pra percubaan kedah 2012 bi

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  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI



    A nnLa t ' l i l i r annr rYr \q vrr r r sr | .

    Nama :Tahun KelasSekolah :


    BAHASA NGGERTSJK t2012l'KERTAS50 minit

    JANGANBUKA KERTASSOALAN NISEHINGGA IBERITAHU1. Kertasoalannimengandungi0 soalan. awab emua oalan.

    2. Jawab enganmenghitamkanuangan adakertasawapan.

    3. Bagisaiu oalan, itarnkanatu uangan ahaja.

    4. Jikakamuhendakmenukarawapan, adamkananda ang elahdibuat.Kemudianhitamkanawapan angbaru.

    Kertas nimengandungi1l halamanbercetak

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI


    Questions - 4Reod he iext ond choose he beslword bosedon

    Andy 's c l f re r son i l ) ffiler2rKthe piclures iven

    ond drows plons or bui ld ings. And' ; r 'sot l rerhos nr

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI



    Quesl ions - l0Choose the best sentence th

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI



    Ques l ions l -15Look of ihe picturescclreful ly. hoose the best sentence to f i t the si tuot ionshowri n the picturest l

    A l. lo, t 'sgoing o lpoh.B Whydon' t you fol lowme?C You've ust nissedhe bus.D Thebusbrokeciown usinow.

    l 2A Thismoney s oryourbus cre.B Piecse css he money o N4rsvcng.C Don'tspen.:Jourpcckei nrcnevor' i oysD Do yor..rove enougrrmone'y'o brr' '/ lr ebook?

    A l t sol l 7ouroult !R lo t ' s n l n r r n . l f i r r l e . v v ' rC Yes,we wil lgo out thiswoy.D Don'tworn7, e' i l ind he poih

    A Do yo. need i^ny eip?B Woich yoursteps, ncle.C Youcon hove my seot , nc le .D I con bo lancemyse l f n the bus .

    A We ore ploying ingles.B We wi l lsurely in hisgome.C ls hoi o new toble ennis ot?D No problem. et 's ove fun ogelher.

    t 3

    1 4

    t 5

    l s h isbus eovin5Tfo r Kuon ion2

    Moy l jo in both ofyou for c gome?

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI



    Quesl ions 6 20Choose he beslonswer o complete he sentence.

    1 7


    l9 fhe cot i s ick ingA i isei fB mvselfC ourselvesD lhcmselves

    As he *-- lo ie. l ' ryenthcme f irstA I SB didC hodD wos

    1 5 geese in il^rot crm or e rriineA ThisB Th,:t(- - TheseD lhose

    suitcoses l - r is?omeone os ef t t here.w h oWhomV/hichWhose

    Arnor-rghe jhreeb.rgson displov,re boui lht he --- one.A expensiveB lessexpensiveC ilroreexpensiveD leostexpensive


  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI



    Queslion lChoose he word thot hos he sqmemeoningos he underl inedvord.

    21 The iredpilfsyed th e row of wooden hou-ses.A bui l tB spoi l tC cleored^ ! - , ^ . ^ ^ ^ !l J l J t l l I I ' J L l g u

    Queslions 2 - 23Choose he onswerwith he correctspel l ing.

    a )gCD

    + . - . - , ^ ^ ' _ - + - . ,t g r r r u l l ! u r 9 llhoi ' i 'nemeterll^r}rmomeirethermometer


    , , 1 \ - U V l r V r r l

    - . , t ' ( ' r r ; a ' f ( \

    oquoriumokuor lum

    a /

    Queslions 4 - 25Choose he sentencewiih he correcipunctuol ion"

    A whot 's ou tnome?B Whois ournonte?C Whct 's ou rnome?D Whols ' ou rnome?

    A OuchlMy feet hurt?B OuchlMy feet hurt .C Ouchlnry eet hurt .D Ouch,my eel hurt !


  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI



    Questions 6-30Bosed n the picture, hoose he bestonswer o f i l l n he blonks n he pcssoge hoi fol lows


    i i vrcrs rpubi ic hol icJoy. ,4yother decided io br ing r i ; ' icrni iy '1oPlr i i ) ic i . iscr i,v i , ic. i rhour's 26 frommy hoi:se.We went ihere n my foiher's ' rev ' , ro lonE.

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI


    Questions l - 35Reod he noi ice belowond onswerthequestionsho.i ol low.

    Speok c n any

    ELOCUTIONONTESTSJK(C)HrvoMi nthe Engl isn .onguoge Socicly n corr iunci ionwith the Engl ish eek

    ATTENTIONOALLYEAR , 5 & 6 PUPILS!lopic of y, lur cl- roice nd stcr- rc l chcnce io wir- r n oi t roci ive pr izer !F1urrynd gei yotr rentry orm trow!

    Dc te : 6 ih June 20 t2 ( Wec jnesdoy)\ /enL-re School Hol lT ime : 9 .00c .n t . I 2 .O{ l i i . r r 'l l '1esc i ' . j ie gul - i i ion, .l . i i ie : :or i1t : , i s c 'p,en o

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI




    KuonSheng,who iso contestont,sol lowecl o speok orA I minuteB 7 rninutesC B minutesD no t ime imitWhowil lchoose he. opic for he elocution ontesfA fheir losseocherB Their ngl isheocherC Thepupi lswho ore okingporlD Theodvisor f the Engl ishonguogeSocieiy

    A.rrongehcsesentel- lcesn he correclorder.: - - I - : - ' , . - - - - -, ? D , : l i ve r o r r r pce r - l l ' ; 6 , , 1 i ' r . .I


    Q S R PQ P S RR S Q PR P S Q


    - ' iIl

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI


    t 0

    Queslions 6 - 40Reod he possoge nd c:t ' tsu'erl ' tequesticinelow

    Cnce, there vyoso sr , . rccessfulusinessnrorrcmecl Dcniel who l ived in o smol lv i l loge. Al though he wos weol ihy he wcs cr rr r iser . c never r jont . r lecj ny monev tothe unfor tunr :1e r Poor.

