pratiksha singh project

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Success of every project depends largely on the self encouragement and guidance of many others. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the peo ple who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this study project. First of all I would like to thank the Management at  AstroWix india project solutions  private limited for giving me the opportunity to do my Six Weeks Summer Training in their esteemed organization, my Internal Guide Mr.Ashish Trivedi for providing me with valuable advice and endless  supply of new ideas and support for this project. I would also like to thank Mrs. Nischal Goswami (HR -HEAD) for providing practical exposure for the project and his valuable guidance during the project work. And last but not the least I would like to thank my parents who have given me life to feel this  beautiful world and made me able to fulfill my work and responsibilities and I also like to thank the almighty for the invisible and spiritual support. PRATIKSHA SINGH 

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Success of every project depends largely on the self encouragement and guidance of many


I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the

successful completion of this study project.

First of all I would like to thank the Management at AstroWix india project solutions

 private limited for giving me the opportunity to do my Six Weeks Summer Training in their 

esteemed organization, my Internal Guide Mr.Ashish Trivedi for providing me with valuable

advice and endless supply of new ideas and support for this project.

I would also like to thank Mrs. Nischal Goswami (HR -HEAD) for providing practical

exposure for the project and his valuable guidance during the project work.

And last but not the least I would like to thank my parents who have given me life to feel this

 beautiful world and made me able to fulfill my work and responsibilities and I also like to thank 

the almighty for the invisible and spiritual support.


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As an essential and obligatory part of my course, I underwent 45 days Summer Training Program

of Master in Business Administration (M.B.A) degree, in “Head office of AstroWix India”

situated in NOIDA. This training has helped me to get a practical knowledge as an important

suffix to the theoretical knowledge into the business environment. One cannot merely rely on

upon the theoretical knowledge. Classroom Lectures make the fundamental concept of 

management clear. They also facilitate the learning of the practical things. However, class

lectures must be correlated with the practical training situations. It is in the sense that the

  practical training in a company has a significant role to play in the subject of business

management. To develop healthy, managerial and administrative skills in potential managers and

non-managers, it is necessary to contribute to combine the classroom learning with the practical

knowledge of real business environment.

I shall feel suitably rewarded if this project proves helpful to the organization. I have sincerely

worked on the project and hope that at several places this report presents some interesting facts,

which HRD professional will certainly like to explore.



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I, Pratiksha Singh, hereby declare that the project report entitled “Employee Satisfaction

With Recruitment And Selection Policy In AstroWix india project solutions private

limited” has been Written by me in the basis of my summer training at “ AstroWix India

project solutions private limited.” during 25th June 2011 to 12th August 2011 . And has not

submitted anywhere in any manner. It is report, which is based on various interviews and

surveys of the employees of the AstroWix India, conducted during my summer training period

in NOIDA as a student of M.B.A. from:

“Institute of Co-Operative & Corporate Management Research & Training (ICCMRT),



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Table of contents:-

A- Part-1

(i) Introduction about topic

(ii) Introduction about company

B- Part-2

(i) Objective of study

(ii) Research problem

(iii) Problem of study

(iv) Research design

(v) Sampling technique

(vi) Data collection

8- Data interpretation

9- Findings

10- Conclusion and Recommendation

11- Limitations of study

12- Bibliography

13- Annexure

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Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a

 job.For some components of the recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations often

retain professional recruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies.The

recruitment industry has four main types of agencies:employment agencies, recruitment websites

and job search engines, "headhunters" for executive and professional recruitment, and niche

agencies which specialize in a particular area of staffing. Some organizations use employer 

 branding strategy and in-house recruitment instead of agencies. Recruitment-related functions

are generally carried out by an organization's human resources staff.

The stages in recruitment include sourcing candidates by advertising or other methods, screening

 potential candidates using tests and/or interviews, selecting candidates based on the results of the

tests and/or interviews, and on-boarding to ensure the candidate is able to fulfill their new role


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A formal definition states,

“I t is the process of f inding, at tracting, screening and selecting capable

applicants for the employment. The process begins when n ew recruits are

sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The result is a pool of  

applicants from which new employees are selected” . In this , the available

vacancies are given wide publici ty and suitable candidates are encouraged to

submit applications so as to have a pool of el igible can didates for scientif ic



Recruitment means to est imate the available vacancies an d to make suitable

arrangements for their selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as

the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for the jobs, from among

whom the r ight people can be selected.


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According to EDWIN FLIPPO , “Recruitment is the process of searching for  

 prospective employees and st imulating them to apply for jobs in the


“The process of identifying and hiring the best-qualified candidates from within or outside of an

organization for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner.”


Job analysis

The proper start to a recruitment effort is to perform a job analysis, to document the actual or 

intended requirement of the job to be performed. This information is captured in a job discription

and provides the recruitment effort with the boundaries and objectives of the search.

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Sourcing involves 1)advertising, a common part of the recruiting process, often encompassing

multiple media, such as the Internet, general newspapers, job ad newspapers, professional

 publications, window advertisements, job centers, and campus graduate recruitment programs;

and 2)recruiting research, which is the proactive identification of relevant talent who may not

respond to job postings. This initial research for so-called passive prospects, also called name-

generation, results in a list of prospects who can then be contacted to solicit interest, obtain a

resume/CV, and be screened.

Screening and selection

Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication, typing, and

computer skills. Qualifications may be shown through resumes, job applicants interviews,

educational or professional experience, the testimony of references, or in-house testing, such as

for software knowledge, typing skills, numeracy, and literacy, through psychological tests or 

employment testing. Other resume screening criteria may include length of service, job titles and

length of time at a job. In some countries, employers are legally mandated to provide equal

opportunity in hiring. Business management software is used by many recruitment agencies to

automate the testing process. Many recruiters and agencies are using an applicant tracking

system to perform many of the filtering tasks, along with software tools for  psychometric testing.

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On boarding

"On boarding" is a term which describes the process of helping new employees become

 productive members of an organization. A well-planned introduction helps new employees

 become fully operational quickly and is often integrated with a new company and environment.

On boarding is included in the recruitment process for retention purposes. Many companies have

on boarding campaigns in hope to retain top talent that is new to the company; campaigns may

last anywhere from 1 week to 6 months.

