notre petite ville n'a pas échappé à cette mode de la fièvre. À Astrakhan il y a beaucoup de boutiques françaises, et dans cette présentation je voudrais vous parler d'eux.

La France est la patrie de la haute couture. Tout le monde connait les noms des grands couturiers français: Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, Yves Saint-Laurent, Pierre Cardin. Les stylistes extravagants comme Jean-Paul Gaultier, Claude Montana, Anne-Marie Beretta habillent beaucoup d'actrices françaises. En France il y a 22 maisons de la haute couture. Chaque année la haute couture présente en janvier les collections automne-hiver et au printemps printemps-été. La présentation de ces collections est une grande fête du tout Paris. Les Français apprécient plus que d'autres peuples le savoir s'habiller. C'est pourquoi les grands couturiers français définissent la mode, des styles différents et le dével-oppement du secteur prêt-à-porter.Il n'y a pas beaucoup de Français qui portent des vêtements de la haute couture parce que ces vêtements sont très chers. Les Français préfèrent le prêt-à-porter. Les uns achètent leurs vêtements aux supermarchés, les grands magasins. Les grands magasins de Paris les plus autres aux connus sont: La Samaritaine, Les Galeries Lafayette, Le Printemps. Dans ces magasins on peut trouver des vêtements pour tous les âges et tous les goûts: les plus belles robes et les tailleurs les plus élégants, les cravates les plus extravagantes et les chaussures le plus commodes. On peut acheter des vêtements en laine et en coton, en soie et en cuir, des jupes et des chemises de toutes les couleurs: blanches, noires, oranges, roses, vertes. Les jeunes préfèrent des vêtements du style sportif. Ils portent des jeans, des pulls, des chemises, des vestes et des baskets. Les marques préférées des adolescents français sont: Nike, Levis, Adidas. Beaucoup de Français achètent des vêtements pendant des soldes saisonniers. Des vêtements en solde sont moins chers qu'auparavant. Il ya des magasins des soldes permanents ou on peut acheter des modèles de grands couturiers à des prix moins chers que dans d'autres magasins.

Les Russes s'intéressent à la mode ainsi que les Français. Les jeunes achètent avec plaisir des magazines avec de nouvelles collections des modèles. On discute ces modèles, on achète des vêtements à la mode. Les couturiers les plus connus de la Russie sont Valentin Youdachkine et Viatcheslav Zaitsev. La présentation de leurs collections est toujours une grande fête du tout Moscou. Chaque année le 8 mars Valentin Youdachkine fait un cadeau à toutes les femmes de la Russie. On peut voir sa nouvelle collection de modèles sur les écrans des téléviseurs. Il n'y a pas beau-coup de Russes qui achètent leurs vêtements aux grands magasins et boutiques de la haute couture. C'est très cher. Les autres préfèrent acheter leurs vêtements aux marchés ou pendant des soldes saisonniers quand les vêtements sont moins chers. Les jeunes préfèrent le style sportif Ils portent des jeans, des pulls, des chemises et tee-shirts, des baskets. Mais pour aller au théâtre on met de belles robes, des tailleurs à la mode et des costumes.

France: leader de l›industrie mondiale de la mode

Ecole linguistique d’Astrakhan

Executé par: Anna Mikhed Professeur: Musfaria Yahyaeva

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La boutique de parfums «MONTALE»Dans une famille française est né un garçon, appelé Pierre. Pierre Montale. Après 45 ans, des milliers d›amateurs

de haute parfumerie ne peuvent imaginer leur vie sans ses parfums.Pierre Montale comprenait l›art de la création de parfums dans le prestigieux institut International de la parfumerie

à Versailles, en complétant les connaissances sur la technologie de l›étude de la tradition de Grasse, de la patrie fran-çaise de la parfumerie. Brillamment diplômé de l›institut, il a quelques années, faisait un stage dans l›un des parfums les maisons de Paris. Après quoi, fondateur dans les années 90 parfum de la société sous son propre nom, Pierre Montale a publié ses premiers parfums: Embruns d›Essaouira, Vetyver des Sables, Fougeres Marines, Greyland, Soliel de Capri, Rose Thé, Roses Musk, Chypre Fruite. L›énorme succès de ses créations ont assuré, non seulement eux-mêmes parfums, mais le principe de l›exclusivité de la clientèle.

