perfil institucional – versão em inglês

Rua Ó de Almeida, 1083 | CEP: 66053-190 | Belém, Pará, Brasil F +55 91 3222 6000 | [email protected] | Peabiru Profile Summary English version Institucional 2011

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Perfil Institucional – Versão em Inglês 2011


Page 1: Perfil Institucional – Versão em Inglês

Rua Ó de Almeida, 1083 | CEP: 66053-190 | Belém, Pará, Brasil F +55 91 3222 6000 | [email protected] |

Peabiru Profile Summary

English version



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Peabiru Profile - Summary

English version

October, 2011

I. Introduction

The Instituto Peabiru (Peabiru) is a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest -

OSCIP, established in 1998 with headquarters in Belém, Pará, Brazil, concerned

with the socio-economic and environmental issues related to the long-term

sustainability of the Brazilian Amazon, in particular those encountered in the

Eastern part of the Brazilian Amazon (states of Pará, Amapá, and Maranhão).

Recognizing the Amazon Tropical Forest significant environmental as well as

economic potential due to its, biodiversity, natural and water resources, Peabiru is

concerned with the impact of the existing model of economic development being

implemented by the Brazilian government in the region, which in essence and in

spite of progress made, is still socially exclusive as well as it is still based on the old

concept of deforestation, and slash and burning practices, as a symbol of

economic development and growth.

II. Background

Since the 1960’s the Brazilian government started to encourage economic

expansion in the Amazon, being the above-mentioned states its most important

front. By the end of the 1980’s it became clear that the rate of deforestation by

slash-and-burn caused by the increased economic activity was having a global

impact on climate change. The major contributors being the amount of Carbon

Dioxide (CO2) produced by burning the forest, and the methane gas (CH4)

resulting from cattle ranching one of the largest economic activity encouraged by

early government policies. Deforestation also has a negative impact on

biodiversity, and the forest capacity to absorb CO2 emissions.

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Today, the economic expansion continues tapping on the region’s rich natural

assets with mega-projects such as mining, or agricultural plantations such as palm-

oil for the production of bio-fuels, or eucalyptus for the production of cellulose

and bio-fuels, which are starting to replace the pastures for cattle.

Parallel to the economic expansion, the Brazilian government also encouraged the

migration of over one million poor people from other regions; many became rural

settlers (Meirelles, 2003). This had an environmental as well as a social impact, as

strategies to provide access to basic services or economic opportunities were not

an important part of the policy. Therefore, new migrants as well as traditional

communities, such as Indigenous Groups, Afro-descendents (Quilombolas),

Riverside Communities (riberinhos), and Peasants (agricultores familiares), are still

living in a subsistence and informal economy, based on deforestation and the

exploitation of natural resources. They are being excluded from the potential

benefits of the economic expansion, by lacking access to: a) basic services

(education, health, electricity, transport etc.); b) land security; c) access to markets

and economic opportunities; d) and technical knowledge and capacity to benefit

from potential participation in the formal economy, etc. Women and youth are

even more excluded than men from the enjoyment of those benefits, as they have

even less access to resources compared to men.

Peabiru is concerned with the impact the current economic development has on

those already excluded social groups, particularly those living in the rural areas,

the potential increase on land conflict and other social and environmental impacts

caused by the economic activity of mega-projects.

III. Peabiru’s Approach

For Peabiru the current economic development paradigm, needs to change to a

paradigm based on conservation of natural resources and biodiversity, while

addressing the socio-economic and environmental inequalities and exclusion,

affecting the life of the traditional Amazonian rural communities. As an

organization we value equity, social and environmental diversity. We believe we

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can play a role as facilitators of processes of transformations, that can take place

within communities, civil society organizations and enterprises, striving to address

exclusion and inequality. We also believe in participatory decision-making, and

analytical reflection for the collective construction of those processes, and in

respecting communities “time”.

Our purpose is to work alongside communities and local civil society organizations

to increase capacity to exercise full citizenship, as part of their human

development process, and enjoy the benefits of a sustainable economic model

while promoting the conservation of the forest. Peabiru also seeks to work with

the private sector, as we believe they must play a role in the development of

strategies seeking to address the socio-economic and environmental impact of the

economic activities.

Currently, Peabiru is addressing the issues that concern the organization through

three main programmes: 1) Sustainable Local Development and Protected Areas;

2) Corporate Social Responsibility; 3) Inclusive Value Chains.