    Dl1iel used cl l h is none; ' o bui ld c bungc!ov'r . t ' l ics big cn'Csurrounded :; 'chigl- r ence l l ' re f loclr , ,cs mcde of precious stones.E' ' '3ny'cnen the' . ' i l icge o' i ln i re ' : lh im. Donielwos clso prouci o f himself He soid, " l htrve the biggest house rr ne vi l i . :ge.Now, everybody knows hot I om lhe r ichestmon here."

    When lhe bungolovv ^/os eodv, Doniel nroved into i i . He wenl to s leep in hismosier beCrccm upstoirs.At rnidnight , o cr : t went inside the house. i t cccideniol lyknor:ked intc ,r shel f crnCon empi ' i ccn fei i over i ts heod. The cct wcs shocked. i tiun- ,pec .r - i t lnd clcvrn lry i r ig to tree i tsel f rom ihe con.

    lhe c '* l t kr rocked oaloinsi, ; i rc i r .s,cbles cncJmony things. l nrcrc- le-r o i of nci :e l . l i i r l l l l ic- r r rk!Clcr . r i ' : !l i rk! CionK!C i o n k l


  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI



    3B Thephrose s quickos ighfning howshci DonielwosABCD

    fr ighteneda n p r n c i i r -


    Donielwos o brovem.:nihe bungolowwos hountedthe'; i l logers'wereind-heortedDcnielntcnoged o sel l isbungolow

    39 [ /hot ' ryoke Doniel up in the rniddleof the night ' ]A the sound nrode bY crghostB the shoutsof ihe vi i lcrgers(- scrne noise n i ' rehouseD ,t cl i rnewir tg

    40 Thestory el ls s hotABCD

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI


    SULITHLA24l2BahasalnggerisSJKljam 15minitAnal za l l i l i eann t t Y A q v r r i l q r l

    NamaTahun KelasSekolah



    1 .2.asr.

    4 .

    Kertas oalan ni mengandungisoalan.Jawabsemuasoalan

    r ^ . . , ^ - ^ - L ^ - l ^ l - l ^ L l ; 1 . . 1 ; ^ J iarClWAP|l I I l ( i l lut^ lC l l I | ' l l tul lS ulruangyangdisediakan alarnkertas.Kertas oalan ni hendaklahdiserahkan ebaiksahajaujianiniselesai.A.nda endaklahmenoounakanpensel 8.5

    - t uB 11-15 15c (i) (iii) 15

    JUMLAH 40

    Kertas nl mengandungiShalamanbercetak

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI



    SECTION( 1 0m o r k s ){ in re suggested 15minu ies

    Bose,lon the pictu,re. ' ,v i i le ne correcf senlence. Younrusiuseboth the vrordsqiven.

    - books oox

    s is ter umbre i lo

    - wotch - night

    - tr i rnming hedge

    (1mcrk )

    i 1 m c r k )

    (1 mcrk)

    ( l mork)- bcby - loudly


  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI


    - plcrte - rice

    - feecls twice

    i I i t ' t a r

    i 1 nrr,ri,i

    - tle'rv - nesi

    i l rnc rk i

    * dr ink - breokfost

    [1 mcrk)

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI


    4SECTION{15morks){Time uggested: 5 rninuies}

    Study he posterbelow corefully. hen.use he informqtion iven o complete the speechbelow.

    @0, -A/ Y\/-7 \tt-s"u t"LTggryli i SoUUceo ii norcneng] )\*.--J; Sognofo ii udsr pollution i iSq g* b odrrcoilbndIL -yngT-i

    Good morning,boys ond from wildlifeFund or Noture. om here tofrom extinction.One

    { 1 1 }reosonwhy turtle.s re focing extinction sbecquse turtieeggsore delicious.So,do nol

    At the some 'ne, help o preventlt2l(13 )

    Besides, e shouldbuild (14 )Thepublic need to be owore of how we con helpsove uriles.Orgonising

    con help oworeness. o,boysond girls,et uspledge{ ls)to help sove urtles.

    rrq if r leclrnrrc lha *r rrf lac' hal-. i la{

    to toke core of the young turtles.

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI


    5sEcTroN(15mqrks){Time uggested: 5minutes}

    Theseries f picturesbelow showscn event.Youmoy useoll he'arords o describethe pictures.Writeyour onswer n ihe spoce provided.

    - moiher grocery iookoiier * younger

    - wolch - ploying bored - room

    - heord cry - injured scolded corelessness

  • 7/28/2019 Pra Percubaan Kedah 2012 BI


    Answersor UjionPentoksironl i 20]2Loper

    lspet-zSect ior iA : Accept onv plousib le nd logicc lc lnswers.

    Sect ion :I t help scve urtles sove(our the)lrlrt les12 ect turt le gssl3 woterpol lut ion14 hotcheriesl5 educci ionol ompoiqnsSecticnC : Accept ony plousible nswers.

    I B t1 A 21 D J I hb2 a 12 (- 22 D 323 nLJ t < t-\a) /_J (- 33 ('4 (^ 14 (. 24 (- 34 ar n 25 l-)D 35 A6 16 D 26 36 (^7 nD 1 1t / D 27 J / n8 (- t8 D 28 38 AI na) 19 29 f1 (-t0 2A D 30 a A A