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    Listening Section

    In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken

    English. There are four parts

    to this section with special directions for each part.

    Part 1

    Question: 1 to 5


    In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues

    or questions will be

    spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to

    understand what the speakers

    say. After you hear a dialogues and the questions about it, read the five possible answers and

    decide which one would be

    the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

    You will hear:

    Woman : What do you want for your birthday present, Mike? A watch, a bicycle, a mobile phone, or

    a Power

    Ranger robot?

    Man : Id rather you buy me a Portable Play Station 3.

    Narrator : What did Mike want for his birthday present?

    A. a robot

    B. a watch

    C. a bicycle

    D. mobile phone

    E. a play station

    The best answer to this question is a play station.

    Therefore you should choose answer (E)

    1. You will hear:

    Woman : Did you see Mr. Tarno?

    Man : Mr. Tarno the magician?

    Woman : Yes, did you see him?
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    Man : He just left the library.

    Narrator: Who is Mr. Tarno?

    A. The magician D. The female in conversation

    B. The librarian E. The visitor

    C. The man in the library

    2. You will hear:

    Man : Danielle will leave to Jombang next week.

    Woman : Where is she now?

    Man : She is in her room with Wati.

    Narrator: Where is Danielle?

    A. She is in Jombang D. She is in her room.

    B. She is in Watis room E. She is on the way to Jombang

    C. She is in bus station

    3. You will hear:

    Woman : May I read your newspaper?

    Man : Certainly, please do. Here you are.

    Woman : Thank you. By the way do you like to read my magazine?


    TAHUN AJARAN 2012/2013



    Man : No, Thanks. I have read that magazine yesterday.

    Narrator: Why does the man not want to read the magazine?

    A. The man doesnt like magazine

    B. The man wants the woman read it for him.

    C. The woman prefers reading the newspaper

    D. The woman dont allowed him to read.

    E. The man has read that magazine.

    Part II

    Questions: 4 to 6.


    In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. The

    dialogues or monologues will

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    be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to

    understand what the speakers

    are saying. After you listen to the dialogues or monologues, look at the five pictures provided in your

    test book, and decide

    which one would be the most suitable with the dialogue or monologue you have heard.

    4. You will hear:

    Man : What sport do you like?

    Woman : soccer.

    Man : Oh yeah? What do you need for that?

    Woman : Thing like shoes, ball, and short and t shirt.

    Narrator : Which picture goes with the dialogue?

    A. 1

    B. 4

    C. 3

    D. 4

    E. 5

    5. You will hear:

    Man : Have you started the assignment?

    Woman : Yes, but I havent finished it.

    Man : Why dont you work it now?

    Woman : Ok. But I need something to eat first!

    Narrator : Where would they probably go first?

    A. 1

    B. 2

    C. 3

    D. 4

    E. 5

    6. You will hear :

    Man : Last week I met my old friend. I saw him when

    I was in front of a gift shop. He was wearing

    waiters uniform of cafeteria beside the plaza. He

    said he was the owner of the cafetaria.

    Narrator : Which picture goes with the monologue?

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    A. 1

    B. 2

    C. 3

    D. 4

    E. 5


    Part III

    Questions 7 to 11


    In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by five

    responses, also in

    English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test

    book, so you must listen

    carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to

    each question.

    Now listen to a sample question.

    Man : Ive got bad news about my test.

    Woman : What? You failed again?

    Man :

    Narrator: what will the man most likely reply?

    A. Let me try again.

    B. Dont worry, Im fine.

    C. Sorry, Ive disappointed you.

    D. Never mind, youve done your best.

    E. Id like to apologize for my failure.

    Narrator: The best answer to the question you failed again? is choice C. Therefore, you should

    choose answer C.

    7. You will hear :

    Woman : I think you cant solve the problem.

    Narrator: What is the appropriate response?

    Man : ...

    A. Oh, good news. D. Im sorry to hear that.

    B. Maybe, but why dont you tell me first. E. Oh, long time no see.

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    C. Sorry, Im too busy for that.

    8. You will hear:

    Man : What you like most, soccer, badminton, or basket ball?

    Woman : ...

    A. That would be great to play with you! D. Almost everybody like those sports

    B. I dont like none of it. E. Thats too much

    C. Let me play badminton with you

    9. You will hear:

    Man : Do you want to play futsal next week?

