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  • 7/22/2019 ostrogoti vandali







    periklisdeligiannis.wordpress.comUncategorizedAncient warfare, Anglo-Saxon, Baltic

    Indo, Baltic Sea, Balts,Burgundians, Germanic peoples, Goth, Gothic, ,

    medieval warfare,Ostrogoth,Vandal, Visigoth3

    Migrations of Goths, Vandals, Burgundians and other peoples (Philips Atlas of

    World History)


    I compiled the following list of all known Gothic and Vandal peoples, tribes,

    dynasties and sub-tribes, using various Roman and modern sources (see below). I

    listed together the Gothic and Vandal tribes because they consisted the Eastern branch

    of the ancient Germanic peoples. The Goths, Gepids and Burgundians originated

    mainly from the Wielbark culture of modern Northern Poland. The Vandals

    originated mainly from the Germanized Przeworsk culture of modern Southern Poland,

    including strong Celtic (Lugii) and native Indo-European (but non-Slavic) ethnic

    elements. The list includes also peoples of different origins (Germanic and Baltic)

    which eventually were absorbed partially or totally by the Gothic tribes.

  • 7/22/2019 ostrogoti vandali


    Aestii: a Baltic tribe (one of the Baltic Indo-European peoples, ancestors of the

    modern Latvian-Lithuanians). A large part of the Aestii was absorbed by the


    Amali (or Amals, Amalings): The royal tribe/dynasty of the Ostrogoths.

    Theoderic I the Great of the Ostrogoths, was probably the greatest of the

    Amali. Astingi (Hastingi): a Vandal tribe. It is probable that the place-name Hastings

    in England was originally a settlement of a tribal offshoot of this tribe, that

    followed the Anglo-Saxon invaders in Britain.

    Balti (Balts): The royal tribe/dynasty of the Therwingi Goths and later of the

    Visigoths. The Balti Goths should never be confused with the Baltic peoples

    (close relatives of the Slavs). Alaric, king of the Visigoths, is possibly the

    most well-known Baltus. The Baltic Sea was named after the Balti Goths.

    Bastarnae: a hybrid Germanic-Celtic tribal union of the Danube area, mostly

    absorbed by the Visigoths.

    Borani: a Sarmatian or Gothic tribe of the Dnieper steppe. They possibly were

    absorbed by the Ostrogoths. Burgundii or Burgundiones (Burgundians): a tribe originated from the Proto-

    Gothic Wielbark culture of modern Northern Poland.

    Eudusii or Eudusiani: a Scandinavian Gothic tribe which remained in the

    Caucasian shores of the Black Sea after AD 375.

    Galindii (Slav./Balt. Goliand): a Baltic Indo-European tribe. A part of this

    tribe was absorbed by the Goths. Centuries later, some Goths of Spain bear

    the personal name Galindius (originally, a tribal name).

    Gepids: A Proto-Gothic tribe of the Wielbark culture.

    Gaut or Gott: Scandinavian Goths, ancestors of the Amali.

    Goths of the Amali dynasty: mainly of Greuthungian-Gothic origins. This tribebecame the basic ethnic element of the Ostrogoth tribal union.

    Radagaesus Goths (a Goth warlord): they were absorbed by the Ostrogoths.

    Theodoric Strabos Goths (another Goth warlord): they were absorbed by the


    Goths of Mangup: a Gothic tribe which remained in the Northern shores of

    the Black Sea after AD 375.

    Goths of the Panticapaean Peninsula (modern Kerch Peninsula in Crimea): a

    Gothic tribe which remained in the Northern shores of the Black Sea after AD


    Goths of Thule: a Scandinavian Gothic tribe, mentioned by Procopius (6th cent.

    AD). Greuthungi: Gothic tribe, possibly close relatives of the Scandinavian tribe

    Eva-Greotingi. The Greuthungi tribal offshoots became basic ethnic elements of

    the Visigoth and Ostrogoth tribal unions.

    Heruli (Heruls): Scandinavian tribe. A large part of the Heruli was absorbed

    by the Ostrogoths.

    Jutes, Jot or Got (Germ. Juten, Guten): Gothic tribe of Jutland (in Denmark).

    Part of them settled in Britain with the Anglo-Saxons. The rest remained in

    Jutland and were absorbed by the Dansker invaders (a tribal offshoot of the

    Svenskar [Swedes], and ancestors of the Danes).

    Lakringii: a Vandal tribe. Some scholars identify the Lakringii with the Taefali.

    Lemovii: a Germanic-Celtic hybrid tribe, with a Celtic tribal name. They

    probably were absorbed by the Goths.

  • 7/22/2019 ostrogoti vandali


    Nibelungen: The royal tribe/dynasty of the Burgundii.

    Ostrogoths: major Gothic tribal union, founded after AD 400.

    Rosomonii: Germanic tribe, possibly under the rule of a Herul dynasty. It was

    absorbed by the Ostrogoths. Possibly, a part of the Rosomonii remained in the

    Ukrainian steppe after AD 375 and is related with the ethnic names Rus,

    Russia. Rugii or Ulmi-Rugii or Ulmerugi: Scandinavian tribe, possibly Gothic. The

    Rugii were loyal allies of the Ostrogoths and usually an unofficial member

    of their tribal union.

    Silingae: a Vandal tribe.

    Sciri: a Bastarnic (Eastern Germanic) tribal offshoot, absorbed partially by the

    Goths. Odoacer, barbarian King of Italy, is the most well-known Scirian. Most

    of his warriors were Heruls.

    Taefali (Taifali): a Vandal tribe, with a Celtic tribal name. The Taifali tribal

    offshoots became ethnic elements of the Visigoth, the Ostrogoth and the

    Frankish tribal unions respectively.

    TetraxitistliGothi /Tetraxitis Gothia: a Gothic tribe which remained in the

    Caucasian shores of the Black Sea after AD 375.

    Therwingi (or Tervingi): Gothic tribe, basic ethnic element of the Visigoth

    tribal union.

    Turkilingi: a Gothic tribe under a Scirian dynasty, absorbed by the Ostrogoths.

    Vidivarii: A Proto-Gothic-Gepid tribe of the Wielbark culture. Eventually, it was

    divided in various Gothic tribes.

    Victofali or Victuali: a Vandal tribe, adsorbed by the Visigoths. Note that its

    tribal name is Celtic.

    Visi or Vesi: Gothic tribe, a basic ethnic element of the Visigoth tribal union

    (Visi-Goths, and not Western Goths). Some scholars identify the Vesi withthe Therwingi.

    Visigoths: major Gothic tribal union, founded after AD 378.


    Roman/Greek sources: Cassiodorus, Jordanes, Basil of Caesarea, Zosimus, Eutropius,

    Jerome, Julian Emperor, Procopius, Tacitus, Theodosian Code.

    Modern works: Works by Otto Maenchen-Helfen, Herwig Wolfram, P. Heather and E.A.Thompson.


    Periklis Deligiannis


  • 7/22/2019 ostrogoti vandali


    The Goths and the Vandals were fond of bearing spangenhelms of these types.