IV. Peabiru’s Thematic Areas of Work

1. Sustainable Local Development and Protected Environmental Areas

Peabiru believes in working with communities in the design and implementation

of sustainable local development plans, based on the Agenda 21 methodology,

which take into consideration, protected environmental areas surrounding their

territories and/or settlements. An empowering process for communities through

which they identify, seek and negotiate solutions to their socio-economic, cultural

and environmental issues and needs, acquire voice, claim rights, and monitor the

implementation of the plan. The purpose of the process is to increase

understanding of current constraints limiting their lives, the capacity they have to

address those limitations, the potential entailed in solidarity to achieve change and

to positive impact of a sustainable use of protected environmental areas. The

methodology used promotes local dialogue, participation in decision-making, and

negotiation processes with institutions, such as local government, enterprises, and

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other stakeholders impacting on the quality of their livelihoods and their access to

natural resources.

By working in this theme Peabiru, aims to contribute to strengthening the

capacities of local communities to attain control over the quality of their

livelihoods, effectively participate in the design, implementation and monitoring of

local development plans; while strengthening their capacity to achieve a

sustainable use of those environmentally protected areas, surrounding their

territories and/or settlements.

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The main programs in this area of work are Viva Marajó and Casa da


Viva Marajó:

The Marajó Archipelago located in the state of Pará is one of the most chronically

poor areas of Brazil. The programme aims to contribute to the consolidation of the

Marajó Archipelago, as an environmentally protected area, by supporting the

process of nomination, as an UNESCO’s Biosphere Reserve, a proposal of the

Brazilian government. This means the special social, territorial, and costal

ecosystems of the region are internationally recognized, while remaining under

sovereign jurisdiction. The Biosphere Reserve concept is normally used as a

framework to guide and reinforce projects to enhance people’s livelihoods and

ensure environmental sustainability. The Biosphere concept includes four mutually

reinforcing functions: conservation; cultural valorisation; sustainable development

and logistic support for scientific research and education.

Viva Marajó is a programme funded by Fundo Vale, with the main purpose of

improving the quality of life, biodiversity conservation, and culture of local

communities, while promoting sustainable development strategies, and making

emphasis on the high value of the social and environmental biodiversity contained

by the 104,000 km2 (the size of Portugal), and over half a million population, of

the Marajó Archipelago. Due to its special characteristics the conservation of this

region is of extreme importance to the long sustainability of the Amazon, and to

climate change.

Casa da Virada:

The municipality of Curuçá is also chronically poor, and as candidate for the future

construction of two seaports, will experience a major environmental as well as

social impact. Concerned with the potential impact of mega-projects, Peabiru

coordinated Scientific Research to identify the main socio-economic and

environmental issues facing the municipality of Curuçá. Then started the Casa da

Virada programme, its purpose being to work with traditional communities living

around the Resex Mãe Grande de Curuçá, a marine extractivism reserve (a

conservation unit permitting local population to access its resources) in improving

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their quality of live, increasing environmental awareness and sustainable use of

the Resex.

During the last few years the main programme activities included: 1) working with

52 rural communities in the launch of an Agenda 21 Forum; 2) working with the

local public school to offer a course for the formation of environmental agents,

with the participation of 120 students; 3) working with the development of two

inclusive value chains: a) Community-based-ecotourism (together with the local

NGO Instituto Tapiaim); and b) honey production from the non-sting wild

Amazon bees encountered in the area with the local association ASMELC; and 4)

Conducting further scientific research that led to the discovery of a new

ecosystem: an Amazon Atlantic Forest biome between the mangroves and the

land forest.

The next face of Casa da Virada financed by Petrobras aims to work, in

partnership with local communities and organizations in the Costal Region of the

Amazons, in local development strategies related to the conservations of water

resources, mangroves, and the newly identified Amazonian Atlantic Forest while

valuing the traditional use and management of the natural resources.

2.Corporate Social Responsibility

Peabiru believes that to address the current trend of deepening poverty and

exclusion and increasing environmental degradation globally, and in the Eastern

Amazon, resulting from dominant business models should be a concern for all.

Therefore, the Institute considers essential to engage with the business sector as

the main actor benefiting from this model of development. The business sector

needs to engage, take responsibility, and contribute to finding effective solutions

by working in partnership with civil society organization, communities and the


This area of work aims to contribute to: a) the effective application of the

concepts of social and environmental responsibility giving priority to promoting

dialogue between companies and communities around business units; b) the

development of a monitoring systems based on socio-economic and

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environmental indicators aiming to measure the social and environmental impact

of enterprises economic operations, with the active participation of communities

and companies in the development and application of those indicators; c)

incorporation of gender issues in companies policies and practices (the genesis of

inequality and un-sustainability); d) conflict resolution mediation, facilitating the

dialogue between companies and local communities; and e) implement actions to

help controlling biodiversity loss and combat climate change. The focus is on those

mega-projects in the Amazon, such as mining, agribusiness and infrastructure

(hydroelectric dams, ports and roads).

