olar powered bicycle mechanism design powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdj pus81 kjlidmal maklumat,...


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Page 1: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk



Universiti Malaysia Sarawak 2000

TL 220 AB72 2000




Tesis Dlkemukakan Kepada Fakulti Kejuruteraan Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Sebagai Memenuhi Sebahagian danpada Syarat Penganugerahan Sarjana Muda KeJurutcraan

Dcngan Kepujian (Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Sistem Pcmbualan ) 2000

80rallg Jgt~nyerabn TlIis bullbull ifrsili Ma lay ia Sarawllk



Judul Solar Powered Bicycle ~Iechanism Design

SESI PE GAJIA N 19992000

Sava __________________ ~A ul~R~A~I~i~b1dlunN~lnR~A~HLCT ~D D~AL7~1~___________________~T RU_ R~

mengil~lJ menlbcnarian tesLS LOJ dlsimpan dJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat UnCfSlu Mulasul SlIrn1Lk dcnsan S atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut

I Hakmillk keruts projck adlliah dl ba ah nama penul is melainkan pcnullsan sebaga ptojek bersaml dun di bUlyai oleh lJlIMAS bakl1llhknyn adlab kepuny bullbulln IMA

2 nsIoh salman d lam bentuk lcnas alall mllJo hnya bold bunl deng lcbcnaran bertuhs danpnda I pcntlh~ I

3 Pusat Khidmat Maklumal Akadcmtk lMAS dibenarkan rnembuaI salilltln un tuk pcngDJlon mcrda 4 Kcrtas proJck han~a bolch dilerbltkan dellgtln lcbenaTan penulis Bayaran ro)a1tJ MiU l3h mcngl-ul Kadar ynng

dllClUjUI kelak S SiJ~ a mcmhenarlanftldak membellMkan PerpustaJaan IllCmbual suhnnn kcrtas pro)c im sebagal bahan

pcrtukanm dl ant3l1l In5U1USI pengajlan unggl 6 bullbull 511 IJIJIdak n ( )

D SULIT tMengafldungl makluOlal yang berdarJlIh lcscla111nlBn ililau lcpenlmgnn Mulvi scpeni Dng lcnnnklub d dalam AKTA RAHSI RASMI 1~72 1

D TER HAO I Mcngandungl maklumat TERHAD rnng lc lab dllcntillaJl olell orgams3slibadan di mana penmiddote lldlkao dlJ313n~3n)


Dlsahkan oleh

~ ~D~z-IYGAN=r-E-N=Y=EL --=--J=I-A )( CgtNI)AT ANGAl PENULlS)

Alamal Telap- 114B Slcsen Pcrcubaan [PGM Nama Pcnyelia Nazcri Abdul Rahman 47()()O Sungai Buloh Selangor DaruJ Ehsan

Tarikh ______~2L7~ Tarikh ____~2~7~M~a~c~2~0Q0~_______~~fa~c~2~000~~______ middot

CA1A IAN lh~ ill tOO bcricnaan Jlkil Kona ProJ(llm Sl nJ r otCJU TERtiAD 5jitl iamrirl~Jl-umt danpuda rdllJk- hniruasaiorganiUSl lxrhf)udl1 Jmgm IIlcnyenaJan scklJll empnh ~Crtlti J1n11Ck

This project repo rt entitled SOLAR POWERED BI CYCLE MECHANISM

DESIGN was prepa red by Ati rah Mu nirah Bt Abd Aziz as a partial fulfillm ent of

the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering with honours (Mec hanical

and Manufacturing System) is hereby read and approved by


Godmillion ofthanks for the strength and spirit through my heart

For Dad and Mum thank you for YOllr encouragemellt support and patient



The author would like to give her special than ks and appreciat ion to her

_up rvisor Mr Nazcri Abd ul Rahman for hi s guidance and supportive encouragement tit

making of thi project a reality and obtained the objectives Through a ll the ~emeteri

many pople have helped in the thesis development and the author is grate fu l for their

valuab le suggestions and comment

Pcronally the author would like to thank Mr Masri and Mr Rh le T lOr the ir

helps ideas encouragement and support toward fini hing th is thesis project Abo

personal thank is dedicated to Mi ss Mahshuri Yusoff

A Series of thanks al so recorded to beloved parents and families for their

supportive respon5ihi lities during the making of this project

Lastly thanks are extended to Yayah Fauzi Ismail Murn i alri Hasli na and all

of author friends who always around during the author hard limes



This project designed new mechanism of solar powered bicycle with the

consideration on the aerodynamics and ergono mics Two main objectives that must be

fulfilled are to develop the mechanism of the solar bicycte and to minimize the energy

losses and to optimize the energy obtained from the sources To achieve these objectives

some designs consideration on the prototype design has been done and one experimental

des ign has been construct in orde r to make su re that the des ign of the new mechanism

wo rked Recommendation is included [or future development of the miles tone solar

bicycle mechanism des igned



Projek rekabentuk mekant~ma baru untuk ba~ik al solar ini bergantung kepada

pcnilaian terhadap aerodinamik dan ergonomik Terdapat dua objektif yang mesH dicapai

iaitu membina mekanisma baru basikal solar dan mem inimakan tenaga yang hllang sena

meningkatkan lenaga yang di perolehi daripada sumber tcnaga Bagi mencapai i-edua-dua

objektif ini penilaian rekabentk terhadap rekabentuk yang dlcipta telah dilakukan dan

tu rekabentuk eksplt itnent telah dibina untuk memastikan rekabenluJ bani basikal solar

ini belja a dan dapat digunakan Beberapa cadangan dl erlakan bagi kegullaan

pel11binaan rekabentuk mekanisma basikal solar ini pada masa akan datang


22 Initia l Electnc Bicycles and its Development 15

_ 1 Solar Powered Mechanism Dts illl and its Developmen t 17


30 Jntroduct Ion

3 J Purpose of thc Project -- 3 J I Shortcoming of the Existing Design ~


32 Design Cr iteria 24

32 I Body Frame eat and Padd le __ 5


(a) fire Characteristic 29

(b) Tire Constructions middot 19

(c) TIre Threads Patte rn 30

-_ J Gear Selections 3 I

324 Steering 32

(a) Rack and Pinion 32

3 2 5 Batteri es middot 34

326 DC Motor 36

327 Photooltaic (P V) 37

318 Bearing middot 38

(a) Bearing Support 39

(b) Wheel Spindles 40

32 9 Chain 41

33 Operation of the c Mechamsm __ 42



-10 General -14

-I I Purpose of the Experiment 45

Theoretica l Consideration 45

421 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration 0

4 2 2 Velocity Acceleration and Power 46

-13 Apparat us 50

31 DC Motor 51

-1 32 Batte ry 51

Solar PV 52

434 Bicycle Tire

435 SWltche ~

~ 36 Chain _ S3

4 3 7 Tire Holder 5middot1

43 8 Analyzer Tachometer and Multimeter 5-1

middot3 9 WlrcgtCrocodiie C l lp~ Battery harger 55

44 Expen men t Procedures 56


50 Introduction 58

5 1 Changi ng Experi ment Design 59

52 Battery Charger Damage 59

53 DC Motor Fai lure 61

54 Concentration of lt unl ight fi2


55 Rubber at tht I1otor Shaft 62

56 FITeCI of Voltage produce by PV 63

j 7 EfTeer of urrent produced b) PV 66

58 Velo ity (i9

_9 Solar Iower 69


6 1 ConciuslOJlS n

6~ Recommendations 73

(a) Solar ell (PV) 73

(b ) Dc MotoL 74

(e) Battery 74

(d) Regularor 74

(e) Breaking System 75

(f) rearing y te rn 75






Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 2: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk




