de ervaringen van 3 jaar bloggen 17 7 2007

De ervaringen van 3 jaar bloggen 17-7-2007 ter de Haas [email protected]

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Mijn bescheiden ervaringen als blogger ... 3 jaar nu al weer ...


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De ervaringen van 3 jaar bloggen 17-7-2007

Peter de [email protected]

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Introductie Bloggen: wat heb ík eraan ? Bloggen: wijze lessen Bloggen: valkuilen Bloggen: wat motiveert mij ? Vragen

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10/5/2004 10/7/2005 16/7/2007

2760 Berichten928 Comments

9/2004 08/2006

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Peter de Haas

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Blogging trend


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Nieuwe blogs per dag


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Aantal bolgposts per dag


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Blogging Community : Technorati

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Op de hoogte blijven

10.000+ “nieuwsitems”

300+ Websites / blogs

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Onderdeel van mijn dagelijks werk

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Mijn Drijfveer

Markt Competitie Microsoft Technologi


Actuele Informatie … … vertalen naar mijn vakgebied …

… en overzichtelijk opslaan

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Garter’s visie op de toekomst There were more than 56 million active weblogs ("blogs") in October 2006,

according to Technorati, but the average life span is three months and declining.

Given the trend in the average life span of a blogger and the current growth rate of blogs, there are already more than 200 million ex-bloggers. Consequently, the peak number of bloggers will be around 100 million at some point in the first half of 2007.

Both MySpace and Facebook lost visitors in September 2006, according to Nielson/NetRatings, a Web-tracking service. The number of unique U.S. visitors at MySpace fell 4% to 47.2 million from 49.2 million in August, and the number of visitors to Facebook fell 12% to 7.8 million from 8.9 million.

Community involvement varies, with fewer than 2% of all Internet users acting as frequent contributors, between 10% and 15% contributing occasionally and more than 50% lurking, reading or watching what the communities are discussing.

Today's overexuberance will give way to a steady state of at least 30 million active bloggers and 30 million frequent community contributors worldwide. The steady state will grow again, but much more slowly, as the global Internet population rises.

After the recent blogging and community froth, the information divulged by the remaining frequent contributors will be a skilled marketer's gold mine.

Bron : Gartner's Top Predictions for IT Organizations and Users, 2007 and Beyond – 12/2006

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The Art Of Blogging

Coert: “It's interesting that you mention your blog. I wanted to ask you about that. It seems like blogging is exploding! Even I have one now. What do you think about this trend? Is it the next hype? Do you think it will last? And what are your thoughts on how to make a blog really successful?”David: “I must rush to say that any advice I have about making blogging work is the result of a great deal of advice I have received from other bloggers, and from my own technical advisors (including Shaula Evans.) I only began in January of this year, less than four months ago. As with everything in life, there are a few key principles to bear in mind.

First, you do not get half the rewards by showing half the effort. If you want to make something work, you must really commit serious effort. Don’t just try things a little. I now post new thoughts four and five times a week, in order to make it worthwhile for people to come to my blog on a regular basis. That’s a serious commitment, but as I pointed out in one of my posts entitled Is Blogging Dead blogging, like everything else, is about relationships, not quick hits.

Second, it must be recognized that, at this stage, blogging is an act of faith. There is just not enough time and evidence to show whether consultants can get a return for the effort. I published an article with Steve Rubel, the master blogger, who has won a lot of business that way, but he is in the business of blogging about blogging. His audience is likely to be reading blogs.

Source : Interview met David Maister -

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Gevonden worden

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How Europeans Participate In Social Computing Activities

June 2007, “Europeans Have Adopted Social Computing Differently”

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Interactie = bekendheid

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