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  • 8/18/2019 PJ PPT.pdf


    Personal JurisdictionMargaret Hahn-DuPont

    Civil Procedure

     June 16, 2015

  • 8/18/2019 PJ PPT.pdf



    1) Sufficiency of contacts

    2) Fairness

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    Specific Jurisdiction

    For claims arising out of contacts

    with forum state

    ! Need sufficient minimum contacts

    ! Single, directed act or continuous and

    systematic activities with the forumstate

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    General Jurisdiction

    For claims unrelated to contacts with

    forum state

    ! Need substantial and pervasive

    contacts with forum state

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    Sufficiency of Contacts Standards (1)

    Test not mechanical; depends on “qualityand quantity” of contacts with forumstate



    Must not violate traditional notions offair play and substantial justice

    D must be able to “foresee” possibility ofbeing haled into court

    Fair warning for D that particularactivity may subject D to jurisdiction offorum state

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    Sufficiency of Contacts Standards (1I) 

    Purposeful availment of benefits and

    protections of forum state’s law (Hanson

    v. Deckla)

    Some act by which the D purposefully availsitself of the privilege of conducting activities

    within the forum state

    !  Ensures D will not be haled into jurisdiction

    as result of random, fortuitous or attenuated


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    Definition of Purposeful Availment

    !  Deliberate engagement in significant

    activities in the forum state or

    continuing obligations between D andresidents means D availed himself of

    privilege of conducting business in the

    forum state

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    World-Wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Woodson

     – Sufficiency of contacts and Purposeful


    !  Issue:!  Whether D had sufficient minimum contacts with

    forum state, such that D would be subject to jurisdiction of forum state’s courts, when solecontact was that D’s product was brought intoforum state by P.

    !  Holding:!  No. Although foreseeable that product would

    end up in forum state, D conducted no“directed activities” in the forum state to justify jurisdiction – no advertising, no sales, nocultivation of market in forum state.

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    WW Volkswagen

    Rule: “[I]f the sale of a product of a

    manufacturer or distributor . . . is not simply

    an isolated occurrence, but arises from the

    efforts of the manufacturer or distributor toserve, directly or indirectly, the market for

    its product in other States, it is not

    unreasonable to subject it to suit in one of

    those States if its allegedly defectivemerchandise has there been the source of

    injury to its owners or to others.”

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    Burger King Corp. v. Rudzewicz –Purposeful Availment and Long-arm Statutes

    Issue: Whether PJ could be exercised over

    D for acts outside of the forum state that

    caused injury in the forum state where D

    never entered or transacted business in theforum state.

    !  Holding: Yes. D had “substantial and

    continuing” relationship with citizens of

    forum state through contract dealings and

    fair notice about possibility of suit, DP is not

    violated by exercise of PJ.

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    Long-Arm Statutes

    Federal courts must look to state’s long-arm

    statute, which sets parameters for state’s

    exercise of its power to govern conduct

    by non-citizens. !

      Vary widely from state to state.

    !  FRCP 4(k) 

    Uses a state’s long-arm statute to provide jurisdiction over a D “who is subject to the

     jurisdiction of a court of general jurisdiction in

    the state where the district court is located.”

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    Fairness Factors

    Burden on D

    !  Forum state’s interest

    !  P’s interest in obtaining convenient and

    effective relief

    !  Interstate judicial system’s interest in

    obtaining most efficient resolution

    Shared interest of states in furthering

    fundamental substantive social policies