practicum portfolio

UNIVERSIDAD DE PLAYA ANCHA Final Practicum Portfolio Spring 2009 Name: Paulina Rojas González Subject: Practicum Portfolio Teachers: Isabel Vasquez 1 | Page

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Final Practicum Portfolio

Spring 2009

Name: Paulina Rojas González

Subject: Practicum Portfolio

Teachers: Isabel Vasquez

Rodrigo González

Class: English Pedagogy, Faculty of Humanities

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I. General Contents

1. Portfolio Introduction…………………………………………………………………4

2. Reading Articles………………………………………………………………………5

3. Pedagogical Artifacts…………………………………………………………………7

4. Reflective Writing…………………………………………………………..…………9

5. School Information……………………………………………………………………12

5.1 The School…………………………………………………………….…….13

5.2 Organization Chart …………………………………………………………14

5.3 Students’ List………………………………………………………………..15

6. Unit Plans and Lesson Plans……………………………………………………….16

6.1 First Unit Plan…………………………………………………………….....23

6.2 Lesson Plans Unit 1…………………………………………….………......25

6.3 Second Unit Plan…………………………………………………………...26

6.4 Lesson Plans Unit 2……………………………….………………………..27

7. Learning Materials……………………………………………………………………28

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8. Evaluations Instruments…………………………………………………………….36

9. Self Evaluation…………………..…………………………………………………..44

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The Final practicum is the final stage in the teacher training process; it is a stage

where you have to apply all the knowledge and experience you have acquired

during the five years of the English Pedagogy program.

You have to go back to the first Vises, where you were approaching school little by

little, first being just an observer in the classroom, then being an assistant of the

guide teacher, and finally being the teacher in the final practicum. You have to

remember all the things learned in other subjects, such as psychology or

philosophy, to try to understand your students and certain situations that may occur

at school, and you have to apply educational evaluation techniques to assess

students and processes.

This portfolio has the purpose of collecting all the articles, reports, unit and lesson

plans, learning materials and evaluations done during the whole practicum process

as well as reflecting about all the situations experienced at school

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Reading Articles

Proponen que profesores afectados por "deuda histórica" reciban entre 5 y 10 millones de pesos

La comisión especial de diputados que examinó la Deuda Histórica a unos 60 mil profesores que fueron traspasados al sector municipalizado en la década del '80, concluyó su trabajo y propuso como compensación entregar a cada uno de los maestros entre 5 y 10 millones de pesos y un mejoramiento en las pensiones de entre 50 mil y 100 mil pesos.

Así lo informó este martes el tesorero del Colegio de Profesores y presidente de la comisión sobre esa materia del magisterio, Darío Vásquez, quien expresó que la comisión parlamentaria en los próximos días someterá a ratificación la propuesta en la sala de la Cámara Baja.

Vásquez, junto al miembro de la comisión, Gustavo Méndez, se manifestó satisfecho, expresando que, "hemos querido entregar esta tremenda noticia para nosotros", y agregó que la propuesta es "buena" y tiene que ser ratificada por la sala de diputados.

No obstante, Vásquez y Méndez manifestaron que la cantidad que se le ha ofrecido a cada profesor es alrededor de un 10 por ciento de lo que los profesores tendrían que haber recibido por concepto de la deuda.

Esto se refiere a un bono que no se les pagó a partir de principios de los '80, cuando los profesores fueron traspasados desde el ministerio de Educación a las municipalidades, monto que sí se les canceló al resto de los profesionales de la administración pública.

Los dirigentes del magisterio quieren que se ponga luego en tabla la sesión en la que la sala de la Cámara de Diputados vote, aprobando la propuesta.

Una vez que ésta se ratifique el planteamiento pasará a manos de la Presidenta de la República, Michelle Bachelet, para que lo examine en un plazo de 60 días, y luego ella dé a conocer una definición.

Vásquez dijo que espera que antes de que termine el Gobierno de Michelle Bachelet el asunto esté resuelto para los miles de profesores que esperan una solución a esa demanda.

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As we talked in class, the “Deuda Historica” discussion has taken much strength

now because the year is ending and it is election period, so it interfered with the

SIMCE damaging an important quantity of students from public schools in Chile

that had to take the PSU test despite of the fact they were not allowed to learn all

the subjects included in that test because of the teachers’ strike; and this also

affected our classmates that were doing their practicum in those schools because

they could not experience this process as they should.