Tesis Dlkemukakan Kepada Fakulti Kejuruteraan Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Sebagai Memenuhi Sebahagian danpada Syarat Penganugerahan Sarjana Muda KeJurutcraan

Dcngan Kepujian (Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Sistem Pcmbualan ) 2000

80rallg Jgt~nyerabn TlIis bullbull ifrsili Ma lay ia Sarawllk



Judul Solar Powered Bicycle ~Iechanism Design

SESI PE GAJIA N 19992000

Sava __________________ ~A ul~R~A~I~i~b1dlunN~lnR~A~HLCT ~D D~AL7~1~___________________~T RU_ R~

mengil~lJ menlbcnarian tesLS LOJ dlsimpan dJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat UnCfSlu Mulasul SlIrn1Lk dcnsan S atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut

I Hakmillk keruts projck adlliah dl ba ah nama penul is melainkan pcnullsan sebaga ptojek bersaml dun di bUlyai oleh lJlIMAS bakl1llhknyn adlab kepuny bullbulln IMA

2 nsIoh salman d lam bentuk lcnas alall mllJo hnya bold bunl deng lcbcnaran bertuhs danpnda I pcntlh~ I

3 Pusat Khidmat Maklumal Akadcmtk lMAS dibenarkan rnembuaI salilltln un tuk pcngDJlon mcrda 4 Kcrtas proJck han~a bolch dilerbltkan dellgtln lcbenaTan penulis Bayaran ro)a1tJ MiU l3h mcngl-ul Kadar ynng

dllClUjUI kelak S SiJ~ a mcmhenarlanftldak membellMkan PerpustaJaan IllCmbual suhnnn kcrtas pro)c im sebagal bahan

pcrtukanm dl ant3l1l In5U1USI pengajlan unggl 6 bullbull 511 IJIJIdak n ( )

D SULIT tMengafldungl makluOlal yang berdarJlIh lcscla111nlBn ililau lcpenlmgnn Mulvi scpeni Dng lcnnnklub d dalam AKTA RAHSI RASMI 1~72 1

D TER HAO I Mcngandungl maklumat TERHAD rnng lc lab dllcntillaJl olell orgams3slibadan di mana penmiddote lldlkao dlJ313n~3n)


Dlsahkan oleh

~ ~D~z-IYGAN=r-E-N=Y=EL --=--J=I-A )( CgtNI)AT ANGAl PENULlS)

Alamal Telap- 114B Slcsen Pcrcubaan [PGM Nama Pcnyelia Nazcri Abdul Rahman 47()()O Sungai Buloh Selangor DaruJ Ehsan

Tarikh ______~2L7~ Tarikh ____~2~7~M~a~c~2~0Q0~_______~~fa~c~2~000~~______ middot

CA1A IAN lh~ ill tOO bcricnaan Jlkil Kona ProJ(llm Sl nJ r otCJU TERtiAD 5jitl iamrirl~Jl-umt danpuda rdllJk- hniruasaiorganiUSl lxrhf)udl1 Jmgm IIlcnyenaJan scklJll empnh ~Crtlti J1n11Ck

This project repo rt entitled SOLAR POWERED BI CYCLE MECHANISM

DESIGN was prepa red by Ati rah Mu nirah Bt Abd Aziz as a partial fulfillm ent of

the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering with honours (Mec hanical

and Manufacturing System) is hereby read and approved by


Godmillion ofthanks for the strength and spirit through my heart

For Dad and Mum thank you for YOllr encouragemellt support and patient



The author would like to give her special than ks and appreciat ion to her

_up rvisor Mr Nazcri Abd ul Rahman for hi s guidance and supportive encouragement tit

making of thi project a reality and obtained the objectives Through a ll the ~emeteri

many pople have helped in the thesis development and the author is grate fu l for their

valuab le suggestions and comment

Pcronally the author would like to thank Mr Masri and Mr Rh le T lOr the ir

helps ideas encouragement and support toward fini hing th is thesis project Abo

personal thank is dedicated to Mi ss Mahshuri Yusoff

A Series of thanks al so recorded to beloved parents and families for their

supportive respon5ihi lities during the making of this project

Lastly thanks are extended to Yayah Fauzi Ismail Murn i alri Hasli na and all

of author friends who always around during the author hard limes



This project designed new mechanism of solar powered bicycle with the

consideration on the aerodynamics and ergono mics Two main objectives that must be

fulfilled are to develop the mechanism of the solar bicycte and to minimize the energy

losses and to optimize the energy obtained from the sources To achieve these objectives

some designs consideration on the prototype design has been done and one experimental

des ign has been construct in orde r to make su re that the des ign of the new mechanism

wo rked Recommendation is included [or future development of the miles tone solar

bicycle mechanism des igned



Projek rekabentuk mekant~ma baru untuk ba~ik al solar ini bergantung kepada

pcnilaian terhadap aerodinamik dan ergonomik Terdapat dua objektif yang mesH dicapai

iaitu membina mekanisma baru basikal solar dan mem inimakan tenaga yang hllang sena

meningkatkan lenaga yang di perolehi daripada sumber tcnaga Bagi mencapai i-edua-dua

objektif ini penilaian rekabentk terhadap rekabentuk yang dlcipta telah dilakukan dan

tu rekabentuk eksplt itnent telah dibina untuk memastikan rekabenluJ bani basikal solar

ini belja a dan dapat digunakan Beberapa cadangan dl erlakan bagi kegullaan

pel11binaan rekabentuk mekanisma basikal solar ini pada masa akan datang


22 Initia l Electnc Bicycles and its Development 15

_ 1 Solar Powered Mechanism Dts illl and its Developmen t 17


30 Jntroduct Ion

3 J Purpose of thc Project -- 3 J I Shortcoming of the Existing Design ~


32 Design Cr iteria 24

32 I Body Frame eat and Padd le __ 5


(a) fire Characteristic 29

(b) Tire Constructions middot 19

(c) TIre Threads Patte rn 30

-_ J Gear Selections 3 I

324 Steering 32

(a) Rack and Pinion 32

3 2 5 Batteri es middot 34

326 DC Motor 36

327 Photooltaic (P V) 37

318 Bearing middot 38

(a) Bearing Support 39

(b) Wheel Spindles 40

32 9 Chain 41

33 Operation of the c Mechamsm __ 42



-10 General -14

-I I Purpose of the Experiment 45

Theoretica l Consideration 45

421 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration 0

4 2 2 Velocity Acceleration and Power 46

-13 Apparat us 50

31 DC Motor 51

-1 32 Batte ry 51

Solar PV 52

434 Bicycle Tire

435 SWltche ~

~ 36 Chain _ S3

4 3 7 Tire Holder 5middot1

43 8 Analyzer Tachometer and Multimeter 5-1

middot3 9 WlrcgtCrocodiie C l lp~ Battery harger 55

44 Expen men t Procedures 56


50 Introduction 58

5 1 Changi ng Experi ment Design 59

52 Battery Charger Damage 59

53 DC Motor Fai lure 61

54 Concentration of lt unl ight fi2


55 Rubber at tht I1otor Shaft 62

56 FITeCI of Voltage produce by PV 63

j 7 EfTeer of urrent produced b) PV 66

58 Velo ity (i9

_9 Solar Iower 69


6 1 ConciuslOJlS n

6~ Recommendations 73

(a) Solar ell (PV) 73

(b ) Dc MotoL 74

(e) Battery 74

(d) Regularor 74

(e) Breaking System 75

(f) rearing y te rn 75






Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 3: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

