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•**mmmifmmmmm I--' \ *r- >* * 'f 1' ! - Hi >- !*'•• " IS: .;y.- P' * 1"' P.-"' fA , i'-i-- K •":-•, ' P'.-- I'*?-' - |"i/- , ',. %ir ?-£;/; - $fc & > ."* *£•:, '• df''' fc"' 1 '---; »v' v Kjfc*--. " i»; .... HJV'" - ' •<'*•-• R\i,, e* ,' B- • ' - '•* ' ' l i - : '"* V ."' R-.j "".',. H . r f-,''"-'*^ ' tt= *' •"'V"'' m ' % ' % •• * •?. \ y £ V". t' 1 *-* .V" v -^' •-, * V- 31 * * . .J.f>' (. , , v ? '• •K ,'., *-* . v.* " - r it- 1. & * *..;••' ; » " *-„ ^'f'-•.'.- • * '' .' •""- ' "V 44-'s-. - '''if. "' *> '^•"i •'*. •If -? •' «•./;•' & " ' £*..-:* , # - , 1 'iv..;.:.?' Sf-i, -?-;«."- : '-' **". »¥. •***"*"'' ^•^H^wiV^-i^'iMw^i^NB^yMf* .•/• jjMni^^dm^yi *jW^wfer>.,-, #<#£ * I 1 ***!: PLATTSBURGH DAILY PRES8 A -»• W£D; SEPT. 12, 1923, REPORTS FOOD PRICIS » JNSGRKASJS FOR YEAR SULLIVAN SWIMS ENGLISH CHANNEL r • ^«^*«^»>M*«»^*.Wptt»*t^ •tr:" WARHI\'<!TO\ T . «*»)•)*• 1 < \ — O t t t y one of twpntv-nlni' representative cities reported a. decline in the retail cost of foo«l in the ve.tr ending Aug. 15 . D a l l a s s h o w i n g an 'im-rease of t per- cent in Sigrures compiled by the tBtlr- eau of 1-rfi.bm* S t a t i s t i c s of the Depart- m e n t ,-»f Labor. Twenty-one of these cities however, reported decreases in the mo,nth from July 15 to August 15, •while s**vert showed advances and one, Richmond, Va.. remained Unchanged. Tile inf-reas^ of the year ' ranged fi-om less than one-half o f 1 percent. At Seattle to 11 nt.T cent. At PhiLv •do'plu.'a. The increases during She month ipei-iod in six cities amounted to 1 -por-cant, and aprgregatad, less than half of that at Scranton. white the maximum decline reported was- 4 per cent at Columbus. .1 1 Vnrc-asonable—A noted financed was taken (seriously ill at 90 years old and felt that his end was near. "Xonsense," said the doctor, "the Lord isn't going to take you. until you've passed the- 100 mark." a«a«d s, fair tion of the floor* and foUi^ihe'Thiole AllMKMAX Gillies -. -'miming 4nt|e]tt are pei'tonned by 6 i> iehtiafe.aabil|t^r boarded up vl»«n tn,fe «Mrss^hag. befeft * "| . MAIOB XTRTB I f C K K P S g-irls , fronj. i5 to, U years of a^p lfil£po»* lyH- i'feiMbved. !VWiat kind of a, Stairway training: for| the^p'-o^essioh under thf of M<ms, .-put he ha 3ttteai,su-pe ,bfl-sl?|lil .•an.d. to-. M* *tigt<i&-*iim im^ie^O^f^n^'t^t^h^mmlkhmjl if&is itOboay- ;kftew, MttaJlJf; in the ALfiXANPAOPOl'L, Aiiuenia-^(By direction vtjMvs. R, % tlhla, a prad- ever b^forej OM> a result .ofJ-Jilt iMln.^ hifenleftt 'pt.M frrivMe Jvoase» eoyered ^i|ail>-"American metbods of. training uate of the' City, Hospital Training ihir, but his Ugfhtetotth&bo^^and.'tbe With tb© kust Ojf dScad«s 4 •%& jfotind f 0r nurses^bave revolutionized that School for Nurses, at Woreestfr, ln?aa^ii*^'r>hw^^^ oldV^bariiist^ Fro N m profession. i« Armenia, with the re- Mass. ; *-• xfcies,: the blti^ri by w|i;dK be hoicsea.tg'ithls fra&m^htasry eViAitc^ bfe'recon- su it that orphan sriils who^ have re- According to airs. TJhls the Ar n ,p. t a k e the?'•titlie^ttiifelj'l'q• s SS%o^*^*? < ^' ^t.ructed the stair*ya5f k s it looked ceived from a year to a year and a man givl takes natufally to the rmi . •wMn (h& legal •Jrlahb* d£ attofhei 4 age half of^lraihirig in American relief fession and after a^few months f ,r ascindeiflf i^ t o the ^sirp^t/ cjpurt- hospHals, are being: sought for by na- tiainihg as preferred^ even' by A?Tief- rqom. . .,*.- r .. tive physicians In preferences'to ican physicians, whose requireiiiPnt ,' "^v^— s —-••/:"' '.'-"i '" ' .' more TOatui*e wonleiiT trained In the ate more exacting than those ^ApAKl^B q^iNK.CRfeP^* ". *. i^ghltUls of Old'RUsBia. '* ' l native doctors.] -'*-• v ' - a i l N ^ O ? r ' » * S f i B a J t a » i^ith th<i excention of half a dozen , •- /• i /- £•>•. -. * . . . - * •* V i ' , ; r^—' ' w?:~' - - '.AinueTiean nurses_in supervisory po-yi- \4b&&J&%&? J&S ® » 6 . ' A s s A h k l liifesfiii. ? •' ' tio'ns, pi-adically the entail nursing' m*-m^Jtasocit^siL- ferfe»*>3 ii>fv. New ^Reci eie," <=aid m'llion." Feminist? .. ^ttttteta^Lb^ m, .. „ , ...