It is true that this strike has affected the government and the society damaging a

big amount of students; but we cannot deny that what teachers are asking is fair; it

is a shame that teachers did not receive what they deserve for such an important

job: forming the next generations.

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Pedagogical Artifacts

Observation Stage

During the observation stage I could observe many things regarding the school, the

guide teacher and the rest of the staff and the students. There were many things

that called my attention, like for example the fact that girls are still separated from


But the aspect that I want to mention here is the school policy; Carlos Cousiño

School has a very strict set of rules, teachers annotate girls in the class book

almost for everything. If they do not bring materials, do not work in class, do not

use the apron, if they talk in class or are late, they are annotated in the class book

without telling the students about it.

I selected this artifact because I think the annotation in the class book has to be

something to help the teacher to control the class and students, but this a good

example of how not to use this resource because the annotation in the class book

should have consequences and students should know about it.

Assistantship Stage

One of the Wednesday classes the teacher arrived the classroom, called the roll

and gave students a crossword puzzle to work in class. I saw the crossword and it

was not so difficult nor so long. The teacher spent 1 hour and 10 minutes only in

that activity while she talked to me about pedagogical things. I could notice that

after the first half hour students started to talk, listen to music or to do other things

while the teacher was correcting some tests and talking to me.

I selected this artifact because this reflects many classrooms in Chile. I have to say

that in general the guide teacher was a very good teacher and she had a very good

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relationship with students, but sometimes, she gave too much time for activities

that could be made in a few minutes.

A teacher has to be creative and always be prepared with extra activities in case

students are too fast, he or she has to take into account all the learning styles and

intelligences In order to integrate all students.

Teaching Stage

This was the most important stage of the process where I applied all the things I

learned in these five years and taking into account the observation and

assistantship information I got in the first weeks.

I learned lots of things and I grew as a professional and as a person as well. I

would like to share one of my experiences. One of the classes I had prepared a

listening activity; it was a video about global warming. I asked for the data show, I

installed it but the speakers were not working and I had to think in a “plan B”, I had

the transcription of the audio so I decided to read the text aloud while the students

watched the images. The activity worked well and I could carry out the activities of

the lesson, but I learned that you always have to have a backup plan.

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Reflective Writings

Reflective writing Nº1: The Observation Stage

I. Introduction What do you think the cartoon provided below is illustrating? Why? Answer briefly.

II. Reflective writing

Taking into account the information you collected during the observation stage,

1. Reflect on the importance of the initial observation period in final practicum.2. Refer to the observed issues in assigned school, and explain if these issues

caused a change on the expectations you had about this particular period. 3. How did you feel? Provide one example you consider most relevant to support

your answer.

What do you think the cartoon provided below is illustrating? Why? Answer briefly.

I think the cartoon illustrates how many times people are so connected with the television and all the mass media that we tend to forget to pay attention to our surroundings. I believe that the situation represents our dependence to TV. The character says: “Let´s see what´s going on in the world” turning on the TV instead of paying attention to the real world outside the window.

Reflect on the importance of the initial observation period in final practicum.

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This period allowed me to familiarize with the assigned course and the students. I think that observation is necessary not only for practicum students but for every teacher, since despite a teacher may have many years of teaching experience, he or she has to be able to recognize students difficulties or problems in learning, and to detect any change in students’ behavior. During the observation stage I paid attention to the new system of working of the school, because there have been some changes since I was a student there. I focused on school organization and the staff relationships; it was a time for getting to know the guide teacher and to familiarize with the course assigned; I tried to get to know the students backgrounds, their different personalities and behaviors. I also observed the way of working of the teacher, to see her methodology and the things that worked and which not in the English class, it was useful to detect student’s learning styles and if there was any student with special needs, all these things were very helpful to plan my lessons later.

Refer to the observed issues in assigned school, and explain if these issues caused a change on the expectations you had about this particular period.

As I was an ex-alumna of the school I thought that the only things I had to pay attention to were the ones related to the course assigned itself, to get to know the students and the teacher and to see how the class worked paying attention to the level of English they had. But then I realized that there had been many changes at the school through these years, when I was a student the girls studied in the morning and the boys in the afternoon, but now the school has a full time working day so I thought they were all together, but I found that they are still separated, there are only-girl and only-boy courses and they have their breaks at different times. Besides the experience of knowing the school as a student is very different from being a “teacher” now, I realized there were many things to observe apart from the course that this changed my initial expectations about this period.