80rallg Jgt~nyerabn TlIis bullbull ifrsili Ma lay ia Sarawllk



Judul Solar Powered Bicycle ~Iechanism Design

SESI PE GAJIA N 19992000

Sava __________________ ~A ul~R~A~I~i~b1dlunN~lnR~A~HLCT ~D D~AL7~1~___________________~T RU_ R~

mengil~lJ menlbcnarian tesLS LOJ dlsimpan dJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat UnCfSlu Mulasul SlIrn1Lk dcnsan S atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut

I Hakmillk keruts projck adlliah dl ba ah nama penul is melainkan pcnullsan sebaga ptojek bersaml dun di bUlyai oleh lJlIMAS bakl1llhknyn adlab kepuny bullbulln IMA

2 nsIoh salman d lam bentuk lcnas alall mllJo hnya bold bunl deng lcbcnaran bertuhs danpnda I pcntlh~ I

3 Pusat Khidmat Maklumal Akadcmtk lMAS dibenarkan rnembuaI salilltln un tuk pcngDJlon mcrda 4 Kcrtas proJck han~a bolch dilerbltkan dellgtln lcbenaTan penulis Bayaran ro)a1tJ MiU l3h mcngl-ul Kadar ynng

dllClUjUI kelak S SiJ~ a mcmhenarlanftldak membellMkan PerpustaJaan IllCmbual suhnnn kcrtas pro)c im sebagal bahan

pcrtukanm dl ant3l1l In5U1USI pengajlan unggl 6 bullbull 511 IJIJIdak n ( )

D SULIT tMengafldungl makluOlal yang berdarJlIh lcscla111nlBn ililau lcpenlmgnn Mulvi scpeni Dng lcnnnklub d dalam AKTA RAHSI RASMI 1~72 1

D TER HAO I Mcngandungl maklumat TERHAD rnng lc lab dllcntillaJl olell orgams3slibadan di mana penmiddote lldlkao dlJ313n~3n)


Dlsahkan oleh

~ ~D~z-IYGAN=r-E-N=Y=EL --=--J=I-A )( CgtNI)AT ANGAl PENULlS)

Alamal Telap- 114B Slcsen Pcrcubaan [PGM Nama Pcnyelia Nazcri Abdul Rahman 47()()O Sungai Buloh Selangor DaruJ Ehsan

Tarikh ______~2L7~ Tarikh ____~2~7~M~a~c~2~0Q0~_______~~fa~c~2~000~~______ middot

CA1A IAN lh~ ill tOO bcricnaan Jlkil Kona ProJ(llm Sl nJ r otCJU TERtiAD 5jitl iamrirl~Jl-umt danpuda rdllJk- hniruasaiorganiUSl lxrhf)udl1 Jmgm IIlcnyenaJan scklJll empnh ~Crtlti J1n11Ck

This project repo rt entitled SOLAR POWERED BI CYCLE MECHANISM

DESIGN was prepa red by Ati rah Mu nirah Bt Abd Aziz as a partial fulfillm ent of

the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering with honours (Mec hanical

and Manufacturing System) is hereby read and approved by


Godmillion ofthanks for the strength and spirit through my heart

For Dad and Mum thank you for YOllr encouragemellt support and patient



The author would like to give her special than ks and appreciat ion to her

_up rvisor Mr Nazcri Abd ul Rahman for hi s guidance and supportive encouragement tit

making of thi project a reality and obtained the objectives Through a ll the ~emeteri

many pople have helped in the thesis development and the author is grate fu l for their

valuab le suggestions and comment

Pcronally the author would like to thank Mr Masri and Mr Rh le T lOr the ir

helps ideas encouragement and support toward fini hing th is thesis project Abo

personal thank is dedicated to Mi ss Mahshuri Yusoff

A Series of thanks al so recorded to beloved parents and families for their

supportive respon5ihi lities during the making of this project

Lastly thanks are extended to Yayah Fauzi Ismail Murn i alri Hasli na and all

of author friends who always around during the author hard limes



This project designed new mechanism of solar powered bicycle with the

consideration on the aerodynamics and ergono mics Two main objectives that must be

fulfilled are to develop the mechanism of the solar bicycte and to minimize the energy

losses and to optimize the energy obtained from the sources To achieve these objectives

some designs consideration on the prototype design has been done and one experimental

des ign has been construct in orde r to make su re that the des ign of the new mechanism

wo rked Recommendation is included [or future development of the miles tone solar

bicycle mechanism des igned



Projek rekabentuk mekant~ma baru untuk ba~ik al solar ini bergantung kepada

pcnilaian terhadap aerodinamik dan ergonomik Terdapat dua objektif yang mesH dicapai

iaitu membina mekanisma baru basikal solar dan mem inimakan tenaga yang hllang sena

meningkatkan lenaga yang di perolehi daripada sumber tcnaga Bagi mencapai i-edua-dua

objektif ini penilaian rekabentk terhadap rekabentuk yang dlcipta telah dilakukan dan

tu rekabentuk eksplt itnent telah dibina untuk memastikan rekabenluJ bani basikal solar

ini belja a dan dapat digunakan Beberapa cadangan dl erlakan bagi kegullaan

pel11binaan rekabentuk mekanisma basikal solar ini pada masa akan datang


22 Initia l Electnc Bicycles and its Development 15

_ 1 Solar Powered Mechanism Dts illl and its Developmen t 17


30 Jntroduct Ion

3 J Purpose of thc Project -- 3 J I Shortcoming of the Existing Design ~


32 Design Cr iteria 24

32 I Body Frame eat and Padd le __ 5


(a) fire Characteristic 29

(b) Tire Constructions middot 19

(c) TIre Threads Patte rn 30

-_ J Gear Selections 3 I

324 Steering 32

(a) Rack and Pinion 32

3 2 5 Batteri es middot 34

326 DC Motor 36

327 Photooltaic (P V) 37

318 Bearing middot 38

(a) Bearing Support 39

(b) Wheel Spindles 40

32 9 Chain 41

33 Operation of the c Mechamsm __ 42



-10 General -14

-I I Purpose of the Experiment 45

Theoretica l Consideration 45

421 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration 0

4 2 2 Velocity Acceleration and Power 46

-13 Apparat us 50

31 DC Motor 51

-1 32 Batte ry 51

Solar PV 52

434 Bicycle Tire

435 SWltche ~

~ 36 Chain _ S3

4 3 7 Tire Holder 5middot1

43 8 Analyzer Tachometer and Multimeter 5-1

middot3 9 WlrcgtCrocodiie C l lp~ Battery harger 55

44 Expen men t Procedures 56


50 Introduction 58

5 1 Changi ng Experi ment Design 59

52 Battery Charger Damage 59

53 DC Motor Fai lure 61

54 Concentration of lt unl ight fi2


55 Rubber at tht I1otor Shaft 62

56 FITeCI of Voltage produce by PV 63

j 7 EfTeer of urrent produced b) PV 66

58 Velo ity (i9

_9 Solar Iower 69


6 1 ConciuslOJlS n

6~ Recommendations 73

(a) Solar ell (PV) 73

(b ) Dc MotoL 74

(e) Battery 74

(d) Regularor 74

(e) Breaking System 75

(f) rearing y te rn 75






Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 4: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