Internet recruitment and websites:-

Such sites have two main features: job boards and a résumé/curriculum vitae (CV) database.  Job

 boards allow member companies to post job vacancies. Alternatively, candidates can upload a

résumé to be included in searches by member companies. Websites capture candidate details and

then pool them in client accessed candidate management interfaces (also online). Key players in

this sector provide e-recruitment software and services to organizations of all sizes and within

numerous industry sectors. The online software provided by those who specialize in online

recruitment helps organizations attract, test, recruit, employ and retain quality staff with a

minimal amount of administration.

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Online recruitment websites can be very helpful to find candidates that are very actively looking

for work and post their resumes online, but they will not attract the "passive" candidates who

might respond favorably to an opportunity that is presented to them through other means. Also,

some candidates who are actively looking to change jobs are hesitant to put their resumes on the

 job boards, for fear that their companies, co-workers, customers or others might see their 


Job search engines

The emergence of meta-search engines allows job-seekers to search across multiple websites.

Some of these new search engines index and list the advertisements of traditional job boards.

These sites tend to aim for providing a "one-stop shop" for job-seekers. However, there are many

other job search engines which index solely from employers' websites, choosing to bypass

traditional job boards entirely. These vertical search engines allow job-seekers to find new

 positions that may not be advertised on traditional job boards, and online recruitment websites.

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Recruiting the wrong kind of people can become a serious issue for any company. A definedrecruitment process needs to be followed to ensure that the right person reaches the right place.

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Selection is defined as the process of differentiat ing between applicants in

order to identify (and hire) those with a greater l ikelihood of success in a job.

Selection is basically picking an applicant (from a pool of applicants) who has

the appropriate qualif ication and competency to do the job.


The difference between recruitment and selection:-

Recruitment is , identifying and encouraging prospective employees to apply for  

a job.


Selection is , selecting the r ight candidate from the pool of applicants.

Selection is along process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the

applicants and ending with the contract o f employment.

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Selection is influenced by several factors. More prominent among them are

supply and demand of specif ic skil ls in the labor market , unemployment rate,

labor- market condit ions, legal and poli t ical considerations, compan y’s image,

company’s policy, human resources planning and c ost of hir ing. The last three

consti tute the internal environment and the remaining form the external

environment of selection process.


Selecting a suitable candidate can be the biggest challenge for any organization.

-Selection is the process of discovering the qualification & characteristics of the top applicant in

order to establish their likely suitability for the job position.

-A good selection requires a methodological approach to the problem of finding the best matched

 person for the job.


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“The process of interviewing and evaluating candidates for a specific job and selecting an

individual for employment based on certain criteria. Employee selection can range from a very

simple process to a very complicated process depending on the firm hiring and the position.

Certain employment laws such as anti-discrimination laws must be obeyed during employee


“Selection is the process of gathering information about candidates on the staff and the most

suitable choice for the vacant position. Selection is made among the candidates obtained as a

result of recruitment carried out.”



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STEP 1: -


The applicants received from job seekers would be subject to scrutiny so

as to el iminate unqualif ied applicants. This is usually followed by a

 preliminary interview the purpose o f which is more or less the same as scrutiny

of application, that is , el iminate of unqualif ied applicants. Scrutiny enables the

HR specialists to el iminate unqualif ied jobseekers based on the information

supplied in their application forms. Preliminary interview, on the other hand,

helps reject misfi ts for reason, which did not appear in the application forms.

Besides, preliminary interview, often called ‘courtesy interview’, is a good

 public relat ion exercise.

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STEP 2: -


Job seekers who pass the screening and the preliminary interview are called for  

tests . Different types of tests may be administered, depending on the job and

the company. Generally, tests are used to determine the applicant’s abil i ty,

apti tude and personali ty.

The following are the type of tests taken: -

1). Ability tests: -

Assist in determining how well an individual can perform tasks related to

the job. An excellent i l lustrat ion of this is the typing tests given to a

 prospective employer for secretarial job. Also called as ‘ACHEIVEMENT


I t is concerned with what one has accomplished. When applicant claims

to know something, an achievement test is taken to measure how well they

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know it . Trade tests are the most common type of achievement test given.

Questions have been prepared and tested for such trades as asbestos worker,

 punch-press operators, electr icians and machinists . There are, o f course, many

unstandardised achievement tests given in industr ies, such as typing or  

dictat ion tests for an applicant for a stenographic posit ion.

2). Aptitude test: -

Aptitude tests measure whether an individuals has the capacity or latent abil i ty

to learn a given job if given adequ ate training. The use of apti tude test is

advisable when an applicant has had l i t t le or no experience along the l ine of 

the job opening. Apti tudes tests help determine a person’s po tential to learn in

a given area. An example o f such test is the general management apti tude tests

(GMAT), which many business students take prior to gaining admission to a

graduate business school programme.

Aptitude test indicates the abil i ty or f i tness of an individual to engage

successfully in any number of specialized activit ies. They cover such areas

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clerical apti tude, numerical apti tude, mechanical apti tude, motor co-ordination,

f inger dexteri ty and manual dexteri ty. These tests help to detect posit ive

negative points in a person’s sensory or intel lectual abil i ty. They focus

attention on a part icular type of talent such as learning or reasoning in respect

of a part icular f ield of work.

Forms of aptitude test:-

1. Mental or intelligence tests:

They measure the overall intel lectual abil i ty of a person and enable to know

whether the person has the mental abil i ty to deal with certain problems.

2.Mechanical aptitude tests:-

They measure the abil i ty of a person to learn a part icular type of mechanical

work. These tests helps to measure specialized technical know ledge and

 problem solving abil i t ies if the c andidate. They are useful in selection of mechanics, maintenance workers, etc.

3.Psychomotor or skills tests: -

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They are those, which measure a person’s abil i ty to do a specif ic job. Such

tests are conducted in respect of semi- skil led and repeti t ive jobs such as

 packing, test ing and inspection, etc.

3). Intelligence test:-

 Now days G.K. Tests are very common to f ind g eneral awareness of the

candidates in the f ield of sports , poli t ics, world affairs , current affairs .

4). Perception Test:-

At t imes perception tests can be conducted to f ind ou t beliefs , at t i tudes, and

mental sharpness.etc.

