pendekatan total quality management (tqm) lain

Pendekatan TQM Lain Nia Budi Puspitasari

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Pendekatan TQM LainNia Budi PuspitasariTOTAL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ( TCS)Introduction‡ Empowered Employees dan Company Revenue dalam hubungannya dengan Total Customer Satisfaction (TCS)Mengapa customer satisfaction dihubungkan dengan financial outcomes ?Top management biasanya memperhatikan kepuasan konsumen (customer satisfaction) pada tingkatan yang berhubungan dengan financial performance After all,why should businesses measure, track, and attempt to improve customer satisfaction if ther


Pendekatan TQM LainNia Budi Puspitasari


Introduction Empowered Employees dan Company Revenue dalam hubungannya dengan Total Customer Satisfaction (TCS)

Mengapa customer satisfaction dihubungkan dengan financial outcomes ?Top management biasanya memperhatikan kepuasan konsumen (customer satisfaction) pada tingkatan yang berhubungan dengan financial performance After all,why should businesses measure, track, and attempt to improve customer satisfaction if there is no tangible benefit ? (Allen & Willburn, 2002, p.54) Lagi pula, mengapa harus bisnis mengukur, melacak, dan berusaha untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan jika tidak ada manfaat nyata? (Allen & Willburn, 2002, p.54)

Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara kepuasaan pelanggan dengan financial outcomes :

Ittner & Larcker (1988) satisfaction and accounting returns Rust & Zahorik (1993) satisfaction and market share satisfaction and profit

Hubungan antara kepuasan pelanggan dan keuntungan

Customer Satisfaction

Customer Loyalty


Johnson & Gustafsson (2000,p.101)

Penelitian lain dengan hasil yang berbeda:Schneider (1994, p.154) kepuasan pelanggan tidak selalu berhubungan dengan keuntungan Wiley (1991) dan Tornow & Wiley (1991) terdapat hubungan negatif antara kepuasaan pelanggan dan financial performance Bernhardt, Donthu, & Kennet (1999) terdapat korelasi yang tidak signifikan antara kepuasaan pelanggan dan keuntungan/penjualan

Mengapa terdapat hasil yang berbeda-beda ?Beragam variabel yang dapat menutupi efek kepuasan pelanggan pada financial performance pada periode waktu tertentu (Bernhardt, Donthu, & Kennet ,1999) Hubungan yang sebenarnya antara kepuasan pelanggan dan keuntungan mungkin tidak terungkap melalui analisis cross-sectional data (Bernhardt, Donthu, & Kennet ,1999)

Mengapa terdapat hasil yang berbeda-beda ?Pada kajiannya dalam hubungan jangka panjang (long-term relationship) antara kepuasan pelanggan dan financial outcomes, mengeliminasi kemungkinan yang mungkin terjadi akibat fluktuasi jangka pendek

Empowered EmployeesTeamwork pada dunia bisnis tradisional berarti mengumpulkan kemampuan karyawan sehingga dapat bekerja sama pada aspek yang berbeda di suatu projek kemudian melaporkannya ke middle level manager yang membuat keputusan final.

Tips for Successful Empowered TeamsCross-Functioning Culture Shift Training Team Rewards Team Success Story

Conclusions (1)Dalam hubungannya dengan financial outcomes: Kepuasan pelanggan (customer satisfaction) memiliki pengaruh positif jangka panjang dengan pendapatan tahunan (annual revenue).

Conclusions (2)Dalam hubungannya dengan empowered employees: Terdapat hasil yang jauh lebih baik dengan dedikasi dan kreatif teamwork Karyawan menjadi lebih percaya diri dan lebih termotivasi melalui proses yang dilalui dalam tim Perusahaan yang lebih baik

Conclusions (3)Pada lingkungan kerja, empowered teams membantu perusahaan selangkah lebih maju dibandingkan kompetitor-nya, dengan produk yang lebih baik untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan.

