play se busca a dorian gray


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Post on 11-Mar-2016




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“Se Busca a Dorian Gray” It is an assembly inspired by the novel " Dorian Gray's Portrait " of the writer Irlandés Oscar Wilde, published in 1890. The Company tries to rescue the essence of the original one, for contextualizar the history in a modern world, where the prominent figures show own features of the current company, intensifying the realities, and waking up across our offer, an intense social critique towards the frivolous, superfluous, materialistic world that reduces us and makes us slaves.


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PLAY Se Busca a Dorian Gray Original y Author El Retrato de Dorian Gray - Oscar Wild Adaptation & Direction Rodrigo Labra Dirección Assistant & Training Patricia Tejos Elenco Lorena Faundez Pilar Cortés Herman Durán Rodrigo Labra Joaquín Abellá

Grafic Designer Álvaro Saá Wardrobe Designer Lorena Faundez Production Joaquín Abellá Scenery Monserrat Sepúlveda Photographs and Image Francisca Dussaubat

Music Miss Garrison Tomás Rivera Francisca Straube Matías López Navajas Duration 1 Hour

On having realized that one day his beauty will vanish, Dorian wants to have always the age of the portrait that it painted him, Basilio. Dorian's desire is fulfilled, while he supports forever the same appearance of the picture, the figure in him portrayed ages for him. His search of the pleasure takes it to a series of acts of libertinism and perversion; but the portrait uses as a follow-up of the effects as each one as the acts committed on his soul, with every sin being exposed as a disfigurement of his face or across a sign of aging.

Basilio is an artist who remains enormously impressed by the aesthetic beauty of a young person called Dorian Gray and one begins to insist with him, believing that this beauty is the person in charge of the new form of his art. Basilio paints a portrait of the young person. Chatting in the department of Basilio, Dorian it knows Agatha, a friend of Basilio, who starts being captivated by the vision of Agatha's world. Exposing a new type of Hedonism, Agatha indicates that " the only thing that costs a sorrow in the life is the beauty, and the satisfaction of the senses ".

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1.- Our principal aim like company is to investigate in the problematic ones of the individual in relation to the diverse moral and social structures that govern us in a paradigmatic way. 2.- The work Links " The portrait Dorian Gray ", with the local public, since we consider, that the topics and imaginary presents in the work are coherent when we think about our country, about our problematic ones, about our aesthetics. 3.- To investigate from the putting in scene of the work " Is Looked to Dorian Gray " in theatrical forms that realize of the relation between the current individual and the present mass media in his context.

The assembly " Se Busca a Dorian Gray " stocks on the work of the Ireland´s writer Oscar Wilde, " Dorian Gray's portrait ", is a work established in the style expressionist of intense, expressive, symbolic and theatrical actions, but realized by the interpreters with absolute sincerity; connected with the imaginary one of the German expressionism, emotional Intensity, faces and deformed bodies, gestures loaded with significance, choreographed movements, guttural shouts, fail abrupt, unreal spaces, contrasts of light and shade.

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“Se Busca a Dorian Gray” It is an assembly inspired by the novel " Dorian Gray's Portrait " of the writer Irlandés Oscar Wilde, published in 1890. tries to rescue the essence of the original one, for contextualizar the history in a modern world, where the prominent figures show own features of the current company, intensifying the realities, and waking up across our offer, an intense social critique towards the frivolous, superfluous, materialistic world that reduces us and makes us slaves. The company, as Chilean company composed by actors and young designers formed in different universities and schools of Chile, has as aim investigate in the relations of the individual with the raw and hard world in which we meet obliged to live, bound to accept a life full of procedure, exits and for consequence, frustrations. Our offer is sustained in the expressionism, artistic movement considered as one of the first ultramodern currents of the 20th century. The expressionism is defined as an exteriorization, To be able to do evidently of the deep sense of the secret elements; therefore, it is understood as a manifestation of the perceptions of the subject and a " movement of the interior on the outside ".

The victory of a comfortable, hypocritical and empty middle class, which is founded on the materialism, the individualism, the differences of class, the lack of spirituality, the rigid morality as also timid, the become fossilized culture and the complaisent art are the grounds of the Expressionism, the creation of the Original Work and of the adjustment, since as company we find total coherence between these precedents and our current company. The tireless search of the human modern being for finding this aesthetic perfection that enslaves and annihilates the man together with the industrialization and the predominance of the machine, they are the grounds of the dehumanization, of the abandon of the spiritual thing to overturn the whole attention towards the external thing, the superfluous thing, and it is in this instance where we find this aesthetic assassin "Dorian Gray". The expressionism center's his action on the internal world of the artist, and not on the capture of the realistic world perceived across the eyes. By it the work was begun by the relative or subjective capture of the current one, but considering to recover the poetical objectivity. The work in the assembly " Is Looked to Dorian Gray " it is created from the internal vision of the artist. The aim is to show the reality as it is reflected in the vision of the soul, strongly and without considerations, hotly and sincerity.