5). Graphology Test:-

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I t is designed to analyze the handwrit ing of individual . I t has been said that an

individual’s handwrit ing can suggest the degree of energy, inhibit ion and

spontaneity, as well as disclose the idiosyncrasies and elements of balance and

control . For example, big let ters and emphasis on capital let ters indicate a

tendency towards domination and competi t iveness. A slant to the r ight ,

moderate pressure and good legibil i ty show leadership potential .

6). Polygraph Test:-

Polygraph is a l ie detector , which is designed to ensure accuracy of the

information given in the applications. Department store, banks, treasury offices

and jewellery shops, that is , those highly vulnerable to theft or swindling may

find polygraph tests useful .


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7). Medical Test:-

I t reveals physical f i tness of a candidate. With the development of technology,

medical tests have become diversif ied. Medical servicing helps measure an d

monitor a candidate’s physical resi l ience upon exposure to h azardous

chemicals .

This test helps to evaluate trai ts of intel l igence. Mental abil i ty, presence of 

mind (alertness) , numerical abil i ty, memory and such other aspects can be


The intel l igence is probably the most widely administered standardized test in

industry. I t is taken to judge numerical , skil ls , reasoning, memory and such

other abil i t ies.

8). Interest Test:-

This is conducted to f ind out l ikes and disl ikes of candidates towards

occupations, hobbies, etc. such tests indicate which occupations are more in

line with a person’s interest . Such tests also enable the company to provide

vocational guidance to the selected candidates and even to the exist ing


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These tests are used to measure an individual’s activity preferences. These

tests are part icularly useful for students considering many careers or  

employees deciding upon career changes.


9). Personality Test:-

The importance of personali ty to job success is undeniable. Often an individual

who possesses the intel l igence, apti tude and experience for certain has fai led

 because of inabil i ty to g et along with and motivate other people.

I t is conducted to judge maturi ty, social or interpersonal skil ls , behavior under 

stress and strain, etc. this test is very much essential on case of selection of 

sales force, public relat ion staff , etc. where personali ty plays an important


Personali ty tests are similar to interest tests in that they, also, involve a

serious problem of obtaining an honest answer.

10). Projective Test:-

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This test requires interpretat ion of problems or si tuations. For example, a

 photograph or a picture can be shown to the candidates and they are asked to

give their views, and opinions about the picture.

11). General knowledge Test:-


The test must be chosen in the cri ter ia of rel iabil i ty, validity, objectivity and

Standardization. They are: -


I t refers to standardization of the procedure of administering and scoring the

test results . A person who takes tests one day and makes a certain score should

 be able to take the same test the next day or the next week and make more or  

less the same score. An individual’s intel l igence, for example, is generally a

stable characterist ic. So if we administer an intel l igence test , a person who

scores 110 in March would score close to 110 if tested in July. Tests , which

 produce wide variat ions in results , serve l i t t le purpose in selection.

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I t is a test , which helps predict whether a person will be successful in a given

 job. A test that has been validated can be helpful in differentiat ing between

 prospective employees who w ill be able to perform the job well and those who

will not . Naturally, no test wil l be 100% accurate in predicting job success. A

validated test increases possibil i ty of success.

There are three ways of validating a test . They are as follows:-

1). Concurrent Validity :-

This involves determining the factors that are Characterist ics of successful

employees and then using these factors as the Yardsticks.

2). Predictive Validity:- 

I t involves using a selection test during the selection process and then

identifying the successful candidates. The characterist ics of both successful

and less successful candidates are then identif ied.

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3). Synthetic Validity:- 

I t involves taking parts of several s imilar jobs rather than one complete job to

validate the selection test .


When two or more people can interpret the result of the same test and derive

the same conclusion(s) , the test is said to be objective. Otherwise, the test

evaluators’ subjective opinions may render the test useless.


A test that is s tandardized is administered under standard condit ion to a

large group of person who are representatives of the individuals for  

whom it is intended. The purpose of standardization is to obtain norms or 

standard, so that a specif ic test score can be meaningful when compared

to other score in the group .

 STEP 3:-

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The next step in the selection process is an interview. Interview is formal, in-

depth conversation conducted to ev aluate the applicant’s acceptabil i ty. I t is

considered to be excellent selection device. I t is face-to-face exchange of 

view, ideas and opinion between the candidates and interviewers. Basically,

interview is nothing but an oral examination of candidate s. Interview can be

adapted to unskil led, skil led, managerial and p rofession employees.

Objectives of interview:-

Interview has at least three objectives and they are a follows:-

1) Helps obtain addit ional information from the applicants.

2) Facil i tates giving general information to the applicants such as company

 policies, job, p roducts manufactured.

3) Helps build the company’s image among the applican ts.


Types of interview: -

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Interviews can be of different types. There interviews employed by the


Following are the various types of interview:-

1) Informal Interview:-

An informal interview is an oral interview and may take place anywhere. The

employee or the manager or the personnel manager may ask a few almost

inconsequential questions l ike name, place of b ir th, names of relat ives etc.

ei ther in their respective offices or anywhere outside the plant of company. I t

not planned and nobod y prepares for i t . This is used widely when the labor 

market is t ight and when you need workers badly.

2) Formal Interview:-

Formal interviews may be held in the employment office by he employment

office in a more formal atmosphere, with the help of well s tructured questions,

the t ime and place of the interview will be st ipulated by the employment


3) Non-directive Interview: -

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 Non-directive interview or unstructured interview is designed to let the

interviewee speak his mind freely. The interviewer has no formal or directive

questions, but his al l at tention is to the candidate. He enco urages the candidate

to talk by a l i t t le prodding whenever he is s i lent e.g. “Mr. Ray, please tel l us

about yourself after you’re graduated from high school”.

The idea is o give the candidate complete freedom to “sell” himself , without

the encumbrances of the interviewer’s question. But the interviewer must be of 

higher caliber and must guide and relate the information given by the applicant

to the objective of the interview.

4) Depth Interview:-

I t is designed to intensely examine the candidate’s background and thinking

and to go into considerable detai l on pa rt icular subjects of an important nature

and of special interest to the candidates. For example, if the can didate says

that he is interested in tennis, a series of questions may be asked to test the

depth of understanding and interest of the can didate. These probing questions

must be asked with tact and through exhau stive analysis; i t is possible to get a

good picture of the candidate.