How did you feel? Provide one example you consider most relevant to support your answer.

I felt very comfortable because it was a familiar environment. I knew the school and some of the teachers, but I did not know if they were going to remember me so it was a nice surprise to find that despite all these years most of them remembered me. The math teacher remembered the fact I was very good at her subject and although I must say it was a little odd to be back at school now as a teacher and being in the teachers’ room I think this was a big help to my observation period since it was easier for me to talk with the head-teacher of my course and to ask her information about the students or permission to attend the parents meetings.

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Reflective Writing 2

The final practicum period was a very important stage. I though this process would

be easier, just planning fun lessons and teaching contents so that students could

learn a lot of English in an interesting way, but I realized that it was not that simple;

when I first arrived the classroom it was difficult for me to get all students’ attention;

it was an only-girl course, so they were very talkative and it was hard for me

teaching while they were talking and doing other things.

I realized that you have to know students and know their names to get their trust

and control the class. I had to be nice but also strict in some situations so I

improved my performance as a teacher through time and at the end of this process

I can say that I built a good relationship with the girls so I could motivate them and

do better classes.

Along with the classes at school I also had to assist to parents and teachers

meetings and that helped me to know the students a little more and to familiarize

with the school.

Here are the reports (they were requested in Spanish) already posted on my blog:

Consejo de curso:


Reunión de apoderados:


Reunión de profesores:


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School Information

School: Colegio Carlos Cousiño

Address: Retamo 650

City: Valparaíso

School’s Phone number: 2214923

Official_Website: http://www.colegiocarloscousiñ

Grade: 2nd grade, high school

Number of students: 39

Guide Teacher’s: Patricia Guevara Vicuña

Guide Teacher’s E-mail:

[email protected]


Rector: Mr. Sergio Ramirez Peñafiel

General Supervisor: Ms. Ana Maria Rodriguez Gómez

Primary Education Coordinator: Gabriela Bayola

Head teacher of the 2nd grade: Luisa Espósito Cancino (biology teacher)

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1. The school:

Carlos Cousiño School is located in Retamo 650 in Valparaíso. It is a Catholic

institution that gives moral values to its students based on the message of Jesus

Christ, and all its professors are Christians as well.

Carlos Cousiño is dependent on “Sociedad Formadora de la Infancia y

Adolescencia de Valparaíso (SOFIA)”.

The educational and behavioral policies of this school are not different from other

institutions in the Chilean system. In general, all the rules point to generate a good

school environment and to promote values like respect, responsibility, and good


Carlos Cousiño school has a population 62 teachers and 890 students, 626 are

girls and 264 are boys. This school has k-12 education for girls and 9-12 education

for boys.

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Organization Chart

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Students’ List

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Task 1: The School and Learning Environment

Name of student: Paulina Rojas González

Name of School: Colegio Carlos Cousiño

Number of students: 39

Class: NM2

Briefly and objectively describe the following aspects:

1. The school:

Describe the general background of the school including the physical location, organisation, student population, philosophy and educational and behavioural policies.

Carlos Cousiño School is located in Retamo 650 in Valparaíso. It is a Catholic institution that gives moral values to its students based on the message of Jesus Christ, and all its professors are Christians as well.

Carlos Cousiño is dependent on “Sociedad Formadora de la Infancia y Adoloscencia de Valparaíso (SOFIA)”.

Girls and boys are separated from each other, this means that there are only-girl and only-boy classrooms and they also have their breaks at different times so that they do not mix; students have contact just for some common activities such as anniversaries. I asked the guide teacher about this decision and she told me that this was a decision of the SOFIA.

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The educational and behavioral policies of this school are not different from other institutions in the Chilean system. In general, all the rules point to generate a good school environment and to promote values like respect, responsibility, and good manners.

Some of the main behavioral policies students from Colegio Carlos Cousiño must follow are:

Be respectful and correct in his behavior.

Respect himself and his classmates.

Keep a good relationship with the school staff and classmates.

Be responsible in their duties and commitments

Carlos Cousiño school has a population 62 teachers and 890 students, 626 are girls and 264 are boys. This school has k-12 education for girls and 9-12 education for boys.