„ v ...... , .. : tteMbratiort^f-itbe'oldlp&urfli^^&l ^JttKIiO. Sept. W^-The ^fembers of B ta.m»Z ^11 h o &pJ tals m'axntair,ed by .''twere Is a Woman in a m-lli llimnjnw, WOflfoM Mm^ lijiSi''3r>;tne :A w»fe» « f t » •;tsahooji M A ute IJJBW? Bast Kelfcf omaiUzatlon ln^ "J9° r ^ ueneQ f 51 " 1 ^- Va^Ininir, b^U^Win-'vihlcht' ^brahaiij >*eani belike ^ey^iHave^«seov^edreohti€ction With its oyphanages are Politics"* lancpii* ^l^'^d'Vjasep,^ of oiphap gitls undergo- "Kothm^ hkp it, but sho, will eult <1kvk WMi* Adtail Btevenson afttL Jately. -'..•_. -I'. v • .'•'< H Of Junes ing" t r a i n irver. . - tt-U yott or any one else that she has inofg ia cXothes fjhan she needs and that she PUlt dkyk^ -wlili A4!al pev%so;fc JafttL.iatcly. Ilohert ? Ih'f!iiy<slt ha« j|r«t heeli ttOM^ .; 'they deeliled. the^,,^4jrti'^ n ^ b a l l 'jjrtetefl* ; V>; L", ^ -' " ' tiniforifts such # a r % . T | ^ hundrecl beds at Seversky {& .satisfied.with her husband'^—Rich. ' B. S.;iAllartin^ supervislb& architect--cat? t$a.m%. ;*teey*^w^|aV^*^^l^jBaicj^ks, Alexandropol, w,here the inond Times-Dispatch., 'of Illinois, iybo bfts been sltidyihie^1% <*£• .tW^l^(eta«4^A^fei^'«^tt-.te^m.ih.»4h\ • \^* i .,- .Henry Sullivan of Lowell, Mass. torical upot* ahd bulldmi?* Ibryearn, majgarfin6 attd 466k it,to & taltet 4 ahdj^ Wa *«»»•« •••••••••••#*#*•••«-•*•*••»*•••••• had general charge of [repairing aha, tojd him'io'jflako^ uhlfortns forj them '^tltMJrt»HilHjimH»H»tt»H|ttMttWt restbrihsr'tlfie litfu^turel which, liad jml like those.of the 0 Iii^la'n8^, * ;;::"' - ' ' , ._. . 8 STO&LOOK-LI&TEN succfissfuilily> negotiated tjhe"*fengli^h "No, my it-teftds/' said the aged channel after, six previous attempts. He readied the French Coast afe bahker "tha*: wouldn't be good finance Oriz-Nez, having started from the Shakespeare Cliffs. Photo shows: Henry Why should th:e Lord wait- until I reach par when He can pickft^eup ft Sullivan the firsrt an to swim the Chaa e e ? * »**» than a decade/being I^Qj.. Businjess Magairfne. 1 assisted into a rowboat on one of his previous iiinsuceessfal attempts. j; SB" ^CKL , % * * « I in -mahy essential points of tn«t taftt^, nimimmo w*t/« . nnnm, ^ ^ « . showed vas* improvement In *#6 wjhgs tjrerc riaded i*d tbo RIGHT'HAS B I G A S S E T all ~ r0 ^ 1 '* Jttorni when he ^"Q^ked oui Op removed. The Old sijairway heett ehati|tea so xnuch that Jyncolh,',-.• 5?he urtiWrhtsi^re made; 4i?heh the ; [ 'wfejfe Jife»to'Mav^ seen 'It-, ^would, not Azbbas b e ^ ^ to^oSe. -A fa^''fro^n _ :^ lilve recog«|l*«d it; ' * v< * - . AirieftciiftfWthf^ajife^ !5dhe orljglihal . tttte? ofith« coi^rt- asked'.Qte*h•*wj»jy t e a c h Of the1teL*Wore a'- r jtouse, acpotdihgr ^to Wr. r afia'ttin.) were; hand of •cr^pe ardund hi«i" ieict. affiii. ;; J Very^oodl It Wat hiilit ott th|s cuts-J'he Mmppse %*%tt&^iik<if Were, lb ;:: '»Io ; asodels *oi often found; In 3STe«r.moUrnlnjgl; khd^^ tela t h f y ^ h n i f e d t h e " ; ®bttm$'-'%!& Virginla^p;6i?tieo - at•• piap%^ batid ivap pari ot*th4 iiaifprm* ::, foVf e^rlis *:§|ttmhs miiimdiihted.hy A iliwax^eafcneolih^pWtographof ths : tow^^hd.b|eifr}r* * " :\ -\ " _=• <ji e velaM teath %a« iakeiii ^h'ile it? i : But i%$ hhiliaihBr wJiic i was ewetea;' ' >'-.--.-' * » 'lb th© forties wW rlmodeled bhlldlnBt fittjl been takeft. 1 .. ,|"<iiA£E^ % rash or itching iS^Xrf saaxi^ fobhson'a B*by |»bw- d«f give* qtilck relief §nd 1fe««p« infanta cool and' comforttKB. J a c k i sfoA ; ui > lfte k His footwork a,hdi>eiif ofth^ (By The Associated Pivss) defense ,we!te>beiUr than In my of Ms outjand ah outside *tair^y construct- NBW Y O # , Sept. ll.~-Lui S Angel P ^\ 1 f?* W fT^ **"* >& M " 1 '^r h ^ ^ ***P ^ ' h ^ Firpo has, 2'«*ae «0 b own in the reta1 " ^ " * . ^ ^ f attacking^^ . The te waii a . ^hotog^aph of- ,~»e ring. He ik> iJko the nymPh,Kt'ethU0aV whom g dh^hirkujt^'buA pomts fl ^ l n « t Wiliardi d lumbering oh* fcourt hotl^ b It o r i g i n ^ appeared, p l a n a caused- to':j£ «faa«^l into an ; :, ^ J ^v^» ,rrtt>p. «f t^„v,,r^o fl * ^S**' Fr ^ 0 drd ndt s how to remark- bjut^yett th# mehiory ol Ihe old set- overfjowtog: fountain in order to prbr : ;.,-. I ier» fal|ed t«j> tell I* I* |Tohla«, state twt, tie? ft'om the perigeftUtto&s.ot th* :|; jt^^lave' iU|»rit|tW)tl«i[it o« cottst^lCtlon, what.lov^makd* ?iyer told,. *. '••&$ atethtisa ::; J \- * abje advantage, hut he fought hi? mm ^*ras fal|ed %f tell I*. I*, [Tohla«, state battle and won.decisively. In ail of these Hghts. however,,l?irp^ the Ww,t; fioo f v }*% Y^l to Qi8cbver Ithfe Idcatloh when hardiest pressed fell back Upon * & W«tcbver XiVMED TX>ftvA-20di|?H. the rusTiwa bull-like charges that had. ^ ; $*&*«& «xatnfnft g tbe walla,; foitov, «»ys Nahife r Maga*ltie. I4ft- fc , well-wishers and the like, both in his win^ and itought primitlvein both, flats He *efc out chooses this sprhigr-fed; marshes Where ;; .to his unibroken string of triumphs as qiroof of his 'ability to get results in . his lown way. He is confident that hi* methods, unorthodox as they may be, will enable him to wear the World's heWyWeight crown after ""his -Siattle --» - - v > '*,* # A „^J i. j.t*a.» i_*.