The three most important things you need to measure in business are customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and cash flow (Jack Welch, CEO GE, Fortune, Lessons for success , 1993)

Quality Function Deployment(Lou Cohen, Quality Function Deployment : How to Make QFD Work for You, AddisonWealey Publishing Company, 1995)

QFDQFD (Quality Function Deployment) is a method for structured product planning and development that enables a development team to specify clearly the customers wants and needs, and then to evaluate each proposed product or service capability systematically in terms of its impact on meeting those needs. The QFD process involves constructing one or more matrices ( sometimes called quality tables). The first of these matrices is called the House of Quality (HOQ).

A. Customer Needs/ Benefits SectionThe Customer Needs section of the HOQ contains a structured list of needs customers have for the product or service being planned. This section is usually derived from the Voice of the Customer. The usual steps in creating the Customer Needs Section are : 1. Gather the Voice of the Customer (interview customers, gather customer complaints). 2. Sort the Voice of the Customer into major categories, including needs/benefits, substitute quality characteristics, reliability requirements. 3. Structure the Needs in an affinity diagram. 4. Arrange the Needs in the Customer Needs Section. `

B. The Planning MatrixThe Planning Matrix is the tool that helps the development team to prioritize customer needs and provides a systematic method for the development team to : Compare their current product or service performance in meeting customers needs to competitions performance Develop a strategy for customer satisfaction that optimizes the organizations ability to both sell the product (short-term customer satisfaction) and keep the customer satisfied (longterm satisfaction

The Planning Matrix (2)The Planning Matrix asks the following key questions for each customer need : How important is this need to customer ? How well are we doing in meeting this need today ? How well is the competition doing in meeting this need today ? How well do we want to do in meeting this need with the product or service being developed ? If we meet this need well, could we use that fact to help sell the product ?

The Planning Matrix (3)Importance to the Customer The Importance to Customer column is the place to record how important each need or benefit is to the customer. Customer Satisfaction Performance Is the customers perception of how well the current product or service is meeting the customers needs.

The Planning Matrix


Competitive Satisfaction Performance The development team must understand the competition. Many development teams do not study their competition very carefully, because it is usually much harder to reach the competitions customers than their own customers.

The Planning Matrix


Goal and Improvement Ratio The team decides what level of customer performance they want to aim for in meeting each customer needthe Goal. The Goal, combined with Our Current Rating, is used to set the Improvement Ratio. The Improvement Ratio is one of the most important multipliers of Importance to Customer; thus, setting the Goal is a crucial strategic step in QFD.

The Planning Matrix


Sales Point The Sales Point column contains information characterizing the ability to sell the product or service, based on how well each customer need is met. Sales Point do not carry as much weight as other factors in the Planning Matrix Raw Weight It models the overall importance to the development team of each Customer Need. The higher the Raw Weight is, the more important the corresponding Customer Need is to the development team.

The Planning Matrix


Normalized Raw Weight The Normalized Raw Weight column contains the Raw Weight values, scaled to the range from 0 to 1 or expressed as a percentage. Cumulative Normalized Raw Weight Shows how much of the total raw weight can be attributed to the most important customer need, the two most important customer need, the three most important, and so on. We can easily see which customer needs contribute to various fractions of the total raw weight.

C. Technical Response (Substitute Quality Characteristics)Substitute Quality Characteristics is the term used for the internal, technical language an organization uses to describe its product or service.

D. Relationships, ImpactsEach Relationship cell represents a judgment, made by the development team, of the strength of the linkage between one Substitute Quality Characteristic and one Customer Need. It calls the strength of linkage the impact of the Substitute Quality Characteristic on the Customer Need.

E. Technical CorrelationsIt maps interrelationships and interdependencies between SQC. One of the most important benefits of the Technical Correlations is to indicate which teams or individuals must communicate with each other during the development process. SQC in the direction goodness has a moderate negative impact on SQC 5s direction of goodness.

F. Technical MatrixPriorities Once the development team has determined all the impacts or linkages, some simple arithmetic provides one of the key results of QFD : the relative contributions of the SQC to overall customer satisfaction. The larger the contribution, the more influence the SQC has on Customer Satisfaction Performance. Technical Benchmarks The benchmarking process provides ideal apples-toapples comparative data between the competitions and the development teams product or service.