Some of the authorities are:

Rector: Mr. Sergio Ramirez Peñafiel

General Supervisor: Ms. Ana Maria Rodriguez Gómez

Primary Education Coordinator: Gabriela Bayola

Head teacher of the 2nd grade: Luisa Espósito Cancino (biology teacher)

2. The classroom

Describe the atmosphere of the room and the levels of engagement in the room. Make notes on seating, sight lines, space, air, light, whiteboard, equipment, etc

From what I have observed the atmosphere in the classroom is good, all girls seem to have a good relationship with each other, and despite of the fact that you clearly can see that there exist some groups based on interests and personal characteristics they all seem to be very close and I have not observed any rivalry.

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From my perspective most of students seem to be engaged with the school specially in activities such as “September 18th” classroom ornamentation or the “tallarinata”

3. The activities & resources

a) Make notes on the kind of activities used, the nature of student involvement, balance of student doing things and teacher doing things

During the observation stage I noticed that the guide teacher has a very good relationship with all the girls and she usually makes use of the sense of humor. Despite of the fact this is a good and important characteristic for the learning process I could observed that girls sometimes lose respect and it is a little bit hard to have them in silence.

Another thing that I noticed is that the teacher has a teacher-centered approach; she explains the subject and then gives grammar exercises; in one of the observation classes she gave a puzzle for the girls to solve and they were working on that one entire hour, then she corrected it and that was all the class.

b) Describe the resources used and the materials available within the school. How are the resources used in the classroom?

I talked with the guide teacher about the resources and materials available in the school. She told me that they have radio, television, DVD; data show with laptop, and a photocopier available for teachers to use for their classes. On the other hand, students have access to the library and computer lab. From what I observed the teacher does not make much use of these resources, because she said that it was a little bit difficult to ask for the data so she usually gives guides to the students.

Task 2: Student´s learning

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In this second observation task, you should focus on the things that help to create conditions for effective learning and on the aspects that play a part in preventing learning.

1. The learnersHow motivated are the learners? Why? To what extent are they taking part in their own learning? To what extent are they expecting the teacher to do the work for them?

During the observation stage I could identify there is a group of girls that really like English and are very fast at doing the guides the teacher gives, they always participate in classes and ask questions because they want to know more about the language, taking part in their own learning.

Leaving aside this group, I think that most of the students do not see the importance of learning a foreign language like English because they are talking most of the time, they do not do the activities and they just copy on their notebooks the things written on the board, and wait for the teacher to correct the exercises.

2. Behaviour during classroom activitiesDescribe the ways students are encouraged to participate in activities. Are there any particular strategies for managing issues and motivating students? Are there any students with special needs?

I think the English classes are very traditional and teacher-centered, despite of the fact the teacher-students relationship is very good students do not seem to be engaged in the learning of the language, I think the teacher does not do much to engage and motivate students, the only way I observed students were encouraged to participate in activities was by giving marks for the activities. There are no students with special needs.

3. Discuss the learning styles and levels of English in the classroom.

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I think it is a little bit difficult to find out what the learning styles of the students are in just two weeks, but from what I have observed so far and also from the surveys I carried out I would say that they are visual because they always wanted the teacher to write instructions or words on the board and they liked when the teacher drew to explain some vocabulary words.

Regarding the level of English in the classroom, I would say that the girls manage I great amount of vocabulary and they know many basic grammatical rules, they are very good at understanding written information but I think there is a lack of spoken language in the classroom.


Task Nº1: Collaboration activities

For the following questions describe as accurately as you can how you have collaborated in school assigned:

1. What kind of activity did you perform the first time you were asked for help? How long did it take?

I just had one week of assistantship (Monday and Wednesday). During this week I helped students with the exercises were doing and clarifying doubts; I also helped the teacher to check the “summative” exercise.

On Wednesday the teacher had to leave 20 minutes earlier because she was feeling bad and asked me if I could take care of the class; she gave a guide with exercises to the students and I was in charge of the activity until the class ended.

2. What were the students doing before you started helping out?

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When I first arrived the class students were doing exercises about the differences between simple past and present perfect.

3. How did the students react? Describe the atmosphere of the room and the levels of engagement in the room.

The first time I arrived the classroom the teacher introduced me to the students and suggested me to sit at the end of the classroom. I felt I was invisible to the students the first week, but as the classes were passing by, students started to ask me some vocabulary words so that for the assistantship week they were familiarized and comfortable with my presence in the classroom.

4. What other assignments were asked you to do? How often?

The truth is that I as it was just one week of assistantship (two days) I did not have much time to do things; I have already mentioned the things I did: I helped the teacher to check the “summative” activities and I helped the students with their doubts.