-^ - ' ,«J • * - . . with Jack Dempsey at the Polo towrJtfbly krrlea hint to viettfryi 1?n-. J* f<, »* d * jJla< r e .Whets ft pattltionj»»etm, fancying thjs tfesetoblance, |f Grounds September 14 |«* er the h e a i t o £ b a t t 1 ^ heIKurig ntokti:ojf'••**• 0h©« .fe^n* I J&© t o ^ a p . i t » r - l t*t^e to the 1 flower this taame Pirpo has been beiet by advisers ** ***** acquired SCIOIKO to the ^ Wmnelt " J her tfeatroV^r* will, he rles* likely 16 immuattt WE SELL AUf DMOBILE INSURANCE. AND ihL , O^HBR ' VtSDB OP tSSGRXNCE. (1) (3) ^ Rules of the Road (Japan) At'the me of the hand policeman, stop rapidly. Do n o t p a s s hint Jay or otherwise . disrespect Jtilm. ^"v»lon :rU Of t h e -fnnf ti^-r^g es'o-h* +0^>f 1 ' 1 born •\ ;>• soothingly by. ;:: arpQway. (5) *Glve-big space to the festive dog that~shall sport m the" Avoid "entanglement of dog with your wheel spokes. iGo sdbthihgly on the grease mud as there. luik £he skid (7) On, C8> Press r the brake of the feet as you roll round the corners the collapse and tie-up. . t —^hilds Insurance Agency•0 Oak Street ,1 "* Plattsburgh, jr. y. jiiiMti;itiiiiitMMttii!waiii»iiit;iit;mtm:Kw:;?»iii{i:;;>n:i:nnnu;u;}uu;::;n:{;r v •* i » •* " pugilistic and business affairs, evcr flyi"?t ^ith sledge-hammer force: 2X!» since he rose to prominence in thi*> ft had hecome a mor^; potent ^country. But the Argentine eiant ha* w ^P° n «"*»* UePorest'* coaching listened* then waved most of them * ut u waai thtJ rigM *¥* hrouRht aside. down his f.t»e. '. f i; -Firpo's first pugilistic efforts hero, J The WiBard fight marked the end early in 1&22 showed him the rawest of DeForest'a tutorship and soon after, of novices btit possessed of astonish- ^|iVd the advent of Horatio Lavalt^l Ung strength and a club-like right that 'frcnUtfrnart. sportstnan of Argentina, «r offset all other handica.ps. a3» amaz- ^B«neraI^dirjecVor oC Plrpo's training a?- , ing strength^ind punching, power, alono MviOe*. ^TiJle ostensibly JHSFotm 'were responsible for his early Vistories wa5* releasjftd Aecause of the ljiaundlc*p over Sailor Maxted, Joe IVfcCann and «»«« whfth he wotked i n not belnf; able to -ftftfrak Spaniih, it W|M under* % d$& maflfe—tO^ Wear jack Herman, third-raters. sad^X&t to :t|tt£>»e-*«ewa^-. v | Then, a,bwit a. year later, lie return- '^oo* 1 t h a t F i r p o -aJSA i r k e d a n d e x the '.cith^t^a^e^ibi-WPt'.'itfe e d ' 4 -th&^n4.ed>*^fate» b * Bill (vcJ»ran' ; mg»^s. discipline a-i%.pref dtsily.'aimdk OUffeS A t t d ; t f e S h e d ilfi igremian, f'irpo, won Iby a knefeout in ft-rr«<l to employ hie OWn saetfeodA »f try/ ttt«? r f^oj*^ ## clecnftxg;. th© 12th rouna, but only after sustain- ooohioftfns. Thfet bo could do with .WtlteS ttiat llaye Be^Ofee faded mg towlflc nnnnlshment. Again- his XavaUe. but stIII maintain their wearful- rbntl-liike courage and power pulled neis Cart be attractivey dyed. him through where his awkward at- T h e ; c l o t h e s of Dainty Porpthy tempts at rfni? sien^r. tailed. Ho was that alwayl laok Sd smart, and guilty otjpU most elementary of ring smiling have x been worn for more faults, jjiding^'ith his right, H I * tliati one season. She directs your footwork was of the crudest, and he had no effective defense. I Just 'before this taout he was put un- der the tmelape. of 'Jimmy DeForest, veteran trainer, who had conditioned Dcmpsey for the fight in which he took t h e t i t l e f r o m " J e s s "VVUlard, Some ef- feets of this tutoring wore apparent' when Pirpo won from Brennan, but attention to o u r y^orkv ngE3 WE KNOW miotic v^^iiie/ is Pirpo is a natural fighter. His style i% instlnftjve. .