東大土木・社会基盤同窓会 東大土木メールニュース vol.46...

Vol.46 2020.3.6 p.1 「伊藤學先生卒寿、藤野陽三先生古希のお祝い会」 石原孟さん (特別会員) p.2 「私の同期会 五十会」 渡口 潔さん(昭50卒) p.3 「 Alumni in the World 」 Dr. QURESHI, Mohsin Usman (2008 MSc 2011PhD, Geo. Lab) p.4 「I’m a Civil Mum 」 Dr. Juliafad Eka (2018 PhD, Meguro Lab) p.5 「私の同期会 平7、平9修卒」 赤池あゆこ p.6-7 Facebook投稿から もくじ 東大土木・社会基盤同窓会 東大土木メールニュース メールニュース編集部 03-5800-6916(Tel/Fax)[email protected] 編集長:赤池あゆこ、副編集長:佐瀬優子(H11) 編集委員:知花武佳(H10)、鈴木明子(平21)、 塚田文也(平31)、依田光平(平31) 顧問:伊藤學(昭28) 英文校正:Alexander Gilmore (Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Dep.) 2020.2.29 少しづつ寒さが和らいできて、工学部一号館前では桜の花 も咲き始めています。(撮影、文:依田光平 編集部)

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Post on 18-Jun-2020




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p.1 「伊藤學先生卒寿、藤野陽三先生古希のお祝い会」 石原孟さん (特別会員)

p.2 「私の同期会 五十会」 渡口 潔さん(昭50卒)

p.3 「 Alumni in the World 」 Dr. QURESHI, Mohsin Usman

(2008 MSc 2011PhD, Geo. Lab)

p.4 「I’m a Civil Mum 」 Dr. Juliafad Eka (2018 PhD, Meguro Lab)

p.5 「私の同期会 平7、平9修卒」 赤池あゆこ

p.6-7 Facebook投稿から





03-5800-6916(Tel/Fax)[email protected]





英文校正:Alexander Gilmore (Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Dep.)

2020.2.29 少しづつ寒さが和らいできて、工学部一号館前では桜の花も咲き始めています。(撮影、文:依田光平 編集部)

Page 2: 東大土木・社会基盤同窓会 東大土木メールニュース Vol.46 2020.3park.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/CEalum/MailNews/Mailnews_No46J.pdf · 2020-03-04 · I studied Japanese,

橋梁研 石原 孟 教授より









お祝い会は山口宏樹 埼玉大学学長のご挨拶に始まり、近藤徹 国土総合研究機構顧問による乾杯のご発声

をいただきました。その後、両先生にお世話になった佐々木葉 早稲田大学教授、孫利民 同済大学教授、

山脇良雄 文部科学審議官、松本泰尚 埼玉大学教授、長山智則 東京大学准教授、西尾真由子 筑波大学准教




On January 20, 2020, a party was held at Sanjo Conference Hall to celebrate Prof. Manabu

Ito’s ninetieth birthday and Prof. Yozo Fujino’s seventieth birthday. Over 120 former students

gathered. Prof. Ito and Prof. Fujino delightedly said "we were able to reunite with everyone and

have a good time."

The celebration began with a greeting from Prof. Hiroki Yamaguchi, President of Saitama

University, toasted by Mr. Toru Kondo, advisor to the National Institute of Land and Infrastructure.

Congratulations were received from Prof. Yoh Sasaki of Waseda University, Prof. Limin Sun of

Tongji University, Mr. Yoshio Yamawaki, Deputy Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science

and Technology, Prof. Yasunao Matsumoto of Saitama University, Associate Prof. Tomonori

Nagayama of the University of Tokyo and Associate Prof. Mayuko Nishio of the University of


Finally, bouquets and memorabilia were presented to Prof. & Mrs. Ito and Prof. & Mrs.

Fujino. The party finished happily with messages of thanks from both professors.

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(渡口 記)

“Iso-Kai” Class of 1975 Reunion Party

We had an annual reunion party in Yotsuya on 1st February 2020. Our class is named “Iso-Kai”, “Iso”

meaning the 50th year of Showa Era, namely 1975, the year of our graduation, and “Kai” meaning group.

Nineteen members from a total of 35 graduates gathered, and had a very good time talking about health,

grandchildren and how to spend retirement life. After 45 years, how old we are getting!

Kiyoshi Watariguchi (Class of 1975)

We’re civil engineers for 45 yrs!


五十会(昭和50年卒) Page2


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Sohar University is the first private university of the Sultanate

of Oman and was established in 2001. My teaching

responsibilities here include conducting courses related to

Geotechnical Engineering. The University also entrusted me

to develop the first soil mechanics lab at the university to

support the undergraduate civil engineering and graduate

environmental engineering programs. Based on my

experiences at Todai, the soil mechanics lab was established

and is educating our civil engineering students. Recent

research topics include sustainable geotechnics, development

of additives for concrete 3D printers and biocementation.