5) Stress Interview:-

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I t is designed to test the candidate and his condu ct and behavior by him under 

condit ions of stress and strain. The interviewer may start with “Mr. Joseph, we

do not think your qualif ications and experience are adequate for this posit ion,’

and watch the reaction of the cand idates. A good candidates will not yield, on

the contrary he may substantiate why he is qualif ied to handle the job. This

type of interview is borrowed from the Mili tary organization and this is very

useful to test behavior of individuals when they are faced with disagreeable

and trying si tuations.

6) Group Interview: -

I t is designed to s a v e busy executive’s t ime and to see how the ca ndidates may

 be brought together in the employment office and they may be interviewed.

7) Panel Interview:-

A panel or interviewing board or selection committee may interview the

candidate, usually in the case of supervisory and managerial po sit ions. This

type of interview pools the collective judgment and wisdom of the panel in the

assessment of the candidate and also in questioning the facu lt ies of the


8)  Sequential Interview: - 

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The sequential interview takes the one-to-one a step further and involves a

series of interview, usually uti l izing the strength and knowledgebase of each

interviewer, so that each interviewer can ask questions in relat ion to his or her  

subject area of each candidate, as the candidate moves from room to room.

9) Structures Interview:-

In a structured interview, the interviewer uses preset s tandardized questions,

which are put to al l the interviewees. This interview is also called as ‘Guided’

or ‘Patterned’ interview. I t is useful for valid results , especially when dealing

with the large number of applicants.

10) Unstructured Interview: -

I t is also known as ‘Unpatterned’ interview, the interview is largely unplanned

and the interviewee does most of the talking. Un guided interview is

advantageous in as much as i t leads to a fr iendly conv ersation between the

interviewer and the interviewee and in the proce ss, the later reveals more of 

his or her desire and problems. But the Unpatterned interview lacks uniformity

and worse, this approach may overlook key areas of the applicant’s skil ls or  

 background. I t is useful when the interviewer tr ies to probe personal detai ls o f  

the candidate i t analyze why they are not r ight for the job.

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11) Mixed Interview:-

In practice, the interviewer while interviewing the job seekers uses a blend of 

structured and structured and unstructured questions. This approach is called

the Mixed Interview. The structured questions provide a base of interview more

conventional and permit greater insights into the unique differences between


12) Impromptu Interviews :-

This interview commonly occurs when employers are approached d irectly and

tends to be very informal and unstructured. Applicants should be prepared at

al l t imes for on-the-spot interviews, especially in si tuations such as a job fair  

or a cold call . I t is an ideal t ime for employers to ask the candidate some basic

questions to determine whether he/she may be interested in formally

interviewing the candidate.


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13) Dinner Interviews:-

These interviews may be structured, informal, or social ly si tuated, such as in a

restaurant. Decide what to eat quickly, some interviewers will ask you to order 

f irst (do not appear indecisive) . Avoid potential ly such as spaghett i . Be

 prepared for the co nversation to abruptly change from friendly chat to direct

interview questions, however, do not underestimate the value of casual

discussion, some employers place a great value on i t . Be prepa red to switch

gears rapidly, from fun talk to business talk.

14) Telephone Interviews:-

Have a copy of your resume and any points you want to remember to say

nearby. If you are on your home telephone, make sure that al l roommates or  

family members are aware of the interview (no loud stereos, barking dogs etc.) .

Speak a bit s lower than usual . I t is crucial that you convey your enthusiasm

verbally, s ince the interviewer cannot see your face. If there are pau ses, do not

worry; the interviewer is l ikely just taking some notes.

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15) Second Interviews:-

Job seekers are invited back after they have passed the f irst ini t ial interview.

Middle or senior management generally conducts the seco nd interview,

together or separately. Applicants can expect more in-depth questions, and the

employer will be expecting a greater level of preparation o n the part of the

candidates. Applicants should continue to research the employer following the

first interview, and be prepared to use any information gained through the

 previous interview to their advantage.

 STEP 4:-


Many employers request names, addresses, and telephone numbers of  

references for the purpose of verifying information and perhaps, gaining

addit ional background information on an applicant. Although l is ted on the

application form, references are not usually checked un ti l an applicant has

successfully reached the fourth stage of a sequential selection process. When

the labor market is very t ight , organizations sometimes hire applicants before

checking references.

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Previous employers, known as public f igures, universi ty professors, neighbors

or fr iends can act as references. Previous employers are preferable because

they are already aware of the applicant’s performance. But, the p roblem with

this reference is the tendency on the part of the previous e mployers to over-

rate the applicant’s performance just to get r id of the person.

Organizations normally seek let ters of reference or telephone references. The

latter is advantageous because of i ts accuracy and low co st . The telephone

reference also has the advantage of solici t ing immediate, relat ively cand id

comments and att i tude can sometimes be inferred from hesitat ions and

inflections in speech. I t may be stated that the information gathered through

references hardly influence selection decisions.

 The reasons are obvious:-

1. The candidate approaches on ly those persons who would speak well

about him or her .

2. People may write favorably about the candidate in order to g et r id of  

him or her .

3. People may not l ike to divulge the truth about a candidate, lest i t might

damage or ruin his/her career .

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STEP 5:-



After obtaining information through the preceding steps, selection decision- the

most cri t ical of al l the steps- must be made. The other stages in the selection

 process have been used to narrow the number of the candidates. The f inal

decision has to be made the pool of individuals who pass the tests , interviews

and reference checks.

The view of the l ine manager will be gen erally considered in the f inal selection

 because i t is he/she w ho is responsible for the performance of the new

employee. The HR manager plays a crucial role in the f inal selection.

STEP 6:-



After the selection decision and before the job offer is made, the candidate is

required to undergo a physical f i tness test . A job offer is , often, contingent

upon the candidate being declared f i t af ter the physical examination.

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The results of the medical f i tness test are recorded in a statement and are

 preserved in the pe rsonnel records.There are several objectives behind a

  physical test. Obviously, one reason for a physical test is to detect if the

individual carr ies any infectious disease . Secondly, the test assists in

determining whether an applicant is physically f i t to perform the work.