*ather than tho result it rigorous prep*-it: *n . He «s*rne1 t t u t h from p - Port's*-, t u t h e profited most fronn experience 1 - He has ac- quired rinier k n o M e d g e and, general- skip quickly. Ke has proved that he <*ar» take the birdes: of punishment, leather th* hottest of fistic storms and c'ome back with a demolishing attack of his 'bwili. Against Dempsey, . Pirpo wttl , be vastly, improved In form over his ear- ner performances. He is not as fast, the South American was still lacking nor has b* the champion's repertoire Boat Cumberland Now Running Between Cumberland Head audi Grand isle. from Service 7 A.M. Dark. Until Plattsburgh-Grand Isle Ferry 0>. Ine. ™$^%£\ m B«nnetsMaB*- Herfc's SorhetMng * To think About Bffleiency «lip* «way more easily throagb fuuity rlsloti, than from my oth«v' ctiiisa te r uu ' •'Hii-ieoc; euftdrinf froa poor night? If so, l<»t o« famish the flamaa joa sliould w-»r for comfort and yiuu"' oti1orrnr»«.t ' f Our t«amLu*0(>a Wiii ^ « w f m i » lu Clinton 8tre#t •bone sfli r->r A.ppolntm*nta "IT'S A FACT" Generalities are seldom so interesting, and not half so convincing'as facts. Wrk'n w>u talk f.icts reorlj 'i,<en. A checking ac- count.speaks tl;;: x :•«»'•.of'language. !'> chief virtue is "exactness. -' Pro^re>iive p.'t pie cannot content th?rr.Mlvcs with any other kind of iin.mcial record. Plattsburg Nationqi Bank And Trust Company •m "V\7TITH a Gold Medal Glen wood it's no trick at all to get . W ready a tarch of muffins or hot biscuits. Glenwood Construction furnishes jnaximum heat.on three sides of the ' oven. That means quick baking. If you'd rather use gas, the Glen wood Oven Heat Control will keep the gas oven at just the right temperature while you are attending to something else. . But it's not only getting breakfast quickly that proves the advantages of a Gold Medal Glenwood. When you have a lor of cooking to do all at once you'll appreciate the'resouxce- fulness of its two fuels and its enotmoiis capacity. r Brothers, Plattsburg 5-a wm. S"EPT. 12, .as ..,<% ft **. WEb,; JSEPJ^ J- 160MJNG EVENTS * ' i. * * * f Today—-Plattsburgh State school opens*- , Today-—Clmton Theatre— 1 1 Pound". Hum Center Come. Tofla y__Flattsfcurgtt Theatr Jjam Farmim Jn "The Gun ri gent. IS—-Primary Day an AND vicwn —ifke tegular* inld-week pra 1 Vice of the'Church of the-K Will be"'h!eid this week at Mri- Hagar's 124 Court St., at 3iM -H?ean.esday evening. lUls t^gntstr tuberculosis will b e h e l d ' I n the Board at rooms. City Uan« Haurs from 1 to O* 111 ' ' - I _—TJie Mizpah 'Circle of the ' chmeh Will HoM a social meeti evening at Mt%" Adams, it Oalf 8hoWer of ten oeftt gifts for th dren of the ^essej X.ee Home ' X special meeting of Cons* Cecite will be-held this evenin o'clock. AH naemhers are req to attend w " - -£-iTbe funeral of the late Mre 'ham AsWihfi,-^ho,Was billed airtontpbile^ accident^at- Wing's Inr early Monday mbrnlng, w vheld this morning from Our LE Victory church at nine o'clock. -TFuneral services lor the lati jVlyra Atwood, who wasi found a t W;esf~"Chazy, following aa mobile accident" oh Sunday nigh be held this af ternpon. at three o from the late residence at Chazy. * * --H4L work meeting of the Wo League of the Physicians Ho will be-held Thursday,' Sept. 'a two o'clock jn the afternoon a home of JMrs. H, A. Aaamas, 82 #trest, ' , - -The remains of Mrs/ 1 Elizabeth who passed away reeWnfiy at '. field Mass. arrived at Mooera y« day for *hjirjal whidh took;'pla> : 1 the r jnbrning.' The deceased wa years of age and was a focmer dent of 3Slooerff. J TSASO EfSTBTJOTOB M, Grace Belden, a graduate oi homo Pianoforte JSchool k [ilz^iixp c l a s s e s i n p i a n o The Les jty "Method Is used Pupils wil feived -at, aiiy time Intervie-ws een the hours of 1 and 3 p. Iptember 11-13, or by app'ointm |hone 5«7-W. Address 27 Lorn :.—adv. - , -AT THE Beauty Shop 44 BrinkerhofF Street.. •?& 699-W. We have expert opera- tors in all branches of the "work. A Full Line of Switches, Transforma- tions, Wigs for ReriL Cosmetics, Fancy " Combs and Earrings. Plattsbur WILLIAIV "THE Gl Also Khjivwiii; It, urul Nn tjie attfrnoon only. PRINCESS FAWN Iiitlian \t >\ i It \._ ^11 HARR^ \ Ivnh.l . REEVES FOY AND GIBSO^ fomt'dj' SliiylOi;. Vaudeville Appears One Shows AD1V Matinee—Childt ,, i Evening—Child Matinee, 2:00 P. M .. PLATTSBURGH T > ^^ -