This project repo rt entitled SOLAR POWERED BI CYCLE MECHANISM

DESIGN was prepa red by Ati rah Mu nirah Bt Abd Aziz as a partial fulfillm ent of

the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering with honours (Mec hanical

and Manufacturing System) is hereby read and approved by


Godmillion ofthanks for the strength and spirit through my heart

For Dad and Mum thank you for YOllr encouragemellt support and patient



The author would like to give her special than ks and appreciat ion to her

_up rvisor Mr Nazcri Abd ul Rahman for hi s guidance and supportive encouragement tit

making of thi project a reality and obtained the objectives Through a ll the ~emeteri

many pople have helped in the thesis development and the author is grate fu l for their

valuab le suggestions and comment

Pcronally the author would like to thank Mr Masri and Mr Rh le T lOr the ir

helps ideas encouragement and support toward fini hing th is thesis project Abo

personal thank is dedicated to Mi ss Mahshuri Yusoff

A Series of thanks al so recorded to beloved parents and families for their

supportive respon5ihi lities during the making of this project

Lastly thanks are extended to Yayah Fauzi Ismail Murn i alri Hasli na and all

of author friends who always around during the author hard limes



This project designed new mechanism of solar powered bicycle with the

consideration on the aerodynamics and ergono mics Two main objectives that must be

fulfilled are to develop the mechanism of the solar bicycte and to minimize the energy

losses and to optimize the energy obtained from the sources To achieve these objectives

some designs consideration on the prototype design has been done and one experimental

des ign has been construct in orde r to make su re that the des ign of the new mechanism

wo rked Recommendation is included [or future development of the miles tone solar

bicycle mechanism des igned



Projek rekabentuk mekant~ma baru untuk ba~ik al solar ini bergantung kepada

pcnilaian terhadap aerodinamik dan ergonomik Terdapat dua objektif yang mesH dicapai

iaitu membina mekanisma baru basikal solar dan mem inimakan tenaga yang hllang sena

meningkatkan lenaga yang di perolehi daripada sumber tcnaga Bagi mencapai i-edua-dua

objektif ini penilaian rekabentk terhadap rekabentuk yang dlcipta telah dilakukan dan

tu rekabentuk eksplt itnent telah dibina untuk memastikan rekabenluJ bani basikal solar

ini belja a dan dapat digunakan Beberapa cadangan dl erlakan bagi kegullaan

pel11binaan rekabentuk mekanisma basikal solar ini pada masa akan datang


22 Initia l Electnc Bicycles and its Development 15

_ 1 Solar Powered Mechanism Dts illl and its Developmen t 17


30 Jntroduct Ion

3 J Purpose of thc Project -- 3 J I Shortcoming of the Existing Design ~


32 Design Cr iteria 24

32 I Body Frame eat and Padd le __ 5


(a) fire Characteristic 29

(b) Tire Constructions middot 19

(c) TIre Threads Patte rn 30

-_ J Gear Selections 3 I

324 Steering 32

(a) Rack and Pinion 32

3 2 5 Batteri es middot 34

326 DC Motor 36

327 Photooltaic (P V) 37

318 Bearing middot 38

(a) Bearing Support 39

(b) Wheel Spindles 40

32 9 Chain 41

33 Operation of the c Mechamsm __ 42



-10 General -14

-I I Purpose of the Experiment 45

Theoretica l Consideration 45

421 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration 0

4 2 2 Velocity Acceleration and Power 46

-13 Apparat us 50

31 DC Motor 51

-1 32 Batte ry 51

Solar PV 52

434 Bicycle Tire

435 SWltche ~

~ 36 Chain _ S3

4 3 7 Tire Holder 5middot1

43 8 Analyzer Tachometer and Multimeter 5-1

middot3 9 WlrcgtCrocodiie C l lp~ Battery harger 55

44 Expen men t Procedures 56


50 Introduction 58

5 1 Changi ng Experi ment Design 59

52 Battery Charger Damage 59

53 DC Motor Fai lure 61

54 Concentration of lt unl ight fi2


55 Rubber at tht I1otor Shaft 62

56 FITeCI of Voltage produce by PV 63

j 7 EfTeer of urrent produced b) PV 66

58 Velo ity (i9

_9 Solar Iower 69


6 1 ConciuslOJlS n

6~ Recommendations 73

(a) Solar ell (PV) 73

(b ) Dc MotoL 74

(e) Battery 74

(d) Regularor 74

(e) Breaking System 75

(f) rearing y te rn 75






Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 5: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

Godmillion ofthanks for the strength and spirit through my heart

For Dad and Mum thank you for YOllr encouragemellt support and patient



The author would like to give her special than ks and appreciat ion to her

_up rvisor Mr Nazcri Abd ul Rahman for hi s guidance and supportive encouragement tit

making of thi project a reality and obtained the objectives Through a ll the ~emeteri

many pople have helped in the thesis development and the author is grate fu l for their

valuab le suggestions and comment

Pcronally the author would like to thank Mr Masri and Mr Rh le T lOr the ir

helps ideas encouragement and support toward fini hing th is thesis project Abo

personal thank is dedicated to Mi ss Mahshuri Yusoff

A Series of thanks al so recorded to beloved parents and families for their

supportive respon5ihi lities during the making of this project

Lastly thanks are extended to Yayah Fauzi Ismail Murn i alri Hasli na and all

of author friends who always around during the author hard limes



This project designed new mechanism of solar powered bicycle with the

consideration on the aerodynamics and ergono mics Two main objectives that must be

fulfilled are to develop the mechanism of the solar bicycte and to minimize the energy

losses and to optimize the energy obtained from the sources To achieve these objectives

some designs consideration on the prototype design has been done and one experimental

des ign has been construct in orde r to make su re that the des ign of the new mechanism

wo rked Recommendation is included [or future development of the miles tone solar

bicycle mechanism des igned



Projek rekabentuk mekant~ma baru untuk ba~ik al solar ini bergantung kepada

pcnilaian terhadap aerodinamik dan ergonomik Terdapat dua objektif yang mesH dicapai