    Narrator: What would the man probably say?

    Man : ...

    A. No, thank you. Its enjoyable.

    B. Why not. I hate it really.

    C. Its expensive, Im afraid.

    D. I must admit everybody likes futsal.

    E. Oh no, thanks. How about next month?

    10. You will hear:

    Man : Have you read this advertisement?

    Woman : Oh, yes, but it is very expensive to .

    A. meet the owner of the car

    B. drive that car

    C. find the spare parts of that car

    D. make advertisement like that

    E. find the location newspapers publisher


    11. You will hear:

    Man : Where are we going?

    Woman : We are going to The Sun Hotel.

    Man : Where is it?

    Narrator: What would the woman probably say?

    Woman : ....

    A. Im free

    B. I stay there

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    C. It gives the most satisfactory services

    D. its near the beach

    E. Theres a hotel there

    Part IV

    Questions 12 to 15


    In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice.

    They will not be printed in

    your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.

    After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide

    which one would be the

    best answer to the question you have heard.

    You will hear:

    The problem of over population in Indonesia is made worse by the fact that fifty percent of all

    Indonesians are

    below the age of eighteen years. Most of them are dependents. They do not earn money to support


    and are in need of many facilities like food, medical care, clothing, education, and employment


    Although a large number of them are forced to drop out of school to earn a living, the government.

    still has to

    spent a very large part of its revenue on education. Then comes the problem of creating enough jobs

    for every

    new generation of school leavers or college graduates.

    Although the problem of overcrowded cities is difficult to solve, there is a solution to the problem of

    people living

    in overcrowded areas of the countryside. The solution is internal migration. This means moving poor


    from the countryside to different but underdeveloped parts of Indonesia, where they may work to

    build a new

    life themselves. In Indonesia, there are large and active resettlement programmes of his sort which

    have given

    a new life to thousands of people.

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    12. What is the solution to cope the problem discussed in the text?

    A. wider employment opportunities

    B. migration to other island

    C. internal migration

    D. medical care

    E. a new life for thousands of people

    13. Narrator: How many Indonesian are below 18 years old?

    A. 5 percent D. 55 percent

    B. 15 percent E. 85 percent

    C. 50 percent

    You will hear:

    When Roosevelt took office at the beginning of 1933, unemployment in the U.S. had, in three years,


    from 4 million to 12 million, at least a quarter of the work force. Fathers of hungry kids were trying to

    sell apples

    on the street. F.D.R.s bold experiments included many that failed, but he brought hope to millions

    and some

    lasting contributions to the nations foundation: Social Security, minimum wages, insured bank

    deposits and

    the right to join unions. Henceforth the national government took on the duty of managing the

    economy and

    providing capitalism with a social safety net.


    14. Narrator: How many American people are unemployment at the beginning of 1933?

    A. 4 million D. 20 million

    B. 8 million E. 22 million

    C. 12 million

    15. Narrator : Who is Roosevelt?

    A. one of US unemployment D. minister of social affairs

    B. father of hungry kids E. US president at 1933

    C. social worker

    This is the end of the listening section

    Reading Section

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    The following text is for question 16.

    5 August 2010


    You late again.

    Boss waiting at his office.

    Prepare of good answer.


    16. Who wrote the message?

    A. Marty

    B. Boss

    C. Bob

    D. John

    E. The secretary

    The following text is for questions 17 to 19.

    In 1900 we began to unlock the mysteries of the atom: Max Planck launched quantum physics by


    that atoms emit bursts of radiation in packets. Also the mysteries of the mind: Sigmund Freud

    published The

    Interpretation of Dreams that year. Marconi was preparing to send radio signals across the Atlantic,

    the Wright

    Brothers went to Kitty Hawk to work on their gliders, and an unpromising student named Albert

    Einstein finally

    graduated, after some difficulty, from college that year. So much for the boneheaded prediction

    made the

    year before by Charles Duell, director of the U.S. Patent Office: Everything that can be invented has



    So many fields of science made such great progress that each could produce its own contender for

    Person of

    the Century.