5. Were you asked to prepare any kind of special audio visual material learning material for the students? Were they used? How effective were they?

Among other things I did, the teacher asked me if I had any reading about “great woman”. I looked for the text, I found it in a book and I gave it to her but it was not what she was looking for because she wanted a text that combined simple past and present perfect and the text I found just had simple past, she thanked me anyway and told me not to worry because she was going to get it from another colleague.

Task 2: Lesson Planning

Answer the following questions and explain how you planned the learning activities for your students. Be as precise as you can.

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1. How did you get the information for planning the lessons for your students?

During the observation stage I got information from the class book about the students’ background and I also carried out an interest-survey in order to know a little bit more about the students’ interests and their opinions about the English class.

This, in addition to the guide teacher’s suggestions helped me to get information for planning. The teacher gave me the topic and the contents for the unit and gave me freedom to create activities. Every lesson plan was consulted with the guide teacher in order to get her feedback and suggestions.

2. Did your guide teacher give you any suggestions for planning?

Yes she did, although she gave me freedom to plan my lessons and activities as I wanted, she gave me the topic and contents of the unit and asked me to keep her “summative” marks for in class activities. Every class the teacher gives homework, tasks or activities for the students to work in class and then she calls some of the students to check the activities and she gives a mark; at the end of the semester she adds up all the marks and gets a final one.

3. How long did it take to you to prepare learning material for your first lesson?

It took me 2 days to prepare the unit plan content, objectives and generic activities and it took me a whole day to get and prepare all the learning material for the first lesson and plan the methodology.

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Unit Plan 1

Nivel: Segundo Medio Curso: 2º B Sub-sector de Aprendizaje: Inglés

Número de Horas: 4 hrs

Profesor Guía: Sra. Patricia Guevara Vicuña.Contenidos Competencias Actividades


Transversales (Valores)

Tiempo Aproximad



UNIT IV“The World Around Us”


a) There be (present and past; singular and plural, questions)b) Countable and Uncountable Nounsc) How Muchd) How Many


-Vocabulary related to environment, and energy resources.-Countable and uncountable nouns


”Renewable Energy Solutions”“Recycling”


“Global Warming 101” (video National Geographic) “4 Degrees Warmer: Great cities wash away”

Comprensión Lectora:

Predicción de la información general de un texto instructivo o descriptivo.

Localización de información general y específica.

Comprensión Auditiva:

Localización, a través de audiciones sucesivas, de la información general y algunos detalles.

Deducción en forma guiada del significado de palabras desconocidas o de la intención comunicativa del mensaje.

Expresión Oral:

Formulación de preguntas y respuestas solicitando o dando información.

Expresión Escrita:

Comprensión Lectora:

Predice el contenido de un texto.

Predice o busca el significado de ítems léxicos claves.

Relaciona la información del texto con la realidad y sus intereses particulares.

Comprensión Auditiva:

Reconoce la idea central o el contenido del discurso.

Localiza informacióngeneral y/o específica

Expresión Oral:

Solicita o da información para realizar tareas o resolver problemas.


Respeto por el medio ambiente y reconocimiento de cada uno como actor clave en la protección del planeta.

Conciencia de los graves problemas medio ambientales que enfrenta la sociedad actual.

Compromiso con el medio ambiente a través del conocimiento de distintas formas de ayudar a proteger el planeta.

Comprensión de la importancia de proteger el medio ambiente en el cual vivimos y del correcto uso de de la energía y los recursos naturales.

6 semanas (20 sesiones de 45 minutos cada una).

Desde el 23 de septiembre al 30 de octubre.

Las evaluaciones se realizarán a partir de los contenidos de la unidad y serán definidas durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

Sin embargo en esta unidad se incluirán:

-Evaluaciones formativas.

-Ejercicios y trabajos en clase con nota sumativa (clase a clase).

-Trabajos grupales e individuales.

-Prueba escrita con 60% - 70% de logro (sobre la materia de la unidad).

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Redacción de mensajes cortos, gramaticalmente correctos y comunicativamente apropiados.


Composición de párrafos cortos relativo a un tema de la unidad.