Thirdly, the physical examination information can be used to d etermine if  

there are certain physical capabil i t ies, which differentiate successful and less

successful employees . Fourth , medical check-up protects applicants with

health defects from undertaking work that could be detr imental to them or 

might otherwise endanger the employer’s property. Finally, such an

examination will protect the employer from workers compensation claims that

are not valid because the injuries or i l lness were present when the employee

was hired.

 STEP 7:-


The next step in the selection process is job offer to those applicants who have

crossed al l the previous hurdles. Job offer is made through a let ter of  

appointed. Such a let ter generally contains a date by which the appointee must

report on duty. The appointee must be g iven reasonable t ime for reporting.

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This is part icularly necessary when he or she is already in employment, in

which case the appointee is required to obtain a rel ieving cert if icate from the

 previous employer. Again, a new job may require movement to another ci ty,

which means considerable preparation, and movement of property.

The company may also want the individual to delay the date of reporting on

duty. If the new employee’s f irst job upon joining the company is to go on

company unti l perhaps a week before such training b egins. Naturally, this

 practice cannot be abused, especially if the individual is unemployed and does

not have sufficient f inances.

Decency demands that the rejected applicants be informed about their non-

selection. Their applicants may be preserved for future use, if any. I t needs no

emphasis that the applications of selected candidates must also be preserved

for the future references.

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 STEP 8:-


After the job offer has been made and cand idates accept the offer , certain

documents need to be executed by the employer and the candidate. One such

document is the at testat ion form. This form contains vital detai ls about the

candidate, which are authentic at tested by him/her. Attestat ion form will be a

valid record for the future reference. There is also a need for preparing a

contract of employment. The basic information that should be included in a

writ ten contract of employment will vary according to the level of the job, but

The following checklist sets out the typical headings:-

1.Job tit le

2. Duties , including a parse such as “The employee will perform such du ties

and will be responsible to such a person, as the co mpany may from time to t ime


3. Date when continuous employment starts and the basis for calculating


4. Rate of pay, allowance, overt ime and shif t rates, method of payments.

5. Hours of work  including lunch break and overt ime an d shif t arrangements.

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6. Holiday arrangements: -

i) Paid holidays per year.

ii) Calculation of holiday pay.

iii) Qualifying period.

iv) Accrual of holidays and holiday pay.

v) Details of holiday year.

vi) Dates when holidays can be taken.

vii) Maximum holiday that can be take at any one t ime.

viii) Carry over of holiday enti t lement.

ix) Public holidays.

7. Length of notice due to and from employee.

8. Grievances procedure (or reference to i t) .

9. Disciplinary procedure (or any reference to i t) .

10. Work rules (or any reference to them).

11. Arrangements for terminating employment.

12. Arrangements for union membership ( if applicable) .

13. Special terms relat ing to r ights to patents and designs, confidential

information and restraints on trade after termination of employment.

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14. Employer’s r ight to vary terms of the contract subject to proper 

notif ication being given. Alternatively called employment agreements or  

simply bonds, contracts of employment serve many useful purposes. Such

contracts seek to restrain job-hoppers, to protect knowledge an d information

that might be vital to a company’s healthy bottom line and to preve nt

competi tors from poaching highly valued employees. Most employers insist on

agreements being signed by newly hired employees. But high turnov er sectors

such as software, advert ising and media are more prone to use contracts . The

drawback with the contracts is that i t is almost to enforce them. A determined

employee is bound to leave the organ ization, contract or no contract . The

employee is prepared to pay the penalty for breaching the ag reement or the new

employer will provide compensations. I t is the reason that several companies

have scrapped the contracts al together.

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STEP 9:-


Contrary to popular perception, the selection process will not end with

executing the employment contract . There is another step – amore sensit ive one

reassuring those candidates who have not selected, not because of any serious

deficiencies in their personali ty, but because their profi le did not match the

requirement of the organization. They must be told that those wh o were

selected were done purely on relat ive merit .

STEP 10:-



The broad test of the effectiveness of the selection process is the quali ty of the

 personnel hired. An o rganization must have competent and committed

 personnel. The selection process, i f properly done, w il l ensure availabil i ty of  

such employees. How to evaluate the effectiveness of a selection programme?

A periodic audit is the answer. People who work independ ent of HR department

must conduct audit .

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Four Approaches to Selection:-

1). Ethnocentric Selection:-

In this approach, s taff ing decisions are made at the organization’s

headquarters . Subsidiaries have l imited autonomy, and the employees from the

headquarters at home and abroad fi l l key jobs. Nationals from the p arent

country dominate the organizations at home and abroad.

2). Polycentric Selection:-

In polycentric selection, each subsidiary is treated as a dist inct national enti ty

with local control key f inancial targets and investment decisions. Local

cit izens manage subsidiaries, but the key jobs remain with staff from the parent

country. This is the approach, which is largely practiced in our cou ntry.

3). Regiocentric Selection:-

Here, control within the group and the movements of staff are managed on a

regional basis, reflecting the particular disposition of business and operations

within the group.

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Regional managers have greater discretion in de cision. Movement of staff is

largely restricted to specific geographical regions and promotions to the jobs

continue to be dominated b y managers from the parents company.

4). Geocentric Staffing:-

In this case, business strategy is integrated thoroughly on global basis . Staff  

development and promotion are ba sed on abil i ty, not nationali ty. The broad and

other parts of the top management structure are thoroughly international in

composit ion. Needless to say, such organisations are uncommon.

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ASTROWIX, India project solutions

private ltd.

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 Since inception on April 1999 in Pennsylvania, USA, AstroWix; has been exclusively working

in Project, Program and Portfolio Management domain. Our decade long journey has led us to

deliver world class business solutions to some of the leading global Fortune 500 companies to

overcome organizational challenges and deliver success on the most complex and critical


Success has been witnessed by clients like the Aero  jet Corporation, California Casualty,

Cupertino Electric, Stanford University, Payment One, Jelly Belly Candy Company,

Cisco, Dell, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Oracle, Wipro, Reliance, Robert Bosch, Ford, Hero

Honda, Airtel, Aircel, MTS, NSN, Nokia, ONGC, HPCL, NISG and various other private and

 public sector organizations. Our core competencies include: Project, Program and Portfolio

Management; Business Analysis; ITIL® / IT Service Management and Lean Six Sigma.