    Lets start with medicine. In 1928 the young Scottish researcher Alexander Fleming sloppily left a lab

    dish growing

    bacteria on a bench when he went on vacation. It got contaminated with a Penicillium mold spore,

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    and when he

    returned, he noticed that the mold seemed to stop the growth of the germs. His serendipitous

    discovery would

    eventually save more lives than were lost in all the centurys wars combined. Fleming serves well as

    a symbol

    of all the great medical researchers, such as Jonas Salk and David Ho, who fought disease. But he


    did little, after his initial eureka! moment, to develop penicillin. Nor has the fight against infectious

    diseases been

    so successful that it will stand as a defining achievement of the century.

    17. The passage is about.

    A. The mystery of 1900s

    B. The inventions in 1900s

    C. Medical research in 1900s

    D. The invention of penicillin

    E. The achievement of the century


    18. According to the text Albert Einstein was a ... college student.

    A. clever

    B. very clever

    C. not too clever

    D. average

    E. good

    19. he noticed that the mold seemed to stop the growth of the germs.

    The sentence means.

    A. The germs cant growth without the mold

    B. The mold and the germs can growth together

    C. The mold cant growth without the germs

    D. There is no relation between the mold and the germs

    E. The germs cant growth with the mold

    The following text is for questions 20 to 22.


    All student organizations, societies, teams, groups and dubs are henceforth disbanded. An

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    organization, society,

    team, group or club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students.

    Permission to reform may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge).

    No student organization, society, team, group or club may exist without the knowledge and approval

    of the High


    Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an organization, society, team, group or club that

    has not

    been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled.

    The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-four.

    Signed: Dolores Jane Umbridge, High Inquisitor.

    Adapted from: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    20. What is the announcement about?

    A. Educational decree in Hogwarts

    B. Professor Dolores Jane Umbridge

    C. Welcoming Hogwarts new students

    D. New regulation about organisations in Hogwarts

    E. A warning to Hogwarts students

    21. Who is the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts?.

    A. Harry Potter

    B. Professor Dolores Jane Umbridge

    C. The headmistress

    D. All clubs chiefs

    E. The teachers

    22. Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an organization, society, team, group or club

    that has not been

    approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled.

    The underlined word above means.

    A. sent in

    B. sent out

    C. delivered

    D. punished

    E. checked

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    Answer questions 23 and 24 based on the following letter.

    Dear John,

    Im staying in London now. Its great! My apartment near underground station. The Londoners called

    it tube. I

    can go anywhere by the train.

    Last Saturday I went to Buckingham Palace. Its the queens house in London. Unfortunately I didnt

    see the


    I also visited the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Then we went on boat on the River Thames.

    We saw lots

    of bridges.

    I wish you were here.



    23. The topic of the text above is.

    A. The Buckingham Palace

    B. Visiting London

    C. Sightseeing London

    D. Tourism in London

    E. Great place in London

    24. Emmy didnt see .

    A. Buckingham Palace D. Big Ben

    B. the Queen E. River Thames

    C. Houses of Parliament

    The following text is for questions 25 to 28.

    Visiting a Farm

    Eddys class and their teacher, Mr. John, are visiting a farm.

    Eddy likes the horses best. The brown horse has a foal. Its called Darky. Laura is feeding the

    chickens. The

    geese and the ducks are hungry too. James is looking at the cows. There are two calves. They are

    ten days


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    The farmer is driving his tractor. Hes taking hay to the barn. Here are some apples, he says, Give

    them to the

    goats and the donkey. But dont give them to the bull. Hes not friendly!

    Eddy sees the farmers sheepdog, Mandy. Where are the sheep? he asks.

    In the field behind the hedge, says the farmer.

    The lambs are playing by the bushes.

    25. How many kind of animal mentioned in the text?

    A. nine

    B. ten

    C. eleven

    D. twelve

    E. thirteen

    26. The lamb is a .

    A. male sheep

    B. female sheep

    C. baby sheep

    D. sheepdog

    E. old sheep


    27. Who is Darky?

    A. Eddys teacher

    B. The farmer

    C. Lauras friends

    D. The brown horse

    E. The foal

    28. Why the student didnt allowed to feed the bull?

    A. the bull is dangerous

    B. the bull doesnt like apple

    C. the bull have already eat

    D. the bull doesnt like people

    E. the bull is harmless

    The text is for questions 29 to 31

    A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system used to gather data and incorporate it in order

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    to store,

    scrutinize, distribute, and show geographic information. GIS data displays actual world features such

    as elevations,

    terrain, and transportation networks, in a digital format. Users can take the information for such

    purposes as

    analyzing the digitally displayed data, mapping the data, and editing the data. A GIS will include


    software for aerial photography, surveying land, extensive geographical mapping, remote sensing,

    and much

    more. It is often used to study global problems in an effort to find solutions much more quickly.

