posterscope 2016 out of-home predictions


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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Driving direct response...payment

A beacon of new consumer engagement

Real time service

Advertising for the good of society

The connected content consumer

Ad blocking challenges ahead...

The truth about programmatic OOH

Art vs. science… The winner is…

The Experience Economy

Personalisation @ scale

Click & Collect, a new audience

Driving direct response…payment

There are so many ways for us to pay now from Contactless to Apple Pay to pay with a Tweet with many more options being mooted to arrive over the coming years, which will see a new ’norm’ in consumer behaviour in the coming few years.

This boom in contactless ‘card-free’ mobile payments is forecast to more than double in the next year, and over the next five years, US mobile payments alone are forecasted to grow from $52 billion in 2014 to $142 billion by 2019 (Forrester 2014).

Underpinning this consumer behaviour is continued technical development, which at present has seen the role of NFC (powering Apple Pay) moving from an accepted technical opportunity to a real world enabler.

Our POV - The increase in mobile & contactless payments as part of ‘normal’ consumer behaviour will enable a larger scale of innovation across the OOH landscape. Activity to date has already suggested this such as Clear Channel’s use of contactless totems, earlier this year allowing consumers to tap their card to donate money to Cancer Research.

This consumer adoption allows us to think differently about the role of payment across the OOH landscape. A medium that is often described as primarily a ‘brand awareness’ driver – can now become an aggressor in driving real-time purchase, which across the UK’s high streets and airport terminals could lead to a new method of retail purchase. This in turn will provide OOH with another analytic point to demonstrate the effectiveness and accountability in driving ROI.

A beacon of new consumer engagement

Facebook’s Bluetooth beacon announcement this year (2015) was a significant indicator that the tech had moved from tomorrow’s possibility to today’s reality. 

Facebook plans to push usage to 1.5 billion global users delivering information about nearby shops, landmarks and experiences to users via the Facebook beacon and Facebook feature Place Tips.

This increased connection will allow retail outlets or businesses to create a new CRM opportunity or customer connection moment – enriching the customer experience and providing access to greater consumer / brand collaboration.

Our POV - OOH will play a key role in supporting and driving beacon adoption and solutions for clients as beacons will increasingly be housed within OOH locations.

Posterscope are already pioneering with beacons as demonstrated in this year’s (2015) Diageo’s Pimm’s “Grab a seat! It’s Pimm’s o’clock” summer campaign.

Using a beacon network to count the number of smartphones at Taylor Walker pubs we were able to create a live feed of this data to proximity based digital poster sites to alert consumers that they could still grab a seat in the bar and enjoy a Pimm’s. The campaign was yet another great example of how we are able to drive the right message, at the right time in the right places to drive consumer behaviour.

Real time service

You can now pre-order your coffee before you get in the store or get your Oreos delivered to your desk within an hour.

Starbucks’ new app ‘Mobile order & pay’ development allows you to pre-order your morning caffeine fix & slip past the queue to pick up your order whilst Amazon Prime continues to expand providing consumers (1 hour from purchase to delivery) to get a near real time fix on buying and delivering.

With Amazon and other service brands mooting the idea of using drone networks to deliver even faster, we are moving to an ever-increasing real time service world.

Our POV - Real time service is here and is set to change the speed and nature of service and brand communication. If customers are making their orders before even being near stores, OOH will continue at a greater depth to take over the role of shop window to deliver a brand experience.

As new models are developed, the need to influence consumer behaviour will mean an ever-stronger role for OOH to build client / consumer real-time connection.

Advertising for the good of societyWe are predicting a paradigm shift, where the advertising industry reinvents itself as the hero, working alongside not-for-profit sectors to deliver real benefits for urban communities, without forfeiting the need to drive sales.

Whether it is sweatshops in India, work practices in the office, or cars that are programmed to cheat government emissions tests - there has never been a more challenging business landscape in which to build trust.

Each generation of consumers are more socially aware than the last and companies are increasingly being held accountable for their actions.

People are no longer just buying a product, they are buying into the brand and its corporate values as well.

A survey revealed that 88% of respondents are more likely to stay loyal to companies that support social and environmental issues, with 71% willing to pay more for a socially and enviromentally responsible product (2015 Cone Communications Study).

Brands therefore need to ensure that these values are at the forefront whenever they engage with consumers. If done smartly this builds trust, brand loyalty and can serve to improve the overall performance of an advertising campaign.

Our POV - We have created our Urban Partnerships movement that makes advertising budgets work harder to create truly innovative media firsts, whilst at the same time giving value back to the community.

From partnership provision of public infrastructure to live experiences that engage people on multiple levels and leave lasting legacies and impact.

The connected content consumerPeriscope and Snapchat are two of the fastest rising brand apps of all time, both apps have over 100 million daily users enjoying the creation, curation and access to real time content.

Brands are increasingly using their platforms, for example Red Bull used the Periscope app to live stream events at the Miami Music Week as well as pushing out social content through Snapchat. Similarly Adidas is giving followers the opportunity to see their favourite footballers practice live, providing fans with the latest knowledge and immersion at their fingertips.

Our POV - The ever-increasing media owner investment into full motion DOOH will mean we will be able to provide a greater extension point for content.

Whether it’s live streamed or a pure reach and scale metric, DOOH will provide a new connection, experience and reach opportunity for content-led brands.

Ad blocking challenges ahead...With digital spend exceeding over £7.2 billion in the UK (IAB / PwC) the increasing threat of ad blockers is causing concern throughout the digital industry.

Consumer prevention of ads on their devices means the digital industry faces a tough challenge ahead.