AstroWix founder, Upendra Giri, recipient of prestigious Eric Jennet Project Management

Excellence Award from the Project Management Institute, USA, had a vision not only to

deliver excellence in project management but deliver business excellence by leveraging portfolio

management framework. Our services range from helping organizations select and execute right

Projects based on a qualified set of business requirements to effectively Drive Business value

and achieve Measurable Competitive Advantage. Our services are designed to architect the right

 process, provide you the right people, and implement the right tool for improved business

execution. AstroWix is a Gold Certified Partner of Microsoft and a Registered Education

Provider of PMI®,, USA since 2002.

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The name AstroWix has been derived from the fact that the current era is been driven and

influenced by technology. AstroWix stands for Astronomical World Wide Information

Exchange. Our Logo reflects the importance of technology in empowering the work.


At AstroWix, we believe, that “FOCUS " is essential for success of any business initiative. Our 

approach keeps that focus on outcome, keeping in mind your current program status and the

desired state which results in performance improvement strategies tailored specifically to your 

unique business needs.

“INTEGRITY” is foremost in our corporate philosophy and an AstroWix employee's word is

our corporate bond. So when an employee speaks for AstroWix, the company delivers on that


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AstroWix was founded in the year 1999, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA by Upendra Giri,

PMP®, the Trustee and Founder of Project Management Institute (PMI®) North India Chapter and

the recipient of Eric Jennet Project Management Excellence Award by PMI® in 2009 for 

outstanding contribution in Project Management. Today with its Global Corporate office in

Virginia, headquarter in Noida and branch offices in Bangalore and Mumbai. AstroWix, is

one of the most trusted Program and Project Management Solutions Company worldwide.

Throughout the past decade, we have been providing our clients with business driven solutions

for sustainable results on a large number of projects and programs. Through our creativity and

vision, we have brought out alteration and revolution on the project management front. By

designing innovative processes and helping execute them with the right technology, we have

helped organizations excel in the changing economic and business scenarios. Over the years

AstroWix has diversified its portfolio to drive the overall improvement of organizations with a

strong adherence to the project management principles and norms.


1- Project management.

2- Business analysis.

3- Service management.

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1-To analyze the awareness and job related satisfaction level of employees.

2- To study the various source of recruitment.

3-To find out the important factors of job related satisfaction


(a)-Does the recruitment process, followed in organization, provide most appropriate person

for the particular job OR not?

It’s very necessary to have right person at right job/place for the success of any organization. It

means, the person, company is recruiting, must fulfill the eligibility criteria of that particular job,

must have the skills needed for the job and most above, interest, So that it can increase the

 productivity of organization.

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(b)-Are employees satisfied with the recruitment process of organization?

Employee satisfaction is a very important aspect for every firm, because if employees are

dissatisfied with the by-laws and processes, followed in the organization, they will lack 

their interest in organization and their efficiency will be affected. They will either leave

the organization or will not concentrate on the organizational motive.

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Research Methodology

Research in common refers to a search for knowledge. Research can also define as a

systematic & scientific search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact it is

art of scientific investigation.

“Systematic effort to gain new knowledge”



Research methodology is a careful investigation or inquiry in systematic manner and finding

solution to a problem under investigation. It accompanies of defining and redefining problems

formulating hypothesis or reaching conclusion and at last carefully testing the conclusion to

determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. My research methodology has a specific

framework for collecting the data in an effective manner. I have taken two types of data into

consideration e.g. Primary data and secondary data.

My major emphasis is on gathering the primary data. The secondary data will be used to more

things clear.

Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as a

scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic.

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Research can be classified as:

1-Exploratory research 2- Constructive research 3- Empirical research

Exploratory research

Exploratory research provides insights into and comprehension of an issue or situation. It should

draw definitive conclusions only with extreme caution. Exploratory research is a type of research

conducted because a problem has not been clearly defined. Exploratory research helps determine

the best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects. Given its fundamental

nature, exploratory research often concludes that a perceived problem does not actually exist.

Exploratory research often relies on secondary research such as reviewing available literature

and/or data, or qualitative approaches such as informal discussions with consumers, employees,

management or competitors, and more formal approaches through in-depth interviews, focus

groups, projective methods, case studies or pilot studies. The Internet allows for research

methods that are more interactive in nature.

Constructive research

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Constructive research is perhaps the most common computer science research method. This type

of approach demands a form of validation that doesn’t need to be quite as empirically based as in

other types of research like exploratory research.

Empirical research

Empirical research is research that derives its data by means of direct observation or experiment,

such research is used to answer a question or test a hypothesis (e.g. "Does something such as a

type of medical treatment work?"). The results are based upon actual evidence as opposed to

theory or conjecture; as such they can be replicated in follow-up studies.

Other Types of Researches:

Primary Research

Primary research (also called field research) involves the collection of data that does not already

exist, which is research to collect original data. Primary Research is often undertaken after the

researcher has gained some insight into the issue by collecting secondary data. This can be

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through numerous forms, including questionnaires, direct observation and telephone interviews

amongst others. This information may be collected in things like questionnaires and interviews.

There are basic approaches to data collections using primary methods:

1- Qualitative research

2- Quantitative research


Quantitative research refers to the systematic empirical investigation of quantitative properties

and phenomena and their relationships. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and

employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. The process

of measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides the fundamental

connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative



Qualitative research is a method of inquiry appropriated in many different academic disciplines,

traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research and further contexts. Qualitative

researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that

govern such behavior. The qualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making,

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not just what, where, when. Hence, smaller but focused samples are more often needed, rather 

than large samples.

Secondary Research:-

(Also known as desk research) involves the summary, collation and/or synthesis of existing

research rather than primary research, where data is collected from, for example, research

subjects or experiments.

The term is widely used in market research and in medical research. The principal methodology

in medical secondary research is the systematic review, commonly using meta-analytic statistical


Research Design:-


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“Research design is an arrangement of conditions for collections and analysis of data in a manner 

that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.” The design

includes an outline of what the researcher will do from writing the hypothesis and its operational

implications to the final analysis the data.