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There are two ongoing initiatives:

1. Sustainable Palm Oil Programm in partnership with Agropalma,1since 2007.

This programme has two main projets: 1) the development of a participatory

monitoring systems to measure the impact of the business relationship between

150 small scale agricultural producer’s families suppliers of the palm-oil fruit to

Agropalma. The monitoring system is based on socio-economic and

environmental indicators identified by the small-scale palm-oil producers;

2) Local development of Vila dos Palmares, Local Agenda 21 methodology was

used to develop a community based action plan for Vila dos Palmares. The action

plan is envisioned as a negotiating tool to increase communities’ capacity to claim

rights. The action plan is based on research to create baseline data and community

discussion by identified priority themes by the community. Vila dos Palmares is a

community where its 8 thousand people are directly affected by the economic

activity of the company. Other initiatives of this programme have involved the

strengthening of local associations operating within the company.

Scientific Research for Petrobras Biocombustivel

Petrobras Biocombustivel is initiating operation in the production of bio

combustibles in the Amazon Region. Peabiru carried out Scientific Research to

map the current Social, Archaeological and Environmental (hydrology, flora,

fauna, soil microbiology etc.) situation of the area where Petrobras

Biocombustivel2(Bio-combustible) is starting economic operations related to the

production of bio combustible from palm oil. This research aimed to provide the

company with baseline data for the development of indicators aiming to guide the

policies and operations of the enterprise activities in the region in order to

minimize the impact of its economic operation.

Research for Amata Brasil3: This research aimed to have a rapid assessment of the

environmental and social issues this last based on secondary research to contribute

1 Agropalma belongs to a Brazilian Group. It is the largest palm oil industry in Brazil, with approximately 39,000

hectares of palm (within a total 107,000 hectares), circa 4,200 employees. 2 Petrobras Biocombustivel is a new company created in 2008 as part of the largest company in Brazil, the state-run

Petrobras. 3 Amata Brasil is focused in planting 1 million native trees/yr on degraded areas in the Amazon and other regions of


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to the creation of baseline data of the geographical areas of operations of the


Peabiru has also carried-out short tem projects with other companies such as

Alcoa, Albras (Norsk Hydro), Natura Cosmetics and Sambazon.

3. Inclusive Value Chains

Peabiru believes that strengthening the active economic participation of excluded

rural communities in the development of inclusive chains valuing biodiversity and

socio-environmental resources contributes to the long-term sustainability of the

Eastern Amazon Region.

Peabiru works with a broad concept of inclusive value chain development, which

consider five core dimensions: 1) Economic: the ability to earn an income, to

consume and to have assets which are all key to food security, material well-being

and social status; 2) Human capacities: technical capacity, and access to basic

services such as health, nutrition, clean water and shelter; 3) Citizenship: voice and

ability to influence policies and processes; 4) Cultural: valorisation of its own

culture, both material and in-material; 5) Environmental: ability to value

biodiversity and natural resources and their own culture while participating as a

valued member of a community.

The aim is to have impact beyond income increase, seeking more economic

control to change the balance of power in the value chain while strengthening

organizational and development of human capacity and agency.

Currently, Peabiru is involved in: 1) the development of two value chains: - honey

from the Melipona bees native to the Amazon (non-stinging-bees); and

Community-based-ecotourism; 2) Value chain research of traditional Amazonian

products. In the near future, based on this research, Peabiru hopes to work in

other value chains related to the biodiversity of the Amazon; 3) Cattle value chain

and climate change, is and activity in its initial stages. Peabiru seeks to influence

policies and practices to turn cattle production in an activity more environmentally

friendly with less impact on climate change.

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Community-based Ecotourism

An economic activity aiming to work with communities in strengthening their

capacity to address the, above-mentioned, five dimensions entailed in our concept

of value chain. Peabiru see this work as an opportunity to develop human

capacity, environmental awareness, cultural and resource valorisation, while

creating new business opportunities to generate complementary income where

particularly, women and young people are involved. Accessing markets for this

activity is a challenge for communities; therefore, Peabiru works in partnership

with ethical business initiative, such as Gabiraba Station (Belém, Pará State) and

Turismo Consciente (Conscious Tourism) (São Paulo, São Paulo state). These

business initiatives are interested in opening this niche market and connecting it to

rural communities in Curuçá, Almeirim, Marajó and Monte Alegre (around the

Monte Alegre State Park), in the state of Pará.

