pengajian pascasiswazah

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  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    Kolokium Pascasiswazah

    Prof Emeritus Dato Dr Abu Azam Md Yassin

    8 Februari 2014Shah Alam, Selangor.

  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    Pengajian Siswazah:

    Bukan tambahan masa di universiti!(tetapi transisi yg besar)



    Breadth over depth

    Recipient of knowledge

    Externally directed


    From apprentice to expert

    Depth over breadth

    Analyzer and creator ofknowledge


  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    Kenapa nak buat Master/ PhD?

    To understand thoroughly and think critically about what is knownin a particular academic field

    To learn how to conduct research in that field (and perhapsprepare for PhD study)

    To begin affiliating with the academic community of the field

    Improve employability prospects

    Follow the crowd

    Pressured into doing it

    Respond to the call of Islam to be the expert in the field

    Simply no particular reasons

    Tujuan utama pengajian tahap MS secarapenyelidikan:

  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    To master the knowledge of a specific academic field

    and become prepared to teach that knowledge at

    the university level

    To make an original contribution, through research,

    to the knowledge within a specific field (i.e. create

    new knowledge)

    To establish oneself as an expert and leader within

    the academic community of the field as called by


    Tujuan utama pengajian tahap PhD:

    Kenapa nak buat PhD?

  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    Kelebihan org berilmu

    Allah akan mengangkat (derajat) orang-

    orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-

    orang yang diberi ilmu beberapa derajat

    (Al-Mujaadalah: 11)

    Surah Az-Zumar: 9 dan Al-Hasyr: 20, Allah

    membandingkan antara orang yang

    mengetahui dengan orang yang tidak

    mengetahui dan ahli surga dengan ahli neraka

    dengan redaksi yang mirip.

  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    Kelebihan org berilmu

    Keutamaan Orang Alimatasahli ibadah adalah seperti

    keutamaanku atasorang yang paling rendahdari sahabatku. (HR. Ad Dailami).

    Sesungguhnya para Nabi tidak mewariskan dinar dan

    dirham, sesungguhnya mereka hanyalah mewariskan

    ilmu, maka barangsiapa yang telah mengambilnya,

    maka ia telah mengambil bagian yang banyak. (HR. AbuDawud dan At-Tirmidzi).

    Mencari ilmu pengetahuan adalah kewajiban bagi

    setiap Muslim, lelaki & perempuan.

    Barangsiapa berjalan untuk menuntut ilmu maka Allah

    akan memudahkan baginya jalan ke syurga (HR. Muslim).

  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    1,914,438595,4782,907,904Doctoral / Professional Degree

    1,318,960139,0092,312,426Master's Level Degree

    1,179,951645,8352,173,4174-Year Degree

    534,11665,2031,527,5822-Year Diploma or Degree

    468,913164,0631,462,379Some College but No Degree

    $ 304,850$ 304,8501,298,316High School Graduate

    00$ 993,466No High School Diploma




    Education Level

    Source: US Employment Policy Foundation's analysis of

    March 2003 Current Population Survey data

    Kenapa Pengajian Siswazah?



  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    Different expectations for a grad student

    Lack of direction (e.g.,the never-ending thesis)

    Feeling isolated or unsupported

    Difficulties with supervisor, other students, etc.

    Anxiety about getting through successfully Funding constraints or financial difficulties

    Unexpected personal problems or conflicting lifecommitments

    Kunci Kejayaan diPengajian Siswazah

    Cabaran yang bakal dihadapi oleh pelajarpascasiswazah?

  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    4. Know your program requirements and timelines

    5. Create and follow an annual plan

    6. Bring a professional approach to your work andinteractions

    7. Seek balance and support in your life

    3. Embrace your academic community

    2. Establish a positive relationship with your advisor/supervisor

    and the members of your supervisory committee

    1. Be proactivetake responsibility for your own grad school


    7 KUNCI KEJAYAAN di Pengajian Siswazah

  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    1. Be proactive take responsibility for your own

    grad school experience

    Think about what you really want from graduateschool, and identify opportunities to attain those goals

    Continue the mental transition from being told what

    to do, to deciding what to do

    Dont wait for faculty members to come to find you

    take the initiative to build relationships

    7 Keys to Success

    in Graduate School

  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    5. Create and follow an annual plan

    Track your specific program requirements (e.g.,courses

    taken, comprehensives, research, thesis, etc.)

    Schedule meetings with your supervisor and committee

    Publish articles and produce patents, copyrights, artistic

    works, performances, designs, etc.

    Attend conferences and make presentations

    Apply for fellowships, scholarships, and research grants

    Take professional development courses

    7 Keys to Success

    in Graduate School

  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah



  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge:

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    By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little:

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    By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more:

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    With a bachelor's degree, you gain a specialty:

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    A master's degree deepens that specialty:

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    Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge:

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    Once you're at the boundary, you focus:

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    You push at the boundary for a few years:

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    Until one day, the boundary gives way:

    And, that dent you've made is called

    a Ph.D.:

  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    Of course, the world looks different to you now:

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    So, don't forget the bigger picture:

  • 8/12/2019 Pengajian Pascasiswazah


    Akhir kata!

    Sudah buat keputusan utk pengajian siswazah.

    Mari kita sharing pengalaman dgn mereka

    yg telah berjaya melalui pengajian siswazah

    nampak macam senang aje!

    Jgn lupa think of the end before u start

    (visualised outcome yg anda hendak)

    Banyak doa agar Allah permudahkan &

    betulkan niat: kita lakukan utk sahut printah

    Allah SWTterhadap org berilmu.