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W £ D ; SEPT. 12, 1923,

R E P O R T S F O O D P R I C I S »



• « ^ * « ^ » > M * « » ^ * . W p t t » * t ^ • •tr:"

W A R H I \ ' < ! T O \ T . «*»)•)*• 1< \—Ott ty o n e

o f t w p n t v - n l n i ' r e p r e s e n t a t i v e c i t i e s

r e p o r t e d a . d e c l i n e in t h e r e t a i l c o s t

o f foo«l in t h e ve.tr e n d i n g A u g . 15

. D a l l a s s h o w i n g a n ' im-rease o f t p e r ­

c e n t in Sigrures c o m p i l e d by t h e tBtlr-

e a u o f 1-rfi.bm* S t a t i s t i c s o f t h e D e p a r t ­

m e n t ,-»f L a b o r . T w e n t y - o n e o f t h e s e

c i t i e s h o w e v e r , r e p o r t e d d e c r e a s e s in

the mo,nth from July 15 to August 15, •whi le s**vert s h o w e d a d v a n c e s a n d o n e ,

R i c h m o n d , V a . . r e m a i n e d U n c h a n g e d .

T i l e inf -reas^ of t h e y e a r ' r a n g e d

f i -om l e s s t h a n o n e - h a l f o f 1 p e r c e n t .

At Seattle to 11 nt.T cent. At PhiLv •do'plu.'a. T h e i n c r e a s e s d u r i n g S h e

m o n t h ipei-iod in s i x c i t i e s a m o u n t e d

t o 1 -por-cant, a n d aprgregatad, l e s s

t h a n h a l f o f t h a t a t S c r a n t o n . w h i t e

the maximum decline reported was-4 p e r c e n t a t C o l u m b u s .


1 V n r c - a s o n a b l e — A n o t e d financed

was taken (seriously ill at 90 years old and felt that his end was near.

" X o n s e n s e , " s a i d t h e d o c t o r , " t h e

Lord isn't going to take you. until y o u ' v e p a s s e d the- 100 m a r k . "

a«a«d s, fair tion of the floor* and foUi^ihe'Thiole AllMKMAX Gillies -. -'miming 4nt|e]tt are pei'tonned by 6i> iehtiafe .aabil | t^r b o a r d e d u p v l » « n tn,fe «Mrss^hag . befeft * "| . M A I O B XTRTB I f C K K P S g-irls , f r o n j . i 5 t o , U y e a r s of a^p

lfil£po»* lyH- i'feiMbved. !VWiat k ind of a, Stairway t r a i n i n g : f o r | t h e ^ p ' - o ^ e s s i o h u n d e r thf

of M<ms, .-put he ha 3ttteai,su-pe ,bfl-sl?|lil .•an.d.

to-. M* *tigt<i&-*iim im^ie^O^f^n^'t^t^h^mmlkhmjl if&is itOboay- ;kftew, MttaJlJf; in t he ALfiXANPAOPOl 'L, Ai iuenia-^(By direction vtjMvs. R, % tlhla, a prad-ever b^forej OM> a result .ofJ-Jilt iMln.^ hifenleftt 'pt.M frrivMe Jvoase» eoyered ^i|ail>-"American metbods of. t raining uate o f the' City, Hospital Training ihir, bu t his Ugfhte to t th&bo^^and. ' tbe With tb© kus t Ojf dScad«s4•%& jfotind f0r nurses^bave revolutionized t h a t School for Nurses, a t Woreestfr, ln?aa^ii*^'r>hw^^^ oldV^bariiist^ FroNm profession. i« Armenia, with the re- Mass. ; *-• xfcies,: the blti^ri by w|i;dK be hoicsea.tg'ithls fra&m^htasry eViAitc^ bfe'recon- s u i t tha t orphan sriils who^ have re - According to airs . TJhls the Arn ,p. take the?'•titlie^ttiifelj'l'q• s SS%o^*^*? < ^ ' ^t.ructed t h e stair*ya5f k s i t looked ceived from a year to a year and a m a n givl takes natufally to the r m i .

•wMn (h& legal •Jrlahb* d£ attofhei4 age half of^lraihirig in American relief fession and after a^ few months f,r ascindeiflf i^ to the ^ s i r p ^ t / cjpurt- hospHals, a re being: sought for by na- t ia in ihg as preferred^ even' by A?Tief-rqom. . . , * . - r . . tive physicians In preferences ' to ican physicians, whose requireiiiPnt

,' "^v^—s—-••/:"' '.'-"i '" ' .' m o r e TOatui*e wonleiiT trained In the a t e more exacting than those ^ApAKl^B q^iNK.CRfeP^* ". *. i^ghltUls of Old'RUsBia. '* ' l native doctors.]

-'*-• v ' - a i l N ^ O ? r ' » * S f i B a J t a » i ^ i t h th<i e x c e n t i o n o f h a l f a d o z e n , • - / • i /- £•>•. - . * . . • • • • . • - * • *

V i ' , ; r ^ — ' ' w?:~' - - ' .AinueTiean n u r s e s _ i n s u p e r v i s o r y po-yi-

\4b&&J&%&? • J&S ® » 6 . ' A s s A h k l liifesfiii. ? •' ' t io 'ns , p i - a d i c a l l y t h e e n t a i l n u r s i n g '

m*-m^Jtasocit^siL- ferfe»*>3 ii>fv. New ^ R e c i e i e , " <=aid

m ' l l i o n . "


.. ^ttttteta^Lb^ m, .. „ , ...„ v „ . . . . . . , .. : tteMbratiort^f-itbe'oldlp&urfli^^&l ^JttKIiO. S e p t . W ^ - T h e ^ f e m b e r s o f Bta.m»Z ^11 h o & p J t a l s m'axntair ,ed b y . ' ' t w e r e I s a W o m a n i n a m-l l i

llimnjnw, WOflfoM Mm^ lijiSi''3r>;tne:Aw»fe» « f t » •;tsahooji M A ute IJJBW? Bast Kelfcf omaiUzatlon ln "J9°r ^ueneQ f51"1 -Va^Ininir, b^U^Win- 'v ih lch t ' ^ b r a h a i i j >*eani b e l i k e ^ e y ^ i H a v e ^ « s e o v ^ e d r e o h t i € c t i o n With i ts oyphanages are Poli t ics"*

lancpii* ^ l ^ ' ^ d ' V j a s e p , ^ of o iphap gitls undergo- "Kothm^ hkp it, but sho, will eult <1kvk WMi* Adtail Btevenson afttL Jately. - ' . . • _ . -I'. v • .'•''<




ing" t r a i n irver.