    Recently, Geographic Information Systems have been developed to be used by the public. For

    instance, Bing

    Maps and Google Maps are GIS applications now used by millions of people around the world.

    Through interactive

    web mapping, the public now has access to large volumes of geographical information. Another

    important use of

    GIS is its use when studying climate change. For example, GIS is used to study the ice melting in

    the Arctic.

    29. The text mainly tells us about.

    A. digital mapping

    B. web mapping

    C. access to GIS

    D. Geographic Information System

    E. the largest map in the world

    30. People cant with GIS

    A. study climate change

    B. predicted earthquake

    C. remote sensing

    D. see transportation networks

    E. aerial photography

    31. Who has the access of GIS?

    A. all people D. scientist

    B. geographical expert E. the Arctic researcher

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    C. government

    The following text is for questions 32 to 34

    I admit it: Im a bit of a germophobe. And when cold and flu season comes around, Im even more


    about avoiding germ hot spots. I push elevator buttons and open doors with my elbow instead of my

    hand and

    thoroughly drying my hands after washing them because germs love moisture and live longer on

    damp hands.

    Im convinced thats why I dont get sick very often, but when I do think Im coming down with

    something, I

    wash my hands more often so I dont spread a bug inadvertently to those around me, and I try not to

    take it to

    the office. I tell all my college to do the same: If youre sick, stay home! It does your body, and your


    bodies, a world of good!


    But I know that can be easier said than done, especially when youre on deadline or worried about

    job security.

    Plus, how can you tell if you are contagious, or whether going back to work will ultimately put you of


    even longer?

    32. According to the text, where the germs can live longer?

    A. under the doors D. on wet place

    B. on elevator buttons E. on hand

    C. at the office

    33. The main idea of paragraph 1 is.

    A. the writer got cold and flu

    B. the writer pulled the door using her elbow

    C. the writer washing hands more often

    D. how the writer avoiding germs

    E. the writer dont get sick very often

    34. What the writer do if she get sick?

    A. she watched TV D. he go to the office as usual

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    B. she cleaned her hand E. he went shopping

    C. he laid down in her home

    This text is for questions 35 to 38

    Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said, the 14th descendant of the Al Bu Saidi dynasty, is a socially and


    active monarch, reigning for more than 40 years since he ascended to power in 1970. He has


    and modernized Oman, transforming it from a poor, isolationist nation into a land closely-linked with

    the African

    continent and devoted to economic development, regional stability, and religious tolerance.

    The Sultan has raised the Omani standard of living by building up Omans school system,

    healthcare, infrastructure,

    and economy. He cites political participation as one of his major long-term goals. Within the last two


    he has introduced political reforms including a bicameral representative body, a basic law, universal


    and a Supreme Court. Moreover, despite Omans relative lack of oil and gas compared to other Gulf


    the Sultan has invested his countrys wealth so wisely that all citizens are guaranteed free education

    until PhDs

    (should they qualify); free healthcare; free land; soft loans for building homes; jobs and social

    security for the

    disabled, orphans and widows. Furthermore, unlike neighboring countries, Oman has resolved all its


    demarcation issues with all its neighbors, has no foreign debt and has a Sovereign Wealth Reserve

    Fund of

    over 30 billion Riyals (about $100 billion). Oman is thus arguably the best administrated country in

    the Islamic

    world, if not in the whole world..

    35. What does the paragraph 2 talk about?

    A. Omani standard of living D. Modernisation in Oman

    B. the Al Bu Saidi dynasty E. Economic development in Oman

    C. Sultan Qaboos achievement on Oman

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    36. How many reserve fund does Oman have?