Data Collection Method:-

Data collection is a basic step and of vital importance. On which success or failure of the study

depends. All researchers can tap into two sources of data.

Primary Data

Secondary Data

Primary Data:-

Primary data are obtained by a study specifically designed to fulfill the data needs of the problem

at hand. Such data are original in character. These data are raw material. They are the

measurement observed and recorded as a part of original study. They are original in character.

The investigator or researcher directly collects this data. The basic form of obtaining this data is

 by observing and questioning.The Primary data was a detailed interview schedule with the help

of a detailed questionnaire. The samples were drawn purposively from various areas for the

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relevance of study. Discussions were held with the general, branch manager and executives of 

the company to design and execute the research.


Secondary data is readymade data. It is always ready to use. It is gathered by the sources like

 books, internet and the research conducted in past.


Areas : AstroWix India project solutions private limited

Research Design : Exploratory and descriptive

Sources of Information : Primary Data, Secondary Data

Data collection Method : Structured Non Disguised


Types of questions Used : Open Ended, Multiple Choice

Target Group : Employees of AstroWix india.

Sampling Method : Judgemental and convenient Sampling

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Sample Size : 50 respondents

The primary data was collected by using the questionnaire method.

Statistical Tools Used:-

Data is collected and analyzed by using:

Pie chart



1- Awareness with recruitment policy.

Yes No

No. of respondents 25 25

percentage 50% 50%

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According to the survey, I have found that only 50% of respondents know about the recruitment policy. Although they know about the recruitment process but not about the policies of company

regarding recruitment.

2- Employee satisfaction with recruitment policy.



No. of 



percentage 30%










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40% of employees are satisfied with recruitment policy.

30% of employees are highly satisfied with recruitment policy.

20% of employees are neutral.

10% of employees are dissatisfied.

3- Recruitment policy is able to select suitable candidates for company.

Yes No

No. of respondents 40 10

Percentage 80% 20%

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80% of respondents say that recruitment policy of company is able to select suitable candidatefor company. But here, 20% are not in the favor of recruitment policy.

4- Internal sources of recruitment will stop the introduction of fresh talent in organization.



agree neutral Disagree Strongly


No. of 


10 20 10 5 5

percentage 20% 40% 20% 10% 10%

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60% of respondents are agree on the statement that internal recruitment will stop the introduction

of fresh talent in organization, in which 20%- strongly agree. 40%- agree. And 20%- neutral.

10%- disagree. 10%- strongly disagree.

5- Employees are aware about the job obligation and responsibilities.



Agree neutral Disagree Strongly


No. of 


5 25 15 5 0

Percentage 10% 50% 30% 10%

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All the employees of organization are aware with their job obligations and responsibilities.

60% respondents are agree with this statement. In which, agree- 50%. Strongly agree- 10%.

 Neutral- 30%. Disagree- 10%.

6- HR department is able to solve problems of employees.



agree neutral Disagree Strongly


No. of 


5 35 10 0 0

Percentage 10% 70% 20% 0% 0%

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As the result of the survey i have found that HR department of company is very sound and able

to solve the problems of employees.

Agree- 70%. Strongly agree- 10%. Neutral- 20%

7- Important factors for doing good job in AstroWix India.

Factors Ranking

Increased pay and



Support from



A crew that work 

well as a team


Effective leadership 4

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Safe working




Factors Respondents responses

1st Rank  2nd Rank  3rd Rank  4th Rank 5th Rank 

Increased pay

and benefits

31 11 5 4 0

Support frommanagement

9 33 3 3 1

A crew that

work well as

a team

5 3 39 2 11



4 2 2 40 9

Safe workingenvironment

0 1 1 1 29


62% of respondents gave 1st rank to pay and benefits.

66% of respondents gave 2nd rank to support from management.

78% of respondents gave 3rd rank to crew that work well as a team.

8-a- Important factors of job related sources of satisfaction.

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60% of respondents gave 1st rank to job security and working condition.

50% of respondents gave 2nd rank to pay and benefits.

42% of respondents gave 3rd rank to recognition for work.

b- Important factors of job related sources of dissatisfaction.

Factors Ranking

Job security 1

Fringe benefits and salary 2

Too much work 3

Lack of status 4

Promotion opportunity 5


Factors Respondents responses

1st Rank  2nd Rank  3rd Rank  4th Rank 5th Rank 

Job security 30 12 10 9 0

Fringe benefits and

7 25 9 11 1

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Too much


5 6 21 10 11

Lack of status 5 4 6 19 9


3 3 4 1 29


60% of respondents gave 1st rank to job security.

50% of respondents gave 2nd

rank to fringe benefits and salary.42% of respondents gave 3rd rank to too much work load.

9- Career development is important for employee satisfaction.

Yes No

No. of respondents 45 5

Percentage 90% 10%

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90% of respondents say that career development is the important aspect of employeesatisfaction.

Yes- 90%. No- 10%.

10- Career opportunities at AstroWix.

Excellent Good No opinion Average Poor

No. of 


5 25 10 10 0

Percentage 10% 50% 20% 20% 0%

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Career opportunities are really fine at AstroWix, India

Good- 50%. Excellent- 10%. No opinion- 20%. Average- 20%.

11- Job is giving sense of accomplishment.


Agree Neutral Disagree Stronglydisagree

No. of 


4 30 11 5 0

Percentage 8% 60% 22% 10% 0%

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According to the survey, employees feel the sense of accomplishment with their job at AstroWix,India.

Agree- 60%. Strongly agree- 8%. Neutral- 22%. Disagree- 10%.

12- Employees receive recognition for their work.

Stronglyagree Agree Neutral Disagree Stronglydisagree

No. of 


2 5 13 25 5

Percentage 4% 10% 26% 50% 10%

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After the survey, I have found that employees sometime receive recognition for their work.

So it can be the cause of dissatisfaction.

Disagree- 50%. Strongly disagree- 10%. Neutral- 26%. Agree- 4%. Strongly agree- 4%.


13- Absence from work in the month of may.

