patel f13 che 1110 ch4 (part 1) .ppt

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  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    Chapter 3:The Mole: Relating the Microscopic

    World of Atoms to Laboratory


    Brady & Senese 5th


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    Mole concept!


    # g of $ to # g of %

    Which ill ha'e more atoms((Why(() o*ygen b+c it has a higher

    atomic number! ach atom of $ eighs ))) 1u

    ach atom of % eighs )))) 16u

  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    What Is a Mole?

    Mole: %ne mole is de,ned as the numberof atoms in e*actly #- grams of #-"carbons! !g:

    # mole of $ .

    # mole of % . # mole /a .

    here atomic eight gi'en in Gram AtomicUnits

    # mole of element 0 . gram atomic mass of0

    1!# The mole con'eniently lin2smass to number of atoms ormolecules


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt



    1!# The mole con'eniently lin2smass to number of atoms ormolecules


    # Mole of 0 . 4!--1 6 #-1units of 0

    This is a con'ersion factor to con'ertbeteen uand g


    1 g

    6.0223 10 u

    236.0223 10 u

    1 g

    atomic mass units (u) grams (g)

  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    Avogaros "um#er

    Avogaros num#er7 ":%ne mole of anysubstance contains the same number ofunits

    # mole of 0 . 4!-- 0 #-1units of 0

    # mole $ . # mol /a"l .

    # mole things .

  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    Moles: Atoms

    5! g Si is ho many moles Si($o many Si atoms(

    # mole of Si . -8! gms of Si

    0 moles of Si . 5! gms of Si

    0 . 9# 5!;+-8!

  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    Masses Atomic Mass: Weight of an atom in grams

    !g! $7 "7 %

    Molecular Mass: Weight of a molecule ingrams

    !g! $-7 %-7 $-% $ormula Mass: Weight of an ionic compound

    in grams! !g! /a"l7 "a9%$;-

    Molar Mass: Weight of any substance in


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    $ormula Mass %$M& anMolecular Mass%MM&

    "alculation of =ram Molecular Mass of'()

    MW .

    "alculation of =ram >ormula Mass of"aCl

    MW .

  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt



    1 mole

    MM g

    1!# The mole con'eniently lin2smass to number of atoms ormolecules


    Molar Mass 9MM; g . # mole

    @se this as a con'ersion factor tocon'ert beteen these uantities



    Mass (g) mole

  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    Converting *et+een Mass anMoles

    =i'en that the molar mass of "%-is 33!#g+mol

    What mass of "%-is found in #!55 moles(

    $o many moles of "%-

    are there in # g(

    #+33. 5+--

    1!# The mole con'eniently lin2smass to number of atoms ormolecules


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    ,our -urn!

    What is the molar mass of "a19%3;- ing+mol(

    "a: 3!8

    : 1!?C


    A! -C?!-

    B! -#5!-#"! 1#!#8

    D! /one of these

    1!# The mole con'eniently lin2smass to number of atoms ormolecules


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    Mole conversion

    What mass in g7 of "a19%3;- 9MM .

    1#!#8 g+mol; ould a 1!- molesample ha'e(

    A! #! 6 #)1 g

    B! ?!? 6 #- g

    "! 4! 6 #-4gD! #!4 6 #)-#g

    ! /one of these

    1!# The mole con'eniently lin2smass to number of atoms ormolecules


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    .earning Chec/: MoleConversions

    What is the a'erage mass of one molecule ofcarbon tetrachloride( 9MM of ""l3 is #51!8


    #51!8+ 4!--1 6 #-1.-!55*#E-3

    1!# The mole con'eniently lin2smass to number of atoms ormolecules


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    30( Chemical $ormula stoichiometr2

    To relate components of a compound to thecompound uantity e loo2 at the chemicalformula

    Fn /a-"%1there are 1 relationships:

    - mol /a: # mol /a-"%1

    # mol ": # mol /a-"%1

    1 mol %: # mol /a-"%1

    1!- "hemical formulas relateamounts of substances in acompound


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    .earning Chec/

    "alculate the number of moles of sodium in

    -!51 moles of sodium carbonate!

    "alculate the number of atoms of sodium in-!51 moles of sodium carbonate!

    1!- "hemical formulas relateamounts of substances in acompound


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    ,our -urn

    "alcium hosphate is idely found in nature

    in the form of natural minerals! Fn one case asample is found to contain !843 moles ofphosphorus! $o many moles of "a19%3;-

    are in that sample(!31-

    1!- "hemical formulas relateamounts of substances in acompound


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    ,our -urn!

    $o many atoms of iron are in a #5!g sample of iron9FFF; o*ide 9MM #5?!Cg+mol;(

    A! #!#1 6 #-1

    B! ?!1? 6 #)-

    "! 5!44 6 #--

    D! #!88 6 #)#

    ! /one of these

    1!- "hemical formulas relateamounts of substances in acompound


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    stimation o4 Mass Ratio

  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    ,our -urn

    "hlorophyll the green pigment in lea'es7 has

    the formula "55$C-Mg/3%5! Ff !## g of Mg

    is a'ailable to plant for chlorophyllsynthesis7 ho many grams of " ill be

    reuired to completely use up the Mg(

    .!1 g

    1!- "hemical formulas relateamounts of substances in acompound


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    5ercent Composition

    ercent composition is a list of the masspercent of each element in a compound


    31!18G /a . total eight of /a+total mass of

    compound! 34+#4 * # ##!11G " #-+#4 * #

    35!-?G % 38+#4 * #

    What is the sum of the percentcomposition of a compound( #G

    1!1 "hemical formulas can be determined frome*perimental mass measurements


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    5ercent Composition:Calculation? What is the G " in "%-( .-C!1 mass o4 element

    7 %Mass o4 element8mass o4 +hole sample&9 1

    1!1 "hemical formulas can bedetermined from e*perimentalmass measurements


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    .earning Chec/

    A sample contained !#3#C g nitrogenand !335 g o*ygen! What is thepercentage composition of this


    / . -5G

    %. C5G

    1!1 "hemical formulas can bedetermined from e*perimentalmass measurements


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    ,our -urn!

    A 15!5 g sample is found to contain-1!5G Si! What is the mass of Sipresent(

    A! 4!4- 6 #)#g

    B! 8!88 6 ##g

    "! #!5# 6 #-g

    D! 8!13 g

    ! /one of these

    1!1 "hemical formulas can bedetermined from e*perimentalmass measurements


  • 7/23/2019 Patel F13 CHE 1110 Ch4 (Part 1) .Ppt


    Ienti42ing a compoun #aseon composition

    "alculate theoretical G composition of /-%3!

    1!1 "hemical formulas can bedetermined from e*perimental -3