. - tt-U y o t t o r a n y o n e e l s e t h a t s h e h a s inofg

i a c X o t h e s fjhan s h e n e e d s a n d t h a t she PUlt dkyk^ -wlili A4!al pev%so;fc JafttL.iatcly. Ilohert?Ih'f!iiy<slt ha« j|r«t heeli ttOM^ .; 'they deeliled. the^,,^4jrti'^ n ^ b a l l

'jjrtetefl* ; V>; • L", ^ - ' " ' tiniforifts such # a r % . T | ^ hundrecl beds at Seversky {& .satisfied.with her husband'^—Rich. ' B . S.;iAllartin^ supervislb& architect--cat? t$a.m%. • ; * t e e y * ^ w ^ | a V ^ * ^ ^ l ^ j B a i c j ^ k s , Alexandropol, w,here the inond Times-Dispatch., 'of Illinois, iybo bfts been sltidyihie^1% <*£• . tW^l^(eta«4^A^fei^'«^tt- . te^m.ih.»4h\ • \^* ' » i . ,-

. H e n r y S u l l i v a n o f L o w e l l , M a s s .

torical upot* ahd bulldmi?* Ibryearn, majgarfin6 attd 466k it,to & taltet4 a h d j ^ W a

*«»»•« • • • • • • • • • • • # * # * • • • « - • * • * • • » * • • • • • • had general charge of [repairing aha, tojd him'io'jflako^ uhlfortns forj them '^tltMJrt»HilHjimH»H»tt»H|ttMttWt restbrihsr'tlfie litfu^turel which, liad jml like those.of the 0Iii^la'n8^, * ; ; : : " ' - ' ' , ._. .

8 STO&LOOK-LI&TEN succfissfuilily> n e g o t i a t e d tjhe"*fengli^h

"No, my it-teftds/' said the aged channel after, six previous attempts. He readied the French Coast afe bahker "tha*: wouldn't b e good finance O r i z - N e z , h a v i n g s t a r t e d f r o m t h e S h a k e s p e a r e C l i f f s . P h o t o s h o w s : H e n r y Why should th:e Lord wait- until I reach par when He can pick ft^e up f t S u l l i v a n t h e firsrt ™ a n t o s w i m t h e C h a a e e ? * »**» t h a n a decade /be ing I^Qj.. B u s i n j e s s M a g a i r f n e . 1 a s s i s t e d i n t o a r o w b o a t o n o n e o f h i s p r e v i o u s i i i n s u c e e s s f a l a t t e m p t s .

j; SB"

^CKL ,

% • * * «

I in -mahy essential points of tn«t taftt^,

n i m i m m o w*t/« . nnnm, ^ ^ « . showed vas* improvement I n * # 6 wjhgs tjrerc riaded i * d tbo

R I G H T ' H A S B I G A S S E T a l l ~ r 0 ^ 1 ' * J t t o r n i w h e n h e ^"Q^ked o u i Op removed. T h e Old sijairway

heett ehati|tea so xnuch that Jyncolh,',-.• 5?he urtiWrhtsi^re made; 4i?heh the ; [ 'wfejfe Jife»to'Mav^ seen 'It-, ^would, no t Azbbas b e ^ ^ to^oSe . -A fa^ ' ' f ro^n _ : ^

lilve recog«|l*«d it; ' *v<* - . AirieftciiftfWthf ajife^ !5dhe orljglihal . tttte? o f i t h « co i^rt - asked'.Qte*h•*wj»jyt e a c h Of the1teL*Wore a ' - r

jtouse, acpotdihgr to Wr.r afia'ttin.) were; hand of •cr^pe ardund hi«i" ieict. affiii. ;; J Very^oodl I t Wat hiilit ott th|s c u t s - J ' h e Mmppse %*%tt&^iik<if Were, l b ;:: '»Io; asodels * o i often found; In 3STe«r.moUrnlnjgl; khd ^ tela t h f y ^ h n i f e d t h e " ; ®bttm$'-'%!& Virginla^p;6i?tieo - at•• piap%^ batid ivap pari ot*th4 iiaifprm* ::, foVf e^rlis *:§|ttmhs miiimdiihted.hy A i l iwax^eafcneol ih^pWtographof t h s : tow^^hd.b|eifr}r* * " :\ -\ " _=• <jievelaM teath %a« iakeiii ^h ' i le it? i :

But i%$ hhiliaihBr wJiic i was ewetea;' ' > ' - . - - . - ' * » 'lb th© forties wW rlmodeled

bhlldlnBt fittjl been takeft.


.. , |"<iiA£E^ % rash or itching iS^Xrf saaxi^ fobhson'a B*by |»bw-

d«f give* qtilck relief §nd 1fe««p« infanta cool a n d ' comforttKB.

Jacki sfoA;ui>lftek His footwork a,hdi>eiif o f t h ^ (By T h e Associated Pivss) defense ,we!te>beiUr than In my of Ms outjand a h outs ide * t a i r ^ y construct-

NBW Y O # , Sept. l l . ~ -Lu i S Angel P ^ \ 1 f ? * W f T ^ * * " * > & M " 1 ' ^ r h ^ ^ ***P ^ ' h ^ Firpo has , 2 ' « * a e «0 b own in the r e t a 1 " ^ " * . ^ ^ f a t t a c k i n g ^ ^ . T h e t e waii a . ^hotog^aph of- ,~»e

ring. He ik>

iJko the nymPh,Kt'ethU0aV whom g d h ^ h i r k u j t ^ ' b u A pomts f l ^ l n « t Wiliardi d lumbering oh* fcourt ho t l ^ b It o r i g i n ^ appeared, p l a n a caused - to':j£ «faa«^l into an ; :, ^ J ^v^» ,rrtt>p. «f t^„v,,r^o fl* ^S**' F r ^ 0 d r d n d t show to remark- bjut^yett th# mehiory ol Ihe old set- overfjowtog: fountain in order to prbr : ;.,-. I

ier» fal|ed t«j> tell I* I* |Tohla«, state twt, tie? ft'om the perigeftUtto&s.ot th* :|; jt^^lave' iU|»rit|tW)tl«i[it o« cottst^lCtlon, what.lov^makd* ?iyer told,. *. '••&$ atethtisa ::; J \- *

abje advantage, hut he fought hi? mm *ras fal|ed %f tell I*. I*, [Tohla«, state battle and won.decisively.