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My aim like the director is to appeal to the senses of the public. In one a hurried, stressed company, prisoners of the rigid and oppressive procedure, is necessary that the public has an instance to live through a history of human misery, but leaving of side the intellect, and opening the heart and the senses for a ritual spectacle, where it is not necessary to understand the history, but rather to allow that our imagination should be hypnotized by the aesthetics, signs and metaphors that our assembly proposes. This way the public will meet faced an offer where not only he will feel deeply identified with the history, also he was meeting prominent figures who have been orchestrated and carried to extremes to an almost oneiric reality, where of abrupt form it will travel between both facets of the human reality. Abrupt fail they show us the horror, miseries and pains of the prominent figures, and on the other hand, this archetype or mask that each of us we have to create to face the world, who appears in " I project Dorian " as a sublimation of the royal thing.

It is necessary that the public takes seat and manages to be surprised again with the theatre, and our offer aims at it. We want that the public feels the surprise of observing an assembly with aesthetics of story, and rather infantile in the plastic thing, but that approaches consistent, transverse and transcendent topics for the humanity. On the other hand, the expressionism is a fundamental prop for our assembly. As his birth, in the postwar, when the company felt more ignored and devastated that, our current company is never plunged in canons and physical and psychological prototypes to which it must adapt to be a part of a human core, which turns out to be absolutely a quota with our text and later putting in scene. Finally my intention is to face the public with a vision of the raw and aggressive reality. It is necessary that the public feels affected, identified, and why not, I am a nuisance even on having observed our assembly. The idea is to wake up the humor, the sensibility, and the illusion of a public blocked up and slept by hundreds of plasma panels that today flood our houses and I half-close in general.


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Rodrigo Labra

Actor and The Director formed in the University of the Development. His theatrical experience passes in works as " Stories Noh Modernos " and " Right Sidewalk ". Ex-member of the Company of the Theatre Gestual Chileno; where I develop as actor of physical theatre in the assembly " The Echo of the Dreams " directed by Gonzalo Cid. Later it was a part of the assembly " Canterville's Ghost ", work raised for a public relative sustained in work of masks and beginning of the comedy of the art. His experience like actor also spreads to the advertising, realizing several campaigns as advertising model for different brands, so much in chili as the foreigner. In television it has been a part of miniseries as " Chilean Stories " (TVN); " Field histories " (CHV); and diverse audio-visual projects

Patricia Tejos

Actress and Choreographer formed in the University of the Development. Director of City Solby and participant of The Mobile home, his theatrical experience passes between Chile and Berlin. His development has been dealed in Berlin in the " Post School for Physical Theater - dance " and specialist in Physical Theatre. It has taken part in works as Butho in dragoon gallery, Presentations in Festival of Maria Canepa and Women of Sand. His work like actress includes also shorts for cinema..

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Lorena Faundez

Chilean actress formed in the Professional Institute Theatre The House. It has realized seminars of development of the theatrical doctrine as Street Theatre realized in the Theatre of the Bridge and Workshop of Stand - up Comedy realized in Theatre Alcala. His theatrical experience passes in the Company of Theatre " Between 2 ", with more than 20 works of own turnover. His work like actress includes also varied shorts and recreations for television, taking part in works as " Three Marías and a Rose " directed Luis les barra and "Jezabel" directed by Aldo Droguett. His last works have been penetrating into the musical theatre, taking part in " Money, The Musical one of the Consumerism ", written and directed by Gustavo Becerra.

Joako Abellá

Actor and Cultural Manager, formed in the Professional Institute Theatre The House and in DUOC Catholic University. It has dealed workshops of development in action with in The Wolf, School of Personal Theatre Chile (Psychodrama) and in the Pleimovil. His theatrical experience passes you act as Absalón's Hairs, Fernando Cuadra's Direction, Where the Old woman, The Cook is, The Thief, His Wife and His Lover, The Musical Jesús Christ Superstar (2011), The Musical one The Knight of the Doleful Countenance (2011-2012). His work like producer includes also works as " Sea for the Suicides " (2005) of Daniela Capona, " Maria: Confession Illuminated of Motives " (2006) and " The Infanta Difunta " (2007) of LaFamiliaTeatro, " World Impro 08 ".

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Paly Cortéz Urrutia

Actress formed in the Professional Institute Theatre The House. His theatrical experience passes between different areas: Scriptwriter, Therapist, Pedagoga, in works of musical kind and experimental group. Is outlined with his last work as Principal Actress in the work The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and His Lover, work based on Peter Greenaway's film, directed by Álvaro Paltanioni. In cinema it has taken part in the movie Andrés Wood's good life, The night of opposite Raúl Ruiz, Francesc Morales's Green Celery. His last work actoral and newly released it is the web - series The dictionary of Francesc Morales's sex.

Herman Durán

Actor formed in the School of theatre DUOC Catholic University, has dealed workshops of development in action for chamber in Matus Actores. His theatrical experience passes between the Municipal Theatre of Santiago, Produces Thais, also in works as, The House of Bernarda Alba, Roman Is Bakan, Little Red Riding Hood, between others. In cinema Series of HBO has acted in the movie Washita, of the School of Cinema of Chile, Fugitives and in television to informed in different series like The 80, Huaiquimán and Toulouse, Married Children and Welcome Reality.

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Monserrat Sepúlveda Cartier

Architect - Set designer and Landscape painter of the university Finis Terrae, which has dealed different seminars and Graduates of development in Project developments BIM (Bulding Information Modelling), sustainable construction, Design and Management of spaces; His works are characterized by his minimalist and organic stamp, the structures are sustained in the conceptualization of the director and his own stamp. Mall Sport has been employed at diverse projects of design and architecture for brands as HOME, Falabella, between Others.

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