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Lesson Plans First Unit

I have to say that I was uploading all my lesson plans periodically to my practicum blog, so here I write the links:

Lesson Plan 1:

Lesson Plan 2:

Lesson Plan 3:

Lesson Plan 4:

Lesson Plan 5:

Lesson Plan 6:

Lesson Plan 7:

Lesson Plan 8:

Lesson Plan 9:

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Nivel: Segundo Medio Curso: 2º B Sub-sector de Aprendizaje: Inglés

Número de Horas: 4 hrs

Profesor Guía: Sra. Patricia Guevara Vicuña.Contenidos Competencias Actividades


Transversales (Valores)

Tiempo Aproximado


UNIT V“Describing the



Long and Short Adjectives (regular and irregular)a) Comparativesb) Superlativesc) as …. as


-Vocabulary related to places and people (how to describe and compare).


“Michael Jordan”“A big decision”


“My Love” (song) 2:46’“ Planning a Trip” 1:15’“Fireworks Party” 1:15’

Comprensión Lectora:

Localización de información general y específica.

Comprensión Auditiva:

Localización, a través de audiciones sucesivas, de la información general y algunos detalles.

Síntesis en castellano del contenido informativo del mensaje.

Expresión Oral:

Formulación de preguntas y respuestas solicitando o dando información.

Expresión Escrita:

Redacción de mensajes cortos, gramaticalmente correctos y comunicativamente apropiados.

Comprensión Lectora:

Localiza la idea principal del texto.

Relaciona la información del texto con la realidad y sus intereses particulares.

Comprensión Auditiva:

Reconoce la idea central o el contenido del discurso.

Localiza información general y/ o específica a través de preguntas.

Expresión Oral:

Solicita o da información para realizar tareas o resolver problemas.

Expresión Escrita:

Composición de párrafos cortos relativo a un tema de la unidad.

Valoración y respeto de las diferentes características físicas y psicológicas que hacen a cada persona un ser único e irrepetible.

Conocimiento de las diferentes características que definen los lugares, y como estas mismas afectan y determinan a sus habitantes.

4 semanas (16 sesiones de 45 minutos cada una).

Desde el 2 al 30 de noviembre.

Las evaluaciones se realizarán a partir de los contenidos de la unidad y serán definidas durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

Sin embargo en esta unidad se incluirán:

-Evaluaciones formativas (quizzes).

-Ejercicios y trabajos en clase con nota sumativa (clase a clase).

-Prueba escrita con 60% - 70% de logro (sobre la materia de la unidad).

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Lesson Plans Second Unit

Lesson Plan 1:

Lesson Plan 2:

Lesson Plan 3:

Lesson Plan 4:

Lesson Plan 5:

Lesson Plan 6:

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Learning Materials:

Here are only some of the learning materials I used, because unfortunately I had a problem with my computer and I lost many files.

There is / There are

I) Create a sentence on your notebook for each image using “there +be”.

a) b) c) d)

II) Complete with there is/was or there are/were

1. There ________ five pens on the desk.

2. There ________ many people in the room.

3. There ________ a chair in the closet.

4. There ________ a great war in 1914.

5. There ________ lots of computers in the classroom.

6. There ________ a window in her room.

7. There ________ a big party at school two weeks ago.

8. There ________ an apple in the basket.

9. There ________ a big earthquake in 1985.

10.There ________many kids in the park yesterday.

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III) Look at picture and create questions using the following words and answer them.

1. Mountain2. clouds3. Lion4. Trees5. Flowers6. Stars7. Turtle8. Two cats9. River10.A girl11.Snow12.A house

29 | P a g e

Examples: Are there any mountains in the picture? Yes, there are two mountains

Are there clouds in the sky? No, there aren’t clouds.

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How much vs. How many

1. _____________________animals can you see from here?

2. _____________________tea do you drink every day?

3. _____________________cousins do you have?

4. _____________________dolls does Mary's sister have?

5. _____________________ time do you need for the test?

6. _____________________butter is there on the plate?

7. _____________________money do you have in your pocket?

8. _____________________children are there playing tennis?

9. _____________________coffee is there in the cup?

10._____________________ times must I tell you?

Find out what the mistakes are.

There are much rice in the kitchen

How many problems do he have?

Carla did the homework many times

There were a clouds in the sky yesterday

There aren’t any chocolate in the fridge

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Create the questions for the following answers using how much or how many

How much cheese is there ?

There is half a kilo of cheese.


There are five sausages.


There are three liters of milk


There are two birds.


There are eight eggs.


There are four students.


There are three thousand dollars.

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Renewable Energy Solutions

Today, in Chile, we can find some landmarks that have changed the landscape forever.

