populorum progressio

Populorum Progressio (On the Development of peoples) Pope Paul VI First Page

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Page 1: Populorum Progressio


(On the Development of peoples)

Pope Paul VI

First Page

Page 2: Populorum Progressio


Populorum Progressio (On Development of Peoples)

-Established by Pope Paul IV in 1964-Focuses on full human development-Focuses on full human development because the principal fact that we must all recognize is that the social question has become world-wide and, following on the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, a renewed consciousness of the demands of the Gospel makes it her duty to put herself at the service of all, to help them grasp their serious problem in all its dimensions, and to convince them that solidarity in action at this turning point in human history is a matter of urgency.

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INTRODUCTION• Pope Paul VI notes that social conflicts have taken on world dimensions• states that capitalism accompanied by industrialization•He fears that the poverty of whole populations could tempt people to result to violence. The people may believe that violence is the only solution to quench their hunger and thirst. They may also cause violence as a form of uprising in order for the government to notice and act on their concerns.

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1. A Problem of All Men(Directly Quoted From the Encyclical)“The hungry nations of the world cry out to the peoples blessed with abundance. And the Church, cut to the quick by this cry, asks each and every man to hear his brother's plea and answer it lovingly.”

- Man’s Complete Development- Effects of Colonialism- The Widening Gap Between the Rich and The Poor- Signs of Social Unrest

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Teachings:-The Present Need“ In the present day, however, individual and group effort within these countries is no longer enough. The world situation requires the concerted effort of everyone, a thorough examination of every facet of the problem—social, economic, cultural and spiritual.”

-An Ultimate Purpose

-Hopes for the Future-Prayer and Action


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-A New Form of Humanism Needed - “ If development calls for an ever-growing number of technical experts, even more necessary still is the deep thought and reflection of wise men in search of a new humanism, one which will enable our contemporaries to enjoy the higher values of love and friendship, of prayer and contemplation, (17) and thus find themselves. “

-Three Major Duties- 1. Mutual Solidarity- 2. Social Justice- 3. Universal Charity - Development, as the New Name for Peace


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- Populorum Progressio focuses mainly on the widening gap between the rich and the poor. On which the rich become richer and the poor become poorer.

-It stated the personal responsibility each and everyone of us has to: Study.- It stated how governments should be organized so as to serve human nature. - Though there is great distress, problems and anguish among in the world, there is still hope that they will be overcomed by a stronger desire for unity and love.


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-Money must be spent wisely, with consideration of the effects of when and where you spend it.- Development must be wide-scale. If the rich were to develop, the poor must develop along with them.-We must pray in order for us to be guided in our daily actions. -No matter how distressful the situation is, we are still guided by a hope that one day it will be overcome by a stronger feeling for unity and love. - All of us have a role in God’s plan. We are all given a task to share what we can of our resources and help one another.

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“Our talents are the gift that God gives to us... What we make of our talents is our gift back to God”

― Leo Buscaglia