    A. 30 billion Riyals D. 30 billion Rupee

    B. 30 billion Rupiahs E. 30 billion Euros

    C. 30 billion Dollars

    37. What is the purpose of the text?

    A. to tell about Oman

    B. to describe one of richest country in the world

    C. to persuade people to like Sultan Qaboos

    D. to inform the achievement of Sultan Qaboos

    E. to report the result of a research on Oman


    38. We can conclude that the Omani are.

    A. wealthy D. starving

    B. poor E. cautious

    C. happy

    The following text is for questions 39 to 42

    In a century that will be remembered foremost for its science and technology--in particular for our

    ability to

    understand and then harness the forces of the atom and the universe--one person stands out as

    both the greatest

    mind and paramount icon of our age: the kindly, absentminded professor whose wild halo of hair,

    piercing eyes,

    engaging humanity and extraordinary brilliance made his face a symbol and his name a synonym for


    Albert Einstein.

    Slow in learning to talk as a child, expelled by one headmaster and proclaimed by another unlikely to

    amount to

    anything, Einstein has become the patron saint of distracted school kids. But even at age five, he

    later recalled,

    he was puzzling over a toy compass and the mysteries of natures forces.

    During his spare time as a young technical officer in a Swiss patent office in 1905, he produced

    three papers

    that changed science forever. The first, for which he was later to win the Nobel Prize, described how

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    light could

    behave not only like a wave but also like a stream of particles, called quanta or photons. This wave-


    duality became the foundation of what is known as quantum physics. It also provided theoretical


    for such 20th century advances as television, lasers and semiconductors.

    The second paper confirmed the existence of molecules and atoms by statistically showing how their


    collisions explained the jerky motion of tiny particles in water. Important as both these were, it was

    his third

    paper that truly upended the universe.

    It was based, like much of Einsteins work, on a thought experiment: if you could travel at the speed

    of light,

    what would a light wave look like? If you were in a train that neared the speed of light, would you

    perceive time

    and space differently?

    Einsteins conclusions became known as the special theory of relativity. No matter how fast one is

    moving toward

    or away from a source of light, the speed of that light beam will appear the same, a constant 186,000

    miles per

    second. But space and time will appear relative. As a train accelerates to near the speed of light,

    time on the

    train will slow down from the perspective of a stationary observer, and the train will get shorter and


    O.K., its not obvious, but thats why were no Einstein and he was.

    Einstein went on to show that energy and matter were merely different faces of the same thing, their


    described by the most famous equation in all of physics: energy equals mass multiplied by the speed

    of light

    squared, E=mc2.

    39. The text is about.

    A. theory of relativity

    B. three papers that changed science forever

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    C. Albert Einstein

    D. the Nobel Prize winner

    E. quantum physics

    40. Important as both these were, it was his third paper that truly upended the universe. (paragraph


    The underlined word refers to ....

    A. Albert Einstein D. quantum physics

    B. wave particle duality E. relativity theory

    C. Einsteins papers

    41. 186,000 miles per second is the speed of .

    A. train D. light

    B. atom E. relativity energy

    C. photons


    42. The second paper confirmed the of molecules and atoms by statistically showing how their

    random collisions

    explained the jerky motion of tiny particles in water.

    A. absent D. photons

    B. relativity E. present

    C. energy

    Answer questions 43 to 46 based on the following text.

    But why go to the trouble of saving species and ecosystems? Countless species became extinct

    before humans

    evolved into the dominant form of life on Earth. Habitats and ecosystems changed dramatically.

    Indeed, several

    mass extinctions have taken place during the Earths history One estimate is that on average, before

    the advent

    of the human era, an ordinary century saw 25 species die off; meanwhile, new species appeared.

    Why should

    things be different now?

    Plants provide oxygen, which we breathe, and they also help renew air tainted by industrial

    development. Plants

    and animals provide us with food and with fibers for clothing. One might object that species used by

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    human beings

    for food and clothing are in no danger of extinction. In fact, their widespread cultivation in carefully


    monoculturesareas such as farms where only one species is allowed to flourishhas pushed

    many other

    plant species to the very brink of extinction. Only 20 plant species provide the vast majority of the

    worlds food.

    Of those, just fourwheat, rice, corn, and potatoesfeed more people than the next 26 crops


    Another reason to preserve the worlds biodiversity is the vast potential for new medicines that can

    be formulated

    from compounds in plants. A recent example in the United States was the discovery that taxol,

    extracted from

    the Pacific yew tree, is effective in treating breast and ovarian cancer. The rosy periwinkle, an


    plant that originated in Madagascar, yields two substances, vinblastine and vincristine, that are

    useful in treating

    Hodgkins disease and acute lymphocytic leukemia. The medicinal properties of plants are largely


    only about 5 percent of the estimated 250,000 species of trees, shrubs, and other plants have been

    studied for

    that purpose.