Along with ever-increasing pressures from viewability and ad-fraud, online marketing will face stronger than ever pressure in demonstrating accountability to marketeers.

Our POV - With sustained digital OOH growth we are collaborating with our agencies’ digital teams to create new extension opportunities on top of traditional online marketing.

As a medium that can’t be switched off, OOH is nearly 3x as efficient in driving online search activity than other broadcast media.

The truth about programmatic OOHWith the growth of programmatic buying primarily across online, expected to hit 60% of UK digital billings next year (2016), it is no wonder that the buzz term will continue to keep buzzing.

Across the media industry, programmatic, and more specifically the ‘automation of media bookings’ will become the norm, as we look to deliver faster, more accurate and accountable delivery of media solutions.

Our POV - We have been working behind the scenes on a programmatic solution in partnership with the media owners and will also be looking to launch this in 2016.

What is fundamental to us is delivering a solution that means we can deliver a product at scale. We are keen to ensure the product makes a positive difference to the expediency of purchase; is truly automated and delivers increased flexibility and agility. 

There are currently several businesses claiming the application of OOH programmatic, and many more we are sure will join them, however we are dedicated to delivering a valuable product that can make a difference to your business and your clients marketing solutions at scale.

Building transaction on top of our already award winning content delivery platform Liveposter is the first step. This year alone we have delivered over 50 campaigns where we are adserving the most contextually relevant copy into pre-purchased DOOH inventory, based on real-time programmatic driven data feeds ie temporal, client data, beacons ormobile data such as EE.

Further to this we are also looking to architect a solution that allows us to plug-in to digital ‘screen-buying’ solutions – enabling DOOH to have a wider purchase point and syndication into other ‘digital-led screen planning and buying.

Art vs. science…The winner is…The role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in media has been consistently debated, and is being trialled across several media channels – possibly none with as great a success as OOH, as demonstrated this year when Posterscope collaborated with M&C Saatchi and Clear Channel on a campaign which displays different ads depending on how people react to them.

Art vs. science – or a blend of both, AI is another great development ground in pushing the boundaries of advertising and obtaining consumer insight.

Our POV - We see AI technology as positive for the advertising industry, as it provides another canvas for us to learn about consumers and behaviours in a different way.

For OOH this mean ads will have an even greater opportunity to become stronger with regards to location targeting and more relevant in relation to messaging and imagery; based on real time emotional consumer engagement.

The Experience Economy

Over the last decade the UK has seen a x2 growth in the number of people employed in experience areas (arts, entertainment & recreation) of the service economy compared to growth in all employment.

We live in an ‘Experience Economy’ and consumers are increasingly marketing savvy, ignoring disruptive advertising that doesn’t provide something valuable to them. Consumers want to be rewarded for providing their attention.

Our POV - In an increasingly fragmented media environment, with time-poor and increasingly higher advertising savvy consumer, the role of effective disruption is greater than ever.

With greater importance in experiential as a way of creating a consumer brand experience we need to deliver even stronger proof points that the experience, big or small is working for the advertiser.

As a result we are expanding our analytic suite even further with the creation of a global app that allows us to track consumer engagement via brand ambassadors recording CRM and via technology that allows us to record overall consumer dwell time and segmented dwell time by their navigation through an event space.

Allowing our experiential offering psLIVE to provide even stronger analysis to clients on the effectiveness of experiential.

Personalisation @ scale

With applications like Google Now and Siri becoming commonplace in consumers’ lives, they have come to expect a high level of personalised service everywhere. In a recent report 1 in 4 consumers were willing to pay more to receive a personalised product or service and 22% of consumers were happy to share some data in return for a more personalised customer product or service.

A future element of marketing will begin to rely more heavily on a differentiated customer service with even greater demand for personalisation of communication in order to drive engagement and response.

We are already seeing this influence impact media channels as brands seek to dynamically adapt communications to certain audiences, or use real time events and environmental factors to change messaging.

Our POV - Personalisation across the OOH landscape is moving at a fast pace and we are spearheading that change using our Liveposter and location data products.

Firstly, using Liveposter we are able to use real time triggers (weather, beacons, road traffic, flight times and numerous other sources) to allow us to deliver the right message, at the right time, in theright location.

By doing this we have seen significant improvements across brand tracking research studies showing awareness and consideration levels increasing vs. previous norms.

Liveposter is not our only tool, our investment into granular level data sets has allowed us to learn more about audience behaviours in locations – which in turn has allowed us to optimise OOH location delivery to ensure we are targeting the right audiences, more than ever.

Click & Collect, a new audience

Click and collect truly entered the mainstream in 2014 providing exciting opportunities for retailers. Deloitte has reported that click and collect more than doubled in the UK between 2012 and 2014 with total revenues of £5.6bn and 140 million orders last year.

Our POV - We believe click and collect provides a great opportunity for OOH advertising. The target audience benefitting most from click and collect are young, urban and mobile. As home delivery is not convenient for these consumers with busy lives who by definition spend most of their time out of home.

Posterscope’s own proprietary survey OCS (Out of Home Consumer Survey) identifies that consumers who use click & collect have a very strong relationship with OOH advertising. “Click & collectors” are 18% more likely than average to be heavy OOH consumers and 20% more likely to notice OOH adverts. They also have very positive attitudes towards Digital OOH, and in particular to relevant messaging such as a countdown clock to an event e.g. Christmas, providing many tactical opportunities.

Out-of-Home with its young, urban, mobile audience and dual virtual / physical retail role could be argued as the ideal medium to make the most of the growing click and collect trend which could define the retail landscape for many years to come.