So far, there ______ only one wind energy plant in operation, Alto Baguales, in Region XI which provides 19,000 families with ______ of their energy.

Heat is a form of energy and geothermal energy is, literally, the heat contained within the Earth. As we all know, Chile has ______ geysers, volcanoes and hot springs that, if harnessed, would give Chile a rich source of renewable energy. Can you imagine the massive structures that would be built to capture the energy trapped below the ground?

But the most important renewable energy alternative is hydroelectric power. Many Chilean rivers are ideal for the installation of hydroelectric power stations. You might ask then: why not construct more hydroelectric plants and make Chile totally energy self-sufficient?

Hydropower is inexpensive and non-polluting, but the environmental impacts of hydropower can be serious. The most obvious effect is that fish are blocked from moving up and down the river, but there ______ many more problems. When a dam blocks a river, a river habitat is replaced by a lake habitat. While this may not sound so bad it can cause ______ environmental problems. And then there ______ the human factor as well. To build a dam it is necessary to move ______ of the local population that lived in the areas for hundreds of years.

______ there a solution to the energy problem? Probably there ______. But nobody has founded it yet.

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Read and find out what the mistakes are and then compare with your classmate

There are a lot to do in my town. Youneed a lot of time to see all of thesights.

For people who enjoy the outdoorsthere are a lot of parks and muchmarkets to visit.

Sometimes it rains but there are muchmuseums and art galleries to see. Forpeople who don’t like museums whynot go shopping? There are a lot ofgood stores, restaurants and malls.Not many tourists visit our town andthere isn’t too many traffic or muchpollution.

What about where you live? Is theremany to do?

There is a lot to do in my town. Youneed much time to see all of thesights.

For people who enjoy the outdoorsthere are much parks and a lot ofmarkets to visit.

Sometimes it rains but there are lotsof museums and art galleries to see.For people who don’t like museumswhy not go shopping? There is a lot ofgood stores, restaurants and malls.Not a lot of tourists visit our town andthere isn’t too much traffic or manypollution.

What about where you live? Is theremuch to do?

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Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan was the best known basketball player of his time. His career started in the early 1980's, when he played college basketball with the University of North Carolina. Although he was not the tallest or the strongest player, he won the attention of his coach for being an excellent athlete. Probably his most important achievement at that time was scoring the winning basket in the 1983-1984 championship game.

Jordan left college early to join the professional basketball team, the Chicago Bulls. He led the Bulls to the best record in professional basketball history. He was voted the most valuable player five times. Jordan holds several records: the highest scoring average and the most points in a playoff game.

Many people think that Michael Jordan was the most spectacular basketball player of all time. A statue of Michael Jordan in Chicago reads, "The best there ever was. The best there ever will be." Jordan retired from basketball in 1999 at the age of 35.

Jordan's popularity with his fans brought him to the attention of advertisers. Jordan is paid a lot of money to have his name appear on sports products and to appear in TV commercials, making him the highest paid athlete in the world. He is also one of the richest persons in the world. Forbes Magazine in 1997 said that he earned over 78 million dollars that year.

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English Test: “The World around Us”

Name: List nº: _______

Date: Points: _______/43

Objective: identify and use how much/many, some/any and quantifiers in short sentences. Read and comprehend general and specific information.

I) Complete with “there is, there are, there was, there were, is there? or are there?” (9p)

1. ______________ a little dog in the street.

2. ______________ a big party in her house last weekend.

3. Excuse me, _____________ a bank near here? Yes, _____________ one at the end of the street.

4. _____________ a letter for you this morning.

5. How many students___________ in the class?

6. _____________ any fruit in your house?. Yes _____________ two apples and three bananas.

7. _______________ two tests last Friday, one of biology and other of English.

II) Look at picture and create questions using “is there/are there?” with the following words and answer them. (10p)

a) a cow

b) trees

c) a dog

d) flowers

e) a house

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III) Create the questions for the following answers using “how much” or “how many”. (10p)


There are two dolphins.


There is a bar of chocolate.


There is a kilo of bread.


There are many coins in the jar.

_______ _______________________________________________________?

There is some water in the glass.