In ail of these Hghts. however,,l?irp^ t h e W w , t ; f i o o f v}*% Y^l to Qi8cbver Ithfe Idcatloh when hardiest pressed fell back Upon *& W«tcbver

XiVMED TX>ftvA-20di|?H.

t h e rusTiwa bull-like charges t h a t h a d . ^ ; $*&*«& «xatnfnft g t b e walla,; fo i tov, «»ys Nahife rMaga*ltie. I4ft-fc,

well-wishers and the like, both in his w i n ^ and itought primit lvein both, flats

H e *efc o u t chooses this sprhigr-fed; marshes Where ;;

.to his unibroken str ing of t r iumphs a s qiroof of h i s 'ability to get results in

. his lown way. He is confident t ha t hi* methods, unorthodox a s they may be, will enable h im to wear the World's heWyWeight crown after ""his -Siattle --» - - v > '*,* # A „ ^ J i. j.t*a.» i_*.-^ - ' , « J • * - • . . » with Jack Dempsey a t t h e Polo towrJtfbly k r r l e a hint to viettfryi 1?n-. J * f < , » * d * j J l a <re .Whe t s ft pat t l t ionj»»etm, fancying thjs tfesetoblance, | f Grounds September 14 |«*e r t h e h e a i t o £ b a t t 1 ^ heIKurig ntokti:ojf'••**• 0h©« .fe^n* I J&© t o ^ a p . i t » r - l t*t^e to the1 flower th is taame

Pirpo h a s been beiet by advisers ** ***** acquired SCIOIKO t o t h e ^

Wmnelt " J her tfeatroV^r* will, he rles* likely 16



( 1 )

( 3 )

^ R u l e s o f t h e R o a d ( J a p a n ) A t ' t h e m e of the hand policeman, stop rapidly. D o n o t p a s s h i n t Jay o r o t h e r w i s e . d i s r e s p e c t Jtilm.

^"v»lon :rU Of t h e -fnnf ti^-r^g es'o-h* +0^>f1'1 born

•\ ;>• soothingly by.

;:: arpQway. (5) *Glve-big space to the festive dog that~shal l sport m the"

Avoid "entanglement of dog with your wheel spokes. iGo sdbthihgly on the grease mud a s there. l u i k £ h e s k i d ( 7 )


C8> Press rthe brake of the feet as you roll round the corners the collapse and tie-up. . t

—^hilds Insurance Agency— •0 Oak Street

,1 "*

Plattsburgh, jr. y .

jiiiMti;itiiiiitMMttii!waiii»iiit;iit;mtm:Kw:;?»iii{i:;;>n:i:nnnu;u;}uu;::;n:{;r v • * i » •* "

pugilistic and business affairs, e v c r f l y i " ? t ^ i t h sledge-hammer force: 2X!» since he rose to prominence in t h i * > f t h a d hecome a m o r ^ ; potent

^country. But the Argentine eiant ha* w ^ P ° n «"*»* UePorest'* coaching listened* then waved most of them * u t u w a a i t h t J r i g M *¥* hrouRht aside. down his f.t»e. '. f

i; -Firpo's first pugilistic efforts hero, J The WiBard fight marked the end e a r l y i n 1&22 s h o w e d h i m t h e r a w e s t o f D e F o r e s t ' a t u t o r s h i p a n d s o o n a f t e r ,

of novices btit possessed of astonish- ^|iVd the advent of Horatio Lavalt^l Ung strength and a club-like right that 'frcnUtfrnart. sportstnan of Argentina, « r offset a l l o t h e r h a n d i c a . p s . a 3 » a m a z - ^B«neraI^dirjecVor oC P l r p o ' s t r a i n i n g a ? -

, ing strength^ind punching, power, alono MviOe*. ^TiJle ostensibly JHSFotm ' w e r e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r h i s e a r l y V i s t o r i e s wa5* releasjftd A e c a u s e o f t h e ljiaundlc*p over Sailor Maxted, Joe IVfcCann and « » « « whfth he wotked i n not belnf;

able to -ftftfrak Spaniih, it W|M under* % d$& maflfe—tO^ Wear jack Herman, third-raters. sad^X&t t o : t | t t£>»e-*«ewa^- . v | T h e n , a ,bwi t a. y e a r l a t e r , l i e r e t u r n - ' ^ o o * 1 t h a t F i r p o -aJSA i r k e d a n d e x t h e

' . c i t h ^ t ^ a ^ e ^ i b i - W P t ' . ' i t f e e d ' 4 -th&^n4.ed>*^fate» t» b * Bill (vcJ»ran ' ; mg»^s . discipline a-i%.pref d t s i l y . ' a i m d k OUffeS Attd; t f e S h e d i l f i i g r e m i a n , f ' i rpo , w o n Iby a k n e f e o u t i n ft-rr«<l t o e m p l o y h i e OWn saetfeodA » f

try/ ttt«? r f ^ o j * ^ # # clecnftxg;. th© 12th rouna, but only after sustain- ooohioftfns. Thfet bo could do with . W t l t e S t t i a t l laye Be^Ofee faded mg towlflc nnnnlshment. Again- his XavaUe. b u t s t I I I m a i n t a i n t h e i r w e a r f u l - rbntl-liike c o u r a g e a n d p o w e r p u l l e d

n e i s Cart be a t t r ac t i vey dyed. him through where his awkward at-T h e ; c l o t h e s o f D a i n t y P o r p t h y t e m p t s a t rfni? sien^r. t a i l e d . H o w a s

t h a t a l w a y l laok Sd s m a r t , and guilty otjpU most elementary of ring smil ing havex been w o r n for m o r e faults, j j i d i n g ^ ' i t h his right, H I * tliati o n e season. She di rects your footwork was of the crudest, and he

h a d n o e f f e c t i v e d e f e n s e .

I J u s t 'before t h i s taout h e w a s p u t u n ­

d e r t h e t m e l a p e . o f ' J i m m y D e F o r e s t ,

v e t e r a n t r a i n e r , w h o h a d c o n d i t i o n e d

Dcmpsey for the fight in which he took t h e t i t l e f rom" J e s s "VVUlard, S o m e ef-

feets of this tu tor ing wore apparent' w h e n P i r p o w o n f r o m B r e n n a n , but

a t t e n t i o n to our y^orkv

ngE3 WE KNOW miotic v^^iiie/ i s

Pirpo is a natural fighter. His style

i% instlnftjve. .*ather than tho result i t r i g o r o u s p r e p * - i t : *n . H e « s * r n e 1

t t u t h from p - Port's*-, t u t he profited most fronn experience1- He has ac­quired rinier knoMedge and, general-skip quickly. Ke has proved that he <*ar» take the b i r d e s : of punishment, l e a t h e r th* hottest of fistic s torms and c'ome back with a demolishing a t tack of his 'bwili.