F. Technical Matrix (2)Targets Kanos model divides product characteristics into three distinct categories, each of which affects customers in a different way: 1. Dissatisfiers, also known as must-be, basic, or expected characteristics 2. Satisfiers, also known as one-dimensional or straightline characteristics 3. Delighters, also known as attractive or exciting characteristics

Targets (2)For those SQC classified as Dissatisfiers, the team cannot afford not to be aggressive. Customers are expecting perfection in theses areas, and anything less than perfection will result in customer dissatisfaction. For those SQC classified as Satisfiers, the team can expect that the better they perform on the SQC, the greater the customer satisfaction performance will be for the linked customer needs. The rest of this chapter deals with strategies that can help in setting targets for Satisfiers. For those SQC classified as Delighters, the team must decide how aggressive it can afford to be in target setting. There is relatively little down-side risk in setting a conservative goal: customers will not notice the absence of a Delighter.


What is EFQM?EFQM is a not-for-profit membership foundation that concentrate on serving the members information and networking needs.

What THEY DO?EFQM mengelola dan mengarahkan European Quality Awards and Levels of Excellence, menjalankan kursus pelatihan, lokakarya, kelompok kerja dan proyek-proyek khusus di berbagai jenis usaha peningkatan disiplin, peralatan, dan teknik

EFQM MISSIONUntuk menjadi kekuatan pendorong untuk keunggulan yang berkelanjutan dalam organisasi di Eropa; Untuk merangsang dan membantu organisasi di seluruh Eropa untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan perbaikan pada akhirnya mengarah pada keunggulan dalam hal kepuasan pelanggan, kepuasan karyawan, dampak terhadap masyarakat, dan hasil usaha; dan Untuk mendukung para pengelola organisasi Eropa dalam mempercepat proses pembuatan TQM, suatu faktor yang menentukan untuk mencapai keunggulan kompetitif global

EFQM VISSION The Vission : Sebuah dunia di mana organisasi-organisasi di Eropa unggul

EFQM MEMBERS AND PARTNERSMore than 700 members organizations based in more than 50 countries worldwide. The members are consist of large, medium, and small sized business; commercial, private, and public business. EFQM has National Partner Organizations (NPOs) in 25 European countries.

EFQM EXCELLENCE MODELEFQM didirikan pada tahun 1988 oleh Presiden 14 perusahaan besar Eropa. The EFQM Excellence Model diperkenalkan pada awal tahun 1992 sebagai kerangka kerja untuk menilai aplikasi untuk Quality Award Eropa. Sementara Quality Awards merupakan fokus untuk beberapa pengguna, ukuran sebenarnya dari efektifitas EFQM Excellence Model adalah digunakan secara luas sebagai suatu sistem manajemen dan pertumbuhan yang terkait dalam disiplin kunci dari penilaian diri organisasi.


Sekilas Tentang Model Keunggulan EFDMRangka EFQM Excellence Model ini didasarkan pada sembilan kriteria. Lima dari itu adalah "enabler" (cover apa yang organisasi tidak) dan empat adalah "Hasil" (mencakup apa organisasi mencapai). Model mengenal ada banyak pendekatan untuk mencapai keunggulan berkelanjutan di semua aspek kinerja.

Sekilas Tentang Model Keunggulan EFDM"Hasil yang sangat baik mengenai kinerja, pelanggan, orang-orang dan masyarakat yang dicapai melalui kebijakan kepemimpinan penggerak dan strategi, yang disampaikan melalui orang, kemitraan, dan sumber daya, dan proses"

THE FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTResults Orientation Customer Focus Leadership and Constancy of Purpose Management by Processes and Facts People Development and Involvement Continuous Learning, Innovation and Improvement Partnership Development Corporate Social Responsibility

EUROPEAN QUALITY AWARDPenghargaan Eropa yang paling bergengsi untuk organisasi unggul dan merupakan tingkatan atas Levels EFQM of Excellence. Hal ini terbuka untuk setiap organisasi berkinerja tinggi di Eropa. The Quality Award Eropa duduk di puncak dari lusinan penghargaan kualitas regional dan nasional dan Pendaftar sering berhasil ini sebelum mengajukan permohonan pengakuan Eropa.

EUROPEAN QUALITY AWARD ((Cont.)Empat tingkat pengakuan yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini dalam urutan: Award Winner Prize Winners Finalists Recognised for Excellence