iaitu membina mekanisma baru basikal solar dan mem inimakan tenaga yang hllang sena

meningkatkan lenaga yang di perolehi daripada sumber tcnaga Bagi mencapai i-edua-dua

objektif ini penilaian rekabentk terhadap rekabentuk yang dlcipta telah dilakukan dan

tu rekabentuk eksplt itnent telah dibina untuk memastikan rekabenluJ bani basikal solar

ini belja a dan dapat digunakan Beberapa cadangan dl erlakan bagi kegullaan

pel11binaan rekabentuk mekanisma basikal solar ini pada masa akan datang


22 Initia l Electnc Bicycles and its Development 15

_ 1 Solar Powered Mechanism Dts illl and its Developmen t 17


30 Jntroduct Ion

3 J Purpose of thc Project -- 3 J I Shortcoming of the Existing Design ~


32 Design Cr iteria 24

32 I Body Frame eat and Padd le __ 5


(a) fire Characteristic 29

(b) Tire Constructions middot 19

(c) TIre Threads Patte rn 30

-_ J Gear Selections 3 I

324 Steering 32

(a) Rack and Pinion 32

3 2 5 Batteri es middot 34

326 DC Motor 36

327 Photooltaic (P V) 37

318 Bearing middot 38

(a) Bearing Support 39

(b) Wheel Spindles 40

32 9 Chain 41

33 Operation of the c Mechamsm __ 42



-10 General -14

-I I Purpose of the Experiment 45

Theoretica l Consideration 45

421 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration 0

4 2 2 Velocity Acceleration and Power 46

-13 Apparat us 50

31 DC Motor 51

-1 32 Batte ry 51

Solar PV 52

434 Bicycle Tire

435 SWltche ~

~ 36 Chain _ S3

4 3 7 Tire Holder 5middot1

43 8 Analyzer Tachometer and Multimeter 5-1

middot3 9 WlrcgtCrocodiie C l lp~ Battery harger 55

44 Expen men t Procedures 56


50 Introduction 58

5 1 Changi ng Experi ment Design 59

52 Battery Charger Damage 59

53 DC Motor Fai lure 61

54 Concentration of lt unl ight fi2


55 Rubber at tht I1otor Shaft 62

56 FITeCI of Voltage produce by PV 63

j 7 EfTeer of urrent produced b) PV 66

58 Velo ity (i9

_9 Solar Iower 69


6 1 ConciuslOJlS n

6~ Recommendations 73

(a) Solar ell (PV) 73

(b ) Dc MotoL 74

(e) Battery 74

(d) Regularor 74

(e) Breaking System 75

(f) rearing y te rn 75






Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 6: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk


The author would like to give her special than ks and appreciat ion to her

_up rvisor Mr Nazcri Abd ul Rahman for hi s guidance and supportive encouragement tit

making of thi project a reality and obtained the objectives Through a ll the ~emeteri

many pople have helped in the thesis development and the author is grate fu l for their

valuab le suggestions and comment

Pcronally the author would like to thank Mr Masri and Mr Rh le T lOr the ir

helps ideas encouragement and support toward fini hing th is thesis project Abo

personal thank is dedicated to Mi ss Mahshuri Yusoff

A Series of thanks al so recorded to beloved parents and families for their

supportive respon5ihi lities during the making of this project

Lastly thanks are extended to Yayah Fauzi Ismail Murn i alri Hasli na and all

of author friends who always around during the author hard limes



This project designed new mechanism of solar powered bicycle with the

consideration on the aerodynamics and ergono mics Two main objectives that must be

fulfilled are to develop the mechanism of the solar bicycte and to minimize the energy

losses and to optimize the energy obtained from the sources To achieve these objectives

some designs consideration on the prototype design has been done and one experimental

des ign has been construct in orde r to make su re that the des ign of the new mechanism

wo rked Recommendation is included [or future development of the miles tone solar

bicycle mechanism des igned



Projek rekabentuk mekant~ma baru untuk ba~ik al solar ini bergantung kepada

pcnilaian terhadap aerodinamik dan ergonomik Terdapat dua objektif yang mesH dicapai

iaitu membina mekanisma baru basikal solar dan mem inimakan tenaga yang hllang sena

meningkatkan lenaga yang di perolehi daripada sumber tcnaga Bagi mencapai i-edua-dua

objektif ini penilaian rekabentk terhadap rekabentuk yang dlcipta telah dilakukan dan

tu rekabentuk eksplt itnent telah dibina untuk memastikan rekabenluJ bani basikal solar

ini belja a dan dapat digunakan Beberapa cadangan dl erlakan bagi kegullaan

pel11binaan rekabentuk mekanisma basikal solar ini pada masa akan datang


22 Initia l Electnc Bicycles and its Development 15

_ 1 Solar Powered Mechanism Dts illl and its Developmen t 17


30 Jntroduct Ion

3 J Purpose of thc Project -- 3 J I Shortcoming of the Existing Design ~


32 Design Cr iteria 24

32 I Body Frame eat and Padd le __ 5


(a) fire Characteristic 29

(b) Tire Constructions middot 19

(c) TIre Threads Patte rn 30

-_ J Gear Selections 3 I

324 Steering 32

(a) Rack and Pinion 32

3 2 5 Batteri es middot 34

326 DC Motor 36

327 Photooltaic (P V) 37

318 Bearing middot 38

(a) Bearing Support 39

(b) Wheel Spindles 40

32 9 Chain 41

33 Operation of the c Mechamsm __ 42



-10 General -14

-I I Purpose of the Experiment 45

Theoretica l Consideration 45

421 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration 0

4 2 2 Velocity Acceleration and Power 46

-13 Apparat us 50

31 DC Motor 51

-1 32 Batte ry 51

Solar PV 52

434 Bicycle Tire

435 SWltche ~

~ 36 Chain _ S3

4 3 7 Tire Holder 5middot1

43 8 Analyzer Tachometer and Multimeter 5-1

middot3 9 WlrcgtCrocodiie C l lp~ Battery harger 55

44 Expen men t Procedures 56


50 Introduction 58

5 1 Changi ng Experi ment Design 59

52 Battery Charger Damage 59

53 DC Motor Fai lure 61

54 Concentration of lt unl ight fi2


55 Rubber at tht I1otor Shaft 62

56 FITeCI of Voltage produce by PV 63

j 7 EfTeer of urrent produced b) PV 66

58 Velo ity (i9

_9 Solar Iower 69


6 1 ConciuslOJlS n

6~ Recommendations 73

(a) Solar ell (PV) 73

(b ) Dc MotoL 74

(e) Battery 74

(d) Regularor 74

(e) Breaking System 75

(f) rearing y te rn 75






Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 7: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk


This project designed new mechanism of solar powered bicycle with the

consideration on the aerodynamics and ergono mics Two main objectives that must be

fulfilled are to develop the mechanism of the solar bicycte and to minimize the energy

losses and to optimize the energy obtained from the sources To achieve these objectives

some designs consideration on the prototype design has been done and one experimental

des ign has been construct in orde r to make su re that the des ign of the new mechanism

wo rked Recommendation is included [or future development of the miles tone solar

bicycle mechanism des igned



Projek rekabentuk mekant~ma baru untuk ba~ik al solar ini bergantung kepada

pcnilaian terhadap aerodinamik dan ergonomik Terdapat dua objektif yang mesH dicapai

iaitu membina mekanisma baru basikal solar dan mem inimakan tenaga yang hllang sena

meningkatkan lenaga yang di perolehi daripada sumber tcnaga Bagi mencapai i-edua-dua

objektif ini penilaian rekabentk terhadap rekabentuk yang dlcipta telah dilakukan dan

tu rekabentuk eksplt itnent telah dibina untuk memastikan rekabenluJ bani basikal solar

ini belja a dan dapat digunakan Beberapa cadangan dl erlakan bagi kegullaan

pel11binaan rekabentuk mekanisma basikal solar ini pada masa akan datang


22 Initia l Electnc Bicycles and its Development 15

_ 1 Solar Powered Mechanism Dts illl and its Developmen t 17


30 Jntroduct Ion

3 J Purpose of thc Project -- 3 J I Shortcoming of the Existing Design ~


32 Design Cr iteria 24

32 I Body Frame eat and Padd le __ 5


(a) fire Characteristic 29

(b) Tire Constructions middot 19

(c) TIre Threads Patte rn 30

-_ J Gear Selections 3 I

324 Steering 32

(a) Rack and Pinion 32

3 2 5 Batteri es middot 34

326 DC Motor 36

327 Photooltaic (P V) 37

318 Bearing middot 38

(a) Bearing Support 39

(b) Wheel Spindles 40

32 9 Chain 41

33 Operation of the c Mechamsm __ 42



-10 General -14

-I I Purpose of the Experiment 45

Theoretica l Consideration 45

421 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration 0

4 2 2 Velocity Acceleration and Power 46

-13 Apparat us 50

31 DC Motor 51

-1 32 Batte ry 51

Solar PV 52

434 Bicycle Tire

435 SWltche ~

~ 36 Chain _ S3

4 3 7 Tire Holder 5middot1

43 8 Analyzer Tachometer and Multimeter 5-1

middot3 9 WlrcgtCrocodiie C l lp~ Battery harger 55

44 Expen men t Procedures 56


50 Introduction 58

5 1 Changi ng Experi ment Design 59

52 Battery Charger Damage 59

53 DC Motor Fai lure 61

54 Concentration of lt unl ight fi2


55 Rubber at tht I1otor Shaft 62

56 FITeCI of Voltage produce by PV 63

j 7 EfTeer of urrent produced b) PV 66

58 Velo ity (i9

_9 Solar Iower 69


6 1 ConciuslOJlS n

6~ Recommendations 73

(a) Solar ell (PV) 73

(b ) Dc MotoL 74

(e) Battery 74

(d) Regularor 74

(e) Breaking System 75

(f) rearing y te rn 75






Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 8: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk


Projek rekabentuk mekant~ma baru untuk ba~ik al solar ini bergantung kepada

pcnilaian terhadap aerodinamik dan ergonomik Terdapat dua objektif yang mesH dicapai

iaitu membina mekanisma baru basikal solar dan mem inimakan tenaga yang hllang sena

meningkatkan lenaga yang di perolehi daripada sumber tcnaga Bagi mencapai i-edua-dua

objektif ini penilaian rekabentk terhadap rekabentuk yang dlcipta telah dilakukan dan

tu rekabentuk eksplt itnent telah dibina untuk memastikan rekabenluJ bani basikal solar

ini belja a dan dapat digunakan Beberapa cadangan dl erlakan bagi kegullaan

pel11binaan rekabentuk mekanisma basikal solar ini pada masa akan datang


22 Initia l Electnc Bicycles and its Development 15

_ 1 Solar Powered Mechanism Dts illl and its Developmen t 17


30 Jntroduct Ion

3 J Purpose of thc Project -- 3 J I Shortcoming of the Existing Design ~


32 Design Cr iteria 24

32 I Body Frame eat and Padd le __ 5


(a) fire Characteristic 29

(b) Tire Constructions middot 19

(c) TIre Threads Patte rn 30

-_ J Gear Selections 3 I

324 Steering 32

(a) Rack and Pinion 32

3 2 5 Batteri es middot 34

326 DC Motor 36

327 Photooltaic (P V) 37

318 Bearing middot 38

(a) Bearing Support 39

(b) Wheel Spindles 40

32 9 Chain 41

33 Operation of the c Mechamsm __ 42



-10 General -14

-I I Purpose of the Experiment 45

Theoretica l Consideration 45

421 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration 0

4 2 2 Velocity Acceleration and Power 46

-13 Apparat us 50

31 DC Motor 51

-1 32 Batte ry 51

Solar PV 52

434 Bicycle Tire

435 SWltche ~

~ 36 Chain _ S3

4 3 7 Tire Holder 5middot1

43 8 Analyzer Tachometer and Multimeter 5-1

middot3 9 WlrcgtCrocodiie C l lp~ Battery harger 55

44 Expen men t Procedures 56


50 Introduction 58

5 1 Changi ng Experi ment Design 59

52 Battery Charger Damage 59

53 DC Motor Fai lure 61

54 Concentration of lt unl ight fi2


55 Rubber at tht I1otor Shaft 62

56 FITeCI of Voltage produce by PV 63

j 7 EfTeer of urrent produced b) PV 66

58 Velo ity (i9

_9 Solar Iower 69


6 1 ConciuslOJlS n

6~ Recommendations 73

(a) Solar ell (PV) 73

(b ) Dc MotoL 74

(e) Battery 74

(d) Regularor 74

(e) Breaking System 75

(f) rearing y te rn 75






Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 9: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

22 Initia l Electnc Bicycles and its Development 15

_ 1 Solar Powered Mechanism Dts illl and its Developmen t 17


30 Jntroduct Ion

3 J Purpose of thc Project -- 3 J I Shortcoming of the Existing Design ~


32 Design Cr iteria 24

32 I Body Frame eat and Padd le __ 5


(a) fire Characteristic 29

(b) Tire Constructions middot 19

(c) TIre Threads Patte rn 30

-_ J Gear Selections 3 I

324 Steering 32

(a) Rack and Pinion 32

3 2 5 Batteri es middot 34

326 DC Motor 36

327 Photooltaic (P V) 37

318 Bearing middot 38

(a) Bearing Support 39

(b) Wheel Spindles 40

32 9 Chain 41

33 Operation of the c Mechamsm __ 42



-10 General -14

-I I Purpose of the Experiment 45

Theoretica l Consideration 45

421 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration 0

4 2 2 Velocity Acceleration and Power 46

-13 Apparat us 50

31 DC Motor 51

-1 32 Batte ry 51

Solar PV 52

434 Bicycle Tire

435 SWltche ~

~ 36 Chain _ S3

4 3 7 Tire Holder 5middot1

43 8 Analyzer Tachometer and Multimeter 5-1

middot3 9 WlrcgtCrocodiie C l lp~ Battery harger 55

44 Expen men t Procedures 56


50 Introduction 58

5 1 Changi ng Experi ment Design 59

52 Battery Charger Damage 59

53 DC Motor Fai lure 61

54 Concentration of lt unl ight fi2


55 Rubber at tht I1otor Shaft 62

56 FITeCI of Voltage produce by PV 63

j 7 EfTeer of urrent produced b) PV 66

58 Velo ity (i9

_9 Solar Iower 69


6 1 ConciuslOJlS n

6~ Recommendations 73

(a) Solar ell (PV) 73

(b ) Dc MotoL 74

(e) Battery 74

(d) Regularor 74

(e) Breaking System 75

(f) rearing y te rn 75






Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 10: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk


-10 General -14

-I I Purpose of the Experiment 45

Theoretica l Consideration 45

421 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration 0

4 2 2 Velocity Acceleration and Power 46

-13 Apparat us 50

31 DC Motor 51

-1 32 Batte ry 51

Solar PV 52

434 Bicycle Tire

435 SWltche ~

~ 36 Chain _ S3

4 3 7 Tire Holder 5middot1

43 8 Analyzer Tachometer and Multimeter 5-1

middot3 9 WlrcgtCrocodiie C l lp~ Battery harger 55

44 Expen men t Procedures 56


50 Introduction 58

5 1 Changi ng Experi ment Design 59

52 Battery Charger Damage 59

53 DC Motor Fai lure 61

54 Concentration of lt unl ight fi2


55 Rubber at tht I1otor Shaft 62

56 FITeCI of Voltage produce by PV 63

j 7 EfTeer of urrent produced b) PV 66

58 Velo ity (i9

_9 Solar Iower 69


6 1 ConciuslOJlS n

6~ Recommendations 73

(a) Solar ell (PV) 73

(b ) Dc MotoL 74

(e) Battery 74

(d) Regularor 74

(e) Breaking System 75

(f) rearing y te rn 75






Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 11: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

55 Rubber at tht I1otor Shaft 62

56 FITeCI of Voltage produce by PV 63

j 7 EfTeer of urrent produced b) PV 66

58 Velo ity (i9

_9 Solar Iower 69


6 1 ConciuslOJlS n

6~ Recommendations 73

(a) Solar ell (PV) 73

(b ) Dc MotoL 74

(e) Battery 74

(d) Regularor 74

(e) Breaking System 75

(f) rearing y te rn 75






Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 12: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 3 10

Figure 311

Figure 312

Figure 313

Figure 314

Figure 315


Solar Panel on the roof 5

Solar Ce ll 7

Example of Electric Bicycle 21

Exa mple o f Solar Powered Bicycle 22

Padd le Sea t a nd Steering Connectio n 25

Directi o n o f Load on the Tire 26

Maximum Vector Forces Possible during a turn

(a) Large La teral Force while makin g a Sha rp turn 27

(b) Less Lateral Force wbile making a wild turn 28

Twist in the Tire Thread within the Footprint causing Slip Angle 28

Different Part of typical tire 30

A ll Season Radial Pattern Thread 30

Top View of Typical Rack and Pinion Steering Gear 33

Opera ti on o f Rack and Pinio n Stee ring Gea r 33

Typ ica l Man ual Rack and Pinion Steering Gea r 34

Pictori al Diag ram of Series Wound Moto r 36

Ba ll Bearing Contac t 38

Ball bearing can S upport Ax ial S ide Loads and Radi al Loads 49

Wheel Bea ring Movement to Minimize Fatigue 40

42Fron t View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimens io n

Top View of the Solar Bicycle with Dimension 43


Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 13: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

Fig e 41 Motion of Point P of the Tire 48

Figure 12 Proposed Design for Expe riment AnaJysis 50

Figure 13 Actual Design for Exper iment Analysis 50

Figure 51 Voltage (V) aga inst Time (hour) 65

Figure 52 Voltage (V) against Rotation Per Minute (RPM) 65

Figure 53 Current (A) aga inst Tim e (hour) 67

Figure 54 Current (A) aga inst Rotation Per Mi nute (RPM) 67

l igu re 55 Current (A) against Voltage (V) 68

Figure 56 Velocity (ms) against Ro tati on Per Minute (RPM) 70

Figure 57 Solar Power (Watt) against Rotation Per Minute 70

Figure 58 Solar Power (Watt) against Velocity (ms) 71



Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 14: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk


Table 41 Specificalion~ of Ihe Solar Panel 54



ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 15: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk


ex An gular ccel eration

dEl Ch ange in angle

OJ An gu lar elocity

dco hange in Angular VeloCIty

dt Change in lime

V VelocilY

r Radius

a Acceleration in tangential direction

an Acceleration in normal di rectio n

P Power Generated

Current Produced by PV

V Voltage produced by PV




10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 16: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk



10 Renewahle Energy

The technologies of renewable energy now produce an energy that ca n be

marketed by convert ing natural phenomenon into useful energy forms Mass ive

energy potential of this source will greatly exceed the poten ti al of fo ssil fuel

reso urces The renewable energy is a technology which play an import an t rol e in

achi ev ing the community goals for sustainable economic development and

environmental protection

Renewable energy is a domestic re source [t has the potentia l to

contribute or provide complete security supply It also can be Ll sed fOi multiple

applications which meets practically eve ry type of final energy demand

Resources of the renewable energy technologies are wi th the exception of wood

fuel and large hydro electri city Part of spec ific renewahle e nergy sources that has

prospect for the year 2000 are wind energy pholovoJt aics biomass gltolhermal

so lar tidal and ocea n thermal


Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 17: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

Clrupler I Inrrt1fiucrifJIt

11 Ellergy Comparison

Ac ordi ng to Hisl op Drummond rI 992] for most developing countries the

interest in renewable tnergy technologies was origi nall y a response to the energy

shortages and price inc reases fue l in the arly and late 1970s However by mid

1990 mternational world prices were back to levels as low as in the late 19605

Demand for energy in developing countries i ~ creasing as the population

IS increasing and the economic development growth and stab le This pr cess

happened for per capita of the energy BIOmass energy provides e lectric ity fot

many years using steam turbine powe r generation 1 i~ in the fo rm of industrial

and agriculture residues Existing steam turbine conversion technology is cost

competitie in the South East Asia region It is due to the low cost of biomass

fuels availab le These technologies a re comparati e ly inefficient for the small si ze

req uirement for biomass electricity production However biomass encrgv is more

attractive feedstock at is easier to gasify and very low in sulfur content

WInd eneryy generating capacity now IS about 2000 MVv [Bu rnham

199] The va lue of wind electricity depends on the characteristics of the utility

system into which it is integrated

Solar thermal generation system use sunlight to heat fluids that dri ve

turbines These systems typically concentrate sunlight with mirrors A state of the

art so lar thermal electri c system would produce e lectric ity for about 9 3 cents per

kWh [Burnham 1993] This cost is highe r than the cost of base load electricity In

most regions The va lue of the solar thermal electric power dcpcnd~ n sunlighl


ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 18: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