    Adapted from: Microsoft Encarta 2009

    43. The writer suggests to save ecosystems not because ....

    A. 5 percent of trees are potential for medicine

    B. Plants provide oxygen

    C. Plants have no used for human being

    D. 20 plant species provide the vast majority of the worlds food

    E. species used by human beings for food are in no danger of extinction

    44. What is the difference between paragraphs two and three?

    A. Both paragraphs talk about the preservation of worlds biodiversity

    B. Both paragraphs tell how to protect endangered species

    C. It is necessary to to save species and ecosystems

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    D. The idea stated in paragraph three is contrary to that stated in paragraph two

    E. Paragraph two talks about plants as source of oxygen, food and fiber and paragraph three talks


    potential for new medicines from biodiversity.

    45. Which of the following is endangered animal?

    A. Rafflesia arnoldii D. rat

    B. the Javan tiger E. shark

    C. the Javan rhinoceros

    46. One estimate is that on average, before the advent of the human era .... (Paragraph 1)

    What does the underlined word mean?

    A. approximation D. provide

    B. families E. preservation

    C. extinc


    The following text is for questions 47 to 50

    In todays press conference ahead of Saturdays clash against Lazio, Mourinho responded to the


    made in recent days by AC Milan, who claimed that the gap at the top would be smaller if it hadnt

    been for

    Adrianos goal in the derby, and their midfielder Massimo Ambrosini, who said that Mourinhowill live

    to regret

    saying that the Rossoneri will end the season with zero titles.

    I think its right to talk about a goal that some people think is dubious, but we should also talk about

    how many

    points have been won with irregular penalties, pointed out Mourinho. But I prefer not to talk about it

    because if

    I do, I will have to talk about many many other things, and its not worth it. In a championship with

    human errors,

    the best always wins. We just have to wait a while longer, but theres not long to go.

    I have no regrets. Im man enough to apologise to Milan if, at the end of the season, Im wrong,

    said the Inter

    coach about his zero titles taunt. I remember Ambrosini insulting ten million Inter fans when he

    celebrated the

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    Champions League victory. Many years have passed and I have never seen him apologise. Hes a


    player who has captained a great club like Milan, but I have never heard him apologise to the Inter

    fans, many

    of whom live in his same city.

    47. Which of the following is not the statement of Jose Mourinho?

    A. Im man enough to apologize to Milan if, at the end of the season, Im wrong.

    B. the gap at the top would be smaller if it hadnt been for Adrianos goal in the derby.

    C. I have never heard Ambrosini apologize to the Inter fans.

    D. In a championship with human errors, the best always wins.

    E. We just have to wait a while longer, but theres not long to go.

    48. ... saying that the Rossoneri will end the season with zero titles. The underlined word refers to


    A. Jose Mourinho D. AC Milan

    B. Massimo Ambrossini E. Inter Milan

    C. Lazio

    49. The writers purpose in writing the text above is.

    A. to tell reader about Jose Mourinhos statements

    B. to describe Jose Mourinho

    C. to explain to readers how is Jose Mourinho

    D. to persuade people to hate Ambrossini

    E. to inform readers the reasons and problems of Italian football

    50. Jose Mourinho will apologise to Milan if ....

    A. Inter lose against Milan

    B. Lazio won the trophy

    C. Milan won one of the thropies

    D. Ambrossini shake his hand

    E. Adriano didnt scored


    Jawaban Latihan Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris


    Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

    1. A

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    2. D

    3. E

    4. A

    5. C

    6. E

    7. C

    8. B

    9. E

    10. D

    21. B

    22. B

    23. C

    24. B

    25. B

    26. C

    27. E

    28. A

    29. D

    30. B

    11. D

    12. C

    13. C

    14. C

    15. E

    16. A

    17. B

    18. C

    19. E

    20. D

    31. A

    32. D

    33. D

    34. C

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    35. C

    36. A

    37. D

    38. A

    39. C

    40. C

    41. D

    42. E

    43. B

    44. E

    45. C

    46. A

    47. B

    48. D

    49. A

    50. C