Against Dempsey, . Pirpo wttl , be vastly, improved In form over his ear­ner performances. H e is not as fast,

the South American was still lacking nor has b* the champion's repertoire

Boat Cumberland N o w R u n n i n g B e t w e e n

Cumberland Head audi G r a n d i s l e .

from Service 7 A.M. Dark.


Plattsburgh-Grand Isle Ferry 0>.



m B«nnetsMaB*-

Herfc's SorhetMng * T o t h i n k

About Bffleiency «lip* «way more easily

throagb fuuity rlsloti, than from m y oth«v' ctiiisa

te ruu' •'Hii-ieoc; euftdrinf f roa poor night?

If so, l<»t o« famish the flamaa joa sliould w-»r for comfort and yiuu"' oti1orrnr»«.t ' f

Our t«amLu*0(>a Wiii ^ « w f m i »

lu Clinton 8tre#t • b o n e s f l i r->r A . p p o l n t m * n t a

"IT'S A FACT" Generalities are seldom so interesting, and not half so

convincing'as facts.

Wrk'n w>u talk f.icts reorlj 'i,<en. A checking ac-

count.speaks tl;;:x :•«»'•.of'language. !'> chief virtue is "exactness. -'

Pro^re>iive p.'t pie cannot content th?rr.Mlvcs with any other kind of iin.mcial record.

Plattsburg Nationqi Bank And Trust Company


" V \ 7 T I T H a G o l d Medal Glen w o o d it 's n o trick at a l l t o g e t . W ready a t a r c h of muffins o r h o t biscuits. G l e n w o o d

Construction furnishes j n a x i m u m h e a t . o n three sides o f t h e ' oven. Tha t means quick baking.

If you 'd rather use gas, t he Glen w o o d O v e n H e a t C o n t r o l will keep the gas oven at just the r ight t empera ture whi le y o u are a t tending t o some th ing else. .

But it 's n o t only ge t t ing breakfast quickly tha t proves the advantages of a G o l d Medal G l e n w o o d . W h e n you have a lor of cook ing t o d o all at once you' l l appreciate the'resouxce-fulness of its t w o fuels and its eno tmoi i s capacity.

r Brothers, Plattsburg 5-a

w m . S"EPT. 12,

.as ..,<% ft **.


* ' i. * * * f

Today—-Plattsburgh State

school opens*- , Today-—Clmton Theat re— 1

1 Pound" . H u m Center Come.

T o f l a y _ _ F l a t t s f c u r g t t T h e a t r

Jjam F a r m i m Jn " T h e G u n r i

g e n t . I S — - P r i m a r y D a y

an AND vicwn —ifke tegular* inld-week pra1

Vice of t h e ' C h u r c h of t h e - K Will be"'h!eid th i s week a t Mri-Hagar's 124 Cour t St., a t 3iM

• -H?ean.esday evening. —lUls t^gntstr tuberculosis

will b e h e l d ' I n the Board at rooms. City Uan« H a u r s from 1

to O * 1 1 1 ' ' - I _—TJie M i z p a h ' C i r c l e o f t h e

' chmeh Will HoM a social meeti evening a t Mt%" Adams, it Oalf 8hoWer of t en oeftt gifts for t h dren o f the ^essej X.ee H o m e '

X special meet ing of Cons* Cecite will be-he ld th is evenin o'clock. AH naemhers a r e req to at tend w " -

-£-iTbe funeral of t h e l a t e Mre 'ham AsWihfi , -^ho,Was billed airtontpbile^ accident^at - Wing ' s I n r early Monday mbrnlng, w

vheld this morning f r o m O u r LE Victory church a t nine o 'c lock.

-TFunera l services l o r t he lati jVlyra Atwood, w h o wasi found a t W;esf~"Chazy, following a a mobile accident" oh Sunday nigh b e held th is af ternpon. a t t h r e e o from the late residence a t Chazy. * * --H4L work mee t ing of the Wo League of t h e Physicians Ho will be-he ld Thursday, ' Sept . 'a two o'clock j n t h e afternoon a home of JMrs. H, A . Aaamas, 82 #trest, ' , -

-The remains of Mrs/1 El izabeth who passed away reeWnfiy a t '. field Mass. arr ived a t Mooera y« d a y f o r *hjirjal w h i d h t o o k ; ' p l a >

: 1 t h e r jnbrning. ' The deceased wa years of age and was a focmer dent of 3Slooerff.


M , G r a c e B e l d e n , a g r a d u a t e oi

homo Pianoforte JSchool k [ilz^iixp c l a s s e s i n p i a n o T h e L e s

jty "Method Is used Pupils wil f e ived -at, a i i y t i m e I n t e r v i e - w s

een the hours of 1 and 3 p. Iptember 11-13, or by app'ointm

| h o n e 5 « 7 - W . A d d r e s s 27 L o r n

: .—adv. - ,

- A T T H E

Beauty Shop

4 4 B r i n k e r h o f F S t r e e t . .

•?& 6 9 9 - W .

W e h a v e e x p e r t o p e r a ­

t o r s i n a l l b r a n c h e s of

t h e "work.

A Full Line of Switches, Transforma­tions, Wigs for ReriL

Cosmetics, Fancy " C o m b s a n d E a r r i n g s .

Plattsbur WILLIAIV

"THE Gl A l s o Khjivwiii; It, urul Nn

tjie a t t f r n o o n o n l y .

PRINCESS FAWN I i i t l i a n \ t > \ i It \._ ^11

HARR^ \ I v n h . l


FOY AND GIBSO^ f o m t ' d j ' S l i i y l O i ; .

V a u d e v i l l e A p p e a r s O n e

Shows — A D 1 V

Matinee—Childt , , i E v e n i n g — C h i l d Mat inee , 2:00 P . M



^ -