pml- albatrosi i mare nga interneti

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  • 7/29/2019 PML- Albatrosi i Mare Nga Interneti


    Vereni ngjshmerite (kopjen) e provimit te matures

    shteterore ne letersi me analizen e kesaj faqeje.

    The Albatross: Graceful Flier, Clumsy Walker (fjale per fjale tekshenimi nen poezi)

    .......The albatross is among the most graceful and effortless fliers of all seabirds. It can glide

    in the wind for hours, never flapping its wings. However, in calm weather, it tires easily

    because of its large body. At such times, it frequently lands on the ocean to rest.

    .......Albatrosses, which have webbed feet and a hooked beak, range mainly in the cool air of

    southern oceans and the northern Pacific. Although they spend most of their time in the air,

    they land on islands to breed and nest. On land, they are clumsy walkers and even trip on

    their own feet.


    At sea, albatrosses feed mainly on fish, krill (a crustacean resembling a shrimp), squid,

    and garbage from ships. They drink sea water........The wandering albatross of the South Pacific has the largest wingspan of all birds, often

    exceeding eleven feet.

    Ja si thuhej tek provimi

    *Albatrost konsiderohen si shpendt m t hijshm t deteve. Ata mund t fluturojn pr

    shum or pa i rrahur kraht. Megjithat, n mot t qetdhe pa er, lodhen shpejt, pr

    shkak t trupit t tyre t rnd. Pikrisht, n momente t tilla, ata krkojn t pushojn

    diku. N tok, ata jan t ngatht dhe shpesh pengohen me kmbt e tyre.

    Themes Motivet jane fjale per fjale edhe tek elesi i zgjidhjeve (GR.A fq 4 oseGRA pyetja 16)

    The Beautiful Ugliness of Life

    .......When it glides across the skies, the albatross is stunningly graceful and beautiful. Butwhen its webbed feet touch down on earthor on a human creation such as a shipit walksclumsily, like a staggering drunk, and becomes the object of ridicule. When the poet writesinspired verses that soar heavenward, their grace and beauty charm the literate and

    cultured reader. But when the poet touches ground and puts his work in the hands of the hoipoloi, they think it walks with a staggered gait. The poet becomes like the albatross:ridiculed, laughed at, ugly.


    .......There are those who ignore the goodness of a man or a woman (or an animal) and focuson the bad in order to vent their cruelty through ridicule and mockery. Some people delightin finding flaws in a writer, a painter, an opera star, a neighbor, a boss, a politician, a
  • 7/29/2019 PML- Albatrosi i Mare Nga Interneti


    clergyman, and so on. They mercilessly criticize those flaws or gossip about a person's

    private iniquities. The sailors in "The Albatross" are examples of such cruel people.

    Ja si thot elsi

    Motivi I: shmtia dhe bukuria e jets

    Kur fluturon n qiell, albatrosi t huton me madhshtin, hijeshin dhe bukurin etij. Kur zbret n tok ose n anije (si n poezi), ai ecn n mnyr qesharake,lkundet majtas e djathtas si nj i pir dhe n kt mnyr bhet objekt iprqeshjes. Kur poeti shkruan vargjet e tij t frymzuara, q ngjiten lart n qiell,hijeshia dhe bukuria e tyre e mrekullojn lexuesin q e njeh dhe e ndjen poezin(njeriun e kulturuar dhe t arsimuar). Por kur poeti prek tokn dhe e vendos veprne tij n duart e dokujtdo, ktij t fundit poeti i duket i uditshm, i paqart, q edhekur ecn lkundet. N kt moment, ai bhet si albatrosi: qesharak, i shmtuardhe i prqeshur.

    Motivi II: mizoria

    Ka njerz q injorojn dhe mohojn mirsin te njeriu (ose kafsha) dheprqendrohen n ann e dobt apo t keqe, me qllim q t shprehin mizorinprmes prqeshjes dhe talljes. Ka nga ata q knaqen kur zbulojn t meta te njartist i famshm apo kushdo tjetr. Ata i kritikojn pa mshir pr kto t meta.Detart te Albatrosi jan shembulli i ktyre njerzve mizor.

    Albatross as a Symbol (fjale per fjale GRA, pyetja


    ....Baudelaire uses the albatross to symbolize the dual nature of each human beingthatis, each human, as an inheritor of original sin, is an amalgam of good and negative qualitiesas. Here is a key line: Lui, nagure si beau, quil est comique et laid! (He recently was sobeautiful; now he is laughable and ugly.)

    Ja si thote elsi

    Albatrosi si simbol:

    Albatrosi simbolizon natyrn e dyfisht te do qenie njerzore, q sht: do njeri mbart n

    vetvete si cilsit pozitive ashtu edhe ato negative (si mbarts i mkatit fillestar).