Melipona Bees Native to Amazon Forest

The aim of this economic activity is to work with local communities in the States

of Amapá and Pará in the development of a value chain for the production of a

honey from the Melipona Bees native to the Amazon and one of its most active

pollinators. This initiative also seeks to develop human capacity and increase

communities understanding of the value that conservation of natural resources

has for their livelihoods. As part of the training on Meliponiculture, communities

receive environmental education. This provides an opportunity to discuss

deforestation and burning, its impact on the bees, biodiversity and pollination.

This is also an opportunity to reflect on the communities increase capacity to

generate income and food security as production of forest food increases as a

result of the bees’ pollination activity. This programme is especially focused on

working with women, and young people, Quilombolas and indigenous people, as

these social groups are the most economically and socially excluded in the region.

Currently, Peabiru is working with more and 350 families, organized in groups or

associations, living in communities in Amapá state (Quilombolas and four nations

of Indians at the Oiapoque Indian Land), and family agriculture in the Pará state.

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Cattle value chain and climate change

Among those chains being studied Peabiru is particularly interested in the cattle &

buffalo ranching value chains for its impact on the environment and climate

change. According to the Centre for International Forestry Research at least 91%

of the deforested land since the 1970’s has become pasture for livestock, mainly

cattle ranching (CIFOR, 2004). Apart from the negative contribution to climate

change by producing carbon and methane gases, cattle ranching in the Amazon

provide few jobs, while demanding large amount of land due to its poor soil.

Therefore, Peabiru is seeking strategies to influence changes in this value chain in

the geographical areas where we work. A background working paper on the

impact of cattle production on climate change and the deforestation of the

Amazon was published in July 2011.

Peabiru is interested in influencing policies aiming at the development of

sustainable cattle value chain. We are also exploring possibilities to work with

small-scale cattle producers with particular attention to the Marajó Archipelago.

The aim is to develop work with communities engaged in this economic activity to

find more sustainable and practical solutions to the way they produce and

participate in the chain, in order to reduce the negative impact on climate change

and the environment.

Value Chain Research

Peabiru is engaged in researching four value chains in the Marajo: Açaí berry

(Euterpe olereacea); Artisanal fishing; manioc flour from bitter cassava (Manihot

utilissima) and cattle & buffalo ranching in the Island of Marajo. All these products

where identified by communities as their main source of income during a research

process, they are also closely linked to the current socio-economic and

environmental situation of the Marajo Archipelago. Apart from mapping the

chains, Peabiru is interested in understanding the conditions and issues faced by

communities, and the benefits it brings or not to their livelihoods.

IV. Partnerships and Resources

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Working with other is an essential part of Peabiru approach. In the

implementation of Peabiru programmes and other activities the Institute seeks to

develop partnerships with communities, the business sector operating in the Easter

Amazon; local and international research institutes and universities (Museu

Paraense Emílio Goeldi - MPEG, Federal University of Amapá - UNIFAP, Federal

Agricultural University of Pará – UFRA; The Royal Tropical Institute - KIT, and the

Erasmus - ISS, in the Netherlands etc.)

Peabiru’s work is financed from different sources ranging from direct financing of

programmes by the business sector (Agropalma, Petrobras Biocombustivel,

Natura, Alcoa, Albras (Norsk Hydro) etc.), international and local funding

institutions such as Fundo Vale, Petrobras Ambiental, Conservation International,

The Nature Conservancy, the Embassy of the Netherlands small projects, Konrad

Adenauer Foundation, Avina Foundation, Alcoa Foundation, Kunito Miyasaka

Foundation (Brazil), São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores Sociais &

Ambientais), Criança Esperança (UNESCO & Rede Globo), World Bank Program

(PPP-ECOS Cerrado - World Bank (Savannah)), and Brazil Tourism Ministry.

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V. Networks

Networking allows the Institute to actively participate in animate debates seeking

solutions to its main concern: the long-term sustainability of the Amazon. Peabiru

is active in: AVINA network of partners; GERCO - Brazilian Network of Coastal

Management; Sustainable Amazon Forum (Fórum Amazônia Sustentável); and is

currently involved in the development of the Marajó Network of Civil Society

Organizations (Rede Marajó da Sociedade Civil), among others.

VI. Governance

Institute Peabiru is governed by a General Assembly, of its members, meeting

twice a year; a Board of Directors, meeting regularly; and a Management Group

composed by the general director and programme managers. João Meirelles is the

funder and General Director of the Institute.

Contact: [email protected] and mobile - +55.91.9144.7566

II. References

Centre for International Forestry Research - CIFOR 2004

Instituto do Desenvolvimeto Econômico-Social do Pará - IDESP, 2010

Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE, Census 2010

Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome. November 2010

Meirelles, João, Livro de Ouro da Amazônia, Ediouro, Rio de Janeiro, 2003 (2nd edition 2007)

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Belém, October 27th 2011