À Astrakhan on peur trouver parfum Montale dans presque n›importe quel magasin de parfum, par exemple, l›Etoile ou la Rive Gauche.

La tresse françaiseDans les salons de coiffure d›Astrakhan les maîtres expérimentés, qui grâce aux mains d›or pourront en un clin

d›oeil vous transformer en Française raffinée.

FlorangeFlorange, marque francaise de lingerie le luxe. Florange élève la lingerie au rang d’art depuis 1994 et met tout

son savoir – faire au service des femmes et de leur beaute. Inspirée par des dizaines d’années de tradition consertière francaise. La marque Florange a su s’imposer avec le temps comme une référence parmi les marques de lingerie haut de gamme. Alliant les plus belles matières à des coupes et des structures innovantes «Florange» combine provesses techniques et style flamboyant dans des creations originales qui subliment le corps feminin et ses lignes voluptuesse . Rafinees et de’licates les collections de la marque de lingerie «Florange» incarnent le charme à la francais dans un melange de seduction de feminite et d’elegance.

Manucure françaiseL›histoire de l›apparition de la manucure française, malgré son nom, prend source aux États-Unis l›Amérique, où il

y a 35 ans le fondateur de la marque célèbre des vernis et la production pour la manucure «ORLY» Djef Pink a répondu aux plaintes du metteur en scène familier sur ce que pendant de la prise de vue du film les stylistes doivent dépenser beaucoup de temps pour la manucure pour les actrices et mettre la masse des efforts pour le maintien des ongles en bonne forme. Il a créé un nouvel aspect révolutionnaire de la manucure — les tuniques et, en conséquence, la nouvelle collection des vernis spéciaux pour lui. Le succès était énorme, la nouveauté s›est séparée vite par le monde, a soumis le monde de la mode et est sortie sur les podiums.

Comment je m›habille, moi? Hm... je préfère le style sportif. Ce style est le meilleur et le plus commode, à mon avis. Avec ces vêtements je me sens à l›aise. Je pense que tous les vêtements doivent être commodes, avant tout et... encore, ils doivent aller avec un physique. Mes préférences? Je m›habille tres souvent avec un jean et un pull ou tee-shirt. Je les trouve super, ces vêtements! Ca, c›est pour mes sorties, weekends, collège aussi. Une veste en coton. noire ou grise, des baskets blancs. Dans mes baskets, je suis à l›aise. Je les mets toujours: ils sont plus commodes que les chaussures Parfois, je les mets, mes chaussures, avec un costume. un pantalon sombre ou clair, ca depend. Je préfère le noir, le gris, le blanc. Ca me va le mieux. J›aime les styles différents, je choisis le plus mais commode Certains de mes copains s›habillent pareil. Les uns imitent les autres. A mon avis. chacun doit avoir s›habiller et porter tout ce sa façon de qui va mieux.

Pour moi, le vêtement à la mode, de bon goût, c›est important. Quand je vois une fille ou un garçon, la première chose que je regarde, c›est son vêtement. Ma mère, elle me dit l›important, c›est la personnalité, pas comment on habille. Mais moi, je pense autrement.Je n›aime pas quand on se ressemble. Ca m›agace que mes copines s›habillent comme moi. J›ai un pull vert. Une autre fille de ma classe a maintenant le même... Je ne porte plus ce pull. Dans ma garde-robe il ya beaucoup de petites choses, je les fais moi- même. C›est mieux de ne pas être comme tout le monde.

Je voudrais que la mode francais soit plus dans ma ville. C’est mon desir.

Références1. «La langue française comme deuxième langue étrangère» - Shatskikh V.N., Kuznetsova I.N.

2. «Interactions. Méthode de francais» - Gael Crepieux, Oliver Massee, Jean-Philippe

3. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

4. http://maps.yandex.ru/

5. http://yandex.ru/images/

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