IV) Complete with “some” or “any”. (7p)

1. There are __________ cookies in the box, but there isn’t __________ cake.

2. Do you have __________ problems with your math homework?

3. Can you lend me __________ of your Harry Potter books for this summer please?

4. I know __________ Japanese, but I don’t speak __________ French.

5. Would you like __________ coffee to drink?

V) Complete with “few, a few, little or a little”. (7p)

1. I’m sorry but I will need ____________ more time to pay the bill.

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2. We are late; we have ____________ time to get to the train station. Hurry up!

3. She can’t keep a secret; that is the reason why she has very ___________ friends.

4. He is an expert on History but he knows very ____________ about mathematics, he is very bad at multiplying.

5. I’ve been to “El Huevo” ____________ times. It’s a good place to dance.

6. Jack is very intelligent; he gave me ____________ ideas that helped me to solve my problems.

7. I usually eat ____________ fruit after my lunch. It is good for your health.


The word recycling implies a cycle happening again and again, and it has to do with extracting the useful materials from solid garbage and reusing the usable substances.

Recycling is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving the environment. Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled.

Many materials such as paper, plastic, metal and glass can be recycled, as well as many other items such as furniture, electronic equipment, building material and vehicles. But not many people think to do so. 24 million homes in the UK have a personal computer and many of them have printers, but only a few of the 65 million printer cartridges that are sold in the UK are recycled.

So, what can you do? There are many ways in which you can help reduce waste.

When shopping at the supermarket, buy products that can be recycled easily such as glass, jars, and tin cans. Prefer rechargeable batteries, they can be reused many times before throwing away, opposed to regular batteries that create unnecessary waste. Switch to more efficient light bulbs and drive little miles in your car, by riding a bike or walking short trips you will save a lot of energy and money and you will also keep slim for the summer.

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Look for some recycling facilities in your community and start recycling. Chances are that you might even make a little extra money.

Answer True (T) or False (F). (5p)

1. ____ Much of the rubbish could be recycled.

2. ____ There are many people that recycle their waste.

3. ____ People do not recycle because it is expensive.

4. ____Few people recycle printer cartridges in the UK

5. ____ Waste, garbage and rubbish have the same meaning.

Answer the following questions: (3)

1. Define what recycling is.

2. Give some of the advantages of recycling.

3. Why rechargeable batteries are better than regular batteries?

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English Test

Name: List nº: _______

Date: Points: _______/47

Objective: Identify and use comparative and superlative adjectives in sentences identifying regular and irregular adjectives.

I) Use the correct COMPARATIVE or SUPERLATIVE form to fill in the following exercises. (11p)

1. My English teacher is _____________________ my history teacher. (friendly)

2. Who is the ___________________ soccer player in the world? (bad)

3. She always gets good grades; she must be the _____________ girl in the class. (intelligent)

4. Lisa is not as ________________ as you (thin)

5. Aconcagua is the ___________________ mountain in South America. (high)

6. Daddy Yankee is _____________________ Don Omar. (famous)

7. This exercise was ____________________ than the previous one. (easy)

8. This computer is not as__________________ as your computer. (expensive)

9. This car was ___________________ in the race. (fast)

10.This house is __________________ my house! (big)

11.This house is _____________________ in the neighborhood. (big)

II) Translate the following sentences into English. (14p)

1. Febrero es el mes más caluroso del año.____________________________________________________________

2. Nueva York es más grande que Santiago.____________________________________________________________

3. El verano es la mejor época del año.____________________________________________________________

4. Inglés es más fácil que matemáticas.____________________________________________________________

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5. Valparaíso es tan bonito como Viña del Mar.____________________________________________________________

6. Punta Arenas es el lugar más lejos que conozco.____________________________________________________________

7. Tu habitación es tan pequeña como la de Sergio. _________________________________________________________________

Good Luck!!

Note: This test did not have reading text because the guide teacher asked me not to do it because it was the end of the semester and she wanted a short test due to the fact the girls had a trip that day and they had to leave school earlier.

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III) Look at the picture and write 4 sentences about the boys using COMPARATIVES. (8p)




IV) Write 3 sentences using SUPERLATIVES. (6p)




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V) Write the opposite of these comparatives. (8p)






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Final PracticumEnglish Pedagogy2009.


1 2 3 4Number of

Blog Entries X

Technology X

Organization and



Quality of Reflective



Evidence of Growth and Understanding


Professionalism X

GUIDELINESPlease see description of indicators in each of the categories. Levels go from 1 to 4Level 1: Poor. Level 2: Needs improvementLevel 3: GoodLevel 4: Very good

Taken and adapted from CTEP, OISE University of Toronto, 2008.