Zero 1 - 2 2 - 3 3 – 4 4 and above

No. of 


20 23 5 2 0

Percentage 40% 46% 10% 4% 0%









Disagree 50%

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Employees are satisfied and love their work in this company. So there are less no. of absentees.

Zero times- 40%. One-Two times- 46%. Two-Three times- 10%. Three-Four times- 4%. Four and above- 0%.

14- Extent till, top level management understand the problems of employees.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

 No. of 


0 2 5 15 25 3 0

Percentage 0% 4% 10% 30% 50% 6% 0%

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According to the study, I have found that top level management understand the problems of 

employees. 50% of respondents opted the 5 at scale.

30%- 4. 10%- 3. 4%- 2. 6%- 6.

15- Extent till, communication of superiors and sub-ordinates motivates employees for

meeting organizational goals.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

No. of 


0 3 8 25 12 2 0

Percentage 0% 6% 16% 50% 24% 4% 0%

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Company communication motivates the employees for increasing the productivity of organization. But not for the standard extent.

50%- 4. 24%- 5. 16%- 3. 6%- 2. 4%- 6.


1- Only 50% employees know about the recruitment policy of company.

2- Most of the employees are satisfied with the recruitment policy.

3- 60% of respondents think that internal recruitment will stop the introduction of fresh

talent in organization.

4- HR department of company is very sound and always ready to solve the problems of 



0% 2









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5- Increased pay and benefits is the most important factor for doing good job in


6- Top three sources of job related satisfaction among employees are-

1- Job security and working condition.

2- Pay and fringe benefits

3- Recognition by others.

7- Top three sources of job related dissatisfaction among employees are-

1- Job security.

2- Pay and fringe benefits.

3- Too much work 

I have found by this report that monitory incentives play very important role in employee



This presents the summary of the study and survey done in relation to the employee satisfaction

with recruitment and selection practices in AstroWix,India. The conclusion is drawn from the

study and the survey of the company regarding the recruitment and selection process carried out


The recruitment process at AstroWix is very good and able to select suitable employee for 

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company whose skills really fit into the company’s values.

Most of the employees are satisfied with the recruitment and selection practices but changes are

required according to the changing scenario as recruitment process has a great impact on the

working of the company as a fresh blood, new idea enters in the company.

Selection process is good but it should also be modified according to the requirements and job

 profile. So that main objective of selecting the right candidate could be achieved.

And very important, money plays the vital role for doing good job in AstroWix, India.

Pay and fringe benefits is one of the top three sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Other sources are job security and working condition, recognition by others, and too much

work pressure.


Being an M.B.A student I would like to recommend that:--

Man power requirement in each department in the company should be identified well

in advance.

Time management is very essential and it should not be ignored at any level of the


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Recruitment and selection procedure should not be lengthy and time consuming.

Employees should always get recognition for their work.

Superiors should always give chance of improvement to their sub-ordinates.

Company should take care about the welfare of employees in terms of monitory

incentives and job security as well.

Company should take care about the sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction among

the employees.


1- Due to shortage of time and resources the project cannot maximize to multiple offices.

2- Respondents did not disclose their name, designation and date of joining etc.

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3- They did not disclose their company policies.

As the questionnaire method was followed, people were not very comfortable in releasing

the information.

4- Many a time, employees were very reluctant in releasing the information, considering it

to be confidential. Thus, it was a hindrance in study.

5- The sample size was small and hence the results can have a degree of variation.

6- The response of the employees in giving information was lukewarm.


1- C.B. Mamoria and S.V. Gankar 

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Personal management text and cases.(2004)

Himalaya publication.

2- K. Ashwathappa.

Human Resource Management.

3- Dr. P.C. Pardeshi.

Human Resource Management.(2005)

4- AstroWix Files and Documents.



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Name*:-______________________ Age*:-____________________yrs

Department*:-_________________ Designation*:-_______________ 

Date of joining*:-_________________ 

1- Are you aware with the recruitment policy of AstroWix?

a- Yes b- No

2- Are you satisfied with the recruitment policy of AstroWix?

a- Highly satisfied b- Satisfied c- Neutral d- Dissatisfied

e- Highly dissatisfied

3- Is this policy able to select the suitable candidates for the company?

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a- Yes b- No

4- Giving priorities to the internal sources will stop the introduction of 

fresh talent in the organization.

a- Strongly agree b- Agree c- Neutral d- Disagree

e- Strongly disagree

5- Your co-workers and superiors are aware of their job obligation and


a- Strongly agree b- agree c- Neutral d- Disagree

e- Strongly disagree

6- HR department of company is able to solve your problem.

a- Strongly agree b- Agree c- Neutral d- Disagree

e- Strongly disagree

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7- What things are important to the employees that allow them to do good job in

AstroWix, India? Kindly rank the following in your preferred order. As, 1 for the

most preferred and 5 for least preferred-


A crew that work well as a team

Safe working environment

Support from management

Effective leadership

Increased pay and benefits

8- a)- Rank the following according to your perception of job related sources of 

satisfaction. As, 1 for the most preferred and, 5 for least preferred-


Job security and working condition

Recognition by others

Authority and responsibility within job

Pay and fringe benefits

Contribution to business developement

b)- Job related sources of dissatisfaction. Rank the following as 1 for the most

preferred and 5 for least preferred-


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Fringe benefits and salary

Promotion opportunity

Too much work 

Job security

Lack of status

9- Is the career development important aspect of employee satisfaction?

a- Yes b- No

10- Compared to other places your career opportunities at AstroWix are…………?

a- Excellent b- Good c- Poor d- No opinion

e- Average

11- Your job provides you a sense of accomplishment.

a- Strongly agree b- Agree c- Neutral d- Disagree

e- Strongly disagree

12- You receive the recognition that you deserve for you work.

a- Strongly agree b- agree c- Neutral d- Disagree

e- Strongly disagree

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13- How many times have you been absent from work in the month of MAY?

a- Zero b- 1-2 c- 2-3 d- 3-4 e- 4 and above

Till what extent, you are satisfied with following statements? Tick on the scale

provided. As, 7 for completely satisfied and, 1 for completely dissatisfied-

14- Till what extent, your superiors know and understand the problems face by you?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

15- Till what extent, company communication motivates and stimulates an enthusiasm

for meeting its goals?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7