ChapUT I IlIfrmiuctffl

and often correlates well with peak electricity demands in wal lfl areas wtth heavy

conditioning loads

Ph(lOlotalc mod ules are so lid state devices II converts sunlight directly

into electricity with no rotating equipment Photovoltaic system can be built in

any size h ighly reliable and need only little maintenance These systems are cost

effective in many remote areas where alternative sources of power are impractical

or costl y Photovoltaic e lectrici ty is produced during periods of peak unlighL It

is closed to the sites where it is consumed thereby reducing the need for costl y

conventional peaking capacity

RlOmas energy has provided electric ity for many years suall it is in

the form of industri a l and agricultural residues According to Burnham [1993]

United States currently has more than 8000MW of generating capacity fueled

with such feedstock

12 Introductioll to Solar Energy Power

Energy that comes directly from the sunlight is called sOlIr ellergy It is a

type of energy sources for fuels and electricity In general terms so lar enerjY

means that all the energy that reaches the earth from the sun The emrgy prOVIdes

daylight makes the earth hot and it is the source of energy fo r the plants to grow

Without sun nothing could exist on the earth and earth would be as lifeless as the

moon The sun is o ur greatest and most basic source of energy Ileat and light

derived from the sun The rain and the winds are resultant from heat and li ght


Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 19: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

Chapter I IlIlrodctulI

force from the sun Plants use solar energy to flourish Solar energy can be

harvested both directly and indirectly

The energy sources are all around liS Before usmg thi s energy one must

learn how to control it When energy is control the process is called power

Power is used to move automobiles airplanes and all other means of

transportation devices Solar energy power is defined as a process of conlrol for

encfY that comes directly from the sun Solar energy can be collected and put

mto work Supposingly that all the energy arriving from the sun each day could be

collected and controlled most of earth energy problems are solved Ways of

collecting and controlling solar energy are inefficient and expensive Furt hermore

it is impossible to collect solar energy at night or during cloudy middotcather

Nevertheless it is harder to store solar energy However some progress has b~en

made in utilizing soJar energy collectlve and usage ln the past several years If

research and development continues solar energy could become an important

direct energy source

Solar Energy can provide both heat and electricity Solar panels (refer to

Figure 1 t) are devices that collect solar energy to heat water We can al so

control solar energy with mirrors Mirrors concentrate the sunrays on a small area

and this heat can be used to produce steam for electncal generaLlrs operations


Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 20: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

Chapter J rrrodllcnolt

Figure 1 Solar panel on the roof[McDonalds et aI 19861

Solar Energy is one of important energy sources McDonald et al [1986J

indicate that the sun provides 500 times more energy than the energy used ev ry

day By capturing only one-ten th of th ts energy the need~ of nit ed States every

day demands can be satisfied This sufficient energy could be captured wtth

collectors of only two percents of our nation swfacc [McDonald et aI 1986 j

Thus solar energy has a very great potential


Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 21: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

Clwpter 1 InlrmlucrifJlt

121 Electricity from Solar

Two common u es for solar energy are hea ting and electrici ty Usua ll y for

heating it is used to heat both water and buildings It is over one quarter of

domestic energy usage for these purposes Therefore thi s is an important area to

be rlvrllped for solar energy Electricity is the most important u es of thIs solar

energy This energy can be converted directly into electricity It is usually use to

generate steam which can drive turbine toward electricity genera1ion

I he generation of electricity from solar energy has been poSSible since the

nineteenth century For the early generating devices it is only produced only a

small amount of electricity and this solar energy was only limited to certain

specia l uses

For recent years way of convert ing lage amount of so lar energy into

electric ity has been improved Many projects on electricity generation from th is

energy had been tri ed The most successful projects on thi s energy generation of

electri city arc for dome tic usage such as water heater pumps turbine and al so

for transportation needs sLlch as electric car and soJar bie c1e

13 Introduction 10 Sohir Cells (PV) aDd Batteries

Solar cells (see Figure 12) are devices that convert sun light to electricity

directly It is al so called photovotaic cells (IV) Solar cells lIsed photon ~ III convert


Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 22: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

Chapler I fniroduNion

this sunlight into electricity By putting a number of solar cells together it will

increase the electric output

Figure 12 Solar Ccll (Hislop 1992]

Nowdays photovoltaic system is used to provide powcr for water pumping

refrigeration water treatment cathodic protection vacc ine refrigeration and many

others applications

The majority of the population in developing countries Jives in dispersed

community in rural area The provision of an electriCity supply to th is area is

difficult and costly extension of the main gnd is difficu lt for varied terrain and it is

generally not economical for smaJi power loads Photovoltaic model is more suited

for remote or In acce~sible location for power rr id can also provide an independent

and reliable electrical power source PV system component such as inverter is the


Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 23: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

Clwpler I IlItrfHUCun

second most essential component after the so lar generator for the AC power

generation Although the inve rte r represents a conventional component but there is

effort on the development to improved its ef lcicncy

When thJ conventIOnal inverter operated in the partial load r~rlon the

effic iency of he CUllvelll ional Inverters aauged over longer lillie IptllImiddot IS low

t haI is typically about 70 to 80 171ltc convelltional inv(rters used Ihl rtSlors

switched ( low ji-(quencles exhihit decreased converlion elfieellelf (- YO) and

11I1IJIr lors when use in Ihe parlalload rgion [Wri xon WT et ai 19931

Performance of thl systim has shown that the problem of the system maybe tim 10

t Hardwa re design that is not-optimized

II Power Management that is not-optimi z d especially the banerics

lit Sizing of component is incorrect-particul arly the inverter

IV The changes in load demand

v Changes in load profi Ie

vt In adequate hardware backup and spare paT1~hartlwa re failures (cracked

modules inverter problems and short baneries life )

The batteri s are used to store electricity generate during dayltght hours

for later usage lt is because during the night day and bad weather solar

photovoltaic is not functiomng and rechargeable banencs arc reqUIred for thl~

pLlrpo~e of suppl ying electricity Usually for so lar electric system a lead-ac id

banerie~ is used for storage Rechargeab le battery is a type of batteries that can be


ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging


Page 24: OLAR POWERED BICYCLE MECHANISM DESIGN powered bicycle 24pgs.pdfdJ PUS81 KJlIdmal Maklumat, Un"CfSlu Mula,sul SlIrn\\1Lk dcnsan S} atateS) 1Il3( kcgunalln scpcni bcrikut I. Hakmillk

ClIOller IntrfJtluction

recharged up from the di rect current source and can be reused mulliplc~

Electrochemical or wet cell is the simplest operating unit of batteries

A particu lar vo ltage will be produced by the battery depending on the

ma1crial s it used Ratteri es mean a group of cell s that is connected in series to

achieve a higher voltage Thi s is similar for the solar cell as it is connected in series

to fonn a solar module

OfMati on of the battery used by the solar PV can be group into two types of

c middotIes These cycles are as fo llow

I A shallow cycle each day

II Deep cycles over seycral days or weeks during cloudy weather and

winte r

When the chargi ng of the battery is not enough to supply (he amount of

energy used by the app liances a deep cycle will occur This will makl the statc of

charge is reduced slightly and further bui lds up to a deeper cyclc over a period of

time The state of extra charging will improve the cycle gradua ll y For the batteries

to perform well in a so lar PV system some characteristics must be considered The

characteri stics are

I High li fe cycle for deep cycle

II Low maintenance requirement

Ill Hi gh efficiencies charging