Faculty member at Sohar University, Oman

Alumni in the World

Dr. QURESHI, Mohsin Usman(2008 MSc 2011PhD)



The Sultanate of Oman has beautiful natural reserves: deserts,

geological wonders, offshore excursions, and forts. Visiting

such places with family and friends is one of my hobbies.

My relaxing time in Oman

During a visit to our Lab with Dr. Otsubo (IIS, Todai)

My administrative tasks include being Head of

Research and Development. The aim is to develop a

research environment in the university for capacity

building. Organizing many events, such as

workshops, research weeks, research conferences.

Research Development Week 2020

The Bhimma Sinkhole. Oman Excursion with family in the AlSharqia Desert of Oman

Civil Engineering Students visiting an underground construction site

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I graduated from the Ph.D program in Civil Engineering Dept. at

Todai in 2018. Now, I am working as a lecturer in State University in

Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Padang as well as being a Certified

Professional Civil Engineer in Indonesia. My passion is using my

engineering knowledge to help my community and create a safer

place to live. While on a daily basis I teach civil engineering subjects

such us concrete engineering, strengthening and earthquake

engineering to my students, I also try my best to do research and

community services in undeveloped areas in Indonesia. Recently we

trained dropout teenagers or those who never had the chance to go

to school to produce standardized material for housing that will help

them to be productive and create safer housing for their community.

I am delighted also recently since I just published my first textbook

about RC building. I found that sharing and communicating

knowledge with others is very rewarding and, if we keep doing that,

hopefully people’s lives will improve. That is a great happiness for me.

As a teacher and a researcher at university

I’m a Civil Mum

Dr. Juliafad Eka(2018 PhD)Page4


My daughter’s name is Aisyah Kartikarini

Susanto. We call her Ai, which apparently when

I studied Japanese, I discovered means Love.

Yes, she is the center of love for my small

family. Many of my friends told me that I am

strong, but for me Ai is much stronger that me.

Why? Because she has a Civil Mum. Having a

Civil Mum means that she has to share her

Mum with others (students, community and

government). She understand it very well.

During my Ph.D., when I had to leave her to

return to Japan, she is the one who gave me

courage and reminded me “Mum, I will be okay.

You have to go to study or Sensei will be

angry”. It’s a mixed feeling, but her strength

enabled me to finish my Ph.D. and continuously

to work as a civil engineer, lecturer,

researcher, writer, journal editor, government

officer and community member. I believe, that

the support from my husband and family is the

source of energy that keeps the fire lit in me.

As a mother of a girl

It can be tricky to be a civil mum. We often have to

compromise families matters because of work. The key is

time management, patience and understanding. When facing

work, you should be 100% doing the work. While being with

your family you should be 100% with them. That is the

principal that is important to be a happy civil mum.

Graduation ceremony with my family

Community Service for Safer Housing

Ai, my husband and me at Ueno Zoo

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ありのままで Let it be!

私の同期会 My Reunion

平7・平9修卒会 Page5













Most Japanese reunions consist of several typical members, like a

leader, a manager and humble followers. And they are usually held on

regular dates, venues with the same members. However, our class

doesn’t have such customs. We have no particular organizer, date,

venue or members, as the organizers for the next gathering are

decided each time by Rock-Paper-Scissors. This kind of informal system

gives us no pressure to attend such kind of reunion to be at good

position or to be happier than others. Our motto is therefore, like the

Beatle’s song, “let it be!” This is why I have forgotten everything that

we talked about that night and only remember that I enjoyed it

immensely anyway.

(Ayuko AKAIKE)

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Facebookの投稿から Page6



山崎大さん(H19) 2.4

留学生をサポートしています! ホストファミリープログラム









西山健一さん(H10) 2.4

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Facebookの投稿から Page7

岡根谷実里さん(H24)の活躍 1.15 & 2.1

他、投稿協力会員(投稿日付順) ※Facebookページ(要登録)で投稿をご覧になれます。

国プロ研、本間宏二(昭59)Leonel Aguilar(2015 PhD) 知花武佳(平10)玉本学也(平15)Jacqueline Osea

(2019MSc) Giwangkara Perdana(2018MSc) 沼田宗純(平15修)古橋真人(平20)浜田光太郎(M1スイス留学中)

東羊会、池内寛明(平26)Kes Lakshmi SeethaRam(1990PhD)藤田武彦(昭50)白木原隆雄(昭53)、UTISA

有川太郎(平7)Yadu Pokhrel(2008Msc)藤井政人(平3)、西村浩02007、大橋弘明(平10)酒井雅也(平21修)



赤門会@ベトナム Phan Le Binh 1.17

古市賞記念銅像清掃 2.7


再会 Sandy Gaspay 2.18


Photo Gallery

(右)福井恒明さん(平5)ベネチアにて 1.16

(左)安田吾郎さん(昭60)八ッ場ダムにて 2.8